BCC Minutes 08/30/1988 R Kaples, Florida, August 30, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co.-i..ioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeal. and as the governing board(s) of such special di8tricts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, aet on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSIOK in Building -r- of the Governaent Co.plex, East Kaple., Florida, with the following ae8bers present: CHA I RMA1f : Burt L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight Arnold Lee Gla.. Max A. Hasse, Jr. John A. Pistor ALSO PRESENT: Jaaes C. Gile., Clerk: John Yonkosky, Finance Director: Ellie Hoff88D, Deputy Clerk: Neil Dorrill, County Manager: Ron McLeaore, A.sistant County Manager. To. Olliff, Acting Coamunity eevelopaent Adainistrator. Ken Cuyler, County Attorney. David Heigel, As.i.tant County Attorney. To. Crandall, Utilities Adainistrator: George Archibald, Public Horks Administrator: Leo Ochs, Administrative Service. Adainistrator: Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Adaini.trator: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Director: Hancy I.rael.on, Adainistrative Assistant to the Board. and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Depart.ent. &O~ 117 fA~Et55 Page 1 ----,.---.---..-.".. ,. .-....----." " AUGUST 30, 1988 'rape .1 It.. n AODDA - APPAuV~ WITH CILUGU Co8ai_ioner Pistor aoved, sec0nde4 by Coaaissioner Gl..s and carried 1m-,ll8OU8ly, that the agenda be approved with the following chaDge8 : It.. 9D2 Approval of extension of Marco Island Phase II Bond Anticipation Kote. To be heard at the beginning of the regular agenda. Itea 14Bl Reco..endation to approve eaergency bridge replaceaent on the south end of 23rd Street, S.W., Golden Gate Estates, Unit 19&. (Continued fro. 8/23/88 Meeting). Moved to Ite. 9B5 It.. 14B5 Reco..endation to approve and execute a Joint Project Agreeaent with the City of Kaples wherein County's con- 8ultant for Airport-Pulling Road Six Laning Improvements shall provide concurrent Utility Engineering and Roadway design services of City and County, respectively. Moved to Itea 9B6 Itea 9B7 Recoaaendation to waive duaping fees at the County Land- fill for the purpose of supporting the Kaples Manor Heighborhooc1 Cleanup. Added. Ite.12A Consideration of request for extension of time for filing of plans for construction of condo/hotel suites at northwest corner of Vanderbilt Beach Road and Vanderbilt Drive (Continued fro. 8/16/88 Meeting). Continued to 9/13/88. Ite. 14B6 Reco..endation that the Board of County Co..issioners authorize Staff to retain services of a Geotechnical Engineer and a Threshold Inspector for the Health and Public Services Building. Deleted. It.. .4 ~l.UT&S OF AUGUST 2. 1988 - APPROVED Co8ajssioner Pistor aoved, seconc1ec1 by Coaaissioner Baas. and carried unan1aouely, that the .inut.. of AU{,JU.8t 2, 1988 be approved .. pr888n t ed. aOOK 1171'A!;t161 Page 2 --., .. ..-..----- .- ' . .,"-,,-...---.--- ~ ..-......... .". ...--..--,..."'... ,. ---------- - ...117ml62 It.. .I5A ! "' DIPLOTD SDVICK AWARD - PRUDTED AUGUST 30, 1988 Chairaan Saunders presented an .sployee service award to Margaret Richaan for five years of loyal and continued service with Collier County governaent. It.. .158 PROCLAXATIOX COMMDDIXG 'rIlE EFrORTS O~ TO COLLIER COmrrY PLAJnfIXG CC»IKtSSIOJI CITIZDS ADVISORY COMMITTD FOR PROVIDIXG PUBLIC PAJtTIcnrATIOJI UD ASSISTAXCE IX TO PImPARATIOX O~ TO COLLIER COUKTY GROWrJI MAJIAGDŒX'1' Pt.AX - ADOPTED Open reading of the Procl--tion cOll88nd.1ng the .ffor~s of the Collier County Plazming eo-1881on Citizens Adv18ory Coaaltt.. for provl~ public participation an4 ...i.~anc. in ~he preparation of the Collier County Growth Manageaent Plan, Coaai..ioner Goodnigh~ a4Dp~ the ProclaaaUon. .rvec1, seconded by Coaalssioner Pistor and carried unan1JlOU8ly, to Waf- P. Assaad Anthony Baltakls Gary L' Beardsley Eli Bell Mark A. Benedict Ira E. Evans Terence L. Fitzgerald J. Dudley Goodlette Richard Grant "' . -_Joseph Lee Gri.. Bet1:y Gulacs1k - Meaber8hip.. followa: Harold L. Hall Marjorie 3. Joder David~. Johnson David B. Land Ross Longaire Henry Maxant Hilli.. G. Morris Patrick H. Neale C. Hilliaa Noraan Edward O'Donoghue Tho... R. Peek - .,,---- Karen Peterson Anthony Pires Lyle Richardson Sister Pat Sieaen Albin H. Saith Tho... M. Taylor Victoria J. Todd Roger Otten John C. Veit Stanley P. Whitcomb Robert H. Ziamerman Page 3 - --"".."..".._--- - .---......."..-.......--.-- t; .. I, i ;~~ t%:::: 164 '</" , PROC'L.I.M&nOJl eu..u..uI.G TO JU'.wuAlS OF TO COLLIn COt1JIT1" PLAJOIDfO COIMISSIOJI IJI TO PREPARATIOJI OF THE COLLIn COt1K"fY GROW1'B MAJrAODŒXT PLAJr - ADOPnD Upon rea4ing of the ProclaaaUon cO1l88D4ing ~he Collier Co1mty AUGUST 30,1988 PI8ftt'!f~ Co8a1ssion in the pr~aUon of the Collier Coanty Growth ~t PIc, Co8a1s81onsr CU_. 1IOV84, seconded by CØ88Jssloner Plebn- 8D4 carried =""'8nU8ly, to adopt the I'rocI...Uon. - followe: Jle8bershlp Joe Chri8ty hrl Corley R. Frederick Keyes Ed Oates Clarence SlItU1er Fred N. Thoaas, Jr. Willi.. Tracy Jackie Willi... R. H. Zi_er88D Page 4 - - - ,.~.,--".".'-- ---"-"",..~.""--_._-_._.._~.,, -------., ",,--,' """.""".-. <' j '117~166 ft::::II~ -:: ~ - .ODTB nPLU ."'TART A:: ::~.: .. POBLIC JI1UU1fG OJ( T:D'1'ATIV& APPOR'rIOJOmJl'l' OF COST OF ASSESSABLE DIPROVDIDTs - 7OR TBB SPECI.AL ASSESSMEJI'l' DISTR1:C'f - COKTIJR1ED TO 1n7/88 Legal notice having been published in the Kaples Daily Hews on 3uly 7,1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the ~ :,Clerlt, public hearing was continued fro. J'uly 26, 1988, to consider . ì ¡astricts 1 and 2 - East and South Kaples Sanitary Sewer Syste. - I public hearing on tentative apportionaent of cost of assessable iapro- '> 've..nts for the Special usessaent District. Assistant Utilities Adainistrator Arnold advised that Ite.. 6Cl and " IC2, are a continuation of public hearings for the East and South Sanitary Sewer Syste. Usessaent Districts 1 and 2 that ini- on June 13, 1988, continued to July 26, 1988, and continued until today. Se indicated that during the last session, the hearings SW8re continued to allow the property owners involved with the Hindstar it l,POD and Canta Mar Village, a/It/a Tennis Village of Hindstar, the " " 10pp0rtunity to review the ..sessaents and co..ent at the public ., i hear ing . it" 7' Mr. Arnold stated that it has recently been discovered that there ~V8 been property transfers and change. in ownership at Hindstar, and ~~' ----- 'those owners and en~ities have not been foraally notified of the fpending ..sess..nt, adding that regardless of what transpires today, this public hearing will need to be continued one sore ti.e. He added notification will be .ent to those owners who are not currently Page IS - .. .. "'~'""_.__........_..", ""'" """'-"-"--'----' --. . _...""............,.".__.._-"~----_..._.._......,......".,....",,.._....."....'. - - .. ~ AUGUST 30,1988 on ~he tax roll. Mr. Arnold indicated that other it... on today'. agenda will .et the proposed public hearing date for Districts 3, 4, and 5 on Septeaber 27,1988, and sugge.ted that this hearing be continued to the.... date, and hopefully, all the ........nt issue. can be resolved at the .aa. tiae. Mr. George Keller, President of the Collier County Civic Federation stated that his organization was formed due to protest against the sewer being built, noting that there are several people that are unable to pay the ..se.saents. Ø. indicated that aany of the.. re.ident. have septic syste.. that are adequate, and they are against an additional expense. eoaaissioner Saunders noted that the County took action to reduce the ...eseaents by approxiaately 1/3. Co8a1aaioner Pistor aovec1, eecOD4ec1 by Coaals.ioner Baa.. and carried unanl8oualy, that the public hear1Dg8 for the East and South Xapl- Sanitary Sewer Syatea, District. 1 and 2, be continued until Septeaber 27,1988. Coaal..ioner Pistor aoved, eecOD4ec1 by Coaaieeioner Baa.. and carried ~.~180U8ly, to waive any policy .et forth in Resolution 82-31, or any other polices, regarding re.triction on continuation of public bearing. for peri0d8 of t1ae. " I tea ftU3 asourn0Jr8 18-195 AJm CWS-18-15, DISTRICT 3 - EAST AJm SOtJ'l'JI SAJnTARY saaz 8T8TDI USUSMEn', PUBLIC HEARIXO DAn SET FOR SEPTEMBER 27, n.. - ADOPTED ao~ 117 ,"-'.s.167 Page 6 . "~,,..._,-~ -..-,...-. -" "* 117 ~J 168 AUGUST 30, 1988 ~ioner Baa- aoved, _conded by Coaaissioner Pistor and carried UD8D.l1lOU81y, that the publlc hearing date tor the East and Sogth 8apl- Sanitary Sewer &yet.., District 3, be -t for Septeaber 27, 19.., ~ing joint Reeolutiona 88-1ga and CWS-88-15. Page 7 - - - iit Ii?,;: ~t. r~, jj r¡, AUGUST 30, 1988 It.. "04 1ŒSOf.O'n0JrS 88-1915 AJID CWS-S8-1I, DIS'lRIC'l 4 - US"l AJID SOt1TK SAlfITARY SDfD Sf.1U"UI ASSESSKD"r, PUBLIC JŒARZKO DAD SET rOR SEPTDœa 27, US8 - ADOPnD Coaai..Ioner Has.. aoved, seconded by Coaai.eIoner PI.tor and carried ftY".ftiwouely, that the public hearing date for the Zaat and South Jrapl- Sanitary Sewer Sy.t.., DI.trlct 4, be .et for Septeaber 27,1988, adopting joint Reeolutiona 68-19S and CWS-88-115. aDO( JlJljrø,~rjl~ Page 8 --.. ,,-..-- .. -""-----"-"".--"""- "~._"-"'-"-"."-- .. '." "..---.--..-,... "......_'._-".. ." ----....- AUGUST 30, 1988 It.. "D5 IŒSOLUTIO1IS 88-197 AJn) CWS-8S-17, DISTRICT 5 - EAST AJn) SOUTH SAJfITARY SDfD. .un:&ft ASSESSMDT, PUBLIC IŒAJUBG DAn SET FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 - ADOt""uJJ Co8ais.ioner Baas. aoved, secon4ec1 by Coaaissioner Pistor and carried unanillOU81y, that the public hearing date for the Ea8t and South 8apl.. Sanitary Sewer Syst.., District 5, be set for Septeaber 27,1988. aðopting joint Resolutions 8S-197 and CHS-88-17. '. U P' JH .:. , ( 9'. l . ,: tt~{ JJ: 'ft ",' Page 9 nO( 1171>1,.1 185 aooc 117 n~~ 192 AUGUST 30, 1988 It.. ftD2 81,225,000 MARCO ISLAJfD WATER AJm SEWER DISTRICT PHASE II BOND ~CIPATIOK KOTE ~~£.uED TO SEPTEMBER 21. 1988 - APPROVED Utilities Administration Director McNees stated that the Marco Water and Sewer District Phase II project ha. been co.pleted, adding that Staff is in the final process of closing on the bond issue to fund the asses..ents. He indicated that a request i. being .ade for a rollover of the bond anticipation note until Septeaber 27, 1988, and approval for the Chairaan to execute the appropriate IRS documents. Co8a1.sioner Pistor aoved, .econded by Co..i.eioner Has.. and carried unanillOU81y, to approve the extension of the Marco Ieland Phase II Bond Anticipation .ote to Septeaber 21,1988. Page 10 - - --.---'-.'-- --,,-"_....'--,. " - - - AUGUST 30,1988 It.. ftU ~TIOJr TO ESTABLISB POLICY OK IJrITIATIOK O~ IMPLEMDTATIOK or COLLID \;VUJI 1> I: GROW11I MAJfAGDDDrr PLAJI - APPROV1W Chief Long Range Planner Gauthier advised that subject item is to establish policy on the review of rezone requests during the period of ti.. prior to adoption of the Growth Hanageaent Plan. He stated that Staff, as directed by the Board of County Co..i.sioner. on August 16, 1988, have aet with representative. of the developaent cO88UDity, and assessed rezones that are in the pipeline, adding that the following four part policy is recoaaended: 1. Rezone Petitions received prior to July 26, 1988, aust be consistent with the current Co8Prehensive Plan: and, the final public hearing auat be co.pleted prior to adoption of the new Plan. 2. Rezone Petition. received after July 26, 1988, aust be con- sistent with the new Gr~h Manageaent Plan, if final hearing occurs after adoption of the new Plan. 3. All existing and new applicant. .hould receive notice of this procedure. 4. Thi. procedure .hould relate only to land use consistency. In response to Co..issioner Pistor, County Attorney Cuyler advised that Petitions cannot be denied prior to the adoption of the new Plan, on the basis that it does not co8Ply with the new Plan. However, he added, the Board aay take into account what has been learned through the process of preparing the Hew Plan regarding the land use, i.e. co...rcial, and decisions can be sade on that basis, but not merely because it does not comply with the Hew Plan. Page 11 aOOK 117 nr.! 197 --,..,.--.......,,----- """"-"'."".'.""" 117 ~.r. W8 AUGUST 30, 1988 ec-1..ioner Pis tor aoved, .econ&tc1 by Coaai..loner Goodnight and carried vn~i8nU81y, to accept Staff recoaaendation to adopt the ~l1cy - pr8Mnted above. It.. ftA2 JŒSOLOTIOJI 88-198 APPOIJrTIXG DR. BDEDICT, GARY BEARDSLEY, DR. nIS TBODm:K, GZORGZ VARXADOB, ROSS LOJIGMIU, DAVID J:.AJm AJfD TOM OLLIFF TO eu..uUAA FOR REVISIXG 'l'BB COXSERVATIOX A1m COASTAL MAJfAGEMEKT ~ .1 S or THE GROMTB MAJfAOEKDT PLAJf - ADOPTED Acting Co..unity Development Adainl.trator Olliff indicated that reco...ndation is to establish a committee to assist Staff in revi- .i0D8 of the Coastal and Conservation Eleaents of the Gr~h Managellent Plan. He noted that the Plan as submitted, included a second draft of both Eleaent. which were discussed at the July 20, 1988 Public Hearing, adding that direction of the Board was to revise both of the Elements by working through a citizens committee, composed of parties with c1evelopaent interest and environaental interest. Hr. Olliff suggested that the Board appoint a co..ittee of .ix persons . He indicated that Bob Krasowski expressed a desire to be included on the list of representatlves that have agreed to serve on the co_ittee. Co_issioner Saunders stated that he would llke to add Tony Pires to the Land Use Attorneys. By virtue of the following actions, Resolution 88-198 .... adopted: Co8a.i..ioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Co_l..loner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that the envlrcnmental repre.entative., Dr. Mark 8eDec1ict, Gary Beardsley, and Dr. Eri. Thoeake be appointed to .erve Page 12 - - - AUGUS'!' 30, 1988 011 the Co8ai t t.. . Co8ai_JODn' Pi.tor 1IOV8d, 88CODdec1 by Coaai..IODer GoodnJgb:t and carrJe4 ft1'UItfti~ly, that: the land U8e representatives, George Varnadoe, Rosa Longaire, and DavId Land be appointed to .erve on the Coaa.1 tt:ee . Co8a.1..Ioner Pistor aovec1, .ec0nde4 by Coaai..Ioner Baa.e and carried trft-f8nU81y, that Tea OlUtt be appoInted to ..rve .. Chairaa.n of the Co8aj U... County Manager Dorrill noted that Mr. Olliff'. role on the Coaaittee will be to serve as Staff liai.on, and he will be a non- voting ae.ber. aDO ( 117 PAr.! 199 Page 13 100( 111"'- ID2 AUGUST 30, 1988 It.. ftB1 COtŒ&:rJ.TIV& BIDDIJIG HAIVED AIm COJITRACT TO IKSITUrORM SOUTJŒAsT rOR STORM J:)R..&TJr REPAIRS OK MARCO ISLAJm I. 'fHE AMOtnIT or 836.000 - AWARDED Public Horks Administrator Archibald advised that repairs are required on a storm drain pipe located between the waterway and C.R. i2 on Marco I.land. He noted that this i. a unique .ituation, in that. the pipe is very large, the elevation is very deep, and it is located between two ho.es, with liaited working .pace. He stated that Staff has reviewed various .ethode ot repair, but due to the limited space, it i. believed that the safe.t route is to utilize a .pecial aethoc1 parfor.ad by In8itufor. Southeast Corporation. He indicated that there are 4 other pipes that require repair. but they can be repaired through the noraal repair process. Mr. Archibald requested approval to waive the coapetitive bidding proce8s, and award the contract to Insituform for repairs to lðO feet of pipe, 8230/ft., for a total contract aaount of $36.000, subject to review of the documents by the County Attorney's office. Mr. Archibald stated that funde are available for subject work in Fund 101, Reserves, and he is requesting approval of a budget amend- sent to utilize those funds. Co..issioner Pistor stated that expediency of this work is .ost iaportent, noting that the repairs to be done are between two houses, and there is danger of the air conditioner compressor of the one home. In answer to Coamissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald indicated that there are no other fir.., to his knowledge, that perform this unique Page I' - - .. -.-,.,-....-....,-- ""--- - ~ "Æ__.__..-- ..-... e, "-."W'" , """""""'" """""",.,---_.",.. AUGUST 30, 1988 type of work, adding that the aethod of repair is very successful. ~i.sioner Pistor lIOVed, ..condec1 by Coaaissioner Goodnight and carried ........"i8ð'Q.8ly, that the foraal bidding process be waived, the baASget """'---t be prepared to utilize the funda, and the contract in the 88NDt of $31,000 be awarded to Inaitutora Southeast Corporation. It.. nB2 1/10 taLL DETERKIJŒD FOR APPROPRIATE TAX LEVY DURIHG n 88/89 rOR TIŒ 1URCO ISLUD BEACJI RDOURISIDŒJfr . PUBLIC ACCESS M.S.'1'.U. - APPROVED Public Horks Ad8inistrator Archibald noted that the subject ite. deals with considering the aillage for the Marco Island Beach Renourishaent and Public Access M.S.T.O., noting that currently, the proposed rY 88/89 budget outlines ~ aill, which is the aaxiaua tax rate. He indicated that the budget package outline. the proposed use of tho.. funds, i.e. adainistrative costs, public access acquisition prograa of approximately $90,000, and aajar dollars will be set aside for construction of a structure on the southern beach, near Caxaabas. Be advised that the design, para! tting, and construction doCUJRents tor the current Beach Renourishaent Project are funded froa dollars collected during the current year. He indicated that Staff 1s reco.- aending a reduced aillage aaount of 1/10 aills, which would produce $150.000, which would go toward adainistrative activities and public access acquisitions. Mr. Archibald suggested that consideration be given to the lower a111age rate which would reduce the total tax in the District tro. $150,000 to $150,000. aGO( 1171',-:1 203 Page 15 ,. o. .,...._,----,------- ~"._--,----,-~-------,_._,.".,.'..."'_._._.."'-_." ....... "." "...,.....---- .. 117 ~¡ õ:2DI AUGUST 30, 1988 Co8aissioner Saunders questioned whether the reduction would pro- vide sufficient func18 for peraitting and the econoaic study? Hr. Archibald replied that both of those prograae are currently funded through the current budget. He noted that the economic study will be brought back before the Board next week. Hr. Kenneth Hunt of Marco Island stated that he has discrepancies regarc1ing the use of funds, a.. highlighted by Mr. Archibald, adding that he does not see why a 1/10 sill needs to be collected. He indi- cated that he feels that .05 sills, or a revenue of $75,000 is suf- ficient, and hopefully, when the fair share study is completed, it will deteraine who 8hould be paying for the beach renouri8haent. In response to Mr. Bunt, Mr. Archibald stated that consistent with the budget that has been subaitted, $90,<400 has been allocated for beach access, not only investigations, but also any follow up acquisi- tion that aay be necessary. He noted that this will be necessary to aake beach access a reality. County Manager Dorrill noted that the percentage of this budget attributable for adainistration and overhead, is 1'. Hr. Prank Blanchard, Marco resident, stated that funds should be available in next year's budget tor continued acquisition of the per- site. the cost of additional beach access has not been deterMined: terainal groin on beach 1s considered an in8urance package to reduce the rate of erosion of the beach, therefore, reducing the cost increase of future projects. He recoaaended that the entire budget be Page 16 .. - - --"_.,, -""".,,~'"-,,-,,~-_.__.~..'" "'....."...,,,,-,--,,---,- --." _..".~,_.._-"..,,_._. '-----, , AUGUST 30, 1988 approved, adding that adequate funds should be available for dredge and fill peraits. Mrs. Ann Bruner, Chairman of Citizens for Sensible Marco Beach Iaprove.ent, stated that she feel. Staff's reco...ndation is satisfac- tory. She noted that further collection of the tax for other purposes is unnecessary, would be a continued inequity to the people of Marco Island, pending the results of the fair share study, and possibly illegal. She indicated that the proposed structures for the south end of the beach will not be approved by the State until the Redington Beach aonitoring studies have been coapleted, and it appears that there is no possibility of putting sand on the beach for quite so88 ti... She noted that her group is recOll8ending that Co_issioner Pistor's proposal be considered, specifically that this contingency not be funded in this year's M.S.T.U. tax collection, and if these f1m4e are needed, they be borrowed. She added that she has no objec- tion to the collection of funds, provided they are earaarked for beach access only. She stated that an econo.ic study, perforaed fairly and coapletely, will becoae an incentive for the people who are to benefit froa the beach, to share that benefit, in order to pay for it. Coaaissioner Pistor stated that there has been considerable effort to obtain beach access, adding that there are several aatters that 8U8t be clarified. He advised that froa coaaents he has heard, a 10' e..e..nt could cost as auch.. $100,000. C---i.sioner Pis tor 1IOVed, seconded by Coaaissioner Goodnight and lOOK 117 !'Jr.! 205 Page 17 ,---.-.,-....,..., . AUGUST 30, U88 carried ---faoualy, that the tax levy in the budget be reducec1 to 1/10 11.111 tor Marco Iel8D4 Beach .ReDourlehaent, and the revenue be 88r8lrbcS tor beach acc... P%'OCUreaent, only. In answer to Co..issioner Saunders, Assistant County Attorney Weigel advised that the principal and interest WOUld be part of the sase C088itaent, as deterained by the Board. ... a.ce.. 10 : IDA. H . - R8c0nvene4: ... 10:20 A.H. It- "83 BID ..8-1215 '1'0 SOD BUS1'D.S I. '1'BK .A.Motnrr OF 898,061. f57, :FOR JŒDIAJI u~G UD IRRIGATIO., SOU'1'1I COLLIER BOt1LEvARD - PHAsE II - JJfAJtmD Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on 3uly 12, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bide were received for Bid .88-1295 tor aedian landscaping and irrigation for South Collier Blvd., Phase II until 2:30 P.H., July 27, 1988. Public Works Adainistrator Archibald advised that the SUbject work is a follow-up contract for Phase II of the actual irrigation and 18Dd8caping which involves 11 aedian.s. He noted that 3 bids were receiVed with the low bidder being Sod Bu.ters, in the amount of 898,061.57 . He stated that Staff, as well as the Marco Island Beautification Advisory Co..ittee are reco..ending award of Bid #88-1295 to Sod Busters, based on their experience and perfora&nce of work ot this nature. He noted one discrepancy which involves pro- viding unit prices for additional work that will be based upon payroll Page 18 - - - --", - - - data. AUGUST 30, 1988 c.--1..ioner Pistor aovec1, -con4ec1 by Coaaissioner Goodnight and ~iec1 ftftafti~ly, that that Bid .88-12~6 be awarded to Sod Bueters, 10 ~ 88OUnt ot 89S,081.67. It.. ftlU BID ..8-1253, MARCO ISLAJrD MEDIAJr H.\Dr'rDAJrcz FOR n U88/8~ IX TB:E ANOoJrr 01' U6.S10 a CBAJrGE ORDER .1 IJI TD AMOmrr OJ' U17 .00 RBDOCIBG ~ AMOmrl' TO 895 .193 - AHAKDED TO RB f.AW1f SERVICES. IJIC. Legal DOUce having been published in the Hapl.. DaJ.ly H... on .1QDe 9. 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit ot Publication filed with the Clerk. b14a were received until 2:30 P.M.. June 29, 1988, to consider B14 "8-1283. Marco Island Mectlan Maintenance tor FY 1981/89. Public Works Ada1nlatrator Archibald a4vi88c1 that 4 proposal. were received tor the aubject MOrk, reviewed by Staft and the Marco I.land ØeautUicaUon Advlaory eo.aJ.tt.., with the recoaaen4aUon that the CODtract be 8W8rdec1 to the low bidder. RB Lawn Service., Inc. in the 88OUnt ot 896,810.00. Be DOted that there i. also an a4dec1 recOlllleD- 4at~ tor applo~al ot a Change order that will re-align tive contract it...; thereby, reducing the contract 88OUDt by 8417.00-tor a"net CODtract in the &IIOUDt of 895,193. ~i.sioner GI... aoved, eeconc1ec1 by eo.aJ.ssioner Pis tor and carr1ec1 tt~."1W0U81y, that Bid #88-1283 be awarded to RB Lawn Services, IDe. in the &IIOUDt of 895,610 and Change Order .1 in the aaount ot 8417.00 be approved, tor a net contract in the &IIOUDt of 896,193. It.. ftBð Moved fro. It.. .14Bl ltECOtINDiuATlOH rOR DŒRouCY BlUDGE REPt.ACaœn OK '1'BZ SOUTH E1ID OJ' 231m STREET. S.W.. GOLDQ GATE ESTATES. OWl'! 1915 - APPROVED lOOK 117 "J'.J 207 Page 19 aooc 117?'J'~ 208 AUGUST 30, 1988 Public WOrks Ac1ainlstrator Archibald stated that this reco...n- dation is being &ade to accept the donated funds fro. the surrounding property owners of Unit 195, Golden Gate Estates. He noted that the south end of 23rd Street, S.H. currently has a private cr08sing which incorporate. a concrete bridge, with liaited capacity and width. He advised that the residents of that area have petitioned the County to replace the bridge with a County accepted culvert crossing. Be stated that costs will be funded by the residents using that bridge, and staff is requesting that the Board accept their aoney, and make the necessary repairs, to be consistent with County Standards. C---1..ioner Baa.. aoved, seconded by CoaaJ.ssioner Goodnight and carrie4 ftyu""i~ly, ~t the replac88el1t of the bridge on the South eDd of 23rd Street, S.If., Golden Gate Estates, Unit 19ð be approved. It- "Be 30D"r PJtO.7KCT AGJUŒJŒJrr 1fI'I'1I THE CITY O~ XAPLU, IfImREIX THE COUJrTY' S coDul.%.&Jrr WOR AIRPoRT-PUI.LIXo ROAD SIX LAJrIXO IMPRovDoDrrs SHALL PROVXDz COJrCURREJrr UTILITY DGIIŒD.IXO AJrD ROADWAY DESIO SERVICES rOR CI .IJI1) COtJIITY - APPROVED Public Works Adainistrator Archibald indicated that this request 1. being &ade for approval of the Joint Project Agreement between the City and the County for design activities that relate to the six- laning of Airport Road. He stated that the Utilities will have to be relocated, as a result of this sIx-laning, and Staff is propo.ing that the re-design of those Utilities be included in the road construction design. He indicated that this will increase the cost of the design, adding that the City of Naples, has agreed to subsidize that cost in Page 20 - - - , f AUGUST 30, 1988 the aaoant of 867,540 providing the func1e up-front, to ensure the County ~t payaents can be aade for the design services. ~1-10De1:' Pistor aove4, sec0nde4 by Coaaiaaloner Gooc1n.1ght and carried trn-.i-oualy, that the Joint Project: Agreeaent with the City of -apl- regard.Jng Airport-Pulling Road 81x-LaJúng Iaprov..-nt. be ~60"edø aDd t:he City of .aple. re1abur- the County 867 øð40 toward. t:h8 pzoo j ect: . 4ftrx(lJ7 '.:/09 Page 21 8ø . 4..J 117 " ól./' -r. -:. (:'. '-'<"'~ °.;0< . ^.' : AUGUST 30, 1988 Xt.. ftB'7 DCO-uplTI:OJI TO MA1:VE DUMPXXO nEB AT 'I'D COUJrrY LAJrDnLL FOR 'I'D JIAPLU KUIOK nXGHBORBOOD CLEAJItJp - APPROVED Co8aissioner Pis tor stated that a neighborhood cleanup is desired in Haples Manor as soon as possible. He noted that the cleanup was tentatively scheduled for this weekend, but the property owners have requested to delay it for a few weeks. He advised that he is requesting that the tipping fees for the five dumpsters, provided by Waste Manageaent to be used in the cleanup, be waived. c-i.s1oDer Pi. tor aovec1, eec0D4e4 by Coaais.ioner Baa- and carried ~i8nU8ly, ~t the duap1.Dg fees be waived for the five ~ to be used in the llapl- IIaDor .eighborbooc1 Cleanup. In answer to Co..issioner Saunders, County Manager Dorrill advised that a transfer will be budgeted froa the General Fund to help reiabur.. the enterprise account, noting that these requests are favorable to the Coaaission, adding that there will be a request forthcoaing froa the CURE group in laaokalee where a siailar program will take place. Xt8a #9Cl pR1rT T'VTWUY REPORT BY 'I'D COLLIER eotrn'Y AD HOC COIGaTTD FOR 'I'D .,....,.US - ACCUJ.-IW AXD 120 DAY EX'rDSIO. GRA1fTED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell noted that a preli.inary report froa the Ad Hoc Co..ittee For The Hoaeless is being subaitted for Board review. He stated that the co..ittee has been aeeting since June 21, 1988, and fro. the inforaation they have accumulated, they Page 22 - - _. - - - AUGUST 30, 1988 feel additional tiae is necessary, before a final report can be co.- piled. Mr. Ray Carroll, ...ber of the Ad Hoc Coaaittee, stated that at this point in tiae, the conclusions are preli.inary, noting the impor- tance of It... 1 thru 7, on Pages 2 and 3 of the report. He noted that It.. 6, for inforaational purposes, indicates that at least one group addresses the needs of the ho..l.ss during the winter months. Be requested that the Co..ittee be granted an extension of 120 days, to enable a aore comfortable period in whIch to sub.it a acre compre- heneive report. c-4-siozaer Pistor aovec1, eecon4ec1 by Coaalssioner Baa- and ~zr1ed ftft-4-ou.aly, that the Ad Hoc Coaaittee ror The Boaeles. be gnmtect. aD 8Xteneicm of 120 4aya, to COIIplete their analysis. Ztea #9C2 BID "8-1243, LIBRARY COJrSnuC'l'IOJI COII'TRAC'r I'OR TO EAST JIAPLES BRAJlCB LT~ARY Dr '1'BE .&MOun or $654,600 TO COIUŒRSTOn GDDAL COJl'l'RACTORS, nrc . - AfUJtDED Legal notice having been published in the Haples Daily Hews on June 16,1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bic1s were received until 2:30 P.M. July 13,1988, to consider Bid #88-1243, tor Library Construction for the East Haples Branch Library. Public Services Adainistrator O'Donnell stated that five bids were received; Cornerstone Construction Co. being the low bidder, with a contract amount of $554,500, adding that Cornerstone was the contrac- aDaK 117 ~-:t 217 Page 23 '1 Jr' :{' ~ ,Iii::..;'" ~ , ,* ;0., ;,; t '°0( 117 ",..~ 218 AUGUST 30, 1988 tor for the Marco Island Branch Library, which has recently been coapleteeS. and noted that a superb job was perforaed. He advised that the Library has obtained a $200,000 Library Service. and Construction Act, Ti~le II, Construction Grant. and tha~ funds are included within the Library'. Capital r.proveaent Budget to cover the cost of construction. He indicated that Staff 1s requesting that Bid #88-1243 be awarded to Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc. County Attorney CUyler stated tha~ approval of the subject contract be contingent upon his review and approval, prior to the Chairaan's execution, since it i. no~ included in the agenda package today . C-i-.ioDer P1a~or 8OV8c1, 84tCOD4ec1 by Co8ai..ioner IIa88e and carrJ8d wnuoft4--ualy. t:hat: t:hat Bid .88-1243 be awarc1ec1 to Cornerstone GeDe1..l Cozatract:cn'8, Inc.. in the II8OaDt of $8&4,1500, for the c::oA.~ion of the East .apl.. Library, subject to approval by the CoaDty Attorney's Office. County Manager Dorrill coaaended the quick and diligent work of the Library Director, noting the cost savings of $200,000 by virtue of the Library Grant which was obtained. 11:88 ftDI A(JTIInDTUTIO. '1'0 COM)OCT rEASIBILITY STUDY, Herr TO DCDD $80,000, 1/2 '1'0 B& PAID BY MARCO ISLAJrD UTILITIES, TO PROVIDE TREATED WATER TO MARCO I SLU'D UT I L I TIES - APPROVED Utilities Adainistrator Crandall indicated that Marco Island Utilities is looking for options to provide water to their residents, Page 24 - - - - - - AUGUST 30, 1988 due to the fact that their raw water supply source lease will be ter- .inating in five years. He stated that one of their options, is the request to the County Utilities Division to explore the feasibility of th.. receiving finished water fro. the County, adding that they will be neec!1.D9 approxiaately 12 -illion gallons of water per day. Mr. Crandall stated that he contacted Mr. Milian of Deltona Utiliti.., advising hi. that there would be costs associated in the fora of a feasibility study. estiaated cost of $50,000. He noted that he intcnwtd hi. that the County would not undertake such a study, unl..s they shared in these coats. Mr. Crandall noted the following concerns: 1. Legality of spending outside the water/sewer boundaries. Legality of spending on a private entity. 2. 3. Extending credit to a private entity. Coaaissioner Hass. questioned what the $50,000 for the study would include? Mr. Crandall replied that the Master Plan WOUld be .picked apart-, and deteraine where the raw water would co.. fro., where the costs will CQ8e fro., and what the cost would be to Marco Island. In answer to Co..issioner Pistor, Mr. Crandall stated that the current County site is capable of doubling in size. Coaaissioner Glass noted that if the County did not have to supply water to Marco Island, it WOUld not have to double the size of the current plant, adding that if they are having preble.., they should aOOK 117 !'V~ 219 Page 25 -<--,-,..... MIl( 117 nr~ 220 AUGUST 30,1988 pay tor the study. Mr. Crandall indicated that the County could benefit from this study, noting that the Master Plan is due for Bose "re-thinking", since it W88 prepared a couple of years ago. ~ape n Coaaissioner Saunders questioned whether the facilities at Deltona could be expanded to accO880date the 12 aillion gallons per day? Crandall indicated that their site is very liaited, and doubted whether they could enlarge to the capacity needed. without an expan- .ion. Co8aissioner Pistor stated that when the Marco Shores Development aoves ahead, it aakes good senee to have an additional treatment plant off Manatee Road and use the Marco Plant tor effluent treatment for irrigation purposes. He noted that he is hopeful that this study will provide a better idea of what the value of the Marco Utilities System is, adding that the County has tried to purchase it for many years, and he still believes it would be in the best interest of the County to purchase it. C-i..icmer pator 8OV8c1, 88Condec1 by Co8aj.sioner Gooc:búght to 8CC8'pt the Staff %'8CO88eD4ation to conduct a feasibility study, not to .... ee4 .&0,000. to provide treated water to Marco Island Utilities, wit:h 60S of this cost paid up-front. by Marco Island Utilities. Co8ais.ioner Saunders noted that there is going to be a problem in the delivery of water to Marco Island within the next 3 or 4 years. Page 26 - - - Mr. AUGUST 30,1988 ad4Jng that Jt aakes sense to begin the planning now, since Jt is a County proble.. Coaaissioner Glass stated that the $2S,OOO is not a significant aaount, adding that aodifying the Master Plan has nothing to do with Marco Island. He indicated that if the County does anything, it should take over the Deltona Plant, as Mr. Pistor suggested. Coaai..ioner Pistor aaen4ed hJs aotion as follows: recO88enc1ation to CODduct a feasJbJli ty study, not to exceed $80,000, to prOVide treated water to Marco Island Utilitie., with SO. of this cost paid up-front by Marco Island Utilities: study to be contingent Upon SCope of satisfactory services, and the County to be Jnvolved with the selection and direct Jon of consultants. Coaais.Joner Goodnight accepted the --ndaen t . Gp_88d) . Motion carried 4/1 (Coaaiesioner Glas. It.. HDS ~ ft)R SEWD SERVICE TO THE BEACH AJm '1'EJnfIS CLUB IN La COtnfTY - DOCUh&. ~ TO BE StTBMITTED TO BEACH AJm TEnts CLUB AJm La cotnrrY Utilities Ad.inistrator Crandall indicated that this issue goes back to 1979. He noted that the Beach and Tennis Club desires this service very much, and they are willing to pay a premium of 12S. of noraal Syste. Developaent Charges and 12t5' of noraal aonthly charges. Øe requested that Upon review of the subject documents, Staff be authorized to forward the. through the Beach and Tennis Club to the Lee County Commission. He advised that by Lee County signing the Agreeaent, they will be asking for Collier County's assistance to pro- aoo« 1171's'.! 221 Page 27 117 pS'~ 222 AUGUST 30, 1988 vIde sewer servIce to the Beach and TennIs Club, at the time the Sewer Treataent Plant expansion is coapleted in 1990. In answer to Co..issioner Hasse, Mr. Crandall stated that currently the plant has a capacity of 2~ aillion gallons per day, adding that upon completion, the capacity will be increased to 4~ ail11on gallons per day. He noted that the fee. received froa the Beach an4 Tennis Club will be applied toward the currently designed 8Xp8J181 on . In answer to Coaaissioner Saunders, Mr. Crandall advised that currently, the Beach and Tennis Club capacity is 60,000 gallons per day. the noraal impact fee is 8468,540 plus the 2ð~ factor. Attorney David Leigh, representing the Beach and Tennis Club indi- cated that his clients are in agreeaent with Staff recoaaendations. He stated that Lee County has approved the subject agreement; County Attorney CUyler has now aade his changes, and he will submit these to Lee Coun ty . He advised of three possible sinor changes within the Agreeaent: 1. Place of hookup - rather than Hest Avenue, change to a loca- tion that is totally acceptable to Collier County Utilities and Engineering Departaent. 2. Lee County is wIlling to gIve the Beach and Tennis Club the option to hook into their BYstea at a future date, without any further developaent charges paid to Lee County. 3. Rather than payaent of fees within 90 days, request is being aade for 120 days, to allow sufficient ti.e to collect fro. 360 people. In answer to Coaaissioner Hasse, Attorney Leigh advised that pre- sently there are no sewer treataent facilities available in Lee County Page 28 - - - operates on private systems. to accoaaodate the Beach and Tennis Club, adding that the entire area AUGUST 30, 1988 Mr. George Keller stated that the subject property is not an iso- lated piece of property, and the County aay be asked by other property owners in the area to extend its syste. into Lee County. Tennis Club to pay 10°' of the costs to tie-in to the County's system, Mr. Crandall replied that the Agree.ent allows for the Beach and and they are li.ited to the nuaber of buildings and facilities that are currently there. He added that any additional properties that may wish to book into the County's syste. would be a separate agreement. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Crandall indicated that once the County agrees to the Wastewater Agreement, It will be committed to provide the service until Lee County has the service available. County Manager Dorrill stated that the aoney the County will plan, adding that the County's cost of operation is covered under the receive is in excess of the aoney already available to expand the rate that is charged and the Beach and Tennis Club will be paying a 2S' surcharge over the existing rate. County Attorney Cuyler, in response to Mr. Keller, advised that the subject property is outside the District area, noting that if the agrees to the surcharge, it is legal. Beach and Tennis Club agrees: Collier County agrees; and Lee County Shores/Little Hickory Shores I.provement Association, submitted a Mrs. E.ily Maggio representing the Civic Association of Bonita a~ 117~~223 Page 29 180( 117n~224 AUGUST 30, 1988 resolution, prepared by the Association, stating reasons of opposition to the proposed Beach and Tennis Club hook-up to the County Sewer racilities as follows: Condoainium 1s located in Lee County and was constructed with per.its issued under Lee County restrictions, codes and ordinances, and resulting proble.. associated with the complex should be the responsibility of Lee County: approval of the subject hook-up say set a precedence for future petitions of the sam. nature; Collier County already has long-standing, unresolved utility problema of its own. She further stated that occupancy of the Beach and Tennis Club should be restricted to a level that the present treatment faci- lity can safely acco..odate, or they should be closed down per- aanen t1 Y . She stated that she sees no reason why Collier County should beco.e involved in private enterprise. Mrs. Maggio stated that initially, when the subject proposal was brought before the Board, the plan was to run the pipe under the Beach Road and connect to the syste. at Barefoot Beach, but now, the pipe is to be run one .ile east along Beach Road and connect at West Avenue. She indicated that Collier County already has inadequate water supply with very low pressure, that does not a.et the .inimua . t anc1ar de . Mr. John Keschl stated that he is Opposed to Collier County going into the next County to supply residents with whatever needs they desire. He noted that he feels Collier County is attempting to resolve proble.. in the north end and he believes that the far end of Page 30 - - - 'L - - - AUGUST 30,1988 the County should be given equal consideration. Coaaissioner Saunders indicated that he believes that sufficient service should be provided to Collier County residents first and he does not feel that the service should be extended into Lee County. Coaaissioner Haese stated that he concurs with Co..issioner Saunders, adding that there is currently a problem with water pressure in the Hickory Shores area. Co8a1.sioner Baa- aoved, Hc0nde4 by Coaais8ioner Saunders to &my ~ request for sewer -rvic. to 1'he Beach and '1'enni. Club, located in Lee County. Motion failed 2/3 (Coaais8ioners Pi.tor, Goo4D..i gh t , aDd G 1as s opposed). Co8a1a.ioner Glasa aoved, _c0nde4 by Coaaissioner Pistor to accept ~ Staff reCOJalendation to review and forward the thr- party agz-."'.I1t to the Beach an4 '1'enni. Club tor execution by the Lee County Cn-1..ion, and once executed, bring back before the BCC for approval. Motion carried 3/2 (Casadssloners Baas. and Saunder8 oppo.ed). ... Reees. 11:30 A.M. - Reconvened: 11 ~ 3S A.M. ... It.. ftFl 8UIt.DIJIQ PERMI'1' MORATOR.ItJM AJrD MAna PRESStrRB PROBLEMS IX XOR'1'JIWEST COI.LD:R COUJI'1'Y TO BE DISCUSSED OX SEPTDma 13, 1988. LELY CORPORAnox TO PROCEED WITH COJl'l'RAC'r IK rORCE Assistant County Manager McLemore advised that this request is being aade to establish a public hearing date relating to the subject ita. regarding fire flow requirements in the northwest area of the County, and to deter.ine whether there is a basis for a building per- aool( 117 "'t;r 225 Page 31 '* 117 #Y.s 225 ait aoratoriua. AUGUST 30, 1988 He stated that on AUgust 19, 1988, Staff aet with rire Officials of the Little Hickory Bonita Shore. Fire Depart.ent and the Korth Kaples Fire Control District to hear concerns regarding existing inadequate fire flows related to additional proposed new develop11ent. Mr. McLeaore indicated that the fire flow test conducted by the rire Officials deaonstrated inadequate pressures and volumes for fire defense purposes and do...tic purposes. He noted that the Fire Officials deter.ined that continuation of construction in their areas was inadvisable, and they Mere refusing to is~'e Certificates of Occupancy, and therefore, are recoamending: 1. Declare a building aoratoriua in the area until such ti.e that fire flows can be brought up to standards. 2. Deteraine what water BYste. improve.ents are necessary to abate the fire flow problea especially as it relates to pending develop.ent projects. 3. Consider a policy to delay issuance of building permits in new develop.ents until such tiae that adequate fire flows are deter.ined by field test. 4. Review the applicable tables, 400 and 600 of the Building Code, as they relate to single faaily construction. Mr. McLeaore stated that Staff is not complete in their analysis at this tiae, however he noted, there is a long and historical fire flow problea in that area. He indicated that all parties involved believe that the best approach is for Staff to provide a complete report, with reco..endations to the Board, allow the various rire Officials to provide input, and establish a date for a public hearing Page 32 - - - AUGUST 30,1988 regarding these issues. Coaaissioner Glass stated that he belIeves that the solutIon at hand, is to go forward with the Contract with the Lely Corporation to build ad4Itlonal water lines in that area. He indicated that he has no proble. with the request tor a public hearing, but action should be taken to aove ahead with the contract. Coaaissioner Pistor noted that he concurs with Comaissioner Glass, adding that the entire project could be coapleted within 4 .onths. Attorney George Varnadoe, representing the Audubon Country Club, stated that his client entered into an Agreement with Collier County to extend a 16- water line trom its northern terminus at the Retreat, northward along U.S. 41 and westward tro. U.S. 41 to Vanderbilt Beach Drive, adding that he aS8Uaes that this area will not be within the area that the .oratoriua will effect. Coaaissioner Glass stated that a .oratorium may not be necessary, as there are adequate solutions currently available to the County, that WOUld coaplete the job. He stated that there are other alter- natives available to the Developers, which are not in the best interest of the County, as a whole, specifically, that they have the right to buIld a tank, which would 80lve their own problems, but noted that the County has a contract with the., and he teals the County should take advantage of it, since the costs involved will be aainly borne by the Developers. Ms. Lee Layne questioned the legal requirements regarding a 30 day aoo( 117 .~':I 227 Page 33 I. 117 ~J'.;228 AUGUST 30, 1988 notice? Coaaissioner Saunders advised that if the Board elects to go for- ward, there will be an additional hearing. At~orney George Vega, representing Lely Barefoot Beach suggested that Coaaissioner Glass Beet with the subcom.ittee and the Fire Officials, prior to the public hearing, in an attempt to solve the proble_. He advised that Lely Barefoot Beach is willing to proceed, and provide everything they agreed to in the Contract. Mr. Stuart Hood, Villas of Barefoot Beach Developer, stated that his developaent is being held up on peraits and feels that action should be taken today to get the contract aoving. Utilities Administrator Crandall advised that the contract is a valid one, however, he noted, there are a.endaents that need to be worked out with the parties involved. He stated that a bid was received 4 aonths ago by the Developer for the initial pipeline work, noting that Staff would like to utilize this bid, but in order to do so, the Board would have to waive the bidding process. Mr. Crandall stated that the total project estimate to date is $791,613, adding that he feels that the County should participate in one half the cost, as was originally agreed upon. He suggested that the County utilize the Agreement and the bid which was obtained by Lely Barefoot Beach from T. A. Forsberg to do that portion from Vanderbilt BeAch Road, up West Ave~.~, to Bonita Beach Road. He stated that the County would then take charge of that contract, pro- Page 34 - - - ,-~------ AUGUST 30, 1988 vided Lely Barefoot Beach provide their one half of the costs up- front, and in the aeantiae, contract to design the remaining portion and the necessary booster pu'p which is required. Co..issioner Glass questioned whether Mr. Vega's clients are pre- p&rec1 t%r are in agree..nt with: 1. Provide cash escrow for the required aonies. 2. The County will have control of escrow monies. Construction drawings used for bidding purposes will be obtained by the developer, for Use by the County. 3. Mr. Vega responded affiraatively to the above-stated inquiries. In answer to Coaaissioner Pistor, Mr. Crandall stated that there will be an in-line booster installed, and he suggested that the pro- cess be expedited to obtain an additional storage tank at the area of Old 41 and U.S. 41. c-1.sioner Olass 1IOVed, seconded by Co8aissioner Pis tor and carried ftft~i80U8ly, to proceec1 with the Contract that is in force, 4ecla.re an ...rgency, waive the noraal b1dding process, and utilize tbe bLd that 1s 1n force, subject to the guarantees of the Lely Corpur.tlon. Co8aJss1oner P1stor aoved, "con4ec1 by CoaaJssioner Glass and carried UZ2Cú8lOU8ly, that Septeaber 13, U88, be established as the date of tbe public hearing to discuss the solution to the probl.., st&taa rePurt regarding the current contract, and consideration by the Board regarc1ing alternativ.. pending. final solution to the probl... County Attorney Cuyler stated that when this ita. co~s back to Page 35 10D.: 117 PS'.I 229 -.-----.. . .~. , .... ---,~--"',' .--""'-, " --." , '* 117.,~230 AUGt7ST 30,1988 the Board on Septeaber 13th, he is also requesting that Mr. Crandall provide additional infora&tion regarding the contract. Mr. Dick Klaas of the Lely Corporation stated that the parking lot at Lely Barefoot Beach is now CoapJeted, and provided before and after photos. Be advi8ed that the parking lot ie now deeded to the County. Zt.. #1UJ.A:2 lVuu~ AMZ8~~ 88-381/370 AXD 88-372/378 - ADOPTED c-i.eiouer Pi. tor 8OVed, seconded by Coaai..ioner Goodnight and carried eft8fti~Jy, that Budget Aaendaenta 88-369/370 and 88-372/378 be edopted. ..... CoaaJ..ioner Goodnight aoved, .econded by CO88J..eioner Pietor and carried UDan.1I1OU8Jy, that the following it... UDder the Consent Agenda be apprOVed and/or adopted: ..... Ztea #1ü.1 DEconœr AXD RECORDATIO. or SATISI'ACTIOJI OV LID OJI PROP1tRTY 0WJrJœ MI~ V. SWARTZ. GOLDD GATE UKIT 2. B~ 215. LOT 23 See Page 4 J, t, It.. #1ü.2 DEcono. AJID RECORDATION ov SATISFACTZOJr OF LID ON PRoPERTY 0WJrJœ LECH E. ZZELIHSI:I, MARCO ISLAJr]) UK!'!' 7. BLOeX 175. LOT 3 See Page 2-17 , Ztea .14.&3 uzcunO. .IJrD RECORDATIOJl OF SATISVACnOK OF LID 011 PROP1tRTY 0WJrJœ cr...A'Œ8CI: B. StJRRKLr. a BESSIE M. BOVEY, MARcO BEACH tnrIT 10, BLOCK: 348, LOT 18 See Page -1-"3 P Zt.. #14A4 STAFF DDœc'r£D TO ADVERTISE .u ORDIJlAJfCE .un A RESOLUTIOK PER'J'AIJaJrG TO A REnD FEE rOR WATER MAJlAGIDŒJf'J' 8YS'nM DESIGJrS ASSOCUTED NI'J'B Bt1ILD 0 IT APPLICATIOH ABD ASSOCI TED FEE SÇlŒDULE Page 36 - - - AUGUST 30, 1988 It.. ß4A5 R:ESoLo'rIOJI 88-199 PROVIDING rOR ASSESSMDT 01' LID IX ORDER TO RECOVER ~ AAr&.llu£I) BY '11m COtnITY TO ABATZ PUBLIC JroISAJfCE 011 LOT 5, BLOCK 1 !S 6 . GOL.DD GATE. tnI I T 5, PROPERTY OMJ"ER: !I AT. J. C AR1'fEV AL LA See Pages ,.;¿:] 7.4¡~ Ò It.- .IUS 1ŒSOLO'rI0JI 88-200 PROVIDUG FOR ASSESSMDT 01' LID IR ORDER TO RECOVER rmms AAr&.lluED BY '11m COUJITY TO ABATZ PUBLIC JroISAJfCK O. LOT 34, BLOC1C 16.. GOLDD GATE. tnlIT S. PROPERTY 0HJfER: .TElFERY :1. RILEY See Pages 00< ~ /- ".2 'Ý ~ It.. .lU7 RESOLU'r1:OJI 88-201 PROVIDIRG FOR ASSESSMDT or LID IX ORDER TO RECOVER I"DJIDS AAr&.llu£I) BY '11m COmrrY TO ABA'1'B PUBLIC JroISAJrCK O. LOT 25, BLOCI: 189, UJlIT 6. GOLDQ GATE. PROPERTY OWJŒR: DAVID A. ELDRIDGB See Pages -27"'.~-~//~ It.. .14.1.8 BZSOI.VTIOJI 88-202 PROVIDIJIG I'OR .uSUSMD'r OF LID IX ORDER TO .RECOVER rmms .a..v-&.IIuED BY '11m COVJrTY TO ABA'1'B PUBLIC JroISAJrCE OX LOT 41, BLOC1C 371, MARCO BEACH mrIT 11 St1BDIVISIOR, PROPERTY OWB'ER: AUDIO DBJ'ESUS GO~ RAMIJŒZ See Pages ,..::f ~ .j- - .1 /./ ¿, It.. .14Bl Moved to It.. .9B5 It.. .UB2 atlUU&"J: .ur&..IAUJIIT FOR I'LEBT MAJL\GDœJIT TO I.CREAsB I'UEL OPERATIJI'G Lll.rniB8 BY DICREASIJI'G T1Œ I't1JrD'S PARTS BUDGET It".UB3 PUBLIC IŒARIXG TO BE JŒLD ON SEP'l'BMBER 8,1988, TO COKSIDER AJlARDIJI'G It. CDTU'ICA'I'B or PUBLIC COJlVEJnDCK AJID Jl'ECESSITY TO .TEAJI AJfD MARIB L. OILoT D/B/A GILOT TAXI COMPAJIY Itea .1484 Pt1RCB1SK AGRBEMEJrr FOR '11m ACQt1ISITIOJI 01' RIGBT-ol'-HAY I'OK nm FOUR r..um DPAJrSIOR or S'l'lt.TZ ROAD 951 BBTWB.IuI US-41 AJfD MARCO ISLAlm FOR &OO~ 117 PS';I 231 Page 37 -~._'-'-"".._._,._.....,,-,- ", 1001( 117 w~ 232 AUGUST 30, 1988 PAReEr. XO. 121, EAST XAPLEs FIRE COBTRoL A1ID RESCUE DISTRICT IX TIŒ TOTAL AIG1Jrr or 850,012.50 A1ID STAn' TO PRocEED WIn RELATED JU:AL ESTATI: CLOsDrG 'l'RU'SACTIOW AJfD RECORD WIn TIŒ CLERX ALL APPRoPRIATE D<>C'Uh&.. ¡;s See Pages ..2 -Y?-..2-s/ .9 Itea #1485 Mbve4 to It.. .9B6 It.. .UN Withdrawn Itea .UB7 UCoRn&now OF 'l'U FIJUL PI.&.T or EMEllA.r.D LA.I:E.s AT BRIDGE L.\Q, O'JIfIT on; ~TY Dr 'l'U AMOVJrr or U,010,542.50 TO BE ACCEPnlJ AJI1) COh.kAY\,;uOW .u:o MAIftDAJrCB AGIŒDœ:JrT OF StrBDIVZSIOX IHPROVEMEJrrs TO BE ~( ¡:JW BY TB:E ClLURKAJI See Pages 247' --<-r.-r-- Itea .UC1 COhu.fiJ.\%IOW OF GR.UT FOR FmmIJrG UBDEK 1'ITLE III OJ' 'l'U OLDER AllDICUS' ACT. KEQUnŒD COIIMI'l'MD'r OF LOcAL IUTC1IUG J'UJIDs IX 'l'U AMDuJrr OF 837,994. COMa'l'KDT J'ORMS IŒLATIXG TO Arl'IRMATIVE ACTIOJl', CIVIL RIGBTS, a RUDICAPPEJ) ACCESSIBILITY TO BE EXECUTED: AJI1) COKTRACT WIn TB:E AREA AGEJI'CY ON AGIXG D/B/A TIŒ COtnrCIL rOR Jß1MAJr SERVICES 01' SOQTB C'DTRA.r. FLoRIDA TO BE EXE~ Innœ 'l'U COID'RACT IS 'rEJm!REI> See Pages J5~--? ¿,/ It.. .un BID "8-12I1U5 J'OR 'l'EKPoRARY CLERICAL SERVICES - AHARDED IN TIŒ APPRoxDIAn AHOt1JrI'1' OJ' 860,000 OVER TIŒ JI'EXT 12 HOJfTB PERIOD TO '1'BE FO~G: K.\JrPow'b. VIP. PEOPLE PLACE. DLLY SERVICES. AJm ACCu¡;~ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 26,1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received tor te.porary clerical services until 2:30 P.M. August 10, 1988. %te8 .14.£2 BID "8-1300 J'OR '1'BE PURcHAsE OJ' COPY PAPER - AWARDED IN '1'BE &ft.~.uJ8&rB AMOorr OF $60,000 OVER THE JIEX'1' 12 MOJITB PERIOD TO ~ r aBACH/MEAD HDcIlAllTS Page 38 - - - AUGUST 30, 1988 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 1,1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bide were received for Bid #88-1300 for the purchase of copy paper until 2:30 P.M., August 17, 1988. It.. .UCU &..I;h"fIUUI:¡' w:ITH DCA RE ACCEPrUCE OF '1'BE AKARD or $1,050 FROM FLORIDA POMEa Am) LIGJI"l' rOR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGElICY PREPAREDllESS rtnms rOR nSCAL yY.lD 89 See Pages d 1-..1...,;( t, h It.. nm KZ%RA ~ rxMB rna IXMATZ .OS. 23711.57544,45425.40023.56293. 48551. 541526.48383. ABD 56809 It.. #10 Kr!lt!lrr.1'..urEOtJS CORUSPoJIDDCE - FILED ABD/OR ~ There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as ind1catedbelow: 1. 8/15/88 Me.o fro. Robert G. Have, Chief, Bureau of Local Planning, rloric1a DCA, on local governaent coaprehensive planning aajor issue. list. errata sheet, directed to all interested parties. xc: To. Olliff. Jane Fitzpatrick: and Piled. 2. Letter dated 5/31/88 with two corrected pages of 1st annual follow-up inspection to Sheriff Rogers fro. Virgil Choate, Correctional Officer Inspector II, rlorida Depart.ent of Corrections. xc: Filed. 3. Meao dated 8/9/88 fro. Barry A. Swihart, Chief, Bureau of Haste Planning and Regulation, mER, to County Co..i.sion Chairpersons re local hazardous waste collection center grant prograa. xc: Heil Dorrill. George Archibald: Bob Fahey. and Piled. 4. Meao dated 8/18/88 fro. Gordon Ro..is, Environaental Manager, mER, to BCC with a short fora application (111535065) enclosed. xc: Heil Dorrill; George Archibald: and Filed. f~ 117 !'Jr.! 23S Page 39 ---" lOCK 117 nr~ 234 "r 4 i¡' ~:', Â~~; eJ .. ~¡ ií~ ~-( ~.;; '.," f " :'1 14. AUGUST 30, 1988 5. Letter dated 7/28/88 froB Kirby B. Green, III, Director of Division of Beaches and Shores, FeHR, to George H. Heraanson, P.E., Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., with carbon copy to BCC re approval of tiae extension, perait file number: CO-132, Peraittee Haae: Gulf Coastal Beachfront Joint Venture. xc: Natural Resources Departaent. and riled. 6. Letter dated 8/17/88 from Gerald G. Lott, P.E., District Traffic Operations Engineer, FeOT, to Commissioner A. L. Glass re notification of changes in traffic regulations. xc: Neil Dorrill: sec. and Filed. 7. Letter dated 8/12/88 from Sewell, Todd & Broxton, Inc. to Cbairaan Saunders re Subway of Marco Island, Inc. claim. xc: .eil Dorrill: Ken Cuyler; Sherri Rynders: and Filed. 8. Letter dated 8/16/88 fro. Vern Raiser, Ac18inistrative Supervisor, South rlorida Hater Management District, Resource Control Departaent to sec with permit enclosed. xc: George Archibald with original perait: and Filed. SJ. Letter dated 8/16/88 froa Hayne E. Daltry, Executive Director, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, to Co..is.ioner Saunders re "Citygate Commerce Park" application for develop- sent approval, DRI #4-8687-73. xc: Neil Dorrill; Tom Olliff: and Filed. 10. Minutes of 8/8/88 aeeting of the Marco Island Beautification Board Meeting. xc: Filed. 11. Letter dated 8/15/88 fro. Joan D. Owens, Asst. Dir., Service. of the Collier Mosquito Control District to Giles. Clerk submitting the regular .eeting schedule CMCD Board of Co..issioners for fiscal year 10/01/88 9/30/89. xc: Filed. Ac18in. Jaaes for the to 12. Meao dated 8/19/88 fro. Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Thoaas Crandall, Utilities Director, County Hater-Sewer District Interim Financial Statements for the period ended July 31, 1988. xc: Filed. 13. Memo dated 8/19/88 fro. Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Jay Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator, E.M.S. Interia Financial Statements for the period ended July 31, 1988. xc: Filed. Me.o dated 8/19/88 fro. Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Dan Pucher, Fleet Management Director, Fleet Management/Motor Pool Interim Financial Statements for the period ended July 31, 1988. xc: Filed. Page 40 - - - ",,-----,._, - - - 15. AUGUST 30, 1988 Meao dated 8/19/88 froB Ronald r. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Tho... Crandall, Utilities Director, Marco Hater and Sewer District Interi. Financial Stateaents for the period ended July 31, 1988. xc: Filed. 16. Meao dated 8/19/83 fro. Ronald F. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Robert rabey, Solid Haste Director, Solid Haste Disposal Interi. Financial Statements for the period ended July 31, 1988. xc: Filed. 17 . Meao dated 8/19/88 fro. Ronald r. Cook, C.P.A., Assistant Controller/Deputy Clerk, to Sherry Rynder8, Risk Manage.ent Director, Horkers Co.pensation Insurance Interi. Financial Stateaents for the period ended July 31, 1988. xc: Filed. ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the aeeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - T i..: 12:05 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD or ZOKIHG APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERKIHO BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UJfDER ITS COJf'1'ROL ~~ , BURT L. SAtnmERS, CHAIRMAN , ,/Ã;;;;;". ,¡. ..7AMES l' ~ILES, CLERK ",,': .."t,.i . /if!tßJ1~ : ~ £J .c... - ./ f,:,.'! :~:~~.,.:~~n~t~~apP ed by the Board on~~.I///~r ~. - ~....,.,., 'yO'" : .. cpteiêf1ted. ~ or as corrected . . , , . " "..' ....,. . BOD( 117 ~J~ 235 Page 41 .,--_...,. , -----,