BCC Minutes 04/12/1988 R Naples, Florida, April 12, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of county Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created a~cording to law and having conducted business herein, ~t on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Covern~nt Center, East Naples, Florida, with the following ~rs present: CHAIRMAtI: VICE-cHAIRMAn: Arnold Lee Glass Burt L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Max A. Hasse, Jr. John A. pistor Anne Goodnight James C. Giles, Clerk; Ellie Hoffman and Beverly Kueter (11:30 A.M.), Deputy Clerks; Neil D~rrill, County Manager¡ Ron HcLe80re, Assistant County Manager¡ Ken Cuyler, County Attorney¡ Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Ad.inistrator¡ Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator¡ Tom Olliff, Acting Community Development Admi~istrator¡ Leo Ochs, Adainistrative Services Administrator; Barbara Cacchione, Dwight Nadeau and Philip Scheff, Planners¡ Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board¡ and Deputy Chief ~ay Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 &GG~ 113 par,( 64 ;f; ¡; ;¡¡;.;, f, I, f~ 6GIt 113 F1t~ G9 .~ , APRIL l2, 1988 'rape 11 It.. 13 AODDA AIm CONSENT AGEHDA - APPROVED 1fI'l'H CHANGES C~issioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the agenda and consent agenda be approved Itea '6AI with the following changes: Iteal12B I tea 1l2C Item 114Al Item 114Bl Item 11485 It.. l.f Petition ZO-87-9C, P-Public Use District (Continued to May 10, 1988. Discussion regarding the development of an advisory board with reference to the homeless in Collier County - Added. Discussion of a Resolution supporting $100,000 grant for the regional jail - Added. Recommendation that the Collier County Board of County Commissioners approve a contract with the State of Florida for a study to develop Corridor Management Plans (Continued to April 19, 1988). Recommendation to grant the Immokalee Service Organization, Inc. interim approval to operate bus service between Immokalee and Naples for a 90 day period, beginning April 12, 1988. - Moved to Item '9B2 Recommendation to approve and execute a lease agreement between Bruce Daugherty, a member of the Collier County Amateur Astronomy Club and the Board of County Commissioners for the purpose of using County-owned land for astrological observation. - Moved to Item 19B3. KIBUTES OF KARCH 22, 1988 REGULAR KlŒTING - APPROVED coamissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Basse and carried unanimously, that the minute. of the Meeting of Maroh 22, 1988 be approved as submitted. Page 2 APRIL 12, 1988 ,xu. ISA ZJIPLOYEB snvICE AWARDS - PRES£itt£D eo..issioner Glass presented Water Management Director Boldt an E8ployee Service Award for 5 years of continued service with Collier County government and recognized Mr. Kermit Moore of the Building Code Compliance Department, who was not present, stating that he will ensure that Mr. Moore receives his Award. I~.. '58 APRIL 16,1988 DESIGKATED AS IKHOKALEB BARVEST FESTIVAL DAY - PROCLADŒD Upon reading of the Proclamation, C088issioner Goodnight mov~d, seconded by coaaissioner pistor and carried unaniaously ~bat ~pri1 16, 1988 be de.ignated as I..okalee Barvest Festival Day. u,¡;~ 113 p,r~ 70 Page 3 APRIL 12, 1988 It.. "Al PETI'I'7OK ZO-87-9C, P-PUBLIC USE DISTRICT - COKTIIfUED TO HAY 10, 1980 c088i.sioner pietor moved, seconded by comaissioner Goodnight and carrie4 unanimously, that Petition ZO-87-9C, P-Public Ose District be continued to May 10,1988. It.. "C1 ORDrKABCE~. 88-3' ESTABLISBING A SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - ADO P'rED Legal notice having been ?ublished in the Naples Daily News on March 17, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the creation of a Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the Board directed Staff, at the February 23 meeting, to prepare an Ordinance regarding the creation of a Solid Waste Advisory Committee. He noted that the committee shall consist of 7 members: each Commissioner shall aoainate one member, and two additional members shall be nominated by the Board, in its entirety, adding that the terms will vary between 2 and 4 years. lie noted that the function of the commi ttee will be to assist the Board with making reviews in developing plans in solid waste management, particularly resource recovery, recycling, landfill mining, etc. Commissioner Pistor stated that he felt the Ordinance should require specific qualifications of members to serve on this committee, Page 4 tc,G.< 113 "Jr.~ 72 --"...._,_....,... ~ 113 n'~ 73 ^I' ~fl. 12, 19ft~; i.e. experience in composlíng, actual wastt! mßnagemenl, lonq term econ08ics, .cchanical and chemical engineers. lie added that th~ legislature will lake up some requirements this year which may h~v~ an effect on what the County does. C088issioner Saunders indicated that h~ does not feel it is fair to require a specific educalional background, adding that he intends to nominate a person who will do a good job, and believes all the Co..issioners will be doing the same. C088issioner Hasse noted that he feels much the same as Coaaissioner Saunders, adding that ordinary citizens of the County will enhance this committee. Mr. George Keller of the Collier Coynty Civic Federation noted his suggestions: 1. Take time, and don't rush the selection process, making sure the press has names and qualifications of appli- cants. Any member of the former Coømittee is not eligible to serve on this Com8ittee. (He stated he feels those per- sons are prejudice, and the County needs to do it right this time). Mrs. Betty Gulacsik stated that before subject Ordinance is 2. adopted, she feels the Growth Management Plan should be completed, noting that it may not be necessary to have a committee on solid waste at that time. She noted that she believes the County should have a .andatory collection Ordinance, which it currently does not have. She indicated that she feels those nominated to the committee should con- sist of: Page 5 - - - ^"JUI. 12, 'JßII L 2. 3. A good chemical engineer. ^ good mechanical engineer. One with a good financial background. In closing, she indicated that she (eels there arc other things that need to be taken care of before such an Ordinance is adopted. Mr. Bob Krasowski commented that the Ordinance appeals to him and he feels the County should go ahead with it. He added that he is in agr~nt with Hr. Keller regarding persons who served on the former co..ittee not being eligible to serve on the new advisory committee. Hrs. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Women Voters of Collier County, commented on the language of the Ordinance, "providing reco.øendations to the Board on an overall ~anagement program for the County's solid waste," and then questioned the time span of the terms to be served, asking if this will take 4-8 years? She noted the qualifications being "permanent residents and electors of Collier County~, and stated that because of the complexity of the subject, ~rs should have expertise in every specific area of this subject. She indicated that there is nothing that addresses mandatory collec- tion, adding that this in one of the important initial steps. She stated that the League is in favor of the Comprehensive Master Plan and also in moving ahead with a solid waste program, but noted that she feels other things should settle a little longer, flrst. Tape f2 Hr. Dick Braun, President of the Golden Gate Taxpayers Association, recoamended that the two at-large members of the committee be tû¡;~ 113 N'~ 74 Page 6 ~ 113 fS'¿ 75 ^PRIL 12, 1988 appointed from the Golden Gale and Golden Gate Estates area, noting that since the facility is located in the Golden Gate area, those residents have the most to lose. With regards to the expertise of lllellbers, Mr. Braun stated that this is a new field, and his feeling is that not too many individuals can prove they are experts in this field. Hr. John Keschl stated that a plan for solid waste is one the County should have had years ago, adding that the longer the County waits the .ore the cost will be. He noted that he is not in agreement with the suggestion that members of the coMmittee be comprised of those with technical backgrounds, adding that lay people who are interested in County government can provide input of concerns, which is the priøary issue. Co8øissioner Goodnight noted that she has no problem with the Ordinance as it is written, but referred to Sections Seven and Eight, stating that it should be understood by the public, that the exact "functions, powers and duties of the committee are to assist the Board in the development of an overall management program for the County's solid waste, which shall include making recommendations on various technologies that deal with solid waste management", adding that the final decisions are to be made by the Board of County Commissioners. She indicated that she will nominate an individual who is reliable and dependable to attend the meetings, and feels regardless of whether that person served on the p~evious committee, or who they are, it Page 7 - - - should be the individual Commissioner's decision. APRIL 12, 1988 She stated she feels a ti~ limit should be included, as to how long the committee will be in operation, adding that if at the end of that time period the Co.aission believes there is a need for the committee to continue, it would remain in operation. eo.aissioner Saunders indicated that he has no problem with a time li.it, adding that a short time frame should be avoided. He'added that he is in agreement with Messrs. Braun and Keschl regarding repre- sentation from a cross section of communities. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, County Attorney Cuyler replied that Section 4A is not unique to this Ordinance, adding that advisory board aeøbers serve at the pleasure of the Board, and advised that the ability to remove any member by a majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners should remain in the Ordinance. County Manager Dorrill stated that his thoughts are that the County needs to go through a slow CO8prehensive Master Planning pro- cess that would collect data and make recommendations from a Staff perspective, to the committee on a variety of techniques regarding landfill, landfill mining, composting, sludge related disposal problems, recycling, source separation, and resource recovery, if there is a verifiable revenue stream. C088issioner Saunders moved, seoonded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Basse and Page 8 £oc;~ 113 f'J".t 76 APRIL 12, 1988 carried unaniaously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into ordinance Book Ko. 30: ORDIRARC2 88-36 AN ORDINANCE CREATING TIfE SOLID WASTE Þ'.ANAGEMENT ADVISORY COf91ITTEE~ PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT AND COMPOSITION~ SETTING FORTIf THE TERMS OP OPPlCE¡ PROVIDING fUR REMOVAL PROM OFFICE, FAIWRE TO ATTEND MEETINGS~ PROVIDING FOR OffICERS, QUORUM, RULES OP PROCEDURE; PROVIDING POR REIMBURSEMENT OP EXPENSES~ SETTING FORTH THE f1JNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE~ SETTING FORTH TIfE DUTIES OP THE SOLID WASTE Dl~ECTOR; PROVIDING POR REVIEW PROCESS; PROVIDING f'OR CONPLICT AND SEVERABILITY~ PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Co8aissioner Saunders 8oved, seconded by commissioner Basse and carried unaniaously, that the third aeetinq in May (May 17,1988) be established as the date to apPOint the Solid Waste Advisory committee. It- '6C2 RESOLUTIOK IfO. 88-73 TO VACATE ALL LO'I' LIftS AIm ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY IlfCLUDIBG LOTS 17-24 BLOCK C, ALL OF BLOCK D TOGETHER WITH PORTIONS OF SECOJrD STREET, OMNGE STREET A1fD CYPRESS STREET IN IMHODLEE, FLORI 01\, FOR ESTABLISHING ACREAGE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 27 and April 3, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider vacation of all lot lines and road rights-of-way l~ated in a portion of the Plat of" Immokalcc, Plorida, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 60 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and being all of Lots 17-24, Block C, all of Block D, together with portions of Second Street, Orange Street and Cypress Street, Jmmokalee, Florida (I..okalee Courthouse Annex). Page 9 .----..- APRIL 12, 1988 Public Works Administrator Archibald indicated that Staff is recO88ending that subject lot lines and road rights-of-way be vacated at the Imaokalee Courthouse Annex, in order to make the existing area confora to current requirements and make provisions for expansion of use of that area. He noted that "Letters of no objection" have been received from the Utilities, adding that recent revisions to the Resolution has been made by the County Attorney's office which allows the 1880kalee Water/Sewer District to continue to have the right and obligation of the repair and maintenance of the existing water/sewer lines within the platte~ area. CO88i88ioner Pistor 8oved, 8ecoDðed by CO88issioner GoOdDight and carried unaniaously, that that the public hearing be closed. COaai.sioner pistor aoveð, 8ecoDðed by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanaously, to approve and execute aesolutioD .0. 88-73, vacatiDq the plats as described. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Hr. Archibald replied that all property owners with abutting properties have been advised of today's meeting and there are no hardships that he is aware of. Page lO ~úG~ 113,."Q 78 -, ,--,_.._,- , APRIL 12, 1988 It- "C3 RESOLU'I'I~ 80S. BAR 88-10 TBRU 88-23, AKEKDIRG'l'HE FISCAL 1987/88 BUDGE'I' - AOOP'l'ED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 10, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider amendments to the Fiscal 1987/88 Adopted Budget. Ad.inistrative Services Administrator Ochs advised that subject budgets a~ndments will recognize additional carry forward in the current year budget, as a result of the September 30, 1987 financial audit. He stated that the additional revenues have been appropriated in reserve funds in each account. In answer to Chairman Glass, Mr. Ochs indicated that actual carry forward is $74,000,000, as compared to $67,000,000 that was estimated in the current fiscal year budget. Clerk Giles noted that this is a formality in following the Statute as to a public hearing, adding that details regarding the carry forward are provided on Page 24 for each fund, adding that in most cases, the offset to the increase/decrease of the carry forward is reserved for contingencies. CO8aissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. coaaissioner pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Goodnight ~nð carried unanimously, that Resolution. BAR 88-10 thru 88-23, amending the Fiscal 1987/88 Budget be adopted. avo, 113 "J(.i 82 Page 11 .-~_.",..,---,--_._-_.-_. "" 113 m 97 APRIL l2, 1988 Itea 1781 RESOLUTIO. 88-74, RE PETITION PU-86-31C, '1'JŒ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GOWEJI GAR, P.EQUESTING EX'1'E1fSIO1I OF PROVISIO1f1\L USE "A" OF 'l'HE E EBTARS ZOXIKG DISTRICT FOR A CHURCH LOCATED IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHI~ 49 SOUTH, RAlfGE 26 EAST ('l'RACT 164, UNIT 27, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES) - ADO P'l'ED Planner Scheff advised that subject petition is for an extension of Provisional Use "A" for property located at the southeast corner of 15th Avenue s.w. and 39th Str~et S.W. in Golden Gate Estates. He stated that the Board of Zoning Appeals approved the provisional use to construct a church building and associated parking facilities, adding that the provisional use will expire on May 26, 1988. He indi.- cated that construction of the church has not begun due to the limited grow~h of the congregation, therefore, it is recommended that exten- sion of subject petition be granted. Dr. Neno Spagna, representing the petitioner, responded to co..issioner Hasse by stating the building will be south of the existing church, adding that the property ~onsísts of 5 acres. co.aissioner Goodniqht aoved, .econded by co..is.ioner pistor and carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-74 re Petition PU-86-31C be approved. Page 12 APRIL 12, 1988 It.. 1782 RESOLU'rIO1I 88-75, RE PETITION PtJ-87-24C, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL tJSE "B" OF A-2 ZOlfIJlG D!S'l'RICT FOR EAJrl'B MINING FOR PROPER'l'Y LOCATED ON 'fKE WES'I' SIDE OF BAREFOOT WILLIAMS ROAD AJID +660 FEET SOUTH OF GRIFFIN ROAD - J.DOPTED WITH STIPULATIOJlS - planner Scheff stated that Hole, Montes, & Associates representing George L. Varnadoe, Trustee of Barefoot 240 Trust, is requesting pro- visional use -b" of subject property for earth mining located in Sections 4 and 5, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, 240 acres. He noted that lands to the north and west are zoned A-2, lands to the east, across Barefoot Williams Road, encompass the Eagle Creek PUD, a KOA Caapground zoned TTRVC is located to the southeast, across Barefoot Williams Road and lands zoned "RO" and "A-2- associated with Rookery Bay Wildlife Sanctuary are located to the south. He advised that lands to the south contain fallow agricultural fields and undeve- loped woodlands, and lands to the west contain active agricultural fields and undeveloped woodlands. Hr. Scheff noted that the petitioner is proposing to obtain a pro- visional use for an earth mining operation that will provide fill for construction in the area (including Harco Island), adding that 8 com- panion application is an excavation permit. He stated that 30 of the 240 acres have been identified as wetlands, noting that concerns have been expressed regarding the effect the earth mining operation would have u~n the wetlands as well as the Rookery Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. He advised that these concerns have been alleviated due to mitigation &Ii~ 113 '"r.! 100 Page l3 --_.""'."'._-'-- .. ~w~ 113 pv,£ 101 APRIL 12, 1988 measures developed between the petitioner and the EAC. With regards to transportation impacts, Planner Scheff replied that these would be alleviated by adoption of the mitigation measures suggested by the Traffic Engineer, as noted in 17 of the Staff Report. Mr. Scheff stated that Staff and all appropriate agencies have reviewed this petition and have no objection to the proposed use suh- ject to approval of all recommended stipulations as stated in the Staff Report. lie noted that the CCPC held their public hearing on March l7, 1988, with a recommendation of (5/3) for approval, subject to stipulations and clarification of some of those stipulations. He added that one person spoke against the petition and two letters of opposition have been received, with the following concerns: project could affect the water supply of wells of neighboring property owners; water runoff could become a problem in the long-run on natural flora in neighboring properties; the project could affect natural swamps in the area; the projecl could cause problems related to noise, dust and traffic; .the project could threaten Rookery Bay through runoff of wáter mixed with vehicle fuels and lubricants: the project could destroy the world character of the area. lie stated that based upon the stipulations, Staff is recommending approval, subject to the CCPC's recommendation. 'rape 13 Commissioner Pistor stated that he is acquainted with the area, adding that if this petition is approved, he would like to have "no Page 14 --...--..- ' APRIL 12, 1988 blasting" in that area specified. C0.8issioner Hasse questioned the impact on wetlands in the area? Mr. SCheff replied that the stipulations will help to control the wetlands. Attorney George L. Varnadoe indicated that this provisional use is in co.pliance with the Comprehensive Plan which provides that earth mining ~y be permitted in an urban area, providing that the parcel will be used in a way to accommodate other urban activities., He advised that he has no problems with Staft's stipulations, noting thaI. many of these deal with protection of environmentally sensitive issues. He stated that subject property is to be used for a fill pit rock .ining operation. Mr. William Vines, Land Plan~~~, stated that the first step of this project is the excavation of fill material, from what will become a large lake, to be used for construction projects in the area, including Marco Island. Be noted that the second step will come later, when plans for a residential area around the lake are deve- loped . He stated that a farm operation will be exchanged for a lake. Mr. Vines indicated that trucks which will be transporting the excavation material will be covered, the digging to take place will occur in wet areas, the roads between the excavation area and 5.R. 951, over which all trucks will travel, will be paved by the applicant. With regard to the concern regarding traffic, he advised that the number of trucks which are currently traveling on that road going back tGO~ 113 Pi'.S 102 Page 15 ,"' 113p1I.t.l03 APRIL 12, 1988 and forth to Marco Island transporting construction materials, will now be able to obtain fill material from this location. Mr. Tom Missimer, Hydrologist, stated that extensive hydrological investigations have been performed in the area during the past several years, adding that a test well has been drilled on this property. noted that the sy&tem is a two layer system, adding that there is He 15'-20' of sand, including some 118estone. He indicated that the Lower Ta.iami Aquifer lies beneath the sand, noting that it does con- tain soae form of salt. water throughout this area. He advised that the governing prinicipals that allow salt water intrusion to occur ~re relatively straight forward, adding that for every foot of fresh wat.cí above sea level, there is approxiaately 40 feet of fresh water below, to support that height. He stated that farming activities of the past on subject property have been irrigated with water from the lower aquifer, which is highly subject to salt water intrusion, adding that this has added chloride and salts to the upper watertable aquifer, but as this activity ceases, the water will become fresher in time. He noted that the lake is not to be excavated below the confining layers. He advised that he has very little concern regarding salt water intrusion from the normal operation which is proposed. Mr. Missimer indicated that the confining beds beneath this site are essentially clay, stating that with regard to blasting, the puJse of the blast will not fracture tho clay. In answer to Commissioner Glass, Mr. Missimer stated that testing Page l6 - - - APRIL 12, 1988 of each layer will be performed, so that there is no dragging of the confining layer. 'rape '4 Mr. Dean Bremerman, Nurseryman, Mr. James Barris, Property Owner, Mr. Gary Carlo, Tree Nursery Owner, Mr. Ronald Butt, Property Owner, Mrs. Patricia Ashworth, Property Owner, Mr. Chester Dobeck, and Mr. Dan Goodacre, Nurseryman, opposed approval of subject petition, citing these concerns: quality of water will be decreased, and if salt water intrusion docs occur, who is responsible¡ blasting¡ changing the character of the ~~nity. 'rape '5 Mr. Varnadoe stated for the record that he has no objection to a "no blasting" requirement. C~issioner Glass asked Mr. Varnadoe if he would agree to putting an additional 2" test well on the northern portion of the property to ensure that the property owners in that area are protected? Mr. Varnadoe replied that he thought this was an excellent idea, and he would be happy to provide this. cosaissioner pistor aoved, seconded by Commi.sioner Goodnight anð carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-75 re PU-87-24C be approved subject to statt stipulations and the recomaendations of the ccPC, with the additional stipulation that there will be no blasting on th~~ project. NOTE: SEE PAGES 172 through 101 for Resolution Page 17 ~,~ 1131'1',! 104 je ,I ..', 'it ¡... ~ '1 :! ".."-,..-...-.. .,.,. , ..- "'" 113 ,,':~ 105 APRIL 12, 1988 ... RECESS AT 11:15 A.M. RECOKVEIfED AT 11:30 A.H. ... Deputy Clerk Kueter replaced Deputy Clerk Boffman Itea '9B1 EXCAÐ'rIOII PERMIT NO. 59.308 "BARUOO'I' 240 TRUSTf' - APPROVED WITH STIPt1LA'rIONS CO88issioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Basse and carried unanimously, that Exoavation Permit 110. 59.308 for "Barefo~t 240 ~rust", be approved with the following stipulations: 1. The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of -11.0 ft. ngvd. All disturbed areas proposed for lake exca- vation shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of -5.5 ft. ngvd. The minimum elevation may be waived by the Water Managem~nt ~írector upon receipt of a plan, approved by appropriate State and local environmental agencies, to re- vegetate lake areas with native wetland species. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District and a copy pro- vided to the Water Management Director for his approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. 2. 3. Approval of all blasting activities and off-site hauling routes shall be required from the County Engineer to assure no negative impacts on surrounding residential properties or on impacted roads. Mitigation measures may be required if deemed appropriate and necessary by the County Engineer. 4. This approval is subject to the approval of the Board of . County Commissioners of Provisional Use Petition No. PU-87-24C, which will provide compatible zoning Cor this pro posed land use. 5. Issuance of this permit will be withheld until a copy of a Surface Water Management District is received by the Water Management Director. 6. The Performance Guarantee Cor the excavation operations sha) I also apply to the off-site improvements and maintenance of TV-Tower Road and portions of Barefoot Williams Road as applicable to off-site removal of excavated material. Access lo lJarefoOl Williams Road shall be in accordance wjth Ordinance 82-91 (Work Within the Public Right-of-Way). 7. Page 18 "4' -.-....... -«-.'H" '" .. APRIL 12, 1988 8. ~xcavation operations and off-site removal of excavated material shall be subject to Ordinance 85-55 (Road Impact Ordinance) . The County Engineer reserves the right to establish emerg~ncy weight limits on roadways affected by the off-site removal of excavated material; the procedure for establishment of weigh~ limits shall be the presentation of an applicable resolution before the Board of County Commissioners. Should weight limits be instituted, the permittee shall be responsible to implement measures to assure that all heavy truck loadings leaving the permittee's property conform to the applicable weight restriction. 9. 10. The County Engineer reserves the .right under Ordinance No. 82-9l to suspend or prohibit off-site removal of excavated material should such removal create a hazardous road con- dition; such action by the County Engineer shall be subject to appeal before the Board of County Commissioners. It.. 7B3 2ESOLU'I'IOK 88-76, PETITIoø PU-87-29C, WILSOø, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEBIt, IJIC., REPRESENTING DAVID LAWRBJfCZ .IŒJI'1'AL HEALD CEN'.tER, INC., PROVISIONAL USE FOR A CHILD CARE CElt.....!. - ADOP1'BD Planner Nadeau stated the property is located on the northeast corner of 32nd Avenue, S. W. and Santa Barbara Blvd., approximately 1/4 aile south of Golden Gate Parkway. He advised the petitioner is proposing to construct and operate a child care center with a maximum of lOO children. Referring to a wall 8ap, Mr. Nadeau gave the surrounding zoning and land uses. Hr. Nadeau stated the petitioner is anticipating service to 85 children between the ages of 2 and 5 years, however, the center will be licensed by fIRS for a total of lOO children. He stated there wi 11 be 5 teachers and 5 teacher's aides employed, based on the maximum 100 children, or 1 teacher and 1 teacher's aide per 20 children enrolled. t¡¡O~ 113 Pi'.r 106 Page 19 ------."..,-,...,. 'úii.{ 113 ~1'.: 107 APRIL l2, 1988 He noted the center would be open from 7:15 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. with staggered arrival and departure times. He also noted that the peti- tioner has indicated the facility may be used for other related uses. Mr. Nadeau advised that Staff has reviewed the request and find it to be in co.pliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He said the CCPC held their public hearing on March 17, 1988 and forwarded this peti- tion with a unanimous recommendation of approval. He noted that two people spoke in favor of the petition at the CCPC hearing, no one was opposed, and no correspondence has been received. Mr. Nadeau stated Staff is recomøending approval subject to stipu- lations. C088issioner Pistor staled that Page 4 of the Staff report states "No showers or meals shall be provided on site". He said the center will have to provide meals to the children. Mr. Nadeau advised that the septic system is not designed to take food wastes, so they will not be permitted to prepare meals on site. County Manager Dorrill stated there will be no institutional type kitchen in this facility, however, food will be provided to the children. A lengthy discussion followed on the merits of another child care facility in Colden Calc, and whether there is any vacant property around the site which would allow for expansion at a later date. Mr. Tom Peek, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., displayed a larger aerial map showing the land uses surrounding the property. fie noted there is no buildable property south of the site. Page 20 _""0"_'.,- APRIL 12, 1988 Hr. Peek stated they have read the stipulations and have no objec- tions. Hr. George Keller, Collier County Civic Federation, questioned whether the parking would be sufficient? Mr. Peek stated there are 20 parking spaces show" on the site plan, which is one for every 5 stu- dents, and there is room to expand this parking with another 6 spaces. Tape ., Hr. Richard Braun, President of Golden Gate Taxpayers Association, stated their objections to another child care center in Golden Gate and requested the petition be denied until a Haster Plan for Golden Gate is complete. co.aissioner Saunders aoved, seconded by coamissioner Pistor, that Resolution 88-76, Petition FU-87-29C, Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll ~ Peek, Inc. representing David Lawrence Mental Bealth center, Ino., Provisional O.e tor a child care center, be adopted subject to stipu- lations and Petitioner's Aqreeaent. Responding to Commissioner tJasse, Hr. Ron Meserve of David Lawrence Hentaillealth Center, advised that 95\ of the children :::erved in this facility are from the Golden Gate area. lie stated that thE' Child Path program is totally self-supporting from user fees. Upon call tor the question, the aotion carried unaniaously. Page 21 t'G': 113 '1'.~ 108 APRIL l2, 1988 f I I;' I "" 113 ...<115 , It.. t8A AGJlEEK2Jrt WITH IfAPLES CHRIS'rIU ACADEMY FOR 'l'EMPORARY WATER SERVICE 'J.'O BE PROVIDED BY FLORIDA CITIES WATER - APPROVED Dr. Sail Pennington, Headmaster of Naples Christian Academy, advised they would like permission to connect to Florida Cities Water service until such time as County water becomes available. In enswer to C088issioner Pistor, Dr. Pennington stated the available line is ecross the street and down about 50 ft. jack and bore under Santa Barbara Blvd. He said they will have to Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Utilities Administrator Crandall advised that County water is scheduled for this area in 1993. Dr. Pennington advised that when the school was built 10 years ago, they were so far away from the lines that it was not feasible to connect. He said the lines are within a reasonable distance now and their systea is very old and leaking. He said it will cost more to fix their present system than to connect to Florida Cities Water. Hr. Crandall stated they would prefer that Naples Christian Acade.y connect to the County system, however, their share of the cosl to run those lines would be in the area of $150,000 to $l80,000. said they have agreed to sign an Agreement that the connection to He Florida Cities is temporary and they will connect to the County system when it is available. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Dr. Pennington advised it will cost them $7,000 to run the line and jack and bore under Santa Barbar8 Page 22 APRIL 12, 1988 Blvd. CO88isaioner Piøtor aoved, seconded by c088isøioner Saunders anð carried UDADiaously, that Xaples Christian Academy be permitted to teaporarily connect to Florida cities water, and the Chairman be authorized to sign an agreeaent vitb Xaples Christian Acadeay subject to approval by the county Attorney. ***DOTE : AGREEMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF APRIL 19, 1988.*** ~,¡;~ 1131'1,.1 116 Page 23 -.---......--, '" '"' 113fl'~117 APRIL 12, 1988 Itea '8B 'l'ßHPORARY SImI FOR LARRY con, DVM., BARDORSIDE MIHAL CLIKIC - A PPROVED Larry Caen, DVM., Harborside Animal Clinic, advised that he petitioned for a sign variance approximately one month ago. He explained that his clinic has been on Davis Blvd. for l2 years and recently a building was constructed next door which blocks his entire building. C~issioner Pistor stated that he has looked at the site and believes it is a hardship for not only Dr. Coen, but also for his clients. County Attorney Cuyler stated the problem is that the current Zoning Ordinance contains no variance for signs. Planner Cacchione advised that Staff is in the process of revising and redeveloping the Sign Ordinance and there will be language dealing with variances, however, it probably will not be ready until fall. She stated the width of Dr. Coen's lot is 58 ft. and his setback is 76 ft. She said the new building next door has a legal setback of 25 ft. and it does cause visual impairment. Commissioner Pistor stated that the Board approved a sign variance for a medical center on C.R. 95l because of a similar problem. Com.issioner Saunders stated that he recalls they also approved one for a church. Dr. Coen showed the Board pictures which visualize the problem. Page 24 APRIL 12, 1988 Chairaan Class asked Dr. Coen if he is granted a temporary sign variance, if he would be willing to change the sign to conform to the new sign ordinance when it becomes effective? Dr. Coen stated that he is willing to comply. County Manager Dorrill staled the Board recently afforded this opporlunity to a bank, as long as they make any modifi- cations necessary to comply with the new ordinance when it is adopted. Coaaissioner PiRtor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight anð . carried unaniaously, that a temporary siqø variance for Dr. Larry Coen, Harborside Ani.al Clinic, be approved with the stipulation that be aake any aodi!ications necessary to comply with the new sign o~ði- nanC8 wben adopted. It.. lac PROJlIBI'l'IOJl OF '!'H".-J.)UGH TRAFFIC OJ( BADAL PALII ROAD - STAFF TO IfEGOTIATE nTH OPERATOR OF QUARRY Mrs. Joan Naftal, Sabal Palm Road area resident, stated that Sabal Pal. Road is oniy 20 ft. wide and a fill pit has been opened at the extension of this road. She said that the l8 yard dump trucks are using Sabal Palm Road as an access road to C.R. 951. She said they are very concerned about the children living along Sabal Palm Road. She said it is very dusty and very dangerous and requested that the Board of County Ccmmissioners stop the truck traffic from using this road. She suggested that the Pill Pit be required to build their own access. Mrs. Naftal slated that if this cannot be done, the County should bring Sabal Palm Road up to County standards and add a bike- Page 25 túQ~ 113 pS'.£ I1B .-..,,-.,-.. ....., ..'.' , ....,----~---~ --- , ~vv( 113 Pl'~ 119 APRIL l2, 1988 path. Public Works Administrator Archibald advised there is a quarry operation underway on the east end of Sabal Palm Road and it is generating truck traffic. He stated Staff has spoken to the owners of the quarry in reference to controling the drivers and their speed, and they have tried to make an effort to do that. He stated there is a problea relative to roadway width, and Staff is also talking to the quarry operators in reference to making improvements to the road and turn-lanes for C.R. 951. He said if they cannot come to an agreement with the owners, then the County would either have to undertake some road iaprovements or place a weight restriction on that road. Chairman Glass asked if in a situation such as this, under the new Excavation Ordinance, couldn't the Board issue a Cease & Desist Order if it became necessary? Hr. Archibald answered "Yes", the County can issue that type of order. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald advised the County currently has a contract to undertake the study phase of extending Sabal Palm Road to the east, however, it is really a minor collector road and handles local traffic. He said it will be a needed roadway in the future. Co..issioner S3unders requested Mr. Archibald to convey the fact that the County may impose weight limitations to alleviate the problem if they cannot do something immediately. Chairman Glass requested that Mr. Archibald also mention during negotiations that the Page 26 " ¡~. " , .' ~! f , .11, ... '" APRIL 12, 1988 County aay also issue a "Cease' Desist Order". 'rape 17 Mrs. Naftal stated the original owner of the quarry was not per- mitted to haul the fill off-site. She stated that she does not know how the new owner got permission to do this. Chairman Glass requested Mr. Archibald to investigate that matter also. Mr. John Keschl, Collier County resident, stated this should be settled i-.ediately because there are regulations on the books. It vaa the general consen8ua that Mr. Archibald proceed with neqo- tiationa and report back in two weeks. It.. ,aD WOODLAD COIfDOMIJfIUM now IlEDUC'I'IOII - CO1l'lIRUED TO APRIL 26, 1988 Mr. Craig Woodward, representing Woodlake Partnership, stated there was a bond placed on property owned by the developer in the a~unt of $645,000 in December, 1984. He said that since that time a substantial amount of the work has been completed and they feel they are entitled to a reduction of the bond. He advised that the work that has been completed is valued at $437,000 and they are requesting that the bond be reduced to $207,448.60. He said this leaves enough .oney in the bond, plus 10\, to complete the remaining items on the project. He also noted that the bond does not bond off-site work, but only work done on-site. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Staff is not reco.-ending that the bond be reduced. He advised that the basis for Page 27 r.ÍIG~ 113 P1'.; 120 ? ~! ~ r ~i ,l~ :~ "~ .' " ~. '---'-' 113 ~1'~ 121 APRIL 12, 1988 this reco..endation is an Agreement between the County and the owner of the Woodlake Development. He said in that Agreement, the County was to iaprove Port-Au-Prince Road and the developer was to construct a turn lane on S.R. 951. He said the county has long since accoaplished its requirement of improving Port-Au-Prince Road, however, the turn-lane on S.R. 951 has not been constructed, nor is there any indication that it will be constructed. Mr. Archibald slated that Staff's recommendation is that if the developer has problems in constructin9 that turn-lane, the money should be transferred to the County so the County could proceed with those iaprovements. lie said it appears as if the developer is trying to ignore his responsibility under the Agreement. Mr. Woodward stated the bond is for on-site improvements at woodlake and those improvements have been completed. He said there is a binding Agreement between the Woodlake Partnership and the Board of County Commissioners, dated in May of 1985 which requires the deve- toper to put in a turn-lane, and the developer is not trying to back out of that Agreement. He said the developer explored putting in the turn-lane and mel with Engineer Huber and the Deltona Engineers, and the problem is thal Deltona has high pressure water lines under the road that cannot be relocated because they have no available land nearby. He said the consensus of that meeting was that the developer cannot build the turn-lane at this point because of the water lines. He said Deltona could not offer any remedy and was not willing to move Page 28 '. APRIL 12, 1988 the lines. Mr. Woodward also stated that their DOT Permit also states there will be a turn-lane when they reach 136 building units at Woodlake. He said the DOT feels at that point there will be sufficient density to require the t~rn-Iane. He advised they have not yet reached l36 units. He said the existing ^greeaent with the County is binding on the developer and, in fact, provides that if the developer fails to fulfill its obligation under the Agreement, the County has the right to construct and maintain the improveøents and the developer will be liable to indemnify the County upon completion for total cost. Hr. Woodward stated they are negotiating a modification to the turn-lane Agreement, but this should not affect the bond reduction. Co88issioner Hasse stated it seems very simple, the developer should complete the turn-lane and then return for the bond reduction. Hr. William Dahnke, Engineer, stated that the problem is that Deltona has two water lines that have been in the ground for over 20 years, under 150 lbs. pressure, and nothing can be done to them except replace them. He said the FOOT stated very clearly that they would have to relocate the lines at a point that was out from under the fill section of the proposed southbound lanes. He said that places the lines 20 ft. inside private property and this is one of the pieces of property where the County has been unable to obtain the right-of-way. He stated the State will not issue a permit for the turn-lane. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler stated Page 29 t'G~ jlJL:)"~E~ f,{,;~ 113 '¡I".:.123 APRIL 12, 1988 that he has not reviewed this item because it is a public petition. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would like more information from Staff before they make a decision on this item. Co8ai..ioner Saunders 8oved, .econded by commissioner pistor and carried unani80usly, that the Woodlake CondO8inium bond reduction be continued for two weeks. It.. '982 IJOfODLEB SERVICE ORGAJlIZATIOX, I.C., BUS SERVICE BETWEEN IHMOKALEE AØD WAPLES - COHTIKUED TO APRIL 19,1988 Public Works ^dministrator ^rchibald stated this item deals with granting an exemption to the Immokalee Service Programs, Inc., which is under the Tri-County Senior Citizens Non-Profit Program providing transportation. He stated they have a program providing bus service between Immokalee and Naples. He stated Staff would like to encourage this service, but it requires approval in accordance with the Ordinance which covers taxi, limousine, and bus service. He stated they are requesting an exemption of the insurance requirement for a 90 day period and to waive the regular submittal and application review process, or possibly consider verbiage which exempts the public entity fro. being licensed under the current Ordinance. Commissioner Goodnight stated that the Ordinance on Public Convenience and Necessity does not exempt any non-profit organiza- tions, however, there are many operating in the County which do not have certificates. . Page 30 .. APRIL 12, 1988 County Attorney Cuyler stated there seems to be two separate instances, neither of which the Board thought they were regulating at the ti.e they passed the Ordinance. He explained that Tri-County Senior Citizens has been classified by MPO as a coordinated community transportation provider pursuant to Statute 427.011 and under that designation they are funded by the State. He said the State has mini- mum insurance requirements and it also appears that they would fall under Statute 341.061 which provides for ~ transit safety program plan developed between the DOT and the company which requires annual inspection, certification, and certain r~mifications if they do not coordinate with the DOT. He said there would be no problem completely exe.pting this service provider from the Ordinance. Hr. Cuyler slated he needs to look at the other not-for-profit corporations and find out whether the service they are providing is something the County wants to regulate or does not want to regulate. He stated they are not like taxicabs because they receive reimbur- se8ent from the State. lie suggested that the Board allow him to investigate the not-for-profit corporations, keeping in mind that Tri-County will be exempt, and the others may be exempt. will report back on his findings. lie said he In answer to Commissioner Hasse, HPO Director Perry stated thal the bus ran for only one day and they did not get an idea of how much it will be used. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Risk Management Director Page 31 túG~ 113 P1r.~ 124 ,---""" "G' 113 F1':~ 125 APRIL l2, 1988 Rynders stated the Slate's insurance requirement is 100/200/50. stated she talked with DOT and there is a Joint Participation She Agree.ent on the bus and the State is paying most of the cost for the service. She said the State really has a great deal at stake. Also in response to Commissioner Hasse, County Manager Dorrill stated there is no County money involved in this project and the County aay not want to regulate this type of activity the Board wants to regulate under their Vehicle for Hire Ordinance and they need to specifically state this, and let the regulation fall with the State. Mr. Cuyler stated he agrees with Mr. Dorrill because the Countv does not need to regulate this activity. He said the Board must weigh the policy decision of lhe service this provider is giving based on their ability to pay insurance premiums on $1,000,000 of insurance. He stated he is comfortable with the State regulation and insurance requirement. Mr. Cuyler stated he needs to bring the Ordinance to exempt this organization back to the Board and in the interim will see about the other organizations. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Cuyler stated he cannot say that the County will not be liable for anything, because there are a lot of things that can lead to an accident, but as far as the regulation of this service provider and this Ordinance, he feels they can be exempt and it is appropriate. Hr. George Keller, Collier County Civic Federation, stated that if the County allows a 90 day extension they are admitting that the orga- Page 32 APRIL 12, 1988 nization is not complying with the law and tho County will be respon- sible. Hr. Cuyler stated he does not want the Board to grant a 90 day extension, but rather, he will return to the Board next week with an Ordinance exempting this organization, and in the interim, they may not operate the bus. It was the general consensus that this it.. be continued for one week. :It.. UB3 LEASE MREEJŒ1IIT WITH BRUCE DAUGBERTY, A IŒIUIER OF 'l'HE COLLIER COUNTY AKA'I"EU'R ASTROJIOHY CLUB FOR USE OF COUftY-onED LA!m FOR ASTROLOGICAL OBSERVA'rIOB - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that the County-owned land in question is in the extreme northern end of the Golden Gate Estates area and is located east of Everglades Blvd. and approxima- tely 3 .íles north of Oil Well Road in an undeveloped area. Tape '8 CO88issioner Hasse aoved, seconded by Comaissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that the Lease Aqre..ent with Bruce Daugherty, a .caber of the Collier County Amateur Astronomy Club for us. of County- cnrne4 land tor astroloqical observation, be approved. r.¡'G~ 113 '1'.: 126 Page 33 APRIL 12, 1988 It.. fllA , 11B BUDGE'I' AJŒJIDIŒ1ITS 88-268/269 - ADOPTED Co8aissioner Pistor moved, seconded by cO8missioner Saunders and carried unaniaously, that Budget Amendaents 88-268/269 be adopted. It.. 1121. RESOLU'I'IOB 88-77 ENCOURAGING THE LEGISLATURE TO PROVIDE FOR A DOCtJIŒJI'I'ARy STAMP T1.x INCREASE AT 'l'IŒ DISCRETION OF LOCAL GOVERlfHENT FOR AFFORDABLE BOUSING PROGRAMS - ADOPTED Coø.issioner Goodnight explained there are several bills in the House now that are offering to give County government an increase on docuaentary stamps which would be used (or low to moderate income housing. She stated she would like to send a resolution encouraging passage of this bill lo Tallahassee and also to the Housing Subcos.ittee. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, County Attorney Cuyler stated that he believes the current bill exempts individual homeowners from this increase. eo.aissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-77 encouraging the Legislature to provide tor a Documentary staap 'rax increase at the discretion of local government for affordable housing programs, be adopted. Page 34 t~¡;~ 1131'1": 138 r"û~ 113 ps~.:.l41 APRIL 12, 1988 It.. 112B DISCUBSIOX REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF U ADVISORY BOARD WI'l'H REFERENCE TO THE HOMELESS IN COLLIER COUNTY - S'l'AFF DIRECTED TO PREPARE APPROPRIATE RESOLUTION Assistant County Manager Mclemore advised that Staff recently attended a ~ting of the Ad floc Hoøaeless Committee. He stated th8t Ad Hoc CO8mittee recommended that the Board of County Commissioners legitiaize them as an advisory board of the County Commission on the issue of the homeless. lie stated they were impressed with the knowledge of the group relative to this issue and the amount of work they have done. Chairman Glass stated that this group is a cross section of the comaunity representing various factions that are looking for a solu- tion to the problem of the homeless in Collier County. He said it is an Ad Hoc committee, meaning no longer than one year in duration. said h~ believes they should be given 90 days to come back with a He recommended solution. Caaais8ioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Staff be directed to prepare the appropriate resolution to make this ad hoc coamittee an official aðvi- sory co..ittee of the Board of County co..issioners. It.. 112C RESOLUTION 88-78 SUPPORTING A LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATION FOR A JOINT REGIONAL JAIL FACILITY FOR LEE AND COLLIER COUNTIES - ADOPTED coaaissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-78 supporting a Page 35 APRIL 12,1988 Leqi81ative appropriation for a joint Regional Jail Facility for Lee and COllier counties, be adopted. t¡'ii~ 113 Pi -.i142 Page 36 APRIL 12, 1988 ..* '!'be followinq it... were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Aqenda upon action ~ade by coaaissioner QoOdniqht, seconded by comaissioner pistor and carried unaniaously: *.* It.. 114B2 FIJrAL FLA'r OF ROYAL WOOD GOLF AJfD COUJI'I'RY CLUB, tnfIT 2 plat not to be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted and that all construction is to be completed within 36 months. It.. '14B3 PRELIKIJIARY ACCEPTMCE OF COt1JtTRYSIDE AT DEIUtSBIRE LAKES, SECTION ONE It.. I14B4 PADiß1I'f FOR AR'l'ERIAL LEVEL STRBE'I' LIGB'I'IIfG ALQlfG C.R. 951 (SOUTH COLLIn BLVD.) FROM F11IfD 101 trlft'IL SUl'FICIEII"I' I'tJIO)S ARB AVAILABLB IN FUJII) 175 It.. '14B5 8oved to 9B3 It.. 114B6 SA'i"ISFACTIO!t OF OOTSTAlfDI!tG LBGAL RES AIfD SB'I"'l'LBJŒ1tT AGREBKBl'TS IN THE AMOUNT OF $37,146.00 It.. '14B7 PRZLIKIlIARY ACCEPTANCE OF COt1JtTRYSIDE A'r BBJUtSBIRE LADS, SBCTION TWO It.. I14C1 BID JIO. 88-1237 FOR LIBRARY SHELVIBG A!fD FURNITURE - AWARDED TO WIMER-STUBBS ASSOCIATES, INC. IB THE AMOUKT OF $37,426.11 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 10, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Page 37 t'G~ jljl~P~~ljL~~ í. § 'GG( 113 PJ'~ 145 {.;;; ~ 'v !1; ffi :~é, . t'~. " '---"" , APRIL 12, 1988 Clerk, Bids No. 88-1237 were opened at 5:00 p.m. on March 23, 1988. It.. 114D1 PAVILIO1I SHOPPING CEJlTER - ACCEPTAJICE OF CORRECTIVE SEWER' WATER FACILITIES OOKVETARCE DOCUKEKTS A8D ADDITIOKAL UTILITY EASEMENT Rccordcd in O.R. Book 1341, Pagcs 1616-1644 It.. 114D2 BAKn~x~ BAXX AT KIKGS LAKE SQUARE - WA'l'ER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE Recorded in O.R. Book 134l. Pages 1645-1646 It.. 114D3 COUlftaTSIDB AT BERJtSBIIŒ LADS, 'l'RAC'1' 8 - WATER AJm SE1fBR FACILITIES ACCBP1'AJICE Recorded in O.R. Book 1341. Pages l647-l667 It.. I14D4 ACCEP'I"AJfCB OF UTILITY EABEKEKT "I'll! MULE PElf QUARRY OORPORATIOR FOR PURPOSES OF LOCATIRG A TEST WELL OK MULE PElf QUARRY CORPORATIOR PRO- PE RTY 1. Accept the Utility Easement Agreement for a test well on Mule Pen Quarry Corporation property 2. Authorize recordation of the legal documents See pagcs I 'f% - IS I It.. 114G1 CEa'l'IFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE '1'U ROLL Nos. 325/330 1987 Real Properly Dated 11/87 and 3/16 thru 3/22/88 Nos. 101/ 1 0 3 It.. 114G2 1987 Personal Property Dated 3/30/88 & 4/4/88 Page 38 APRIL l2, 1988 SATISFAC'I'IOø OF LIENS FOR SERVICES OF 'l'HE PUBLIC DEFENDER See pages /5 do - /7/ . It.. '14Q MISCE~US CORRJ:SPOImE1CCE FILED AIm/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the following correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated 03/24/88 from Adis M. Vila, Secretary, Dept. of Administration, enclosing Veterans' Preference In Appointment and Retention in Employment rule. Referred to Lou Schulz, Tom Wh i tecotton, and riled. . 2. Letter dated 03/31/88 fr~ James C. Giles, Clerk of the Circuit Court, enclosing the 1987-88 Ad Valorem Taxation Report and the Intergovernmental Revenue Report for Collier County. Referred to BCC and filed. Letter dated 03/23/88 from Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary, Dept. of Com:nunity Affairs, attaching the FY-l987 Housing Scores Before Appeals - rank ordered and FY-1987 Community Development Block Grant Housing Score Summary. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Tom Olliff, Wanda Jones and filed. 3. 4. Letter dated 03/30/88 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Manager, DER, enclosing short form application (File No. 111473075). which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil DorriII, T~ Olliff, Dr. Proffitt and filed. Letter dated 03/29/88 fr~ Trudie o. nell, Environmental Specialist, Standard Permitting Section, DER, acknowledging receipt of application file number 111460389, for a permit to renourish Marco Island Beach with 1,180,000 yards of sand obtained from offshore borrow areas. Referred to ßCC, Nei 1 Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt, George Archibald and filed. 5. 6. Letter dated 03/18/88 from Richard White, Administrator, Records Management Section, DNR, regarding advance notice of expiration of Permit File Number CO-l07 Ml, Elizabeth Jason Corporation. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt and fí led. 7. Letter dated 03/22/88 from Delores G. Dry, District Administrator, fIRS, advising the fIRS has been awarded an increase of $5,000 for the Health Education program for tOG~ 113 "1r.~ 146 Page 39 , ;';, ~: ~. . ~: :;. J ' f!'. "'.P'.I ,', ItVV" 113 '1~'¡ 147 ^I'H81. 12, 8988 lO. contract year 1987-88 for PATCH Program Hodel. Neil DorrilJ and filed. Referred to 8. Minutes: A. B. C. D. E. F. 03/17/88 - CCPC and 04/01/88 Agenda 02/18/88 - Collier Soil' Water Conservation District 02/25/88 - Marco Island Beach Renourishment Board 03/11/88 - Naples Beaut. Council' 04/08/88 Agenda 03/03/88 - CJIS Management Council 03/16/88 & 03/23/88 - CCPC/CAC and 04/06/88 Agenda 9. Letter received OJ/l8/8S fro. Dave Beveridge, Chief, State Liability Claims, Risk Management, attaching a claim regarding Nicholas Sinirov, Claim No. 06098700, Date of Loss - 03/18/86. Heferrcd t~ Sherry Rynders, Ken Cuyler, Georgc Archibald and filed. Letter dated 03/15/88 from James D. Yager, Director, Department of Finance and Administration, SFWMD, enclosing a copy of the audited 1986-81 Financial Statements of SFWMD, pursuant to F.S. Chapter 313.501. ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 12:55 p.m. ATTEST:" JAMES C. .GILES, CLERK Af¡:~.: '~J~- .Qc. ' These minutes approved by the Board on as presented ~r as corrected BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL c2.-d L -{;} ~ ARNOLD LEE GLASS, CHAIRMAN ~ ø:24 /?/r Page 40