BCC Minutes 11/08/1988 R ..--.-.. - Naples, Florida, November 8, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in ant for the County ot Collier, and also act:ng as the Board ot Zoning Ap¡.eals and as the gov"rning board{s) ot suI;h special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSIOØ in BUilding "P" of the Government ~omplex, East Naples, Florida, with the following aembers present: CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight John A. Pistor Arnold Lee Glass Max A. Hasse ALSO PRESENT: Ja.es C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Mallre,,"-n Kenyon. Ellie Hottman, and Dalila Mendez, Deputy Clerks; Neil Darrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; To. Olliff, Acting Community Development Administrator; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Barbara CacChione, Dwight Nadeau and Philip Sc~eft, Planners; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheritt's Department. '\ Page 1 .. -.....-...---- Tape -I Ite. .3 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 MDD.\ AJrD CO.SD'r AGEJrDA - APPROVED WITH CJL\JI'GES Coaai..ioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Baa.e and carri~ UD&ni80U8ly, that the agenda and con.ent agenda be approved with the following changes: It.. .. 1. Item "5F added re procla..ation recognizll,g November 11, 1988 as "Veterans' Day" at Commissioner Saunders request. 2. Itea 9Bl deleted re cancellation of Bid "88-1266 as this ite.. wa~ heard on November 1, 1988. 3. Itea 14R3 moved to Item 9B2 at the request of Commissioner Pi.tor re moditlcation ot excavation permit No. 59.204 "Sea Con Quarry" 4. Itea 6Bl re Pet. PDA-88-6C, continu~d to January 10, 1988 as indicated on the agenda. MIBOTZs or KZGOLAft MEETIØGS or OCTOBER 18, OCTOBER 2ð, AXD ØOVEMBEK 1, ilea - APr,WV&D U PRESEJfTED Coaal..ioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Co"lssioner B.... and carri~ un&ni80U8ly, that the .inute. ot October 18, October 2ð, and Ite. 'ðA .oveaber 1, liee, be approved a. pre.ented. JXPt.on:E SEJNICI AMARD ~EXTED TO WILLIAM STALnR , UTILITIES DEPT. Coaaissioner Saunders presented a plaque and pin to William Stalker ot the Utilities Department tor five years of service with ColUer County. It.. øðB PROcLAMATIOX DISIGØATIXG ØOVEKBER, lie8, A' -EPILEPSY MOWTB- - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the proclaaation to Ms. Ei. Wil.on, Caaaiaaloner Pistor moved, seconded by Co..l.sioner GOOdnight and carri~ un&niaously, that the proclaaation designating .ove.bar, li88, .. wEpllepey Month" be adopted. Page 2 It.. '&e NOVEMBER 8, 1988 PROCLAIU'%'I~ DESIGØATI.G WOVEMBER 17, 1988, AS "GRUT AMERICAK SMOnovr IW COLLIER COJ7JfrY" - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the procla~ation to Ms. Kim Wilson, Coaai..1oner Goodnight aoved, s.conded by Co..issloner Pi.tor and carried un&niaously, that the proclaaat1on de.ignating Wove.her 17, 1988, aa -Gr.at Aaerican Saokeout in Collier County" be adopted. Page 3 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. ,aD PROCI..\KATIO. DESIGJI'ATIØO ØOVEM1lER, a8S, AS "DIABETES AM.&llEJIESS MaRTH" - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the proclaaation to Diana Longstreet of the Collier County Chapter of the American Diabetes Association, Coaai..ioner Ra... aoved, ..conded by Co..i.sioner alae. and carried unaniaoualy, that the proclaaation designating Noveaber, 1988, aa -Dlabete. Awaren... Month" be adopted. Page 4 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. #sa PROCI..I.M.&.'%'IO. DESIG](ATIØG THE WEa OF ØOV!MBER 14 - 18, 1988, AS "PRO 80.0 PUBLICO WEE~" - ADOPTED Ope;. .. ~~~ing ~nd presenting the procl~~ation to Mr. David Dawson, Coaal..1oner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co..lssioner Pi.tor and carrl~ unaniaou8ly, that the proclaaation de81gnatlng the week of .oveaber l' - 18, 1988, a. "Pro Bono Publico Week" be adopted. Mr. David Dawson thanked the BCC for the proclamation noting that th1. will inform the community ot the tree legal services that are available this w~ek to those that cannot attord such services. He indicated that there will be seainars held during the week on child support, taaily law, landlord/tenant law, wills, and small claim issues. Page 5 11 It.. ,ar NOVEMBER 8, 1988 D&sI~ATI.O .OVEKBER 11, li88, AS "VETERAxS' DAYR - Coa.issioner Glass read and presented the proclamation to Major Don Price who thanked the Commission on behalf of a]] veterans for their support of veter~ns activities. Coaaiseloner Gl... aoved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Pistor and carrl~ unani80USly, that the proclaaation designating .oveaber 11, 1188, ae "Veterans' Day" be adopted. Page 6 _0.. It.. '6B2 If .6" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 ORDIXAXCZ 8'-'. RE PETITIOØ R-88-20C, WILSOØ, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL Ir PIU, I.C., REPR. NAPLES R If D GROUP, IØC. ltE A ltEZORE FROM A-2 TO POD ~~ AS IAPLES R If D ~ARX AT L!LY AXD PETITIOØ PDA-88-11C REQUESTING AJr .\H1aUl'l&Jr1' TO THE LELY R Ir D PARX POD BY AMEJfDIRG THE POD MASTER PLAJf - ADO PTED L~ga1 notice having been published in the Na~les Daily N~ws on October 7. 1988, as evidence~ by Atfidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was open~d to consider Petition R-88-20C, filed by Wilson, Miller. Barton, 5011 & Peek, Inc. representing Naples R & D Group, Inc., requesting a rezone trom A-2 to POD known as Naples R & D Park at Lely in Sections 29 and 30, Township 50 South, Range 26 East and Petition PDA-88-11C requesting an amend..ent to the Lely R & D Park POD by amending the PUD Mascer Plan. Planner Cacchione stated that the objective of these petitions is to rezone 8 acres from A-2 to POD known as N~p]pn R & D Park at Lely and to amend the POD document to include this area within the POD as Tract E. She noted that land to the north and east across U.S. .1 is zoned C-4 and residential single-tamily; land to the southeast is zoned A-2 and POD; land to the south is zoned A-2 and A-2"ST"; and lanJ to the north and west is zoned A-2. She indicat~d that thls request will increase the size ot the POD trom 56.8 acres to 64.8 acres, adding that the proposed use is to allow for a back lot tor a variety ot exterior scenes necessary in contemporary tilm production. She stated that the PUD am~ndment also includes adding permitted Uses to Tracts A, C, & 0 incl~ding motion picture and TV production, film production, private clubs, commercial recreation, accessory lodging facilities and restaurants as well as adding hotel/motel and re.taurants to Tract B. She noted that the legal description would have to be changed and the Master Plan amended as w~ll as other minor moditications. She indicated that the overall intensity of th~ PUD has been decreased in maximum bUilding Coverage from 1,097,712 square teet to 478,500 squar~ t~et and the traffic generation of the project has been decreased by 33' according to the tratfic impact 8tatement. ~ reported that the additional uses requ~sted in the POD have b~en Page 7 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 determined to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and are compatible within the POD. She stated that ðll appropriate County agencies have reviewed these petitions and have no objection to their approval based on the surrounding zoning and land use patterns as well as the re:-"'ended mitigation measures included in the POD document. She stated that the CCPC recommended approval of these petitions sub- ject to staft's stipulations with the changes as noted in the agreement sheet which has been incorporated into the POD document. She noted that one person Spoke at the CCPC meeting in favor of the petition and one letter was received requesting additional infor- aation. She concluded by stating that she is recommending approval ot Petition R-88-20C and PDA-88-]]C. Mr. Alan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl & Peek, Inc. staled that statt ha~ r~~nmmended approval ot these requests as well as the CCPC and there are no outstanding issues or questions with respect to the petitions. He noted that Staff was directed to tast- track these petitions, adding that the Stat! has been most helptul and has done an excellent job on these petitions. The tollowing people spoke in tavor ot these petitions citing the compatibility of this project with the surrounding area and the desire that construction begin immediately: Bob Bothwell George Keller Joe Long Coamissioner Glass indicated that he haÐ had some discussions with repreSentatives ot this project and ..ay have some tuture negotiations with the International Studios; therefore, he has decided to abstain from voting on the matter and has tiled a Contlict ot Voting for. with the Clerk. Coaai..ioner Piator moved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Baa.e and carrl~ 4/0, (Co..i..ioner Gl... abstaining), that the public hearing ~ cl~. Coaai..loner Pl.tor aoved, seconded by Co..i.8ioner GOodnigh~ and carri~ 4/0, (Co..is.toner Gla.. ab.taining), that the Ordinance aa ~ 1 Pag.8 ~ --.-....".... ØOVEMBER 8, 1988 nuabeTeð and titled below re Petitions R-88-20C and PDA-88-11C be adopt~ and entered into Ordinance Book .0. 32: ORDINANCE 88-84 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-26-9 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESt;RIBEU REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 to "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT K;.40WN AS NAPLES P. 6t D PARK hr LELY FOR APPROXIMATELY 8 ACRES WHICH WILL PROVIDE FOR A VARIETY OF EXT2PIOR S~ENES NE~ESSARY IN CONTEMP~RARY FILM PRODUCTION FOR PPOP~RTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF U5-41, APPROXIMATELY ONE-MILE SOUTHEAST OF RATTLESNAKE HAMMO:K ROAD IN SECTIONS 29 AND 30 TOWNSHIP 50 SOUT~, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AND AMENDING PUD ORDINANCE 86-18 WHICH ESTABLISHED THE LELY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PARK, BY CHANGING THE PROJE~T NAME; AMENDING INDEX PAGE OF THE POD DOCUMf'.NT; AMF.NDTNG LIST OP fl.XIITßTTS AND TABLES; AMENDING STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE; AMENrING SHORT TITLE; AMENDING SECTION 1, PROPERTY DF.S~RIPTION AND OWNERSHIP; SUBSECTION 1.01 INTRODUCTION, LOCATION, AND PURPOSE; SrBSECTION 1.02 LEGAL DESCRIPTIOU; SF.~TION II PROJECT DEVELOfMENT: SUBSECTION 2.02 GENERAL PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SUBSECTION 2.05 LAND USES; SUBSECTION 2.06 DEVELOPMENT SEQUENCE AND SCHEDULE; AMENDING TABLE I, LAND USE SUMMARY; AMENDING SECTION III - PERMITTED USES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - TRACTS A, C AND D; SUBSECTION 3.01 PURPOSE; SUBSECTION 3.02 PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES AND PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES; SUBSECTION 3.03 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: AMENDING SECTION IV - PERMITTED USES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - TRACT B, SUBSECTION 4.01 PURPOSE; SUBSECTION 4.02 PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES - PERMITTED PRIUCIPAL USES AND STRUCTURES; ADDING SECTION V - PERMITTED USES AND DEVELOP~ENT STANDARDS - TRACT E; AMENDING FORMER SECTION FIVE-GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS TO BECOME SECTION SIX; AMENDING THE PUD MASTER PLAN AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 9 . --~. ----"" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. "83 ORDI.~CE 88-85 RI PETITIOX R-88-10C, HOLE, MOØTES a ASSOCIATES, IØC. REPR. DR. ~OHØ A. MCCOy, TRUSTEE, HEALTH CARE ASSOCIATES, INC. REQUESTIXG A REZOXE FROM A-2 AJrD RSF-3 TO POD FOR SURREY PLACE COJIVALE.SCDT CE1fTl:R OX THE SOUTH SIDE OF IHMOICALEE ROAD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO ~ Or:' THE PUD DOCUMENT AJm PETITIOXER S AGREEMENT Leg~l notice h~ving been published in the Naples Daily News on October 7, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-88-10C, tiled by Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. representing Dr. John A. McCoy, Trustee, Health Care Associates, Inc., requesting a rezone from A-2 and RSF-3 to PUD to be known as "Surrl".Y Plact" Convalescent Center" to be developed into a nursing home/congregate living tacility/ protessional oftices/{private) child day care facility for property located on the south side of Immokalee Road (CR-846) approximately 1/4 ailes west of Airport-Pulling Road, in Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, consIsting of 14.28 acres. Planner Schetf stated that lands to the north, across Immokalee Road, are zoned RSF-3 and RT which 1s Palm River Estates; l~ds to the east are zoned PUD which is Southhampton at Naples POD which i8 planned tor 799 residenti~l units, recreational, conservation, and wa.er aanage..ent related elements; land to the south are zoned RSF-3 which is Southwind Estates; and lands to the west are zoned A-2 and RO. He indicated that to the north across Immokalee Road is a drainage easement and wooded buttering tronting Palm River Estates; to the east are undeveloped woodlands; to the south arl". single family homes and undeveloped woodlands; and to the west are undeveloped woodlands. He stated that this project is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He indicated that the Petitioner is proposing to develop a 14.28 acre site with a 120 bed nursing home, a 60 unit (80 bed) congregated living tacility, a private child day care tacility, and a protessional ottice building. He noted that the professional ottice building is proposed to be developed on a 2.27 acre tract south of Iaaokalee Road and east of Parnu Street, adding that all other proposed uses are planned for a 12.01 acre tract south ot Iamokalee Page 10 z.3 --.-..-..----..... NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Road and west ot Parnu Street. He reported that Start recommends approval of this petition subject to amendment of the PUD document and the POD Master Plan which is to include all Staff's stipulations in the statf r~port and as contained in the Agreement Sheet. He noted that the CCPC unanimously r~co..ended approval of this petition sub- ject to all changes, adding that subsequent to the CCPC public hearing, Statf mEt with the Petitioner and resolved issues that were lett outstanding and all ~hang~s hav~ b~en incorporated into the POD Docum~nt and on the POD Ma5t~r Pldn. He indicat~d that also sub- sequent to .' ~ CC?C hearing, the Petitioner revised the request tor the professional otfices building fro. 21,775 square teet to 22,600 square teet which will require an additional 3 parking spaces and will ne~d to ~ reflected on tit.... finl!ll r....vislons of 'he POD docu..ent and the POD Haster Plan. He noted that no one spoke tor or against this petition and no correspondence has been received, and therefore, Start is recom.ending approval subject to all stipulations. Mr. George Hermanson of Hole, Hontes «Associates indicated that he has consultants with him that are available tor any questions the Co..1ssion may have, adding that he is in agreement with all Staff stipulations and recommendations. He noted that his only comment ls that the profes"ional offic....~ bllilding will not be increased in square footage, noting that Jt will remain at the previously requested 21,775 square feet; and therefore, there will not be a need tor the addi- tional three parking spaces. He noted that the PtJD document and the PUD Haster Plan will reflect all stipulations. Coaai.sioner P1stor moved, seconded by Co..iss1oner Goodnight and carr1~ unaniaously, that the pub11c hear1ng be closed. Co..1ssioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Co..issloner Goodnight and carr1~ unan1aously, that the ordinance.. numbered and titled below be e40pt~ subject to ...ndaent of the POD docuaent, the POD Ma8ter Plan and the Pet1tioner's Agree..nt and entered into Ordinance Book .0. 32: ORDINANCE 88-85 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, Page 11 ---- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 48-25-7 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 AND RSF-3 TO "PUD" TO BE KNOWN AS "SURREY PLACE CONVALESCENT CENTER" TO BE DEVELOPED INTO A NURSING HOME/CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY/PROFESSIONAL OFFICES/{PRIVATE CHILD DAY CARE FACILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 12 -"""'-"-""'" .._._"..._.~_....... 2j .-'--"'."-""--"-- '---"-"""'0 ... NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. nM ORDI..~ 88-86 RE PETITIO. R-87-.0C, Q. GRADY HIØOR AKD ASSOCIATES, RUK. .oounELD I..AaS PAR'l'JrERSBIP, L.T.D., REQt1ESTIØG A REZOn FROM POD '%'0 POD EIONX AS "MOODrIELD LAXES" POD rOR 4ðl HOLTI-rAMILY DWELLIR UJrITS AJrD COHHUKITY CQMŒRCIAL USES OJr THE EAST SIDE or C.R. 9ðl .ORTB or U.S. 41 - ADOPTEp SUBJECT TO PETITJOJrER'S AGREEMIJrT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 7, 1988, as evid~nced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-87-40C, tiled by Q. Grady Minor and Associates, representing Woodfield Lakes Partnership, L.T.D., requesting a rezone trom POD to PUD tor the deve- lopment known as "Woodfield Lakes" for 451 multi-family dwelling units and coamunity commercial uses, for property located on the east side ot C.R. 951, 400 feet ~ North of U.S. 41 East, cons1sting ot 69.32 acres. Planner Scheff stated that the BCC heard this petition on September 13, 1988, and recommended denial, but on September 27, 1988, the BCC voted to re-hear this petition. He noted that the pet1tioner has revised the proposal by changing the lake depth trom -17.0 ft. ngvd to -6.5 tt. ngvd per the approved excavation permit and has reduced the intensity of the request tor Co~mercial land uses fro. C-3 to r-1 uses plus automobile service stations - fuel dispensIng only subject to Section 9.8 and the PUD agreement regarding the Marco Island Water supply, food markets, tast tood restaurants, restaurants, and any other commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing listed uses and which the Planning/Zoning Director deter- 8ines to be compatible. He stated that even with the proposed changes, Staff recommends that the community commercial acreage not be approved. He noted that Staff does tind that the multi-tamily land residential use would be appropriate and with appropriate buffering, Statt recomaends that an additional 70 units be permitted to allow a total of ð21 multi-tamily residential units for this PUD. He noted that the CCPC reviewed the original request and recommended approval subject to changes, however, the CCPC has not reviewed the reviLed petition. He indicated that Statt recommends that the 451 multi- Page 13 ---____n___. 33 ....---- . NOVEMBER 8, 1988 faaily residential units be approved because they comply with the Comprehensive Plan and will provide a needed housing type as well as being compatible with surrounding properties. He noted that Staff also recom.ends that an additional 70 multi-family units for the acreage presently proposed tor commercial be allowed which would con- sist at a total ot 521 units and that the proposed community commer- cial acreage be denied becau~e it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan since the need ~or the commercial tract has not been demonstrated. Mr. Q. Grady Minor, representing the Petitioner, stated that this revised plan would include 451 units and would be less intense. He noted that the comaercial activity is at the intersection of U.S. 41 and C.R. 951 which is a comm~rcial node. He noted that this plan is consistent with the present and future Comprehensive Plan. He noted that this property falls within the tuture activity center area that will be adopted in January, 1989. He noted that the total community coaaercial area is for 49,000 squar... teet and they are trying to Use this CO_ercial to butter the residence along C.R. 951. He noted that there would only be one access into the development which will then hav~ an internal road system. He noted that the request tor commer- cial is only for tlve acres which will be uses that can be used now and in the tuture. He stated that he is requesting approval of this petition. Coaaissioner Pistor questioned if there is any chance of there being a tast toad restaurant and a regular restaurant, to which Mr. Minor stated th~t there would only be one reRtaurRnt on tive acreo. Coaaissioner Hasse questioned if a convenience store would be on- site to which Mr. Minor indicated that one is allowed there, but there is an existing Circle K at the intersection. Coaaissioner Hasse indicated that a conveni...nce store generates a lot of traffic which would be on C.R. 951, a two-lane road. Co..issioner Pistor indicated that C.R. 951 is scheduled to be tour-Ianed and it is already being surveyed. Page 14 7?/ NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the four-Ianing ot C.R. 951 from U.S. 41 to Rattlesnake Hammock Road is scheduled for construction in 1991. He noted that the access points ot the Lely POD and the Woodtiel~ Lakes would be aligned opposite from each other and it a tratfic signal is warranted ðt build-out, one will be installed. Mr. Minor indicated that the build-out ot Woodfield Lakes will be ~ither 1994 or 1995. Mr. George Keller stated that he feels that approving commercial for this area would be setting a precedent for tuture POD's. He indi- cated that this would be creating a traftic hazard and living behind a co..ercial area is not aesthetically pleasing. He noted that with a gas station in the area, it could have an effect on the Marco Island water supply also. Mr. Gary Beyrent, Petitioner, stated that the intersection of U.S. 41 and C.R. 951 was designated as a commercial node in 1983, adding that he is restricted to a maximum of ~ acres, but only wants 5 acres zoned commercial. He stated that the Planning Department would like him to have an additional 70 dwelling units, but he does not need them and would like to le~ve it at 451 units. He noted that he has reduced the intensity of the commercial from C-3 to C-l which contorms with the existing and the future Comprehensive Plan. He noted that there is only one access into the project. Coamissioner Pistor questioned it Mr. Beyrent would be willing to stipulate that the gas station be located at the south end of the CO..ercial area, to which Mr. Beyrent replied atfirmatively. He stated that he has already agreed that he will not build a gas station until the Marco Water Supply source has been closed down in that area. Comaissioner Pistor stated that he would like the petitioner to look at developing an east access in case of an emergency, to which Mr. Beyrent indicated that he has no problem with such a request. He noted that there would not be any direct access to the gas station fro. C.R. 951, adding that there is an access road ott C.R. 951 that '8 into the interior roadway system. Page lð -_. "~"""-"""'" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Co8aiasioner P1stor aov~, .econded by Co..isaioner Goodnight and carried unani80U8ly, that the public hearing be cl08ed. ~s.loner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Co..is810ner Goodnight and carrl~ unani80U81y, that the Ordinance.. numbered and t1tled below be adopt~ and entered into Ordinance Book Bo. 32, subject to. gas 8tatioa be~ located at the south end ot the coaaercial area and sub- ject to Petitioner'. Aqr-..nt: ORDINANCE 88-86 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BV AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 51-26-2 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM POD TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS WOODFIELD LAKES FOR 451 MULTI-FAMIT.Y DWELLING UNITS AND COMMERCIAL USES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF SR-951 APPROXIMATELY 400~ FEET NORTH OF US-41 EAST; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Coaaissioner Saunders stated that he previously voted against this petition, but he now t~els that this is a better plan and the commer- cial is consistent with the present and future Co..prehensive Plan which why he is now voting in favor of the petition. Page 16 11-)() "'--".""". NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It- H8a ORDI~CK 88-81 HE PETITIO. R-S8-11C, DR. XEXO 3. SPAG.A, REPRESEXTIXQ AJrTBOJrT .,. 3AJrCIGAR, REQUltSTIØG A REzon FROM A-2 AJrD A-2.ST. TO PUD FOR PI~ RIDGE CEØTER WEST OM THE SOOTH SIDE OF PIn RIDGE ROAD EAST OF I-n - ADOPTED SOBJEç':L.T01rr~TIonR S Aq~~~JIT --------- Legal notice having bepn published in the Naples Daily News on October 7, 1988, as evidenced by Atfidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, publir hearing waR opened to consider Petition R-88-11C, filed by Dr. Neno J. Spagna, representing Anthony F. Jancigar, requesting a rezone from A-2 and A-2"ST" to POD to be known as Pine Ridge Center West tor 8,87 acres ot interchange related commercial u8es, for property located on the south side of Pine Ridge Road approxiaately 3/4 aile west of 1-75, in Seçtion 18, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Planner Nadeau stated that land to the north across Pine Ridge Road is zoned POD which is Naples Gateway; land to the east is zoned PUD which 15 -:.,Q Ridge Center; land to the south is zoned A-2 with an act1ve provisional use tor earthmining; and land to the west is zoned 1\-2 'Inti A-2"ST", H.. not",! that on P..,hr1lnry 10, 1QR7, the Bce iden- titied the western limit of the Interchange Commercial node as the western boundary of Naples Gateway POD aligning with Good Earth j)rivf! to tilt'. south. H~ Ind c~tf'.d tll~t the ~ubJect property's western boundary abuts Good Earth Drive thereby placing thin requested POD within the boundaries ot the Interchange Commercial Node. He noted that this request is; therefore, co;.sidered to be appropriate for thi~ area and does comply with the Comprehensive Plan. He noted that the petitioner has ruvised thf' master plan indicating tract boundaries and the identitication of such tracts. He noted that the entrance will be relocated ott Pine Ridge Road at the eastern moat boundary or the pro- ject. He stated that the CCPC reviewed this request on October 6, 1988, and unanimously recommended approval subject to stipulat10ns, adding that there was no public comment tor or against this petition and no correspondence haR been received. Dr. Neno Spagna, representing the petitioner, stated that he has Page 17 tA _-M"~- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 worked with Staft in trying to meet all the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and the petitioner is willing to co..ply with all the stipulations. He indicated that he is asking that the BCC approve this request. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Dr. Spagna stated that there will be a aotel at Pine Ridge Center West and they would like to start as soon a~ possible in getting it underway. ~aa1oner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..isaJoner Pi.tor and carri~ unaniaoualy, that the public hearing be closed. Coaaisaioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..is.10ner Pi.tor and carried. unani.80U81y, that the Ordinance.. nuabered and titl~ below be edopted and enter~ into Ordinance Book 32 subject to the Petitiooer'. Agr....nt: ORDIIIAHCE 88-87 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 49-2b-3 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS PINE RIDGE CENTER WEST FOR INTERCHANGE RELATED COMMERCIAL USES; AND PROVIDIHG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 18 ------ NOVEMBER 8, 1988 .... aec...: 10:10 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:25 A.M. at which t1ae Deputy Clerk Bottaan replac~ Deputy Clerk Eanyon .... It.. .6C2 RESOLOTIO. 88-276, RE PETITIOR AV-88-024, REAL PROPERTY DEPARTMERT RJtQO'EnI.G VACATIOR OF 20' REAR !:.\SEMEns oø LOTS 7-10, XAnES BAYVIDr ADDITIO. .0. 1 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 23 and 30, 1988, as evIdenced by Aftld~vJt of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV~88-024, Real Property Department, requesting vacation ot the twenty toot rear easeaents on Lots 7-10, Naples Bay Addition No.1 so owner will grant an alternate utility easement. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this request is tor approval of the vacatIon of the twenty foot rear easeaents on Lots 7-10, Naples Bayview Addition No.1 located at the corner of Danford and Fern Streets. He noted thdt the vacation ot the subject easements will result in an exchange between the rear lot easements, and the County obtaining front yard easements tor the construction of a sewerage litt station. He advised that Letters of No Objection have been received from all pertinent utilities, and staff is recommending approval ot the Subject petition. ~.sioner Pistor aov~, seconded by Co..iaaioner Baa.. and carried unaniaoualy, that the public hearing be closed. ~sa1oner P1.tor aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Goodnight and carri~ ananiaoualy, to accept the recoaaendation ot St4tt that ae.olution 88-276 re Petition AV-88-024 be adopted. Page 19 Lff """"._..",.. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. #eel ORDI8A8CK II-II AKK8DI.G ORDI.AICE 76-42, AND RESOLUTIOØ 88-277 I~&"'IJrG TRD R:I:MOVAL PERMIT RES - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naple~ Daily News on October 20, 1988, as evidenced by Aftidavit of Publication tiled w1th the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 76-42 regarding tree removal permits, and a resolution increasing the fees. Acting Comaunity Development Administrator Ollitf indicated that Staft was previously authorized to prepare new rate increases relating to development issues. He indicated that the subject rate increases are for tree removal permits. He noted that the current fee structure i. 55.00 for the first acre, and $5.00 tor each additional acre. He advised that each tree removal permit requires a site visit by Staff to ensure that the trees which are protected under the County's Environmental Ordinances are marked and designated, and that those trees are preserved, wherever possible. He noted that a follow-up inspection is also required, to make sure that the tree clearing was done according to the original tree survey. He stated that Stat! is requesting that the tees for the tirst acre be increased from $5.00 to 545.00; and $45.00 tor each additional acre, up to a maximum of $900. He advised that the rates are included in a separate resolution, 80 that the resolution may be amende~ without amending the ordinance. ~ssloner Pi.tor aoved, secon~ by Co..issioner Goodnight and carri~ unaniaoualy, that the public hearing be closed. Coaais.10ner Pistor aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Goodnight and carri~ unani80U81y, to accept Statt's re~o...ndation that the ordi- nance - Duaber~ and ti tIed belOtf be adopted and ent.r~ into Ordlnaoce Book. .0. 32, and that Resolution 88-277 be adopted. ORDINANCE 88-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 75-21, AS AMENDED BY COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 75-42, BY PROVIDING A NEW DEFINITION FOR DIRECTOR; PROVIDING REQUIREMENTS FOR REVIEW FEES FOR TREE REMOVAL PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 20 ------- j( .-....-................,...--.. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. -.c3 ORD~ 88-8i CRUTIØG A COClfTY-WIDE CODE DFORCEKEKT BOARD - ADO PTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on October 20, 1988, as evidenced by Aftidavit ot Publicatlon filed with the Clerk, public hearjng was opened to consider an ordinance to be known as the Collier County Code Enforcement Boards Ordinance. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the proposed ordinance wl11 create a County-wide Code Enforcement Board. He stated that a Code Entorceaent Board is currently in existence, with the geographical jurisdiction ot Marco Island, which will be repealed by the proposed ordinance. Assistant County Attorney Wilson stated that input has been received fro. the various County departments which will be utilizing this ordinance. She advised that this ordinance will provide for a non-criminal method of enforcing the Ordinances and Codes of Collier County. She noted that the subject Board will handle violations in a more ex~ditious manner, and is a less expensive method ot handling violations. She stat~d that one Ooard will be created initially, but the ordinance allows tor the creation of additional boards, it the workload deems necessary. She advised that the subject Board will be created under Florida Statutes, Chapter 162, with reterence made to several codes, and those are included in the ordinance as a matter of description, and not limitation, i.e. Housing, Zoning, Building, Signs, Occupational Licenses, Fire, etc. Attorney Wilson advised that the method of enforcement that the ordinance allows the Board to use is by tines, which are up to 82~O/per day, per violation. She indicated that this ordinance also allows for the imposition ot liens, atter asRessm~nt ot the fines. She noted that the ordinance sets torth membershlp composition, hearing procedures, powers of the Board, penalties, lien provlsions and ap~al and notice procedures for the Board. She noted that a -rge packet of torms have been created tor the various departments Page 21 --.. which wll1 be utilizing this ordinance. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 She advised that it is anti- cipated that the departments that are interested in a particular Code or Ordinance will have ~ Staft member present the cases, and the County Attorney will ~~ counsel to the Code Enforcement Board. Hrs. Wilson stated that the type of membership Composition of this Board should include, when possible; architects, engineers, busi- nessmen, contractors/subcontractors, and realtors. She noted these members sh~uld b~ County residents, electors, and they should have expertise in the areas that will be entorced by the Board. She noted that revenues will be generated by this Board. Mrs. Wilson noted changes in the ordinance from the time it was PUblicized, to the present time, specifically, that the changes were in the -thod tor publJcizing for new members, advertising for vacan- cies on the Board, and providing tor periodic review of the Board. She stated that she is reco...ending adoption of this Ordinance, and that advertising commence for interested members. Coaaissioner Hasse complimented Assistant County Attorney Wilson, Mr. Clark and other Staft members for their efforts and work they have done in providing input tor this ordinance. Coaaissioner Saunders stated that he believes that this is a step in the right direction, and he teels that there will be the need tor additional Code Enforcement Boards. He advised that he has received letters fro. Judge Trettis, and Donald Paul Day, Assistant State Attorney, supporting the proposed ordinance. Co..lssioner Pistor stated that the Code Enforcement Board on Marco Island worked very well, adding that he believes that the creation of additional Boards will expedite the problems of aanyof the violations that occur. Ms. Lee Layne stated that she feels this is a Positive move on the part ot the County, adding that this Board will relieve the court system fro. the many cases that are heard. She indicated that she Supports the proposed ,:-,~jnance. Hr. William Jones, Chairman ot Collier County Contractors' Page 22 ~Lj """"--"""'."""" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Licensing Board stated that there are many problems relating to Zonlng matters and other violations within the County, and he endorses the proposed ordinance. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the County Attorney's office, under the proposed ordinance, advises either Cou~ty Start or the Code Enforceaent Board. He indic~ted that in many areas that have a Code Entorcement Board, there is an att~rney outside the County Attorney's Office that advises this Board. He noted that they ~re paid through collected tees trom the tines, adding that he is unsure at this time what the volume ot this Board will be, but an outside attorney may be a necessity, some time in the tuture. Coaaissioner Hasse suggested that the Board ot County Co..issioners receive reports trom the Code Entorcement Board. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the subject Board is not an Advisory Board since it is being established by Statute. It was the consensus of the Commission that the ordinance include language which states, "Statf is to provide quarterly reports to the Board ot County Commissioners, in writing, as to the activities of the COGe Enforcement Board." ec-i-loner Pl.tor 8OV~, ..conded by Coaai..ioner Baa.. aDd carrled unanl80U81y, that the public hearing be closed. ec-i..ioner Pi. tor aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Baaee and carrl~ UDanl80U81y, that the ordinance as nuabered and titl~ below be adopt~ and entered into Ordlnance Book Øo. 32, including addi- tlonal languAge statlng that Statt i. to provide quarterly reports to the Board ot County Co..issioner. in writing regardlng the activltie. ot the Code Entorce..nt Board, and approval granted to solicit intere.ted partie. tor appointment to the seven-aeaber Board: ORDINANCE 88-89 AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE COLLIER COUNTY ÇODE ENFORCEMENT BOARDS ORDINANCE; SETTING FORTH THE FINDINGS AVO PURPOSE; SETTING FORTH APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; ESTABLISHING THE LOCAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD COMPOSITION, MEMBERSHIP APPOINTMENT AND TERMS OF MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR ORGANIZATION; PROVIDING AN ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE; PROVIDING FOR CONDUCT OF HEARING; SETTING FORTH THE POWERS OF THE ENFORCEMENT BOARD; PROVIDING FOR SUBPOENA PROCEDURES; ESTABLISHING PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR REHEARING OF BOARD ACTION; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS TO THE CIRCUIT COURT; DEFINING Page 23 --""-~,,_.- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 NOTICES; PROVIDING THAT PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE ARE SUPPLEMENTAL; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It- ìJ6C6 ORDIJI.UJCE ESTABLISHUG UD IMPOSI.G MORATORIUM O. THE ISStJAJlCE or PERKITS '%'0 MOVI BOILDI.GS IJrrDDED rOR OR CO.STRUCTED FOR HUMAJf BABITATIO1I In'O GOLDD GATE ESTATES - øo ACTIOØ. EMERGDCY ORDI.UCE 88-80 IlEPU.LJtD Legal notice having be~n publ.sh~d in th~ Naples Daily News on October 20, 1988, as evidenced by Attidavit ot Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance establishing and imposing a moratorium on the issuance of any permit to aove any structure intended for human h~bitation into Golden Gate Estates. County Attorney Cuyler stated that an Emergency Ordinance was enacted on October 18, 1988, to place a moratorium on the issuance or permits to move structures of less than 1,500 square teet into Golden Gate Estates. He noted that the basis of the proposed ordinance is to prohiblt the moving of buildings which are constructed or intended for huaan habitation into Golden Gate Estates until the Golden Gate Master Plan i. completed and presented to the Board. He advised that the ordinance as proposed do~s not contain language relating to the 1,500 square teet ot tloor area in size, but noted that the Board could retain that criteria, which would be inserted in the ordinance. Co..issioner Pistor stated that he feels the square footage require- aent should be included in the ordinance, or there will be dwellings ot 800 square teet being moved into the area. Mr. George Keller, President ot Collier County Civic Federation indicated that he does not teel that a squ~re toota~e requirement should be included in this ordinance, noting that there are present codes which must be met, and if the requirements for concrete, tie beaas, metal straps on the root, etc. can be met before they are aoved, he does not feel that people would object, but he noted, in the past, aany ot the homes were not improved before they were moved. County Manager Dorrill advised that no buildings will be allowed Page 24 "'-"_.- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 to be moved until they comply with County Cod~s. tape '2 Mr. Robert Cadenhedd stated that the County addresses the problem ot houses that are to b~ move~ by County Cod~; I.~. ~quðre tootage, pluabing, electrical, structural. ordinance which dictates how these houses can be moved down the road, He noted that there is also an noting that a moratorIum i9 not necessary. He provided photos of homes that have been moved, ðnd noted that if these homes co..ply with Code they should be permitted to be moved. He indicated that he urges the Coaaission not to adopt the proposed ordinance. He suggested that the Board ot County Commissioners allow him to work with the County Manager, to work out all the details that could be covered in one ordinance. eo..i.sioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Baa.e and carri~ unaniaoualy, that the public bearing be closed. Coaaissioner Saunders stðted that he has a problem with understanding the urgency of the proposed ordinance, notlng that It a structure is built In ðccordance with the existin~ codes in Golden Gate, he does not understand why that structure should not be moved there. Co..issioner Goodnight indicated that she concurs with Coaaissioner Saunders. Com.issioner Hasse stated that he has seen some ot the homes that have been moved into tt.e Estates, and they were not improved nor are they conducive to the betterment ot the Golden Gate Estates area. ec-i..ioner Haase aoved to support the aoratorlwa tor the Golden Gate &8tat.. area. Motion tailed, tor lack ot second. Coaai..loner Pistor aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner Goodnight and carrl~ 4/1 (Co..i.sioner Hasse opposed) to repeal Eaergency Ordinance 11-10. Page 25 -. .".. .._. ."...... "'","""""H"'.'..- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. "AI RESOLOTIO. 88-270, PETITIOØ CCCL-88-14C, ANCHOR EØGIKEERIØG, lUPUSD'fI.G DŒRALD BEACH APARTHE1rrs REQOESTIRG A VARIANCE nOM THE COASTAL C0.5TROCTIO. COØTROL LIKE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED 1M SECTIOM 18, TOMWSBIP ð2S, RANGE 26E - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 23, 1988, as evidenc~d by Aftid3vit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was openvd to consider Petition CCCL-88-14C, tiled by Anchor Engineering, Inc. representing ~merald Beach Apartaents requesting a variance trom the Coastal Construction Control Line to replenish the existing rip-rap along an existing seawall and to add large rocks to the existing revetment at Emerald Beach Apartaents. There were no speakers either for or against the subject petition. ~ssioner Pi. tor aoved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Goodnight and carried UD&n~ly, that the public hearing be clo.ed. ~..ioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Goodnight and carrl~ ~80U81y, that Petitlon CCCL-88-14C, be approv~, .. per Statt rSCoaaendation, thereby adopting Resolution 88-278. Page 26 _..~- h'_" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 I~- rlA2 a&soLUTI08 88-27g, PETITIO. CCCL-88-lðC, ~CHOR EXGIIEERI.G, a.I.rJt&a&.8TDrG ~SET CORPORATIOR or MARCO ISLAJrD, UQOUTIRG A 91 rooT VAlt.I.AJrC& I'JWIC 'fU. COASTAL CO.STROCTIOX COIITROL LIIE FOR A DOn w.u..EDVD 0]( 'l'U SOMERsET COImOMIØIOM LOT AT 900 SOUTH COLLIER BLVD., MARCO ISLAJrD - ADOPTED Legðl notice having been published in the Ha?les Daily News on October 23, 1988, as evidenced by Attidavit ot PublicatIon filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CCCL-88-15C, filed by Anchor Engineering, Inc., representing Somerset Corporation of Marco Island, requesting a variance of 91 feet from the Coastal Construct 10n Control L 11;" . allow for the construction of a dune walkover on the S08erset Condo8inium lot located at 900 South Colller Blvd., Marco Island, Florida. Section 19, Township 52 South, Range 26 East. There were no speakers either for or agaInst the subject petition. c-i..ioner Pi. tor lIOVed, seconded by eo..issioner Goodnight and au-rle4 unanilloualy, that the public hearlng be closed. c-i..ioner Pi. tor lIOVed, lMCon4ed by COII8i..loner Goodnight aDd au-rled. UDaDiIIoualy, that Petition CCCL-II-15C, be approved, - per Stat t rec4 ndatlon, thereby adopting Resolution 88-279. Page 27 NOVEMBER 8, li88 It.. nA.3 azsoLOTI~ 88-280, PETITIO. CCCL-88-16C, ALLIED FEKCE PRODUCTS, RZP1tESDTr.o THE GULrvIEM CLUB (&8 KORTH COLLIER BLVD., MARCO rSLAJID, FLORIDA) REQUUTI.G AX 18 FOOT VARIAJfCE FROM THE COASTAL CO.STRUCTIOK COJrTaOL LID TO ALLOW I'.JR THE nKCIøG OF AJf EXISTIØG SWIMMIKO POOL AJrD PATIO u.u - ADOPTED. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 23, 1988, as evidenced by Aftidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public he~rJng was opened to conRider Petition CCCL-88-16C, t11~d by Allied Fence Products representing Gultview Club, requesting an 18 toot variance tro.. the Coastal Construction Control Line to allow tor the tencing ot an existing awi..ing pool and patio area tor the Gulfvipw Club, b8 North Collier Blvd., Mðrco Island, Florida, Section 18, T~lship 52 South, Range 26 East. There were no speakers either for or against the subject petition. ec-1_100er Pi.tor aov~, ..conded by Coaai.sioner Gooc:!nJght and carried 1ID&n111OU81y, that the public bearing be closed. e>-t..ion.er Pi.tor aoved, "conded by Co..i.sionet' Goodnight and carried 1ID&ni80U81y, that Petition CCCL-88-16C. be approved, .. per Statt rec:oaaendatlon, thereby adopting Reeolution 88-280. Page 28 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 I~- nu RESOLDTI08 88-281, PETITIO. V-88-14C, CHARLES W. -'XI.S, REQOBSTIBO I1t.OJI'1' AJII) SIDE YARD VAJ\.l.AJrCES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED O. Tn .0R'l'BEAST CORJID or CAPK FLORIDA L.AJrE AJfD CAPE DtJr1I1!:DY ROAD IØ Tn JlAPLES MOBILZ UTAT1S PARX - A.1J9PTE..Pd__- ------- ----- Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 23, 1988, as evidenced by Aftidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-88-14C, filed by Hr. Charles W. Akins, requesting a variance from the required front yard setback of 25 feet to 16.3 feet from the western property boundary and 14.8 feet from the southern property boundary and a variance tram the required side yard setback of 7.5 teet to 5.8 feet to accoaaodate partially constructed patios and the proposed expansion ot a carport in an MHSD zone for property described as Lot 7, Block C. Naples Hobile Estates, located at the HE corner ot Cape Florida Lane and Cape Kennedy Road, Section 6, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. Planner Lord stated that the subject request is being made to obtain two tront and one side yard setback variances to allow an exlsting porch in both front yards to be enclosed and to allow an exIsting storage shed to remain at its present location. He noted that the property is zoned HHSD "Hobile Ho..e Subdivision District" which allows mobile homes as a permitted use. He indicated that the property is a corner lot and, theretore, haA two front yards, two side yards, and no rear yard. Hr. Lord advised that the Petitioner purchased the mobile home In February, 1987, and has since added a concrete front porch to the south and west sides of the home, adding that the porch is not in violation, but the addition of the walls and a roof would create a structure that would be in violation at both front yard setbacks, and reduce the vision of oncoming trattic at the corner; thus, creating a setback from the property of approximately 10.5 teet. He indlcated that prior to April, 1987, an existing storage shed was constructed which created a side yard violation; thus, creating a variance to .llow this structure to rem~ln aft 1ft. Page 29 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Mr. Lord stated that the Engineering Depart..ent states that the proposed porch should be reduced in size to avoid a possible sight line cont lict. He advised that 4 letters have been received by neigh- bors, with no o~jection to subject petition, and 1 letter ot opposi- tion has been re~eived. Mr. Lord advised that Staff has reviewed the subject request, and based upon the criteria contained in the Zoning Ordinance, they are reco...nding denial or thlft varianc~, finding that no land or struc- ture related hardShip exists. He noted that the CCPC heard this peti- tion on Septeaber 28, 1988, and recoa.ended approval. Co..i.sion~r Hasse stated that h~ visited the site, and he did not find that the proposed extension would adversely atfect the neigh- borhood. Mr. Lord advised that the existing porch is less than 2' high off the existing grade which is not a violation, but noted when the walls and root are constructed, there will be a hazard tor oncoming trafflc. Co..issioner Pistor indicated that he does not teel this variance should be granted, adding that if one variance of this nature is granted, other requests will soon tollow. Mrs. Diane Burns stated that she is a friend of Mr. Akins, and read a letter on his behalt requesting this variance. She noted that there are seven homes that rront Cape Kennedy Road, and none comply with current zoning. She indicated that no other residents ot this subdivision have applIed for a before or after-the-fact variance, and they are enjoying the same privileges that Mr. Akins is being denied. Co8a1asioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Co..ls.ioner Goodnight and carried unania0u.81y, that the public hearing be closed. Co8ai..ioner Pi.tor moved, "conded by Co..i..ioner Saunders to accept Statt reco"'ndatlon to deny Petition V-88-1.. Opon call tor the qu88tion, the action tailed 2/3 (Co..issioners Haa.., GOOdnight and 01... o~). Co8ai.eloner Baa.. aoved, .econded by eo..ls.ioner GOOdnight and crri~ 3/2 (eo_is.loner. Pl.tor and Saundar. oppo.ed), to approve Petition V-88-14C, thereby adopting Reeolutlon 88-281. Page 30 ,,~.._--_...__..".. , NOVEMBER 8, 198a It.. "A.5 RESOLUTIOR 88-282, PETITION V-88-12, DERISE F. GERDES, REQOESTIØG A VARIAJlCE FROM THE REQUIRED REAR AND FROn YARD SETBAexs FOR PROPERTY oø THE R°R'I1! SIDE OF THI~JLS~!.:f!::r-L LITTLE HIÇ!CORY SHORES - ADOPTED :'~ç~: r.';~~ç~ ha','i~'J b,,"~!1 publish'!d in the l:ðIJl~s. D~ily News on October 23, :~a8, ~S e~ldenced by Attidavit of Publicatlon filed with the Cle~k, public h~~ring W~5 opened to consider Petition V-88-12, tiled by ~enise p. Gerdes, requesting a v~riance of 10 feet from the requi~eð 25 ~oo~ f~on> yard setb~ck and a 15 foot variance ~rom the requi~ed 25 ~oot re~r yard setback in a RSF-4 zone for ~roperty described as Lots 24 ~nd 25 of Unit 1, Block C, Little Hickory Shores, located on the north side of Third St~~et, approximately 650 feet south of Bonita B~~ch Roa~ ~nd approximately ~30 feet west of West Avenue in Section 5, Township 4R <;nuth, R;u:g.. 75 E~st.. Planner Nadeau indici'o' er!. the req1.est of the Pet 1 tioner and noted that in 1952 Unit ¡ of Li~tl" Hic;uJry Shore5 51lbdlvision was platted, addin~ th~t it predated Collier çounty Zoning. He stated that to the north ot the subject property is Little Hickory Lagoon; property to the so~th Is a priv~te neiçhborhood park; property to the west is Block G, Lots 1-23, He stated that the subject Petition, Lots 24 and 25, under present confi~~ration, do not co~p:y with the 7,500 square foot lot area requirement of the RSF-4 Di$trict regulations. He stated that the Petitioner has these lots under contract tor pUrChdfje, ~dding that in CO~bi!1ing the two lots into one property, it doe5 conform with the lot area requirement.. He note¿ >hat under the cUrr~nt setb~ck standards of a 2~ ~oot rear yard SptUiiC;': iind d 25 f(JOf frunt yard setback, and to maintain an 800 square ~oot st,Jcture size, a 10' x ao' structure would have to b~ constructed on the property. He advised that the Petitioner is requestin~ ~ r~iir Yi'ord setback ot 25' to 10' and a front yard setback of 25' to 15', so that ~ 9~' long bï 35' deep structure can be placed on Lot 24, and a portion of the structure will go across :.0' 25.. ::... stated thi'ot t:¡~ Pet:r":oner indJcated that Lot 25 will not be sold. He indicat,,=d rh"".. baser! on tho;- ù..¡::t~. (If the propert.., Sta~f Page 31 --;? NOVEMBER 8, 1988 does tind a land related hardship, and recoamended approval to the CCPC. Mr. Nadeau advised that the CCPC heard the Petition on October 6, 1988, and forwarded it to the Board ot County Commissioners with a recoaaendation of approval (7/2). He noted that there was not any public co..ent at the public hearing; however, there was one letter of opposition received citing the possibility ot an undesirable house being constructed on the property. Co..issioner Pistor stated that he has had conversations with the owner. of Lot 23, and a Jetter hðs been received stating opposition to this variance citing the lots as being too small to construct an appropriate home, and values of surrounding hollies being decreased. questioned whether a stipulation could be included, if this request ls approved, that would indicate a portion of the house will be constructed on Lot 25. Mr. Nadeau repli~d affirmatively. He noted that a building permit would not be issued tor Lot 25, it in the event it was sold, as it would not meet the requirements ot the Zoning Regulations. Mr. Robert Blades, of 226 Third Street West, Hickory Shores, stated that the subject lots were designed as boat lots in the origi- nal plats, and sewer assessments were never paid. He stated that he does not believe the subject land can be tilled, since it has slipped back 35' trom the canal. He suggested that the County install rip rap or a seawall on the north side ot the water, before the water gets to the County right-ot-way. Mr. Thomas Riddle of 275 Third Str~~t stated that the land in thls area is washing away, and it is very narrow. He stated that there is a distance ot 45' trom the road to the water line. He indicated that these lots were exempt (rom the sewer assessmenlN because they did not -.et a County requirement of lIIinlmum Biz... for a single tamily dwelling. He submitted a petition with 6~ signatures, opposing the aubject variance. He stated ne does not believe that a hardship 'xists, and urges the Board ot County Coamissioners to reject the Page 32 He ..-.' '-".--......."...,.. ..... NOVRMßRR 8, 1988 Petltion. Mrs. Denise Gerdes, Petitioner, stated that she is purchasing the .ubject property with the contingency of this variance. She advised that her home will be constructed 35' froe the road, and part of the porch will be on Lot 25, which will also serve as her yard. She indi- cated that she plans to improve the erosion problem which has occurred. She stated that the proposed home will be 1,500 SF - 2,000 SF, and w~ll cost approximately $100,000. She presented a copy of a survey which retlects that the erosion that has taken place on the property is mainly on Lot 25, and it Is not possible to build anything on thls lot. Co..issioner Rasse questioned whether a seawall would be feasible along the northern property line? Hr. Harl..;¡u nrl cat,.<1 that It would be appropr!;¡te, but the Corps of Engineers would be the permitting agency. Co..issioner Saunders questioned whether the petltioner 18 willlng to agree to enter into a covenant that would run with the land, that would not permit Lot 25 to be sold or built upon, and would agree to the sewer assessments ot the subject lot, based on what the other pro- ~rty owners in the area had to pay? Mrs. Gerdes stated that she is in agreement with the covenant of the land, but was unaware of the Hewer asseRsments. County Manager Dorrl11 stated that this sewer assessment project is probably 20 years old, noting that the Subdivision built their own sewers through an assessment method, where the residents pald to have the sewers installed. He indicated that it the Commission is going to allow the variance tor purposes ot constructing a residence, Staft will need to research the project files to determine what the .sse.sable basi. was. ec-J._ioaer Pi.tor aoved., eeconded by eo..i..iooer Goodzûght and carried 1m8D18ou.ely, that the public hearing be clo8ed.. Co..i.sioner Pistor stated that he does not te~l that a variance ot this size is appropriate for this area. He indicated that It the Page 33 ------... . l' NOVEMBER 8, 1988 other homes in the area have 25' setbacks, it eeans that this hoee will be much closer to the street which is not tair to the other resi- dents of Little Hickory Shores. C'~i~iODe1" Pi. tor lIOVed, eeconded by Co..i.eloner Baa- to deny Petlt~ V-I8-12. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that the petitioner has agreed to i8prove the lot to the property line and to have a seawall constructed, noting that it will benetit the area. She Indicated that she feels that there is a land hardship. Dpoa ~ll tor the qu_tion, the 8Otion tailed 1/4 (Coaals.1oner. Ba8_, Goodnight, Gl... and Saunders opposed). ec-1.sioner Goodnight lIOVed, ..conded by Ca..is.laner Gl..e ta approve Petition V-88-12, with the understandlng that the Petitioner agrees DOt to ..11 ott Lot 25; the proposed 00- is to be conatructed 80 that it is situat~ on both lots; a seawall will be provided to correct the eroelon prabl..; including stipulation. ot the County Man8ger regarding the special connection charge at the sewer that similar lot. were cbarve<S at the ti- of the original aa"s.-nt. Hr. Blades stated that there is not sufficient land on the pro- perty to construct a home, the State will not allow a seawall to be constructed, and they will not allow fill in that area. Opon ~ll tor the question, the 8Otion carried 4/1 (Coaai..ioner Pistor oppoeed), thereby adopting Reeolutian 88-282. ****5EE PAGES 71 E.1 - .2 It.. ',A6 a1SOLOTIO. 88-283, PETITIOK V-88-13C, MR. CRAIG R. WOODWARD RURUD'rI.G DR. JAMES E. BLSOK, RBQOESTING A VARIAJfCE FROM THE JlEQt1IJUtD non YARD SETBACJt FOR PROPERTY LOCATED OK THE .ORTIIEAST CORJrER OF BALD L\GLE. DR!YE AJfD SUJfBIRD COURT (MARCO ISLAJrD) - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 23, 1988, as evidenced by Atfidavit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-88-13C, filed by Dr. James H. Nelson, represented by Woodward & Woodw~rd, requesting a variance of 2.44 toot troe the required tront yard set- Page 34 "',f '-------"-""""'" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 back ot 25 teet, for the purpose of completing the construction of a .ingle-taaily home in a RSP-4 zone tor property described as Lot 17, Block 16 ot Marco Beach, Unit 1, at the southeast intersection of Sunbird Avenue and Bald Eagle Drive, Marco Island, Florida. Planner Lord advised that this Petition is a request to obtain a front yard setback variance to allow an existing single tamily resi- dence to remain at its present size and location. He noted that the property is zoned RSF-4, wh!ch allows a single-tamily residence as a principle use. He indicated that the property is a corner lot, and it has two front yards, two side yards, and no rear yard. He noted that the Petitioner was granted a permit to build a home on the subject property in 1985, adding that the contractor of record at that time went out of business, and Dr. Nelson engaged another contractor to complete the residence. He advised that on March 3, 1988, a per.it was obtained trom the Building Department; however, when a survey was pertoraed to obtain a Certificate ot Occupancy, it was discovered that the front yard set back violation existed on Bald Eagle Drive. He stated that in May, 1988, the Board of County Co.missioners lssued a temporary CO, subject to obtaining an after-the-tact setback variance. Mr. Lord stated that the Planning Statf reviewed the subject peti- tlon, and does not find that a land or structure related hardship exists, and theretore, are recommending denial of the petition. He indicated that the CCPC held their public hearing and forwarded this petition to the Board of County Coaaissioners with a recommendation of approval. Attorney Craig Woodward, representing Dr. James Nelson stated that the house is completed and a temporary CO was issued by the Board of County Co..18sioners on June 14, 1988. He noted that the house does meet one front yard setback on Sunbird, but it does not meet the other tront yard setback on Bald Eðgle Drive. He advised that a letter ot no objection has been received fro. an adjacent neighbor. There were no other speakers either for or against this Petition. C<*8.i_ioner Pi.tor aoved, ..conded by Coaai..ioner Goodnight and Page 3ð KOVEMBER 8, 1988 carr1ad --d8nQ81y, that the public bearing be clo8ed. C.-i..icmer Pi.tor aoved, seconded. by Co-.1..ioner Goodnight and carri84 Dftafti8nQ81y, that Petltion V-88-13C be .pprav~, thereby. aðopt~ a.aolu~ion 88-283. Page 3& NOVEMBER 8, 1988 ... Jteceae 12:01 P.M. - Reconvened: 1 :00 P.M. at which tl.. Depaty Clerk Mendez replaced. Deputy Clerk Boffaan ... It- ..& MAJlITIJa V£JITud I REGARDIKG GOODLAJfD WATER DISTRICT COJOŒCTIOK - .0 ACTI 011 Mr. Michael ~. Stephen, representing Maritim~ Venture I and Goodland Marina, noted that the Executive Summary includes a hydrologi- cal engineering report which indicates that 750 gpm ot fire flow would result with a pressure at the end ot the Goodland Water System of 29 psi. He noted that Subdivision Regulations require a pressure of 20 psi. He indicated since the last meeting the petitioner has obtalned final site development plan approval from the County and the necessary State and Federal permits have be~n acquired. He referred to a letter tro..~ltona Utilities, Inc. dated August 17, 1988 which acknowledges their willingness to service the proposed project. He noted that recent water restrictions by the South Florida Water Management District is not a moratorium but a resource management tool which attects Collier and Lee Counties. He indicated that the project will ut\lize xeric native vegetation which uses a minimum ot water for irrigation purposes. He stated that the petitioner will abide with all mandated restrictions and co~ply with the Utility Department's reco_endations. He noted that the builder has the option to Invest $50,000 into the Goodland System or invest $150,000 which is the pro- jected line connection cost to hook up to the Marco Island Utilitles, Deltona Utilities, Inc. He advised that the Water Supply Agreement has been aaended to indicate that the connection charge ot $46,000 will be paid in tull to the Goodland District at the time of connec- tlon. Mr. Stephen concluded by asking that the Board approve the request to connect to the Goodland Water District. He noted that the Board is tamiliar with the project, and has heard public coaments 1n ?revious meetings. ,In re.ponse to Commissioner Hasse, Utilities Administrator Crandall contirmed that the hydraulic study indicated that 29 psi will be maintained by the developer in order to meet Subdivision Regula- Page 37 -~'-'."'. ....-. .. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 tlons. Reterring to two cases affecting the water pressure in the Goodland Water System, Commissioner Pistor asked it other such instan- ces have recurred? Hr. Crandall advised that a continued daily problem is not experienced at the Goodland system, however, his only recollection are the previously cited Cases: whe~ "Marco's facili- ties fell off and when the w~ter was dumped to clean the tanks". Mr. Jaaes J. Kornse, Goodland resident, expressed concerns about Maritime's hook-up to the Goodland Water System based on the water restrictions and water pressure problems presently in existence. He noted that the hook-up will eventually aftect the welfare and the well-being ot Goodland residents. Slnce the atorementioned issue is 80 critical, Mr. Kornse reco..ended that the new Board members be given the opportunity to hear the petitlon and a determination not be made be until such time. Me. Betty Bruno indicated that with the present water restrictions a project such as Maritime Venture should not be permitted, as It will turther aggravate the water pressure in Goodland. She suggested that the Board seriously evaluate the Issue of such a monumental project h~king up to the Goodland Water Syste.. Mr. Clarence Smith, President ot the Goodland Civic Association, stated that he has unsuccesstully tried to obtain documentation from the Planning, Zoning and Building Departments pertaining to the pro- ject. He stated that copies of the plans provided by the Board's secretary are not complete, ðnd noted that the $46,000 is a ridiculous amount to be paid, and the project should be assessed by the square tootage. Mr. Joseph W. Douglas, a volunteer Goodland Fireman, indicated that the proposed project will deterior~te the water in Goodland, and will adversely attect the tire tlows as there is presently not enough water pressure. He reiterated prevlous comments regarding the xisting water restrictions in the area. Me. Sandy Combs stated that it residents are being requested to Page 38 ~ NOVEMBER 8, 1988 retitrict water usage then commercial hook-ups should also be restricted. She noted that Goodland does not need another marina and the County has to tigure out how water will be supplied to Marco Island when the welltields go dry, and recommended that the petition be denied. Tape '3 Mr. Elhanon Combs presented the Board with a copy of the Zoning Ordinance and stated that it the developer makes change~ to the Master Plan he must appear before the Planning Commission and the Board tor their deter.ination. He noted that the ordinance outlines certain criteria that has to be tollowed in order tor amendments or changes to be made, and indicated that the petitioner has not complied with this criteria. Responding to Coaaissioner Saunders' question regarding the plans and the zoning concerns, Acting Community Development Adminlstrator Ollift advised that the developer has submitted a site development plan wh1ch has been approved. He noted that the plan complies with the time restriction outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. Hs. Astrid Johnson stated that she wondered why the request for hook-up to the GoorilarH] Wat..r SYAteIP hlt8 not h..en dented. 5he indi- ca.ed that the denial should be based on the promise that no one out- side the village would be hooked up to the system and on precedent, since others have requested hook-up and have been denied. Hr. George Keller, President ot the Collier County Civic Federation, asked 1t th~ Board's direction regard1ng a report on the environaental and land use impacts has been received? Mr. Ollift advised that Mr. Stephens has indeed provided Statf with an environ- mental impact report, subsequently Statt prepared a report based on the environ.ental impact in the area which basically indicated that there are some negative environmental impacts. However, the settle- sent indicates that there w11l be a great trade-at! in regard to pre- serve areas obtained and the agreement has been forwarded to the '\card. Mr. Keller recommended that a determination not be "~e at Page 39 .""".--..- .. ..~ ""-"'" ,--,. --., NOVEMBER 8, 1988 the present tlae. Mr. ~enneth R. Hunt reiterated that the new Co.~isslon should be given the opportunity to hear the petltion and make a deteraination. He stated that he would like to see Maritime's alternative water source, and added that since larger developments have multi-units, the cost tor a hook-up is less. He noted that the amount being paid i. out of line and should retlect on a per unit basis what Goodland residents have already paid. Responding to Co..issioner HaRse, Mr. Hunt At~ted that the project will coapound the water proble. on Marco Island, not alleviate it. In answer to Ms. Bruno, Mr. Ollitt reiterated that the developer has coapleted th~ Bit~ development plan which d~llneates the site, the locatlon ot the building, setbacks trom the roadways, etc. and It was submitted three months ago. Co..issioner Hasse asked what sources of water are presently available? Mr. Stephens responded that presently the alternative source of water is the Marco Utility which serves throughout the Marco area, who sell water to the County, who in turn dispense through the Goodland system. He n~ted that it will be advantageous to the County it Harltiae Venture is allowed to hook-up to the Goodland system. Responding to Comaissioner Saunders, Mr. Crandall advised that the hook-up is subject to Farmers Hoae Ad.iniøtration approval and Mr, Stephens has acknowledged same. He noted that otticially the marina is going to be outside the water district of Goodland and the water and sewer district of Marco, and will require approval ot all parties involved. He advised that there are two pumping syste.. on Goodland's storage tank, a variable speed pump that maintains the day to day usage which meets Subdivision Regulation, the other pumping system is tor tire flow demands and is only turned on when needed. In regard to Commissioner Saunders question pertaining to the fee being ~aid by the developer, Mr. Crandall indicated that the tee had been Ilculated based on the transmission portion ot the line that runs in tront ot Maritiae Venture. He stated that it the developer had been Page 40 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 in the assessment distriLt, more pipes would have had to be installed by the County; the cost would have been greater and everyone involved would have had to pay his share. Referring to water use projections for si8ilar facilities, Co..lssioner pistor questioned if the 5,000 gpd to a aaxiaua of 15,000 gpd would be a realistic figure for the marina project? Mr. Crandall advised that the atorementioned projections depend on the marina's operation. He stated that the hook-up would require approval from the County as _11 as FaHA. Co..i..ioner Hasse asked if there would be a problem if the marina hooked up to the Marco system? Mr. Crandall responded that the decl- .ion to hook-up to the Marco .ystem has not b4en di.cu..ed with the County Attorn~'. otfice. Referring to the water moratorium imposed by the South Florida Water Manage8ent District in Le~ and Collier County, Co..is,ioner Saunders asked it there i. any r~levance in the atorementioned and the Board'. decision in hooking up another user to the Goodland sy,te.? Mr. Crandall advised that it the Board makes the same determination, then a aoratorium on development would be declared in the area. Co..lssioner Hasse stated that it would be appropriate for the new Co..ission to participate in the decision ot the marina's hook-up to the Goodland system. Ms. Charlotte Westman, representing The League of Women Voters, reterred to the "Water Supply Agreement" under Recitals asked the spe- citic location of the marina. Mr. Stephens advised that the marina is located within the Marco Water/Sewer District. County Attorney Cuyler confirmed for Commissioner Saunders that the Board must either approve the connection or take no action at the present time. There was no action taken on this item. It- ~ . '6Cð COJISIDDATI08 or PARXS UD R.ECRJtATIOJIAL rACILITIES IMPACT nil: oaDIJIAJICK AJID LIBJU.KT SYSTEM IMPACT I'D ORDI.UCE - COJITIJI'OBD TO ~~ 13, It'. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 13, 198B as evidenc~d by Affidavit ot publication tiled with Page 41 ~~ KOVEMBER B, 19BB the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the e~lctment of . Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance. Mr. Randy Yeung of H~nderson, Young & Company, summarized the Parks and Recreational Impact Fee Study as tollows. He noted that in the State ot Florida the methodology utilized to develop fees is based on court cases. He stated that three specitic rules apply based on the tair share rules; the "nexus of benefit" rules; and the "credlts" rules. He stated that th~ fair share rules are attributable to new growth, not on deficiency of existing tacilities; the nexus ot benetlt rules requires a reasonable connection between the development that is paying the tee ar.d the need tor !Such a fee; t:he credi ts rules requires that any monies paid by development be taken into account which would be used to build a new facility, and ascertains that impact fees are not paid twice. He stated that the impact tee is determined by cost per capita; reduction of cost per capita by allowable credit, and by converting the cost per capita into ~ost per dwelling unit. He deU- neated the atore..entioned in detail as described in the study pro- vided. Mr. Young then referred to the Library Impact Pees study which is Itea6C5. He noted that Pages 19 - 21 contain the calculations that determine the library i..pact fee. He said that Table 5, Page 21, indicates that currently there are 2.59 persons per household In Collier County which totals $179.72 for impact tees per dwelllng unit. Responding to Commissioner Sacnders, Mr. Young explained that the previous study indicated that there were 2.42 persons per house- hold and the original total was $172.78, however, the persons per household have since increased to 2.59. Mr. Young stated that Page 21 of the Parks and Recreational Facilities study delineates the determining tactors in calculating i.pact tees. He noted that the impact tees involve regional and com- aunity parks: regional parks serve the entire County, whereas c' unity parks serve only the unincorporated area. He stated that the cost tor regional parks is $75.99 and the cost tor comaunity parks Page 42 ._- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 is 8101.29 based on per capita. He advised Commissioner Hasse that the revenues raIsed from the Impact fee can be used at the new facIlities as w~ll as for Improvements at the eKistIng beachtront parks. DIsplayIng a £~etch, Mr. Young indicated the districts outlIned in "red" tor community parks and noted that the City of "aples would not be contributing to the aforementioned type park since It has its own community park, and the rural portions of the County MOuld SILO ~ excluded. He referred to Page 23 ot the study and explained how the calculations were determined, noting that the regional parks impact fee per dwelling unit would be $196.81 and for the co..unity pftrks would be $286.46. He indicat~~ that the County i8 permitted to charge impact fees based on the standards for levels of service established, however, these standards do not apply to library impact tees. He noted that it will take a number ot years to bring the County to the standards adopted and recommended that park fee tigures be þhased-in rather than starting at a full amount, thus even- tually c08ing up to the standards outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. Referring to Page 24, he notpd that the dollar valu~ has been applIed to existing tacilities as well as projected programs tor the next six fi8cal years. He suggested that the impact tees be discounted as long as the County Is below the standards for the next tive years and con- tinues to grow into the standard. He indIcated that a chart on Page 25 shows the proposed discounting schedule trom 1988 - 1994 and explaine~ how the discount rate would decrease trom year to year until it MOuld eventually disappear. He noted that the impact fee tor regional parks goes ~ro.. $128.00 to $191.00; the same formula applies to coaaunity parks as indicated on the chart. He stated that the chart also shows the impact fee" that will be paId inside the City tor regIonal parks, as well as the impact tees to be paid by the unincor- porated area for both the regional and the community parks. Mr. Young confirmed for CommIssioner Saunders that the impact tee ~r Fiscal Year 1988-19Hq tor the regional park would be $128.00 and tor the community park would be $252.00. He noted that the net impact Page 43 '! ), m.."'" "-"-"--- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 tee for the regional and community parks is $380.00. Responding to Commissioner Pistor regarding the inclusion of awi..lng pools in every park when the Comprehensive Plan indicates that only one awimminp pool would be placed in a specific area, Mr. Young advised that Page 16 fully details this aspect of the study. He noted there will not be a awimming pool in ~very park; the standard was converted trom number of parks per capita to a dollar per capita standard. He noted that the standard in the Comprehensive Plan is in tact a dollar figure. He advised that the amount of money that a new development has to pay is the total ot the set standard per capita e.g. in a particular park that money might be used entirely for a awi..ing pool, however, in another park the same amount could be used for basketball and picnic set with no swi..ing pool. Reterring to the aap, Comaissioner Goodnight indicated that Phase I ot the coaaunity park in I..okalee has been implemented and asked Mr. Young it Phase II is not considered to be a deticit but considered to be the growth? Mr. Young responded that the amount ot money put into the park has to be a certain amount of dollars per capita to meet the .tandard, however, if the park meets the standard tor the current population then any more money put into the park can be charged to new growth. Com.lssioner Goodni~ht Indl.-.at...d that two new parks are pro- jected through Growth Management, one to be on the East Trail and the other in the Golden Gate Estates area, which are not shown on the map. Mr. Young stated that both of these parks have been included as a District. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that ~ ~:ng the impact fee will not take care ot the detJcit in Immokalee, East Naples, North Naples and in the Golden Gate areas, and noted that it should be used to build new parks and not to bring existing parks to the standards set tive or six years ago. Mr. Young indicated that the dollars per capita gives the County the legal right to charge the money and utilize it where it is needed. He stated that in Marco I~land there is a comaunity park It already has a total investment that substantially exceeds the Page 44 ßl ........--.....,,-..-........ ...""--""'-"--' NOVEMBER 8, 1988 standard of $122.00 per capita, therefore, he reco..ended that Marco Island be exempt from the community park impact tee. Respondinç to Coamissioner Hasse, Mr. Young advised that County Attorney Cuyler had requ~Ated hiR firm to implem~nt a study on four impact tees, which Statt is presently reviewing. He noted that the only impact fee tor which a recommendation has not been initiated per- tains to the School Board. Mr. Greg Stewart of the firm ot Nabors, Giblin, Stetfens and Nickerson, stated that Mr. Younç and he have been attemptlng to draft an ordinance to implement Mr. Young's study on impact tees. He stated that the ordinance balances the needs on Intrastructure; protects the home builder and persons most atfected by increased fees on affordable hou.slng. He stated that the tee tor both the Parks and Recreational Facilities and the Library I..pact Fee Ordinance will be collected at the time the buildinç permit is pulled and will be imposed on dwelling units. He stated that it a developer teels that his development does not have the same impact as other developments, then he can subalt an alternative study to the Board. He stated that the County can allow a private tira to construct a library or a park tacility In lieu of payment ot the impact tees. He noted that the library fee does not allow contribution for collection items such as books, audio visual etc. which do not offset the cost of the library system. He stated that it the Comprehensive Plan is adopted, the Ordlnances are required to be reviewed annually since resources might change. He reiterated Mr. Young's statement regarding the districts and the imposltion of both the Park and Recreational Impact and Library Fees. He proposed that the assistance of the ..unicipallties be requested in the collec- tion ot fees for building permits that are pulled within the City 11mits . He indicated that this procedure has been implemented by other Counties whereby when building permits are issued, the County's fees are cc'lected and transmitted to the County. He Indicated that the Ordinances have an immediate ettective date, however, the Board 'st consider it a staggered etfective date will be utilized In order Page 40 r¡ß .,"... .-...,.---...-.....-.-- NOVEMBRR 8, 1988 to give the City time to review and consider an interlocal agreement for the collection the tees. He stated that an atfordable housing section has been incorporated into the Ordinance. He stated that an exemption has been .ade for any dwelling unit which is going to be 8old or rented tor an amount adopted by the Board and which i8 tunded in whole or in part by a government grant. He stated that the other alternative within the attordable housing is the reimbursement provi- sion which relates to privately tunded construction, which would be restricted either through a governmental/development agreement or by deed restriction. He stated that in a rental situation the reimbur- 8e8ent would be based on 1/7 of the impact tee over a period of seven years. Responding to Co..lssioner Hasse, Mr. Stewart advised it i8 i.por- tant to encourage attordable housing, however, the County will pay the impact fee tor tees that are exempt or reimbursed. Referring to the sketch, he stated that the various districts are based upon the stan- dards outlined in the Comprehensive Plan which have a service area of 3 8iles or a 25,000 population. Co..issioner Pistor asked what the advantage of collecting money fro. a developer would be It it is going to be reimbursed? Mr. Stewart advised that persons may not claim reimbursements of rents over years and there may be breeches of agreements which will result in additional costs by the County. He stated that the atfordable housing provisions are not a requirement by the law, but should a developer breech his agreement the County should not have to bear any additional costs. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the Board is not required to adopt an affordable housing section in the ordi- nance, and the credits and exemptions given are not full exemptions. He noted that the monetary figures are not contained in Appendix H, "Attordable Housing" section ot the Ordinance. Mr. George Keller suggested that the Ordinance have a provision to allow the impact tee to be adjusted based on actual population growth, not estimated population. Mr. Stewart advised that this provislon is Page 46 ",-,--.,-,.-.".,-.--""" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 already contalned in the Ordinance. Mr. Willie Anthony stated that 10ng-ti88 County residents should not be punished by paying an impact tee. He indicated that impact fees would result in citizens not being able to atford a house; there should be a better system whereby residents can pay for infrastructure needs and not be burd~ned, and whereby newcomers will not be discouraged fro. moving to Collier County. Co..issioner Saunders explained that the reason impact fees are being di.cussed is to primarily determine a fair way to spread the cost ot intrastructure needs. He noted that the County's source of revenue is comprised of user fees, ad valorem taxes and i..pact fees. He indicated that revenues have to be co~bined and it is appropriate to use impact tees to tund infrastructure needs necessitated by new people aoving into the coa.unity. He stated that the atorementloned i. a method to aake the County an attordable place to 11ve. Tape ,. Mr. Ira Evans expressed concerns about the adoption of the Impact Pee Ordinances and noted that taxpayers should not be burdened with impact tees. He stated that citizens have not been kept abreast of all the aspects of the Ordinances as written. He noted that it should be determined it a "higher level of service" is practical, affordable and necessary. He indicated that the new co..ission will have to deter.ine if the new facilities delineated in the proposed Ordinances are necessitated. He stated that Japact fees address capital expen- diture wh1ch requ1re expertlRP and knowledge 1n trying to administer ..... He noted that the adapti~n of such Ord1nances are preaature and should not be adopted in their present for., as Growth Management decislons are still being reserved. He suggested that the Board defer taking action as the proposed Ordinances are not presently needed and further studying should be conducted. Ms. ~ee Layne, representing the Napl~s' Area Board of Realtors, .tated that they have ..ixed feelings about the adoption of the pro- po.ed Iapact Pee Ordinances tor parks and libraries. She noted that Page 41 -'..'-"-"-"-"--"-. .' . NOVEMBER 8, 1988 the Growth Hanagement Plan's financing should be done by a combination ot impact tees, ad valorem taxes and local option sales tax. She suggested that the Board not adopt the Ordinances until the Growth Hanage.ent Plan is adopted, since the levels of service will possibly be reduced. She stated that all residents should be included and no exceptions be given. She stated that it is the Board of Realtor's contention that vacant property owners have already paid their fair share towards the needed facilities and should not be taxed again. She stated that the Board should Lonsider the possibility ot allowing the fees to be paid over a ten year period which would alleviate the burden 00 homeowners. Attorney Bruce Anderson asked what percentage of the County's population uses the library syste..? Library Director Demarest advlsed that the criteria provid~d by the organizations tor library collection is based on a per capita tigure. He indicated that presently there are 46,000 registered borrowers which represents 38 - 40~ of the popu- lation. Mr. Anderson stated that library i.pact fees should be li.ited for land acquisition and construction costs. not for books, records, tapes and magazines which are readily available at retail stores. Referring to the Park and Recreation Impact Fee, Hr. Anderson pointed out that since businesses benefit trom tourisa, they should share in the cost of the facilities and the burden should not tall on new h08eowners. Mr. Anderson questioned it areas owned by Federal and State governments and public-.inded agencies are included in the calculations for what is needed tor parks? He indicated that there i. no provision in the Ordinance for reli~ving th~ hoaeowner of paying an i.pact tee for tacilities he will not utilize. He stated that ad valoree taxes should continue to be used tor libraries, parks and recreational tacilities and the use ot i.pact tees should be reserved for necessities that everyone utilizes and benefits trom. Rec... 3: 10 p... - Reconvened 3: 20 p... Hr. David C. Graham noted that he is knowledgeable with i.pact fee Jcoce.dings as he hal!f t.....en 1nvolved 011 d1tr...rt'".,,1 COlIl/llittees relating Page 48 q¡ e......' .".... ..................-..".. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 to same. He ~Iggested that the Board review the Manatee Impact Fee which includes water and sewer, schools, etc. and everyone in the County pays his fair phare. He noted that impact í~es should be part of a comprehensive program to determine how growth management and infrastructure needs will be aanaged over the next several years. He concurred with the cl~use delineating affordable housing in the County. Responding to Commissioner Pistor's suggestion about the possible placing of money collected trom empty lots into an escrow account tor intrastructure and growth aanagement, Mr. Graham noted that the con- cept would be a good one, but noted that a mechanism must be imple- aented without having to impact citizens. Mrs. Charlotte West~n, representing the League of Women Voters, concurred with Mr. Graham's statement pertaining to the Growth Management Study. She stated that the League has been supportive of previously imposed impact tees. She stated that the new Board of County Co..issioners should be given the opportunity to consider the adoption ot the proposed Library and Parks and Recreation Iapact Fee Ordinances. She indicated that the League supports the impact fees as well as aftordable housing, and the low entrance fee. She referred to Appendix "A" ot the Library Impact Fee Ordinance and indicated that the figures are not delineated in this section, however, the Growth Manageaent element specifically includes affordable housing co a- putations and what constitutes same. She emphasized that the League would support the impact tees at a tuture date. Mr. Gary Carlson, representing Collier County Builders anG Contractors Association, Inc. (CCBCA) , read an endorsement dated Wovember 8, 1988 outlining their position in implementing Parks and Library Impact Fees. He suggested that ad valorem taxes not be tro- zen; that the Board vote "Yes" tor a one cent sales tax, and new construction be put on the tax rolls at the time of Certificate ot Occupancy rather than waiting up to one year. He indicated that the CCBCA objects to the distinction between regional and community parks Page "9 .............---.-.--..'- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 a. it is an unnecessarily burdenso.e and unrealistic. He stated that unle.s this distinction is analogous to the use ot parks in the County, the two separate impact tees should be reduced and assessed as one general park impact fee. He indicated that the projected costs of the parks and libraries to be created and supported by these impact fees should be clearly set forth in the ordinances. He further indi- cated that the .oat bothersume provision in the ordinances ls the refund provision requiring a home3Wner to request repayment of impact fees collected. He concluded by stating that the CCBCA would support the proposed ordinances if changes wer~ incorporated into the ordinan- ces as indicated in Alternatives "A" and "B" ot the endorsement. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Young advised that the staggered payments over a ten period would be problematic as sub- sequent buyers can be charged with an extra assessment and impact tees should not be put on tax bills. He stated that the biggest problem MOuld be that it will not satisfy the Growth Management Act as infrastructure has to be in place and if it is staggered over a ten year period, the County will have to borrow the money to pay for the Intrastructure. He noted that automatically having the rebate in place would not create any legal problems and if the property has been sold, then the impact tee can be paid or encumbered within six years. Co..issioner Pistor indicated that the adoption of a Parks Iapact Pee Ordinance should be initiated after comments from the State regarding the Growth Management Act are reviewed. He noted that there are iteas within the Ordinance that will probably be eliminated which will alter the calculations ot the impact fees. Commissioner Saunders DOted that the Ordinance retlects the current level of service. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that she is not prepared to vote in tavor ot impact tees as she needs to fully review all the aspects ot the study in order to make a determination. Commissioner Glass stated that although Impact tees are necessary, he concurred with Co..i.sioners Goodnight and Pistor that turther review must be con- ducted prior to adoption ot the Ordin~nces. Commissioner Hasse con- Page &0 '"'" ~... ---."-",.",."--""",,,,, H~VEMBER 8, 1988 curred that i.plementation of the impact tees should be initiated at a later date, in order to give the Board the opportunity to revise the study and the new Board an opportunity to participate. Co_issioner Saunders stated that the Ordinances be adopted as the County's deficit would increase it Impact Fees are not implemented. As it was the con- sensus ot the Board to continue the discussion ~t Some tuture date, County Attorney Cuyler advised that a motion in that respect be ini- tiated. c.-~.-l0D8r 1Ia8.. lIOVed, 88C0D4ed by Coaaiaeioner Goodnight that t..be iu. be tabled. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the public hearlng had not be closed. c-1-1cmer Baaae lIOVed, aeconded by Coaaisaloner Goodnight ao4 carried. 4/1 Co8a1_1oner SaUDdera oppoa.ed that the public hearing be cloeed.. Co..issioner Saunders asked for a definition of the term "tabled"? County Attorney Cuyler advised th~t with the atorementioned motion, the item would be deleted fro~ the Agenda and brought back at the Board's direction. Commissioner Hasse indicated that a specific date should be deter~ined to further discuss the item. Commissioner Goodnight Indicated that continuing the item at a later date would give the Board time to tully review the Ordinances. County Attorney Cuyler advised that th.... it..... could b.... contin..~d for five -eka and after that time it would have to be readvertise; the public hearing was then re-opened. ec-1-i0D8r 1Ia8.. aoved, "conded by Co..i.aioner Piator ao4 carried. 1maA18J'U81y, that the public hearing on the Iapact r.. Ordt~.. be reop.ned and scheduled tor Deceaber 13, 1188. It- na2 DC&VATIO. PKJQ(Ir .0. 61.204 - SEA CO. QUARRY (AU SAM>D.S PIT) - IIQtD or Q&AL PALM ROAD - APPROvED Public Works Administrator Archibald st~ted that the petitioner ¡: 'poses to modity Excavation Permit No. 59.204 to allow for an Page 61 --.-.--__...-e.. ---... NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Increase in permitted lake area from 19 to 29 acres and increase the permitted depth troa 20 to 30 feet below existing ground. He noted that the expansion would be within the existing 36 acre parcel and will produce approximately 1,100,000 cu. yds. ot aatarial for off-site .ale. He noted that the W~ter Manageaent Advisory Board recoamends approval of the excavation perait and a lengthy 1iscussion transpired at the meeting of Octob~r 17, 1988 regarding excavation per.its. He noted that the location of the excavation being 3 1/2 miles east of C.R. 951 has etfectuated in concerns to the water table conditions, however, the proposed excavation complies with the Excavation Ordinance, and other excavations in the imaediate area. Based on the aforeaentioned, Mr. Archibald recommended that the proposed aodifica- tion be dpproved. Responding to Coamissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald advised that a water quality monitoring program will be implemented, thus allowing the County to change the depth, if needed. Referring to the Executive Sumaary, Co..issioner Pistor asked if -30 feet below existing ground and elevation ot -20.5 teet ngvd" had the saae definition. Mr. Archibald advised that currently the land elevation is 9.5 ngvd and the difference between this figure and -20.5 teet ngvd is approximately 30 feet below existing ground. Co..issioner Pistor expressed concerns about the excavation's proxl- aity to the Marco Island's w~ter supply. He noted that recently a test was conducted at a lake near Manatee Road which indicated that 30 foot levels result in stagnate water. He noted that the pit has a higher salinity level than surrounding pits and he would feel sater it the excavation proposal was implemented in a couple of years, after Daltona Utilities finds another source at water supply or agrees to use County water. He stated that Daltona is currently pumping 7.ð million gallons of water a day to Marco Island; their maximum capa- city is 8 million gallons a day and it will take approximately tour to five ye~rs tor them to hook-up to the County system. Hr. Archibald reassured that the applicant as well as Staff have addressed the Page &2 cp . "-'""-"'--""~"-'- ---- NOVEMBER 8, 1988 atoreaentioned concerns. He noted that salt intrusion does not exist at the location and the most important concern is to ascertain that it i. on the shallow water and oft the strata which extends to a depth of 45 - 50 feet. He reiterated that the monitoring program will indicate if a problem e~ists. Co..is.ioner Goodnight stated that she had previously voted in favor of the excavation since the petitioner had agreed to implement i8proveaents to Sabal Pal. Road and residents were intormed that a certain aaount ot soil would be removed, however, she noted that she is opposed to the proposed moditication. In response to Coamissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald advised that pre- viously the bottom elevation was -10.5 feet and the proposal is to increase the depth by 10 feet. Co..issioner Glass indicated that he supported Mr. Archibald's recommendation as some ot the water would be retained with the expansion ot the lake area, and Deltona Utillties feel. this could be a potential water source tor Marco Island. Mr. Al McElwain stated that Sea Con Quarry runs a good operation, works well with its neighbors, has rebuilt Sabal Palm Road to 30 teet wlde with bike paths and walkways, and provides the community wlth the needed till material. Mrs. Charlotte Westman reterred to Item 6 of the Excavatlon Permit Standards Conditions and asked Mr. Archibald it the modificatlon would require a blasting permit and it there is a ~ecurity Bond? Mr. Archibald advised that the petitioner i. currently blasting on .ite and there is a Security Bond which has been provided by Letter of Credit . Co8ai_Iemer Goodnight aoved, 8eCooded by Co_iealemer PI.tor aDd carr1e4 2/3, ec-J..aioner. Gl..., Pi.tor and Saunders oppoeed, to deny .. LwâtiOD Permit .0. Oi.204. ec-J...loner Gl... 8OVed, _conded by Co..ieeloner Baa- and carried 3/2, CoaaJ._loner. Goodnight and Pistor opposed, to apprave . o4ilied Excavatlon Permit .0. &9.204 to Se. Con Induatrl.., Inc. lor 8Sea Con Quarry-. Page &3 -.. .....H._._..."--.' . NOVEMBER 8, 1988 I~ '9Cl STATUS or IEGOTIATIO.S WITH THE MILLON ROW TROST rOR THE ACQOISITIo. or A aaGIOJIAL PAIUt AXD COJI'TIJroED PURSUIT or PARX SIn: - APPROVED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell advised that subsequent to the last update of August 2, 1988, the Real Property Department has secured appraisal reports trom Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. and St~art « Stephan, Inc. as delineated in the Executive Summary. He stated that County Attorney Cuyler has sent a non binding "Letter of Intent" to Mr. Joseph Bonness !ndicating the County's continued interest in the acquisition of the park site. He noted that the Real Property Departaent has sent letters of inquiry to the owners of two parcels ot property that are adjacent to the land owned by Willow Trust and considered in the appraisals. He noted that a positive response has been received troa one of the property owners, and Staff is awaiting a response trom the other property owner. He Indicated that the teras betwe~n WIllow Run Trust and Clyde C. Quinby remain the saae, however, the closing date has been extended to November 28, 1988. He stated that Staft has contacted H.R.S. regarding the water quality tor swi.ming and non-swimming activities, and have been inforaed that a plan and application prepared by a Protessional Engineeer for hydrography, a sanitary survey and bacteriological sur- vey is required for public bathing. He advised that Staff has not initiated the aforementioned until turther Board direction. He noted that tho Growth Management Plan calls tor the acquisition of 700 acres ot ~egional park land by 1994, and the proposed acquisition of 490 acres would bring the County up to standards by the 1992. He advised that the County's Finance Committee has recommended that the regional acquisition be considered as part ot a General Obligation Bond, and reiterated that Start is awaiting further Board direction. In response to Commissioner Saunders' question about the acqulsi- tion ot the land and the financing, Mr. O'Donnell advised that the location of the property 1s an ideal site, Willow Run Trust's plan includes the development of two lakes, uplands, ..enities such as Page 54 q1 ... ~ NOVEMBER 8, 1988 overnight camping, canoeing, etc. which will comply with the standards of a regional park. In regard to the financing, he reiterated that it would be part ot a General Obligation Bond, and a Willow Run Trust representative Mas present to discuss this issue. Co..issioner Pistor advised that the other property owner had con- tacted hi. and intoraed him that she would be willing to sell her pro- perty for $70,000. Attorney Dudley Goodlette ot Ct._ings and Lockwood representing Willow Run Trust, stated that the goal in the Recreation and Open Space Area ot the Growth Management Plan is to provide sutficlent park and recreation tacilities and open space areas for residents and visi- tors of the County. He referred to Policies 1.1.1 and 1.3 and sum- aarized its contents which delineate park and beach facilities. He contiraed that by 1992 the County must have acquired 700 acres of land tor regional park tacilities. He noted that because of the escalatlng land cost~ that the regional park acreage must meet the needs of the population by the year 2000, however, this acquisition should be inl- tiated within the next five years. He read portions of the R/UDAT .tudy which was conducted in April of 1987 which identifies I-7ð and C.R. 951 as a potential location for a regional park. Referring to a sketch, Mr. Goodlette stated that the property in question contains 470 acres of which 150 acres will be utilized for water related recreational uses. He stated that there is a tuture access point which can be obtained in the future. He noted that the property is i..ediately adjacent to and north ot Florida Sports Park. He indi- cated that the property is currently being utilized tor water aanage- aent and a quarry operation, and the land presently not being .ined can be acquired by the County. He stated that Willow Run Trust feels that the location is ideal tor a regional park, and is willing to sell the property to the County at $9,500 per acre, which is the mean bet- ween the $9,000 and $10,000 appraised values. He noted that Coastal ~ineering had indicated that there are 489.24 acres; Stewart & Stephan had indicated 491.49 acres, however, Willow Run Trust .sti- Page 55 .~ ._.~....~.. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 aate. there are about 488 acres on the site. He advised that the acquisition ot the land would total S4.2-.illion; $1.8-.illion would be paid at closing; the balance of $2,400,000 would be spread over two years. with two principal pay.ents, and a 5-3/4' interest rate would be accrued on the unpaid balance. In response to Comlllissioner Hasse, Mr. O'Donf!ell indicated that Sealnole, Wiggins State and 8arefoot Beach State Parks are taken into consideration but the County stan¿ard iø set up so that the 700 acres iø retlected as what th~ County will have and operate. Mr. Goodlette noted that there are two detinitlons in the Recreation and Open Space element of the Growth Managelllent Plan, one defines a regional park which Is a park that serves an area with a service radius ot about 60 miles, and th~ oth~r is a regional park reserve which detines an area ot natural quality tor nature oriented outdoor recreation. Mr. George Keller asked when the land could be acquired? Mr. Goodlette responded that it can be acquired by Novelllber 21, 1988. Mr. Keller indicated that he had no objections to the construction of a reglonal park, but to the time span involved in the acquisition of saae, and the cost involved. Mr. Ji. McGee stated that atter listening to the discussion per- talning to the water aanagelllent, the potable water, and the aining being pertorllled on the site, the real decision the Board had to ini- tiate is in the tunding ot the acquisition ot the land to construct the regional park, and he recommends that a tavorable decision should be implemented. Mr. Bob Moates stated that property costs continue to rise and there are .ore people visiting the County and the location is ideal. He noted that a regional park is needed in Collier County and the price is a traction ot a cost of what it will be in future. He recolII- aended that the Board approve the proposed regional park project and indicated that the quote and terms being provided are a barg.ln. County Manager Dorrill presented the Board with a hand-out and Page ð6 ~ ""-'-""'.-"-'-' .. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 stated that it indicates the ad valorem county-wide support tor all Growth Manageaent projects by category tor a period of tive years. Reterring to the 1990 column of the hand-out, Mr. Dorrill indicated that there is not enough money next year to undertake the current progra... He noted that by the end ot the current year there will be a S4-aillion reserve. He stated that the piece of property in question is extre~ely deslrable and would be ~n Jdeal location tor the proposed regional park. Mr. Dorrill stated that the present offer might not be available tor very long, as the owner will probably sell the site for the construction of residential dwellings. He noted that the Growth Management Plan iódicates that the project would be contingent on a reterendua, however, if the reterendum does not pass, it would result in a regional park being deleted tro. the level of service or by using other revenues. He stated that it the Board desires to purchase the property, a better deal would have to made by the seller as the County can only attord twenty-four months of tinanclng. He Indicated that presently there is $4 million of sales tax to lower ad valoree taxes in the County's General Fund and noted that the new Board does not want to ralse taxes. He noted that the project can be implemented by deterring other capItal improvements and he Indicated that he needed Board direction if they wanted the regional park. Co..issioner Saunders stated that although he felt the County should purchase the piece ot property, the Board cannot be under the assumption that Library and Park Impact Fees will be in place. Mr. Dorrill reiterated that other projects would have to be deterred to purchase the land or the new Board would have to raise ad valorem taxes to handle the capital improvement programs. In response to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Dorril1 indicated that the present deal requires that the County deplete the park and recreatlon reserve r' ,1.8-.il1ion. He stated that a Sl.8-million deficiency will be added it the reserve is used. He stated that consideration to' ld have to be initiated to eliminate the 3rd tloor shell to the Page ð7 tÞ ..........,..... ..".. ......-..--"""". ,.. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 new Public Service and Health Building, and cancelling the elevator tor the building; the Lely EMS would have to be deferred for one year, and the renovation of Building "A" would have to be deferred for a year. He noted that t:1e chart indicates that it the County continues to be prudent, sutticIent tunds wIll be available in the next couple ot years that can be applied to beach renourish.ent or other projects. ec-i_iooer aa.se 8OVed that the project be set ..ide .. the Board i8 unable to pur.ue it due to tinanclal probl.... Coaaissioner Glass stated the Mr. Dorrill be given the flexibillty to turther review the proposed project and noted that it should not be terainated and should be brought back for further consideration. Co..lssloner Goodnight stated that although she supports the con- cept of a regional park, she is not willing to eli8inate other pro- jects that the Board has committed to implement. She suggested that Mr. Dorrill further discuss the tinancial problem with Willow Run Trust and present the determinatIon made at a later date. eo..issioner Saunders suggested that the aforementioned motion be changed, directing Statt to continue discussions with Willow Run Trust and It a meaningtul way of tinancing is determined then Mr. Dorrill will present it to the Board. Co..issioner Hasse requested that the northern portion be looked into as as well as the additional 200 acres previously mentioned. C'~t..i0D8r II&88e 8OV~, seconded by Co8ai88ioner Goodnight and carr~ 8D8Ai80U81y, directing Staft to contlnue discua8i0D8 wIth WIllow Ibm Truat to determIne if the acquI.i tion of the land can be tt....~. I~~2 DISCVaSIOJI u: TO CO.STROCTI08 or A R.EGt1LATI08 BASEBALL rIELD UD a\Jr~ rACILITIU AT GOLDa GATE COMMtJJfITY PARX - APPROVED Public Service Administrator O'Donnell requested authorization to design the construction of a regulation baseball field and support facillties at the Golden Gate Community Park. He stated that th. pro- j, , is included within the Golden Gate Community Park master plan and Page 68 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 the Growth Management indicates a deficiency of three baseball fields for the existing population. He stated that Staff has received peti- tien. tro. baseball leagues requesting the developaent of baseball tield. He noted that the cost ot the baseball tield would be approxi- aately $358,600 ~nd can be in operation by July, 1989. He suggested that the project be tinanced by transferring funds from 306 reserves to the 301 fund. He stated that the Golden Gate Community Park is a central located for a baseball fie~d as indicated in the petitions recelved, which also suggested a baseball field be located in North "aples. County Manager Dorrill clarified that the item being discussed does not have anything to do with the previous item. He noted that the proposal is to build Phase II, which is to include amenities at the coaaunity park. Co..isaloner Plstor indicated that he has has received several calls fro. North Naples' residents requesting a baseball field slnce the leagues travel to Ft. Myers two or three times a week to play ball. He stated that Horth Naples pays over three times as much taxes as Golden Gate and the tirst consideration should be glven to thls area. He stated that the first baseball field should be constructed in Korth Naples and consideratIon given to putting another fIeld in Golden Gate. eo--t..ioner P18tor 8OV~ that if one ball park is constructed it abr:nù.cI be ¡Nt in .orth ..plee and It two parka are COIUItructed. one abr:nù.cI be put in .orth .aple. and the other in Golden Oate, otberwi.. DOt bailt at all. Mr. Ji. Richardson contirmed tor Commissioner Goodnight that the leagues In the County are comprised of "kids" trom allover the coastal area and do not concentrate to a specific area, and the Golden Gate area is the mostly centrally located. CommissIoner Goodnight stated that she does not have a problem with building one ballfield b!. year and instructing Staff to build anuther ballfield next year. She stated that there is a deticit of ballfields and Iamokalee got Page ð9 \êL -_.,-,._.,,--~ ..-.., NOVEMBER 8, 1988 the first ballfield. She stated that under the clrcumstances the ballfield should be built at the mostly centrally located area and Staff should be instructed to build the other ball field In North Jfaple.. Co..is.ioner Hasse agreed that since Golden Gate Community Park is centrally located it will be convenient to the children playing on the leagues. He stated that balltields are needed at all of the parks. Mr. Richardson advised that last year the leagues had to tra- vel to Bonita Beach and Ft. Myers because the County does not have the field .pace. Ms. Donna Hihailott, President of the Babe Ruth Baseball League, emphasized the i~portance of constructlng parks. She 8tated that the pre8sure i8 getting greater as the leagues Increase In size. She indicated that she had spoken to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board as well as to each Co.missioner and intormed the. that there is not a baseball field in Collier County. She stated that the deflcit is quite clear and noted that in January, 1989 she will be responsible for the scheduling ot 14 teams. She stated that the leagues are comprised of boys from the ages of 13 - 18 years of age, and 250 boys will have to be scheduled tor games. She noted that these ages are critical to a boy as they can get into a lot of trouble and the league i. a way of keeping them out ot trouble. She stated that 170 games were scheduled and 83 games were played in Lee County, and 87 games were played in Collier County last year. ..... Deputy Clerk Eenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Mendez at 6:10 P.M. ..... ~"~r Pi.tor'. aotion to build a balltield in 8Orth aapl.. cUed for a lack of a 8eCOnd. ~_lODer Baa- aoved., that the conatruction ot a regulation ~TT.~l field and support tacl11tl.. at Golden Gate en..aoity Park be 8U thor i zed . Mution ~onded by Co-l..ioner Goodnight with aD 888D4- 88Dt ~t Statt also be instructed to do preliminary planniug tor the 1~8~~ budget tor the possibility at a baaebell tield in the .orth "1apl.. area. Coaai..loner Ras.. accept~ this aaendaent. Upon call Page eo -..-,--., ....... -- \D~ I .. " ---_.. ROVEMBER I. Igl1 tor the q1I8St1on, the 8OUon and the 88end8ent C&rrled unan.1aou.aly. ~---Mt DOt received in Clerk of the Board office.. of 11/21/88. It:- "1'1 BID n8-1228 FOR THE '?t1RCHASE OF SYSTEMS I'tJUIT'CRE - AMARDED TO ORiCE rt1JOIt'%'t1U &JID DESIGJr FOR STEELCASE lOOOE; AGRJŒMEJIT TO BE JfEGO'1'IATED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on Karch 28, 1988, as evidenced by Attidavit ot Publication flIed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 188-1228 tor the purchase of .ysteas turniture until 2:30 P.M., April 13, 1988. Brian McKenzie, As@istant to the County Manager, stated that this itea is for the purchase at systems turniture, adding that on September 20, 1988, the County statt presented a number of slgnificant tindings relative to an indepth analy.i. ot product offerings. He noted that this analysis represented key intoraation regarding industry wide price analysis, the relationship between product prlce and recontiguration costs, product compatibility, tactory warranties and service considerations. He stated that based on the findings, the selection co..ittee appointed to evaluate the bid otferings recom- mended the continued procurement ot Steelcase 9000E systeas furnlture. He indicated that atter discussions, Staff invited the bid tlnalist to aoCk-UP their products which also included the Phoenix line which was not previously included in the first DOck-up. He noted that the BeC directed statt to organize a volunteer task torce of local architects and engineers to evaluate all the finalist bid ofterings as well as the product otterings presented at the second mock-up. He indicated that the goal ot the task torce was to present an unbiased objective recoaaendation to the BCC with regards to a systeas product selection. Be indicated that the mock-up was held on October 21, 1988, at Golden Gate and the task torce was present. He indicated that on October 25, 1988, the task torce reconvened to suaaarize their tindlngs which will be presented at this ti.e. Me. Gina Johnson, representing W. J. Johnson & Associate., .tated t: t . three page letter has been prepared and presented to the BeC Page 61 .c...................-... .. ...--.. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 indicating the findings of the task force. She stated that the coa- aittee telt that there were two aspects that needed to be evaluated; the aanutacturer and their product line. She stated that the selec- tion ot SteelcaBe as the manufacturer W3S individually arrived at and jointly concurred to by all committee members based on the ten reasons that are listed in the letter. She noted that Steelcase had two product 11nes to otter; the 9000E and the moveable walls product. She stated that these product lines were discußsed and the principle dif- ference between 9000E and the moveable walls was the lack of steel coaponents in the aoveable walls, most notably, work station surfaces. She .tated that in computer usaoe, static electricity can interfere with coaaunications on data lines and in the Steelcase 9000£ there is a split wire race track which is a valuable feature that segregates electricity trom the computer cables. She noted that after looking at perforaance and the fact that the County has spent $1.2 million on the 9000£ product already, It was determined that there would be lost productivity and an expense, whether in-direct or direct, in trying to manage two product lInes in inventory and purchasing two ditterent product lines. She noted that the final recommendation of the task force is that the County continue to work out a procurement system with the existing supplier tor the existing product line that is the County standard. Coamissloner Saunders stated that when this item was first discussed he telt that he needed to look at so.e ot the less expensive product lines and asked for the additional mock-up which the Co..ission agreed to, adding that when he evaluated some of the pro- ducts that he saw, he telt that the moveable walls seemed to be a pro- duct that was sturdy, durable, attractive, and would also be a savings ot approximately $300,000. He stated that the split wire race track in the 900DE 15 not suffici~nt justitication to purchase the more expensive turniture. He stated that in terms of strength, durability, and quality ot material, he had the i.pr~s.ion trom the representative chat there is not much ditterence between the moveable walls and the Page 62 ,5 NOVEMBER 8, 1988 9000E furniture. He questioned if it is assumed that these reaarks are correct, should the County be purchasing the moveable walls instead of the 9000£ product? Ks. ~ohnson stated that if these reaarks are correct, then the aoveable walls would be the best purchase, adding that she does not believe that thege reaarks are accurate. She noted that a work sur- face that is steel versus a work surface that is partlcle board Is much stronger and durable after recontigurations. Co..issioner Hasse stated that he attended the mock-up and it is a good idea to purchase less expensive furniture but not at the cost of etficiency and durability. He stated that when the furniture is constantly aoved around and screws are going into particle boards, they do not last that long, adding that the 9000E series is much stronger. M.. 30hnson stated that when durable goods are being consldered, one has to look at the purchase price but also what it will cost and how it wl11 tunction over the expected lite. Ms. DarIa Shuart, representing aftice Pavilion, stated that she turned in a bid on this project for Encore, Action office, and Phoenix which i. repres~nted by her manufacturer, Herman Miller. She noted that the criteria was product, price and servic~ and she met all the crlteria. There were various discussions regarding the bid specitica- tion documents and the items that were listed as options. She noted that In preparing her bid specitications, she listed these item. as options and in doing so, it seemed to create confusion, but she que.tions the review and the subsequent adjustment to the specitica- tions. She noted that the Steelcase specifications do not meet the list prices as they are indicated in the manufacturer's publlshed list price book, adding that this means that these prices are artiflcially low. She noted that she does not understand their prlcing. Purchasing Director Carnell stated that the blds were received on April 22, 1988, and the price list comes from the manufacturers to 'eir dealers, adding that it the pricing has changed since that time, Pege153 ,Os ._.. .....-.> ..........>'."".""" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 1t ls irrelevant because the evaluation was done based on the price at the time the bid was received and opened. He stated that a date and time has to be established that will hold for each bidder. He noted that each bidder was asked what the maximum annual increase tor the contract would be and Steelcase indicated that there would be no increase. over the prices bid on April 22, 1988 and it i8 the County's Intent to hold them to that figure. Co..issioner Hasse stated that the co..ittee was formed to eva- luate all the bid. and there should not be any question. reaaining at this point regarding bid specitication8. He stated that he respects the oplnions ot the co..ittee that was formed of volunteers to eva- luate these bids. Ms. Shuart stated that the evaluation criteria has been establl.hed and met, and she assures the BeC that her product wl11 stand up in the County environment. She stated that she 1. requesting that a decision not be made at this time. Ms. Diane Collins, representative of Phoenix Designs, stated that the objectlve ot this bid is to aaintain the County's current standard of office furniture systems and approve negotiations. She indicated that slnce Phoenix is the low bidder and meets the needs of the County at a price that is attordable, she would suggest that this bid be awarded to Phoenix. She stated that she has concerns that the execu- tive suaaary has many irregularities with mlsleading statements that are substitive with regards to pricing and performance, and would request that this matter be reviewed before any df!cision is made. Hr. Lee Nygaard, Di~trict Manager tor Steelcase, stated that he did not make the statement that ~oveable walls are anything other than an equal alternative to the other products of the 9000, addlng that it would be a very appropriate comparison. He stated that he did say that aoveable walls are equal to the products that were being discussed as budget products. He indicated that moveable walls is their brand name tor their syste.s product and there is also the Jries 9000 products which have been used by the County for the last Page a4 I"" \í) \.. -.w.c.........-.... NOVEMnRR 8, 19RR three years. He indicated that he has not submitted any prlcing other than the original pricing and there have been no revisions made to it. He noted that this pricing is being held for the entlre term that is being requested. Be noted that the series 9000 product can be recon- figured more and longer, as well as having a better life for the County, than 608e of the other products. He noted that Steelcase is the largest manutacturer in the world and there is over $10 billion in assets. Co..issloner Saunders questioned if the moveable walls serve the County's needs, to which Mr. Nygaard stated that he does not believe that it will serv~ the needs ot the County as well as the Series 9000 because the product that the County uses has been proven that it was the right choice and it continues to show the durability, the free .tanding option, and the recontiguration. Coaaissioner Saunders questioned if there are any other product 11nes that are less expensive than the 9000£ that would serve the needs ot the County, to which Mr. Nygaard indicated that the Staff evaluated that option and the report indicated that there are products that are less expensive but will not hold up as well as or serve the needs ot the County as well. ec-i..icmer Goodnight 8OV~, ..eonded by Co8ai..icmer B.... that Bid '..-1228 be a.arded to Ottice Furniture and Design for the pa.rcha8e of Steele... 9000& and to negotiate an agT888ent. Coaaissioner Saunders stated that he does not understand the urgency on this matter and would ask that the BCC deter action on this item until another approach could be developed in selecting this fur- n1ture and reviewing other product lines. CO..i8sioner Has8e stated that he i8 willing to honor the request of Co..lssloner Saunders, but h~ Is not sure that anything will be acco8plished. CO..is8ioner Goodnight indicated that a task force of volunteer. . asked to evaluate these bids and the furniture which has been done and they have made their recommendation, adding that she does not teel Page 65 , , ...".-..",.. -.. ---... NOVEMBER 8, 1988 that this aatter should be postponed any longer. Hs. Johnson stated that she believes that the bids were put out on a level tield, there was not any manipulation atter or before the tact nor were there any preconceIved notions, adding that the blds were evaluated fairly, there were two mock-ups held and enough staff time and aoDey has ~en spent on this matter and she would reco..end that a deci.ion be aade either for or against the reco..endation at the task force. She stated that there has been sutficient data presented to the sec to help make a decision. Co8a1_1oner Baa8e 'Wi thdr.,., hi. second, to the IIOtion, and C~t-l0D8r Pi.tor then 88Conded the IIOtion. 0p0A c:all tor the quatltion, the IIOtion carried 3/2, (Co8ai..ioner. ~1:'8 aDd Ba8- opposed). ~---Dt DOt receiv~ in Clerk of the Board office.. of 11/21/88. It- 'lOA A.CCEP"r.A8C& or DUD FOR LELY BARJ:rOOT BEACH PARXIKG LOT; I.GRESS/EGRESS E.UJIAUIX PJtDVIDI.O ACCESS TO 'nŒ PARXI.G LOT FROM LELY BEACH BLVD.; UD DUD FOR 15 1'00'%' BOYFER AREA - APPROVED AJID RESOLUTIOK 88-28" CAJJCELLI.a TAXES O. THIS PROPERTY - ADOPTED County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has been waiting for quite .ome time for this matter to be completed and in the agenda packet Is the deed tor the parking lot and the ingress/egress easement document and the deed for the 15 foot buffer area. ,...-t-ioner Pi.tor lIO'Ved, 88CODCSed by Co8ai..ion.er Goodnight and. carried 1m&Dl.aou.aly, that the warranty deed tor the parking lot, the J.Dg:res8/egre88 e-....ant provldlng acc... to the parking froa Lely 8e8c.b 81vd. and. the deed tor the 15 toot bv.tter area be approved. County Manager Dorrill stated that there was a requirement that the north side ot the parking lot be landscaped, but atter dlscusslon, it was decided against because Lee County is in the process of four- laning Bonita Beach Road; theretore, the landscaping would be useless. ec-i_iooer Pi.tor lIO'Ved, 88Conded. by Co8ai..loner Goodnight aDd carried unani.aou.aly, that ReeolutloD 88-284 cancelling the taxes .. of tl:ú8 date, on this property, be adopted. Page 66 '.: (ì . ,/ -""." ....»-.,..,- --",. NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. .11.Al6:2 BUtlGZT AÞIU~IS 89-20/24 - ADOP'nD Co8al..ionar Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner 8&8.e and carri~ unaniaouøly, that Budget Amendments 89-20/24 be adcpt~. It.. .11A.3 ~ »LP~ RESOLOTIOK 89-2 - ADOP'nD Co8als.ionar Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Pi.tor and carried unaniaoualy, that Budget Amendment Resolutlon 89-2 be adopted. Page 61 --'-"""""".."'..""-"."'" NOVEMBER 8, 1988 ..... Coaai..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Baa.. and carried unaniaoualy, that the tollowlng lte.. under the Consent Agenda be approved and/or adopted: ..... Ite. 'UBI BUDGET AÞŒJI'DKE)(T TRAJlSnRRIKG l'OJrDS FROM l'OJrD 301 RESERVES TO THE MATER/SEWER KAS'l'ER PLAJr FOR GOVERJÐŒJrr COMPLEX TO COMPLETE PLAJr IX r¡$CAL YEAR li18-89 IØ THE AMOOKT or 815,000 It.. 'UB2 COKTftACT MaTH j~INS & CHARLAKD FOR THRESHOLD IØSPECTIOØ SERVICES rOR THE DALTH AJrD PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDIØG AS A THREE STORY STRUCTtJRE IX All A.MOtTrr .err TO EXCEED 813,000 AJrD THEY SHALL PROVIDE $300,000 PftOrESSIOXAL LIABILITY IØSURAØCE Document not received in Clerk ot the Board oftlce a. of 11/21/88. It.. '1483 8OV~ to Ite. '9B2 It.. 'UB4 BID '88-1322 AWARDED TO LABGFORD FORD IX THE AMOUWT OF $i,3Gl rOR A n89 4-DOOR .1EEP CHEROnE WITH "LAREDO" PACOGE L~çal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 13, 1988, as evidenced by Atfidavit of Publication flIed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '88-1322 tor a Jeep Cherokee until 2:30 P.H., October 26, 1988. It.. '14Bð rACILITIES MAJlAGDŒJIT DEPARTMEJrr TO PREPARE A "lfEEDS ASSESSMEJrl'" IX CO..roJrCTIO. WITH A KASTER PLAJI rOR THE PROPOSED GOVEJUIMD'TAL FACILITIES TO BE LOCAT~Q-9llTH~ ~.5 ACRE SITE IØ PELICAlI BAY It.. 'UB6 PI.AI. PLAT or ROSDŒADE AT WYJrDDŒRE - APPROVED WITH STIPt7LATIOØS 1. The Final Plat not be recorded until the required i.prove- mente have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received tor the unco~pleted improvements and that all construction shall be completed within 36 months ot the date ot this approval. It.. '1487 ADDITIO.AL SECTIOØS OP SABAL PALM ROAD FOR COOWTY MAINTEXAlICE - ACCEPTED SUBjECT TO COKFORMAJfCE WITH CURREXT COOWTY REQUIREMEXTS AJß) IPICI~Io_~D'p"ITIOKAL" R..JGffT-OJ'-~A'\t'.!<~P. _EKVIR..QJ9'!.IPfJ'.A.~ CONDITIOØS See Page ?J...A../ It.. 'UB8 BODGET AMKJfDMElfI'S TRAJlSnRRIøG rtTJfDS WITHIX l'OJrD 301 FROM CAPITAL ~PRIATIOØS IKTO OPERATIKG APPROPRIATIOØS r... '14Bi I ~ CO.STRUCTIOØ IMPROVEMENTS BY COOWTY PERSOKKEL AT TWO LOCATIOXS: JrOR'l'1I ROAD AT AIRPORT ROAD AJrD R~ ROAD AT C.R. 846 SUB.7ECT TO SPECIAL COJrDITIOKS WITH ALL IMPROVEMEKT COSTS SUBSIDIZED BY OTHERS Page 68 ~ j, I'"¡? NOVEMBER 8, 1988 It.. .14810 RAXXI.Ø ~ SBOK'%' LIST or THE SELECTIOW COMMITTEE FOR THE SOLID WASTE TECBXICAL AXD ECOKOMIC COMPUTER MODEL; STAr? TO ØEGOTIATE A COwrKACT WIn 1'D rIM or BAZD AJt1) SAWYER It.. 'UDI L.U'I:JMAJt% mAns, PHASE I-A, MATER A.JrD SEMU FACILITIES ACCEPTAJrCZ See OR Boolr/.J.stf""'. Paaes .::t.l~~~ It.. 'UD2 LAJrIJKUX ESTATES, PHASE II-C, MATEP. A.JrD SJnfP rACILITIES ACCEP'l'AJlCZ See OR Book I~ Paaes;<.a¥?~J It.. .UD3 LOXK OAX, PHASE III - SEWER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE See OR BOOK 1393, Pðqes 1358/1382 It.. .14D4 LOU OU pOD - ACIR.IEKDT FOR PHASE III See OR Book 1393, Paaes 1353/1351 It.. .1~El rAITKrOL PERrORMAXCE BaKD OF MICHAEL J. VOLPE FOR DISTRICT.2 CQMMISSIOJID See Pages ~ ~ It.. .14&2 KESOLUTI08 88-280 ESTABLISHIKG KEW PAY PLAW TITLES AJt1) RECLASSI~ØO TWO POSnIOøS See Pages '7/.. (!./..C,øA It.. 'UBI SATISFACTIOK OF LIENS FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFEWDER See Pages ~~ 7 It.. '14B MISCILLAXEpOUS CORRESPOKDEKCE - FILED AJt1)/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following 81.cellaneous correspondence be tiled and/or referred to the varIous departments as indicated below: 1 . t...t t...r dat..d ')j:'lo/nn from J,.rry [,. YltlJgh,," , Inr.pector General by Virgil Choates, Correction Otficer Inspector II, Dept. or Corrections, to Bce ChairQan r~ Inspection Report dated 9/29/88. xc: Neil Dorrill; FlIed. 2. Memo dated 10/17/88 to Interested Parties from Dale Twachtmann, Secretary, DER, re second series of Publlc Page 69 ,:) ;::¡ ..-..." ."~.... _.,.'"-"... NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Workshops on the Study ot the State's Surtace Water Quallty Classitication System. xc: Tom Olliff; Bill Lorenz; and Filed. 3. Letter dated 10/21/88 to BCC trom Trudie Bell, Environmental Specialist, DER, Wetland Resource Management with standard tor. application (File No. 111558019 75 & Alligator Alley Dev., Inc.) which involves dredge and fill activities In water ot the State within the limits of your jurisdiction. xc: George Archibald; Tom Olliff; Neil Dorrill; and Filed. 4. Letter dated 10/24/88 from Robert K. Lotlin, Environmental Specialist, DER, to BCC Chairman re Hubschman & Assoc., File 11111561545. ~c: Neil Dorril1; George Archibald; Tom Olliff; and Filed. 5. Letter dated 10/10/88 fro;j'.Robert K. Loflin, Environmental Specialist, DER, to BCC Chairman re File No. 111556805, which involv..,. drp.(]IJ" ;ltl(] f I) 1 ,¡rt Ivlt I"n ¡n w.~I,.r,. of th,. :1l..t.. within th~ Ilmlt8 of your jurisdiction. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bill Lorenz; George Archibald; and Filed. 6. Letter dated 10/26/88 trom Ron Walters, Environmental Special1Et, PER, to BCC ChftlrMan, r" Florida Power' Light Co., File No. 111563915. KC: Nell Dorrl1l; Blll Lorenz; George Archibald; and Filed. 7. Letter dated 10/21/88 to W. Douglas Hall, Esquire, Carlton, Fields, Ward, Emmanuel, Smi~h and Cutler. P.A., Tallahassee with Carbon copy to BCC trom Altred B. Devereaux, Jr., Chlef Bureau ot Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, re permit violation: IDBS 86-145 CO. xc: Neil Dorrill; Tom Olliff; and F lled. 8. Letter dated 10/27/88 to W. Dexter Bender and Associates fro. Alfred B. Devereaux, Jr., Chief, Bureau ot Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, r. permit violation: ICO-176. xc: Neil Dorrill; Tom Olliff; Bill Lorenz; and Filed. 9. Letter dated 10/24/88 to 5CC trom Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, re Pile: CO-188. xc: Tom Olliff; Bill Lorenz; and Filed. 10. Minutes received and tiled: a. b. CCPC Agenda tor 11/3/88 and Minutes of 10/14/88. Collier County Ad Hoc Committee for the Home!ess Minutes tor 10/5/88. . Naples City Council Agenda tor 11/02/88. c. 11. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures & Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual dated 10/31/88 from Sheriff's Department. xc: Lori Zalka; Filed. 12. Letter dated 10/27/88 to BCC trom James T. Show, P.E., Director, Surtace Water Management Division, South Florida Water Management District, re Notice of Int...nt to Construct Works, Project: Vanderbilt Beach Road. xc: Neil Dorrill; George Archibald; John Boldt; and Filed. Page 70 ,-;1' 1 'oj -.........---.-..--...,. ----- ... NOVEMBER 8, 1988 There being no turther business tor the Good of the County, the 8eeting was adjourned by Order ot the Chair - Time: ..~~Ii.~'r:í. ,t <J. . . A TTZS.T ~ ';'" JANB$ C. GILES, C~K ... - I . r. - ...'. . ... .~'...' """V 4~~Á. ': '.~?'~-c;~, ø (!. ~, 'pt These minutes approved by the 6:10 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL CHAIRMAN as presented or as corrected Board on ~~_h-/.~ /11')' L.- Page 71 '" .-..-.--....