BCC Minutes 07/19/1988 R Naplc3, florida, July l~, 1988 LET IT BE ?~EMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in ðnd for the county of Collier, "nrj "Iso "r:tlng as th<:> Board of Z-:¡ning Appeals and as !.he governing board(s) of such special districts 35 have been crea t r>d accord i ng to 1 aw and hav i ng con'" ~c Led bus i neBS herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Gov~rnment Complex, ~ast Naples, florida, with the following mem~rs present: CHAIRMAN: Arnold Lee Glass V!CE-CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders John A. Pistor Max A Hasse Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance ~irector; Maure~n Kenyon and Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerks; Neil Derrill, Count, Manager; R?n McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff, Acting Community f>eve)upment Administrator; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, UtIlIties AdminlstraLor; George Archibald, Public Works Administrato,.; Kevin O'Dor-nell, Public Services Administrator; David Weeks and Dwight Nadeau, Planners; Nancy Israelson, Adw:nistrative AssIstant La the Board; and Deputy San Bass, Sheriff's Department. aDO( 116 w,~ 01 Page 1 ".,..P".." .... "". ..-.- JULY 19, 1988 Tape Ii Itea '3 AGEWDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES coRais.ioner Pistor moveð, seconded by commissioner Hasse ~nd carried unanimously, that the agenða be approveð with the following changes: 1. Item Il2G added re selection of new BCC Chairman and Vice Chairman. 2. DeletIon of Item 120 re zoning law changes concerning crurch parking. Itea '4 KlKOTEB OF BCC REGULAR KEETI~G OF KAY 24, KAY 31, JUNE 7, AND SPECIAL KEETI"G OF JUKE 13, 1988 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED coaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by co~issioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the minutes of the regular meeting of Kay 24, Kay 31, June 7, and the special meeting of June 13, 1988, be approved as presented. Itea 151. EKPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTED Commissioner Glass presented employee service awards to the following employ~es: Wilbur Lehman, Road & BrIdge David Karnehm, Solid Waste Homero Partida, Jr., Road & ßridge 5 years 10 years 10 years Itea ISB SUE GETTER RECOGNIZED AS EKPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR JULY Commissioner Glas3 read a letter designating Sue Getter, of the Solid Wasle Dep'!rt.nent, as empJ()j~e for the month for July and pre- Page 2 aoo( llr <~'t 07 '°0« 116pl'.~ 08 JULY 19, 1988 sented her with" copy of th~ letter, a check and a plaque. Item ISC PROCLAKATIO" DESIG"ATI~G THE MOØTHS OF JUNE THROUGH SEPTEMBER, 1988, AS "XERISCAPE/WATER CONSERVATION SEASON" - ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamatIon, Commissioner Glass prescnteà it to Fred vidzes, Executive Director of the South Florida Water Manðge~nt District. commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the proclamation designating the Months of June through September, 1988, as "xeriscape/Water conservation Season" be adopted. Page 3 ... - - 100( liB w'. 10 JULY 19, 1988 Item t9Al JULY 26, 1988, SET AS PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR PETITION PDA-87-11C, AKENDI~G PELICAN BAY PUD TO DETERMINE IF A SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATIOll EXISTS - APPROVED Planner Weeks gtal~d LhaL this request is to simply set a public hearing date of July 26. 1988, to determine if a substantial de~iation exists with regard~ to Petition PDA-87-11C. Commissioner Saunders questioned if this 15 an item that requires ð 4/5ths vote for ~pprovðl of the hearing itself. to whiçh Co~n:( Attorney Cuyler replied neg"tivelï, adding that the petitioner is not contesting that there is a substantial deviatIon. de noted that July 26, 1988, is an appropriate date for the hearIng. comaissioner Pistor moved, seconðed by Commissioner Goodnight anð carrie6 unanimously, that July 26, 1988, be s~t as the public hearing date tor Petition PDA-87-11C, amending Pelican Bay PUD to determine it a substantial deviation exists. Item 191.2 CITIZEN STEERING COMMITTEE TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPKENT OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR A MASTER PLAN FOR GOLD~N GATE - APPROVED Acting Community ~evelopm~nL AdminislraLor Olliff stated that this request IS to çr'~ðl<:' a sLr""(lri(J er¡mmlll,!(! lrJ h(!l¡:, staff in d"'oc!oping the objective of the Master Plan study for Lhe Golden Gate area. stated tha~ due to the ] ¡mlt~d amount of fundIng budgeted for Lhc study, the range of study ob)~r;livcs must be reused. He statEd that he is requesting that an ad hoc steering commitl~e be created for a Page 4 - - - He JULY 19, 1988 short period of ti~~ in order t~ determine what the people of the area ~ould like to have done. Commissioner GQodnJght sLated that the t.~rms (,f the members of Lb': committee will only be for two months accordl~g to the Executive Sum- mary, which is not en~ugh time. She stated ~hat she would like to see the committee left in existence unti I they have had a chance to com- ment and m"ke recommendations on the RfP. Mr. Olliff inèicaLed that the commit~ee is simp!! to determlne the needs for the area ~ithln the t~~ month Lime frame, but he has no problem with keeping the commlttne In existence Lo reView the RFr. stated that he is scheduled to come back next week with names of citi- zens that would likn to be apPQlnted. Mr. David Graham, President of Golden GaLe Civic Association, stated that this master plan is long overdue, adding that he agrees with Commissioner GoodnIght In regards to keeping the committee in existence untIl thc::y ha./e had an opportunlt'¡ Lo review the Rn'. County Attorney Cuyler slated that he will bring back a resolution next week that will cr~ate the commit'ee and appoint the members so that there will only be one rc::solutior. Instead of two. commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that a citizen steering Committee to assist in t~e developaent ot a request tor proposal tor a Master Plan for Golden Gate be approved, and that the committee remain in existence for one year. &OO~ iiR w~ 11 Page 5 fit:' ---".., &OO( 116 WE 12 JULY 19, 1988 Item t9A3 PETITIO" KP-8&-6C, GEORGE VARNÄDOE OF YOUNG, VÄN ÄSSENDERP, VÄRNÄDOE AND BENTOII, PA., REPRESENTING ÄMOCO OIL COMP~NY, RE Ä SETBÄCK REDUCTIO~ FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF U5-41 E~5T, E~5T OF ÄIRPORT ROAD, (COLLIER COKMERCI~L P~D) - APPROVED Planner Weeks stat~d that ;¡ blJI ldlng p~rmit was Issued showing the required 10 fQot £ctback, ho~~v~r, the structure was located on site ~ncroðching 1.84 feel into thal required setback. lie indicated thaL this is the reason for this r~quesl and It should be noted that this petition 15 to obtain a setback reductJon, not to Interpret or eva- luate Staff's intcrpr~tatlon of ~.hc PUIJ dev,:lopment standards. lie noted that a "CO" was Issued allowing for the operation of the busi- ness, subject to resulvinq the setback encroachment. He noted that the zoning ordinance al lows for minor setback r~ductions and it is Staff's opinion that thIs IS a mInor reductIon. He stated that Staff is of the opinion that this ~ncraa~hment of Jess than 2 feet is not a concern wiLh r~gards to safe~j. If': noted that th,:re are barr icad"! ~oles placed between th,: sLrucLure and Lhe parking lot driveway as required by the zonjn? ordinance. H,~ lndlcaLed that there is a also a curb between Lhe strlJctur~ and the driveway and, therefore, Staff has no objection to approval of this petition. lie concluded by stating that the CCPC reviewed Lhls petitIon and unanimously recommended apprc.val. commissioner pistor moved, seconded by comnissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Petitioner MP-aa-6C, Amoco oil company, re a Page 6 .. - - JULY 19, 1998 1.84 foot setback reduction from the requireð rear yard setback of 10 feet to 8.16 feet for property located on the sout~ side of U8-41 east of Airport Road, Collier Commercial PUD, be approved. IteQ t9A4 PETITION MP-88-5C, JEFFREY PUS~TERI, RE¥RESENTING JOHN AND NANCY LOPEZ, REQUESTHIG ~ SETDJIICIt REDUCTION FOR PROPERTY I'oC1\TED Jl.T THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ~RBOR BOULEVJl.RD AND MONTEREY DRIVE IN THE VINEYARDS POD - APPROVED Planner Nadeau stat~d th~t this r~qu~st IS for a two foot front yard setback reducLion Lo dçcommodaL~ a SJZ fooL wide bathroom ~rolru- sian that will extend ðPproXImat~lï two feeL frfJm tne main outside wa 11. lie noted that thIs protrusion í3 necr,s:>ar'l to fdCí I itdl~ the inclusion of a bathtub Int~ on~ of the bathrooms. lie noted Lhat the PUD district regulations of th~ zoning ordlna'lc~ s~t:> forth Lhat the Board, upon recommendation of the cere, may approve a mInor change in the location, siting or heIght of building:>, structures and i~prove- ments. He noted that this elimlnaLes the need for a typical height or sctback variance required for other zoning districts. lie stated that based on the slightly Irregular shape of t~is corner lot and the ~inor nature of the request seLhack encroachment, SLaff has no objection to the setback reduction as propose~. He indir;; L':d LhaL Lhe ccpe h<:>ld their public hearing and unanimously rccommende~ approval of thIs petition. In answer to Commissioner ristor, Planner Nadeau stated tha: Lhc structure has not been built ?L Lhis tim~ and the ocLitioner will have Page 7 &OO( l1R w' 13 ..-.-.....,. .,." ........-"...,- &OO( li6w.~ 14 JULY 19, 1988 to comply with the sld~ yard s~tback, adding that the petitioner has been told this. co..issioner pistor moveð, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight anð carried unanimously, that Petition MP-88-5C, Jeffrey Pusateri, repre- senting John and Nancy Lopez, requesting a setback reduction of 2 feet from the requireð front yard setback on Monterey Drive of 25 feet to 23 feet for property located at the northwest corner of Arbor Blvð. and Konterey Drive in the Vineyar1s PUD be approved. Item I9E1 FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 TElITATIVE BUDGET - PRESENTED Budget DIrector Zal~" 5t~t~d that th~ County-wide budget lncrease for Fiscal Year 1988-89 IS S,9~, which m~ans that th~ aggregate millage rate is 6' which 15 the av~rðg~ of all ~mprovemcnL districts a~d all other rates that are s~t. Shn stated that these rates will be the maximum amount that can be levIed for this year and on AugusL 2, 1988, the Board will have to set th" maximum tax rate and then publlC workshops and public hearings will be held in August and Septe~ber when thosc rates wi II b," adopted or will be low~r~d, but they ca"not be increased once th~y arc set. She noted that if there are any questions, this is the tIme to as~ them or discuss any matters. Commissioncr PisLor said that ~IÓ' h3s conr::o!rns wlLh rt:gards to the carry forward as it shows zer~ for next year, ndding th~t the carry forward is normally what the County uses to op~rate during the months Page 8 - - - ----" _... ",.","..--,".- .,,".- JULY 19, 1988 of Octob<::r and tlo'J<:'mbo::r, Urìt¡ I !,vJr""j I:::; rr:'ç<:'I'/<:,d from thr:' Tax Coll~çtor. He stated that he hop"s that a major r :::;takr:' is not being made by using thIs mQn<:,~, Bud-;¡et Director Zalka statr:'d that there is money ner:'dcd tc cover the County for abouL 45 days, whl~h is approximaLcly 54 mi ¡lien, and the res~rv~ that is availablr. IS 52 mill inn, hlJ! therp ;s ðlsc reservp from other revenues, She staLed 'hat there is r:'nough monr:'1 tc cover the County during this period. She stated that by approvi~g this bud'; et, there wi] J b" ð r:arr'j fr.Jrlo¡; rrJ r,f ð~")IJt :;2"°,000, She sl.ated that there is a ptjsslb¡]¡t.j that ~-"Jxr!:= "VJIJlrj hav{~ to ~)r! inr~r('ased n(~xt year. She statr:'d that thl:::; would depend on how much of the reserves "rom the contingency fund arr! IJs,!d. Commissioner Saunders ~taterl that ¡f they are careful and de not use that reserve, then there would not have to be an increase ir taxes next year and Budgr:'t Dlrr:'ctor ldlk~ should inform the Beard w~cn thaL money is being spent. County Manager Dorrill presr:'nted a summary of the carry fcrward and the reserves for the rer:ord, indicating that hr:' anticipat~d that this would be discussed Hr. :::;t3t'!'¡ t r,;". ;¡ny rr!quesL from thr, ccn- tingency needs to be clc~~lv scrutinized. He staLed thaL hr:' felL tha' the iss'Je for th¡ 5 v"ar was to h!Jlrl down laxf}:; dr¡d br:' carr:'fui a~ thr} coming year approa~hes. "lr. Ira Evans, represr:'nLing the Hoard of ~Irectors of the Marco !QD~ 11orJf 15 Page 9 --..,.-" .--. &OO( 116 Fl',t 16 JULY 19, 198B Island Taxpayers AssoçiaLion, stated thðt he has SQm~ concerns with regards to th~ I-Iarcr' Island Wat'èr anr] S'èw~r DIstrIct as it app'èars in the budg~t that this distriçt is part of th~ County's disLrict whiçh i lis no t . H~ qu~stion'èd th'è Inçr'èas'èd raL'ès, the reserves for con- tingencles, and the ~3sh fIQ~. II" st"atr:d that hr:' wQu]d reC]u(>~,t thaL the County Manðg~r revIew this scçtJon and reca!çulate :he rates on the basis of providing a ""'Vir" and imJt¡n9 thn rates to th~ çost of the servic~. County Managr!r [Jorri.! staterj thi'!t this matter should be reserved until the workshop hear:ng~ that wIll be op'èn to th'è public. Commissioner Saund~r" sta~"~ 'hat ~crhaps Mr. ~vans and Mr. Dorrill could get togeth,!r 'x, U'J~> mdtter to rr>so!ve the issue. Commis5ion~r Glass staL'èd thaL th~re IS no acLion required on this item ar,d thanked Ms. Zalf:a f'jr the fln~ job tha'- she has d'Jne. Page 1 J - - - .""'~". m " JULY 19, ['188 Item 19F1 MINOR CL1t.RIFIC1.TIONS A11D AMENDMENTS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMElfTS AND OPTION TO PURCHA[;E MID GALE AGREE/1EIIT ENTERED INTO D'1 COLLIER DEVF'LOPHENT CORPORl\TIOH AND COLLIER COUllTY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING - APPROVED ASsistant Count"y Man;Jg<:>( Hr::I.nmor<:> statc'rj f.h;Jt .)IJne I; , l'Jf:e, the> Board of Caunt'l Commisslon~r5 <:,x<:,culed the conLrJct doc~menL5 (or Lhe developm~nt serVices buIldIng and durIng execution of those doc\J~enls, there were three minor ISS'Jes lh~l arose which are presented .n the ~xec~tive Summary. He not,:"j th;¡t t.hc,,'V arc: slmpl'l a claríficð'.10n of language and have no impact on the cost of the proJ~cl. Commissioner Pistor moved, second~ð by Commissioner GOodnight anð carried 4/1, (Commissioner Saunders opposed), that the minor clarifi- cations and amendments to the p~rchase and sale agreement and option to purchase anð sale agre~ment entered into by Collier Development Corporation and Collier County for the Development Services Building be approved. rag-::! II aoo( Ill) OJ-; 19 .. . ._--",,- '."--,-..-., aoo( 115 w~ 24 JULY 19, 1988 Item '9G1 PARTICIPATION OF THE GOLDEN GATE FIRE AND RESCUE DISTRICT IN THE COLLIER COUNTY FIRE CONTROL MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1988 - APPROVED E~ergency S~rvic~3 ^dmlnl~'.r~tor Rp~rdon sLated that this contract is for an area where f~ur fir" dIstricts partIcIpate. He noted that there has been d19cus~lon wIth re1ards to the Go]den Gatl? Fire Control District partic!patln1 in thlS service. He stated that he is recom- mending Lhat th', íncl'J51()n CJf r;(Jldr:n (;'11.<' fir" 3nrJ Rescue District be done ln September, adding th~t thls WI I I enhance Lhe area. Comrnission<:>r GoodnIghl. qur:s'.lon'.:cj if this Wl]J reduce the amounL of money that the other dJ5l(¡cts are now receIving, towhichl-1r. Reardon replied afflrmative]j, adding t~at the increased value in the property will offset the amount somewhat. He noted that the other districts feel that Golden G;¡~C should parlIcipaLc in this conLract as they are servlcjng and assl~t_Ing Lhe various departments and do noL receive reImbursement. Commissioner Pistor moved, ~econdeð by Commi~sioner Goodnight and carried unA~imously, that Staff be directed to include the Golden Gate Fire and Rescue District in the contractual services relationship effective October 1, 1988. Item'10A RESOLUTION 88-152 CALLING A REFERENDUM ELECTION WITHIN THE IMMOYJl.LEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT TO DETERMINE IF THE ELECTORS APPROVE EXPANDING THE BOUNDARIES - ADO?TED .--..-.----. .'--.------ County AtLornc" Cuyl',r :¡LðL<~~ trlð Lhis re::, lution is callIng for a referendum election for th" Imf'liJlra¡r_.r~ FIr" CiJntrol lJis'.ricl t.o <:'xpand Page 12 .. - - - 8IS -- JULY 19, . 988 the boundaries. CIerI-: Gi l~s qur~st' 'Jnf2d I f '_her" I S an agrf2ó'm'"r as to Lhc Fjre District pðy'ng ~hf2 c~st ~f the ejection. to Wh1~h Count} ^tl(rn~y Cuyler stated that th.. County is noL r"sponsible for these co~ts and any agreement would b~ bf2twef2n the FIr.. DIstrict and the Supcr~i50r ~f Elections. He notr~d Lhal f_hr~r': h'J3 n'~'.¡r::r bcpn ,) problem in the pasL with r~ards to paying the ççsts. commissioner Fister moveð, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution a8-152 calling a referendum elec- tieD within the Imrnokalee Fire Control ~istrict to determine if the electors approve expanding th3 bouhda¡~es, be adopted. ðOO( liP, w: Pag,=, i 3 25 JUr:f 19, 1988 Item HOB RESOLUTION 88-153 CALLInG l\ REFERErmUH ELECTIOII WITHIN THE GOLDr.N GJ\TE FIRE CONTROL' RESCUE DISTRICT TO DETERMINE IF THE ELECTORS APPROVE AN INCREASE H' MILLAGE FROM our: MILL TO ONE J\UD ONE-}fJ\LF MILLS WIT!! MINOR LANGUAGE CHANGES - J\DJPTED "- -~~------_.__..- - --."_._-----~"-~-- .----. C~unty Attarney Cuyler stated th~t Lhis resolution is to determine If th<.: el<.:o::tors In the Golden Gat,=, rlre CrJr,trol iJnd !'c,scue DI~jtrlcl will appry/e an incrc~,js" In 1"1] l~ry~ frrJm ] ml ¡ I to J-I/2 'TII]ls, ~djlwJ thðt he would like to mak" ð mInor change in the languagc under Section One of the questIon b'¡ ò<:,letlng the ',/'JrrJ "a-jrJltional' s~ thðt it reads -to authori~e a ~i]]age levy not to exceed 1-1/2 mil.s" and any other minor change to make It read appropriately, Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconðed by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-153 calling a referendum elec- tion within the Gol~en Gate Fire Control' Rescue District to deter- mine if the electors approve an increase in millage from one mill to one and one-half mills with minor language changes, be adopted. ðOj( 11ô,:,; 29 paCJ(! .4 J U r. '( I 9 , 1988 Item flOC RESOLUTIOll 88-154 CALLING A R¡:;FEREUDUH ELECTION WITHIN GOLDEN GATE FIRE C~NTROL , RESCUE DISTRICT TO DETERMINE IF THE ELECTORS APPROVE ASSESSING AND COLLECTING AN IMPACT FEE FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ON ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION ~ITHIN GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL' RESCUE DISTRICT - ADOPTED COIJntï Attorn"j C1J'¡lr:r st'Jt.t;'j '.h'Jt th1S rt; Jlut.ir}n W1 I] '1] 1"\0' th" electors to 3pprovt> asst>sslng 'Jnd c~l ¡t>cting an 1mpact fee for capital improYem~nts on all new constructlon w1thin thr> ~olden Catc f..r( Control & Rescue DIstrIct, pursuant '0 State legJslation. CommIssioner Plstor stated '.h;¡t ther" ðrr> rJiscr~pancies ln regards to how th" mIllage wi lJ b~ ~hargerj on r~s¡dr>ntiaj uniL5 versus nobi Ie homes. He noted Lhðt thIs ~houJd be clarifl"rj, Hc stat<:>d that hr~ feels that It<:!m 3a, b, anr~ c undr.,r t.he Stat" l('gislation is ar'oblguou5 and could present a probl~~. Hco stðt<:>d that. he; would suggest that even though the legIslation was pas5r>d Lhat waf. he would like .t indicated that the ßoard dId tak<:> note of this section. Commissioner Saundr>rs stal~d LhaL it has to be puL on the bdllot the way the legislatIon was passr.,d, adding that Lhe Hoard could ask the Legislative D~legaL¡on to c]arl[j It buL LhaL is all thaL the Board can do with regards to this. County Attorney Cuïlnr ~'aLcd that If Lhls passes, i L wi I j b<:: the first time any of the distrIcts arr., collecting a f~e and ~here will be problems which will have to be wQrk~d out with r~gards to th~ l~glsla- tion. ðDD~ llô or'. 33 Pag~ IS I r IDOf: 110 Pl'.~ 34 ,TULY 19, 1988 Mr. David Graham, stated that this fee will put another burden on affordable housing and Golden Gate is o~e of the last areas where ther~ is affordable ho:,s i ng. He noted that there are situations where impact fees would be of assistance, but in this case, the impact fee will do more harm than good. fie noted that by approving this, the people that ~an afford it least will be the ones that will be hurt the most. Commissioner Saunders stated that the County i~ mandated by legislation to do this, but.with regards to affordable housing, the Board has taKen a stand to support efforts for affordable housing and has directed Staff to come back with WdYS to reduce or delete impact fees for affordable housing. fie noted that until that report is brought back to the Board, there is nothing that can be done. comaissioner Pistor moved, secondeð by Commissioner Goodnight anð carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-154 calling a referendum elec- tion within the Golden Gate Fire Control' Rescue District to deter- aine it the electors approve the district assessing and collecting an impact tee for capital improvement on all new construction within the Golden Gate Fire Control' Rescue District, be adopted. Page l6 - - - &DOK l1B Fl'~ 38 JULY 19, 1988 Item fl0D SETTLEXENT OF LAWSUIT BY THE Bce VS. VANDERBILT BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, ET AL AND A REFUND OF WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - APPROVED County Attorney Cuyl~r stated that in 1981, the original developer paid water and sewer charges of $110,581.00 and building permits were issued in Decembcr, 1987 to Barclay Building Corporation for the Monte Carlo Condominium which resulted in a credit of $97,389,30 of the total amount originðlly paid, He noted that the balance of the impact fees held by the County "5 a credit is $13,191.70. He indicated that all parties involved in this lawsuit have reached a tentative s~ttle- """".""'" ment with terms that Vanderbilt Beach Development Corporation will receive S6,808.30 directly from First American Bank and Trust Company and the County will refund the S13,l91,70 to the original developer, Vanderbilt Beach Development Corporation. He noted that there will be no costs incurred by the County and he is asking for approval to settle this lawsuit, Commissioner pirtor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the County Attorney be authorized to settle the lawsuit regarding the Board of County Commi&sioners vs. Vanderbilt Beach Development Corporation, et al and refund the water and sewer system development charges. Item'10E RESOLUTION 88-155 \UTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A REFUNDIKG LOAN ~GREEMENT TO FINANCE THE REFUNDING OF A $1,800,000 LOAN FROK THE GULF BREEZE LOCAL GOVERNMENT I~AN PROGRAM - ~DOPTED Page 17 - - - JULY 19, 1988 County Attorney Cuyler stated that in April of last year, the County entered into a loan agr~ement a~d borrowed 51.8 million from Gulf Breeze Local Government Loan Progra,l1 for U'! purchase of a solid waste liner for the landfill. lie noted that in 1991 this loan would convert to a fixed ratc mcde and would result in an increase in t~c interest rate, adding that the Local Government L~an Program has available funds to finance a new loan to payoff the old loan which would result in a loan amount of 51,390,000 at a variable rate with substantially the same terms as tle original loan and will be used to refund the original loan of Sl.B million, lie noted that it is Staff's recommendation and the Clerk's recommendetion that this loan te refunded and a new loan of 51,390,000 be approved. Commissioner Saunders questioned if he colJld vote on this issue, to which County Attorney Cuyler replied affirmatively. County Manager Dorrill questioned if the Finance Committee reviewed this matter, to which Finance Director Yonko~ky stated that this was not presentpd to the Finance Committee, but bond people and staff did review it. County Manager Dorrill stated that he does net have any problem with this refunding, but he would ask that the normal procedure be followed in the future and have the Finance Committee review these matters. Commissioner pJgtor moveð, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and &OO( lIS w.( Page 18 39 , aDO( 116 Pl~( 40 JULY 19, 1988 carried unaniaously, that Resolution 88-155 authorizinq the execution and delivery of a refunðinq loan aqreement to finance the refundinq of a $1,800,000 loan from the Gulf Breeze Local Government Loan Program, be adopted. Page 19 - - - '----- - - - JULY 19, 1988 Ito UOF kL~LUTIOH 88-156 AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE NON-WAIVER AGREEMENTS WHEN DEEMED APPROPRIATE TO ALLOW THE FLORIDA MUNICIPAL SELF-INSURANCE FmlD TO DEFEND THE INTERESTS OF THE COUNTY - ADOPTED County Attorney Cuyler stated that the ~oard has authori~ed hi~ on previous agendð items to handle these matters, adding that he is requesting that a document be set that will allow him to execute non- waiver agreements when d~emed appropriate for defense purposes on behalf of the Board. C~iBBioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-156 authorizing the County Attorney to execute non-waiver agreements when ðeemed appropriate to allow the Florida Kunicipal Selt-Insurance Fund to defend the interests of the County, be adopted. ðOO( 11f).q 93' Page 20 - .. .. JULY 19, 1988 Item fl1AH2 BUDGET AKENDKENTS 88-308; 88-JlO/3l5; 88-317: 88-321/325; 88-328/337; AND 88-339/340 - ADOPTED Co=missioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 88-308; 88-310/315: 88-317; 88-321/325; 88-328/337; anð 88-339/340 be adopted. It.. fllA3 BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTICNS 88-29 AND 88-30 - ADOPTED Commissioner Goodnight moveð, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Buðget Amendment Re~olutions 88-29 and 88-30 be adopted. eoo( 116 ¡ .',r- 95 Page 2l &OO( 116 m( 98 JULY 19, 1988 ... Recess: 10:15 A.H. - Reconvened: 10:30 A.H. at which time Deputy Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Xenyon ... Itemf12A RESOLUTIO" NO. 88-157, APPOINTING RICHARD L. SWOPE TO THE PUBLIC VEHICLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - ADOPTED Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-157 appointing Hr. Richard L. Swope to the vacant position on the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee, as a Don-affiliated.member for the few months remaining of the present tera, and the four-year term beginning on September 2, 1988 and expiring OD September 2, lS92, be aðopted. Page 22 - aoo( 116 F1'~ 100 JULY 19, 1988 Item'12B APPOIKTKENTS AND REAPPOINTKENTS TO THE JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT (JTPA) PRIVAT~ INDUSTRY COUNCIL (PIC) FOR SERVICE DELIVERY AREA '20 - APPROVED Comaissioner pistor moveð, seconded by Commissioner GoOdnight and carried unanimouSly, to approve the below listed persons tor appoint- ments and reappointments to the JTPA Private Industry Council for Service Delivery Area 120: Three Year Terms: June 15, 1988 - June 14, 1991: Harry Cunninqham - Reappointment Jerry Ruttman - Reappointment David Bittner - Reappointment Robert Coker - Reappointment Mullis Thornton - Reappointment J. C. Spann - Reappointment Roseann Sampson - Reappointment Darlene Quindel - ~ppoint~ent Two Year Terms: June 15, 1988 - June 14, 1990: Dr. Thurman Kux - Appointment Philip Keyes - ~ppointment Donald Van Der Baan - Appointment One Year Term: Jun. 15, 1988 - June 14, 1989: David Kikelson - Appointment It.. '12C REQUEST FROK GREATER NAPLES LITTLE LEAGUE AllD SENIOR LEAGUE GIRLS SOFTBALL FOR A CONTRIBUTION IN THE AKOU1fT OF $500 - Jl.PPROVED Commission~r Pistor noted that the Board has contributed, for several years, to the subject organization, ðdding that the contribu- lions help defray the costs for trips that enable these young people Pagc 23 - - - ,,--_...~ JULY 19, 1988 to travel to Northern Florida for preliminary Yo""""" ;,,;vll'; Zt::l ~t':i>, etc. Clerk Giles stated that there is no problem in reimbursing this organization up to 5500, but as far as making a contribution of 5500, he advised that the law requires that bills be preaudited prior to payment being made. Commissioner Hasse indicated that the Little League must be cer- tain the bills can be paid when they are received, and questioned County Attorney Cuyler as to his advice on this matter? County Attorney Cuyler stated that it is imperative to ascertain that the fund~ are for public purpose, adding that if the Little League coordinates with the Cvunty, he is certain that something can be Agreed upon. Clerk Giles agreed with Mr. Cuyler, advising that ~ solution can be worked out. Co..iaaioner Haase moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, to approve $500 in fin~ncial Support for the Greater Naples Little League and Senior League Girls: Softball. Itea '12D - DELETED Itea 112E DISCUSSION REGARDING SLUDGE DISPOSAL IN COLLIER COUNTY - STAFF TO OFFER RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BOARD HITHIN THREE MONTHS REGARDING DISPOSAL OF SEPTIC, SLUDGE AND PORT-O-LET HASTE Commissioner Goodnight stated Lhat there is a problem with the dumping of sludge and sewage in A-l and A-2 areas within her district. &OO( 116 FI':: 101 Pagf' 24 ---. "'-'---- 1001: 116 F&',~ 102 JULY 19, 1988 She indicated that septic waste is being placed on varIous properties, and a lime base is being uscd to neutralize this waste. She noted that an incident of this nature occurred on Sabal Palm Road, within 1,000 yards of family dwelling units. She stated that she is requesting that Staff review these problems and return to the Board with recommendations of amending Ordinance 87-79, making it illegal to dispose of sludge in residential areas, ComMissioner Goodnight referred to a memorandum to Acting Community Development .Administrator Olliff from Environmental Science and Pollution Control Director Lorenz, which offers three options as to possible solutions regarding these problems. She suggested that Options 2, 3, and 4 be further reviewed and considered, adding that she is asking that Utilities Administrator Crandall advise of facili- ties that handle such waste, and the charges for same. She further suggested thot a report be provided as to the East Naples Plant, with the latest technology, for future consideration. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried cnanimously, that statt be directed to provide recommendations regarding the disposal of septic, sluðge and port-o-let waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Control Director Lorenz requested that Staff be given 3 months to conduct the evaluation. Commissioner Goodnight indicated that she is in agreement with Mr. Lorenz's request for the 3 month time-frame. Page 25 - - - JULY 19, 1988 Ttea 112Y RESOLUTION 88-158, APPOINTING COMMISSIONER PISTOR, COUNCILMAN HARVEY BROOJÅ“~, COUNCIL'fOMllN KIM 1\lfDERSON-MCDOlJALD, WILLIJ\K R. DOYLE, JOHN J. DOUGHERTY, JOSEPH FFENI, RAYMOND SINCER, JUDY 1\. KELLER, AND DAWN NORGRE" TO THE COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL- ADOPTED Commissioner Pistor noted that he has had discussions with sEveral people who have expressed a desire to serve on subject Council, adding that State Law dictate~ those that may be appointed, specifically: 1. The Chairman of the Board of CoJnty Commissioners or other member of the Board so designated. 2. 3. Two (2) members who shall be elected municipal officials, Three ()) members who are Owners or operators of motels, hotels or other tourist accommodations which would be subject to the proposed tax, 4 . Three ()) m~mbers who are involved i,l the tourist industry, but are not owners or operators of hotels, motels, etc. which would be-SÜbject to the proposed tax, Commissioner Saunders moved, seconðed by Commissioner Goodnight and carrieð unanimously, that Commissioner Pistor be appointed as designee of the Boarð of County Commissioners. Commissioner Goodnight mo?ed, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried unanimously, that Councilman Harvey Brookbank and Councilwoman Kia Anderson-McDonald be appointed as members serving as municipal officials. Commissioner Hasse moved, SecOnded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that William R. DoYle, John J. Dougherty, and Joseph Freni, Jr. be appointed as members serving as hotel/motel ðOO( 116 W,r 103' Page 26 - -.---- ------,",. -'""--- .~"-, -,_.... ....""" .", aOOK 116 Pi'.f.l04 JULY 19, 1988 owner. or operators. comalssioner plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight that Raymond singer, Judy ~eller and Dawn Norgren be appointed as members who are involved in the tourist inðustry, but are not owners or opera- tors of hotels, motels, etc. Motion carried 3/2 (Commissioners Hasse anð Saunders opposed). Commissioner Saunders stated that he has no problem with the three members appointed who are involved in the tourist industry, but are not owners or operators of hotels/motels, etc" but noted that he would like to see Mr. Michael McComas serve o~ the Council, adding that he is very active in the industry, and would be an asset as a member of the Tourist Development Council. Pðg" 27 - .. - ---"'-" .'..'H_,____, " 800< 116 1'.~l106 JULY 19, 1988 Iteml12G SELECTIOK OF COMMISSIONEn S~UNDERB ~S CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER GOODNIGHT AS VICE CHAIRM~N OF THE BO~RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - APPROVED Commissioner Glass stated that it is his intention to call for an election, at this time, for a new Chairman and Vice Chairman, He advised that he has made his decision, because of on-going election activities, adding th~t it is only fair that an individual serve as Chairman who does not have these concerns. He noted that he feels very strongly about the work that has been done by this Board, adding that as Chairman, he has enjoyed the support of the other four Commissioners, and feels they work together as a team, He further ~tated that Collier County has benefited greatly by the persons sitting on the current Board, and he personally has a close regard for all four individuals. In closing, Chairman Glass indicated that he feels that it is proper for him to announce at this time that he will step down, Commissioner Pistor questioned whet~er selecting a new Chairman at this time will be in conflict with the Ordinance regarding this mat- ter? County Attorney Cuyler replied negatively, adding that there is a provision in the Ordinançe that provides that the Vice Chairman will serve in the absence of the Chairman, but if the Chairman is actually stepping down and resigning, there needs to be a voLe, Page 28 - - - _._. "."".~n.""."."" JULY 19, 1988 Chair~an Glass stated that another Commissioner will be fulfilling his term as Chairman until November. At such time, he noted, as indi- cated by Ordinance, the ßoa~d as constituted at that time, will have an election for Chairman and Vice Chaír~an, comaissioner Hasse moveð, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Vice Chai~an Saunders be nominated as Cb a i %'111.& n , Co..is.ioner Pi. tor moved that Commissioner Goodnight be nooi- Dated as Vice Chairman. Coaaissioner Saunders moveð that Commissioner Hasse be nominated ~s Vice Chairman. Commissioner Hasse declined the nomination. co..issioner Glass sec?nded Commissioner Pistor's motion, which carried unanimously. co..i..ioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the following items be approved and/or adopted under the Consent ~genða: Item 114Bl SUPPLEXE~7~L AGREEMENT S^-08 TO DID 86-913, AIRPORT-PULLING RO^D IKPROVEKEHTS (CR 896 to 846) See Pages ~ - /3/ It.. '14B2 INTERIM ROAD IMP~CT FEE P~YMENT lGREEHENT WITH HDC II LTD. FOR BUILDING PERMITS NOS. 86-1780 , 86-2174, HOKE DESIGN CENTER II See Pages 1.3~ - I fS It.. '14B3 RESOLUTION NO. 88-~59, ^LLOWING USE OF COUNTY ROADWAYS AS A TRAFFIC DETOUR DURING THE SIX LANING OF U.S. 41 BETWEEN SOLANA ROAD AND PINE RIDGE RO^D Page 29 6DO( 116, L¡ 107 .".."."-_."-,,... aoo( 116 Fj',: 108 JULY 19, 1988 See Pages , J-j. (, It.. ']484 FI1~L ACCEPTANCE OF RO~DWAY AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS IN REGENT PARK ~{D RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE SECURITY FROM CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN NATIOØAL BANK IN THE AMOUNT OF $107,543,33 Ite. 114B5 BID NO. 88-1270, WELL nIST~LLATION, GOLDEn GATE PARKWAY (PlIA8ES II, III' IV) AWARDED TO GOLDEN GATE ~ELL DRILLING IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,500 Legal notice having been publisheð in the Na¡,les Daily News on June 21, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Bids were openeð at 2:30 P.M. on July 6, 1988. Itea ,14B6 FUND 307 BUDGET AMENDKENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,500 FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE KARCO ISLAND BRMlCH LIBRARY Ite. fHC2 LIBRARY AUTOKATION CONSULTANT SELECTION RMlKING AND AUTHORIZATION TO ØEGOTIATE WITH FIRST RANKED FIRM, RKG CONSULT~NTS, INC. Ite. f14C3 INSURANCE PROVISIONS AND RULES AND REGUJ~TIONS FOR GROUPS SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT THE GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER See Pages ~ 7 - 150 Itea fHD1 ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES FOR THE NORTH NAPLES MEDICAL CENTER See Pages oR &ð/(. 1.3¿,9 f~ó?~ý ~ tR6'? Ite. fUEl RESOLUTION NO. 88-160, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF $110 FOR WALKAKERICA TROPHIES AND PLAQUES Pðge 30 ~ - -- ,-....-.,.....".,-,..,..-. .".,~,,:, ._, ,"",- - - --. -.- .- JULY 19, 1988 See Pages ¡s/ It.. fUE2 RESOLUTIO~~. 88-161, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF $19.02 FOR BID DFKONSTRATIO~ REFRESHMENTS See Page /S:J.. It.. IHE) BID »0.88-1261 AWARDED TO CULLIG}~ WATER CONDITIONING FOR THE PURCHASE OF BOTTLED WATER, COOLERS AND ACCESSORIES FOR VARIOUS COUNTY DEPARTKE1o'TS Legal notice having b~en publi3hed in th~ Naples Daily News on May 20, 1988, as evidenced bï Affidavi~ of Publication filed with the Clerk, Bids were opened at 2:30 P,M. on June 8, 1988. Itea U4F1 COØSENT AGENDA ITEKS APPROVED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER DURING THE BOARD'S ABSENCE FROM JUNE 17TH THROUGH JULY 18, 1988 BUDGET AMENDKENT TRlIlfSFERRING ~ONIES FROM THE COMMUNITY PARKS CIP RESERVE BUDGET TO THE INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITY PARKS CAPITAL OPERlITING BUDGETS. FllfAL PLAT OF THE VINEYARDS, UNIT THREE WITH STIPULATION Final plat not to b~ recorded Jntil the required improvements have been constructed and acce~ted and that all construction be completed within thirty-six (35) months. ACCEPTANCE OF LONGSHORE LAKES PHASE 1- WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES See Pages O.R. ßook 1359, Pages 1-36 ACCEPTANCE OF WINTERPARK CONDOMINIUMS, EASTERN PART OF PHASE II - SEWER FACILITI 9 See Pages O.R, Book 1360, Pages 2217-22~4 Page 31 &DO( 116 ØI',( 109 -"'.'-""--""'-"--- aao( 116 f'l'.t liD JULY 19, 1988 ACCEPTANCE OF COUNTRYSIDE, PHAGE III - WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES See Pages O.R. Book 1360, Pages 2203-2216 ACCEPTANCE OF MOON LAKE, PHASE A , B, ON-SITE l~D OFF-SITE WATER AND SrwER FACILITIES See Pages O.R. Book 1360, Pages 22~5-2250 ACCEPTANCE OF WINDSTAR, TENNIS VILLAGE SEWER FACILITIES See Pages O.R. Book 1364, Pages 1022-1043 SOCIAL SERVICES CASE IW-7206 BID 188-1247, NATIONWIDE ADVERTISING SERVICES FOR ADVERTISEMENT PLACEXENT SERVICES Legal notice having been ~ublished in the Naples Daily News on May 2, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Bids were opened at 2:30 P,M. on May l3, 1988, SALES CONTRACT AND STATUTORY DEED RE SALE OF PROPERTY IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES See Pages -L~~ -/t,o BUDGET AMENDMENT TRJUISFERRING FUNDS WITHIN THE SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT NAPLES LMlDFI LL ORGÞ.NI ZATION 34 31 FOR SITE IMPROVEMENT FINAL PLAT, IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES, PHASE 5, WITH STIPULATION Plat not to be rcCQrded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted and that all construction be com- pleted within thírLy-six (36) months. PRELIKINARY ACCEPTANCE OF ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR YANCERBILT VIL! \S Page 32 - - - --_.-, JULY 19, 1988 AWARD BID '88-12~2, TENtlIS COURT RESURfACING, TO INTERNATIONAL SPORTS ::ï1::P.VICES Of TMH'ú!1 SPRWGS HI M1OUIIT OF $9, 7~t\, 32 AWARD BID 188-1260, SHUFFLEBOARD COURTS AT GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CEHTER, TO KCLEAN TEIrNIS COUR1 COW3TRUCTION OF BRADENTON IN AMOUNT OF $10,737.86 SEE~ ^PPROPRIATION FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT CONFISC~~10N TRUST FUND FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF A DRUG EDUCATION/PREVENTI;,~ CURRICULUM: AND TO LEASE DIGITAL PAGERS FOR USE BY TH~ VICE, INTELLIGENCE, NARCOTICS UNIT ACCEPTMfCE OF EASEMEUT DOCUMEUTS RELATED TO THE "NORTH COUNTY WATER TAA1fSMISSION MAUl" PROJECT See Page:> -Lc,/ ... /70 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.333 - "WIGGINS LAKE" SECTION 16, TOWMSHIP 48 BOUTH, AA1fGE 25 EAST: ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WIGGINS PASS ROAD, KIDWAY BETWEEN VANDERBILT DRIVE (CR 31) A~D U.S. 41; BOUNDED ON WEST BY GULF HARBOR RO~D AND ON SOUTH BY PAN AM AVENUE AND GULF HARBOR SUBDIVISION EXC^VATIOK PERMIT NO. 59.328 - "SHADOIOfOOD PARK" - SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST: NORTH SIDE OF RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1 MILE WEST OF CR-951; BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY PAR~ER f S HAMMOCK MID ON THE KORTH AIm EAST BY SHADOIOfOOD P. U. D. (FORMERLY WINGS SOUTH SUBDIVISION). FINAL PL^T OF TURNBURY SUBDIVISION, WITH STIPULATION Final plat not to be recorded until the required improvem~nts have been constructed and accepted and that all construction be completed within thirty-six (36) months, AGREEMENT BETWEEN O.D. 06CELOA, SR. MID THE BOARD FOR USE OF COUNTY PROPERTY FOR A SEMINOLE INDIAN ~VENT See Pages 17/- /7tf TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY FROM ONE GOVERNMENT ENTITY TO ANOTHER (UTILITIES DEI \RTMENT) Pagp. 33 m( 116 w.~ 111 '"" " ",-""""",,.__.. aoo( 116 wr 112 JULY 19, 1988 See pag~-L 75 - /~o APPRAISAL CO~RACT8 WITH STEWART' STEPHAN AND COASTAL ENGINEERING COKSULTABTS FOR THE PROPOSED COLLIER COUNTY REGIONAL PARK See Pages / f / - / q ~ , LEASE AGRE~MENT BETWEEN BOARD AND JOHN PAULICH, JR. AND JOSEPHINE PAULICH FOR UTILIIZATIOU OF OFFICE SPACE BY SHERIFF'S OFFICE See Pages /9.3 - ;;. 03 AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TRASH COMPACTOR AND 40 YARD TRASH CONTAInER, CURRENTLY BEING RENTED BY THE COUNTY Waive biding requirement and purchase from Yahl Brothers in amount of $7,550,00 and transfer funds from General Fund reserves to the Building Mainlenance Services fund. AUTHORIZATION FOR OBLIGATION OF $45,000 FROM ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND (313) FOR SURVEYING SERVICES OF EXTENDING 25TH AVENUE s.W., EASTWARD APPROXIMATELY BEVEN MILES TO CONNECT WITH UNIT 88, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES ~IVER OF STANDARD BID PROCEDURE RE PURCHASE OF VAN BY NAPLES LEADERSHIP SCHOOL ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES, BERKSHIRE LAKES, UNIT I See Pages O,R, Book 1367, Pages 1737-J763 CONTRACT BETWEEtr CounTY AND DOUG REINTHAL, RE NAPLES WILDERNESS ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM, AS INSTRUCTOR FOR EXPEDITION 12 See Pages ~ 0 f -.;2 0 C, APPRAISAL CONTRACTS, STEWART' STEPHAN' DONALD JOHNSON, FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY DEWEY GARGUILO, TRUSTEE See Pages a () 7 - ¿). /7 Page 34 - - - JULY 19, 1988 ^?FRAISAL CONTRACTS, WOODWARD S. HANSON AND ~USHMAN STO~E~ ARKALAVAGE, INC., FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMPLEX PROPERTY See PacE's d</f'-~~7 Item I14F2 BUDGE"!' AMENDMENTS TJU\NSFERRING MONEY FROM GENEJU\L FUND 001, UTILITIES DIVISION FUNDS 441, 431, 408, AND PLANNING AND ZONING FUND 111 IN SUM TOTAL OF $9,750.04 TO KA~E PAYMENT TO THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS FOR ELECTIO~-RELATED SERVICES RENDERED Itea I14G1 SOLICITATION OF VARIOUS ASSOCIATIONS AND AREA RESIDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PHASE I FIRE CONSOLIDATION STUDY Naples Park Association Greater Naples Ci~ic ^s~ociation Lakewood Association Pine Ridge Civic Association Golden Gate Taxp~yers Association Golden Gate Civic Association Marco Island Civic Association Marco Island Taxpayers Association League of Women Voters The Hotel-Motel ^ssociations Pelican Bay Association Llttle Hickory Homeowners Association Selected area residents from Immokalee, It.a . HH1 Ochopee'and Everglades City RESOLUTION NO. 88-162, APPOINTING IRVING L. DERZON, IRA E. EVANS, DOD 1ffiAS0WSJtI, ELLIE ~RIER, JOHN MANISXA, DR. JON C. STAIGER, AND HEnRY STROZIER TO THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE See Pages ~ ~ r &OO( 11ô Pl':{ 11~ Page 35 100( 116 w.r 114 Item '14I1 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS 1987 No. 347 Nos. 348 - 350 Ho. 35l No. 352 Ho. 353 Hos. 354 - 355 No. 356 No. 357 No. 299 Dated Dated Dated Dated Dated Dated Dated Dated Dated 1987 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY Nos. l27 - 128 No. l29 tlos. 13 0 - 13 I No. 13 2 Nos. l33 - 1~4 No. 13 5 Dated Dated Dated Dated Dated Dated Ite. 11412 JULY 19, 1938 4/11/88 4/13/88 4/14/88 4/l8/88 4/29/88 5/05/88 5/06/88 5/ll/88 5/l2/88 6/20/88 7/05/88 7/06/88 7/07/88 7/08/88 7/11/88 GAIN TIME FOR INMATES NOS. 46609, 41427, 43018, 27804, 48299, 23488, 46690,37399, 56990, 42217, 53894, 43914, 57044, 37023, 56420, 54668, Ite.114I3 SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages ;).~f -c)."1'i Item 114I KISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the following correspondence was filed 1. and/or referred to the various departments as in"icated below: Letter dated 06/07/88 from William K. Clark, Executive Director, Are~ Agency on Aging, re Semi-Annual CCE & Title III-ß Visit, and copy of the Semi-Annual Monitoring Report - - Page 36 - JULY 19, 1988 "'1I...lv.:.-=:d [.::-; ::.::-::;c;- County Services f'):: ser.iors progrðm. Filed. 2. M<:>morandum datfõ>d 06/04/88 to Board of Directors, from William K, Clark, E~ecutive Director, Area Agency on Aging, re June 16, 1988 Board Me~tin9. Filed, Letter dated OS/24/88 from Lawrence Bunin, P.A., advising that he is representing Moody & Sons, Inc., re Bid #88-112] - Wheel Loader, M, D. Moody & Sons, Inc. Rcferred to Neil r~rrill, Ken Cuyler, and filed. 3. 4. Letter dated 06/08/88 from Frank J, Rua, Property ManagemenL Division, City of Naples, advising of the City of Naples updated lot mowing program. Referred to ACC, Neil Dorrill, George Archibalrj, and filed. 5. Letter dated 06/13/88 from Joan D, Owens, Collier Mosquito Control District, to James Giles, submitting ð revision to Regular Meeting Sçhedu]e for 1987-88 Fiscal Year. Filed. Letter dated 06/09/88 from Sandra ~I. Whitmire, Chief, Bureau of Public Safety Management, Department of Community Affairs, re 87-CJ-45-09-21-01-1l3/Immokalee Youth Guidance volunteer Program, Referred to Kevin O'Donnell, Cynthia Conners, and filed, 6. 7. Memorandum dated 06/08/88 to All Small Cities CDßG Recipients, from Corinne M. Sharpe, Chief, Bureau of Housing and Community Assistance, Department of Community Affairs, re Federal Bonding Requirements for CDBG Programs. Referred to Tern Olliff, Wanda Jones, and filed. 8. Memorandum dated 06/20/88 from Corinne M, Runhklc, Chief, Bureau of Housing and Community Assistance, Department of Community Affairs, re 1988 Small Cities COBG Implementation Workshop, Referred to Tom Olliff, Wanda Jones, and filed. Heceived 06/23/88 letter from Thomas G, Pelham, Secretary, Department of Community Affairs, enclosing executed contracts between DCA, Collier County and City of Naples which covers reserve funding to be received under Local Government Planning Assistance Program. Referred to Tom Olliff, Ch~rles Gauthier, and filed. 9. 10. 06/22/88 Grant A1justment Notice for Immokalee Youth Guidance Volunteer Program, budget reduction and revise closeout for Grant No, 87-CJ-45-09-21-01-l13. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Kevin O'Donnell, and filed. Page 37 ~OO( 1iR W.f 115 aoaK 116w.~116 l1. 12. JULY 19, 1988 L~tter dated 06/08/88 from Douglas L. fry, Environmental Manager, Department of Environmental Regulation, encl~sing short form application (File No. lllS0368S and IllS0394S), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, Ed Proffitt, and filed. Letter dated 06/02/98 from Carrie Phillips, Environmental Specialist, Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, enclosing standard form application (File No. 13l50l809, fL Dept. of Transportation), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, and filed. 13. Letter dated 06/]3/88 from Douglas L. fry, Environmental Manager, Department of Environmental Regulation, enclosing short form application (File No. lI1506065), which invol~es dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, Ed Proffitt, and filed. Letter dated 06/17/88 from Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Manager, Department of Environmental Regu:ation, enclosing short form applic~tion (file No, lllS0841~), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to ~erog~ Archibald, Natural Resources Department and filed, 14. l5. Letter dated 06/30/88 from Louis M. Fendt, Jr" Branch Manager, Department of Environmental Reg~lation, enclosing short from application (File No, lll5133~5), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to George Archibald, tlatural Resourc(!s Department and filed. l6. Letter dated 06/30/88 from Louis M. Fendt., Jr., Branch Manager, Department of Environmental Regulation, enclosing short form application (File No, lll5137~5), which involves dredge and fill activities. Referred to George Archibald, Natural Resources, and filed, 17 . Letter dated 06/29/88 from Trudie D. Bel;, Environmental Specialist, Standard Permitting Section, Department of Environmental Regulation, enclosing a standard form applica- tion (File No. 11l509769) , Longshore Lakf?s Joint Venture), which involves dredge and fill activitie5. Referred to George ArchibaJd, Natural Resources, and filed, l8. Memorandum dated 06/13/88 from Charles B. Knight, Environmental Administrator, Department oJf Natural Resources, regarding Rookery Bay and Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Island Aquatic Preserve Management Plan and enclosing public ccm- Page 36 - .. - ".."'.---' , ...",.-...-..-----..,..-,..,..,..--,"'...., ,,"..,.--............... 19. 20. 21. - JULY 19, 1988 ~e~ts summary of the substantive amendments. Neil Dorrill, and filed. Referred to L~tter dated 06/08/88 to Sam Colding, Property Appriaser, from W, R. Howðrd, Secretary, D<;!vil's Gðrden Water Control District, advising of 1988 Maintenance & Operating Expenses. Fi led, :'~emorandum dated OS/26/88 to Robert Fahey, Solid Waste Director, from Ronald f. Cook, CPA, re Solid Waste Disposal Interim Financial Statements (or the period ended April 30, 1988. Referred to ßCC, Lori lalka, and filed. Memorandum dated OS/26/88 to Thomas Cran~all, Utilities Administrator, from Ronald F, Cook, CPA, re Marco Water and Sewer District Interim financial Stat~ments for the period ended April 30, 1988, Referred to ßCC, Lori lalka, and filed. 22. Memorandum dated OS/26/88 to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Administrator, from Ronald F, Cook, CPA, re Goodland Water District interim financial statements for the period ended April 30, 1988, Referred to BCC, Lori lalka, and filed, 23. Memorandum dated OS/26/88 to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Administrator, from Ronald F, Cook, CPA, re County Water-Sewer District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended April 30, 1988, Referred to BCC, Lori lalka, and fi led. 24. Memorandum dated OS/26/88 to Jay Reardon, Acting EMS Direc- tor, from Ronald F, Cook, CPA, re EMS In~erim Financial Statements for the period ended April 30, 1988, Referred to BCC, Lori lalka, and filed. 25. Memorandum dated ~6/l7/88 to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Administrator, fr~m Ronald F. Cook,. CPA fe Goodland Water District interim financial statements for the period ended May 31, 1988, ~eferred to BCC and filed. Memorandum dat~d 06/17/88 to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Administrator. from Ronald F. Cook, CPA re County Water-Sewer District interim financial statements for the period ended May 31, 1988. Referred to ßCC and filed. 26. 27. Memorandum dated 06/17/88 to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Administrator, from Ronald F. Cook, CPA re Marco Water and Sewer Die~rict interim financial statements for the period ended May 31, 1988. Referred to ßCC and filed. Page 39 aoo( 116 r1',< 117 aDo,; 116 wl118 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. JULY 19, 1988 ~morandum dated 06/17/88 to Jay Reardon, Acting EMS Director, from Ronald f. Cook, CPA, re EMS interim financial statements for th~ period ended May 31, 1988. Referred to BCC and filed. Memorandum dated 06/17/88 to Dan Pucher, Fleet Management Director, from R~nald F. Cook, CPA, regarding Fleet Management/Motor Pool interim financial statements for the period ended Mat 3l, 1988, Referred to acc and filed. ~morandum dat£!d 06/17/88 to Robert Fahey, Solid Waste Director, from Ronald f. Cook, CPA, re Solid Waste Disposal interim financial stat~ments for the period ended May 31, 1988. Referred to BCC and filed. Memorandum dated 06/17/88 to Sherry Rynde:s, Risk Management Director, from Ronald F. Cook, CPA, re Workers Compensation Insurance interim financial statements for the period ended May 3l, 1988. Referred to BCC and filed. Memorandum dated ~6/01/88 to BCC, from John A, Yonkosky, CPA, Finance Director, attaching a software evaluation report from Arthur Young & Co" for financial software. Referred to BCC and filed, 34. Received 06/13/88 Application to increase wastewater rates to its customers in Collier County, from Florida Cities Water Company. Referred to Ken Cuyler, Tom Crandall and filed. Letter dated OS/23/88 from Virgil ~. Choate, Correctional Officer Inspector II, Florida Department of Corrections, re corrective action response - follow up inspections. Filed, 35. Letter dated OS/25/88 from Norman E. feder, District Director, Florida Department of Transportation, enclosing Tentative Five Year Transportaiton Plan July, 1988 through June 30, 1993. Referred to BCC and filed. 36. Minutes: A, 05/l0/88 06/l4/88 06/l6/88 OS/26/b8 OS/2r/88 OS/2t>/88 OS/25/88 C6/06/88 Golden Gate Parkway Heautification and Agenda CCPC Agenda Marco Island Beach Renourishmcnt Collier Soil and Water Conservation District CCPC Public Hearing - Growth Mgmt. Plan Wiggins Pass Area Advisory Committee Ochopee Fire Control District Adv. Committee ß. C. D. E. f, G. Page 40 - - - JULY 19, 1988 11- 1. U5/26/tH! 06/21/88 06/29/88 06/01/88 OS/25/88 06/07/89 06/29/88 06/02/88 07/12/88 Board Library Advi~u[y nUd[J Homeless Committee and Ag~nda & 06/02/88 CCPC Public Hearings HCC Workshop - Growth Management & 05/03/88 - Marco Island Beautification Homeless Commíttee and 07/13/88 Agenda CCPC and 07/07/88 Agenda Agenda Golden Gate Parkway Heautification J. r. . L, M. H. O. 37. Letter dated OS/27/88 from L. Thomas Giblin, Nabors, Giblin, Steffens & Nickerson, P,A., enclosing the first draft of the bond resolution for Marco Water and Sewer District Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1~88. Referred to BCC and filed. 38. !/otice to Owner dated 06/08/88 from O'Connell Insulation Co., informing that labor and materials have been furnished for the installation of fiberglass insulation and acoustical ceiling for the improvement of the Marco Island Library. Referred to Neil Dorríll, Skip Camp, and filed. 39. 06/29/88 letter from Brenda L. Reed, Agent, for Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation, advising that they furnished insu- lating m~terials for Marco Island Library under an order given by O'Connell Insulation, Referred to Kevin O'Donnell, Skip Camp 3nd filed. Copy of letter dated 06/06/88 from Peter Schnall, Claims Supervisor, Penn General Services, regarding Collier County ncc, Employee: Kurt Louis Gibbs, D/A: IO/05/87. Referred to Leo Ochs and Sherry Rynders, 40. 41. Received 06/l0/88 Application for Transfer or Amendment of Certificate, to Public Service Commission, "pursuant to Section 367.071, FL Stat" re Riverwood Associates, Seller, and Rookery Bay Utili~y Company, buyer, ~eferred to Neil Dorrill, Tom Crandall, Ken Cuyler, and filed, Received 06/l3/88 Notice of Hearing to Marco Island Utilities, rc Docket No. 870743-SU. Referred to Ken Cuyler, Tom Crandall, and filed. 42. 43. 06/27/88 Order approving Stipulation in Settlement regarding North Naples Utilities, Inc. for a Staff-Assisted Rate Case in Collier CounLy, Docket No. 870654-WS, Order No, 19574, Referred to Ken Cuyler, Tom Crandall, and filed, 44. Letter d .ted 06/30/88 from Bruce Scheiner re Alice Jane Sheehan, D/A 06/llt'88, File No, 4969-88. Referred to Ken Cuyler, Sherry Rynders, Sheriff Aubrey Rogers, and filed. Pa<)e 41 !OO( 1.16 WI 11D iDOf: 11ô W( 120 JULY 19, 1988 45. L~tter dated 06/30/88 from Bruce Scheiner re David Patrick Sheehan-minor, D/A 06/ll/88, File No, 4970-88, Referred to Ken Cuyler, Sherry Rynders, Sheriff Aubrey Rogers, and filed, Letter d~ted 06/24/88 from Kenneth R. Hakanson, Division Manager, Sewell, Todd & Broxton, Inc" re File No. 81222, Date of Occurrence October 29, 1987, Claimant: N, fl. Denizman, ReCerred to Ken Cuyler, Sherry Rynders, and filed. 46. 47. Letter dated 06/28/88 from Jim David Schumake, P,A., re State v. Lester; Lester v, Collier County Animal Control. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrill, Ken Cuyler, and filed. 48. Letter dated 06/08/88 from Anne Roth, Director, Regulatory Administration Division, South Florida Wat~r Management District, re confirmation of application withdrawal Master Plan Update for Water Management Dist. No, 6, Collier County. Referre:J to ~ cil Dorrill, George Archibald, John Boldt, and filed, 49. Letter dated 06/08/88 from Anne Roth, Director, Regulatory Administration Division, South Florida Water Managtement District, re confirmation of application withdrawal US-4l Outfall Swales, Collier County. Referred to Neil Dorri1l, George Arcnibald, John Roldt and filed. Addendum dated 06/14/88 from the Charlotte County BCC, advising that they concur with the inter-local agreement bet- ween the Southwest Florida Private Industry Council, Inc. and the Southwest Florida Job Training Consortium and agrees that Collier County ACC act a5 lead county. 50. 51. Addendum dated OS/26/88 from the Glades County BCC, advising thtt they concur with the inter-local agreement between the Southwest Florida Private Industry Council, Inc. and the Southwest Florida Job Training Consortium and agrees that Collier County BCC act as lead county. 52. Addendum dated OS/24/88 from the Hendry County BCC, advising they concur with the inter-local agreement between the Southwest Florida Private Industry Council, Inc, and the Southwest Florida Job Training Consortium and agrees that Collier County ACC act as lead county. 53. Memorandum dated 06/21/88 from the U,S. Department of Transpor~ation, to all Section 9 Recipients and State DOTs re Lapsing c'Y 1985 Section 9 Funds. Referred to) .Teff Perry, George Archibald, and filed, Page 42 .. - - ~"----_.. ," JULY 19, 1988 *** There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned br Order of the ':hair - Time: ll:OO A./'I. DOARD OF COUrITY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERHING BOARD (5) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS COHTROL ATTEST: JAMES C. GILES, CLERK #A' ,~~JY;¿~'..,: :~;. ~. J ~£J.c . r J~ . -; .: -.. . . :::. C . '# " . ::':-'1" It.r) " .. .~~.. \°,..' :~. '::;, Tqe\.e- lIIi,nbtes approved by the Board on a~ 'pr~rft~i' ------ ~ ~A //r~ or "s corrected aoo( 11R W.í 121 Page 43