BCC Minutes 02/23/1988 R Naples, Florida, February 23, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that ~he Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning hppeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to l~w and having conducted business herein, ~t on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building WFW of the Government Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following 8embers present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass Burt L. Saunders John A. Pistor Max A. Hasse, Jr. Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; Beverly Kueter and Ellie :-JofflDan, Deputy Clerks; r~eíl Dorrill, Count', Manager: Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, C~unty Attorney: Mike Arnold, Assistant Utilities Administrator: George Archibald, Public 4orks Administrator; Ann McKIm, Planning/Zoning Director; Robert Duane and Dwight Nadeau, Planners; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; ~nd Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 eoo( 111 F1'.: 588 FEERUARY 23, 1988 Tape 11 It.. 13 ~GEØDA AHD CONSENT ~GENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES cODaisBioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Piator and carried unanimously, that the Agenda and Consent Agenda be approved with the following changes: Itelll lOA Discussion of ço~tinuing use of modular office for agricultural purposes in lmmokalee - Added Continuing authorization for bank note to C & S National Bank for Marco Island Phase II Sewer Project - Added I te. 9Ft Item 12C Presentation of C?n30lidated Fire Study, to be heard after lunch break - Added Item 12D Request by Commissioner to attend ßeach Preservation Conference - Added Item 12E SatIsfactIon of Lien, as it relates t? Miscellaneous Correspondence - Added He. 13C Request for utilization of Trust Funds a~ matching funds for a Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention Grant - Added Itea '4 "¡.uTES OP FEBRUARY 2, 1988 - APPROVED WITH CORRECTION Coaaissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the minutes of February 2, 1988, be approved with the following correction: Item '6B2 - Motion should reðd: "Commissioner Goodnight moved, to ðPprove Petition R-87-29C subject to stipula- tion3 of the Planning Council. "^fter looking at this proposed road I just don't see ð need for it." Page 2 .OQ( 111 PA'.I 594 ,He 111 ~r~ 595 ~EeRUARY 23, 1988 It.. "B1 ORDIKABCE 88-19, PETITION R-87-42C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, IWC. REPRESENTING THE COMMERCE CENTER AT NAPLES P~RTNERSHIP, REZOØE FROM IL TO c-s FOR AN AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION AND COMMERCIAL IJmUSTRIAL OSES - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naple3 Daily News on December 18, 1987 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2, by changing the zoning classification from IL to C-5 for property located in Seçtion I, Township 50 South, Range 25 East. Planner Duane stated that the 5ubject property is located on the southeast =orner of Airport and Radio Roads and gave the surrounding zoning and land uses. He stated Staff has found the requested zoning to be appropriat~ at thIs locat10n and recommends approval. He advised the CCPC has forwarded this petition with a unanimous recom- mendation of approval. Hr. Duane stated the only concern on this petition was access. He said an access point was originall¡ proposed 200 ft. from the inter- section, however, through negotIations this access wi II be combined with the access for the adJoining south parcel. fie stated this will reduce the impact, as well as 11mit the right turn in and out of the property. He said ther~ wi 11 also be an access on Radio Road designed for right-turn in/right-turn out manuevers which wl11 incorporate the design and construction of a turn lane from the Airport Road/Radio Road intersection. ~ Page 3 ".,- FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Hr. Duane stated there has tc~n no correspondence, either for or against, on this petition. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Alan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soli & Peek, Inc., stated this will be an Amoco Station and will sell incidentals, however, there will not be a con- venience store associated with the station. He stated the building will be a l,OOO sq. ft. modular building. Mr. Reynolds stated they spent a considerable amount of time working with Staff to work out ðn acceptable solution to the access, and they agree with all Staff stipulations. Coaaissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. CoaaisBioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 30. ORDINr~CE NO. 88-19 AN ORDINANCf: AMENDIN', ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPOI<ATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-25-l BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASS I FICAT ION Of THE HERE I N DESCR I BED PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE S.I::. CORNER OF AIRPORT ROAD A~D RADIO ROAD IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, Le9 ACRES, fROM I L TO C-5; Arm BY PROV IDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. &O~ 111 N',I 596 Page 4 -'- aoOr 111'1':~ 601 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Itea 1682 ORDINANCE 88-20, ZO-87-17C, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, AMENDING ORDINAØCE 82-2 TO DELETE STORAGE YARDS WITH NO RESTRICTIONS AS A PERMITTED PRI"CIPAL USE - ADOPTED Legal notice ha'/Ing been published in the Naples Daily News on January 21, 1988, a3 evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with ~he Cled:, public hearing was opened to consid<:?r an ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2 by amending Subsection 7.26 to delete storage yards ~ith no restrictions as a permitted principal usc. Planner Nadeau explained that Staff is requesting this amendment to delete an existing inconsIstency. He advised that in the Industrial District, Subscction "h" permits outdoor storage yards on I I 1 I I I 1 ¡ lots with certain bufferIng r )qu.rements. He pointed out that Subsection "k" of this dI3trict permits outdoor storage yards without development standards. Subsection "k", He stated Staff recommends the deletion of Hr. N¿deau advIsed that the CCPC heard this petition on November 5, 1987 and forwaròcd with ð recommendation of approval. He stated there was no public comment for or against this petition at the CCPC hearing and no correspondence has been received. Commissioner Saur~~rs moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, hat the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 30. Page 5 j r I I """- I ¡ I FEBRUARY 23, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 88-20 AN ORDIrlMiCI:: N'U::rIDING ORDINANCE 82-2, TfiE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORI>.TF.D AREA OF COLLIf:R COUNT(, FLORW!>., BY AMENDING :ECTION 7.26, I-TtmUSTRIAL DISTRICT, SUnSECTIOt~ 7.n b.l)(k), TO DELETE STor~J\GE YARDS WITII tlO R¡':STf~ICTJONS AS A PERMITTED PRWCIPAL USE; MW TO PHOVIOE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Itea 16B3 ORDIXAØCE 88-21, PETITION PDA-87-10C, AGNOLI, BARBER' BRUNDAGE, INC. P~PRESEØTING LOUIS REYNAUD, AMENDING THE OXFORD VILLAGE PUD BY CBAlfGI.O liME TO TIMBERWOOD A1lD ESTABLISHING SETBACKS FOR CARPORTS - ADOPTED Legal notice having been putJ Ished in the Naples Daily News on January 15, 1988, as evíden~ed ty Affidavit of Publ~~ation filed with the Clerk, ~~~lic hearing ~as opened to consIder an ordinance amending Collier County Ordinance 85-62, by changIng the nam~ of "Oxford Village Planned Unit uevelopmr>nt" to "Tl-nberwood Planned Unit Development" and by establi3hing setback standards for carports. Planner Nadeau gave the surrounding ~oníng and ~and uses. He stated that this amendment merely ;hange~ the name of the PUD from Oxford Village to Timber~ood and includes setback s~andards for the ðccessory use of carpQrts, He stated the separatIon required for accessory structures is 10 ft. and the petitioner is requesting a 5 :t. separation. He said Staff does not obJcct to the reduction in setback because the road is private and only serves that development. He noted that the North Naples ~'ire Distr Ict rûques:ed assuranCe that :he desIgn wIll allow adûquate room tor theIr equipment. Hr. Nadeau advisûd that Staff and thc CCPC has reviewed their Page 6 &O( ( 111 F~',: 602 '- 100< 111 '1'.~ 603 fEßRUARY 23, 1988 petition and recommends approval subject to stipulations. He stated there was no public comment, either for or against, at the CCPC hearing and no correspondence has been received. Commissioner Piztor stated his concern about carports being placed loo close to a roadway. Mr. Dan Brundage of Agnoli, Barber & Rrundage, Inc. advised that the carports are open type structures with no enclosures and will not Jnterfere with lhe car's line of vision. He also stated that th~ arrangement of the carports with an interior loop roadway is standard for this type of facility. Mr. Nadeau advis~d that the County woulrl not accept these interior subdivision roads because Lhe land width is narrower than that required by the County for public roads. Co..issioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. f I Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unani&ously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 30. ORDINANCE NO. 88-21 AN ORDINANCE AMDWING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 85-62, WIJ ICIJ [STAR I. r SHf-T TilE OXFORfJ V r LLACF. PLANNED UNIT DEVf-:LOpr'1ENT W( Cf A~GING '1'111': NA1-1f: OF "OXFORD VILLAGE PLANNED UN IT DEVELOPMENT" TO "1' rr-1BERWOOD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOpr'1U¡r, M1fW'¡ NG SECT TOr¡ ¡V ¡ . 04 DEVELOPMENT STANDAIHJS BY EST,hHLISHLNG SETBACK STANDARDS FOR CAR PORTS; AMf:~m r r-;C S¡'~CT TON V, 5.5 ENV I RONMENTAL COtISIDERt\110tlS, "HErmINC SECTIOn V, 5.6 TRANSPORTATION, ANn F3Y PROVIDING AN EFn:CTIVE IJNI'E. Page 7 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 It.. 16Cl ORDIXAJlCB 88-22, MENDING ORDINAJICE NO. 86-30 WHICH ADDRESSES THE IKMOXALEE AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPTED Legal notice having b~~n published in the Naples Daily News on February 3, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ~rdinance amending Airport Advisory Board. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that at the request of I C~llier County Ordinance No. 86-30 by amending Section Two, Membership: and Section Fiv~, Pc3ponsibil ¡ties of the Immokalee the Immokalee Airport Advis?ry ßQard, the existing Ordinance 86-30 is being proposed for am~ndment to 1ddress minor issues and make it con- sistent with the master Ordinance covering all advisory boards. Mr. Archibald stated the two major amendments are: 1. Changing thc numbcr of members necessary to make a quorum to thr"c 2 . Changing the responsibilities of the Advisory Board. Tape '2 Mr. Archibald adv15cd that the current Ordinance charges them with the responsibility of meeting with the Airport MastEr Plan Consultant and following Master Plan activities through final plan acceptance. He said that since the Master Plan is nearing completion, the proposed Ordinance expands their re3ponsibilities to include reviews of the Airport Moster Plan, the rulc3 ðnd regulðlions that operate the air- port, vacating and replatting activities, and gives them the con- Page 8 600( 111ç:o.l606 ,-, ..- I I ¡ -- ,GO< 111 p¡r.~ 607 I ; ¡ ¡ I ! ¡ I i I I ¡ , F~bruary 23, 1986 linuing responsibility to o'/~rs~e and b~ involved in implementätion of the Master Plan. C088isBioner Goodnight lDoved, Beconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. C088issioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner pis tor and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 30. ORDIUAJlCE NO. 88-22 AN ORÚIrlMlr::r. AJ.1ErHJlHG COLLIER COUHTY ORDINANCE NO. 86-30 BY AHENOH1C SECTIOH TWO ME,.,nERSflIP; At1ENDING SECTION fIVE, RESPOIISIBILITIES; PRO'IIDWC f'OR CONfLICT AND SEVERMJILITY; PROVIDING AN EFfECTIVE DATE. Itea "C2 ORDIKAKCE 88-23 AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OR ACQUISITION OF PROJECTS WITHIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT MUN1=IPAL SERVICE BENEFIT UNITS - ADOPTED Legal notice havIng b~e~ publish~d in the Naples Daily News on February 3, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa~ opcn~d to consider an ordinance relating to the authorization of construction or acquisition of projects within the Municipal ServIce BenefIt Units within Co) lier County. Public Works AdmInistrator Archibald stated the proposed Ordinance has been reviewed very close>ly tv Staff, the FJnance Committee, the Bond Underwriters, and the County's Financial Advisor. He stated the County currently has an Ordinance for creatIon of special improvement districts by assessment which mcstly involves projects relating to Page 9 ¡ I i ¡ I ! ¡ ¡ ! ! í i . f r ~ ""- February 23, 1988 ~oad improvements or lIghting districts. He staled the current Ordinance covers pro)~~ts which jo not involve large amounts of money. Public Works Admlr.istrator Archibald stated the County presently ha:! three very large r-ISTU's under consideration at Lhis time with a total value of over Sl6 million. He said they are the North Naples Road Project, Pine Ridge Industrial Park, and Naples Production Park. He stated the County will be unrble to secure the large bond funds needed for these projeçts .....ithrJuL a pledge of çerta~n securities, and the proposed OrdInance '.Ill] 91'/1"> the Board thr:> authority and outline all measures neCf.:ssar'l tJ.J pl(:dg(! the sCCUrlll(:;j. Mr. Archibald outlined t~e f~llowing provIsions in the proposed ¡ ! ! ¡ j I I I ¡ ¡ í Ordinance: 1. Creation of ð benefit unit - permitted by Resolution approved by thf.: ßoard 2. Outlines autn~rlt¡ relative l? the levy and collection of specIal assessme~ts 3. 4. Address bonds and the pled~ed revenue for the bonds Provisions for initial ResolutIons which will allow the Board to take cerlain action on interim steps 5. 6. provisions for tentative and final assessment rolls Resolutions that o~tline steps for final assessment rolls, method of collection and a series of provisions fur forcçlo5ur~ en uncoJ lectcd assessments 7. EstablIshes a prccedure [or pledging non-ad valorem revenues to secure bonds to assure Collier County of the highest possible Standard [. Poor's Debt Rate In response to CommIssIoner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler advised that current OrdInances should not be repealed at this time. Page lO bOO( 111 ~:'.: fi08 t aO3< 111 w.~ 609 Febru~ry 23, 1988 He explained that some of the units which have been established will need to be reviewed by the Hoard on a casc-by-case basis, and if appropriate, they will be place~ under this new Ordinance. He said that if it is not appropriate, :hey will need to continue under the current Ordinance. Mr. Cuyler stated the following language change should be made to the proposed Ordinance: Page 32, bottom lIne: Ingert the words "but not repeal" after the word "supersede". County Manager DorriJl advised that property appraisers in the State of Florida are not required to participate in special assessment districts and he would like to point out that Property Appraiser Colding has been extremely ~ooperative and helpful. He noted that without Mr. Coldlng's help, the bonds for the three projects could cost three or [our mIllIon dollars morc. Commissioner Saunders stated the interest rate could al3o be hlgher without Mr. Colding's coopera- lion. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr, Oorrill stated that the special assessments will be placed on the tax bills. co..issioner Goodnight move1, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. co..isoioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below, with the change outlined by Mr. Cuyler, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 30. Page 11 ,.."- FEBRUARY 23, 1988 ORDINANCE llO. 88-23 AN ORDINANCf~ RELAT WG TO THE Uti IrICOHPORATEO AREA Of' COLL1ER COUNTY, FLORIDA; AU-:-HORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OR ACQUISITION OF PROJECTS Í'/IT:IIII 1'!CmCIPAL SERVICE nENf:FIT UNITS WITHIN THE COmITY; AUTHORIZIN(; THE LEVYING AND COLLECTION OF SPE:CIAL ASSESSMENTS ArID THE 1 SS'JANCF: Of Bmms FOR THE PAYMENT OF COSTS n¡CURRED In PROVIDING TilE PROJECTS ~/ITllm TilE BOUNDAR I ES OF SUCH TJII ITS; AUTIfOR [Z T tiC THE I SSUANCE OF BONDS AT AN mTEPF.ST PI,TE NOT TO EXCEED THE MAX Ir.1UM INTEREST RATE ALIJ)Wf:[) ~'( [R,./; F.STIdH.I3HIrlG THr: IrITEP.f.sr RATE FOR SPECIAL ASSEssr':UJTS; PPOVIDWr.. THAT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS MAY BE PREPAID IJIIDEP CI:PTArll c')rmITIQtIS; SETTTrIG rORTIf TifF. PROCEIJUí~::'S FOf~ I.E'/"( I tiC MID COLLECT HlG SPEC I At ASSESSMENTS: PRovrnmr.. A~~ !d,Tf:rWATIVf-; METIfOD OF cor U-;CTrON OF ASSF..SSr1ENTS; AHO PROVIDIrlG III! EFfl:CTIVE OI,T£. Itea '781 PU-87-27C, DR. KENO J. SPAGNA, REPRESENTING C.J.R. OF NAPLES, INC., PROVISIONAL USE 8.10 FOR A SEW~~E TREATMENT PLANT - DENIED Planner Duane 3laled this re~ue5t i3 for a sewage treatment plant on property located on the east side of wil~on ßlvd., approximately 230 feet north of Golden r..ate Blvd. He outlined the surrounding zoning ~nd land uses on a wall ~ðp and showed the approximate location for the treatment plant. He ::;tð(.(~d that on the op,¡:..osite side of wilson Blvd. there is one of a numb~r of wells that comprise the County's expanded wellfield. He said this well is approximately 200 ft. west of the subject sit~ and the proposed treatrJent plant and drainfield is approximately 375 ft. cast of Well #11. Hr. Duane ('utI ined the history of the propt::'rty and stated the water quality issue needs :0 be addrcs~cd. He staled the County is in the process of developing a well field protection ordinance and the Pollution Control Department has been relYIng on criteria contained in &OO( 111 f:'.: 610 Page 12 a~~ 111 "J'.~ 611 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 the State's MG-l" Rule. H~ stated that technically the "G-l Rule" is not in effect at this time and is before a hearIng officer. Mr. Duane stated that th~ proposed sew~g~ treatment facility is planned to accommodate the disposal waste flows of the commercial con- venience store located to the south ðS well as future uses planned for the remainder of the C-2 sit~. He 3ðid lhes~ uses include a possible laundromat, bðrb~r shop and a teauty shop. Mr. Duane stated that ðslde from the water quality issue, Staff finds the request inappropriate at this Jocation and incompatible with surrounding properties. fie stated Staff's feeling is that this will allow intensificatIon of the e:-istíng C-2 .; te beyond what could otherwise Occur. fie statr!d that Staff recvmmr~nds denial of this peti- tion, however, if the Ro~r~ rh~oses to approve it, Staff requests that the sewage treatmen~ ~Jan' be located on the portion of the site that is zoned C-2. Mr. Duane advised that the CCfC held their public hearing on January 21, 1988 and forwa~ded the petition with a recommendation of denial by a 5/2 vote, fie stated that two people spoke against this petition and two l-:>ttcrs In opposition ha'¡e been received. He also noted that the petitioner did have 300 or ~OO signatures in support of the expansion. Environmental ScIence and Pollution Control Director Lorenz stated they have concern with this petition because it is located very close to the County Wellficld Expans:on along wilson Blvd. He stated that Page 13 - fEßRUARY 23, 1988 a sewage tr~atment plant, ~s~~c;al]ï on~ 3~r'/jng a laundry facility, should b~ located as far i',.'d'j [rom t..he 10/<:'1 If JI:>1d as pcssibJe. He stated Staff would like to apply the Stðt~ "G-l Rule", noting that DER has approved this ru]~, but Its going through an Administrative Hearing. He said that bcçause of this it becomes incumbent upon the Board to set their Qwn prot~ctjon. In answer to CommlSSI?nCr Saunders, Mr, Lor~nz stated that once hazardous materials are present in a building, they get into the sep- ~ic system either by accident ?r by force. Explaining that a septic system would be preferable:, In thIS instance, f'1r. Lorenz stated that in terms of how much is 9?lng U-¡rrJlJgh the 5ystr.:m, a septic system is loaded very light]¡, wh¡ Ie ~ sc~~ge treatment package ~lant is more heavily loaded. He noted lhðl ea-::h contains a separate type of dispo- ~al system. Responding to Chairman Glass, Assistant Utilities Administrator Arnold stated their are II Io/~: Is and each have a I million gallon per day capacity. He said th~ raSIng si7.~ on thcsr: Io/ells is lO inches. Also answering Chairman Glas3, Mr. Lorenz stated the Tamiami Aquifer is part of the surficial aguifr:r and is ~eparated from the Lower Tamiami Aquifer by a very leaky confining b~d. lie also stated they have been able to develop Io/hat the cone of depression would be with regard to the wellfield, but havr: applied the "G-] Rule" analysis which establishes a 5 ¡car tIme of travel boundary of the volume of water that would evacuate that drea in 5 ¡ears. Mr. Arnold added that Page 14 &OO( 111 Fj',: 612 ',,- ¡ ¡ t , ! ¡ ¡ , ¡ ¡ f f MO( 111 fl'.f 613 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 the permit issued by the SF~~D for the development of the wellfield included a stipulatIon that r~1lJires the Counly to develop a WellCield Protection Ordinance. Dr. Neno Spagna, repres~nting C.J.R. of Naples, Inc. stated that the proposcd plant will be an extended aeration facility. He said the capacity of the planl will be 10,000 gallons per da¡, but the actual use will be under 5,000 gal Ions per day. fie advise:J that the owner of the property has submJtled hIS plans for expansion ~f the grocery stor~' to the Building r~partmcnt and ~hej are under revieN, and a hardware store and beauty shop may h~ ðd~ed. Dr. Spagna stated that the existing septic ~ðn~ IS clo3cr t~ the w~llficld than the proposed package plant will b~ and ð pac~age plant IS ð bolter system than ð septic sjstem. Dr. Spagna sLated that StipJlations #"g", "h", and "i" are linked toçcther with the proposcd "C-J Kulc". I/o st<!tcd the peti tioner is willing to abide by existIng COJ~ty' rules, however, they do not feel they should commit to rules that are not In exIstence and may never be in existence. He added thal lh~ stipulðllon3 requested by the Pollution Control Department arc very severe and monitoring and day to day inspections do not apply to ~ small package plant. Tape .3 Dr. Spagna stated that Stipu!ation "I" requires a minimum setback along ðll property dnes of LOO ft. to be left In native vegp.tation. He said the petitioner does not feel the¡ should have stricter setback Page 15 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 ¡ I , , I r f ¡ ì r~quirement5 than the 30 ft, required in the E-2 Zoning District. He s:ated that Stipulation ~mH is agreeable if the petitioner is allowed n~rmal deviation frem exact measurements. Dr. Spagna stale~ th~ p~lllloner agr~~G with all other Stipulations contaIned In the Staff Report. RespondIng to C~mmissioner Hasse, Dr. Spagna slated the laundromat is not in the o~ner's plans al the present time. In answer to Co~missioner S,unders, Dr. Spagna said there 19 an existing commercial convenience store, gas station and picnic area on the property. tjtal need of the people in Collier County. fie stated he do~s not , . ¡ ¡ f ¡ t I ¡ ¡ ! I . i t n~eds a sewage treatment pðc~age plant. ^ lengthy dl3~ussion fa] lowe~ on whether the petjtioner actually Chalrman Glðs3 stated his feeling that the Board must consider the protection of the future w~ter system. He staled that inhibiting one individual from pro- c~eding on a Course of action must be evaluated in respect to the f~el that the Board I3 In a posIti(n to allow a possible, however remote, danger to the weJ Jf loJd and aqlJi fer system, especially since there is an established weJlfleld. The following people spoke a~ainst this petition: Tape '4 Mr. Dick Hraun, Golden Gate Taxpaycrs Association Mr. Geogc Keller, ~~lden Gate Estates CiVIC Association Mrs. Charlotte Westman, League of "'¡omen Voters deny Petition PU-87-27C. Coaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders, to Page 16 600< 111 W: 614 aooe l11wr 615 February 23, 1988 Commissioner Goodnight 5tðt~j that In the past she has voted for this petition, however, sinçe th~re has been commercial zoning allowed in the Orangetree pun and she agrees with the other Commissione:-s on lion. the wellfield proteçllon Issue, she will be voting to deny the peti- Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. r ¡ , ¡ ... RECESS AT 10:30 A.M. RECONVENED AT 10:40 A.H. ... Deputy Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Kueter Itea 1782 PETITION PU-87-28C, JOSEPH E. TO~NBEND, REPRESENTING FAITH BIBLE CHURCH OF llAPLES, INC. ,.~.!!£!>TING PROV~SION^L USE FOR A CHURCH - DENIED Planner Schrofr S',)t,;,j :.r-,)t ::'Jbjc.:(..:t pc~:-jt¡(Jnc'r 13 requesting Provisional Use ~C" of thn ^ ~ Z?nIng DjstrIçt far construction and operation of a church and rr !atej uscs. Hr.: nlJlcd that S'Jbject pro- perty is located approxlmalelï 6)0' west of Oaks Boulevard, 1; miles south of Immokalee P':>dd, along 12th Iwenu'~ N. W. on the east side of 1-75. He indicated that surrounding zonIng Includes A-2 to the north, west and the south and f5tat~ Zo~lng to thr.: cast. He further indi- cated that surrounding land uses to the north, south and to the west woodlands ðnd single -fami Jy residential (-'state lots developing to the across 1-75 arc undeveloped wooèJands, and a mIxture of undeveloped east. Mr. Scheff noted that the site appears to be In an appropriate location for ð church, addIng that it con~Jsts of approximately 8 Page 17 f'EBRU^RY 23, 1988 ecres, and Staff reco~mends ~ landscape buffer along the eastern and northern boundarl~s ?f th~ pr~p~rty to i~ped~ any impacts of vehicle noise and headlights to any 3~rr~Yndlng pr~perties. Mr. Scheff stated that 3taff and all appropriate agencies have no objections to approval of this petition subject to stipulations as indicated in the Staff Pe~~rt. further staLing that the CCPC approved the petition 5/1 subject to Staff sti~u]alions and additional sti- pulations as stated In the ~xeçutive Summary. Mr. Scheff stated that corrrspondence has been received regarding subject petition, noting that ~ persons spoke in opposition of this request, citing increases of ~rafflc, parkIng pr~bJems and property êevaluation as U.,eir m')Jor cr~nçr'rn3, addinq th¿)l 3 p~ople spoke in favor of subject petItIon, staling the need for use at this location èue to the parishioners ?f the church residing in the area, also stating that the chlJrch "'J ¡ 1 :;(~nefit the ~nt_lr(, community. He noted that 4 letters in oppositIon ~ere recciveè reflecting the same con- Cerns as those expressed verbal:y at the pubJ ic hearing. He further noted that one petition wIth ]29 s'gnatureJ opposing the request has been received, and that one letter was receIved requesting removal of that party's name from th~ petition. Mr. Mike Testin, Pastor, Fa;th Rible ChlJrch of Naples, Inc. , stated that he has b~en In search for a numb~r of months for suitable ¡:rop(?rty for hIS propO3r::d church, noting thùt h~ fc<::ls subject pro- ¡:erty is excellent for this usc, 600,; 111H'o1616 Page 18 c. ,00t 111 w.~ 617 fERRUARY 23, 1988 In answer to CommJSSJonó:r !I;..ss'?, Pastor TestJn replied ".hat faci- lities on U. S. 41 north of PIne RIdge Road are currently being rented for church use. Pastor Testin responded to Commissioner Saunders by noting that the congregation is prcsenl]y ISO people, further noting that the church has been in existenc~ for thre~ y~ars, but is not certain what the projected growth of lhQ çrJn9regation will be, d(:ding that the facility which is being con3idered is to acc?mm?date 450 people. He stated that the future bUIld¡ng as indicated on the site plan, would include a gymnasium, Sunda¡ School classrooms around the perimeter, a small kitchen and restroom fariJilies. C':>IT.missioner S-3ur,rjr:r;> nr,lr~rJ th-3t on.: of the con(;erns which has been raised by Staff, ¡S t~~ a~~stion of buffering to the north and East. He asked PIann~r Sch~ff what those buffering requirements are? Hr. Scheff stated the requirements would be such to meet the A-2 Zone District requirements in the Lðnds~aping Ordinance. P1anner Duane stated that Section 8.37 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a 10' wide buffer with a height of 6' which must be achieved within 12 months of the lime that it has been planted. ¡ In answer to Commisslon.~r H( ss.~, Pastor Tcslin Indicated that the church would incur the cost for a bridge to be buil: over the D-2 Canal and will pave the road, approximate!; 600' up to Oaks Boulevard. lie further repllPd that approxlnately 200 vehicles would be on the ßubj~ct propcrt'/ durIng i Sunda'/ scr"¡lcr:'. Page 19 , l l i r I . , I , j fOERRUARY 23, 1988 Commissioner Glass nq1Jir~d as to the purpose of the gymnasium, to which Pastor Testin stat~d it would be for famil¥ activities, but it could be eliminated s rc~ onl¡ the designated church is necessary to operate. ^ttorn~y PhilIp Franr::c...-;1u, ';r" rcpre:;"-:ntlng r'lrs. Jeanne Epps, homeowner adjacent to the subject propert'/, stated that ð detailed site plan should be submitted at the tlmc of buIlding permit application, further statIng that he do~s not see how thc Board of County Commissioners can consIder subj~çt petition wIthout detail of how the proposed church is to be tuIlt, He state'j that in his review of the plan, using the scale pro~ldcd, he feels the size of the church will be approximately 110' x IJO' or a 12,100 square foot church, adding that on a Sunda¥, accordirg to the "Trip Generation Manual", dated September, 1987, thlS would 9~ncrðtc approxlDately 360 autos if there were two services in the mo;nlng, further addIng that if an evening service was cond'Jctcd, ¿Jf/)'JI. J.1Í) '/<:>hicl'?:; wcJuJd be qencrated. He stated that a weckda¡ wouJ~ produce 135 trip cndG a day, noting that Wednesday night services would be addition~l. ! r 1 f ~ ~ F Hr. Francoeur Indicated that his client wi II Jose the one day of peace and quiet, whIch is Sundð'l, if this petItion IS granted. He stated there will be more no¡~e f~om the traffic, fumes from the cars, oil and gas runoff from the c~rs on the adjoining property and canal which leads into Naples Bay, He further stated that the buffer ~oquircd will not b~ ~ufflç!cnl for the lighl~ of the complex, nor ~C~{ 111 r:: fi18 Page 20 IGO( l11w.' 619 fEßRUARY 23, 1988 will it protect th~ n~l~hb~rs from th~ aòdlt¡onal noise. Mr. Francoeur stated he d~~3 not bel ¡eve there is legal access to subject property, referrJng t~ Units 96 and 97 of Golden Gate Estates. After r~ading a Jetter fronJ~3~ph 80993, ~ur~cy?r, dated February 22, 1988 to his clIent, hr~ (rJlc; 'h;¡t. ¡13th ^'/..n'.J<..' ~I, ..../, is the closest street in Unit 97 fJ) :-";bJr.oO. pro")perty thrr)ugh '.Ihir:h access could be obtained. tie stated lh-:!t UI 'Jnlt 'Jf" UI<:' rrj¿¡éJ e,J:jement as depicted on the plat appeared t~ en~ at the drainage casement and does not go through the west ~ropcrty ¡ Inc, 6S Unit 37 pr~pcrly shows, further stating the County has nQ rlght l~ construct a bridge over the canal. Mr. Francoeur noted a survey provided by Bruns & Bruns which indi- cates his client has a ~' :-"~¡~ o~ the Qlh~r sIde cf the canal, further indicating that there is a 30' rlght-of-way but no extension of that right-of-way acrOS3 the r:anal, noting that he had been in touch with the County I\ll~rne'j's offIce r':9ðrd¡ng the problem of access. Attorney Francoeur rea~ a Jetter of OPPOSili?n from Mrs. Codling, Owner of Tract 10, wh¡ch IS 'Jr' t~r~ SQuth ,¡¡dr, of ¡;~lh Avenue North, citing that the propos(:d ch:Jrd '...ill nul br:' ¡n krieping with ð pleasant, quiet neighborhood, ^89istant C~unt~ ^~t~rnn~ ^ndQrson, In ro~r~ns~ to Commissionar Hasse, 3tðted lh~t ;,11 60' ~)( t..h.- canal "r.' prlvðtf:>ly owned, adding that the County has dral~Jg~ ~d3~m~nl r¡yhl~ over ~hðt 60'. lie added that the plats ðr~ n?l c¡ear as to whether lho road right-of-way Page 21 FEBRUARY ~3, 1988 e~tends through th~ canðl ~r~~. Tape 15 County ^ttorn~y Cu~¡~~ ~t~~~d th~r~ ar~ di3crepancies with regard to the two plats, nr)t.lnq tn;¡!. Ih~ lin~ tn t.hr! left nf the 30' right- of-way is Mr. Bruns' lIne ~~ dcnarkation. Commissioner Sa1Jndr:r:j s'Y~g(!:¡tr.:d that dppro',¡al or denial of the petition be made, and th~ probl~m of acç~ss, If the,e is one, can be continued since that n;¡!lnr cannot b~ re5()lv~d todð~. Mr. Georg~ 1':(>]I<::>r, rr:prr'~j<::'nl_ ng Cr)J]¡r:r Crj'mt,/ (::i',¡ic Federation, stated that subject ¡and IS part of a IS acr<::> parc~J, and he feels that there mu3t be 3~~cthjr~ In an ^grn~mcnl wIth t,c State that prior to 1-75 this was not a lan~l()ck ISSUC. Mr. Patrick Pogers, r)~y':> fj')IJlevard resIdent, stated the area homeowners arc ð¡rcadj p¡ag~~d with traffIc from lh~ Vineyards, and the traffic from the fðr~ nn 12:h Avenue ri. W.; he 10cs not feel the required buffer WI] I be 3ufflCI~nt with regard to the traffic, noise ðnd lights; and the propert} on Vanderbilt ExtensIon and Oaks is pre- sently being survejcd for an~lhcr church. Mr. Thomas Turner, member of Faith BIble Church, stated that the church will be benefIcIal to th~ entire communIty, and that the intent is to leave es much of the nall,¡c vcgctatJ~n, a3 p03siblc, further stating the parking lot \01) 11 reTlain ðG n,)t.ural as possible, using turf blocks for the design. Mr. Mark Lamoureux stal~d that what lS being consIdered today is ~OO( 111 F~ ,: 620 Page 22 . ""...,., -".'.-"-- ao3C 111 w.~ 621 FEßRU^RY 23, 1988 whether a chur~h is appr~prlat~ to b~ buIlt on this particular site. He questioned ~haL more pea~e[ul of a neIghbor could you have, other than a church? Public Works !ldminisUaV>rflrr::hibald, In answer to Commissi?ner Saunders, fer] led that Oaks !ìnulevard is a 2-lane minor collector road that needs maintenance wor~, noting that leveling work is proposed for that road. H<:' -3dd<:>d that the r~adwa~ JS capable of handling 5,000 - lO,OOO cars p~r day, Tn r~1ard~ to access Lo the site, he said the County has b<:>er Invo)ve~ with l~nd use ch~ngDs In the past where traf- fic volumes increase, addln] th~t requlrc~cnl has been made for the existing road to be 1 Imeroc~ed. Pastor Tcst.in, In an:w~~ to Commissioner Saunders, stated that he has no problem w¡lh ~ n~~~1 1; vegetated 2S' b';ffer to the north, and the proposer; g;~;!')"¡'J- .Jo"., f,..!to n'~r.:d l'~ b" (,n '_hI") r.lans. County Manager [nrr 1 J 1 3t_al/')d that hr> IS a mr:mber of Faith Bible Chu~ch, noting that he has ~onslstcntly advIsed the D?ðrd of County Commissioners not tr) D(' In'JoJv"d wIth cIvil matters, notIng the problem of the ingress/egress, Commissioner Goodn¡ght Indicated that sh~ concurs with County Manager Dorrill ~nd f~~15 !h~t the two ¡SS~C3 cannot be separated at this time. Commissioner Pi~jtJ)r sto)IJ,rj thdt- if Dr()'.II~-jlonaJ use is granted, the County is not lnv?lvlnq It5~1~ In how the; gel to the property, it would t;,en bccomr: a prr)bl(>"1 br.t',,¡('cn thr; t...,') prop(~rty owners. Page 23 -- '-.."..-,--...., FEDRUARY 23, 1988 Planner Duane noted that Section 8.6 of the Zoning Ordinance sta- tes with reference to "Buildings to have access. Every building hereafter erected or moved shall he on a lot adjacent to a public street or with access to an approved private street or with actual and legal access to an approved private street; and all structures shall be so located on lots as to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection and required off-street parking." Tðpe " CO88i..ioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, to approve Petition PU-87-28C, subject to Btaff stipulations and 1) the buffer on the north to be 25'; 2) the proposed future building be eli- ainated to one church building itself. Upon call for the question, ~h. aotion was denied 2/3 (Commissioners Goodnight, Glass and Hasse oppos.d). Hr. Joseph Townsend, stated that the property is zoned Agriculture, and there are other uses, such as a dog kennel which would be less favorable. So as to clarify the motion, a second motion was made. Co88iBBioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse to deny PetitioD PU-87-28C. Motion carried 4/1 (Commissioner Saunders oppo.ed). ... RECESS AT 12:05 P.M. RECONVENBD AT 1:30 P.M. *** Deputy Clerk Kueter replaced Deputy Clerk Hoftman Page 24 eOD~ 111 f'~(.1 622 . " " , , . , "'--'- &GO( 111,1'.r. 623 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 "1'a¡>'! '7 Itea 19B1 DID 187-1197 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NORTH C-31 W~TER CONTROL STRUCTURE - ~~~RD~ TO THO~S ~RINE CONSTRUCTION - $222,800.50 - APPROVED te9al notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Jð~uðry 18, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids for Bid '87-ll97 for the construction of the North C-3l Water Control Structure were opened at 2:30 P.M. on Friday, February 12, 1988. Public works Administrator Archibald stated the proposed water control structure will be located at C.R. 31 (Airport-pulling Road) at th~ junction of Crescent Lake Drive on the canal bordering the east eld~ of Airport-pulling Road and immediately south of Victoria Park Subdivision. Hr. Archibald stated there were specific requirements for meeting Wðter quality standards in ~jdition to many operating requirements and a requirement to design and construct a water control structure within one year of the completion of the Airport-pulling Road project. 8ald the firm of Wilson, Miller, Barton, S~ll & Peek, Inc. have He co.pleted the design of a structure and the water control elevation is very si_llar to that of the water control structure on Airport-pulling Road near the Poinciana Subdivision. Hr. Archibald advised that four proposals were received and three were competitively priced and qualified. He stated the proposed pro- ject will take approximately 150 days to complete. He said Staff Page 2S - - -- '-".- FEBRUARY 23, 1988 r~~c~~ends awarding of the contract to the low bidder, Thomas Marine C~n3~,uction for a totðl of 5222,800.50. ¡:n?pondíng to County Attorney Cuyler, Mr. Archibald stated that l ,") '~1uest is for approval of the contract and authorization for the c¡"~ i rr:oan to execute the contract. He stated the contract documents on this foraal bid will be processed by the P~rchasíng Department upon receipt of all necessary information. Mr. Archibald stated that Finance Director Yonkosky inquired on t~~ financing of the project and Staff is looking to subsidize the CG3t of the project either: 1. Through a grant from the Big Cypress Basin Board, which has not been received yet, however, Staff is hopeful that it will be forthcoming. As a result of rlurrber I, the project will be started with gasoline taxes from Fund 313, and upon completion of the work and uçon receipt of any grant or reimbur- sable funds, transfers will be made. 2. cQ~issioner pistor moved, seconded by Comnissioner Ooodnlght and carri~d unanimously, that aid '87-1197 for construction of the North C-Jl water Control structure, be 3warded to Thomas Karine Construction in tbe 88OUDt of $222,800.50. Item "B2 STAYF M DGOTIATE A CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR A NEW JAIL AKD SHERIFF'S ~DHINISTRATION OFFICE WITH WINSOR/FARIeT ~ITECTS, INC. - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that proposals for architectural services [or the jail expansion were requested from 54 ! .' &OOJ; 111 r:'.: 624 Page 26 ------- , '" ~ ;! ,,' " , . '. ~Îii " " rr 1 n'~,' l.....¡ t FEBRUARY 23.., i 1'88 .! Be Mid 12 propoeåls' ...re received and 11 ..de preeentationa to the &election Co88ittee. . Re8¡lDOc1ing to questions fr08 CoMi8.ioner Pi.tor, Mr. Archibald ",c:':"'..u!.p,r:',"".,.. , 9':" '~ , J 8tated that there va. a considerable 88OUnt of discussion on the "" C~ittee with regards to 8Odular units for the jail, but at this ... ¡;:,;: 1, ;. '. ",' , .- point in ti8e the fir. chosen will fir8t have to undertake a scope of . .':11:.', ,.,oJ ',.. . t" ' ,! , , ',\ I.' , work study which will indicate the long ter. needs of the jail ,and bow r;.;.1 " '. tbo.. 01148 will best be fulfilled before the design will ever be con- ~i~r~~ ,lie .tated, for 8X811p~" they "Y end up with a deaig~ to . COYer the next 5 to 10 years, but construction "y only addr... needs . , . within a 5 year tiJle fr.... He stated there is a current plan allowing for horizontal expansion' with a seri.. of pods and the COnsultant will first have to analyze that plan. In 81181Mr to CO88is.ioner Goodnight, Mr. Archibald stated the. ~ittee includes two M8bel'S fr08 the Sheriff'. Depart.-nt to ensure the "-19ft caU8e8 no hardship on ..npower needs. ", 1Ir~ Archibald stated the following short-list bas been . bF~tbe selection CO88itteer 1. Winsor/Paricy Architects, Inc. Saint Paul, Hifti188Ota rec:ulnded 2. Haneen, Lind, Meyer Orlando, Florida w. R. Frizzell Ft. Myere, Florida 3. 01 t 881.0881:' Pi.t:ol:' ....., ........ .,. CD t ..I.OIMJ: -- 884 . ' 08fti.. -.-f-.øu17, tlaat 8taft be 4t.1-ect84 to B.,otiata a OOIatnot " i' ,'-'-J. H.ítIV".:, i~.\..;;{¡':~ "":¿f:i¡I,';¡¡',~.' , ' ,;¡,.~.IIi i~¡;j;:'~ , ." . '. ".-,¡¡¡¡ :Id '.~ ; ¡,' ,,'.. '.r ' " ; .~ " :.1 ': t. '~:i ~f ~ ,,' , ' -, .. --.....,,"" _. -.... ..,-- ~."'--",'",, ....< .. "'_."."...._,.._..~..._-._-,,...,,' ",..., .. ""'..",--..- FEBRUARY 23, 1988 for Architectural Services for a new jail and Sheriff's Administration Space with Winsor/Faricy Architects, Inc. Itea t9B3 REPORT OR BEACH NOURISHMENT - ACCEPTED AND ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO BE REIMPANELED Eng¡~~~rl~~ r)ire~~ar Hub~r gave a brief hl~~~ry on the ~vents leadIng ~G the compl~ti~n af the B~a~h NourIshment Report. H~ stated ~he report recomn~nds t~o maJ?r proJects: 1. Vanderb ll'. Beach $ 3,517,000 12,1)1(),600 2. Naples/Par~ Shore :or a t~tal of S15,527,~OO, He stated that tn~ following steps will be requ:red prior to inp]~~entat1Dn of the program: 1. AppoIntment of a B~ach Management Ad~lsory Board Study and recommend fundJng sources for program PrelimInary [es'gn Applicatian far rermits FInal Dcslgn If funclng is 1n place, bc1ín ~onstruction 2. ., oJ . 4. 5. 6. Mr, Huber indicat~d an estimat ~d timn fran~ with construction ~eg nn1ng in JuJy, J'J?I). 11<.: stat<.:d th<.: estIma~.nrj cost In',¡oh'ed this fiscal year IS $450,000 to provide prelIminary design services. He ~aid the total design through the final stages are estimated at ~1,400,OOO spread over thre fiscal years. Mr. Huber SðJd Staff recom~~nds acceptance of the B~ach ~our:shment Report and requests dlr<.:ct¡on for Impl~mentation. C?mmlSSloner Saund~rs stated hIs feeJI~g lh~l until the Board has Some Idea as to the fundIng options avallabl~, they should not approve !Q4t 111 ,~" 626 Page 28 NO( 111 W,: 627 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 m?nies for sonething that ma, never be completed. A l~ngthy discussion fol ]ow~d on State funding, what is required t? be cons¡d~red for SLate funding and the best way Lo achieve State f'Jnding. Mr, r~rriJl suggested that the Bo~rd accept the report and w3it a few months unt¡1 this project can be prJorlt.zed with other i~portant projects durIng the budget process. Tape '8 The following p~?p]e spoke ~n the subject ~f Ae~ch Nourishm~nt in general and their c?n~ern f~r funding these projects: "~r, Ira !<'/ans Mr. Georg~ Keller Mrs. Charl~tte Westman r-lrs, /,nn Bruner Coaaissio~er Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that tile Report on Beach Nourishment be accepted anð statt be directed to reimpanel the Beach Advisory committee for the purposes of evaluating possible funding sources, allocation sour- cas, investigate voluntary contributions from beach front owners, the potential for State and Federal funding and report back on the requireaents for State funding. *** RECESS AT 2:30 P.M. RECONVENED AT 2:40 P.M. *** It.. f9Cl STAFF TO PURSUE CONTRACTUAL LEASE ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN NORTH NAPLES FIRE COØTROL DISTRICT AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT P~blic Scr"lccs ^dm¡nlstrat~r O'Donn~¡l 3tatcd that the Growth Maragement EJement recognIzes the need cor a new EMS substation in the Page 29 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 North Naples area. He said Staff has looked at several alternatives in the area of Pine Ridge and Airport Roads. He stated they initially talked with the School Board, however, their administrative process as well as the County's provisional use process will take approximately 9 months. Hr. O'Donnell stated that Staff met with the North Naples Fire Depart~nt on February 10, 1988 and they have stated it may be possible to locate the EMS substation in their current fire station on Pine Ridge Roðd. He advised Staff is requesting permission to pursue a contractual lease arrangement with the North Naples Fire Control District. cO88issioner PiBtor aoveð, second-ð by Commissioner Ooodnight anð carried unaniaously, that staff be authorized to pursue a contractual lease arrange.ent between the Korth N.pleB Fire Control District and BXB Departaent. '.rape" It.. f9C2 COLLIlIB AHBOLAJfCE CORPORATIOH RECOGHIZED AS SOLE MAJroJ'ACTtJRER OJ' A MODIJ'IED SPECIALTY TYPE III VM AHBULAJICE A1fD PURCHASE 01' TWO U!l'ITS AWARDED - $71,386 Publi~ Services AdminIstrator O'Donnell stated that the EMS Department has traditionally used modular ambulances for frontline vehicles and vans make very good back-up units. He stated that one of the problems in the past with vans has been the sides. He said the new ambulance produced by Collins Ambulance Corporation has a 13 inch Page 30 &OOt. 111 Fj'.~ 628 IOG( l11w~ 629 FEPRUARY 23, 1988 extension to the overall height which allows for more storage and additional space inside to deal with patients. Mr. O'Donnell stated that the Purchasing Director contacted other manufacturers of ambulance equipment to determine whether they could comply with a similar type of vehicles to Collins. He said no one indicated that they could do so and have the ambulance meet the Federal specifications. He requested the Board to declare Collins Ambulance Corporation as the sole source of these vehicles and award a contract to them for two units at a total price of $71,386. C088issioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Collins Ambulance Corporation be recognized as sole manufacturer of a modified specialty Type III van ambulance and award the purchase of two unitB at a total price of $71,386. Itea UFl MODULAR OFFICE ON ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY - APPROVED County Manager Dorrill stated there is a problem associated with the interpretation of a Zoning Ord;nance requirement, and requested that the Board give Staff direction. He stated there is a farm in Immokalee for which a mobile home has been on site for a number of years. He said the farm has not been actively enga~ed in farm produc- tion, but is about to be placed back in operation and will have a superintendent residing in the mobile home. Mr. Dorrill advised that the current zoni~g regulation states that a mobile home can only be used in conjunction with agriculture for a Page 31 - - - FEBRUARY 23, 1988 period of 3 years, at which time the use of that trailer ceases to ex ist. He stated he needs some authorization to declare an emergency or at least acknowledge that this exception is not really found in the Zoning Ordinance. He also stated that his understanding of the regu- lation is that the only way they can use this trailer is to move it and then relocate it on the same site and they could receive a permit for use for the next three years. He said rather than force tþe farmer to remove it and relocate it to the same site, he is requesting the Board to acknowledge that h~ proposes to ask Staff to issue the permit for the use of this trailer at this location, recognizing the farm has not been in production in recent history. Responding to Chairman Glass, Mr. Dorrill stated that these requests would be handled on a case-by-case basis until the Zoning Ordinance can be revised. Commissioner Hasse stated his concern that the Board may be establishing a precedent for mobile homes. County Attorney Cuyler stuted he is familiar with the regulation, however, he would hope that Staff does not allow people to merely remove the mobile home and put it back again. He suggested the Board may want to just recognize what the County Manager is telling them. C~ssioner Saunders moved, seconded by CommiBsioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that a permi t be issued for this particular mobile home in conjunction with a farming operation for a period of three years. CoaaiBsioner Goodnight moved, Beconded by Chairman OlaBs and 60ðX 111 W,; 630 Page 32 ao. 111 'ar~ 631 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 carried unaniaously, that Staff be directed to review Zoning Districts A-I ~nd A-2 for a possible amendment to the regulation of a mobile home being used in conjunction with an active farming operation, without the 3 year limitation, and if the farming operation ceases, the use ceases. Itea lOA CHAIRKAØ AUTHORIZED TO SIGN MOTE TO C'S NATIONAL BANK FOR CONTINUATION OF COKSTRUCTION LOAN FOR MARCO SEWERS PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS Assistant County Attorney Anderson stated that on February 9, 1988 the Board authorized the extension of an existing construction loan between the County and C&S Bank for sewer improvements on Marco Island. He advised that C&S National Bank has requested the County to execute a new note on the same ter~s approved on February 9th. He said it just n¿eds to be officially noted as a matter of Board action that the Chairman is authorized to execute the new Note and also that C&S Bank has been notified in writing by the Clerk's Office that Collier County will issue more than $lO million in bonds in the next l2 month period following the execution of this Bond Anticipation Note. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Finance Director Yonkosky stated the $10 million is ment~oned because it shows that Collier County does not guarantee that the Tax Anticipation Note is ta~ exempt lnterest. Attorney (~n Pickworth, representing C&S Bank, stated the purpose of the addendum has to do with the bank's internal accounting Page 33 rERRUARY 23, 1988 and the deductibility of the expenses in administering the loan which reflects itself in the lower interest rate. He said the letter sub- mitted to C&S only states that Collier County is scheduled to issue approximately $35 million in bonds in the next 18 months, with approximately $18 million sch~duled for issue before September 30, 1988. He noted this is merely intent and does not commit the Board to issue these bonds. Co8ai~sioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unaniaously, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a Bond Anticipation Hote to citizens' Southern National Bank of Florida in the am~unt of $1,225,000 dated January 3~, ~988 and due July 29, 1988 at an interest rate of 6.54\ per annum for continuation of construc- tion lo~ for Marco Sewers Phase II improvements. &~ 111 FJr,1 632 Page 34 &OOX l11w¿ 637 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Itea #11A BUDGET AMENDMENTS 88-1~0 an~ 88-1~2 - ADOPTED co..issioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 88-140 and 88-1~2, be adopted. Itea #121\ , f12C REPORT BY FIRE DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMITTEE - ACCEPTED AND DISCUSSIOK RE CONSOLIDATIO~ OF COLLIER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICTS Mr. Mike Barker, Chairman of the Fire Department Consolidation Study Committee, presented the Committee Report. (See comments attached. Full report on file in the Clerk to the Board's Office). The Board members thðnked the Committee for their time and hard work and stated they would rc,iew the material in depth. Mr. George Keller, Col]ier County Civic Federðtion, stated that volunteers have a needed place in the fire system and requested the Board to keep them in mind when reviewing the report. Chief Jim Billman, East Naples Fire Department, stated the report is much more extensive than they thought it would be and requested that the Collier County Fire Chief's be included in the review process. co..issioner Saunders moved, seconded by CommisBionerGoodnight anð carried unanimously, that the Fire Department Consolidation Study Coaaittee Report be accepted: and Staff be directed to review the report and meet with the Fire Chief'B and other professionals and make a recommendation on consolidation to the Board within 90 days. Page 35 ~tll~6~ FEBRUARY 23, 1988 ... Deputy Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Kueter at 3:30 P.M.... Tape .10 Item t12B COUNTY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE ORDIN~NCE ESTABLISHING CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Commissioner Saunders stated that there had been ð recommendation to establish a Citizens Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Management !n July, further stating that he did not feel it was necessary to wait until July to select a committee. He suggested that a committee of 7 members be selected by each Commissioner appointing one member, and the other two members being appointed by the Commission as a whole, further adding that this may be a good way of accomplishing a cross section of representation and would also take care of some of the questions of representation fro~ various County Commission districts. He indicated that the functio~ of the committee would be to develop with Staff a solid waste management plan and to make recommendations on techniques and technologies in dealing with the County's solid waste management situation, i.e. recycling, using burning technologies to take care of ð portion of the solid waste stream. He further noted that he felt the committee would have to be involved with the Environ- mental Staff and the Environmental Advisory Committee, as well as the Planning Çommission, in ~~der to address environmental concerns and zoning questions. He suggested that the Commission think about a mechanism for establishing this committee and then place this item on the agenda in 3 weeks. Page 36 ~ FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Commissioner Saunders noted that one of the things that happened with the first Resource Recovery Project that the County was involved in, was the lack of a cross section of public input into the selection of technology and the process that was being used, noting further that because of that lack of community support, the project generated a tremendous amount of opposition. Co..issioner Pistor indicated that he is hopeful that a committee 15 formed with persons who do not have fixed ideas as to what they are not going to do, and tha' the members should be open-minded to look at all phases of resource recovery. Commissioner Saunders stated this committee will probably do for this process the same as the Citizens Advisory Committee has done for the County's Growth Management process. CO88ÍBsioner Saunders moved that at the Meeting of March 15, 1988, the Board of County Commissioners decide on a process for the selec- tion of a Citizens Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Management. Motion died for lack of seconð. Coaaissioner Saunders moved, that at the March 15, 1988 Commission Heeting a Citizens Advisory Committee be appointed for the study of the County's Solid Waste Management Program. If an ordinance is required, the County ~ttorney will have sufficient time to advertise. Each Coaais.ioner to select one member, and two other members to be selected by the Commission as a whole, for a 7 member committee. Motion died tor lack ot second. Page 37 ~OO( JljlJlp,,: ~ aoœ 111 '1'-: 651 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 In answer to County Attorney Cuyler, Commissioner Saunders stated that the functions of this rommittee will be to help develop an cverall lDanagement program for the County's solid waste, which would include .aking recommendations on various technologies to deal with solij waste management, which may include acquisition of land to recycling, and making recommendations on burning technology. County Manager Dorrill stated that his original recommendation was to develop from Staff's perspective, with the assistance of the Conservancy, and the technical assistance of the DER and South Florida ~anageøent District, the Master Plan. He further noted that he suggested the exploration of landfill mining, source separation, com- posting, recycling and down-sized resource recovery with the balance of that lIIaterial. lie further stated that the proposal of last week indi- cated that once the technical analysis and Master Plðn could be deve- loped, the County would then be supporting the idea of a Citizens Advisory Committee that would review, comment and recommend to the County Commission what avenues should be taken. He noted that he felt there would be no problem as long as Staff was developing the data and technical information for submittal to the advisory board for them to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Dorrill advised that unless the County Commission can acknowledge the specific duties and responsibilities of the members of this Committee there will be problems, adding that if the Commission ~ill advlse specifically what the committee is to do based on what Staff Page 38 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 is developing in the Master Plan, it will work. Coaa1Bsioner SaunderB moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, to dir~ct the County Attorney to draft an ordinance, establishing a citizens Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Manageaent, and after approval of the Ordinance, advertise for parties interested in serving on this Committee which shall consist of 7 mem- bers, with each Commissioner selecting one member, and the other 2 meabers selected by the Commission, as a whole. County Attorney Cuyler advised that it may take longer than three ~eeks, as discussed earlier in the meeting, but he will prepare the Ordinance as quickly as possible. Itea 112D TRAVEL FOR COKHISSIONER HASSE TO ATTEND THE BEACH PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGY '88 CONFERENCE IN GAINESVILLE, MARCH 23-25, 1988 - APPROVED comaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, to approve travel for Commissioner Hasse to attend the Beach Preservation Technology '88 Conference in Gainesville, March 23-25, 1988. It.. 112E SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER - APPROVED co..issioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, to approve 3atisfaction of Lien tor the services of the Public Defender. 600,; 111 ç&,¡ 652 Page 39 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Tape III Itea f13A EXPAX8IOX or KAPLES JAIL CENTER AND THE IKMOKALEE JAIL CENTER TO AN ADDITIOXAL 179 CELLS - CONTINUED Deputy Chief Hunter stated that this request is being made for the expenditure of funds for additional double bunking of 80 cells in the Naples Jail Center, and the opening up to full capacity of the Immokalee Jail Center, for a total of 179 additional beds. He stated that at the time the budget for 87/88 fiscal year was presented, the projected bed absorption rate was 6 per month, or 6 new inmates per month, further explaining that the absorption rate has jumped to 8.7 new inmates per month, and that the County is now faced with an over- crowding situation, resulting in inmates occupying space on the floors. Chief Hunter indicated that a pretrial diversion program has been in place for the past four years, which allows the release of those persons considered non-violent and good risk prisoners, back to the community prior to their trial. He noted that in order to accommodate the additional inmates, an expenditure of $205,860 is required for the Immokalee Jail to provide for th~ addition of 12 jail deputies, I cook and I nurse, noting further that the Immokalee facility currently has 1 cook and a visiting nurse, but in order to satisfy health and care requirements of the Department of Corrections, the additional staff is required. The 80 additional second bunks to be located in the Building "J" eoox 111 F~r,1 654 Page 40 .. 111 w.~ 655 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 facility, stated Chief Hunter, is ð less significant impact, noting that additional staff will be required to move the additional inmates about the complex. ~ocmissioner Saunders questioned the available options as to where the funds will be coming from? County Manager Dorrill stated that the Sheriff's Department can review programs and activitie3 where it may be possible to revise, defer, or adjust their budget in order to pay for these costs. He further indicated that the Board could direct him to cut budgets under the Board of County Commissioners to come up with the required funds, ~dding that another would be to turn to the contingency fund, but noted if this option is taken, it would result in the contingency fund being the lowest it has been in the 9 years that he has been with the County. Mr. Dorrill indicated that he ',.ould prefer to meet with the Sheriff's Department, so that there will be no second guessing of the Sheriff's budget. Commissioner Goodnight noted that she has a problem with t~e option of taking monies from the ContingenCï Fund, pointing out that hurricane season has not yet begun, and if in the event a national disaster occurred, Collier County, for the first time in history, would have to borrow funds to get through the remainder of the year. Chief Hunter stated that he is in agreement with the suggestion of County Manager Dorrill to review current expenditures, further stating Page 4l FEBRUARY 23, 1988 that he is not aware of any major surplus in the Sheriff's budget at this tilDe. Commissioner Saunders noted that he feels there are two choices: 1. Provide facilities to house the number of inmates that the County has in the community. 2. Find a way to r~lease those inmates. Commissioner Saunders stated that he agrees with Commissioner Gcodnight, in that, he does not want to be responsible for the shor- tage of funds in the event of an emergency, and would not want to see the release of inmates due to the shortage of beds. c088issioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Chief Hunter, the Sheriff's Department and the County Manager meet to find ways to blend the three sources of money that the County has for this project and present it to the Board on March 1, 1988 or Karch 15, 1988, and determine if all three options need to be done: 1- 2. Obtain money from tbe Sheriff's Budget. Possiblity of funds in the Board of County Commissioners Bud~et that can be freed up. Potential for some funds to be used from the Contingency Fund. 3. County Manager Dorrill indi~ated that because of the seriousness of the reviews to be made, it may take until the Board Meeting on March 15th to have all the necessary information. Commissioner Saunders stated that he has no problem with con- tinuing this item until March 15, but noted that the Sheriff's Department will have to do some hard looking at the situation. Page 42 aoox 111 pS'.~ 656 ,~ 111 w.! 657 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Iteal13B JTP~ APPLICATION FOR FUNDS TO TRAIN LONG-TERMED UNEMPLOYED RESIDENTS - APPROVED CO88Íssioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, to approve JTPA Application for Funds to Train Long-Termed unemployed Residents. Page 4.3 aoo~ 111 '"'.f 673 FEßRUARY 23, 1988 Ite. f13C UTILIZATIOX OF SHERIFF DEPARTMENT'S COKYIBCATION TRUST FUNDS FOR A COKPREHENSIVE DRUG ABUSE PROGRAM IN COLLIER COUNTY - ~PPROVED commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carrieð unanimously, to approve the use of Confisca~ion Trust Funds to match Feðeral ðollars to proviðe tor a Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention, Apprehension, and Treatment Coalition Program in Collier County. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Chief Hunter indicated that implementation of this program will most likely be August, 1988, adding that Jan~ary of 1989 will probably be the opening date. He further stated that this could obviously have a counter balancing effect to the over crowding problem. ... Coaaissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pis tor and carried unanimously, that the Consent Agenda be approved as moðitied by the Manager. (Bee Item I14C3) . Itea 114B1 PR~LIMI:KARY ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR VILLA FLOREST~ AT WYNDEKERE, PHASE I AND RELEASE THE CONSTRUCTION SECURITY Iteml14B2 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.317 - "BRIDGET L1\lœ P.U.D." Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East; West side of Airport Road, approximately 1; miles north of Pine Ridge Road, bounded on the north by Tennis Court Lane and on the south by Orange Blossom Drive. Ite. f14B3 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.318 - "IHKOXALEE SHOPPING CENTER" Page 44 - FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Section 32, Township 46 South, Range 29 East; northwest corner of the intersection of Lake Trafford Road and State Highway #29. IteJa I14B4 RESOLUTION 88-43 RE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTKEHT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION TOWER See Page tó 7c; Itea 114B5 JlODIFlCATIOH TO EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.204 - "SEA CON INDUSTRIES" Section 20, Township 50 South, Range 27 East: approximately 3t miles east of Isle of Capri Road (C.R. 95l) and 1 mile north of Sabal Palm Road Extension. It.. 11.4B6 DRAIKAGE EASEMENT CONTINGUOUS TO VANDERBILT BEACH CONDOMINIUM IN NORTH HAPLES See Page -litJ - ~?~ Itea I14B7 CRABGB ORDERS '5 AND " FOR BID NO. 87-1077, LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION, BUILDINGS "C", "D" AND "W" Itea 114B8 CONSTRUCTION ~ MAINTENANCE SECURITY TO ALLOW RECORDING THE PLAT OF BAY'YRQIfT GARDENS See Pages ~ ~ Itea I14B9 7I11AL PLAT OF ROYAL JlARCO POINT It.. 114Cl COIf'rRACT FOR FY-88 LIBRARY OPERATING GRANT Page 45 aoo" 111 w,~ 674 ,O~ 111 W.I 675 See Pages ~ 93 - 6 'f..5: FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Item f14C2 APPLICATION FOR A FEDERAL LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, TITLE I, AUTOMATION PLANNING GRANT AND CONSULTANT ASSIGNMLNT DOCUMENT Item t14C3 REMOU1'fT AM> REFURBISHING CONTRACT FOR TWO TYPE III MODULAR AMBULANCES TO ABRO PP.oDUCTS OF LONGWooD, FLORIDA IN THE AMOUNT OF $68,718.00 - County Manager Dorrill stated that with regard to the Ambulances, the Executive Summary will be adjusted, if necessary, to reflect the costs of the modification, in accordance with the Finance Director's written comments, further stating that he would like to review the fixed operating costs. Item tHC4 RESOLUTION 88-44 REGARDING LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANT FUNDS See Pages 69~ - ¿ '9 7 Itea '14Dl REVISED UTILITY EASEMENT FOR SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL WAS~EWATER FACILITIES PROJECT See Pages "7Y - 7 é>-r-) It.a t14D2 SEWER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE - EMERALD WOODS PHASE II Recorded in G.R. Book 1330, Pages 004-015 Itea t14E1 RESOLUTION 88-45 RE NEW POSITION AND CLASSIFICATION OF PRESENT POSITICN IN THE MUSEUM See Pðge ." a / - 70;;" It.. tHF1 Page 46 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 RESOLUTIOK 88-46 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COKKUHITY AFFAIRS AND COLLIER COUNTY REGARDING CERTAIN EMERGENCY KANAG~ RELATED ACTIVITIES Se~ Pages 7(/3- 7/0 Itea U4Gl CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTIOK TO THE TAX ROLLS 1979 No 692 Dated 01/26/88 No. 235 1986 Dated 02/04/88 1987 Nos. 293/295 No. 300 Dated 01/26-27/88 Dated 02/02/88 Dated 11/05/87 Dated 02/04/88 Nos. 302/305 Nos. 306/310 It.. I14G2 SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages ?/J - 7/.,,¿ / Itea U4G MISCELLANEoUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the following correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Memorandum dated 02/09/88 from William K. Clark, Executive Director, Area Agency on Aging, advising next meeting to be held on February 18, 1988 in Port Charlotte. Filed Letter dated 02/1l/88 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Manager, DER, w/short form application (File No. llI450605), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 2. Page 47 &OOJ: 111 I'J',: fi7G 'DO' 111 'J':~ 677 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 3. Memorandum dated Ol/27/87 to Chairmen of Coastal County Commissions & Mayors of Coastal Municipalities, from Ney C. Landrum, Director, DNR, Division of Recreation and Parks, regarding nominations for beach access initiative, and attaching Procedures for Implementation of Beach Access Initiative Under Save Our Coast. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell, George Archibald and filed. 4. Letter dated 02/01/88 from William K. Whitfield, Environmental Specialist, DNR, regarding the Erosion Control Program Budget for fY 89/90 and 90/91, and enclosing project proposal form and a copy of the rules and regulations. Referred to Neil Dorri11, Dr. Proffitt, George Archibald and filed. 5. Memorandum dated 02/02/88 to Local Governments, from James W. MacFarland, Director, Division of State Lands, DNR, regarding requests for non-compatible uses of Trustees' lands designated for recreation or conservation purposes. Filed. 6. Quarterly Report dated 02/09/88 for District One, Florida Department of Transp~rtation. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Jeff Perry, George Archibald and filed. 7. Memorandum dated 02/04/88 to AIJ Interested Parties, from Colonel Robert M. Arantly, Executive Director, Florida Game and fresh Water Fish Comm:ssion, regarding Proposed 1988-89 Hunting Dates. Referred to Neil Dorrill and filed. s. Letter dated 02/04/88 from Delores G. Dry, District Administrator, }fRS, advising that Public Health Unit for Collier County has been awarded an increase of 550,000 for AIDS Patient Care program for contract year 1987-88. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, John Yonkosky and fil~d. 9. Minutes: Filed. 02/04/88 - CCPC and 02/18/88 Agenda. 02/17/88 - CCPC/CAC Agenda. 02/18/88 - Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Agenda. 02/02/88 - Marco IsJand Beautif ícation Board. 10. Notice to o,.,ner dated 02/09/88 from Hertz Equipment Rental (ft. Myers), informing that they furnished general equipment rental for North Collier water trans main, Project #547, under an order given by Metric Construction. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Tom Crandall and filed. 11. Letter dated 02/10/88 from Robert L. Patton, Controller, Collier County Tax Collector's Office, attaching a Page 48 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 distribution recap showing year to date totals of taxes collected net of discount for 1985/86, 1986/76 and 1987/88. Referred to Lori Zalka and filed. 12. Correspondence dated 02/10/88 from Peter N. Stowell, Acting Regional Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation, regarding Leasing of UMTA-funded facilitie8 and equipment for charter operations by private providers. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Jeff Perry and filed. ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:30 P. M. ATTEST: . f;j~ffJf.:P~~~ . . ' , . C") . ~ '. i T~ese mi~t~ ~pproved by the Board on - I '. \~s"p.r~'sent~ ~~ ' or as corrected . :'....::~:',',:('o;, ""'" "",'(' ~,";\" , '., . aoo~ 111 WI 678 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL é2.... ~ L ~ ARNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN ~ ú---L /~-; /" :7/ .r--- . Page 49