BCC Minutes 04/19/1988 R --"-"~_."- -- Raple., Florida, April 19, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Commissioners in and for the County ot Collier, and also acting as the Board ot Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, .aet on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building. .p. of the Government Complex, East Waple., Florida, with the fOllowing members present: CHA I RHAJf : Arnold Lee Glass VICE-cBAIRMAJf: Burt L. Saunders 30hn A. Pistor Max A. Bas.e Anne GoOdnight ALSO PRESENT: 3ames C. Giles, Clerk; 30hn Yonkosky, Finance Director; Maureen Xenyon, Deputy Clerk; Reil Dorrill, County Manager: Ron HcLeaore, Assistant County Manager; Xen Cuyler, County Attorney: ?08 Crandall, Utilities Administrator: George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Service. Administrator: Pat Carroll, Real Property Management Director; Philip Scheff, Planner: Wanda 30nes, Housing & Orban Improvement Director:' Leo Ochs, Personnel Director; Sue Filson, Administrative As.istant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. I &OOIt 113rr.r..1B2 Page 1 -------."." 'hpe ft ¡tea n APRIL 19,1988 &ðWWfta - Df1tuy &II WID mr a ~ c-f..1oDezo ~ IIOV.4, 8eCO\rM4 bJ' Co8a1_iOD81" ~fgb~ 8D4 CU'Z'Je4 -f-oualy, tba~ the ag8DISa be ap....ov64 with the follo8rJDg ~ I 1. I. It8a HA 1. Addition of Ite. ðE - ProclaaatJon encouraging citizens to contribute financially to protect our children fro. drugs . 2. AcS4Jtion of 9B4 re an 8gre888Dt for service. of Me. Carolanne E. Rauch re acquisition of utility easeaents for the East and South Waples Sanitary Sewer Collection System project. 3. Ite. 9Cl re iaple..nting County-wide beach parking progr.. continued for two weeks. 4. Addition of ita. 108, re foreclosure action on delinquent water and/or sewer special "."888Dt.. ð. It.. 14A2 continued indefinitely re contract for a study to develop corridor aanage..nt plane. &. Ite. 14Bð aoved to 9Bð re certificate of public convenience and necessity to Execunet Transportation ayst... Ite. 14B1 aoved to 98& re travel costs for Marco I.land Beautification Advisory Co8aittee to Washington, D.C. It... &Bl, &B2, &83, &B4, and 6Cl Public Bearings continued to April 26, 19B8. m.",xJgt OW IC&JtC1I 2'. 1'" - APPauvau .&8 Pllbbx&II ~t..ionera 8a1mdera IIOV~, M(;I:I~ bJ' Co8aJs.iOD8r Goodn1;ht 8D4 ca.rr.te4 ~.-ouly, that tb8 1IJDa~ of March 2', 1"', be ~AW~" pr888nt8d. 80OK 113,lr.! 188 Page 2 ",.,.... ,... """-'"" a. 113 ~ 189 APRIL 19, 1S188 xu. n& ~ .-..vT(3 ~ - PRDDxAU The following eaployee. were pre.ented service awards for the nuaber of year. a. indicated belowl 8olen Butler, Bldg. Code Coapl1ance Me.ley Bill, Util1t1e. 15 years 10 year. Itea ft. I'IIOCr.IIu.na8 DDICIIIAnJIg 'fD au 0'1 APUt. 24-'°, 1'" AS .~~llWar. ~~Aa%" '-.It- - ADOPbuI ØpoQ z--t1ftg ttae procl_tJoD, c-f_Joan. .J.a~0I' 809.4, MCon4ed bJ' cø-1..1aDer 8oo"""~gbt 8D4 carried -'lIOa8ly, that tbe procl_- t1oD d88igDatJAg tbe welt of &p1o11 24-'°, 1"', - -Prof-ioaa.t . 8 CZ'8 t..- .tee II8ek . be 8dopted . hge I ------.. " \l¡;~ 113 w.s.191 ~" . . Ann. SI, S'II Xba ftC ~ ÞaIQ8A~ ~ 1mB ow .&nIL 2.-,0, SI18 &8 .""Ic.ur -- - n. - &ÐOft*Þ 0 "'1oDar ~ 1IOve4, 88COD&Id bJ' n-....iOD8l' .i.~or aDd C8ft'1e4 -f~ly, tba~ ~ proc~tJOD de8igD8~JDg the _It of apzo.u 24-ao, S'" .. -A88r1c8D IIG88 Week- be 840pted. Page 4 -~,_._,,_...._-,,- aooc 113 'l".ll93 APRIL 19, 19B5 J: te8 ftD pItnm'~_nQ8 D8SI8JIA%IJIQ ~ au OW APaIL 17-23, 1'" AS 8JIAItCB OJ' Duma ""I'Ja-ICA8 ~8 - ADO"'~&II ~ Opoa. reading of the procl_tJon, Co8a1_ioaer 8a1mde1'8 8OV~, ~ b7 ~t-1oDfto "..e 8D4 C8ZTi84 ftft-t8:nl8ly, tba~ the proc 1 rtJaD de81gDaUDg ~ wek of April 17-23, 11.. - 8March of D~ "'1... rica8 188eJt8 be ~. Page 5 _........"-,, ._,. .. ,.:. :,113 fa? 195 " ~! r¡I'~, APRIL 19,1988 X t88 48& nocr.uanc. ~dOQDQ cnnZD8 m COII'r.UJJUD l'IDJICI.U.Ly m Paœ8C% ova ~......... ..øw. - ADOP!&II VpaD ~tDg of Uae proc~~.taa, c-~"1oDer P18Wzo 8Cmt4, eec~ bF c-t..JoDno -tlr.. 8D4 C8Z'Z'Je4 -t~ly, Uaa~' ÖMI proc~ ~o.u-~1Dg c1~1~ to CODb'Jbau ft~Ja1ly to pzootect Ga' cIa.114nøa ~roa drags be 8dopte4. .. Page & -"-"---- .. .. 113 w.s.l97 APRIL 19, leBS J~. ..u - .. 20, ÐODr.D n"u.ua~a, ........~DO _. . _. cuo.a COO"', U Sft&ICE IUíuOOt-1CD1S ... a&QO4.IUW sma T&JU) 8ftIIACD roa ROr...:rr OJ( 'fD Uft 8%D8 cø DrD8ma DRIft IJI IlmUJlAT 8&ICB PtJD, III.JtCO IRr..a1l'þ - AÞOr ~.., WID . t ¡, Iv 1....& 'PT OIlS Planner Scheff stated that Petition MP-88-2C filed by Donald Pickworth, representing Mr. a Mrs. George Cooper, i. requesting set- back reductions of 4.33 teet and 3.39 feet froa the required side yard setback of 16 teet to 10.61 teet on the north eide and 11.&1 feet on the south side, tor property located on the east aide of Waterside Drive approxiaately 300 teet north of Coco Plum Lane in Hideaway Beach POD, Marco Island. He noted that the property ia irregular in shape and a one-story, single-f..ily residence that i. being constructed 14 feet above grade. He noted that thi. i. the result of an error on the part of the engineering coapany in setting the corner pine. Øe stated that there ie adequate space on the lot to locate the residence within the required setbacks, and, therefore, the encroachaent i. 80lely the result of the surveying error. He noted that the POD district regula- tions allows for 8inor changes, noting that this request is considered .inor. He stated that Lot 4 is to the north and Lot & 1s to the south which are the only nearby properties that would be affected by this request and the impact would be negligible. He indicated that the CCPC held their public bearing and recoaaended approval of this peti- tion due to the 8inor nature ot the request. He indicated that let- tere of no objection were received froa Hideaway Beach Association as Page 1 ._-, - - - APRIL 19,1988 well.. the proper~ owner. of Lot. 4 an4 8, adding that the letter froa the property owner ot Lot & had no objection to the approval with the stipulation that if he nee48 a variance for his property in order to build hi. ho.., it would be granted. Mr. Scheft stated that this ~ of .tipulation could not be accepted by ~he adjoining property owner nor could it be granted, no~Jng that eacb requeet for a .etback reduc~ion i. judged on it. own aerit.. Be concluded by stating that statt i. recO88endJng approval of this peti~Jon. Coaais.ioner Pistor questioned it there will be a penalty iaposed .. this i. the third ti.. that this contractor has done this, to which Attorney Pickworth .tated that if there is an increased fe. regarding this aatter, the petitioners have agreed to that. Se noted that this peti tion could be subject to tbe penal ties of the new ordinance that will be forthcoaing. o-t...1aDeao. ""L...4e:r'8I1CW~, 88e~ br c-1..1oaezt CIo~tght 8D4 C8n'1ed --t-oaaly, that P.rt~~JoD ---20, 1Izo. . 1Izo8. a.oar;. Cc~. Z'8 -u.ck Z'8dIIc1:1oDe few PZ~Æ"lJ' CD the ~ eide of "~JM Dzoi". J.a. 8t1'.J.L7. ..~<:b POD. II8Z'CO Isl8D4, be &r....~e4. . ~t..1.oDeZ' .J8t:ozo t~f~t84 tIaa~ ~t 8bau.14 be s~ipa1.aU4 tba~, tJIJ.8.pet1tJoD will be subject to ~t:uw p-'elti.. of the fO&'+b--fng OZ"f!f-~~. 8001( 113,A'=! 198 Page 8 '* 113 w.s.l99 APRIL 19, 19SB Itea.nu ~ C8 _78. 8t1B8a nUN"" &PPr.x a&n 08 m 'fD 3 ACUoJrnu.8 ADA om aa ~ 8008 IJIQ AIm mULUr Dn8I.OPIIDr (BUD ) a ........ 'fD ncn 08 ., ØI.~.uN 800SD8CJ ASSIrPlwc. PAn....xt VO(h.¡".JII PaOGJUMs - AÐOi'T5U B0U8ing 6 Orban Iaproveaent. Director Handa 30nes stated,that she i. requesting authorization to subait 18 Section B, exi.t1ng housing assi.tance p&y8ents voucher. to the 3acksonvJlle area attics of BUD. She DOted that they extended an 1nvJtation to subait an applicat10n as there are approx1aately 20 housing vouchers, but there is only funding availability tor 18 housing vouchers according to the calculated for- aula. She stated that the housin? ...i.tance need has increa.ed 1n Collier County over the past .everal aonths, and 1. expected to con- tinue.. aore service level eaployees aove into the County. She noted that there i. no aaount ot aoney included in the ExecutJve Suaaary, but at the ti.e that the aoney ie granted, it would have to CO1l8 back bet ore the Board tor tinal approval. She noted that there i. pre- ..ntlya contract tor 20 vouchers at this ti_, which i. a five-year contract that is approxiaately 812&,000. She indicated that she esti- aat.. that the.e 18 voucher. would be approxiaately the ..... 0 I..~ P1abø- 8O~..4, .., .....h4 bJ' "-'..JaDao eoa~t8h~ 8Dd carr.... --at~ly, ~t b8011lUoQ ""71 ~b8J~~1Dg aD çplJca~10D to tb8 .Jeek8oøYil18 Area Office of JIou1Dg 8D4 OrtMID DevwlGp8.ut (IIUD) 1IIDISu t.b8 See t 1oD ., ezU ~ 1Dg boas 1Dg - J8UDce pe ) - ta YOaCber pzoo.,.. .. 8dopUd. Page 9 --~-_._,- .. APRIL 19,1988 ~ft X t8a 4181- ~.T= :';:f:M~=-=~~ ~- Public Works Adainistrator George Archibald stated that this prograa i. an update ot the five year plan and 1s a working dOCU8ent used by statf and al.o uaed by the public. Øe note4 that this docu- 88Dt has to aatch the CIa of the eo.prehenaive Plan td1ich it does in detail. Be noted that the report i. broken 1nto .ix .ections; the traffic count, the Level ot Service w1th regard to the Highway capa- city, the 5-year Road Conatruetion Progr.., the Current and Projected Levels of Service, the priorities for the secondary road progr.., and the 1 ()-ye ar Road C ons t rue t i on Pr ogr.. . Be indicated that there are 49 locations in need of .ignal installations of one k1n4 or another. Be .tate4 that there are funde available for the next 2-1/2 years, but in the 3rd year, there W111 be a shortfall, but .taff i. looking for progr... that will be able to tun4 these projects or reduce the .hort- fall. Co8ai..ioner Pi.tor ~icated that Mr. Archibald an4 his staff have cSoDe an excellent job in prepar1ng this report. " C-1...tcDno '18Wr 8Ou4, ..C~... ~ b7 C-t..Joaa. -..... 8D4 CU7i8A -t~l7, tha~ tJae " ../., thzroagb ft laIN he ó~ry JIo8d h~""'iDcl~ -jor rO84 PZOOj8Cb. .JgDa1 .tD8b11a~iOll8 8D4 %"8(; ut._~ pzoojecb be ~-o~44 With all a~t.-L..qIDt8. lOOK 113 ~I 204 Page 10 ,'- 1111 113"r~239 APRIL 19,1988 I tea 4N82 &.uvual'~ AJID SOLICI'I'AT%08 OW 1'IIOPOe1L8 '10 PaOV...D&.W'QIt 8C.I.VAlNnro, COLr.8C'rU8.A8D II&rDZAL8 JœCLIIIA'l"IOJI U ALL """,-,n sor.m W&.8D W&CTr..ITIa - Tln,a, UJlTIL bY.I..U'CO lIT SOLID W&SD ADVISOU OO88I1haa Public Norka AdmInistrator Archibald stated that this it.. is to ..et or exceed proþOsed State requir888nt. and the goal. and objec- tiv.. of the Solid Waste Eleaent of the Growth Manageaent Plan. DOted that the C088ission previously authorized the Purchasing Øe Departaent to advertise and accept proposals for a aaterial. recovery and recycling progr.. at the .aple. Landfill, adding that 8Ub.equent local 8Dd national advertising tailed to produce any proposers. Øe DOted that at the Board of County eo.aia.ion _eting ot March 16, it was indicated that. direction should be taken to proceed with ~w-.nts and request. tor proposal. to recycle at ODe or all of the eoanty's Solid Waste facilities. øe DOted that the reque.t for propo- eal an4 contract docuaents invite. private enterprise to e.tabli.h aaterials reclaaation activitie. at the landtill. and/or the three tranater stations. Øe stated that ~e propo.al. will be looked at, and CO8p8red with current operations and then will be brought back to the Board with a r.co~tion. Be .tated that the driving force i. to reduce the volU118 of waste that en4a up at the lan4fill that has to be covered and handled there. øe DOted that if tbJa waate i. reduced, the lite ot the landfill will be extended. eo.als.1oner Pi. tor .tated that the RrP i. very detailed, but he does DOt unc1arstand how a penalty can be ...e.sed if the tonnage reao- Page 11 - - - val J. 1.ss than what the contractors guarant.e. APRIL Ii, 1'88 Øe stated that he did DOt... anything in the RFP about the contractors having a gu&rantee4 way ot dJ8pOs1ng ot the waate. Mr. Archibald stated that there needs to be a require..nt for r880v61, but a clause 88sessing thea is not needed. The following people 8pOks in opposition to approving this ita. becau.ee it would be locking the County into 8O1Iething that could r..trict thea with regar4s to future poasibiliti..: a progr.. should be developed that wUl .erve the coaaunity as a whole: source separa- tion 8bould be checked into: the entire ..tter i. pr...ture at this ti_; 8D4 the Citizens' ScUd Maste Advisory C088ittee .hould review the Proposals before anything i. done: George KeUer ~n Charlotte W.staan Bob Xr88owaki Richard Braun Co88J.sioner Goodnight stated that staff is siaply trying to find out if there is any intere.t in the private .ector, adding that the bic!a do DOt have to be accepted, but thi. WOUld give staff a direction to work toward8. Co8aJs.ioner Saunder. indicated that the County could be giving up a r.veuue by allowing a vendor to handle part of the operation and this revenue "Y be nece.sary to Apport another prOCe.s. Be stated that be would like to have the advisory c088itt.. di.cuss thi. ..tter before any action i. taken on it. Mr. Archibald statee! that this it.. i. siaply to a44res. the aOOK 113,J':! 240 Page 12 ... 113w-! 241 APRIL 19, 19B8 recl...tion eftort ot recycling, acSdlng that he feel. that the County .hou14 go through the proce.. of taking proposal. to 4etera1ne it there i. an O11t.icSe intere.t and to dateraine if recycling can be a . reeource in Collier County. t: t..~ ""'~1'8 8Ov84, 88(JelD1S84 bJ' n-t..JcDno ...- 8Dd C8Z'Z'ied.411.. (("-,..ieDer PJatO1" ~..4).. to table ~ .1t- 'CII1t.1l tJae Ci~j~' 801J.4 IIII8b AdY18oJ:y "-t~ ... bII4 lID "'...-.. tuA.1ty to ~Jt. I tea .na "'.JII""~ ~..-........-x J'1œ'I'.a..~ 'fO ~08 OW P.&IICU. ". PIIOf'&au-z ~.I.&UI ... ~U"WI W"."'I JOlt ~ 0-. 0...-11. ourwALL PJIO.nC'l' .&1' ftXC8 6XAAaI - AtrJQ.IY&II WTrJI ruJrD MODIrICA'J"IOJr Public Works Adainistrator Archibald .tated that this request is to obtain a parcel ot property nece..ary for the drainage easement for the C-4 Canal O11ttall project at Price Street. Øe noted that this will tie together three parcel. to cO8plete the canal project from Eagle Creek to O.S. 41. Øe noted that the County i. coaaitted to acquiring the right-of-way and the ðeveloper wl11 construct the canal. lie noted that the parcel that ie Deeded i. 1.12 acr- on the south end of the canal and currently the effor~ to acquire a portion of that parcel have been UD8UCce..ful because the apprai.ed value that the Co1mty baa i. IlUCh Ie.. than what the owner i. _king for that portion of the ease_nt. Øe noted that the owner would prater that the County purcbaae the entire parcel which i. 5.19 acre., adding that he is askiDg $6&,000. Øe noted that there are thr.. options available to Page 13 - APRIL 19.1988 the County, ODe i. to conde8n the property, another MOUld be to pay 826,000 for the ea....nt, and the third MOUld be to purcha.. the tmt1re parcel and Wle what 1. needed an4 then ..11 the re..1nder of the land. Be noted that staff has located 8OIIeone that has a great deal ot interest in the reaaJn1ng property. Øe noted that he 1. Z'KOIlt---.n41ng that the entire parcel be purchased as it could be used in part for the right-of-way along S.R. 951. and that it be purchased wi th Road J'anda with the idea that the Water Managnent Departaent could 8Ub81d.tze the Road Depart8ent When the r-in1ng 1an4 is sold tor the appropriate 88OUnt. Øe conclUded by 8tating that he i. recom- aend~ that th1s parcel of 1an4 be purchased at 85&,000. Clerk Oil.. indicated that he has a probl.. with the County buYing land troll Road " Bridge f1md8 for the purpose of water aanageaent. stated that Oas Tax tunda cannot be used tor water 88Dagell8n~ pur- He poses . Public Works Adadnistrator Archibald stat.d that if this is a serious concern, then another alternative MOUld be to purchase the parcel out ot the avaJ.IÛ'le water -'1'ag~~ funds and then at such t18e that the property i. sold or can be incorporated into a rigbt-of- ..,. acqui8ition agr.e..nt for S.R. '51, the a~ropriate road fund can theD reJabur.e the water aanageaent f1m4. Clerk OU.s incUcated that he had no probl.. with b-nðlJng the parcel of land in the aa"'1er as described by using water -nageaent f1mda . aool( 113w-! 242 Page 14 ~ $, 'i 'j,,{;' ~; 'i , " t, 'i' .~.. ".. i. ,*' ,'# ' ~~ j,;'. ~' hOC 113 m243 flr ~ " ft. f-.toaer .~ 80111...4, ~~...h4 ~ ~t..10Da' a-A.o.tglrt IID4 APRIL 19,1888 ~.-4-"ly. ~ tb8 ¡tu....,,<:: .. &gr.-IAt ~ b) the dz'-f- .. 8111 . 8C11pt.j~<III ~'8D 8!Dt.úw PG'Qtl of 18D4 of prop..rlr reqaJ.Nd tor tb8 lilt,.. the c-4 ~1 oaUa11 pz'Oject .~ 1'r1C8..tree~ be , .-----.... ....f...~ _I-...Q' III ~ of .......... . Page 115 - 113 PI? 247 APRIL 19, 19B8 X tea .... ,.".,. ,.¡n I'C8. aavu:a ... _. CAJtOt.AJIIm &. It&OC8 JOlt ACQUIsrnOJI O. UTU.1n . ..... .. ~. ftJIt 2'D &&8% .&8D 8OV'!II II.U'LK8 ~ -..on '~nu.acnOil .~'x... PaO.78C'r - AP.-.uv1W Public Horka Adainistrator Archibald stated that staff needs to acquire 205 ."88eDt. for the East -aple. Sewer Project and because of the J.arve ....1gn8eDt, the Real Property MaI1age8ent Departaent does not have adequate 8tatt. Øe noted that an outside right-of-way agent has agreed to provide the needed services at a rate of $22.00 per hour, not to exceed $10,000. Øe noted that there ia a ti- 11aJ t involved and ~is work auat be done between now and Septeaber of this year. noted that thi. person will work under the direction of the Real Øe Property JIanag...nt Director an4 ia I_iliar with the ..aignaent as she Ja a tor88r County employee. Øe noted that he bas first Ja:aowlecSge ot her pertoraance and if the work 1a not being done, the cootract will be terminated. ð. t..SOQftl ~ .-'h1'8 110\.4, 88C:1}q~ bJ' o-t-JoDno _... aDd C8Z"'ri84 . - . -00881 Y , tba ~ U. 8gr' 1....1: tOl: 88Z'Yieea tw ... Ca1"ol8ft1W L.8 rb,1;ozo 8CqR1aitioD. of 1IU.Uty ....-Hllb fOl: U. ~ IID4 8outia . If 11.. .88Utuy .111 s.-. Co1.l8cUoD 8y8t8a h'oject be ap....,o,.4 8D4 tiwnt . -&180... ~... repcM-La giV'8D to lIre Azocb1b8J.4. Page 1& [, '$, . r.¡ i ì J!~ t "" ,e._,_._- APRIL 19, l'SI ..... -.c.... 10130 A... - II8ooAv.0.4. 10lfO A... ..... !'ape. H Xu. ... ~.. 80..u11.1..D%81 ... CDnnCAft tØ POBrdC co.v...",ZEJt .um l18Ca&!.n m _..........,~ DAaI'OlaAn08 ...t- - ADOJ>!La" County Manager Dorrill 8tated that thi. it.. require. a public hearing tdUch i. why it ... r88lOVed frora the COMent Agenda. There being DO regi.tere4 speakers, ~:: f..1oaer "",Pí."-r8 .,.....4.. . .. -'.II-~O ....f~ --fl. 8Dd C8Z":1'Jed.-t-ooll8ly. Uaa't öae pablio Jl88r1Dg ... etcnLt. ðo t"V-T1~..1 -"-re IIOW*'. M('CJ ~ bt' C-t..JðO8r WT... 8Dd C8Z7184. - ft4--11'. ~ .u",1'tt1øa 88-80 ~ . ~f1ca~. of ~lto' - f~ 8D4 DtKTn1t:y 1:0 ~eo(~,.wt. b~ta~J.oD ayatlllI be 8dop 184. . aoO( 113 I'S',&, 252 Page 11 '--" 113 'Yo! 255 APRIL 1St, 1988 I~ ... .1t(>&1.~~ &.. 8.UL 8OOIIII&JI a "ACX\'. 'J'O ~ÞT CO4).n &'Z 'rD 2ftJ1 8&%1C8&L . t' -- -"' , & .. ~ Im8 PJIO(ØM 'J'O 88 IIU.D Dr M.U1UJr Ø'fO8 , D . C . III 8JaY .. U. lIImTa. Ll1IÐ8CAPnIG 0If 8OO'rJr aa1tW"nT.D ÐIII'n, MIJtCO ItrL&~ . Public Works AdaJnJstrator Archibald stated that he has been 1n.for...-4 by the A8erJcan Association of JlurseI)-n that the _dian 1~8C1Ip1Dg iaproveaents on South Barfield Drive, Marco leland, have been chosen as a winner nationwide and they have invited a repre.en- tative froa the County and the Marco Island Beautification Adviaory Co8aJ. ttee to accept the award. Øe 1D4icated that the Advisory ~fttae has diacussed this aatter 8D4 they feel that it would be too CO8~17 to HD4 anyone to lfaahJ.agton, D.C. to accept tbJa award and they 4.td DOt feel that it should be taken out of the MSTtI tunda. He DOted that a representative froa the County should attend, adding that . representative troa A. Gail Booraan a Associat.. plana to attend the car_80ft'.. they were the architect for the project. Øe indicated ~t the contractor on the project, Aaer8OQ Sa.1es, Inc. a18o plane to have a representative there. ~t..ioner Saundere stated that be fee Ie that if sO88One froa &. Gail Booraan a A880ciat.. plana OD .tt~Jng, aaybe they would h¡:4'eaent the County. Mr. Archibald etatec:t that he would ask thea to repre.ent the County, as well as Aaeraon Sales, lac. 'C" --i-I. . T~ ~1...4. -geCi 18'!~ bJ' C-t..1oDezo.~ 8D4 ". t CI8ft'iM. - -.,.17, .tbat .&Z'cb1~ &. 8a11 ~ a .98OC1a~- ..,.,. 18 r~JI.at tb8 CoaDq> at. tJae 2tÞtb Sat.i-' r...ll!ftðl~.pe Aw8z'd8 h~.. ~ be b814 JA -- ..~~, D.C. 1A JIay N tile 118dJ8D r.-.DdKt8p1Dg oa. 8oa.th lla"fJe14 D:l'JY8~ lluco I8l8D4. It88 -ftD1 am ""'121. Ø8 l!IrWIr4't!u.. ~ UK 0'ßLX'.rD8 DIVDIOJI ~ &lID . , . ..... '...~ - ".1tTWft '1'0 'U%0U8 '..uOItS Legal notice having been publi.be4 1A the .aple. Daily..,.. on February 3, 1988, .. evidenced by Affidavit of PubUcation filed with the Clerk, bids Here received for Bi4 .S8-1216 for cheaJcala for the Utilities Divi8ion Water and W..tewater Depart..nt until 2:30 P.M. February 11, li88. Utilities Admini8trator Crandall .tated that thi. i. the 8DDUal bid for chea.tcals and .in all case., the low bicScSer i. being recoa- 88DcSe4 . Be DOted that 12 r88p0D8e. were received fro. 21 vendor. am1 of tho8e 12, 8 vendor. are being rec~. Be noted that thi. bid i. for 1-1/2 year. and will be for a total of 8&11,300. --t-.IOD8:1' pJator ~..-4, ~ bJ' c.--t..iaa8Z' tI.f¡¡",.ra 8D4 C8Z'1'Je4 -t~ly, tba~ _14 ..8-1216 før ebe81ca1. før the D~111~i- DJ."s.t08 "tar.8D4 ~tao~, Tnt. be anü'de4 ~ YU'J0a8 .... ..... . ~. Ia...... - . ,..., 8JD 488-1U'/~&- ~ ....u...z-.al'- II&1'D ..~-- - COJft"~. -rw", "..lICe Legal DOtice having been published .in the Waple. Daily..,.. on . March " l'SB, .. evidenced by Affidavit of Public.~ion filed with the 80ee 113,1'.1. 256 Page 19 ~ ~ aoo< 113n~257 APRIL 19,1'88 Clerk, bids were received for BJd '11-122' for residential water aeters until 2:30 P.M., March 23,1988. . OtilJti.. Adainistrator Craadall s~ted that this is for an award of a bJ4 for residential water aeters. Be 1ncUcated thÍl.t he i. recom- 1Mm41ng the .econd low bidder and not the lower bidder because ~e specifications called for the aeters to have been aanutactured for at least fi". continuous year, and the low bidder did not aeet ~08e 8pe- cifications. Se noted that 11 1nv1 tationa were sent out to bidders aDd tOfU> vendor. reaponded. Mr. .John Corey of I:ent Meters, who was the low bidder, stated that the 8eCODd low bidder had a price of 871,&00 aDd hi. bid was 8&0,385, DOtiDg that he was 16. lower than the .econd. low bidder. Se noted that it baa been .tated that the IIOdel aeter that was indicated in his specifications has not been 88ØUlactured continuously for five years, but thi. i. not the case, adding that it has been aanufactured .ince 1916. Be noted that the Utilitie. Ðepart..nt feels that the aeter has been altered and sufficiently chaoged within the last five years to diaquality it. He noted that l:ent has changed the ..ter, but the internal working part. have not been chaoged. Be indicated that the tfOrk1ng regi.ter, the aol4s, and the chaaher is the --. Be indi- cated that if this S&88 test was applied to all aanufacturers, they woa14 all be disqualified. Be noted that the second low bi44er, "ptuue, has indicated that they will 88D4 an affidavit saying that their aeter has not been changed for five year., but they are no Page 20 '-.."... APRIL 1', 1988 lODger ProduciDg that aeter through DOr8al pro4uction. County Manager Dorrlll stated that the Executive S1maary 1s fir. and has been approved troa the atili ty Diviaion and the Purchasing Depart8ent an4 avet1 though the bid is DOt beJDg rec0888DcSe4 for the low bidder, it is being rec~ for the lowest and IIO8t respu-ns1ve bicS4ar. Co8a188ioaer 88UD4ers q1Ie8ti0ne4 if the other el888nt8 ot the aeter...t the specifications, to which Utilities A4ainistrator ~.ll stated that he baa a liat of five it..., but the IIO8t iapor- tant ODe i. the reliability factor. IUJte 88W8aD, atiliti- Water Director, stated. that it... for the specifications were that the strainer be 8O1U1ted flush against the body of the -tar, the warranty of the -ter WO1:I1d be taken into con- sideratJoD. and the pr_aure tactor. lie DOted that the- -term have low presaure factors. the strainer is DOt aoanted flush against the body 8D4 the .ept1me aeters have a 5~ better warranty than the Jtent -tara. Mr. Corey stated that his cOllP8DY _ts all the Irpec1fications and wbeD they are the low bidcSer and reepcm.ei"., they expect to be 8W8.1'c!ed the b1d. lie 1Dð.Jcated that he had a cover letter atatJDg that they ~ld...t all requ1re88Dts attached to his bid. CoaDty Attorney Cuyler stated tha~ be concurs with the reaarb preyiouly ..de by the County N8Dag8r, and DOted that he would like to - the procedure r888Jn c0D8ist8D~ 1A order to discourage challenges lOOt( 1131'SI'" 258 P8ge 21 '-"'" 180( 113 ~';! 259 f I'0Il anyone. APRIL 19, 19B5 c 1..1~ '.18tor 8OVwd, 88e ~ by ~i..1OD8Z' 8'r1". to COD- .f~ th18 .ltea ~ør . ..rb to COD8!der .It. Mr. Cr8D4all stated that the -in thing that Ccm.cerna hi. i. the reliability, and that is being received fro. Ifeptune. Be stated that he is DOt sure about reliability with Eent, bat . COIIproaJ_- could be reacbe4 by awarding th.. 10- of the bid in order to give thea an OP¡-1-llllllity to 40 business with the Coanty. .Mr. Corey stated ~t he woaJd be Willing to accept 10- of the bid if tb8 County i. DOt coafortable with ~ the entire bid to the.. ..... . -.u.,.. t:be ~ , tbe 8OUaa. C8ft" .te4 - f ~ fly . Þ,' ..z~ ~ . en--n-Scations Director Berb Lantz stated that he i. requesting that the County purchase a battery backup syste. to service the existJDg D18ensicm. 600 phone BY.t... Øe .tated that on aany occasions there have been power outages and when the generator kJcb on, the surge of power kicks the fuse and 8e8Ory baa been lost. Øe noted that rooa can be -de on the tourth floor that i. wi thin a f.. f_t of the -itch, a44ing that this equiP88Dt _igh8 7S0 pounds and will give four hours ot uninterrupted service. Be noted chat the coat will not 8XC8ed 82&,000 tor the BY.tea and the .Installation and there is aoney ~ tb8 capital budget to pay for it. Page 22 '--, c APRIL 1St, 19B8 '..JGaao PJ.8toz. 8O~.wI, INK~ hit bJ' c-t...tozaa. Gag .....tgbt 8Dd. C8ft"Jad -t--.17, tba~ tbe eft battay b8cIt---ap 8y8Ua be PD'Chaaed tOft U. 8Id8U&8g Coaq- bI~ 8J81:8a 1A aD 88OaD~ DOt to .~( 184 .28,000. " %1:88 ftft. ~n.u.'--1 œ..06~ :;ntRT.::onn 800.& au.r. ft8 a 1I.&1I"I'1"QU nnal".T'P9 TW~-..r ~I - nau Assistant County Manager McLe8ore stated that this resolution is for Collier County to go on record OPPOSing Bouse Bill '13, which 18 In re~ to a State-wide drive.. Be DOted that the .10rida .L8aocJat~ of Counti.. i. OJI>l^'WJøg thJ. bill CD the baais that the int8D4ed legislation is good, but there are 88V8ral feature. of the bill that are potentially injurious to local governaent. Be noted that the bUI repreaents an ability to -aaure the productivity and quali t'y of service of which there are cUff.rent approaches. Øe noted that IIO8t elected official. feel that this bill is going too far and 18 t."fng away the powers of loca.11y elected officials 8D4 the opera- tiOD of local gCW8l'D88nt. ð t...t--.. 8tH ""tgb~ -....4,.c ~ by. C-t..Joaao '.18tose 8D4 CU'Z'Jad --1--.17,. tba~ 88.eo1t1.~Jca --J. ~1Dg £80'181aU". 8oue 8U.1 .u ot tbe J. ... 88ga1ar .... t CIa of tbe "lor Jda £8gJa 18 tm-. 1"8 . - ..,. tIoa: 7 qaaU 1;Jr J8pa; ~ .. I..~ PI'~- be 8dopted. 8* 113 ,...~ 260 Page 23 ,...--.--..." %t88'~a ... APRIL 19,1988 AuIMQ; ~r -.'IIII&In; AÐ r..-n:raa .......-..u.1!.,... IIXDD 21m JlBll:Ll' CJtD%m ~ a:avr.ca oø.u ."'-..x ftJa P8:a8OaJj. 8Qy .lCD, OPD.I.nJIQ ~;:~ ~~~~ ~:~-= =IUon UD PAl' PWI Assistant County Manager McLeaore .tated that last year a crisis was declared in the Building PenaJt eyst.. that the County currently has. Be DOted that in October 1987, the Board approved a study COla- aitt.. to aðdre.. this i.sue and in 'ebruary. 1981, the study co..it- tee caae back before the Coaai.sion and presented i ts f 1nding., adding that the bottom line of that study was to build the tine.t regulatory ey.t- in the United States to ensure that the quality of the County C aD be guaran t eed in the tu ture . Øe stated that .. a reaul t of that direction, the Staff has been in a pl8ft9yflJg and evaluation stage to brJDg thi. progr- forward, ad4JDg tha~ .. of thi. date, they are now ready to go fonlarcS with this progr- and what i. needed is the aut:hority to begin the process. Be noted that there .baa been con- .iderab1e debate, extr... pl8ftnlng and caution in develop1Dg the aethocSology and at this ti.., action Deeds to be taken to PUt the pro- C888 1D place and he 18 request1Dg the autbori tv to begin developing thi. DeW eyat.. tor Collier County. Co8aissioner S8UD4era stated that be voted in favor of 8OVing aJemg with the 4evelopaent of .0118 iaprOVed ayate. for iS8UaDCe of . buJ141Dg parai t., adding that this 1. . 18Ortbwhile goal 8D4 he .t1l1 au.,p....&ts it. Øe stated that be 81so 8Uppurts the concept of building tOIle 113",.. 262 Page 24 " -.--."--,.. .. lOGIC 113 w.¡ 263 APRIL 19,1988 the beat ayat- that the County can, but he does not tee I that the County Deeda to have the biggest or ~ aoat co.tly. Se noted that he does ~ ... any jw.tification for 20 new positions at th.f.. point in ti_, 8d4ing that be would like 8088 coaents frOll the County Manager's oft ice a. to why 20 new positions are needed and why this cannot wait anti 1 the budgeting process to do this in a noraal cour.e. Se ~.c! ~t this is an extr...ly high exi"!J18e and the way that .1 t was In.1 ti81ly presented to hi., the building i~try would be paying tor this through incre..ed buUding f.... Se noted that the Co8a1ssion baa been presented "i th a request tor a .cO, 000 square toot buJldJ.Ðg at 83.5 .ill.1on and now 20 DeW positi0D.8 are needed at a cost of 81.5 aJllion and he is concerned ~r. 81l this expense "ill end. A8aistaDt County Manager Mcl.e8ore .tated that the In.itial budget i8paCt that was addres.ed by the .tudy CO88.1tt.. was fairly well on target in teras of it. reCO~ti0D.8, ad4Jng that the original study t... failed to look at the inepectora being a part of this function, ad41Dg ~t they carry the .... burden "ith regards to being 1IDðerstatfed. Be indicated that there will be an additional 4 or 5 DeW positions for the inepectors. 7ape .. 1Ir. McLe80re 8tated that the original 8tudy was not intended to do the detailed operational analy.is trOll a budgetary POint ot view, but to give an overview ot what this DeW approach would coat, adding that the 8tu4y caae up with an ..tiaat. of .100,000 - 8900,000 tor opera- Page 25 ----, " APRIL 19,1988 tiooal .~ywna.s which is ac~lly going to cost 8Ore like 81 aillion. Be 1D4Jcated that the study c088ittee envisioned a building require- aent o~ 15,000 square feet, but after doing the actual analy.is of the buil4Jrag, the staff r!eteraJned that it is going to take about 23,000 8qUare feet, adding that the 40,000 square foot option is going to take care of 8O8e adeSi tional needs that were determined would be De8de4 . He atated that the detailed study and the ability to perform was a driving force against the perfol"8aDCe standards that the industry wanted the County to ...t. Øe DOtecS that those standards are to provide the level of eervice that the CoIu.u.uity wants. Be etatecS ~ he 18 DOt asking the Board to detera.1ne the revenuea for this, """"Ø that the budget proce.. will have 8O8e ad41tional iIIpaC~ on the figures. Be 1D4Jcated that he is ..1riDg for authorization for the PØ8itiODa and the 8ODey that is neede4 to hire tbese people 80 that the pro...... can be started. Øe DOted that these reco~ti0D8 are in line with the pertoraanc. objectives that the advi.ory cO88Jttee 88tabl.tabecS in their report. ec-issicmer Saunders stated that there is a list ot bu4get ...n4- 88Gb that list cSif~.rent types of 84t1'Vic.., but he i. not 81I1'e what e8Cb per8Ou is npposecS to do. Be noted that in the budget ~nt l'8qaeau there i. an additional 818,000 set aside tor travel to Scott"'.1., Arizona. Be stated that there i. nothing in the Executive an ~ that justiti.. the County eoaaission appropriating 8500,000 tor the ~inder ot the year ancS 81.& IIJ.llion for next Y8ar. Be &ooc 113 'Yo! 264 Page 28 ,. tOO( 113"',1.265 APRIL 19,1988 Jn4icateeS that he doe. not tmderstaDd why these functlons cannot be perfor88d by people that are already on staff. Øe .tated that people that are on staft now could be lICWed around so that a new cOllplex does DOt have to built. Be indicated that be i. not that concerned about the level of service that the iDduatry wants the County to provide because it 18 going to coat a lot of 8ODey and be i. not prepared to 8pen4 that auch 1Ioney. Be .tateeS that he support. the concept of .tre_IiniDg the proce.s as long .. the revi.. criteria i. not l1.aJted, aDd further stated that be c~t support this greatly ~rated progr_. Be .tated that he doe. not see in the executive ell n~r exactly what staff wants to &cCO8pliah. Mr. McLe8ore .tated that if the Co8a1.sion wants a li.t of posi- ti0D8, h8 would be glad to provlde this. ae noted that the capital outlay will DOt .bow up in the 88COD4 or third year budget.. it i. a 0De-'t~ eJL~e. Be incUcated ~~ he is ready to get this Job started aDd will provide the Co88J.ssion with any infor8ation that i. cSea ired. In answer to Co8ai..ioner Pl.tor, Mr. McLe80re stated that the 20 PØ8i~ions are new positions, .....tng ~t the total organjzation will eaploy about 120 people. Be in4icated that hl. direction is not to undercut the proce.. and have to CO88 back in & 8ODth8 with another r8qUe8t for additional people, ......tug that the probl- .~ this t1- ia DOt an efficiency proble., it is an effect proble.. Øe stated that the efficiency probl.. can be taken care of, but the first task 1. to Page 27 APRIL 11,1'88 solve ~ current probl88 WbJch i. an effect probl.., noting that the probl- in the last three IIOD.th8 have bec088 worse. Øe reported that the perai ts are backing up and it is worse now than it... two IIODth8 ago. Be 1D4J.cated that even if the reorganization ... not done, the requir."At tor the people will still reaain the s... becauee the iD8pect1on people right now are perforaJng 30 inspections a day and tbJs 18 D8Zt to iapoasible. Øe stated that the industry is saying that tbey will pay tor it, but jU8~ get i~ done. Øe noted that all the probl... need to be handled, a4d1ag that there are various alter- natives, bat he teels that he now baa a gOOd handle on tbe situation. Co88J..ioner Glas. stated that be wants to addre.s the issue ot bow the iDduatry is going to pay tor this, to which Mr. Mc:Le80re a-tated that the revenwe tOl'8 to .~..~rt th.ts organJzation will be the potM1- of the Board, a4dIng that there will be a nuaber of t .tnancing alternatives durIng the budget ...sions. Øe stated that he is pro- POSing that the new organization be principally borne by building per- 8J t f..., but buildiDg pera.t t f... sbcnl14 DOt be uae4 to cover other deve1op8ent related activities. Co8a1ssioner S8aD4ers stated tha~ he 1fOU.14 like to ... the f1m4ing alternatives, whereby bailding pera1t. and entorC888Dt fines are levied to pay for the progr_. Øe indicated that be would like to see this prior to the approval of the new POSitions, a4ding that he would also like to ... what eacb position is going to do. Be DOted that he 1fOUl4 also like to ... bow aany baildJng inspectors there were a year MOl( 113 w~ 266 Page 28 I ---"""""""""-""" .. 113 Wl 267 APRIL 19,1988 ago, .bow 88IIY ~ are now, and how II8Dy will be needed for ~1. new Org'8llization, l144ing that be 1. asking for justification for all thi8. He atated that he would al.o like to know what type of capital outlay there will be. Be indicated that be 1a not opposed to 'atre_Iining a County service but the ccaaunity baa been toleS that the builcUng 1n4uatry 18 going to pay for this service that they are ask1ng ~e County to provide to the8. Be noted that the Executive Su88ary does not coav1Dc:e hJa that thia ia the route tha~ ia being taken, acSding that if the buUding induatry ia go1ng to pay for ~ia, he wouleS like to - ~ progr.. that ahowa it. Be noted that if a P81'111 t applica- tion ~- .1Dcrea8e ia needed to f1m4 the progr-, then the SoareS .hould be approv iDg such a fee. .", Cr 1wh ... MZ'8. 80 . ~ " tbR tb.18 88tter ... be 14 of f 1IDUJ. ~" ... '" .- - 1- ~".. u.e. 11ft< ... lIDS tbtR t.b8 app..~ tate ~ tag pztOgZ'.. be, . L """--6-to.""'.tJaat: UIe t~t.s-y Ja P87.1Dg .Ior tJa.1a.88Z'Y1ce. "" ,. , Mr. McLe80re .tated that if ~i. prOCe.a 1a put off for e or 1 IIODtha, i t would be dl_teroua to the County. Be noted that .. of ~ober 1, li88, the County can 1apoae a 35' incre... in building fees t:o P8Y for the8e Japroveaenta, wbJch coaIeS be bufferect ~ alao i8p0aiDg 8088 additional cSeveloP-8D~ t.... Øe noted that thJa ia baaed on the fact that the things that are not: buileSing P8l'11it related 1lfill be financed fro. other 8OUJ:'C_. 'I'be 8Otion died for a lack of . aec0n4. Co8aia8ioner Ol_s stated that there ahould be a workshop held on Page 29 , - - - -"""'-" , APRIL 19,1988 th.18 _tt81' in order to present all the necessary !ntOZ"8ation needed for the Coaaå8ioner. to II8.k8 a deci8ion. Be noted that it there is a probl.. with h8Y1ng a workshop, then the Staff can Provide the DeCeaaary !ntol"llation to each Coaai.s1oner an4 have this it.. sche- ctuled on the 1Ig8Ðda again for next week at the conclusion of all other 8g8D4a it... . c: '-.1-.. 8~ d..S.z'8ct.4 tII81: tJa.f.e 1taa be pJaee4 011 t:.be 8Dd of k f.oat 88ft -.It IID4 Ulat tIae ~OZ'8at.f.aa With Z'8g8Z'da to the tIae I. 1..f.8t., _.poa.f.t.f.0a8 aa4 lllaat: 2018 ~ Jt1a7, tJae i.-fWd 1~ of C8p1ta1 t, -. I I t .coeu J t:.be r. . - --- ....... of opt.taaa ~ tJae .0 a....... ~ ... to ot~ tJae .~. .4Jt.1U.. that IU:8 p&'~1:I"4, . .-.s ..~.8f. tile ~Q.1.-.s ØPft'..t""l...A~ I.. be ~e4 8D4 P1\1-!-.88CIa 0 t .. t ~ .. .sa cø-dk to J:'W.f.ew 1 t: Prior - to . t:be ~ :,. .- [..l"............. " ~..'_... .~%~ .......,. " -...... ~ ...". ..~.' "'~.... ~ !'m IIT~..,... MICRO- 0f2:rC8 o. .ft~""~'~Tf'O&.RY-'~'.1'AiOU.U'r - .ua-.v..." JII-D8 ~ . ' . 0. ".7.. -" E8ergency Services .A4a.tni.trator ReardoD .'bated that thi. is a requeat froa the lIec1ica1 Exaa.tner for two a1croacopea. Be noted that this .... budgeted in the current budget and through re-archJng the llarke~ by Dr. Eng.trand, it was deteratDe4 that there were 110 local bidders but th.re are apprOX1..tely a Y8DdOrs that could...t the ~ts. Øe noted that he is I'8qUeatJng that the two II1croacopes aooc 113 ~! 268 Page 30 , ...113",,-269 APRIL 1',1988 be parc:baaed fl'Oll Micro Opt1ca of I'lorida which ia in the bwSg.ted 8IIOUD ta . Be noted that he is also requesting that the DOraal bid pro- cesa be waived because ot the technical nature of the equipaent. o~ .-.sc..r,8~. 80....4. Mel)~ bJ' C-'ø.toDno. PJ8tozo 1ID4. C8ft' .tAd - f~ly. ~ tbJ.a .1~ be ~f~l..4 aD. -.Ir~ 8D4. ~t:M ao...-1 bi.yh~ p:lN)CI. be ~9Wd. --1..t~ ..t.ator ~.-4, ..1:1:1 ~ b7 c-fø.1oDezo 8oø""'tgb~ 8D4 , . ca:n-jed . t~ly, tJ:Ia~ tb8 pII2"'. -ra of 1:-. aJQ'~ f~ tb8 . ~T.4I~ ---~'. J8c.1J.J~ h'O8l1Jc1'a 0pUca of .1or.t4a be ~O,~ . Ja.tM. t of ..." '".00. .'" %'-4M2, ,.. -. ~ V""}".r:I~a. OUWA .... 88P~» œ OCIIOI-aa I'ID "~.'.'8'l: . .' 'Ø20"~"--""I.Y..a208 .DTWtIWI'. 1aIIIQ. - P.,..a.u &8ergency Services Administrator Reardon stated that th1a 1. a request tor an e..rgency purchase of a replaceaent engine for one of the tire puaper. -.igned to the OChopee I'ire Depart88Dt. Øe DOted that they had been out tor several 4aya on a fire and while IIOpp1ng up after the tir., the paaper was placed on the aide of the road. Øe 1D4Jcat~ that the grouncS l0088Ded below the ~ruck and it liatecS, addtng that when this happenecS the operator evacuated the vehicle and the eDgine was cSaaaged beyond repair when the oil entered the exhaust 811DJ.tol4 and the engine above the piatons which causecS the rods to abatter and ruin the block. 118 noted that the "...gea are covered by the insurance carrier except for the 81,000 deductible. Øe noted that Page 31 . - -... -........ '-""'",..",.,.". APRIL 19,1988 he 18 Z'8qaohtJDg apprOV.I of the repl8C~t 8Dg!De on an -rgency basi.. c I_JcIDø 8o(;'A..tgb~ 8Ow..4, .witt.4e4 b7 ~f_1oI:aa- ~1 ...s..ra , "... CII8Z'ri8d - f"tt...ly, tha~ U. Trø--:y parc:;t1... ~ ~ np1a- c ~ ~ t:bI Oebop.. ..tnt De..--~ -At 4.20 Ca~i1Jar a208 D~l ~ ... ------4. ~tft See PaçJe . Itea ftQ& ~-':C ~"'IItm. ORDIJr.A8C8 .e-a7 ~IJrG OJU). 8"4 U PIIOV%DUG 1'08. All ... J~ m 'ID ~~==.r;. 011 0ItD. .eo-4 ~ .COOUDIDD OCIIII'Iu.'ZY "'.-k8:r.I.nC8 . - ADOPkau County Attorney Cuyler .tated that thia it.. ia in reterence to the cUacue.1on that was held last _It I'egarcSJng the transportation providers aDd the fact that they were currently included under the traneportat1on aDd licensing tax1cab ordinance that the Board had PA9M4 . Be stated that thi. 1. an 8118Ddaent that exeapta a coor- 41nator CO88W11ty transportation provider, DOting that the Board Deeds to ..tablish that an ...rgency exi.ta due to the d1acueaion trOll the Board ...ting of April 12, 19B8. " e ._I~'.~8aD""'tgbt 8GWw4. .c --hi .". C-i_JaDa. PJatœo 811d- . C8n'jM.- c 1_1y.. t:ba~ 8D - 11. ...::.-Y 8Z18t8. ":,, ."t~, 8aCl"""tgb~ 80¥..4, MC"'"tI4 b7 o-~"1oaao P1tñar 8IId . C8ft'J8I -t--.17. ~ t:Iae pabl1a b88ztiDg be clan4. c t..f~ 8oa~tgb~ 80.....4. -r ~ ~ b7 C-t..JoDao P.i8tozo aDd C8Z'rJ84 --t-o.aaly. t:ba~ t:be Ora't~ - -~e4 8D4 ~J~18d below . be"" op t.4 . 8IId 8Dtez'84 1D b) Ora' t ~ IIook 80 . SO I &00( 113 's~l270 I'8g8 a 2 -" "-. --'""" .. 113m271 .ann. I_. J". 08Dt-a1k'8 .a-" All --'<: ~~ OItDnrl8C& """'18 cou..Yq eot..xz 0JIDIJ1A8C.8 80. ...., 'M. ~II'.U 1'IIØ9'ZD18 ... All A.- .1108 2'0 DK ~I""".:x. o. aaÐ~JIC1I 80. ---. ... ~DIA%D 001 '.IoTS ~.nOJl "'H-~ AS DUI:a&u D ~IC8 422.0JJ('). n.IWT~ ftAm'DSs ~£»£88'" abol-wlu:88 tTI u:& 88C'nC88.&8~, ' - .~ - ~...oh JI8OV.LU~ ... CCIJØLIC'f .um ..y..uILIn~ ..... A III" AII..a.. .u.- ~ " a DAD . I~. ftO8 ~. D8ar.øDG8. 88-82, C8 88--2: .111 88-1, 8ID-88-1 DIox.l.t"U%l8I ~~\~--'ACUC8 C8 ~-I""'U-..:x- ~ AD/oa .1w1U( ti'MØ.LU. A - ~rll¡J Coan~ Attorney Cuyler .tated that thJa resolution directs hie office to Jnatitute foreclosure actiODS on delioquent water 8D4/or "1M~ special ....a...nt., adding that the Executive SuIIaary liata the parcela of property that are 8Ubje~ to forecloaure anð tJ:ae total 88OUD~ of the delJDqUent as_~ta for each of the dJatrJct.8. Øe stated that there 1. a total 8IICnU1t of d811Dqunt as-II88DU t:hJa year of 828,280, 1dUch 18 1... thaD tlbat 1 ~ - last year. tha~ be 1. ask1Dg that the Board adop~ thi. 1"e8O1utiOD. Se .tated .' ... '... - rr .1Jn "-tglat .,.~.... .. c: 180~. 4 by C>-1..1oaezo .~ 8D4 , . r:lA...r9lt ' 4-r fly. ~ .1oJat-"111tJc8 -'2, Q8 88-2, .In ""1. , ....... .. S ~.f.D8tJbtf.Dg lazoeclNtUw 8CUcIG .. de1.iDqll86t -tiel' 8114101" T I' 1: 8p8Cial lUI.. ¡ . . ta be 8dop t.4.. Page 33 -..-, , APRIL 1_. 1988 .It8a4UA~. ...-an m -.:1., 8&I!P AIt...~ !'O 081). 82-11. a ~IC ~08 eo-Ja.ioner Pi.tor stated that t.bere are exotic treea on Marco IsJ.an4 that are growing like wee48, particularly the AustraiIan Pines. Se DOted that the.. trees have . very 8ba1low root .,.st- aDd will probably blow over in a _11 stona. 118 Jn4Jcated that Ordinance 82-113 doea DOt cov.r this is81l8 aD4 be feels that there should be 8O88tbJDg JD the Ordi'1.8DC8 that would require people to r8llOVe these trees froa residential lots, if it 1s legal. ~ 4..~--,. tL...- "-1'* 8CÞ..-4. 8K~ b7 "-4..J.oDao P.f.8'ta3r 8D4 carr J.e4 ~ .""11'. ~ .~f be ~ t:o brJDg beck Ü8 ., DtI- 88R . "'. ~ ~. t.be ... . - 1 ~ r'-'l1.. p b8't al8o to re¡-.,.- t beck with . r-..a ~ ~ . to Mri8g . ÖI888 eaoUce z ...4. baa ....i~tt.a1 a-.... Coanty Attorney Cuyler stated tha~ Ordinance 82-113 will have to be 8d4ru884 8D4 the aubject of Aaatra11an P.1De8 or other exotics on currently developed laD4 will 8180 bImt ~o be 8d4re8ae4. 118 noted that the ~t in the Executive SU8aary can be adverti88eS for adoption aDd he will check into the other J.aaae to be sure tha~ it can be doae legally. ~i..i0D8r II.... 1n4.1cate4 that r88OVing Austrailan P1ne8 in the GolcSeD Gate btat.. area coa.ld be a probl_. % t88 ft28 , , .. ~t-., IITYt'Aq 8&D !'O 8& USD A8 .& QUIlwfrTg Dr 2D....Alt&UOII W "M.ðl... - """"au ~t.s1oner Saunders stated that the County Manager generally -ta with the various c1epartaents and Constitutional Officers and tOO( 113 tArot 274 Page 3" , ;;; 113 w~ 275 APRIL 19, 1988 c;o..s b8ck with a budget -sage for the Board to review &DeS the Board is ~ faced with the task of evaluating varioaa line it... in the budget ~rying to tria the roll-back aillage rate to what is cons1dered to be acceptable. Øe .tated that he 1fOU14 like the CoIIiIissionel'a to 8eDd a IIe888ge to the Con.8titutional Officel'8 &DeS the County Manager that there 1. a certain roll-back aJll8g8 rat- incre_- that the Board conaider8 to be acceptable &DeS ask that the County Manager CO88 back with. budget ..s..ge that ..et. that criteria with the understanding that t:bere aay be certain specific .xpeDditur.. that are necessary tha~ would require an 1ncre- in the roll-back aJllage rabt in exce.s of the 1.".1 that the Board suggests as the ~t.... Be noted that there MnI14 have to be 8Ub8tantJal 4ocu..entat1on to justify an 1Dcreaae ewer Mbat the Board _ts as the cap. . - ft. 4...tøae:r... .... .........4 tMt. tile ~... ~. be d.1r8ct84 - t.-to&1n8g ,b8ck . "'t .I""~ .that ~ . -4.. of . .. .to &t~ Jac¡; 1 U . . _. tbe ,roU -b8ck 11111age Z'8t'e. C^--is.ioner Pi.tor .tated that the levels of service for the Coçrabensive Plan have not been establi.hed nor baa i~ been deter- aJD84 bow tiMry wi 1.1 be f1m4ecS . Be trtated tba~ Jof there i. . cap on the roll-back .illage rate, a lot of capital1apl'ovelleut el~t 1teas are elf.f~ted because the operatJug coats c~ be elJainated. Øe stated that he 1s .kept1cal if the budget can be held to 8., a&Ung that there are options that the County was hoping to have that they 110 loDger do, like the optional gaa tax. Page 35 I - - - APRIL 1~, 1988 . . " "...i- . rMr. 'I'~.b18 8Dt:.tca to ... t1Ie CoaDq. ".' ~ . 1 ¿ --.k. 1d HI t .. t1Ie f I: 1 tfOZt: ~ . .. tar øe t ga.Jde U..D8 ba:t t1Ie C8pJ a.J., T - 1 " ~ r~ 81 HI 11 lit ~ld be. ..~te.1~. c: t w1oDeJ.a . . . --"l..c~P1.I.tbe 8Dt:1.oD. Ccnmty JIaDager Dorrll1 atated that inflation has been running abou~ 4-1/2* 8D4 what i. being said ia to cut existing progr- or keep DeW progr... to 1-1/2* of the budget. Be indicated that there has beeD cU8CU8.ion for next year of 8O8e 8Ubatantially expanded jail propo6ala, there has been a cO8prehenaive po.ition cl"sification and revi- .,..t.. that i. now UDCSer contrac~, 8D4 there ia also the ~fng ot the East "pl- CO88Unity Park for next year, adding that the intent behind what the Co8ai.aioner. want to do i. good so long .. i~ 18 clarified that each Agency Manager ia re8pOl181ble for _eting ~t898r target. or goal. are set. Øe noted that the abov-reterenced ~ i t- have already been CO881 ~ted to 8D4 these are opp..,rbm1 ties that are going to be hard to ...t. Clerk Gilea stated that the IS* in 8088 cas.. will work out tine, but in other are.. it..,. not. Øe noted that when growth ia .tnvolved, it baa to be handled. little differently. Øe stated that he agree. with the idea of trying to set an overall liait but activity baa.. also have to be lookec1 at. Co88i_1oner Gl... .tate<! that it appears that the concep~ ot a target ia good, but it i. only a guideline. ~lsaioner Saunders .tated that thia only applies to the roll- MIlt 113 w.; 276 Page 38 , , NIt 113 w.( m APRIL 19,1'88 back 8illege rate. CoaDty Manager Dorr111 stated that the policy that was adopted in 3anaary ..,.. that DO current service request shall exceed 5- and any .xpoa..ðe4 service or new prograa thereafter, would have to be baaed on r8C>a IDCSationa troa each Agency IlaDager and ..et with 'the approval of the Board . Co88J_iooer Pistor stated that be feels that i~ woaJ.4 be 8Ore realJatic to look at a 1~ incre... guicSel.toe. Opaa ca1.1 far tb8 qaeat1aD, tb8 8rtiOD C8n"J84 4/1, CC-1..1aa8r .J8tar Oft¡Cln4). CoaAty Manager Dorrill stated that the &- of the roll-back will DO~ !Delude the Cap! tal IlIprovell8Dt and will be c0D8idered separately. ~ITI . Iu. .,,10 ft.UI' m ftØlDa .&IJDftIC8U. au IIU.L aøoa lOa D8 CØIUJ. %8--. -~.' In~ W ~ ððIØItI_---In or...... CO8a1ssioner Saunders stated that this it.. is to .iaply get so.. type of report back on where the County stands with the Capital Ia¡u:ovetMnt El888Dt of the CoIIprehen8ive Plan, adcUog that about . year ago, it was indicated that there... a 810 aillioo abortfall for fi". years of projects and staff i. now of the op1nJoo that the 8hort- fall..,. ooly be about $20 8.111ion. Øe stated that he would like to ... a report on th1e aatter in a coaple of weeks. CoaAty Manager Dorrill 8tated that the 4Jfference between the $10 8.111ioo and the $20 .illion is DO~ an easy solut1oo, a441Dg that the Page 37 APRIL 19, li88 8oar4 will have to CO88Jt to aø4 incorporate.. part of the ~i.. PlaD, the annual r..~ropriation of one .ill specifi- cally for capital MbJch will be the diffenmce between 810 1IJ11ion and 820 a11Iion. Se DOted that within the next 30 days, 8taff will COIIplete the fJnancJng options which will be preaented to the Board the f 1rñ ~ .tD .J1ID8 . ~i..iODer Glass .uted that he NOa1d 81so like. report on the ODe 8111 with regards to tdJat it has been used for to date. %t8a.ftD . ~:;.= ; ~.=... ~~ ~ .:~~v=- ":%~"I! Co8a1..ioner Saunders 8tated tha~ be 81Iggested to Mr. Braun a couple of 8011th8 ago that he would be happy to go with hi. to the Sut.. Attorney's office or the O.S. AttorDay to requea~r ... citizen of the County, that they review the situation involving Golden Oats and Avatar. Be stated that he 1s still will1Dg to do that, but Mr. Braun baa DOt CO88 forward to take hi. up on that otfer. He stated that he will DOt vote.. a County Co8ai.8ioner to ask for a Grand .Jury .t.nv..tigation because he does DOt believe that there is aDytbJng ~o be 1nve8t.tga ted . Mr. Braun, President of the Golden Gate Taxpayers Association, muted that Avatar Properties baa certain obligations to Collier County 8Dd td the owner. of properti.. .tD Golden Oate but- .. a I'881L1t of certain agre...nts and certain bankruptcy court orders. Se lOOK 113 'Yo! 278 Page 38 so. ll3 m. 279 APRIL 19,1988 DOted tha~ ~ have not fulfilled their obligations and there ia al.o certain iDfOrllation that sbows cause to raise qaea~10D8 about the ~i0D8 of Ava~ar. He 1n4i"~ed tha~ he 1a reque8tJDg tha~ the Board Z'8qUetrt that the ott1ce of the 0.8. At~mey in '1'UIpa conVeb8 a grand jU1'T for the ¡nIrpO8e of conducting a thorough investigation in~o the actions of Avatar Propert1e., Incorporated with re8pec~ to ita obliga- tions to Collier County and the owners of properties withiD Golden Gate SUbdivi.ion. Coun~ Attorney CUyler stated tha~ he ia unaware of anything that would justify the Soard to ask for 8UCh an inveatJgation. 1Ir. Braun stated that he would l1ke the spoil bank -terial that no ODe can account tor checked into, that could po..ibly be worth $& 81111on: the $10.8 .illion in perfOl'88nCe bon4a that Avatar was to put up tor taithful perforaance of their obligations that are 8i..ing; the 500 acre retention lake that .,.. put into the Growth Manag~t Plan at 85 8111ion; and the 1,100 acres that .,.. giV8D to the County for the spec1tic use of parka, police protection, librariea, etc. and it does DOt -t 8Dy of the requireaenta. Be DOted ~hat these are the in- 8qa1t1- that he would like the bankruptcy court to check into. Be Jn4Jcate4 that there i. a 1913 agr....nt that was never approved by the bankruptcy court or the Federal Trade Co8a1aaion and yet the Coun~ has to live with th1. agre~t. Coun~ Attorney CUyler .tated that the Soard ia aware of the 1983 agr8888At that had the conveyance of the 1,100 acr.. an4 if there ia Page 39 - - - .----- " APRIL 19,1088 8O88ÜJDg illegal in it, then it is up to the Board to detel'Jline that. Øe DOted that he does not believe tha~ they have engaged in any ille- gal cODc2act:, adding that be is not 8If8r8 of any aDd baa not seen any. He no~ed that the County is in litigation right DOW dealing with spoil bank -~n-ial and. he i. very concerned about ad4re.siDg this issue. lie stated that his concern is that if the Board endorses this a~ion, then t:be D.S. Attorney generally take8 . closer look because they feel ~ha~ t:be local go98rD8eDt thinks tha~ 8OII8th1ng is wrong. ^' ...t- I' 11m II 110"..4. tIaat t:Iae eo.-t~ &t;to¡,~ be d..tr8c:t84 to taIr:8 8CUaa-iA ~ to. hdaAl 8z"...s 3arI nri8riDg ~I" ~ tbat: .... .....u.c , . . It. IIo1:J.oa d.18d tor . .l8cII: of ~. Co8a1as1oner Gl..s .tated that DO ODe baa 8p8cif ic kDowledge ot cr~.f'Htl 8C~ivity, but in reapol18e to a public petition, the Board could rtIqIIe8t: that the O.S. Attorney review the -tn-ial offered by the GoldeD Gate Taxpeyers Association 8D4 datera.iDe if action requested by t:be A88OCiation i. warran~ed. County Attorney Cuyler .tated tha~ Mr. BrauD could request this aDd 1f tJMr. is a q1Ie8tion as ~o wbether the Board would object, it coa.14 be Irtated that tbere IIOUld be 110 objec1:iOD. e>-t..iOD81" ~.ra stated tha~ be 110 probl- with goJDg on record .tating that it the 0.8. Attorney or any .tnvestigative agency wants to iDvestigate, the ~ssion 8D4 the Collier County staff will . cooperate, but .. tar .. the Board endor81ng an investigation it would be irr88p0D8ible to ask tor any 1Dveatigat1on unl..s there is 80- lOOK 113 W-! 280 Page 40 , --~--"'-_.,," ..'---,-- ----""'--'."-'" , , .. 113 Pl'J. 281 APRIL'19," ì988 .".t~. -: t...I.c88r 8111- 80".4.. 88t:~~~ bJ' C-1-1oa8r -,uh&ll'a 8D4 . C8ft"Je4 ~-t--.ly. tbat . 1etbw be 88D~ to t:be 0.8. .&~tozW7 .."'f~ tb8't.- r8ri8Wt:be -tc-Jal - pr...tect bJ' Mr. 8nam 8D4 go tonrard . 1f-~,J.8. -... to ~. lIre George bIIer stated that there 1a litiga~ion with regarcSa to tiMt spoil bank and tiwre i. IIOüIeY' aJaa.f.Dg, ~~ing that there ia cause for iDv..t1gat1on. .~'-4JØ. . ,L.--I.'" o...aIm ~"T"" ~"'~ 001.....,.'8 -..ICAD 0......., ""I~ ,. .;JVD 1 - .7UD 3. 1... D - r~ au '"-~..Jaeao 8~ 801...4, _c!'or~ bJ' ~1_J.aD8z' 8ao"""tgb't and " . can- J84. 4.,..17. tbat t:be ~~ ot 8Dy C-t..t--.r tor t:be .1o:rida ~._-,'. lla.rrj~ CoD.tu~...1Ima 1 - .raza. 3. 1.18. in y -... ...........~.4. ... 2'118 ,.11.-4 . i ~ ... ..... .........4 81141 or 8dop ~ 1IDdar t:be Coa 8811 t '1tIJ ..~ ,~.tIDtica ~. ~4...t.GIIa' . "'r.. 8K1 1.484 ~ ~ tw1oDer " ' .. J.8taao ... C8J:'1" 184 - - t -oaa 1 y s % t88 ft4&1. ...- """'I"JIO - . -."'W.ß' 81D 8OVD ~ -Tat "'-.8..I2WH'tII'JF: D~ .~.. .L ~I" - -~...aCI80L0Q%C ftuuUAI .. 'D8 Day~X 01' .& - -- Y ...... ft ~ 108 ðllDT1U W!W See Page. % t:8a ,ft 4.U ~"PI" -~ ,laD ~ ft&D cø .v-,"" .. .& 6xuuY m D8Va.OP l!ftØ:moa ' , ...... - - CCJ82 ~ &&I . -..... .&.11.1. ~ ... y -,' -,'..-.: --~~_I %t8a ft6U .... 41 -'-.-"'.',"""'...- APIt%l. 1. , 1... ~ 80. ._~, aonu-xLlllliil I'DIIDDRI I'Oa noPO8&D r.aur.&n08 8IC8 ~ -...:¡;..w IIOOU IIU.L 13801 ~ OW Puvaa:lÞ'- ..,.... '1'0 IJIC:UJD8 ~. r JIr See Page ~~ , . %t88 ftG1 ì.::..::~ -- '~"'. 1I8D a . :.;:. - ~ ~ ~ ~: .:c å.m ~ ~ : 1':. IIUD COLr.8CUOII. See pag.. ~9t:' - .3 /¥- , %~ .naa APJIOL.~I 07 88TUI "¡---u.,, DA9m c. 88%Ø8L" .70IIII YWII:~IU', 8'IAV& "--.r,, 10.IlO[,O L ."'IM" .&lID qo.. ... "..,... ...ar-D '1'0 .,.. oatI~'J"r&ll'1' 8U.8CU.a8 o-.b~" 2D -.800 ttn'~. --ell ~.iIk:)V-T""~'IfX ~c . ßJII'K f ... ""'12") %b8 ~... " .. - . 1. .... In ~ D& 8Ov I IIIIIÞ % ~ ':. c:c IL ,1m." JIOr 8COV'øt 01' --.rca usa 07 .Cwu.~.-('á-_.. r ðDr.r..TW8 DIftItr~ CIIIP-O-Iur:JI See Pag.. ...E /5- .3 /9 %t88.a88 - *,,~. t:o %~ .... %t88..... . ¡ 8WI'-- ,0.. CC86~~.1.08 ~~'%I ~ r..a~ ..... pallW It411 -487- .....4. to %~ ..- . Ia..-c¡.. . . .~..._~.OI' C&888, ~III~"Y'" '1'0 TIIOt.OJ8 CA8II .r"'.nr CftI'~~X&U AJID ~~--'IO -"', JIIGa8- . See Page ...3c:ltJ %t8a-ft81. '. AiC"""""~ O'I~ WID LDI8 - II&%D ..acu.rna" 00v.~.%Da u. ..-.-.- r---. c¡- na LDI8 - 113,Y.! 282 .... 42 ... 113 ,.,... 283 AftIL i_, 1... "uu'..4 .ta 0... Book 1 'U '1 , P8G'88 1 n'1?-1 n4'1 . %~.ft4Ð2 ~A11Ç8 ~ wøa AD aa.-. ncDdtla, (AI""""-. P.IB. _an I Recorded in O.K. Book , Page. . ...%t8a.~ .- , ,.~b.Jft8.... ,. ~08 '1'0 ~ S'AX 1ItrI'." 1117 'l'AJfGIBLE PERSOJfAL PROPKR'l'Y 808.1187-104/101 Dated 04/05/8. ':".., "~:%'-'-.s.eea.. a.a.'I'8.7D8."--DS 1108. Ie'7M, 11171. la1.., 48412 %.... .a... . ".-T~'" W r.~ 1'0& IIII'8:r.IC J:Ir&r""-~ca See Page. ..3 a/ - ..3 a. ~ , I~~- 811""-- "'-'- (!k-...POIIfoa.". rrT..Im, awnfoa ""-~du 'lbere being no objection, the following correspondence was filed 8D4Ior reterred to the various cSepartaent. 88 indicated below: 1 Letter dated 04/05/88 fro. Thoaa8 O. Pel~, Secretary, Depart8ent of CO88UDity Affairs extending invitation to BCC to attend the second State of rlorida Governor's Hurricane Conference which ,till be held .71me 1-3, 1988, 1D 'l'1UIpa, I'L at the Syatt Reqency Sotel. "ferred to BCC, .eil Dorrill, JCen P1Deau, 3.... Reardon and filed. 2. Letter dated 04/01/88 trea Dougl- L. Fry, EnviroDlMtntal Manager, DO, enclosing .hort fora application (rile 80. 111412&15), whicb involves dredge and fill activiti... Referred to .e1l Dorr11l, Dr. Proffitt and filed. 3. Letter dated 04/0&/88 froa DougI88 L. Fry. EmrirOJUMntal Manager, DEft, enclosing abort fora application (r11e .os. 1114153'6 and 111415535), which involve. dredge and fill activiti... Reterreð to .eil Dorrill, Dr. Proff1~~, George Archibald and filed. Page 43 .._,---~-_., 10. 11. 12. APRIt. 19, 19B8 ". Letter dated 03/29/18 froa Richard White, Ad8iDisuator, Recorda Manage1l8Dt Section, Dareau of COastal Engineering and Re9Ulation, approving pera1t transfer, pera1t file I1UIIber DBS 16-146 CO, new perai ttee ~: Barry 3. Sichi, Tru8tee Project: Terainal Groin, Korth Side of Gordon Pass. Referred to .eil Dorrill, Dr. Protfitt and filed. 6. Letter dated 04/08/18 froa Bank Grabaa, 3r., District F0re8ter, Florida DepartJ8en~ of Agriculture a Coneu8er Services, attaching the updated Cooperative .ire Control agre--nts for s1gDature. Referred to .7.... Reardon and filed. 6. Letter dated 04/01/88 frea N. R. Trefz, P.B., Deputy A88istant Secretary, Florida DOT, regarding Local OoverD88Dt eøoperatiV8 As.istance Prograa (20/80). Referred to sec, .eil Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. Letter dated 04/08/88 frea .7eftrey S. Hirsh, of Freidin & IUrab, P.A., re claiaants: .MoDa Obrin , as DeXt fri8D4 and natural guardian of .1UDior Liberal, Mona ObriD, Individually aDd Eli8DOr Liberal, IDdJvidua1ly. Reterre4 to .eil Dorrill, ~ CUyler, 3_s RearðoD and f11ed. 7. 8. Mint..: .11ed. 9. 03/08/88 - Golden Gate Parkway Beaa~ification aDd 04/12/88 - Agenda 03/24/81 - Marco Island Beach R8D0uri.b8eDt 03/21/88 - Mest1ake Beautification Advisory Co8aittee 03/25/81 - 81g eypr..s Basin Board of arMMD 01/12/88 - COllier Mosquito Control D1etrict Agenda Me8or8D4ua dated 04/08/88 frea COleen M. Ruehl, Appraiser Spec 18 l.ta t , Dept . 0 f ......... , to all P;rope r: t, AppraJ8era aDd 'laxing Autboriti- re TRDI Co8pliance Iforuhope. Referred to Saa COlding, 318 Giles, ..il Dorrill, Lori %ala aDd filed. Letter of 04/0&/88 to Virgil Choate, Pri8OD Inspector/ IDV8stigator, AVOD Park COrrectional Institution, fro. Major Lou Gibbs, .7ail AdaiDistz"ator, responding ~o Ma1"ch 1&, li88 jail inspection. Referred to .eil Dorrill and tiled. . Letter dat84 03/31/88 fJ'08 IIobel't L. l'attoD, CoIatzool1eJ.o, 'fax COJ1Mtor, att-'-t... dJ.8UÜ8tJG8 na., ........ ,.... to data total. of taxes collected net of discount for li8a/I&, 198G/11 and 1981/88. Referred to Lori %alka and filed. M880ran4U8 dated 04/05/88 to all Grant..s, MPO'. and State DO'1"s, fro. Peter .. Stowell, Director, Southeastern Area, IDOl[ 113 ,...... 284 Page .." , .. U3 w~ 285 . APRIL 19,1988 0.8. ~t of "1'8D8,o.rtat1oa, l'eg_41ng GWrA Organization. Referre4 to .eil Don ill, .1eff Perry and fUe4. It- ftØ1 ~.ÚU,_.6 ". ...1. ..u.r.- JIILL, ~ a. M1'f11, lIltS. JO SKLVD, . .1~ c. OUr", aIMI&Mt 1fDt8D, ""'&1'.ft r.or", DGDI.I.LD I.. a.oIIJI, AJID KID "I.I.~, .&8 8OIP ". D~" cw cc"¡ 'J,tn COO.II; .aøaICULT"ØILU. . A ,... .8ft . :. 8OÖA rrIOII' " IJ8C . ... There beiDg DO further bu81De88 for the Good of the County, the _tiDg ... adjourned by Order of the Chair - 'ri_, .AlJii~~&lußj- - .1AtAà.. c " œ~t' cr.zB :.'" .' ., t:!'. ~~/ ~. ,.~;",. '~;,~~ '?~£?c. ;';I,~..i~te. approved by the Board on " \'1 ..," .--- .. presen\8d ~ or .. correct~ 12150 P.M. BOARD OJ' t,;OOiltr COMMISSIOJŒRS/ BOARD OJ' ZOBIIIG APnALS/1X om CI 0 GOVDJrUO BOARD ( S ) 0 If SRCIAL DIftRlC'I'S a.ou ITS '-íUII'X.....t. c2-L/Ø?!:- .A.?" AUOLD r.u GLASS, CJlA%RMAK ~1T/~/"/? Page 45