BCC Minutes 12/20/1988 R Naples, Florida. December 20, 1988 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier. and also acting aa the Board ot Zoning Appe~13 an~ a3 the governing board(a) of ouch apecial districts as have been created according to law alld having conducted bu3ineos herein, met on this date at ~:OO A.M. in REGULAR SEggIe. in Building "F" of the Government Complex. East NapleG, Florida, with the following members preaent: CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. Richard S. Shanahan Michael J. Volpe Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Gile3, Clerk; John Yonkoaky, Finance Director; Ellie Hottman and Delila Mendez. Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill. County Manager; Ron McLemore. Assistant County Manager; To. Olliff, Acting Community Development Ad.lniatrator; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Weigel, Assistant County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilitiea Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell. Public Services Administrator; Michael Arnold, Aasistant UtilitieG Administrator; Jay Reardon. Emergency Services Ad.lnistrator; Kenneth Baginski, Planning Services Manager; Barbara Cacchlone, Project Planner: Leo Och3, Adminlatrative Services Admi~istrator. Nancy Isracl30n. Administrative A33iatant to the Board; and Dc~uty Sam BaGa, Sheriff's Department. Page 1 I Tape #1 It.. #3 DECEMBER 20, 1988 AGDrDA - A..PP'ROVZD WITH CHAJrG~S Co8ai..ioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..is8ioner Haase and ch<anges: carried unaniaoualy, that the agenda be approved with the tollowing a. It.. 58', DOA-88-1C, George Varnadoe representing Westin~h0U8. CO88Unities ot Raples, Inc., requesting an aaend8ent to the Developaent Order tor Pelican Say - Continued to 1/03/89, per the Petitioner's request. b. Ite. 7B1, Petition PU-87-25C, Budd, Hines 6 Tho8paon repre- senting Troyer Brothers, Inc., requesting Provisional U.. wSw ot the A-2 ME District tor earth .ining - Continued to 1/10/89, ~r the Petitioner's request. c. Ite. 9B1 - (Coapanion Ite. to 1Bl) - recOaaendation to approve Excavation Per.it ð9.31 - -Troyer Brothera Pit-, Continued to 1/10/89, per the Petitioner's request. d. Ite. 9B3 - (Coapanion to Petition R-88-1ðC), aoved to Ite. 6C1 - Petition SMP-88-ð, Willi.. C. MeAnly and Aaaoc., repre- ..nting Elba Developaent Corporation (contract purchaaer) , requesting Subdivision Kaster Plan approval tor Riviera Colony Golt !states, Onlt IV. e. It.. 9r( - Discussion ot the Korth County Water Kain Project at the Audubon Country Club - Added, a. requested by the County Manager. t. Ite. 9Pð - Reco..endation to Award RFP-88-12ð8 to Everglade. Coaaunicationa tor 800 MHZ Trunking Syste. (Continued trea 12/13/88 Meeting) - Added, aa requested by the County Kan.ag e r . g. Ite. 110 - Request approval tor a separate seal to seal docu- aents tor the Karco Water and Sewer District - Added, aa requested by the Clerk's ottice. h. Ite. l(Bð - Recoaaendation to approve recording ot the tinal plat ot Lely Baretoot Beach, Unit Two - Withdrawn, a. r~eeted by the Public Works Diviaion. 1. Ite. 14D3 - Royal Wood Golt and Country Club, Unit 11 - Water and Sewwr Acceptance - Withdrawn, a. requested by the Utilities Division. j. Ite. I(Al - Reco...ndat County Co..is.ioners ar tion - Moved to Ite. 91 that the Collier County Board ot re an addressing technician po.1- a. requested by Co..ia.ioner Volpe. k. It.. 1.Bg - Reco...ndation that the Board authorize the Chairaan to execute an architectural/engineering design contract tor Building C-2 addition - Moved to Ite. gB13, as r~ested by Co..issioner Saunders. Page :.t c; DECEMBER 20, 1988 It- .4 MIJroTU OF .0000ER 29 ~ DECEMBER 6, 1988 - APPROVED Co8ai.aio~r Raese aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Shanahan and carried unaniaouely, that the .inutea ot Koveaber 29, and Deceaber 6, 1988, be apprO?ed.. presented. Itea #6Bl ORDlKAXCZ 88-101, PETITIO. R-88-18C, WILLIAM C. MCARLY 6 ASSOCIATES, UP1ŒSDTI.a I!LBA DEVELOP'IŒXT CORP. REQUESTIKG REZOQ PltOM MBSD TO RSP-4 FOR ~~ SIKGLE-FAMILY LOTS LOCATED IK RIVIERA COLORY GOLF It~T~-TIS L ~rr X'! -- __A..Q9PTED - --- ------------------ Legal ~ot1ce h~ving been published in the Naples Daily Hews on PloveZober 18. 1~88, ~3 evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-88-18C, Elba Developzcnt Corporat1on reprcacnted by William McAnly and Aasoc- late3, for property located 3/4 of a œ1le weat ot County Barn Road, and approxi.ately 3/4 of a mile north of Rattlesnake Hammock Road (Riviera Cclcny Golf Eatates, Unit IV). in Section 18, Township SO South, Range 26 East, containing 14.46 acres, œorc or leas. trom HHSD to RSP-4 tor 55 3ingle-family lot9. Planner Scheff described the property as lnd1cate~ above, and noted that thi3 Petition i3 a Companion Item to SHP-88-SC. He stated that lands to the north are zoned for the King's Lake PUD (single- family residential bordering the 3ubject property), for the West Crown Pointe PUD (multi-tamily reaidential), and A 2. He noted that lands to the east are zoned for the Riviera Golf Estates PUD (single-tamily reaidential), and lands to the Gouth are zoned GC and MHSD. He indi- cated that lands to the west are zoned for thc Lago Verde PUD (single- tamily residential and a park in the vicinity of the Subject property) and HHSD. Mr. Scheff stated that landa to the north contain a lake and are single-family resIdential and undeveloped woodlands, lands to the east Page 3 /0 -".._""--,," , -.--- DECEMBER 20, 1988 are unde~eloped woodland3, land to the south contains golf course land uses and mobile homea, and lando to the went contain a utilitlcG riQht-of-way. and undeveloped woodlanda. Hr. Scheff adviaed that the propoaed requeat ia ln compllance with the Comprehensi~e Plan. He indicated that this property is ~ran3cending from rural to urb~n land uoeo, and the propoaed rezone from HHSD to PSF-4 will reduce the maximum grosa denaity from 7.26 units per acre to 5.81 units per acre. He noted that the Petitioner is proposing a grO33 density of 3.80 units per acre which is com- patible with adjacent propertiea. He advioed that Statt has no objec- tion to thia Petition. Hr. Scheff indicated that the CCPC held their public hearing on No~ellòber 17. 1?88, and are forwarding this petition to the Board with a reco.~ndation of approval. subject to Staff's atipulations aD allòendcd. and two additional StipULJtions (p and q), a9 noted in the Petitioner'3 Agreement sheet. Mr. George Mellen, of William C. McAnly and Associates, in reaponae to Commi3aioner Volpe, stated that thia proj~ct was initiated in the early 1?70's. He noted that the road network haG been followed quite closely by all of the developers that have proceeded through the past 15 'fears. He indlcated that this ia the la9t scction ot Charleaagne Boulevard that i3 to be constructed, and it will link two dead cnda that presently exi3t by earlier development. He stated that this will pro~ide a smooth network comlng from Rattlcanake Hammock Road through Riviera, and back out to County Barn Road. He noted that thia is a unique aituation, whereaa, the project io preaently zoned tor 65 mobile home units, and the Petitioner ia proposing to develop it under the RS? 4 zoning. for a total of ~5 unito. He indicated that the Petitioner is in agreement with all stipulations. There were no speakers either for, or againat this Petition. Page 4 1/ DECEMBER 20, 1988 Co8ai.sioner Shan&h.an 8OVed, seconded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and carried un&Diaoualy, to close the public hearing. eo..i..ion.~ Shanahan aoved, 8econded by Co..i..ioner Baa.. and carried un&niaoualy, that Petition R-88-18C be approved, aubject to the Petitioner's Agreeaent sheet, and the ordinance aa nuabered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book Ro. 33: ORDI.AXCE 88-101 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82 2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNInCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AME1/DHIG THE OPFICIAL zarlING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-26-' BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATEJ APPROXIMATELY 3/' OF A MILE WEST OF COUN7Y BARN ROAD, AND APPROXIMATELY 3/4 OF A MILE HORTH OF ¡:¡ATTLES~IAY.F: HAMMOCY. ROAD (RItIIERA COLONY GOLF ESTATES, UNIT IV) IN SECTION 18. TownSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST CONTAINING ;,.,~ ACRES, MORE OR LES~. PROM MHSD TO RSF 4 FOR 55 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 5 /0 DECEMBER 20, 1988 It.. "B2 ORDIXA8CZ 88-102, PETITIOR R-88-11C, WILLIAM C. NeARLY a ASgoc., ~DTUQ CILU11AM LAn DEVELOPMZlfT CORP., REQOJ:gTIRG A REzon FROM A-2 TO_~-tI FOR UQ REg_I.D~I~~.'n..-"AMILY URITS - ADOPTED Legal notic~ having been publi3hed in the naples Daily News on Ilovclllbe r 18, 1~88, aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publlcation filed with the Cl~rK, publJC hearing was opened to consider Petition R-88-17C, Chathalll Development Corporation represented by William C. McAnly and Associates, for property located on the east aide ot County Barn Road approxiaately 3/4 of a Qile north of Rattlesnake Hammock Road (CR-864) in Section 17, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, containing 41.0 acres fro. A 2 to RMP- 6 for 240 rcGidential multi -family unitG. Planner Scheff indicated that surrounding zoning and land ~sea are aG follow3: Woodmere R~cquct Club to the north is zoned RMF-6, which has a multi-family den~ity of 6 unita per acre; Royal Woods Golt and Country Club PUD i3 to the caat which haG a mixed reaidential multi- tamily and Bingle-family use with a gros3 density of 3.33 unita per acre; Naples Mobile Home Estates Subdiviaion iG to the south and has a density of 10+ units per acre; Riviera Colony Golf Estates PUD is west and acr03S County Barn Road, with Bingle family and golf course land uses and has a gross density of 3.68 units per acre. He noted that the proposed req~est ia conaldered to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Scheff at~ted that the project site is located in a growing residential area, having ready access to community facilities, and the propoaed project ia conaiatent and in harmony with the approved reaidential developmenta. and ia a natural intilling ot the area. He noted that all outstanding io3uea have been resolved and the a~plicant is in agreement with all Staff r~commendationa and stipulations. Mr. Scheff adviacd that Staff recommendo approval of thia petition, subject to all stipulations as contained in the Petitioner's Pag~ 6 . "'--..---.- liP DECEMBER 20, 1988 Agreeaent sheet. Mr. Scheff indicated that the CCPC held their public hearing on December 1, 1988, and recommend approval of this petition, subject to Staff'~ stipulationa. He not~d that there were no speakera regarding this petition at the CCPC hearing, and no correapondence has been recei~ed. In answer to Commiooioner Shanahan, Mr. Scheft ndvlaed that the Petitioner did not have sufficient points within the Point Rating Systea to justify 6 units per acre, therefore, he agreed to a neigh- borhood park, which brought his points up to the required 6 units per acre. Mr. George Mellen of William C. MeAnly and Associates, repre- aenting the petitioner, stated that one of the options in the Point Rating Syste= in conjunction with Low Income Housing, is for a neigh- borhaod park to pra~ide facilities that will not have to be duplicated in County Parka. He noted that ~wo swimming pools, meeting roo.a, ga:e rooms. tot lots. shuffleboard courts, and tennis courts will be pro~ided, which should take some of the load oft at the park that they would be using. Coamisaioner Volpe questioned the trattic circulation and 8itiga- tion of the proposed project? Mr. Scheff atated that Staff believes that the trattic system will be upgraded within the next few years to accommodate the proposed development, and noted that this i3 an intill area w~ich is transcending from the rural types of land uaes to urban land uses. He indicated that County Barn Road wlll be upgraded from 2 to 4 lanes in the near future. Public Works Administrator Archibald advlaed that two major impro- ve.ents within the subject corridor are outlined in the Five Year Secondary Road Plan: the extension ot Santa Barbara Boulevard tram Page 7 /7 -""'."'~"'.- DECEMBER 20, 1988 Davi3 Boulevard to Rattle3nake Hammock Road is scheduled tor the 1992-93 time frame; four-laning of County Barn Road in the 1993-94 t i.e f raae. Co=..iG~ioner Saunders noted that it the improvements are not there, the Stat~ of Florida and Collier County will atop all De'"elopment Ordera that i¡;¡pact that road. There were no apeaker~ either for, or againat this Petition. Co8ai..ioner Shanahan lIOVed, seconded by CoaaJ..loner Haase and carried un&n~ly, to close the public hearing. Co8ai..ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..issioner ghanahan and carried UO4nJ8OU8ly, that Petition R-88-17C be approved, aubject to the Petitioner'. Agreeaent sheet, and that the ordinance.. nua- bared and titled below be entered into Ordinance Book .0. 33: ORDIRAlICE 88-102 .ur ORDZR.urC& AJaJrnI!fO ORDIIIUCE 82-2 THE CC>MPJUœEJrgIVE ZONIRG RZGuLATIOKS FOR THE OXIKCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COaKTY, FLO1lIDA, BY AJaJrnIIfG THE OFl'ICIAL ZORI!fG ATLAS MAP JroMBER 50-26-4 BY ~GI.G THE ZORllfG CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREI. DEgCRIBED PJWPDTY LOCATED Olf THE EAST SIDE OF COo.-n BARJr ROAD APPROXIMATELY 3/4 OF A HILE KORTH OF RATTLEgRAn RA.MMc>c:x ROAD CGa-86') , IR SECTIOIf 17. TOWKSB1P 50 SOOTH, RAXGE 25 EAST, COn.UXIXa 41.0 ACRES MORE OR LESS, FROM A-2 TO RXP-5 FOR 240 RUIDDTIAL HOLTI-FAXILY OXITS; A.1fD BY PROVIDING FOR All DnCTIVE DAn. Page 8 /f' -------- DECEMBER 20, 1988 It.. "83 ORDI~CK 88-103, PETITIOR R-88-15C. AKTHORY P. PIRES, JR., NOODWARD a WOODWARD JUtPRUDTIXa Gt1LrsIDE MARXETIRG, I.C., REQUESTIRa RE::on nOM A-_~- TO RSP-~, FOR PROPERTY DfOW1'l AS "WYJfTR.EE" - ADOPTED Leç~l notic~ h~vJng been puhli~hcd in the Haples Daily Hewa on UovcQber ~a, 1~BB, as evidenced by Affid~vit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, pub1ic hearing was opened to con~idcr Petition R-88-15C, Clyde Quinby. Gulfs1de H~rkcting, Inc., represented by Anthony Plres, Jr., of Woodward á Woodw~rd, P.A. (Co~panion Petition PU-88-15C), tor property located on the 90uth aide of Haples-Immokalee Road (CR-846), approxiaately 1 3/4 mile3 east of I-75 in Section 28, Townahip 48 South, Range 26 East, fro~ "A 2" to "RSP-3", a 3ingle-tamily residen- ti'll ::;ubdi'J1aion with a::;aociated U3P..3 to be known <la "Wyntree, 72+ acres. Project Manager Weeka atatcd that this Petition is a co.panion ite. to Item 7B2 which 13 a Provisional Use tor a Water/Sewage Treatacnt Plant, and requeated that both ltems be discussed simulta- neou31'¡. For the record, Co~mia3ioner Saunders adviaed that a public hearing will be conducted on both Petition R-88-15C, and Petition PU-88 15C. Mr. Week::; noted thqt the petitioner is requesting a rezone ot the subject property from A-2 to RSF-3 for 155 Bingle-family lots. He noted that the companion provi3lonal use will be to provide an interim water/Gower facility, and once County tacilltie3 are available, the temporary aite will be abandoned, and single family Iota will be placed there. Mr. Weeka indicated that land::; to the north arc zoned A.2 and POD (The Woodland3); properties to the ea3t, 30uth and west are currently tarll tielda, noting that zoning to the ea3t ia A -2, to the south and west i3 the Dove Pointe PUD, which ia approved tor golf courae and Page 9 -.--...,...---------- , )3 -------.........--......... ,-",,--_... " DECEMBER 20, 1988 ainçle-faally uses, and a tract of commercial on CR-846. lie noted that the petltion i3 in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and Staff hag no objections, subject to stipulations contained in the Agrcelllcnt sheet. He atated that the CCPC reviewed this petition on December 1. 1~8&, and :.re forwarding same to the Board with a unani- mous reccaQendation of approval, subject to Statf stipulations, with two chançes: 1. Reaove Lot 11, and provide access to the Dove Pointe PUD to the south. Hr. Weeks advised that the Public Works Administrator stated he has no objection to the deletion of this requirement, however at a later datc, when the Subdiviaion Maater Plan ia reviewed tor approval, the isaue of the interconnection to the project to the aouth will be addre::;scd. 2. Development for residentlal property shall be allowed prior to approval of a Subdiviaion Master Plan. Hr. Weeka atated that Staff is opposed to the above stated stipulation that wag recommended by the CCPC. Hr. Weeka noted that no correap~ndcnce haG been received regarding this Petition, and there were no apeakera at the CCPC public hearing. He noted that recommendation for approval, is based on the CCPC's recolUlendation. Commissioner Volpe questioned what attect the sewage treatment plant will have on the Coral Reef Aqulfer? Mr. Weeks stated that the Environmental Science and Pollution Control Statt voiced no concerna regarding this issue. Public Works Adminiatrator Archibald, in answer to Commiasloner Volpe, stated that the future rc~d, as outlined on the site map, is the extenalon of Logan Boulevard, north trom Vanderbilt Beach Road to CR-846. He noted that thia is not currently in the County's Five Year Plan, and at this time, the developers along that corridor arc being Page 10 JL/ DECEMBER 20, 1988 asked to reserve the riçht-of-way. He advised that this developer has provided that property, as contained in the Petitioner's Agreement sheet. Attorney Anthony Pirea, repreoenting the petitioner stated that the maximum number Qf units at buildout ia 155 units, and the projected time frame is two year~. He requeated that Stipulation "p", regarding the interconnection between Dove Pointe be deleted, and then address thia inoue at the time of the platting process. He indicated that there will be no commcrci~l activities at the proposed development, and he is requesting approval of aubject petition. There were no speakers either for, or against this petition. Acting Community Development Adminiotrator 0111tt stated that Staff i3 in the proce~3 cf tightening up the review process, there- fore, reaulting in the oppo~ition of the CCPC'a recommendation to allow development on the 3ite prior to approval of a Subdivision Master Plan. He indicated that Staff auggest9 that the Developer go throuçh the Subdivision Master Plan process, which allows better detail of the layout of the project, and then Statt will lssue the lake permit with a good level of comfort. Aa3istant County Manager McLemore atated that Statt feels very strongly about the deletion of thia Stipulation. He noted that this i3 exactly oppoGite of where the County is attempting to go with the Development Servicea concept. Mr. Dan Brundage, of Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, stated that his firm i3 requeatinç approval to begin excavation before the tinal plat approval for the development. He indicated that in order to d~ this, they will need a South Florida W~ter Management District permit tor constructing the surface water management syatem. and they will be required to appear before the Collier County Water Management Advisory Board for approval. and then appear betore the Board ot County Page 11 ~5 DECEMBER 20, 1988 CoamiS3ioners tor final approval of an excavation permit. He indi- cated that if Staff ia 3uggestlng that upon approval ot the Subdivision Master Plan, excavation work can begin, he is comfortable with that recommendation. Mr. Olliff ddviaed that aa long as Staft has something in hand indicating the tixed atate of the Iota, lakes and location ot the roads, and there is formal aubmission of the Subdivision Master Plan, Staff will respond in writing, atter a preliminary review, and excava- tion could begin. Mr. Brundage stated that he concurs with Mr. Olliff. ~i..ioner 8h.anah.an 8OVed, seconded by Co..i..ioner 11&8.. and carried unaniaoualy, to close the public hearing. Co8&1...ioner Sh.anah.an lIO'Ved, seconded by Co..is8ioner 11&8- and carried an&ni80U8ly, that Petition R-88-1ðC be approved, aubject to the Pet1 tioner'. Aqree_nt sheet, and the --oded Stipulat10118 - tollowe: o. Lake Excavation shall be allowed, given written County appro- val, &8 a result ot a toraal Subdivi.ion Master Plan eub- .i_ion. P. Deter necessity ot inter-road connection until aubaittal of the Subdivi.ion Maater Plan, and that the ordinance.. nuabered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book .0. 33: ORDI.ARCE 88-103 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82- 2 THE COMPREHE~ISIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONHIG ATLAS MAP NUMBER 48-26 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HAPLES-IMMOKALEE ROAD (CR 846), APPROXIMATELY 1 3/4 MILES EAST OF 1-75 IN SECTIO~ 28, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH. RANGE 26 EAST. FROM "A-2" TO "RSF-3" A SIHGLE- FAMILY RESIDEtlTIAL SUBDIVISION WITH ASSOCIATED USES TO BE KNOWN AS ~WYNTREE"; AND BY PROVIDING Arl EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 12 ,-1 (~ DECEMBER 20, 1988 It- #7B2 RESOLOTIOR 88-31., PU-88-1~C, ARTBORY P. PIREg, JR., WOODWARD 6 MOOœ.utD UP'IlESD'TI.G GULrsIDE MARXETI.a, IIIC., UQUESTI.a PR?VISIOJlAL USE Fa. S~/tCATD TRUTMEJIT PLA.rr O. THE SOOTH SIDE or I~D RO~-.::_AI>ÇJ":1.EJJ____----- ------ ---_m- Project Man~ger Weeks noted that thla item ia the companion item to the pre~iou3 Ite~, Ppt1tion R 88 15C. He lndicated that the 3ewage/water treatment facility w11l be located at the 90~theast corner of the project, and it w111 be an interim tacllity until County ser~ice is available at which time it w1l1 be removed. He stated that Staff has no objections to thla Petition, and the CCPC reco..cndcd appro~al, 3ubject to the St~ff Stipulations. ec:-.J..sioner Volpe 8OVed, seconded by eo..i..1oner 1Ia.8- and carried unan~ly, that Petition PO-88-1ðC be approved, aubject to Start Stipulations and the aaendaents aa noted in the previoua it.., thereby, adopting Re.olution 88-314. Page 13 3? DECEMBER 20, 1988 It- 1<:1 PrrITIOil SKP-88-5, WILLIAM C. MCAJrLY AJrn ASgOCIATU REPRESDTI.O ELBA DEVILOP'IUJI'T CO1t.PORATIO. (COrrRACT PURCHASER) REQUESTIBG SUBDIVIgIO. MASTD PL.U APPROVAL FOR RIVIERA COLOn GOLF EgTATES, t1JrIT IV ~OKPUIOJLTO. ~ETI!1Q~ R-8~-18~-=-~PPRO~~ Legal notice h~ving been publlohed in the UapleG Dally Newo on Decembe. ~, l~a~. aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing waG opened to consider Petition SMP-88-5, tiled by William McAnly and AGsociatea, repreaenting Elba Development Corporatlon (Contract Purchaaer). requeating Subdivision Master Plan approval for Riviera Colony Golf Eatatea, Unit IV (55 aingle-ta.ily Iota). a tr~ct of land located approxim~tely 1/2 mile weat of County Barn Road and approximately 3/4 mile north ot Rattlesnake Hammock Road in Section 18, ToWTIGhip 50 South, Range 26 EaGt, conslatlng of apprc~i:ately 14.46 acres. (Companion Petition R-88-18C). Public WorkG AdmlnlGtrator Archibald stated that this request i3 to consider a Subdivlaion Maater Plan for Riviera Colony Golf Estates, Unit IV. He noted that the propoaed develop~ent ia for 14-1/2 acres on the northwest corner of the Riviera development. He indicated that the layout i3 conolatent with the o~iginal Master Plan. He advlGcd that the developer plana on placing 55 aingle-fa.ily Iota wlthin the development, completing a perimeter road, and he does concur with the atipulations. He noted that there were concerna by the CCPC regarding adjacent zoning, but thoae have been addreGGcd. Mr. Archibald advi3cd that Staff is recommending that the Subdlv19ion Maater Plan, as outlined be approved, and that the next atep ia for the developer to go through the platting proceas. There were no apealc.era either for, or againat thia Petition. ec-.is.ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Baa.. aDd carried unaniaouely, to c'ose the public hearing. ec-.i_ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Shanahan P898 U LI'1 ,,---..__._'-- ------~-_._-"------ -----." -------.-- DECDmD 20, 1988 and carried unaniaouAly, that Petition SMP-88-5 be approved, wubject to the Petitioner'. Agreeaent sheet. It.. #7Al RZSOLOTIOR 88-315, PETITIO. rDPO-88-., REQUESTI.a APPROVAL or VARIARCB l1tDM ru KI.DIIJM ELrlATIO. REQUIRED BY TIŒ FLOOD DAMAGE PJl&VDTIO. ~~J~ ~_TlŒ_~~!,Ç~U;)JL~1'I~"J~~!.ÇO~.UIUM - ADOPTED Le~~l notice having been publiahed in the Haplea Daily Newa on December 4. 1~88, a~ evidenced by Affidavlt of Publication tlled with the Cler~, public hearing waG opened to conaider Petition FDPO-S8-., filed ~f Algonquin Development Corporation requeotlng a 2.7 toot reduction fro. the Flood In3urance Rate Map (FIRM) 11.00 teet, National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) requirements to 8.33 feet NGVD a3 required by Ordinance 86-28, fer property de3cribed as the Tropics Condominium on Venetian Bay, 4500 Gulf Shore Boulevard, (Block 31, Unit 5, Park Shore SubdlviaionJ, Naples, Florlda. Petitioner desires to build public swimming pool baths on the property an deacribed ;:above. Chiet Technical Planner McDaniel noted that a letter dated February 16, 1~84, from FEMA, adviaea that there is a built-in hardship of confllct between the Florida Handicapped Code and the P~ood Daaage Prevention Ordinance, because of the rampa that are required. He indicated that the applicant would normally have to bulld the bathrooma at 11 feet, and the Petitioner is requesting that he be allowed to conatruct it at 8.33 feet, for a 2.67 toot variance. He advised that Staff ia recommending that this variance be approved. There were no speakers either for, or against thls Petitlon. ec-i..ioner Haase aoved. seconded by Co..i..ioner Shanahan and. carried unaniaou~ly, to close the public hearing. ec-i..ioner Saunder. aoved, .econd8d by Co..i..ioner Baa.. and. carried unanlaouely, that Petition rDPO-88-4, be approved, thereby, adopting Reaolution 88-315. Page 15 ~(J ')j ._""""---"' DECEMBER 20, 1988 It.. rlA2 PETITIO. V-Ia-20, BILL DOKAHUE REQOESTIRO AK 8 rooT VARIARCE FROM THE R&QUIRZD non YARD SETBJ.C~ OF 30 nET TO 22 nn WOR PROPERTY LOCATED O. THE .ORTBWEST CORNER OF PALM RIVER BOULEVARD Am> SH.AJUfOOD DRIVE - DE!!~P.._-"--- --------------- Leçal notice having been published in the naples Daily Hews on Deccl:lber " 1~8&, aD evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to conaider Petltion V-88-20, filed by Bill Donahue. Collier Building and Development Corporation, requesting a variance of 8 feet from the required front yard setback of 30 fcet to 22 feet in a R$F 3 zone for property described as Lot 46, Block "A". Palm Rh'er Estatea, Unit No.7, the weat 110 feet ot said lot and ~lock (northeast corner of Palm River Blvd. and Sharwood Dr i ve) . Pl~~ner Weeks stated that this Petition ia a setback variance request, to reduce the front yard setback requirement from 30 teet to 22 feet. He described the property as noted above, adding that the Petitioner is proposing to con3truct a one-atory single-family resi- dence that will contain approximately 2,000 SF of living area. He noted that this lot waD created recently from a larger lot, is triangular in shape, narrow in depth, and has a drainage easement along the back side of the lot, He indicated that thia makes it more difficu:t to develop than a typical rectangular subdivision lot. However, he 3tated that after a review of the site, Staff believes that the lot could be developed with a single-family residence, com- parable to othcr houscs in the area, and they do not teel that a hard3hip cxi3tn, therefore, recom.endlng denial ot this petition. Hr. Weeks indicated that the CCPC held their public hearinJ on Nove.ber 18, 1~88, and recommcnècd denial (5/3) of this petition. Mr. Bill Donahue 3tated that the original plot plan indicated that the lot waD larger than what it actually i3. He noted that the home Page 16 :Y,/ DECEMBER 20, 1988 wag designed to fit thc lot. He indicated that he acknowledges that it is poaalble to bulld a am.aller houoe on the lot, but his position is that the current construction in Palm Rl~er is to a larger style home and a highcr price oituation. He noted that to build a subs tan- tially 3&aller home, would not be an economic development. He stated that he believes the approval of thio variance will help all partics involved, i.e. bankero, contractor. architect, etc. Coamisoioner Hagoc questioned whether the house could be spun around in a way to accommodate the lot? Mr. Donahue indicated that he has spent 5 houro attempting to do that, but the end result is encroaching into one of the other setbacks. He advised that there is no posalble way for the hoUGc, as it la prcacntly deslgned, to be built on the lot within the required oetbacKs. Commissioner Volpe queotioned if the slab has been poured, and asked what i3 to the rear ot the lot? Mr. Donahuc replied that the slab has not been poured, and there iG water to the rear ot the lot created by a weir from Horae Creek. Mr. William McDaniel atated that he Gold the lot to Mr. Donahue, and the lot was subdivided in May, 1988. He indicated that there was an error on the part of the surveyor, which was diacovered at the time the lot wag being ata~ed out, He indicated that a large portion of the garage would have to be deleted in order tor the house to tit on the lot. Co..iaaioncr Volpe stated he hag reviewed the backup, and he io sympathetic. but noted that thia is another error made by a surveyor. He indicated lf the Board of County Commissioners iG to tollow the criteria set forth in the rcquirementa regarding aetbacka, he does not feel it 1a proper to grant the petitioner the reliet he ia requesting. Mr. Donahue atated that hls appeal is baaed on the actual shape ot Page 11 55- DECEMBER 20, 1988 the lot, the de3ign of the house, and that it is co.patible with the cosaunity in Pal. RiYer. Hr. Olliff noted that once again the Board ls faced with a variance request, and based on the Finding ot Fact, Statt ia reco.- lIIendlnç denial. He indicated that the error was not created by the County and the lot will accommodate another atructure, which must be designed within the ~etback3. There were no other speakers regarding thi3 petition. ec-1..ioner ß&a- aoved, seco':1ded by CO1IIIi8sioner Sh.8n.ah"'n and carried unani.ouely, to close the public hearing. ec-.1_ioner Ba8- aoved. aeconded by Co8ai88ioner Goodnight and carried unan iaaualy , to deny Petition V-88-20, baaed on the Finding of Pact, and the recO88endation at Statt, I t- #7 A..3 RZSOLOTIO. &&-316, PETITIO. V-88-19, RODOLPH L. rERSTER, REPkKSKRTI.O ROBDTO IIOLLT, UQUZSTI.O A 0.15 rooT VARIA.8CE FOR PROPDTY LOCATED O. TD IIORT1IUST eORIER or ORAJfGE GROVE TRAIL An RUBY RED DRIVZ - ~PTÇ----------------- ---------- Legal notice haYing been published in the Naples Daily Hews on Dece~bcr 4, 1~88, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-88-19, flIed by Rudolph Ferster, East Collier County Construction Inc., representing Roberto Bollt, requeating a 0.6 toot variance trom the required front yard ~etback requirement of 20.0 teet to 19.4 teet in a "PUD" Planned Unit Development zone (Orangetree) , for Lot 31, Orangetree, Unit 1, located on the northeast corner ot Orange Grove Trail and Ruby Red Drive, in Section 23, Township 48 South, Range 21 East, Orangetree PUD. Planner Ne130n stated that toe Petitioner is requesting a setback variance the above--de~cribed property, to allow a partially constructed single-family re3idence to encroach .6 teet or 8 inches Page 18 -- , '~;' .. DECEMBER 20, 1988 into the requlred front yard aetback of 20 teet. He indicated that Staff did not find that a land or atructure related hardship exiated, therefore. they are recommending denial of subject petition. Mr. Nelson adYlged that the CCPC reviewed this petition at their public hearing on November 17, 1988, and thelr teeling waG that thiG varlance 13 8inor in nature, and the nearby properties would not be negatively impacted, therefore, they unanimou3ly reco~ended approval. He indlcated that there wag no public comment at the CCPC public hearing, and no correapondence has been rec~ived regarding this petition. In anower to Co~is9ioner Haase, Mr. Nelson advised that the house i3 75~ coaplete. He noted that building permits were lasued tor construction, whlch co~enced. Howeyer, he noted that when the spot aurvey was performed on Aprl1 27, 1988, the 8~ encroachment was disco- vered. Hr. Rudolph Ferater, repre3enting Hr. Roberto Bollt, stated that when Orangetree Development wag building thia home, there were no atreeta, adding that the contractor wag working from survey atakes. He indicated that when the subject houae wag laid out, the radiu3 of th~ road in front of the houGe waG not taken into consideration. He noted that thia wag an error on hia part. In answer to Commi3Gioner HaGse, Mr. Ferster stated that there is aufticient room to t~e rear of the houGe, to move it back, had the 8~ encroachaent been realized. There were no other speakers either tor, or against this petition. Co8ais.ioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Haase and carried unani8OUAly, to close the public hearing. ec-ia.ioD8r Sh.an.ah.an aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Jla.ase and carried unaniaoualy, that Petition V-88-19 be approved, thereby aðop~~ fte80lutlon 88-316. Page 19 ---"- ,- l DECEMBER 20, 1988 ... Race.. 10:30 A.M. - 10:45 A.M. at which t1ae Deputy Clerk Hotf.an waa replaced by Deputy Clerk Mendez ... Tape #2 It.. #13.\ STATE ATTORIEY'S OrPICE REQUESTIRG THE ACQUISITIOR or TWO REM VEHICLES U T1IJ: AMOUJrT or ~27J..QQ~APPRO~1L-. County ~anager Dorrill advi3ed that the subject requeat ls to pŸrcha3e under cover v~hicle3 for the S~ate Attorney's Office and use the County's Purchasing Department to solicit propoaala to lnaure that the prices obtained are the best available. Executive Director Miller of the State Attorney's Offlce advised Commissioner Hasse that the vehicles to be purchased are replacement vehicles and confirmed for Commis3ioner Saunders that there is an allocatlon of $27,000 in FY 8~ 89 for the vehicle acquisition. County Manager Dorrill noted that two vehicleB are belng traded in as indi- cated in the request dated December ~, 1~88. Co8ai..ioner Goodnight aoved. seconded by Co..i..ioner Shanahan and carried unaniaously, that the acquisition ot ~ vehicles tor the State Attorney's Ottice in the aaount of ~27,OOO be approved. Ite. riP4 DISCUSSIO. or THE BORTH COUWTY WATER MAIR PROJECT AT THE .\CDUSO. counn CLQ'B--=-D'g.J;~~IJfCL_~ ST~ REPORT TO BE PROVIDED Comm1s3ioner Saundcr3 ~dvi3cd that he has received aeveral telephone calls regarding the County's construction of the water line in the vicinity of the Audubon Country Club project. He stated that concerns expressed related to the construction ot the water line in a buffer area that had been set aBide and deslgnated as an area that would not have a water line in it. He noted that at previous Coami33ion meetings a 45 foot buffer zone had been designated. He requested that Staff prepare a report where the line is proposed to be Page 20 &0 DECEMBER 20, 1988 constructed and if it can be placed outside the butter area, and requested that Staff halt the lnstallation at the water line until the is3ue is re~Ql~~d. Respcnding to Co~misnioncr Hasne, Utl1ities Adminiatrator Crandall advised that the area in question includes the Bonita Shores/Hickory Shores area. H~ adviaed Commissioner Shanahan that it is not possible to put the area back in its original vegetative state. Colll.lllissioner Shanahan indicated that he had also received calla and violtationo fro: concerned citizens pursuant to the water line, Mr, Crandall noted that delaying conntruction of the water line would not acco:pli3h what the residents are seekinz. Commissioner Saunders stated that the problem 13 that the County was placed on notice that the line i3 being placed in an area that is designated as a butter area. and the requirements established by the Board should be compl ied with. He read the motion of the October 6, 1987 meeting: Coamissioner Saunder3 mo.ed, seconded by Commissloner Goodnight and carried unanlmou~ly, that the Ordinance be approved wlth the tollowing stipulations: 1 . Road rlght-ot-way i3 to be reduced to 40 ft. 2. County easement for utility will be placed as far south as is phyaically possible, Public Worka Administrator Archibald and Attorney George Varnadoe are to negotiate the location and should leave 45 feet of vegetated area. 3. Conatruction traffic will not not be allowed to use West Avenue. " . Developer will be permitted to conatruct a chain link tence 15 ft, from their property line. Commiaoioner Saundcra stated that the second part ot the motion was to prevent the de3truction of the trees in the vegetated area, and reiterated that he wanta a report on whether the line can be moved or not. Commiasioner Ha3se concurred with Commiaaioner Saunders' state- ment and added that the trees should be reinatituted and the area Page 21 t,¡ DECEMBER 20, 1988 should be brought back to its original state as much as posaible. Commiagio~er Saunders noted that the vicinity of the water line has to be kept free of trees and ~U3t be placed as far south as physically potJsible. County Manager Dorrl11 advised that the difterence between a pri- vate developer and the action taken by this Board is that the Board has a declared emergency water 9hort~ge in the County. H~ stated that Staff can provide the Board with ~ report which delineates the impact of the 7.5 fe~t which i3 part of the 45 foot butfer zone, CO~is3ioner Saunders stated that delaying the project would cause the County hardahip, however, a determination muat be implemented on possibly moving the line, Mr. Crandall provided the Board with a sketch pertaining to the Audubon project and noted that Lely Barefoot Beach started the design of the project, H~ indicated that Staff h~d informed the deve- loper th~t additional costs would be incurred if the water main was placed up Vanderbl1t Drive. He noted originally the project included a eo foot right-of way with a 35 foot buffer zone which was reduced to 40 feet of right-of-way with a 45 toot butfer zone. Reterring to the sketch, he noted that the dotted lines show the location ot the water main in relationahip to the buffer strip. He indicated that discussions with the Design En~ineer3 regarding the moving of the water line further south had resulted because ot residents' concerns in thi3 respect. He stated that Hole, Montes & A3aociates have advi3ed him that there is no way that the line could not have been moved further south, He noted that the Engineers wanted to keep the water aain as far away as poaoible trom the drainage atructures and the catch basing which would be about 4 feet from the curb lines. He provided the Board with photon of the area and noted that the area has been cleared, some of the residences in the area have cleared on from Page 22 ;;';) ,~ DECEMBER 20, 1988 the Audubon property, and Staff i3 required to revegetate the 7.5 toot buffer strip in accordance with County regulations. He advlaed that 4 - 6 foot tree~ will probably be planted in the buffer area which will coat $80.00 per tree. Responding to Co=miS310n~r Sh~nahan, Mr. Crandall advloed that the 3ite Wù3 ori;inally v~getated with pine and oak trees. He noted that it would cost about $30,00 to replace an oak tree. County Manager Dorrill 3tatec that Staff is com~itted to make the slash pine mitiga- tion within the 7,5 feet that wa~ ~l~ared, and the condition that the utilitï eaaement be a3 far 30uth as possible has been met, He noted that to have installed the line further south would have required the County to overlap the road right of-way which would have conflicted with the road, the curb or the associated atorm drainage systems in the north an~ south side of the road. He indicated that to locate a water line adjacent to or underneath road side drainage 10 poor design if other options are avallable, He stated that the option in this particular situation wa3 to locate the water line immediately north and adjacent to the road right of-way. He stated that at the meetlng the developer was not willing to make the conceaaion of locating hi3 road further to the aouth becau3c the cul-de-aac lots w~uld not be able to ~aintain the appropriate lot dimenaions. Responding to Commi3sioner Has3e, Mr. Crandall stated that the area would have to be revegetated. CoQmi33ioner Volpe commented that he did not believe a mistake has been made if the water line hag been conatructed from an Engineers point of view. Commissioner Saunders reiterated Mr, Crandall's statement about the impos3ibility of moving the water line further south. and added that the contractor had been instructed to clear 15 feet. Commlssioner Saunder~ asked Mr. Taylor, of Mol., MonteG and Associates, if the water line could have been moved turther south or not as indicated by Mr. Crandall? Mr. Taylor Page 23 ~~ ~~ DECEMBER 20, 1~88 advised that the Utility and Public WorKo Staff concur with the Engineers that the line ia b~ing placed in a location as tar south as is reasonable yith the construction ot the road and the drainage improve.ents. He stated that representatlves from Audubon have stated that 30me af the oaks can be relocated from within the roadway and unto the easement for revegetated purpoaeD. Ms. Emily Maggio. Civic Chairman ot the Bonita Shores/Hickory Shores Improvement Associatlon, indicated that in October 1987 the main reason for requesting the increased butfer was because the rcaldenta were being faced with a roadway in their backyards as well an in the front yards. She noted that the easement to the utility wag a complication to the aituation aD the MaDter Plan had called tor the water linc to go up Vanderbilt Drive and on to Bonita Beach Road to the weat. She stated that the agreement was that a 45 toot vege- tated butfer would be left in place to protect the property owners, whlch ha~ been mowed down. She stated that the digging shoulrt have been conducted from the oouth sidc where other constructi~n has been implemented. She ind1çated that the buffer area should not have been disturbed and the purposc of the 45 foot buffer is to prote~t the homes from the r~adwaï ln the bacK. County Manager Dorrill confirmed that the water line would be located in the Gouthern portion of the 7.5 toot easement and a 45 foot degree fitting will be installed by the Engineers to move the line as tar to the aouth aa practical. Ma. Maggie rebutted that the purpoDe of the butter wao to preserve the integrity of the homes and the aforementioned ahould have been ta~en into conaideration. Comm:3aioner Haasc concurred with this sta- tement and added that the County hag to try to establish a butter in the area. Commissioner Saunders atated that prior to the inotalla- tion of the lines, Staff had received notice that the trees would be Page 24 &1 --...,. DECEMBER 20, 1~88 cut. He noted that he had been informed of the situation a week ago by Mr3. Slater of Bonita Shore3. and added that perhapa the i33ue could ha'le been included aa an emergency item at the meeting of December 13, 1 ~88. He requested a detailed drawing trom the gngineers and a report from Staff regardinç the location of the water line. He stated that there were 5 ~ feet available turthor to the aouth, as the road right .of way i3 40 feet and the pavement i3 24 teet which leaves a feet to the north. Commi3aioner Shanahan concurred with CO~issioner Saundera' requeat and indicated that Staft has been repriaanded and the property 3hould he revegetûted. ComDliaaioner Saundcra ad'liscd MG. Maggio to meet with Statf regarding other con- Cerna relating to the Audubon PUD, MG. Renee Slater af 853 E. Valley Drive, Bonita Shores. noted that it i3 the realdenta' dcalrc for the area to be the vegetated. She aa~ed if the line would be installed on the 45 toot line? Mr. Crandall re3ponded that the water line would be located in the buffer zone, adjacent to 470 feet west of Vanderbilt Drive. Ms. Slater atated that treea cannot be planted on the water line. She noted that the privacy will not be provided by 4 - 6 foot trees, and requested that buGhea be planted aa well. She expreaaed concern about the i¡,:Hallation of the chain link fence to be installed as it will further eliminate the vegetation in the area. She suggested that the fence be located about 37 feet from where the vegetation wa3 elimi- nated. Commi3sioner Saundera suggeated that the fence isaue be related to the Audubon repreaentatives and diGcussion with Statt in thia regard ahould be undertaken. Mr. Walter Abramits of 50 ~th Street, Bonita ghoreG, stated that Audubon have moved atakea around, and no regard was given to marked trees. He queationed if the County inapected Audubon'a schedule ot work. Commi3sioner Saunders noted that presently the Board was Page ~5 b5- """--"'- DECEMBER 20, 1988 dißcussing the water line and suggested that Mr. Abramits alert Staff of any other problem3 being encountered. Co8a1..ioner Shanahan aoved, aeconded by Co..i..ioner Saund8r., that the water line be conatructed a. tar south as poa.ible, ettective r~tation 8bould be iapleaented in the area that waa cleared, and a full report tro. Start and the Conaulting Engineer. be provided on the c0D8truction ot the water line. Utilltiea Adminiatrator Crandall stated that he felt uncomtortable with Coaai33ioner ~hanahan'3 atatement about reprimanding Staff, and requeated that this action be initiated after the report is completed. County M4nager Dorrill indicated that legally the line ha3 met the require.enta of the original Board motion and also fro. an engineering 3tandpoint. Cc:miaaioner Saund~rs indicated that he was not prepared to ~ake that statement until he receives the report. Mr. Dorrlll related that the original motion of October 6, 1987 indicated that the line be as far south aa POG3ible, and noted that it was indicated that the .5 foot buffer wag not to be used. He reiterated that County Attorne'l Cuyler has adviaed that the legal requirc.ents have been .et, and Mr. Taylor hag indicated that the County has met the reasonable engineering requirements, and the Contractor has not turther encroached into the buffer zone. He stated that he would provide the Board with a full written report of what has transpired, but did not want any misconception in the minds ot the public that Statf has done something Wrong. Commlasloner Saunders stated that CommisGioner Sh4nahan's co~ents reflect the position ot the Board and reiterated the motion and added that the action did not include an otficiùl reprimand for Staff. Commi3sioner Shanahan concurred with Coamiasioner Saunders' statement. Opon call for the que.tion, the action carried unaniaouely. It- #.A JtO8DT IIJIIn UQUESTI.G SETBACK: VARIUCE, COKTIlfUED J'ROM DECDfBD. 13, 1~.. - JIO ACTIO. Page 26 66 - - -.. -"'-.- ...-.. -. -.. -- -- - DECEMBER 20, 1988 Acting Community Development Administrator Ollift advised that Ryan HoZCG has proceeded to move Mr. White's hv~ø. to a different location, and ~~uld no longer have the need to apply tor a variance. He noted that Staff worked with them on their Veterans Administration loan. Responding to Commis3ioner Shanahan, Mr, Olliff adviaed that the loan was tied through a bond laGue, and the contractor has asaured Mr. Whlte the houae can be moved and meet the closing date. It.. "8 nwAoIItJ) DAY JtZQt1UnBG APPUL OJ' MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY WIDTH AT 1864 BOJrOOUs coo.T, M.\RCO ISLAJrD, PURSUABT TO COLLIER COOJlTY ORDI.""CE .0. 82-91 - A.PP1tOV~J)----------_u_--- Mr. Ed~ard Day of ~arco Island requested approval to conatruct a 30 foot drj~eway to accommodate his 3 car garage on property located at 1864 Honduras Court, Marco Island. ,',' He noted that the lot is 160 feet by 100 feet, and the house has been constructed. He indicated that the County has informed him that he can only build a 24 toot driveway. He indicated that if hia lot was 80 feet by 50 teet, the Ordinance would allow him to build two 24 foot wide driveways. He requested the Board to grant him permiasion to build a 30 toot wide driveway on hia property. Project Review Services Manager Madajewskl advised that BUilding Permit No. 88-2243 was approved on July 8, 1988. Be stated that Tripp, Day, Mahar & Associates, Inc, and Mr. White were aware ot the requirements of Ordinance 82-91 when the building permit was issued. He noted that the Ordinance gets reasonable standardo, and the request to extend 6 teet beyond the 24 foot standard is not an unreasonable requCDt. Reaponding to Commiaaioncr HasGe, Mr. Madajewøki adviGed that the plana submitted indicated a 3-car garage with a 30 toot wide driveway, however, the plana were approved with a note atatlng that the driveway \' ~. f: Page 27 if ~, ~ ~ i r /~ _7 L ""--. DECEMBER 20, 1988 ma~imu. width could only be 24 teet. Commissioner Volpe aaked if the width ot the driveway under the exiating ordinance would be 24 feet at the curb cut and tan out to 30 feet? Mr. ~adajewaki reapondcd that the width of the driveway at the edge of pave=en~ would be approximately 50 teet with a 24 toot wide dri'Jeway. Mr. Day noted that the edye of pave~ent in 30 teet not 50 feet, and also noted that he could conatruct two 24 toot drivewaY3 w~thout any problema. He reiterated that hia request io tor a 30 toot driveway. Mr. Madajew~kj confirmed tor Commi33ioner Volpe that the petitioner could indeed conatruct two 24 foot driveways on hiD pro. perty. Co8ai..ioner S~ aoved. seconded by CO..ie.ioner Volpe and c&rrie4 un&ni8OUaly, t~t Mr. Edward Day's appeal to construct. 30 toot dri....y be approved. I tea nAl CO8IMC1rITY DJ:Vn.OPKDrT DIVISIOR TO AME1m APPLICABLE ORDI.UCEg RE MI.OIt Snucx DCJlOACIDŒrrS, REDUCE THE TIME ALLOTTED rOR SUBMITTALg or SUkYl:YS, REQUIRE A RECORD SURVEY FOR "H.A.RD" FOtJJfDATIOR ADDITIO.S, AXD ~ABLISH LICDSIRG REVIXW CRITERIA FOR CHRORIC ERCROACHMEKT YI()41'O~ ~ST~ DIRECTED TOPR.!PA~_Q~I!'.~ÇE~L -------- -------- --- - ActJng GommunJty D~velopmcnt Admjnj~trator Ollitt advised that Menara. Pettrow and Magri had aaaiated him in compiling the report regarding the aubject matter. He indicated that a Special Taak Force had been created by the County Manager's ottice which compriaed of builders and local 3urveyors to review the proble. and make recommen- dationa; a Development Services Steering Committee WaG eatabliahed to inaure that there wan consistency among the industry. He noted that the aforementioned Committees had determined the following: 1 . In relation to the large number ot building permita being iaGued on a monthly bania, the actual number ot aetback encroachmenta is very nmall. 2. To require an additional 3urvey would be unfair to the 99.9% of the indu3try who abide by the aetback requirements. 3. Many of the encroachmentn would re~ult tram "hard" toundation home additionG. e.g. awimming poola, porches, patios, which do not require a Gpot aurvey. Page 28 61 DECEMBER 20, In8 Hr. Olliff ~t~ted that the reco~~endations .ade by Staff and the local surveyors are as follows: 1. The Current ordinance c~ll3 for one-halt of one percent set- b~ck. A flxed tolerance ot two-tenths ot one foot is reco=ended. 2. The ti=e period ahould be reduced from 21 to 14 duys or an option that the time can be eliminated entirely. Responding to Comrnisaione~ Shan~han, Mr. Ollltt adviaed that 14 day a will still allow for cert~in conatruction to be implemented, and builders have lndicated that 14 days means a lot of Construction. Coaai33ioner Saunders st~ted th~t ~3 ordinanccs would be brought back for appro',¡al, the time period ahould bc further analyzcd. Co:aiaaioner Shanahan atated that it is his intent to make the time period as "tight" aa poaalblc, Commissioner Hasse noted that since 1~86 there have been 20 afte~-thc-!~ct varianccs. Commissioner Volpe pointed out that out of the 20 after the fact varlancea 17 had been approved. Mr. Olllff noted the third recommendation: 3, That "hard" foundation additions to structurea, sho~ld also be required a record survey. This would result in the foreKnowledge of proper setback requirements. 4. Continuation of encroachment problems should be investigated and action bc taken by the Contr~ctor's Licensing Board. Coamiaaioner Volpe asked how Staff would address the iaaue ot sur- veyors transposing numbers to which Mr. Ollitt advised that surveyors would also have to appe~r before the Code Enforcement Board or the Contractor~ Licen~lng Board for their determln~tion. Mr. Olliff otated that the fifth recommendation is the most dit- ticult: 5. The Planning Commiasion and the Board ot Zoning Appeals deny requeata tor after-the-fact variances when the Findings ot Fact indicate no hardahlp exiats. Hr. Olliff atated th~t if the ~forementioned recommendation was enacted by the Planning Commiasion ~nd the Roard, atructurea will be Page 29 fJí fo: r M DECEMBER 20, 1988 sited behind the 3etbac~ linea. ) ,~ He noted that there hag not been a 1~; consistent Finding of F~ct, and the lndu9try should be made a~are that it must adhere to actback requirementa. AS3iatant County Manager McLemore noted that the buildlng Industry had recO8mended the atorc-- mentioned. :'" Mr. Olliff confirmed that wa3 one ot the atrongeat recom- mendat:ona made by the lnduntry. ", ~~ ~,,' U Com:i33ioner Shanahan indicated that he concurred wi.h Recommen- datlons #4 and #S. Commisaioner Volpe indIcated that he could not make a deter- mination prior to h<1"'inç all the facta presented,;,"and had a problem ~'. wi th the laat recomlllendat ion. ',i' CORaisSioner Saundera stated that presently a 8econd Board to hear ~, atter-the-fact variance3 in not needed, and Recoaaendation No. ~ ahould not be made part of the amcndmcnta. ec-J-iooer Shan&b.an aoved, .econd.ed by Co..1..ioner Hae- and carried unaniaoualy, authorizing Statt to prepare "'ndaent. to appli- cable ordinance. a) increa.ing the tolerance tor 81Dor yard encroach- aent. tr08 one-halt (1/2) percent to a aaxiana ot two-tentba (2/10) of ,;$ one (1) toot ot the required yard setback distance; b) r841;.c ing the tl.. require..nta tor aubaittala ot toundation survey. fro. 21 to 1. day., c) require record survey. tor 8hard8 toundatJon additions to .truc~.. and d) institute policy tor the Contractor'. Licensing Board ..tabllahing review criteria tor chronic setback encroacbaent violators; these ordinance. are to be brought back 8O88ti.. in March, 1989. It.. "82 DISCUS.IO. Ita RßISIOKS TO THE ACCESS COJrTROLS BETlBD EUCLID AVDtnI: .um nm NHISPDI.a PIRES DEVELOnŒJrr PER COtnrrY PERMIT .0. 6070B - .0 ~I~_____------- Comai33Ioner Saunders noted that he had received a letter troa Meaars. Michael Karoof Ed White and Jack Pointer which outlines the :1', ¡;~ t " þ, " 1\ Page 30 7{) ,'-.._--",," ...-- DECEMBER 20, 1988 votes of the Willoughby Acre~ Property Own~rs Aasociation, Inc. in reference to the 30lution th~t the BoQrd has lnitiated relating to trucK tra~~ic in the area, He atated that the vote was 80 in favor and 11 opposed to thc arrangeQcnt which provides for a maximum ot nine trucks per weeK on three different days between the hours ot 10:00 a... and 2:00 p... Mr. JacK Pointer stated that the Willoughby Acres Property Owners AS30ciation had mct on December 15, 1988 and confir.ed the atoremen- tioned votc. He indicated that the directive ha3 been in effect for the past two week3, and thc developer has met all the requirements. He indicated that the Aasociation 13 particularly happy with CoaQissioner Goodnight's proposal, however, the arrangement will cease on June 1, 1989 to protect school children in the area. He indicated that he would work with Public Work3 Ad~in13trator Archibald to make thc easterly entrances posniblc. He thanked Mr. Archibald, Assistant County Attorney Wilaon, aa well as the North Naplcs Sheritf's Depart.ent Subatation for their assistance. Coaai3sioner Saundera thanked Mr. Pointer for hla understanding in the matter, and helping the Board aolve a scrious problem. Mr. Ed White of Willoughby Acres stated the majority at the resi- d~nta were in favor of the proposal, and requested that the problem be taken care of by June 1, 1~8~. Responding to Co~Qiaaioncr Saundera Mr. Conley advised that the southerly access which coordinates with the development ot Livingston Road ahould be developed first. He indicated that diacuasions with two property owners will be initiated for the granting at an ease.ent or acquisltion at property. It- ftA2 COJrT1lACT WITH £DISO. COMMU1IITY COLLEGE, rRIEJrDS 0. ROO~ BAY UD CDTD PO. DVIROJDŒJrrAL EDUCATIO. TO PERJ'ORM gTUDIES 0. KLWOJtOVK ESTUUT~-=--AJ>PRQ.~Q._---- ------- ------- ----.- Acting Community Development Administrator Ollitf adviaed that the subject item ia a recommendation to approve a contract to pertorm stu- Page 31 7/ DECEMBER 20, 1988 dies in the aangrove estuary area. He noted that the Board a']thorized Staff to negotiate a contract for the atudy, and 8atching services will be provided by both the County and the Subcontractor. He noted that the aatch figures are included in the packet intormation, which have been approved by the Depart~ent ot Environmental Regulation, DER. He noted that the County will not incur any tiacal impacta. He noted that the item i3 companion to Item #9A3. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the agreement is appropriate, Mr. Olliff confirmed tor Commlssioner Volpe that the "in-kind" 3atch is $27.133. He noted that the proposal consists ot various tac- tors which are delineated in the Execlltive Summary. CollUlliasioner Volpe Indicated that the County Match previously shown in the Executive Summary had shown the fIgure to be $?,300 not $27,133. Mr. Olliff confirmed thi3 atatement, and noted that the figure shown with the current Executive Summary is correct. Commissioner Saunders Guggested that lf an item hag been previously presented to the Board the Executive Summary ahould expand on the history and the recOmmen- dations aade. ec-~..ioner JI&a- aoved, IHtconded by Co..i..ioner ghanatt.n aD4 carried UD&Diaoualy, that the contract tor .tudi.. of aangrOV8 babi- tats, with Ediaon CO88Unity College, Priend8 ot Rookery Bay, and Center tor Environaental Education be approved. Page 32 7J DECEMBER 20, 1988 It- "A3 CO8TUoCT WITH Tn FLORIDA DEPARTMDrT OJ' EXVIROIlMlDl'rAL UGt1L.\TIO. (DO) TO J.CCZ:Pr a:aAn .,.1ES J'OR A MAJfGRQVZ ESTUARY STUDY r. TJD: AMOon 01' lli.lU3.00 - AP~ -------- Acting Coamunity Development Administrator Olliff advised that the subject lte: 13 to accept grant monie~ from the Department of Enviror~ental REgulation in the amount of $41,..3.00. Co8ai.sioner Sh.an.ah&n 8OVed, -conded by eo..1..1oner Volpe and carried ~"'i8nU8ly, authorizing the Chairaan ot the Board to execute contract with the J'lorida DD to accept grant 8O11i8s in the aJIOUnt of S.1,4.3 tor a aanqrove e.tuary 8tudy. Page 33 77 .-«<-"-....",, DECEMBER 20, 1988 It- nA. ADDRUSI~~L~!J;I~ !"O~I'I'_!QILL~91nERIRG-.:!'..~gr.__II) - APPROVED Acting Co~unity Development Administrator Olliff requested appro- val of an Addrc3sing Technician po~ltion. He noted that Start is not proposing any increase in funds or apecial fees. He stated that the poaltion is a building related i3sue and Start has been trying to determine where the deficienciea in the current system liea. He stated that the Bullding Dircctor, the Assistant Community Development Admini3tr~tor and the Development Services had worked on the report which addrcases street addrc3~ing program recommendations. He stated that the Supervisor of Electiona' memorandum dated December 8, 1988 sup- ports the requeat tor additional staff to resolve the street name/house nuAbering problems presently encountered in the County. Coa&lssioner Volpe aaked whether a single individual would be capable of addres3ing the atrcct namc and house numbering problem and if such informatlon is available through the Tax Collector's otfice? Mr. Olliff adviaed that the situation works on a two-told tunction; a graphics aapplng functions as well as a development function, and it is a street naming function to check otf existing street addresses to ascertain there ia no dupllcation. He noted that the street numbering involves a grld system which ia developed through the mapping process. He stated that currently there arc 1 to 2 persona to do the grid house numbering work. He stated that the requeat iB to merely keep up with the work load. eo..i-1on.er ShJaruoh.an l8OVed, seconded by Co..i..10ner 1Ia..8- and carried 1ID.aD1.8ou.aly, that the po.it1on tor an Addr...ing Technician poe1t1OQ be approved. ... &ec... at 12:10 p... - Reconvened at 1:00 p... at which ti.. Deputy Clerk Mendez waa replaced by Deputy Clerk Bottaan ... Tape .3 Page 34 ~. DECEMBER 20, 1988 It... nJU - "~J...Q_~a~cy .Q~.QJ~~CES It! STREET LIGBTIRa DISTRICTS Co=~i33io~er Saund~r3 ~t~ted that the public hearing tor all the Street Lighting Municipal Service3 Taxing Units ta be declared an emergency, will be heard almulta~eou31y. Public Work~ Admini3trator Archibald stated that he would like to offer SOllie general background, relat1nç to the 7 separate ~ighting Districts that are to be created. He noted that as part of the Subdiv1a10n requirementa, a developer is required to put in street lights. He indicated that one of the alternatives, available to them, is that they can petition the County to create a Special District by ordinance, and the County will implement and undertake the street lighting prograQ for that particular subdivislon. ~r. Archibald advised that there are 7 subdivisions, whereby, the developera have rcquented that the County create a Taxing District by ordinance. He noted that the ordinances must bc adopted by the end of the calendar year, In order to he considered in the upcoming budget year. He indicated that Staff did not have sufticient time to meet the 30 day advertiaing requirement, as year'cnd io approaching, there- fore, the only way that thc3c Lighting Diatricts can be considered before the end of thia calendar year. ls to consider them as emergency ltelll3. Tape #3 Mr. Archibald indicated that each apecific area that ia addressed in each ordinancc, will benefit, and that ia the area that will be asaesacd for the benetit3 received. ~..ioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co..jssjoner Ra8ÞJ and carried unani80U8ly, to declare an eaergency to hear an ordinance creatLDg the Royal Woods Golf and Country Club Unit. 1 6 2 Street Lighting Municipal Service. Taxing Unit; the Vanderbilt Villas Street Light~ Municipal Services Taxing Unit; the Orangetree Unit. 1-. P8ge 3ð 9C¡ .-.. ...........,. DECEMBER 20, 1988 Street Light~ Municipal Services Taxing Unit; the Sabal Lake Unit 1 Street Lighting Municipal Services Taxing Unit; the Erinwood, Pha8e 1 Street Lighting Municipal Service. Unit; the Moon Lake Unit 1 and 2 Street Lighting Municipal Services Taxing Unit; and the BerJtahire Lake. Unit. 1 and 2 Street Lighting Municipal Services Taxing Unit. Mr3. Charloétc W~3tman quc3tioned whether all of the propo3cd emergency ordinance3 have been approved a3 to form and legal 9uf- flciency, noting that ordin~ncc regarding Item ~B4, Royal Wood Golt and Country Club doe a not bear a signature? Aasiatant County Attorney Weigel adviaed that the original ordi- nance ha3 been 3igned, noting that at the time the agenda packet was prepared. he had not yet aigncd it. There were no other 3peakers. eo....t..ioner Shanahan aaved, aeconded by Co..i..ioner Baa.. and carried an.a..nia:1Wlly, to close the public hearing on Agenda It... is. ~ VBI0. I tea ftJU ~ ORDIJLUrCE 88-104, CRUTIJIG THE ROYAL MOOD GOLF a COUJITRY CLUB ~TS 1 6 2 STREET LIGHTIRG MUXICIPAL SERVICE TAXI.a exIT - ADO PTXD -~------- Co8ai..ioner Shanahan aaved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, to approve the Royal Wood Golt and County Club Dnit. 1 and 2 Street Lighting Municipal Services Taxing Unit, and that the ordinance aa nuabered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ord~ce Book .0. 33: ORDI.UCE 88-104 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE CREATING THE ROYAL WOOD GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB UNITS 1 & 2 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT; PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNIT; DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OP THE UNIT; PROVIDlrlC FOR PURPOSE AND POWERS; PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES AND TAXATION RATE; PROVIDING FOR TAX ASSESSMENT ArID COLLECTIOtI; PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND PRO'JIDHIC AU EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. ftBð ~<1ÐK'Y ORDIJLUrCI 88-106, CRUTIRO THE VAJrDERBILT VILLAS STREET LIGBTI.O MCIICIPAL SERVICEg TAXING exIT - ADOPTED Page 36 9ò DECEMBER 20, 1988 ec-J.aal00er Shanahan. lIOVed, _conded by Coaai..iODAtr Goodnight and carried un&ni~ly. to approve the Vanderb11t Vill.. Street L1ghtinq Mtmici~l Service. Taxing Un1t, and that the ordinance .. nuabered and tJtled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book Jlo. 33: ORDIJlAJlCE 88-106 AN EMERGENCY ORDH1AHCE CREATH1G THE VAlfDERBILT VILLAS STREET LIGHTING WJUICIPAL SERVICE TAXHIG U~lIT; PROVIDHIG THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNIT: DESIGrlATWG THE GOVERNING BODY 01." THE UNIT; PROVIDING POR PURPOS~ AnD POWERS; PROVIDING FOR ANnUAL ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES A!lD TAXATI'JU RATE; PROVIDIHC FOR TAX ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR conSTRUCTIon; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING AX EFFECTIVE DATE. It- n86 ----GDICY OJU)IJIAJI~ 88-106, CRUTI.O THE ORAJlOETREJ: UJrITS 1-. gTR.DT LIGJlTIJIO H\,¡~j:_Ç1PAL SERVICE!S- ~M:r;~g-!lJr-1~~_mD Co8ai..ioner Sha~~h~n aoved, seconded by CO"i8sioner Goodnight and carried un&n180U81y, to approve the Orangetree Unit. 1-. Street LightLDg Munici~l Services Taxing Un1t, and that the ordinance .. nuabered and t1tled below be adopted and entered 1nto Ordinance Book Jlo. 33: ORDI.AJlCE 88-106 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE CREATING THE ORANGETREE UNITS 1-4 STREET LIGHTI:1G MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT; PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNIT; DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIT; PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE AND POWERS; PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES AND TAXATION RATE; PRO'JIDH1G FOR TAX ASSESSMEI1T AND COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR COlrSTRUCTION; DECLARH1G MI EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Ite. nB1 DŒR.GDcy ORDIR.urCE 88-101, CRUTIHG THE SABAL LAD UJrIT 1 STREET LIGBT~ MOIICIPAL SER~:r;CES TAXI.G UJrIT - ADOPTED Co8ai8810ner Shanahan aoved, 8eConded by Co..i..ioner Goodn1ght and carried unaniaouely, to approve the gabal Lake Un1t 1 Str..t Lighting Municipal Services Taxing Unit, and that the ordinance.. ~red and titled below be adopted and entered 1nto Ordinance Book 110. II: Page 21 9; DECEMBER 20, 1988 ORDIRAJfC! 88-101 A~ EMERGENCY ORDINANCE CREATING THE SABAL LAKE UNIT 1 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT; PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNIT: reSIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODV OP THE UNIT; PROVIDING FGR PURPOSE AND POWERS; PROVIDIrlG FOR Am-mAL ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES AND TAXATICHI RATE; PRO'IIDIrm FOR TAX ASSESSME~IT AND COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR COH~TRUCTION; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It- naa IXI:aO &.\; r OR!) I ILUfCZ 8 8 - 1 0 8, CRU T I . a THE ER I JIWOO D , PB.A.S II 1 S TRDT LIGB'T!JrCL~!"Ç!~~~ERV1Ç!S_'t~~G 01f!1-=- ~_mD- Co8ai..ioner ghana.h.an 8IOVed, seconded by COIIaiseioner Goodnight and carried unaniaouely, to approve the Erinwood, Pha.. 1 gtreet Lighting Manicipal ~rvices Taxinq Unit, and that the ordinance .. nuabered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ord~c. Book .0. 33: ORDI.AJfCE 88-108 AX EMERGENCY ORDitiANCE CREATING THE ERINWOOD, PHASE 1 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT; PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNIT; DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODV OF THE UNIT; PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE AND POWERS; PROVIDING FOR ArnlUAL ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES AND TAXATION RATE; PRO'/IDHIG FOR TAX ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING AX EFFECTIVE DATE. It- nB9 J)fW'D.",-ey ORDIUJICE 88-109, CR.!.ATI.a THE MOO. LAD O1fITS 1 .IJID 2 STREKT LIGBTI.a MOIICIPAL SERVICEg TAXI.a O1fIT - ADOPTED Co8ais.ioner Shan.ahan 8OVed, seconded by C088Iseloner Goodnight and carried unaniaouely, to approve the Moon Lake Unit. 1 and 2 Street Lighting MunIcipal Service. Taxing Unit, and that the ordinance.. nuabered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book 80. 33: ORDI8AJfCE 88-109 AX EMERGE/ICV ORDINANCE CREATING THE MOON LAKE UNITS 1 AND 2 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UnIT; PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNIT; CESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIT; PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE AND POWERS; PROVIDING FOR ANnUAL ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES AND TAXATION RATE; PROVIDING FOR TAX ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR CON~TRUCTtOH; D~CLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING AN EFPECTIVE DATE. It- n810 Page 38 1:J- I I DECEMBER 20, 1988 ~, ~ OJlDIJr.UCCK 88-110, C'RUTI.a TIm BERXSBIU LADs O1IIT3 1 Aa'D 2 snD1' LIGKTIJIG ~I.ÇIJ~_M_JlERYI~:1 T~I.G O1II_'-r - AÐOPnD 11'-' Ca8aJ._io~r Sh&nahan lIOVed, seconded by CoaaJ...ioner Goodnight !' and carried un.ani8CJWIly, to approve the Berkahire Lake. Unit. 1 and 2 Street Lighting Municipal Services Taxing Unit, aDd that the ordinance (¡ .. naabered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance f' r', , , , ~ ~,;; ~ AX EMERGENCY ORDINANCE CREATING THE BERKSHIRE'LAKES UNITS 1 AND 2 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT; PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNIT; DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIT; PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE AND POWERS; PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL ESTIP-'.ATES OF EXPEnSES AND TAXATION RATE; PROVIDING FOR TAX ASSESSMENT ArID COLLECT! or¡; PROV I DING FOR conSTRUCTIOn; DECLARHIG AN EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Book .0. 33: ORDIRAXCE 88-110 It- "811 RUOLaTIOIr 88-311, AGREEXEn BETWEU TIm BeC AJrD 1'JD 0NJrD.S or TIm VIRrrAJU:)S POD USULTaG a EXC1U.XGE or PROPERTIES (ACQUISITIO. or COOJrTT UGHT-oP-NAY FOR VAJrDERBILT BEACH ROAD rRO8I OAD BLVD. TO C.R. 951 )-=-,~~--------- --- ---- ---- -- ------------ Public Work3 Admini3trator Archibald 3tated that this agenda ite. deals with a aerie3 of Agrecment3 to) acqulre right8-ot--way to complete the Vanderbilt Beach project along the Vlneyards frontage, on the east side of 1-75. \ t' He noted that in conG1stency with prior action ot the Board on July 26, 1988, arr~ngement3 have been made to purchaae a par- cel of property from the County Utilitie3 Divi3ion within the V1neyard3 POD. .. ..' He noted that thin 13 surplu3 property to the '.. Utilities Division, and in turn, upon receipt of the property by the Transportation Dcpartment, will exchange that property to the Vineyard3 for the needed right 0: way. He indicatëd that the parcel ;;J to be obtained i3 2.5 acrca, tor approximately $50,000. He advised that the parcel the County will be exchanging i3 within the PUD, and consists ot 1.B acrca. ;\- He noted that the value ot the 1.8 acre3 exceeds the value of the 2.5 acreo, theretore, the proposal ia in the best interest of thc County. Page 39 -'"' , DECEMBER 20, 1988 Hr. Terry Loury, repre3cnting the owners ot the Vineyards, responded to Co~mlsaioner Volpe by stating that the 2.5 acres will be used with the Town Center for the entire project, as outlined in the PUD docuaen t a . Co=missioner Volpc questioned whether the Qult Clai. Deed ties in the restriction to limit the uae to the Town Center? Aaalstant County Attorney Weigel stated that the 2.5 acrea and the rights and llmitation3 to its U3C, are prescribed within the PUD ordi- nance. He indicated that the Quit Claim Deed will exist aD a record of fact, whereas, whatever interest has come to the County via the Water/Sewer Di3trict, is being tranafcrred to the Vincyards, and they will continue to have the reaponaibility for use consistent with the zoning. He advised that thi3 i3 addre3acd in the Agreement with the Vincyard3. which i3 3cp~r~te from the deed, !tsel f , Ccaa1..ioner Shanahan 8IOVed, seconded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight «Dd carri~ unaniaoualy, to accept the reco...ndation ot Start to: 1. Adopt Reaolutioo 88-317, reque.ting tranater ot .urplus rlght- ot-way troa the Florida Departaent ot Transportation to Collier County. 2. Execute Agree..nt between County Water-Sewer Di.trict and 8oard ot County Coaai..ioner. to tranater a 2.5 .cre water tank sit. to Collior County. 3. Execute Quit Clai. Deed tor a 2.6 acre water tank .ite tro. County Mater-Sewer District to the Board ot County Coaais.ioner.. f.. Execute Agreeaent between Board at County Co..i.sionar. and owner. at the Vineyards (Procacei) to: &. Transfer Vanderbilt Beach Road R/W (1.8 Acre.) to Collier County; and Transfer a 2.5 acre water tank site to the Viney~rds; and Coaplete Vanderbilt Beach Road iaproveaent. fro. 0ak8 Blvd. to Vineyards Blvd. b. c. 5. Execute Quit Clai. Deed for a 2.5 acre water tank .ite froa Board ot County Coaai..ioners to Michael and 30aeph Procaccio 6. Accept the transfer of 1.8 Acre. ot Vanderbilt Beach Road RIN troa Michael and Joseph Procaeci to the Board of County Coaai..ioner. via Right-ot-Way Eaaeaent. 7. Accept the tranater ot 13.775 acre. ot surplus right-of-way troa the rlorida Depart..nt of Transportation to Collier Page .0 /)/( ,-----------------, DECEMBER 20, lill Coanty (pureu.ant to the Reaolut1on (ite. 1]), at reach t1- - the deed ot conveyance 1. received troa the Departa.nt. Page 41 1~ --.- DECEMBER 20, 1~88 It.. n812 ~ rDM)S ROM CAPITAL RESERVI rtnrD 196 TO .,ACILITIES COJrSTJWCTIO1I I'URD 301, AJfD ESTABLISH A LID 0., CREDIT FOR '1'IrI HULTB AXD PUBLIC SERVICES THREE-STORY BOILDIRG - CORTRACT TO CARLSOR CORP. !.~-~ ~_0'_~6,5431~OO - ~"!AJlD_ER ---- - --------- Publ~c Work3 Aè:;¡jr.i~trator Archibald statcd th;:¡t <:13 a follow up by Board of County Commi3s1oner3' action last week, the Purchaaing Depart~ent aent out notice3 to all 5 blddera that 3ubmitt~1 proposals under Bid 88-1301, for the Health and Public Servicea three-atory building. He indicated that th~ propoaa13 were opened on December 16, 1~88, and are s~mmarized a3 follows: Hr. Archibald ad~ised that H. D. Rutledge reduced the number ot daY3 to complete the work from 574 to 3~0 days. He noted that their price to pcrfor~ the work was increaaed from $6.5 million to $6.7 million. Mr. Archibald indicated that Southern Gulf West Construction sub- mitted a prop03al to increase their price to complete the work fro. $6.7 aillion to $6.8 million, but the number of days to complete the work waa reduced trom 540 days to 510 daya. Mr. Archibald 3tatcd that the CarlGon Corporation waG the tira that originally submitted the lowest time to complete the project. noted that the time ha3 h(!en further reduced from 3?O days to 365. adviaed that the bid amount has alao been reduced from $6.6 million to $6,543,000. He indicated that ~t will be in the beat interest ot the County to award the con3truction bid to this firm. Coamisaioner Saundcrs noted that it appearG that the County will be saving approximately $125,000 and 25 daya, if the proposal from Car130n Corporatlon i3 accepted. Mr. Archibald replied that this is correct. Mr. Archibald noted that Carlaon Corporation submitted an alter- nata bid for possible coat rcductlona, and tor architectural services. Page 42 He He //3 , f. ." :i; '1;* DECEMBER 20, 1988 ~'" He indicated that within the next few w~eks, Staff will pursue those Ii coat reductions with C~rlgon, and nIno the p030ib11ity that they aay provide 30~e architectural scrvicC3. ,'> ~~ He indicate4 that if this contract 13 awardcd to Carlson, Staff may preaent,a Change Order to Ìc\ the Board in the near future, which would further~enefit the County. ec-i..Ioner Volpe aoved, ..conded by Co..i.8Joner Baa- and ~i1 carrIed UD&D180U8ly, to award the construction cOQ~ract tor the Health M and Public Service. Three-Story Building to Carl8OD Corporat1on/Soutb- .eat ~ the 88OUDt ot $6,643,000, and the coapl.tJon ot project to be witb~ 366 4aya; and Statt to dI.cus. po..ible reductiona with that tira. Page 43 {/L/ -_._~-""", I ;\~ I DECEMBER ~ It- "813 ~i ~, .utC1IITKC¡uKAL/DGIDERI80 DESIO. COJITRACT FOR Bt1ILDI.O C-2 ADDITI08 - AMAaIJED TO L. If '-~~'-L !~Ç~ ". MYERS I. THE AMOmrr or $21.800 20, 1988 ,"', ",' Coaal3310ner Saund~r~ stnted thnt he rcqueated that thio item be reaoved from the Consent Agend~, ~nd placed on the Regular Agenda, noting concerna relat1ng to thc waiver of competitive bidding. , He indicðted that the Bo~rd of County Commi3310ncro hag prevIously approved negotlationo with the Contractor, but he thought if any of , the n~~ CO~i33ioner3 had que3tion3, they could be addresaed by having t I' ~, County Manager Dorrill indicated that the rationale behind the . Board of County Commi301oncrs' action in October,' to waive the selec- thi3 ita: heard as a regular agenda item. tion proce33, wa3 to utilize thc original Engineering firm ot Record f tor that building. Hc! noted th~t it i3 a relatlvely alllall job, , a.ounting to approximately $21,000. He noted that the total co.bloed tee for baaic aervicc3 1s about 7~ ot construction; with reilllbur- i, seablcs and other total project coots, atill under 10' of construc- tt tion, tor design oervicea. l , c-t-1oner Shan.:ah""n 8OVed, ~onded by eo.a1aaioner Goodnight !1'i aDd carried unan~ly, to aw~d a contract to L.W.S.M.. Inc. ot rt. Myer8 tor the addition ot Building C-2, in the &8OUnt ot 821,800. Itea #~El B*NaTE: SEE PAGESSi'-IJ,I..;I,~*** RESOLUTIO. 88-318, IRCREASING THE NUMBER or EMPLOYEES SAFETY I.CERTlVE AJUJlOS l1tOM ~-'I'O_jJn~J'Y ::_A.DO~p Ad&1niatrative Scrvicea Adminiatrator Ocho stated that recommen- dation is being made to rcviac thc Elllployee3 Safety Incentive Progra.. He indicated that the Safety Incentive Award Program, as adopted in 1986, provideD for tcn caah award3 to employeea who have colllpleted 12 lIIonths ot service without a 1003 time injury. or a preventable autOlllo" bile accident, He adviocd that this Progralll has been quite ettective ln establiahing aafety aa an important job pertoraance criteria tor .,. ~ ¡§ i Page 4. /I<? .--.-"--.- '.'-, ---_.,~., DECEMBER 20, 1988 Compensation Program, all e.p1oyees, and has reduced the overall 10s3 ratios in the Worker's He stated that Statt 1s reco..endlng that the number of eliçible cash recipients be increased from 10 to 30 e~ployee9, which will ha_c th~ benefit of spreading the Program bene- each ot those areas. fits amenç each Agency Divia10n, baaed upon the number at employee3 in He stated that the total program co~t will increase approximately $3,500, and noted that the3e tund3 are available in the Worker's Compenaðtion Rcserve A~count. Cn--i..100er Volpe aov-d, aeconded by Coaais8ioner Baa.. and e&rr18d UlI.8Z11aou.aly, to adopt Reaolution 88-318, increaaing the maaber of E8ploy.e Safety Incentive Awards tr08 ten to thirty. Page 45 f ! I -"- "--- DECEMBER 20, 1988 It- "1'1 0PaaI..D& 01' (;()kn,:¡-LJ( IlA.RDWAJlE IR THE COtnrTY MARAaER' S AaDCY - SOL&-IOORCK ACQOISITIO. or DIGITAL VAX 6220 - ~D Cou~ty Manager Dorrill advj3~d th~t the computer aystem that hls agenciea ~re currently operating under control of the Clerk's oftice. involves thp UGe of Digital computer producta. H~ indicated that this was the reault of a Ma3ter Plan effort that was done to au'liae the Board of what area3 under the County Com.isaion's authority could beneflt from becoming computer baaed. He noted that as a result, a short tera lease was entered into, to acquire the initial hardware ayatem. He stated that the point of capacity has been reached with the initial ayatema, noting that requeat ia being made to take credit ag~inat the pre3cnt devices, and to acquire a larger machine in terms at capacity and atorage capabilities, and to computerize an auto.- mative building permit tracking system. Coaalsaioner Volpe questioned the amount of the credit that Mr. Dorrill referred to? Adainiatrative Servlcen Adminiatrator Ocha stated that the total allowance i3 $155,024,48, which ia the quoted diacount tor trade-in value. He noted that the initial 3 year le~se/purchaGe agreement still has 22 remaining month3. He indic~ted that $38,000 is needed in the current fiscal yrar to :mplement th~ annual Coat of the upgrade, baaed on the five year lcase/purchaac 3chedule of payments. He atated that there ia $100,000 budgeted ln the Community Development Fund in anticipation of the additional computer hardware and 30ttware requirements, He atated that the $38,100 will come trom the Reaerves in the Utilitiea Fund, and the Capital Fund. He adviaed that the dlf- ference between the annual payment in the current lease program and the n~ leaae program will be $7,000 per month, but noted that the capacity will be more than doubled, and it also includcD the extended Page 46 Vii "".^.-......, . DECEMBER 20, 1988 warranty and maintenance agreement. Clerk Gilca stated that he haa not reviewed Mr. Dorrlll's me.o to the Board, regarding the costa, but noted that initially W~ê~ the Microvaxes were purchu3cd, it wag dlfficult to anticipate the demand. He ln11cated that a big ad~antage to the new equipment, !3 that there is the common knowledge between aasiatanta and secretaries to be able to c083uni~atc with each other, rather than each having their awn little ayatcm. He added that part of the rea30n for approaching the Digital Equipmcnt Vax line, i3 the common operating system, noting that the programs from this system can be uaed on ayatems ot $2 8illion dollar3. and thc company i3 dedicated to that. He noted that it has been noted in Fortunc, and other trade magazinea that the ayatea will be availabl~ ~t the turn of the ccntury, with the same operating syatem, so that programs wl11 not have to be redesigned to atart allover again. County Manager Dorrill atated that every agency in County Government hag ita own function. He noted that as a result of the Maater Plan that the Board engaged, and the happineas in working with the Clerk and ha~ing acccsa to all of the tinancial based ayate.s that he maintaina, i3 an indication that Staff is comfortable with the ~\rrent arrangements. In answer to Commiaaioncr Haase, County Manager Dorrll1 stated that the De~elopment Services Building will be required to pay their proportlonate ohare of coat, aa well aa their ahare ot sottware system and wiring. He noted that the Utilitiea Di~i9ion will also pay their proportionate ahare from utility related fees and revenues, which will further diminish the ad valorem participation. Mr. Ocha atated that the coDcept of thia syatem ia that a person can sit at hia terminal, and depending on the information needed, he can accesa the office automation aystem; automatlve permit tracking; Page &7 /)5 DECEMBER 20, 1988 spread 3heet or data ha~ed management application; or the recently lnatalled financial and management intormation 3Y3tcm that the Clerk has on line that provides accea~ to tund accounting and the budget modules, as well as payroll, purchasing inventory management, and cash and a33et management applications. He stated that everyone linked into the network through the common hardware will have this accesa. Assistant County Manager McLemor~ advised that another system will be preaented to the Board within the next few months relating to the Capital Icprovements Elements of the Growth Management System which will also run on this aystem. Kanageacnt Informations Systcma Director Laymon stated that the syste. that is proposed i3 one that the County mu3t have now in order to keep the office automation function going. He indicated that the ~xisting hardware is completely "tapped out". H~ stated that the new ayatea hag the capacity to handle the "One Stop Permitting", noting that the current configuration may, or may not handle additional applica- tiona that are brought forth, but another computer would not have to be purchaaed. He noted that it would merely require another memory board, and add another disk drive. Co8ai_ioner Hasse 8OVed, -conded by Co..issioner GOOdnight and carried unaniaouely, to approve the Statt recoaaendatiOD to authorize the 8O1e aource acquisition ot a Digital Vax 6220 coaputer, 8Olicit Propo-l. tor t inane ing, and author ize the nece.aary budget 118end- 88Dts. It- #'9F2 AOTBOalZATIO. TO RZGOTIATE FOR PURCHASE OF BUILDI.O PERMIT TRACXI.O. COJrTaAcToa 'S LICUgIKa, AJrD CODE EDORCDŒJrr APPLICATIOKS SOF'%'WAQ ARD asLATZD PROrESSIO.AL SERVICEg - COMPETITIVE SELECTIO. PROCESS IU.IVG, UD su.n TO nOOTIAT! PURCHASE AOREÐŒn WITH CAMEO gOrT1fARE ~LgrIt;,"'SßIRÇ.J'AR AHem BOT '!'O UCEl!:P'~3~ß_QOO ----------- Di3cua3ion regarding thi3 item took place during the presentation of Itea 9P1, ao referenced abovc. Page 48 I 'î I ""',"--,-, DECEMBER 20, 1988 ea..J...ioner Baa- aoved, -conded by Co8ai..ioner gha....h~'1 and carried UD&Qi~ly, that the Coapetitive Selection Proces. be waived, and Statt negotiate a purchase agreeaent with Caaeo got~re Solutiane, Inc. tor the Autoaative Build~ Perait Tracking gyst.., Contractor's Licensing Syst.., Buainess/occupatlonal License. Syst.., and Code Entorce8et:lt Application gy.te., tor an -.:nmt DOt to exceed 835,000. It- nF3 COJr'T1ACT FDa TO Pt1RCH.A.SE AJrD IXSTALLATIO8 or COhfoul"&.K CABLI.O 18 '.I'D DEVILoPMDT SDVICE! BUILDI8G - PORMAL BIDDING PROCEgg WAIVED, AJrD co~ A.N.\JU)ED TO DIGITAL EQUIPK!n CORPORATIO. I. TIm AMOon or ~ð6,94.,__,_-,---" ""'" U'-,--", ""'-- - """'--,,--, Acting Com:unity De~elopment Administrator Olliff stated that this in the cabling cquip~cnt provided by Digital Equipment necenoary to nupport the network th~t wan appro~ed in the previoua items. Coazisaioner Volpe stated that he undcrntood that the equipment was to be loç~ted at the County Government Center, County Manager Dorrill atated that this is fo~ the otf site pr~wirinç co~t3 aa30ciated with th~ phyaical wirIng of the Development Services Building to hùndle the application of th~t system. Assistant County Manager McLemore advised th~t the reason the request for the wiring I::; t,('lng prcaented at thio tlme, io that it is a cost saving me~aure, noting that it will Gave a substantial amount of money to inotall the wiring before the building io completed. Co8a.1-ioner Shanahan 8OVed, ..conded by Co...1s.1oner Baa- and carried QD&niaoualy, that the toraal bidding proce.. be waived, and the cODtract with Digital Equipaent Corporation be approved, tor the purchaae and installation ot coaputer cabling in the Developaent Servic- 8u.ilding at a cost at 8ð6,946, and Chairaan to execute ..1d agr.."üt, and authorization tor the appropriate budget aaen4aent.. Assistant County Attorney Weigel atated that Digital Equip.ent Page 49 ( <---)' ._,---- . I Corporatio~ will ~ot have the County listed ù3 DECEMBER 20, 1988 .~ an;additional ~n9ured, ~;~ Køj1ndlcated that the on their insurance poJicie3 thn: arc in place, "y 3tand'3rd H"..ld H'3rmle33 ind<:.-m:'\if ic.3tion language which should be lmple- ." '."¡ mented ~~ contract::; for goO~3 dnd 3ervice3 ha3 only been adopted in part by Di:;ital. '.'í He noted that the 3erviçe is to be provi1ed to a bulldl~g that 13 unoccupied by the County and tho,public, i.e. the h: He noted that uponJapproval by the ~'i Board of County COCU:d331onera, the County Attorney's otfice will sign ~1 Developmc~t Service3 Building. off on the contr~ct. Open call tor the question, the ~t~on ca1T1~~ unaniaouely. .. .SEE PAGES SK'-~-!-~~/-L*** It.. .~,.!! RTP 88-1258, 800 MHZ TRUKXI~G SYSTEM - STAYF TO KEGOTIATE CONTRACT WITH EVERGLADES COMMURICATIOMS IR THE AMOOWT or $411,484.12 AJrD COMKOIICATIORS DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE TOWER LEASE A~ $8,OOO/FIRST YEAR !JfD_~__~~__E~CAL.UI9_R:C9ST E~CH- _Y.E!<R- T1I~-~,.nER__- ::::o-~:'\t'j ~~.:.r.::¡çer :;<:.r:--;;; ; d'::~;cr'. th,,: thi:; item WaG contlnued from \-- la3t week. tc provide cJarifiçati~n3 to the review and validity ot the tcch~ical 3pc~ifjcatinn3. and a~ anulysi3 by the Fiscal Office and Finance Director, 1- i-' '; ~í! Finance Director Yonko3kï ~tatcd that his report conaiats ot three ~: paqe3, ù3 appended to the Executive Summary: analY8is ot the proposals as requested by Staff when the RFP waG lGGued; review ot the items identified by Motorola in their Alternate Bid3; and an analysia of tour Gu=arie3. ft, ~.c Mr. Yonko3ky referred to the analysis of RFP 88-1258, noting that I the tir3t section relate3 to the equipment that wag requeated, He at~ted that Motorol,,'::; bid ::\, amou~t3 to ~45] ,541 vs.ft383,74~ ro~ ~ addl~~ that the warrant~ period otfered by <! He adv13cd that maintenance would start the Everglade3 ComQunicatio~3. both vendora i5 one ye~r, 3ccond year, noting tha~ Motcrola'3 m~intcnance on the acquired equip- ment is ~3~.132, V3, ~12,012 from Everglade~, ", He indicated that this Page 50 lî(/ D~CEMBER 20, 1~88 scenario 13 b~3ed on the County provIding their own tower. ~r. Yonkoaky atated that lf the technical a3pect3 are correct, and the ass~=pt¡ons on ~he tc~er are correct, he is recommending that the County'a beat intcrc3t would be to contract with Evcrgladea. Mr. Yonko3ky 3tated that Page 2 of hi3 report is an overview ot Motorola'a two alternati,c propoGùls. He noted that Alternative 81 was for a ahared BOO MHZ System u3ing Micro Golid atate 70 Watt Repcater3, and Alternati~e B2 wa3 for a shared 800 MHZ System using MSF5000 ¡50 Watt Repcatcr3, He indicated that the County would still require the 233 ~obilc, 1~ portables, and 29 control atations, and both altcrnatiJc3 rc~~irc a site rent per month for the 5 channel 3"¡3te:;:. He noted that Motorola did offer a fixed rate 3chedule tor a (6) '¡ear period. He indicated that the major variable in both alter- nativea addre33e3 phone interconnects. He indicated that the rates quoted are co~ercial rate3, and they put the County on notice that thcy could change the r~t~3 within 30 daY3. He 3tated that under the ahared 3yateõll, Motorolu ~il: pro~jde a controlled environment equipment room, a cozplcte antenna nnd combining 3Y3tem, and a back-up generator for the shared system. He advi3ed ~hat those items were to be pro- ,ided under the tower ¡caGe, ~ f the County ahollld at tain I ts own tower. Mr, Yonko3~y noted that ~:,(' la3t page of hi3 report reflects a breakdown of all four summaries, including B1 and B2. He indicated that the total COG! for ~3ing B] will be ~3~~,30~, u3ing B2 will be ~435,263; Motorola Bid, bù3ed on u3ing the Ccunty'~ tower is $500,984; Evergladc3 Eid 13 ~4~~,~~j. Hc notr~ th~t the lc~3e coat using Motorola'3 tower, u3ing the 3hared 3Y3tem W~3 b~3cd on ~1,500 per month x 12 month3 ; ~]B.OaO, a~d discountrd it at 7,5% annually back to ïear o~e, for the first year lease cost of ~11,653. He stated that Motorola propoacd th~t if thp County dc3ired another back-up tower, Page 51 "'- .^'_.._.'"._--~-,,--- 09 ._-~-,-,-_......._.._. DECEMBER 20, 1988 thi3 could be provided for SlOe/month atandby, and it it is active, S50e b~ ....eekl'f. He 3tated that Alternative B1 appears to be the best alter~ative fer the Çountï, dollar wiac, but noted that the over-riding criteria 13 :ha: af~cr ~h~ 3rd 'f~ar, th~ Motorola Alternatlve is not the be3t, because the lease a~ount çoe~ up. He noted that hi3 recom- mendatio~. after fi3cal ana)Y3j3 13 that EvergladcG io the beat approach to take. CO ;¡mi33ioncr HaGae quc:Jt1oned whether Everglade~ will provide a back-up generator for the tower? Co~~nicatlono Director Luntz advised that Everglades will not be provl~ing the tower. He atated that the generator will be provided by the Tower Company, Mr. Luntz 3tated that baaed on the directive of the Board ot Cou~t'f Co~is3ioner3 last week, he contacted the Divi3ion of Com:~nicatlon3 of the ~:ate of Florida, and the prop03ala were aub- =itted to Tallahù3see, Mr. ~andï Evan3 of Motorola requested p03tponcment of the bid award, noting that hi3 firm was not privied to the Divi31on ot Communications report that 13 being 3uh~itted. He noted that he would like the opportunity to review the report. Mr. Luntz advlsed that the letter from The Div13ion ot CoØlJllunication3 wa3 "faxed" to him thi3 morninç;, Co~issioner Saundrro advioed that the letter from the Divi3ion at CoØlJllunication3 3tate3 that both firm3 can provide the necessary equip- me n t . Mr. Evann atated th~t there i3 not a real breakdown aa to what was evaluated, and no proces3 of grading the prop03als, He stated that Motorola ia a total :urn key 3Yútem. and with the Evergladea proposal, E. F. Johnaon ba3ing equipment ia being u3ed, Unedcn portable equip- :!lent ia being uaed, a~d Amcri~orn wJ)l 3upply the switching networks. Page 52 ¡:>,n DECEMBER 20, 1~88 Mr. To: Grantz of E, F. Johnson Company 3tatcd that all the equip- ment that wil: br 3upplled ~3 E, J. John30n equipment, and there will be no ~nvolve=ent from Un~dcn or Amcrlcom, Coaai..ioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Goodnight and carried unaniaously, that Statt be authorized to negotiate a contract with Everglades Co..unicationa tor RFP 88-1258, tor the purchaae ot a 800 KHZ Trunking Syst.., aanutactured by the E. F. ~ohnaon Co., in the aaount ot $417,.64.12; authorize Coaaunications Director to negotiate the lease contract be~en Collier County and the Tower Coapany at a tirst year cost ot 85,000, escalating at .~ per year tor 10 years; lease to contain the escape clause allowing the County to abrogate the said lease atter tive years, or any ti.. during the contract period subject to appropriations; all docuaent. to be revi~ and approved by the County Attorney's Ottice, prior to the Chairaan a1~ing. It .... #U üB ~~-~~~ _1!~:-~§J~2L_~__~-~~.Y~~-=-_~Pr.~_D- C088i.sioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by CO..i8sioner Haase and carried unanLaouely, that Budget Aaendaents 89-46/52, and 89-5./56 be adopted. It.,. #UD RECOIOC:EJrDATIOB FOR A SEPARATE SEAL FOR THE MARCO WATER AJrD SEWER DISTRICT - APPRoVED Co:m13sioncr ~aundcr3 advi3cd that a Bond Clo3ing is 3cheduled for tomorrow, and it wa~ dctcrmlned a couple of daY3 ago that a separate seal i3 r.eedcd. Plnar.ce Director Yonko3ky adviaed that the Board does not currently have an official seal Çor the Marco Water and Sewer Dlatrlct. HC' noted that the l;ndc'rwrlter3 r(!qucated that the County use a ::ipeclflc seal addrc33ing that Di3trlct. He indicated that a Page ~3 /3/ -.-.,-. úECEMBER 20, 1988 3pecl~en ~a3 dc'leloped, and it wa3 put on the bonds. He stated that "AND" wa3 spelJed out, and noted that the seal that was ordered and delivered has "~" on it, He noted that the Bond Counsel is recom- mending that the Bo~rd appro'l~ both scals tor thia closing, and that aubse~lent to the clo3ing the seal with the "~" will not be used. Co8a18sioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Haase and carried unaniaoualy, that both seals lor the Marco Water and gewer Di.trict be approved. It- #12'\ T1t.Avn TO SAJlLSOTA Olf JA1roARY 26, 1989 FOR DISTRICT on TRUgPORTATIOJI SOJIMIT - APPaOVAL FOR TRAVEL FOR AT LUST on COMMlggIOllER TO A~_~~!__u_--- __n___- -----------------, ---------- Co::issioner Saunders stated that a District One Transportation Su::;it '",itr. ColJier. LC'". C:¡,)rlo:~a, Xan¡Jtec, Sara"Jota and Polk Countie3, will be held on Januarï 2~, 1989, in Sarasota. Coaaj88ioner Volpe aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Shanahan and carried unaniA0U8ly, that the travel tor at least one Co..iesioner be apprOV8d tor attendance at the District One Transportation Suaait on january 26, 1989, in Saraaota. It.. -128 COMMISSIOJrU SH.AJ(AB.AJf TO ATTEJrD EV'ERGLADEg COALITIOR COUUDCE AT PORT-Or-TB:It:-IS~~M~Q~! L_.J.A1ro~Y----l£=J~,_!~Jt~ - APPROVED ComCl!ss!oncr ~ha,,;¡:.a" ;J-b~"rd ~h,'): :he Everglades c:.oal!tion Conference will be hcld at the Port of the 13l~nds Reaort on January 12 15. 1~89. He noted that ~he conference will focus on the 10,000 Islands. the Big Cïpre33 National Preserve, and the Florida Panther National Wildlife R~fuge. He 3tated that he believes Collier County should be repre3ented a~ this Conference. Coaa1e8ioner Haase aoved, seconded by Co..iseioner Volpe and carried unanlaouely, to approve Co..iseioner Shanahan's travel to the Everglade. Coalition Conterence at Port-ot-the-ISlande Reeort on january 12-16, 1989. Page 64 /~ . , '~'_'" -, DECEMBER 20, 1988 ... The tollowing Iteaa were approved and/or adopted under the Con8ent Agenda by 8Otion at CO..i8s!oner Haase, seconded by Co..i8s1oner Volpe and carr i ed unan i80U8 1 Y : It.. .14Al Moved to 9A4 It.. #UA2 BLAXXET PORCRAsE REQUISITIOK IR THE AMOUWT or S2S,OOO rOR DLOCX AXe ASSOCIATU FOR C°JfTJY.CTkICEJ!~IKG TEgTIRG Ite. #14Bl RECOMMZJrDATIO. TO GRAIfT SIX MOJrTB EXTØSIOR TO DEADLIn SET OR EXCAVATIO. ~I~QL ~-~, ~~LFO1L~~I~MII!J!!- It.. #1.B2 PtTItC'BASJ: AmlZDŒJrT AJm STAT'OTORY DEED IR REnRDCE TO THE SALE or PROPDTT I. GOLDa GATE ESTATES, W7S nET or THE WIS0 nET or TRACT !,2L(i()LDD caTE _E~TATES, OXIT,t9,J, ,,(~Jt,!__~I1JI1_- ---------- S~e page3_,.!i'l.--ß~~-~_L___- Ite. .1483 PURCJLUJ: AGR.EEMD'T AJm STAT'OTORY DEED IR REYERDCE TO THE SALE OJ' PROPDTT I. GOLDD GATE ESTATES, S10S nET or THE Sl80 nET or TRACT ~~L90LDEJr GATE _EST~TES, UJlIT RO. 19,~(WK, ,~ -ARDCA1t9J"_~.",r!l0~L- $e~ ragc:3 .si~~ ,J~C--L-/J It.. #UB4 ACCEPTAJICE OF THE PIRAL PLAT OF SOOTRPoRT OJf THE BAY, t1:8IT on - WITH STIPt7LATIO1rS RecoQ;endation tha~ the Board of County Commi3sioners accept the aecurity ~or U'.e required :;1Jbd1vision improvement a , authorize the Chair~n to execute the Ccn3truction and Maintena~ce Agreement ot Subdivi3ion Improvemcnt3 and approve for rccordlng the final plat of South port on the Bay, Unit One, 3ubjcct to the following 3tipulations: . . . That the plat not b~ r~corded until the County ia in receipt of conceptual approval and an early work permit tram the South Florida W~:~r Management Di3trlct, 2. ~hat the Utilitie3 Performance 20nd pur3uant to Ordinance 88 76 be waived, See Pagc3 ~ - ]).J.~~-L1__- It.. .1'8& - WIthdrawn It.. .U8a ACCEPTAJICE 01' COJfSTRUCTIOR AJm MAIJrTDAJrCE AGREDŒlfT or SOBDIVISIO. nCPJWh.J~LUI-;¡:~ ,~O~RO~T~(JATE__~:tL!-.AG_~, ~_I'L~Q_,__------,----- SN' Pagr:; ..5'/1_- ql / - e.. :3 _h-- . . Page SS 1 ::> ~ --..-" JECEMBER 20, 1~e8 It.. #14B7 UQUZST roR BUDGET AME1fDK!:Jf1' TO TRAlfSnR FO1IDS FROM THE REgER\"'Eg or FUWD 301, FACILITIES HAKAGEKEJf1' COUXTY-WIDE Ite. .1'B8 UgOLUTI08 88-319, PRICE IKCREASES FOR LOTS AT THE LAKE TRArrORD KEMORIAL-..9ARDDS CEKE.!~r______-- See P<lgc -2i1- F , I Ite. #l'Bg Hoved to 9B13 Ite. #14BI0 UCOMKEXDATIOR TO REJECT BID .88-1336, FOR A SEWAGE GRIKDKR POMP TO BE IRSTALLED IX ~~JSCHARGE LINE FROM BUILDIRG 3 AND RE-BID It.. .14Bl1 BUDGET A.ÞŒ1fDtŒ]f1' TRAlfSFERRING PUMDS WITHIK FUMD 301 FROM CAPITAL APPROPRIATIOlf IJf1'O OPERATING APPROPRJATION Ite. #l'Cl BID #88-1324 FOR COLLIER COcrMTY PARKS MAINTENAXCE IX THE AMOUNT or S~I,311 - OK! TURI' TRUCXSTER AND 3 RIDING MOWERS TO B 6 W GOLF CARS IX THE AKT. OF $34,817; GANG RIDING REEL MOWER TO LEgCO IN THE AHOt1n OF S16,~OO__---- -.---------- ~egal notice havl~g been p~b:i3hed in the Naples Daily Ncw~ on October 1~, :~88, <I~ evid~nced by Aftidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bid3 were received u~til 2'30 P,M. en November 2, 1~88. to consider Bid 188-1324. P~rk3 Mainte~ancc Equipment, Ite. #14C2 CITY /COUJfTY AGREDŒJf1' ADDENDUM NO.1 FOR THE CITY or NAPLES TO PROVIDE UTERIM MA!Jœ SERVIC~"!Q_JY.ST NAPLES COMMUXITY PAR1C ~C!r Pagc:> -5K:-,.,/f.-j--~-:;'--- Ite. #14C3 BID #88-1330, SIX (6) PARK EHTRAXCE SIGHS - AWARDED TO SIGKg or XAPLEg 18 THE AMOOJrT OUJ._~..J)_I. 60 Legal notice having been publi3hcd in the Haplea Daily Hewa on Nove~ber 7, :~88, a3 evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, bida were received until 2:00 P,M. on November 17, 1~8e, to consider Bid -88 1330, Six (6) P<l1"k Entrance ~ign:,. It.. #1'C4 RLSOLUTIOR 88-320, FEES COVERING HEALTH ORIT OPERATIONS rOR rISCAL YU.Jt U88-8g See Paç¡e3~H, I-H. /b It.. #14C~ Page !I!I f3l{ ,-,~,-,-,--~" DECEMBER 20, 1988 CORTRACT ~TB COLLIER COOXTY SPORTS OFFICIALS ASSOCIATIOW rOR COOXTY SPORSOUl> AÇ1'IYITg~_____._---- -- ---- ~ee P¡;¡ge:; ¿¡f. ;¡:~.. T. 3 Ite. .14C6 AG~ BE~EK COLLIER COOWTY AND THE STATE or FLORIDA DEPARTMEXT OF RA~ RESOURCES FOR USE OF FLORIDA BOATIWG IMPRO~ PROGRAM See pùgc35-1Í~;r~ - J-5 Ite. #l'Dl ACCU'TAIICE OF EAST KAPU~1..I!P.l1~~..!~ PARI: S~'_ACILITIEg Recorded in Ç.~-=-_Boqk 1403, Pages 133-154 Ite. #14D2 ACCD"TA.8CE OF CR.ESTWOOD EgTATES AT EAGLE CR.EEx, TRACT G WArn rACILITIES See Page3 Ite. #14D3 - Withdrawn Ite. #14Gl FISCAL YV..R 1988-89 CERTIFICATE or OED rCoR mgTERX GATEWAY VOLOJrTEER ~CE ~.~Y1Ç..!L.!1!Ç~--_u_--_._---- -----.. See p.HJe:;..SIi. ¡(.J.. )(. ¥--- Ite. .14G2 EKERGEXCY MEDICAL SERVICES CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC COWVEWIEWCE AWD rECESSITY rOR 1989-1990 See> Pa<;e3 ..!) i. I.. . I .. L,Q Ite. #14Hl SATISrACTIOW OF LIEKS FOR~ERVICE~..QL~.lSLIC__DEnKþER See Page:; -~Æ._L~JL It.. #14H "ISCE~OUS~Q.R.RE~J'O~~WC~ - FILED AJfQL.Q~ RE~~D There being no further objections, the> Chair directed that the following correspondence be fil~d ùnd/or referred to the variouG departmcnt3 a3 indicated below: , ¿ . Letter dated 11/23/88 to BCC Chairman from Virgil L. Choate, Correctional Officer Ins~ector II. Florida Department of Correctiona, re Cor~ect1vc Action Re3pon3e - Follow-up In3pection:;, Referred to Neil Dorrlll and filed, Page 57 ,?c::, ./ DECEMBER 20, 1988 2. ~emo ~ated 12/01/82 to BC~Chairman, from Florida Department of Transportation, rc. UMTA Section 16 (b)(2) Program. Referred to Jeff Perry and flIed. 3. ?e30l~tiQ~ ~pprnved ùt the reque3t of BCC of Collier County, the 1988 Legi3lùt~~c enacted Chapter e8-4~9, LaW3 of Florida, c~~ating the ~ollicr Cou~tï Water and Sewer Di3trlct. ?efer~.~d to !Ie~l DC)r~11l, Y.cn Cu'¡ler, and filed. 4. ~inuta3 Reccl~cd ~nd Filed: A.. :2/15/88 Collier ~ounty Planning Commi33ion Agenda and 11/17/88 minute3. 5. Letter dated 12/06/88 from Jeff Perry, MPA Staff Planner, to M3. Judy Flannigan, Raplea Daily Rewa, reque3ting publication ~f a Legal notice announcin9 MPO Public Eearing December 19, 1388. Referred to Commis3ionera Shanahan, Saundera, HaS3e a:-.d f i 1 ed, 6. Letter dated ;2/02/88 to ECe from Philip B. Dattilo, Jr., Attorney for Mr3. Helen Warren, owner of Sable Shore3, Block F. Lot 34. re Ordinance B5 33, Caae 18B.524l. Referred to Y.en C\.:ylcr, !Ieil D~rrill. TOm Olliff. ùnd tiled. 7. Notice to Owner an~ rlotice to Contractor dated 12/06/88 to Gulf Conatructors, to ECC, for the improvement of real pro- ~erty identified a3 South Collier CIty Wa3te Water Treatme~t Plant by ALLFORM, InC. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Tom Cranda 11. and filed. ... There being no further bu3ineaa tor the Good at the County, the meeting waG adjourned by Order of the Chair - Tia:e: 3:10 P.M. BOARD OF COUrlTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFIOIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS COllTROL I. iI/" A T'I' ES'": : " ~ JAMES C. GILES, ~L.ERK þ#Þ ~URT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN - / iý:øJ~~~)~~ .. , &/-"rJ rh... m!nut.. .pp.nv~ h~ tho Boo.d on ~ /1 /J' /1 aa preaented ~.. or;)a ccrre-::ted _tl . .. Page 58 ,~[