BCC Minutes 11/20/1987 W
Naples, Florida, November 20, 1987
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in WOaxsBOP 888810. in Building
.~. of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the
following ...bers present:
CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee CIa..
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders
John A. Pi.tor
Max A. Hasse
Anne (oodnight
ALSO PRES~f Maureen ~enyon, Deputy Clerk; Neil DorrilI, County
Maneger; Ron McLe.ore, Assistant County Manager; Jane ~itzpetrick,
Crowth Manag...nt Dir@ctor; To. Crandall, Utili tie. Ad.ini.trator;
Mike Arn~ld, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Mike McNees, Utilities
Buainea. Administration Director; and £.ill Laverty, Utilities
Operations Coordinator; Kevin O'?onnell, Public Services
Ad-inlatretorl Doug Greenfield, EMS Director; Robert Demarest, Library
Director; Deputy Chief Don Hunter, Sheriff's Department; George
Archibald, Public Works Administrator; and Stan Litsinger, Budget
Capital ImprOY..eDt .1..eDtl Wat.r' ....r,
OovernaeDt BUildiDg.
.a9. 1
tooc 109 'A!;( 707
MIl 100~ 708
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1Jh'IuDOC'1'lOll AJn) OVBRVIn
Growth Management Director Fitzpatrick stated that thia workshop
i. to review tho Capital Improvement Projects which are a pert of the
draft Capital Improvement Elemenl. She elated that this plan will be
updated beginning next month and there will be a six-year Capital
Improveøent Plan for review next spring prior to submitting the
C~rehensive Plan to the State. She stated that the six-year plan
will include Fiscal Year 1993-94.
wam UD .....
Mike Arnold referred to the Randy Young report, noting that the
population projec~ions for utilities service in the County varies from
other department.. He noted that the t'tilities population projections
are based on what areas will be ~erved by 1992, ad~ing that one of the
limiting factors was the County Water-Sewer District boundaries. He
noted that the geo-cells were looked at in dQtail in re~ards to the
1987 vørsus the 1992 population projections end from that the total
projections were derived. He referred to Page 25, Water Service Area
Treatment Plants, noting that the standards of service i. 135 per day
per capita plus a 21.1' increase tor non residential use. He stated
that in the Water Manag...nt PIa~, the consumption standard vas
135,000 gallons per day per capita which is based on the records of
residential and non-residential use. He stated that the records
imply that a 21.1' increase is needed for the non-residential stan-
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dard. He indicated that this can be reviewed on an annual basis and
it could fluctuate, adding that at the present time, they viii hold
the 135,000 computation until it comes up for reviev on an annual
basis. He noted that the 135,000 gallons plus the 21.1' implies
163,000 gallons per day per capita.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Arnold indicated that our
level of service standards show that some areas are higher and soøe
areas ere lover compared to other counties.
Coemissioner Saunders stated that he is trying to relete why
Collier County's 135,000 gallons per day would be higher than Lee
County, to vhich County Manager Dorrill stated that cOIJnty custo.era
.ay be dOing more sprinkling with irrigation as opposed to Lee County.
Mr. Arnold stated that Collier County's standard. were compiled
with facts and historical data.
Comnissioner Pistr~ questioned if the figures include the golf
courae irrigation, to which Mr. Arnold replied negat~~~ly.
Commi.sioner Pistor stated that when the County runs short of
water, ð moratorium is put on the sprinkling and quœstioned if the
County needs this much water per capita?
Mr. Arnold stated that none of the water demand is represented by
golf cour....
Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that golf courses are ~ot
u.ing the potable water, but the per capita will go down when the
effluent is being used in residential areas, adding that the County
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figur.. are not high figures baaed on the national average.
C~issioner Saunders stated that population growth will not be as
great as anticipated and questioned if these numbers can be refigured,
to which Mr. Arnold replied that theee numbers can be readjusted.
C~i.sioner Saunders stated that he would be interested in an
analyai. on what impact reduced growth rates would have on the
projected needs of the Utility Department.
Mr. Arnold referred to Page 28 which addresses the water
tra.n..iasion llains, adding that in the Water Haster Han all lines are
12- inches and above and those are considered main transmission lines
and not distribution lines. A lot of the lines will be constructed by
developers through PUD, DRI's etc. adding that he does not want to tie
the County responsibility to distribution lines. He stated that in
that regard there is a 7.8 per lineal f~~t per capita requir...nt of
12- or larger transmission lines ftnd that was deterMined by the total
lineal footage which is approxi..tely 540,000 per lineal feet and then
was divided by the population at that time which was the level of
standard service derived at. He noted that if all the projects cre
built that are proposed in the five year CIP they will have met the
standards in decreasing deficiencies and also in providing for the new
growth. He noted that this is based on those people that receive
water and not the total population.
Mr. Arnold referred to Page 31, Sewer Service Area Treatment
Planta, noting that service standards for tre~tment plant. Ire 100
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gallon. per day per capita and the corresponding 21.1' i. to aCCaM-
.odate the non-residential require..nt.. He stated that thia is ti3d
to water con.utllptlon a. the flow records of the sever plant are not
In answer to Commissioner Haese, Utilities Administrator Crandall
stated that all of the .ever customers are also water customers.
Ccmmi.sionGr Pistor ~tated that the full a~unt of water is not
being used as the criteria for the gallons per day for the vaete
Mr. Arnold stated that sewer i. 100 gallons a day and water ie 135
gallons a day and the implication i. that 35 gaIlonp. a day i. being
lo.t in the .ystem through irrigation.
ML Arnold stated that the sewer service area collection lines are
addr....d on Page 34." He indicated that the level of service .tan-
dard. include all th~ component. of the sewer system, adding that
line. that are going to be installed with individu61= pequirement. of
PUD's shall not be tied to this. He stated that the standard of ser-
vice i. 22.2 feet per capita.
Commi..ioner Saunders questioned how the $57 million a~unt viii
be funded, to which Mr. Arnold .tated that the East and South Naples
project will be through a..essments. Mr. Arnold stated that the
figure. in the Randy Young report are generic and depending on sp~i-
fic line., that dollar figure may vary. He stated that this depend.
on the veighted average length. He indicated that when he did some
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figuring he came to a conclusion that about 25' of this figure would
be the Cour;ty's monetary deficiency. He noted that the Ea.t and South
project will be the large.t project and will eliminate the major por-
tion of .eptic tank. in the County, adding that when private develop-
..nt. are constructed, the County will recoup their cost. through
C~i..ioner Saunders stated that there is $57 million vorth of
projecte for collection lines and that entire cost will be funded
through special aAses.ment. and will not be reflected in a rate
increa.e to current customer.. Mr. Arnold stated th't hi. projection.
are that a big portion viII be developer in.tallment. that will be
recouped through sewer a..e....nt. and will only leave about 25' as
the County'. re.ponsibiIity which will be handled pos.ibly through
customer rate adju.tment..
Commi..ioner Saunders questioned if the.e numbèr. are generic,
will the actual figures be in the CIP as to what it is actually going
to co.t, to which Mr. Arnold replied affirmatively.
Growth Management Director Fit7.patrick .lated that i~ the Capital
I~rovement Element document, there will be a report that i. the
Public Facilitie. Require.ent which explains the analy.i. fDr the
.tandard. and in that document an average unit cost was used to calcu-
late an estimate in deficiency and then the actual capital improvement
project. list was developed and it differs because it i. project spp-
cific and the cost will vary, but the be.t e.timates will be in the
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actual CIP document.
Mr. Arnold referred to the handout on the water project., adding
that all the project. that are in the five year CIP are li.ted in this
handout. He noted that the grand total i. $30,955,000 for all the
project~, adding that there will be a certain amount of lineal footage
installed each fiscal year. He indicated that the map .how. what pro-
ject. are in the CIP and what year the.e projects will be done within
the five-year program and the last page is a bar graph showing the
total expenditures foe each fiscal year and what portion represent.
.y.t.. development charge. and what repre.ents new debt.
Commi..ioner Pistor questioned the Coral Reef wellfield, noting
that it .how. propo.ed in the future, to which Mr. ^rnold .tated that
the study is in 1987-88 a. well as the 13nd acqui.ition and the
con.truction of the wellfield and plant will be 1990-91.
Commi.sioner Saunders referred to the list of projects .tating
that it show. a total of $31 million and the bar graph shovs that cer-
tain of the.e project. are new and questioned how mucn of the $31
.illlon will be funded through .pecial a..e....nt., rate increaaes,
etc., to which Mr. Arnold stated that he expect. to realize $1.3 per
year in revenue which will off.et the con.truction cost of the project
and the bottom figure is what financial arrangement. would have to be
made for which could be a..essment projects, rate adjustments, or
developer contribution..
Commi..ioner Saunders asked if there are any e.timate. a. to what
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goe. in those categories? Mr. Crandall stated that if we assumed a
straight line and no contributions, assessments, or contribution and
aid by contractors, then it would have to be assume that all new debt
would be funded by borrowing money through a bond issue that would
..an a total of 49\ rate increase over the course of the next five
years, adding that there would be no rate increase ir the first year
and the second and third year there would be a 3 or 4' increase and
then the fourth year would be the large increase. He noted that
i~act fees are included in the calculations and an estimated income
ie shown as this year's rates.
Commissioner Saunders questionud what are the opportunities for
encouraging developer contributions and what are the opportunities for
special assessment projects? Mr. Crandall stated that assessments
viii probably not enter greatly into the pictlJre, but co~tributions
from developers have been good, noting that it depends on supply and
Commissioner Saunders stated that there was a discussion a few
weeks ago regarding a Water and Sewer Authority, adding that he
questions this because he is not sure what the 49' increase is going
to represent to each individual rate payer. He noted that he would
like to know when this rate increase will be proposed and what it will
..an to each customer and also an analy s of what other opportunities
there are in terms of increased impacts fees, phased in rate adjust-
..nt., or contributions from developers to generate additional income
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prior to when it is needed. He .tated that he vould also like this
infor..tion for sewer, too.
eo..issioner Piøtor questioned if the development in Orange County
has been luoked into where the developers put up a bond and then they
were paid back after the developments occurred? Mr. Crandall stated
that this was something that was site specific a. there was a certain
project that neœded to be done. He stated that the problem is that
this would be a local loan and not through a bond issue. Commissioner
Pistor øtated that these people were able to do their work by using
this procedure.
Co.ni.sioner Saunders stated that there are many communi tie. that
have levied special a..e....nt. and have .old bond. and the security
for the bond. has been the special as.essments, adding that they vork
well. He noted that it i. difficult to sel up, but they can be done.
Mr. Arnold referred to the wastewater handout noting that this is
set up aiøilar to the water project, adding that the projects ðre
listed with the de.cription and the to~al dollar.. He referred to the
second page which .hows a .ap that color codes the different years of
impact and the last page is a bar graph that indicates the individual
fiscal year expenditures. He noted that on the map th~re are areas in
orange which are those that are not proposed for central sever aervice
because the density is so slight and there i. no problem with septic
tanks being there at the den.ity that they are plotted at now. He
noted that it would be co.t prohibitive to try and provide central
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sewer service to these areas.
Mr. Crandall stated that wit~ a 2-1/2 acre site, there is not con-
cern with groundwater pollution at this time because of the density.
Mr. Arnold stated that there are cycles for the water and sewer,
and referred to the bar graphs for the sewer and water, noting that the
sever is shoving $35 million and $25 million in expenditures and the
water side is showing $2.8 and $2.6 million in expenditures. He noted
that there has been an attempt to make the water and sewer increases
in ~ycles so that they do not coincide with each other. He noted that
with rec¡ar~; to the sewer, the reason that the debt :s in fiscal year
1987-88 and 1988-89 is because those are the two final years of grant
~ney availability, adding that th~se projects could have been spread
out over the entir~five years, but the grant money will only be
available for those t~.o years.
Mr. Crandall stated that there will be a sewer i"\.l.:'ase cOIling
before the Board of County C~issioners on December 1st and it is
projected at ~8' and over the next four years, there will be another
28t. He noted that vithout this rate increase Collier County is in
the lower 50\ of the rates throughout the State of Florida and with
this increase, the County will still be in the 75' range.
In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mike McNees stated that the
øtandard residential rate is about $12.20 per month for a single
family, two bathroom dwelling.
Mr. Arnold stated that they have tried to follow the Sever Master
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Plan and the Water Master Plan as much as possible with regards to
th..e projects.
Co.øissioner Saunders questioned how much of the projects that are
going to be funded with the rate increase is going to be attributable
to existing Collier County residents and how much will be attributable
to new growth, to Mr. Crandall atated that he does not have this
figure available ~t thia tiDe.
County Manager Dorrill stated that he is evaluating if this can be
spread out over a period of yeara in association with the construction
of the plant.
In ansver to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Arnold stated that the
average use is about 10,000 gallons of water which is basically $26.34
per .onth.
Hr. Arnold stated-that in reçards to getting involved in the grant
program, it is mandated that the County look at volumetric rates on
sewer and by accepting the grant, he has indicated that ~e will look
at thie.
Commissioner Saunders stated that with regards to spreading out
the rate increases, the ..jor expenditures will be in the first few
years and questioned if once the granta are awarded do they have to be
expended during a ~ertain time, to which Mr. Arnold stated that the
projects could be spread out, but in order to enter a contract with a
contractor, the financial source has to be identified up front.
Hr. Crandall stated that there ia a schedule that is approved by
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the State and if it is not adhered to, the County is .ubject to lose
.o.e or all of the funds.
County Manag~r Dorrill stated that they will explore the pha.ing
of the rate increa.e as.ociated with construction, but it make. a lot
of .en.e to spread the rate increase over the construction period.
A..i~tant County Attorney Anderson questioned if the revenue pro-
jections for the sewer system development charges for existi"ng custo-
..r. or homes to be hooked up, take into account that the Board of
County Commissioners may want to give them a time period to pay for
these charges or will the homeowners be required to come up vith this
~ney all at one time?
Commissioner Pislor slated that the person pays over the time
period designated by the Board and also ~ays the intere.t.
A.sistant County Attorney Anderson staled that"he understands that
there i. concern about loaning DOney for impact fees thal are used to
pledge the repayment.
Commissioner Pistor stated that borrowing can be covered vith
a..easment. over a long period of time, adding that the impact fees
viii not be prolonged. He noted that the County borrows the money at
the going rate and then the customer pays it.
Mr. Ander.on stated that these people will have a special
a..e.sment for the collection line that is installed in front of their
house and on top of that they will have to pay a system development
charge. He noted that under the fees that there are today, the
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average homeowner will have to pay about $1,160 for sewer and water is
$900 and then there would be e special assessment on top of that.
County Manager Dorrill said the County should differentiate a
syat.. development charge on an ~xisting home versus an impact fee on
a new or growth-related home. He stated that there i. a clear and
di.tinct distinction between and existing home who is leaving a
package system as opposed to a new home that is tying into the County
.y.t... Mr. Anderson stated that the County should not be concerned
about anyone that has helped pay for a package plant. that is a purely
private contractual arrange.ent. Mr. Dorrill said that they should be
treated the same as new construction because they have never contri-
buted to the plant or the syst.. that was there.
Co.missioner Saunders stated that he has e problem with the
existing homeowner on a septic ta~k that is being forced to get off
the septic tank and is being forced to pay an impact fee that is not
p.rt of a new house, ddding that when a new homeowner buy. a house, he
i. paying that charge in his .ortgage payment. He ~~~~ed that the
existing homeowner .hould be able to finance this charge through the
County. He rioted that there are a lot of existing homeowners in East
Naplea that are not going to be able to do that. He stated that the
whole plan of finance for these projects should be thought out comple-
tely in order to evaluate the best approach to finance all th,.e pro-
jects. He noted that these projects will be funded by rate incre~ses,
special assessments and impact fees, adding that he is not sure if all
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the ieplication. have been considered.
County Manager Dorrill stated that the Poard of County
Co..issioners talks about it pe~iodically, but when the s..ll
ho-.owner gets a bill from the County, they will be iratø and there
viii be an angry group of people present at these meetings.
Commission~r Saunders stated that he is not comfortable with the
vhole plan for these projects, adding that he feels that there are
going to be a lot of big bills facing these people.
Commissioner Hasse stated that some ~f these people have paid and
they are going to have to pay aga!n for the centraljzation of a sever
Mr. Dorrill stated that the point is that they do not have a good
plant even if they feel that it is a good plan~, b~t he viii have to
do more thinking on 'his matter.
Mr. McNees stated that the increase of 49' for ~~~er over the next
five years and 28' for sewer over the next four years are based on
calculations that say that if the County has to borrow all this ~ey,
it is a vorse case scenario. He noted that they are going to have to
be more creative. He noted that the hearing that i. to be held on
December 1st is going to be for a specific project.
County Manager DorriIl stated that this may have to be continued
as he needs mor~ specific ansvers and questions on the matter. He
noted that he would like to revisit the financing mechanls. of thia
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Mr. Keschl stated that there is a lot of land in the area that is
9randfathered in and questioned how it will fit into this whole matter?
He questioned hov it will effect the Indian reservations? Commis-
.ioner Glass stated that the County does not have jurisdiction over
Indian r.servations.
County Manager DorriII stated that at some pOint, staff needs to
coincide the urban developaaent line and the County W" ter-Sewer
Di.trict boundary, adding that presently, the urban development line
is everything west of 951 and the present County Water-Sewer District
boundary i. one section east of 951.
Deputy Chief Hunter referred to pag. 48, noting that he is prepared
to rec~nd that the Service Standard be adopted, adding that there
were soae modificatio~s due to the double bunking that has been uti-
lized to provide some additional space short-term. He n~ted that
instead of 87 additional bunks, they were able to provide 76 as there
wa. inadequate shower facilities to handle the 87. He stated that
there are 478 beds available and if the 76 were added, there would be
a total of 554. He indicated that the current population is 350 and
they are currently factored at 366 because the sick bay i. di.counted
and .0 is -lA- which is the area of extr... isolation for the highly
contagious diseases. He noted that there would be a deficit of 212
cell. for the 1992 target date. He stated that there are assumptions
that say that a bed costs $14,110 each, which would te a deficit of
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Mr. Hunter stated that they charge $10.00 a week for work release
prisoner., but anything above that they have probleme cOllecting
because they are not receiving that much money. He .tated that most
of thes. people are having a problem of paying the fines ðnd he does
not think that they would be able to pay rent also.
Coøøissioner Goodnight stated that some of the cells are iaolated
and questioned if the "Aids" situation is being taken into account for
th~ next five years, to vhich Mr. Hunter stated that there are
n~rous alternatives during incarceration that could provide relief
lor the ..dical inmate. He noted that these alternatives have not
been worked into the five-year plan because they are only options. Hw
stated that they are working on this .atter but it also depends a lot
on the cri.. that is involved.
Co..i..ioner Good~ight stated that there is going to be a real
i-.pact over the next few years and stated that this ~~unty need. to
plan for it. She stated that the County is going to have to take care
of th.s. people.
Mr. Hunter .tated that it i. difficult to deterMine how .any
-Aid.- people will be the criminal types, adding that -Aids" pri-
.oner. viiI be a significant cost to the County. He stated that they
will continue to work on this problem to see if anything can be done.
..... Rece.., 11130 A.M. recoDvenedl 11140 A.M. Co.ai..ioDer.
,istor aDd SauDders left at tbi. ti.e. .....
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NOVEMBER 20, 1987
Library Director Demarest referred to Page 52 of the handout
noting that .33 square feet per capita is the current standard for
libraries. He noted that this is below the level that he has worked
for, but he feels that he can live with this standard for the time
being. He noted that two other counties have established .6 per
square feet and Lee County is c08parable to Collier County. He noted
that he has a problem wit.h the per capita for book collection, but due
to the tremendous cost he understands it. He noted that the State
standards exceed Collier County's level. He stated that the State
figures are 1.23 and Collier County is 1.15 book per capita. He indi-
cated that most of the increase over the n~xt five years will be in
three construction projects; one on Marco Island, the East Naples
branch, and th. Headquarters Library. He stated that there is a
$200,000 grant that hðd been subøitted to the State and he has been
advised that Collier County has been ranked .2 on th~ :~~t at this
point, vhich means that they should receive the grant.
In answer to Co..issioner Has.., Mr. Demarest stated that at this
ti.., the County is at .19 square feet per capita, adding that this
is the lowest that the County has had since 1964. He stated that it
haa progressively gone down hill over the last ten years. He stated
that with the additions of Marco, East Naples, and the addition to the
Headquarters Library, this will increase it to .33 square feet per
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eo..iasioner Glass stated that the deficit is SI,565,000 over the
next five years for the book collection, to which Mr. Demarest stated
that this is a little misleading as about SII5,000 to S125,000 has
been ~ed from the General Fund into Fund 307. He noted that ¡f this
figure vas reduced by the level of funding that the book purchases
have been traditionally fÄnded at, it would only be about half of that
deficit. He stated that Marco Island branch will be open around April
and at the present tilne there is a collection of abollt 15,000 books
anð the building will have a capacity of 60,000 books and East Naples
will have the same capacity but they only have 8,000 books right now.
He indicated that the Headquarters Library will allow a tremendous
expan.ion there.
In answer to Comøis~ioner Glasa, Mr. Demarest stated that most of
the users of the headquarters library live in the ~ity limits
according to the user studies but some of them live in the East
Naples area.
Co..issioner Hasse questioned how .any books are in the present
.ain library, to which Mr. ~arest indicated that there is approxi.a-
tely 76,000.
Growth Manag8Øent Director Fitzpatrick stated that with rE9ards to
the funding on the library collection, the Sl,065,000 figure has been
divided into five and one-fifth of it is funded this year so that if
the Board were to continue funding at this level, the money is
appropr 11 ted.
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NOVEMBER 20, 1987
EMS Director Greenfield stated that the service level objective is
a 6 .inute response time to the major population centers using 4 and 8
.inute for~las for pre-hospital ~dicine. He noted that this was
based on a response to a heart attack victim in 4 minutes or less.
He noted that the second response part of the program is paramedic
level care to the patient within 8 minutes of a heart attack and that
i. a.suming tha~ the first tier of that service is getting to the
patient vithin the four minutes. He stated that in looking at this,
he did not feel that they needed to be quite liS aggn:ssive as t.hey
have a first tier program that is able to meet the 4 minute respon~e
ti.., adding that essentially he has averaged 6t a 6 minute service
objective for the. major population centers of Collier County. He
atated that they can weet the objective in the City of Naples and by
applying that number of calls to the tOLal number of emergencies, he
arrived at a service ~eficit of approximately 2 units throughout
Collier County to the major population centers. He noted that over a
five year period this would involve a 3 unit or station deficit and
the idea was to build 2 stations over a 24-month period and add 2
paramedic teams over that same period at those station sites. He
noted that the third station, which would complete the five-year plan
would be placed in 1991. He indicated that the first site that would
be ~st important would be the North Naples site just east of Airport
Road on Pine Ridge Road, adding that this allows them access into the
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Estatea, 1-75, East Naples via Airport Road, and into the City of
Naples. He stated that the second location was East Naples, adding
that he is currently negotiating with East Naples Fire Station ~n
Davis Blvd. He reported that another location would be in the area of
U.S. 41 and Thomasson Drive. He noted that the 1991 location is
flexible, but he is looking at the Golden Gate Parkway area or it
could be around Orangetree Development, depending on the growth.
EMS Director Greenfield stated that the station in North Naples
i. a good location for the Pelican Bay area, but there is a need
in the Vineyards area and Golden Gate Estates area as veil as the
North Naples area. He noted that he met with a group of fire
officials last spting and the curr~nt plans and architectural designs
for both stations have been set up for bays to be added to the faci-
lity in an overall plan for growth.
Mr. Ke.chl indicated t.lat he is v«:ry concorned with ~.he respon.e
ti.., adding that he would like to see it cut further. He noted that
the money factor should not enter into it, adding that more aervice
stations are needed for the outlying areas. He noted that if there
were a .tation at SR 951 and U.S. 41, it would cut the respon.e ti.. to
Marco Island and Everglades City.
Public Works Administrator Archibald referred to Page 59, noting
that the service level for government buildings is 2.58 per square
feet per capita. He noted that the building subcommittee of the
l:" .
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NOVEMBER 20, 1987
Citizens Advisory Committee looked at a number of items, noting that
they analyzed the existing square footage, the use of the square
footage, the cost of it as well as an analysis of grovth in the County
in ter.. of employee., and the amount of square footage provided on
the average per building for employees. He stated that they deter-
.ined that the service level should be based upon permanent popula-
tion. He indicated that it was concluded in their report that 2.58
aquare feet per capita would represent a service level that wculd meet
the needs in tht! upcoming five years. He stated that the report
outlines what the County presently has and what is g~ing to be needed
in the upcoming years as well as the dollar amounts. He noted that
the prior report was based on $85.00 per square foot and the County is
now using $125.00 per square foot. He stated that s~aff is in
agreement with the service levels that have been established. He
indicated that these levels are consistent with the five-year plan
that has been approved by the Board, but this plan doe. not include
ell the renovation wc.k and the s~all jobs that come about, but for
budgeting over a five-year time frame, the figure is wi~ilar to the
figure in the approved five year plan. He noted that the only area of
comment he has is recognizing the n~ed (or a contingency to address
the number of small jObs that will have to be done. He stated. that
these small projects will be coming up all the time and in the five-
year plan, dollars have been allocated to address those. He indicated
that there is a substantial dollar difference between the amount ~ri-
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NOVEMBER 20, 1987
ginally proposed by the subcom.ittee and the amount in the handout.
He .tated that he is in the process of expanding some of the current
plans in the administrative areas, addin9 that the Health Building
will be expanded to provide office space so that people that are in
rentals area. can be brought back into the complex. He indicated that
there can be real savings along these lines and his position is that
the ~r8 off-sitø need for rental space, the more coat the County is
incourring and it is not being subsidized in the lon}-term.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by
order of the Chai~ - Time: 12:15 P.M.
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