BCC Minutes 08/02/1988 R - - - Naples, Florida, August 2, 1985 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County C~mmissioners in and for the County of r.nllt..., .....f1 _1..,.. --+-'"-: ...... +-~- D':'~r':! -::of Z~!'.in~ Appeals and áS the 7overning board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in BUilding "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following ..abers present: CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders VICE CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight .John A. Pistor Arnold Lee Glass' Max A. Hasse ALSO PRESENT: .Jaa.s C. Giles, Clerk; .John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Maureen Kenyon, Dalila Mendez, and Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff, Acting Community Development Administrator; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Philip Scheff, Dave Weeks, and Dwight Nadeau, Planners; Toa Crandall, Ut!lities Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; .James Reardon, Emergency Management Director; Lori lalka, Budget Director; Nancy Israelson, Administrative A.sistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. ~OO~ 116 Plr.~ 489 Page 1 -,.. lOOK l1ô'I"~ 496 Tape .1 It.. .3 AUGUST 2, 1988 AGDDA - APPRovRD WITH ClL\JfGES CO8ai..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by,Comai..ioner S...e and carried unaniaously, that the agenda be approved with the following changes: 1. 2. Item 9Al - re Bid #88-1290 - continued to August 16, 1988 Item 12C - Discussion re financing newspaper ad for maps of voting districts - Added. Item 1483 moved to Item 9B2 re resolution revoking Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for Always Dependable Transportation, Inc., Royal Windsor Limousines and Diaaond Limousines, Inc. Item 1484 re authorization for staff to negotiate a contract with Conservancy - continued to 8/16/88 Item 14Cl moved to Item 9C4 re turf and field maintenance for Gulf Coast Little League at Lely Baseball complex for 1988/89. 3. 4. :'i. It.. ." MI~ OF SPECIAL MEETING OF.JUNE 15, 19S8 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED ~s.ioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Cocmi..ioner Goodnight and carried ananlaously, that the 8inute. of .June 15, 1988, be approved as presented. It.. .SA EVELYX GLEKI, UTILITIES DIVISIOK, RECOGNIZED AS EMPLOYEE OF THE MaRTH FOR AUGUST, 1988 Co..issioner Saunders read a letter and presented Ms. Evelyn Glenn with a S~O.OO check, recognizing her as Employee of the Month for August, 19S8. Page 2 - -.--- - - ... - - - AUGUST 2, 1988 Ite. .SB PROCLAMATIOX EXPRESSING APPRECIATION AND COMMENDATION TO NAMED IHDrvIDUALS FOR THEIR DEDICATION AND EFFORTS TO IMPROVE THE HOUSING COHDITIOKS OF FAJUoß -RXERS IN THE IMMOULEE COMMtmITY - ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamation, Comal..ioner Goodnight moved, .ecoD4ed by Coaai.sioner Pistor and carried unanlmously, that the prOClaaation expre.sing apprecJatlon and co..endation to naae lndivi- dual. for their dedication and efforts to i.prove the hou.lng con- ditions of taraworker8 in the Iaaokalee Co88Unity be adopted. aoo( l1ÔP1r.! 497 Page 3 " .,"----,. AUGUST 2, 1988 It.. .I5C PROCLAKATIOR DESIGNATING NOVEMBER 5, 1988, AS SPECIAL OLYMPICS DAY IN COLLI,p. COUNTY - ADOPTED Coaalssioner S.~nders read the proclamation designating November 5, 1988, as Special Olympics day, noting that he i. a volunteer of Special Olympics. CO8ai..ioner Pi. tor moved, seconded by Coaais.ioner Goodnight and carried unanlaously, that the proClaaation deslgnating Noveaber S, 1988, as Special Olympics Day in Collier County be adopted. Mr. Paul Sicarelli showed a video that was done in Tallahassee by a news station to show everyone what the special olympics games are all about. He stated that the whole objective is to give Collier County So.e exposure as this is a volunteer program and they are trying to raise money for the special olympics. He noted that this is a very helpful and beneficial organization for the community and all the children involved, adding that he thanks the Board for this proclaaation on behalf of all the olympians. &OO( 11f),1';! 499 Page 4 -, AUGUST 2, 1985 lte. .6B1 ORDIKAðCE 88-63 RE PETITION PDA-88-7C, RICHARD L. KLAAS, PRESIDENT, LELY DEVELoPMElfr CORPORATION RE AMENDMENT TO LELY BAREFOOT BEACS Pt7D BY CBAXGIRG ANGUILLA LANE SETBACK, BY PERMITTING USE OF THE ACTIVE COKKCKITY RECREATIO. AREA, AND BY DEDICATING TRACTS "M", "N", AND "0" TO COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED SUB.JECT TO AMENDMENT OF PaD DOCUMENT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 24, 19S8, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition PDA-S8-7C, filed by Richard L. Klaas, President of Lely Development Corporation, requesting an amendment to the Lely Barefoot Beach PUD by amending Section 4.3, minimum setbacks, by changing Anguilla Lane setbacks from 25 feet to 10 feet; by amending Section 12.2.b, additional permitted uses tract, to permit use of active community recreation area by designees or owners of said recreation parcel; by amending Section 16.3, deeding of Tract wM", "N" and "0" by changing the dedication of the aangrove wetland tract from the State to Collier County. Planner Nadeau stated that this is an amendment to the Lely Barefoot Beach PUD and is a language amendment, adding that lands to the north are zoned PUD and A-2; lands to the east are zoned POD, and RSF-4; lands to the south are zoned A-2 "Sf"; and to the west is the Gulf of Mexico. He noted that lands to the north are mostly undeve- loped cleared land; lands to the east are developed with a multi- faaily condominium project and a single-family residential neighborhood; and lands to the south are undeveloped wetlands. He noted that the proposed amendment is a language change which will .;; 11R W.f 501 Page 5 -.; aoO( 116 i'lr.r. 502 AUGUST 2, 1988 reduce the setback requirements in the gatehouse complex from 25 feet to 10 feet, which would be consistent with the development standards in the condominium POD to the north as well as the single-family setbacks in the Lely Barefoot 8each PUD, also a language change to dedicate the mangrove preserve ~:ea Tract "M", "H", and "0" from the State DNR to Collier County, as well as providing for additional USes in the active comøunity recreation area tract. He noted that Staff has reviewed this request and has determined that it is in compliance with the Co.prehensive Plan based upon the analysis contained in Item #4 of the etatt report. He indicated that the Staft and all appropriate County agencies reviewed this petition and had no objection to its approval, adding that the CCPC held their public hearing and recommended appro- val subject to Staff stipulations and the following stipulation that only property owners or residents of Lely Barefoot Beach POD may use the active coaaunity recreation area. He noted that the Petitioner's representative did not agree with that stipulation and, therefore, would not sign the agreement sheet. He noted that there were two people that spoke in OPposition to this petition and their concerns were based on the increased traffic and intensity of use within the PUD with regards to the recreation area. He stated that there were also two letters of opposition received stating the same concerns. noted that this petition is being forwarded to the Board with a recom- .endat1on of approval. Coaaiesioner Pistor stated that he has some concerns with regards Page 6 - - - He AUGUST 2, 1988 to the li8itations on the use of the recreation area. He stated that this could be a possible relief to the County if this recr~at1on area is available for the use of the public. Planner Nadeau stated that the PUD requires that a site develop- aent procedure be followed for any land uses in the Lely Barefoot Beach POD, adding that when ~hey come in to develop that active recreation area, tL 're will be a chance to review the parking for it. Co..issioner Pi.tor stated that if this restriction is put in stating that only residents of Lely Barefoot Beach PUD will be able to use it, the use for the site development plan would be limited. Hr. Robert Braswith, in-house counsel for Lely Development Corporation, stated that there is an access road that comes from Bonita Beach Road to the County park which is located on the south end of this site, adding that the County Park access can only be obtained throuqh this particular road so it will be used by the public. He indicated that there will be a parking problem for the County because much of the area adjacent to the land is extremely sensitive and will not be able to be disturbed. He stated that he is requesting that the active coaaunity recreation area be regarded as anyone's property so that everyone could partake in the facilities. He stated that if only the residents and property owners could use this area, there would be difficulty in extending its use to the public at a later date. He stated that as far as the change for Anguilla Lane, it should have been done with the original amendment under the POD, and he is simply a~~ ]ljlf)P:~1 ~ Page 7 aNIt 116 n"~ 504 AUGUST 2, 1988 tryin~ to aake the setbacks uniform for both sides of the street. stated that with regards to deeding the three tracts to the County instead of the State, it is their feeling that the County would be in a better position :'J administer those particular lands with regards to the n~eds of the people than deeding the. to the State. He stated that he is requesting that the amendment. to the PUD be granted in their initial form without the constraints on the active community area. CO..i8sioner Saunders stated that with regards to the landscaping of the parking lot whi~h is really not an issue this date, he understands that there is some deficiency in the landscaping or that the landscaping has not survived, adding that he understands that Lely i. willing to do whatever is required to bring that parking lot up to standards. Mr. Braswith stated that they have crews working on that parking lot now and have been for the past 12 days and they will be bringing the landscaping up to requirements. Hr. Charles Basinait of Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, pre.~nted a letter dated .June 26, 1988, to be entered into the record. He noted that hi. firm has been retained by property owners in Lely Barefoot Beach Development. adding that he stated that his clients did not object to the amendments of the setbacks on Anguilla Lane, but since that time, the setbacks have been reduced from 60 feet to 10 feet and he is not prepared to state whether they object or not to t~~~ r:=~~~~:~~ =~;~-~~. :::: !:-.:!!=:'~ed t1-.::t ~:!th :-cgards to the Page S - - - He ..--..--- - AUGUST 2, 1988 deeding of Tracts "H", "N" and "0", his clients do not object to that, assu:1ng that they re.a1n passive recreation areas as Opposed to #If"" 1',. ...,....- t- f,.... - ........ ~~ not-~d that a~ to the að~1tional permitt~~ Use~ tract which 1s the community recreation area, his clients object to this prOVision ~s it was originally drafted. He noted that currently this particular area is limited in Use to the Lely Beach ~orth and Lely Beach South areas of the Lely Baretoot Beach PUD. He indicated that Lely is attempting to assign rights to this area to me.hers and residents of the POD in addition to people outside the area, adding that when his clients purchased the lots in Lely Barefoot Beach POD developaent, one ot the main selling points was the private developaent. He noted that the location on the ocean had a lot to do with his clients purchasing this land, but the privacy had a lot to do with it also. He stated that the road that goes through Lely Barefoot Beach is a private road and is not owned by Collier County, adding that there are easements that the State and Collier County hold to Use for ~ngr.ss and egress to their land, but the people in Lely Barefoot Beach maintain that road. ~n anSWer to Commissioner Hasse, County Attorney Cuyler stated that the County has ease.ent rights for the public to travel to the County park and the State also has easement rights because tho State owns property past the end of the paved portion of the roadway and the maintenance requirements are with the Lely Barefoot Beach PUD resi- dents. Se noted that the easement rights are for a specific purpose aDaK 1161'1':f 505 Page 9 ao~ 116 w.~ 506 to travel that roadway to get to the park. AUGUST 2, 1988 He Mr. Basinait stated that the Property Appraiser has been assessing co..r::on area. He noted that the people of this area are paying taxes the residents of Lely Barefoot Beach PUD since 1919 for this road as a as well as maintaining the road. He noted that this amendment does not ~rovide for any contributions for these maintenance payments. sta~ed that it is only fair that it the Board decides to open this area to the general public, Lely should obtain agreements that people will pay pro-rata shares ot the maintenance cost of this road. not~d that there is a also a problem with insurance with regards to ope~íng this road to the public, as the residents pay this insurance and if acre people travel the road, the cost of the insurance will be higher. He referred to the staff report noting that Staff has indi- cated that this aaendment is changing the intensity of Use which, therefore, means that this amendment i. not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He noted that the Engineering Department has also stated that adding additional Uses for the recreation area could increase traftic in this project, but after reviewing the petition, th~y have decided that it will not etfect transportation, adding that this is a contradiction in terms as there is either not going to be an impact or there is going to be an impact and it does not appear tnat the Engineering Department knows which it is. He noted that the CCPc rec~=-ends approval a~ long as Use rights are only assigned to pro- ;=~~~ =:~=== ~~~ ===~~=~~= =! ~~~ Leli B~rcfoo~ Bcach PUD, adding that Page 10 .. - - He -- - - - AUGUST 2, 1988 staff has also recoaaended approval along with the CCPC recommen- ú......vu. ne .........e~ ...;.eal ;,e .... ~'equel:Jting lilat the .r-ecuØlmendation of th~ CCPC and Staff oe followed. ~r.. Eaily Maggio stated that the matter concerning the landscaping of the parking lot should be put in writing so that the Co~,ty can hold Lely Development to these things. She noted that ev.rything i. constantly being changed. She stated that the 50 foot str1? that is between the western boundary of the parking lot and the be8~h proper should be deeded to the County, if Lely would consider th~t. She stated that this would give the County better management of th~ ?arking area and more control. She stated that she has heard that the recreation area will be designated as an area for Audubon and they are also planning on boating people over from their property to the recreation area. She stated that these are concerns that she has. Mr. Richard Klaas, President of Lely Development Corporation, stated that some of the people that Mr. Basinait is representing have purchased their property from a third party and not from r.ely Development and they are not aware of what representations were made to these people. He stated that the road has always ha~ the State ea~e2ent and it has been in everyone's title report and it has never been hidden. He stated that every time there is a resident's meeting, it 15 brought up and no one is happy with it as they would like to have an exclusive road. He stated that the County received an ease- aent with the purchase of the 3,100 teet of beach. He indicated that aoo~ l1ô F¡'.r 507 Page 11 ".-.-,-, nO( 116 Fl~.r. 50S AUGUST 2, 1988 on~ of the ite.. for discussion in this petition is making the two PUO': match in the setback requirements, adding that the Board already approved one POD to 10 feet and now they are asking that it be equal in the other POD. He noted another issue is deeding Tract "M", "H", and AO., which is about 185 acres to the County as opposed to the State, adding that the third issue in this petition is the active Com- .unity recreation area. He stated that with regards to this matter, Lely Development has made a deal with Audubon, whereby they put in a c~pionship golf course that Lely Barefoot Beach POD residents can use nod in turn. Audubon can Use the community recreation area and the beach. He stated that all these people in these two developments would have the best of both worlds, with the golf course. the Gulf of Mexico and the beach itself. He indicated that Audubon will build a clubhouse, a pool, two tennis courts and parking on the active com- aunity recreation area and that site development plan is now working its ~ay through the Planning Staff. He stated that the arrangement was explained to the property owners and they are in agreement with it. but he is in the process of writing up an agreement tor them. Rega:ding the question that was raised about the parking lot, he said tha~ the wall is being constructed this date and when that is done, the crews will re-Iandscape. He noted that the Audubon people did get a pc:mit from the County to build a dock and they do plan to ofter a pon~oon boat ride fr'æ the Audubon project to the beach project, adding that everyone 1s happy about this. He noted that Audubon is Page 12 - - .. AUGUST 2, 1988 also buying Parcel DC-I which is zon~d for 60 units, but they have a site development plan that is in the process for 15 units and seems to aske everyone happy. He noted that the Property Owners Association is not being represented at the meeting because they are happy with all agr~ents . ~o..issioner Glass questioned if Audubon is included in this recr~ation area, will they also be paying the pro-rata share that is incu:red with regards to the traffic on the road and the road main- tenaoce, to which Mr. Klaas replied affirmatively. ~,. Eate Muldoon, representing the Natural Resources Management Department, stated that she would like to state that her department as well a. DHR will be against any continual boat traffic in Little Sicicory Bay. Co..i.sioner Saunders questioned what Mr. Klaas intends to do with the ~O foot £trlp of land that Mrs. Maggio referred to, and Mr. Klaas stated that if Lely Development Corporation has a title t~ that strip . of lend, he does not see any problem with deeding it to the County, add~~ that he will talk with the County Attorney regarding this aatt~r after the meeting. Co..issioner Saunders stated that it has be~n indicated that there will be a pro-rata share of membership dues to take care of main- tena~ce and liability questions with regards to the road and questioned if this will be part of the written agreement with Audubon, to which Hr. Klaas replied affirmatively. 800( 116 F1t;¡ 509 Page 13 '~"',-,~", ----,-,------ , . -~-,-" . -,-,_.__._,.,-""""""-_."._"",,. "---",-" " aoo, 116 FAro{ 5iO AUGUST 2, 1988 Co..issioner Saunders questioned if the clubhouse would be open to the public, to wnich Mr. Klaas replied negatively. <:o..issioner Saunders stated that there' are a lot of private deve- lop=!nts with private clubs who sell memberships to the i"lhlic and questioned if there has been any concern about who can use this faci- lityas long as the building is built to standards and does not exceed the capacity of the facility, to which Planner Nadeau stated that there is no special approval needed for memberships. Co..issioner Saunders stated that with regards to the pontoon boate, any approval from the Board this date is not going to indicate any 'lote with reference to the use of pontoon votes. He stated that this would be reviewed in the future. ~.sioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commis.loner GOOdnight and carried unaniaously, that the public hearing be closed. CO8a!ssioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Co..issioner G~odnight and carried unaniaously, that the setbacks fro. 25 teet to 10 feet on Anguilla Lane be approved; that Tract. "M", -N", and "0" be deeded to the County instead of the State; and that the expansion of the use of tba recreation area be per8itted as originally written without the 8tipulation that li8its the people that can use it: and that the Ordinance.. nuabered and titled below be adopted and entered int~ Ordinance Book No. 31: Page 14. - - - ) -""-'---' ... -----..-... "" '...- AUGUST 2, 1988 ORDIHAXCE 88-63 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 85-21, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE LELY UAREFOOT BEACH PUD, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 85-53 AND CRDINANCE 87-53: AMENDING SECTION 4.3 MINIMUM SETBACKS; AMENDING SECTION 12.2, USES PERMITTED, PARAGRAPH B, TO PERMIT USE OF ACTIVE COKHUNITY RECR-~TIOH AREA BY DESIGNEES OF OWNERS OF SAID RECREATION PARCEL; AMENDING SECTION 16.3 DEEDING OF TRACT M, NAND 0: AND BY PROVIDING AN 2FFECTIVE DATE. aOOK 116 m[ 511 Page 15 -,.-.... '.-.-"'-.-..,".."'---,---"". ,-.....-.."'......... AUGUST 2, 1988 ~.... Race..: 10:15 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:20 A.M. at which ti.. Deputy Clerk Mendez replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon ..... Ittm .6B3 ORD!R~CE 88-64, PETITION R-S8-2C, WILSON, HILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEn, I.C., REQUESTING A REZOn FROM A-2 TO RHi'-12 FOR 45S MULTI- FA.'IT.]::Y C1fITS - ADOl lED Legal Notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on .June 24, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication f1led with the Cl~~k, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-8C-2C, filed by Rebert L. Buck, agent for Pelican Farms, James E. Doane, Trustee, Mil~8 Scofield and Richard Talford, requesting an amendment to Ord;nance 82-2 by amending the zoning classification from A-2 to RSF-3, for property located on the east side of Airport Road, approximately 3/4 miles north ot Pine Ridge Road in Section 12, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. Planner Scheff advised that the petitioner i. requesting a rezoning for 458 multi-family units. He indicated that to the north and ~ast of the property are active citrus groves: to the south is a rc~Jdential subdivision; the Collier County School Board TrL~3portation and Barron Collier High School; and to the west are co~rcial/industrial uses and undeveloped open lands. He noted that the project will be well served by the recent expansion of Airport-Pulling Road from two to four lanes. He advised that the CCPC r~cc=.ended approval of the petition at their .June 2, 1988 public h...ar.1ng. &OOK 116 PAt;r 513 Page 16 """""""'-"""'---- aoO( 116flGi514 AUGUST 2, 1988 Hr. Alan Reynolds, ot Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., advi8ed that the petitioner is in agreement. with Staff's recommen- dations. Coaaiesioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Co..issio~er Goodnight and carrIed unaniaously, that the public hearing be closed. Coaaieeioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried UDan1aously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book Bo. 31 ORDINANCE NO. 88-64 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE S2-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 49-25-1 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE SEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAD APPROXIMATELY 3/4 MILE NORTH OF PINE RIDGE ROAD IN SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP ~9 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, FROM A-2 TO RHF-12; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 17 - - - ~.""'_........_'_._--_..~_..._._._-"'.."'..._--~~-...._,-_..... . ..-.., ..--.....--..----... . ""'-'-"""-'-"-"-------.."....-...... .,.".., .- .~ 116"'7.518 AUGUST 2, 1988 It~ fiB3 RESOLUTIOX .88-177, RE PETITION PU-88-2C, WILSON, HILLER, BARTON, S~Lt 6 FEn IXC., JŒQtJESTIBG A PROVISIOKAL USE (ESSENTIAL SERVICES) FOR A SEWAGE TJmATMEJrT PLAJrr, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF A I BP'ORT ROAD - ADO PTE D Planner Scheff advised that Staff is requesting that a landscape buff~r be provided around the sewage treatment plant. ~ss1oner Pis tor aoved, seconded by Co..is.loner GOOdnight and carr led UDanl80U81y, that the public hearlng be closed. Coaal.sioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Coaal.s10ner Goodnlght and carried UDaD~ly, that Resolution 88-177, rc Petition PU-S8-2C, Nil8OD, Miller, Barton, SolI 6 Peek, Inc., requesting a Provi.lonal Use for 888eDtial service., for property located on the ...t .lde of A.1rpart: Road, be adopted. Page 18 - AUGUST 2, 1988 It.. #6C1 ORDlXA8CB 88-&5, AKEXDING ORDIKANCE 84-S4 INCREASING TAXING UNIT MILLAGE CAP FROM ONE TO TWO HILLS WITHIN THE i'IRE CONTROL MUNICIPAL SERVICES 'l'AXI1IG UNIT - ADOPTED Legal Notice ~vjng been published in the Naplea Daily News on July 14, 1988 as evidenced by Affj~avit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to consider amending Ordin.nce 84-84 to reflect a two mill cap for the Collier County Fire Control Municipal Services Taxing Unit. Director of Emergency Services Reardon advised that the proposed ordlnance is to increase the current one mill capped rate to two aUl.. He stated that a one year evaluation has indicated a service deaand load of approximately 347 incidents of which 240 were fire related. Se indicated that the fires being experienced in the area are tiae consuming for the amount of personnel and apparatus. He indicated that the districts included would be able to purchase aultiple standardized apparatus and water supply tankers with the addltional 8ill, which would be very beneficial to the districts, as well as the County. ~s.ioner Pi. tor aoved, 8econded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and carried unanlaously, that the public hearing be cl08ed. Coaaissloner Pistor aoved, .econded by Comai~.ioner Goodnight and carrled unaniaously, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 31 ORDINANCE NO. 88-66 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 84-84 BY INCREASING THE MILLAGE NOT TO EXCEED TWO (2) lOOK 116 W.! 525 Page 19 ---..., ......, . -..-..'-----,---..- .....---.."..-."".."......""..,.."""." _....... , -""--'---"- --,.,.-.. lODe 116 w~ 526 AUGUST 2, 1988 MILLS WITHIN THE COLLIER COUNTY FIRE CONTROL MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ite. #6C2 ORD~CE 88-66, ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY POCKET OF POVERTY REVIEW COMMITTEE RE COMPREHENSIVE FARMWoRXER SOUSING PLAN AND PROGRAM -ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on .July 14, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider establishing the Collier County Pocket of Poverty Review Committee for the purpose of providing public participation in the preparation of a comprehensive Farmworker Housing Plan and Program monitoring. Ms. Wanda .Jones, Director of Housing UrbAn Development, advised that in 19S7 the Florida Legislature adopted a two year pilot Pocket of Poverty Program for the city of Belle Glade and appropriated $1 million to stimulate a cooperative relationship and effort between local public bodies. the agricultural industry, community profit orga- nizations, non-profit corporations, etc. Ms. .Jones indicated that the prograa did not include Collier County: however, the Florida Legislature currently adopted House Bill 1454 which included the unin- corporated area of Immokalee. She stated that the legislation requires that a nine member Review Co..ittee be established. She also stated that the plan will be submitted to DCA by October 1, 1988, however, eince the Committee will not be initiated until September 6, 1988, a I!onth's exte:,sion may be necessary. Page 20 - - - -,--------,- AUGUST 2, 1988 In response to Co..issioner Goodnight, Mr. Fred Thomas, Executive Dlrector of Collier County Housing Authority, stated that he would not have any difficulties in acquiring the majority representation from the Iaaokalee area- Tape #2 Mr. john T. Witchger of Immokalee, expressed gratitude for the foraation of the Coaaittee; and also the Comprehensive Farmworker Housing Plan for the Immokalee area. Mr. Thoaas thanked Staff and the Board for the formation of the proposed ordinance. Responding to Coaaissioner Goodnight, Mr. Tho..s advi~ed that the FHMA $200,000 grant could possibly be received within 60 days. CoaaJ.sloner Rass. aoved, seconded by Coaals.ioner Goodnight and carrled UDAnlaously, that the public hearing be closed. CoaaJ.sioner Goodnight aoved, ..conded by Coaai.sloner Pistor and carrled UZUU11aously, that the ordinance as muabered and tltled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 31 ORDINANCE RO. 88-66 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY POCKET OF POVERTY REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE PREPARATION OF A COMPREHEN~IVE FARMWORKER HOUSING PLAN AND PROGRAM MONITORING; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT AND COMPOSITION; PROVIDING FOR TERM OF OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL FROM OFFICE; FAILURE TO ATTEND MEETINGS; PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OF OFFICERS, QUORUM, RULES OF PROCEDURE; PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION; PROVIDING FOR LOCATION OF MEETINGS; PROVIDING FOR FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE REVIEW COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILILTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. #6C3 aoo( 1161'1':[ 527 Page 21 -... "'~-~-"'_-""'-"" """'-"--""""""-'-'-"""""-"'" "."... '.-......-..""'.---..--...-..,-.-----..,--.------- ... ,oo~ 116fS": 528 AUGUST 2, 1988 RESOLOTIOX 88-178 R£ PETITIO. SNR-88-2C, QUAILHOODS ESTATES DEVELoPMENT CORP. UQt1ESTIXG A STREET KAME CHANGE :FROM EDGEWILD BLVD. '1'0 THE LAB! LOCATED nr JPG'EWILD SUBDrvISIOH - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on .July 10, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SNR-88-2C, requesting a street name change from Edgewild Boulevard to "The Lane", for a stre~t located in Edgewild Subdivision south of County Road 846 in Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 25 East. CO8a1øsioner Plstor aoved, seconded by Co..lssioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co8aissloner Plstor moved, .econded by Comalssioner Goodnight and carr led ~aously, that Resolution 88-178, re Petltion SNR-88-2C, Qual1woods Estates Development Corp., as petitioner, r~sting street Da8e change froa Edgewild Boulevard to The Lane, be adopted. Page 22 AUGUST 2,1988 It.. nAl RESOLOTIOR 88-179 RE PETITION CCCL-88-12C, W. DEXTER BENDER & ASSOCUTES, IBC., REPRESDTING WILLIAM W. YOt1KG, REQUESTING A VARIAJrCZ OJ' T1Œ COASTAL CORSTRUCTIOB LINE OB LOT 1, BEACH GARDEN S, UlfIT 1. LJg.y BAREFOOT BEACH - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on .July 17,1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CCCL-88-12C, filed by W. Dexter Bender & Associate., Inc., to construct a ...11 deck, shower platform, stairs, dune walkover and viewing deck and revegetation at Lot 1, Beach Garden R, Unit 1 ~t Lely Barefoot Beach development. Development Compliance Specialist Muldoon advised that the peti- tloner would be revegetating the dune and the area landward. Ms. Muldoon stated that the best method of minimizing impacts on dune vegetation while still allowing access to the beach and ocean i. by elevated dune walkovers. She indicated that revegetation of the dune would serve .s a storm buffer and thus increase it. effectiveness. Ms. Muldoon stated that the Natural Resource. Management Departaent recommends approval ot the petition subject to Staff sti- pulat1ons. Mr. Rans Wilson, representing Mr. William Young, advised that the petitioner agrees with Staff recommendations. ~8sioner Goodnight DOVed, seconded by Co..1ssioner Sasse and carrled unaniaoualy, that Resolution 88-179, re Petltlon CCCL-88-12C, be aðopted. aDO( 116psr.s531 Page 23 ._-",~..-..... ...". "...~._--"--_._-- -".---.,-........ .. "'-....."......--......,.......".........................--............ """'-""'-- : . ,J~ 1f' t" f'::'~ '.! 'c, ~ aGO( 116 n"~ 534 AUGUST 2,1988 It.. #71.2 H%SOLUTIOX 88-180, PETITIOR CCCL-88-11C, W. DEXTER BENDER 6 ASSOCIATES, IXC., l....lPRESElfTIXG CHARLES MAURER, REQUESTING A VARIAJlCE FROM THE COASTAL CONSTRCCTIOR CONTROL LIRE OR LOT 13, BEACH GARDEN S, UXIT 1, LXLY BAREPOOT BEACS - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Hews on .July 17, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petitlon CCCL-88-11C tiled by W. Dexter Bender 6 Associates, Inc., to construct a small deck, shower platform, stairs, dune walkover and viewing deck and revegetation at Lely Barefoot Beach development. Develo?ment Compliance Specialist Muldoon advised that Staff recoaaends approval of the petition subject to stipulations. Mr. Sans Wilson, representing the petitioner stated that he agrees with Staff's recoftmendations. Coaa.1.aioner Plstor aoved, seconded by Comaissioner S..s. and carried unaniaously, t~t the public hearing be closed. ~s.ioner Pi. tor aoved, 8econded by Co..issloner Gl..s and carried unaniaously, that Resolutlon 88-180, re Petition CCCL-88-11C. be adopted. Page 24 - - - ,. ------.------ ------,-_. AUGUST 2, 1988 Ite. #71.3 RESOLUTION 88-181, RE PETITION CCCL-88-10C, AHCSOR ENGINEERING, REPRESEXTIKO MARCO ISLMI~ BEACH ASSOCIATION, REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE COASTAL CONSTRUC~ION CONTROL LINE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED OR COLLIER BOULZVARD, r RESI:J!:HT'S BEACH, MARCO ISLAND - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 17, 19a8 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CCCL-88-10C filed by Anchor Engineering, representing Marco Island Beach Association, for construction of a beach walkover and terminal plat- fora located on Collier Blvd., Marco Island. Natural Resources Technician Stevens advised that the variance request is to allow construction of a beach walk-over and terminal plat for. to provide access to the Resident's Beach on Collier Blvd. Ms. Stevens described the walk-over as being 198 feet in length; 8 feet in wid~h and 2 1/2 feet above ground level. She stated that three raap. will provide access to the walk-over for the handicapped. She indicated that the proposed walkover will not affect beach and shore dynamics in the area, and Staff i. recommending approval of the petition subject to stipulations. Mr. Jack Abney of Anchor Engineering, representing ~he petitioner stated that they concur with Staff's recommendations. Co..issioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Goodnlght and carrled unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Co..i.sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Co.-issioner Gl... and aoo~ 116 "'~! 537 Page 26 / 100( 116f:."': 538 be adop~ed . carried ~aou.ly, that Resolution 88-181, re Petltion CCCL-88-10C, AUGUST 2, 1988 - - Page 26 - . ------_._--~ :~== ~~ AUGUST 2, IU8 RESOLt1TIOK 88-182, RE PETITIOR PU-87-10C, CHIEP .JAMES L. .JONES, KORTH XAPLES FIRE COHTR~-.. RESCUE DISTRICT, REPRESENTING FUTURE CITIZDS, IJce., REQUESTI1;') PROVISIONAL USE EXTENSION FOR PROPERTY LaC TED 1 4 "ILE WEST OF U.S. 41 - ADOPTED Planner Weeks 8tated that the petitioner is requesting a one year extension of the existing provisional Use for the North Naples Fire Dl.trict, and Staff is recommending approval. Coaals810ner Plstor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Gl..s and carried ttnaQiaously, that Resolutlon 88-182, re Petltlon PC-88-l0C, Chl.~ ~.... L. .Jones, representing Future Citlzens, Inc., requesting a one year exteJ18lon of the exi.tlng provisional use, be adopted. aoo( 118 Plr.! 5,11 Page 27 ---...--.--....--..,,-- "--'--".."" ..".,-"-_._-._'-_.._'"-"'".,_.,."--.._.',.,.,.,..."....,.,~.,., "" lOOK 116,yl. 544 AUGUST 2, 1988 ItOll #SlA2 IJ HI PD'DIXO COJITRA.CT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTME1rr~ REHABILITATIVE SERVICES (RRS) CNDER THE FEDERAL EMERGElfCY SHELTER GR.U'TS ~!IS - ~OVED Acting Co..unity Development Administrator Olliff advised that the County will be receiving a $44,000 State grant for renovations to be sub-contracted to Immokalee Friendship House. ~s.ioner Plstor aoved, seconded by ComaJ881oner Goodnight and carried ~aously, that Staff be dlrected to proceed wlth BRS contracting procedure. and to enter lnto a sub-contract agree..nt wl th 7riwnA9hJp Bouse. In response to Coamissioner Goodnight, Mr. Olliff advised that Coaaunity Development's Fiscal Annual Budget includes funding in the 88Ount of 811.800 to be applied toward Friendship House operations. ... 10:50 A.M. Deputy Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Mendes at this.tim~ ... It.. #SIoU PE'fITIOX MP-88-11C, .JORH BARBER REPRESENTING THE SCOTTSDALE COMPANY, REQUESTIXG THREE FOOT SIGS EXTENSION FOR A WALL IN PARK SSORE POD, tnrIT 5 it! PARC) - APPROVED Planner Scheff advised that subject wall, which is under construc- tion, is located within Lot 29, Block 12 of the Park Shore PUD, Unit 5, noting that this lot has been approved for multiple family resi- dences and structures. He stated that Lot 29 is bounded on the northeast by Gulf Shore Boulevard and on the southwest by the Gulf of Mexico, adding that a 20' utility, draina,e and access easement pro- Page 28 - - - .. .. - AUGUST 2, 1988 viding pedestrian access to the Gulf of Mexico, is also located within SUbject lot. Hr. Scheff indicated th3t the petitioner is requesting a 3' increase in the allowable height of 6', to permit a 9' concrete block screening wall separating the utility, drainage and access easement for the condoalnium project and its related accessory facilities. He not~ that based on the negative impacts to adjacent and surrounding properties, St3ff has no objection to granting SUbject request. He stated that the CCPC held their public hearing on .July 21, 1988, noting that th~re were no speakers either for, or against sUbject petition. However, one letter of oPposition to this petition has been received (no reason given). Therefore, he noted that the CCPC is forwarding subject petition to the Board with a recommendation of approval. Hr. .John B~rber, representing the petitioner, stated that on the south side of the wall is parking facilities with open space, and is 50'-60' back from the condominium; the north side ot the wall contains heavily landscaped vegetation, and is approximately 30' from another condo.inium. Planning S~rvices Manager Baginski, in answer to Commissioner Sa.se, stated that because of dedication of the easement, even though there is no specific languag& provided, the 20' strip on the other side of the wall will be maintained by the County. Coaai.sioner Pistor aoved, seconded by CO..iS8ioner GOOdnight and carrled unani.ously, to approve Petition MP-88-11C. aoo( 116 FJ'.! 545 Page 29 ~--,. 'OCK 116 fI'~ 546 AUGUST 2, 1988 It.. #iA' PETITIOJf MP-88-8C, ANTSOJfY P. PIRES, .JR., REPRESENTIRG ARTHUR V. WOODWARD, TRUSTEE, REQUESTING SETBACK REDUCTIONS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED OK SOLI.YBR:-°R LA1fE (PELICAN BAY Pt1D) - APPROVED Planner Sch~ff stated that subject property is located on the ~outh side of Hollybriar Lane, approximately 100 feet west of Riðgewood Drive (Site 2, Block B, Unit 4) in Section 9, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, (Pelican Bay PUD). He noted that a single- faaily, one-story home is currently under construction on subject pro- perty, adding that the west side of the house is back approximately 7.6 feet fro. the property line and the east side of the house, at its closest point to the property line, is set back approximately 9.4 feet, in co.pliance with requirements for a "one-story" structure. He indicated after construction commenced, the plans for the use of the residence changed to a two-story residence, notjng that the setback requirements for a two-story structure is 10 feet, thus resulting in 8Ubject request. He indicated that based on the minor nature of the request, and negligible impact upon abutting properties, Staff has no objection to the approval of this petition. He advised that the CCPC held their public hearing on July 21, 1988, adding t~at there were no speakers either tor or against this petition. but one letter of opp- osition has been received from the owner of Lot 58, but noted OPposi- tion would be withdrawn it landscaped buffering is provided. Mr. Scheff stated that the CCPC is forwarding subject petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a re~o..endation of approval Page 30 - - - ---.. - - - AUGUST 2, 19S8 Subject to the site having appropriate landscaped buffering to screen Lot 58 to the rear. He advised that Carol Louise Toll of Lot 58 recently withdrew her oPposition to this petition, based on the landscaped bufferin- to ¡e provided. Coaaissioner Pistor ao~ed, seconded by Co..l.sioner Glass and C4rrled unanlaoualy, to approve Petition MP-88-8C, SUbject to the CCPC'a recoaaendatlon. It.. nu PETITIOX KP-88-9C, .JZ7FRzy PUSATERI OF HANDcRAFTED SOMES, INC., REPRzsEXTIXG DR. ROBERT E. PALMER, REQUESTING A SETBACE FOR PROPERTY OX x.OLLWOOD COURT (SITE '4, BLOCX C, UNIT 4) IN SECTION 4, {PELIC~ BAY PUDl - APPROVED Planner Scheff indicated that subject petition is a request to obtain a setback reduction to allow an existing house under construc- tion to remain at its present location on Site 14, Block "C", Unit 4, Knollwood Court, Section 4, Pelican Bay PUD, noting that it is the last on the block to be developed and is located at the beginning of a CUI-de-sac. S. added that due to its cul-de-sac location, the front building line i. approximately 4O feet forward of the existing house to the north, but approximately 3 feet behind the house to the south. He advised that based on the geographical location of this house, the 8inor nature of the requested setback encroachment, and the average front setback line being 34 feet, Staff feels that approval of this petition will not set a precedent, and should not have any adverse effect on surrounding properties. He noted that the CCPC held their a~~; 11R-'J~' 547 Page 31 \. ----.--- '----"."""-"- &GIK 116 Pl'.r. 548 AUGUST 2, 1988 public hearing on .July 21, 1988, having one speaker for this petition, adding that on~ phone call in SUPPort of this petition has been received. Therefore, he advised that the CCPC is forwarding subject petition to the Bo~~d, with a recommendation of approval (7/0). Hr. Scheff advised that petitioner will be Subject to ~after-the-fact~ petition fees, in the a.ount of $150. ~..ioner Pis tor aoved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Haase and carrled ~~t~ly, to approve Petition MP-88-9C. It.. #gAS Prr:rnOX MP-88-7C, CHRISTINA S. S. XOBZIJI'A OF R. L. SCBKECXPEPER, INC. REPJUtsDTING MR. AJrD MRS. LESLIE WARJŒ.R, REQUESTING A SETBACX FOR PRoPERTY LOCATED O. FOXJ'IRE LAn AJrD XIBGS HAY (FOXJ'IRE Pt1D) - ~ Planner Scheff advised that petitioner is requesting a 5' setback reduction to allow an addition to a single-family home located on the northwest corner of Foxfire Lane and Kings Way (Lot 25, Block B), Foxfire PUn. Se noted that Subject lot consists of 163' deep on the east side, 'and 132' deep on the west side, further noting that the petitioner plana to add a pool and screen enclosure, requiring a 10 foot setback, on the east side of the lot, adding that the rear of the hoae faces a golf course and a lake. He indicated that b~sed upon the 8inor nature of the request, and the negligible impact upon abutting properties, Stat! has no objection to the approval of this petition. Mr. Scheff stated that the CCPC held their public hearing on .July 21, 19S8, and forwarded this petition to the Board, with a reco..en- Page 32 - - - --._""~.. AUGUST 2, 1988 dation of approval (7/0). He added that one person spoke in favor of subject petition, noting that the proposed petition would enhance the property values in the ¿~ea. However, two persons spoke in opposition of any variances i~ th~ F~~fire community, and one person spoke against this petition noting the affect that the proposed addition ~ould have upon an adjacent lot to the west of subject property. He added that three letters in support of this petition have been received, citin~ that the c~nstruction would enhance the total neigh- borhood, but one letter of oPposition has been received noting that the addition would affect property owners ot Lot 24 with regards to the vi~, free flow of air, water run-off, and property value, and could also affe~t the aesthetics of the neighborhood. He stated that Statf is reco..~nding approval of this petition, per the CCPC recom- aendatlon. Mrs. Chris Kobzina of R. L. Schmeckpeper, Inc., referred to a drawing of subject lot, noting that subject area consists of a triangle approximately 3'X12'. Co~.sioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Co..l..loner 01... and carrled unaniaously, to approve Petition MP-88-7C. It.. #981 I-CREAsE CONCRETE CULVERT PIPE CONTRACT AMOUNT OF BID RO. 86-997, WITH aYDRo CONDUIT CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF 814,050 - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald noted that request is being &ade to approve a Supplemental Agreement to increase the contract aOD( 116 FJ~~ 549 Page 33 " ~._.._--- "".~._..__..- ' ._"."-_.~~-._-,,...- ........---.-.--..... . '."---.-.. --.,-.-. -.". I. 116I'YÆ ~~ AUGUST 2, laeS aaount tor concrete culvert pipe. He advised that the current c~ntract was established at 85,950. He stated that two large contracts, one for the Health Services Building at the Courthouse Complex, and another on Marco have been approved which will require additional culvert pipe, thus necessitating th~ requested increase of $14,050. Be noted that the unit price for the pipe remains the same. Cn--1..ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..i.sloner Pi.tor and carrled unan1aoualy, that the contract with Sydro Conduit Corporatlon be lncreased ln the addltional aaount of 81.,OfO, re Bid 86-997. Page 34 .. - - AUGUST 2, 1988 It.. ~B2 ~ox xO. 88-183, Ã~OXIXG CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CORVEBIENCE AND ncuSITY FOR ALWAYS DEPE~ABLE '1'RAJISPORTATION, INC., ROYAL WINDSOR LrMOUS~ AND DI~~ORD LIMOUSINES, INC. - ADOPTED Public Works Administrator Archibald indicated that Ordinance 88-37 regulates "For hire" vehicles in Collier County. He noted that the Public Vehicle Advisory Board .et on .June 9, 1988, and it was determined that services from Always Dependable Transportation, Inc., Royal Windsor Li80usines and Diamond Li80usines, Inc., have ceased, and therefore, they are recc~ending revocation of the three Certlficates, in accordance with Ordinance 88-37, Section Ten, which states: -The certificate issued under the provisions of the ordinance aay be revoked or suspended by the Public Vehicle Board if the holder thereof has...(b) discontinued operations for more than 30 days, ..." Co8a1-1on.er Pistor aoved, seconded by Co_ls.ioner Gl... and carried unaniaously, Resolutlon 88-183 revoking the Certificate. of Public ~ence and Xece.sity for Always Dependable Transportation, IDe.. Jt.oyù Wlnd80r LillOU81nes and Dia.aond LiIlOU81n.., Inc., be adopted. 600( 116 Plq 553' Page 35 ",-""-,,,,-..._-----,.,-.. . ----,--, . "'b, ,,'--., .~",H"" "" '" "--"""""""~"""" --""---'----" ----~-- ~ AUGUST 2, 1988 It.. #9<:1 &UUU&T Ah&.~T ~OR SOCIAL SERVICES/CLI~HT ASSISTANCE IN THE AMOOKT or 8188.000 - APPRO~ Public Services Admin;strator O'Donnell advised that due to the expansion of the program adding the inclusion of more eligible clients, a budget amendment to increase the Social Services/Client Assistance budget in the amount of 8188,000 is being requested. He stated that during the course of the budget year, Staff budgeted based on past history, and MOnitored the situation v~ry closely. In answer to County Manager Dorrill, Mr. O'Donnell replied that the existing budget is $250,000. Budget D~rector Zalka, in answer to Commissioner Saunders, stated that she we. aware of this increase, and it has been accounted for in the budget. CoaaJ...ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co_i..loner Gl... and carried unanJ.80U.8ly, to approve the budqet aaendaent ln the aaount ot 8188,000, Fl.cal Year 87-88, increasing the Social Service./Cllent A.sa1stance budget. It.. #9<:2 REGULATIONS RE BOATS AT BEACS AREAS - STAFF TO CONTINUE DRAFTIRa PROCEDoRIs ~OR ¡¡U_-- COUNTY ATTORNEY'S PREPARATION or ORDINANCES Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that pursuant to previous Board direction, Staff has met with representatives of the concessionaires who rent boats throughout Collier County, resulting in lOOK 116 "I'.! 555 Page 36 , _._~,~._"- ¡OOle 116 Plr.:. 556 AUGUST 2, 1988 several points that need to be addressed through the scope of an ordinance, specifically: 1. A beach vendor license for any and all individuals wishing to rent boats to the general public. Any concessionaire would need to have a land based headquar- ters oper,."'ion. The concessionaire is to carry insurance, such as the County requires at Tigertail and Clam Pas.. Concessionaire aust have an approved Coast G~ard chase boat with aarine radio. Concessionaire shall have a telephone at the land based head- quarters. Set a definitive debarkation line with buoys indicating an idle zone and sate boating Zone. The above-mentioned point is applicable to all boats, inclusive of all private vessels. Specifically at Tigertail, ban all boating operations between the beach and the sandbar except as noted in the debarkation area. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mr. O'Donnell noted that the beach vendor license will prevent the .wild catter. operations that have been ongoing at Vanderbilt and Tigertail Beaches. ~..loner Plstor aoved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Sasse and carrLed UD&niaously, that Staff be directed to contlnue wlth the drafting of the regulatlona, and the County Attorney's office prepare tbe 8p~4Oþ~i.te ord~e.. It.. #9<:3 STATUS OF XEGOTIATIORS WITH THE WILLOW RUN TRUST HE ACQUISITION OF REGIOXAL PARE SIT¿ - COURTY ATTORKEY TO DRAFT NON-BINDIRG LETTER OF ¡ IrnHT Public Services Administrator O'Donnell advised that negotiations with the Willow Run Trust, regarding a 490 acre parcel, have taken Page 37 - - - ----" "_'O__..",...,-_._---".~,,-,,- ,- . ---.--.." " . " ,,'O,,--'O --- .. . .-....-....,-..'O--,...---......".,.'O '--""-'--'-"- -,-,-".",--- place since May, 1988. AUGUST 2, 1988 He noted that Staff has proceeded to obtain two appraisals for Subject property, which will be received by the Real Property Department on August 12, 1988. In addition, he stated that a land survey ~s nearing completion, adding that Staff is also seeking a proposal from Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI ~ Peek, Inc., and contacting the Florida Department of Natural Resources relating to the water quality on site, and the determination of any and all wetlands on site. Mr. O'Donnell indicated that the breakdown ot ownership of the 490 acres is as follows: 330 Acres owned by Willow Run Trust 140 Acres owned by Clyde C. Quinby Realty, Inc. -1Q Acres owned by two private individuals 490 Total Acres Se advised that the two private individuals have indicated that they preter to deal directly with the County regarding the acquisition . of their parcels. Theretore, he noted that Staff is considering an outright purchase, depending on the appraisals, followed by a sales contract, and then establish time tables as to when the County would be able to develop the site, pursuant to the acquisition permlts that have been previously issued. He stated that all observations to date indicate that this acquisition is a worthwhile endeavor to pursue. Mr. O'Donnell noted that S~aff is recommending that they continue with negotiations, and that the County Attorney's office prepare a a~~~ 116 ~J~~ 557 Page 38 --__M'_', , '. "",--- ~U6~5~ AUGUST 2, 1988 sales contract(s) and other necessary legal documents, so that a final deteralnation can þ~ aade, for submittal to the Board, no later than September 20, 1988. In answer to Co..issioner Pistor, County Attorney Cuyler advised that the "Sellers" will propose a sales contract to the County, and in turn, the County Kill determine what shall be included or deleted from .aae. Mr. O'Donnell responded to Co..issioner Glass, stating that Staff felt negatively about pursuing the royalty based purchase because a definite aaount of money, guaranteed to COme back to the County, could not be pinpointed, therefore, they felt that an outright purchase would be a .impler way to proceed. Coaaissioner Glass stated that he feels it would be more appropriate to draft a letter of intent, sUbject to specific issues, i.e. obtaining. the appraisals, and findings of the DNR, rather than enter into something of a contractual nature. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. O'Donnell advised that the County previously granted the excavation of two pit. to the Willow Run Trust, adding that this is to the County's advantage, since it will provide two man-made lakes on the site. Coaaissioner Saunders questioned who is providing the economic analysi8, on behalf of the County? Mr. O'Donnell indicated that the negotiations committee, consisting of the Finance Director, the Parks and Recreation Director, the Real Property Director, and himself, are Page 39 , working on this. County Manager Dorrill advised that the Growth Management Plan AUGUST 2, 1988 state. that the funding ~or an eighth regional park is to be based on a general obligation bond referendum, adding that this will only be will be amended accordingly. changed, in the event that other direction is given, and the Plan Mr. Ira Evans stated that it should tlrat be determined whether the people ot Collier County want this regional park, and how much they are willing to pay tor it, adding that the value of the property needs to be determined. He questioned whether the current operator of contract too hastily. put back into the proper sequence, and not to enter into a sales Management Plan, and is suggesting that the information required be dum, noting that there is a substantial deficit in the Growth Se suggested that appropriate action be taken to schedule a- referen- the property continues to operate without paying real property taxes? ~ssioner Ol..s aoved, seconded by CO8aisaioner Bass. and carried un&nia0u81y, that Staff contlnue with negotiatlon8, and the County Attorney prepare a non-blnding letter ot intent, subject to the specific paraaeter. of an approved appralsal by the County, the DBR reports, water quality, and deflnition of the wetlands. should be included in the lettér of intent? County Manager Dorrill questioned whether the funding mechaois. bond issue, subject to voter «pproval, may be Used for the funding. stated that the letter should indicate that a general obligation Commissioner Saunders aOD( 116 PI~[ 5S9 Page 40 aoO( 116 PAr;{ 560 AUGUST 2, 1988 It.. #9C.f. Moved froa 14Cl Tt1RF .um FIELD MAU...E1fAXCE FOR GULF COAST LITTLE LEAGtTE AT THE LELY BASDALr. COKPI.Ex FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988/89 - APPROVED WITH CONDITIOK THAT FACILITY BE RELOCATED TO THE EAST RAPLES PARK:, WOK COMPLETION County Manager Dorrill stated that he is recommending approval for the Turf & Field maintenance for Gulf Coast Little League, con- ditioned on the facility being relocated to the East Naples Park, upon such time that it is completed, adding that funds available are to be within the existing Parks and Recreation budget, as opposed to the Contingency Fund. ~s.loner Basse aoved, seconded by Co88dssloner Gl... and carried 4/0 (Co_issioner GOOdnight out of the rOOm) to approve the Turf and Field Maintenance for Gulf Coast Little League at the Lely Baae~l Coaplex for Fiscal Year 1988/89, subject to relocatlon of the facility to the East .aples Park. upon completion, and funds to be 8XpeDded. froa the existing Parke and Recre.tlon budget. It.. nDl RESOL0T7OX 88-lS4/CWS 88-13, AWARDIXG CONTRACT TO GULF COKSTRUCTORS, I.C. FOR COKSTRUCTION OJ' SOUTH COt1llTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMEJrr FACILITY, BID xO. 8-88-1230, IX THE AMOUNT OF $10,692,000 - ADOPTED un BID IRREGt1I.ARITIES WAIVED Utilities Administrator Crandall indicated that subject Bid was tentatively awarded to Gulf Constructors, Inc., on .June 7, 19S8, 8ub- ject to review and ap~roval of the Bid package by the EPA/DER. He stated that request is being made to reaffi~m the award of the Bid, subject to review of the County Attorney. Page 41 - - - -'-"""."'.'.-""'.'-.- ---------. AUGUST 2, 1988 Co8a1..1cmer 01... &"Wed, seconded by Co_l..loner Baaae and carried 1m&r11aoualy, 'that the contract for constructlon of South County Regl~ w..tewater Treataent Wacillty, Bid Ro. 888-1230, be awarded to Gulf Constructor., Inc. in the aaount of $10,692,000. and 'that the bld lrregularltie. of their proposal be walved, and 'that Resolution 88-18'/CWS-88-13 be adopted. '.- aDaK 116 Pit;! 501 Page '2 ---'-~----"'-'--"""- lOOt 116 fW. 504 AUGUST 2, 1988 It.. nD2 lQySOX DnDGROtnm UTILITIES TO RELOCATE LELY EFFLUENT PUMP STATIOX lQR nm AMOtßn' 01' 842,500 - APPROVED AND FORMAL BIDDIXG PROCESS WAIVED Utilities Administrator Crandall advised that subject pump station i. located on the site of the bid (8-88-1230) that was awarded this date. Se stated that at the time of the tentative biú award, Staff was aware that there was 60 days in which to have the pump station removed, but noted that because of the drought condition, and a contractual obligation with the Royal Pal. Golf Course to provide effluent, the station could not be put out of .~rvice at that time. Se indicated that the original contractor, who built the station, has been contacted, with the thought that he would know the conditions of the station, and in anticipation that the best price would be from that contractor. He stated th6t Staff is reque.ting that the normal bidding procedures be waived, and a contract be awarded to Wayson Underground Utilities, in the amount of $42,500. Coaa1..ioner Basse aoved, .econded by Coaai..ioner Gl... and carried unan1aoualy, that the contract to relocate the Lely Wastewater Plaut effluent puaping station be awarded to Nay.on Underground Utll1t188, in the aaount of 842,500, and walve the foraal blddlng pro- c... . It.. nD3 REPAIR OF on 8- GRAVITY SEHER LID IX PALM RIVER AND on: 8- GRAVITY 1,ln nr LELY - APPROVED Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that repairs to b6 made to the two subject sewer 11nes are to be done through the "Insitutorm" Page 43 - - - ,~ - .__.~.. '-""---'-""'.-.. .'" - - - ~ "'.. f AUGUST 2, 1985 process, which is a patented process, and is currently th~ sole source. Se advised that the two lines to be repaired are quite deep, duu~ng ~na~ when a 10; 11ne Is being excavated, drIv.~ays, ~lr~.l~ dUÙ curbs will normally ~e torn up extensively, thus the request for the proposed process. He stat~d that the two lines to be repaired are causing infiltration, and need to be repaired now. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Cr~~dall replied that the inside perimeter of the pipe will be reduced by approximately 1/2, noting that the City of Naples has used this process for several years, with positive results. Coaalssioner Basse aoved, seconded by C~.sion.r Gl... and carrled ~aoualy, that the foraal biddlng proce.s be waived, the Utl~jtl.. Division contract with Insitufora Southe..t, Inc. to aake necessary repair of the two gravity sewer 1108., and approve the required budge t aaendaen t . It.. nEl . TDTATIVE KILLAGE RATE OF '.6151 COmITY WIDE, A1m Bt1DGET BEARING DATES OF SEPT~ER 1 AID 22, 1988 - APPROVED Budget & Management Director Zalka advised that request is being aade to set the tentative .illage rates as the maximu. tax rates to be levied in this fiscal year. She noted that based on the Board'. action today, the County wide and Unincorporated area millage rate is an increase of 5.9%, and the Aggregate millage rate, which is an average of all the tax rates levied, is at 6.7% increase. aDOK 116 I'Jt;! 565 Page "4 '~"'"".""_,n"",, ,--" lOOt 116 'Ar.~ 5GB AUGUST 2, 1985 In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Ms. Zalka noted that the action relating to the Fire Districts, affects only those persons within that District. Mr. Fred Voss, President of Greater Naples Civic Association, stated that a budget increase of 6' has been set, but noted that the Contingency Fund, of $2 million has been eliminated. He stated that he disagrees with this, adding that there are too many items that sur- face during the year that should be funded from the Contingency Fund, rather than various reserves. He referred to the wage study and the $400,000 for the engineering on the Beach Renourishment project. He suggested setting the maximum millage rate that can accommodate the Contingency Fund and the anticipated increases in wages, and as further reviews of the budget are being made, that rate may be able to be reduced. Sheriff's Department Personnel Director Young presented a memo from Sheriff Aubrey Rogers regarding the proposed millage rate and the Wage Compensation Study performed by Ralph Anderson «Associates. He stated awareness of deficiencies in the Sheriff's pay plan, specifl- cally, that the difference between entry level positions between the Naples Police Department officers and the Sheriff's road deputies is $2,000. Se added that upgrading this entry level position to 821,600, will result in a 26.3' increase. He further stated that his agency is at the "bottom of the heap" when it comes to a fair wage, adding that per the budget instructions, no additional monies were budgete~ within Page 45 - - - AUGUST 2, 1988 his budget request for salary increases. II.. v~n~ ~ndic~~~~ ~h~t th~ ~h~ritf feels that en ~ddition21 .01 .~lls would generate the $650,100 needed for .January, 1989 implemen- tation of the wage study ~hroughout the current service portion of his budget. Ms. Zalka, in answer to Commissioner Saunders stated that the budget lncludes a $2.1 million reserve for contingency and general fund, adding that in addition, there i. a reserve for salary adjust- aents, noting that the portion for the Sheriff is $1.5 million. A listing of current millage rates, with an analysis of options was passed out for review by the Commissioners. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, County Manager Dorrill stated that at the time the budget policy was presented, 9.5' was set aside for salary increases, with funding through a special reserve for salary adjustments of 7.5' of gross pay, and 2' of total salarles was budgeted for attrition. He advised that the Sheriff's Department has indicated that they will have 2' of thelr total payroll available for salary increases, and in addition, the Sheriff feels that to implement the syste., he needs an additional $600,000 to take advantage of the consultant's recommendation in the coming year. Clerk Giles pointed out that there will only be one true reserve next year, adding that there were 2 reserves this past year; a $2 .illion reserve for contingency, and a $2 million reserve for cash flow. Se stated that the proposal tor the coming year, 1s a reserve Page 46 aOOK 116 PI';~ 5a? . -- --.- iOO( 116 wo! 5GB AUGUST 2,1988 of $2 8il11on. In addition, he noted, a sales tax revenue is esti- aated at 81.3 aillion more than what the State is estimating, and the ðC and 6C gas tax.,r next year is estimated in the budget at $1 8111ioo acre than what the State is estimating Collier County wlll receive. He advised that the r~venues may come in, as projected, but if they don't, the County could be faced wjth a fairly good sized tax increase next year, without any increase to the departments, to merely get the reserves restored and to cover the revenues falling less than anticipated by Staff. Co..issioner Saunders questioned whether reducing the reserves will be placing the County in a position of raising taxes next year? Ms. Zalka stated that past trends are considered in the methodo- logy, and if the strong economy continues in Florida, the estimates will be met, and there will be no problem, but if a depression Occurs in Collier County, there will be less money than anticipated, and a tax increase will be necessary. Ms. Zalka indicated that a carry forward of $5 million is pro- jected, noting that $4 million is required for the cash flow tor the first 45 days. Co..issioner Glass stated that with regard to the Sheriff's Department, Collier County has become a training ground for other com- 8unities, which is reflected by the turnover rate. He noted that he believes that the millage rate to be set, should have the parameters to control all situations, and he teels that a higher number is Page 47 - - - AUGUST 2, 1988 required, to provide what is supposed to be provided to the community, and then work back fro. there. Coa8d.sloaer Glas. aoved, seconded by Coaals.ioner Pi.tor, to approve Option #4, .esulting In a tentative 8illage rate lncrease, County-wide. of g. g~ Tape #3 County Manager Dorrill stated that this action places $1 million back into the reserve for cash flow, and an additional $600,000 for the Sheriff'. budget for salaries. Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department, advised that the Board aay still want to negotiate with the Sheriff's Department, and bring this figure down. He stated that the $600,000 will be imple- mented in .January. Gail Addison of the Sheriff's Depart.ent, in answer to Co..i.sioner Goodnight, stated that atte.pts are being aade to adjust the salaries of the Sheriff's e.ployees as quickly as possible, adding that those adjust.ents will be made effective .January 1, 1989. Upon call for the question, the aotlon carried 6/0. Coaa.!asioner Haase aoved, seconded by Co..lssioner 01..s and carried nn.n1aou.ly that September 7 and 22,1988, at 7:00 P.M., be -t - ~ publlc hearing dates for the FY 88/89 Budget. It.. #11.1.1 6 11.1.2 BODQ&T AKEKDHExTS 88-349-350 AID 88-352/35' - ADOPTED Coa8dssioner Pist~r aoved, seconded by Co..ls.ioner Gl... and carrled unan1aously, that Budget Aaendaent. 88-349/360 and 88-352/35' Page 48 aOOK 116 Plr.! 5û9 , IDOC 116PAr.r.570 AUGUST 2,1988 be 8&:r¡rte4 . 11:.. #11.1.3 BUDGET ~UPUUIr RESOLUTIOR 88-31 - ADOPTED Co8:ú..1oner Gl... aoved, C0881.sioner Sas.. and carr led unani- aously, that Budget Aaendaent Resolution 88-31 be adept.d. Page <49 - - - "'.--,-...."..-,..".--..--- - . ,.,_._'_._.,-,.,_. ..-..--,.----..---.,,-----..-...... -'-"_h""'.......... IOG( 116,v.r.572 AUGUST 2,1988 It.. IUD1 DESTKOCT1:OJI OJ' ORIGINAL BOARD OF COtnfrY COMKISSIOJrERS RECORDS AS APPROV'E]) BY THE DIU'...RTMEXT 01' STATE, DIVISIOR 01' ARCHIVES, SISTORY AJm RJlCOJU)S MAJrAGEKDT - APPROVED Co8ai..loner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..issioner S.... and carried ttfta"i8ðU81y, that autborlzation be given for destruction of original. Board of County Coaais.lon records - approved by Departllent of State, Divi.ion of Archives, Bl.tory and Records ManageJl8l1t. Page 50 - - - -.--. aoO( 116n'.r. 576 AUGUST 2, 1988 I~.. #12A DISCUSSIOX RE AMEHDIXa ORDIxAKCE 87-96 REGARDING WIGGINS PASS AREA MSTU - COUXTY ATTOF~ TO ACT AS LIAISOR WITH APPROPRIATE PARTIES AND COME ~ TO Bee WITH ClL\JfGES Coaaissioner Saunders stated that th~ County Attorney needs direc- tion regarding drafting the appropriate changes to the ordinance establishing the Wiggins Pass Area MSTU, as was discussed in .June, prior to the Co..ission taking ita break. Se suggested that Mr. Cuyler meet with the Advisory Committee and peoQle of the community to work towards the amendments, i.e. narrow the scope of the project, in teras ot what area is to be dredged. Mr. Rewton Howes submitted a letter, for the record, stating hls concerns and suggestions tor the MSTU, specifically that all residents should bear the cost of the dredging. Mr. Bill Bergan stated that he will communicate his suggestions to the County Attorney. Mrs. E.ily Maggio questioned whether the ordinance does something for her, or to her? She stated that she has provided a copy of her coaaents, in writing, for the record. Co8al..1oner Gl... aoved, seconded by Co..l..10ner Saunders and carried unaniaously, that the County Attorney be directed to serve aa 1181.00 between the appropriate partie., lncludlng Staff and the Wigglna P... Area Advisory Coaaittee, to coordlnate change. to Ordin.n~. 81-96, with :ecoaaendations subaltted to the Board wlthin 30-.0 days. Page &1 - - - AUGUST 2, 1988 It.. -12B RESOLtTnox 8a-lU APPOIJrTING MARIO. D1f1ŒDY TO THE WIGGINS PASS AREA a~o~ ~~,~~~~~ - ~no~D Mr.. Pat Pilcher stated that she opposes the seating on the Advi80ry Co..lttee of anyone who serves on the Board of Directors of the Wiggins Pass C~ ~ervancy, adding that this is a definite conflict of int.r~.~. Mrs. Marion Kennedy noted that she is very interested in the com- .unity and the betteraent of it. She stated that she desires serving on the Advisory Committee, adding that she will be fair and honest in her recoaaendations. Co8a1_ion.er Pistor lIOVed, .econded by Coaal..ioner Goodnight and carried ttn.."t~ly, that Re8olution 88-185 appoJntlng Marlon Jtennedy ~o the IUggins P..s Area Advlsory Co8a.1ttee, for the re_Jnð.er of the term ~ch expire. on Aprll 5,1990, be adopted. eoo~ 116,1,.1 5TI Page 52 . ..--. --........------- n . -'~'-"'-' ,. , . .. , , '.'--""--"-'----"'-'" AUGUST 2, 1988 ItEa #12C DISCUSS lOX RE FIxARCING A K!WSPAPER AD FOR MAPS OF VOTING DISTRICTS- ~ ~~issioner Pistor advised that many inquiries are received fro: Collier County residents, as to what voting district they are in, He suggested that Staff prepare a 1/2 page ~d of a aa~ outlining the votlng districts, for publication as soon as possible. Coaaunity Development Administrator Olliff stated that Staff has alr~~y started working on this map, and he will come back with a budqet aaendaent request to pay for the ad. Co8a1.s1oner Plstor aoved, seconded by Coaais.ioner Sass. and carried UDan~ly, that Staff prepare a map, outlinlng the voting dlstrlcts, for publlcation In the newspaper. a.... ~s.ioner Goodnlght aoved, seconded by Coaadssioner Plstor and carrled unan~ly, that the following lte.. be approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda: ..... Itnt #UBI LA1CX TRAFFORD HJ:MORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEEDS NO. S48 THROUGH S52 See Pages ....¡;~.3 -5l?7 It.. .14B2 IXCAYATIOx PERMIT 59.229 - SOUTHWooDS - CONTlHOED It.a .14B3 aoved to It.. #9B2 It... #UIU AtJ't1ro1UUTIOK FOR STAFI' TO JlEGOTIATX A COKTRACT WITH THE COKSERVANCY - ~~~U&U TO AOGUST IS, 19S8 Iua #14<:1 aovec1 to It-e. #9C4 aOOK liB,!,,! 579 Page 53 -.--..-.-...-.-... "-""--"-.- . a~ 116F1!".£580 AUGUST 2,1988 ItlUt #14Dl lIB; LIKE FACILITI~~ FOR BURGER EING AT LELY Recorded in O.R. Book 1372 , Pages 1:)50-1359 Ital #14D2 WORLD TD1rIs C.I:.IIILJUt, PHAsE III, VILLA VIZCAYA - AGREEME1rT AND SEWER FACIr.ITIU ACCEPTAJrCE - CBAIRMAJf TO EXECtTTE AGREEMEJrT AND LEASE AND CLX~ TO RECoRD Recorded in O.R. Book 1371 , Pages 160-193 It... #14Bl CERTInCATES OJ' CORRECTIOx AS PRESD'l'ED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S guJ~ 1985 TAX ROLL 255 7/18/S8 1986 TAX ROLL 239 7/18/88 1987 TAX ROLL 359 7/18/88 It.. -1482 ~ GAIX TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 42624,46301,8111 AND 65056 Ite:a -14S KIsc~.raWEOuS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indJc..ted below: 1. Letter dated 07/21/88 fro. Bill Hill, President, Agricultural Fair and Exposition, enclosing the annual financial state- 8It=n..ø lor loUt: Yt:dr t:uu~ng V"/"J./Øf ana t:ne ~ndependent: CPA's review of these statements. Filed. Page 54 - - - """. .._"."."..u .... - - - AUGUST 2, 19S5 2. Letter dated 07/28/88 fro. .Jaaes C. Giles, Clerk of Courts, regarding P'Y 1989 Tentative Budget. Filed. Study on Boat Landing dated May, 1988 from Collier County Parks and ecreation Department. Referred to Bce and filed. 3. 4. Memorandum dated 07/01/88 fro. Barry A. Swihart, Chief of Bureau of Waste Planning and Regulation, DER, on grant availability for local hazardous waste collection centers and new hazardous waste programs. Referred to Bill Lorenz, Bob Fahey and filed. 5. Memorandum dated 07/20/88 from Don W. Berryhill, P. E., Chief of Bureau of Local Government Wastewater Financial Assistance, DER, on SRF Intended Use Plan Workshop to be held in Tallahassee on August 4, 1988, Referred to Neil Dorrill and filed. 6. . Meaorandum dated 07/19/88 fro. Lucretia Shaw Collins, Staff Director of Co..ittee on Housing, Florida House of Representatives, reagrding workshcps for discussion of the proposed "SAIL" rule. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Tom Olliff and filed. 7. Minutes: OS/26/S8 06/30/88 07/20/88 OS/03/88 - Parks and Recreation Adviso~ and 07/28/88 Agenda - Marco Island Beach Renourlshment - Devil's Garden Water Control District annual meeting - Ad Hoc Romeless Committee Meeting Agenda 8. Notice dated 07/21/8S from O'Connell Insulation Co. informing that labor and aaterJals has been furnished tor the installation of fiberglass insulation and acoustical tile for the improvement of the Marco Island Library. Raferred to Neil Dorrill, Ken Cuyler, skip Camp and filed. 9. Notice from Public Service Commission dated 07/21/88 in regards to Petition for Review of Rates and Charges Paid by PATS Providers to LECS. Filed. 10. Letter dated 07/19/8S and Audit Report from Charles L. Lester, Auditor General, regarding audit made on District School Boarc, P'Y 06/30/87. Filed. 11. Letter dated 07/06/88 from Alfred A. DellieBovi, U.S. Dept. of Transportationm regarding proposed amendments to Charter Service regulations. Referred to .Jeff Perry and filed. aOOK llA p.-:r 581 Page 55 ~ 116 '!",( 582 AUGUST 2, 1988 12. Request dated 07/13/88 fro. Lon Tegels, Assignment Editor, WBBS-TV, to put their equipment on the roof of Bldg. F, to provide live election coverage. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Sherri Ryt.'ers, Ken Cuyler and flIed. ... ?here being no further business for the Good of the County, the ae~ting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:50 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL /l4. ~ - BURT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN AT'r"63T: J~.C" GILES, CLERK -~ : ...~.., I' ~;. ~~~2i:-~ ¿J,C. . - . ~.e .i~ut.:; approved by ~he Board on .. - ' ò '~" .. '.....' ',).-.','0) '~ a.;"'p1"~!Ï.Ù~~,d' ~ or a. corrected . """" '. ~, '3'1\\~"" ~ <.3 ~j/7.r r Page 56 - - - ._...._._...._..H~_,.., '-,._.,---_..._.~... . -.."...,,-.,