Agenda 05/13/2014 Item # 11E 5/13/2014 11 .E.
Recommendation to direct staff to bring back an expedited amendment to Land Development Code
(LDC), Section 2.03.07.G.6.b, adjusting the date for program participation regarding Immokalee
Nonconforming Mobile Home Parks to January 9,2020.
OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) direct staff to initiate an
amendment to LDC section 2.03.07.G.6.b., to adjust the time frame for participation within the
Immokalee Nonconforming Mobile Home Park Overlay from January 9, 2003 to January 9,
CONSIDERATIONS: The purpose and intent of the Immokalee Nonconforming Mobile Home
Park Overlay was to recognize that there are nonconforming mobile home parks in the
Immokalee Urban Area and to provide a method to upgrade these parks while requiring the
elimination of substandard units. In addition, to allow park owners to take advantage of
alternative development standards in order to cause some upgrading of improved conditions that
would normally be required of conforming mobile home parks. The program has been closed to
participation with the passing of the January 9, 2003 date. It should be noted, that section
2.03.07.G.6, still allows nonconforming mobile park owners to participate through a,
"Compliance or Settlement Agreement entered into between Collier County and a property
owner acknowledging such a violation and also establishing the date by which such violation
will be cured through the SIP submittal process."
At the February 11, 2014 Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing, direction was given
to staff to re-establish the nonconforming mobile home park program for property owners who
are seeking participation. The re-establishment of the program will allow park owners to gain
compliance by satisfying the requirements of the original program. For parks that cannot gain
compliance with the minimum standards of the section, compliance can still be sought through
the Site Plan with Deviation for Redevelopment process in combination with the Site
Improvement Plan standards provided in LDC section 10.02.05 F. The Site Plan with Deviations
for Redevelopment process will allow for the regulatory flexibility needed to address the unique
circumstances of each individual mobile home park in order to gain compliance. Additional
flexibility was discussed with the mobile park owners as part of the 2012 LDC amendment cycle,
but that effort was placed on hold as decisions on the Immokalee Master Plan was reached by the
BCC. The creation of the Site Plan with Deviation for Redevelopment process has added a
component that was unavailable during the 2012 discussion and is anticipated to increase the
regulatory flexibility necessary for the unique circumstances surrounding any one particular
mobile home park. If provided the direction,the Growth Management Division will reach out to
the mobile home park owners to resume the compliance discussion and provide an overview of
what is needed to satisfy the program requirements.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: The Immokalee Nonconforming
Mobile Home Park Overlay has been found to be consistent with the Growth Management Plan
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and the proposed LDC amendment to extend the date the program is open will not alter this
FISCAL IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts for the County associated with the item.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved for form and legality. A majority vote is
needed for Board approval. -HFAC
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the BCC direct staff to initiate and expedite an
amendment to LDC section 2.03.07.G.6.b., to adjust the time frame for participation within the
Immokalee Nonconforming Mobile Home Park Overlay from January 9, 2003 to January 9,
Prepared by: Mike Bosi,AICP,Director, Department of Planning and Zoning Services
Attachments: "A"Draft LDC Amendment
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 11.D
Item Summary: Recommendation to direct staff to bring back an expedited amendment to Land
Development Code(LDC), Section 2.03.07.G.6.b,adjusting the date for program participation regarding
Immokalee Nonconforming Mobile Home Parks to January 9, 2020. This item was approved for
reconsideration at the April 22, 2014 BCC Meeting, Item 10A. (Nick Casalanguida, Growth
Management Administrator)
Meeting Date: 5/13/2014
Prepared By
Name: MaryJoBrock
Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager, County Managers Office
Approved By
Name: marcellajeanne
Title: Executive Secretary, Transportation Planning
Date: 04/24/2014 11:04:57 AM
Name: klatzkowjeff
Title: County Attorney,
Date: 04/24/2014 01:18:35 PM
Name: bosimichael
Title: Director-Planning and Zoning, Comprehensive Planning
Date: 04/25/2014 03:33:53 PM
Name: markisackson
Title: Director-Corp Financial and Mngmt Svs, Office of Management&Budget
Date: 04/30/2014 04:12:24 PM
Name: ochs_l
Title: County Manager, County Managers Office
Date: 05/02/2014 09:55:53 AM
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Text underlined is new text to be added.
Bold text indicates a defined term
LDC Amendment Request
Note: "This is a draft amendment which requires public vetting and recommendations from
the Ueveiopment Services Advisory Committee and the Collier County Planning
ORIGIN: Board Direction
AUTHOR: Mike Bosi, AICP, Director
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Zoning Department, Growth Management Division
AMENDMENT CYCLE: 2014 LDC Amendment Cycle 1
LDC SECTION(S): 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts
CHANGE: To extend the date by which property owners of nonconforming mobile home parks
within the Immokalee Urban Overlay District can submit a Site Improvement Plan in accordance
with LDC in order to become compliant. The program has been closed to participation since
January 9, 2003 date and it is proposed that it is extended until January 9, 2020.
REASON: The proposed amendment follows the Board of County Commissioners direction on
February 11, 2014 to re-establish the Immokalee Nonconforming Mobile Home Park Overlay
Subdistrict program for park owners who seek to participate. The opening of the program will
provide mobile home park owners the opportunity to gain compliance and to replace existing
mobile home units with new mobile home units. Because the mobile home parks are deemed
nonconforming, they have not been able to replace units unless they have an approved Site
Improvement Plan.
The re-establishment of the program will allow for park owners to utilize the Site Improvement
Plan standards outlined in LDC section 10.02.05 F to become compliant. For parks that cannot
gain compliance with these provisions, compliance may be sought through the Site Plan with
Deviations for Redevelopment process. The Site Plan with Deviations for Redevelopment is
designed to address site specific circumstances which require deviations through a public
FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS:. There are no fiscal impacts for the County
associated with this item.
RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: LDC sections 10.02.03 F and 10.02.05 F.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts for the County
associated with the item.
Prepared by Caroline Cilek, March 2014.
Amend the LDC as follows:
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Text striketbreugh--is-aUfFeat-text-te-be-deletesk
Bold text indicates a defined term
2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts
1 * * * * * * * * * * * * x
2 G. Immokalee Urban Overlay District. To create the Immokalee Urban Overlay District with
3 distinct subdistricts for the purpose of establishing development criteria suitable for the
4 unique land use needs of the Immokalee Community. The boundaries of the Immokalee
5 Urban Overlay District are delineated on the maps below.
6 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7 6. Nonconforming Mobile Home Park Overlay Subdistrict. Establishment of
8 special conditions for these properties which by virtue of actions preceding the
9 adoption of Ordinance No. 91-102, on October 30, 1991, were deemed to be
10 nonconforming as a result of inconsistencies with the land development code,
11 and are located within the Immokalee Urban Boundary as depicted on the
12 Immokalee Area Master Plan.
13 a. Purpose and intent. The purpose of these provisions is to recognize that
14 there are nonconforming mobile home parks in the Immokalee Urban
15 Area, to provide incentives to upgrade these parks while requiring the
16 elimination of substandard units, and to allow park owners to take
17 advantage of alternative development standards in order to cause some
18 upgrading of conditions that would normally be required of conforming
19 mobile home parks.Travel trailers, regardless of the square footage, are
20 not permitted as a permanent habitable structure.
21 b. Required site improvement plan application. The property owners of all
22 nonconforming mobile home developments/parks that were in
23 existence before November 13, 1991, i.e., that predate Ordinance No. 91-
24 102, the land development code, shall be required to submit a site !
25 improvement plan (SIP) meeting the standards set forth below by January
26 93--200.3 January 9. 2020 or thereafter within the time frame set forth in an
27 order of the Code Enforcement Board finding a violation of this section, or
28 by the date set forth in a Compliance or Settlement Agreement entered
29 into between Collier County and a property owner acknowledging such a
30 violation and also establishing the date by which such violation will be
31 cured through the SIP submittal process set forth below.
32 c. The site improvement plan (SIP) master plan shall illustrate the way
33 existing buildings are laid out and the infrastructure (i.e. utilities, streets,
34 drainage,landscaping, parking and the like)to serve those buildings.
35 The number and location of buildings shall be reviewed for consistency
36 with Code requirements (i.e. setbacks, space between buildings, density,
37 and the like). Similarly, the SIP shall serve to provide a basis for obtaining
38 approval of required infrastructure improvements such as those
39 referenced herein. The approved SIP showing all of the above shall
40 become the official record acknowledging the legal use of the property.
41 Failure to initiate this process within the time frames set forth above, will
42 result in a Code violation in which the property owner will be required to
43 immediately remove all mobile homes which have not received a
44 building permit and all mobile homes deemed to be unsafe and unfit for
45 human habitation, and otherwise contrary to the county's housing code
46 unless otherwise prohibited by state law.
47 d. For the specific requirements concerning the SIP submission referenced
48 in b. and c. above, see Section 10.02.05 F. of this Code.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
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flood is mandated, they rdon't have a choice.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Motion to approve.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Motion by Commissioner Nance.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Second by Commissioner iala.
All in favor of the motion, signify by saying aye.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Any opp 4: - - !
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN HENNING: c., "carries unanimously.
MR. OCHS: Thank you, I y•l issioners.
Mr. Chairman, that tak: • Item 15 at which you typically do
at the end of your meetin_IL. .• n't know if you --
CHAIRMAN H : Well, we have one off the consent
MR. OCHS. sorry.
COMM R HILLER: 16.A.15, not 11.F.
Item #11
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MR. OCHS: I'm sorry. 11.F. Commissioner Coyle had brought
this item forward. It is a recommendation to direct staff to bring an
expedited amendment to the Land Development Code regarding the
Immokalee nonconforming mobile home parks. Commissioner Coyle
brought this forward from the consent agenda.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Commissioner Coyle?
COMMISSIONER COYLE: All right. My conce � ice
some of these mobile home parks have been noncon i for a
long, long, long, long time, what leads us to believ ' hey're going
to be resolved by 2020? What incentive or pe 4, 1 be written into
the Land Development Code that would enc • people to get these
issues ?
ssues resolved by that time?
MR. BOSI: Mike Bosi, Director of ing and Zoning.
Commissioner Coyle, I wante s qx rs say that we haven't gotten
or arrived upon that issue yet. 0 A, .• e things that we're here to do
is back on February 11th on ge -ommunications, Commissioner
Nance had asked for a one- • � hag re regarding a to the LDC he
g g
nonconforming mobile he at is, to extend the date from 2003,
which was the expirat' d. -,,to 2020 to open up this opportunity.
And then there •me subsequent discussion amongst the
Board of County • • ,s issioners upon how -- the manifestation of that
Land Develo• . ode amendment, the extent of it. It was
suggested ' . xchange the date. Then there was certain
suggest'; i =xpand the program and evaluate the program.
Ba - • •pon that, staff wanted to bring this item back to allow the
Board of ounty Commissioners to provide a little bit more guidance.
But in this regard the stakeholders will have to be engaged and that
will be one of the things, as we discussed with the advisory boards,
should there be also -- there's obviously a carrot approach that's being
provided for within this individual home -- mobile home parks, if they
comply with the SIP process could eventually replace existing units
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and improve where possible the looks of their mobile home park.
There hasn't been any discussion amongst the staff as to what the
punitive side is as to whether they do not comply by that stated time
frame. And we will have to discuss those potential options with the
advisory boards and then bring whatever those conclusions would be
to the Board of County Commissioners as to what they feel is
But really, this was an opportunity to bring back an-. S.
consensus on the Board of County Commissioners to s►: - gaging
the community to reinitiate the program.
And I'm not quite sure what will be the participation
numbers. Currently there are over 50 mobileV parks that are in
the Immokalee area that have a nonconforri tus.
This program has been open -- was • - - iin 2001 into 2003, and
it's been on the books since then. W- v- 't had the participation rate
that we would have -- had hoped b. with the re-initiation of this
program, we are -- we are antici • a number of folks to gain
One, just simply to e - 'to replace p Y �� eplace the units that they have.
Because currently if t w: e to seek a building permit for those
nonconforming unit 's nothing on the records to allow for the
Building Depart o issue that permit for that unit.
So in re At e haven't developed what the punitive
consequence- - of not gaining compliance with the program by the
date tha 'etV fled.
C• 1 SSIONER COYLE: Well, the second question is, and I
understand what you're saying, is you're just asking us to give you
guidance to proceed with the study of this issue and to develop
something to bring back to us for approval.
I guess my only response to that is that if people have failed to
abide by prior deadlines and they did nothing, why do we think that
by extending it through 2020 that we're going to get them to do
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And secondly, if all you're asking -- if you're only providing
them with the opportunity to get an SIP in during that period of time,
why is six years necessary to get an SIP prepared if people really truly
want to replace the units that they have right now?
If I owned one of these places and I had units that I really wanted
to replace because I wanted to be a good owner and provi people
with decent housing at a competitive price, I could do th
months, okay. I wouldn't have to sit around for 20 y Vng to
make up my mind as to whether or not I'm going t► is.
MR. OCHS: Commissioner, we're flexibl;%, • . deadline. That
was just the staff swag of what might be a re ,: e window, but
we're not married to that. And again, we bickgit this back based on
board recommendation, so --
COMMISSIONER COYLE: I uess we'll find out what
you think is appropriate when yo �• i : it back to us for
consideration. But it still is a bi, . ►,.le to me. I really think that
people make a lot more mon& 1 t ey can take cruddy units and jam
as many people into the 4 possibly can and charge them an
exorbitant rate, why w. • d ► ey want to spend any more money
upgrading their par ifr4 •ably not.
But anywa : s all I wanted to say. And I'm sure you're going
to approve it, :14 ' e guidance at least, and we'll hear more about this
when you : .ck.
C • • N HENNING: Commissioner Nance?
C• 11�111 SSIONER NANCE: Yes, Commissioner Coyle, let me
provide you a little -- I don't know that it will change your mind or
your concern, sir, but I want to address a few things that you said.
It has been no secret that the Board of County Commissioners
and most of the people in Collier County have wanted to see the
mobile home parks and the situation with housing in Immokalee
improve. That's not been a secret. And I think the reason that the Site
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Improvement Plan was created was methodology to upgrade the parks.
There's been several problems with the program. One of which is
that there was -- you know, it was a very short window. And through
January 9th, 2003 the program was closed to participation. And in the
intervening years we had three very significant things that have
happened. Not only did people get the sense that since they had not --
since they had not chosen to participate or somehow they 'dn't that
they would lose their facilities because there was aggres ' e de
enforcement action and things going on in Immokale u ou also
had Hurricane Wilma in 2005, you had a recessio pacted
everybody starting in 2007, and you had most rev.- two of the
worse agribusiness seasons on record in 201 . • 112.
What that did was that basically sto. p: .ple from investing in
their facilities because it was unknown e '_I• how it was going to be
handled, plus they were broke. An e +��:,,, e . e not people -- this is not
an industry that's conducted by w-.s eo h'. p
le. The clients aren't
wealthy people. It is the worki . :r.
And everybody should �tand
thi s is not housing for
agricultural migrant labo I� working poor in Immokalee.
So actually, I su. . . i s and I requested that staff look at this
and I brought this to q : .ard, because what I want to do is I wanted
to start having a • : on which we would encourage these people to
upgrade their y .nd get this thing back started again.
The r- = that, number one, they asked me to go and do that,
because; - ant to come into compliance, they want to start
investin: n eir facilities, but they want to have certainty that their
facilities aren't going to be taken from them because they were out of
previous compliance.
So it's kind of like the chicken and the egg. And also right now
this is a very good farm season. So I think there's every reason for the
Board to support this. Because I think some of these people would
like to start reinvesting and cleaning things up. And that is after all
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what we're hoping to do.
So I don't know if that gives you any comfort, but that's what
some of the owners of these parks are telling me is they want to invest
money, but they want to get on the right side of Collier County
regulations when they start doing it.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Commissioner Fiala?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Yes. Can you tell me hge -- when
we first started asking the owners of these parks to start k;Nitig their
areas up? I mean, I'm sure it's before 2003. But how4k. ave we
been asking them to do it?
MR. BOSI: The SIP the nonconformin g •4410home section
was right around the year 2000, so it was a li-* • -r a two-year
window that we allowed for the -- had the •It • of opportunity for
the mobile home parks to come in and ga - timpliance with the
And just in defense of a nu •L lid he mobile home parks, 37 of
the over 50 plus mobile home p.4, ithin the Immokalee area had
started the process but for o . .on or another had left the process to
sort of die on the vine. S -le was over a little bit of a -- over 50
percent participation •.` - i ng mobile home parks that had these
regulatory issues th. - partaking, but because of changes within
policy or implem- • :: on of the policy, we never followed those
through to th- . • • etion.
And s •peful that with the clearer direction and clearer
policy a; latory steps provided within, that maybe we can satisfy
a numb- o these mobile homeowners to participate and see it
through the process.
We also understand that we won't get 100 percent participation.
And I guess one of the things we're looking for and one of the things
that I did gain today was potentially the Board of County
Commissioners to say at the end of this period of time if you do not
gain compliance that there could be consequences associated with
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that. And that was something that before prior to this discussion staff
wasn't even in terms thinking in that manner. But it helps define some
of the parameters in terms of what the Board may be looking for as we
go forward.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Can you explain to me then, it says
here that we want to adjust the time frame for participation. That
doesn't mean they have to clean them up by then, that me s they can
just participate in a program and they could, you know, t uld
tack on another 10 years.
And my concern is, Commissioner Nance w' g just before,
you know, these people are working poor. But �ause they're
working poor doesn't mean they should have 1 in deplorable
BOSI: And that was the spirit y the initiative was
started back in 2000 was to try to g. ' 'n mum compliance for the
area in which the working poor • living, and improve those
conditions but also allow the o y 4► that mobile home park to
replace the units and contin se of their properties.
So with the extensi• I. 0, that's�� t`s dust to be able to participate.
And if they do partici. . -y gain legal nonconforming status for
the units that are wi • ND-it park to be able to replace. And that i
p is
the overall intent • 'la to bring an improvement to the overall living
conditions. ,
CO 1 •NER FIALA: And can you give me a projected
date wh- s • or whoever is working on this would expect to see an
improved e t?
MR. OSI: Well, this discussion would start -- our discussion
with the mobile home -- nonconforming mobile park owners and the
stakeholders in terms of developing our strategy and developing the
LDC amendments that will correspond to the requested change, you
would probably be a year away from the establishment -- the
reestablishment of the program.
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And then from there I could only estimate as to what type of
participation we would have within those programs.
And I will say currently for any mobile home park owner who
would like to take advantage of the program, even though the SIP
route has been closed down, they can always enter an agreement with
the Board of County Commissioners or partake in the site plan with
deviation process through the Hearing Examiner because i would be a
redevelopment project. The problem is those are I don't say
cumbersome but they're not as streamlined as anticip the SIP
process is, which is a strictly administrative proce . a se other two
require public hearings and notifications, there �'- ' costs
commensurate really higher with those.
But it is an opportunity, if any one of s obile home park
owners wanted to enter in compliance wi Board of County
Commissioners, those are two aven *Li a are open today to them.
So this would just be reesta• 17. more of that streamline
process. One of the things we'v . d from our discussions with the
mobile home park owners is eek to gain compliance, but the cost
consideration is of an imit - important factor. So the
commensurate require AL or improvements have to be in
relationship to those • ."V rns, which is always a delicate and fine line
to have to try to ,'rli ough, the regulatory considerations, but also
with their abi * � .ring these improvements in terms of a cost
feasible m . -
C a A HENNING: Okay, let me get this straight: The
SIP pro 7 s s to make sure that you come into compliance with the
landscaping, correct?
MR. BOSI: For the most part. Landscaping and drainage, yes.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Make sure that you have stormwater.
Now, I've heard things like paved roads; is that correct?
MR. BOSI: That is not one of the individual requirements of the
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CHAIRMAN HENNING: So what else are the requirements?
MR. BOSI: Well, what we would do and what we're proposing
to do is to engage in those conversations with the stakeholders and say
here's what the current program as was adopted back in 2000 requires.
And engage those mobile home park owners as to whether they feel
that's a fair and appropriate manner.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: But just what are require n the SIP
process? So we already established landscaping.
MR. BOSI: Landscaping.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: We established st ter. Is there
any other things?
MR. BOSI: Well, there's -- I mean, tho e major
components that we're looking for in terms4S1 site design.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: So the s ndards would be -- the
mobile home they cannot replace be' - ey don't have their
landscaping, they don't have their 1,5) ater; is that correct?
MR. BOSI: The reason w -- :nd you're right, that is the
ultimate goal of it is to be as id allow these owners to replace
these substandard units. 'IP - substandard units cannot be replaced
today because there's ',IL—Vey haven't gained that conformity with
the SIP process. W M' no record of--
CHAI ING: They haven't gained compliance with
our Land Dev- • . , nt Code.
MR. ; _ orrect.
C. TONER HILLER: With respect to g
landsca P in and
MR. : OSI: In respect to landscaping, drainage and an overall
conforming site. Meaning that these existing sites have not submitted
-- there's no SIP -- there's no Site Development Plan process on
record. There's no building permits sorted on record for a majority of
these units that are out there.
And when they come back to replace them they have to comply
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with the zoning regulations to make sure they're in the spirit of the
regulations. And when they're fighting that request, they can't move
forward. The SIP process was designed to allow for that impediment
to be removed.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: By Florida statutes --
By Florida statutes we don't issue permits for mobiles.
What we issue permits for is things like air conditior�,�n' s. ings like
MR. BOSI: Tie-downs. O
CHAIRMAN HENNING: -- tie-downs .41 i s like slabs. But to
replace that mobile home, they don't need e ...proval.
However, in order for them to bring `1. e sub-standards of
tie-downs, slabs and air conditionin. lie have to get a permit, the
county permit. ■
So I think there's a misundNizyk ding by some that substandard
housing or deplorable condi � really thing s of landscaping,
stormwater. Or they don' � ave a Site Development Plan.
So I just wanted ,.j • ► ct that misunderstanding.
Who's next? C• q •• sioner -- was it Commissioner Coyle?
COMMISSI _ ' COYLE: No, there is so much that has not
been determi �` - that I may as well wait until you come up with
some reco • .tons.
C ;Ilsr A N HENNING: And I think we really need to
understates hat's being requested of landowners.
Commissioner Hiller? Or was it Commissioner Nance?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Commissioner Hiller.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: Yeah, you know, the punitive
element that someone recommended is of some concern to me.
Because if these people don't pull permits, they don't have to do
anything to those sites. So to introduce a punitive element to force
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them to do something they're not legally required to do is I don't think
So I'm not sure when you do your evaluation that you can
actually do what was suggested.
And I think Commissioner Henning is absolutely right, because I
had the very same question, what are we really asking of these people
and why? And it has to be very clear that, you know, wha ver we do
doesn't engage in a takings, that we're not requiring som i that
they are not required to do and thereby through the r la n process
here doing something which is unconstitutional.
It's certainly, I think from so many people4xPective,
misunderstood that what is being proposed heeVvecause units are
somehow in violation of building standar,On
that isn't the case.
And that needs to be made very clear, tha has nothing to do with
these units being substandard vis-a- . y code, any building code.
Because that is not the case and t• it, is • •t what we're dealing with.
MR. BOSI: It's simply, thi .r zoning compliance, this is not
-- this is no assessment of th ing structural integrity of any one
of the these individual u -J
COMMISSION ER: And define zoning compliance for
MR. BOSI: ng compliance, meaning that the area where
that mobile h. • is zoned for mobile home use, that the standards
contained • e mobile home district are maintained within the
site des' a at individual mobile home park.
C0411 iii SSIONER HILLER: But the q uestion of use within a
zoning district doesn't really have anything to do with this. Because, I
mean, you can go in, you can evaluate the underlined zoning. If the
zoning permits those mobile homes, that's addressed and done. I don't
understand where the connection between that and these SIPs is.
MR. BOSI: Those 45 units, those 45 mobile homes that don't
have zoning issues, in terms of they're in the correct zoning district,
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the zoning issue they have is they've never submitted a Site
Development Plan that shows how they satisfied the zoning
requirements of that mobile home district.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: But if they existed before the
requirement for a Site Development Plan became a requirement,
unless they're seeking a permit to do one of the various things we've
identified as needing a permit, they don't have to have a Si
Development Plan.
MR. BOSI: No, they don't.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: So forcing the t a Site
Development Plan unless they want permit fo other reason is
p Y a P
COMMISSIONER NANCE: A self- '.-0 Sing prophesy.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: It's -- - -- it's not going to
happen. And that's why you've had ' s -- of noncompliance, but
nonparticipation. •
MR. BOSI: And that's wh.r ' . seeking direction from. The
issue of a punitive aspect to 1,46 • ogram was introduced today and
I'm just trying to --
COMMISSIO ER: But again I don't --
MR. BOSI: -- " • • t if that's the will of the Board.
COMMISSI.`s' _ • HILLER: -- see what you can punish
because you • •''ik . e the legal right to force them to do this because
they pre-e = - at requirement.
So • W41' think this has to be very carefully studied from a legal
perspec e.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Is there a motion? I'm going to make
a motion to approve this item.
MR. BOSI: And just for the Board's understanding, planning
will work directly with Jeffs staff and the County Attorney's Office to
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make sure whatever's being proposed has been reviewed from a legal
COMMISSIONER HILLER: I think this all needs to be cleaned
up. I'm not sure it's working the way it was intended as evidenced by
the fact that you don't have participation. So maybe you need to
develop a different program to incentivize. And instead of punishing,
maybe come up with some way that these people do it and et some
sort of credit that induces the second level of improvem ich is
replacing existing units.
MR. BOSI: Well, there's never been a punis ssociated
with this --
COMMISSIONER HILLER: No, but saying is maybe
what you should look at is the positive, thegp 'de, to induce them to
participate where they don't have to. y
MR. BOSI: That's how it's alw It set up. If you'd like to
replace your existing units, partic. the program. And that's been
the design. And we will contin • onstruct it that way and try to
find other incentives to incr:: : •e participation rate.
COMMISSIONER - t! ' : There's no incentive in what you
just said.
MR. OCHS: • - '. And what's being suggested is that we try
to design that.
COMM R HILLER: A different program. You need a
different per�: , . Because obviously it's not working.
CT =��'y� . N HENNING: Commissioner Nance?
C� � SSIONER NANCE: Yes. You know, everybody should
realize that the goal here is to incentivize the people to upgrade their
parks. These are nonconforming entities, most of them. They're
previously existing nonconforming entities. And what we're trying --
staff, if what I tried to ask them to include was the regulatory
flexibility needed to address the unique circumstances of some of the
ones that couldn't comply with the program to begin with. Some of
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them just couldn't comply because they had some unique circumstance
and there was no outlet for them. So they were by definition excluded
from being in compliance, which is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
And then since they're out of compliance, they have anxiety and
they don't want to invest money in their facilities, which is exactly
what we want to incentivize them to do. We want to incentivize them
to invest money, clean up their properties and ultimately, wu know,
as Immokalee grows and prospers, these properties will ' her
and better uses and we'll get some of them out of the at we
don't want them. And in the meantime we don't b.1 the small
business people that are relying on this for a live ..• • supplying
much needed housing. So -- '
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Commissi r iller? I'm sorry.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: How A ese nonconforming? I
mean, why are you using the term n.4 'arming? I think that needs
to be defined. •
MR. BOSI: When you ha ,. . obile home park the mobile
home park is normally estab By a Site Development Plan.
COMMISSIONER - 911 " : But again, if these preexisted that
requirement --
MR. KLATZK i C.... They're legal nonconforming. You've --
COMMISSI A.-1 _ - HILLER: So they're grandfathered.
MR. KLik% •W: Yes.
CO • . `zi INER HILLER: Okay, so they're not -- so let's
define 't• - : Irately. These are not nonconforming units. They are
grandfa'-r-d into the program and we would like to see them come
up to the current level, but they don't have to.
MR. BOSI: Correct.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: Okay. To constantly say
nonconforming makes it sounds like they're illegal.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: That's an omission on my part.
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MR. KLATZKOW: They're legal nonconforming --
COMMISSIONER HILLER: They're grandfathered. They're
legally grandfathered into the system.
MR. KLATZKOW: They're legal nonconforming. Your point to
the program was to clean them up.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: This is like the discussion of pre-
audit versus post-audit. It's all semantics.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: All in favor of the moti*ify by
saying aye.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Mo tes 4-1, Commissioner
Cole --
Y �
COMMISSIONER FIALA , , I voted against.
CHAIRMAN HENN otion by Commissioner -- yeah, the
motion carries, dissentin: • , missioner Fiala, Commissioner
COMMISSIO ' - ILLER: But I just want to clarify --
CHAIRM £ i`�- ING: You know, I think it's worthy, and I'm
going to wor 111 - aff to see what other trailer parks outside of
CO LONER HILLER: Absolutely.
C I'I ' HENNING: -- I know there is in East Naples. So
if we're going after one, we ought to go after others in other districts.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: I think it should be across the
whole county. I think -- I mean, if we're looking to make things
better, it should be across the board. This is not to -- you know, I
mean, it makes no difference where in the county this is. I mean, we
want to incentivize, you know, these mobile park owners to make their
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parks as good as possibly can be, as they can be.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Can we do communications within
four minutes?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Well, could I just say one thing?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: I think that my heartbreak in all of
this stuff is that the Health Department took a group of us I wasn't
working here at the time, I was working at the hospital, . ; y took
us around to see all of these different things. The He‘:* -partment
only oversees migrant working facilities, they can't o somebody
who lives there Y ear around. And so they took, They were
trying to push people to at least get running ‘141:kSeT. electricity and fix
the holes in the floor.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: How ago was this?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: W' hi was -- oh, this was before
I was ever in office. O
COMMISSIONER HILLES s like 20 years ago.
COMMISSIONER FI • I eah, it was in the Nineties. And I
don't know what has ever iTt-7 ed since then, because I've talked to
the Health Departmen . o► .le of times and they're kind of frustrated
because people are l• • n those conditions. And --
COMMISSI.PI_ ' HILLER: Well really, this is a state issue. It
sounds like it . e we don't have jurisdiction.
CO •NER FIALA: State is only with migrant. They
only ha --' ..4 of over migrant. They can't go into the other ones.
T ,.o nt is, I understand what you all are saying, I hear that. I'm
just saying what can we do to help people who can't help themselves.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: Right. We need to incentivize the
owners to make it as good as possible.
But we don't have jurisdiction over the units. So the question is,
if the state only looks at the units with respect to migrant worker
tenants -- and maybe what the issue is, is that the state needs to come
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up with some program to evaluate mobile homes. Because we don't
have a jurisdiction to do it.
So it's a state issue that they need to come in and set standards,
you know, for these mobile homes that goes beyond consideration just
for migrant workers, as Commissioner Fiala pointed out. We need to
look at, you know, low income tenants and elderly tenants. It's -- or
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Before we go too -- youSyiestand
that what was on our agenda and what you're speakigAbV,
Commissioner, are two different issues. And in faa&�a ode
Enforcement and Health Department went out :‘r o years ago and
there was a report on the Board that 95 pert a housing in
Immokalee comes up to the compliance of 11-4:lit, safety and welfare.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: I'd love`►. . -e that report, because I
didn't see it. And I'm sorry if I've s rike • t of concern.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: I V . 7n our agenda.
CHAIRMAN HE a ► ' e I said, two or three years ago.
COMMISSIONER �•. . Leo, you could produce that for me,
can't you?
MR. OCHS: Y:. " .'am, I'll get that for you.
COMMISSI.`��' _ - FIALA: Thank you.
CHAT ' 4 ` NNING: So, you know, I think this is a
carryover - - shouldn't say it's a carryover. But I think it's a
misund 1 ng of our jurisdiction and the state's jurisdiction under
migrant a u ing. It's two different issues.
CO MISSIONER FIALA: Two different.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: And the issue with a Site
Development Plan and the compliance to the Land Development Code
has to do with landscaping, stormwater, things of that nature. So --
COMMISSIONER FIALA: And I was just thinking more of just
the people living in there. I wasn't --
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CHAIRMAN HENNING: Ifs not within that unit. It's not in that
box where they live in, it's an issue of, again, landscaping if they
haven't landscaped.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Well -- and they can't change the
box that they live in until they conform to this is what you're saying.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Right. So in other word they
could change it. But anyway, I understand where your iicr.Nes lie, I
truly do.
CHAIRMAN HENNING: What do you thi s?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: I won't say, er of fact. But
I will say this: I just want to do anything I cagO 1p those people
who can't help themselves.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: And ed to do that through
the state. I'll talk to them. When I g• i t re, I will talk to our
representatives. I don't know mu• u . , i t this area of law.
COMMISSIONER FIALA* can even call Dr. Colfer, she'll
tell you. I went with her.
COMMISSIONER �' : Oh Y eah. But I'll talk to the state
to find out-- when I' Akt t re I'll ask who -- and I'll talk to the
Florida Association . nties to find out, you know, what other
counties are doin:WT: who at the state level has jurisdiction to ensure
that these trai - •Bing properly maintained.
COM "N •NER FIALA: I don't think we can go into trailers.
I don't - can go in there and --
C• 1 SSIONER HILLER: That's my point. And that's why
we need to find out who.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Health Department can.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: But that's only for migrant
So the question is who is looking at these living units at the state
level beyond migrant worker units. And that's what we need to find
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out. Because that's who needs to be enforcing requirements for the
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Before we go on our time certain at
noon, Commissioner Nance, do you have something?
COMMISSIONER NANCE: Yes, I just want -- I would like to
close this out and I don't want to belabor conversation, but migrant
labor housing and its regulation by state and federal govervt is a
separate and distinct thing. It's very, very highly regulatifL
conditions are controlled, and they're inspected freq r1 And that's
not what w '
ere talking about here.
COMMISSIONER NANCE: We're tal - `t_ out free market
economy housing for poor people and how -ed to incentivize
people to better that.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: 44111, hens to be a trailer.
COMMISSIONER NANCE•to a. .ens to be a trailer.
CHAIRMAN HENN !This is a carryover. We're going to
take a -- when are we co ''� . .ck, at 1:15?
COMMISSIONFO • ER: 1 :15. That's what I was told to tell
COMMISSI AN_ ' FIALA: I heard 1:30.
COMM ' "i . R HILLER: Well, subject to change. Do you
want 1:30?
M • ' S: There's no registered speakers right now as we sit
here. u.lic comments. And you can't hear your land use item 'til
1:30, so come back at --
MR. OCHS: 1:30.
COMMISSIONER HILLER: I'm speaking on behalf of the chair
and vice-chair.
(Luncheon recess.)
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MR. OCHS: Mr. Chairman, you have a live mic.
Item #7
CHAIRMAN HENNING: Back from recess. No going
to go to public comments.
And I understand there's a number of speaker . ant to speak
about the Cocohatchee PUD. That is not on ou . :a. We cannot
make decisions under a petition, land use pet' . •ur constitution
says people have the right to petition or addiktheir elected body, so
we cannot make a decision not to. And t bout basically it.
So if you guys want to talk abo y u can all day, but we can't
take any action on any request at ere will be a public hearing in
the future through the Planning ission, and ultimately the Board
of Commissioners.
So with that, let's c. o •ublic speakers.
MR. MILLER: . st speaker is Bill Pittman. He'll be
followed by Peter F .,u
MR. PITT .1.‘ • i. My name is Bill Pittman. I live at the
Anchorage, w4.- on Vanderbilt Drive, and I'm a member of the
Pelican Isl- . Club.
• • .V, want to point out that the Cocohatchee PUD
complet: urrounds those whole complexes, those 200 plus
And we attended a meeting last week and have some concerns
about what's going on as far as navigation, as far as traffic. But the
biggest concern we have is revoking an irrevocable settlement. Thank
MR. MILLER: Your next speaker is Peter Franck. He'll be
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