BCC Minutes 08/16/1988 R - - .. Naples, Florida, August 16, 1988 LET IT BE Rf~EMß~HED, that the Roard of County Commissioners in -.....~ !:"',. fohn """'tlntv of ('.011 ier. and also acting as the Board of Zoning }o.p;7t:-"ls and as the ;ov~rnin<.1 board(s) oE such sfJecial districts as haY~ been crcatcd according to law and having conductcd busincss her':!n, Jllet on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building -~~ ?f the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the f~t:?Wing members present: VIC1=:- CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight (Absent) CHAIRMAN: John A. Pislor Arnold Lee Glass Max A. Hasse Burt L. Saunders ALSO PR1=:SENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance f)jt:..-clor; Ellie !JorEman i3nd Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerks; Neil D,:>rrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Q~liff, Acting Community Development Administrator; Ken Cuyler, County A:~~rney; Tom Crandall, Utilities AdMinistrator; Kevin O'Donnell, P~~:ic Services Administrator; James Reardon, Emergency Management P¡c~ctor; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; David Pettrow, r~....~lopment Services Oi rector; Wi lliam Lorenz,. Pollution Control ;:ir~tor; Michael Arnold, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Michael ~~t¡ces, Utilities Administration Director; Nina Neal, Assistant to ,t,c Community DevelopmenL Administrator; Nancy [sraelson, A~~inistrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, $bc:-iff's Departmenl. Page 1 'OO( 116 PI.'.f 597 """""""-"'-----. 'rape 11 AUGUST 16, 1988 ~~VVT4~IOft o~~T~~ ~~==:~ 7~ ATTEND REPUDLIC^~ CO~V~HT1~H Commissioner Goodnight re~d a statement advi3ing that "Chairman ::~unders is unable to attend today's Board of County Commissioners ~~r:eting because II.! is an honorary delegate to the Republ ican Ha tíona J ::=nvention in New Orleans, which he is attending at his own expense. ~:is is a long standing commitment, made prior to him being selected Chairman of the County Commission. He is Certainly representing our ~r~unity at this most important Republican Convention, and we all "'l::rh hi. well. to n- 14 ~L3UTEs OF JULY 19; JULY 20; AND JULY 26 1988 - APPROVED Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and c~rried 4/0, that the minutes of JUly 19,1988, JUly 20, 1988, and Ju~y 26,1988 be approved as presented. !tea 13 ~2~A - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and r~rried 4/0, that the agenda be approved with the following changes: Item 19A2 Recommendation to establish a committee and follow the attached schedule for revising th~ Conservation and Coastal Management Elements of the Growth Management Plan - Deleted. Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners authorize Staff to negotiate a contract with the Conservancy (Cont'd. from 8/2/88 Meeting) - Moved to Item #9B5. Item IlJIß<1 aoo( 116 rjO,f 60a Page 2 , -..--..-...-....-.---. aøt( 116 wr 604 ^IJCIJST !6, IHl8 aem 'HBS Recommendation to waiv<:> the comp<:>tilive seJc-::tÍor, process and direct Staff to negotiate a consu[tin' contract \.lith Coastal J::ngint~ering for the design ,.' Roadway, Drainage, Sewer and Water Service for th~ County's Public Beach at Lely Barefoot Beach - Moved to rtem '986. Item 11487 Hecommendation to accept for recording, a Drðinð~ ~as~ment from the Pavilion Club Development Corporation for the Pav i I ion Lake PUD, A/K/^ Beach Sid~ of Naples - r~Jeted. Item' J 2C Consideration of request for extension of time for fi! ing of plans for con5trlJ~tíon of condO/hot",! suites at northwest corner of VanderbiJt Beach kOñ. and Vanderbilt Drive - Continued to 8/30/88. Item' I 08 Recommendation that the BCC authorize its Chairman to execute letter in reference to State ðcquisitior, o[ Cannon Island - Continued to 8/23/88. Commissioner Pistor indicated that he feels Item lOB, which Count.. ^t~~rney Cuyler asked to be continued for one week, is placing the C')u::ty in a dangerous s i tuation. He noted that the. State backed out l~ ~he purchase of I.ely Barefoot Beach, and the same situation could '<~ur with Cannon Island. co..issioner pistor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and cArried 4/0 tbat Item lOB be deleted from tbe agenda. I.t.~""- 'SA £HFLOTEE SERVICE AWARD - PRESENTED Commissioner Goodnight presented an employee service award to I;:r.~sline Cousincau, or the Attorney's 9rrice, [or Eiftecn years of ~~r~ice with Collier County Government. Mrs. Cousineau was presented w:~h ð plaque and a pin. Page 3 - .. - .--.-.-. - - - ~ I~~ Us AUGUST 16, 1988 ~~~LAKATIOK DESIGHATIKG AUGUST 14-20, 1988 AS "WATER AND WASTEWATER ~!,"'-~"Tt"lR~ 1f"P'.P'.](" - A~~_ED -- - .. - --- Upon rea4ing ~- the Proclamation, Commissioner Glass moved, ~~CgDded by Commissioner plstor and carried 4/0, that August 14-20, 19~3, be designated as "Water and Wastewater Operators Week". 600( llR FJr.! 605 Page 4 -------.-----.. ".' AUGUST 16, 1988 He:: "A1 nIO 188-1290 TO THORNTON LABORATORIES, INC. FOR SERVICES FOR THE ~'l"'t~nJÐfR1r'nT. Af'TP.NCP; "ND POLLUTJ~!:! CONTROL DEPARTMENT - Jl.WJl.RDED Legal notice having been publ ¡shed in the NapJcs Daily Ne~'s on J~;ÿ 5, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Cj~~k, Bids were opened at 2:30 P.M. on July 20, 1988. Environmental Science and Pollution ControJ Director Loren~ noted Lh~t Invitations to Bid were sent to eight vendors, adding that bids ~cr~ received from six vendors. He advised that AUC 1esearch, Inc. ~~~ the low bidder, however, they could not meet the specifications t~ 3ample analytical services within 30 hours, therefore, Staff is !c~cmmendin9 that Bid 188-1290 be awarded to the second lowest bidder, T~~tnton Laboratories, Inc. He advised that a unit cost contract will c~ in effect for one year, with an option to renew at the same costs t~t an additional year. He noted that 5126,097 is estimated for the a~~lyses during the next year. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Lorenz advised that the ~126,097 is an estimate of the annual analyses performed. cO8missioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and cArried 4/0 to accept the statt recommendation to award Bid 188-1290 to ~ornton Laboratories, Inc. tor laboratory services. aoo( 116 ~~~; 607 Page 5 _..,..w",. "..,--" ,.""""..",,.~-,,--,"_.._,- - . -,--"._-,."-""""",, ~";t 116 Fl'.~ GOB AUGUST 16, 1988 It:: 19A2 - Deleted 1 ~Iot: 191.3 D~~~~ DIRECTION REGARDING MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGES OF HOUSES, MOVING RHILDIBGS, HOMES M~ETING CODES, AND THE AMENDMENTS OF ASSOCIATED OPOlHAKCES - STAFF ~O BRING BACK MORATORIUM RE MOVING HOUSES TO GOLDE~ ~~T~ ESTATES, AND AMEND ORDINANCES TO BE CONSISTENT WITH EACH OTHER Mrs. Nina Neal, Assistant to the Community Development ^d~lnistrator, advised that on May 24, 1988, the Board requested Starr t~ c~p10re increasing the minimum square footages of homes from 1,000 s~ ~o 1,100 SF with an attached garage, and 1,250 SF without a garage; t~l'- relocation of hous<.>s, and whether these hollses meet the required C~Je-s . She noted that Staff found that prior to moving structures to th~jr final site, Building Codes should allow for improvements to be rl'Yr-- in Indus tr j a 1 Zones. She stated that current Codes ~equire per- l!jl~ and inspections for al] phases of relocating a structure, noting t~~l one Code states time limitations and another does not. She added t~~t if the footages are increased, it may create non-conforming house 5i7~S in some zoning areas. Mrs. Neal stated that Staff is recommending that the ~quare foota- c-~ be studied as part of the Golden Gale Master Plan; that the EUJ Iding Ordinances be revised to reflect time limits; and allow i.f<:;.rovements in industr ill] zones. Mr. Dick ßraun staled that he agrees with the Community r~~~lopment Departmenl regarding the problems of subject issue, and he !..."-:,: 1cves that the new Growth Management Plan should address such Page 6 - .. - ,,_.-'.... ,-~. ,., , '..------..-----..-".......---...,..-"-,...--,.-,, '...."'.".u.-..--,..--.-....--,- '-"--~-'_...-.-,_., AUGUST 16, 1988 ¡:õ~; es. He stated that he feels that a moratorium should be placed on !.,....iug jlvÞ:::b ..i...i,í.. Li,t :V"""Y' ......: ;':.~ S';uði."c. [;;,ctage requir~m~r.t:::; ~~'uld be ~ddressed when the Goldpn Gate Master Plan iß in pla~Þ. coamisøioner Hasse moveð, soconðeð by Commissioner Glass, that a ~~ratoriua be placed on moving homes anywhere in the County, until t~. Golden Gate Haster Plan is in place. camaissioner pistor mentioned his reluctance in a County-wide ~ratoriua, specifically, that some ot these houses could be moved f~~o I..okalee, brought up to the required standards, and used for l~-cost housing. He suggested limiting the moratorium to the Golden a~t. and Golðen Gate Zstates area. coamissioner Hasse ~ended his motion that the moratorium be lt~ite4 to the Golden Gate Estates area. Commissioner Glass accepted the ..endment. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the appropriate documentation ~ill need to be prepared for the moratorium regarding the moving of sl:-uctures, and brought back before the Board. Regarding the changes Ir:. the square footages, Mr. Cuyler noted that evidence should be pre- s~~ted as to why the changes should be made. County Manager Dorrill advised that there are currently a number ~! permits that have been issued under the existing requirements, and .~~less he is otherwise instructed, these would be valid. County Attorney Cuyler noted that the subject of a moratorium has :~t been discussed until today, ad~ing that those parties with permit Page 7 &OO( 116 FA'.£ 609 _.,.,...",-.~..... -...-----. " ._,_..._~_...., "."'.""---.~.- ~---_.. .."..-...... 00,.00'." ,...' a~ 116.:".: 610 AUGUST 16, 1988 ðr~lications and permits did not have notice or this issue. ~u'~~sted that those permits be allowed to proceed. He Acting Communi I Development Administrator Olliff stated that ~t~ff is requesting direction to amend two Ordinances relating to """".'r:c moving and repairs, noting that there is inconsistency within thp two Ordinances. co..issioner Hasse withdrew his motion. co..issioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and car:ied ./0, to instruct staff,to draw up the necessary documen~ation r~~~rdinq a moratorium on movinq houses into Golden Gate Estates. co..issioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and c&rried ./0, that Staff ame.ld the two Ordinances to be in consistency ~t£h each other and in compliance with the law. Ite2 "A4 RFCOKKElfDATIOH TO CONSIDER SEVERAL OPTIONS ON INITIATION OF I~LEXENTATIOH OF COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN - CONTINUED !Y"- 2 WEEJtS Planner Gauthier stated that a policy on the management of P~:.itions for Rezones during the time period prior to adoption of the ~'~~th Management Plan is requested. He noted that on July 26, 1988, è '~ proposed Growth Management Plan was transmitted to the Department ...f Community Affairs for preliminary review. After the preliminary ~c~iew is completed, he advised, the County must consider incor- p~'~ation of any objections or comments, adopt the Plan as an ordi- ""->1ce, and resubmit the Plan ror final review, adding that the ~'--.. Page 8 - - - ----_.._",.,.,'".--_.._--,.,-_...- '..'..---...--.- .'--"--....- """"--'-_-h ., ,.. - - - AUGUST 16, 1988 ::r"!ected ðdoption date is Jðnuary 10, 1989. :~:-. ~.:~';~:.=: ;'".-':~-:' th<:t r::'-~-;~ ~f "hn "',,':u!"~ Land 'Jsc Elcm~nt is .i:::plemented through the requirement that all zoning dccisions be con- cl,tent with the Future Land Use MðP. I~ stðted that there are impor- ~~~t changes in the proposed future Land Use ~Iement compared to the i~EJ Plan, particularly in the area of commercial citing criteria, and ~wrtain residential densities. He added that applications for re/~ning currently take about six months to proccss from date of ~r~lication, until the final Public Hearing, noting that applications U.~t enter into the "pipeline" prior to July 10, 1988, will not emerge ~~til after the new Plan is adopted. Mr. Gauthier offered two basic options for the Board's r,..r.5idera tion: 1. Moratorium on n~ rezone applications until adoption of the Plan. This will take approximately 30 days to put into effect. 2. Continue to accept rezone applications and let the date of the final Public Hearing determine what Plan a particular application must be consistent with. If this option is selected, it is suggested that: a. As new Petitions for rezone are received, ~he applicanl~ should be given a written statement which clearly indicates that should their rinal Public lIearing OCcur after adoption of the new Plan, they must be in con- sistency with the new Plan. b. The Board should establish a policy against "fast-tracking" any individual rezone Petitions. Mr. Gauthier sta"cd that regardless of which option is selected, It is recommended that all rezones that ar£ currently in the &0(;( l1ôw., fill Page 9 " JO;:..; l1flw.£f)12 ^UGUST 16, 1988 q .i~eline-, be sent a notice advising that the new Plan is pending, .,~.;.: if their rezone Comes up after adoption or the Plan, it must be c~'~~istent with that Plan. He added that henceforth, it is suggested th=~ rezone reviews include a new informational section to be con- 51~~ent with the proposed Plan. With regard to the allowance of commercial land use with large rc~;dential-mixed uses, Mr. Gauthier noted that until recently, a ",..-:.!torium has been in effect, but has now lapsed, and he suggested l~~t the moratorium be re-established. Commissioner Pistor stated that he is not in favor of a general =",,'v~tor ium. He noted that the new Plan charges the requirements for CC'~~rcial sites, and rather than re-establishing the moratorium, he ~~~ested that the Petitioners be advised of the pending new Plan, and th~ fact that they must comply with same. He indicated that in 9<'-r.-::-ral, the applications for rezones have complied fairly well with ~¡~ anticipated Plan, adding that Staff can guide the applicants to c:~;:r-..tre compliance. In answer to Commissioner Glass, County Attorney Cuyler stated th~~ in his opinion, no one has a vested right simply becðuse they h~y~ applied for a rezone. He added that if a Petitioner's Public H~~~ing is near the date of adoption of the Plan, Staff will have to J~~í~ate to them compliance within the old Comp Plan and the new Comp r-l;:;: . in answer to Comm.ssioner Goodnight, Mr. Gfluthier stated that a Page 10 - .. - "---"--"""'--" --- ~.,~.-., '" ~, ^UGUST 16, 1988 V~:ition in the "pipeline" that doesn't comply with the proposed Plan, ~;.~ld include an information of finding of inconsistency with the prú- f~~:::~ Plan, and th'é" ßoard Would have toe discretion of approving it. Hr. Alan Reynol~3 or Wil30n, Miller, ß~rlon, SolI & Peek, Inc., ~ ~ted his conccr. re1ardlng Petitions that are already in the ~pipeline" and have expended a good deal of time and money in filing ':t':-'SIIittals, etc. and working through the process in reliance upon the vl~n that exists today. lie indicated that he feels it is unfair to "~~ablish a policy by which those Petitioners must be in conformance ~¡~h the proposed Plan. He noted that his firm has peti tions that :""'~'e been in the "pipeline" in excess of 2 yeë:.rs, and he believes that I:~ fairest way to deal with these Petitions would be to use the date of transmittal of the Plan to the State, as the date in which the ~~~lication would be reviewed under the current Comprehensive Plan. ¡~ stated that he feels that there are other options which could be cr~3idered, in addition to the two presented by Mr. Gauthier, adding ~~~t he does not believe there has been adequate time to review all ¡"-':;:aibil Hies. Hr. Reynolds stated that if the policy as proposed today is to be ~~~pted, he believes that any petitions that are in the "pipeline" l~~ðY should be looked at before the policy is adopted, to determine ~h~t affect it may have, adding that he is unable to advise his '-i¡~nts, at this time as to what affect the policy would have on them. I~ 3uggested that those petitions that were filed prior to the Page 11 ðOû( 116 'I~¡ 613" -----"-- ~~ 116w~G14 ^UGUST 16, 1988 ~~:y 26, 1988 transmittal hearing be considered under the old ~~~prehensive Plan; any Petition Ciled after July 26, 1988, but heard P'-.:.~r to the adopt ,on oC new Plan, would also be heard under the ~zi~ting Comp Plan. lie recommended that all pos3ible options be ~V~!lable for consideration. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Reynolds stated that his (iIS has one particular petition that has been in the "pipeline" since t~~ beginning of the year. He added that subject location is in the tJch!:ted transition zone cast of CR 951, noting that at this point, the ~~ Comprehensive Plan does not address how those petitions will be ~or~idered, adding that it is impossible for Staff to determine ~h~ther such a project is consistent with the new Plan. He indicated t~~t the density cap Cor this area is undetermined, adding that the rAlicy before the Board today is unclear regarding these kinds of ¡:-<::' '- it ions. Commissioner Glass indicated that there are concerns on both ~i~es, and suggested a continuation of 2 weeks, to enable discussions ~~~een the concerned parties, with recommendations brought back at ~h~t time when there will be a full Board. County Attorney Cuyler stated that if this item is to be con- ~i~:~ed, Mr. Reynolds can meet with St~ff and refer his attorneys to ~~~t with him for further discussions. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and cArried 4/0, that this item be continued for two weeks to allow the ir.-Uvidual groups to get together to arrive at definitional terms. Page 12 - - - - - - AUGUST 16, 1988 17:ea 19A5 P.1:PORT TO THE BCC ON POSSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL COHPKOH18ES TO THE ~ITATS SURROUNDING THE PROPOSED GOODLAND MARINA PROJECT - ACCEPTED James Burch, Acting Natural Resources ~ anagement Department 3~pervisor, advised that the document submitted ide~tifie5 what pre- =~~tly exists on subject site, lists the various biological Com- ;::~;(¡ities and the rel.!ltive condition of each community. lie added that protected species are listed with the various degrees of protection by ~I~te, Federal and International Protection Agencies. He noted that t~c second portion of the report identifies concerns relating to the :J"';.'e10pment in this area, Le. the effects of dredging, water quality ¡n the area, the use of toxic chemicals in the proposed operation, ~~~ine mammals, types of pollutions created by this business activity, ~rcheological resources that exist on the site, etc. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Burch noted that the ðrchaeological report documents the extent of the archaeological ~j~es, and it recommends the best treatment of these sites. Commissioner Glass noted that the report in hand is very good and vb:id, but questioned what action, if any, the Board can take, since t~ø County was not a part of the process in the court settlement? County Attorney Cuyler advised that the County has no control rrg~rding the land use, but merely whether It elects to enter i~to th,~ ~~I~r agreement. Commissioner Goodnight stated that a letter has been received from ðOû( 116 '1':( 615 Page 13 t£~ llfl ~1'.! £)16 AUGUST 16, 1988 ~r. ~ark Benedict of the Conservancy, which indicates they are in ~9r':cmcnt with the revised plans. Mr. Art Calvert, Goodland resident, stated his concerns regarding th~ proposed marina tapping into the water main, noting that the r.'~""'Jland area is already overburdened. fie further stated concerns ~f ~he effect the marina will have on dolphins currently sited in an nr~~ within 1,000 feet of subject property. Mr. Elhanon Combs of Goodland noted that the original plan of the p:oposed project ,has increased dramatically, adding that 2/3's of the pr~Ject is outside of the PUD. He advised that originally, there was to be an internal canal to get to subject property, noting that has ~í~ce been changed, adding that he feels that the County has every rj~ht to prohibit this development. Ms. Sandy Combs of Goodland complimented Mr. Burch on.his report. Sh~ submitted photographs depicting the proposed site, and the effects l~ ~il1 have on that area. She also submitted 65 letters of objection t~ ~he proposed marina. Hr. Mark McRee, Goodland resident, complimented the research and iiJ~in9S as indicated in the report prepared by Mr. Burch. He stated hl~ concerns regarding the entire environmental area, noting that èr~d9ing will destroy the marine habitat and create a disturbance to th~ manatees in the area. He advised that he has walked the proposed ~r~a, and tracks or the Florida panther have been spotted. With rC?~rds to the method of soil testing the bottom of the water, he Paÿ~ 14 - - - ", ._...".__.,"........,...,. , ._...._----_.....,..... ""'-"""H."_"_-",-,-----"-",-"~"""""""",,,,,,,.' , ...,-------- AUGUST 16, 1988 ind~c8ted that long-term pollutants will be created, with long-term ~r[~cts. Other areas which will be effected arc: the entire area to th~ west of the proposed project, which consist of large oyster beds, ~an¿ .arine and grass flats, breeding ground~, the food dnd dnimal ¡ if~ to be collected (or human consumption will be disruptive from th~ cc~tamination, and the quality of the fish and fishi~g areas will be ðir:::tnished. Tal'. 12 Hr. James Kornsc of Goodland stated that the time has come to ~r~~k against this project, and he will fight it to the end. lie c~~li8ented the report but noted that the environment cannot be c"-'::::>.rolDised. Hr. David Law, Owner of the Coon Key Pass Marina, indicated that he 4oes not feel that another marina is needed on Goodland. He noted t~~t his land has deteriorated between 8' and 12' from boats running b~~k and forth, adding that too much of one thing will destroy the ~f",'..ironJllent. Hr. Ira Evans, Marco resident, stated that not only is the ~~~ironment being affected by the proposed marina, but the entire M~!cO area, as well. He advised that one of the biggest hazards of a ~~rina is fire, adding that Goodland has no fire pro~ection. He qu~stioned what will happen to the sewage generated by 250 boats? lie 'JrGed that all aspects relating to the responsibility for services be ~~~sidered, before this project moves along. 800~ 11R PJ~I 617 Page 15 lOOt: 1t6 Fl'.! GiS AUGUST 16, 1988 Mr. Michael Stephens of Maritime Ventures noted that he recognizes th~ c~~cerns of the local citizens, but stated that the environmental cir~~~~tances should not influence the issue of the original applica- whJch ~as a request for water service to the project fro~n the Goodland ut!! I..." System. He advised that the marina will be built, regardless of wh..,t the Board's decision is relating to the water issue, C~issioner'Hasse indicated that the water issue is not being addrezaed today. He stated that he feels that the report presented today regarding the environmental impact is excellent, noting that all too cften these impacts are ignored. ~r. Stephens stated that in the process of accomplishing the per- mits lor subject project, which was of great magnitude, and in CXChð!:gC for development rights, over 13,000 acres of land was donated to lh~ State oE Florida, to remain in preservation. He noted that as pj~noÞrs, dealing with the quality of life, they must also deal with lh~ growth that will occur, adding that 80\ of the people will have bo~lE, and will want to have facilities available for them. ;~ answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Stephens noted that the repO~l presented today states that there is a potential for environ- ~nlðl impacts, and that this project has a greater sensitivity to th~t environment than did the original settlement ~ocument. He ad~i=cd that he has worked very closely with Staff during the past snv~r..,l months to provid~ educational exhibits, "No Wake" markings, lh~ ~anatee awareness ~ign5, and large landscaping areas to preserve Page 16 - - - ., -'-"""".'u, ...'..-'-.-- "-,-"-,,., , ,-...-.. --,- - - - AUGUST 16, 1988 th~ native vegetation. CO8aissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0 to accept the report provided by Statt. a:¡o( 11R F1'.1 £)19 Page 17 ---.-- - - - ^UCUST 16, 1988 ****. Recess: 10:55 A.H. - Reconvened: 11:10 A.H. at which time O_puty Clerk Kenyon replaced uepu~y Cl-rA Hultman ***** Itea UC1 COLLIER COUNTY BOAT LANDING STUDY PRESENTED BY REYNOLDS, SMITH 5 HILL AJrD ACCEP'l'ED BY THB BCC. STAPP DIRECTED TO IMPLEMENT SAID STUDY IN THE GROWTH M!lAGEHEKT PLAN Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that during the Fiscal Year 1988 budget deliberations and the development of the Growth Management Plan, questions were raised with regards to the placement, location and number of boat ramps that would be needed in freshwater and salt water throughout Collier County. lie 3tated that as a result of these discussions, Staff employed the servi~es of Reynolds, Smith, & Hill of Jacksonville, Florida, to perform a study that would deal with the number of boat ramps needed, the location by planning district and then the standards for the facilities. He noted that the study does not substantially deviate from what is currently obtained in the Growth Management Plan and the consultants recommend that basi- cally 11 lanes are needed for 1994 and the current Growth Management Plan had estimated 12 lanes were needed. He indicated that Mr. Todd Denning of Reynolds, Smith, & Hills is the Project Manager for this report and will highlight the report for the Board of County Comraissioners. Mr. Denning stated that the objective of the report was two- fold; to establish a standard by which the number of ramps and lanes that are needed in the County coulq be determined; and then to apply Page 18 aOD~ 116 FA',j f>49 --,^'-,- --~ 'Go( lIB F1'.( 650 AUGUST 16, 1988 ti,ose standards by planning districts. He indicated that the study is not site or dollar specific, but is geared toward the level of ser- vice. He noted thó~ the study was done based on a 10 year projection from 1988 to 1998 and the methodology was based on the State standards and adjusting it for Collier County which deals with the per capita standard of one lane per 6,675 people. He indicated that in terms or inventory in Collier County and the City of Naples, there are four locations with 7,lanes. He stated that deficiencies were identified using population data ~nd comparing it to the ~tandards and then subtracting the existing lanes which gave him the final recommendation that is being presented in the report. He stated that design stan- dards and location standards are also included in the report, adding that Page 1-2 indicates the improvement type and schedule. by year through the ten years, the planning district, and the facilities. He indicated that over the next ten years there are approximately 15 sites needed with 21 lanes; 15 being salt water and 6 being freshwater. He reported that by planning area, 5 of the 12 areas are located on the Gulf in North Naples, Central Naples, East Naples, Marco Island and Royal Fakapalm. He indicated that North Naples should receive 3 sites with 6 ramps; Central Naples should receive 2 sites with 4 ramps; East Naples should receive I site with 2 ramps; and South Naples should receive 1 site with I ramp. lie indicated that in South Naples, there> was one site and one ramp transf~rred to the Marco area and in Golden Gate, there were twc sites transferred. lie noted that in the Urban Page 19 - - - . ~""-_..", ---- >.., .. , - - - AUGUST 16, 1988 Estates, there is a freshwater site designated with one ramp; the lllllllOkalce area thl e :3 one si ta åeS1<)lIðlCÙ for olle L Clm J; i..i,~ rt\..ddl Estates, there is one site and one ramp designated which was trans- ferred to the Marco area. He noted that Corkscrew area is designated one freshwater site with one ramp and the Royal Fakapalm is designated two sites with two ramps. He stated that this is a 10 year plan and the Capital Improvement Program designated 5 years of sites which is the difference between the 12 lanes that are being recommended in the Capital Improvement Program and the 21 lanes that is being recommended in his report. C088i.sioner Glass 8oved, .econded by Commissioner Has.e and carried 4/0, that the Boat Landing study be accepted and that stat! be directed to implement the Plan in conjunction with the Growth Kanag..ent Plan. It.. 19A6 STA7F DIRECTED TO FAST-TRACK A REZOIfE 1JfD SITE DEVELOPMENT PLARS FOR LELY RESEARCH' DEVELOPMENT PARK PUD; TO DEVELOP AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE A PERMITTING SYSTEM FOR THE MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION FILM INDUSTRY; TO ABIDE BY THE TIME SCHEDULE OF THE AGENT; WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL' PEEK, INC.; AND TO HAVE STAFF KEMBER LEARN THE INDUSTRY IN ORDER TO WORK BETTER WITH SUCH COMPANIES Mr. David Pettrow of the Development Serv ices Depar',tment stated that several weeks ago, a principle of the Naples International Studios approached Staff and indicated that they would be presenting to the County a petition to incorporate 8 acres of property to the west of and contigu~us with the Lely Research and Development PUD into Page 20 ~OO( iiR F~'.¡ fiS1 _.. ".'"" ..,,~. ~ aoO( 116 Ft'.j 652 the exIsting PUD. AUGUST 16,1988 He noted that this will be coming before the Board as a Planned ~vel~pmcnt Amendment, adding that the 8 acres will be used for a back lot for filming and shooting on site. He stðted that ~ith respect to the uniqueness of this petition and the impact on the local economy that it will have, the agent [or the studio has asked Staff to fast-track the zoning and any subsequent site plan and he is asking for direction in this matter. He noted that there is also no clear cut proc~ss for handling temporary filmings or off-site shootings and the agent is also asking that a provision be included in the ordinance that would allow for permitting for off-site shooting of fil. industries. He noted that this would have to be done in a quick per iad of time or within a 24-hour period, adding that he is seeking direction on this matter also. Com.issioner Glass stated that he has been involved with these people quite heavily because this is a situation where there is over-riding public interest. He noted that the County is now in a position to have a motion picture industry of significance which will employ a lot of people and educational programs have been set up at the YO-Tech. lie stated that the permitting is needed in a short period of time because delay is money in this industry. He noted that this is a clean industry and would enhance Collier County, adding that they need to bp given the latitude to make this industry happen as soon as possible. Commission~r Pistor stated that he is a member of the American Page 21 - - -.. -, ----,- ---,--- -'---,-- -------,- ..--- - - - AUGUST 16, 1988 Society of Cin~matography, adding that this Society has already heard about this studio in Naples and he was as~ed if there was any chance that a film could be shot early next year. lie stated that he kn?ws that there is interest in this matter and this would be a good oppor- tunity for the County to hóve some clean industry. coaaissioner Pistor .ove~ to authorize Btaff to fast-track this request regarding the additional 8 acres being incorporated into the Lel! Research' Development Park PUD and to fast-track any site deve- lopaent plans that may be required; to direct staff to bring back an ordinance or the necessary amendments regarding permitting oft-site fila sbootings. coaaissioner Glass seconded the motion with the addition that a staff .ember be designated to learn this industry in order to work witb tbese people as a project manager. tbe addition by Commissioner Glass. Commissioner pistor agreed to Hr. William Barton of Wilson, Miller, Barton, 'SolI & Peek, Inc., Agent for the petitioner, stated that if the Board decides to hear this application, the last day that it could be.done would be on November 8, 1988, which could be accomplished 'if the p~tition is filed by September 9, 1988; it is advertised on Seplemþer 20, 1988, the Staff report is prepared by October 14, 1988, and the CCPC hears the petition on October 20, 1988. He stated that this would mean that the Board would hold their public hearing on November 8, 1988, and requirements would be met. Page 22 a~~~ 11R FJ'.I 653 ¡CD( 116 !'J'.! 6~4 AUGUST 16, 1988 Coamissioner Glass stated that he would modify his second to include the above referenced dates and Commissioner Pistor agreed to this 8odification. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0. It.. I9B1 BID 188-12" TO FURNISH, SPREAD AND COMPACT 165,000 TONS OF FILL XATERIAL AT THE NAPLES LANDFILL TO CONSTRUCT THE BASE OP LIKED CELL 6, PHASE TWO - AWARDED TO SEA CON INDUSTRIES IN THE AMOUNT OP $638,715 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 17, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 188-1266 to furnish, spread and Com- pact 165,000 tons oE fill material at the Naples Landfill to construct the base of Line Cell 6, Phase Two, until 2:30 P.M. June 29, 1988. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated tha~ this request is consistent with the Growth Management Plan to provide for cell capa- city at the landfill. He noted that three bids were received and after inspection of the material, the low bid of Sea Con Industries is being recommended. He stated that funds are available in the Solid Waste Enterprise ACcount for this work. He indicated that Sea Con is removing fill from the existing excavation on Sabal Palm Road ~nd they would like to be able to use that material which has been inspected and meets the requirements for the base material. He noted that the project on Sabal Palm Road will be completed in about two weeks and will tie in well with this bid award. Commissioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and Page 23 - - - carried 4/0, that Bid '88-1266 to furnish, spread and compact 165,000 tons of fill material at the Naples Landfill to construct the base of AUGUST 16, 1988 --ount ot $638,715. lined cell 6, phase two, be awarded to Sea Con Industries in the Item 19B2 ROAD I.KPACT FEE PAYoiENT AGREEKENT WITH COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, DEVELOPER OP THE COURTHOUSE SHADOWS SHOPPING CENTER- APPROVED AND $78,572.2' TO BE REPUNDED TO THE DEVELOPFR Public Work~ Administrator Archibald said that this is a recommen- Shopping Center. dation to reduce tha road impact fees for the Courthouse Shadows generated. ment to pay road impact fees consistent with the amount of traffic He noted that Ordinance 85-55 requires new develop- 1988, traffic COunts were made at the shopping center. 1988, to undertnke some traffic counts and on August 2 and August 4, He indicated that the Board instructed Staff on July 26, the results of-those. counts indicated the highest daily traffic being 4,868 vehicles going into and out of the shopping center, which He noted that of the impact fee. reflects well with the figure that the County used in the computation He noted that it should be recognized that the traffic that it will have over a periOd of time in the future. shopping center still has some vacancies and has not generated the indicated that in establishing the impact fees, the County looks at an Operation that will be generating traffic over a relatively long He period of time which is usually a build-out of 20 years. that the impact fee data used is not based on actual data, adding thal He noted Page 24 eoo( 116 PI'.! 655 ',,-'..,.,., '.----------.,.."'.----.-----,. '"-'-,,- -~ 'c' --'"-.~_._--_.,."..,._._,......._..__..._...".. aOO( 116 w.r. 656 AUGUST 16, 1988 it is based upon the Institute of Traffic Engineers which is a series of publication that addresses traffic usage, generation, and attrac- tion. He noted th~t there are reports that deal with different types of shopping centers. He stated that to date, there ~as only been impact fee a9r~ements with shopping centers and there was a site spe- cific analysis done on them t~~ause the tr~ffic generated or attracted and the road system to be used varied considerably from the develop- ment type outlined in the ordinance. He noted that to correct this problem, one of the am~ndmcnts to the impact fee ordinance will be a breaking down of the shopping center into three different types. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the information used reflects growth or if th~ 5126,000 impact fee was based on today's traffic, to which Hr. Archibald stated that this information was based on traffic generation data that relates to other shopping centers that already have existed in place for many years across the country, adding that the data that i3 available is based on a 20 year build-out period. Coc.i.sioner Pistor .oved, .econded by CO8missioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the Chairman be authorized to execute the Interim Road I.pact Fee Payment Agreement with Collier Development corporation, developer of the Courthouse Shadows Shopping Center, anð to authorize tho refunding of $78,572.2' to the developer in accor- dance with the computations arrived at in tbe Traffic Impact Btat..ent. Page 25 - - - '----.._.,~- ."--'---""".""", - - - AUGUST 16, 1988 Itea 1983 APPRAISAL COKTRACTS TO B~ ~X2C~TED WITH S~~~AkT . ST~rriAh, IH~; ¥-L£~ REALTY: MAXWELL' ASSOCIATES, INC.: AND COASTAL ENGINEERING FOR THE EAST AJrD SOOTH NAPT,f;S SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND APPROPRIATE NECESSARY BUDGET '~£NDHENTS AUTHORIZED Public Works Administrator ^rchibald stated Lhat this is a recom- mendation to approve appraisal firms and contracts for appraisal ser- vices for the ~ast and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System. He noted that thi~ project involvcs the need to addrcss over 220 ease- ments that the Utility Division will need in providing for the loca- tion of that sanitary sewer systcm, addini that approximately 150 of those easements mny require appraisals or appraisals and condemnation action. He noted that he received appraisals from four firms with an average appraisaJ of 53,000, if necessary. He indicated that there is a time constraint and the four firms that submitted proposals are part of the agenda packet. He noted that the four firms are; Stewart & Stephan, Maxwell & ^ssociates; V-Lee Realty and Coastal Engineering. He indicated that he is recommending that these firms be approved and the contracts executed to perform the appraisal services on the esti- aated contract amounts on an as-needed basis. He stated that hope- fully, most of tho appraisals will be donated, but in the Gases where they are not donated, this will enable Staff to ~pprove an appraisal firm to undertake an appraisal at the contract amount. lie noted that there is also a noed to address the funding if it is necessary, adding that there are two different funds involved and the Board needs to Page 26 &CiI, 11R Ø1'.1 fiSt L J f, ,- 'j:' ~ï" I., I $ 11 ~: ~ 1"' ~ .~ n6~6U2 approve the applicable budget amendments. AUGUST 16, 1988 lie noted that Webster & Associates wer~ dropped from the list due to their workJoad. Coaaissioner r~stor moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, that the appraisal contracts with the four firms be approved and the necessary budget amendments as needed. .. - Page 27 - AUGUST 16, 1988 It.. UB4 COMPETITIVE BIDDING WAIVED AND SINGLE SOURCE PURCHASE OF A NUCLEAR TUI. LAYER DEØSITY GAUGE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT AWARDED TO TROXLER ELECTRONIC LABORATORIES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,250 Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this item is a recommendation to 'Jalve the competitive bidding process and to approv~ the purchase of a nuclear density meter that is designed specifically for determining the density and moisture content of thin asphalt layers. He noted that the Transportation Department performs the inspection services on the new roads as well as performing the majority of the testing. He noted that the County has two of these Deters and a third one is needed, but this one is also designed a little differently as it is specifically for the testing of asphalt and asphalt layers, adding that it will compliment the two units that the departDent alr~ady, has,and will. also allow Staff to continue to pro- vide test results to contractors. in a .timely fashion. He noted that the cost is $7,250 which has been budgeted in Fund 313, but it requires Board approval to waive the bid process and to award the contract to the firm of Troxler Electronics Lab?ratories, Inc. Commissioner Pistor aoveð, seconðeð by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the competitive bidding be waived ~nd'the contract awarded to-Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc., in the amount ot $7,250 tor a nuclear thin layer density gauge tor the T~ansportation Departaent. Page 28 eoo( 116 Hr.! ôB? .. "'--~"--"'-" .' ,., .-....-,..-------",,' -,-.---...... , . .,. ....~'-"~----"-,_...~-,_.",.",,,,,.. ..."".--. "'..,,,--,'...., , '00( 116 Pl'~ fiBS AUGUST 16,1988 It.. UB5 STAFF TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR ~ LANDFILL MINING COMPUTER PROGRAM IN ACCORDAlfCE WITH $20,000 GRANT RECEIVED FROM FLORIDA GOVERNOR'S ENERGY OFFICE Public Works; ~ministrator Archibald stated that this is a recom- mendation to negotiate a contract for computer modeling of the land- fill .ining operation in accordance with a State grant that has been received in the amount of 520,000. He stated that this will allow for the second phase',of the investigation of the landfill mining operation and that investigation will be looking at the health and safety fac- tors related to that operation as well as the products that result from landfill mining operation. He stated that the soil is being tested as well as the plastics an~ the metals, adding that the State has asked that this program address the utilization'?f certain pro- ducts as a fuel source- in a resource recovery operation. He stated that much of the reporting that is being required is part of the grant program that is funded by the State and is consistent with activities that the County has been undertaking. He stated that once this infor- _ation has been obtained, there will be enough data available for a computer modeling program and will be in-depth enough to be utilized by other counties and cities in analyzing their waste stream and determining how certain options are based on an economic standpoint compared to other alternatives. He stated that he does not have the staff in his office to perform the study and, therefore, the option is to request proposals from testing firms to provide this service. Page 29 - - - -------,.....--,,-._- ,. ---- --,.. - -,..,.. ..-...---.- ------...-,.. ..--.... ..,--,--_.._----- - M" , He - AUGUST 16, 1988 indicated that a representative of the Conservancy has offered to ur.dert<1ke the :::::::::putcr ::::)d~lir.ç; :::t~d1 for th~ ,=-:.._.~t~. ..01"" t:h~ r~sults to be submitted to the State, adding that he is requesting that this proposal from the ~onservancy be considered as it would be a subs tan- tial savings and they also have the expertise to do this. He noted that it would require a waiving of the process of obtaining proposals from other firms to provide the service, but also direction from the Board to have Staff negotiate a contract directly with the Conservancy. fie noted that Staff feels that there is a substantial advantage in dollars b~ing saved as well as dealing with a local firm that has a lot of information and can produce something useful for Collier County as well as being used by other counties and cities state-wide. Commissioner Glass questioned if the County retains proprietary . , , rights to this program if a contract IS" entered 'into W'ith the Conservancy, to which Mr. Archibald stated that the intent of the State grant is that the State has the computer modeling program, adding that the disk would be at the State level and would be available to the cities and counties. Commissioner Pistor questioned if County staff coul~ perform these duties, adding that he would like to be sure that thIs program is set up to include all facts regarding the methods of disposing of the recyclables, the composting and even including the incineration and resource recovery. He noted that the Federal Government is talking lOOK llôwl 689 Page 30 M.___.._-,-.. ..-....",. tOO( 116 Pl',{ 690 AUGUST 16, 1988 about li.iting the use of landfills and the County needs to have such ð computer program. He noted that it needs to done in a way that it will fill everyone's needs and still have a viable product. Hr. Archibald stated that there is personnel available that could perform this work, but this is a very detailed waste characterization study with a lot of detailed computer modeling for the waste stream tied to the economics of each of the different systems. He noted that the product that.the County and the State is looking for is a system where computerized information can be obtained that will prioritize the different types of solid waste systems that are available and the cost of each compared to economic conditions. He noted that this program will analyze a large number of parameters which will in turn provide the economic data as to the alternatives of.compo~ting, recycling, and landfill mining advantages. He stated that a lot of the base line data for the waste stream has already been developed by the Conservancy, which is an advantage, and the dollars in their propo- sal reflects that. He noted that the cost could exceed 550,000 and the Conservancy is offering to do this study for 512,000 over a period of J80nths. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the Solid Waste Advisory Committee has reviewed this matter, to which Mr. Archibald stated that this item was brought up at their last meeting and it was decided that the matter would be discussed at their next meeting. Hrs. Bettie Gulacsik, representing the League of Women Voters, Page 31 - - - AUGUST 16, 1988 stated that their position on solid waste remains the same as it always has, adding that her problem with this item is that this $20,000 is a second grant and the Conservancy is against any type of resource recovery. She stated that the Conservancy is not known for computer work and she would suggest that this study be put out for bid. Mr. Bob Krasowski, representing Work on Waste in Collier County and the Chairman of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, stated that this specific information was never brought before the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. He stated that this study should be put out for bid as there are private industries that may be able to do the work for less money than the Conservancy. He indicated that he feels that competitive bidding would be beneficial to the County. Com8ission~r Hasse questioned if there is any hardship with putting this study out to bid, to which Mr. Archibald replied negati- vely. 'l'ape 13 Mr. Ed Johanson, representing the Conservancy, stated that the records state that the Conservancy has had two positio~s on resource recovery which was objecting to the size of the plant that was to be built and the other position was against the specific fluidized bed plant that was being proposed by Westinghouse. He noted that an integrated waste management system should be considered and the Con- servancy has been working on such a system for over two years. He Page 32 aoo( 116 W.! 691 .-..,---..,......,.,---..-.-.",-.,-.-,--. .."., """'."'" ,- ~....,... "", ,""', .,..'" ,b-,-'._'" ",."""", IDo( 116,1t;£ 692 AUGUST 16, 1988 indicated that he would like to see an integrated waste system in the entire State and if someone can do it for less money, then he has no objections as that is good government. He stated that he has put his proposal in writing and if the County goes out for ccmpetitive bidding, he would have to withdraw his proposal and submit an entirely n~ one. Commissioner Hasse stated that the County is seeking out the best way to øove forward' on such a study. C088i..ioner Ha... moved, .econded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, that the County go out for competitive bidding tor all aspect. of a landfill mining computer program. It.. "B6 COøSULTAHT SELECTION PROCESS WAIVED AND 'STAPF DIRECTED TO PREPARE A FINAL DESIGK AND PERMITTING CONTRACT WITH COASTAL ENGINEERING FOR THE LELY BAREFOOT BEACH IMPROVEMENTS AND RETURN TO '!'HE BCC WITH SAKE Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is a recom- mendation to waive the consultant selection process and authorize Staff to negotiate a contract with Coastal Engineering to come up with a design and permitting package for roadway, drainage, and water and sewer service for Lely Barefoot Beach. He stated that the DNR is in the process of changing the regulations and changing the Coastal Construction Control Line which would have a definite impact on the proposed beach site and the master plan and road alignment. He noted that a design and permitting package needs to be completed so that the County is grandfathered in under the current regulations. He noted Page 33 - - -- AUGUST 16, 1988 that Coa~ta1 ~~;ineering haz c~~~l~ted th~ d~~ign f=~ ~h~ north~r~ road at Lely Barefoot Beach and he is requesting that the Board waive the consultant selection process in order to secure a contract with Coastal Engineerir.~ to do this work which could be funded and started in Fiscal Year 1988-89. Co8a1ssioner Glass .oyed, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried ./0, that the co.petitive .election proc.ss be waived and staff be directed to prepare a tinal design and permitting contract with Coastal Engineering tor the Lely Baretoot Beach improvements anð return to tbe Board with said contract. It.. 19D1 BID 188-1273 FOR AN ELECTRONIC METER READING SYSTEH (ROUTESTAR 3000) - AWARDED TO DATAKATIC, INC. Û!9al notice hðv.ing been published in the Naples D.a i ly News on June 24, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 188-1273 for an electronic meter reðding system until 2:30 P.M., July 13, 1988. Utilities Administration Director McNees stated that this is a recOØllllendation to award Bid 188-1273 to Datamátic, Inc.. as being the low bidder for two different products. He noted. that he is recom- mending the higher priced product of the two products as it appears to be a better product and the only one that is waterproof. Coaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Has.. and carried ./0, that Bid 188-1273 for an electronic Heter Reading System, Page 34 eDD~ 116 Fi'.! G93 , '. ......--..-....-...- """'-""---'--"-~""""""""-"""""""""""" IGO( 116 ur.r. 694 AUGUST If, 1988 a Rout.star 3000 system, b. awarded to Datamatic, Inc. in the amount of $1',355 plus $1 7~f tor annual maintenance. '. '. Page 35 - - -- '. - It.. 19D2 AUGUST 16, 1988 AIŒ1IDIŒ1rr NO.1 TO AGREEKEH'l' WITH CONSOER, TOWNSEND' ASSOC., INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINE~RING SERVIC~R FOR THE SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL 1fASTE1rATER TREATMENT FACILITY AND rtrHDIIJG AUTHORIZATION FOR 1\N ADDITIOKAL 38 000 - APPROVED Hike Arnold, A sistant Utilities Administrator, stated that this recommendation is twO-fold; ðuthori~ation for an amendment to the engineering contract related to the design of the South County Wastewater Treatment Facility currently held by Consoer, Townsend & Associates, Inc, He noted that he is also asking for further funding authorization to complete the funding of the design phase of- the pro- ject which relates to the cost of the construction itself. He indi- cated that there is grant money involved in this contract, adding that the County has received EPA and FDER approvals of the contract and the amendment a~d he is asking for approval. He noted that this approval will complete the design phase and put the Count~ into the construc- tion phase by'-1ate':~ep'tember. Commissioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commissioner Glaas and Carried 4/0, that Amendment 11 to the agre..ent with Consoer, Townsend 'Associates, Inc. for professional engineering services for the South County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility bé approved and funding in the amount of $38,000 be authorized. '. " Pagc 36 &OD~ 116 F1',f 695 -_.~..--_......_-_._,,- -""."".' . .QG.( 116PA';t 712 It.. "D3 AUGUST 16, 1988 AGREEKEftT WITH POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH' JERNIGAN, INC. FOR GRANT ADMINISTRATION' MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE FOR SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL WAsTEwATER FACILITT~B PROJECT - APPROVED SUBJECT TO A FUNDING CLAUSE AKD FUKDIHG NOT TO £XCEED $100,000 Hike Arnold, Assistant Utilities Administrator, stated that this is a request to approve an agreement with Post, Buc~ley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. for grant administration and management assistance for the South County Regional Wastewater Facilities project. He noted that in June, 1988, Post, .Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. were selected and Staff was authorized to negotiate a contract with them for grant administration and management. He indicated that t~is grant is the $10.2 million grant that was received last year and with the beginning of the construction of the plant in September, the entire project is being put into ge~r. He stated that there are"Federal man- dates that need to be met during this process that relate to a pro- bable audit and how the funds are being spent. He noted that the contract with Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. relates to the submittal of the request for grant reimbursement which will be reim- bursed over a period of time as construction occurs. He indicated that there will be a total of six contracts involved with the project, which means that they will be put together into one pay request for the State each month. He noted that the estimated total value of the contract over a 4 year period will be approximately $257,000 which is based on staff time and related costs in providing the grant manage- Page 37 - - - ---. ", -""--,-- - - - ment and administration services. AUGUST 16, 1988 He stated that he is asking for }leU "~a~ :"'I';~..':f .....~t.Oi: ~;;ativr, that will cover the rcmai~::?cr of th~ expenses for this 'iscal year and the next fiscal year in the amount of 5100,000. He stated that the ~inance Director questioned the Board approving an agreement or contract for a total dollar amount that exceeds appropriations, adding that reference was made and has been discussed for inclusion in this agreement of a clause that relates to the subject of appropriations that would allow the County to terminate the agreement at any such time as the Board decides not to fund the contract any further. He stated that he has no problem with this, but would ask that the agreement be approved this date subject to the clause being added to the agreement. C088issioner Pistor moved, seconðeð by Commissioner Glass anð carried 4/0, that the Agree.ent with Post, Buckley, Schuh' Jernigan, , Inc. ~or grant administration anð .anage.ent a~sistanc. ~or the South County Regional Wastewater faciliti.s project be approveð subject to tbe previously aentioneð clause beinq a44e4 an4 tun4inq not to exceed $100,000. aoo( 116 ~J~! 713" Page 38 !t== ~!.':'?' AUGUST 16, 1988 SECOIfD AKElmIŒ1n' TO THE EAST NAPLES WATER SYSTEMS, INC. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT OF APRIL 22, 1986 - APPROVED County Attorney Cuyler stated that this item is an amendment to the East Naples Water Slstems, Inc. Settlement Agreement which will clarify discrepancies in dates between what is contained in the Agreement and what the operation has been since the period of the Agreement. lie indicated that the Utilities Division noticed this and it needs to be cleared up, adding that the problem arises because of the fact that there are certain water and sewer credits that were given as part of the agreement and the East Naples system was limited to a certain number of these credits within any fiscal year. He indi- cated that some of the documents indicate July 15, 1986, which is the commencing of the fiscal year in which the credits are to be used and some of the documents indicates .JulY23, 1986, which was the closing date. He noted that for purposes of the Settlement Agreement, the fiscal year began on July 23, 1986, and each fiscal year thereafter, commences on July 23 and ends on July 22.. Coaaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the second amendment to the Ea~t N~ple8 Water Syøte.., Inc. settlement agreement ot April 22, 1986 be approved. Page 39 tDG~ 116 t:~; 7,33 '.-.--....,,-.,. ....,."..,_...._-,.,~.-,._----_._- .-,.,"..---.. ~ ,.'--~._._,,~--_... -.-,-.-----,... "'. , AUGUST 16, 1988 It.. tUAU ~nna~ ~~HENT8 88-355 THROUGH 88-362 - ADOPTED - .-- Comai..ioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner nasae and carried 4/0, that Budget Amendments 88-JSS through 88-362 be adopted. It.. f12A PROVX8IOJ( RZ COlfSECtJTIVE TERXS - WAIVED. HR. ROBERT TOWLE: AIm HR. JAC1t TBOHPSOlf REAPPOINTED TO THE BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS Administra t Í\ A~sistant to the Board Israelson stated that this is a request for appointments or reappointments to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. She noted that resumes were received for the position of Hr. Towle but there were not any resumes received for Mr. Thompson's position. She indicated that there is a provision in the ordinance that indicates that only two consecutive terms may be served unless no one else applies for the position. She stated that the Board also has the authority to waive the provision in the ordinance. County Attorney Cuyler stated that if there is a unanimous vote, the provision that requires replacement after serving two terms can be waived. eoa.issioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the provision regarding two'consecutive terms be waived. Commissioner piator moved, .econded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that Hr. Towle and Hr. Thompson be reappointed to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. Page 40 aoo~ 116 F1'.¡ 739 100( 116w.t. 740 ^UCUST 16, 1988 It.. 112B COKKI88IOXERB SAUNDERS, GOODKIGHT AND PISTOR TO SERVE ON THE PROPERTY APPRAISAL ADJUSTKElfT BOARD TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 22 AND 23, 1988 Coamissioner H~~se moved, seconded by Commissioner Glass and carried 4/0, that Commissioners Saunders, Goodniqht and pistor serve on the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board. Comaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that tbe Property Appraisal Adjustment Board be held on Septeaber 22,1988, and September 23,1988. It.. I13A CHAIRKAK AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE COKTRACT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS WITH COLLIER COUNTY AND THE COLLIER COUNTY SHERIFF - APPROVED Deputy Chief Barnett, Sheriff's Department, stated that this is a contract with the I~alth Rehabilitative Services th~t is signed every year in order to get reimbursed for serving of process and he is asking that the County sign their part or the contract. Co8aissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the Chairman be authorized to execute tbe contract for service of process with Collier County and the Collier County Sherif!. Page 41 - .. - ...-,,"-..-,.,.,., ",......._-,..,. ..-.,-, ,...._,- ~~ -"-""""-"-".-'---" '...' , AUGUST 16, 1988 Itea 113B OIAIlUL'U: l.~OP.!ZE[\ TO 8In.. ""'. ~8V¡BJ".n T,". ENFORCEMENT GRANT ~PPLICATIO" Deputy Chief Barnett, Sheriff's Department, stated that this item is a request for tl. Chairman to sign ð revision on a grant for the Comprehensive Drug Abuse, Prevention, Apprehension and Treatment Coalition Program. He stated that this grant has been approved but there are some housekeeping items that need to be changed. co..issioner Glass moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi8tor and carried 4/0, that the Chairaan be authorized to sign the revised law enforceaent grant application. aoo~ 116ft',! 757 Page 42 ""'"""---'-'--"~ ~'"-".--~-"'--"- Ica~ 116 'I'.f 780 AUGUST 16, 1988 ***** cO8aissioner pistor .oved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the followinq items under the Consent Agenda b. approved and/or adopted: ***** I tea UO.l IIfTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF EVERGLADES TO USE THE COUNTY'S PAVILIOK KEY 6.0 MILE REEF SITE TO BUILD AN ARTIFICI~L REEF See Pages 1'9- rof Itea 1141.2 RECO)O{ElfDATIOlf THAT THE COLLIER COtnrrY BOARD OF COUNTY COKKISSIONERS APPROVE RAlfXIlfG OF COlfSULTAlfTS FOR THE I)O{OXALEE KASTER PLAN AND I1fITI~TIOK OF CONTRACT lfEGOTIATIOK WITH PLANNING SERVICES Ite. 1141.3 LEASE AGRErXENT FOR MODULAR OFFICE TRAILER AS A TEMPORARY OFFICE FOR BUILDIlfG IlfSPECTORS AND ZONING INVESTIGATORS FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT WITH KARSTEN LEASING CORPORATION See Pages ~()S-:?ð~ It.. '1481 REOOKKEHDATION TO ACCEPT CONSTRUCTION FOR WIDElfING OF IMMOKALEE ROAD (CR 846) AS COMPLETED BY BETTER ROADS, INC., UNDER BID 87-1191 AND RELEASE FIlfAL PAYMENT It.. U4B2 AGREEJŒJrr BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE BIG CORKSCREW ISLAND FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT See Pages fat( - 8:"/,- Itea U4B3 AUGUST 23, 1988 SET FOR PUBLIC HEARIKG TO CONSIDER AWARDING CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO JAMES AND ALEXANDRA SULECKI D/B/A INDEPENDENCE TRANSPORTATION, KARCO ISLAND TROLLEY, INC., AND NAPLES TROLLEY TOURS, INC. Itea 11484 moved to Item 19B5 Ite. '148S moved to Item 19B6 'Page 43 - - - ---..,-.-"---" , - - - AUGUST 16, 1988 Ita:;¡ 11.aD::; BID 188-1259 FOR ONE 1988 RG-60 CHALLENGER LOW-BOY TRAILER 60 TON- AWARDED TO I. R. r.TZER CO., INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,500 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 19, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 188-1259 for one 1988 RG-60 Challenger Low-Boy Trailer 60 ton until 2:30 P.M., June I, 1988. It.. 114B7 ðeleteð It.. 114B8 RESOLUTION 88-186 REQUESTING EXECUTION OF JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEKEKT WITH FOOT FOR FUNDING OF THE SIX LANE IMPROVEMENTS ~AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD BETWEEN U.8. 41 AND C.R. 886 (GOLDEN GATE PA~Y) UNDER THE 80-20 LOCAL GOVERNMENT COOPERATIVE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM See Pages ~ It.. 114B9 BID 188-1291, JAC~ AND BORE, SOUTH COLLIER BOULEVARD, PHASE II - AWARDED TO J , R CABLE CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $18,020 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 5, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 188-1291 fo~ Jack and Bore, South Collier Boulevard, Phase II, until 2:30 P.M., July 20, 1986. It.. 114810 ACCESS EASEMENT TO PROVIDE LEGAL ACCESS FROM AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD TO THE CANTEP.BURY CREE~ DEVELOPMENT See pa<Jes BOO~ 116 F1'.( 781 Page 44 a* 116Ft':! 782 AUGUST 16, 1988 It.. I14B11 RECORDIlfG OF FINAL PI.7.T OF GRASSKERE AT WYHDEKERE, PHASE I, SECURITY A1(1) COlfSTRUCTIOH AND KAIlfTENA1ICE 1\GREEMElfT ACCEPTED AND SUBJECT TO STIPUI.7.TION 1. 2. 3. All Subdivision improvements be completed by March 29, 1991. Personal Bond executed by Laurence A. Mullins to be furnished. Letter of Credit No. 101 D.N. SUND from Sun Cank/Naples, N.A. in the amount of $196,958.89 1'.::3/ - f'J 7 See Pages. It.. 114B12 STAFF '1"0 COlfTRACT WITH APPRAISAL FIRJtS AND OUTSIDE COtnfSEL FOR TH1': PIKE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARX MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT PROJECT Itea 1l4Cl COHTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH RHG CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR COLLIER COUNTY LIBRARY AUTOMATION (BID 188-1262) Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 29, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 188-1262 for consulting services until 5:00 P.M., June 17, 1988. See Pages R3ð' - Y Iff Itea 114C2 BID '88-1292 FOR IN-HOKE SERVICE FOR THE ELDERLY UNDER THE COHHUNITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM - AWARDED TO DIAL-A-NURSE IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,000; QUALITY CARE SERVICE CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,000; AlfD UPJOHN JrEALTJrCARE SERVICES IN THE MOUNT OF $52,000 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 22, 1980, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid #88-1292 for in-home service for the Page 45 - - - ."'"--,..._,,,,~ """'-'-"---'--""'-'-"""-~' , ""-"'-'----__",_M_,_",~".",,_~, """'-----"'." --...-,--.,. "," ..,- '"," - - I .. AUGUST 16, 1988 elderly under the Community Care for the Elderly Program until 2:30 P,M., August 2, IQR8. See Pages BIDS NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF AUGUST 25, 1988 :It.. '1401 BODOET AKE~MEKT REQUEST IN THE AHOUØT OP $350,000 MA~INa PUNDS AVAILABLE FROM FUND 408 CONTINgENCY RESERVES FOR REQUIRED BULK WATER PURCHASES FROM THE CITY OF NAPLES THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 1'88 UNTIL THE nORTH COUNTY WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN IS COMPLETED It.. 11402 CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS WAIVED AND AMENDMENT 11 TO AGREEMENT APPROVED FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH HOLE, MONTES' ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR MASTER PLAN WATER PROJECTS NO. 427 AND 457 IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,000 See Pages 11 i-:J. - g" ~f It.. 114D3 EASEMENT TO FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT FOR THE RELOCATION OF UTILITY POLES FOR THE SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES See Pages ~ il-S - ý'f7 It.. 114D4 COUNTRYSIDE, PHASE I, BLOCK G, WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE AND AOTHORIZATION TO RECORD THE APPROPRIATE LEGAL DOCUMENTS It.. I14El Recorded in O.R. Book 1373, Pages 1953-1957 FORMAL BIDDING WAIVED AND PURCHASE OF SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZED FOR COUNTY OFFICE AUTOMATION SYSTEM FROM DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,012 See Pages NOTE: AGREEMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD lJrrl~ë AS Or AU~UST l~, 1988. It.. 114Fl PURCHASING DEPARTMENT TO ADVERTISE FOR REQUESTS FOR PROPOSAL RELATIVE TO THE WRITING' ADMINISTRATION OF A CDBG NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION FUNDING APPLICATION FOR COLLIER COUNTY UPON FUNDING BY DCA Pagc 46 &OO~ liB P~'.! Î83 a~ 116 ~£':£ 784 , AUGUST 16, 1988 It.. 114CU QRAlI'l FOR HAZARDOUS HJ\TERIALS RESPONSB FLAN DEVELOPMENT ACCEFTED IN THE AKOQXT OF 10 161 FROM THB STATB EKBRGENCY RESPONSE COMMISSION Itea 114H1 CER'l'IFICATE8 FOR CORRECTION TO THB TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1985 TAX ROLL 256 4/5/88 1986 TAX ROLL 240 4/5/88 1987 TAX ROLL 360-361 4/5/88 362 8/1/88 363 4/5/88 1987 TANGIBLE. PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1987-143/144 1987-36a 7/27/88 - 7/28/88 8/8/88 It.. 114B2 ErrRA CAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 34100, 36875,56416,31702,46462, 48968,23050,17423,49896 Itea I14H3 SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages ¥' fÝ - y ~ ~ Itea 114H MISCELLANEOuS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as ir.1icated below: Page 47 .. .. , .. , ------'".-......-...-. -._"'--~._'._._--._-'.__..,-_..,..,.,..,"".O>..._-_........,.....,.,.. - - , - 1. AUGUST 16, 1988 2. Hemo datQd 7/27/88 from Gene Tischer, Chairman, District 8, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Planning Council to ADM Pla",,~..':1 C",ví'",~ ~ :';"'"'"~"'1 0, ñ1c.vhol, ;:.....~ A~....,,- u..J r'1~,1tal IIealth rr~vidcrs; and Community groups and interested citizens re a planJ,ing day and a quarterly meeting to be held on AugusL 17, 1988, at Edison Community College. Attachment from fiRS called Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health delivering the promise. xc: Filed. Letter dated 7/21/88 from Thomas Pelham, Chairman, State E~ergency Response Commission Cor Hazardous Materials, DCA, to Cvmmissioner Glass regarding Title III requirements. xc: Neil Dorrill and filed. 3. Letter dated 7/25/88 from Priscilla IIoward, Community Assistance Consultant, DCA, to Wanda Jones, stating a local government is allowed one chance to cnange boundaries of its existing enterprise zone. xc: Neil Dorrill and filed. Letter dated 7/27/88 from Bud Parmer, Director, Division of House and Community Development, DCA, re public hearings on Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Prcgram. xc: Neil Dorrill, Wanda Jones, and filed, -t. 5. Memo dated 8/2/88 from Robert G. Nave, Chief of Bureau of Local Planning, DCA, to all interested parties re proposed safe neighborhood rule amendments with enclosures. xc: Neil Dorrill, Tom, Olliff, and filed. Letter dated 8/3/88 from Ralph K. Hook, Community Program Administrator, DCA, to Commissioner Saunders thanking him for submitting copies of the proposed comprehensive plan for their review. xc: Neil Dorrill, Jane Fitzpatrick, and filed. 6. 7. Letter dated 7/27/88 from Gordon Romeis, Environmental Manager, DER, to Chairman of the BCC enclosing short form application (Pile No. 111525265), which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill, Natural Resources, and filed. 8. Notice dated 7/28/88 from DER regarding a public workshop on August 23, 1988 in Tallahassee to receive comments on pro- posed changes re protecting water quality of surface waters. xc: Neil Dorrill, Natural Re30urces, and filed. 9. Letter dated 8/1/88 from Gordon Romeis, Environmental Manager, DER, to the BCe enclosing short form applications (File Nos. 111526825, Jl1526855 and 111527065), which involves dredge and fill activities with the limits of your jurisdiction. xc: Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, and filed. Page 48 aoo~ 116 FA':! 785 .'."",.""""",,,.,..,.. , ""'-"~"_--"'_--- 100( 116 F1'.1 7B8 AUGUST 16, 1988 10. Letter dated 8/1/88 from Robert A. Morris, Jr., Chairman of the Governor's Select Committee and Hugo D. Menendez, Secretary of the State of Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security to the BCC regarding a summary of WORKFORCE 2000. xc: Leo Ochs, Tom Whitecotton, and filed. Certi! ied 'Jetter dated 8/1/88 from Tony D. McNeal, Eng ineer with Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, to Mr. G. L. Gronvold, P.E., P.L.S., City Engineer, with resolution regarding approval of Permit Number DBS 88-211 CO, Permittee Name: City of Naples. xc: Natural Resources and filed. II. 12. Memo dated 7/25/88 from Office of Tax Research, Department of Re\cnue, 'to Recipients of Sales Tax Data regarding local options sales tax information. xc: ßCC, Neil Dorrill, James Giles, and filed. Memo dated 7/22/88 from Ronald F. Cook. C.P,A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Director, re County Water-Sewer District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 1988. xc: BCC; Lori Zalka and filed. 13. 14. Memo dated 7/22/88 from Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Jay Reardon, Acting EMS Director, E.M.S. re Interim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 1988. xc: ßCC, Lori Zalka and filed. Memo dated 7/22/88 from Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Dan Pucher, Fleet Management Director, re Fleet Management/Motor Pool Interim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 1988. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. IS. 16. Memo dated 7/22/88 from Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Director, re Goodland Water District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 1988. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka and Ciled. 17. Memo dated 7/22/88 from Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Thomas Crandall, Utilities Director, re Marco Water and Sewer District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 1988. xc: BCC, Lori Zalka and filed. Memo dated 7/22/88 fr~m Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Robert Fahey, Solid Waste uile<.:tor, Ie Súiiù hcu.i..c r,itlposal Interim Financial Stål~J'~ I.t> 18. Page 49 - - I - .. ..--..,--_#_-. --'_W_--"'-"""""" " »-,._-,--_.",-".. - - - for the period ended June 30, 1988. filed. AUGUST 16, 1988 BCC, Lori Zalka and xc: 19. !,!~...., 1~t~A "/22/!!!! !r":r. !,,:,:'.::~~ ~. '=~r:!-:, '= ~.!'.., ~,"":"!~': ,nt Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Sherry Rynders, ~isk Management Director, re Workers Compensation Insurance Interim Financial Statem~nts for the period ended June 30, 1988. xc: Lori Zalka and filed. 20. Minutes received - Filed. A. B, C. D. 6/16/88 minutes of the CCPC and 8/4/88 Agenda. 8/2/88 agenda for Marco Island Beautification Adv. Comm. 6/15/88 minutes of Pelican Bay Improvement District. 8/9/88 agenda for Golden Gate Parkway Beautification. 21. Letter dated 8/1/88 from Frederick R. Gloeckner, President of Connecticut Tax & Management Foundation, to the acc enclosing a copy of a Petition by Marco Island residents concerning the proposed marina on Smokehouse Bay. xc: Tom Olliff and filed. 22. Letter dated 7/28/88 from Guy L. Carlton, Tax Collector, to Mr. Lynn S. Bramlett, Department of Revenue, with proposed budget for the Tax Collector's office for the period of 10/1/85 through 9/30/89. xc: Filed. Memo dated 8/2/88 from Peter N. Stowell, Director, Southe~stern Area, U.S. Department of Transportation, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, to all grantees, MPO's and State DOT's regarding a workshop for transit policy boards, eligibility of interest costs in Section 3, sole source deter- minations in the entrepreneurial service program and recent regulations. xc: Jeff Perry and filed. 23. laD.: 118 Pit;¡ 787 Page 50 ,CV~ 116 '1':£ 788 AUCUST 16, 1988 It It It There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: ^ nEST : J~.~...6'VíES, CLERK " . I /' '."".':~.'-.~ ~... . - ., v ° :~. . ,:..~--,~¿2c. ;. ~ ~. '(These lIi.'nuvr->s °ap' roved bY;he 'Board '," , J - It . "~ preser\teð>. 'or as corrected '1 "",0 .'" II 511'#' - - 12:45 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL 'on~ ~y/?,t>"'P- Page 51