BCC Minutes 08/15/1988 B - .. - Naples, Florida, August 15, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Ap~als and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as neve been created according LO law cHIÙ tJdV¡JI'.:I I,.." ';.......~é:'; ::.....;,¡......... ~r~in, met on this date at 2:00 P.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in nuilding -F- of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight Arnold Lee Glass Max A. Hasse John A. Pistor (Absent) CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Aubrey Rogers, Sheriff: Gail Addison, Internal Auditor: Dalila Mendez, Deputy Clerk: Lori Zalka, Budget Director: Stan Litsinger, Senior Budget Analyst; and Mary Morgan, Supervisor of P.lf'".ctions. AGENDA 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. -4:00 - 5:00 P.M. Sheriff Supervisor of Elections Page 1 aoo( 116 PAr.r 588 -_.~.. a~ 116 '&"'£ 589 ßHJ:1tIFP' B DEPARTHENT BUDGET AUGUST 15, 1988 Com8issioner Goodnight stated that Commissioner Saunders was un- ðbl~ to attend the Budget Workshop because he is Honorary Dele9ðte of ~h~ Republican National Convention in New Orleans. She noted that th ~ was a long st~nding commitment made prior to him being selected ChÞirgan of the Board of County Commissioners. COllllllissioner Hasse read a letter he sent to the Board of County Co~issioner~ aa well as to the Constitutional Officers on August 3, 1?~8 which states: "The vote in discussion assOCiated with the adop- tjon of the tentative budget is now behind us. As a Commissioner, I ð~ 3ure that you will agree with me, that when confronted with Law Enforcement salaries and adequate reserves, it is a difficult vote to 8~y "No". However, it is obvious to me, that as needs arise, an add- ltion to the adding taxes, it is equally possible to cut expenditures. I~ this regard, I would propose that we, as Commissioners, consider i~~tructing the various agencies, managers, and constitutional offi- Ccr~ to propose ways of lowering Our now 10\ tax increase". Budget Director Zalka advised that during the next two weeks a s~ries of workshops would be held to study the Fiscal 1989 Budget in d~t~il, and at the end of the workshops the Budget would be presented ta the public at two public hearings to be held in September of the <:u:-rent year. Ms. Zalka stated that there is a tax incr~ase of 10\ b~~~ on tentative millage rates, and changes that have already been ~~de are included in the book of "changes". Page 2 - - - "'--.--..----".. - - - AUGUST 15, 1988 Sheriff Rogers advised that his Staff and he have abide by the guidelines and have apolied all their efforts to preoðre the 1939 Tentative Budget, ~hich excludes the new pay plan for the Immokalee Jail expansion. He thanked the Board of County Commissioners on ~half of his employees for including the Sheriff's Department in the i~plementation of the Pay Study in the tentative budget. He referred t~ Page C-14, Fund Summary, and said that adjustments to be reflected in the General Fund total 5308,500. Referring to Page C-l1, and C-12 which represent Detention & Correction Depart~lent, he indicated that P~rsonal Service in the amount of $44,800 had been de1cted: and ~xpanded service Item Il, in the amount of $l9,200, request for a Cook ~ðd also been deleted, due to the fact that private firms have been contracted to provide these services at the jail. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Gail Addison of Internal Audit ðdvised that the 1989 budget request totals S25,443,lOO, which inclu- ò~~ the transfer of the salary reserve account into appropriations: lb~ budget submitted on May 2, 1988 did not include salary reserves. Sheriff Rogers advised that since the Pay Study had not been rl~tergined when the budget was first submitted in May, salary increases were not included, however, the budget would be amended when t~~ Board of County Commissioners granted approval of the additional funds. Budget Analyst Litsinger referred to Page C-l4, and stated that the changes on this page reflect actions made on August 2, 1988 in aoo( 116 PAr.( 5DO Page 3 '. a~ 116n~591 AUGUST 15, 1988 ~hi~h property taxes were rnised in order to fund the personnel study ~n~ to provide additional reserves in the General Fund. Mr. Litsinger nol~d that the original tentative budget indicated an 8\ increase, ~c~~ver, these chð~9cS have increased the budgct by l8%, which reflect l~~ transfer of S2.2 million for funding of the salary structure on :~C~ber l, 1988. He reiterated Sheriff Rogers' statement about the ðp~ropriation of $308,500 to the General Fund. He noted that the r~quest for 40 additional positions have been reduced to 39, and f';r~hcr adjustmcnts, as previously stated, have reduced the total f~nding to $305,200, thus adjusting the total budget to 17.5\. Referring to Page C-8, which represents Law Enforcement ~?~rtment, Budgct Analyst Litsinger stated that after adjusting the sa¡~ry structure there is an increase of 16.8\, which includes 20 ~.~itions for expanded services and funding of $791,000. He noted th~t there is a decrease in capital expenditures in both current and e~pðnded service due to the purchase of leased vehicles. Mr. !.~tjinger advised that on Page C-9 the two major increases are for i~creased cost for overtime in the amount of $265,000. Mr. Litsinger then delineated expanded services request on Page C-9, which total 14 requests. In regard to the Fleet Management r~Quest, Item l, for 54,100, Commissioner Hasse asked if the Sheriff's Dc~4rt~nt repaired its own vehicles? Sheriff Rogers responded that t~~ Sheriff's Department had their own maintenance shop and the ~~:ority of the work is performed at the shop in order reduce repair Page 4 .. .. .. AUGUST 15, 1988 COI:::s. Mr. Litsinger described expanded Request 12 as one Patrol Officer for Everglades Sub-station in the amount of $36,600: Request '3 (~( Auxiliary Officers in the amount of $25,800: Request '4 is for 5 ~d~itional positions for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program U~jt in th~ amount of Sl89,500. Commissioner Pistor asked where the additional officers would be lo<:."ated? Sheriff Rogers advised they would be working throughout the Ct.J'.ln t Y . Hr. Litsinger then described expanded Request 15, which is for an ð~ditional Road Patrol Officer in the amount of 536,600 to expand the Cri~ Prevention Unit for the County's Neighborhood Watch Programs: ex~anded Request 16, is for one personnel for the Street Task Force Unit in the amount of 521,400. Comøissioner Hasse asked what DEA Task Force entailed? Sheriff R~ers advised that the Sheriff's Department has a task force which is c~~prised of DEA and Sheriff Department agents, and the services of a 5~cretary have been provided by a Trust Fund, however, due to th~ Trust Fund's prohibition for its continuous use for normal ~r~rating costs, and an increase in the workload, it is necessary to ~udget for this item at this time. Budget Analyst Litsinger noted that expanded Request 17 is to r~lieve working conditions at the Narcotics Facility. Commissioner C18ss asked if this expansion was for the current operations? Mrs. Page 5 aoo( 116 P1r,[ 592 -.-.----.-. --...---., ~"._..-.__. '-"""".."',"""",.,-,-,.",~" is !~;"( 116 '~';( 593 AUGUST 15, 1988 ^óùison advised that the request was for furnishings and blinds n~c~ssitated at the Courthouse rented space. Responding to Commissioner Hasse regarding Item '8, Mrs. Addison ~(1vjsed that the Sheriff's Department has had a 43.9\ increase in work Ñctivities, and in regard to Item 19, Sheriff Rogers =onfirmed for C"-!'t:IIissioner Glass that the Health Fitness Program would utilize two trnilers and would expand from once to twice a week. Commissioner Pistor asked about Request Ill, and Mrs. Addison ~~~~ribed the difference between the two requested positions and the duties involved. Referring to Item 112, Mrs. Addison explained for Commissioner Hõ~3e that the Sheriff's Department does not lease/purchase vehicles fer investigators, however, they have opted to purchase one-year old ðvtomobiles which results in a substantial savings. In regard to Item Il3, Commissioner Glass asked where the added ~rsonnel would be located? Sheriff Rogers stated that he was hopefuJ th~t the Board of County Commissioners would improve the facilities at l~kalee. Commissioner Goodnight advised that a portion of the old jAil is being renovated for additional office space. Budget Analyst Litsinger then described the expanded requests on P"ge C-lO. In regard to Item #25, Commissioner Pistor asked what the Co!d Access System involved? Sheriff Rogers explained that an ade- qu~te security system was not installed when the building was c~~structed, and in regard to Item 126, he advised that as per Florida Page 6 - - - --- - - - AUGUST 15, 1988 JÑW, canines have to be certified and a certain amount of training is ~ cq.; ired. Commissioner Hasse asked about Item '27, Sheriff Rogers not~d that the com~unication network is being expanded with a com- ~ut~r, and the complaints can be dispatched more efficiently. ~o~issioner Goodnight ad.¡ised that installation of c~mputers would provide better response time in Immoka1ee. In response to Commissioner Glass, Sheriff Rogers reiterated his ap~~ing statement, and added that he had to abide by the constraints ~~~ standards set by the Board of County Commissioners, thus elimi- nðt:ng personnel requests for Immokalee. Recess 3:00 p.m. Reconveneð 3:15 p.m. Budget Analyst Litsinger referred to Pages C-ll, which represent ~tcntion & Correction, and advised that there is an increase in the totðl budget from lO.3\ to 20.3\, resulting from salary adjust- ~nts; he then described expanded Item requests 1 - 9. In regard to Request 'l, Mr. Litsinger advised that this request hðð been changed from 12 positions to 11 positions. Responding to Ç'):!'!IIissioner Hasse, Sher iff Rogers advised that the request was for a C~ok at the Immokalee Jail Center, however, the Sheriff's Department h~~ decided to contract the services of a private firm to provide f,~~ at the facility, which will result in considerable savings. In regard to Page C-13, which represents Judicial (Bailiffs), Eu~get Analyst Litsinger advised that the major change is the increas~ for adjustment to salary structures, as per the personnel study. fie aoo( 116 I'&(;l594 Page 7 ". 6~ 11ßF&',! 595 AUGUST 15, 1988 not~d that there is an additional expanded request to continue the p.c~iously approved Position, and to add another bailiff, totaling $"'\.200. Budget Director Zalka requested the Board of County Commissioners' dir~ction in regarl,.. to the handling of changes during the Workshop pr~css of the budgct. Ms. Zalka stated there arc tW? options that ~~~ld be implemented throughout the workshop scssions, one would be to ð~~rease County-wide property taxes to 9\: the second option would be to increase reserves, and at the end of the workshop sessions review th~ level of reserves and the level of tax increase, and a final dcci- ~j~n can be made prior to presenting the budget to the public in September. Comøissioner Glass suggested that the changes should be added to th~ reserv~s, and at the final workshop session, determine the level ~r reserves to provide the flexibility necessary, and decide the tax ~ð~C at that time. It was the consensus ot the Board ot County Commissioners that the chðDges will be added to the Contingency Fund, and at the last Wor~shop session to be held on August 29,1988 the changes will be properly allocated. :tðþ<! 12 n~ZRVISOR OF ELECTIONS Budget Director Zalka referred to Page C-17, which represents the Su~crvi8or of Elections Division, and noted that the current service Page 8 - - - ~vrl~et reflects a 14\ decrease. AUGUST l5, InS Ms. Za1ka then described the signi- f!~~"t chdnge~ a. l¡~L.'; ~~ ~~;~ c. :C, ~~~ =~=~~~ ~h=~ ~~~~~ !~ $?1,100 for expanded requests, however, the overall budget change ~~~ld be .2' decrease from FY 'S8 budget. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Supervisor of E:ections Morgan ~~vised that utilizing the County's digital VAX equipment would be CG~tly, however, the acquisition of hardware equipment to be stored on ~ptical disk would be a one-time expenditure, and would result in con- sJderable savings. Mrs. Morgan referred to the Special Election to be held next year, ðn~ advised that this was not budgeted for in her budget. Mrs. Morgan r~frrred to an Election report, which states that the U.S. Senate auì~s Committee is in the process of passing a bill, and if the bill P~~~es, the polls will be opened until lO:OO p.m. on election day in ~~vcmber, which would result in an additional $6,000 expenditure for ;><>Uworkers. Com.issioner Goodnight suggested that the Board of County C~i8sioners direct Budget Director Zalka to amend the Supervisor of El~~tions budget, at such time as the proposed bill is passed, thus :-~~~iring the $6,000 expenditure. Commissioner Hasse commended Supervisor of Elections Morgan on the pr~paration of her budget. ..* There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:00 P.M. aDaK 116 P1'.1 596 Page 9