BCC Minutes 05/03/1988 R
.aple.. Plorlda. May 3. 1988
LET IT - RDlDmDZD. that the Board of County Co8ai..loner. in
aDd for the County of Collier. and a180 acting.. tb. Board of Zoning
Appeal. 8D4.. the governing board(.) of 8Ucb special di.trict...
bave beeD created according to law an4 having conducted bu8ine..
bereiD.. -t on tbi. "te at 9:00 A.M. in DQULUt ....108 in Building
-w- of the GoverD88Dt Co8plex. Ea8t ..pI... Plori". with the
followiDg 881Iber. preeent:
Burt L. SauncSer.
.7ohn A. Pi.tor
Max A. Ba8..
Anne Goo4D i gb t
ABSD'r :
Arnold Le. 01.... Cbairaan
.7.... C. Oil... Clerk: 30hn Tonkoeky. Pinenee
Director: Maureen hnyon. Deputy Clerk: ..U Donill. County Manager,
ItOD McLe80re. b.t.tent County Manager: r:.n Cuyler. County Attorney:
~ Cr8Ddall, Otiliti.. Adaini.trator: Toa Olliff, Acting Coaaunity
Developaent A4aini.trator: Harold Huber. Engineering Director, Bill
Lorenz. lDvironaental Science Pollution Control Director: r:evin
O'Doaøel1. Public Service. Adalnl.trator: Leo Oche. Per80DD81
Director, .ency I.reel.on. Ad8ini.trative b.i.tent to the Board: end
Deputy Chief Ray Barnett. Shertff'. Departaent.
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hpe ft
1t8a n
MAT 3, 1988
AaWwfta - UhuJy&iì WID t!1I&lInWe
~t..1oDer Pi8tor 8Ov..4.. MCoDcSe4 by Co8ai..Joaer ~fgbt aDd
C8Z'r1e4 4'0, that the 8g'8D4a be approwe4 with the tollOWiDg cb8Dgee1
It.. 9Cl - Continued at reque.t of CO-i..Joner 01... to May
17,1988, re lapleaentatlon of a County-wide beach parking
progr- .
It.. 9A1 - Continued to May 17, 1988 re traneportation review
of project. prior to adoption of Growtb Manageaent Act
Move It.. 9Al to It.. 181.. re Petition R-87-38C, whicb J. al.o
to be continued untJl May 10, 1988.
Move It.. 9A2 to It.. IB2. re Pe\~tion R-87-4IC, whicb i. al.o
to be continued until May 10, 1988.
Aðd on It.. 12B re approval for C~i..Joner Goodnight to tra-
vel to Tal1ahae.ee on May 4, 1988, to te.t1fy before tbe
8oueJng Coaai..Jon.
A44 on It.. 12C re approval for C~I..ioner Pi.tor to attenð
and repreeent Collier County for the Tr8l18portatJon Day. in
Tallahae... .
Move It.. 14Cl to Ite. 9C2 re di.cue.ion of School Dl.trict'.
offer to...p portloft8 of .ite known a. Iaaokal.. Mi441e
Scbool for the Heatb property, Uaaokal.. Coaaunity Park).
Move Ite. 14C3 to Ite. 9C3 re contract. with Service. for
Senior. Service Provider. aaen4ing coapetitlve rate..
A44 Ite. lOB by County Attorney re acceptance of Vineyarda
Sewer Utility facilitie..
hge 2
MAY I.. 1988
, 1t88 ...
JI8IItØ!'D ""',¡CK AIIIaD PItb.,.X"1W TO J....oal Pbar. IIPO. coel_.,¡n DrI.
Co8aI..Ioner Saun4er. pre.ented a Service Award to .7effory Perry.
MPO Dlrector, Coaaunlty Developaent Divi.lon for 15 year. of .ervlce
to the Coanty an4 tbanke4 hi. tor the excellent job he M. 4one and
tile effort be baa put forth tor the County, particularly in the l..t
few yeare with regar4e to traneportation 1..oe..
Ia. ft.
DO8 8]- our... ..~,')WlU"J'Wft AS DIPUJYD 0. 'I'D NO.Ã. I'Oa MAY. 1...
CoaaJ.eloner Saun4er. Indicated that Don Eckert of EMS i. being
reoogulze4.. Eaploy.. of the Month for May, 1988 for hI. valuable
CODtrJbatJone to the County.
Øe pre..nted hI. with an exceptlonal
pertOl'88DCe plaque and a 850 award and thanked hi. for hl. dedicatIon
to tbe ColIn ty .
laa no
"""""--08 DDtmrA'fI8 MAY &8 ---TAL 1mU'I'II IIO.;¡-.- - ADOPtau
Upon reacUng of the procl...tion, Co8aJ..JODn' ..... 8OYli4..
8« = ~ by c- t -1ODer Plñor aDd C8Z'I' 1 ecS --a' .,...1., I' tb8 t the
PI'OC~1:.toD de81ØD8tiDg ...., - ItJIeDta1 JIea1tb IIoDth- be 8doptecS.
a6G( 113,sr.! 601
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MAY 3~ 1988
1t8a ftD
ftbbTAnOll 0"1 IUKn DtCUlTl... A8fAJmS
Coaaie.loner Saunðer. .tated that tbl. i. the flr.t ti88 tbe
Coanty baa 884e .ocb a pre.entatJon. notIng that an incentive
progr- ... approved by the Board ot County C~i..ioner. on Dece.ber
23.1981 by Ordinance 87-5 and... further ac1opte4 by Reeolutlon
Be noted that eacb CoD8tituUonal Officer... ..kecS to par-
t.1cJpete In the 4rlØfing, whlcb conai.ted of tho.e eaploye.. that _et
or eurpae. job perforaance in eatety In the beet intere.t of tbe
Coan ty .
.e pr"enteð a .afety award and a check to the following
people Usat were ..lecteð froa the 4rawir-J that -t the cr.1terla:
ADdy Shupe, Road 6 Bridge Dept.
Rayaond panq.n, Property Apprai.er
Albert MonIz, Sheriff Dept.
Bernar40 Oalvan, .Jr.. Sheriff Dept.
M.1chael I:oor., Sheriff Dept.
0...14 aa...ll, Solid N..te Dept.
Sharon Long, BuildJng Dept.
CyDtJaJa JIoover, Tax Collector
Barbara Nbidden, Sheriff Dept.
8arvey Keen, Sberiff Dept.
I t88 ft&4
$ 50
. eo
. 50
. 50
$ 50
am 0C8DAc7 17-111' WID 1'I'.Ot.... GauuCAL LUoItA'I'OaIUI' IJIO. UD 'rD
a....""""'dL 8CIDCa UD POLLon~ CO.ìROL DUU!NuT - c.uczr.r.m.
Lu;.....,. ¡P-ItMG..T WID :I. . 8. Dh,"""~.u. SDYICU.. IJIO. lOa t......
ID£- D ø AIIO().-r IIO'r TO RYl!W'Irft 818.000 - Ui-IlUV&U
8bYJronaental Science and Pollution Control Director Lorenz .tate4
Usat be J. reque.tlng that the Board cancel tbe contract with 'lower.
CbeaJcal Laboratorie.. Inc. that... originally awarded to the. in
Ðece8b.r, 1987.
He noteð that the contract Indicate. that the County
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MAY 3, 1988
baa the right to cancel thi. contract for failure to co.ply with the
epeclficatione of the contract. adding that .ince Dec..ber, 1987,
there have been late re.olt.. late .hlpaent. ot .aaple container.,
1aplOþwr eaaple container.. laproper invoice., and lnauffic1ent cop1e.
of result., which has all been dOCUllented.
He noted that .tatt
reported tbe.e probl... to Plower. Laboratory by telephone.. .con ..
tbey occurred. which required addItional work for .taft and there were
DO 1.aprOV...nt. on the part of Plower. Laboratory.
He noted that
t.beee probl... have cauee4 proble.. for .tatf .. they have had to
ft8C'b8dale 888pUng ðay.. waIt to 8en4 out re.ol t. an4 correct
iD901cee, which hae reduced ettectlvene.. in carrying out .taff'.
pl8D8 and progr-.
Be noted that thi. aatter hae been d18CU8.ed with
the Coanty Manager an4 the County Attorney and 1 t i. the reco_n-
datloa that the Board of County C~1..1oner. terain.te thl. contract
an4 awar4 a contract to .1.6.. Envlronaental ServIce., Inc. for three
in an aaount not to exceed 818.000.
County Attorney Cuyler .tated that with the tact. that have been
explalD84 there 1. no proble. In canceling thl. contract.
Mr. Plower. of Plower. Che.lcal Laboratorie.. Inc. .tated that he
baa never received any wrItten corre.pondence tro. the EDvironaent.l
ScJeace and Pollution Control Depart..nt relative to any c1aficiencie..
Be DOted that he re4e.lgned hI. coaputer ey.te. .0 that 1t would be
COIIpatible with what the UPC Depart..nt had. whicb ... not part of the
Øe indicated that there were 8pecialJzed bottle. that were
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MAY 3, 1988
DOt pert of tbe contract that he had to purcbaae and he cornere4 the
aarbtt on thea .
Øe noted that the 888ple. that are being .ant to hi.
ba98 to be run three and tour tI... to get the re.oI t. that the County
i. loolt1ng for. whIch take. tl.e.
Re .tated that he 18 beIng .applied
with bact 888pl.. and the County nee48 to .tart taking 8088 i-.4iate
act1on.. the øroandwater i. being affected ..verely accord1ng to the
88IIpl- that he 1. receIving.
He notec1 that the re.ol t. fro. the
eaapl- C8DD0t be accurate. whIch baa caa.e4 a di..atI.tylng rela-
t10D8bJp for bi..
Øe noted that there are .."ere probl... in the
Pollat1on Control Departaent.
He .tated that there... only one
iD8t8Dce wben the copt.. of lnvoic.. were incorrect and that ...
.18ply becau8e tbere ... a new gIrl that wa. not f_iliar with the
8IIOUut of copie. that the County requlrec1.
He in4icated that the
probl.. Oft late .bipaent8 of re.olt. of the .aaple. 1. due to the fact
that be 1. receiving ba4 .aaple. and it take. longer to get the
Be 8tate4 that he baa atteapted to reep0n4 to the changing
D88d8 of the 4epartaen t .
In 8D8Wer to Coaai88ioner Pi.tor, Mr. Lorenz In4icate4 that there
81"8 8P8C1fic bottle. that have to be ueed and eo.. of the8e bottle.
bad to be turne4 back to Mr. Plower. becauee 1148 were ch1pped and the
bottl- were not .ter 11e.
'ø1oDu ~tgbt 8OY..4. 88CO. <Ie4 ~ c-t..10D81" Ita- aDd
C8ft'1e4 a/I.. (~t-1aDer. P18tor þw-..4).. that 814 CoDÙ"8Ct 87-ue.
f.- J8boaoabny 88Z'Yicee with Plow.tr8 CbeaJcal I.eborator1_.. IDe. be
~G'( 113'1',1605
... .
.. 113 'I"-! 606
MY a.. Ieee
cr ..,.Jed 8D4 tb81: - iDterJa ecrr...nt w1th :so a 8. 8mrJro_tal
~.. IDe. tor t!ø'.. IIODtIJe iD - 88Owut DOt to .KC..4 818..000 be
Page 7
----,--.._-,._-,. ..,.-
MAT 3,1988
I t8a ftU
IICO IfC1It.. ..... 08 ao..". M.I.ItIøDImrr PL&Jf AJIJ) PUBLIC 1I1r&1tD18 3UJIK 18..
1M. U 7100 ..11. - APl>jwylW
Actløg Coaaunity o.velopaent A4alni.trator 011itf atated that he
bee three optione that are aval1able to the Board wIth regarda to
bolcUøg pabUc MOrlteb0p8 for the Orowth Manageaent Plan aDd he al.o
08848 to have a date .et tor the Public BearIng on thi. aatter.
Co8al..loner Pi.tor .tated that the Soard of County C~i..loner.
1. goiDg to be faced wlth.O88 difficult decJ.Jon. and be doe. not
t-l that the eleaent. that are U.te4 are going to be bancUe4 In one
day.. -'ding that there will probably have to be acre than four
worbbope .
Mr. Olliff .tated that other aðviaory boarda have already had
tbetr pabllc bearing. and workeh0p8 and b.aalcally what J. cO.lng
before tbe Board of County Co_i..loner. 1. direction on polley J..oe.
CD the goal., objective. and pollcle..
'l'8¡Ie ft
Co8al..Joner Saun4er. .tate4 that the Board of County
C-t..1oner. neecta to pick one of the optlona and Jf an ele..nt 1.
DOt COIIpleted, another cSay could be .et up to continue the partlcular
eleaeat ln que.tlon.
Co8aJ..ioner Pl.tor .tated that he dId not have any Probl.. wlth
Optl00 1 except for the tir.t "te of May 9, ac!ding that he would not
be 8Y8Jlable on that MoncSay. but could aake 1 t Hec1neecSay of that week
aoG( 1l1l~Pl~:f){)¡r
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MAT 3,1988
Oft May 11, 1188.
Co8ale.loner Goodnight In4lcated that .he wIll alee be unavailable
that fir.t Mon4ay but could be available on that Ifedne.day.
~t..1oaezo pJ8tor IIOVed, 88CODdecS br Co8aJ_JODItI' -- 8D4
C8Z'r1e4 4/0, that OptJOD 1 be 1I88d for the pabllc IIOI'bdIop dat- with
tIae ~1Z'8t date beJ.ng ~ troll May . to May 11, llee, 8D4 that
t!aeee 88ñiDQ8 begiD at 9100 A.M. aDd lf it la D8Ce88Uy to cont.tznae
- 81. fAt.. 8DOtber cSIIy will be _t up for 881d IIOI'kebopJ 8Dd that the
fJab1Jo a..œ1DcJ tor the Growth Maa8fl8..nt PlaQ be bald J'aDe 18.. 198e..
at 7100 P...
1t88 "'1
DIft -".D:t8I 22m 8.Ra1'. PAUl JtO.t.D ~---;¡. AIm A..nIh BACK TO
~ 8CC 08 MAY 17. 1...
Engineering Director Huber .tated that thl. rec~n4atlon 1. In
r88pOD8e to a petitIon fro. area re.ident. for prohlbltlon of truck
trattlc on Sabel Pal. Road.
He noted that he ha. lnepected the
exieting ~ an4 has developed epeclflc laproveaent. whlch will
allow the roadway to handle increa.ed traffic.
Øe ln4lcated that
Sabel Pal. Road will be reconetructed froa a paved width of approxl..-
tely 18 teet to an laproved width of 24 teet, adding that the widenIng
wlll occur on the eouth .lde of the exl.tlng road, whlcb would .hlft
the paved road centerline three feet to the .outb.
He indicated tbat
the CO8t of the laprove..nt would be .bared by the ðeveloper that i.
bo14~ &xcavation Per.it .0.59.204.
Øe indIcated that the developer
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MAT 3, 1988
hu f1Irtber J.D41cated a wl11Jngne.. to C0ft8truct turn lane. on C.R.
951 a~ the inter..ctlon with Sabal Pal. Road and to provide a bIke
Be .tated that the e.tlaated co.t 1. $50,000 for the roadway
~ractlon and the turn lane.. with the bike path beIng an add1-
tJoøal 88OUnt.
He noted that the County w111 re.orface the flr.t .ile
ot Sabel Pala Roa4 MIlIch w111 coet epproxlaately $21,000 an4 that
~DN will be borne by the County, but the W1c1enlng of the roadway
wJll be 818,000 wblch will be borne by tbe Developer.
He .tated that
be f. I'8qUe8tJng approval tor the propo884 iaprove_nt. to Sabel Pal.
ao.d 8D4 ff any bazarðoue c0n4JtJon exl.t. with regarde to off-.fte
N~ of fill froa the excavation and truck 4aaage, there are prov,t-
.J0D8 1ft the ExcavatIon OrdInance that wIll allow tbe County to .top
8Dy farther off-.lte reaoval.
IA 8ftfi'N8r to CoaaJ..ioner 1Ia8... Mr. Huber .tated that there are
~ exJ.ting 8pe84 Il.it .lgne that indIcate the 8p8ed 1. 30 ..p.h.,
adding that he could poet acre .1gne if the Co..i..lon feel. that
there 1. a nee4 to 40 80.
In anewer to Co8ai..loner lIa8.e, Deputy ChIef Ray Barnett .tated
that be bee bad a patrol car In the area and they will continue to
police the area.
lire. C1n41 -..tt of Sabal Pal. Road .tated that on behalf of the
reeJdeat. they want the trucking .topped, a441ng that thi. i. a re.1-
deDtfal area and there .hould not be a rock quarry in tbe area.
noted that no one want. the roa4 laproved. they .laply want the trucke
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MAY 3.. 1988
She indicated that they epeed on the road and one of the.
.... kille4 a 4og in the area, which could have been a child.
She noted
that tbe trucb c1o not coaply tfith the .peed U.lt except when there
1. . P8b'ol car on the road an4 then they .low down.
She note4 that
the track8 tear up the roada and they patch it with tar whIch doe. no
good 8Dd 1. very hard on a car.
She indicated that there i. al.o
bl_tiDg being c1one anc2 .he ðoe. not know If thl. operation ba. an excava-
~lOD perait that all0tf8 hi. to bl..t or to haul fIll off-.lte, ad~lng
that tbi. i. eoaethlng that .bould be checked Into.
Mr. Baber indicated that the ExcavatIon Pera1t wa. approved by the
8oard Oft Pebruary 23, 1988 wltb .everal .Upulatioft8, a441ng that one
of tbea... that the County Engineer re.erve the rlgbt to e.tabl1.h
weight 1181 t. on the roadway and another one ... that the County
Eng~ reserve the right to 8U8pend or prohibit off-eft. reaoval of
~w.ted aaterial If it create. a bazar~ to the roadway according to
OrdiDance e2-91.
CoaaJ..loner Saunc1er. indicated that there are ~ choJce.: one to
appro.. .taft rec~n4atJon and the other to have etaff report back
after 4eteralnJng if a hazard exl.t. and If the excavation ehould be
~"'iOD8l' .1.tor 8Ov..4.. 88(;0~ by Co8aJ._ioaer -- and
C8ft'Jed 4/0, to ban .tatt rn.1118te the CODd1tl0D8 wlth J:'8g81"d8 to the
P8Z'8J"iDg ot tbe 8XC8Y8tlon 8Dd 8DY haardoaa CODd1t1OD tJaat 887
8d.81: IID4 npo 1r t b8ck t 0 the IIoard on May 1 7.. 1 9. e .
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MAT 3, 1988
Mr. Willl- MeAnly, repre.enting the ðeveloper. .tated that the
degeloper le willIng to etlpulate to a lot of conditione.. be doe.
not W8Dt a hazarcSoue con4ltlon either.
He notec1 that tbe ðeveloper,
etaff aDd the people In Sabel Pal. area .hould all get together to
di8Ca88 tbe aatter.
~.el0D8r Pl.tor .tated that he would lIke to .ee the operation
ebat down until May 17. 1988. when the aatter i. re.olved.
Mr. MeAnly etate4 that the cSeveloper i. not doing IlUcb hauling at
thi. t18e aDd will not be hauling IlUch In the next two weeke, adding
that if it requIre. the developer to take tull re8pOn.ibl11tie. tor
tbeee tracke and eecort thea oft the roa4, he wIll do tbI..
He noted
that the developer doe. not want to be a party to anything that i.
bazazodoae, notlng that he doe. not eIther.
hpe ft
I tea ftC2
ft&nÞ D~IIW '1'0 ""1QHI8i 'lD MArra -WI.1tl)IJrQ 'lD SC8OOL ÐISnIC'f'8
0"',... '1'0 RAP JIOan088 or 81ft .... AS D8IO~ar.a 1lIDDt.8 SCJIOOL rea
7D 8W&ft PlIO""'! ~ f D81ðrar a COIlJUit.li"Ý PAn
PublIc ServIce. Adaini.trator O'Donnell .tated that on Dece.ber 1.
1ge7, tbe Board authorized .tatf to proceed with ðe.igning a
8OÇcer/football fIeld on the Heath property a. part of the ðevelopaent
of I880kale. eo-unity Park.
Øe noted that 8100,000 baa been al10-
cated aDd work bee been initiated on the 4e.Ign.
Øe .tate4 that due
to 8088 8ftVlronaental concerne. there w.. a need to rede.lgn the 10ca-
tlOD of the field on tbe property, whlcb nece..ltated a 4elay in the
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MAY 3, 1988
original tiaetable to coeplete the field.
Øe noted that the School
Board contacted hi. and asked that the Board c0D81der ...pplng the two
parcel. and after eo.. coneJderatJon, .tatt teel. that there..y be
8O8e _rlt to the 8W8p.
He ln41cated that the Heath property 18
approalaately 14 acr... which we. d.eded to the County In 1983 with a
4eed I'e8triction that .tate. that If at any ti- the property 1. 11884
tor aay otber purpoe. than a coaaunity park and related parpoe.., the
pr~~t7 .hall 188edlately revert to the Grantor or hi. beir. and
Be note4 that before the Board could take any action, foraal
peraJ_ion troe the Beath t_lly would be nece..ary becauee of the
deed restrictIon.
H. noted that the taaUy 1. not acSver.ely oppo.ed
to...ing a school on that property lnete8~ of a soccer fl.1d, but
there 1. a nee4 tor dJ.cue.lon.
Øe .tated that a toraal ...e....nt
perta1nJng to the coet. the County would Incur with the rehabl11tatlon
of the .tructure. and fiel48 oftered by the School DJ.trlct v.. what
J. earaark84 In the Orowtb Manage..nt Plan connected wIth Pha.e II
4evelopaent ot Iaaokalee Coaaunlty Park would be needed an4 he con-
tacted Wlleon. MIller. Barton, SolI. Peek, Inc.. regardlng a propo.al
that would Indicate the rehabilJtatlon co.t. coaparl.on.
He noted
that a foraal agre...nt would have to be worked out between the School
Di.trict and the County for the propo.e4 swap, adding that the School
Dlñrlct baa al.o expre..ed a de.ire to ..cure an addltJonal parcel
0NDe4 by the Robert. f..tly.
Øe .tated that the County J. al.o
4J8CU8.Ing with the Robert. faally to .ecure the Robert. Ranch.. a
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MAY 3,1988
JIu8eaa Satellite Pacl11ty, a4c1Ing ~hat perhape tbe two governaent
8g.~i.. can work concurrently with the Robert. f_l1y.
He reported
that tbe inItIal In4Icatlone would.... to .ogge.t the 8Wap concept
has aerit aa4 .bould be explored fu~ther b..ed upon the fea.lbllity
8tady with regar4e to the rehabIlitation.
Co8aJ..loner Goodn1ght .tate4 that .he f-l. that it would be
wortbwbile to par8U8 thJ. aatter further and C~I..1oner Saunder.
agreeð wi th her.
~~..ioaao Oo~tllbt 8Ovwd.. 88'C(~ ~ ec-J-10D81" ..... aDd
C8Z'r1ed 4/0.. that .~t be 4J1'eCte4 to turtber .1Dft8tlgate the
PI'~CI..4 II88Ua prope1'tT/t~J- Ktd41. School J'.8Dd ~.
I tea ftCa
CiO8D.ICn WID nanca roa 8DI0ItS 8Uv'¡C8 PaOVtDDS (OI'.1OIDr
au..~I" nanca.. DIC. &lID CQI.~.,¡n 801m C.&U.. :me. D/B/A
DIAL-&-.udSJ TO .. ~illW TO PJtO'lIDK COIŒ&T.LTlvs 1tA'I'D - DrJWV&u
Public Service. Ac181ni8trator O'Donnell .tated that thl. Ite. 1.
to 81aply clarIfy 8O8e confuelon 1n the Executive SUaaary.. to what
1. beiDg a4jueted.
Be noted that the rate Incre... 1. for fi.cal year
1ge7-8e and not the 1988-89 rate..
He .tated that the 1988-89 rate.
-1'8 part of a bId Propoeal aDCS have actually gOlM cSown.
He indicateð
that there are about 350 people that are .erve4 through th1. progr-
and it 1. better to contract with the.. agencle. inatea4 of hiring
ad4Jt1aaa1 .taff.
&-1 ..ioaao . ~ 80 ~.4 I' 88(; ~.4e4 ~ n- t "1GD8Z' 80 " ~ j lib t 8114
08ft'184 4/0.. tbat tbe coab'8cte wIth 88n'ic- tor 88D101"11 88n'lee pro-
a6G( 113 "Ir~ 613
hge 14
"" 113m614
IlAY 8.. 1...
riAIft8 COpjabD ~tbcazoe 8erYleee. Inc. aDd c~
roJt;y ... Care.. Inc.
d/b/a DJal.-.& ..... &Nt -.~ to proyJde c;-.,.tltJ... rat_J tbat the
81...t.. 01 88J4 CGDUact 1 ... ~ .nte &Nt InrtJaorlzech aDd tbat tbe .'tee-
u... ~ 01 AprJl 18.. t..e.. tor 88C.b of the ~."-"'\rlnta be aatborize4.
Page 18
MAY 3.. 1988
..... 118c...
10.10 A.M. - a.coav~.
10120 A.M. .....
I tea nD1
.v.uIaiO .Iû~...:.tzanO8 .?"..~ WOK ØQIIIII.1l1ItDIØ .bvlCD wrrø CO1I8OD..
'rOIItllllw--n . &88OCUTD.. IJIC. WOK -JtZGIOJIAL MA'.rD ftD~ PL&ft AD
1Ift~.n '""'.188%011. P1IASK II- PRO.ncr - APPROYm
A881.tant Utilitle. AdaJnl.trator Arnold .tated that thl. 1. a
request for further authorizatIon for the Regional Mater Treat..nt
Plant aad W8l1field ZXpaneion. fha.e II.
Øe noted that prel18Jnary
tanding... authorIzed In 1988 an4 .lnce that tl.., there have been
addJtlODe to tbe project: three well. and ...oclated engIneerIng
coet., tdlich baa 884e the overall c0D8truction prIce of the project
Be noted that he 1. _kIng tor an Increa.e ot 8189..000. but
.In addJtion to that he would Un to have a .et of ..-built drawlnga
prepared tdlich would coet an additional 818,000, whIch would aake the
overall request 820&,240.
He note4 that t".. Jncre8884 ..rvic.. are
prowlded tor under the terae and conditione of the origInal agr....nt.
.. DOted that thl. would Incre... the overall project froa 81 8111Jon
t:o 81.2 a.tll1on.
He noted that thi. b&8 been reviewed by the County
Attonwry aDd he rec:o...nd8 that there be an ac1dendua to the contract,
adding that tbe approval would be contIngent upon that ac1deD4ua.
Coaai..loner Pl.tor que.tlone4 what the County i. going to receive
for the 8189,000, to whlcb Mr. Arnold ln41cated that the additional
tuD4ing i. to coaplete the engIneering .erv1ce. on the project.
~t..loner Pi.tor que.tJoned it .taff f..l. that th.l. additional
aoa.y i. juat1fled, to wbl~h Mr. Arnold replied aff1raatlvely.
'O" 113,.,,: 621
Page II
. -'--' ,----
-..,--, """'"
.. 113 t1'~ 622
MAY 3,1988
~J..loaer Pl.tor IndJcate4 that thl. 1.. 81zeable 8U8 ot aoney
be884 on the orIginal agrettaent.
Ot111tJ.. A4alnJ.trator Cran4all Jndlcated that all project. are
cUttereat aDd tbe project that ... 4one for the .orth Coanty ... con-
.1derably I... and the County ended up with a cre41t. but thi. project
... 1m4eree t J.. t ecS .
In 8ft8tMr to C0881..1oner 1148.., Mr. Cran4al1 8tated that the
water will be available to pat into the lIne In 10 to 90 day., but
there Ifill 8tJ1l be a lot of work to do wi tb regarda to pre..ure
t..t1Dg aDd chlorination.
t..laaer P.tator 8Ow.4.. ~~ by C-t-.1oDer ..... IID4
Clll'r184 4/0.. that the 8d4J.t1ona1 ~t~ tor the AGrM-ut tor
~1Dg 88rYleee with Con8oe:r.. rOllD8'~ IID4 ".eoc1au.I' IDe. tor
tIa8 _t~1 ..ter 'f'r8a~t P1.at 8D4 "lltJe14 lr~r....JODI' ~ II..
project JJa tM ~t of 8205..2CO be 8J>J.ol'OY..4 CODttDglrDt 1IpOD tM
hge 17
MAY 3.. 1988
I t88 ftD2
.&œITI~J:r ftJJIDDIQ rot 1ID~""D';r rot I:JICU.-"IWrG ."'~,¡ca WID 801.8..
~~ . U8OC:I.&%a.. DIC.I' nr A.SaocIu:rOJr WID 1fII.8OIr.. IIT'u:a.. 1I&ItTo8,
sou. . IWU, I8C. rea 'f'D 80_1. COO.x-.. 1IA'fD 'fJt.UrSIasaIOJr IIUJI PItO.7KC'.r
- øP..", au
Ae.i.tant Utllitl88 AdaJnJ.trator Arnold .tated that thi. 1. the
-- type of agreeaent .. the previO1Ul one, only th1. one 1. wl th
8o1e.. MOot... beoc1ate., Inc. in ".ociatJon with Wil8OO, Miller,
BartOlI, SoU . Peek, Inc., tor the .orth County Water 'franea1..1on
MaJn Project.
Øe noted that the engJneering .ervJce. c..e in higher
than what... e.tl..ted In Je8S, by '48,000.
Øe noted that the fira.
W8re 8810rk.1n9 on the roadway project. that paralleJ the water -in and
lt - felt that the project wouJd .ave a..mey on the eo1l boring.,
~1al8.. and eurvey. bec81l8e of the on-goIng C0D8truct1on project..
.. DOted that he la alee reque.ting ""dltlonaJ .erv1ce. ln the aaount
of 819,000 for a report CO8parlng .aðd evaluating the exl.tlng Carica
Itoa4 ~ tanJr.:/paaping fac111tle. v.. the City'. new repJac...nt of
-- with their ~rth .apJe. .torag. tanJr.:/puaplng fac1l1t1e. which
wl11 be a bee1. for c1ateraJnlng a ..ttleaent with the City in th1.
I"egard .
Be .t.ted that the other addition wouJd be a probable re-
4ee1gn, peralttJng, e..eaent preparatIon and conatruction .opervl.lon
for re-routlng the 3S-Jnch water aaJn at the Jnter..ct1on of Davi.
81Vd. and C.R. 951, which 1. nec...ary due to an A'l'lr'1' t1ber optlc
cable bavlng recently been lnataJJed where the County 31-inch water
aa1D bad been de.lgneð and peraJtted by FDO1'.
He JncUcated that he
aOii< 113 '1',: 623
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.. 113 w~ 624
MAT 3* 1988
baa a coatløaJng dialogue wIth the City ot .aple. with regar4e to the
Carlca Road Plant, .. they have a new plant on Solana Roac1.
He .tated
that ~ are dJ.cue8Jng the replaceaent of that plant and a 8Ore
detaJle4 .t:ady 1. nee4ec1 of that .1 te.
~t..i0D8r Pi.tor queetl0ne4 if It i. going to coet 8Ore 8Oney
to go aroaD4 thl. plant with tbe line. than It would it they ba4 been
able to go through the plant, to which Hr. Arnold indicated that thi.
8d41tlonal ..rvlce will give the engineer. an opportunity to look at
that aD4 be hope. to be able to reeolve the aatter.
JIr. Arnold 8tated that the City baa a preaiua tacility off
OoocSlette-Pranlc Road that baa paving. land8caping, exteneive baf-
faring, 8n4 lt i. hi. interpretatIon that the County 4oe8 not have to
pay tor allot thi..
CoaDty Attorney Cuyler 8tated that th18 1. 8O88thing that hi.
ottlee wll1 be inve.UgatJng fully. bat he ðoe. not have an anewer
JIr. Arnold indicated that the total incre..e for thi. agr....nt
will be 817*048.
~t-1CDn'.1atoa aovHI' ~ ~ "-t..1GD8Z' 8a~t_t 8D4
C8ft' 184 4/0.. tha t 8d4.t c 1oDa1 ~ t "CJ f or aD egr...... t t 01' 8Dg iDeer iDg
. 88I"Y1ce8 wltb 8018.. IIoDt.. aDd ..eocJat.., IDe. iD 888OCiatiOD wIth
8I18aD.. IUller.. 88:rtoD, 8011 . Peek.. IDe. tor the IIonJa Coa'ty Watar
%'z"-"'+<rt..iOD IIa1D JÞro.1ect be approv8ð iD tbe 88OaDt of '1' ..04e COD-
t'~t 1IpOD the CoaDty AttoJ'D8y prepuoiDg aD ~- to the
Page 19
MAY 3.. 1988
1t8a nn
811"%11 --1tImY mrr~,"X"&U A8 sa. Oa..,---.1'fD AJQ) ALa ~:::~t'&U AS
.7VJI'I08. D-LI!8.I'1 M.lk.. WOII ~ llVI'rrDe J'Oa COLr.I
A881.tant Coanty Manager McLeaore .tated that tbl. Ite. deal. with
tbe a:ppo1Dt8ent of an Inve.taent banker for Collier County.
Øe .tated
that 1IpOD authorizatIon 1n a Prev1oua _etlng he procee4e4 with eva-
laat~ of propo.al. relative to a ...ter lea.e progr.. involving at
that po1Dt in tl.., the anticlpate4 c1evelopaent .ervice. facll1ty and
~ eettiDg up of a le..e progr.. for other capital eqaipaent kind of
Be noted that dur Ing the proce.. 1 t bec... known that there
W88 8 D8e4 to attach to th1. proposal the ~ly Barefoot Beach project
that has already been authorIzed.. the project for thJe year.
JødJeate4 that the bon4 1. baeeð on the rec~ndatlon of the Pinance
~t-nt, which ... .obeequently approved by the Pln.ance C~ittee.
.. 8t8te4 that be i. ..king that the appoJnt_nt of the lDYe8taent
b8Dker 8180 include the authorIty not only to 48al with the Develop-
88Dt 8enricee Building. the Capl tal Equipll8nt Leue Progr-, but al8O
tile Lely llarttfoot Beach 1.8\18.
1Ir. D8Y8 Pl.cber, County PJnanclal A4v1.or, etated that the propo-
8818 IMN pub1!clzed In the national lndu.try boneS buyer - well..
the local peper.
Øa .tated that be received 14 reepone-. ad41ng that
~ idea of exploring the poe.lbllity of le..e purchaeea... talked
aboat .. -II .. the Idea of propoeale tor Intoraation only, but It
... deci4ed that ac~l propo.al. were neeðed 1n.teed of alaply lnfor-
~Vú( 113 '1~: 625
Page 20
It¡( 113 Pi' -! 626
MAY 3.. 1988
Be .f.ø41cate4 that in gatherIng the infol'88tlon froa the pro-
PØ881., it aay be foun4 that wIth the capital project., the Ie...
parcbue aay not be the ao.t coet ettective or the be.t thing to 40.
Be DOted that wboeYer 1. .elected ~ to have the flexibility to 40
eltber 1.... I"U'ch.Lee or a capital iaproveaent progr- or a bond
1--.. IICS41ng thet with all th1. in 81nd, they proceede4 to go through
~ -lectiOQ proc....
Co8a.1_iooer PI.tor queetloned if there 1. any advantage to having
ODe 1IDde1"W1"lter or a te.. of two, to which Mr. Pi.cher .tateð that
UMtre lire tour final1.t. on the 11.t and co-aanager.hJpe are very COlI-
8OD JD II8Dy .ituat1one throughout the St..-:e.
He .tateð that there are
DO P8J"tlcular dl.a4vantage. to 1 t, but there can be advantage. to it.
~~..ioner Pi.tor .tated that he WOUld lIke to... a te.. rather
tbaD CODtiDUing with one fire.
He noted that the flr.t .election
coa14 be the key "".ger and tbe .ec0n4 one could be the Co-aanager.
Co8a1..1oner -- que.tloned If there could be two Co-aanager. on
aD equal baal0. to Which Mr. Pl.cber .tate4 that one neec!e to be
appoiDteð - the pereon that rune It, otherwi.e. everycme goee oft in
4Jtterent directJone.
Co8ala.loner Saunðer. .tated that In eo.. ot the paet 881ectlona..
~ Co8aJ..loner. have alway. looke4 at the f... and expenee.. adding
tbat ODe of the criteria In the ranking 1. the e.tlaated coet effec-
tlveoe.. of the progr...
He .tated that there 1. nothing that lndlca-
Page 21
MAY 3,1988
t.. the prlclng froll any of the firae and thl. i. a priaary
COD81&tratlon for the Coaai..lon.
Mr. Wi8Cber .tated that Ifben thl. wa. .tarted there... no par-
tlcular project or l.sue in ain4, ac1dlng that he we. looking for Ide..
ot 1.... parcha8e type prograaa and he wante4 to have all the ldea.
coae ln - be ... looking 8Ore for experti.e than for the lowe.t
.. .tated that when the 4ecl.lon ... aade the coet tactor wa.
.tll1 iD aind, but the Idea we. to appoint a fir. an4 then develop a
pr~.. wbere be could analyze what the the County w.. 4oing with
reøard8 to equlpaent purchase. and then co.bine it Into one co.t effec-
ti.. le... parcha8e ...ter Ie... and alee 40 the .-e with the capital
!8pr09.a..nt., but it .tarted to develop toward a bond 1.8U8.
aUted that whatever i. 4one In the end, 1-.. will negotiate to get
the type of prlce. that the County baa been getting.
Co8ai..Joner Saunder. que.tl0ne4 if Mr. Pi.cher baa reached the
poiDt IdIere the prlc.. can be negotIated and if there 1. enough infor-
aat1OD about the propoee4 project.?
Mr. Pl.cher .tate4 that he doe.
DOt kDow the .ize of the project yet.
Cft--t..ioner Saunðer. .tate4 that he agr... that to baYe a .enJor
8D4 a CG-88D8ger or a eenior and two co-aanager. i. probably the be.t
-.y to go.. but he baa a probl.. In picking who the player. are without
kDowing what the fee. wIll be.. he feel. that CO8petltlvene.. 1.
Be .tated that he J. not .ore Jf the .election .bould be aade
thJa date or Jf they .boule;' waJ t until there 1. 8Ore InforaatJon on
Page 22
&fIV( 113,1': 627
-. ,.---~- "
MAT 3,1988
tbe .1ze of the 1.8Q8 and then negotIate fe..Wlth the varloua firae.
Coanty Manager Dorril1 .tated that tbere w~ .088 general pricing
.. it relat.. to the Developaent Service. Banding a. well.. the pe~-
88DeDt f1naøclng tor Lely Baretoot Beach. addIng that h. feel. that
tbere 1. eøoagb inforaatlon.
Øe noted that the Intent tbi. "te wee
to ðeteraine specifically the fJrae that the Board want. .taff to
negotlat. with and whether or not there J. a 48.Jre to have a co-
~ o¡.Jr"'rtuDity to allow an additional fir. to get 8O8e County
Øe noted that they will finalize the ac~l co.t an4 the
f.... ~cb wl11 need to be con.l.tent wltb recent hl.tory.. lt rela-
t- ~ do1øg bond bu8ine...
Øe noted that the agree_nt will have to
be ~t back tor executIon.
Øe IndIcated that he i. looking tor
authorization to negotiate an agre...nt and brIng it back under a co-
~ type foraat.
Co8al..1oner launder. .tated that be ðoe. not have any proble.
witb aay of the tirae. e.pecJally S.Jtb Barney and Alex Brown.
.tatecS that the probl88 J. that there i. not a .et ¡n-oject, adding
that tbere are i48.. and the County i. cl~e to .lz1ng thoee 1..oe.
aDd coaing up with a defInitive project.
Øe .tated that be would l1k.
to indicate to the tlra. the varJ0U8 project. and then have the. pre-
88Dt. li.t of their t....
Øe .tated that he need8 the 88euranc. that
the firae know they have to be coapetitlve.
He JndJcated that If the
tirae are ..lected thl. date, he 1. not .ore it the coapetitiven...
will be built Jnto the propo.al..
Øe que.tioned If there 1. any
Page 23
MAY 3,1988
probl- in defining the project and narrowing the evaluation to the
fear 1i.ted flrae and c1etereJnJng the te.. ba.ed on pricing coa-
He .tated that the C~nt. tr08 the Clerk i. that the
CO8t ot doiDg tbe i.81I8 1. of .088 .lgnlflcance In aaklng the ..lec-
Coaaty Manager DorrJll .tated that a Plnenee eo-Jtt.. wee
88tab118be4 in the hopee that a acre objective job would be done,
ad4iDg that thl. pol1cy i. conal.tent wi th the .- type of poUey
that UM Boar4 U84t8 to ..lect architect., engJneer., and lan4 8Ur-
Y8rJo r. .
ec-J..Joner Sll1ln4er. que.tlcmed lf It 1. unco-...,n for a County
C>-t_iOD to taka a look at actual aanageaent fe.., average taka-down
88t18ate, lIV8rage e.tl..te ot other coat. In aaklng a c1eteraination ot
wbicb 1Dft8t_nt banking f Jre or group of f Jrae to 118e onee there bee
baeD a deteralnatlon ot whIch tJrae are technIcally qualitied, to Which
1Ir. Wl8cber indJcated that thl. i. Co88oD.
1Ir. Pl.cMr .t.ted that one great control co.t that the Board bee
1. the aanag~t fee. ad4Jng that there 1. not that IlUCh control over
the aarketlng tee becauee it c1epen4a on what the aarket 1. 4o1ng .t
the t .18e .
He noted that the llaDageaent te.. around the Stat. have
baeD 80 low that It 1. not really a big factor anyaor..
Clerk Glle. .tated that with regarc1a to the Pinene. Coaaittee,
there - an advertl.e..nt put out tor the Ie... P1U"chae. and the
W1Gaace Co8aitt.. evaluated the varJoue underwriter. baeec:t on their
~~( 113 '1':: 629
Page 24
MG< 113 w~ 630
exv-rtl.. for a le..e porcha.e.
MAY 3! 1988
R~ etated that the Pinance ~Jttee
deterwdne4 that a l...e purchaee wae not financIally fe..lble and a
.traJght bond 1..oe wae. therefore, recO888Dded.
Øe noted however.
that there i. a 81tuation Where the propo.er8 think it 1. a 1....
~ and it baa not been aðvezoti..d a. a bond J8.oe.
He noted
that If it wae advertl884.. a bond 1..oe, the pre.entatlon would have
been dlfferent and the fee. would be .tate4 and evaluated, bat that i8
DOt 1lYa11abl..
Be .tate4 that another concern that be M. 1. that
there - a courthouee that we. approved "'Y the Board al8O.t a year
ego, acS41ng that archJtectural plane have been Coaplete4 aDd he would
like to know What conalderatJon thl. ha. been given for Incluelon In
the bond i . 8Ue .
lIre Wl.char 8tate4 that it the adverti8eaent had been tor a 1...e
parcbaee and then a aentlon of po..lbly goIng Into a bond 1..0., there
MOUld b8ve been four tirae that would not have reep0n4e4 at all.
noted that thl. gave hi. an opportuni tv to .ee What they ha4 and the
reet of the firae were lnve.t-nt banking flrae an4 they would have
I"88pODde4 el ther way.
Øe 8tated that once the propo.al. c... In, It
- deterainecl that there could be a bon4 188Ue lnetea4 of ale...
parcbue .
Øe noted that It al8O appeared that the bond howIe. would
&180 be the lowe.t fee. for the lea.Jng prograa.
Clerk G11e. .tated tluat the ranking w.. b..e4 on le..e purcha.e
Pf'ØP'>-al. bat Ift8teað of awardIng a le..e purcha8e, a bond fJnanclng
will be awarde4.
Page 25
MAY 3,1988
Mr. Piecber .tated that the ranking ..,a. ba.ed on flexibility,
ad4iDg that it... ba.ed on the fact that th... tlra. ha4 gOOd
prøw.... .1~ way.
Clerk ail.. .tate4 that thl. 1. a fairly .iaple financing if Sale.
2'a 18 the OPtion, bat it COll88 cSown to tbe price bec8U88 there are
"..ral qual1fie4 fira..
Øe .tatecS that he doe. not know how it can
be 898Jaated without beIng Coapet1tiveJy bid.
Coa81..ioner Saunder. .tated that be doe. not have any probl...
with the fil"88 that are on the li.t - they are ~lifiecS to do the
t1DaDcing, bat he Deed8 to .ee coapetl tJve prIcIng before be can vote
to aab a "lectlon.
IA "'~.r to ~1..Joner H...., Mr. Pl.cber .tate4 that he can
COIle b8elt to the P1nance ~1 tt.. wI thin a ""ek of what their pro-
PØ884 t... aight be an4 then report back to the Board the following
AM!8tant County Manager McLe80re .tated that tJ.. ... a factor in
t:b18 -tte,r.
Clerk au.. questIoned If the County Courtbouae ... pert of the
plane 8Dd P1"OpOeal7 M.r. McLeaore .tated that the County Courthouee
- not perceived .. being an urgent ..tter In tbl. .ltuation.
noted that the nevelØP8ent Service. Building ..,.. C0Q814ered urgent and
tbeD 1IpOD further recO8llenc1atJon of Mr. YonIto.ky it..,.. deterained
that lt ... urgent for the Lely Barefoot Beacb project.
CoaaJ..Joner Saunðer. que.tloned why the .eJection ot an
II Ii¡( 113 'J':I 631
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M5C 113 w.. 632
MAT 3,1988
underwriter before May 17, 1988, i. urgent in reference to the Dave-
lop..nt 8ervJc.. Sui Idlno, to WhIch Mr. McLeMor. .tated that the blda
that have been receJvec1 and aCCepted are only tor 80 day. an4 that be.
ta be before the Board at the next ..etlng.
Clerk Gil.. .tateð that on the Courthouae que.Uon, the County i.
81tber to pay or obligated to finance clo.. to. .11l1on dollar. tor
archJtectural -rv.tce. that are nearly cO8plete, adcUno that he doe.
DOt blow WIry thia would not be C0D814ere4 urgent.
øe que.tioned how
Uae Coa.rthouae wJll be t Jnancec1 Jt Sale. Tax 1. not conaJc1ered?
County Manager Dorr111 .tated that the prevloue expre.. de.ire ot
the Coaai..ion... to uee Pun4 301 an4 pay-a.-yoa-go with the co.-
b1Jaat1on ot the prev1oue procee4a troa the 1982 .7u.tice Center Bon4a.
Clerk GU.. .tated that he ðoe. not know it that aoney i. even
there .
Coaai..ioner Pi.tor .tated that he doe. not know Why the flnanc1ng
bee to be li..1ted at th.t. U.. to juet the Lely Barefoot Beach ancS the
DevelØP8ent ServIce. Build1ng.
He .tated that he teel. that Clerk
G11.. bae a gooc1 POint with regarcSa to the Courtbouae, ad41no that
t.b.1a -t go forward.
&-t-.loaer '18tor 809-4.. 88OCW~'84 by ~1..Joaer 000 "~fgbt.. tbat
. ~ 01 811.1 tIa 8a ~ .. the by 1IDdeZ'W& i tar aDd Ala: 8rOWQ .. Uae
co ~ ot the t- be .8ppoiDtec1 tor the tÚl8DciDg of Uae 1.817
"~00t '.1*.. D8ft1or IAt 8enriQ18 8aJ.14J.Dg, 8D4 the Coa:rtboue .it
~.. 184.
Page 27
MAT 3, 1988
~1..toner S81lD4er. .tated that he doe. not have any proble.
wIth tbe 8Otlon or ~he t1fO tirae, a4c1Ing that tbi. would be an
excel1eat te- for the County. but he doe. have a probl.. with not
h8YiDg 8088 prIce cOIIpeti tion.
Øe .tated that he doe. not understand
~be ~ in _lecting an underwriter wIthout knowing What they are
goiDg to charge.
Co8a1..ioner Pi.tor .tate4 that It 1. due to the aaoant of ti..
that 18 1DvolV84 with regarda to the contract. that have been
1'8C81984 .
Co8at..loner Saunder. .tated that the C~i..Ion baa not even
voted to build the Developt1ent ServIce. Building. ad41ng that an
archJ~ect or an engineer baa not been .electe4.
Mr. MeLe80re .tate4 that thi. will be a turn-key job, a441ng that
tbe propo.al wUl be before the Soard at the next ...tlng.
He .tated
that be baa DO probl.. with a4c1ing the Courthou.e project, further
DOting that If the negotIatIon. are acceptable, the Infora&tion on
1d11ch a cSecl.ion 1. aade wUl be di.clo.ed to the Board.
County Manager DorrUl .tate4 that it the negotiatione are not
acceptable, the 8oarct will have an opportunity to hear that fro. any
otber lntere.ted party and al.o the financIal advl.or.
ø. .tated that
be Ie DOt ..king for a blank contract to be .igned; he i. a.king for
81Ithorizatlon to negotiate with the n1lllber one and b8o rankec1 firae In
. co -"'.geeS 4eal the .- .. we 40 wi th any other prof...tonal
88rYtce .
&~ 113 WI 633
Page 28
.. 113 '1#~ 634
MAT 3,1988
C-t..loner Saunc1er. que.tJoned if thl. -8118 that f... are going
to be Degotlated an4 then .taff will coae back for another ..lect10n..
to td1Jcb Mr. DorrUl .tated that he 1. going to negotIate a contract
and then briDg that contract to the Board the .... .. any other pro-
f...loaal contract 1. han41ed.
C-t-loner Pietor .tated 1f tbe contract i. brought back and the
DegotJated UIOUnt 1. out of Una, then the .tat t .tart. over.
Co8aJ-loner Saun4er. .tated that 1 t 1. not UDCO""u to have the
~"nt t... up front eo that everyone knowe what i. being voted
Oft" 8441ng that be ha. already IndIcated that thl. 1. the way be nor-
8aJly .... it happen in the indu.try.
He noted that it the Board
th1Dk8 that the8e f... are out of lIne, it can be 4one allover again.
.. DOted that he t..l. that tbl. i. a backwarda way ot 4o1ng thing.,
bat be w111 probably vote In tavor ot the action.
Mr. I'i8Cher .tated that it i. eo-what off the track becauae of
tbe Ie... parchaee phase of It. but they were looking for real exper-
t!.. which i. why thi. 1. a lIttle bit dltterent than what J. noraally
done .
0þC8 call tor tbe t¡a88tlOD" the aotlon carrle4 4'0.
Mr. George JCeller .tated that when Lely Baretoot Beacb ...
PGrCba884. the previous owner... going to carry 80118 financing on it
and questioned what changed that. to which Co..i..ioner Saunder.
atate4 that they agreed to carry the financIng tor I aonthe without
iDtereet ancS at the end ot the e aontb perJ04, the County bacS to co.e
tip with a way to pay tor it and the payaent J. now due.
Page 29
MAY 3,1988
I t88 ftOA
II8:8GC.D':rIo8 ...... AAorJI&aSIJIQ COLLID COO.n '. 1.T&a&S"1' Dr ATTJIf.I.O2'1.wu A
PIIOI.....II_U. "tnrII.u.r. 'I'KAII - &DOh&¡,
CoaaJ..1oner Pl.tor .tated that thl. we. dt.cu..ed a couple of
-b ago aDd he ..ked that the County Attorney prepare a r-.olution
~6...1ng the Intere.t of tbe Board with regard. to attractlng a
b88eba11 ~- to the area.
He .tate4 that be would appreciate thl.
N80111tlon being adopted.
f..~ P1ator 80~..41' 8eCC~ by' Co-1..ioaer GooARfghtI'
tbat II88olaUGla ..... G.r.-...iDg Collier Coanty'a inter..t iD
att.._t.tDø. prof_J.oaa1 b...ball ~ be adopted.
~..I0D8r aae.. .tated that he would go along with thi. a. long
- there i. no c~itaent on the County'. part.
He noted that aany
areaa that put 1Ip th1. type of .tructure have InvolvelNnt froa the
prlvata 88Ctor.
He note4 that everything bee to be addree.e4 that
1. relate4 to thi. -tter like 1apact tee., the roadway., and all
tbe iDfr..tructur...
Co8aJ..loner Pi.tor .tated that thl. re.olution 1. only expre..lng
aD int8.r88t.
Be noted that the detail. will have to be worke4 out.
Mr. l:eller, Pr..ldent of Collier County Civic Pec1eratlon, .tated
tbat . r88O1ution ot thl. eort ðoe. not have any illpaCt, bat 1 t has
beeD kDown that when the Board aake. a re.olut1on Hying that they are
iDtereete4 1n 8O88thing. work i. alway. going on behiD4 the .cene. and
tbeD the public 1. pre.ented wi tb 8O88thing that baa already been
&GG( 11~ f~ ',: 635
Page 30
&Me 113 ~..~ 636
MAT 3,1988
~11.he4 and there i. no input left with regard. to the financial
1"88pDo81bJl1 ty of the taxpayer.
Be noted that he feele that thIs whole
-tter 1. sn--ture .. there i. no financIng available on thi. aatter.
Be note4 that this will have a bIg lapact on the County .. a whole.
8ddiDg that there are a Jot acre thing. to think about than a beeeball
en--t.el00er Saunðere .tated that in teras of work behlnd the .ce-
1188.. DOtbJng happene In thi. County wIthout there being a4equate
pabl.tc C>CI Int.
He IndIcated that there wll1 be aore than adequate
pabl1c 4J.cue.lon and aore than adequate public opportunJ ty to diecue.
4Jfferent aecbanl... for financIng, a4dlng that right now there 1.
ODJya concept and tbl. .Japly .tate. that the Board t. ln favor of
getting acre lnforJlatlon wI tb regarda to thl. concept.
Mr. Eel1er .tated that the Board 8houJd go on record by -ylng
that they 40 not give Coaai..loner Pl.tor the authority to enter into
8088 negotiation.
Co8ale.loner Saunders .tated that C~I..loner Pletor baa no
-tbozoJty to act on behalf of the County but .. a Co-t..toner he can
talk "1 th anyone tha t he wan t . to.
~t..ioner Rae.e .tated that there i. nothJng in thi. re.olutlon
that J. tyIng the County to anythIng.
ØpaD ca.U t- t:be q1I88tJoa. t:be aotlOD carri84 4þ/O.
&we 113 ..,.: 638
1t8a ftoa
MAY 3.. 1988
- ACC&r.au Ifrl8 8:rlhIolAUOII8.
County Attorney Cuyler .tated that the dOCU8entatlon pre.ented to
the 8oar4 1. tbe Agre...nt tor Deterred Conveyance of Legal 1'1 tIe to
SaNer UtilIty Pacl1JtJ.8; a aaintenance agr....nt. atfidavJt, warranty
deed, and bill of ..Ie.
Øe Jndlcated that the c1ocuaentatlon 18 a
I'e8aJt ot the Board cSecJ.lon .everal aonth8 ago to allow the Vineyarda
at their requeet to contInue to own their facJlltle. and, thereby
lnclade tboee facilJtle.. tbe .ewer lin.., within their rate beee
.iDee they are UDder PaC jurl.dictlon.
Øe noted that the docuaent.
are Jn 8Ubetantially .tandard fora but they have change4 8O88What to
~te and Japleaent the Board'. prior decl.10n.
118 etated that
the deci8ion baa already been aaðe and tbe 4ocuaent. have been pr-
pend to iaple..nt that cSecl.ion.
ø. 8tated that tho priaary aecha-
Di- that i. 1I88C1 .. a part of the 4ocuaentatlon i. In the warranty
deed and the bill ot ..le and 1. reterred to In the Agreeaent for
Deterred Conveyance, not1ng that the ..chan1.. i8 that the d884, Whicb
will tranafer tJtle of the line.. and the bIll of .ale, WhIch J. al.o
G88d tor that purpo.e, J. fJled JD8ed1ateIy. ac1ding that they are
rec:orde4 now and ar. not put 1nto ..crow.
ø. noted that they becoae
operati". only upon one ot two thIng. happening: tlr.t of all, a
DOtJce ot Connection of .0..U.. In the future When the County 1.
re8dy to COlUMtct to the Vineyarc1a or "concUy. In the event of
Page 32
bImJtnpt cy .
MAT 3.. 1988
Be note4 that the Developer, the Utility, and tbe County
Attor~'. office 1. In agree..nt wIth regard to the docuaentation,
a4diDg that tbere 1. only one lte. that 1. in dl.agr"aent. Øe etated
that a b8nkraptey Coanael that the County deal. with ha. recoa-vnded
that the Utl1itie. poet a Letter of Cre4Jt in C..e a bankruptcy
.1~tlon occur..
Øe noted that then there would be a POOl of funda
that tIOG.14 be available to the County i~ thi. caee and the County
WOQ14 baft 8Ccee. to the fun4e 80 that they could be uae4 to purcha.e
tbe facl11tJ...
Øe noted that the developer baa indicated that thi.
J. not financially te..lble for thea.
He .tated that it the Board 1.
not 1D.c11ne4 to do tbJe. then tbere J. doCU8entatJon that he can .Jgn
oft OD that would be legally .otf1clent, but be la Ie.. coafort.ble
With It.
Coaai..loner Pi.tor que.tloned how auch a Letter of Credit will
coat, to which Coaal..loner Saunder. .tated that he ðoe. not know What
lt woald coet, acS41ng that he 8pOke with Mr. Val'D4doe and tbe County
Attol"D8y and he ðoe. not feel that the Letter of Cre41t 1. ab80lutely
~ .. the rate payer. are going to be Paying tor it and it will
DOt add that auch 88CUrity to What there i..
Coanty Attorney Cuyler .tate4 that he thlnka that there 1. Ie..
thaa a 8111ioo dollar. in tacl1itJe. and the Letter of Credit WOUld
Q8D.~a11y run l' to 2* which aeane 810,000 - 820,000.
Mr. George Varnadoe. repr-enting Vlneyarda Developaent
BOG( 113 "J>:f 639
Page 33
181( 113,r~640
MAY 3,1988
CorporatJon an4 Vineyards UtIJitle., Inc.. a PaC regulating utility,
ñate4 that 3 or 4 aonthe ago. the Board agreed.to let the corporatlon
deter COA..,ance of the .ewer lIne. only until the County... In a
poeJtJon to provide eewer .ervice to the VIneyard. DeveloPlMbt, whIch
wl11 take apprOXJ..tely 10 year..
He indicated that the Corporation
J. glv1ng a bill of ..le an4 a deed to the propertle. whIch becoae.
effectl... when tile County notlUe. the. that they will be booked up to
the ~- or in the event the UtllJty declare. bankruptcy.
He .tated
that tbe CorporatIon 1. aleo giving a chattel acrtgage through the UCC
f11~ atateaent. whlcb gIve. the County a fir.t lien on tbe....r
IJ.De8 for tbe full value of that property.
Ife .tated that he t..l.
that: tht. provlðett adequate protection In keepIng with the 4aci.lon
the Board II8de tour aonthe ago.
He noted that the probJ.. with the
Let~ of Credit 1. that it would be be~en $10,000 - 820,000 per
year tor a unl t .
Be note4 that.. unit. are a4c1e4, the .ewer line.
wJll be eubject to thIs agree..nt and the 810,000 - 820,000 a year 1.
goiDg to grow each year.. acre lIne. are added.
He .tate4 that It i.
8ft 1IDD8Gww.ary co.t to be borne by the rate holder. in the VJneyarda.
e>-t..ioner Baa.. .tateð that It..... that thi. agre_nt J.
tu.11 protectIon for the County and 1. quIte thorough.
~ f ..1oDer P18tor 80 .. e4 r 88CODdecS by ~ -1aaer ~ t gta t I' that
Uae 811 U' tacll1tl- at tile ViDeyarde be 8pplove4 w1t.b tbe doc' lAt.
1a 88bft8DtJa11y tbe tora att~bed wltbout the Letter of Cra4.1t l1li4
tMt Uae otMzo 1rt11.tty ~t8 Da81t8 to be 81IIa.tt1:ed .tD ao daY8 IIDd
hge a.
111.7 a, 1...
DO CIØt1f.tcat88 of ~-..4~ will be 188a84 aDt11 tb8y .. Ind81tte4,
*1= lDcl11d88 the certlflcation ot pr"81U'8 t_tJDg.. IIYIU8.. etc.
Mr. Varna4oe .tated that he know8 all the docuaenta that need to
be 81da1tte4 8D4 he has no objection to it. addIng that he agree. to
the 8tlpa.1at.ton.
C-t_icmer GooðDight atate4 that thi. organlzat.ton and the
people b8ckJDg tbJ. organization have been In Collier County a long
t18e aø4 8he doe8 not feel that the Letter of Credit i. Dece..ery.
Vþca 0811 to%' the qaeetioDI' the 8O'tlon C8I'I'1e4 4/0.
tOG.: 113 '1'.: 641
Page 35
1M( 113 w~ 616
. ¡
MAT 3,1988
1t8a ft1&
hlMA~'" --..1116. 18-274 AII.O 18-278 - ADOPRD
""-f..SoDer Piator 80"..4, eec0n4e4 by ~t..10Da" ~tgtat 8Dd.
C8Z'rJed 4/0.. t:bat 8a4get &8end88nt. 11-274 aDd e8-275 be adopte4.
It8a .11C
0:10 -----In ADUAL nD8CUL UPC)ft woa nscu. YUa 1Stle/e7
....~~~ ft~.... an... . ~ DøacTOR YOROSØ - 80 AC'n0Jl
Clerk Gl1.. 8tated that thl. Js the presentation on the County'.
Co8plebeneive Annual Report for fJ.cal year endIng Septeaber 30. 1987.
Be lD4ieated that the PJnance Director an4 hi. Departaent have put a
lot of effort into thi. report.
He noted that there .1. 8Ore than .of-
tJ.c1eDt 1ntoraat.1on for coapllance and o"'::Mrr purpo.e..
He ln4icatecS
that the CODdenaed report i. going to be pre.ented to the Oovernll8nt
.t~ Otticere A88OClatlon to hopefully receive another certifIcate
of achl.....nt for financIal reportIng tbi. year.
He noted that be
received COft81derable help fro. the audItor., Cooper. a Lybrand.
Mr. 30hn Yonkoeky, Pinance DIrector. .tated that th1. pre.entat.1on
repla_nt. a cul81natlon of a aajor annual t..k. a4c11ng that the audIt
for tbe financial .tateaent. for the fl.cal year ending Septeaber 30,
ISte7.. ba8 been coapleted by the external auditIng f.1ra of Cooper. a
Lybrand, whicb 1. a requJr...nt under Chapter 1145 of the Plorlc1a
Statat.. .
Be noted that the au41t ba8 been forwar4ed to the Offlce of
tbe Aa41tor General of the State of Plori" and the CoIIprehenalve
~.1 Flnanc1al Report (CAFR) that 18 requ1red to be forwar4ed to the
Page al
MAT 3,1988
Co8ptroller ba8 been coapleted and forwarded and with thi. pre.en-
tatloa. th18 "te, all the legal requlreaent. concerning the audit
will bave been COIIpleted.
Øe noted that the larger book containe an
ID41viðaal aa41t for each of the Conatitutlonal OffIcer., a aanage..nt
letter that i. reqa.Jre4 by the Audl tor Oeneral, co~t. on the lnter-
081 CODtrol for legal cO8pliance and the County'ø reepon....
He noted
tbat in the ...ller book. the CoapreheneJve Annual Plnanclal Report,
(CAPR), the Conetltutlonal OffIcer. ar. rolled up Into the Oeneral
ruad portion of It. addIng that it contains the .ingle audit at the
b8ck blat the aanag88eDt letter 1. not In It.
He note4 that this book
1. the one that goe1I to underwriter. and other people that are
intereeted in the fInancial inforaation of the County.
He .tated that
the CArR 1. dlvlc1e4 into three .ectione froa Oenerally Accepted
&cooantiDg Principle.: the introductory .ection which include.. li.t
of the elected offIcial. of the County and an organizational chart of
the County: the financial .ectlon which include. the aa4itor'. opl-
nioa., the general purpoee financial .tateaent. and f'he coabining by
fund ~ flnancJal .tate..nt., and tbe Indiviðual account group.
ldûch are the general f 1.xed a..et account group and general long-tara
debt account group: and the .tatl.tlcal .ectlon which includes .ocial
aad ~c "ta IJke financial trend. and other data that i. rele-
98Dt to the tl.cal capacity ot Collier County.
He .tate4 that the
anderlyiDg purpo.. of fJnancial reporting i. to cO88UDicate lnfor-
_tlon concerning t1nancllil poeJtJon and fInancial activity to the
Page 37
túli( 113w~6TI
10&( 113 n~~ 618
MAY 3,1988
8oar4 of Coanty Co8al..1oners and to the cltlzeft8 of the County.
DOted that tbe Coanty 1s requIred to prepare and publi.b - a _tter
of pabl1c record. a Coaprehen.lve Annual Plnancial Report that enC08-
pe8888 all func!8 and all account groupe, a441ng that the Introductory
88Ct~ i. Jnten4e4 to f..illar!ze rea4er. with the organizat1onal
.t~t~ of the County and the nature and scope of .ervlce. that the
Coanty proyJcte. and the .pecJtJc. of Jt. legal envlronaent.
Wf~ Director Tonkoeky gave a .1lde pre.entatloo 1n4Jcatlng
that the flret .11de deal. wltb General Oovernaent Revenuea whlch i.
~..4 of revenuee froa the Oeneral FuneS, the Special Revenue rund8,
the Debt sel'Ylce aDd Capital Project 1'und8.
Øe noted that there tf..
apprlM(t..tely 830 81l11on of OeDeral OoverD8ent Revenuea iD 1982 and
~ ba8 been gradually incre..lng to 870 .11l10n in 1987.
He noted
that the t.x.e whIch deals wI th a4 valor.. taxa. and Includes the
taxe. froll the local optIon g.. tax has rl..n froa 818 aJlIJon In 1982
to 8.1 8111100 1n 1987, which repre.ent. the blgge.t locre..eln
OeDeral Oove~t Revenue..
Øe .tated that there are three factor.
that ba8 C8U8ed thi. bIg Incre..e: the a..es.ed value bue ln the
CoaDty that has grown treaond0u8ly: ...ller decr...e. in the 8illage
rat.. every year: aDd the user g.. taxe..
Øe .tate4 that the second
el1de deal. with Intere.t earne4. ac1c11ng that the County earned over
'5 aJllJoo In Intere.t for Pl.cal Year 1987.
Øe noted that there the
blggeet earning. were 15* in the Oeneral Pun4. 27. In Cap1tal Project.
8D4 a5. In the Proprietary Punde.
He noted that the c..h portfolio
Page 38
MAT 3,1988
of Col11er County... 880 .111100 in 1987 a. coapared to 8el ail11on
CD 9/ao/el, addIng that tbl. ca.h aaount al.o Includ88 tbe ca.h of the
He reported that the thIrd .1lde de.l. with
total re..nuee and total expendJture., adding that thi. i. Coun~-wide
and .tDClade8 the EnterprJ.. Fund. bat exclude. tranafere and any pro-
cee48 troll borrowIng whIch 1. In e.eenC8. net revenue. County-wide,
Det ~ltur.. Coun~-wJcSe.
Øe note4 that tbi. 1. broken cSown .. a
parceotage .bowing approxiaately 890 al111on In total revenue. coa-
pared to total expendJture. of 890 .11110n.
Øe In41cated that tbl.
81i48 8howe where tbe aoney went froa a County-wJde b..I. on the net
Be indicate4 that the fourth ..i. lde .howe fund balance trend
ttbicb 1. a trend of tbe fund balance In the General I'1m4 froa 1979 to
9/30/e7, ad4ing that the dIp In 1982... with the advent of the Tria
Bill and 81nce that ti_. the fund balance has been Q'radaally
~1Dg until 9/30/87. at which t1ae there w.. 8e.4 ail1ion in fund
bel8Dce .
Be .tated that tbl. aaount i. c..h that repreeent. approxl-
aately 20* of the actual expandJ ture. that were aade which would
appear to be a 11 ttle high, bat when the portion of c..h J. reaoved
~t tbe County need8 to fund It. operatlolU1 froa the beginning of the
fJacal year until the tax 4o11ar. .tart to flow. which 1. ..tlaateð at
'4 to'l aJlllon. the percentage tall. to approxJaately 12* which J.
tbe tan4 balance that 18 nationally recognized.. a need for .ound
fl8Ca1 ablli~.
Be note4 that CollIer County w- pretty cloee to the
DatJoaal average on 8/30/;7.
Øe .tated that the tlftb .1ide deal.
UIG( 113 w.1 679
Page 38
lOG( 113 n'~ 680
MAT 3, 1988
wlt.b OeDeral hod Revenue.. noting that taxa. repre.ent 58* or $23
aJl1ion of thi8 f1m4, Intergovernaental Revenue repr_ent. 14.8* or
$. aJll1on, and Charge. tor Servic- repre.ent. 9.8* or 8. 811l10n.
Be .tate4 that the .lxth .11de repreeent. where thl. aoney ... 8pent
In the OeDeral Fund, adding that Pub11c Safety w.. the bIg ueer.
indicated that aOC out of every 81.00 epent In the Oeneral Fund W88
for Public Satety and approxiaately $12 8111ion or 31* wa. for General
caov..r~t .
1Iz'. Tonkoeky .tated that In ~ry, the General Obllgatlon Bonð8
that tbe County had i.eued on 9/30/87 wee 88.9 .111ion and one ot tbe
1IDiqae th.1nge about Col11er County 1. that the GO Debt per capIta W88
810.40 at the end of 9/30/87 and for a County the 8ize ot Collier
Coa:n~I' it i. very umurual.
Øe noted that there 1. not another county
1D the State that IuuI a 4abt per capita ratio that i8 thi. low.
DOte4 that 11.1te4 oblIgation bonc1a are .ale. tax, ga. tax, etc. and
are approxiaately $49.1 81111on out.tanding.
Øe .tated that Utll1tle.
bad '44.1 .11Uon out.tandlng In theIr revenue bonda. a441ng that the
Qtll1~ coverage dropped .light1y fro. 1.85 tI.e. to 1.78 tl... debt
eervlee coverage.
Be .tated that the 81gn1flcant econoalc event. froa
a fin8DC8 point of vIew thl. p..t year w.. that the Board pur.oed
reføq41ng of the 1980 g.. tax revenue. and there w.. a net -.vlng. In
debt ..rvlce of 8724.000 over the life of that 1.8Ue.
Øe .tated that
8Ie.. aJlllon of the $11.& .1111on bi-8Oda1 bond 1.8Q8... drawn
188t year and a aajor accoapl1.h8ent at the landfill wee that the 2&
Page 40
acre 1andtill cell lIner... coapleted l..t year.
MAT 3.. 19ft8
He .tated that two
it... that were future prospect. In 1987 wa. that the Board appointed
a DeW CoaDty Manaqer aD4 be baa brought .ound, re8pOft81ve and
pr~...1". change. to the County.
He noted that the other 1 t.. Ma.
that tbe Board approved th1. year tbe purch&8e of the new f lnanclal
8Of~ WhIch will enhance the abIlIty of the Plnance Departaent to
provide ti..ly 1ntoraat1on to the Board and to their departaent..
Mra. Pbyll1. .1008. of Cooper. 6 Lybrand Coapany .tated that tbe
pege that.he 1. re8pOna1ble for 1n the whole audit J. the opln10n
pege, að4Jng that .he 1. pleaaeð to announce that the flra baa gIven
Collier CoaDty a clean opinion on the financial re.olt. for the year
eDdiDg Septeaber 30, 1981.
She .tated that .he appreciat.. the oppor-
bmJty to be the County'. 8Uðltor. and loon forward to continuing for
the next two year..
Coaaj..loner Saun4er. .tated that no action 18 nee4e4 with
I'8fer~ to acceptance of the CoIIprehenalve PJnanclal Report, adding
that thi. ... a very well 4008 and well pre.ente4 report.
I tea ftU
~...~x- or P&DICU BAftOII A8D DR. BI~R.A. KIJFC.-I bJlM-~ly.
D81D~Y.. &JIIIOÜ.I.......-r or JtØ. UCJIAJtD ICAPU DI'KC'nft 11/I/e. &JID
DAPIO...~x- or CDOIbD þ&~ TO 'I'D lOtS AI.CO1IOL.. DImØ .I.IIOIm &JID
181n'M.. tnru." M..a-rJrG COOJICIL OW DISD.IC'f e - APPIIUV-Cu
c-1..1oaer P1ator 8OVH, 88C~ by CoaaJ..IOD8r GoodnIght aDd
C8Z'r184 4/0.. that Mra. Patricia Barton and Dr. -.bara ~U'1 be
8IIPO1Iat8d etf8C'tJve t- UatelYJ ..". Uchard 8I8pea be appo1Dt84
~C.G( 1131'.',1681
hge 41
!~ ..
. '
11&'1' a,. 1...
efl8ctJ98 l1/1/N, 8Dd 8eoZ"g¡e hazer be Z'88ppQiDt84 ~o the -
&1-.01,. Dz'1Ig AInIn 8Dd IleDtal ~th Pl-~Jag Coancl1 of D18tzo1crt e.
1t88 ftD
~-n"I~ 8()()Ð8II88'! Au~.--IDD TO TJtAVKL TO 'I'Jl".I'..~'1JD 011 11&'1' 4..
1- 'J'O n.~u"", KnnIa 'I'D BOU8Iàô COI8aSSIO8
~..Jon.r GoodnIght .tated that -hen.he W88 in Tallah88.ee
la8t week. .he... ..ked to return to Tal1aha8... on May 4,1988, to
~ before tbe Hou.lng SUbc~Jttee to te.tlfy on the local opt.1on
tor the docu8entary .taap.
She .tated that .he would ..k that tbe
8o8rd of County CoaaJ..loner. approve her trip to Tallabae..e.
~f..Joner Pi.tor .tateð that the U0CU88ntary .taap 1. to be
a8e4 to &14 low-coat bou81ng or needed hou.lng.
Co8ai..ioner Goodnight .tated that It i. to be used for low to
8Oderate iDcO88 bouelng, but what 1. aoet iaportant i. that the County
ba8 local opt1one 80 that the County can control the IIODey inetead of
b8nriDg the State 4o1e It out to the count1.. an4 Collier County not
g8t the aoney that ttwy .bould be gett1ng.
She .tated that .he leel.
tbat tbJ. 1. an &n8Wer to.O88 of the probl... that there are in
Collier County and eepec1al1y If the Board can control It.
t-iaDer ..tator 80"".. 88C~IJ4ecS ~ C-~_loaer tie -ðnw 8Dd
C8ft'184 4/0.. tbat C>-4..1oaer CIo~tgbt be 8IIthor1sed to uø.l to
"'11-"'--... em ....,. 4.. 1eee, to t~ity belore tbe JIouiDg ~t-1oD.
Jt88 ft20
orwanIO8D n~ TO .. eo.an or COO.n COMMISSIO_--' ~&In'.&nvz
~ "."POkrAn08 DATS IJI ".1' 1""...SO
County Manager Dorril1 .tateð that Co_l..ioner Gl... ..keð that
tIû8 It- be acSdec1, noting that he received a reque.t - it related to
MAY 3.. 1988
rrcwportatlon Day. in Tallahae....
He .tated that becau.e of the
ft~r of traneportatlon relateð project. the County ba., C~i..ioner
Gl.....ked that eo-l..1oner Pl.tQr be authorized to repreeent the
Board on it. behalf for TransportatIon Day. In Tallaha8.e..
~t-1aDe:r "11"8 8O..ws, eecoade4 by ~t_J.oDno ~tgb1: IID4
C8ft'i84 4/0. tbat c-t..loaer P1ator be authoJ.oJsa4 to be U. 8oar4
I~JJ_tat1.. 8D4 to pa't1clpate iD rr.~rt.tIOD D8y8 1A
"'11-"" f....
2118 loJ1ow1IIg 1~ -.re ~..().~ crð./or adøpt84 UDd81' t.be Con8eD1:
'-.. ,. 1Ip:ID 8Irt.t.aG -- by c-t..1Ga8r P1aún'.. 88CoOl ~ by
n.-4..taD8z0 Ooo""'tgbt 8D4 CU'Z'184 4/01
11:88 .sal
8IDUI.C&UG8 tD DCAVAn08 ......u~ m. 89.133 -1III.1t'å ~ - I'll-..
.~ ..__a- cea.&K or 'I'D DlTD.SKCTtOll or ca-951 . 1-78
Applicable peralt feet. and perforaance guar~t..t. wIll be
poeted In accor4ance with the new County &xcavatlon OrdInance
Off-.ite hauling of excavated aaterlal .hall be lia1te4 to
1-76 conetruction only untl1 8UCh ti.... the present
Provl.lonal U.e Peralt i. ao41fled to allow for other type. of
off-.lte a.e...
The excavation project .ball be coapleteð in accor4ance with
the reqalreaent. of Ordinance .0.88-21.
I t8a ftØI
~... or CCIII'L8'RD ~h~U\Ø~I08 or S:m--u.~ 08 PIa UDCD IIOAD BY
.a-- 88iI""I"..-. 1m. AIm ~.w.n or nJLU. PA1'hUIT .8ID n'l-12CHU
ltea ft4..
-...--I U'l'MAIllfIll 8CC .um TO COItV&\"~.. 01' ..Dr.IHI. IWC.
r.úû( 113FJ"f 68a
Page 43
.l' ;
't '
'£ .. 113 ,...~ 6B4
MAya.. 1988
See page Iz.f q - 6 9¡,t
ltea n6M
.... .. .. Ain;.,..Jn.Q lI..1LIWuxlO8 07 &8 APPaOPRUD ~ tnrJ.~-
. ~..~--x WID rLOaIDA I8It 8JØ.ATm TO J'U'JlDIJIG or PItO.7ZC'.r coal'. roa
J81C8 ~I~ D em.r..TD ~..n
See pag-
t;, q .5'
It8a ft4Cl
*,~ to -.02
1 tea ft 4C2
lMIiMllx JJ--_.~ ~x.(Jfu &8 TW!tn\a D Jt&w..u.. AD ......-..ulxuab
0'1 -J8'I' ~ D 'I'D oo..~.,¡n CAD rea 'I'D ft.""'.", PItOØ.UI
I tea ft 4CJ
.... . ..4 to øca
1 t88 ft4D1
AC".~""" œ vn:r.:rft aa......x lOa 8OUD '-NU81;( 1t88I0II&L ~
~.x.1aa; ~
see pag..
'9¿, - '9R
ltea ftØ2
AD-'AoII"T~PC8 or OII-Srr& IIA%D PACD.I'1'IU roa .&Qt.. c,...,.. Cuu.-xat Ct.UII
~ 8-8 WID . x U'V I8i '1'I 011
1. The legal cSocu8ent. are found legaJ1y .oftlcient by
the County Attorney'. office.
Recor4e4 In O. R. Book /3 y~ , Peg.. /" /-1" .2.
1t8a ftØJ
lID .....122- lOa Dalu..-xlAL _'fa klulWUl - ~ or am AWI.B8D IfO
....xv.. IlAxaa cœlPUT .IJID J~ or aID AII.I.JtDKD TO Ir'IrII'P haxaa cœlPUT
Lap1 DOtJ.ce haviDg baeD pab118becS iD the llapl- Da11y .... CD
~ -I' 1..8.. - ."JdeDced by Utl4aYit of PublJ.catJ.CD tiled with the
.... 44
".--.-----" . ....-
MY a. 1...
Cl8ñ. IWI8 88r8 r8C8iY84 for aid ..8-1229 for ree14eatJal _ta-
..tea'. 8rt.1.1 2110 P.II... llu'ch 2a.. 191..
1t8a ft~
onI.InD aaaJrXftUTOa TO ncua SDVICU noIIlIIsaDaat . .&880011.D8
'1'0 ""'~I .18 Vl'lMT1n) (X,w~,¡y.. usa r&IUUT .ua 'rD (X)u.;¡;..'. US"!'
801'.188 aa... ..-r YJ'TWT.ft
Itea ftG8
.... _100 . ca 18-7 6u.tI'OldJ.JRI '.nIJt (Nu.n """Gat'S ACTI08 or
~~.-x"'- 88ØVL&noa 00.-...1- '.nIJt U88 or PO1'A1Ø.8 _'fa ... LUIII
"'I~I tW9 I'OR 'I1IOSK coa!~. ar IDJtCO ISL&.8D ftILInD.. DIc. AJID
arvww--8m II&!'D DIsnIcr
S.. P898I (, 9? - ?,.."
Itea nf,M
ltD. _101 &lID ca .. . AuxllUdZIJIG A PW...t.IC ....a8ßIQ .ua .JUD la..
1.... '1'0 ~lØi aD. ca-e8-3 J'Oa 'fD SPKCI.IJ'. AS8U~ DIS'l'RIC'I' woa
In8DIC'I' 1. wa.. &lID IOV'J1I IIAI'LD lUI'rUY IDD nl'l'lN
See pages 7/11- 7" ~
ltea ftØ2
ltD. _102 &lID ca-.... &D'!BOItI%IE A PUBLIC ....a.IWQ ... .JUD 13..
1.... '1'0 ~ au. ca-e8-4 ... 'rD SP8CUr. un:8""-' DI8'rJUC'I' woa
DI8DIC'I' I. wa.. &lID 8OV'rII IIAI'LD 8UI'1'UY ...... arD;¡;-JIIII
See page. 71) 9 - 7/..:L
I tea n4D8
. . '.... R'I ... OU!SID& cooaZL 111ft IIA.ftSnZLD &lID n;xa, D .III .a..n,.x
80'1 '1'0 .-L"UI~ 82.5..000 .. !'D 800111 eou.d IIØD ~08 .....8Ka.In
S.. page.
7/iJ.- ? /S-
ltea ft4.1
ltD. _loa Au~-.raI%DICI 'rD a&.r-..uI'XulUm OJr h...,. JOlt 'rD euu.'X"
~... ...... nC81c 18 U ARW.x- IIO'r TO Inr~ 82.000
S.. page
&6G( 113,Ar.1 685
.. 113 n'.s: f»86
MAY 3.. 1988
ltea ftG2
aD. _IN a.n-.-IZI8 IlArAIUI)"~U" or .ru.w VI' 'fO '1..000 I"OIt ft.I.IJII8J
.... ..
A."'!"JII.œ,. ~f_'."",,_, .!...¡¡;t..
See page
ltea ftØJ
, as. _108 """".1*-1:- & *"'..:0-18 ~C%.UI nu.a D 'PmI .&Y wrr....
See page.
7/1'- 7/9
ltea ÐØ1
"ID 8Ql8'ft or """,.n COMKIAIOJIAIgJ
See peg e
1 tea ft481
~ 8&DI ~ ... ~ JIOS. 2ttH8.. 4e617.. 833M.. 48938.. 67189.
..,..,.. MI... uao2. 42.M. 432.7. 36870. ae845. 29594. AIID N'785
ltea ftC82
8A'PIC1'I08 (Ø LID I'Oa 8DVICU or ~ f'O8LIC ........
See page
ltea ."G
1II8I'!WI'-""'~ ~Jtl.~. - rr1'.ft\ AIID/OR ""~l)
Tbe following aJ.cel1aneou. corre.pondence w.. fJled and/or
referl'ecS to the varJoue departaent. .. incSJcated below:
Letter dated 4/21/88 troa 8u4 Paraer, Director, DJv. of
JIou81ng A CO88W1Jty Developaent, DCA, advl.1ng of . workabop
for all potential applicant. for the rederal Pl.c.1 Tear 1987
S_ll CJtl.. Co88unity Developaent Block Orant Progr- COlI-
petltlon tor Phaae III In the Econo.Jc Dev8loplNtDt category,
and attaching reo18tratlon fora. xc: .e11 DorrJl1: IIancSa
30ne.; and fl1e4.
Letter "ted 4/22/88 froe Toe Lewl. and Connie Mack.. Congre..
of the Onlte4 State., advi. Ing , that legi.lation... pre.ented
Page 48
MAY 3,1988
to CoDgr". to aove Collier. Hendry a 0184e. Coantie. Into the
Middle Dl.trlct an4 to con8011dat. the.. countl.. with the
exiating Fort Myer. divi.lon of Federal Court. xc: BCC: .eil
Dorrill: 3i. Oile.: and filed.
Letter date4 4/19/88 fro. Dougla. L. Fry, Envlronaental
Manager, DER, enclo.ing a .bort fora application, File .0.
111480855, which Involve. dredge an4 fill activitl... xc:
..il Dorrlll: Dr. Proffitt: an4 fIled.
Letter "te4 4/13/88 to Bruce Oreen. beociate., Inc., fro.
~by B. Oreen, III, Dlvl.ion of Beache. and Shor.., DXR,
approving the ti- extenaion, Peralt PUe .0. CO-119 MI.
Perait.. ....: 'fho8a. A. Martln. xc: .eU DorrUI: Dr.
Proffitt: and file4.
aecelye4 on 4/15/88 Service of Proce.. on Child Support enfor-
C888Dt actioD8 11.ted on attacb8ent., COntract 18&614. xc:
.71. Gll.., an4 flIed.
aeceiY84 4/25/88 froa FlorIda A8.oclatlon of TransportatIon
8Dð axpree8W8Y Autboriti.., .otice of Meeting of May 9, 1988,
Ra41.aon Botel, 415 .orth Monroe Street. Tallaha8..., FL.
xc: .eil Dorrl11: George Arcbibald: and filed.
4/13/88 .otlce and Agenda froa oat for Tranaportation Day '88,
May 10. 1988. The Capitol, Tal1aba..ee, Plorida. xc: ..il
Dorrill: Georg. Archibald: and file4.
Letter dated 4/15/88 froa CharI.. B. .etrick, County
A4aini.trator, Hernan4o County BCC, eoclo.ing copy of a r..o-
lution expree.ing oppoeition t0war4 the 4ecre- in tun41ng
for the CO88t Guard. xc: .el1 Dorril1: and fUe4.
Letter "ted 4/22/88 froa CharI.. B. Hetrick, County
Ada1ni.trator, Hernanðo County BCC, encloelng copy of . r..o-
lutlon expre..lng support of Senate Bll1 133 r.lating to
Special Dl.trlct.. xc: BCC: .el1 Dorrl11, and f1184.
~t.. of 2/8188 Ocbcpee Plre Control Dl.trlct AdYleory
~tt.. aDd 4/18/88 letter advl.1ng that CharI.. Reynold8
... elected .. their new Chairaan, replacing Cbri. Hancock.
xc: f1184.
Minute. of 4/8188 Raple. Beautification Council and 5/12/88
Agenda . xc : P U ec1 .
Minute. of 4/5188 ,..rco I.land BeautiUcation AdYieory _.ting
and a/3/8. Agenda. xc: FJIe4.
lOG( 113,v.1 fi87
Page 47
MAY 3.. 1988
" ..
j '* 113 Ptf"- 68S
Meaor8ft4ua ð.ated 4/11/88 fro. P. R. Treadway, :Jr.. Deputy
Dlrector, DivJ..ion of Ad Valor.. Tax, Dept. of Revenue,
attaching ~he upda~e4 Pl. Dep~. of Revedue Approved BJ.44er'.
Lift, effective 3/31/88. xc: .eil Dorrill= Steve C8rDell=
8D4 flIed.
Received 4/22/88 .otice of (1) confiraation of Plan of
lteo1"98Dization and (ii' Di.cbarge of Debt. regarding Texaco,
IDC.. Texaco Capital, Inc. and Texaco Cap! tal, .. V .. frea
United Stat.. Bankruptcy Court. xc: Piled.
~ beiDg no further bu8ine.. for the Goo4 of the County, the
~.tDø - a4j0urne4 by or4ar of the Chair - Ti..:
11:40 A.M.
AX"I"~ ~ . II # A .
3"'" "1;." GII~". (ØLDx
... ..' .'<, --. . ;' ..-
-': ",,'r; ". C'
:' ¿/ "'~ ~ dJ
"". r . '., -
~&,,-~;,~~ ~ ~
".' . ' ~ ./
~ . ~~~ approved by the Board on~' 01.. Y; / 1" /' /"
- pre...t~" ~ or.. corrected .
Page 48