BCC Minutes 03/01/1988 R Naples, Florida, March 1, 1987 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the-Board of County Commissioners in end fer the County of Collier, and also acLing as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the gov~rnLng board(s) of such sp~ciðL districts a9 heve been created ð~cordLng to law and having ~onductcd business herein, pet on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Center, East Napl~s, Florida, with the folloying members present: CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders .: John A. Pistor Max A. Hasse, Jr. Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Beverly Kuetcr, Ellie Hoffman (2:00 p.m.) and Maureen Kenyon (4:50 p.m.), Deputy Clerks; Neil Oorrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County r-1anagcr; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Bruce Anderson, Assistant County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Georg~ Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Ann McKim, Planning/Zoning Uirector; David We~ks and L~ight Nadeau Planners; Nancy Israclson, Admini~ raLive Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's De.Jartment. Page 1 ~r,o~ 112 Pl',( 01 MARCH 1, 1988 Tape '1 It.. f3 AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Camaissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by ~ommissioner pisto~ and carried unanimously, that the Agenda and Consent Agenda be approved with the following changes: Item 9A2 Bob Siebold reprefientlng Big Corkscrew Island fire Control & rescue District concerning the landscaped buffer area required by th~ County at their new faci- lity - Added. Item 981 Perpetual non-exclusive ingress and egress easement and a perpetual, exclusive parking casement within the Naples Cay Development - Continued to March 15, 1988 Item 128 Extra Cain Time for Inmate No. A-40639 - Added Item 1485 Agreement 'lith the Collier County Veterans Council, Inc. for the purposes of holding activities for a carnival - Moved to Item i12C. Itea ISA EKPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD - PRESENTED Chairman Glass presented an Employee Service Award to the following employee: Donna Perkins Cou~ty Attorney's Office 15 years Itea tSB EMPLOYEE OP THE MONTH FOR MARCH, 1988 - ALICE TOPPE Chðirma~ Glass read a letter designating Alice Toppe, Risk Management Dep~rtmenl, as ~mployee of the Month for March, 1988 and presented Ms. Torpe with a plaque and a $50 check. tcc~ 112 Fl'.[ 07 Page 2 104- i;' .1"~ . ~'- " " ~.' . ~ ~'! " / ftOG~ , "t/ ,:;¡,. ¡.a.:i" \l ~ ii ~<,¡ 1'. ":;: , ' ~:' ~, 1"; ~' ~ l ,t, ~. z, " .: [b 1Jt1 ~t I (i.~ :¡'; ;. ~. 112 w,~ 08 M^RCH 1, 1988 ItØl fSC PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING THE WEEK OP MARCH 13 - 19, 1988 AS NATIONAL MIDDLE LEVEL EDUC~TION WEEK - ~DOPTED Following the reading of a proclamation re National Middle Level Education Week, commissioner Gooðniqht moveð its adoption, seconðed by cO8aissioner Hasse anð carrieð unanimously. . Page} " t ~ ~'112.1"'. 10 '" ~' . "fA' r '... """'~ , ,..iIt " ~ ..t;,::;¡ -~. I"~ MARCH 1, 1988 It- t5C pRQCLAKATION DESIGNATING KARCH 13, 1988 AS EDGARD C. BARETTO DAY IN COLLIER COUNTY - 1\DOPTED Following the reading of a Proclamation re Edgard C. Baretto Day in Collier County. commissioner Sa~nders moved its adoption, seconded by cosaissioner Hasse and carried unanimously. .' Page 1\ 'oo( 112 FL:~t 12 MARCil l, 1988 , - It.. UBl. ORDIHAUCB 88-24, PETITION PDA-86-14C, HOLE, MONTES, , ~SSOCIATES, INC. REPRESENTING NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORP, AMENDrNG THE WOODSIDE APARTJ{ENTS PUD H1\STER PL;'.1l AND CHANGING NAME ':::'0 SUHMERWIND - 1\DOPTED Legal noLice having hecn published in ~he Naples Dai 1'1 News on January 29, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavil of publication filed with the Clerk, public he~rlng was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordina,ce 85-79 which ~slablished the Woodside Aparlments PUD by changing the name to Summerwind and adding an additional access. Planner Weeks slaled lhal the woodside Apartmenls PUD is better known as Summerwind and is located on the norch side of Pine Ridyt? Road, approximately 1/'; rr.ile east of Airport Road. He showed the exact location on a map and gave the surrounding zoning and land uses. Mr. Weeks stated that the proposed amendment is two-fold: 1 ) to change the name of the- PUD to 5ummerwind, and staff has no objections; and, 2) to add a second entrance to the project. Mr. Weeks advised that the original reque-sl for PUO had contain9d a commercial tract with an additional entrance, and ~ Jring the review process the peti- tioner eliminated the commercial portion and the second entrance. Mr. Weeks staled that In Staff's cpinion, the petitioner has not demonstrated the need for the second access and possibly this need could be justified In the future. He slaled Staff recommends denial. He sa id the CCPC rcçü[n;!'I..'ndr:-d approva I on a 3/2 vote. He advised the petitioner conlends there is justification of the second access. lie also requested, if the petition is approved, that a provision be added Page 5 - - - MAHCII l, 1988 for the dev~loper to provide ð polling place within any type of com- muníty center constructed. Mr. Wee~3 showed where the access was to be located on the origi- nal master plan and stated Staff had concerns about what effect the access would have on ~xisting parking and stru~tures. lie then showed on a map how the petitioner has moved the second access to the west to eliminate thO5r:> corv::r:rns. In rcspon3e to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. WeeY.s stðted the YMCA has two accesses. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that one of the entrances to the YMCA is an approved service entrðnce which wi 11.: be chðngcd at some point in the future when they complete development. Mr. Weeks noted the proposed second access is approximalc]ï 30Q ft. from the main entrance for the YMC^ and about 50 ft. from the '(HCA service entrance. Mr. Weeks stated it sh~uld be noted that the CCPC added a stipula- tion that the emergency exit onto Cougar Drive be closed. He explained that this stipulation was made at the request of the School Board due to problems arising from that access. Hr. George lIermansrJn, of Hole, Montes & Associates, staled lhal they hired Jack Barr, of Barr, Dunlop and Associates, to perform a study both from the standpoinL of internal traffic and for the traffic on Pine Ridge Road. lie stated that Mr Barr feels the second access would be ð positive Improvemr:>nt. Hr. Hermanso" statc.d they have agreed with the County f':ngineering Department to move the access furLhcr to the west to provide the best Page 6 ~; 112,0 '0 13 ~~Q, 112 W: 14. MARCH 1, 1988 internal circulaLio~. He also noted that th(' entrance will be limited to a right-turn in/right-turn out only. lie seated the petitioner has agreed to consLruct non-mountable curbing in the median. Answering CommissIoner Pistor, Mr. Hermanson stated that the internal roads have speed bumps and there will be three stop signs Lo control speeding. Tap. .2 Hr. Jack Aarr stat~d there is not a lot of stacking distance bet- ween pine Ridge Road ~nd the inner belt road. fie said that when the size of the project is doubled there will be times when traffic will have difficulty in enterIng from PinL Ridge Road. He stated they He said both of foresee times of con)estlon and accident hazard. these problems could be eliminated with a righL-turn in/right-turn out access on the west side of the properly. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, f1r. Barr ~tated that projections were made using finished construction, therefore, during the interim tge construction traffic could use this access and eliminate the concern on Cougar Drive. He sðid there will b~ a dcc~leration lane for the right turn. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald stated they con- cur wi th '-Ir. Barr and have no objections to the second access and ha',¡e placed several stipul~tJons on the petition. Also in answ"r I') r:,¡mm:ssioner Saund(>rs, Mr. Hermanson stated they have no objections to provIdIng a polling place. Mr. Paul Muenzer, CollIer County School Board, stated that when Pagc 7 ~ - MARCil 1, 1988 this' project was originally ~pproved, the fire department rcque3ted an emergency access on Cougar Drive. fie reported that there have been numerous problems wi.:.h construction traffic cn Cougar Drive, including damages to roadwa, and swales. He requested the Commission to entirely eliminate the ðccefiS to Cougar Drive if they approve the additional access being requested. Mr. Muenzer also stated that this petitioner was either going to place land9caping or a fence along CoJgar Drive and he requested that this provision be complied with before any new construction begins. Mr. Hermanson stated they ~ill comply with that provision before any new construction bcyins. co..i8sioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and c&rried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner Fistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 30 with the following additions: 1) a polling place be provided in any community center type facility, 2) the entrance at cougar Drive be permanently closed, and 3) the property boundary along Cougar Drive be fenced or shrubbed before any new construction begins. ORDINANCE NO. 88-24 AN OIWINAtIO: MIU/I!INC ORDINANCE 85-79, WHICII ESTABLISIIED TilE: WOODS I Uf': "P/I!nr.WNT<; PLANNED UN IT DF-:V¡':LOPMENT BY AMENDING woorJs I IJE APARTMENT r.IASTEH DEVELOPMENT PLAN HIIICI! WAS I.::<lllnIT "C TO TilE Pur) DOCUMENT; ADDING AN ADDITIONAL ,\CCI:SS POWT ONTO PINE l~ruG¡': HOAD AND AMENDING TilE I'UD I)()CUI-IENT (EXIIIBIT "A") BY CHANGING THE NAME Of TilE l'L/dHH-:D UN IT DEVELOPf1ENT FROM WOODS IDE Page 8 ~CO~ 112 W.E 15 . f,OO~ 112w¿ 16 MARCH 1, 1908 APARTMF.NTS TO Sur.".IEHWIND AND ADDING STANDARDS TO SF-CTrON 4.4 ROADS; MlD BY PROVIDING AN EfFEcnVE DATE. Item HB2 *** SEE PAGES 75 - 7? FOR AGREEMENT**** ORDINANCE 88-25, PETITION R-87-18C, WILBON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEX, INC. REPRESENTUIG 30H:!'1 T. CONROY, REZO:!'IE FROM A-2, A-2 "ST" AND PUD TO PUD r~OWN AS SLEEPY HOLLOW - ADOPTED Legal notice r3ving been published in the f/ap1es Dai ly News on January 29, 1988, as cvid~nced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2, by changing the zoning classification of real property from A-2, A-2 "5T" ðnd run to "PUD" known as Sleepy Hollow. Planner Nadeau stðt~d th~ subject property is ]ocated 1/2 mi le west of Airport-Pulling Hoad, at the end of Orange Blossom Drive and consists of approximately l89 acres. He showed the location on a map and gave the surrounding zoning and land uses. He noted that the sub- ject property is part of a larger POD, Emerald Lakes, which is no longer in existence. Hc- stated the project i~ planned for 320 res i- dential units with a gross density of l.69 dwelling units per acre. Hr. Nadeau stated that Staff has reviewed the projecL and deter- mined it is in compJ iance with the Comprehensive Plan. He stated there were no buffering standards found for the perimeter of the pro- jecl and the petition has been ~mended to include the buffering requirements. fie addt:>d that Staff suggcst~d that the b"ffering be no less than 1/2 of the opacity requirement in Section 8.37 of the Zoning Ordinance. Page 9 - - - MARCH l, 1988 Mr. Nadeau advised that the CCPC held their public hearing on February 4, 1988 and unanimously recommended approval subject to Staff Stipulations and the additional issue of road width for Orange nlossom Drive and the turn lanes for Goodlette-Frank Road were to be worked out with Staff before the Board of County Commissl~ners meeting. He stðted these items have been worked out to the satisfaction of the petitioner and Staff and are included in th(' PUD Document. He added there was no public comment for or against this petiLion and no correspondence was received. In response to Commissi<>ner Pistor, Hr. Alan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soli ~ Peek, Inc., ~tated they are in the first phase of design on Orange RJos30m Drive and construction will proceed when all permits are receIved. Commissioner Pistor stated his feeling that the right-of-way width sh'JlJld be 100 ft. instead of 84 ft. Mr. Reynolds stated that the right-of-way width of 84 ft. is to accom- medate a conservatien area on the right side of the project. lie stated the road will he a two-lane divided minor collector, which is consistent with the section tying into it ~rom the cast. lie also stated that it is felt that when the Vanderbilt Drive Extension is completed it will carry most of the traffic. Mr. Gene Cox, ColI i~r County resident, stated that he lives on the east side of the proposed project and he is concerned about how close the road will be to his property, the drainage problem in the industrial section, and what recreational facilities will be located Page 10 ~CO~ 112çn 17 ----",. &O(j~ 112 Fl'.t 18 M^RCH 1, 1988 in the northwest corner of the subject property. Mr. Reynolds stated the road will run along the north property line of Mr. Cox's property end the recreational facilities will ~onsist o~ a pool, small bath- house, picnic tables and a tennis court. He said that the petitioner is being required to correct the drainage problem in the Industrial Park. commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner pistor caved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into ordinance Book No. 30. ORDINANCE NO. 88-25 AU OROWMICI:: /,r-IUlDltlG ORDINAfICE 82-2, T!IE COMPREHENSIVE zornNG RI-:GUJ./,T Ions fOr< TIlE UNINCORPORATED ARE^ Of COLLIER courHl, f"I.OH I OA BY Af.tENDING THE ZONING ATLAS M^P IIur1f3F-R 4'1-2')-1 BY CHAt/GING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE IIEIH::UI [J¡:sr:::Elm:D RE/.L PROPERTY fROM A-2, A-2 "ST" AND PUD TO "\lUP". PLANNED UNIT )EVEr.OPMI-:NT, KN()\o/N AS "SU:F.PY IIOLLCiŸ/" FOP 320 RESIDF:rnI^L D\oIELLWG UNITS fOR PROPERTY LCY'j,Tf.ll 1/2 r.lILE ~1EST Of AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD, ^T THE END OF OH/lt/GI-: ßLOSSŒt DRIVE, 189 + ACRES, IN SECT ION 2, TCJ\omSH ¡ P "9 SOUTH, RNIGF. 25 EAST, At/D PROVIDWG /\I rTn:CTlvr.. DATf.. Page 11 - - - M^RCH 1, 1988 It.. ,'Cl ORDI!fA1(CE 88-2', REGUL1\THIG EXCAVJ\TIO}'.S WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED WITH CHANGE Legal notice having b~en published in the Naples Daily News on February 10, 1988 as evid~nc~d by AffIdavit 01 publication filed with the Clerk, public h~~rin9 was op~ned to con5id~r an ordinðnc~ to r~gu- late excavations within Collier County, florida. Water Management Director Boldt stated Staff has been working on this Ordinance since ~arly 1986. lie stated there have been l2 drafts, many workshops, discussions with approximately 90 different interested -. lie stated the groups and most of their concerns have been addressed. WMAB has reviewed the proposed ordinance and unanimously recommended adoption. Mr. Boldt slaled there have been 323 excavation permits since 197~ and 71 are still active, 20 of which are commercial off-site opera- tions. lie stated that the experience gained in this field indicated major changes wer~ needed in the present Ordinance. He stated the proposed ordinance will also sLreamline the process. Mr. Boldt then outl ¡oed the significant revisions in the Ordinance: 1. An exemption IS provided for excavations on single-family lots/tracts ~here the parcel size is less than five (5) acres; 2. A nr:!W catcgnry rJf r:!xcavations, "Dcvelopment Excavation", for any excavation Jocatcd within a pun or Subdivision, pro- vided it was clcarly defined during the development's public hearing proc(.'ss; 3. ncquiremcnt [or soil auger boring information; Page 12 ~c~~ 112 w.~ 25 --.-.------- _.-.- ....... . ,~o.\ 112Fn 26 MARCH 1, 1988 4. A traffic and r~ad impact anõlysis will be made by the County to d~t~rmi~o tho eff~cts that off-sil~ removal of excavated mat~rial wi II have on the road system. If appropriate, road impact fees, in açcordance with Ordinance 85-55 shall be paid prior to the issuanc~ of an excavation permit; 5. Setback r~quircments were modified to provide additional flexibility in project design; 6. Revision of side-slope requirements to more closely conform to the srwr.1D criteria; 7. Maximum and minimum depths are specified for the three types of excavations, as well as establishing a penalty for over- excavation; 8. The requirements (or filing Annual and Final Reports are more clearly refined; 9. Applicat.on f~cs and permit fees are raised approximately 501 over the fee s~hedule that has been in place since 1980. Provisions arc made for the following fees: time exten- sion, rca¡Jplication, ar,j ann'Jal renewal; 10. Performance gua~antee requirements arc modified and the mini- mum and maximum amounts are raised to a more appropriate leve 1. Mr. B?ldt stated t~3t the County Attorney would like the following language changes made La the proposed Ordinance: Section 10, paragraph ß, line two: insert the words "and nontransferable" after the word "nonrefundable" Section l5, Paragraph I. line one: insert the words "In addition to the over-excavation penalty provided in Section 8.C.3 of this Ordinance" and change the words "Any Appl ¡~dnl~ to "any person". Section 15, Paragrf1ph 1, 2nd Sentence: insert the words "Each day a violation exists shall be considered a separate offense" at the beginning of the sentence. ~r. Boldt stated Staff recommends adoption of the proposed Ordinance, as ðmc~ded. Page 13 MARCil 1, 1988 Tape '3 Mrs. Charlotte Westman, League of Women voters, stated they have been in favor of this Ordinance for two years ~nd commended Staff for a job yell done. Mr. Dennis frick, Associate Corporate Counsel for Florida Rock 1~du5tries, Inc., distributed copies of ð letter outlining their com- ~nts on the proposed Ordinanc( for c?nsideration (letter on file in the Cl~rk to the Board Office). A lengthy discussion followed on Sections 6, 7, 10. 12, and 15 of the proposed Ordinance. Tape t4 coamissioner Hasse ~oved, seconded by commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. cOJ8Ai~5~.oner Hasse ~oved, seconaed by commissioner Saunders ana carried unanimously, that the ordinance as nuwbered ana titled below, with the change, requestea by the county Attorney, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 30. ORDINANCE NO. 88-26 AN ORDINMICI TO fŒGULATE I-:XCAVATJOtiS \-IITIIH~ COLLIE¡~ COUNTY, FLOHIDA; PHUJI[J/fjG fOR fiNDHlGS AND TilE:: PURPOSE OF TilE ORDINANCE; PPOIIIBITING EXCA\'ATlONS WITIIOUT A PERMIT; PROV I 0 HlG DEF I rn T JOrJS; PROV ID 1 NG EXEMPT IONS; PROV 1 DING FOR ISSUAUc¡.: 0 i'- I'U~11ITS; PROVIDING G¡':NI-:RAL Hl::QUIREMr:NTS ¡"OR I SSUAHO: OF PEHH ITS; PROV I D tNG IŒQU QŒMENTS fOR CONSTRUCT JON Of EXCAVATiOtJS; PROVIDING INSPECTION AND REPORTING RI-:QUIHU'\I-:rns; I'IWVILJIIJG r"OH n:ES; PROVIDING FOH Pt::IU"OHMANCE GUM¡ANTU: IH:QUlkl'.m:NTS; PHOVlOlNG FOR APPI-:A!.S; PROVIDING I-'OR LIBERA!. CCJ~JSTPUCTJOr~ or TilE ORDINANCI':; PROVIDING FOR IMPLE1-I!.:!nr\T¡O~ OF TilE ORDINANCE-:; PHOVIDING FOR PENALTIES AND ENFORc¡.:HENT; I'HOIl 10 I NG FOR SEVf.HAI3 I LITY; PROV I D I NC FOR TilE EFFECT Of 'I'm: O!w I NANCE ON PREV I OUS LY I SSUFD PERM 1 TS AND EXISTING EZCIWf,rIOtIS; PROVIDING FOR COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL I'[({HIT::;; IŒI'CALING ORDIfI/\!JCE NOS. 73-12, 0O-2G, AND Page 14 ~CO~ 112 P1',~ 27 t'G~ 112 W.t 28 W,RCII I, 1988 83-3 WHICII PHOVIDED FOR REGULATIONS AND ISSUANCE OF EXCAVATION P¡':Rr-lIT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. *** RECESS AT 10:30 A.M. RECONVENED AT 10:45 A.M. *** Itea t6C2 ORDIKANCE 88-27 AMEnDING THE TITLE OF ORDINAN~E 87-57, VANDERBILT VILLAS PUD, TO CORRECT SCRIVENER'S ERROR - ~DOPTED Legal notic~ having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 29, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed wiLh the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending the title to Ordinance 87-57, Vanderbilt Villas PUD, to correct a scrivener's error. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner pis tor and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 30. ORDIN~CE NO. 88-27 AN ORD/NMICL M-1UIIJJNG THE TITLE TO OP.UINANCE 87-57 r'OR THE PUdlllE!> tJfjJT DEVELOPMENT Kfjo\-n-l AS VANDERBILT VILLAS BY M'ifJIDItlC TilE I.:!\xmur., NUMBER OF 79'.DWELLING UNITS (25 SINGLE-FM¡I!.Y - ').1 r.1ULTI-FA,.iILY) TO 75 DWELLING UNITS (21 S-fNGLE-F/,¡'lIL'f - 54 HULTI-FAHILY) FOP. TilE Hf.fŒIN DESCH I BED PHOI'EHTY LOCATED ON 1'111': EAST S I DE Of VANDEHßILT Df~ IV£:, API'I'OXIMATELY l800 FEET NORTII OF THE ItITERSECTION 01 lllTII AVENUE NOInll AND VANDERBILT DRIVE IN SECTION 21. '!'O\oIIISIIIP 48 SOUTH, HANGE: 25 EAST, AND BY PRtJVIDIrIG FOIl All EFFECTIVE DATI':. Item "C3 ORDINA~CE 88-28, COr/FIRMING THE CRE~TION OF THE MARCO ISLAND BEAUTIYIC~TION ADVISORY CO~iITTEE - ~DOPTED WITH CHANGE Legal noLice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February la, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with Page 15 - - - MARCil 1, 1988 the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance con- firming th~ creation of the Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee. Engineering Direr..lor Huber stated the Marcû Island rJeautification Advisory Committee was originally created by Resolution and the pur- pose of the proposed Ordinance is to provide consistency with Ordinance 86-41 establishing standards for all advisory boards. Mr. Huber stated that Sections 2 and 3 deal specifically with the Marco Island Bedutificalion Advisory Committee, with Section 2 outlining the appointment Ghd composition of the Committee and Section 3 outlining the terms of office for the Committee. Mr. Huber advised that the following change must be made to Sections 2 and 3: Change "'-Iarco Island Condominium Owners ^ssociation" to "Harco Association of Condominiums". Mr. Huber stated Staff recommends adoption. co..issioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Gooanight and carriea unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below with the change outlined above, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book !fo. 30. ORDINANCE NO. 88-28 AN OHD WANCL com'I IU., I,..¡G TilE CHEAT iON Of TilE MARCO [SLAND BEAUT I fICAT rON ^[)V [SOHY COMMITTE¡-:; PHOV 10 ING fOR APPOINTr-II-;tI'l' M4I) COMPOSITiON; SI::Tl'lNG ¡"OKTli T:t~ TI::HMS Of:' OFFICE; PROVIIJING fOR REMOV^L FROM OffICE, f^ILURE TO Page 16 ~oo¡ 112 W,\ 29 ~~o~ 112 F1".t 30 MARCil 1, 1988 ATTErlD ~EETrNGS; PROVIDING FOR OFfICERS, QUORUM, RULES OF PROCr-:D!JfH:; PPOVlIJING fOR REIfomURSEMENT OF EXPENSES; SETT WG fORTI! THI-: rUtlCT IONS, POWEHS AND OUT I ES Of THE ADVISOry nOAfW; Sr:TTHlG FORTI! TilE DliTES OF THE COLLIER ComITY PUBLIC vIO\lY.S ADMIrHSTRATOR; I'I,')VIDING FOR FŒVIE\ol; PROVIDING FOH cmwuCT AND Sf:Vf:RABLII"(; PROVIDING FOR "N Eff~CTI'I¡': D^TI.. Item t'C4 ORDINANCE 88-29, CREATING THE WIGGINS PASS AREA ADVISOR! COMMITTEE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 10, 1988 a3 ~víd~nc~d by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, pub] ic hearing was op~ned to consider an ordinance creating the Wiggins Pass Area Advisory Committee. Engineering Director fluber distributed copies of Exhibit "A", which was inadvertently not attached to the copies of the proposed ordinance. fie also displa'¡ed a copy of Exhibit "A" (map). Commissioner Hass<:' stat~d that he has received some phone calls fro~ people in the Wiygins Pass area objecting to this taxing district and feel it should be placcj on a referendum. Commissioner Pistor stated the taxing unit was passed by the Commjssion in order to obtain the monies this y~ar. He explained that normal Iy there would have been a referendum, however, it would then take two years to collect the revenue. Chairman Glass slated that he has also received a few calls objecting Lo t~c taxing district, however, he has also received 300 or 400 calls in favor of the LðXinq district. Page 17 -- MARCil 1, 1988 Cornmissi-:>ner Saunders noted that bp-fore an~' project is started, or any money is spent, there will be another public hearing to consider the cost of the project. lie stated the proposed ordinance today, is just to create the Advisory Committee. Mr. Huber stat~d the proposed ordinance rð~ been drafted in compliance with Odillance 86-41 on Advisory Boards and Ordinance 87-96 which created Lhc Wiggins PasS MSTU. He stated that Section 2 outli- neB the compositicn of the 5 member Co~mittee and Section 3 sets forth the ter~s of office. 1112 stated Staff recommends adoption. Ms. Viola Barkley aDd ~r. Douglas McAusland, Wiggins Pass area residents, spoke In opposition to the proposed crdinance. Commissioner Sauncers expldined that no tax has been levied and none will be levied until there is ð public hearing on the cost of the pro- ject. He explained that the proposed Ordinance merely establishes the Advisory Committe~. He suggested that \o/iggins Pass residents who are ir. favor and those who ~r~ opposed t~ the project attend the public hearing. co..issioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner saunders and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Orðinance Book No. 30. ORDINANCE NO. 88-29 AN ORDIrlMICI: CIŒATING THE WIGGINS PASS AREA ADVISORY cor'1MITn:~:; I'IWVIDltlG FOR APPOINTI-II-:NT AND COMPOSITION; scrrHJG FORTH T1IE n:nMS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING fOR REr"OVAL Page 18 ~CO~ 112 P1r:( 31 tCG~ 112m~ 32 MARCil 1, 1988 fROtt OI'"FIO;, ('"AILURE TO ATTEND fo1EI::1'INGS; PROVIDING FOR OfFtCEHS, QIJOHtJr'1, IHJI.F:S Of" PROC¡':DlJRI-:; P"OVTDING fOR RE IMnURSEHCHT Or- Ei'.PEHSES; SETT ING f(.RTI! TilE FUNCT IOtIS, POWERS MID DUTIES OF THE ADV¡SOP,'{ nOI-ED; SETTING fORTI! THE DUTTF.S tJ[-" THE COLLIER cour~TY PURLIC ~IORKS ADM IN I ST;{ATOH; I'HOV I DING fOR REV I EV/; PROV I DING fOR COHFLICT !\IID SCVERAß I L ITY; PROVIDING fOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Caamissioner Saun~ers moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that one of the first functions of the Wiggins Pass Advisory co~~ittec will be to determine what the people in the areA want and make a rccOQmendation on whether the Commission should proceed with this project. Itesa 17Al PETITION V-88-1, JtEVHr STOnEBURNER REPRESENTING COKMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT CO. REQUESTING A VARIANCE FOR A CONVENIENCE STORE W/GAS PUMPS -DENIED Legal notice having br...;:n published in the Naples Daily News on February 14, 1988 as ~vldenced by AffidaviL of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider PeLition V-88-1, filed by Commercial Jcvclopment Company, represented by Kevin Stoneburner, requesting a 25 foot variance from the required side yard setback for a convenience store with gas pump~ at the intersection of U.S. 41 and lO3rd Avenur:, North. in Naples Park. Planner Weeks stated the subject property is a corner lot with two front yards, two side yards and no rear yard. He displayed a map showing the location ~J the property, the required setbacks, and the setbacks being rcquesl~d by the peLitioner. Mr. Weeks explained that convenience stores with gas pumps arc pagc 19 . MARCH 1, 1988 placed in the sam~ category as automobile service stations and, there- fore, require more strin~~nt setbacks than a cnnvenience sLore by itse 1f . He stated, however, that the convenie~~e store portion of this property is not r<!ðlly the same as an automobi I" servic~ station because they do not do noisy car repairs which require the more stringent setbacks, lie said the proposed gas pumps meet the ~etback requirements and ar~ not at issue today. Mr. Weeks adviscd that the Zoning Ordinance requires 15 feet set- backs for conveniençe stores alone and 40 feet setbacks from con- venience 3tores with gas pumps. lIe noted there have been a handful of petitions on this issu~ and all but one have been approved, and in all cases Staff has recomme~ded denial based on the requirements in the zoning Ordinance. Tape '5 Mr. Weeks stated that Staff agrees there may be a problem with the interpretation of this section in the Zoning Ordinance, however, until that situation can be reviewed and maybe changed, Staff recommends denial. lie said Staff docs not find any specific land or site related hardship, since there :s a possibility that the site could be deve- loped differently. Mr. Mark Lameroux, reprcs~nting Kevin Stoneburner, stated that if this project were a convenience store alone they would not need a variance. lie said the gas pumps meet or exceed setback requirements and asked thðt the Board look at this issue from ð common sense point ~~~ 112 Fr.1 33 Page 20 " 'co~ 112 H',:' 34 --.."" MARCil I, 1988 of vieY. Mr. George Keller, Collier County Civic F~~eration, requested that this petition be denied until such time as the Zoning Ordinance may be changed. coøaissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Uoard is opposed to varian- ces, however, he believes the Ordinance should be amended for these situations and he do~s not see why the petitioner should have to wait for that process. commissioner saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight to approve petition V-SS-l. Upon call for the question, the motion failed 2/3 (Commissioners pistor, Hasse and Glass opposed). Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that staff be directed to review the required setbacks on this situation in the zoning Ordinance. Item '81\ '. EXTENSION OF TIME TO COHPLY WITH ZONING VIOLATION CITATION - OCTAVIANO ARIZKENDE - GRANTED FOR SIX MONTHS Mr. Arizmende, spca~ing through an interpreter, stated that he received ~otice of a zoning violation and is required to move his mobile homes off hi3 property within 30 days. He said he is asking for an extension of thIs lime. planning/zoning [)ireclor McKim advised that this zoning violation Page 2l MARCH 1, 1988 is one of many in Section 16. She stated th~1 Staff requested direc- tion from the Board Lo rezone the property to allow a mobile home overlay, which wa3 denied because of water management and fire safety concerns. She said Staff was directed to enforce the Zoning Ordinance and this process bcgùn in Jðnuary. She s~id the 30 day period will expire on March 3 or March 5, 1988, at which time the property will be rechec~ed and if the mobile homes are still there they will receive a 15 days notice, and if Lhey are still on the property they are given a 7 day notice to appcar at the State Attorney's Office. Mrs. 11cKim staLed the, .are requesting an extension of the 30 day " tiøe period to allow more time to either sell the mobile homes or to relo-:;ate them. She advis~d they are having trouble relocating because the existing parks are either too expensive or do not allow children. A brief discussion followed on the requirement for one dwelling per 5 acres. Mrs. McKim stated that this property was originaliy owned by the School ßoard and it was parceled and sold in the lJ60's and most parcels are under 5 acres, however, they are grandfathered and legal non-ccnforming lols. She stated lhaL in this case, the petitioner has more than one mobile home on the parcel and t~e overlay would not have solved that problem. Mrs. McKim stated there w~re a total of 26 cases and 11 have been closed because the pccple have provided affidavits proving the mobile homes have been on the property prior to 1971 and are grandfathered. She 8oid there ðr~ 5ll11 l~ ~çLive cases, 4 of which are on Lhis Page 22 ~CG~ 112 P1',t 35 aoo~ 112 w~ 36 MARCH 1, 1988 property. In answer to County Attorney Cuyler, Mr. Arizmende stated he is requesting a 6 month extension. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Mrs. McKim stated that other than the overlay, Lh~ only other option in the Zoning Ordinance is a site development plan for farm labor housing. She stated she is not certain if the same water management concerns ~ould surface. In enswec to Commissioner Hasse, Mrs. McKim stated that at the present time no mobile homes are allowed on this properly zoned A-2. Answering Chairman Glass, Mrs. McKim stated that in most cases it is pretty clear that the mobile homes have not been on the property since 1974, however, ther~ is one case where the mobile home was replaced in 1978 or 197~, and therefore is in violation. In response to Co~missioner Hasse, Mr. Arizmende stated his mobile home has been on the property since 1979. Also in response to Conunissioner Ha!';se, I-Irs. McKim stated that none of the people involved obtained ~uilding permits. She added that thè people involved are permanent residents of Collier County and not transient residents. Commissioner Pist<Jr stated that he would like to s~e a 6 month extension granted to give Staff time to review the situation and come up with a program to accommodate these farm workers. He noted that most of the people in that area work for 6-L farms. Mr. Arizmendc, responding Lo Commissioner Hasse, stated that he. owns the land and th~ mobile home. Page ~3 - - - --^-- MARCil 1, 1988 ccmaissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Saunders, that a 6 aonth grace period on compliance of these zoning violations be given, and staff is directed to review the zoning situation and the possibility of a solution. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the Board wi~l have to decide if the mobile homes should be moved or if they should wait and see if Staff finds a solution. Commissioner pistor suggested they try to move off the property and Staff is to review the overall situation. County Manager [~rrilJ stated the record needs to be clear that this is final no~icc. lie stated the original citations were dated November, 1986 and thç;> mob n e homes a re be i ng occup i ed i llega 11 y, in non-conforming use, with no storm drainage or sanitary sewage require- ments, questic~ðbJe access into and out of the property, and no building permits ever issued. He stated he would not want the Board to send the wrong type of message as it relates to housing in agri- cultural areas. coaaissioner pistor amended his motion to include that this is the final extension on these violations that will be offered by the Board of county Commissioners and the mobile homes will either have to be moved and staff will let them know if there is possibility for change. Mr. John Keschl, Collier County resident, stated that the mobile homes do not comply with any rules and regulations of the County. lie stated that he sympalhi~es with their plight, however, he requested the Board to be realistic about the petition and deny the extension. Page 24 ~OD~ 112 P1'.t 37 't;~ jlJL~FA~~ ~~ MARCH 1, 1988 Tape " Mrs. Alice Ramos stated that she has also received a citation and asked where she ~s supposed to move the mobile home? She stated that the woman she bought her mobile home from had a paper which stated she could remain on the property. She said the trailer was very old so she replaced it in J982 or 1983. Commissioner Pistor stated his feeling that this is a major problem. Mrs. McKim stated the size of the lots is not really an issue, since they ar~ legal non-conforming lots. She said other than the overlay district, the only other possibility is to encourage one of the property owners to develop a formal labor ccmp and the site development plan approval process would need to be fúllowed. She stated thðt in light of the violations and the denial of the rezone, Stðff needs to be dir~cted to pursue the site development plan, which is an administrative approval. She stated it would take a formal review process and all units would have to meet code. ~ Commissioner Goodnight stated ~hat she brought this problem to the Board's attention last year because of problems with zoning being inconsistent with what was on the property. She stated that at that time she felt she gave very good arguments why this area should have a mobile home overlay or be rezoned, however, the Hoard rejected it. She stated that now p~')ple arc going to have to mo~~ and this is part of the affordable hou3ing that she continually talks about. She stated these familics have purchased ð piece of property to live on Page 25 MARCH 1, 1988 and the only thing th~y can afford at this time is a mobile home. said they will tell you they want to build ð h~me on that property She some day but right now they cannot afford it. She said this is a sub- ject that the Board of c~unly Commissioners must address, and unless the Commission would like to get into subsidizing af~ordable housing, the only option left is to review the mobile home overlays to allow people to buy property and live in a mobile home. coaaissioner pistor restated his motion that a 6-month delay in enforcing the present cita~ions be granted and in the mean time the ~ staff review the condition in this area for the possibility of helping as many of the people as possible: and that this is the final exten- sion for this issue. Seconded by commissioner Goodnight. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Itea laB STAN RICHARDS TO RECEIVE FINAL INSPECTION FOR HOKE ON MARCO ISLAND, BUILDING PERMIT 187-2779 - VARIANCE TO BE APPLIED FOR Planning/zoning Director McKim stated there is currently a mora- torium on After-The-Yact variance Applications, which prevents Mr. Richards from applying for a variance on Building Permit #87-2779. She stated that Mr. Richards is requesting the Board to waive the moratorium end allow h.m to apply aL this time. In answer to Chairman Glass, Mrs. McKim stated that this variance does not fall into the category of administrative approval even in the new draft of the Ordinance. She stated the new draft will be heard by Page 26 !OO~ jljl~P1~~ ~~ } ,oo~ 112 '1'1:: 40 MARCil 1, 1988 the CCPC on March 17, 1988 and will be advertised for ð Board meeting sometime in mid-April. Mr. Stan Richards of Apple Construction, Inc., advised that they ðtte~pted to get a final inspection of the home about 10 days ago and were rejected because the spot survey did not meet the seLback requirements. He stðled he would like the opportunity to apply for a variance now and he would like the Commission to instruct Staff to give the final jnsp~ctions in order to obtain a temp~rary C.O. to allow Mr. Meyerhoffer to move into his home. He st~ted that in return, they will ~omply with whatever decision the Board renders at the variance hearing. County Manager Dorrill stated this home is finished and ready for a Certificate of Occupancy and it would place a hardship on the owner to continue to pay interest on his construction loan while hc is awaiting a variance opportunity. He stated the petitioner is requesting that he be allowed to proceed with the final inspection for the purposes of C.O. and move into the home. ~ Commissioner Pistor stated that the petitioner's letter states that the County Huildlng U~partment continued to give inspections throughout construction and the encroachments were not discovered. He asked how this encroachment happened? Mr. Richards stated that it appears the original surveying company used the wrong starLing mark in the road and placed the pin in the wrong place. He stated his belief that th~ situation went this far Page 27 - - - MARCH l, 1988 because they submitted a spot survey and elevation prior to November, 1987 which apparently was filcd and not examined by the County. He said thet when they went to get the final inspection, the Building Department stated that they had never submitted the -'pot survey. noted that the County has no procedure to ~e11 the contractor that the spot survey is accepted :>r rejected, and becalwe they were still receiving inspections, they assumed the spot survey was proper. Commissioner Pistor stated Lhat he does not like giving after-the- fact variances, however, he feels that the County is somewhat to blalOO. ~ Assistant County Manager McLemore stated that he looked into this situation and it appears that there may have been a procedural error on the part of the County. lie stated there was a new employee at the point where the request came in, however, it cannot be substantiated because there is no r~~~rd. coaai.sioner pi.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Staff be directed to proceed with the final inspection for purposes of certificate of Occupancy and at the same ti.e the contractor apply for an after-the-fact variance- Itea '91.1 REPORT PREPAREO BY FLORIDA PRESERVATION SERVICES TO BE USED IN PREPARATION OF THE GROWTH KAN~GEMEWT PL~N - ~CCEPTED Ms. Diane Smith stðlcd that on September 8, 1987 the Board approved a contract with F lc)r ida Prcserva t ion Scrv ices to inventory Page 28 ~OO~ 112 p~r.t 41 .".",_.-- ---.--'. lie --,---,-~--"'" ~OQ~ JLJl~FI~~ ~~ MARCH 1, 1988 certain portions of the County for historic and archaeologic sites and structures. She stated the work was completl'd and three documents lIistorical Architectural Survey, An Archaeologic were produced: She st~ted these ~ocuments Survey, and an Historic preservation plan. will be used as a resource by the Staff Lo incorporate within Lhe Future Land Use, lIousing and Coastal Management Elements of the Growth Management Plan. Mr. Phil Werndly, of Florida preservation Services, stated they yere hired to complete an earlier survey started a couple years ago for the Historical Seciety. He stated the third report addresses spe- cífic issues concerning planning priorities and policies which may address historic preservation in the County. He stated that plan is not for adoption but it is to be used as information in the develop- ment of the Growth Management plan. He stated this report may be used as a guide to monitor whether the recommendations have been placed within the plan. .' Mr. Werndly stated that in general they inventoried approximately l49 structures and of those approximately 66 are either in the National Register or of local significance; however, all 66 structures do not necessarily need to be saved, but they are researched, recorded and researched. lie staled that in their opinion, if there arc questions about preservation of an individual stru;ture which was identified in lhr:- SlJrw"I, lht:' Aoard can use th~ report to determine if it is significanl enough lo be saved. Page 29 - - - MARCH 1, 1988 Hr. werndly stated there are areas identified in the report which they (eel need some specific Attention: Roberts Ranch in Immoka1ee, Sm~llwood's Store, the three Weigh Stations on Tamiami Trail, and Weaver St.ation. He stated it is his understa1ding that Weaver Station is under active consideration to be put in the Fahkailatchee Strand. He said it is their recommendation that everything f'Ossible be done to acquire and preserve these sites. Hr. werndly stated the other recommendation addresses how to manage the identification and preservation of significant archaeologic resources in the County. lie recommended that the Board consider the reactivation of the co~nty~listorical Commission to sit as a body to help evaluate the significance of structures which become threatened by development. tIe advised it is important fo:: there to be public citizens on a body to have input into the historical decisions. Hr. werndly stated they have proposed some amendments to the Development Orders and processes to help strengthen the current poli- cies which provide for developers to take into consideration the impact of their projects on archae?10gica1 resources. It is their opinion, he said, that an Historical Committee would help to evaluate whether a site is significant enough to be preserved or require the developer to fund the salvage excavation of that site. commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, thAt the report prepared by Florida preservation Services, be accepted. ~QQ( 112 P1',t 43 Page 30 t:~~ 112 Fl~~ '44 M^RCfI I, 1988 Item UA2 BIG CORXSCUW ISLÞ.lID FIRE CONTROL' RESCUE DISTRICT TO RECEIVE FINAL IKSPECTION AND MEET WITH STAFF TO WORK OUT Dl~FICULTIES WITH BUFFERING REQUIR&KENT - ~PPROVED Chief Bob Siebold, Rig Corkscrew Island Fire C~nlrol & Rescue District, advised that he cannot meet the landscape regulations for the new fire station. fie slated ð lO ft. wide buffer is required and that measurement places the buffering in the middle of a canal. He stated he is willing to do whatever is necessary to comply, but in the meantime he would like a temporary Certificate of Occupancy to get the station open and operating. Planner Weeks advlsed that one of the stipulations placed on the Fire District's Provisional Use is a landscap~ buffer along the north, east, and west boundary lines. He stated they need their C.O., but they have not met the buffering, requirements. Mr. Weeks stated Chief Siebold will apply for an amendmert requesting that the buffering sti- pulation be changed. Mr. Weeks stated that since the original provisional Use went .' through a public hearing process, Staff is requesting that the change be accomplished as part of another public hearing. Board could waive the ~dditional fee. He noted the Tape '7 Chairman Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that staff be instructod to proceed with the final inspection for certificate of Occupancy and Chief Siebold meet with 8tatt to determine what must be done tor compliance. Page 31 ......... ,. t \( t,,~ MAnCil l, 1988 Ite. UD1 CONVERSION OF $18,000,000 UTILITY REVENUE BONUS FOR FINANCING OF 1966 C~PITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - APPROVED Utilities Administrator Crandall staled that the ~ounty will be going to bid later this month on the County Regional Sewage Treatment plant and related facilities which is approximately a 529,000,000 pro- j ec t. He stated that $10,000,000 of this project is being funded by an EPA Gnsnt. lie slated StatE is seeking approval to convert 518,000,000 of the Hi-Modal money to a fixed rate and be brought back for the actual sal~ later ~hi5 month. co..issioner pistor moveð, seconðeð by CoMmissioner Hasse rnð carri.ð unanimously, that the conversion of $16,000,000 Bi-Moðal Revenue Bonds to project bonðs, effective ~pril 6, 1988 anð the asso- ciated sale of bonds on or about March 15, 1988, be approved. ... RECESS ~T 12:15 P.M. RECONVENED AT 2:00 P.M. ... Deputy Clerk Hoffman replaceð Deputy Clerk Kueter Tap. " It.. f9C1 ESCROW ~GREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND ASSOCIATION OF UNIT OWNERS (ADO) FOR THE INST~LLATION OF A THIRD POD AND UTILITIES FOR THE CLAM PASS P~RX - APPROVED Public Services ^dministrator O'Donnell indicated that in c~njunc- tion with matters discussed during negotiations with AUO, Staff felL it would be beneficial for the County to require an Escrow Agreement in the amount of SI~O,OOO, for the construction of ð third pod, within four years and the installation of the utilities. He noted if the Page 32 !~O; 112 P1'.{ 45 'OO( 112 m~46 MARCH 1, 1988 third pod is not completed within 4 years, $75,000 and any accrued interest will be Lurned over to the County, adding that at the time of the third pod completion, $75,000 and any acc~"led interest will be return~d to AUO. He further noted that at the time of completion of the water and sewer utility hookup, construction and installation, as deter.ined by t~e County, the remaining $75,000 plus accrued interest will be returned to AUQ. Mr. O'Donnell no Led that under a separate agreeMent with AUO, the County agreed to split the cost 50-50 for the installation of the uti- lity lines, noting that the Utility Division has been unable to complete the final design since the exact size of the lines has not been determined. CoJMIissioner Hasse questioned the four year time period for the construction of the third pod, to which Mr. O'Donnell responded there was nothing "magicaJ" about that time, adding that during nego- tíatio~s, boLh Staff and AUO determined that to be an adequate period of time for the third pod completion. Assistant County Attorney Weigel advised (hat the $150,000 ~mount in the Escrow Agreement docs not represent the total cost for construction of Lhe third pod and the installation of water/sewer uti- lities to the beach facility, but noted the amount is near enough for the party putting the sum forward that they would wish to facilitate the disencumbrance of Lhose funds by tðking care of their obligations. He stated that th~ ~onc~pt in the Joint Agreement that the County has Page 33 - - ~ MARCil 1, 1988 with AUO regðrding the wðter/sewer placement is that the AUO will pro- vide the contracting for installation, stating further that a septic system is in place which is adequate and does ~eet physical demands and legal requirements, and will remain in pla~e unti 1 the placement of ~ seYer hookup within proximity of the County premise~ that would require the County to provide a permanent pipeline hookup. Mr. weigel indicated that questions which are still outstanëing are whether the County needs to have a water pipeline instúlled that is sufficient for the fu1l expanded sprinkler system requirement3 which ~ay be required at tQc beachside facility, adding that if the pipeline requirement is reduced for sprinkler and water flow pressure level, then the cost from a 6" line to a 3" line would be substan- tially lower. Clerk Giles stated that it appears on the contract that $37,500, regardless of the actual cost of the septic system will be credited to AUO, if the County a~cepts the septic system. Mr. weigel replied that $37,500 is a portion of the $150,OOO placed in the Escrow Account as security, adding that AUO still has an underlying obligation to provide the construction of the third pod and to provide for the construction of the water/sewer utilities, noting that the County is in a reimbursement situation with AUO for the water/sewer utilities for one-half the share, if that route is taken. He added thðt escrow amounts will be returned to AUO as the agreements go forward, noting that by the time the County reimburses them totally ðOO( 112 W,¡ Page 34 47 ,oo~ 112 w,r. 48 MARCil 1, 1988 for the water/sewer escrow money, there would be no turning back on the part of AUG. He advised that there is a separate contract agree~nt which provides for AUO'S obligation which is completely apart from the E~crow Agreement. Hr. Richard Aaron for the AUO noted that there seems to be con- fusion regarding the septic system, adding that the septic system is already in place and none of the money placed in escrow relates to it. He further stated th3t the question is, how much money will be given back to the AUO if the septic system is accepted and how much is left to cover the cost of the water? He added that t~ey had received a bid at one time for $35,000 for a 3" water line. He noted at this time there are no working drawings for the third pod, but the permits are in place and construction can possibly begin this summer. In response to Commissioner- Glass, Mr. O'Donnell indicated that the guardhouse sti II needs to be constructed, noting that problems regarding permitting for installation of a lift station to dump the waste out of the guard house have been resolved, adding that the per- .' .its shall be able to be picked up shortly. He stated that he has been advised by the engineers, that construction should be completed within 60 days, after issuance of permit. Mr. O'Donnell noted that another item which needs to be resolved is the final design work of the utility lines, which is pending final resolution as to whether the design will be for a water/sewer line, or exclusively a water line and what size the water line is to be. Page 35 MARCH 1, 1988 Hr. O'Donnell stðted, in answer to Commissioner pistor, that after checking with the Coast Guard, the drawbridge will have to remain in operation. Tap. 18 Hr. Pedro Prado, General Manager of the Registry Resort, noted that the hotel would like to provide a means for County residents and hotel guests to enjoy a good meal and enjoy good service, adding that the third pod will provide this. Hrs. Charlotte Westman representing the League of Women Voters, stated her concern in th~ Escrow Agreement, Article 4, "If AUO fails to construct the third pod~ithin four years of the date of this Agreement or otherwise determines not to build the third pod". ... then referring to the Concession Agreeme~t which s~ates the third pod shall be built by the AUO Assistant County Attorney Weigel responded that if the AUO fails to build the third pod within the four years or determines not to build the third pod. then under the terms of the Escrow Agreement the 575,000 plus accrued interest will become the property of the County. He further stated that the Concession Agreement talks about the third pod, if it "shall" be built, noting that the term "shall" is essen- tially of a future nature. Commissioner Saunders asked Mr. Aaron if he objected to changing Paragraph 4 to a lesser amount of time for construction of the third pod, to which Mr. Aaron responded the AUO could live with two years Page 36 ~oo.{ 112 PAr.i 49 &00-,( 112 WJ. 50 MARCH I, 1988 for completion of this pod. Hr. Dick Braun stated opposition to the I"scrow Agreement, stating that in the past the AUO has not fulfilled their obligations, i.e. guardhouse, noting that four years ago they had the same obligations they have today. He further stated he feels the money should be kept in escrow for 5-10 years, in the event that the present septic system fails and the County has to install sewer lines, the AUO will pay for it. He noted that he feels the County is "selling the farm" by epproving the Concession Agreement with AUO. Commissioner Saunders questicned why Mr. Braun feels the County is "selling the farm", to which Mr. Braun indicated that the Registry has used the parking lot and the County is getting no revenue for it; the County shall reimburse the AUO 50\ of tram operator salary cost; the County is to purchas~ an additional tram, if necessary, the County to provide electrical pow~r to beachside facility by an electrical generator. In closing h~ stated that the County should not be sub- sidizing the AUO. "tap. f9 .~ Commissioner Pístor noted that the guardhouse will be in place within a few weeks, and that the parking fee will be contributing toward whatever the County wishes to obligate it for. He further stated that the County has not gotten into the full operation of the park, as yet. He staLed he feels this is a good arrangement, noting that 15\ of the revenue will be coming to the County. Page 37 r" - - - , it ~ . ~ 'Ii .;.. MARCH 1, 1988 Hr. John Keschl, residenL, indicated that ,e is in opposition to the EscrOY Agreement with the AUO, adding tha~ he feels the Registry Hotel should be denied any effort or access to any part of the subject strip of land. coaaissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, to accept staff recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Escrow Agreement with AUO in the aaount of $150,000 for completion of a third pod and installation of utilities tor Clam Pass Park to be completed within two years. Hr. O'Donnell stated that the plans for the guardhouse have been reviewed and approved by the County and the permit is attainable so that AUO will proceed ~ith construction and it wili be completed within 60 days. Hr. Crandall indicated that he has spoken with the people at Pelican Bay regarding the sewer service from the guard house going to Pelican Bay, adding that they are in agreement with this, tentatively. tun:: D::x::\.Iœnt rot received in office of Clerk of Board as of 3/8/88. ...**Recess 3:15 P.M. Reconvene 3:20 P.M..... Itea t9C2 CONCESSION AGREEMENT FOR THE CLAM PASS PARK WITH AUO - DENIED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that subject Concession Agreement has been negotiated by Staff and AUO. He noted that: 1. It is a 7 year Agreement which allows the County to ter- minate with 60 days prior notice at the end of the concession year which would run from January - December. 2. The County will receive 15' of the revenues generated from the sale of food and non-food sale rental items with a 2' escalator each year, and the CounLy will receive a monthly minimum of $1,500. Page 38 ~OO~ 112w.~ 51 'O" 112w.l. 52 MARCH l, 1988 3. AUO will be responsible for litte~ collection and disposal at the Park. 4. AUO shall be responsible for general landscaping, weeding and day to day maintenance of landscaping surrounding the parking lot end security to the Park. 5. AUO wi 11 be responsible for the utility costs regarding the concession operation. 6. On an available basis, overflow parking from the County's parking lot, which is 180 spaces, will be available at the hotel. 7. The County will reimburse AUO 50% of the salary costs exclusive of fringe benefits for the tram operators. 8. The County will be responsible for acquisition or rental of a third tram, if necessary. Additional trams will be shared equally. 9. Maintenance storage operations of the trams shall be total responsibility of the AUO. 10. The County shall receive its concession remittance no later than 15 days after the close of each month. 11. Any or a'l special events not expressly authorized within the Concession AgreemenL will require advance approval by the County. l2. The Park is a public facility, and the County shall have the right to schedule special events. l3. All prices ~usl be visible and pro~inently displayed with the County having approval power over the it~ms ðnd the prices in advance. 14. Concessionaire must provide proof of insurance. He further stated the hours of operation at the Park will be from 9:00 A.M. until 6:00 P.M., seven days per week. Mr. O'Donnell advised that the AUO is in Agreement with all provi- sions of the Concession Agreement except the percentage of remittance, adding that AUO would like to see the Concession Agreement escalate by no greater than 20\, noting that the 2% per year in the Agreement Page 39 MARCH 1, 1988 would escalate to 27\. Tape 110 County Manager Dorrill stated that for obvious reasons, the AUO group would like the ~oncess!~n, adding that t~e park will be completed through the Escrow Agreement, noLing that ',his is a burden off the County Commission. lie noted that the construction of a com- mercial kitchen can be expected from this concessionaire, which will become an asset of the County in the second pod. He noted the reason the seven year figure is in the Agreement is to allow AUO a depre- ciation allowance for the capital value associated with the kitchen. He stated there are presen~ly discrepancies regarding the county's percentage return, noting the average rate of return will be $1,500 per month, or 21% over the life of the agreement, ðdding that Mr. Aaron's proposal is $1,500, or 19\. He indicated that he feels the Agreement is a good one and suggested that the County stick with it. He noted that further discussions regarding the revenues will be discussed at the March 15, 1988 meeting. Commissioner Hasse noted that the seven year guarantee in the Concession Agreement seems to be a problem and questioned why the County cannot require renewal each year? Mr. O'Donnell stated that they arrived at the seven years due to the cost of the kitchen faci- lity which will be incurred by AUO and depreciation was taken into consideration. Commissioner Pistor asked if Mr. Aaron would be in consent to Page 40 ~OO~ 112 w.~ 53' 'GO~ 112 w.t 54 MARCil 1, 1988 enter into the Agreement as it presently stat~s, and then review it in three years to readdress the per-entage? Mr. Aaron stated he wanted to be as reasonable as possible, but he is authorized only to a cer- tain point because of complicated ownership, and he could not agree to that. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the tram and salaries of the tram operators. Assistant County Attorney Weigel advised that 50\-50\ cost is for the two trams in operation, adding that if an additional tram is required, iL will be the sole responsibility of the County, and if a fourth or additional trams are necess~ry, it will revert to a 50~-50% breakdown. cosaissioner Goodnight moved seconðeð by Commissioner pistor, to approve the Concession ~greement as submitted, with the exception or the percentage to be negotiateð by the County Manager and AUO, and if it ðitters from what is presently stateð, the Agreement is to be brought back before the Board ot county Commissioners. .~ Commissioner Sðunders stated he has many concerns with the Agreement, addin~ that he had hoped that there would be a period of ti~e to observe the operation of the hotel, without being committed to a long-term Concession ^greement. He further stated he objects to the seven year term of the ^grecment. He suggested a one year Agreement with option of renewal each year. Agreement as written. Mr. Aaron stated he must stand by the Commissioner Hasse questioned if the Conccssion could go out for Page 41 MARCH 1, 1988 bid age in? Assistant County Attorney Weigel noted that Request for Qualifications regarding the Concession was advertised, adding that AUO was the only respondent to the Request for Proposal that had gone out. Hr. George Keller, President of the Collier County Civic Federation, suggested that a three year Agreement be drafted, adding that he feels use of the tram will be more for hotel guests than Collier County residents, noting that 50%-50% is not an equitable amount. Tape '11 <' Hr. Keschl stated his concerns regarding the septic system, noting that during the event of a fantastic storm, the area,will be entirely covered by water. He inquired as to the capacity of the septic system, to which Mr. Crandall responded that there is a dual tank system with capacity of 1,500 gals. per tank. Mr. Richard Lrðun stated that the Concession was to be put out for bid by the public, adding that the County will never know how much this Concession is worth, unless it is put out for the general public to bid. He indicated that thc County dOC3 not know what the cost to taxpayers will be to subsidize this concession, and he recommends the Board of County Commissioners deny this Concession Agreement and put it out to bid. Mrs. Charlotte Westman no Led her concerns stating that as of this date, the guard house is yet to be constructed, adding that residents aoo" 112 F1',f Page ,12 55 UG.\ 112 W.f. 56 MARCH l, 1988 who live close to ClaM Pass, cannot use the parking lot on some weekends because it is full mainly from the Registry Hotel guests. She further stated that her understanding during a meeting in 1983 was that there would be no Concession Agreement with the Registry Hotel. She indicated this is ð park site for the public, and the hotel is there and it is benefiting greatly by the presence of the park. In closing, she noted that she feels the Concession Agreement should be restricted to a one year Agreement, with renewal year to ye~r. County Manager Dorrill indicated that his recommendation is that if the Ownership canneL agcee with the motion, then he will bring this item back before the Board on the 15th of March. Mr. C. ^. Smith, resident, stated that his comments are neither pro nor con regarding the Concession Agreement, adding that he feels the public needs to know that the the Registry has not received preferen- tail treatment as indi~ated previously in the Naples Daily News, noting that if this Agreement is approved with the AUO today, what kind of reaction will there be from the publiG? Commissioner Goodnight restated her motion to approve the Aqreeaent as written for a 7 year term. Upon call for the question, aotion failed 2/3 (Commissioners Glass, Hasse and Saunders opposed). Tape 112 coJlUllissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders to put the Concession Agreement out for bid. commissioner Saunders withdrew his second. Motion died tor lack of second. Page 43 MARCH 1, 1988 Commissioner Glass stated this item will he brought back on March 15, 1988 for further discussion. ..... Recess: 4:45 - Reconvened: 4:50 at which time Deputy Clerk ~enyon replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman ***** ***** coamissioners Saunders was not present for the rest of the meeting as reflected by a 4/0 vote ***** Itea UEl PURCHASE AGREEMENT CONTRACT '86-945 WITH OFFICE FUFUlITURE AND DESIGN - EXTENDED UP TO 6 MONTHS - APPROVED Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that he is requesting that the contract for Steelcase Furniture be extended for up to 6 months subject to ~eing terminated anytime with a 30 day notice. He indicðted that bid specifications are being prepared, but in the interim he would like this contract extende~ so that staff will have time to bid this or execute a new contract. comai3sioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/0, that the purchase agreement contract 186-945 with Office Furniture and Design be extenðod up to 6 months. Page 44 ~~ 112 P4t;l 57 ."o~ 112 '1'.{ GO MARCH 1, 1900 Itea 1971 FUNDING ALLOCATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS FOR THE NEW HEALTH/PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDINGS - APPROVED coamissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that the increase of $50,000 to a total of $175,000 for the telecoamunication needs ot the new Health/Public Services Building be approved. It.. fllA BUDGET AKENDHENTS 88-143; 88-145; AND 88-147 - ADOPTED commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that Budget Amendments 88-143; 88-145; and 88-147 be adopted. Itea'12A RECONSIDERATION OF BID f87-1204"REGARDING AN AMBULANCE - TO BE RECONSIDERED ON KARCH 15, 1988 County Manager Dorríll stated that there was a problem with an ambulance bid with regards to the bid specifications, adding that there was an exception to the bid specifícatiÒns that was not found and was contained inside the bid package as opposed to the cover sheet as required. He stated that he is asking that this be brought back on Mðrch 15, 1988, at which time it will be reconsidered, but based on the reconsideration ordinance, it needs to be approved this date to be reconsidered. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that the bid regarding the ambulance be reconsidered on H4rcb 15, 1988. Page 45 MARCH 1, 1988 Itea'12B EXTRA GAIK TIME FOR INMATE NO. A-40639 - APPROVED Commissicner Glass stated that this prisoner performed a heroic service by rescuing some people in a fire. comaissioner pistor moved, seconded by Cor~issioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that the Extra Gain Time tor Inmate No. ~-40639 be approved. It.. 112C LEASE AGREEKENT BETWEEN BCC AND VETERANS ~~UNCIL, INC. FOR A CARNIV~L IN GOLDEK GATE - APPROVED ~ County Manager Dorrill stated that this was pulled off the consent Agenda, adding that this is a leAsc to use thc facility adjacent to the Goldcn Gate Community Center for the Collier County Veterans' Council. Mr. Donald Price, rcprcscnting the Collier County Veterans' Council, Inc., stated that there are two different occasions; 4th of July and March 30 through April 3, 1988. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Item 1484 deals with the affair for July 1 through July 5, 1988 and Item 11ß5 deals with March 30 through April J, 1988. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Price stated that during the 4th of July event, there would a picnic, family fun day, the parade, and the fireworks. lIe notcd that there would be arts and crafts displays, chili cook-offs, static demonstrations of military equip- &OO~ JlJl~Pl~[ (JJl Page 46 ,oo~ 112..1',( 62 MARCH 1, 1988 ment, fast rope demonstration, etc. Commissioner Hasse questioned what the hcJl\rs of operation will be for the carnival, to which Mr. Dorrill stated that the hours of opera- tion will be set forth in the carnival permit which will have to be approved by the Board. Co~missioner Glass stated that the Veterans' Council is also asking for relief of the $2,500 security bond and questioned if the Veterans' Council will guarantee the cleanup, to which Mr. Price replied affirmatively. Mr. Price stated that he is petitioning the Board for relief from the bond because insurance companies are not writing these type of bonds, adding that he is also petitioning for the relief of the parade per.it fee for the 4th of July parade which will be in Golden Gate this year. County Manager Dorrill stated that this is a separate matter, adding that the relief from the parade permit fee is not before the Board this date. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the agreement has been revised and instead of the $2,500 securi~y bond, there is a $200 deposit required in each case which is acceptable. commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/0, that the carnival for March 30 through April 3 (Item 14B5) and the 4th of July celebration (Item 14B4) be approved. Page 47 ,O~ 112 Fl(,( 66 MARCH 1, 1988 It.. f12D RESOLOTIOM 88-41 REQUESTING A PARADE PERMIT ~OR THE UTILIZATION OF B.R. 29 FOR THE IKHOKALEE HARVEST FESTIVAL OW APRIL 16, 1988 - ADOPTED , Commissioner Goodnight stated that she is in charge of the parade for the Immok~lee HarvcsL Fcstival, adding that she sent thc permits to FDOT to get the parade permit and she has received a letter stating that in order for the FOOT to give a parade permit, the local govern- ment has to request it. commissioner Goodnight moved, .econded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that R1Solution 88-47 requesting a parade permit tor the utilization of S.R. 29 for the Immokalee Harvest Festival on April 16, 1988, be adopted. ." , ,- Page 4.8 - MARCil 1, 1908 ADDED It.. f12E VIKEYARDS TO HOOX UP TO THE UTILITY SYSTEM FOR THEIR KODEL HOKE County M"nag' ~ Dor rill stated that this i tc:m was not on the agenda but he would li~~ the Commission to be aware that a local developer at the Vineyards was not aware that there would not be a meeting on March 8, 1988, and a9 a r~sult of this he is turning in his final paperwork to convey and have his mod6l homes at the Vineyards hooked into the utility system that i3 there. He indicated that unlc9s he hears otherwise, he will accommodatc that request only as it relates to the model homes under the same conditions anq circumstances that were required to be met for the ~)arðde of Homes at another project. noted that this will be on the Board agenda for March 15, 1988. He ..... Coaøissioner Glass stated that because of the commitments of the commissioners to be at a national meeting next week, there will be no commission meeting, but the presidential Primary is next week and he would encourage everyone to vote. ..**. The following items were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda by motion made by Commissioner Goodnight, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/0: Item 114Bl EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.319 FOR VINEYARDS PHASE 2 WITH STIPULATIONS Sections S & 8, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, bounded on the south by vineyards Phase 1, WcsL by 1-75, north by Vanderbilt Beach Road and on thc east by Golden Gate Estates. pagc 49 !OO,: 112 Pl'.[ 69 ~"~ 112 w.t 70 MARCH 1, 1988 L The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of -2.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake excavation shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of + L 0 f t. ngvd. 2. The offsite removal of excavated material shall be in accordance with Section of Ordinance No. 87-44 for "vineyards of Naples" and Road 1mpact Fee Ordinance No. 85-55. 3. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the excavating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District and a copy provided to the Water Management Director and his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. -1. All lakes with Lop-of-bank setbacks less than those stipulated in Collier Coun~y Ordinance No. 80-26, Section 8.A, as amended by Ordinance No. 83-3, shall be fenced in accordance with Section 8.D of said Ordinance. 5. No Building Construction Permits will be issued for any proposed construction around the perimeter of any excavation where the minimum clearance between lake top-of-bank and the proposed building foundation is less than 30 feet, unless and until all lake side slopes adjacent to the proposed construc- tion have been completed and approved by the Collier County Water Managem~nt Department. 6. Before the issuance of this Excavation Permit, petitioner submit ð grading plan for the golf course to the Water Management Director for approval, demonstrating compliance with the Water Management Plan. .~ It.. '1482 STAFF TO PROCEED WITH LEASING OF EXISTING MARCO ISLAND PLANT Itea '1483 FIØAL PLAT APPROVAL OF ROYAL WOOD GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, UNIT 1 WITH STIPULATIONS Not to be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted and that all construction be completed within 36 months from this date. Page 50 - - - MARCH 1, 1988 It.. 114B4 AGREZKEBT BETWEEN THE 3CC AND COLLIER COUNTY VETERANS COUNCIL RE JULY 4TH CELEBRATION See Pages '7?- 79 It.. f1485 - Moved to 12C It.. 11486 TRABSYER OF GENERAL FUNDS TO SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE ACCOUNT FOR EXPEWSES INCURRED DURING COUNTY LITTER CLEAN-UP PROGRAMS Transfer of $12,803.00 to the Solid Waste Department Enterprise Account. It.. f14C1 IBCREABE IN AMOUNT OF COKKÚNITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM CONTRACT .~TB UPJOKK HEALTHCARE SERVICES See Pages Document not received in office of Clerk of the Hoard as of 3/7/88. Itea U4Dl UTILITIES DIVISION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR AUTOMATED METER READING SYSTEM Itea '14D2 LOAN OA~, PHASE I - SEWER FACILITIES WITH STIPULATION 1. The legal documents submitted are found to be legally sufficient for thc Co~nty to accept. Recordcd in O.R. Book 1331, Pagcs 1646-1688 Itea t14D3 PAVILION CLUB - SEWER FACILITIES WITH STIPULATION 1. The legal documents submitted are found to be legally sufficient for the County to accept. Recorded in O.~. Hook 1331, Pagcs 1586-1598 Itea U4D4 &OO~ 112 w.~ 71 Page 51 IO8~ 112 W,t .72 MARCH 1, 1988 COUXTY REGIO"AL WATER SYSTEM - WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION, GOLDEW GATE WELLFIELD PHASE I - CHANGE ORDER NO.1, TO YOUNGQUIST BROTHERS AND ACCEPTANCE OF FACILITIES See Page 16 ... í?3 It.. 114D5 BE~HIRE PAR~, PARCEL D-1 - WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES Recorded in O.R. Book 1331, Pages 1599-1645 It.. '14F1 RESOLOTIOK 88-48 SUPPORTING PROPOSED STATE FUNDING FOR RESURFACING OF S.R. 29, WIDENING OF S.R. 951 FROM MARCO SHORE TO U.S. 41 AND ConSTRUCTION OF A JOINT HIGHWAY PATROL AND STATE DRIVER'S LICENSE BUREAU FACILITY IN COLLIER COUNTY See Page ~-f It.. U4F2 RICHARD W. MORRIS APPOINTED TO FACILITIES MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE It.. 114G1 EXTRA GAl" TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 48837, 53437, 53679 AND 42544 It.. '14G2 SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages Y's- 9/ It.. 114G MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED The Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated 02/12/88 from Franklin C. Jones, City of Naples Manager, re ann~xation of Seagate Subdivision and attaching a map of the City of Naples and th~ Seagate Subdivision showing current and proposed water mains and sewer lines. Referred to BCC, Mary Morgan and filed. Page 52 - ~ '.. J ~... .;. MARCH 1, 1988 2. Letter dated 02/19/88 from Bud Parmer, Director of Housing end Community Dcvclopl,.ent, OCA, attaching application for the Florida Small Cities CDDG Applicant Workshop. Referred to t¡eil Dorrill, 't'anda Jones and filed. Received 02/19/88 from DER, a copy of joint ap~ ication which includes dredge and fill activities in Naples Bay. Referred to Ueil Dorrill, David Pettrow, Dr. Proffitt, George Archibald and filed. 3. 4. Uotice to Owner dated 02/15/88 from Gróybar Electric Co., Inc. to BCC and Kraft construction Co., advising that electrical supplies were furrished for the chiller building (Bldg. K) under an order given by Wentco, Inc. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp (original) and filed. uotice to Owner dated 02/l6/88 from Crews Concrete pipe Co., Inc. informing that they have furnished services or materials for the imprevement of JCT pine Ridge Road to JCT Immokalee Road, under an order given by APAC florida, Inc. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, Sherry Rynders and filed. ~ 5. 6. Docket No. 870562-SU, Order No. 18724, dated 01/25/88 from the Public Service Commission re application of Naples Mobile Estates, Inc. [or a staff-assisted rate case in Collier County. Referred to r¡eil Dorrill, Tom Crandall, BrÜce Anderson and filed. 7. Letter dated 02/18/88 from Ty L. .Koenig, Assistant vice. President, Southeast Dank, N.A., enclosing Commercial Loan 181100031244/00018, marked paid along with other documents pertinent to the loan. Referred to Joe Warren and filed. '. s. Letter dated 02/12/88 from Peter N. Stowell, Acting Regional Administrator of Urban Mass Transportation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, notifying all grantees that the Atlanta Office of Project Mgmt. completed a geo- graphical realignment of UMTA Region IV Office. Referred to Neil Dorril1, Jeff Perry and filed. ... &OO( JlJL~Pl~( ~~ Page 53 ~.~.: 112PA"t 74 MARCH l, 1988 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 5:05 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL C2-~?~ ARNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JAMES C. GILES, CLERK ill- '.'" "'rs ' =-> ,9}." "- .' ...O/.- ", ~.~~/#'~ ¿// , : ': .. These min~t~~ approved by the Board on~ ~ ./57 /,,9 /~ ~5~ ~resented -,~ or as corrected . ~ .... 'J .'.~ "" """.',.", '; r--- . ",'1' " -,.<" ""'".""""" " .~ . Page 54