BCC Minutes 05/28/1988 W
Naples, florida, May 25, 1988
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, .et on this date at 9:00 A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building
"f" of the Government Complex, East Naples, florida, with the
following .embers present:
Arnold Lee Glass
Burt L. Saunders
John A. Pistor
Max A. Hasse
Anne G<"'odnight
Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrill, County
Manager: Tom Olliff, Acting Community Development Administrator; Ken
Cuyler, County Attorney; Marjorie Student, Assistant County Attorney;
Jane fitzpatrick, Growth Management Director; Diane Smith, Growth
Managet8ent Analyst; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Science and Pollution
Control Director; Wanda Jones, Director of Housing and Urban
Improvements; Dr. Proffitt, Natural Resources Management Dire~tor;
Robert Wiley, Growth Manageme~t Engineer; and Charles Gauthier,
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Co..issioner Class stated that he has reviewed this material three
ti~s and it appears to be incomplete.
He noted that the County
Manager has concerns with these two elements, noting that coordination
the aanagement level is needed.
He noted that maps have recently
been included in these elements but there has no been opportunity to
thoroughly review them.
He noted that a sound environmental policy is
needed, but it also needs to be economically sound.
He noted that a.
lot of this material is regulatory and almost ordinance quality and
the progra. is for goals, objectives and policies and these elements
extend beyonè that, which is cause for concern.
Also, there is a lot
of infor.ation that is duplication of federal, state and regional
aaterial and the legislature is recommending against duplicatinç
others people's efforts of laws that are already in place.
He stated
that due to these reasons, he would prefer that the County Man~ger be
directed to revise these two elements and bring them back to the Board
in July as indicated in tne Manager's memo.
Co..issioner Pistor stated that he would also like to have the
County Manager revise these two elements as he has a lot of concerns,
adding that the economlC feasibility needs to be studied.
CO88i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Commissioner Goodnight, that
tbe suggestion ot tbe County Manaqer be accepteð anð tbe Conservation
aDd Coaatal Manaqement Element be sent to tbe Manaqer tor revision and
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an 8COD08ic fea8ibility analY8is be completeð anð then return to the
Board ot CoUDty co..i..ioner. in July.
~'£ounty Manager Dorrill stated that he has shared the concerns of
the advisory boards where the plan is not specific enough and there
needs to be a defining of the fiscaq development process.
He stated
that he feels that this el~ment can be revised where necessðry and
re-present it to the Hoard in July.
He noted these elements cannot be
eli8inated nor can they be incomplete at the time of submission,
adding that he does not want to run the risk of not complying with the
County's obligation.
Upon call tor tb. question, tbe motion carried unanimously.
Director of HousIng and Urban Improvement Department Jones stated
that the Housing Element was reviewed by the CCPC on May 12, 1988, and
a copy of their recommendations have been presented.
She noted that
this element is requIred by Rule 9J5 as part of the total Comprehensive
Plan and a considerable amount of time was spent researching housing
in the County and its patterns with regards to population.
She noted
that the introductIon glves the basic overview of the historical
housing that has been produced in the County, adding that the housing
has been intended for use by seasonal people, elderly people, and two-
people households.
She noted that very Ilttl~ housing for families
have been made avaIlable.
She indicated that the changing need in the
County at this time IS an Increased population in the 25-44 year age
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frame which is the child bearing age, adding that there is also an
increase in the number of essential services workers which are the
retail trade, personal service~, professional people like nurses,
teachers and law enforcement.
She indicated that the salaries are'not
comparable to what the housing cost has been.
She noted that there is
relatively ð new housing stock in the County with 95\ of it having
been constructed since 19~0, but a lot of this housing is
deteriorating and there 1S now beginning to be an increased amount of
substandard housing.
She sta~ed that 69\ of the housing is owner-
occupied and 31\ is renter-occupied.
She indicated that there is a
unique housing need in the County that's a critical problem that
relates to the migrant and farmworker housinç as well as the migrant
lat>or caJ'llps.
She stated that as of 1980, t~ere were approximately
2,~86 units in the Count, which could be considered substandard.
stated that the units that are considered to be overcrowded and did
not have central heat were not counted in the 2886 units.
She stated
that .ethodology which has been established by the florida Low-income
Housing Coalition indicates that there could be an lncrease of 2% pc,
year for substandard housing units.
She noted that by 1986, there
could have been 3,400 substandard units in the County, adding that at
this point, she does not know how many of these simply need rehabili-
tatlon and repair or how many need to be demolished and replaced.
indicated that since 1980, 15 units have been demolished and replaced
with II units and there have been 35 units addressed under the
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8Oderate rehabilitation program of Housing Assistance, but there is
still a deteriorating stock of houses.
Mrs. Jones noted that another problem that exists is the housing
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affordabillty, adding that national consideratIon is that 30% of the
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gross income of the household shoulp be expended for housing.
indicated that there were a considerable number of houses that were
paying in excess of 35\ for rental or purchase, adding that from 1980
to 1986, there was an approximate 28\ increase In housing costs but
salaries were only increasec 23\ during this time period.
She stated
that with regards to the recommended changes, they are listed 0;1 Page
H-I-37 of the document and she recommends some changes to the land
development regulations and also some reformulation of some of the
developøent costs as a way to obtain some affordable housing.
indicated that, since she began work on this document, she has been
contacted by seven developers that appear to be willing to do
something about addressing the problem of affordable housing in the
County, but there are three areas that have been identified as problem
areas in the development of a comprehensive housing system for affor-
dable housing:
cost of land; land de~elopment regulations, permitting
delays, and licensing regulatio~s; and development costs.
She noted
that these problem areas makes it difficult to produce affordable
She stated thdl un ~age H-J-61 of the document there are
suggestions and provisions for some affordable housing opportunities,
addin9 that one of the mo)Vr ~ugge~tion5 i~ the e5tðbli~hment of a
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housing trust fund which could be used for the items that are recom-
lIe.lded in the document.
She s~ated that in summary, she has found
that there is relatively new housing that has been built since 1960,
but .uch of it is deteriorating so there is a continuing problem as
far a9 substandard houslng IS concerned and that housing is normally
occupied by people that are in the essentiðl services category, which
is a growing population.
She indicated that housing for families with
children is basically non-ex13tent, adding that the cost of the land
which effects the rent and the sale in home ownership is another big
Mrs. Jones stated that on Page H-I-66.4, under the Goals,
Objectives and PolicIes, Policy 2.1.6, ther~ is a suggestion to
establish procedures to monitor and evaluate the recipients of any
kind of development incentive because it has been found that there
were a number of multi-family units that were affordable but shortly
thereafter, the prices go to what the market will bear which creates a
She stated that there is also a 3uggestion to e~tablish an
affordable housing task force who would be charged with the respon-
sibility of monitoring and evaluating and working on these kinds of
problems so that there wouLd be a long-term solution to the problem.
She noted that there were three major goals defined; to ensure an ade-
quate supply of safe, decent, sanitary and affordable housing for all
residents of Collier County which would include the low and I..oderate
inco8e as well as rural residents and farmworkers; to establish a
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comprehensive housing delivery system which would ensure the develop-
~nt of housing for all residents of Collier County; and to address
th~5oncern for conservation and preservation of historically signifi-
cant housing as it might be available for residential use. She noted
that after this was complet~d, the bbjectives and policies were
cO8pleted to support each one of the goals.
She stated that the first
objective establishes that by 1994, substandard units shall be
verified and programs developed and implemented to eliminate this type
of housing through rehabilltatlon, repair, or demolition.
She stated
that to initiate this objectIve, the adoption of a standard housing
code is being suggested.
She noted that the units would have to be in
coœpliance with that standard housing code bnd privately contributed
funds would be earmarked for the rehabilitation or repair of these
She stated that this would reduce by 10% annually the number
of substandard units that are existing in the County, which would
8ean that eventually they would be ahead of this problem.
She indi-
cated that ObjectIve l.2 addresses the need for establishing reloca-
tion and replacement housIng programs to provide assistance to
households displaced as a result of governmental action.
She noted
that replacement housing would comply with all applicable codes and
should take into consideration commercial acc~ssibility, ~ublic faci-
lities, place of empJoy~cnl, and household income.
She noted that the
total problems cannot be resolved simply with these type of programs,
but it should help.
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Mrs. Jones stated that median income in the County at this time is
531,000 a year which means th~t a person that is getting 324,000 a
year could be considered a low-income person.
She stated that these
are people that are making reasonable salaries and yet cannot affo(d
t~ live in this County.
She noted that Objective 1.3 addresses the
structural condition of the housing stock that is required with
regards to maintaining the aesthetic quality of the neighborhoods and
inrproving it.
She noted that the housing code ordinance would also be
a way to approach this particular problem.
She noted that the housing
code is going to trigger some problems as far as displacing people and
this problem will need to be addressed.
In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mrs. Jones indicated that grant
resources have been reduced by 60\ and they are anticipating another
4-10' decrease in the current appropriation bill.
She stated that
this County is in an extremely competitive situation when it comes to
receiving any of these monies simply by virtue of the high income that
the County is considered to have, the new housing stock that the
County has, the unemployment, as well as other criteria.
She referred
to Objective 1.4 notlnq that low to moderate income housing will be
distributed equitably throughout the County and shall take into con-
sideration convenience accessibIlity, as well as infrastructure
She stated that Objective 1.5 further addresse~ the
.anner of the housing units and how they should meet the nee~~ of the
existing and anticipated housing populations.
She indicated that
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there are a total of five policies that support this particular
oDjective which have been previously discussed.
She reported ~hat
Objective 1.6 is to meet the housing needs of the rural residents and
She noted that the r~ral residents, far~orkers, mobile
ho.e trailers and subdivisions were the most dIfficult areas to
establish data because there has been no clear established procedure
of record keeping for these particular areas.
She stated that there
is a high percentage of rural residents and farmworkers that have
housing needs that are not belng met.
She noted that she is fairly
confident that the problem is going to increase.
She noted that the
policies listed under this objective are a way to begin to resolve
tt'ais problem.
She stated that Objective 1.7 indicates that provision
for the location, in predetermined areas, of group homes, residential
treatøent, and foster c're facilities should be addressed in County
Land Development Regulat¡ons by 1989.
She stated that objective 1.8
is to provide adequate sites for mobile home parks and subdivisions.
She noted that the policies under objective l.8 indicates that a
complete and accurate inventory is needed dS well as establishing a
record keeping system to track th~ permitting process when new mobile
home trailer parks and subdivisions are developed.
Mrs. Jones stated that Goal 2 IS the recommendation to establish a
comprehensive housing delivery system which ensures the development of
housing for all residents in Collier County, adding that Objective 2.1
of that goal lS that it is being suggested that beginning in 1989,
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progra8S to provide for the development of housing for LHI County
reJidents be adopted.
She stated that this particular goal is where
the Affordable Housing Task force is addressed as well as ordinances
to provide for housing development through financial incentives, the
affordable housing trust fund, th~ programs of dissemination of infor-
8ðtion of what is availabJe, and the development and implementation of
a 8Onitoring and evaluation syste~ to be sure that the goals and
objectives of the element are being met.
She indicated that Goal 3
addresses the conservation and preservation of historically si9nifi-
cant housing with the supporting objective and policies.
Mrs. fitzpatrick stat~d that the only changes between Staff recom-
~ndation and that of the CAC or CCPC is si~ply minor wording changes.
Mr. Milton Hahn of Miami stated that the property that he owns in
Section 31, that he would like included in the urban area, would be an
ideal location for low to moderate income as the land value is much
lower than a lot of property that is already in the urban area.
noted that a developer could develop this property with all the
infrastructures and use it for low to moderate income people which
would provide a lot of the needed housing.
Mrs. Fitzpatrick stated that she does not have a formal recommen-
dation from the CCPC at this time, but it was reviewed at a workshop
and they indicated there were no changes to the Gap's at tha', time.
She stated that they will be holding their public hearing on May 26,
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1988, and if they have any changes she will forward them to the Board
o~ County Commissioners.
~-éo..i8sioner Goodnight stated that Page ICE-4 under Housing and
Urban Improvement Department, indicates the Coordinatihg Entities, and
questioned if the Collier County Housing Authority and the Collier
County finance Authority should be added to this list, to which Mrs.
S.ith replied affirmatively.
CO88i..ioner Saunðer. moved, .econðeð by Commis8ioner Goodniqht
aDd carried unaniaously, that tbe Collier County Housing Authority anð
Collier County Finance Autbority be aððeð to Page ICE-4.
Mrs. Smith stated that this element was to identify and evaluate
the existing coordination mechanisms in the County and to identify
issues that may require coordination.
She stated that the inventory
of the existing coordInation process was pr€pared from a questionnaire
the Growth Management Department developed for each of the County
She stated tha~ each department identified who and how
they coordinate and made recommendations to improve the coordination
She stated that the data analysis section identifies issues
that evolve from the development Of the other elements to alert the
County where the governmental coordinatIon may be needed or improved
upon and each element is listed with their issues that may have or
need intergovernmental coordination.
She stated that the final sec-
tion of the document are the goals, objectives, and policies noting
that in Goal 1 the utility companies were added at the suggestion of
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the CAe and the CCPe.
She noted that the goal is to improve and
exchange information with adjacent counties, the City, the School
Board, the Regional Planning Council, the State and federal agencies
and other governmental entities and the utilities that may be impacted
by Collier Count)'s land use and facility planning decision so that
there is co.patible and covrdinated plans.
She indicated that the
first objective is to establish an intergovernmental communication and
level of service coordination mechðnis~ with the City of Everglades,
the City of Naples, the adjacent counties, the School Board, and the'
She noted that the policies are how this coordination process
will be carried out.
She indicated that the purpose of Objective 1.2
is to have the land use planning strategy, i'cl~ding an asses~ment of
proposed development, with that of other government and private enti-
She stated that she wants to be sure that anything that is
being planned will have the impact considered on the adjacent coor-
dinating entities, adding that the policies attached indicate how this
will be carried out.
She slated that Objective l.3 is to establish a
mechanism to coordinate annexation plans of all incorporated ~reas in
the County.
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There being no further business, the meeting was adjour~ed by
Order of the Chair - Time:
10:45 A.M.
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