BCC Minutes 09/07/1988 B - - - Naples, Florida, September 7, 1988 LET IT 8E REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zonina Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, 8et on this dale at 7:00 P.M. in BUDGET SESSIOK in Building "F- of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: V I CE -cHA I RHt\N : Burt L. Saunders Anne Goodnight John A. Pistor Arnold Lee Glass Max A. Hasse ALSO PRESENT: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Lori Zalka, Budget Director; Stan Litsinger and Jennifer Pike, Budget Analysts; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator: Toa Olliff, Acting Community Development Administrator; Jane Fitzpatrick, Growth Management Director; Dave Pettrow, Development Services Director; Leo Ochs, Human Resources Administrator; Mike McNees, Utilities Administration Director; Wanda Jones, Housing and Urban Development Director; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Ad.inlstrator; and Charles Gauthier, Chief Long-Range Planner. Page 1 'DOC 117PAG( 353 ¡DOlt 117 Fa'7. 354 SEPTEMBER 7,1988 O.,£àYIB'W OF THB BUDGET AIm TAXES Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on September 4, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the Proposed Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 1988-89. Budget Director Zalka stated that the first section of the budget book shows summaries of the budget as It now stands and the back of the budget book is the section where the agenda is for this public hearing as well as the budget resolution which list all the changes that have been made to the tentative budget. She stated that the overall budget is up 9.4\ or $210 million and in order to fund that budget there is a County-wide tax rate going up 9.9\ which is 4.6 .i11s . She noted that there are also 39 MSTD's which are in the unin- corporated area and when all those are added up, there is an aggregat~ of 5.3 mIlls or 9\. She stated that this means that everyone in the county pays cunty-wide taxes and then those people in the HSTD's also pay up to an average of 5.3 mills for county services. She stated that the tax notice also includes the City taxes if one lives in the City boundaries, the School Board taxes and other districts. She indicated that the 9.9\ tax increase is being used to fund new posi- tions and new services, adding that there are 39 new positions in the Sheriff's Department, which includes 17 positions for the jail and 11 officers for road patrol and investigations as well as other posi- lions. She noted that this also provides funds for salary increases Page 2 - - - SEPTEMDER 7, 1900 for the Sheriff's Department and other County departments. She noted that there is also an increase fer level of services for Parks and Recreation, Libraries, EMS, and the Clerk of Court9. She noted that the budget also includes 19 new positions for the Utilities Departmenl which is funded by water and sewer rates and 22 new positions in thq Community Development Fund which will be funded by a 3S¡ increase in building permit fees. PUBLIC OOKKERTs 'QUESTIONS Mr. Ira Evans, Secretary of the Marco Island Taxpayers Association, stated that the taxes are too much and they are going up too fast, adding that taxes have been going up at a rate of lOt or better for over 30 years and somehow this County must learn to live within the increase generated by increased assessable values. He referred to Page E-12 in the budget book which is the Facilities C~nstruction Fund 301, noting that it provides an amount for beach renourishment for a County study. He stated that Marco Island was assured that they would be excluded frOll that tax, but on the basis of this budget, it is not so, adding that he would urge that Marco Island be excluded from the tax for that purpose. Commissioner Saunders stated that Marco Island was not to be charged additionally for beach renourishment in the main part of the County and questioned if that is being done in this fund, to which Budget Director Zalka stated that in the capital funds, a County-wid~ millage rate of I mill is being used for all the capital projects ;o~¡ 117 P.\,;~ 355 Pagc 3 J"~: , ~'f '~' .* 117w..356 I i,',..,", ¡ , 1"'- ';' " SEPTEMBER 7,1988 whIch does include Marco Island, adding that the $169,000 is collecten on a County-wide basis. COIIØissioner Saunders stated that it is his opinion that Marco Island should not be taxed twice for this. Budget Director Zalka stated that she is not sure how this could be done unless another district is created that would exclude Marco Island. Commissioner Saunders stated that between now and the final budge~ hearing, the Budget Office will attempt to deal with this issue in- house and see if there is some way to resolve this matter. He noted that the consensus of the Board is to have Staff work this out and report back to the Board. County Manager Dorri1l stated that his concern is that while every other property in the County will pay for the various permitting or design related cost next year for the beach renourishment project which has been determined to be a County-wide benefit, he would ask for time to develop a staff report on this matter before Marco Island is excluded from this tax. Co.missioner Saunders stated that Staff will look at this matter in the next two weeks, adding that he would like Mr. Evans to be involved in this matter. Mr. Evans statcd that Marco Island has alrcady paid for the study of the Marco Island Beach and the engineering. He noted that another QUestion he has is on Page F-l5, which is the Marco Island Water and Page 4 - .. - SEPTEMBER 7,1988 Sewer District that proposes an 11\ increase in the sewer collection fees for rates charged on the County system on Marco Island. He stated that this increase has not been justified or evaluated and there has not been a public hearing on this matter and he wouJd suggest that th;~ be taken out of the budget until such time as ther~ is justification and a public hearing. Commissioner Pistor stated that the overall budget for that item shows a 59.7\ decrease and the 11\ is there for a possible rate increase, but as far as the taxes are concerned this is not an increase. He noted that the water and sewer district is not in the...rI valorem tax fund, adding that it is a fee collected on your bill if and when such an increase is approved. COIIIIIIi8sioner Saunders stated that a public hearing will be held on this _atter and there will be justification presented on the issue al such a time. Mrs. Alberta Peacock of North Naples stated that she came to Florida because she thought that she could afford to live here, but the taxes keep going up and she feels that the Developers should be contributing more to help pay for the schools so that the average per sons does not pay such a high amount in school taxes. She stated thl'll when the taxes keep going up, it keeps putting more of a burden on th.. people with fixed income. She stated that new people arriving to th~ area should also pay their share instead of taking it out on the people that have lived here for years. Page 5 eOOK 117~[a57 -"-.---- ."......."_........__._,,-_.,,~.,,....".,..,,"-'"_.... , ---."."..----..-.- .. SEPTEMBER 7, 1988 Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, stated that when he was at the meeting in July, he was told that the increase for administralion would be held to 6\ but now the property taxes will be increased to lO\. He stated that he knows that the Sheriff's Department will cost more to run, but the general governmenl is increasing by 15\ and this seems like a big increase. He stated that if growth pays for growth the tax rate should not be goIng up. He noted that within five years, a lot of people are going to have a difficult time living here. He indIcated that he would hope that the Board of County Commissioners would go over these figures very care- fully and see if some of the items can be cut somewhat to reduce the ad valorem tax increase to 6\ or lower. He stated that he feels that this could be done, noting that most of the taxpayers in this County are highly stressed trying to meet their financial obligations and th~ Board of County Commissioners should do everything possible to keep taxes down. Mr. Joseph Brodrick of 3343 BInnacle Drive stated that the budget calls for a 9-1/2\ salary increase which he does not feel is just.if ied. He indicated that the Sheriff's Departmenl is showing a 12-1/2\ salary increase, adding that he feels the only people justified in receiving that increase is the 125 road patrol deputies. County Manager Dorrill explained the new pay plan and how it would work, noting that the salary increase is 7-1/2\ if the employee is deserving, not 9-l/2\. Page 6 - - - -------'. '._-,-",-...._- ~,,_.,",",..._-,. - - - SEPTEMBER 7, 1988 Mr. Thorne Hollister of Chokoloskee stated that he is requesting that the taxes not be raised in Chokoloskee as services are not being received for the taxes that they are paying. He noted that the roads are extr~ly bad and a cold patch is simply put down, but a week later it falls out. He noted that the commercial property that he owns is being taxed higher and higher each year, but it is becoming more worthless each year. He noted that he is a commercial fisherman and his income goes down every year, but the taxes go up. COIIIIissioner Pistor stated that if the value of the property is contInually going down, but the taxes keep going up, then Mr. Hollister should be talking to the Property Appraiser's office about this Jlðtter. Mrs. Nancy Hollister of Choko1oskee stated that the school taxes are extreøely high and both her and her husband are working to pay taxes, but at the rate the taxes are increasing, she will not be able to live in this County in another ten years. Commissioner Sðunders stated that with regards to the school taxes, this is something that should be brought up at one of the School Board's public hearings. Mr. Gary McMillin of Chokoloskee stated that his property taxes were increased from $700 to $l,lOO and the property where his boats al' increased from $1,100 to $2,000. Budget Director Zalka stated that it sounds like there was an assessment change and the Property Appraiser's office should be con- ¡DOC 117 ,~[ 359 Page 7 -..-..---.--,.. ..-..-.-.......-.." .." '* 117 pv.l360 SEPTEMDER 7, 1988 tacteð on this .etter. Mrs. Pat Pilcher of Seabreeze Avenue stated that she is opposed t" any Wiggins Pass MSTU, adding that the people that want Wiggins Pass dredged are the ones that should pay for it. She stated that she lives on a fixed income and cannot afford to pay such a tax. She indicated that this should be done by a referendum so that all the people In the area will have a right to vote on the matter. County Manager Dorrill stated that 7S\ of all taxing districts have been created because of petitions received and public hearings held. He noted that it is rare when such a matter goes to referendum, but based on the discussion of this project and the Marco Island pro- ject, the Board of County Commissioners may want future requests to go to referendum. She stated that letters have been sent to the resi- dents asking whether they are in favor of this project or not, but some residents are receiving numerous letters which is a waste of taxpayers' money. County Manager Dorrill stated that the letter was sent by his office and was prepared by him, adding that he has relied on the Property Appraiser for the mailing list of all eligible properties in the district. He noted that when they receive the letters back, they will attempt to purge duplicate property ownership. CO8missioner Saunders stated that when this hearing came before the Board, the County Attorney was directed to meet with the advisory board on this matter, adding that when the results of the question- Page 8 - - - t i'. t.. ""'..".'" ;: " . d ; ~ , :' ¡ - ~"~ I, ----_._-,--- -« - - - SEPTEMBER 7, 1988 naire are determined, the Board will again hear the matter, but nothing is going to be resolved until lhat time. Mr. Duane McMillin of Chokoloskee stated that he is against land taxes being increased, adding that his taxes were increased almost 100', but the land has not gone up in value that much. CO8IIissioner Saunders stated that the people in Chokoloskee that have received these type of increases in their tax bill should contßcl the Property Appraiser's office and file a tax petition in order to be heard in front of the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board, noting that the deadline for filing such a petition is September 13,1988. Ms. Cohiss Balkun of Choko10skee stated that the taxes are too high and the roads are bad, noting that the school grounds are not kept up either. She stated that she is not receiving much for the taxes that she is paying and her taxes have gone up 25'. COIIIIissioner Goodnight stated that all the roads in Chokoloskee were paved last year and if there is a County road that needs to be brought up to standards, she will be sure that it is done if the people of Chokoloskee will contact her. Ms. Mary Jane Gay indicated that she lives near Corkscrew Sanctuary and praised the Public Works Department for their fine job that they are doing on the roads. She stated that she does not have any objection to the tax increase by the County, noting that her con- cern is with the school taxes. She noted that lhe Sheriff's Deparl8ent is doing a fine job also, but she does have a problem with eODK 117 PA!;[ 361 Page 9 'l " ~ ,. 117 PJ1",( 362 Collier County enforcing some of their codes. SEPTEMBER 7,1988 She noted that she has contacted various departments to have someone enforce the noise ordi- nance but does not get any results. She indicated that she hopes thaI all people pay their fair share of taxes. Mrs. Viola Barclay stated that she agrees with Ms. Pilcher with regards to the Wiggins Pass HSTU, adding that there has been a major expense involved with this mailing which is a waste of time and tax- payer8'money. Mrs. Evelyn Lawmaster, Seabreeze Avenue, stated that owners on Vanderbilt beachfront are opposing their taxes compared to the owners on Gordon Drive. She noted that there is a difference of 40\ assessment and the values do not compare to one another at all. Com.i8sioner Saunders stated that this is an issue that should be taken up with the Properly Appraiser's office. Mrs. Gay stated that she thinks that the County is doing an outstanding job and trying to hold the taxes down as much as possible. REBOLO'rIOK 88-207 ADOPTIKG THB FY 88-89 AKE1mED TENTATIVE Bt1DCET - ADO FrED Budget Director Zalka stated that in the back of the Book of Changes is a lisl of all the changes that have been made to the ten- tative budget and now is the time for the Board to consider if any further changes are needed. She stated that the next step is to adop' a resolution to adopt the ame..ded tentative budget. She noted that this budget will be presented to the public on September 22, 1988, at Page 10 - - - -,~-,. .. .. - SEPTEMBER 7, 1980 7:00 P.M. She stated an ad will be printed in the newspaper a few days before the hearing which will detail the budget based on amend- ment8 that the Board of County CO8IIis8ioners has made. She noted thn' the final decision on the budget and taxes will be on September 22, 1988. co.ai..ioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Has.e and carried unanimously, that Resolution 88-207 adopting the FY 88-89 88eDd84 tentative budget be adopted. aoll( 117 p.'.(363 Page 11 ----.----..". "'- -,----,,'.., <"",-- .-..-, S¡':P-n-:M£H-:n 7, 1 nn PROPOSED HILL1\GE RATE AND PERCENT INCREASE IN PROPERTY TAXES J\NNOUJ'ICF.I AND FINJ>.L PUBLIC HEARING DATE SET FOR SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 AT 7:00 "'.11. Budget Director Zalka stated that the proposed County-wide.: millaq. rate is 4.6157 mills which is a 9.9~ increase, adding that the pro- posed aggregate millage rate is 5.3228 mills which is a 9% increase, Commissioner Saunders stated that the deadl inc for filing tax petitions is September 13, 1988 and the fina] public hearing for the budget is September 22, 1988. """ There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 8:25 P.M. BOAfW Of' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ ßOAHD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX Of'FICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) or" SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTHOL ~~ ~ T L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN ATTEST.:' -r J~2~.~: G~LEs';.. CLERK ..~ . - . J /t ~": ~~<;þ '~ zO. ( . '. . . rr -: :! The'se min~te.s ap~ved b'l the Board á!) pr.~s~rted ~ ;' /' or as cor r'~cted , . onþ~~-::?/f-J ~;: / Ý Y ¡/ ./ ' , . ' '.~ . ."'~",' &OO( 117 PF-l385 Page 12 ----'-'