BCC Minutes 05/17/1988 R
. .,;
I'~:" ton_Jug _ra pr-..t,
: ,It
.apl.., Florida, May 17, 1988
t.E'f IT BE JU!1IJuusIRED, that the Board of County Coaai..ioner. in
8D4 for the County of Collier, and al80 acting a. the Board of Zoning
Appeal. aDd.. the governing board(.) of euch epecial di.tricts a.
bave beeD created according to law and having conducted bu8ine..
here1D" Mt on thi. date at 9:00 A.M. in RZG17LAJt sa.IOJr in Building
.W. of the GoYernaent Center, Eaet .aple., Florida, w1th the
Arnold Lee 01...
Burt L. Saunder.
Max A. 1Ia8.., 3r.
30M A. P1.tor
Anne Goodnight
.1.... C. G11e., Clerk: 30hft Yonko.ky, Winance
Director: Ellie Boffaan and Maureen hnyon" Deputy Clerke: .eJl
Don111, COaDty Manager; Brian Machnzie, A8.i.tant to the County
~r" I8D CUyler, County Attorney: To. Crandall, OtJl1tie.
&A.in1.t:rator; George Archibald, Public Horke Ac1aJni.trator;
&ev1D O'Donnell" Public Service. Adaini.trator; Leo Oche"
Ad8JDJ.trat1ve Service. Adainistrator; 3ett Perry" MPO Director: Tom
Olliff" Acting Co88UDity DeveloP8ent Adainiatrator, David Heet.,
Planner: .ancy I.raelson, A4ainiatrative Aaaiatant to the Board; and
Depaty Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff'. Departaent.
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MAY 17,1988
~ls.jon.r Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Coaais.ioner Saunders and
carried 1ID8Di80U81y, that the agenðaa and consent agenda be approved
with the following changes:
It- HA4
It- HD5
It.. -12C
Itea -12D
It- -1484
It- ftA
DJ.CU..ion of .eJ_Jc perait tor Shell Me. tern
E a P, Inc. - Added.
DiscussJon regarding i8p08ition of water restric-
tJons by South Florida Mater Manageaent District
Mc:te4 .
Discussion of reque.t by Collier County Bar
Association regarding Collier County Law L1brary
FuD4ing - Added.
Approval of Re801utioD encouraging the Edison
CO88Unity College Board ot Trustees to aaJntaJn the
Collier County Branch of Edison Co88UDity College
as their top priority for Capital Iaprove..nts -
RuolutJoD awarding a CertitJcate of Public
Convenience and .ece.sJty to Beach Club of Marco
Hotel - ContJnued to 5/24/88.
DIPr.OYD SD~.Ica AJlfAJU)S - PUSb;¡-&U
Co8aJ.sJoner Gla.. pre.ented Mr. Leroy Martel ot the Building Code
CoIIpl1ance Departaent an bployee Service Award for 5 years ot .ervice
with Colli.r County.
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MAY 17" 1988
Vpoa r--ttDg of the procl_t1OD, CoaaJ..Jcmer 01... 80984,
.co -4e4 b7 eo-l_JODer Sa1mder. and carrJed 1m8DJIIOU81y, that the
Proc~1oD de81patiDg M8y 20th and 21.t, 1988" .. 'PoPJn Days' be
I0OI( 114PKf145
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PJIOf!r~.nOlf DaIGJrA'1TJIQ 'I'D WKU ow MAT 18m - 218'f. 1988 AS .COLLIER
g)CJ)jÎ~J( 2OCJtiSll 1mInr. - ADOP'f&U
MAT 17" 1988
Øpoø readJng ot the proclaaat1on. CoaaJ..1oner P1.tor 1IOV'84,
..C~ b7 c.-SeeJ0D8r GoodnJght aDd carried ~111O1181y, that the
t1DD de8JgD8tiDg the week of May 18~ - 21.t, 1988.. .Col1ier
CoIIDty 7oarJ8a Week' be adopted.
" '
.. . ~ n'¡ ;
I8OC 114 ,.,..r.14 7
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. ': It- n&
:a;..~= ~=:x~ ~~~ oa: ~~:OZLOro"':iz r;~CTS TO
MAY 17, 1988
Act~ Co88unity Development Adainistrator Olliff .tated that
policy direction is being requesteeS, a. to bow Statf will review pro-
ject. regarding tratfic iapact on the roadway. of Collier County.
advi8e4 that Wil80n, Miller" Barton, SoIl a Peek. Inc. and the Collier
Corporation have been working with Statf in developing the policy
opti0D8 .
MPO Director Perry indicated that the need tor good POlicy direc-
t1OD for the Start co... a. a reeult ot the pending Growth Manage.ent
Leg1.lation" adding that there 1. an iapleaentation "chan1n:
reqaireð by State Law, that if the Level. ot Service Standards cannot
be ..1nta1Ded on the highways" the issuance ot Developa.nt Orders aust
ce- 1D that particular area that i. attected by that roadway.
.tated that it has long been the opinion ot Staff that the regulatory
review begine at the rezoning stage" adding that at the ti- ot the
tirst review, an iapact can be est1..ted through a trattic analysi.
Which can be exaained tor it. attects on the exi.ting roadway system.
8e DOted that recently, several roadway. have taIleD below the accep-
table Level of Service" adding that Growth Manageaent rul88 will
require that those roadways be brough~ up to the 8inJaua acce~table
St~ard that the Board ot County Coaaiss10ners adopts in its Growth
II8DaøeMn t Plan.
Øe advised that a probl.. arises when a develop.ent
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MAY 11.1988
C0888 1D tor approval of an increa.. in land u.e adjacent to or near a
facJIJty that i. at or below the acceptable level.
He stated that
Itatt 8boald be in a position to aate recoa.endat10n. that would miti-
gat. the farther iapact on an already 1apacted taci11ty.
Mr. Perry stated that the basis for the Policy 11:
Identity Whether a POlicy is large enough to worry about,
i.e.. if a project's impact on a roadway segment .xceed. S,
of £evel ot Service 'c' annual average daily capacity.
It the roadway i. at an unacceptable level, prior to its
being improved.. tound in the Capital Improve..nt Element,
the developer would have to mitigate that impact, i.e.
pbaeing ot the project, delaying certain portions of it until
the roadway is improved, paying impact fees up-tront, d?nation
ot additional right-of-way that would help expedite the pro-
ject, or other type. of mitigation that a developer would
have at hi. disposal to otter the County to Jet hi. go ahead
with the project in a ti..ly aanner that would be coincident
with the ðevelopllent ot the roadway.
In 8D8Wer to CO88Js.ioner P1.tor'. inquiring regardiDg up-tront
1l1paCt t.... Mr. Perry stated that a Mchani.. would be .stabl1shed
WhJch would identify tho.. unit. or project. that have paid their
J8p8Ct f... up-tront.
Hr. Perry .tated that the CCPC baa had petitione within the past
taw ...'~ that they torwarded to the Board ot County Coaaiss10ners tor
d18pO8al" .ince they involved policy d.cisiona to be 4et.rain.d by the
Board whether a developer would be required to ait1gate his iapact.
Coaai..ioner B..s. questioned whether a building perait could be
deoJed it the property was zoned properly?
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MAY 17,1988
CoaDty Attorney Cuyler stated that the basis of Gr~h Management
LegJ.1atJoa i. When the Lev.l of Service drops below the established
Level ot Service, building peraits will be denied.
Be advi"d that
lD4ation of Staff and the advisory C088ittees is to have a
period ot tJ- in which the infrastructure will be funded and to con-
tiD1l8 4eYelop...nt approvals during that period of t.1me.
He indicated
tbat the qDe8tion i. whether an incre... in already existing deticien-
c1.. wJl1 be allowed, without requiring -088 type ot .itigation, or
the flip .ide Ja to let the Building Peralta regulate thi..
Mr. Perry, in answer to Co..is.loner Saunder., indicated that
M. 1'8q4M.t today i. tor directiOD on how Statt 8hould proceed wi th
the &mtlcPaLnt ot a Policy, referring to the draft policy which deals
with Staff recØ88endations as to the re\.i.w ot rezone application..
Mr. Alan Reynolc1e ot Hi180n, Miller" Barton, SoIl. Peek" Inc.
8dvi884 that he baa been working with Staft to arrive at a policy
Wb1cb 8ddree... rezone rev.1ews.
He noted that it has been sugge.ted
that 8D inter1. policy be adopted to addres. how the project. w.111 be
1'89181Md between now and when the new plan beco... ettect1ve.
.tated that the new Gr~h Manageaent Plan will have to identify and
8ddree. today'. i8sue..
Mr. Iteynolc1e stated that concurrency i8 so..thing that has to be
U88d Jø applying a POlicy to all type. of Devel°Paent Order.,
1ncladiDg rezoning., adding that to hold one type of DeveloPment
Order to a .tandard that i8 different than all other c1evelopaent
- 114 w.t 151
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or4era, J. DOt a ta1r way to do it.
MAY 17,1988
Mr. Reynold. que.tioned it a pro-
ject: 1. detera1Ded to be C8U8ing an 1apact and 8itigat1OD 1. required,
8Dd !8P8ct: tee. are required, what kind of credit will be 1seued
8gafD8t thoee 8i tigations?
Øe indicated that a Methodology au.t be
detera1Ded Hbere credits can be a.s...ed against 8itigation that will
belp t:be County in accelerating a trattic iaproveaent.
He questioned
Jf .1~1øatiOD is required, what i. the vested right ot that project
that baa paid tor Jt. aitigation?
Øe stated if Japact tee. are paid
ap-front, the County incur. 8088 obligation to ".ure that the tacility
8Ir. 8trJDo148 indicated that the dratt POlicy i. a good .tart, but
it fail. to addre.. all DeveloP88Dt Order. a. detJned in Rule 93S.
DO~ed that at the very least, the policy proposed today i. lacking an
ackDowl8CSg8ent that concurrency does not ..an i-dJacy ot delivery
of 1afraetructure, adding that if a filtering process is considered,
there Dee4a to be a second step in the polJcy that WOUld:
Measure actual i8pact., rather than a preauaption against a
.tatewide .tandard.
Make an ..ses.aent of the iapact on a particular roadway.
Bave 80" degree ot tlexJbi11ty that would allow a time
period to exi8t, when it Js recøgnized that the roadways will
exceed Level. ot Service.
~.siODer Pi8tor 8tated that he tends to agree with Mr.
IteyDolcts" adding that he teel. 8Ore explanation i. needed a. to how
88Cb it.. will work with re8pect to Conditions today as well a. tuture
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MAY 17, 1sa88
Mr. 8ill Barton ot Hil80n, Miller, Barton, SoIl. Peek, Inc.,
.tated that Mr. Reynolds disC1U8sed 8Ost ot his i.sue. of concern, but
Doted that the -.bort-run interi. po11cy will be the heart ot what
will occur 10 the long-run-.
Øe noted that he doe. not believe the
CODC1lrrøx:y is81:l8 tollows the intent ot DCA's position.
ø. added that
if ODty rezone pet1t10D8 are being reviewed, his feeling i. that the
Coanty w111 fail .iserably in the attempt to control the road i.pacts
1D Collier County.
Øe indicated that in his opinion" the ollllber ot
4Nel1Jag units that are currently rezoned on the boob, hu nothing to
do with growth" adding that growth i. going to occur whether there are
a,ooo 11111 t. rezoned, or 25,000 11111 ts.
He noted that be te.ls the aim
at tbe real source ot the probl88 should be at the Building Pera1t
l...l, 8ddiDg that that 1s where the real growth OCC1lr8.
Mr. Bartoo ind1cated that he te.ls the direction of the Board to
Staff .hould be to the extent ot Mr. Pelhaa'. letter" 10 tol1owing the
tr~. of CODcurrency as outlined in his letter, and it a POlicy is to
be 8dopted" it should include a aethod in deteraininç the Level. ot
Se".ice" DOting that until the Co-ission adopt. a ..thod" the burden
will be 00 Statt and the developer.
Co88i.sioner Gla.. stated that it appear. that Statf should be
looking at the 93S,Rule, and the building per.it review process .
Acting Coaaunity Developaent Ac1ainistrator Ollitt indicated that
1D COD81c1er1ng an interi. Transportation Policy to be U88d be~een now
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MAY 17,1988
- tile J8pI_tatJon of the new Co8preb....Jve PI." a year fro. nOOf,
be f..l. there are thr.. optJ0D8:
To be very restrictive, looking at all devel°P8ent. troa the
rezone POSition and u.ing Staff's Transportation Review
Policy" would allow Statf to recoaaend approval tor projects
on road" which are at or below the reco-nded LOS. There
are a .erie. of aitigations that would tate place.
Allow Building Peralta to be the regulator. It the roads
were not at an adopted LOS, the iseuance ot Building Per.its
WOUld be ceased.
The a1ddle ot the road option, i. a ~ tJeredlevel -- The
transportation r~Jew Will not be re80ved troa the Planning
stage. Statf will continue to advi.e that the project will
have a negative impact on an already poor road, but the Board
aaat establJsh a LOS. This option would allow the rezone. to
be heard, and the developer would take hi. own ri.k" so that
if the develop8ent ot service drops below, i... ~F." the per-
.it WOUld stop at that point.
ID ""'.8r to Coaai.sioner Goodnight" Mr. 011itt advi.ed that the
Board can..t a ditter.nt LOS tor thQ ditterent roadway..
~..i0D8r Pi.tor stated that there are certain roac18 that the
~tr J8 behind 0", ...d 8ccordJng to the .... GrOWth 118nege...t Pl....
tile 1- of baUd1ng pe""1~. "111 -~ be all_. adding ~ha~ he
f..l. Statf and the Board should be ..de aware of this in advance.
Co8aJs.ioner Saunders .tated that is. teel. the inter!. policy
.boald track what the peraanent POlicy will be.
t"1oaer'Sa1mder. lIOVect, Hc0Dde4 by CoaaJ.s.io:ner Goodnight
-""'184 -~ly. tha~ .~att.. NC-..s Policy be a&>p~e4.
wJtIa tile 8ZC8ptJOD that Jt ~t8Cta tha Ja_a of all D8nl_t
01"'-1'8, .. detine4 by the WloricSa A4aJnJ.trati". Code" Chapter s.3ð.
j :,' ; c :;
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MAY 17', ì 1988
, ~8p8 n
1t:8 nu
~ IttD ftZ STAft OW n.oaIDA lOR A Sl'tlu~ 'to Dkv&LOP COIJUDOR
1I..M1.,........ ~ - &PÞAUY&D
Acting CD~kuity neveJopaent Adainistrator OlJift stated that
eubject contract with the Stat. of Florida i. tor a study to develop a
CorrJdozo ~..nt Plan, noting that the City ot Waple. and the
Cotmty bave jOiDtly put together a t... which i. workiøg Oft recOlUlen-
datJona of the a/ODAT Study.
B. indicated that application baa been
88de for. grant in the aaount of 850,,000 tro. the State" which ha.
ben Nee 1 ft4 .
He DOted that this 1 tea will co.. before the .aples
City Coaøc il on Sfec1nesday. May 18, 198 8 .
fN1ODer Pi8t:or 1IOYe4" 88CODde4 by Co8ai..Jcmer Goodø.Jght and
C8Z'rJ8d -f80Q817, to accept the Staff rec;o. 8D4atJoo of aPr1"OV.tng
tIae D8~t llit of ~n
., 1 ty At f aJra Contract:.
, . ,. ,'. "
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" co ... " ,
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MAY 11,1188
I t:8 ftU
Par.Da:Juar D&v&LOPh&.r .AG.~~n Bantu. IfESTUGBOOU COthIJU'I'IU 01'
DPr.a &lID DEPUlft&IIT ow COIIJO.l1T AnAIR- CltUmwr 'fO ft)RkARD U!nut
ro DC&
Actiog Co88unity Developaent Adainistrator Olliff indicated that
SUbject request is from Attorney George Varnadoe" repr88enting Pelican
Bay POD" for a change to their Developaent Order.
Øe indicated that
~J. J. ~~ b~bt ~for. tM ~.rd to ~J.. of tM ~~t. noting
that t:be State is requesting local CO88ent on the change to the
DeYalcp-nt Order.
Be stated that Staff has adainistrat1vely noted
that they have no negative CO888nt to thi. change.
Øe further .tated
that Staft will bring all future Developaent Order change. to the
8o8rd for kDow18dge" inforaation and direction purpo....
Øe ..ked
that a letter be approved with the Chairaan's signature" .tating that
the CoaDty has no objection to the Pelican Bay Develop..nt Order
change .
t..JODer 8a1mden 8OVe4" HC0Dde4 by eo-.t..1oaer Pi.tor and
C8rrJed aftaftt80a81y" that the letter .tating DO objection to the
PelJC8D Bay Ðn81opÀ..nt Order chaDgw be toZ'WardecS to the State.
% t:8 ftU
8Uø 10 I'IIOCbD JrnII IIOIDW. P&ouu n:tJIa PROcus IIBIWIDDIIJ sar.r. IIUnmr
. . P D'INIC PbR.I:'I'
Actiog ~O88Unity Development Ac1aidistrator 011itt stated that
Shell "'tern ts applying for additional per.its that are out.tde of
the Preserve Area, and they are requesting that Statt expedite the
aoGI 114 M 165
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t - C8r1'!8d -1-1)", tha~ .~t be I"'~"""~ed ~o -- with ~h8
t; 881 PD'81 t:t:JAg
, , ::.:1..... .-.torr :-:SInOll OF PItOPbu 1IZQIInw. ftIa DB
...~ Ds.l.lN&.r rea 'l'II8 C-4 CUAr, 00'17&Lt" PRO.7KCl' AT PRICE STRUT -
AI' þ..", &II
.. 114-166
MAY 17" 1988
perait, .iace they have their cr8W8 here, and it would cause an econo-
8ic bardahip it the cr~ had to be sent back to their original
.tart1ng destination.
t-JODeI' Øoodø1ght 1IOY84, 8eCODde4 by Co8a.i..1O1UtZ' S8aDder.
Public HOrks Adainistrator Archibald advised that subject request
deal. with the l..t par'.l ot property for the C-4 Canal project.
.tated that this project was started a nuaber ot year. ago" to develop
an oatfaJl canal troa US-41 through Eagle Creek and down to the
8eD4er8OD Creek Outtall.
Øe stated that currently there i. an
agr.a..at wherein the County will acquire the right-ot-way and the
Lely ÐeveIGp80nt Corporation will undertake the construction ot the
canal 8Dd 8088 cros. drains under Price Street.
Be noted that the
price Nbich was agreed Upon between Stott and the Developer 1.
82.50/eq. tt. tor the property.
Be advi.ed that Staft ia reco...nding
that the Board purchase this tinal parcel which will allow for the
COft8truction ot the canal.
In answer to Co"1ssioner Basse, Mr. Archibald advised that this
canal will allow tor the discharge fro. the canal on the north side of
GS-41, DOting that water backs up and attects the Waples Manor
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MAY 17, 1t88
area" 8Dd "111 attect the Lely DeveloPIMnt in the tuture.
f-1oDer P1.tor 80"84, 88CODde4 by CoaaJ..i0D8r GoodDJght and
""'184 --'-ly. ~o 8C_~ Statt --u- - 81ItJaor1z. the
~ to -..te the Parchae Agre.....t. 8QtborJze Statt to to 11 ow
tJJe ~ cloeJug ~ - record a11 DeC888ary doc-..ta ..1th
U. C1erJt o~ Coarta.
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MAY 11,1988
PUblic WOrt. Adainistrator Archibald indicated that a quarry
operation baa opened up on Sabel Pal. Road, which has resulted in the
ru14eDts objecting to truck tratfic and the aanner in which the
tracks are c1r 1 Yen .
Be stated that the paved lanes for the existing
, roed8 are 9'-10' in width, noting that current standard for a collec-
tor road place. tbo8e widths at 12'.
Be added that currently this
1. .trictlya:oca1 road but, in the tuture" he can perceive this..
. rural collector road.
Øe turther advised that the re.ident. would
lite to probJb1t truck trattic DO this road, noting that the operation
of the quarry can create a hazard on this road.
He stated that the
quarry operator would like to continue his quarry operatioo and aake
18prov...nts to the roadway, and otters the following sugge.tions:
Reconstructing Sabal Pal. Road to a collector road standard,
widening the road to 24': and proposed bike paths for the
A reduction in the starting hours, so that the trucks 11111
DOt be on that road betore 7:00 A.M.
Controlling the nuaber of trucke using the quarry, to ten or
15 truck8.
COordinatIng with the SherIft'. Departaent to entorce the
8peec1law., and the quarry operator will have one ot his
eaployees aonitor truck tratfic, so if a driver is driving
recklessly or exceeding the speed li.its, those drivc~s will
be prohibited fro. using the quarry.
Mr. Archibald advised that no ..tter what the controls are of the
developer" the County still h.. the tinal control, i.e. the wei~ht ot
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MAY 1'7, 1988
the trucks or truck use of that road.
Coanty Manager Dorrill mentioned that the original Excavation
Pera1t. .0.59204, approved in 1985, was issued to Delbert Sanders
aø4 it appeared to be a relatively _11 perait at that' ti.., noting
that Mr. Sanders 1s no longer i'.volved with the pit activity and
queatioaec1 Mbetber aaterial could be aoved off-site, and secondly,
whether the per.it can be assigned to. new corporation?
Mr. Archibald noted that the property did change hands and the
perai~ to excavate conditions reaain the s....
Se stated that the
original perait, with stipulations, indicate that the aaterial was tor
two parpo...:
The i...diate Sabal Pal. Area, and 2)
To ..ell as
~'rcial fill.
Se advised that even though there is a perait to
re80V8 till fro. that are., the County still has the right of control
00 Iaha1 Pa18 Road regarding truck traf f ic.
Mr. Gary Hilson, attorney for the fill pit operator, stated that
hi. client is caught in the .iddle, notIng that he purchased the pro-
pert7 In reliance upon per.its that were already in place tor several
year.. be bas spent thousands of dollars to bring the pit up to
operating standards, he has spent thouaands of dollars to i.prove
Sabel Pal. Road, he has entered into contracts with various developers
to supply fill and crushed rock and he 1s under an obligation by these
cootracts to follow through.
Attorney Wilson advised that at the time
his client purchased the property, the aaps provided by the Naples
aea1tor. inc1~cated that Sabal Pal. Road Mae a collector road.
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MAY 17, 1988
&t~oraey WI1eon indicated that hi. client doe. want to be a good
D8I~~borhooc1 and 1s concerned with the eatety of the residents.
advised that a aeeting wae heldla.t night at hie office with Mr.
ArchIbald, noting that the property owners had been notified, in hopes
that theIr difference. could be worked out, but none were in at ten-
The reeults of the aeeting, as Mr. Archibald noted earlier,
are to l1ait th, hours of operation at the pit, aonitor the trucks
usIng the road, widen the road and provide crushed rock for the one
aile ot residential area, work with the Sheriff'. Departaent to have a
depaty 00 duty when a rea80nable aaount of trucks are using the fill
Itea H
Mr. WI1aon advised that a letter tro. the Sabal Pal. Association,
dJrected to the County Manager, states that they would like to see
iaprOY6..nts aade to the road.
Mr. &1 30hnaon, pit operator stated that he purcha8ec1 the till
pit ODe year ago, adding that at that ti.., he realIzed there would
have to be a substantial 88O1U1t ot IIOney spent on Sabel Pal. Road trolD
the paveaent to the pit, to have access to the pit, which was done.
øe .tated that he aet with South Florida Water Management, noting that
they ha4 concerns regarding the road, and the County did a study on
the road to see if it was feasible to improve the road further.
FlorIda Hater Manage..nt agreed that for the present ti88, the road
8boGld reaain to Sanders Blvd., and it can be i.proved to County
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MAY 17,1988
stan4ard8 .
Øe indicated that a drainage plan has recently been
coapleted that will finish the iaprove..nts that are going to be made
to the road regarding Sanders Blvd.
Øe stated that he is willing to
contribate a portion of the cost to ,iaprove Sabal Pal. Road.
Mr. Hilli.. MeAnly, engineer representing SeaCon Industries,
.tated that there are three issues that need to be deterained:
Whether subject road is a collector road.
Ifhether it is a safe, well designed road to function a8 a
collector road; the &n8Wer is that it is not, at this time
but with proper design, it can be.
During the ti.. period that this road is being constructed,
can it be a safe oper~tion tor trattic on that road?
Mr. MeAnly stated that fro. an engineering standpoint, h. teels
that all the desires of the people who live in the Sabal Pal. area can
be..t aDd, at the s... ti.., the rights of the people who live past
t:be Sabel Pal. area can be taken into consideration.
The following property owners spoke in opposition of through truck
tratf1c on Sabal Pal. Road, with their objections listed below:
craig Bassett
3oan .aftal
Carla Staron
Pat Meets
An 18t wide road which is dangerous for the children aak1ng their
way to the school bus stop, and standing along the road waiting tor
the bus; the road 1s too narrow tor the trucks; excessive noise (with
a tape being played to deaonstrate the sound created by a truck using
the road)
and excessive speeds by the trucks; blasting; use of a
Page 18
MAY 17, 1988
rural" residential coaaunity for co...rcial use; photos eubaitted
dep1ctiog the narrowness of the road, with a child waiting for the
school ba8: spooking of horses; devaluation of property values.
The tollcwing persona spoke in favor of the petition:
Mr. George Gratz (Telegra.)
Mr. Joe Townsend (in favor of i.proving the road,
trucks being aonitorec1)
Mr. John Vaughn (concurred with Mr. Townsend).
Mr. Mark I rgang
CC Tt..loaer Sa1mdera. 80Y0d." aecon4ed by Co8aJsslcmer Goodnight
IIDII C8ft'1e4 GnNIS~ly, that finding ot tact baaed 00 t.stiacmy by the
petitløaer 8D4 r..ldenta Indicate that a 4angeroua 8it:uat1on ex18ts on
8ah81 Palla Road due to the pit aDd excavation act1v1t1e. aDd there-
fore" t:bø8e actlvltl.. be 81:18p8Dde4 until adequaate road 18prove..nt.
are 88de to Sabal Pal. Road, according to County st8l1~.rc18" either by
t:be COaDty or other 8OU1"C"" and at that ti_. it will be deteraineð.
wbet:ber t:be operation 8bould cont1mae.
In answer to Mr. Archibald, Co..l.sioner Saunders stateð that the
operation at the pit..y continue, but with no truck traffIc.
a.c...: 11:25 A.M. - 11:35 A.M. at which tl- Deputy Clerk
Boff88D ... replaced by Deputy Clerk Kenyon.
1 t- ft83
8m H8-12.. rea A 24 SOUR OJIAhbum FUEL POMP I1'A'.rlO11 IJI DOIODLU -
ANlRDID 70 3." POMP SERVICE. I-C. I- THE AMOOWT or 882.000
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
March 28, lie8, a. evidenced by AttJdavlt ot Publication tiled with
t. 114",(175
Page 19
MAY 17, 1988
t~ Clerk, bi48 were received tor a 24 hour unattended fuel pump sta-
tioo 1D I880kal88 until 2:30 P.M., April 13, 1988.
Public Morks Adainistrator Archibald stated that this item deals
with ~ replaceaent of the fuel puap tacility at the Iaaokalee Barn
oft Stockade Road. Be noted that a. a part of a contiquing program to
upgrade and aeet State requirements for fueling 8tations, Statf has
d..igne4 a new fuel pump facility at the Iaaokalee 8ite, adding that
this design i. part of Bid .88-1244 which was advertised.
Øe noted
that three bi48 were submitted and they were all coapetitive, adding
that the low bidder w.. :1 Ir M Puap Service.
Øe noted that Statt is
reco~..n4ing that the contract be awarded to:1 6 M Pump to install the
pa8p tac11ity and the tanka at the Iaaokalee site in accordance with
the bid and a budget aaend8ent also be considered to transfer Motor
Pool ae.erv.. into the Motor Pool operating account.
Be stated that
tbe low bid was tor 882,500 which also includes a 8Onitoring .yste.
aDd a cO8pvter controlled dispensing aystea.
t_icmer Pi.tor 8OVec1, aec0D4e4 by CoaaJ..icmer Goodnight and
carried ~180Q8ly, that Bid .88-1244 tor a 24 hour unattended fuel
paIIp .t:at1oo 1D Ia8okal- be awarc1e4 to .1 1& M PuIIp Service, Inc. in
tb8 .~t ot 882,500.
It- -.01
Public Services AdainJstrator O'Donnell stated that this is a
reco~.an4ation for iapleaentation of a revised County-wide beach
Page 20
MAY 11" 1988
park 1Dg progr- .
He stated that the Board of County Coaaissioners
entered into an interlocal agreement with the City of Kaples on
8ove8ber 24,1981, pertaining to beach parking.
He noted that there
are three issues to be resolved: one is to proceed with the process of
a ba4get ...nd8ent to aake payaents to the City of Kaples for approxl-
aateIy 810,000 during the course of Piscal Year 1988 and also to
appropriate 8Ofti.. pursuant to.n agreeaent that the County entered
int~ with ADO tor the operation ot Claa Pass Park which is approxima-
tely 831,000: second issue is to honor the City peralta at the County
attended lots: and the third issue is to raise the charge tor parking
troa 8.50 a day for a vehicle to $2.00 a day tor a vehicle at Claa
...., Tigertail, and Vanderbilt beaches.
He stated that the County
Attorney has rendered an opinion that apecitie. that the County can
have a ditterential charge between a resident and a non-resident but
pDJ"81J8ftt to a previous agreeaent that the County has with Oft when
TigertaiI was c1ev110ped, it prevents the County fro. having a discri-.
aJnatory charge tor resident versus non-resident at that beach taci-
Be stated that approxiaately 9°' of the users at Tigertail are
DOD-coanty vehicles.
He stated that he would like to have a unitorm
policy tor all the attended lots, adding that it the City peralta are
bonorec1 at attended lots, they MOuld not be charged.
Be indiclI.ted
that in light of the previous agreement with DNR regarding Tigertail,
there need8 to be a uniform policy.
County Attorney Cuyler stated that the threshold question and one
IO~ 114"1',£177
Page 21
MAY 17" 1988
th4t bas received a lot of discussion is whether it is legally
poseible at all to differentiate in any of the parking areas or access
are.. be~en out-of-County residents and in County residents, adding
that the County cannot charge tor access to the beach. I Be noted that
parking i. a service that i. provided by the County, adding that the
ar~t ie that if there i. no parking, the beach cannot be accessed,
but in fact, these are two separate issues.
Øe noted that the answer
to thi. question is that the County can differentiate between an in-
County r..ident and an out-of-County resident but there h.. to be a
rat1oaa18 basis based on econo.ic factors.
He noted that the tactor
ba&leal1y ie that in-County re.idente pay through their taxes for the
capital expenditure., 88intenance and various other ite.. that are
associated with this, noting that out-of-County residents do not pay
for thi. 8Dd the arguaent presently exist~ that the County ~s discri-
ainat1og against in-County residents and forcing the. to pay tor all
the tnn4tng ot the parking areas and people out of the County are
peylog nothing tor this.
He noted th~t a proble. arises if a contract
bas been entered into for State fund. and the County has agreed that
there will be no differentiating between in-County and out-of-County
residente, then under the contract, the County is prohibited from
Øe stated that at T1gerta11, the County has ~ntered
into ODe of these agree..nts, adding that funding has been received and
through that State funding, there 1s an argument that the QUt-of-
Coanty residents have paid their share because they pay state taxes.
Page 22
MAY 1" 1988
Be stated that be would suggest that the Board of County Co_issioners
direct Staff to contact the State to see it there is a way to a.end
~t contract, regardless of what is decided on this date.
Øe noted
~t this contract was for a $100,000 grant in 1979 and there could be
rea~le arguaent aade that this aoney has long since been used by
out-of-county residents as their share and the County should now be
able to establish their own fee structure.
He noted that the i.por-
tant tbJDg is if the County is going to differentiate, then the fin.~-
cial t~ors involved have to be evaluated and there he. to be a basis
apoD Wbich to differentiate.
CO8aissioner Hasse questioned what the 8100,000 grant was used
for, to Wbich County Attorney CUyler stated that under the contract
it..lf it describes beach facilitie. and parking is included within
beach taciliti.., theretore, it is clear that the County can d18crimi-
Date.. to parking fees.
Public Services Ac1aini.trator O'Donnell stated that the aoney was
aeed tor the developaent of the facilities at Tigertail: the restroo.
tac11ities, the crossovers, the picnic tables. etc.
Mr. David Ward, Vice President of Citizens Association ot Bonita
Beach, stated that he i. speaking for the tourists that provide the
11vel1booc1 of this County.
He noted that as far a. the tourists are
coaoeroec1, the City of Ksples has ..de a big mistake and that the
COan~ is tollowJng their exaaple.
Mrs. Marjorie Nard, President ot Citizen. Association ot Bonita
~ 114,....tl79
Page 23
MAY 17, 1988
Beach, stated that the association has over 1,450 ...hers in Collier
Coan~ 8Dd Lee County working for the preservation and protection of
the Florida s.ashore and the public access freely thereto.
.tated ~t the aeabers of the association pick up trash 365 days a
y.ar on the beaches and it they have to pay to park, they will not be
volanteeriog their services to clean up the beaches, ac1c1ing that IDC'CJt
of the people that do the clean up are fro. Lee County.
She stated
that this is discri.ination be~ Floridians and neighbors, adding
that tbe tourists are providing the livelihood for a lot of people
1D bplea.
Sba stated that she hopes that no one takes the County to
task on the aatter ot di8criaination even though the County Attorney
88Y Inc11ca~e that it i. legal to do this, there aay be other opinions
~t ditfer.
She stated that she is requesting that the Board of
coanty CO88issioners place a 8Oratoriua for five years on the beaches
in the northern end of the County so that there is no charge for
Coanty Attorney CUyler stated that this 1s not an access charge
that is being discus.ed, it i. a parking fee.
Co8aissioner Saunders questioned how auch aoney would be raised to
e.tablish a parking f.e versus the cost of running the program, to
which Mr. O'Donnell stated that this is difficult to estiaate, adding
that the tees do not usually cover the cost of the program.
He noted
that the purpose of this fee is to aake it easier for Collier County
residents to get a parking spot at the beaches.
He noted that the
Page 24
MAY 17" 1988
.ehlcl.. that have stickers on the. would .till be allowed to park
Øe noted that Tigertail Beach would probably generate the most
r...oues.. that ..... to be the beach area that has the .ost vehicles
with out-of-county plates.
Co8ai..i0D8r Saunders stated that he was opPOsed to beach access
t... ~ this aatter originally caae up, adding that he is not happy
wi~ the plan that the City of .aples has.
Be stated that if the
CoaD~ 1. going to charge, it should continue with a 8Ode.t charge of
50e a day, but it doe. not aake that .uch .ense to go to a complicated
syst.. where there are stickers and increased fees when the County
will DOt be benefiting tro. it or aaking that auch aoney fro. it.
Sssloner Pistor stated that there aay not be that auch DOney
gesHlrate4 froa this proqraa, but the County ls still going to have to
pay the City of Kaples 810,000 for the residents ot the County to be
able to park at the City beach.. tor nothing, yet the City residents
can presently park at the County beaches tor nothing.
He indicated
that this does not see. fair.
He noted that the County has enough
expeD888 trying to aaintain all the beaches and paying 83.2 8illion
for Barefoot Beach without any help, as well as the continued expenses
that are incurred at Cl.. Pass Park and the continuing proble- at
Tigertail Beach.
Be noted that so..one should also check with the
State with regards to aaending the co~tract tor the 8100,000 grant.
If8p8 ..
~i.sloner Saunders stated that the County, through the 810,000
lOOK 114 py.( 181
Page 25
'~'.. 111 PI« 182
MAY 17, 1988
pay.ent to the City of .aples, will be paying this on behalt of the
citizeoa ot the County to be able to park in the City and under the
proposal that is before the Board at the pre.ent ti.., the City resi-
dents will be parking in the COUhty for free.
He stated that he does
not f..l that just because the City has a charge is justitication tor
u. CoaDty to do the -- thing.
COQDty Attorney CUyler stated that for the Board to ditferentiate,
it D88ð8 to be on an evaluation of all the economic factors that are
1øvolvec1, adding that there neec18 to be soaething that Indicates capi-
tal expenditures tor the var ioue beaches or 8088 kind ot ba818 tor the
econoaic reason to differentiate.
Collllt..icmer Gl... stated that the Board does not have any tinan-
cial expenditure. to base their opinions on, ac1c11ng that he feels that
~s ..tter should be continued another two weeke or until Start has
tl.. to prepare this 1ntoraatlon to aake the judgment that is
Be stated that he feel. that the tee that is being charged,
however" 1s too low and it anything 1s done, he would sugge.t doubling
the t.. to aake the parking are.. pay for the..elves.
'_1oaer P18tor 1IOV84. HCODdeð by eo-1..1oner -.. and
e&n'Jed 1ID8DJ80a81y" that tbe CoaDty-wlde beach parkJDg progr- be
CODt1aa8d to May 31" 1988.
'..ioaar Gl..s directed Statf to get in touch with the State
of Wlor14a to 4iacus. the contract and the possibility ot aaending the
CODtract: with regarða to Tlgertail Beach.
Page 26
MAY 17" 1988
It.. ~
Public Services Ac1ainistrator O'Donnell stated that this item 1s
to review the potential acquisition of the Willow Run Quarry to be used
.. a regicmal park.
He stated that on February 9, 1988, the Board
directed Staff to evaluate a proposal by Highway Pavers tor the
acquisition ot the Willow Run Quarry which is located on C.R. 951 near
the Florida Sports Parle.
He reported that the current Growth Manage-
aent Plan that the Board is considering specifies a standard for
regJcmal parks in Collier County of 2.9912 acres per 1,000 people,
ad4~ that pursuant to this standard by 1992, the 8iniaua acreage
that the County should have would be 489 acres and by 1994, the County
should have 543 acres.
He stated that the current proposed site is
490 Nbich would solve the deficiency by 1992, but there would still be
. 4eticiency of approxi..tely 53 acres in 1994.
He indicated that the
are. ia coaprised of about 60 acres of wetlands and could be developed
with. lake situation to accoaaodate fishing, boating, canoeing,
DAture trails, picnicking, caaping, bike trails, play are.., and the
Ø8 reterred to a possibl9 plan that could be applied tor the
park site, adding that Highway Pavers are authorized to excavate about
10,000 cubic yards which would aake the two lalee areas.
He n~ted that
Staff..t with Highway Pavers and looleed at possible are.. tor the
l~ to be located in order to give the County an area that would
'001( 114 ,.",t 183
Page 27
, - ll(nct184
MAY 17, 1988
aax1.1ze the developable land tor various recreational facilitie. as
well.. allowing Highway Pavers to excavate the 10,000 cubic yards
tbat baa already been approved.
He noted that pursuant to this, the
County woald generate about 84 to 85 .illion that Highway Pavers woald
be paying the County because the County would own the property, but
BigbNay Pavers would continue with the excavation.
Be stated that the
.ite appears to be worthwhile tro. a location point of view and from a
total acreage point of view, but before Staff can reco...nc1 this to
~be Board. several thing. need to be addressed; a financial analysis
aa.t be completed, a land survey needs to be done, a coapetit!ve bid
to select a consultant to develop a ...ter plan for the regional park
.ite" water analysis aust be coapleted, a ti88 certain 8U8t be deve-
loped.. to When the property would becoae available ~o the public,
a c0881taent froa the .eller to ensure that excavation would continue
tor the potential revenue, a contract negotiating te.. is recommended
to be ..tabllshec1 to negotiate with Highway Pavers, a specitic
agreeaent would have to be prepared with regards to acquiring the pro-
perty, the excavation, and the financing, and a design te.. would also
bave to be established for the design of the park aaenitles.
Co8alssioner Basse stated that it appears that this aay be a good
site, but questioned if all this intor.ation would be brought back
to the Board, to which Mr. O'Donnell replied atflraatively.
Mr. George Eeller indicated that there i. a park site in East
-.p188 that is not coapleted at this tlae, there are aany school sltes
Page 28
MAY 17, 1188
that are not being utilized to their full extent and these are things
that sbould be looked at prior to purchasing any acre land for parks.
Øe acted that the County should not be getting into the aining busi-
nes', nor sbould the County be paying 86.~ .illion for land that can-
DOt be used for qui te eo.. t i.e.
He noted that the interest that will
be paid on thi. DOney will be over 86.5 .illion by the ti.. it is paid
tor an4 the revenues that are coaing back in are not soaething that
can be 4epeD4e4 upon.
He stated that he feels that the County should
be able to buy land that they want to, where they want to and probably
get it at a better price.
He noted that this whole aatter is prema-
tare at this t i.. .
Mr. O'Donnell stated that the owner has indicated that the
parc~.. price is negotiable and there are a lot of details to be
resolved, adding that Staff is si.ply asking for authorization to
proceed to c1ateraine it this land would be worthwhile for a regional
Mr. Keller indicated that the interest that will be paid out i8 a
eare thing, but the royalties tro. selling the fill is not a sure
thiDg - that i. baaed on the econollY.
8O1IDd Jove.t_nt.
Be Doted that this is not a
Co8aissioner Goodnight stated that with regards to the school pro-
perty, there is no~ enough of that to begin with and all school pro-
perty 1. open atter school hours tor the children and it is being used
to 1~ ot its fullest possible extent.
MOl 114 w-l185
Page 29
- 114WJ.186
MAY 17" 1988
Mr. Richard Braun stated that the County i. being _ked to sub-
si4ize private enterprise and the conetruction business tluctuates
froa year to year, adding that no one i. going to guarantee the
paJ88D~. OD this land and if the aoney is not available it will have
to CO88 oat of ad valorem taxes, which he object. to.
Be noted that
the State i. talking about purchasing the property that is south of
Alligator Alley and flooding the area 3 to 4 teet which would aake
this property inoperable for a park.
~ssioner Baese stated that he doe. not want to see the County
pattiDg up any 8Oney for this property, but .H Staff can work out
8O88th1ng" he would willing to look at it.
~ssioner Goodnight stated that she would like the negotiating
te.. to investigate the other 160 acres that .ay be available, adding
tbat this land aay be needed at SO8e tiae in the future to .eet any
additioaal deficit.
Co88!ssioner Saunders stated that an appraisal is needed ~n the
property, a financial analy.i., adding that he is not sure if the
exper~i.. needed 1s available by County staff.
Clerk Giles indicat~d that he did not believe that this type of
ezpert1.. is available on Staff and therefore, it would have ~o be
COD tracted ou t .
County Manager Dorrill stated that the question is whether the
Board of County Coaais.loners is interested in a regional park and it
they are then it need. to be deter.ined as to what size.
He noted
Page 30
MAY 1" 1988
that after 3une 22 the developer will own only 300 of the 500 acres as
be canDOt bold his control of the total 500 acres beyond that date.
ø. .tated that the County could possibly deal with the other owner
after 3UD8 22.
Se noted that the financing is basically cash in
advance and then royal ties would be paid back to the County on a per
ton or per yard ba8is. Be noted that the developer would continue to
aiDe the aaterial and When the County i8 ready to start development,
the developer would 8OVe to another area of the site.
Be noted that
there MOUld baYe to be a guara~tee or a Letter of Credit for the
8ftftll.81 royalty payaent 80 that it construction wa. dOND or the deve-
loper went into a bankruptcy situation, the County could protect their
iDter..t. .
t-1aDer ~re 8OYe4, 8eCOD&t4 by CoaaJ...1OD81" P1.tor and
can'i84 unanfJW'tuly, that the Ccnmty proceed to evaluate the project
for a regiOD&1 park Mhile 811Pbaaiz1Dg the need tor a t1ßt1nc1a1 analy-
.18 t:J:aat ..,. or aay DOt be c1DDe by Staf f .
..... ee8mS..i0D8r S8uDðer. left the ...ting at 12:15 P.M. .....
I t:e8 .120
rI8C&L ...a. AJID St'AR AJID \NU.;¡-., MAJIAGD TO NORJt 011 ~UKA ro1fDI1IG
Attorney 30hn Passido80, representing the Bar Association, stated that
be 1. petitioning for tunds to aaintain the level ot services that the
L8w Library has prdvided the coaaunity over the last 2-1/2 years.
.tated that over the last 12 to 18 aontbs through the expansion and
;; lUr".J87
Page 31
-r T ~' .1 ì ,; t'
... 114 rG 188
MAY 1" 1985
enhanc888Dt of the service., it has caused a .ignificant drain on the
study source of revenue. available to the Law Library.
Be stated that
the Law Library is funded principally with court filing fee. which
~e incr.ased. but the size ot the LaN Library has increased three-
fold .ince 1985 and the inventory ot books has also increa.ed the
Be .tated that the increase in the level ot service. has caused
a draaatic need for funding increa.es that he. out paced the revenue
8OUrCe8 provicSed by court filing tees.
Be noted that several cost
econoay ..aaure. "ere i.ple.ented which included eliminating Computer
Nest Law Services and i.po.ing a copier user charge, but this is not a
8Uftlcleot aaount.
He stated that it is now more apparent that the
iDCréa8e in expenditures has greatly out paced the revenue sources.
ø. .tated that the LaM Library furnishes resources neces.ary to ensure
the proper ac1ainistration of justice; it also provides an essential
service to the citizen. ot Collier County in as.uring access to the
Court. guaranteed by the Florida Constitution and provided tor in a
..anlDgtul aanner.
He noted that he Mould like to work with the Board
of County Co..issioners in exploring May. and ..ana to ensure that
this ..sential and vital service to the citizens of Collier County is
preserved .
Øe stat~d that he is requesting that the Board ot County
C088issloners appropriate a sua sufficient to the Law Library tund in
order to 88intain it. operations tor the balance of the fiscal year,
adding that it is e.tiaated that this a.ount Is approziaately $12,0')0.
Be noted that he would also like to encourage the continuation of a
Page 32
MAY 17, 1988
dialogue with regards to acre long-term solutions as it is quite
app.rent that the court tiling fees are not going to be adequ.te to
CODtimle to generate the revenue. that will be required for the Law
Library to continue its operation.
... 0.0
t..ioaer SaaDc1era re~ to the ...t1ng at 12:20 P.M. ...
Co8ais.ioner Basse questioned what other ways would be available
to acquire the tunds, to which Hr. Paesidomo stated that it appears
to bia that full consideration should be given to aaking the Law
Library faDd a aatter of annual appropriations tro. the Board ot
County Co88Ja.ionera.
Be noted that May. to acquire additional funds
would be by a draaatic increase in court filing tees.
Be stated that
approx18ately 810.00 tro. each circuit court tiling tee is allocated
to ~ Law Library fund and he estiaates that this would have to be
doubled in order to appropriate sufficient funds.
t..icmar Pi.tor lIOVed, aecODdecS by CoaaJeeicmer Goodnight and
carried aD8D18OU81y, that 812,000 be appropriated to carry the Law
Library to OCtober 1, 1988, aDd Staft an4 the County MaDager work with
the L8w Library to c1eteraine a way to tun.c1 the library in the future.
It- no1
8m ..8-1217 I'Oa DlDGDCT O"lILI'rY REPAIRS - AIfA.ItDm 1'0 CJ8UA
Legal notice having been published in the Ifaples Daily Jfft.. on
February 3, 1988, ås evidenced by Affidavit ot Publication tiled with
the Clerk, bic18 were received tor Bid #88-1217 tor e..rgency utility
... 114 PV,{ 189
Page 33
MAY 17, 1988
r8þ8ir. until 2:30 P.M., Febru3ry 17, 1988.
Utilities Ac1ainistrator Crandall stated that there have been
instanc.. where the Utilitie8 Departaent has had e.ergency repairs
that they could not handle the...lves and contractors have been con-
tacte4 10 ...rgency situations to do work for the Utilities
He stated that he 1s setting up a special tunð for such a
purpose and would like to have a contractor on an annual basis for such
Be noted that proposal. were .ent to 10 contractors and
only one contractor ~esponded, which 1s due to the tact that these
contractor. are uncertain as to the 8IIOUDt ot work that they will
rece1ve as well as the inconvenience of aaking their equipaent
available 188ec1iately.
Be noted that if their equip.ent 1s busy on
other jobs, it aakes it difficult for the., which is why only one
r..ponee tfU rece i ved .
Se noted that Cabana Construction did respond
and they have done work tor the County in the past with no proble..
aDd be would reco...nc1 that this bid be awarded to Cabana Construction
tor emergency repairs.
i..iemer Pi.tor 1IOVe4, ..cOD4ec1 by Coaa1..icmer Goodnight and
carried ftft8ftt80U81y, that Bid '88-1217 tor e..rgency utility repairs
be ~ to CaNIW Cooatruction of I't. Myers.
It- "02
Utilities Ad.ini.tra~or Crandall stated that this ite. i. for
running water to Cla. Pa.. Park as well as running a water line along
Page 3.
-,." ,--,-" --. ~.
MAY 17, 19ØØ
Seagate Drive.
Øe noted that be is asking tor authorization to soli-
c1~ engineering services for this design.
t_ioaer Saunders 1IOVed, seconded by Co_1ss1emer Pi.tor and
C8rr1ed ~t~ly, that Statt be authorized to solicit profession.l
for the de8igD of a water .,..t.. 00 the Boardwalk
to Claa Paa8 Park aDd. alcmg Seagate Drive to Pelican Bay 8D4 also that
the follOWing staft consultant selection coaaJttee be approved:
EeviD O'Donnell, Public Servic.. A4aJni.trator
JUch8el -8W88ß, Water ÐepartJlent Director
JUcbael ~ld, Assistant Utilities A4aJni.trator
lfi1l1aa Laverty, Utilities Operation Coordinator
Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director
rape n
It.. nD3
8m "8-1261 roa %JtAC1'oR WITH 800II ~&K - AWARDED TO ~ ~RD
DAe'roR COMPAn m TO AMOOn OJ' 83 50
Legal notice having been published in the Kaples Daily Kews on
April 8, 19ØØ, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the
Clerk" bJds were received for the purchase of one tractor with a boom
Utilities ...tewater Director Cleaoß8 stated that this is tor the
parcha8e ot a tractor witb a boo. aower to be used around the sewage
traat:8ent plants for the aaintenance ot ponds and ber...
Be indicated
that Statt has reviewed the bid. and finds that Creel Ford Tractor
CO8pany Js the low bidder tor the speoifJed aachinery and he recom-
88Dd8 that they receive the award in the UIOunt of $3S,gsO.
tS.i0D8r Goo4n1ght 8OVec1" 88COnded by Coaat..ioner Pi.tor 81ld
.. 114 rv.r.191
Page 35
. .. 1l4ml92
MAY 17, le88
carried 8ft8ftt80a8ly, that Bid .88-1241 tor a tractor with a booa aower
be ~ to Creel Ford 'tractor Co.~y in the UIOUDt of e3S,e&0.
It- ....
8ID ft8-1224 ft)R on SLODcD BAOLI8Ø '!'RAILER AJn) on 'l'RACrOR - TRAILER
Legal notic. having been published in the Naples Daily Hews on
March 3" 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the
Clerk, bic1s were received for Bid #88-1224 for one sludge hauling
trailer and one tractor until 2:30 P.M., March 16, 1988.
Water Operations Director Wewaan stated that this is a reco..en-
dation for the Board ot County Co..i.sioners to award a bid for the
purchase ot a tractor to South Florida Mack and the purcha.e of a
trailer to OWatonna Equip.ent Coapany.
He noted that the consulting
engiDeers have evaluated leasing and purchasing ot this equipment and
have recO88enc1ec1 purchasing as the 8Ost econoaical option for this
Be noted that invitations "ere .ent to 19 vendors with 7
respan4ing and Statf i. reco...nding that the tractor be awarded to
South Florida Mack even though they "ere not the low bidders, but
delivery ti.. was SO day. and the adcUtional 60-c1ay ti.. period tor
the low bidder "ill cost the County an additional $10,200 in outside
.ludge hauling services, and the ditference between the low bidder and
South Florida Hack 1s $7,350, therefore, the Start's reco..endatioH is
that South Florida Mack i. the overall low bidder .eeting all .pecifi-
cations and "ill save the County $2,850.
He stated that the Owatonna
Page 36
MAY 17,1988
&qviP88Dt Co8pany w.. the lowest bidder aeeting all specifications for
the purchase of the Sludge hauling trailer.
He noted that the total
fis~al 18pact will be $9ð.661.7S and funds are available.
fssiemer Goodnight lIOVed, seconded by Co8aiss1emer P1stor and
carried UDaDi8ouely, that Bid #88-1224 tor one sludge baa11ng trailer
be 8W8rde4 to Owatozma EquiPMnt Co8pany in the 8IIO11nt ot 839,866.75
8Dd that ODe tractor be awarded to South Florida Mack in the 8IIO11nt of
'51,,7g5.oo for a total 88Ount ot 896,,661.75.
Jt- nœ
IIA"ðþ.- D~C'J'
Utilities MaJnistrator Crandall stated that this it.. i. pri-
aarily to bring the Board of County Co..issioners up to date on what
has happened with the SFWKD and water restrictions.
Be noted that
l..t week the SFWMD invoked a water shortage and a voluntary cutback
00 water uaage.
Be noted that a special area was designated, which
is DOrth of Davi. Blvd. and west ot I-75, because this is the area that
1.808t 8U8Ceptible to saltwater intrusion.
He said that the County
will be SUpporting this and giving 1ntoraat10n to the press on the
Al80. if the rains do not OCcur during the beginning ot June.
the County "Y choose to go to a aandatory cutback.
tbJ. i8 818ply an update and no action i. needed.
He stated that
Ju. ftr1
.&Y~"'-L YlrAItS
- 114F1r~ 193
Page :)7
MAY 17, 1988
County Manager Dorrill stated that this item concerns the Develop-
aent Servlc~. Building Co..ittee and the concept that is being use~ to
provide tor the t.cility in which to house the recently approved Deve-
lop.ent Service. Depart..nt.
He indicated that the Board of County
Coaai.sJoners authorized this project and directed the County Manager
to use a 8Odlfled type procurement approach in order to save time and
cost a.sociated with building this government building.
He stated
that a. a result of this, as opposed to the County 80liciting for
their own architect, engineer, acquiring a 8ite, and then putting the
project out to bid, a request for proposal8 was prepared based on
CouQty miniaua specifications and requlremen~8 for a turn-key private
~.loper type concept.
He noted that this means that a private deve-
leper would actually design, build and turn over to the County such a
He noted that four proposals were received and in accor-
dance with the general requirements, a committee and report has been
prepared that analyzed each of the proposals that were received.
stated that the proposals were from $3 million to $5 million òepending
on the proposer, the size of the facility being proposed, and its land
and associated 8ite related costs.
He indicated that the committee
consisted ot Staft as well as a citizens sub-committee made
up ot individuals who have assisted the County with the development
services concept but who had no vested interest 1n the proposed
He noted that the recomm~ndation is to take advantage of
this type of procurement and to authorize the County Manager and the
Page 38
MAY 17, 1988
Coun~ Attorney'. office to enter into negotiations and bring a
contract back for the Chairman's execution.
He indicated that the
reco...nded proposer and develop.ent tea. is that subaitted by Collier
Developaent Corporation. who has propos~d to build an approxim3tely
40.000 square foot facility to be located at the Collier Park of
Coaaerce adjacent to Airport Road.
He stated that the other proposals
that were received consisted of a proposal froa Gary Carlson to deve-
lop on County property by adding a twin tower to Building "F" with an
associated parking garage; a proposal froa representatives of the
Garguilo Trust for the adjoining vacant property to the existing
governaent center to the east; and a proposal subaitted by Kev!n
Stoneburner and other principle interests to develop a facility off
Airport and Radio Roads in the vicinity of Westview Drive and Donna
In answer to Co..issioner Hasse. County Manager Dorrill stated
that be bas worked closely with the County Attorney's otfice in
obtaining the necessary legal opinions in advance of going out for
proposals, adding that it is his understanding that the tact that the
County has developed a coapetiti',e bid proposal atmosphere for which
the proposals were solicited fro. any developer meeting the specifica-
tions has been consistent with his ~indings and the proposed action
thi. date.
He stated that this is different from what has been
historically done, but the rationale behind it is sound when compared
to other projects ot a similar nature like the Courthouse and the
aeee 114 ,.'.t 195
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... 114"'.1.196
MAY 17, 1988
Health Departaent that have taken two years to design.
He stated that
it ls his understanding that the County is in accord with the
necessary legal requireaents that have been established.
County Attorney Cuyler stated that the legal requireaents have
been met to thls point. adding that there are two items that the Clerk
has concern. abou t .
He n', ted that Stat t has sainly looked at the pro-
posal process and the norsal bid process, ~dding that Statt is trying
to decide at this point whether the Board ot County Coaaissioners
W8D~. to negotiate with the nuaber one team 1hat submitted the propo-
Be stated that one question arises as to appraisal of the pro-
perty and there is a statutory requ1reaent when the County purchases
property that there has to be appraisals.
He stated that at this
point it i. not known who Statt will be negotiating the contract with
and therefore, it i8 not known what land the County i8 looking at with
regards to acquiring.
He noted that he is checking into whether this
wl11 fall under that requ1reaent, adding that it appraisals have to be
obtained they will be.
He noted that the Board ot County Commis-
sioners needs to detersine who they want Staft to negotiate with
and then Statt will have to tind out it a contract can even be nego-
tlated with that teas or individuals.
He noted that an item that was
brought up by the Clerk's ottice is that the lowest and best bid can-
not be detersined, adding that this Is a practical problem and Statt
feel. that they can determine who Is the lowest and best bid and they
have evaluated this.
He stated that this is not a legal consideration,
Page .co
MAY 17, 1988
but a practical one because the data Is looked at and then the propo-
sal. ar~ rL~ed in order,
He stated however, if appraisals are
neeGed. the County ~ill get appraisals.
Clerk Giles stated that with regards to the County purchasing pro-
pertyover $500.000, it would be wise for the County to have two
appraisals to determine a negotiating position prior to negotiating.
Øe stated that although Start aay teel that the fira being recommended
1. the 1owe.t and best. it cannot be deaonstrated through the intor-
aation proviòed to the Board ot County Coaaissioners because ot the
reasons that were stated in the memorandum presented to the Board.
CO8Dis.ioner Saunders stated that the tiscal impact says that the
83.&5 aillion tor the project will be part of the $7.3 million sales
tax revenue bonds and the bonds will be paid through user fees charged
on a ~e tootage basis to the user of the building and questioned
if this mean. that building permit tees will be raised sufficiently
tor 100. of the cost of this facility or portion that 1s used by the
new Devel°P8ent Services Departaent?
County Manager Dorrill stated
that this is correct, adding that the tee issue is a separate matter
and will be incorporated into the budget that is submitted in 3uly and
the tees will be increased as part of the adoption of the budget.
County Manager Dorrill stated that it this building is to be an
it.. in next year's budget. his budget will balance and will have the
necessary tee increase to cover whatever debt service is requi,¡.'ed.
noted that the s..e thing will apply to the Utility Division. as they
80or 114 Fi',! 197
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- 114",,-198
MAY 17, 1988
will be an owner/occupant of this facility as well as any other Board
office that aay be renting space.
He noted that the County is not
USing the typical historical owner/architect/engineer/general contra=-
tor type procureaent 8&thod, adding that this is due to the cost
8avings and the ti8e savings necessary to bring this facility to
Be stated that the County has not retained an architect to
design a building, adding th~t the basic design and the cost of archi-
tectural engineering and other tees are to be borne by the developer.
noted that the developer will be under contract to design, do site
work, and build a building to County specifications, adding that the
basi. for thi8 decision i. consistent with t~e approach that is being
U8ed .
Øe noted that this. however, is not a typical type ot procure-
8eDt approach.
Mr. Ray DeAngelis, representing the Garguilo tea., stated that
they own the parcel ot property located next to the courthouse, noting
that they have recently reviewed the Executive Suaaary on the Develop-
aent Services Departaent facility.
He stated that in the summary, the
advisory coaaittee reco..ended a purchase from Collier Development
Corporation of a 40,000 square foot facility to be located in the
Collier Coaaerce Park, adding that his proposal was rated second
behind the Collier Development C~rporation proposal.
He indic«ted
that he would like to request that the Statt and Board review his propo-
sa! and take into consideration that his site 1s not only ideal in
prox181ty and design tor th~ Development Services Building but 1s also
Page 42
MAY 17, 1988
vital to the orderly growth ot the County complex.
He noted that t~e
co..ltte. gave considerable weight to the fact that there is an urgent
need to expedite the i.ple.entation ot the development services con-
He stated that his proposal allows 2 months tor planning and 7
aonths for construction for a total ot 9 months for completion. He
stated that the Collier Development Corporation proposal allows 3
aonths tor planning and 8 aonths tor construction for a total ot 11
aonths for co.pletion.
He noted that a site is needed that is unen-
cuabered by the congestion and tensity of activities by the government
coaplex and would be nore convenient and resp~nsive to the nee~s of
the ðevelopaent coaaunity.
He noted that his proposal is adjacent to
the governaent tac11it1e~ and would seem to be the most convenient
location of any of the proposals.
He stated that his building would
be easier to manage tor the County due to its close proximity to
existing facilities as it would appear to be easier to oversee an
operation on site as opposed to off-site, adding that money sa7ings
could result in the use ot governaent facilities like aaintenance crews
tor the buildings and grounds, etc.
He stated that the building t~at
he is proposing has much more parking than what is required for a
typical oftice building ot this size, adding that the additional
parking could cure some ot the government parking probleas.
He stated
that 1f the County ,does not n~gotiate an agreement on this parcel at
the present tiae, it aay be developed into a retail center.
He stated
that he feels that it would be unwise and detrimental to the growth of
~C( 114 "r.t 199
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.. 114m200
MAY 17, 1988
the Governaent tacili~ie9 it the County does not acquire this land
wh1le it 1s still available.
He stated that the aajor difference in
hi. proposal and the proposal ot Collier Development Corporation, is
the cost of the land, but the location more th~n justifies the cost
He stated that h~ would request that the Board ot County
Coaaissloners reconsider his proposal.
Co..i.sioner Hasse questioned it Mr. DeAngleis' price is tirm or
negotiable, to which Mr, DeAngelis indicated that the price is nego-
eo..i.sioner Saunders stated that he has gone through the Staff
report and he teels that 1t 1s poor planning to build a government
building oft-site as all local governments try to bring all buildings
into one area.
He indicated that it would be a major ai.take to build
a facility off-site and it would also be a mistake to proceed with
such speed and haste that necessary things are not covered.
He stated
that he 1s opposed to the program simply because ot the way that Staft
is proceeding, adding that he would like to have the Gargulio proposal
re-evaluated w1th regards to buildlng a facility on that site.
Mr. George Keller stated that this building started out as 20,(000
square teet that was ne~ded and now it is up to 40,000 square teet and
various departments that are now renting property will be moving into
this new building. adding that h~ feels that there is not enough
inforaatJon to aake a wise decision.
"ape ..
Page 44
HAY 17, 1988
Mr. Xel1er questioned how and who is going to pay tor this
building and all the services?
He stated that the building permit
tee1 are supposed to be increas~d, but if they keep going up, there
w111 be no such thing as affvrdable housing.
He indicated that he has
not seen a financial analysis that was SUpposed to be done.
He noted
that the Board of County Coamissioners may have the answers, but the
~11c does not have the answers or the figures.
H~ stated that he
teels that it would be difficult tor administrators to control the
various departaents if they are not located on site.
He indicated
that the property next door should be looked at closely and if it is
purchased and built on, it should be built so that the buildings can
go up higher 1n years to Co.e.
Mr. Richard Braun stated that he teels that a five-story building
shocld be built, but the last two stories should not be coapleted at
this time. He noted that the Planning Department and the Zoning
Departaent should be self-sufficient so that the Building Department
i. not paying all the fees.
He noted that all these aatters should be
addre.sed so that there is no ad valorem tax increase to the taxpayers
in Collier County.
Mr. Van Miller, representing Kevin Stoneburner, stated that his
proposal was rated least desirable by the committee.
He indicated
that his building co.plies 100% with rhe specifications prepared by
the County and the site is 5.2 acres and Is located off Airpor~ Roaö
on W..tview Drive.
He noted that this is a previously approved office
'* 114 nr.{ 201
Page 45
.. 114 WI. 2œ
MAY 17, 1988
ø. noted that his propos~l is Meeting all specification and is
auch closer than the recoaaended proposal and is also the least expen-
Øe noted that there is also tire protection sprinkler coverage
tor the entire building, which is their addition that w~ not included
in the specifications.
He noted that he is willing right now to sign
a contract at the price that was specified in his proposal and
construct the building according to all specifications.
Co..issioner Piator stated that he would like to enlarge the
County caapus with another building and feels that everything should
be built at the saDe CoMplex instead of having people drive allover
the County to do their business,
He stated that he is a little upset
with the price of the property that is next door and possibly, there
could be discussion with regards to that.
t..Ioner Pistor 8OVed, seconc1ec1 by Co..ls.loner Saunders, that
the CoaDty Manager be authorIzed to negotiate and talk to the tirst
two 8agge8~ec1 te...; Collier DeveloP8eDt Corp. and DeAngelie/Gargulio
and br1Dg _id negotiations back to the Board: a1.0 to negotIate if
~ with DeAngells/0argu110 about purcha8Ing the land: and to
evaluate the otfi~e nee4a of the County for the next several years.
Co..issioner Goodnight stated that wh~tever negotiations take
place should be done in the best interest ot the County, adding that
she teels that everything should be as close to this caapus as
possible. She stated that it 1s going to be difficult for Statt to be
running around the County trying to get the answers to questions that
Page 46
MAY 17, 1988
ar - needed.
Coaaiaaioner Piator stated that the problem that he sees with
building an adjacent building right on campus is the parking during
conatruction and the aeS$ that a new building creates while
constructing it.
He stated that this is why he is not in favor ot
building another building ?n site. but the Gargulio property is far
enough away so that the County would not be experiencing these type of
proble.. while construction is going on.
UpoD call tor the question, the aotion carried unaniaously.
County Manager Dorrill stated that it will be very di!ticult to
enter into aiaultaneous negotiations with the two suggested firms and
be able to resolve anything before the Board vacation, adding that he
is DOt opposed to any ot the tour projects but this is also not
something that he can do 1n two weeks.
-.c..s: 1:20 P.M. - Reconvened: 1:2S P.M. at which
t1ae Deputy Clerk Bottaan replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon
It- ..91"2
County Manager Dorrill advised that recommendation is being made
to appoint investment bankers as a result ot the selection to have
Saith Barney and Alex Brown Co-Manage the potential Development
Services Building.
He stated that Staft has been negotiating the
ao~~ 114,ar,l203
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... 114 PI« 204
MAY 17, 1988
..sociated fees. per direction of the Board, and is requesting the
appoint8ent of the investaent bankers for the sale of that potential
i8aue. when it is resolved what the County wants to purchase.
t..ioaer SaUDð.rs aovec1, seconded by C088is.loner Pis tor and
carried unan18oualy, to accept Staff's recoaaen4atlon that S.ith
8arDey, M8D8ger, and Alex Brown and Sorw, Co-Manager and Investment
"ft~~ be appo~tec1 tor the sal. of $7.3 .ill10n dollars In Sales Tax
.. " tia- 8oDd8.
It- ~1
Eaergency Services Adainistrator Reardon stated that three months
ago tht: 2~re Conaol1rl.at i(> \ l;.~k Force CollUlaittee presented its report
to the Board ot County Coaaissioners. adding that the Board directed
Statt to review the study .and discuss it with all concerned pirties,
Including the District Fire Chief's.
He indicated that this has been
done. and a suaaary of the deliberations, and a three phase action
plan Is presented today.
Mr. Reardon advised that there has been agreeaent and disagreement
with the various portions of the report, but everybody concurs that
there are proble.s, and that it is tiee to move forward and address
the proble.s.
He indicated that the proposed solution i. a three
phase action plan. that 1s supported by the District Fire Chiefs,
Protessional Pirefighter'~ Association, Volunteer Firefighting
Page 48
MAY 17, 1988
.l...n~. In the County, the County's Fire Marshal's Association, and
representatives fro. the 911 Dispatch Center.
Mr. Reardon stated that the first phase will take approximately 11
aonths to coaplete, and encompasses three groups:
Fire Service pro-
fesslanals throughout the County that will identify and evaluate
where the Fire Service Delivery System is standing and what o~tions
the County has to DOVe forward; the second group is a Citizens Group,
aade up of individuals throughout the County that are unbiased and
able, after being educated about the Fire Service Delivery Systems, to
present recoaaendations to the Board; the third group is the Project
Teaa Group whose task is to provide horsepower in supporting Groups 1
and 2.
Be advised that the first phase will be brought back to the
Board of County Co_issioners in approxilD8te.1y 11 or 12 .onthtl from
Tape n
Mr. Fred~. Voss, President of the Greater "aples Civic
Association. stated that it is time to get on with the job.
He noted
that be feel. the Staff recoaaendation of 11 months is unnecessary,
eugg..ting a timetable of three aonths.
He stated that the C~vic
Association urges the Board to get on with the job, consolidate the
Fire Departaents, cut the insurance rates in the County and all the
aany benefits whic~ would come from consolidation.
Co..issioner Pistor mentioned his concern that after the County
decides bow to go ahead and what is to be done, it will have to go
'°0( 114 ,&~t 205
Page 49
.. 114 Wøf. 200
MAY 17, 1988
before the Legislature.
Mr. Reardon. in answer to Co..issioner Hasse stated that he met
with the Fire Chiefs and they atteapted to identify what was not
in the initial study Task Force Report.
He stated that he does not
disagree with Mr. Voss, but it its to be done right, the program can-
not be rushed.
Bill Davidson, Assistant Chief of Operations tor the East Raples
Fire Departaent, requested that the Board view Mr. Reardon's Executive
Sn--.ry as acre of an opinion than a total factual document.
staa;e4 that there are point. that hi. Deparh~ent does not totally
agree wIth, noting that East Waples Fire Departaent does not agree
that there Is a proble., adding that they are anxious to participate
in the sb1c1y.
Mr. George ~eller stated that it should be deterained it there is
a proble., and then have a public hearing to discuss pros and cons.
,..ioner SauDders aovec1, seconded by Coaaissloner Pi.tor and
carried UD8D1IIou8ly, that the action plan be approved, with Phase I
CO8pleted withIn sIx aonths to allow tor LegislatIve draftIng, and a
lIst of the civic groups and organizations intere.ted in participating
1D tbe Study to CO8e back to the Board.
Mr. Voss'. tinal cozaent was it Phase I is not completed within 6
aonths, it aay go on forever.
It- _lOA
Page SO
MAY 17, 1988
County Attorney Cuyler stated that subject recoamendatlon Is for
those situations where someone does not pay their taxes tor a certain
year on a parcel of propertï. adding that a tax certificate is sold
for tho.. taxes, and pays those taxes on behalf of that person, and
holds a tax certificate.
He noted that as time goes by, the tax cer-
tificates aay be redeeaed. and an application can be aade for a tax
Be advised that 1n the past the Statutes read that "the County
aay apply for tax deeds". however, aaendments have been aade to
the Statutes which now say "the County shall apply for tax deeds".
noted that proposed legislation. which he feels will pass. will
change the language back to the County "raay apply for tax deeds".
stated that the real issue is whether the County is going to give its
Xotlce To Proceed to the Tax Collector, adding that there are 500+
parcels to consider. soae of which are in the Big Cypress Preserve.
and 8O8e are in Golden Gate Estates.
He indicated that the County
auat decide if it wants to pay the application fee of $187 per parcel,
and apply to the Tax Collector. and through his office and the Clerk's
Office. bring these parcels to sale.
He advised that the opening bid
tor 8O8eOne to purchase that property are the County's application
costs, which the County would recover, plus all the outstanding tax
certificates and .iscellaneous costs.
He stated that the Statutes
advise that the County should do this, but financially, there are
title proble.. 1n the Big Cypress Are~.
Co..lssioner Saunders stated that it it is not financially .en-
&01)( 114 'a'.~ 207
Page 51
.. ll4 PI(,t 208
MAY 1" 1988
sible to do thi8. it 8hould not be done.
t..iooer Pis tor aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner Saunders and
carried ~t80U8ly, not to proc'!te4 to the Tax Collector, but that
.taft be iD8tructed to selectively review the delinquent certiticates,
for bid 8818.
It88 _11A2
8UDO&%~'-I~;¡-S 88-280/28& - ADOPTED
Finance Director Yonkosky 8tated that Budget Amendaent 88-286 was
inadvertently placed o~ the agenda, noting that it requires a public
t..iooer Sau.ncSers 1InVec1, ..conded by Co_issiemer Pi.tor and
carried anan1aoualy, that budget aaenc1aents 88-280/28& be adopted.
It- .11&3
t..ioaer S8UDder. 8OVec1, seconded by Co_issioner Pistor and
carried ~nl80U8ly, that Budget A8enc1aent Resolution 88-2& be
8dopted .
Page &2
... 114M21O
MAY 17, 1988
Itea .12&
The following recoaaendations were aade tor
So11d Maste Manageaent Advisory CoaaIttee:
appoi~aents to th!
Hasse - John Manslka
GoodnIght - EllIe Krier
Pistor - Ira tvans
Glass - IrvIng Berzon
Saunders - Jon Staiger
1..1oaer Saunders lIOVed, aeconc1ec1 by Co_ie.ioner Pistor and
carried ftftaftt8QU81y, that .John Man8ika, Ellie Krier, Ira Evans, Irving
8e~~ aDd DT. .John Staiger be appointed to the Solid Waste Management
Ab t8ory Cc
After casting votes for the two at-large members, Bob KrasowskI
and Henry StrozIer had three votes each.
t..lcmer Sa1mders lIOVed, ..conded by Coaaiseioner Ba..e and
carried ".uSIIOU81y that Bob Kr880W8kl and Henry Strozier be appointed
.. at-large ~re to the Solid W..te Manage_at Ac1vl80ry Coaaittee.
Page 53
.. 114 rw. 212
MAY 17. 1988
It.. _128
ItUD'lERTI SED U'D REHEARD 011 .1U1fE 1 , . 1 9 8 8
'..100er Pistor aoved. seconded by Co..issioner GoodnIght and
carried Q~i80Q8ly, that Petition R-81-36C. reconaIc1er.tion of
CarltOD Lake8 POD be rea4vert1aed and beard on .June 14" Ha88.
It- _12D
eo--t..~oner Saun4er. 8OVed. .econc1ed by Co..issioner Goodnight
8D4 carried ftftAnS8QU8ly. that Resolution Wo. 88-114. encouraging the
~8OD Co88anlty College Board of Trustees to 88intain the CollIer
Coanty Br&r~h of EdI80n Co88UDity College.. their top prIorIty for
Cap1~ I8prov~t. De adopted.
Page 54
MAY 17. 1988
It- _13&
~..loner Pistor aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner Saunders and
carried ftftaftf80U81y, that the part-time position under Court
A~.tft'8tratiOD 8D4 related prograa budget of Guardian Ad Lite.
CoordJ.Dator be approved.
Co fssloaer Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Saunders
8D4 carried unanlaoualy, that the following ite.. be approved and/or
adopted UDder the Con8en t Agenda:
It- .1"81
See Pages ~ () - a- ~ ~
It- .1"82
Legal notice having be~n published in the Naples Daily News on
April 20, 1982, as ev~denced by Affidavit ot Publication filed with
the Clerk Bid #88-1245 was received until 2:30 P.M., May 4, 1988, tor
seeding, fertilizino and 8ulchino ot Cells 3 and 4 at Naples Sanitary
It- _1"83
aooc 114,.,,[215
Page 55
... U4w.t216
MAY 11, 1988
Pinal plates) not to be recorded until the required i.provements
have been constructed and accepted, all construction to be complet'!d
within 36 aonths and that Lots 57 and 58 not be record~d as buildable
lot. anI... all environaental concerns have been addressed.
It.. _1484 - Continued to &/24/88
Itea -1485
It... _14M
See Pages -éL~ .3 ..
It- -lCCI
SOCZAL SlàvlCES CASE .0. H-135C3
It- .1~2
See Page
Itea _lCD1
Recorded in O.R. Book
, Pages
Itea _lCD2
Agreeaent to allow Naples Christian Academy to temporarily connect
to Plorida Cities Water Co.pany tor water service until such time as
Page 56
HAY 17, 1988
the County's water syste. i. installed along Santa Barbara Boulevard
to a point parallel with Naples Christian Acade.y.
See Pages
It.. .1403
See Pages
~ .a 0 - dt3-L-
It- _1"81
1987 Tangible Personal Property
808. 1ge7-119/120
It.. _1482
Dated 05/03-0&/88
EXrRA A&~ TIME FOR IWMATES .OS. &21&6. &7731 ABD 34928
It- _1483
See Page.
~ 3~ - ¡2 "-~ ¥-
It- .148
The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and/or
referred to the various departments as indicated below:
Letter dated 04/14/88 fro. L. P. Coe, Controller, Cable
Vision Industries, enclosing audited statement of revenues
tor year ending December 31, 1987. Referred to Heil
Dorrlll, Ken Cuyler and tiled.
Letter dated 05/04/88 fro. Wayde P. Seidensticker, President,
Canadochly Cable Coaaunications, Inc., advisi~g that they
are applying for franchise authority to pro~ide cable tele-
vision services to the residents ot Collier County east ot
aDO( 114 Far,l 217
Page 51
.. 114,1£,( 218
MAY 17, 1988
1-75 and froa a point one aile south of laaokale. Road north-
ward to the Lee County lin~ and eastward a distance of 25
ailes. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill and filed.
Letter dated 05/02/88 froa Douglas L. Fry, Environmental
Manager, enclosing short fora application (Fi1e No.
111486615 and 111486645), which involved dredge and fill
ac~ivlties. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt and
Letter dated 05/02/88 froa Douglas L. Fry, Environmental
Manager, enclosing short for. application (File !fo.
111487645 and 111487705), which involved dredge and till
activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Dr. Proffitt and
Meao dated 05/02/88 to Thoaas Crandall, Utilities Adminis-
trator, froa Ronald F. Cook, CPA, regarding Goodland Water
District lnteri. Financial Stateaents for the period ending
March 31, 1988. Referred to BCC, Lvri Zalka and tiled.
Meao dated 05/02/88 to
trator, fro. Ronald F.
Sewer District Interia
ending March 31, ¡gee.
Tho..s Crandall, Utilities Adminis-
Cook, CPA, regarding Marco Water and
Financial StAteaents for tI.t; þ~= lod
Referred to BCC, Lori Zalka and
Letter dated 04/26/88 fro. Mary Ellen Hawkins, acknowledging
receipt of RCC Resolution No. 88-77. Referred to BCC, Neil
Dorrill ahd filea.
Letter dated 04/26/88 from Mary Ellen Hawkins, acknowledging
receipt of BCC request for $100,000 of state money to fund
feasibility study for a regional jail facility. Referred to
BCC, Heil Dorrill and filed.
Minutes - F lled
04/28/88 - Collier County Planning Coaaission
04/12/88 - Golden Gate Parkway Beautification Adv~sory
Committee and 05/10/88 agenda
Notice dat~d 05/06/88 from Springlock Scaffolding, Inc..
advising that they hav~ furnished services and/or
materials for Collier County Government Center Chiller
Bldg. K under an order given by Kraft Const Co. Referred
to Neil Dorr!ll, Skip Camp and tiled.
MAY 17.1988
Me8orandua dated 05/04/88 to BCC fro. SherIff Aubrey
Rogers, attaching Sheriff's ConfiscatIon Trust Fund ~1rst
Quarterly Report - 1988. Referred to BCC, Nell Dorrl11,
Lori Zalka and filed.
Letter dated 05/05/88 frea Robert L. Patton, Tax Collector 8
office, attachIng ~Istribution recap showlng year to date
totals of taxes collected net of discount for 2985/86,
1986/87 and 1987/88. Referred to Lori Zalka and tiled.
Letter dated 04/08/88 tro. Noraan E. Feder, District
Director, PlannIng 6 Progra.., ~lorIc1a Departaent of Trans-
portatIon, enclosing the .FInanclng the 1988 Strategic
TransportatIon Plan-. Reterred to ..11 Dorrl11 w/Plan,
GeGrge Archibald and tiled.
It- n611
ltØOurrI08 86-118 AI'I'OInIJt8 II.UPØ DILrl TO 'ZD L8LY CIOLI' JarUDS
UAUtb'.1CArI08 ADn8Olt1' coalJ1TTD
See Page
d.. .3 ,5-
There being no further business for the Oood of the ~ounty, the
_t1Dg waa adjourned by Orc1ar ot the Chair - Tl..: ls&& P.M.
AttU11'; J 01 I'
:1~~.~ C. .~~ CLERK t2-.,d ~ ~
~: ~.": ': ~, ~ ¿;J C, AIUIOLD LU GLASS. CllAIIUWI
";", -. 'l8siut;' 8pprov8d by the Board on ~ ? 1"'" o""
.. p.e8eDtø"" or .s corrected
aoOl( 114 FI(.~ 219
Page 59