BCC Minutes 11/15/1988 R Naples, Florida, November 15, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier. and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals an~ as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein. met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSleR in Building "F" of the Government Complex. East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight John A. Pistor Arnold Lee Glass Max A. Hasse ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles. Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Maureen Kenyon, and Dalila Mendez, Deputy Clerks; Neil Darrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff, Acting Co.munity Development Adainistrator; Brian MacKenzie, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler. County Attorney; Mike McKees. Utilities Final1ce Director; George Archibald, Public Works Adainistrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Barbara Cacchione, David Weeks. Dwight Nadeau and Philip Scheff, Planners; Kancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett. Sheriff's Department. Page 1 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 Tape .1 It- .3 AGDDA AB'D CO.SEJIT AGUDA - APPROVED AS AKEJfDED Co8ai..ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Pi.tor and carried unaniaou.ly, that the Agenda and C0n8ent Agenda be approved - ...nded : ¡ . Itea 9D2 re water master plan consultants for South Florida Wa~er Management District wellfield permits and Item 12D re signal system on Goodlette-Frank Road at the intersections with Solana Road and Royal Poinciana Drive to be heard first. 2. :tem gEl added re faithful performance bon~ tor Tax Collector. 3. Itea 9£2 added re faithful performance bond for Supervisor of Elections, 4. Ite~ 12£ added re request to execute an interlocal agreement with Hendry Correctional Institutíon and this item to be heard at 1:30 P.M. at the request of Com~issioner Goodnight. 5. Item 12F added re recommendation to extend building permit 687-218 at the r~quest of Commissioner Goodnight. 6. Itea lOA re ~cc~ptance of deed for Tracts M, N, and 0, Lely Barefoot Beach POD and a resolution cancelling accrual of taxes on these tracts - Continued to November 22. 1988. 7. Item 12C re reconsideration of Petition V-88-3 and Petition PU-88-5C - Continued to November 22. 1988. 8. Item 14B6 moved to Item 9B6 re authorization tor staft to negotiate a lease and operating agreement with Polycycle, Inc. of Bartow, Florida for a prototype plastics recycling program at the Immokalee Landtill tor up to two years. 9. Item 14B7 moved to Item 9B7 authorizing an additional one year extension of the financial plan established for the resource recovery system. 10. Item 14D4 moved to Item 902 re engaging services of water master plan consultants to perform lead responsibilities for South Florida Water Management District wellfield permits. 11. Item 9B2 re the courthouse construction contract - Continued to November 22, 1988. ADDED ~~ATIO" TO OOTGOIKO COMMISSI~~~ PISTO~ ~JL~SS Co..l,sioner Saunders presented Co..issioner Pistor and Co..i,sioner Glass with a plaque noting that it was a pleasure serving with both Commissioners. He noted that both Commissioners earned '.iration and respect from their di~trict as well as County-wide. He wished them both the best of luck in the future. Page 2 ...u.....-.... -... . NOVEMBER 15, 1988 It.. ftA PROCLAMA'1'I~ DECLARIRG .0000ER le, 1988, AS GEORGE W. HDDERSOR DAY IR COLLIER COO1ITY - ADOPTED OpeD reading of the proclaaation, Co..i..10ner Goodnight 8OVe4, seconded by Co8ai..ioner Pi.tor and carried unanillOU8ly, that a proclaaation declaring Rove.her 1&, 1988, - George W. Bender.on Day in COllier County, be adopted. Mr. George Henderson thanked the Commissioners and accepted the proclaaation on behalf ~t all the volunteers for their work over the year. with the Emergency Management Department. Page 3 NOVEMBER 16, 1988 It- .S8 PROCI..UIA'fIO. DUIGRA'fIRO JlOVDœD 11 - DECEMBD US, 1988 AS -CHRISTMAS S1LUURG MORTB" - ADOPTED Upon readIng of the proclaaation, Co..i..ioner Saunders 8OVed, seconded by Co8ai..Ioner Pi.tor and carried unani80U8ly, that the procl...tion de1tign.ating .ovnaber 15 - Dec_ber 15, 1988, - -Chri.t... Sharing Month," be adopted. Captain Dan Vie of the ~alvation Army accepted the proclamation and thanked Collier County and th~ Commissioners for their support. He Indicated that this year he expects to collect 20,000 cans of food and distribute over 2.500 toys to children. Co..issioner Saunders stated that he would ask that the boxes that are placed at the Courthouse be used in an attempt to collect 6,000 cana of food. He stated that this aay help in reaching the goal of 20,000 cans. Page .. II . "~'._'..._. ..- KOVEMBER 15, 1988 It- nD2 EMERGDCT DECI..\RZD; COKSt1LTAJfT SELECTIO. PROCESS WAIVED; STAn AUTBOKIZED TO EJrTD IJrro A COJITRACT WITH BOLE, KORTZS AJm ASSOCIATES IK ~ AMOUWT.OT TO EXCEED $8,000 TO PERFORM LEAD RESPORSIBILITIES FOR SOUTH FLORIDA MATER MAlfAGEMEXT DISTRICT NELLPIELD PERMITS - APPROVED Utilities Finance Director McNees stated that this is a request to engage the services of the County's water master plan consultants to perform the lead responsJbI1itips for South Flor1da Water Management District well field permits. He indicated that a permit application is currently pending with the South Florida Water Management District and subsequent to that application. the City of Naples applied for a 10 year withdrawal permit and the Water Management District has agreed to delay consideration of the City's permit until the City, the County, and the Water Management District can get all the figures together in a coordinated effort as opposed to considering each permit separately. He stated that he is asking that the Board declare an emergency d~e to the fact that the Water Management District meeting will be held next week and there needs to be a great deal of information put together by that time in order for this consideration to take place. He stated that he is also asking that staff be allowed to enter into a contract with Hole. Montes & AssocIates who are the current water master plan consultant to help perform the lead role with the Utilities staff in preparing the necessary documentation for the District meeting. Co8ais.ioner Pis tor aoved, seconded by Coaaissioner Goodnight and carried\unaniaously, that an .aergency be declared; that the con- sultant .election process be waived; and that staff be authorized to enter into 8 contract with Hole, Montes 6 Associates in an aaount not to exceed $8,000 to perform lead responsibilities for South Florida Water Manage..nt District wellfield per.its. Docuaent not received in Clerk of Board office.. of II/30/8S. It- .12D COORDInnD SIGKAL SYSTEM TO BE IIISTALLED OR GOODLETTE-I"RAR ROAD AT IJrTDSECTIOKS NITH SOLA1fA ROAD AJm ROYAL POIRCIARA DRIVE - APPROVED. COST OP INSTALLATION OP SIGIfAL TO BE PAID BY ROYAL POIKCIARA CLUB U NELL AS AJOroAL MAIIfTEHAJIICE COSTS WITH THE STIPULATION THAT IT DOES 'r¿ A7nCT TJtAFJ'IC FL~__O~LG-9()P.~!tTIE--~__B()~.P Co..issioner Glass stðted that he has been approached by people in his area with regards to a signal at the intersection by Royal Page 5 13 .'---,._,-- -- NOVEMBER 1~, 1988 Poinciana Club, adding that it appearn that it there i. os solution to this matter, it will be the responsibility of the people in the area. Public Works Administrator ArchIbald stated that he has had a request for a signal system inftallallon at the entrance to the Royal Poinciana Club, off Goodlette-Frank Road. He noted that the location is very close to Solana Road which currently has a signal, and he has evaluated the requirements for a sign~A at this location, which con- firmed that the vo1um~ requirements have not b~en met. He noted that Staff doeß not recommend that the signal be installed from a technical review of the intersection, but it the Board wishes to proceed with the signal, he would recommend that it be a coordinated signal system and be tIed in with the signal at Solana Road and that the benefitting party be respons1ble to pay tor the installatIon cost. He noted that there are a series of oth~r requirements that he has sug~ested be included if the Board does feel that th~ signal should be installed. He noted th~H 1 f t hI' fJ lanl) 1 1", In8talled as pr()p()~"d, i t would require statf to aaintain that system to be sure that it does not create a problem after it is installed. Co..issioner Pistor questioned what the annual maintenance charge would be. to whIch P'Jblic Works Administrator Archibald stated that i t typically costs $2500 - $3000 a year to maintain and operate each signal. Co..issioner PIstor stated that he feels that the signal is ju8tified, but indicated that it should be noted tor the record if the Royal Poinciana Club is willing to pay the annual maintenance charge. Mr. Stanley Hole at Hole, Montes & Associates, stated that he is the engineer who did the work and he feels that there are a lot of people that are coming out of the club at one time and it is very dif- ficult to get onto the highway. He indicated that the people of Royal Poinciana Club are willing to pay the cost at the signal. Mr. Bernard Peck, President at Royal Poinciana Club, stated that the club is in support at this signal system, adding that there are about 1.000 members of this club and they ar~ all concerned with the Page G 14 -""...-..---. .- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 ingres. and egress from this club. He indicated that they are willing to pay for the installation of the signal and also willing to pay tor the annual maintenance charge. Public Works Adalnistrator Archibald indicated that the annual maintenance charge consists of the monthly electric service to operate the system and maintenance of the electronic components. Co..issioner Saunders questioned it this will cause a prolitera- tlon of other lights throughout the County, to which Mr. Archibald stated that this situation is unique as it is close to the intersec- tion of Goodlette-Frank Road and Solana Road, adding that as time goes on this intersection will grow from a traffic volume standpoint and as that occurs. the entrance to the Club will become More and more of a problem. Co..is.ioner Saunders questioned how the light system will work, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that there will be a device that will actuate the thru lanes and the side streets when there is sufficient call. H~ noted that this design will provide tor a signal operation change when there are cars waiting. Mr. Fred Voss, member of Royal Poinciana Club, stated that he is in agreement with the need (or this light and is concerned with the safety of the people coming out onto Goodlet'~-Frank Road. He noted that the Club is willing to pay tor the light and the maintenance and he would ask that thiA matter be approved. Co8ais.ioner Pi.tor aoved, "conded by Co..i.sioner aa.88 and carried unaniaously, that the .ignal installation at Royal Poinciana Drivw be authorized and paid tor by the Royal Poinciana Club - well - the annual _intenance charge so long - it doe. not atfect traffic tlow on Goodlette-Frank Road. It- .6Cl OftDr8A8CE 88-eO ESTABLISHING CABLE TELEVISIOR rRARCHISE REGOLATIOas IR COLLIER COOXTY ARD RESOLUTIOK 88-286 APPROVIRG APPLICATIO. rRAXCBISE FORMS AXD DESIGRATIKG THE COUKTY KARAGER'S OFFICE AS THE OFFICE TO ACCEPT SAID FORMS - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on .ober 13, 1988, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with Page 7 '. ',' ------ -- b- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 the Clerk, ~lblic h~ar1ng was opened to consider a proposed ordinance establishing cable television franchise regulations in Collier County and a resolut ion apprc>y ing applicl!lt ion franch ise forlls. Assistant to the County Manager MacKenzie stated that this request is to ¡¡ain approval of the Collier County cable television franchise ordinance. addin¡¡ that demand for Cable TV services has increased dra- aatically due to population and urban sprawl throughout the County. He noted that the lIarket is very profitable at this time and the cir- cU8stances necessitate a lIore conservative and sophisticated franchising process. He noted that in 1987, a Cable TV franchise aoratorium was enacted by the Board of County Comllissioners which was a response to the finding that there was no tormaI franchise applica- tion pr-:>cess. He stated that in April 1988, the County Manager established a task force to facilitate the drafting of a new Cable TV franchise ordinance. adding that 1n August. 1988, the task force con- tacted the cable television inforllation center to obtain their advice on the draft of the ordinance. He stated that after the draft ordi- nance was completed, it was submitted to the local cable television industry for review and comment and several findings were made as a result of this. He indicated that in October, 1988. a report of fin- dings was submitted to the County Manager along with a copy of the completed ordinance which is being presented to the Board of County Co..issioners this date. He noted that given the large investment that is required. it is critical that Collier County promote coa- petition aaong competitors of proven solvency who can insure the fulfillments of th~ir ohIigations under this or~jnan~e. He noted that this ordinance is modeled on Federal Law and State Statutes and is, therefore. more comprehensive than past experience dictated. He noted that adoption of this ordinance will insure that Collier County government as the ability to promote competition effectively and establish franchise procedures and s~andards that encourage th~ growth nd development of cable systems. In conclusion, he thanked everyone that helped on the draftin¡¡ at this ordinance. Page 8 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 Co..issioner Saunders stated that he would go through each section one at a time and if there are any changes or discussion, he would ask that those people that would like to speak do so at that tiae on that particular section. Mr. Jack Stanley, Attorney, referred to Section 2.5, Page 3, serving subscribers in only one or .ore multiple unit dwellings. He noted that Quail Creek Cable TV serves people that live in Section 17 and 20 only, as well as Quail Creek Village and Longshore Lakes. He noted that Section 17 is zoned strIctly family and and Section 20 has sase multi-family, some commercial, and some single family. He indi- cated that the way the ordinance is written, it would not include single family and he would suggest that after the word "multi-unit" the word "single-family" should be inserted. Assistant County Attorney Wilson stated that she considers this particular topic to be pre-emptpd by Federal law and is not something that should be changed in the ordinance. Mr. !fick Miller, of Miller, Young, and Holbrook, stated that this ..tt.r is a non-Insue, adding that the ordinance has to be read together with Federal Law. He st~ted that if you want to use public right-of-way and if you are a cable system you must have a franchise, but if you are a private land owner and are not using public right-ot- way and you install a community antenna cable television syste., you are not required to have a franchise. He indicated that Quail Creek people would not have to have a tranchise under this ordinance. He stated that this language is precisely what ~ppears under the Federal Law. Co..issioner Saunders stated that based on Mr. Miller's comments, he is not prepared to change the ordinance. Co..lssioner Pistor referred to Section 5, Pages 20 and 21, noting that he would like to see the density regarding 35 homes per street or road aile cut in half because some streets that have large lots cannot .. that many homes on the streets and there will be a lot of satellite dishes allover the Cou~ty if people are not extended the Page 9 ...-... --_.-. -- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 rights tor Cable TV. Mr. Harold Horn ot Cable Television Industries, stated that in terms of construction ~O9t, it is in excess at $25.000 per aile, adding that this minimum is normal throughout the country. He noted that this does not prohibit these companies from serving the area, it s18ply says that they do not have to serve them. He noted that it is based on e~onoaics. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he would not recommend that this language be changed. adding that the whole purpose of the ordi- nance is to provide 80me basis for the feasibility of a franchise. He noted that it this language was changed it would have a significant effect on the ordinance. Assistant County Attorney Wilson indicated that if these cablevi- sian companies have to put in Cable TV for two homes, then the rest ot the area that is being serviced by this company 1s going to be eub- 8id1z1ng those two homes. It was the general consensus that this language not be changed regarding thi8 matter. Co..is.10ner Saunders referred to Section 10.1 and questioned if the County cut facilit1es in the event of an emergency, would they have to compensate the cablevision company, to which Mrs. Wilson replied affirmatively. Mr. Miller stated that if a state of emergency is declared and there is a contract between the the County and the cable operator and the cable operator 1s getting a valuable right which is the use of the public property, this language would control and the County would not have to pay, but the cable operator would probubly ask the County to pay for it. County Manager Dorrill stated that if there is an emergency, the County would use discretion on all such matters. Coaaissioner Pistor refprr~d to Section 19.1 noting that it states .t a franchisee shall interconnect access channels of the cable system with any or all other cable systems and contiguous adjacent Page 10 -«,.-.-.---. .-- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 areas upon the direction of the County, and questioned if the County has the right to sake the cable companies interconnect or an existing cable co.pany to sell their signal to a newcomer? Assistant to the C~unty Manager MacKenzie stated that as the system gets built out and the vast majority of the areas have cable systems by one company or another, they will eventually .atch up. He stated that if it is possible, the companies would have one channel that is the same that could be made available to the County in case of ..ergency. Mr. Miller stated that this provision is structured to be a nego- tiation between the co.panies, adding that there is a requirement for an operator to carry an access channel to be willing to interconnect with contiguous operators and there is a requirement by the contiguous operator that they be willing to pay their fair share of the cost associated with that interconnection and the production of that progra..ing. He stated that there is also a provision that if the two co8p&nies cannot work this out, one or the other franchisees can peti- tion the County and ask for relief. He stated that one of the aajor benefits of interconnecting is that the com.unity can obtain channels tha~ the rest of the County has and this is usually worked out with the cable co.panies. Co..issioner Saunders stated that based on the explanation, the Co..ission is satisfied with the way the ordinance is written. Co..issioner Saunders referred to Section 33 and questioned it there should be a hold harmless clause in this section, to which Mrs. Wilson indicated that there is a hold harmless clause in Section 10.2 of the ordinance. Mr. Ed Cooper of 176 S. Collier Blvd., stated that there is a need tor co.petition in Collier County and he would suggest that this ordi- nanc. be adopted. He stated that he feels that if there is a cable franchise for a certain company in a certain area, that co.pany should -'y cable for everyone in that area as the cable companies have pro- . :ted 1988 earnings of $15 billion. He noted that they can well Page 11 A -<.--.- -- ----- NOVEMBER 16, 1988 afford to lay cable for everyone. Mr. Richard Sturges of 4401 Gulf Shore Blvd. N. stated that there should be sore than one cable television network allowed in the County and competition is good for ~veryone. He noted that he is repre- senting the Gulf Shore Condo Association as well as the Pelican Bay Condo Association. Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, stated that this new ordinance will create co.petition and should be passed. Tape n Mr. To. Maloney at 6300 Trai] Blvd. M. stated that the only co.- .ent he has to aake about the ordinance is in regards to the lock box provision, adding that this is something that should be free to cuato- aers that would like them. He noted that some families cannot aftord the extra for the lock box and, therefore, they should not be charged. Co..issioner Saunders referred to Section 16.3 of the ordinance and indicated that it states that there will be a reasonable charge for a lock box and questioned what a reasonable charge would be? He stated that if there is no charge tor lock boxes someone would have to pay for it which would mean that it would be passed on to all 8ubacri- ber8. Mrs. Wilson stated that lock boxes should be provided and it they were not, it would violat~ a Federal law. Mr. Horn stated that th~ cost factor would vary depending on the company and their rate structure. Mr. John Blevins ot Telestat Cablevision stated that the aajority ot co.pan1.s have a one time charge of $16.00 which i~ usually their cost. Co..issioner Saunders stated that there does not appear to be any desire to change the wording in that section of the ordinance. Attorney Bruce Anderson, representing Telestat Cablevision, stated tt .t he feels that this is a good ordinance. He stated that the ordi- nL.~e indicates that the County shall adopt application form. by reso- Page 12 --...------. -.- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 lution and other adainistrative procedures and fees. He stated that he is concerned that it this resolution i. not adopted by the Board of County Coaaissioners this date, then failure to do so aay have a prac- tical effect ot continuing the moratorium. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has just finished a proposed application form and he is prepared to have the Board of County eo..issioners pass a resolution that would designate the office of the County Manager as the office to r~ceive the application forms as well a. approving the application torms theaselves. Co..issioner Goodnight questioned if something could be put into the application or ordinance that would indicate how auch the lock boxes are going to cost, to which Mr~. Wilson st~ted that this would be in their applications that are tiled. C~i..10D8r Pi.tor aoved, ..conded by eo_is.toner Rea.. an4 carr1e4 vnani80U.81y, that the public hearing be cloeed. Co8a.1..i0D8r Pistor aoved, second.ed by eo_is.toner Rea.. an4 carried unaniaously, that the Ordinance - nuabered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book Ro. 33: ORDIRARCE 88-90 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE REGULATIONS; PROVIDING A TITLE AND PURPOSE; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FRANCHISING PROVISIONS; SETTING FORTH RIGHTS, REQUIREMENTS ArlO JURISDICTrnN; PROVIDING FOR AN INITIAL PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE; SETTINIì FORTH I.IASH.ITY AND INDEMNIFICATION PROVISIONS; SETTING FORTH INStJRANCE AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS; PEQUIRING FCC PETITION AND LIC1':lISF.: PROVIDINIì FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING REQUIREMEN7S :.~~ SIGNAL QUALITY AND SERVICE; SETTING FORTH REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND OPERATION; PROVIDING FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS; PROVIDING FOR AREAWIDF. INTERCONNECTION; PROVIDING FOR LOCAL OFFICE AND RESIDENT MANAGER; PROVIDING FOR ACCESS TO RECORDS; PROVIDING FOR SUBMISSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS; SETTING FORTH RATE SCHEDULE GUIDELINES: PROHIBITIrllì PREFERENTIAL OR DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES; PROVIDING FOR ROI.ES RY FRANCIIISEF.; PROVIDING FOR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES; PROVIDING FOR TERMINATION; PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL, ABANDONMENT AND RESTORATION OF SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC, EDUCATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES; SETTING FORTH CONSUMER PROTECTION PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FRO GENERAL PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SUBSEQUENT ACTION BY STATE OR FEDERAL AUTHORITIES; SETTING FORTH THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF COUNTY OFFICIALS; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF ORDERS AND DECISIONS, AND SUPERSEDING OF AGREEMENTS; PROVIDI!fG FOR AMENDMENTS AND CUMULATIVE RIGHTS AND REMEDIES; PROVIDING FOR THE COUNTY'S RIGHT OF INTERVENTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTING LAWS AND CODIFICATION; SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the application form i. basi- cally the information that is requested through the ordinance and in Page 13 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 order to assist the County and the franchisee applicant, it states all the inforaation that the County would require and want, adding that the County Manager's office has been very involved in this and a reso- lution is needed to approve the application for.s and also designating the County Manager's office as the office that would receive the applications. c-t...icmer Pi.tor lIOVed, sec..mðed by Co8ai.sioner Baa-. and carried ~t80U81y, that Resolution 88-286 approving the appllc.~lon fr.nrb'~ f0r88. the cover letter ou~llning the foras and designating the CoaDty MaDager'. office as the appropriate office for filing the appl1caU0D.8 be adopted. Page 14 --, NOVEMBER 15, 1988 ..... &ece88: 10:4& A.M. - Recoøveneð: 10:&& A.M. at Which ti- Deputy Clerk Men4ez replaceð Deputy Clerk Eenyon ..... It.. rIAl RESOLOTI~ 88-287, PETITIO. V-88-7, CLYDE C. QOIRBY REQOESTI.O A 12 rooT VAJtIAJlCE !'ROM THE REQUIRED SIDE SETBACX OJ' 32 FEET J'OR PROPERTY LOCATED ~ THE WEST SIDE OF GULFSBORE DRIVE OR THE GULF OJ' MEXICO - ADO P'RD Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 9, 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk. public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-88-7, filed by Clyde Quinby, requesting a side yard setback variance in order to construct a condolllinium building for property located approxiaately 300 teet north of Vanderbilt Beach Road, in Section 32, Township 48 South, Range 25 East. Planner Scheff stated that the subject property is zoned "RT" (Residential Tourist) which allows .ulti-faaily dwellings, and has one front yard abutting Gulfshore Drive, two side yards, and a rear yard that abuts the Gulf of Mexico. He noted that the petitioner feels that because of the property's location and the value of the land, he would like to develop a 58 foot condominium building. He indicated that the lot is non-conforming and by using 55' of the building height for the distance of the side yard setbacks, only 36 feet of land would be left between the setbacks, thus necessitating a variance. He advised that at the Board meeting of May 10, 1988, a 70 foot variance was granted from the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) to allow the construction of two condominium towers. He noted that the Planning Com.ission held their public hearing on July 7, 1988 and for- warded the petition to the Board with no reco8mendation. He stated that at the public hearing an attorney representing Beachmoor CondominiulII Association and the President of the Vanderbilt Property Owner. Association spoke in opposition, indicating that a hardship does not exist because the property was acquired when the current standards were in place and since the lot is non-conforming, it would not be prudent to establish a precedent. He noted that 23 letters of position have been received, two petitions opposing the petition Page 15 jL\~ --""""M'_""-- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 have been received; 162 signatures as well as a newsletter of the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owner's Association, and another petition with 14 signatures. He concluded by stating that since Staff does not find that a land or structure related hardship exists, Staff recom- sends denial of the petition. Co..issioner Pistor asked if the request for a setback is in line with the setback of other buildings on Vanderbilt Drive? Mr. Scheff advised that other buildings in tte area received variances in the 1970's. He further advised that the petitioner can construct a building since the "RT" District allows multi-family dwellings, hotels/aotels, apartaent Motel not exceeding 100 feet in height and time-sharing facilities. He stated that the density for a hotel would be greater, as hotels in the "RT" District are 26 dwelling units per acre whereas condominiums are 16 dwelling per units per acre. Attorney George Varnadoe, on behalf of Clyde Quinby, Trustee, advised that his client would like to construct a 5-story, 10-unit condominium building of which 7 units will be occupied by the invest"rs. He noted that the variance request is consistent with the setbacks in the neighborhood. He stated that the Beachmoor ConJominium next to the property contains 12 stories on a 2 acre par- eel, noting that the Gulfside lots on Vanderbilt Beach were platted in 1950 and up until 1979 "RT" Iota were allowed to have a minimum width of 100 feet and side yard setbacks were a minimum 15 feet, plus one foot additional setback for every two teet in height over 45 feet. He noted that the proposed building will require a 21.5 foot setback. Mr. Varnadoe stated that most of the development in Vanderbilt Beach was accomplished prior to the adoption of the 1982 Zoning Ordinance, which aAendea previous ordinances and changed the requirements for an "RT" District in regard to side yard setbacks and the minimum lot 8ize. He stated that granting the construction of the building to 36 teet would not be in keeping with the neighborhood. He presented the ard with aerial photographs of the area, (Exhibit "A"), advising tnat the property in question is north of the Beachmoor Condomi~iua. Page 16 , . . - ..------- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 He stated that if the petitioner were requested to confor. with the ordinance as it presently relates to side yard setbacks, it would be i.compatible with the neighborhood, noting that the proposed use is compatible with the surrounding land uses is consistent with the existing density of 16 units per acre. He stated that the Land Castle on Lots 10 and 11 has a 15 foot setback from the sideyard setback; the Vanderbilt Beach Hotel is 15 teet; the Sea Watch is 22 feet and Sunset Bay on Lot 12 is 21.5 feet from the sideyard setback. In regard to the CCCL, Mr. Varnadoe advised that since the variance Was granted the building has been moved 9 feet further landward. He stated that the petitioner and he do not agree with Staff's conclusions as the pro- posed use for the site is consistent with the development in the area. He stated that the lot is a platted non-conforming lot, is in an area of aediu. to high-rise buildings, and due to its location on the beach, the CCCL has resulted in a setback of 110 feet fro. the front edge of the lot, which justifies the variance request. He further noted that the variance request will not set a precedent of the zoning district. Referring to the a~rial photos, Co.missioner Pistor asked who owned the cars that seemed to be parked on the applicant's property? Mr. Varnadoe advised that the cars are not owned by the applicant, however, Mr. Quinby has an informal agreement that the hotel can uti- lize the lot for parking. He noted that unauthorized individuals have used the property as an access to the beach. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Varnadoe advised that his client acquired the property in 1987, and has since been working on a develop.ent plan. Commissioner Hasse stated that the applicant was aware of the ordinance change when he purchased the property. In regard to Coaaissioner Hasse's question regarding the CCCL variance, Mr. Varnadoe advised that the petitioner realized the need for the side yard setbacK after the CCCL was granted on May 10, 1988. Attorney Dudley Goodlette of Cummings and Lockwood. representing the Beachmoor Condominium Association and the owners of 33 units, Page 17 . - , ." NOVEMBER lð, 1988 stated that his clients have not had the opportunity to express their He stated that the petitioner is still awaiting action from concerns. the Department of Natural Resources on the CCCL variance permit appli- cation pending Board action of the present request for a side yard setback. He noted that the CCCL variance request did indeed con- template a need for the side yard setback variance application. Referring to a sketch. Hr. Goodlette stated that as far back as November, 1987 It was contemplated that the structure in question would be 20 feet from the north and south property line, and the Board should have been informed of sftao. He indicated that as a hardship does not exist the request should be denied as recommended by the Planning Staff. He stated that the property was purchased five years after the change~ to the zoning district wer~ implemented, and the lot is developable without the need for a variance. He noted that the "RT" District specifies that the height of the building determines the side yard setback, He stated that the property can be developed by reducing the density by decreasing the size of the units or by some other configuration of the proposed condominium project. He stated that the granting of CCCL variances to nearby property owner. i. not relevant to the petition. and the last such variance was granted in the late 1970'11. He reiter"t..,i that no land or structure related hardship has been shown to exist with regard to the project, and if the side yard setback variance is granted, it will allow an already non-conforming lot to be built to a maxi.um density. He recommended that the petitioner's request be denied based on the current zoning regulations. Mr. Harvey F. Campbell, President of the Beachmoor Condominium A8eociation, stated that the owner of the lot in question was aware of the Zoning Ordinance and the limitations when he purchased the lot. He noted that in spi~e of this fact. the petitioner requested a 70 foot CCCL variance to confttruct two towers with a connecting walkway on a narrow lot. He stated that the Association objects to the variance request due to the fact that a land related hardship doeu not Page 18 -- ~LP 1f0VEMBER 15, 1988 exist; the lot can be developed to co.ply with all setback require- ments; a variance is not necessary to per.it reasonable use ot the property; granting t~'e variance will not be harmonious with the Zoning Ordinance; and the lot can be developed with a lesser density. He stated that 200 families who are members of the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners Association also object to the variance request. He noted that a 110 name petition including taxpayers fro. Vanderbilt Beach, Pelican Bay, Palm River Estates, Imperial Estates, Gultshore Boulevard, Wyndemere, Pine Ridge areas, Lely Estates, Golden Gate, Quail Creek and Port Royal has been submitted in opposition to the request for a variance which was not presented to the Clerk of the Board office. He requested that the Board take the aforementioned into consideration and deny the petition. Ms. Katherine Davis Lile urged the Board to deny the petition as it would depreciate the value of the surrounding area. Co..issioner Pistor aftked Mrs. Ltle how she would feel it the petitioner constructed a 20 unit per acre motel similar to the Vanderbilt Beach Hotel on the lot? Mrs. Lile requested that Mr. Goodlette answer Co..issloner Pistor's question. Mr. Goodlette stated that the owners would have to accept the construction of such a use, however, they are strongly opposed to the side yard setback variance. Mr. Julian Davis stated that the proble. would not be solved by continued unhabited construction at the property. Mr. Thomas Mueller requested that the Board uphold the ordinance in torce. Ms. Barbara Poston of the Vanderbilt Property Owners Association concurred with the aforementioned arguments in òpposition to the variance request, and referred to a lett~r dated August 30, 1988 given reasons for objection. Mr. George Keller, representing Collier County Civic Federation, stated that if the Board had not granted the 70 foot CCCL variance the r ~ent problem would not be occurring. He requested that the peti- tion be denied as a precedent would be set, Page 19 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 Ms. Charlotte Westman indicated her support of Staff's reco_en- dation for denial and referred to a letter from DNR dated October 12, 1988, addressed to Hrs. FItch, President of the League of Women Voters, in regard to the CCCL variance request. She read the last .entence of the letter and indicated that her association has yet to hear fro. DNR. Mr. Varnadoe advised that the reason the petitioner is unable to pursue the CCCL is because an attorney from the Beachaoor has objected to the processing of the application until the present was conducted. He noted that all of DNR's concerns have been addressed. Mr. Varnadoe disagreed with Commissioner Hasse that a hardship does not exist. He stated that he would concur with the atoremen- tioned if the property w~s locate~ in a single-family district. Coaaissioner Hasse rebutted that the petitioner should not have purchased the property under the circumstances. Co8ai..ioner Ba.8se aoved, seconded by Co_i.sioner Pistor and carried a.nan.1l1OU8ly. that the public hearing be closed. Co8a.1_icmer Ba.8se aoved, s.ecoDðed by Co_is.ioner S&UD4er., ~o deay Petition V-88-1. Co_issioner Saunders statéd that the standard the Board has to apply to deal with granting of variances is whether a land related hardship exists. He stated that his rationale in voting against the CCCL variance is that the Ordinance provides the variance mechanis. to give the property owner a variance if there is a lot of construc- tion on both sides of the building. He stated that he does not believe that a land related hardship exists; therefore, he will vote against the request. 0p0I1 call tor the question, the 8Otion faUed 2/3. (Co8a.1..1oner. ~lght. Glaaa and Pis tor opposed). In response to Comaissioner 01a5s, Mr. Scheff advised that the permitted height at a hotel ift 100 teet or 10 storIes, whichever i. greater. ec-..1_icmer G1-- aoved. seccm4e4 by Co8aiasioner GoodDlgb~ 8Dd Page 20 ROVEMBER 15, 1988 carried 3/2 CCo8aisaioner Saanðer8 aD4 Baa- oppoaed) that Reaolution 18-287, Petition V-Ia-7, Clyde C. Quinby requeating a 12 foot variance fraa the required aide yard _tback of 32 feet, be adopted. Page 21 \l\\ NOVEMBER 15, 1988 It- ~1 ~.J.rr DEVELOPMJDI'T DIVISIO. REQOESTIWO BOARD DIREC'l'IO. TO AMDD 'l'D ZOJnJIQ OImIJIAJICK TO PROVIDE FOR A TEMPORARY OSE PERMIT I'OR MOTIOJI PICTOU UD TEI.rlISIO. BYfIRG - APPROVED ~ssioner Pis tor aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Gl..s, to approve the rttqUe8t at the CollllUI1ity Develop88tlt Division, to 88end the Zoa1ng Ord1Dan.ce to provide tor a tellpOrary Wle perait tor 8Otion picture and television tilaing. County Attorney Cuyler advised that Staff desired to explain the subject item. Acting Co8rJnity Development Administrator Olliff advised that Staff has prepared a dratt aaendaent to the Zoning Ordinance to allow for a teaporary use perait to ~ssued provided all requirements are set. He referred to Iteas 1 - 4 of the Executive Suamary which address the Ordinance. He stated that the proposed Ordinance has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office and the Risk Management DepartaeDt. He stated that a public workshop will be required to obtain public input and receive Board direction on the proposed Ordinance. if it is the consensus ot the Board to do so. Ms. Barbara Stearns, a public inforaation officer with Lee County, provided the Board with a copy at an adainistrative code which dir~cts fila permitting in Lee County, which is on fil~ in the Clerk of the Board Office. She stated that this gives the County Administrator the flexibility to review each individual case ba~ed on certain criteria. She explained the procedure initiated in the review process of issuing a perait. She indicated that Lee County has not experienced any problems since the administrative code was implemented a year ago, and offered her assistance to Staff in preparing the County's rule. and regulations. Coamis.ioner Saunders suggested that Ms. Stearns get together with Staft in this matter. 0p0D call tor the question, the atoreaentioned 8Ot10n carried una- IÚ8OUIly. .. "81 ItftDTIOJI or OLD MARCO ISLAB'D LIBRARY FOR OOVEJUlMEJl'1' AJID COhfiua.l'l'T OSE - Ar~y~D . Page 22 ..",..-.. ..,-" NOVEMBER 15, 1988 Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Staff has not been successful in finding a lessee or a buyer for the Old Marco Island Library site due to the deed restrictions and the need of a aajor repairs to the roof and part of the heating and air conditioning systea, and building square footðge of 2800 feet. He requested that the Board direct Staff to continue its pursue to find a lessee, but in the interim undertake the repairs necessitated in order to utilize the building for aeeting purpose and transfer the responsibility for the building to the Real Property section. In response to Co..issioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald advised that earlier in the year a meaorandum was sent to all constitutional offi- cere relative to the use of the building. County Manager Dorrill advised that an indication has been received froa the Clerk, the Supervisor of Elections and the Tax Collector of their desire to obtain a facility for their use. Co..issioner Pis tor noted that the citizens of Marco Island contributed one-third of the aoney to build the facility, and con- firaed that the Tax Collector and the Supervisor of Elections have inforaed him that they would be interested in obtaining an office in the building. He stated several Marco Island residents desire to have office space or storage space in the building to aaintain certain records. He stated that the Marco Players would like to rehearse so.e of the plays and utilize a saall closet for storage purposes. He indicated that the aforementioned would be of great help to the Island as presently, meeting halls and churches are being utilized. Ms. Gail Smith, on behalf of the non-profit organizations of Marco Island and as President of the Marco Players, requested the Board to vote in favor of the recommendation. She stated that a small room in the library would suffice as a storaye room for the Marco Players. She indicated that the Marco Players would be willing to pay $50.00 a aonth rent for a s..ll portion of the building, and would also be llling to share the facility with the County and non-profit organiza- ~lons. Page 23 \ r.! \ ".-- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 ec-.i_ioaer Pi.tor 8O'Ved, seconded by Co8ais.ioner Goodnigh~. to ~~tov. Staff's reco...ndation to develop the Marco Island Library to be aaed by certain governaent.l bodies. .. well a. the citizens of Marco Ialan4 t8bo have A need form ...ting place. In answer to Co..issioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that Staff will be incorporating some of the ide~8 provided by the possible users and returning t? the board with an exact cost of the repairs needed. County Manager Dorrill clarified that it is the Staff's desire to utilize the library building as a coaaunity facility to be used by any group that necessitates its use. DpoD call for the que8t1on. the 8Ot1on carried un.an18ov.81y. It- ..83 P'EIU'E'rU AI. . JIOJI- DCLO S I VE I . ORES S AB'D It GJŒS S £AS EJŒJIT AB'D A PERPrrt1 AI. , JIOJI-DCLOSIV& PARXJ:.G EASEMEJrT AJm AGR.EEMEJIT WITH .AnES CAY MASTER ASSOCUTIOJr. IIC. - APPROVED Public Works AdainJstrator Archibald advised that the subject item relates to a settlement between Collier County and Naples Cay Developaent Corporation for a 25 space public beach parking area. He noted that the item is to follow-up Board direction in the latter part of 1987 relative to access to the parking area. He noted that the pl0posed agreement provides tor 24 foot wide access ease.ent, and the parking area will be 60 feet wide and 100 feet in length. He noted that the developers of Naples Cay have constructed the parking area to include striping and landscaping. He stated that Staff is recom- mending that the easements be accepted by the Board. and also the agreement which indicates that Naples Cay Master Association, Inc. will be responsible to control access to the site; installation of sign; provide 24-hour security; and will be responsible for aain- taining the landscaping. He requested that Item 3, Section 5, which pertains to the access point on Seagate Drive be deleted. Mr. Bruce Anderson. representing Naples Cay, presented the Board with the site plan. and asked Hr. Archibald why he was requesting that the aforementioned item be deleted? Hr. Archibald advised that any clause that may restrict the County's option in the future aay not be Page 24 \5J -".- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 in the County's best interest. Co..issioner Saunders asked County Attorney Cuyler if the Board had a legal obligation to restrict the County's use of the area, as indicated in Section 5.31 Mr. Cuyler advised that this Section was worded in the event something happens on Gulfshore Boulevard. Mr. Archibald stated that he preferred to have the last sentence deleted. Attorney Varnadoe advised that the sentence was aerely an atte.pt to respond to citizens' concerns regarding the access issue, and indi- cating that he had no objections to deleting it tram the agreeaent. Responding to Co..issioner Haase, Mr. Archibald advised that joint City/County meetings have been held regarding traffic circulation in the Gulfshore Blvd. area. ('~i..ioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co8aissioner Pistor aa4 carried ftT'8"i-.ly, that the l_t aentence of Section &.3 be deleted. ec-1_ioner Pistor aoved., seconded. by Co_iaaioner Haa-. to applove Staff recO88endation to enter into an Agree..nt with .apl.. Cay Kaster Aa8ociation, Inc. tor construction. operation aa4 ..~- t~ of the public beach acce.s and parking area aa4 to delete ~i.. 6.3 of the 8gr8e88nt. Mr. Anderson requested the Board's direction in regard to the possible acquisition of an access tor Naple. Cay residents as well - other citizens who may desire to utilize the County's parking lot. He also requested a right-of-way connection trom Gultshore Boulevard. County Attorney Cuyler noted that a property owner in the area has entered into a private agreement with Naples Cay and has requested that the ag~ee.ent be made part at the County's records, which was not received in the Clerk of the Board office. Assistant County Attorney Weigel advised that the County Attorney's otfice received a letter dated February 10, 1988 from an attorney on behalf of a property owner requesting reassurance that ~ternate access would be provided. He stated that the letter and the private agreement is affirmation that certain improvements will be -i Page 25 .. "'..--.., .',- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 aade by Naples Cay which include placing a wall around two sides of the parking lot. Co..i..ioner Saunders stated that he could not recognize an agreement that he has not reviewed, and further. the above 80tion per- tain. to the County's agreement with Ifaples Cay. not a private agreemen t . Mr. Weigel indicated that the property owner would not object to the Board'. approval of the agree.ent with Naple. Cay if the i.prove- sent. outlined in hi. agreement with Naples Cay were implemented. Co..issioner Saunders reiterated that the 80tiQn included the County's agreement with Naples Cay, and the deletion of Section 5.3 of the County's agreement, not a private agreement. Opaa call for the question. the 8Otion carried unant8ðQ.81y. Displaying a sketch, Mr. Anderson indicat~d that Naples Cay would appreciate obtaining gated access to Gulfshore Boulevard. CO..issloner Saunders sugg~sted that Mr. Anderson meet with Staff to discuss this matter and to schedule a public hearing. ~~t not received 1n Clerk of Board office.. of 11/30/88. ..... Rec..sed: 12:05 P.M. - Reconvened: 1:30 P.M. at which ti.. Deputy Clerk ~nyon replaced Deputy Clerk Mendez ..... Tape .:1 It- ftM BID "'-1:123, rLEET VEHICLES AJI1(UAL BID - AlfAJU)ED TO BOB TAYLOR CBrnOTZI' Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on october 14, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication ~iled with the Clerk, bids were received for Fleet Vehicles Annual Bi~ until 2:30 P.M., October 28, 1988. Public Works Administrator Archiba]d stated that each year at this time, the Staff prepares bid specifications and advertises for annual vehicles for the upcoming year. He noted that this year the Purchasing Department came up with specifications that asked bidders to aake proposals in consideration of their invoice cost which is ~.ed on the Kelly Blue Book price aanual which is similar to a State Page 2& NOVEMBER 15, 1988 contract price. He noted that the bid specifications were based on the invoice price less a fi~ed percentage and each bidder submits a proposal tor the invoice price less a certain percent to reflect the incentive based upon doing business with the County and the County placing a large number of vehicle orders with that one company. He indicated that 3 proposals were received fro. local firms; Ta.iaai Ford. Bob Taylor Chevrolet and the GMC truck dealer. He stated that after bids were received the invoice a80unt less the net percent was compared based on vehicle levels, which were compact cars and pickup trucks. He noted that a comparison was aade to deter.ine the price and based on the Kelly Blue Book price, it was below the State contract price but allowed th,. County to talce advantage of the cost savings. He stated that in this case. he is recommending that the annual bid be awarded to Bob Taylor Chevrolet on the basis that their incentive that they are giving the County is the invoice aaount less 3-1/4- and in addition to that, they have provided for a warranty period of 3 years or 50.000 .iles. He stated that he is requesting approval of this bid. Co8ai_ioner Pi.tor 8iOVed, seconded. by CO8ai..ioner Ba8- aD4 carr~ 4/0, (Co8ai..ioner Gl... not pre..nt), that Bid .88-1323 for 32 .l..~ Vehiclea be awarded to Bob Taylor Chevrolet. It.. ftB6 STUVLA'fED ORDER J'OR ATfORJIEY' S RES AB'D RELATED DD'DDAJIT COSTS I. THE BAKVn' BROTBDS .ARMS COIIDDDlATIO. CASE, VAJlDERBILT BEACB ROAD PItOncr - A.PPROVE1> EXCEPT FOR THE ACCOO1lTIRG AIID APPRAISAL FEU Public Works Ad.ini~tr~tor Archibald stated that this item is a reco..endation to authorize the Condemnation Attornpy Joe Fixel to approve and execute a Stipulated Order for both attorney's tees and detendant costs in the Harvey Brothers Condemnation Case. Be noted that in 1986, the County went to an Order Taken, and a little sore than 38 acres of property was acquired from the Harvey Brother. Be noted that the resolution of this case has recently been settled and under Florida Law, the County is entitled to pay attorney's fees and fendants costs if it is found that the costs are in line and reaso- Page 27 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 nable. He not~d that both staff and the condemnation attorney have reviewed these fees and based on the analysis of the fee amount and the nuaber of hours that were performed by the different parties. a Stipulated Order has ~een prepared and it calls for the defendant's attorney to be paid $32,000; $10,941 for appraisers; and $2,199 for engineers; and a series of miscellaneous costs t~at amounts to $358. He not~d that St~ff is recommending that the condeanation attorney representing Collier County be authorized to execute the Stipulated Order, but there is one cost that Staff does not concur with and he is reco.aending that this particular item be cont~sted, which is accounting fees in the amount of $16,750. He noted that all the other tee. are in line and he is recommending that the Stipulated Order be approved for all the fees with the exception of the accounting tees. He stated that Exhibit "A" is a separate item which is in the amount of 532.000 for the attorney's fees and in addition to attorney's tee., there are the defendant's costs that have been outlined. He stated that in Exhibit "B", Ite. 5 and 14 has been deleted and Ite. 12 is the only one that is being contested. He stated that all the other co.ts are being recommended. ec-.1.sioner Pi. tor aoved, seconded by Co_i..ioner Bas- and. carried 410. (ec-i..ioner Ol_s out). that the Stipulated Order be ~...o"-4 with tile exception at the coat tor the Apprai_r t... 8Dd AcCO8DtiDg r.... ~~t DOt received in Clerk of Board office.. ot 11/30/SI. It- nH S't.U7 TO Jr&GOTIATE A LEASE AB'D OPERATI.O AGREDœJIT waTB POLYCTCLB. IJJC. or BAJrrOM. n.oRIDA, FOR A PROTOTYPE PLASTICS RECYCLIJIG PROOJlAM AT 'r'Jm DMOULEE LUDrILL FOR A PERIOD or TWO Y'L\RS - APPROVED Public Works Adainistrator Archibald stated that this item involves a recycling firm that wants to come into the ¡..okalee area to recycle plastic film that is used in the farming industry. He noted that they have proposed an operation where the farmers will bring the plastic film to their company and they in turn will bail hat aeterial and ship it to a market overseas. He stated that they Page 28 ,c'1 NOVEMBER 16, 1988 have an operation in the Pal. Beach County area, adding that Statt 1s suggesting that the County keep involved in this operation, recognizing that the vendor can set up operation in a number ot places in Imaokalee or the County coul~ l~a.e land to the vendor and also have an agreement wher~by the County keeps track of what he does and benefit from it fro. a revenue source. He noted that he could also be recycling the plastics that are in the ¡aaokalee Landfill at the pre- sent ti.e. He stated that to prepare an agreement for the lease features and an operating agreement would take approxiaately 6 to 8 weeks and before this is done, he would like the Board of County Co..issioners to be aware of t~is and indicate if they would like Staff to aove forward on this satter. He noted that the agreeaents would also be brought before the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. He noted that the agreesents will incorporate controlling the quantity of the aaterial that is reaoved as well as establishing a revenue streaa in addition to aonitoring the solid waste streaa. He noted that this firm is looking fur a 12 to 24 month agreeaent, which 1s a relatively short term agreement. Clerk Giles questioned it cospetitive bids would be obtained with regarde to leasing of County land, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that normally all the leases are bid, but he has not received any foraal documentation on this satter until this week. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is soaewhat unique, adding that Staff will still go through the advertising proce- dure. He noted th4t there will be plenty of time as Staff will have to prepare the agreeaents and the lessee may not want to wait that long. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he is less concerned with the bidding than with the actual services to be rendered. He noted that the statutory provision indicates that the Board of County Co..issioners leases whenever they determine it is in the County's be~t interest to do so tor the particular use that the Board deeas to '.. highest and best, adding that if the Board determines that this is Page 29 , .....,",.-.--- -.. ¡!iD ,----""" IfOVEMBER 15, 1988 the highest and best use of the property, there will not be a lot of bidders for this unless there are other vendors that can provide this service. He noted that the bidding process will be handled properly. Mr. Dave Sheriff, Director of Polycycle, stated that this is low density plastic and he is working with a firm in France that is recycling this plastic. He stated that he would like to establish a plant for recycling around the Immokalee area at a cost of $5-7.5 al1lion. He indicated that no one elRe is trying to recycle this plastic at this time. adding t~at what comes into the Imaokalee land- fill is equal to about 8,000 cubic yards per year. He noted that it will save the farmers in the area around $60,000 in tipping fees and the aarket value of it is one-half cent per pound. He stated that if the County sees no benefit in this operation, there is other land available. He indicated that the mandate from the government is that by 1992, the waste in the landfill has to be reduced by 30' and this will take approximately 12% of that 30%. Mrs. Charlotte Westaan, representing the League of Women Voters, stated that there is a letter in the agenda packet that indicates that this operation has been working with Mr. Fahey, Solid Waste Director, with regards to this oper~t10n. She noted that it indicates that it will employ 50 people and there are presently 9 people employed and questioned if this operation is already in existence? Mr. Archibald stated that these people are not full-time now. Mr. John Mansika, member of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, stated :~at he has a concern about this process. He noted that the Co..ittee discussed this matter last week and yet, Mr. Fahey has been in touch with these people for almost two years. He stated that he does not feel that this should be approved this date and he requested that this matter be rejected. He noted that they should go through the saae process and requirements as everyone else. Co..issioner Goodnight stat~d that the plastic that is not hauled to the landfill is burned illegally and adds dioxin to the atmosphere. She stated that the farmers are going to continue to do this, adding Page 30 ___000.' ----'" NOVEMBER 15, 1988 that she represents the agricultural co..unity. She noted that it is 818.00 a ton to haul this plastic to the landfill, which includes the sand, water and everything else that is picked up. She noted that this should be approved, adding that this is an experiment only. She questioned if there ar~ other c08panies that are interested in recycling it, why have they not co.e forward? She stated that for the Solid Waste Coaaittee to hold off on this aatter will cause har. to the environaent in Collier County. She indicated that they only want to put up a plant so that it can be bailed and sent to France tor recycling. Mr. Bob ~ra8owski. Chairman ot the Solid Waste Advisory Co..ittee, stated that the Coaaittee voted against supporting this proposal. He noted that there was plenty of opportunity to have this matter pre- sented to them prior to their last aeeting. He stated that he teels that action should be delayed on this matter as the plastics that are now laid out for the agricultural co..unity will not be going to the landfill for a few months. He noted that they are working on an RFP with regards to this and there are a number of plastic recycling fir.. and their input should be solicited. He noted that the co.pany in France should be contacted to see if the aaterial has a value or if thrre is an interest in the process. He stated that he feels that this is si.ply a way for this company to get its foot in the door by using Collier County land, adding that they would have an unfair advantage over other companies in the future. Co..issioner Saunders questioned what the vote of the co..ittee was with regards to this aatter. to which Mr. Krasowski stated that there were five ae.bers present and the 80tion was made to support this proposal but only Hr, Ber%on and Mr. Ira Evans were In favor, adding that Mr. Hanslka. Ellie Krier and himself were opposed. He noted that if there were positive thinkers on the Solid Waste Advisory Coaaittee, the co..ittee could come more productive. Coaaissioner Goodnight stated that when plastic is burned it is .be s... type of smoke as when the twine is burned, adding tha~ this Page 31 ._.-.~..,._",_... NOVEMBER 16, 1988 i. under the EPA and nothing has been done. She stated that she would like to see if this is a viable solution to the problea. ec-1_J.aDer Goodnight lIOVed, seconded by eo-.t..icmer Pi.t:or aad carr1e4 1Jft8ftt8ftQ8ly. that Statt be authorized to negotiate a Ie... aDd operat~ ag¡....at with Polycycle. Inc. tor a prototype plastic. recycl~ progr- at the 188)ul.. Lan4f1l1 aDd that the request: tor pz~~). tr08 amy other entity be waived. I tea nB7 on YUJI. &,A.",IJUlSIO. OJ' TIm rI.øCIAL PLAJI ESTABLISHED J'OR TIm R.ESOO'RCE ~a.AX SY::tUM - COnIlrt1ED J'OR TWO IQUS Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this itea deals with the Re.ource Recovery 8ont1ð tllI'It were rnll"d over 12 aonths ago, adding that last year consideration was given to rollover the bonds In order to go ahead with the aaster plan and determine if the .aster plan would indicate if a resource recovery plant or an incinerator would be part of that plan. Ke stated that it aakes sense to roll the bonds over so the tax incentive exists for thoee types ot bonds. He indicated that the County finance committee recently was advi.ed that it was ti- to consider this satter again. He noted that this could be done on a one year basis, but the saster plan is still not coapleted, however, in the interi8, there is the choice of rolling these bonds over or letting them expire. Finance Director Yonkosky stated that bond counsel indicated that there were two concerns it the Board decided to roll the bonds over; one, it is not Bure that the County's bonds would be given a rating, and two, if an outside entity were contracted with to build the faci- lity, the outside entity may not look favorable on the tax benetits that are involved in the bond issue. In answer to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Yonkosky stated that the entity that would be building and running the facility would have to bave their counsel give an opinion as to the continuing legality ot that depreciation break. Assistant County Manager McLemore stated that bond counsel advised Page 32 NOVEMBER 15, 1 ~8 hi. in the last meeting that there had been a change on th!- isuue in the last two or three monthø. He indicated that there appears to be a change of opinion, noting that a number of tax attorneys are saying that it i. possible to continue this in effect, but it would require the agreement of tax counsel for the vendor involved to say that he agrees in order to get it validated. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the tax benefits were not cer- tain but, as years go by, the question arises as to whether those tax benefits would be available to a new vendor. He noted that the closer the County gets to the original project, the tax bene:its will exist, but the further away the County gets from the original project, the less chance there is of receiving those tax benefits. He noted that the County needs to .ove forward in order to keep the benefits. He not~ that 8Ome type of steps have to be taken, but it nothing i. done, there will be no benefits. Mr. McLemore stated that the entire issue will lapse on January 27, 1989. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the reason for this ite. is that there is a February 1, 1989, drop dead date; a January 1 notice date and there are certain things that have to be done before that time. He stated that Mr. Giblin, the Bond Counsel, would be available at a later date if the Board is interested in discussing this matter. He noted that $18.000 is the actual cost of continuing this bond issue. Co..is.ioner Saunders stated that he would like to continue this aatter until the Bond Counsel is available, adding that he i. not con- vinc~ that 88intaining this bond is in the best interest ot the County. l"-t..l0D8r 1188- 8OVed' seconded by Co8als.ioner G1_., tha~ th.18 itea be continued tor two weeks. Mr. Bob Krasowski stated that the Solid Waste Advisory Co..ittee voted to continue this matter to the first meeting in january so that . Co..ittee would have a meeting prior to that time to discuss this. Page 33 ----- .--.----. \ NOVEMBER 15, 1988 Øe stated that he would suggest that this issue not be approved or contInued. Mr. Mansika stated that the Solid Waste Advisory Co..ittee W88 not given this intor.ation soon enough to make such a decision on this satter. Mrs. Charlotte West.an stated that she agrees with the .otlon to continue this satter tor two weeks. She stated that there are aany possibilities with regards to any system involving incineration that could be looked at. 0p0D call tor the qwtsUon, the 8OUon carrIed unanIl1OU8ly. Co..issioner Saunders stated that he would like to reeind the County Manager that the BCC reque~ted a status report on the Solid Waste Advisory Coaaittee and based on the comments that have been made this date, he would like to see this report. ..... Depaty Clerk Mendez replaced Deputy Clerk Eenyon at this t18e - 2:30 P.M. ..... It- nDl DlSCUSSIOJI U ",^,an ICATD-SEWD DISTRICT AB'D MARCO ISUJrD 1CA'1'D-smnœ DISTlUCT. ADTBOJUUrIO. TO SIGJ( AGR~X" TO COJrDOCT A rEASIBIL:I'f'Y STI1DY TO P1WV:IDJ: TRUTED IfA:gR TO MARCO ISLAJrD UTILITIES - APPROVED Co..issioner Pis tor stated it is eost urgent that the the subject Itre be approved as Marco Island is currently pumping water at a rate of 7.~ eillion gallons a day. and the plant has the capacity to puap 8 million gallons a day. He noted that the eventual solution to the problee will be that the Marco Island Utilities will have to buy water froe the County. ~i..loD8r Pi. tor aoved. ..conded by Co8ais.ioner 01... and carried 1ID8DI11OU81y. that the agr....nt to conduct a te_ibility 8tudy ot CoaAty water service to Marco Island be .Igned; authorizing the ~opri.te budget ...D48ent transterring 826.000. and authorizing the UtilIties Statt to adverti.. tor Request tor Propo..l. troa eogi- aeer1ng tir88 interested in pertoraing the ~e..Ibility study. Page 3. NOVEMBER 15, 1988 I~ .,&1. .,&2 FAITBnL PDJ'OJDUJICB BOJrDS FOR TAX COLLECTOR GUY L. CARLTOJr . .ut"Ut-llSOlt or ELEC'TIO1IS MARY If. MORGAJf - APPROVED ~_i0D8r Goodnight 8OVed. _c:0n4e4 by Co_i.siemer 11&8- and c:arri84 ftftafti8ðV.81y. that the Bon4a for Tax Collec:tor Guy L. Carlton 8D4 Sw.-£"iaor of Itle<:tlon Mary If. Morgan be approved. Page 35 '---" NOVEMBER 15, 1988 I U. ftI'1 PDJIC1U.SZ '" A TKI.&PBOD SYSTEM FOR THE 8'EII DEVELOPMEJI'I' SDVICU BtrILÐ DRill - A.r r JWY IW Co88Unications/Public Affairs Director Luntz advised that on April 19, 1988 the Bo~rd approved a $72,000 capital outlay for the telephone system as part of the Development Services authorization. He requested authorization of an ~~dltlonal $38,000 to cover the costs of wiring and the in9t~11dtlon at th~ equipment. He Rtated that the system will be ar:~ to move to the County Co~plex in the future and integrate with the AT&T Dimension and the Model 7~ being installed in the new Health Services Building. He requested that the Board authorize the Purchase Agreement with AT&T not to exceed the $110,000 for the telecoaaunicatlons system in the new Development Services Building and to authorize the appropriate budget amendments. Finance Director Yonkosky indicated that he had not had the oppor- tunity to discuss the problem of purchasing equipment for a building that the County does not own. County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has discussed the satter with Staff and was advised that anyequip..nt that is installed or placed at the building can be removed, and problems are not anticipated. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Luntz advised that the system will be like the system presently being utilized by the Sheriff's Depart_n t . eo...i..icmer Pi.tor 8OVed, seconded by Co_i..ioner Ol_. and carried anani80U81y, to authorize the Purchase Agree_nt with ATWI' not DOt to exceed 8110,000 tor the telecO88W1ication.e tryat.. in the new Devwlop88nt Service. Building and authorize the appropriate budget ""'-nt. County Attorney Cuyler noted that the agreement is subject to his review and approval prior to signature. ~--.wt DOt received in Clerk ot Board oftice.. of 11/30/88 I~"n ~u II&.~ DDtBC'tED TO IMPLDIEII'!' A PROCJ1UII FOR 'I'D DRBDGIR 01' '-1fIØ PAS. - »r~ß1) County Manager Darrill noted that subsequent to Board direction to derive at options regarding the Wiggins Pass dredging pertinent to Page 35 /1'5 "--, " NOVEMBER 15, 1988 legal/equity issues and budgetary considerations relative to possible financing, Staff has determined several options that can be imple- aented. He stated that four items have been identified by Staff which include a combination of private donations and a portion of the existing boat~r registration fees. which is the úriginal method uti- lized by the County, and the recommended option; different percentage ratios of private donations of Cou~ty 8Oney; use of the County-wlðe one mill Capital I.provem~nt Fund, which is the least desirable option because of the implications of the project, and reconsideration of the existing taxing district. He stated that anyone of the ite.s requires a portion of existing boater registration fees which would require recalculation of the impact on construction of boat ra.ps to be spent over the next six years. Co..issioner Saunders ccmmented that at the public hearing he had suggested not to levy the taxing district, but had suggested that a aethod be imple.ented to share the cost of dredging Wiggins Pass with the affected individuals that desire the dredging. In response to Co.missioner Hasse, Mr. Dorrill indicated that the dre~ging would be assumed by individuals who own and have registered boats in the County, as well as by a private donators who have expressed an interest in the dredging of Wiggins Pass. Mr. Lee Frink, a property owner at Vanderbilt Beach, suggested that part of the money paid for living on waterfront properties be utilized so that access is available. He stated that if the Board does not implement the aforementioned, then the approved and endorsed taxing district should be activated. Atty. Steven Crawford, representing Wiggins Pass Conservancy, con- curred with Mr. Frink's statement. Mr. Crawford stated that at the last Me~ting the County h~d committed to implement the work needed, and he had indicated that he would assist the County in collecting , ~ntributions. Co..issioner Hasse stated that the aarina. are the on.. bene- fitting the most from Wiggins Pass. Page 37 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 Mr. George ~eller stated that he concurred with County Manager Dorrill's recoaaendation that registered boaters should share in the cost of dredgln9 Wiggins P~~.. Mr. Bill Bergan stated that persons who own waterfront properties but who do not own a boat should not be burdened with the dredging and the taxing district should be abolished. Mr. Tom Riddle, resIdent of the Little Hickory/Bonita Shores area, disagreed with Item 4 of the memorandum dated November 7, 1988 to County Manager Darrill regarding Wiggins Pass Dredging Pass options. He stated that tourism And boating enterprises are a big industry in the County. He ~tated that out-of-state vessels should be aade to buy a sticker and referred to the State law which requires that if a boat is in the State for .ore than 90 days, it should be registered. He stated that presently there is $70,000 for boating improvement; 850,000 tro. registration fees for Fiscal Year 1987; $60,000 antici- pated for the current year; and 821,000 left over fro. the first dredging. County Manager Darrill advised that boating and i.prove.ent funds art". h..ld In trunt hy th.. Of"pdrtment ot R"vp.nue, and the a.ount is the 50~ surcharge that was imposed in 1987. Clerk Giles stated that there is approxiaately $430,000 of boater funds that are available and not budgeted for in Fiscal Year 1988-1989. but which are anticipated in the County's five-year plan for boat r&8ps. Ms. E.ily MaggIo agreed with Mr. Riddle's statement, and added that co..ercial enterprises would benefit the most by the dredging. She stated that homeowners are willing to pay their share of the cOst. She read a paragraph from a newspaper article dated May 8, 1981 which indicates that the Wiggins Pass Club and Wiggins Pass Marina, and other establishments will be the priaary benefactors trom the project. She stated that the productivity of the waterway will be affected by the dredging and requested an environaental impact report. County Manager Dorril1 concluded by noting that the County should ~.tabllsh some tairness and encourage.ent to the private sector to Page 38 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 donate 8Oney and the same option can be i.plemented to other Passes that aight require dredging in the future. T8p8 .. In response to Commissioner Glass, Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that the current per.it calls for a 10-year aain- tenance until such time as a contract and certain activities are begun . Co..issioner Glass r~ferred to a newspaper article which sta- tea that on Kovember 15. 1983 the ;ounty approved a contract with the State of Florida, Depart.ent of Natural Resources for the dredging of Miggins Pass. Hr. Darrill noted that the $88,600 received fro. the State pertained to boating improve.ents, and noted that since the ori- ginal project was denied, the County could not acquire environmental per.its. He stated that the project was revised and an additional agreeaent was entered into that required that the County maintain so.e aovable ways to navigation. Hrs. Charlotte West..n stated that big boats are not appropriate, 88intenance of the buoys is important tor the safety of those who use them, and user fees are appropriate. In response to Co..issioner Glass, Mr. Cuyler suggested that Mr. Dorrill and he would review the files to ascertain that the funds tor the 1983 project were received. Co..issioner Saunders suggested that so.e direction be given to Mr. Dorrill as to the possible funding of dredging Wiggins Pass and reiterated his suggestion to determine a mechanism for paying tor the initial dredging based on 50' boater registration funds and 50- with contributions from businesses and residences that are willing to contribute to initiate the dredging. Comaissloner Hasse stated that the aforeaentioned is a good approach to take. Commissioner Pistor auggested that money from the 301 Fund should be used, as he doubted that the voluntary contributions will be forthcoming. He suggested that the dredging be implemented by utilizing boat registration tees, well as a portion of money from the 301 Fund. He stated that the MSTU should not be used to additionally tax people who are not using Page 39 "',"" NOVEMBER 15, 1988 the facilities. Co..issioner Hasse indicated that the Co..ission should carefully consider Messrs. Dorrill's and Saunders recommen- dations at a 50-50 shared cost. Co8ai.sioner Bas.e 8OVed, seconded by Co..issioner Goodnight and carried 4/1, (Coaais.ioner Pistor opposed) that County Manager Dorrill develop a 8eChani.. whereby ~O. boater fees and &0. voluntary contri- butions "ill be used to dr~e Wiggins Pass. Recess 3:1~ P.M. - ~convened 3:2& P.M. It.. "F3 ACTIO. REGARDIKG COLLIER COUIfTY'S 1989 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA RESOLUTIO. 88-288 TO SUPPORT THE CORSTRUCTIOR OF THE COLLIER COVJITY AGKI C1J'L TURAL CUT ~ - ADO PTED RESOLUTIO. 88-289 REQUESTI.G STATE roxDS FOR THE COLLIER COVJITY MUSEUM - ADOr.l~u RESOLCTIOR 88-290 REQUESTIRG AX EXTEKSIO. OF THE STATUTORY DOE DATE FOR LAm) DrnLOPMEJIT REGOLATIORS ROW REQUIRED BY THE GROWTH MAJrAGULlUlf ACT-ADOPTED RESOLCTIO. 88-291 APPROVIKG A PROPOSED SPECIAL ACT TO DESIGRATE IXPLOYUS OF THE PA.RXS AJfD RECREATIOR DEPARTMEJIT AS COO'1frY PARI: EX7ORC~r OFFICERS TO ISSUE CITATIOKS FOR VIOLATIOKS OF COORTY O1UJIJLUrCES - ADOPTED RESOLUTIO. 88-292 ELIMI.ATIRG MEAL ALLOWAXCE FOR THE BOARD OF COVJITY COMMISSIOJ'ERS - ADOPTED REGOLUTIO. 88-293 ELIMIKATI.G TRAVEL EXPERSES FOR THE BOARD OF COOBTY COMIaSSIOJIERS - ADOPTED County Manager Dorrill stated that the above-mentioned Resolutions under Item 69Fl are part of the Legislativ~ Agenda for submittal to Collier's CountY'A L~~¡~I~t ¡v~ Dpl~?~tlon. Hp notp~ that th~ special act authorizing the Board to designate employees at the Parks and Recreation Department as County Park Enforcement Ofticers to issue citations has been included as part ot the Legislative Agenda. Co..is.ioner Saunders suggested that the Board's meal allowance and travel expenses be deleted and recommended that they be added to the Legislative Agenda. Mr. Joe Grimm, repr~senting the Golden Gate Area Taxpayers Association, presented the Board with a letter for the record indi- ating four items he would like added to the Legislative Agenda. Page 40 11~ NOVEMBER 15, 1988 C-i-1cmer Pi. tor 8OVed, _concSed by Coaais.1oner Saun4er. and carried ~/O (Coaai.sioner Goodnight Dot pr..ent) that the County'. Legi.lmt1ve Agenda regarding Resolutions 288/293 be adopted. Page 41 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 It- _lOB KESOLOTIOW 8'-29' REQUESTING THE STATE O~ FLORIDA DEPARThAAT O~ RAn.au," TO C.urcEL THE TAX LID CDTIFICATES DLD BY COLLIER C()1JWTT O. PROPDTIES 0Ma'ED BY THE URlTED STATES GOVEJUIMERT AIm LOCATED WITHI. THE BIG CYPRUS PRESERVE - ADOPTED County Attorney Cuyler advised that the subject resolution Is identical to a resolution adopted on October 11, 1988. CO8al..loner pistor 8OVed, seconded by Co..i~sioner Goodnight and carried unaniaou.ly, that Re~lution 88-29', requesting the State of ~lorl4a Depart..nt of Revenue to c~cel the tax lien certificate. held by Collier County on properties owned by the United Stat.. GoverD88Dt aDd located within The Big Cypre.. Pre_rve, be adopted. All attach- 88Dta are on file in the Clerk of the Board office. Page 62 ,_, WOVEMBER Ie, l1a8 It.. .100 - See It.. #91'3 It- .12A LAD AT LEIGJI PLUMMER PARX RAJŒD CALtJSA LAD IR BOKOR or 'r1U CALOSA IWDLUrS - Arf'K1JY LO Co..issioner Pistor stated that Calusa Garden Club members have requested that the lake at Leigh Plummer Park can be named "Calusa Lake". He noted that the Club maintains and keeps the grounds at Leigh Plum.er Park. ~..loner Pistor aoved, .econded by Co..i..loner Baa.e, to na88 the lake at Leigh Plu.aer Park to Calusa Lake. Comalßslon~r S~und~rA ~~~ed Mr. Dorrt}] if ftny political problems are anticipated by naming the lake? Mr. Dorrill responded that a letter was received from the Calusa Garden Club requesting the naae. tJpon call for the question, the 8Otian carried unani80U81y. It- .12B CC»8aSSI(DØ GOODKIGBT APPOIJl'TED TO I'LORIDA ASSOCIATIOJI or comrnu BOAJm 01' DIUC'l'ORS - APPROVED Co..issioner Pistor advised that in the past year the Florida Association of Counties made a change in their by-laws whereby if a Co..issioner is not re-elected or could not continue his tera, the local Co..t-Alan should appoint another memher of the Commission. He 8tated that he is a member of the Association and recommended that Co..issioner Goodni~ht replace him on the Association. ~.slon.r Pistor aoved, seconded by eo..lssionsr Glaa.. designating Co..is.ioner Goodnight to the I'lorida Association of CoaDtl.. Board of Director.. Co..lssioner Hasse suggested that the Chairman of the Board do the serving on the Association. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Board should wait until the new Co..ission and then appoint a member to the Association. Co..issioner Goodnight advised that she is not presently a member of the Florida Association of Counties Board of Directors. Co..i8sioner Hasse concurred with Commissioner Saunders' statement. tJpon call for the question, the action carried 3/2, Coaaiaalonsra Ba88e and Saund.er. oppo.ed. Page 43 \q¿ --" NOVEMBER 15, 1988 It.. .12. U"X~AL AGR~ WITH HlJCDRY COJUU:CTIORAL IRSTITOTIOR - .APPROVED Co..issioner Goodnight advised that the subject item is an agreeaent to assist in the c1eaning of certain lots in the Immokalee area whIch 8ust be signed in ord~r to initiate the work. In respons~ to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Dorrill advIsed that the initial target ^rea is the I..okalee area, but can be expanded to other areas of the County. Co..issioner Goodnight noted that she had spoken to the Warden and he does not have a problem of expandIng and if the program is succesRtul it will indeed expand to other areas. Co8ai.sioner 01... aoved, ..conded by C088i..ioner Pi.tor and carried anani8OUðly, that the inter local agree..nt with Hendry Correctional Institution be approved. Page .... cA NOVEMBER 15. 1988 It- .12r BOILDIWO PERMIT #87-218 ~T~uED TO SIX MaRTHS - APPROVED Co..lssioner Goodnight rec~lled that a grant was given to the Little Red Caboose, Inc. to construct a road on the north side of U.S. 41, approxim~tely 3-1/2 miles Sol1th~ast of S.R. 951, and the building permit has expired which is un~er the name of Larry Basik. She noted that Board approv~l i. needed in order to exten~ the buildin~ permit in th~ San Marco Park. She indicated that there is a real need to extend the per.it as it will effectuate in co.mencing the construction of the building. ~.sioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..issioner P1.~or and carri- 1mIIn.18:Jusly, that Building Perait 87-218 be extande4 for a period of six 8ODthe. ... ~.sioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Co..i.sionar GI..s and carried unanillOU81y, that the following ita.. be approved and/or adopt- aDder the Consent Agenda: I~- .1"1 CAR8TVAL PERMIT 88-4, PETITIO. C-88-4C, OUR LADY or GOADALOPZ CATHOLIC CBOJtC1I See Pages ~9-/I. / - ,,/.3 It- .UA2 ~T WITH BROCE GREa AJm ASSOCIATES rOR SOBDIVISIO. REVIEW ~rzn TO CO.SOLTI.G SERVICES ROT TO EXCIED 820,000 See Pages 1/9.,/J. J- .1/ It.. .14A3 BID ...-1301 AWARDED TO RIVER CORSTROCTIO. rOR ARTIrICIAL REEr BOOT .~.~~ IR THE AMOOWT or 84,500.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 18, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit ot Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received tro Bid .88-1306 tor an artificial reef buoy sy.tea until 2:30 P.M" August 31, 1988. It.. #If.A4 &nIt~;¡- BZTWZU THE BOARD or COOJlTY COtOIISSIOJrERS AJn) II8IOULD rRXEXDSBIP BOOSE, IRC. reR THE OSE or COORTY roRDS IR AKTICIPATIO. or THE DeEIPT or PREVIOOSLY AWARDED STATE or rLORIDA GRAJn' rowDS ROT TO IXCEID 844,315.00 Document not received in Clerk of Board Office as of 11/30/88 I~.. #UB1 D u.s. I. Pt7RCBASE ORDER AMOOWT TO A'1'LAJfTIC ICE or rLORIDA, roRMERLY 81- E ICS COMPAJrY TO COVER ICE PORCII.UES BY '1'D ROAD AJn) BRIDGE '-~OII reR TBE FISCAL YU.R 1988/1989 Page 45 l..rlJ ROVEMBER 1&, 1988 It- .1682 J.AD 'nD1"O1W KDIOJItIAL GA.R.DØS CDuuay DUDS .&&9/&61 See Page. ~ 1"C./ - .:1 I tea .1'83 ~f WITH 'tD LKLY DrnLOPMEJI'l' CORPOltATIO1f WOR TO CO.S;ud:JC'fiOll or TO nICS STRUT 0O'RALt. CAJIAL See Page. ,t/ 9- /)~ J - . ¿, It.. .1"" RXSQLU'n:o. 88-29&, AOTBORIZI.G TO DKetn'IOJI or ADDdDUM TO TO .JOIft Pu:TICIPATI08 AGJtEDŒJI'1' Bn"I'I...d THE BOARD or comrn COMMISSIOJIDS AJfD T'D n.oKIDA DEPAJtn.-¡; or TJtAJfSPORTATIOII J'O1t TO PORPOSU or COJrS"BVCTIRG A rIDD BASED OnRATIOR rACILITY AT THE IMMOXALU AIRPOR"l' See Pages .(./9- E. / - " ~ It- .1'86 I'IJ(AI, PLAT or ItOCXT PIWU &STATU. OWIT 0Jr& It- .UM 8QV84 to It- "Be It- .1'8'7 8QV84 to Itea "8'7 It- n"aa COIITL\CT _.1....0 E.". CLEVnoAJID, I.C. AJfD TO BOARD or COO1ITY CCJMÞaSSIOJrDS WOR TD REPAIR AJfD IMPROVEMERT or O1IITS LEASED AT B.A.R8OuKlOMJr MALL I. T1Œ AMOUJn' or ;18 &0& See Pages :...,tl',<,;41 :~ 1-../4 It.. .UBi JStTDGn ~Uftd'r TO MOV& rcwos nOM TD SOLID WASTE gSOVES rDR CAPITAL Ot1TLAY TO TD IIAPLU LAJrDrILL ORGAJlIZATIO. rDR TD rIBAL SIX 1!98'TBS LU.SE or T1Œ LAJf1)rILL MIJlIRG SCRED PLAJf'l' IW AMOOrr or 8"'.100 It- .1.&Cl . . aDDIAL or cAXAØU pAJŒ CO.CUSIOW AGJtDMDT WITH MA1WO aIVD IUltIn CORPORA TI 011 See Pages 1./7- r-. j- ./1/ It- .1.&C2 IJICUASE DOLLAR AMOtJJI'1' or coJlTRAC'l' WITH O'P.JOD DAL11ICARK SDVICU TO ,..,000: CAJrCKLLIBG AJQJU) WI11I QUALITY CAD SDVICE COJU'OUTIOII DJIDD 811) "8-1292 See Page. ~fì-/J./ - .3 It- .1.&C3 ~ DOLLAR AMOtJJI'1' or COJI'fRACT WI"11I QU&D FOR A DAY, IWC. TO '.000 TO PROVIDE ADDI'rIO.AL SEBIOR SKKYICES See Pages ¿,/9-Z¡- '" ~ [tea .UDI Page 48 , ,\ .OVEMBER 15,1988 DlJuuU APIuIUft,Wlt UCOG1UZIRG " 1989 CARRY-FORWARD IR TD AMOOft O~ '30.'20.&08. FOXD 408. COOWTT WATER/SEWER DISTRICT It.. .14D2 p &LX'ØA SØ'Q. ~ AC II. IT 1 U See OR Book 1395, Paaee2277-2292 tt:...14J)3 BID ...-1319 AIURDED TO POWER SOLtTl'IO.S, I.C. I. TD AMOtJ]I'1' O~ $26,900 woa DlSTALLATIOW O~ AJI OJrIJIT£KAut-rABLE POWER SUPPLY ZlbrEM AJID A on )"UK ~.IJICS COJITRACT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 7. 1988 '35 evid~ncer1 by Affidavit of p1Jbl1cation filed wIth the Clerk. bids were rec~ived until 2:30 P.M.. October 26, 1988, for Bid 688-1319 (or furnishing, delivering and Inst~11ina an Uninterruptable Power Supply System tor the ::t.: :t~ps Dlvi~ion. I~" .14&1 ,AI'lJIJ'VL r&.U'ORKAJJCE BOJrD FOR SHERIFI' OO.ALD C. liuJUER See Pages d-.~~-.;z: /.._~'L~- I~.. .14&2 rAI'lJIJ'VL PD7ORMAJlCE BOJrD FOR CLERX JAMES C. GILES See Page. 1./9- K. I -. :J I~.. .14£3 rAI'lJIJ'VL ~CE BOW I'OR PRoPERTY APPRAISAL SAM J. COLDI.O See Pages ~9-t../- -- :2 It.. .14&4 ~A1D1r\1L P'DnJRKUCE BOJIlJ I'OR n;w COMMISSIOIŒRS RICB.ARD S. SIIA.-."a., DXSTaXCT .1, MAX A. BASSE, DISTRICT '3, PATRICIA ~ GOO~GBT, DlsnICT '0 See Pages L(9-"',H.~: A/9- iJ. /",...1..: -¥9-<J,/"',.:f. , - , Itea .148 1I~1"""noos CORRUPOJfDPC& rILED AJrD/OR ~D There being no objection. the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various depart.ents as indicated below: 1. Meaorandu. dated 11/01/88 from John A. Yonkosky, Finance Director to BCC re Exceos Fees report from SupervIsor of Elections for FY 87-86. Referred to Lori Zalka and tiled. 2. Memorandum dated 10/31/68 from James C. Giles, Clerk of the Circuit Court to BCC re Excess Fees for piscal Year 1987188. Referred to Lori Zalka and filed. 3. Letter dated 11/03/88 from Thoma~ o. Pelham, Chairman. State !.ergency Response Co..l~slon for Hazardous Materials, DCA, re County's acceptance of Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan to BCC Chairman. Referred to Neil Dorrill, James Reardon and f !led. Page 47 --,... ,.,- It- .1.&1[1 1f0VEMBER 15, 1988 4. Letter dated 10/31/88 from Trudie Bell, Environmental Specialist, DEft, Wetland Resource Management, to BCC Chairaan re File No. 111558339. City of Naples, which involves dredge and fill activities in Water of the ~tat@ within the limits of your jurisdiction. Referred to Nell DorrIll, George Archibald. BIll Lor~nz an~ fll~~. L~tt~r d~ted lO/31/8ß from PhIlIp R. Edwards, Deputy Assistant Secretar'y, DEft, to John F. McKune, P.~., Authorized RepresentatIve, Gee & Jenson, Inc" West Palm Beach, Fl., re Collier County - PW- Clam Bay Beach Pavilion, PWS ID#5114084. Referred to Neil Darrill, Kevin O'Donn~ll, Cliff Crawford and f !led. 5. 6. Letter dated 11/01/88 frou Patrick Kenney, Environmental Specialist, DER, to BCC Chalraan re Weiner H08e Corp. of Pl., File No. 1115~~745. Referred to .~Sll Dorrtl1, George Archib.ld. 8tl1 Lorena and tjl~. 7, Letter dated 11/03/88 from Rorman R. Hatcher, Jr., Fire Chief, Golden Gate Fire & Rescue Control District, to acc re proposal of additional fire station site in the vicinity of 951 and I-15. Referred to Nell Dorrill, Tom Olliff and filed. 8, Me80randum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and Other Local Public Officers dated 11/08/88 Form 8B of Co~issloner Arnold Lee Glass rp Petition R-88-20C and Petition PDA-88-11C. 9. Minutes Received and Filed: 11/01/88 - Pocket of Poverty Review Committee 10. Meaorandum dated 11/01/88 from David Y. Burr, Planning Director, SWFRPC. to "Cltygate Commerce Park" DRI Review Agencies re "CItygate Commerce Park" recommendations. Referred to Tom Ollitf and filed. 11. Memorandum dated 11/02/88 from David Y. Burr, Planning Director, SWFRPC, to "Cltygate Commerce Park" DRI Review Agencies re "Cltygate Commerce Park" FOOT comments. Referred to Neil Corrill. Tom OllIff and filed. CDrIFICATE OJ' CORRECTIO. TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESDTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRU SD 1987 TAX ROLL 311 11/02/88 1988 TAX ROLL 1 - 2& 10/2&/88 - 11/03/81 11/03/88 - 11/07/88 21 - 38 1 - 28 lia8 TARGIBLE PERSO.AL PROPERTY 11/01/88 - 11/07/88 Iu. .1Q2 a:ru 1UT1f TIME FOJt IJlMATK .0. 42883 Page 48 ~ 5' i .~ ~ t; 'j{ '" ~ 141:- .un SATIRACTIOJI OJ' LID RE Pt7BLIC DEJ"E1fDER See Pages 49 - ';I! / -P.'::; / Iu. .un NOVEMBER 15, 1988 ItZ'IIØ IJID .&.PPJtOVAL OJ' ADDITIOJIAL DTDJIAL AUDITOR BILLIJIO rD" TD AD'DI'l OW 'f'D nSCAL YUJt EJlDED SEPTEXBD 30, 1987, COMPLETED DmtIJIO nSCAL 1'.. I. THE AMOOWT OJ' 812,400 ... There being no tu.ther business for the Good of the County, the aeeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:3!1 P.M. ...,¡~.í. £, . , ,~..' "'(':í. " ~ A~ST: j~S.'C. GILES, c:t:ERK --- .' ,~ ?:~~."'~>@~ .. 8inutes approved by t--" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS! BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS ORDER ITS COIfTROL ¡{¿Æ. CHAIRMAN - pre.eDt~ the Board on /~øý or l\S corrected Page 49