BCC Minutes 12/08/1987 R Naples, Florida, December 8, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co~missíoners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, .et on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSIOK in Building "F- of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following ~abers present: CHAIRMANs Arnold Lee Class VICE-CHAIPMANr Burt L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. ABSENT: John A. Piator Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: John Yonkosky, Finance Director: Beverly Kueter and Ellie Hoffaan, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron Mc~re, As6istant County Manager: Ken Cuyler, County Attorney: Bruce Anderson, Assistant County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Ad.inistrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; David Pettrow, eo.munity Development Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Ad.inistrator: Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board: and Deputy Chief Rty Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 &OQ( 110 1'1',~ 125 110 PI',! 130 DECEMBER 8, 1987 !'ape '1 I~_ '3 MDD& AIß) COIIS~ AGEJlDA - APPROVED WITH CBAlIGES eo.ai..ioner Baa.e aove4, ..con4e4 by Comaia.ioner Saun4era an4 carried ananiaoualy, that tbe Agen4a an4 Consent Agen4a be approve4 wi~~ ~be following chang..: Itea 9Al I~kalee Chamber of Coømerce, requesting permission to hold a circus on December 6, 1987 at the Immokalee Airport Park, including a portion of Immokalee Airport - Added. Itea 9B3 Request from the Marco Island Beach Renourishment & Public Access MSTU for the County to participate in the funding of the Marco Island Beach Restoration Project (Continued from November 17th) - Added. Itcw 9B4 Reco~endation to grant an easement to Florida Power & Light for ð permanent utility easement on County-owned property leased by the Collier County Fair and Exposition, Inc. - Added. I~ea 9F3 Discussion regarding pari-mutuel funds - Added. It.. I.Cl Tigertail Beach conce3sions contract approvals - Moved to Item 9C2. Itea 14B2 through Item l4B6 Final approval of various improve- ments in various subdivisions - Moved to Items 9BS through 9B9. Itea l4Fl Recommendation to waive the interest and establish a payment schedule for the principal due to the Auto Ranch Road Paving Assessment of Mr. Andrew Scott - Deleted. Itea 9Bl through 9B3 Marco Island Beach Renouri£hment issues - Continued to January 5, 1988 Itea 6C2 ~acation petition for Wyndemere - Continued until January 5, 1988. Page 2 DECEMBER 8, 1987 I~.. '5A ~ SBaVICB A1D.JtD8 - PUSZ1ft'ED Chairaan Glass presented Employee Service Awards to the following eçloyees : Belen Orte<Ja Elizabeth Gaw EMS Library S yrs. 10 yrs. It.. '5. EXPIDYEB 07 'I'D YEAR "WARD - PRZSZ.IITgb '1'0 1D.JI'DA LAWSOK Chairaan Glass prcs~nted the Employee of the Year Award for 1987 to Wanda Lawson of the Bui}~in9 Code Compliance Department. Chairman Glass also preseuteð Ms. Lawson with a check for $250.00. ltea '6C1 P1JBLXC ~aTIIG O. THB PROPOSED "EAS'l AJID SOUTB DPUS SAJlITARY SnBR COLJ.aCnOJl 8YS'I'EX" PROJECT - STAn DIRECTED TO COJITInE WITH PROJBCT PUlIS Legal notice having bee~ published in the Naples Daily News on October 23 and December 6, 1987 üS evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con- sider the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System Project. Assistant Utilities Administrator Arnold stated that pursuant to the Board's direction, the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System is currently under design and Federal EPA grant funds are being pursued. He stated this public hearing is a require- ..nt of the grant process and noted that a court reporter is present Page 3 &00( 110 'A'.~ 131 ... 110 ~ 132 DECEMBER 8, 1987 because a verbati. transcript of the hearing is also a requirement. Mr. Arnold stated that a $10 million grant was recently received for the South County Regional Wastewater Facilities, which includes the treataent plant, master pumping stations, transmission lines, and an effluent disposal system to area golf courses in the South County. He stated that it is anticipated that project will be advertised for bid within the next several months. He advised that the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System will provide the network of lines and s.aller pump stations which will front the residential and coa.ercial establishments to be 8erved, collect their sewage and convey to the Regional System. He noted that the Coun~y is not only pursuing grant monies for the sewage collection syst~m project, but the regional grant is partially dependent on the flow from this collection system getting i:,to the treatment plant within one year after cOIIpletion. He sa id t.lat if this does not happen the County could be subject to refunding part of the $10 million ;rant already received. Mr. Arnold advised that this project is targeting the high density septic tanks and package plants in the east and south Naples area which have historically been associated with health and pollution problellS. Mr. Arnold displayed an aerial map of the regional system and this project's boundaries. He then displayed another graphic map showing the regional system which will be under construction within the next Page 4 - - DECEMBER 8, 1987 few aonths. He noted that there is an area around Radio Road and to the west of Santa Barbara Blvd. where some smaller package plants will also be phased out which are not shown on the map. Mr. Arnold advised that this project includes approximately 70 ailea of gravity sewers and force mains, over 1,000 manholes, 56 collection .yete. pump stations, and provisions to phase out 27 of the s.eller package plants. He stated the 70 miles of lines will phase out epproxiaøtely 4,300 septic t~nk.. Mr. Arnold stated the project cost estimate is S19.9 million for construction with a total of $25.9 _illion. He stated that financing is proposed by assessments to the benefiting property owners. He stated again, that the County is pursuing grant funds to help offset the assess..nts. He state1 Staff expected approximately $7 million in grant .oney, however, the current projects are 54 to 55 million. Mr. Arnold continued by stating that this project'. timetable is to lag the regional system by approximately one year. He noted that the cvnstruction of the regional plant needs to be implemented before the collection system design c~n begin. Mr. Arnold gave a briet h1story of the project, reminding everyone that this subject was on ð referendum ballot 7 or 8 years ago and was defeated. He stated that the project wae then left in limbo and not acted on until now. He noted that while this project will be financed by as..ss~nts, the assessment roll will be contingent upon the amount of grant money received. He said that, because of this, Staff is not Page 5 a* 110 'Ar.~ la3 Nt( 110w.!134 DECEMBER 8, 1987 prepared to speak about the assessments at this time and a public hearing specifically for the assessments will be held at a later date. Mr. John B~ebe, President of the Lakewood Civic Association and Harold Hall, resident of the project area, stated their support of this project and requested the Board proceed with the collection syst.. project. ~~f..ion.r Saunders aove4, .econd.4 by C~ssioner Bas.. an4 carried unaniaously, that the public h.aring Þe close4. Coaai.sioD.r Saunders aov.4, ..conde4 by Comai3sioner B.... that staff be 4ir.ct.d to proc.e4 with th. planning of the Ea.t an4 South .apl.. sanitary Sever Coller.tion syst.. Project. Mr. George Keller, Collier County Civic Association, stated that it would be better to place the cost of this project in the rate base, since individuals may be facing a very high assessment. cnair~n Glass stated that the assessments on this project will be addressed at a later date and a public hearing will be held. Upon call for ~he que.tion, the aotion carrie4 3/0. ...o.puty Clerk Hoffman replac.4 D.puty Cl.rk Kueter at 9:30 a...)... Tape '2 It.. '6C2 PíttIYIOJI AV-87-014, WILSOIC, XILLZlt, BUTO., SOLL , nEK, I.C. - ~XMDED ~ 1/Os/e8 Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the developer proposes to vacate the existing plat and then replat into twenty-nine single-fam'ly lots, howev~r, the replatting documents are not complete Page 6 DECEMBER 8, 1987 at this ti.. and he asked that this it.. be continued to January 5, 1988. C~{..ioner Saun4ers aov.4, s.con4e4 by co..is.ioner B.... an4 carrie4 3/0, ~hat Petition AV-87-014 be continue4 to January 5, 1988. It.. '6C3 ORDIJI:I.IICB 87-97 COJrFIRJlI.O '1'HB CRD'fIOJI or '1'HB COLLIER comrn DnR JIAJI1tGEJŒft ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPTm Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Noveaber 18, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the creation of the Collier County Water Management Advisory Board Public Works Administrator Archibald advised tha~ the present Ordinance 74-50, was adopted in 1974 and since that time, Ordinance 86-4l was created to establIsh uniform standards for all advisory boards. He further stated that the current Advisory Board Ordinance for the Water Management Advisory Board is remodified to conform to current standards, and as a repult, there have been several public sessions held by the Water Management AAvisory Board to consider the revisions, and on October 14, 1987, the Water Management Advisory Board recommended it·~ adoption by the Board of County Commissioners. Ms. Ch"rlotte Wef.~:o.an, representing the League of Women Voters of Collier County, stated that it was a pleasure to speak on this subject, and it is indeed favored by her board, adding that they have worked for a nuaber of years in combining water management and env~ronmental Page 7 ~~~ 110 W.I 135 ... 110wJ.136 DECEMBER 8, 1987 advisory boards, but as staff recommends, they are in agreement that they should re.ain separate. Ms. Westman further stated that she thinks this is an excellent step. ~t..ioner Saunders aove4, .eoon4e4 by c~i..ioner Ba..e an4 carried unaniaously that the public bearing be close4. eo..!ssioner Bas3e aove4, .econ4e4 by c~issioner Saun4er. an4 carried unaniaou.ly, that tbe ordinance as nuabere4 an4 title4 below be a4opte4 an4 entere4 in Or4inance Book. Ro.-!!-: ORDlXAKCE ~. 87-97 AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING THE CREATION OF THE WATER MANAGDŒNT ADVISORY BOARD; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT AND COMPOSITION: SETTING FORTH THE TERMS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR RfXJVAL FROM OFFICE, FAIWRE TO ATTEND MEETINGS: PROVIDING FOR OFFICERS, QUORUM, RULES OF PROCEDURE: PROVIDING FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES: SETTING FORTH TP' f"UNCTIONS,. POWERS AND DlTI'IES OF THE ADVISORY BO^RD: rTING FORTH THE DlTI'IES OF THE COUNTY WATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW; REPEALING SECTION L 05 OF COUNTY ORDINANCE NO.74-50; PROVIDING FOR CON~LICT AND SEVERABILITY: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1.' , J ~ <! Page 8 DECEMBER 8, 1987 I~.. "Al CAJUrrIU. 1>&~ '87-10 ArnR-'1'HB-nC'f APPROVAL FOR A CIRCUS OLD AT 'rJIB IX.:)DLZK AIJlPOIt'l' AS REQt1Z8'fZ1) BY 'rJIB IJOU)DLJm CDJIBER OF COJOm1t.CB - A.PP1tOVED County Manager Oorrill indicated that on Tuesday, December 1, 1987, the Board of County Commissioners executed a lease for a circus on County property at the Immokalee Airport, however, the sponsors of the event thought this was the only approval that was necessary. He further added that after being notified they had not complied with the Special Events Ordin3nce, the Immokalee Chamber of Commerce did file a coaplete per.it application, including a cash surety bond. eo..!s.ioner Saun4er. aove4, .econ4e4 by C~s.ioner Bas.. an4 carried 3/0, that after-the-fact permit application be approve4 an4 C&rDi~ Perai~ '87-10 qrante4. ,- . 110 'Jr,' 137 Page 9 .101 ,; < . ..' .. DECEMBP.R 8, 1987 It_ '9B4 EASJUIA¥I TO FLOJUDA PODR , LIGHT COKPA1IY FOR A PERIIA1ŒlCT OTILITY EAS~ 011 COO'1l'1'Y-OW1ŒD noPZRTY LEASED BY THE COLLIER COmITY nIR A1fD ZXPOSI"I'IOJI, I_CORPOUTED - APP1WVED Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that this request is to bring a power line into the County's Fairground site off of C.R. 846, adding that the site is located on the north side of the Orangetree Development, and is currently under development by the Road & Bridge Department and the easement that is being recommended is one that will ~ located centrally on the property and will provide ser- vice for priØ4rily th~ Fair operations and the parcel that has been leased to the Fair Board. Mr. Archibald further stated that Mr. O'connell, President of the Collier County Fair Board has recommended that the Board of County Commissioners not only approve, but also exe- cute the easement to allow Florida Power & Light to cchedule the installation of that line to øeet the Fair deadlines. C~issioner Hasse questioned if the power line in question has ~nything to do with the tower on Randall Boulevard? Mr. Archibald replied negatively, adding that to his knOwledge, the two are not related. ~fasion.r Bas.. aove4, ..con4e4 by co.aiaaion.r 8aun4.ra an4 carrie4 3/0, for .pproval an4 .x.aa~ion of an .a....nt .gr....nt ~o Florida Pow.r .n4 Light coapany for a peraan.nt utility ..a_ent on COUDty-owne4 property l....d by the COlli.r county F.ir an4 Bzpo8ition, Incorporat.d. Page lO 1001 110 n'J. 151 '* 110 'If.( 152 DECEMBER 8, 1987 Public Works Administrator Archibald, in answer to Commissioner Hasse's question about the problem with power lines and the fire tower on Randall Boulevard, stated he will be in touch with the Forestry Division to ascertain whether there is any coordination necessary . Page 11 aoo( 110,vo!.l56 DECEMBER 8, 1987 I~.. '9B5 AD4 '9B6 FIJrAL ACCZPnIICB OF TO ROADWAY Am) DRAInGB IMP1tOVBJŒ1n'S IR LZLY COtJ1l"1'RY CLO'B, 'lDœZRCRZEJt, SEC'l'IOJCS 1 AJrD 2 - APPROVZD Public Works Administrator Archibald indicated the roadways and drainage ir~rovements have been comple~ed and approval is requested. See Pðge /..s rr , I~.. '9B7 FInL AOC'BP'J"AIICB OF TO ROADWAY A.Jß) DJAIDGB IKPaovmœJrrS IK LZLY SAUFOO'l StACH, tnrI'l" 1 - APPROnD Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the roadways and drainage i~rovement6 have been completed dealing with the single fa_ily section, and approval is requested. See Page / .s- t¡' I~ '9. FlnL ACCBP'J."AIICB OF THE ROADWAY AJfI) DRA::DGB IKPROV~JI'l'S I. LELY COtlftAr CLO'B, TOBEY PIIŒS - APP1tO'VBD Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that the roadways and drainege iaprovements have been completed and approval is requested. See Page IS g' I~ ".9 FIDL ACCBP'1'AIICB OF TO ROADWAY AJII) DRAIDGB IXPROVDBJITS IR LZLY COtlftAr CLO'B, PAUŒ'1'TO PIIlES - APPRO'IBJ) Public Works Administrator Archibald noted that the roaJways and drainage i.provements have been completed and approval is requested. Mr. Archibald mention9d that the aajority of the roads listed in Page 12 DECDœER 8, 1987 It... 19B5 - 19B9 will become pub'.ic roads, for which the County beco- me. responsible to maintain, stating further that these items were removed fr~ the consent agenda and added to the regular agenda because the execution of a partial release form is require~. He further add j that the County holds a Trust Deed and that Deed must reflect the completion of subdivisions commitments for the developers. eo..issioner Saunders questioned if there was a Partial Release for each petition? Mr. Archibald replied that the County Attorney has consolidated these into one form. eo..i..ion.r SaUD4.r. aov.4, ..con4.4 by eo.ai..ion.r B.... an4 carrie4 UDGillK)U.ly, that Iteas UB5 throuqh UB' be approve4 an4 au~bori.. execution of th. Partial a.l..... ,. 110"f'-!157 Page 13 DECEMBER 8, 1987 It.. '9Cl BID '87-116- RZWOVATIOBS TO TIGERTAIL BEACH BATHHOUSE IB TBB AMOVØT OP $13,"9 AWARDED TO SOUTHERN GULP WEST OORSTRUCTIOB, IRC. Legal r.otice having been published in the Naples Dailv News on Noveaber 4, 1987, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M., November lS, 19S7 for Bid '87-lJ67 for Renovations to Tigertail Beach Bathhouse. Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that a bid opening was held on November 18, 19B7, at which time four companies did respond, adding that Southern Gulf West Construction, Inc. was the low qualified bidder. Mr. O'Donnell advised that monies have been appropriated in the Fiscal sa' Parks' Recreation Budget to cover the bDOunt of the bid. He noted that the type of work to be performed at the facility will be replacement of skylights, renovation of the drinking fountain and removal of same, removal of the wocd doors, renovation and removal of bathrOOG facilities, both the ~en and wo.en's, reaoval of paper towel dispensers, waste disposals, removal of exterior siding, removal and replacement of air conditioning unit and redevelopment of a small rffice facility that had previously been used for storage. Mr. O'Donnell indicated that it will take approxi- mately two weeks for the work to be completed, adding that the contract allows for completion of the work within thirty days. He added that provisions have been made for port-a-toilets during the ti.e the facilities are closed to'the general public. Page 14 aOO( 110'lr,l159 '* 110rrJ..16O DECEMBER 8, 1987 eoa.i..ioner Saun4er. aove4, ..con4e4 by comai..loner Ba... an4 carrieð UD&Miaously, that Bi4 '87-1167 in th. aaount of $13,679 be awar4e4 ~ 30uthern Gulf W.st construction, Inc. It.. '9C2 COJlCBSSIOJI MJŒEHEJrrS AT TIGERTAI:L BUCH WI'l'B BLtJB HOmrrUR LAD BOAT ~v.a:1' SOtnB, I.C. AJID IlECUATIonL DCILITIES OF AMERICA, I.C. - APPlCv JUI Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that pursuant to previous Board direction, a committee comprised of the Finance Director, Public Services Administrator, Director of Parks & Recreation, Superintendent of Parks & Recreation, and the Purchasing Buyer, reviewed all the RfP's, adding further that approximately twenty responses wcre reccived and were analyzed and ranked as they ca.e in. He noted that the top two candidates for the concession were Blue Mountain Lake Boat Livery South, Inc. and Recreational Facilities of ~rica, Inc. He further indicated t~at the RFP's had requested a aini.ua bid of either a dollar amount which would be $700 or 20.5' of the total gross reve~ue for food and beverage; beach equipment and water recreation equipment a dollar amount of $700 or 22\, for a total of $25,200 per year mini.um to be received by the County, compared to 514,000-$15,000 that the County had received in the past. Mr. O'Donnell further indicated that he feels there is a very good contract with both individuals, adding th~t the food and beverage contract is anticipated to begin on December l6, 1987, and the beach and water recreat¡onal contract is anticipated to bcgin December 9, Page 15 .,¡' .. r, ¡ I " l i- F: DECEMBER 8, 1987 1987, pending Board authorization today. eo..ísr:oner Hasse questioned the $1,100 per month minimum, 15\ guarantee froa vendor, Bruce Connely, versus the $700 per month minimum, 20.5' guarantee from Blue Mountain? Hr. O'Donnell replied that a multitude of factors were considered in ~valuat1n9 the bids, e~tailin9 more than just the vendor's ability to provide the County with finan- cial gain, i.e. the type of events th~ would be able to sponsor, and also their past history in their ability to secure adequate insurance. County Manager Oorrill stated that presently the County is banking on the higher percentage of gross sales, adding that as an example, to consider $300 per day, on the percentage split, thp. Cou~ty would receive $1,700 during that month, or $l,OOO ~re for that month than the proposed amount to be received froa Mr. Connely. coaai.sioner Saun4.r. aov.4, ..con4.d by co.ais.ion.r B.... an4 carrie4 3/0, that Concession Aqre..ents be approve4 for Blue Mountain Lake Bo.t LiY.ry South, Inc., for foo4 .n4 bev.rage an4 Recr.a~ion.l F.cil~ti.. of Aaeric., Inc. for be.ch equipa.nt r.ntal an4 w.t.r recreation rental.. lDO( 110 fl.',! 161 Page 16 too( 110 wJ.l88 DECEMBER 8, 1987 I~_ "1'1 DI8CU8SIOJI - ULY BAREFOO'l' BEACH County Manager Dorril1 stated that the status of the Lely Barefoot Beach proposal is that the sitting members of the Cabinet voted unani- mously last Tuesday, December 1, 1987, to uphold the recommendation of the State Department of Natural Resources which was to limit the State's participation at Lely Barefoot.Beach to 67\ of their appraisal. He further stated that the State seems to be compelled to stand behind their appraisals, and while they will acknowledge that the basis and decisions may not have been proper, they put a very low value on when that property might be developed, adding that their appraisers were tending to lean toward no development of the property for a period of five to seven years, which means the County could not expect a return on their investment for that length of time. Mr. Dorrill added that the State seemed to be unaware that the PUD requires that the road to open up that property be built by 1989, adding that he was under the impression, based on the presentation of the County's appraiser, that the property has a little higher value than the State's appraisal. He also indicated that the State had made the astounding remark that because of the settlement agreement with the COnservancy, and the fact that there are development corridors in other green spaces or open areas, little, if any value has been placed on these green or open spaces. Mr. Dorrill advised that the official action was to deny the County's request, adding that he assumed that Page 17 DECEMBER 8, 1987 the County would want to explore selling the property to the State for the c~ined appraisal average value of $585,000 - $595,000. Co..issioner Saunders ðsked Mr. OOrrill if, in his opinion, the County was willing to accept the offer and sell Lely Barefoot Beach to the State, would the State be willing to lease the property back to the County for 99 lears, and give the County the ability to develop and operate the park the way the County sees fit? Mr. Dorrill stated that there have been some discussions regarding this, but the State has not responded to hi~ officially. eo..issioner Saunders indicated that if the County could obtain an appropriate contract from DNR, a leaseback for 99 years that would give the County the authority to operate, manage and control the park the way it desires, without interference from the State, that even though the contribution is low, it would be wise for the County to consider accepting that, further adding, that the County could do a very nice job of developing the park with the $600,000. He also stated, that in his opinion, he felt that most real estatp people would acknowledge that a leas~ of 99 years is really ~he equivalent of ownership. He suggested that County Manager Dorrill be directed to inquire as to whether this is an option, adding that this would not require any formal action on the part of the Board that w~uld prevent the County from proceeding the way it wants to, ~ut he feels it would be worthwhile to pursue this issue to see what kind of an arrangement Mr. Dorrill can ðrrive at with the State, further adding that this ?age 18 BOO' 110 F"'~ 189 aooc 110 wJ.l00 DECEMBER 8, 1987 would also ioclude the other section of the beach that the State may be willing to lease back to the County at a nominal cost, that Mr. Dorrill addressed to the Board a few weeks ago. eo..issicner Hasse indicated that if the State incorporates the 5,100 ft. with the 3,lOO ft. as one unit, he may be willing to go along with this, but if the State does not give the County full rights on the entire 8,200 ft., he would be hard pressed to allow the State to take ovet this land that the County is paying for. 'rape '3 County Manager Dorrill stated that in response to Co~~issioner Saunders' proposal, there is an option to be considered, adding that the County has an investment there and we have an investment when we purchase the property, adding that Commissioner Saunders .akes a good point of the possibility of obtaining $600,000 in State dollars to come back to Collier County, on the other hand, if the County can delay seeking an immediate return o~ the investment, the County, at some point down the line, may be able to recover a higher amount for the .oney that has been spent. He stated further that he believes the property is worth $3.1 million dollars, and if the County can delay the return, there is no reason why it cannot get the benefit of owning the property itself, or at some point, be able to sell it to the State, if the State has a long-term interest in the property, for more than 6600,000. eo..issioner Saunders stated that Collier County is committed to ; î ~o , >1#. Page 19 DEC&~ER 8, 1987 operating this facility as a park and will not be selling the property to a developer to be built at some point in time, thereby, the County will not be realizing a profit from this property. He further added that he could not imagine the State of Florida offering to purchase an existing park from a county, in order to turn it into a State Park co.ai.sioner Saunders aov.4, .econ4e4 by Commissioner Basse an4 carried 3/0, that County Manager Dorrill b. 4irecte4 to .e.t with the head of ~he oepartaent ot .atural Resource. or his 4esiqn.e and deter- aiDe what &rrang..ents coul4 be ..4e with the State for a lea.eback of that prope~y and the a44itional tootage for a peri04 of '9 years, an4 4eter.aine What restrictions, it any, wou14 b. place4 on the County in operatiDq, aanaqiDq an4 developinq that park, an4 if there are no re.trictions an4 there are no controls over the County's aanag..ent tor " years, to accept the $600,000 par-ent. Mr. George Keller, President, Collier County Civic Federation, stated as he understands, tte County has consummated the deal, and does own the property, further adding that he does not understand what the rush is in getting involved with the State right now, since the County will not be able to use the $600,000 immediately, and probably will not develop the beach until next year, and feels under no cir- cuastancP.s should the County enter into any agreement with the State on receiving any money for this piece of property, unless t~e County receives a firm commitment that the County will have a 99-year lease on the total property, including the State property. Page 20 &OD( 110 I"'.~ 191 tOO( 110 wo! 192 DECEMBER 8, 1987 Chairaan Class indicated that he was told that it was recommended that the State not enter into any agreements with Collier County for the State to run the park, that they were not interested in it, and they did not want to give Collier County a 99-year lease. County Manager OOrrill replied thåt he has had conversations with Hr. Landrua who runs the Division of Parks, but had not heard this officially. He added that further investigation will be pursued, because there is still the matter of the existing State-ow~ed parcel to the south, and if the County is going to own and operate the parcel that it has, it would behoove the County to possibly have a separate lease to utilize the 5,000 ft. to the south. Chairaan Class suggested that the County might consider offering the State 5200,000 for the remaining land, as part of the ultimate outCOlle. Ms. e.ily Maggio, resident, stated that she would like to respond to Mr. Keller, that the rush is that our coast is drying up, and that's where these funds are coming from, and if the County does not take advantage of what little funds are left, there won't be any for the State to give us. She further stated that if the State will give the County S600,000, instead of looking at it from the perspective that the County is buying 3,100 ft., think of it as buying the entire 8,300 ft., because if the State will lease that back to the County, it is as good as buying the whole thing lor whatever it costs. Page 21 ~: ff- ,''';' k, ¢l ~, ,t f ; ." 1!. ;1"; , :,' ot:-H, ,~ DECEMBER 8, 1987 It.. 'tn UPDAD 011 PJtODUC'l'IVXTY PROGRAK Assistant County Manager McLemore stated that this program is following two tracks. He indicated under the direction of the County Manager, there are several projects listed in this fiscal year for pro- ductivity review, one being the Building Permit Improvement Project which is approximately 70\ completed, and review of the Landfill Rev- enue Collection Procedure which has begun this week. He mentioned that the Facilities Manðgement Study Program, as initiated by the Board of County Commissioners, is also being revieweó for produc- tivity. Mr. HcLeøore advised that the second track is the review of current practices of Counties in the State of Florida and ~elect com- munities throughout the country in terms of developing an overall pro- ductivity aanagement program. He added that this review is approxiaate¡y 80' complete, and a full report will be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners within the next week. co..issioner Saunders thanked Mr. Mclemore and County Manager Dorrill for pursuing and pro~eeding with the development of this progra., adding that it could be one of the most important things in County Government. It_ ,tF) DI8CU88IOII - PARI-ØD~~£L FUKD8 Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated the items are now in the Bill writing department in Tallahassee, adding that Representative Page 22 aool( 110 FA'.~ 193 "0( 110 w.{ 194 DECEMBER 8, 1987 Hawkins has advised it will be ready today or tomorrow. He add~d that he would provide the _ajor points for conceptual approval today, and upÓn receipt of the Bill, the County Attorney's office will review it and draft a Resolution, should the Board of County Commissioners choose to do 80. Hr. Olliff indicated that the aajor items that came as a result of the Legislative Hearing are: 1. The repeal of the ~rch 8, 1988 election issue regarding the pari-mutuel funds. 2. The pari-mutuel funds that are currently coming to the County, will continue to come to the County, so that we might meet the outstanding obligations that those funds a~e pledged towards Capital Improvement Bond Funds, a small one which expires in 1996, and a larger one which expires in 2003. He stated that once the County's obligations are met, the funds would then totally go to the Collier County School Board, as suggested by Senator Dudley. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, County Attorney Cuyler stated that there had been discussions regarding the split of funds between the School Board and the County, and the Legislative Delegation would be happy to look at this, if both parties could cone up with something that would be acceptable to the two parties, but at the end of the øeetin9 it was left that the Legislative Delegation will present a propo8al to the Legislature stating that the commitments will be covered while the commitments ace there, and then 100\ will 90 to the School Board as those commitments are resolved. Page 23 DECEMBER 8, 1987 Finance Director Yonkosky stated that there is a large hit for the County in 1996, adding that a lump sum payment of $380+ thousand dollars are due, and there will not be enough money ~oming in that year to pay that amount plus the debt service on the larger bond issue. eo.aissior.er Saunders replied that he would like to take a look at the Bill before the Board takes any action. County Manager Oorrill indicated that his advice to the Board of County eo..issioners would be to wait, but in terms of trying to reach a coapro.ise, the County Commission has an offer on the table, adding that the Board offered a 50-50 split, at such time in the future that any funds were available. He further stated that Mr. Dudley had worked out some terms in a revised Bill that would at least cancel the election to prevent the County to challenge the validity of that election. Mr. OOrrill added that there is a timing problem, and that when the Bill is received, if he or Mr. Cuyler feel the need to seek direction from the Board, he will go to the Chairman and leave any special aeetir.gs to his discretion. In answer to County Attor~ey Cuyler, Mr. Olliff replied that the tiaefra.e is three days beginning this morning. Chair.an Class ~ugges~ed that if the draft copy is received by toaor row , the Board will look at it during the Workshop, and then they can convene, if necessary. . ~-". f aoo~ 110 F1'.~ 195 Page 24 if Hi II ~~ <I aooc 110 w.( 196 DECEMBER 8, 1987 It_ '1111-4 BtTDGZ"I' AAAauatitS 88-19; an4 88-52/53 - ADQP"lED Coaai.sioner Basse aove4, .econ484 by Commissioner Saun48rs an4 carried unaniacu8ly, that Bu4get Aaendaents 88-19; an4 88-52/53 Þe acSop~ed. It.. '12A APPOUI1~ OF D. PEn JŒRRILL AJID UAPPOIJCl'lU'ó...·t OF D. RICB.ARD SUDlmD '1'0 'fIlE ISLES OJ' CAPRI FlU COJlTROL DISTJU:CT ADVISORY COIVU. TX .e~ Adainistrative Assistant to the Board Israelso~ stated that at the end of this .onth, the terms for two of the five members expire. She further stated that a press release was issued, notice was posted at the libraries and at the Courthouse, and one resume was received from Hr. Peter Merrill. Mrs. Israelson advised that Mr. Joe Podesta, who has served on the committee for two terms, does not wish to be reap- pointed. She indicated that Mr. Richard Skid.ore, who has served for ~re than two terms, would like to be reappointed. co.øi.sioner Bass. move4, secon4.4 by comai.sion.r 8aun4.r. an4 carried unantaoualy, that Hr. Richar4 Skidaor. Þ. r..ppoint.4 an4 Mr. Pete ..rrill be .ppoint.4 to th. 1.1.. of capri Fir. COntrol District AðYi~ry co.aitt.. ... !'be following it... were approv.d an4/or .40pte4 un4.r the Consent Aq.n4a upon motion ..4e by comais.ion.r B...., ..con4e4 by commissioner s.unders an4 carri.4 Ubanimously: page 25 DECEMBER I, 1987 It_ 'lCU BID 110. .7-1186 FOR LABORATORY SERVICES FOR TEa BJrVIRONKmITAL SCIDCB Am POLLU'fIOJI COJlTJtOL DEPARTJŒ1n' - FLOWERS C1ŒKICAL LABORATOlUBS, INC. - $129,755 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Noveaber 3, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids were opened at 2:30 p.m. on November 18, 1987. I~_ '1481 8"rIt.77 'fO AOV 6JtrISB, RECEIVB AJI1) BVALtJA'l'Z UP' S FOR ARCBI'l'BCTtJRAL SIA'ICU 'fO DESIGJI JAIL A.-o ADKIJrIS'lRA'I'IOK OrJ'ICB SPACB FOR SBBlUrJ" S DBnJt7XEft It... ,1482-14B' - Moved to 9B5-9B9 It.. 'UB7 ACCBP'I'AJICB OF DRAIlfAGE EABE1Œ1fT IX LELY INDUSTRIAL PARK See pages It_ '14Dl ..,J ()/-o1o¥ GOLF COVRSB urLvmrr AGREEUft FOR RIVIERA GOLI' CLUB OF DPLBS, LTJ). See pages It_ 'UD2 ~ O.,S- ~.3? BID 110. 87-1174 FOR ORB UTILITIES WATER OPERATIONS SEVER YARD DUMP TRaCK - BBIWTJBLKAK'S '!'RUCK CEXTZR FOR $18,078.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 19, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 p.m. on November 4, 1987. It_ '1403 IXPZJtDU. POX PLACB VILJ.AB - WA'l'ER J.JID SEWER FACILITIES ACCEPTUCB 1. The water facilities to serve Imperial Park Place Villas can- not be placed into service or water meters set until the Page 26 aoo« 110 W.r 197 aoO( 110,¡r;.19B DECEMBER 8, 1987 facilities have been rebacterially cleared to the satisfaction of the Utilities Operations Department. See Fages O.R. Book 1314, Pages 358-397 It.. '141)4 on caon POIJITB, PRASE I - a.-SIn A2m on-SIn nna AJID SZ1fZa ~LIfl" ACCEP'l'AWC J 1. The water facilities to serve Phase I cannot be placed into service or water meters set until the facilities have been rebacterially cleared to the satisfaction of the Utilities Operations Department. See Pages O.R. Book l314, Pages 398-428 It.. ,14C11 c5ldIFIOnB 07 CORUCTIOB TO 'l'JB 'l'AX ROLL 1986 Nos. 220-221 Dated 11/25/87 1986 Tangible Personal Property Dated 11/25/87 1987 Dated ll/18/87 Dated 11/l6-30/87 Dated 11/30/87 1987 Tangit-le Personal Property , ,110. 1986-252 ! ' 110. 100 Nos. ll1-l8S Nos. 188-l89 Nos. 1987-64/1987-71 Dated ll/24-l2/1/87 I~ '14C12 EXTRA CIAX. TIKB Foa IKKATB MOS. 53846, 451'0, 54604, 35178 xu. '1403 Page 27 - - - DECEMBER 8, 1987 8A~8~~ OF LIEXS FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFEXDBR ~ Pages do .cjd - a 17 I~ '140 JaSCELLaJœOtJS COR.JtESPOJroEXCE PILED AlfD/OR REYEJUtEI) There being no objection, the following correspondence was filed ~and/or referre4 to the variOU3 departments as indicated below: 1. ~randum dated ll/l9/87 from Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to Ken Pineau, Fleet Management Director, regarding Fleet Management/Motor Pool Interim Financial Statements for the period ended September 30, 1987 (Preli~inary). Referred to BeC, Lori Zalka and filed. 2. Heaorandum dated ll/l9/87 from Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Administrator, regarding G001land Water District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended September 30, 1987. (Preliminary). Referred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. 3. Memorandum dated 11/19/87 from Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Administrator, regarding Marco Water and Sewer District Interim Financial Statements for the period endpd September 30, 1987 (Preliminary). Ref~rred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. 4. Memorandum dated 11/19/87 from Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance ~pt., to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Administrator, regarding County Water-Sewer District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended September 30, 1987 (Preliminary). Referred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. S. Heæorandum dated 11/19/87 from Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to Doug Greenfield, EMS Director, regarding EMS Interim Financial Stotements for the period ended September 30, 1987 (Preliminary)., Referred to BcC, Lori Zalka and filed. 6. Memorandum dated 11/19/87 froa Ronald F. Cook, CPA, Finance Dept., to Robert Fahey, .Sol id Waste Director, regarding Solid Waste Disposal Interim Financial Statements for the period ended September 30, 1987 (Preliminary). Referred to BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. 7. Memorandum dated ll/25/87 from Kendall S. Barker, Program Manager, Office of the Governor, to All Technical Assistance aoo( 110w~199 Page 28 .. 110w.!200 DECEMBER 8, 1987 Analysts and ICP Grantees, regarding ICP Grant Cycle x. Referred to Neil Dolcill and filed. 8. Letter dated 11/25/87 fto~ Jane Polkowski, M.D., Public Health Unit Director, HRS, attaching the Collier Public Uealth Unit's final contract Management Report of activities and expenditures for the 1986/87 contract year. Referred to Neil Dorri11, Lori Zalka and filed. 9. Minutes: 10/21/87 10/22/87 ll/19/87 City of Naples Library Advisory Board CCPe and 12/03/87 Agenda lO. Copy of letter dated ll/20/87 to Glen W. Mayne, Director, Division of Communications, Statewide 911 System, from Aubrey Rogers, Sheriff, Collier County Sheriff's Department, requesting ccnsideration to expend subscrib~r feee collected under authorization of F.S. 365.l71 as ame~ded for non- recurring capital items. Filed. ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the aeeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: lO:30 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY CCMUSSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL A'ru~.sT: JAMES C. GILES, CLERK ~ L- ~l: ARNOLD LEE ·3LASS, CHAIRMAN ..Z¡'¡I ,. ...... V/ iL,....:". :':";. ~, M~¿:, //1/' ~~~ - ~~'-. A1 ~. ¡?:... ~~ ~YjUr. apyoved by the Board on~,ul/t'r? . ~. pr..-nt.w ~ ,../' or as cor rected #~ " . I, _. ".' Page 29