BCC Minutes 01/03/1989 R
Naplcs, Fler \;'" January 3. 1 ~'39
LE':' IT BE REMEM8ERED, that the Board of Cc:~~~y Commissioners in
and tor the County at Collier, and also acting'J the Board ot Zoning
Appeals and a3 the governing bo.:1rd(s) ot such ar.p"~lal dlstrictG as
have been created according to law and ha'"ing c'.;,'~ucted business
herein, met on this date at ~:oo A,M. in REGULAR SESSlO. in Building
"P" at the Government Comple~, East Naples, Plor:da, with the
following me.bers present:
CHAIRMAN: 8,; ~ t L. Saunders
VICE GHAIRI".AH: M,'j;': A. HaaG'!, Jr,
P:' hard S. Shanahan
M;--:hael :1. Volpe
A:.:¡.~ Goodnight
ALSO PRESENT: Jame3'" Giles, Clerk; Johr. ":Jnkosky, Finance
Director; Maureen Kenyon, Ellie Hott~an, and Dc ;a Mendez, Deputy
Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLc~ -n Assistant County
Manager; Tom Olliff, Acting Cemmunity Dcvclopmc:,- Administrator; Ken
Cuyler, County Attorney; TOQ Crandall, Utl1itlc'j Administrator; George
Archibald, Public WorKs Admir.istrator; Kcvin O' :'.~.n('ll, Public
Services Administrator; Jay Rcardon, Emergency ',"r'"ices Administrator;
Barbara Cacchione. Project Planner; Leo Ochs, A'~~;ni9trative Services
Administrator; Haney I~~acl30n, Administrative ~';3i3tant to the Board;
and Sergeant David Johnson, Sheriff's Departmcn'
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Co8ai.aioner Shanahan aoved, .econded by Co..l..ioner Baa.. and
carried unani80U8ly, that the agenda be approved with It.. 681 being
beard at 10:0C A.M.
It.a .SA
Coaaiasioncr Saunder3 prc3ented employe~ 3er','ir:e3 awards to the
following e=ployee~ and thanked them tor thcir 3r>r""ice to Collier
ThOl8a3 011 Ht, Acting Co~Qunity Development Admin. - 5 years
.John Short, Utilitie:> Di'J1:>ion .. 5 year:>
It.. .sa
CoRZ133ioner Saunder:> rc;:,d a letter and prc3cnted a plaque and a
S50.00 cash award to Penny DiMartin for being recognized as the
Elllployee of the Month tor January, 198'3.
It- .6C
Ca=i::>:>ionf'!r ':cJ:iJ ~ c:;.rJ ar;c p:-c:>cntcd i) p:-ocla:n;:¡tion to Mr3, Myra
Daniels representing the Philharmonic Cr:r.tcr far the Arts tor their
diligent work in maKing the project ot the Philharmonic Center for the
Arts 1n Pelican Bay become a reality, ;7
Co8a1..ioner Shanahan aoved, .econded by Co..l..loner Baa.. and
carr led unan18OU8l y, that the proclaaatlon applaudlng and approving
the project at the Phllharaonic Center for the Arts In Pellcan Bay and
the ~1haraonic'. per.1stence and careful planning to aake thl. dre..
a reali~ be adopted,
Mrs. Daniels indicated that ahe i3 proud to rp.ceivc the proclama-
Pag.æ 2
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tion but noted that there are ~.OOO ether people that have worked hard
on this caU3P.. She 3t<1ted ~hat thi:; .1:; the begi~1nin1 ot a cultural
revolution in thi3 ce=unity and thanked the Boa:-d tor their 9upport,
j7 '
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It... "At
Acting Co~*unity 'Jr~'/c 1 opl:1cn t Administr;¡tor OllHt stated that thi3
i3 a reco=cnèation req'~~3tlr.:;¡ that the Chairman be authorized to exe-
cute a CoIìtrao::t tor grar.t :non~<:3 from 'JlIR tor the artiticial reef
building program in Collier County, Hc 3 t.:¡t; cd that Collier County ha3
been worKing on a reet program tOt' three years, using clean materials
to create the3e reets, He noted that the grant was ilpplJ ed tor
through DIfR, and rccel""cd, and this is simpl/ a request to allow the
County to receive theae ¡::on1ca.
ec-.t-i0D8r Baa.. aoved, ..conded by COJIai881oner Sban"""an and.
carr i ed unan 18OU8 1 y, that the contract for the acceptance of grant
8OJ1i- in the iI8Ount of $20,000 f roa the DO for the art1ficlal reef
prograa of Collier County be executed by the Chalraan.
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CA.DIv AL PEJOa T #8 9 - 1 RE PETITIO. C-ð8-ð, COLLIER COtnn'Y AGRICt7Lruur,
nZ'-~~~TI9~~ ~qçg~~_I(~J~D H_" ~- '~---~
A::;t~ng (;G¡¡::;:u..~tÏ C)c'¡e lop;:¡c'r.t Ad;:,.~nio;tr;:,to. r 11 Ht 3tated that th13
i:; .. req-':I?:;t for ;1 per:::i t to ccnd'Jct the ':10.,:..1,:': ~ollier County Fair
and to wa~"'e the :;ur~tÏ br,nr'.., the carni'Jal t cr... dnd the Occupational
license. He noted th.)t thi3 h':l3 been done for . hc pa:H two 'feara and
the feea have also been wai~ed,
Co8aiaaioner Baaae aoved, aeconded by Co_1ssloner Shanahan and
carr led una.niaoual y, that Carnival Perait #89-1 re Petltlon C-88-ð,
Collier County Agricultural Palr & Expoaltlon, Inc. requeatlng a per-
ait to conduct. falr be approved and that the surety bond, the
earn .1 va 1 tee, and the OCcupatIonal llcenae be waIved,
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:1AJroARY 3, 1985¡
n- .,.1
Public Works Admlniatrator Arch1bald stated that thls item
involves a design contract for two road improvements in the Imaokalee
area: Weatclox Road extenslon fro. Carson Road to State Road 29 and
Carson Road extenslon fro. Lake Trafford Road to Imaokalee Drive. He
indicated that this project was envisioned a number of years ago and,
it is now in the design phase, He stated that on September 27, 1988,
the Board of County Commissioners approved the waivlng of the COIII-
petitive selection proce3s, declared an emergency, and directed statt
to negotiate a consulting services contract w1th Smally, Helford &
Jralven, Inc. for the preparation of constructlon plan. and specitica-
tions, right-of-way maps, and per.it appllcatlona for both roads. He
indicated that Smally, Welford & Nalven, Inc. are familiar with this
area and also familiar wlth uti11ties that are in the area. He noted
that a contract h~; been negotlated and there is a ceiling of $73,200
in the contract wlth a cost Incentlve proviølon, He stat~d that it
upon completion of the project services, charges have not reached the
agreed $60,400 contract target cost, the difference between the
contract target cost and the contract actual cost will be split bet-
ween the County and the consultant on a 60/40 percent baals respec-
tlvely as an incentive to perfor. the project under target cost. He
indicated that the County shall also pay tho consultant the actual
coat plus 10' of all reimbursable expenses incurred in connection with
the basic and additional servlces as set forth in the agreement. He
noted that the total contract amount is about 8' of the construction
aaount and he Is recommendlng that this item be approved.
Colll8issioner Shanahan questloned if thls type of a contract has
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.. .1 AJft1 ART 3, 1989
been approved previously, to which Public Harks Administrator
Archibald stated that this is the second contract of this nature,
adding that the fir3t one was for the extension of Lely Barefoot Bc~ch
Road, which is not complete at this time, but it appears that it wIll
work in the County's favor,
Co..issioner Volpe questloned when the actual construction wl11 be
done on these roads, to which Publ1c Harks Administrator Archibald
.tated that the first road 1s Westclox Road extension and once the
design is coaplete, construction will begin, adding that the coaple-
tion 4&~e for the construction is 1991.
~f..1ouer Shan..),~ 8OV8d, ..c0n4e4 by Co8aJ...iouer Goodnight
8D4 carr 1e4 ~ f 8nU81 y, that ~ Consulting ..rv1ce. engi.aeeriDg
8gr& lit .i~ S8811y, Welford" .a1V811, Inc. for ~ de8igz¡ ot the
II881:claz 8D4 Car8oD Roada extenal008 in IlI8Okalee be ~i'¡ov.d.
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Jþ':fl1ARY 3, 1989 '"
Xu. nB2
Public Works Adminlatrator Archlbald stated that Naples Park area
bas serious drainage problema due to developmcnt that dates back to
the early 1~60's, adding that there is no real conveyance system or
water aanageaent retention or detention. He noted that i8provementø
to the primary r¡stem are estlaated to cost $3.3 million and 18prove-
aenta to the secondary system are estimated to coat $2.3 ailllon. He
stated ~hat Staff has aet wlth the Naples Park Area Associatlon on
different occasions to deteralne the next steps to follow. He
reported that the best way to obtain input tram the property owners i8
~hrough an informational package and questionnaire. He noted ~ha~ the
property owners will end up absorbing the cost which will probably be
through an &Sse83aent project due to the large dollars involved and
Staff needs to be sure that SO~ plus one property owner is in favor of
such an assessment project. He stated that there are over 4,000 pro-
perty owners in Naples Park area and they need to be able to choose
whether they are In favor of thls assessment project and if so,
whether they are in favor of the primary system or the priaary and
secondary system. He stated that he is asking for approval to send
t~ inforaatlonal package and questionnaire to tha property owners,
adding that the package gives information on the financing and also
explains that the questionnaire must be returned within 30 to 45 days.
Be no~ed that at that tlme, the results of the questionnaire will be
deteralned and will be brought back to the Board and also will be pre-
sented to the Naples Park Area Association at thelr annual meeting In
February. He stated that it will cost about $3,500 to sand out the
questionnalre, whlch ls aval1able in the Naples Park Area Drainage MSTU
Fund 139.
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¡ ,11.JroARY 3, 1989
Coaaissioner Saunders stated that his only request is that there
be good flnanclng informatlon available to the property owners and
[ that there be a good readlng of the que~tionnaires to be sure at the
i' Public Works Adminlotrator Archibald stated that the inforaation
)'¿: Incl~8 the financing and it is estiaated that the average a8Se8888nt
~~ to each property owner will be about $7S0.00 per lot.
c-t..i~r Sh8I~a"'.n 8OV84, .ec0nd8d by Co8ai..ioner Baa.., that
the 1DtOr'8aUonal package and quesUonnairs be aent to all prope~
o.m.r. in the .apls. Park Area Drainage Study area.
Mr. Richard Wood, Chalraan of the Waples Park Area Assocla~ion
Civic Coaaittee, stated that the co..ittee agrees to the mailing at
~be que.tionnaire but does not agree to the $750.00 per lot and each
person paying equally. He noted that he feels that the Beachwalk,
Pavilion Club, Pavilion Shopping Centor, Pavilion Lakes, and 67 acres
across U.S. 41 which drains Into ~he system should be included in ~his
project. He noted that the newer developers are putting in retention
lake. which, in a 3-day stora, would hold water in their lakes, bat
would then be released Into Waples Park system which would cause pro-
ble_. He stated that he feels that all property owners in the MSTD
area should be assessed equally wlthout any tavoritlsm.
Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the analysis of
the properties will equate to a benefit assesoment and the best analy- ?" ,.;.
.1. will be to deter.ine the run-ott and that is how the asse...ent
will be computed.
Co8aissioner Saunders stated that the assessaent method will be
deterained by the Co..lssion when all information has been pre.ented.
Co..issioner Shanahan questloned it the areas at concorn are
Included in the study, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald
replied attiraatlvely, adding that the only area that i. excluded ls
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the Vanderbilt Be;:¡ch .-,red which 1::; lac;:¡ted wc,;! of Vanderbilt Beach
Dri'"e as there will be r,o bC~H' fit to that arei},
HI', Wood indicate1 th<:.t the C:ounty :¡hou:d help pay a3 there will
be a largc 5;:¡'.'i:-,ç~ '" ~ ~.r! "r;',.n"f in :;..lintn~¡;lr,(,r> ":'-'1'cn::I<'. plu3 the
Count'¡ OWT',3 o3b(J'~~ 25% '~ f ~ ~,¡;> ':03:,'1 in thc N'11'lc3 Park Area,
In answer to Co~mi~3ir;ncr V~lpc. f'ut¡J i c W(JrY~ Adminiatrator
Archibald stated that olJtt.:¡ll:¡ '...ill be provided th;:¡t will a3;,,;ure all
propertic!) the re~a'...a 1 of run off, He 3tated thiJt when this is
accolllpl isher'.. , the ro;:¡ds;d!:' sw'lle:J will h;:¡'Je to be cleaned out and
pipe3 w il: r,a'",c to be "nl;:¡rg!:'r".. in 3(;::;" ;:¡ r C;¡" ;J:; 30mi'. people put in
pipes in their road::; 1 dlc 'JW':' Ie'} t h.l t were ei'hcr not large enough or
were not :;ct at the right ¿¡rog] (' ,¡ or cl("...,:,t1'~n3,
Opoo c& 11 for the qt1eatlon, the action carried unaniaoualy.
It.. ftB3
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Public Wary:; Ad;r.,;.:-.l:,;tr,)"~r Ar:.:r,; ba 1o.i ::¡ t;¡1 cd ',;¡ i1 t there i::; a
contract that has ber'r¡ ;Jwardr'~ to CarI30n C"rporation to c.Jnstruct the
Health and Pub lic Service::; building which wa::; dc3igned by Design Arts
",ho h<1s g.:me into rerr' :""'Jr3h Ip and 13 in thC! proces::; ot liquidating
its resourcea and will not be able to undertake the dcaign services
that were to be pro"'idcd b'l them during the con::;truction phase. He
noted that he haa been looking at thrc.e other fIrms that will provlde
such servIce; one i:; ;:',;¡d r, I;P c, t the principles cf De3ign Arts that
have atarted a firm en HIe i r own; another ene 1', Ode 11 and A330ciate:J;
and the othcr is Carl"on and A::;::;ociate::;, He Indicat(!d that of the
three tirm3, Staft ,~ recer;.:nc:-.d;ng a contrar.t w j"h Ode 11 and
Associate3 to pertorm the remainder of the <1rr.hj"'ctural !)ervices of
the Health and Pub Ii c Services Building, 'Ie lnd:cated that one of the
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- r,:/UARY 3, 1'J8'J
rea::Jon::J tor this deci::;lon i3 that thr.ir main pra~'cct manager was with
Design Art::; '",hl?n ~':""ï p,I?par"d the tinal plan::; ;:¡~, '; ::;pecificationg, He
indicated t 1".'1 ~ ,)d,,11 a;,,~ A33c;ciatl?:;¡ 13 i),1::;0 ab1" pro,...ide thc
required liabil~ty in::;¡,¡rancr1 a;-:.d contract in::;ura:,'~e relating tu errO:::"3
and 0:i3:;icn::., He 3~,')tl?d t~..:1 t hc ha3 b",=n aol" " J nl?gotiate a rough
cO:Jt for the ::;er....icl?::; to b'~ .,rr')'/ idee! b'i Odell :~n. A::;~¡oc lates '..,hich i9
very clo:;¡e to servlcJ1::> th;:¡,t would ha'",c beer. pro'..,';ed by Design Arts.
He stated that i., 13 "pp:-oximatel'f ~72,8~2,OO wL; h would be the lIIa.xl'
IIUIII .:uIIount cf ::;crVlce::; pro"" idee'., Hc r.ot 'c,j t r,cj t Jè::"e 3er'"icC3 provide
str\Jctural ir,3pectlor.::;, re, 'lewing all '3ublllittal,. tQr a 1 1 the materials
to aS3urc co;plianc" "" 1 t h the ::;pl?cifJC.:JtJ(.n3 an': :;cric:J of other
actl...itie::; that are c r : t I r: ,-.1 'n ¡¡::;:¡ure tr.a t the ; l¡.j I ng in put up
properly and t h.'1t t hI? County j-¡ "Iecur....d ,«¡It!',/. '0 the de:3ign and the
completion of the projr'ct, Hr' noted n¡at t t,r'y w:;] '1130 pro'"ide staff
to 9upplelH'nt t. he County':; 3in~le project eng i r.' for that job, He
3tated that he if) rcqucC",t . ~¡') th"t hf' be au'hurl: ,! to negotiate and
prepare a fin...! contr'Jc' wi th Ocr:>11 .:md A:;¡::;or: ia' ':', and upon that
contract being rc'"iewed and complctf'd by th{' C(';o,'y Attorney':; office
and out9l~e coun3el of C,:¡rltcn, Pield:>, Ward, E:r.;T,...¡nuc 1, Smith á
Cutler, the Chairlllùn be a'lthorlzl!ù to ezccut', ," ,1 contract,
In an::;wcr to Cc=l::;::¡ior-.er H<l:J3e. Pub! lc ;.Iar>' > Administrator
Arct-.1bald ::;tatcd t h;l t the CrJl.:nty Attorney will '~, 'f'.rmine it it is pru-
dent to terminate the contract or to ;:¡llow tor to be reassigned, ?¿:.
Commissioner Saunderr; indir.ated that the co:,' fact may be an asset
during the bankruptcy,
Coamis::¡ioner Volpe qu....::;tioned if thc County ~.a3 the drawings, to
which Mr. Archibald replied attirmatlvely,
ColUlli:>sioncr Vclp" q;¡C'::;t lor,cd it the 1n~¡¡rar,r{; premium will be
pa33ed on to the Coun t '£, t 'J which Mr, A"rhibald indicated that the
total cost of the contract wi 11 bc $72,852 and will include the
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; MWARY 3, 198~
County Attorney Cuyler 3tated that thi3 it<,-::: ,:; an emergency
becau3e :Jf the time f"ctr¡r ¡r..."cl...-ed,
Co8a.1.. 1 ODe r S han.ahan aov ed, -conded by Co_issloner Goodnight
and carr i.d an81'\ illOU8 I y, that the consultant selectlon procedure be
waived on an ...rgency ba.~. and .tatt be authorized to negotIate an
agr...-nt wIth Odell and Å8aoclates to provlde archltectural .ervice.
dur1nç conatruction at the Health and Public Services Buildlng and the
Ch.alr-..n be authorized to execute .888 atter review by the out. ide
ccranael and the County Attorney.
p¡.ge 12
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; ~.~IUARY 3, 1989
I t- 884
IIC. IW THE ~ OF $103,674,40
Lcça: :'.()~ice h;)'¡ing b,!('" F..¡bl i'3hed in ~ h,! H..Jí '"" D;:¡ilï new::; on
Dece~ber '. 1')8<:. ;)3 evidenced b'z' Affi¿;)'"it .? f p' :,;ication filed wlth
the Clerlo:, bid::; were rccc i'led far Bid .88 1340 f r,:- aerial topographic
aappinç within ar, ;:¡r/õ.:1 known a3 Water M;:¡n;:¡gc~cnt ::i::;trict No, 7, un t 11
2:30 P,M" ;)ecezbcr 21, ~,)?.8,
~~bl1c Work::; Admlni3trator Archibald ::¡tatcd . :,at thl::¡ itelll ia part
of the water aar..')gcJ:en t budget tor the c...rrent 1"-1r, noting that this
aappir.ç will dcvclop one foot contour3 tor not o:,lï the ba3e area
which c;(tcr.d3 prlmarilï fro::: Goodlc.,te Po;:¡d tc ",;, C;J3t to almo3t C,R,
,)~l but 01130 an "r/Õ'-J that "¡ i 11 c:<tcr.d to ~,R, c':' Hf'! noted that the
urban area ia the area th;:¡t has been 3ubject to 'r.e bld prop03al3 that
ha'..e been rece i'"cd, He noted that two bid::; w<ërr :-cce i'"cd and staff is
recoaacndir.ç¡ award of the 10..... bid which i3 in t:" amount of
$103,67(,40, adding that the furlding 13 ¿¡'¡ail;:¡b: ... the w;:¡ter manage'
aent acco;,¡nt and al::iG iôc111dc::¡ ;¡ gr;:¡nt froc the ,;uth Florida Water
Managc:IIerlt Oi::¡trict i r. thp ;¡:nO,ln t of appro;(i;::¿¡t,:'l $100.000. He Indl..
cated that a l:w:;t a1: Qf tr.i::; worK will be :Jut3. il;:ed by the grant,
He indicated that th<ër" '...c'r,! three other alterr.,,"! areaG that were to
be coo3i,1e red, but d..e tc the ;:},.."ilable tunds. :.:] f f is recommending 7¡!'
that th03e area3 not be con3idcred at thi::> t imr., 'lnlcGs he can find
Gome t un,:\i rig, He notcd t :,.') t the bil:ilc area i:¡c:;de3 a litt le more
than 25 sq-yarc mile::. and ~hi:; i:::; what Statt i3 ~.'::ommending be awarded
to Y.ucera South, Inc, :n the ¿¡mount of ~lO3,f..74 ~o,
Co8ai_ioner B&8- aoved, aeconded by Co..ias1oner Volpe and
carr i ed unan iJlOU8l y, that Bld .88-1340 be awarded to ~ucera South,
Inc. in the II8OUl1 tot $103,674.40 as being the lowest bidder.
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;i\.WUARY 3, 1S18S1
AlII) "~~~~'!-1JL~ .M"Q!!JfT_9r_J~,~00_~() B~PREPI.UD - APPROVED
P;;.hl ic S~r',¡ ice:; A~m;;:;Jtrat:Jr :)'DonnclJ :;t;'}~ ., that thi3 i tern Is
to co-"er a r.ontractur<J¡ (:rr.;- ';'t'::I(:;: t with the r: ~ t ':' ',f t/afilc3 on a 50/50
ba3 i s tor a propo::;al bï Y.~r.ncth p, Y.ahn to devel 't' ;J, needs assessment
and pla~~inç ~rocess leadlnç to the torJ:l;:¡t ion of :) Cultural Attairs
Council fer '::reater HapI,,:; ba3ed or. the P/UCAT r "r,om:nendat ion, He
noted that the sub gro\.;p rd the Commun i t'" Inst 1 ~ " lonG TasK Porce has
puraued thi:; rndea',¡..-...r ;:¡,:¡d r.a3 recommenced Mr, Y.r :,:,eth Y.ahn. He noted
that the scope at Mr. Y. .:!t >n' -; w , r I( woulr'. o:o'"...r " ;;1 I arts/cratts orga'
ni:;:ation3, ¿¡rti3~3 fx ;;.)]Jerie>, pc'rtorr:1in~ :~ r t:, ,c,rj ,3rti:;ts;
hi3torical, "rC3('r',¡at ion ;:¡:¡ ,; ~:: icnce grCJ'Jp3; bn" :.('33 ¡;¡nd tourism
interest:> and 3er'.rice ¡;¡nd c i'" i c oq¡anlz¡;¡t lor,::;, "" noted that the
Ç5,500 would COlli" trom t ~.l.: General F:md Rr>3c'r'¡c' ,:¡r'. the nece3sary
budget a=end::acnt woulè. h;J,'.r~ to b~ prepared,
(;0:=is3loncr Volpe r¡üP3t i:;ncd ; f thf' C j t." G: ~¡"'pJf'S is going to
participate in thi3 prnjco:t, to whJch City of H:',:,; e3 Mayor Putze11
replied atfirmati-¡elï. adding th;:¡t th~ City ta3 ,: re;:¡dy <3uthorlzed the
$5,500 for the contract.
Co~is3ioner Saunder3 stated that according the prc~")aed thle-
table, it appears that the majority ot the work ',as been completed.
Public Service:; AdQini3trator O'Donnell :; t a ~ '.i that the 3chedulc ~
needs to be reworked, :1oti:'1g that the prapo:':ll ~" or ig inall\ sub-
.itted in Septemhcr and the outline 3haw~, U;a t " wo rk wC"ll d be
completed by the end of Januar'¡, but due te the .rmal process of
being approved by the C it'" of Maple:; and thp Co';:,~y, the schedule wl1l
have to be updated and he will pre'3ent :1 rev 1 '3c'; :opy to the
Comaisaloner Volpe quc:;tioned it any of t h i c> ,",ark ha:; been done at
this time, to which Mr:;, Myra Daniel:>, member cf 'he '3ub group of the
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J~tlUARY 3, 1~B9
Col:J8Un~";,Y ir-.:;titution:; T.:>.31c Porc~, rep1ied r-,'~g.)~ :':',ly. She indicated
tha";, ~r-. ~~h~ i3 hoping ~o begin ~hi3 work by t~ pnd at thi3 month.
ec-.1_1oner Shan&h.an aoved, seconded by Co_isaloner Goodnight and
carried unaniaaualy, that the proposal by ~enneth R. Eahn to develop a
needa &8aea88en~ and plannlng process leading to the foraatlon of .
CUl~al Affair. Councll for Greater Naples be approved and funded on
a 50/50 baai. with the Clty of .aplea and that a budget aaendaent in
the 88OaDt of $5.500 be prepared and a new revlsed work .chedul. be
prepared ,
..... Reoea.: 10:00 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:10 A.M. .....
It- "81
roJL~~~AX_BA.! - DE~D J5þ'Ç~,.r.0_~T~ AJfD THE CCPC ~-------
Legal notice ~a~in; bcc~ p~b¡i:;~cd In thc N. ,c:; D~ily New3 on
tfO\;c'z::ber 27, 1188, a:, "vidcnu:r! by Aftlda'Ji~ ,,~ .!::Jlication tiled with
the Clerk, public hc<:l:-ing W,):; cor,tinu'~d from Dc:. ,",ber 13, 1'J88, to
conaidcr Peti";,ion DOA 88 IC, [1lcd by George Va~',~doe representing
Westlnghou3c Co_unitie3 of ~lap¡e3, Inc, reque:;' .:-.g an alll{,"Idment to
the Dcvclop:ucnt Order for P("}ican Ba', by rcquc3' .C1Ç1 an addition<:ll
600,000 :;quarC? teet Gt Gfficc and ret.:lil commcrc;,::d space lc..cated west
ot U,S, 41, 30uth of V~ndcrbi:t 8each Road, and ',~rth ot Scaçatc Drive
in Section3 32 ~nè 33, Town:;hip 48 South, R<1ngc ;H, E;:¡st <lnc'. ~.~ctions ?~
4, 5, 8, .;¡nd 'I, Town:;r,ip 4'1 So;~th, Range 25 1'.a:,' containiõ1\,i 2,104
Project Plan:Jcr Cacchionc 3tated that thi3 ;:-ojcct i3 located
west ot U,$, 41. south at Vanderbilt Beach Road,nd north ot Se<lgate
Drive, She indicated that there arc thrcc comn:c': ial parcels that are
in question; the northern parc~l which i:; 28,7 '... "123, the middle par-
cel which Is 21,1 acre3 and the 30uthern parcc'l '.lh ich ia !)!), 2 acres.
She stated that zonir,;¡ to the north i3 RMF 6 whj ~ i3 the Beachwalk,
Page 15
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:J A1fU ART 3, 1989 ,;~
,.180 to the north is the Pavilion PUD and Pavilion Lakes which is
residen~ial as well a8 C-4; to tho east is RMF-16 and RSF-1¡ to the ~1,
South i. C-4, Seagate Subdlvision, Naples Cay, and RSP-4 zoning. She t'j
indicated that the petitioner would l1ke to IncrcaGe the allowable
square footage of commercial, but is not requesting any change to the
peraitted uses or the development standards as provided for in the PUn
ðocaaen t. She noted that the aain area of concern i. with the iapact
of the ad41tional development on tho transportation network, adding
that the MPO has had concerns wlth the orlglnal submittal in regard to
the ~otal trafflc and assignments on the road network, the external
~rips asslgned to the network, and the number of trips generated. She
stated that there is also some concerns about the proposed mitigationa
such as 8-laning 0.5, 41 which i. not an approprlate suggestion. She
stated that Chapter 380 of the Florida Statutes indicates that the
project has been determlned to be a substantial deviation, adding that
the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council reviewed the subs tan-
tial deviation on November 17, 1988, and aade thelr official report
and recoaaendation for approval with the mitigation measur~g outlined
in the atatf report. She noted that Planning staff is recoaaending
approval subject to the stlpulatlona outllned by the Regional Planning
Cðunc 11. She indlcated that the CCPC held their public hearing on
this petition on December 1, 1988, and recommended tha~ the Board deny
thi. petitlon by a vote of 6/3. She stated that one person spoke for
the petition, cltlng tho need for commercial to 3crve tho Pelican Bay
residents and 8 people spoke in opposition citing negative traffic
iapacts both inside Pellcan Bay and tho external road network, changes
in the character of the communlty, possible Increase in crime, over-
taxing of the utilities, and incremental amendments to the projec~.
She stated that one person stated that he was not notified of the pro-
posed change and two letters in opposition were received with concerns
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JAJrOARY 3, 1989
over increased traffic, parking requireaents, and environaental
illpacts. She stated that the stipulation options provided for in this
8Uba~an~ial deviation request are con.istent with the proposed growth
aanage.ent pIa". She Indlcated that due to this projects DRI status
it is allowed a "pipelinlng" option or the ability to ai~igate through
an upfron~ fair share contribution payment, adding that the impact of
the total developaent cannot be deterained until such ~i8Ð as a deter-
aination is aade regardlng the vesting 8tatus of the project. She
indicated that the Staff reco88endation i. the same as the CCPC recoa-
_ndation, which is for denial.
Mrs. Cacchione stated that the original request was for 1,260,000
square feet of coaaercial area and the proposed reque8~ i. for a cap
of gros8 building area of 1,150,000 square feet. She stated that this
would be broken down into 520,000 square feet of retail and 630,000
aquare teet of office space. She noted that the original PUD has
660,000 net leasable area and the petitioner is requesting a gross
building area, but those two ite- are no~ coaparable. She stated
that the petitioner has estiaated that tho origlnal request wa8
ac~ually 820,000 square feet in gross building area and tho!r reque8t
i8 to bring thlø up to 1,150,000 square feet which ls an increase of
368,000 square feet. She noted that the Petitioner has a180 reque8ted
a reduction froB 9,600 dwelling unit8 to 9,000 dwelling units and they
have also agreed ~o allow hotels in the co..ercial area. and Bay
Colony only.
Coaaisøioner Saunders questioned it Staft agreoo with ~he square
foo~age with regards to what is being proposed by the Peti~ioner, to
which Mrs. Cacchione stated that the original PUD did refer to net
le...able 8quare footage and there 18 a difference be~en net
le...able, gross leaseable and grOg. building area. She 8tated that
the percentages were glven to ber by the Petitioner and were based on
Page 11
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" AJrtJ ART 3, 1989
I' source. such as OLI and others which are probably accurate.
Mrs. Cacchione referred to an overhead aap indicating two parcels
and .ta~ed ~hat the final suggestion Is to aove the approxiaately 15
acre northern coamerclal tract further to the north and at a later
point in tiae rezone the other parcel to Group I or Group II housing.
She noted that the petltloner has a180 agreed to choose tho op~ion of
.pipelining", whlch is a payment upfront of the fees to .itigrte the
i.pact and that is an option that they are por.itted to choose because
it i. a DRI project.
Coaaisaioner Saunders questioned what is .oant by .pipoliningW and
what are the iap_cts, to which Mrs. Cacchione øta~ed that the i8p8c~s
of the substantial deviation project aa it tranalatea into a dollar
figure in teraa of the cost at .itigating that particular iapact can
be paid up-front. She stated that once this dollar aaount is paid, the
project can continue.
Co-.issioner Volpe questioned if the original staff proposali.
being considered at this tiae. to which Mrs. Cacchione indica~ed ~ha~
a 8Odification at the original proposal is being considered and the
inforaa~ion concerning the aodification ia not in the agend3 packet.
Co-.issioner Volpe stated that he is uncertain at this point a. to
whether the orlg1nal proposal is being requested or the aoditicatlons
~o tho orlg1nal proposal, but questioned if ataff has had the oppar-
tuni~ to adequately revlew and assess the aodlfications?
Mrs. Cacchione stated that since the Planning Commission ~eting,
there bas been discussions with the Petitioner and with Pelican Bay
Property OWners Associations and the aodlflcations to the original
proposal are based on aany of those discussions, such as the 8OV88eDt
of ~he coamercial parcel to the north, t~ reduction in the overall
8qU8re footage, the exclusion of the hotels except tor coaaercial
are.. and Bay Colony. She noted tha~ the iapacts are Ie.. than the
Page 18
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JAJroARY 3, 1989
original subaittal and Start has reco88Ønded ar~roval at the original
aubalttal and would find this to be less at an iapact than the origl-
nal reque.t.
Coaaisaioner Volpe questioned what ls the request tor the addi-
tlonal square ~ootage, to which Mrs. Cacchione stated that In the ori-
glnal Development Order there was 660,000 net leaseable square footage
which co.pares to B¿O,OOO square teet gross bulldlng area and they are
requesting 1,150,000 square feet whlch Is an increase of 368,000
square feet gross buildlng area, She noted that the additional square
footage Is being allocated between 520,000 square feet retail space
and 630,000 square feet office space. She stated that there will be
.12,000 square teet in the northern parcel; B5,000 square feet in the
aiddle parce 1; and 653,000 square feet in the southern parcel.
Coaaiøsloner Shanahan questioned what portlon of the dollar figure
stays with the County and what portion goes back to the developer with
regards to ftplpelinlng", to which Acting Community Development
Adainistrator Olliff stated that he had dlscussion with the Petitioner
on the original request and on the revised request and Staff Is coa-
tortable in that the Petltloner wlth the altigatlon has aWreed to pay
all iapact fees for the project as It coaes through the &ystea and has
also agreed to pay $750,000 on top of i.pact fees whIch clearly aiti- J'o
oates whatever traffic impacts there wll1 be for this additlonal
Comaissloner Shanahan questloned If the 81tlgatlon is acceptable
for both the State and County roads, to whlch Acting Comaunity
Development Administrator Olllff replied affirmatively, addlng that he
feels that the aaount is actually above what the Impact wlll be on
both State and County roads,
Co..issioner Shanahan questloned If there 10 8ufflcient and satis-
factory aonltoring agreements as well as necessary stop actlon provi-
Page 19
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JANUARY 3, 1989
.ions if levels of 3ervice are not met and held, to which Acting
Coaaunity ~~elopment Administrator Olllff stated that the Executive
Suaaary indlca~es that no determlnatlon has been made yet about the
vested status of a DRI project. He Indlcated that thls determlnation
has not been aade at this polnt, but they have mltlgated and provided
funds and the roadways will be monitored.
Co-.issloner Shanahan questioned If there arc concerns regarding
80l1d waste, wastewater management and water supply, to which Mrs.
Caccbione stated that she recelved a letter from the Pelican Bay
Improvement Distrlct noting that they had written a letter for the
application that wa3 orlginally submitted to the Regional Planning
Counc il and In that letter, thay stated that they had the adequate
capacity to serve the sub3tantial deviation project, but in a letter
that was recelved Deceaber 15, 19BB, It states that on December 30,
1987, the Dlstrict Manager of Pelican Bay Improvement Dlstrlct advised
that Pellcan Bay Improvement District could meet the wastewater and
irrigation water 3ervice req~lrement3 of the addltlonal commercial
developaents requested by Westinghouse in its petltion, but due to
'-nexpectcd operational problem3 with the wastewater treatment plant,
it i8 now the opinion of tha Distrlct that it does not have the faci-
lities at present to serve the additional commerclal square footage. J?/
She stated that they have the intention to have the facll1tles In
place in accordance with its legal obligation in the ordinary course
of the d._ovelopment of Pelican B.ay, but because of the unresolved
prable.. wlth the wastewater treatment plant, the Dlstrict ca.mot
advise what the current maximum capacity is or when the necessary
facilities wlll be completed,
Co..issioner Volpe questioned it the proposed amendment ls con-
.i.tent wlth the new comprehensive plan, to whlch Acting Coaaunity
Developaent Admlnistrator Olllft stated that it is in compliance wi~h
Page 20
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JARUARY 3, 1989
the new coaprehensive plan with the exception of the five acre parcel
that is outslde the activity center. He stated that staff has always
taken the poaitlon that a plan 8U~t be in compliance based on the
existing comprehensive plan, adding that the recommendatlon is based
on the existlng co=prehen31ve plan and not on a proposed comprehen.ive
Mrs. Cacchione stated that it this development ls not deterained
to be vested, it wll1 have to be made conslstent wlth the new coapre-
henalve plan.
Cosaissloner Saunder3 stated that it the Board does not teel that
the five acre coamercial area 18 appropriate, Statt can be dlrec~ed to
take appropriate proceedings to move that commercial to another area
to make it consistent wlth the comprehensive plan or to eliminate it
Mrs. Cacchlone stated that she recelved? letters tram various
property owners (not filed wlth the Clerk) as Indlcated below that are
in opposition to the project;
Pelican Bay Property Owners Aosoclatlon
Eugene and Florence Bates
Moorlngs Property OWners As30clatlon
Crayton Road Association I
Mr. Charle3 Roth : '
Strattord Condomlolum of PelIcan Bay "'z.;,' .
Mr. Cheater Sinkowitt ".<
Edith and Bll1 McCutcheon t,",'
Mrs. Angus Brun '
~ape n
Attorney George Varnadoe, representing Pellcan Bay and Its <!eve- "4
loper, W~stinghouse Communities ot Naples, 3tated that thls pÞtition ,t
will fulfill the requirements of Chapter 380 of the Florida 5tatutes, 't
which is the DRI law, adding that th13 will place the limit on the "
aaount of square footage that wIll be allowed In Pellcan Bay and to
deter.ine the necessary mitlgation of the regional Impacts at that
aquare footage, He stated that because the DRI law forces developers
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.1ARUARY 3, 1989
to pay their lapacts, a maxi8UA aJ8Ount of square footage of comaercial
that wlll be allowed has to be specified and the conditlons of a Deve-
lopaent Order have to be determined in order to mftlgate thelr regional
iapacts resulting from that square footage, He indlcated that because
of the size of Pelican Bay, it is a project of reglonal impact and 1s
and was requlr-,d to go through the DR! process in addition to the
local zonlnq process that Collier County has, addin'J that in 1977
after the development of the regional impact review and local zoning
revlew by all advisory committees and review by the Board, POD zoning
was granted .ad a Development Order under the DRI law wao ",dopted,
Mr. Varnadoe noted that a DRI 1~ a development of regional impact
which aeans that certain size projects and certain types of develop-
aents are requlred by State Law to undergo a review by the Rpwlonal
Planninç Council because they are presumed to have reglonal impacts.
Be stated that a Develop.e~t Order establishes the 8itlgation tor the
regional lapacts and the Regional Planning Council and the Departaent
of Coa.unity Affairs have the right to review the Development Order
and 1 f they feel that the mitiga~ions are not sufficlent, they have
appeal rlghts, but it they do not appeal, then that means that the tf..P
mitigation was sufficient. He indlcated that in 1977, the Board
approved a Development Order for Pellcan Bay which altigated their
reglonal impacts and in 1')77, POD zoning was also granted which
established the land UGe3, the criteria and the standards for develop-
aent, He indicated that this land use established '),600 resldential
ðwellinç unlts as the maximum number of dwelllng units and it also
establlshed hotels as permitted uses In the project as well as 10~
acre. of coamerclal dl".veloplllent. He stated that at thls polnt in
tiae. the POD also specified a limitation on net leasoable square
footage in the project which limited the offlce to 350.000 net
Ieaøeable square feet and limited the retail to 310,000 net leaseable
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JANUARY 3, 1989
aquare feet. He noted that the ll.ltatlon on square footage along
wlth an acreage limitat ion is very unusual in Colller County, adding
that in 1981, Westinghouse realized that the aquare footage 11mi tat 10n
was overly restrictive and Staff reallzed that the square footage
li81tatlon was dlfflcult to administer; therefore, Westinghouse
Co-.unitles of Naples filed an application to amend their planned unit
docuaent and to delete the square footage 11mitatlon In the commercial
areas. He Indicated that Staff telt that the other controls in the
POD were sufflcient and thls li.itatlon was unanimously approved and
deleted. He presented a copy of the application for the record as
well as a copy of the mlnutea and the ordlnance that waD approved in
1981 which are aarked a3 Exhibit "A". He stated that the effect of
thl. POD aaendaent would put Pelican Bay on the same basis aa other
POD'. In the County as tar as square footage 11mltatlons are con-
cerned wlth the control being with the other factors that are In the
Zoning Ordlnance. He noted that the effect from a legal stanupoint
was that the local land U3e decialon as to the areas and uses per-
aitted was aade in 1977 and a local land use was aade in 1981 as ~o
the intenslty of thoBe u~e3 and to treat Pelican Bay like every other Eft!'
faD in the county. He indicated that because Pellcan Bay is a DRI.
the Development Order has to be amended to Bet a 11mlt on the .quare
footage so that the impacts can be measured and the Petltloner can
have the privilege of paying tor those impacts up-tront. He stated
that In March, l'JBB, a substantial deviation request was flIed which
is'a shortened appllcatlon for development approval, addlng tha~ in
May. 1988, it was reallzed that 90mo additional square tootag~ may be
needed prior to the development order bel~g amended; therefore, he
requested the Department ot Communlty Aftaira to enter into a preUai-
nary develop.eot agreement which would authorize more square footage
under the State Statutes. He noted that the Board wrote a letter to
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:1A1fUARY 3, 1989
the State in May saylng that they had no objectlon to an additional
64,000 groGs bullding area of offlc~ develop.ent and a subsequent pre-
liainary development agreement was entered into between the State and
Pelican Bay which was entered into the record and marked as Exhibi~
-8-. Be stated that the Reglonal Planning Council has revlewed the
regional impacts and ha3 recommended approyal subject to certain con-
ditions and 81tlgations whlch are In thelr recommendatlons, adding
that Staff has conaidered thiG petitlon and made the Game recomaen-
Mr. Charles Turner, Director of Planning and Deslgn for
Westinghouse Coamunlties of Kaples, the developers of Pelican Bay,
stated that Pellcan Bay is an exemplary comaunlty. He stated tha~ the
plan for Pelican Bay i3 in the pun docUllcnt and includeG all the
restrictions, the generallzed locatlon of the uses involved, the
.treet system and the three coaaercial areas. He noted that this
docuaent also Includeo the basic controls of the areas, the .",tbacka,
the height restrlctions, the traffic requirements, and the water aana-
geaent requlrements. He stated that the PUD document io ;:¡nly the
starting polnt that they use in establishing the quality of develop-
~nt and the desl9O review for the co..unity, He stated that there
are overall covenants for the coaaunlty that 3ets forth the design
review, the requirements for the varioua developers, as well as neigh-
borhood covenants. He stated that there are al~o revlew and approvals
in the sales contractø, adding that these requlrements are very 8Uch
enforced on the various developers and they are more restrlctive than
what is in the County's zonlng ordinance. He noted that the change
~hat was made in 19B 1 which was the elimination of the square tootage
cap was relied upon and more deflnitive planning with these coaaercial
are.. proceeded 83 well as fractionalizatlon plans, He stated tha~ in
doing these plans a lot is involved and the yields of the square
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JAJrnARY 3, 1989
footage that is achieved in these various commercial areas are the
prcducts of the proce3s that is used. He referred to a graphlc wi~h
regards to the substantial deviatlon request, noting that the numbers
on the graphic reter to gross building area which includes the
footprlnt of the building. He referred to the three columns on the
graphic, noting that the tirst column ahows the 1~77 Development Order
and PUD and list the three commercial areas from south to north with
certaln nuMbers assigned to tho3e areas. He noted that the second
colWL"1 Indlcatea the 1981 PUD and it give3 a llst of numbers and a
swuaar¡ 0 f the estlmated square footage based on Industry standards.
Be stated that the third column says HBB PDA which is the preliminary
developaent agreement and development order which factors in the nua-
bera that have to do with an additlon of square footage. He noted
that there were a number of meetings with the residents of Pelican Bay
regarding the issues that have been ralsed. He stated that t::e resl-
dents were concerned with the total number of square footage and there
was a substantlal reduction in those numbers, addlng that the resi-
denta were also concerned with the middle commerclal area and he indi-
cated that the retail area could be relocated to the northeast corner '
nf the development. He atated that the residents woro concerned with {¡.'
addltlonal hotels being developed in Pellcan Bay and his response i8 ~,
p, ';:'
that there are major areas in the Group 3 and 4 residentlal areas that
they would comml t to having no additional hotels. He Indicated that
the overall dwelling unit ca~ of 9,600 In Pellcan Bay would also be
reduced to 9,000 dwelling units. He indicated that the other item
that is an Issue i3 the mitigation involved and there are requlreaents
that have to be met. He referred to the graphic and indicated what is
actually beln~ requested this date, noting that the request Is for
1.0150,000 !Jquare feet. He stated that the three parcel!J that are
involved consist ot 45-1/2 acres in the southeast area which consist
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JANUARY 3, 1989
of 270,000 aquare feet of retall gross building area and 383,000
aquare feet of office groøs bullding area; the middle commercial area
consists of 5 acres in size and wlll contain 85,000 square feet of
offlce gross buildlng area; and the northeast ar~tl contains 51-1/2
acres which wlll be 250,000 square feet of retail gross building area
and lS2,000 square teet wll1 be office groan building area.
Co..issloner Haase questloned how aany more accesaes will there be
to U.S. 41, to which Mr. Turner Indlcated that there will be no addi-
tional accesses beyond those that are already approved and part of the
PUD doCUJ8ent.
Co..issloner Volpe stated that there Is a right-ln, rlght-ou~ turn
on Gulf Park Drive and questioned if that turn will still be there if
the c088ercial area in that location is relocated, to which "1",
Turner indlcated that this Is not so.ething that has been addressed at
this point.
Co..lssloner Volpe questioned what the approximate nuaber of
equare teet tor both retal1 and coamercial is in Pellcan Bay at thi.
tlae, to whlc'" Mr. Varnadoe atated that he believcs that there is
313,000 square feet of office space currently on the ground and there
1.- been fractlonalization plana flIed and approved by the County for
the waterslde shops whlch will consist of 270,000 square teet of
retail and 30,000 square feet of office and immediately adjacent to J'7
that there wlll be an office building that Is 40,000 square feet.
Mr. Harry Adley of Adley A3soclates Land Planners, stated that he
has known this site since the late 1960's and hù3 always thought of
this area as a new communlty. He indlcated that since these
agreeaents were prepared about 13 years ago, a lot has changed. Re
stated that the gross building area ia tho area measured fro. the
outer sides of the building and everythlng in it is the gross building
area; the groas leaseable area is the space mea3ured to exclude ~he
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JANUARY 3, 198!)
thing. that are common facilltles like hallways, etc.: and the net
leaaeable area ia the sp~ce measured from the in:;ide facing of the
wall to the center line of partltions excluding heating elements, etc,
He referred to a chart which 1ndlcated the comparison of gross
building area, grolJs leaseable area, and net lea:;eable area, He
stated that in planning, the 1nterestlng part 13 to determine how 8Uch
building can be put on an area In a quality fashion. He noted that
when they plan, they uae the restrictive criteria in preparing their
plans. He noted that the Petltloner is asklng for 1,1S0,OOO square
feet and under the aost severe criteria and applïing all the
constraints there could still be 1,2S0,OOO aquar~ feet, whlch means
that thr¡ are still beneath the threshold of critcrla set by restric-
tive cO88Unities.
Mr. Lou Hoegsted. Vice Chairman of Operation:; of Kestlnghouae
Coaaunitles of Naples, stated that based on information provided by
Westinghouse as to future commercial intensity, the latest Pelican Bay
laproveaent District rate study Incorporated a converslon factor tor
coaaercial acreage usage, for potable water, lrrigatlon water and san-
itary sewer services, which anticipated the remaining undvveloped com-
aercial acreage to be developed similar to that which exlsts today.
Ee stated that the design of the aystem and the ratc3 that were ~
adopted were established incorporatlng this anticipated Increaae in
coll8erclal square tootage. He indicated that in connection wlth the
widening of Seagate Drive to four-lanes which extended to West Blvd.
and was premature with regards to development of that area ,but the
additlonal square footage to be built wa~ anticipated. He stated that
since 1981, there have been five different commercial property sale8
totallng approxlmately ~7 acres wi th an estlmatc'~ average use of
10,8S0 square feet of gross buildin~ area per acre, He stated that a
aubsequent commerclal property owner decided to add additional square
Page 27
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JAffUARY 3, 1989
footage to their slte and made appllcatlon to the County and wa. per-
mltted an addltional 75,000 square feet of office space wlthout
Westlnghouae'a opposition, He stated that declsiona on these iseue8
were aade based on the tact that the 1981 PUD amer.d/llent would provide
We.tinghouse with the reasonable intensity of uae of its co_ercial
acreage as determined by bullding setbacks, parking requlreaent8,
heiçht limitations, and other establiohed County and Pellcan Bay POD
regulatlons. He noted that at a meeting held on December 12, 1988,
addressing the water and sewer issues, the District englneer advised
that the master utility plan for Pelican Bay would accommodate the
additional square footage belng requested, He r~Eerred to the minutes
of the Pelican Bay Improvement Distrlct meeting notlng that the
District wlll have the capacity in their plant to supply the water and
sewer as the needs arioe.
Co-.issloner Volpe stated that the letter Erom the Pelican Bay
Iaproveaent District on December 15, 19BB, indic'1tes that the capacity
is not available. Mr. Hoegated stated that it 13 the obllgatlon at
the Dlstrlct to provide this servlce as developm~nt proçresses,
Mr. Varnadoe stated that the master plan has the capacity tor ~his
.ite, but it ls not in place at thls tlme, adding that it wl11 be
phased in when development occurs.
Mr. Varnadoe stated that in the absence of Mr, Barr, the
Transportation Planner, he will make Ð few COMmpnts on the matter. He
noted that Mr. Barr's study showed the patterns ot trlps and ana-
lized thea, adding that one of the things the study showed ls tha~ the
residents of Pelican Bay will be able to satistï a lot of thelr com-
aercial trips on.site rather than having to go oft-site. He stated
that the mitlgation was compared to the S~ate minimum requirements tor
mitigation and his comment was that the fair share amount tar exceeds
tbe minimum requirements of the State. Hp. further noted that the
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:JANUARY 3, 1989
reductlon of unlts and Intenslty of U$e has a lesser impact than ~he
original proposal by a greater amount. He indicated that Mr, Barr
indicated that .plpellning" should be utlllzed whenever it is proposed
because it glves the County the opportunlty to spend those dollars in
advance of the development and make Improvementn up-tront. He sta~.d
that Mr. Barr's analysis shows that the Internal system will reaain at
Level at Service "A" for all road3 through the bul1d-o'lt ot the deve-
Mr. Varnadoe stated that what in being requested thls date is less
ot an iapact, addlng that he is requeatlng that a limltatlon of
1,150,000 square feet of gross bullding area be placed In the Develop-
aent Order. He stated that thla amounts to an Increase at 34~,000
aquare teet of gross buildlng area. He stated that he agrees to
.pipelin~. the Impact on transportatlon facllitles, adding that the
speclflc proposal is to plpeline through thc payment of $1,130,000
which consists of the prevlously mentloned $75C 000 and an additional
8380,000 which is eatlmated to be the Impact fees for the area and is
the only amount that they would recelve credlt for agalnst impact
tees. Be stated that they agree to amend the Development Order to
reduce the aaxlmum number of dweillng units that can be built 1n
Felican Bay from 9,600 to 9,000 dwelling unlts which will have a bene-
tit on the traffic also. He stated that they aloo agree to modify the
POD to aove the commercial acreage located in the mlddle dlstrict on
the north side of Gulf Park Drive. 15 acres, to the north commercial
dl.trict where it will be in an actlvlty center on the proposed
co.prehenslve plan. He noted that he also agrees to have the
Developaent Order amended to specity that no hotels outside the pri-
vate coaaunity of Bay Colony or the commercial areas would be allowed
in the future. Mr. Varnadoe entered into the record a two-page letter
fro. Mr. Barr whlch summarizes the transportatlon impacts of the
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8Odified plan, whlch was not recelved by the Clerk of the Board.
Co..løøioner Volpe questloned the vested rlghts lsøue with regards
to any action taken by the Board of County Commissloners thls date, to
which Mr. Varnadoe stated that vested rights i3 a~ issue that will
co.. up under the new coaprehen31ve plan, adding that Secretary Pelhaa
of the DCA recently issued two statements that are blnding on the
State and gets forth their p03itlons on vested rightø at developaen~
of regional 1.pact and h13 statement says that DRI's are vested for
the developaent that is approved by the development order without any
other detrlaental reliance because of the way Chapter 380.06 reads.
Be indicated that it also states that local government3 in modifying
the comprehensive plan, are to take the development orders th4t have
been issued for DRI's Into account so that the growth can be accoa-
8Odated for in those DRI'o.
In answer to Commlssloner Shanahan, Mr. Varnadoe stated that the
Staft has recommended the "plpellnlng" option and that It be paid up-
front so that an improvement can be made on the tacil1ty that Is
iapacted at the present tlme. whether It ls a County transportation
facility or a State transportation facillty. He stated that they have
agreed to the monltoring that was set forth previously, 9/
..... Jtecea.: l1:tSð A.M. - Reconvened: 12:0tS P.M. a~ ~ch
~188 Deputy Clerk Boffaan replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon .....
Mr. Frederlclc Hardt, Pelican Bay Property Owners Assoclatlon
President, provlded a copy of a letter, dated December 23, 1988, to
Westinghouse Comaunlties, statlng the position ot the Association
regarding the proposed amendment to the Development Order for Pelican
Bay to increase comaercial development by 600,000 square feet,
(Exhibit "C" on tlle with Clerk of the Board).
Mr, Bernon Young, Vice Presldent of the Pellcan Bay Property
Owner. Assoclatlon, stated concerns that the petitlon has been aodified,
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and questloned whether today's consideration is based on the petition
as advertised, or on the amendments?
Co..lss10ner Saunders stated that the petitlon, as modifle1 ls
being considered. He noted that aany of the objections to the origi-
nal petitlon have been ellminated, and Indicated that all objections
should be addrossed to the new petltion.
Mr. Young noted that the procesalng of aubatantlal devlatlon took
over one year, but the people of Westinghouse nor the Planning off i-
cials did not attempt to Involve the people to be affected by the
8Jlend8en t. He Indicated that the Assoclation was advised by the
Planning Staff that an additional 600,000 square feet of commerclal
buildings "111 nearly double tho initial azount allowed by Pelican
Bay's Appllcatlon for DevelopMent Approval. He noted that their
petition could have serious Impact on the level of ~n':enslty, both
inside and outslde of Pelican Bay. He advised that the objections
raised by the Property Owners Assoclation are as follows:
1. The Florida DOT is reluctant to concur wlth the Westinghouse
as3UJllption that there will be 60' internal capture rate,
2. The Naples Metro Plannlng Organlzatlon Staff belleves that
approval of thls proposal at thls tlme is inappropriate.
3. Local issues were concerned that the planned Intenslty at the
corner of U.S. 41 and Pine Rldge Road treated the new
Phllharaonic Center as though it does not exlst, 9¿
4. Water and Sewer system is not adequate.
5. Reglonal løsues conflrmed with the MPO that approval of this
substantlal deviatlon at thls tlme ls inappropriate,
6. Southwest Florida Reglonal Plannlng CouDcll feels that if
adequate commltments to provide the needed publlc facilities
to accommodate the proposed development are not met, the pro-
ject should be denied.
7. Collier County Planning Staff belleves that the applicant's
model underestimates the total tra~tic demand slmulation, and
concerned about the valldlty of the assignments that produce
the DRI trips on the adjacent hlghway nQtwork. Staff does
not belleve that the impacts of this proposal have been ade-
quately identified and accepted solutlon3 for the deflclen-
cles have not been Identlfied, upon which mltigation could be
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In response to Mr. Young, Mrs. Cacchione stated that the subs tan-
tial deviation project which la before the Board of County
Coaaissloner3 for the reduced square footage and all the other co.-
ponents, Is a reduction of intensIty. She noted that Staff did recoa-
aend approval of the original substantlal devlation, and they are
recoaaendlng approval of the reducad request.
Mr. Young indicated that It Is the feeling of the Assoclatlon ~hat
another profe3sional office bulldlng is not needed at the Perfor.in;
Arts slte, untl1 a deter.lnatlon can be made as to whether or not the
additional trafflc can be acco8modated. He noted that there are two
co...rcial out lots where those that have already made co..itaents
could be aoved to.
Mr. Young stated that additlonal coaaerclal could be given to
Me.tinghouse to solve an laaedJate proble., If they would be willing
to reduce the unlts In Pelican Bay. He noted that this will relieve
congestion at the Gulf Park Drlve entrance.
Mr. Young indlcated that 200,000 square feet at the north end is
adequate for offlce and retail space. He stated that the Associa~ion
cannot accept the 1,150,000 square feet; th~ offlce building behind
the Philharaoic 13 a .istake; and they are opposed to the 86,000
square feet of office at the entrance to Gulf Park Drlve
Mr. Hardt referred to the Coaaerclal Land Use Schedule, attached
to bis letter of Dace.bar 23, 1988 to Wastlnghouso. He noted that ?'.P
tbese figures were originally used by the Petitioner, bet they are now
asking tor a 67' increase in co8mercial intcnslty, He noted that pre-
sently existing is: Naples Federal, 199,000 square feet gross; Sun
Bank, 70,000; HMA Bulldlng 44,000, for a total of 313,000 square feet.
Øe indicated that there is also 90,000 square feet of the
Mr. Hardt Indlcated that the south corner conslsts of 68 acres,
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JANUARY 3, 1989
noting that the Philharmonlc contalna 6-1/2 acres, and ls zoned coa-
-rcial. He noted that regardless of what the gross square footages
are that are being presented: 383,000 for office and 270,000 for
retail, the Philharmonic has to be included in these flgures. He noted
that presently exlsting ls 4~3,000 square feet. The proposed square
footage in the 58 acres is 743,000, addlng that it is too intense.
Mr. Hardt stated that the Assoclatlon feels that the petltion
should be denled, but noted that if the Board of County Commissioners
ls looking for an alternative. a reasonable compromise would be to
allow the Speclalty Center, conslstlng of 270,000 square feet, and
the existing authorized office space of 350,000 square feet, for a
total of 620,000 square feet,
Mr. Hardt noted that because Weøtinghousc rejected the
Association's proposal, they are prepared to object to their petition,
.. aodlfied for the followlng reasons: Therc have been no reasons
presented as to why this petltion should be granted; unclear
understandlng of why the County approved the 1981 PUD, eli8inating all
the square footage limitations; no vested rlghts created by the 1981
PUD; the land is not under-utillzed, as the Petltioner claims It is;
there ls not a shortage at land or avallable space; there ls not a
l~ck of otflce space or retal1 space in Colller County; there will be
no public benefit by the increase in traffic and congestion; ~
inadequate capaclty relating to sewer. He requested that the petition
be denied.
Mr. Robert Nunes, B06 Pineside Lane, Pelican Bay, stated that he
aoved to Pellcan Bay because it was advertlsed by Westinghouse as a
low density premium development, He indicated that he belleveB there
should be adequate time for the homeowners and Staff to revlew the new
proposal, Ho notod that physical impacts on the resldents of Pelican
Bay needs to be addressed; the denalty in commerclal development needs
Page 33
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to be looked at in more detail;
Mr, Davld Bennett, Director of the Park Shore Association, cited
opposition to the petitlon for the followlng reasons: existlng
traffic probleas on Seagate Drlve, West Boulevard, Crayton Road and
U.S. '1; no factor ha3 been Included for the addition of the
Philharaonlc Performing Arts Center, He indlcated that approval of
thi8 petition will set an undesirable precedent tor other developers,
l.e. after-the-tact amendments.
'Depg~ Clerk Mendez replaced DeJQ~ Clerk Bottaan at this ~i...
Mr. Harr! Hoffmeister, President of the Crayton Road Association,
advlaed that subsequent to notlficatlon of the proposed amendment, the
Assoclatlon met to discuss all the pertinent issues involved, and it
was the general conaenSU3 that the proposal was beyond what was
anticipated for the area, He noted that In the early part ot 1988,
under the auspices of the Clty Manager and the City Engineer, the
Crayton Road Aasociation, Park Shore Assoclation, Seagate Association,
Coquina Sands and the property ownera were Invlted to discuss the
iapact of growth on the Seagate and Crayton Road areas, He stated
that the Pellcan Bay Westinghouse development wocld be a serious
detriaent and Impact to the quallty of llte in the communlty.
Mr. George Keller, Preaident of the Colller County Clvlc RI-
Federation, stated that land la expected to become more expenslve,
and each developer that applles for development wl11 be requesting
acre and acre as time goes by. He stated that development should be
baaed on what is beneflclal to the community and not how much acney a
developer can get on a piece of land. He noted that the Plannlng
eo..is.lon denled the petition, and the revised amendment does not
eubstantially change the development. He stated that if the changes
are eubstantlal, the developer should go back to the Plannlng
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C088Is.Ion tor further review or the petitlon should be denied by the
Board. Be stated that due to the compromises inltiated, Staff has
changed its positlon in the matter. He indlcated that plans should be
made speclflc ~)d exceptions should not be made,
Mr. Ron Pennlngton, representlng the Moorings Property Owners
As80clation, stated that approval of the development wIll affect the
Moorings area as well as surroundlng coacunitles by increasing the
traffic flow of the areas. He noted that presently the Ccunty has a
water problea which will be further aggravated by the development, and
the quality of llfe In the area will be degradated,
M3. Pat Pilcher, of the Vanderbllt Beach Property Owners
A880ciation. stated that the d~~elopaent will be detrimental to the
area as It will further burden the a,s. 41. Vanderbilt Beach Road
traffic. ~he noted that the left-turn lane at Vanderbilt Beach Road
is inadequate, and expressed strong oppositlon to the petition.
Mr. Alan Koreot, of 350 Bowline Bend. referred to hls letter dated
Deceaber 3, 1988, whlch delineates his opposition to the proposed
development. He noted that Westlnghouse Communitles of Naples. Inc.
presently bas 802,000 ot gross bullding. plus 90,000 at t~~ performing
arts center which totals 892,000 square teet already permitted. Be
nnted that presently there are 2.000 acres of commercial zoned landa
within existing POD's. He suggested that the development be reviewed 9&:
in ita total perspectlve. He requested denlal of the proposed aaend-
Ms. Myra Danlel, Pelican Bay resident, noted that If reduction,
relocation and compromise are implemented it wll1 satlsfy and benefit
all of those concerned. She stated that she has not seen any cor-
paretion durlng the past two years that has given in dollars as 8Uch
.. Meatlnghouse has to make the community a better place In which to
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JANUARY 3, 1989
Mre. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Woaen's Vo~er.
of Collier County, stated that the League stand3 for good governaantal
practices and planning procedures that permit reasonable growth wlth
8Ufficient infrastructure, paid for in an equltable aanner, She
stated that a telephone survey was conducted and many Individuals had
expressed concerns about the quallty ot life and the sustalnlng at
Reaponding to Mrs. Westaan, Mr. Olllft advlsed that the Depart88nt
at Environaental Regulatlon's "pipeline" option, is an option provided
to developaents of reglonal impact by State statutes, He noted that
the State's and the County's Transportation Planners have determined
the iapact of Westlnghouse's orlginal, as well as the revlsed request
tor additional coaaerclal, and have agreed on a dollar figure that
will 8itigate the impacts on County and State roads. Ms. Westaan
rebutted that Staff doe3 not as yet know what impacts will resul~ tro.
developaent. Referring to Page 2 at the MPO report, she concurred
that 8-laning 0,5, 41 i3 not approprlate.
In answer to Mrs. Westman, Mr, Varnadoe advlaed that the reduction
of the 600 dwelling units will come trom Group 4 ot the the con-
doainiua section. Pointing to the map, he indlcated that Group 4 is
basically along the west slde of Pellcan Bay Boulevard,
Mrs, Westman indicated that there is not sufticlent capaclty in the ~
water aanagement system for development. She suggested that the deve-
loper should go back to the drawlng board, and the League cannot
approve the petltlon as presented.
Referring to hls letter to Coaalssloner Volpe, Mr. Carl H. Bowen,
President of the Dorchester Condomlnium A3aociatlon, stated ~hat the
proposal is a violation of an agreement which property owners relied
upon when they purchased homes In Pelican Bay. He stated that
Westinghouse's plan should be revlewed It any changes are to be iaple-
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JANUARY 3, 1989
aented to the original plan, He requested that the Board consider
Pelican Bay'. Indi~ldual homeowners, and not the developer,
Mr. Henaan E. Moll, stated ~hat In the twenty-years that he has
been a resIden~ of Naples, only posItive Improve.ents have occurred 1n
the Pelican Bay area. He requested that the proposal be carefully
reviewed and that the Board take a posltlve actlon in the matter.
Mr. John O. Findeisen, Jr. of 607S Pelican Bay Boulevard, con-
curred wlth Mr, Bowen's statement. He noted that the promises made
have been broken, and therefore, he is totally agalnst the proposal as
Mr. Bertrua Silver, Pelican Bay resident, stated that if the
aaendaent ls approved the value and price of his property will be
reduced. He expressed concerns about the adverse effect the amendaent
will have on people and living standards.
Mr. Varnadoe noted that the Development Order amendment was
pursued to approve the Philharmonlc Hall as a new use in Pelican Bay
and not a commerclal une, under the DRI approved In 1987. He indj-
cated ~hat the Executlve Summary clearly states that the square
footage does not count as commercIal footage. He provlde~ the Board
with a traffic report whlch indicates that traffic impacts are
aeaøured at peak hour times. Mr. Varnadoe stated that Mr, Adley's
reaarks pertalnlng to the square footage are based on gross leasable 9/
area, and Pelican Bay's leasable area Is 6,000 square feet per acre.
Øe pointed out that Pelican Bay has always been sold aa a balanced
self-contained community with commerclal development, He indicated
that the Naples Federal bullding was the first building buIlt in the
area. Be confIrmed that "pipelining" has been recommended, and noted
~hat if all projecto "plpel1ne" their Impacts in advance, all the road
systeas will be in excellent condition, He stated that the Pelican
Bay Property Owners Assoclatlon compromise Is not a co.promlse, as it
Page '3'7
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JANUARY 3, 1989
i8 1.88 than what Westinghouse i9 presently authorized. Be indica~ed
that the square footage changes will be located on the low end of what
18 expected and restrictive quality developaont. He confirmed that
Westinghouse will contlnue to do an excellent job in the Pelican Bay
area. Be guaaarized by stating that the amendment is a reasonable
land use for the property, the intensity of use in the coaaercial is
not a reasonable land use, and the north and south parcels planned for
c0.88rcial are in the coJamUnl ty act i',l ty aodes under the new
Coaprehenalve Plan.
In re3pOnse to Co..lssloner Volpe, Mr, Varnadoe advised that the
proposal is not to eliainate any acreage, but to aove the IS acres to
the north coaaercial parcel and keep tho saao intensity of land use.
Be reiterated that the proposal i9 for 10~ acres of coaaercial with
1,150,000 square feet.
Mr. Bardt noted that the proposal to reduce the residentlal units
froa 9,600 units to 9,000 ls illusory. He stated that the "pipelining"
process is a bad policy, and is not proper procedure to undertake. Be
noted that the AS90clatlon's proposal is for 820,000 square feet, and
the property owners have trled to negotiate a reasonable coaproaise.
Be stated that the coaaenta during the public hearing have all been in
the interest of the developer, not the publlc's interest, and
reque.ted denlal of the proposal,
('-i-1oaar Shan.h.." 8W8d. ..cODded by Co88i..iOlUlr 1Ia88e. ~t 9?
~ pllbl1c bear1.ng be Cl088d.
Mr. ~eller pointed out that according to the Executive Suaaary.
Staff baa recoaaended denial of the petition subject to the CCpe'.
reco...ndation, Mrs. Cacchione noted that Staft had recommended appro-
val of the petitlon, and the reco..endatlon on the Executive Suamary
1s that of the Planning Coamission.
0p0D çal1 for the que.tion. the 8O~ion carried unan.18Oaaly.
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JANUARY 3, 1989
Coaaissloner Saunders entered Mr. Kenneth D. Krler's letter of
3anuary 2, l'i8!). of the Park Shore Aøsoclation, Inc, into the record.
(Exhibit "D~ on flle with Clerk of the Board). He noted that the
A8sociation oppo8e8 the Westinghouse petitlon.
In re.ponse to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Olllff advised that the
only dIfference between the 1917 plan and the preaent proposal is that
Westinghouse is requesting additional square footage. Co_issloner
Saunders clarifled that the difference between the money paid In 1977
and presently 18 that the County now has a Road Impact Fee that
requires Iapact fees for roads, and the developer is agreeing to pay
an additional $750,000 for addltlonal improvement to U.S. U and other
arteries that aay be impacted.
Mr. Turner confirmed for Commissioner Goodnight that there were
co..it8ent8 with the 1917 plan which were initiated upon approval,
however, with the pre3ent plan the developer 13 paylng the money
upfront. Commlssioner Goodnlght stated that wlth the "pipellnlng~
process the developer ls merely paying up-front to take care of the
mitigation of roads that Staff anticIpates wlll take place, and
there i. no real dlfference between the 1911 and 1989 plan.
Mr. Olliff explained for Commissioner Volpe how Staff determin.s
the trip. per day to be generated from a project. He conflraed for
Co..18s10ner Hasse that Impact fees are levied on properties that are
being developed, and if the development 13 denied the County wlll not /00
get the additional mitigation monles. He verlfled for Commissioner
Volpe that portions of U.S. 41 are currently worklng under Level at
Service "E" wlth no conatructlon Improvements commltted withln the
next five years, and the Growth Management Plan wll1 adopt State stan-
darda of Level of Servlce "D", Comaissloner Volpe asked if the
Activity Centers at U.S. 41 at Immokalee Road, D,S. U at Vanderbilt
Beach Road, and 0,5. 41 at fine Rldge Road have been taken into con-
Page 39
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JANUARY 3, 1989
8ideration? Mr. Olliff stated that the issue ~~ nand is very coapli-
cat.d, and the plan will balance zoning that is on the ground with
infraatructure, and the abillty to provide same. He stated that the
Gr~h Management Plan does not contemplate rezone as the point in
which auch decJ9ion9 wlll be based, He noted that the Plan cites
bulldlng peralts as the point of impact, and the current ayste. has
the ability to rezone properties. He indlcated that rezones have no
iapact on the roadway, however, the building and permlt associated
with.... has a definlte lapact on the roadway. He noted that the
project 18 proposing commercial in actlvity centers areas, where Staff
has deterained they should be, He stated that aa part at zonlng
re-evaluatlon program, Staff will have to look at zonlng that is not
located in activity centers, and case back to the Board with recoaaen-
Coaai88ioner Goodnight coamented that it U.S. '1 Level of Service
tall. below the requlreaent, building permlta will not be issued to
the developer, County Attorney Cuyler advised that the petitioner's
position would be that they are "vested", and the County has to allow
the. to continue to pull bulldlng permits, however, if a devlopment is
not considered to be a DRI, they would be subject to concurrency, and
they can be stopped. ,.hI'"
Co..insloner Saunders stated that he was not comfortable with
approving or denying the petltlon, and there ls an area of co.proais.
that needs to be evaluated. He noted that Westlnghouse should not be
penalized because of the Philharmonic Hall, and noted that
Westinghouse has done a great servlce to the communlty by providlng
the land for the hall. He suggested that the flve acres, south aec-
tion, be aoved to the north actlvity center, He suggested that Statt
evaluate the movement of all the collllllerclal from the middle to the
northern sectlon, Includlng the property n~t owned by Pelican Bay, And
Page 40
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JAJfUARY 3, 1989
that the new square fuotage be evaluated by the Planning CO..i88ion,
and that Staff request Westinghouse to continue negotiations with Mr.
Fred Hardt. He volunteered to be present at the negotlatlons.
eo..lssioner Hasse stated that he has not heard any justification
why the petltlon should be granted. He noted that he did not see any
reason to contlnue, and that Westinghou3e should go back to the
drawing board 83 suggested by Mrs. Westman.
C-1 ..iooer Ba8.. 1IOV8d, to deny P.~ition DOA-88-1C.
Coaalssioner Shanahan concurred with Commissioner Saunders' state-
I18nt, that there has been e~ough area tor con3ideratlon ot reduction,
relocatlon and compromlae. He noted that Mr. Hardt had Indlcated
that initlally there was a compromise that was not accepted. Be
stated that there are sufficlent reasons for both parties to go back
and co.. back wlth a reductlon, relocation and compromise, and to take
into consideration the residential development in the middle area.
Co..lssioner Saunders indicated that the Board was dealing with a
project that has a 23 year bulld-out, and the developer nor the County
would be prejudlced to further investigate, He stated that he did not
like putting off declslons, however, he dld not want to make a deci-
8ion that would be unrea30nable or unfalr.
eo..issloner Volpe stated that a number of questions have not been
adequately answered. He expressed concerns about the Increase in COm- /b¿!.
aercilization that is presently takIng place, He noted that in the
last tour years the City of Naples has approved and permitted over a
aillion square feet at leasable, retaIl and office apace. He Indi-
cated that the Pelican Bay Property Owners' Association concerns and
other associations are well founded, He stated that he was .'ltistied
with the transportation network, which Staff has identlfied to be a
..rioua consideration In the matter, He noted that the aforementioned
i. 8 very import~~t Issue as far as the community is concerned. Be
Page 41
'-"'-"""""". "... -,," ,-,.,."",....",,-
J AJ(tJ ART 3, 1989
.tated that Staff has not adequately identified t~e iapact on the
tranaportation network, He concurred with CommiBsioner Saunders'
recosaendat 101U.
Mr. Varnadoe referred to Mr. Hoegsted's statement, and noted that
the &aSter plan is baaed on uses for the property in question, and the
original aaater plan and the revised master plan took all the uses in
Pelican Bay and turned the. into re8identlal unit equlvalent. He
recalled that the dwelling unit equi~alent for the area was 6,5 units
per acre, which is in the master plan, He stated that the Engineer
had indicated that 6.5 units per acres would more than handle the six
ail11on square feet of co.aercial that 1s proposed. He stated that
the proposal contains a phasing schedule whlch shows the normal
absorption for the property.
In response to Co..lssloner Hasse, Mr. Varnadoe stated that he has
been in the process for over a year, and the appllcation has been
reviewed by the Regional Planning Council and Staff, who have made
their reco..endatlons. He stated that the developer Is belng pena-
lized for trying to change the proposal to try to accommodate 80me of
tbe concerns expressed, by reducing the intenslty, COll81s31oner
Saunders rebuked that the developer is not being penallzed, but has
been given another opportunity to work out the lsøues.
Co..18sloner Ooodnight co_ented that the petItion was brought to /~.?
the Board because it 1s a substantlal deviatlon trom the original
petition. She concurred wlth Co..issioner Saundero that Staff be
instructed to re-evaluate the proposal,
In answer to Commisoioncr Hasse, Mrs. Cacchione advlsed that the
petitioner estlmates 348,000 gross building area plus the added
802,000 square feet, which total a 1,150,000 gross bulldlng area. She
veritied that it is a 3ubstantlal deviation, and that is the reason
why it W83 brought to the Board.
Page 42
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-,---"-,--..---...,,.. ..""_....",,,---
.MJftJ ARY 3, 1989
""'-4..ioDa' .....'. 8O~ion to &my ~be petition fal1e4 fen.' lack
of. ~.
~1..1.oD8r Ooodnigb~ 1IOV8d. ..cOD4ed by Co8a1..1cmer 88UDder8.
~~ "~1U,cm DC)A-88-1C. be deferred back ~o ~h8 Plazm!Dg Co8a1_1cm
fen.' ~4 0&1-.
Co..i.sioner Saunders explained that the intersection where the
Pavilion Shopping Center is located, is an area where there should be
so&e coaacrcial activity center, however, the questlon ot how much has
to be negotlated aaong Westlnghouse and the homeowners.
Cozaissloner Volpe stated that as the electlve representative from
the Di8trict. he would 11ke to particlpate in the negotiations.
Co8als8ioner Saunders deferred to Commissloner Volpe to handle the
Co8aissloner Hasse stated that he boslcally concurs wlth the
IIOtion, however, Westinghouse should review the proposal with the pro-
perty owners to come up with a new plan that would be agreeable wl~h
~he area's residents.
eo..i.sioner Saunders stated that a second motlon is needed con-
cerning the coaaercial area in the alddle of the property, so that the
coaaercial portion ls transferred to the activity center to the north.
Co..lssioner Goodnight stat~d that ahe dld not have a problea with ~
adding the aforementioned to her motion, and requested that
Westinghouse's attorney inquire about acqulrlng the flve acres that i.
owned by a private owner. Commlssioner Saunders noted that the pr1-
v.te owner will be put on notlce effective immcdlately, and the de.ire
of the Co..is.ion ls to re-evaluate the zonlng for the coaaercial uae
on ~be property.
County Attorney Cuyler advlsed that there 1s no problea w~th
including the commercial portion In the sa~e motion with the
undarstanding that it would be part at the negotlations. He noted that
.-""',,.--,-- ....-....-.. - """,__0.' --'---'"_..""", ",-",-"""."""
.1AJroARY 3, 1989
a separate hearing will have to be conducted when the zoning co...
Coaa18s1oner Volpe aakcd if the owner of the five acres will have
~o be aade part of the proceedlngs7 Co..issioner Saunders reiterated
that the property owner will be on notice as of today, and there is
going to be a re-evaluation of co..ercial In the center, He sta~ed
that Staff can re-evaluate the property w1thout the property owner
agr_ing to 1 t.
County Attorney cuyler clarified that the latter does not instruct
Staff to start a zoning petitlon, but merely indlcates that the owner
be put on notlce that the property in queation has been discussed by
the Board for four houra, anð that the Board would like to see
8Q88thing that ls In compllance with the new Comprehensive Plan.
eo..issioner Saunders stated that It would be easier to do two
separate actions.
~ 8OUon carried 4/1. eo-.1..icmer Ba8- oppoae4.
C-i..lcmer s.nftAal'1l 8DVed, ..cODA1ed. by eo-.1..icmer 5h.ft_~
di~1Dg Staff ~o ."aluate Mhether the cOll88rcial ~rac~ in the C8Dur
of Ü88 P81.iC8D Bay D8'V8lo¡88l1~ would be ItUbject to a zon!Dg pe1:iUon
in t:b8 future, 8D4 cSe.igDed ~o ~r8D8fer it ~o the nor'th8rn area, t8ber8
t:b8 8Ct:lvlq center 1. loca~e4¡ 8D4 the properq owner ~o be put
DOtlce. ~
County Attor~ey Cuyler clarified that the aforementioned gives ,
Staff the ability to inform the Board that the transfer of the acreage
to the northern location is appropriate. If
He noted that Staff 18 not ',"
being directed to initiate a zoning petition, Co..issioner Saunders
reiterated that he wants the property owner to be on notice, until
Staft determines If the co..erclal acreage can be move~ to the north
portion whlch would be consistent wlth the new Comprehensive Plan. He
confiraed for Co..issioner Volpe that the evaluation is for the five
Page 4.
"'M"'__'"--'- "--",.. ",.. .. ... """
'------" ,.," , ----,.,,"_., ",.-
JAlmARY 3, 1989
acre ~ract as well aa the entire coaaercial area,
County Manager Dorrill stated that Staff's role is to be one of
review and he is uncomfortable with Staff trying to determine
aarket or corporate strategy Interests. He expressed concerns in
tr¡ing to determlne the amount of tlme necessary before the Board
want. the petition to reappear before the Planning CommlsGion.
Vpca c:a.ll for t:ha question, t:ha 8Otion carried 4/1. CO8ai _1 oner
..... ~=..4.
Responding to Mr. Dorrlll's concerns, Commissioner Saunders
adviaed that Staff's role is merely as a facilitator and Commissioner
Volpe would be avallable for both parties. He advised Westingbouae
and the boseowners that the Board feelo there should be so.. coaaer-
cial square footage in the area of the Pavilion Shopping Center. In
regard to the advertislng concerns, he advlaed that whatever time
trase i. c08fortable for Staff to submit the amended petition to the
Planning Coaalsslon would be acceptable.
1t8c88a: 2:2& P.M. - Reccmven.e4: 2:40 P.M. at which t18e
Deputy Clerk hDyon replaced Deputy Clerk MeDdez
It- nJ'l
County Manager Dorrill atated that as a result of an Increase for
potential development problems and trylng to antlcipate what the coa- /#¿
aunity wanta the government to be, an oplnion survey was done last
apring and as a result of this three areas were Identified that the
cO88Unity i8 mo8t concerned wlth, namely, the aanageaent of growth
with an emphasis on the prudent use of taxpayers money; transportation
and the ability to move up and down roads; and protectlon of the
environaental sensitivity of the coaaun1ty, He indicated tha~ as a
reault of this and trying to incorporate Gome management goal. and
pagu 45
.. .. ",
--.""""""""""""--- .... -,'
-" -----"",.., ",.,..., ---,
JANUARY 3, 1989
objectlvea of hls agency for the coming year, there were two areas
that he needs approval for whlch ia two posltlons reclassified. Be
Inc11cated that this will develop and strengthen two areas of govern-
aent reporting to hlm which ls an Envlromental Servlces Adalnlstra-
tor's poaitlon and a Project Management Director's position, addlng
that these are not new poaitions. He noted that these positions wIll
have rcsponsibilitiea for exlating departments, addlng that the
envlronaental position will have responsibilitiea for the Solid Waste
Departaent, Water Management Department, Environmental Sclence and
Pollution Control Department, and Natural Resources Department. Be
noted that for the project management posit ion, there will be a
reclassificatlon of an exiating project manager or project englneers
po3itiona as well aD the budget authority for theae. He noted that he
wlll have to come back to the Board of County Commissloners with a
budget aaendaent, but he i3 a3king that the concept be acknowledged
for the reorganization and approval for the two reclassificatlona.
In an3Wer to Commiasioner Hasse, County Manager Dorrll1 stated
that the salary scales are ccnslatent with slml1ar posltlons 1n the
In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, County Manager Dorrl11 stated
that these positiona, if approved, will report: directly to the County
Manager's office becauae of the importance of theae posltlons. ~~
Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation,
.tated that he .:1greelJ with thia matter, addlng there ill a blg dif-
ference between low and high salaries,
County Manager Dorril1 stated that theoe ranges which are mlnlmum
and aaximum comply with the pay plan ot the Peraonnel Department.
ec-.1-1oner Ba8- I8Oved. ..cocded by Coaai.sioner Shanah.n aDd
carr led. 1IZUU1Ú1OU8l y. that the County ~.r. reorganiza~iou CODC8p~
plaD be appr0ve4 and that Reaolutiou 89-1 creatIng tbe po8i~10D8 aDd
Pag8 6.
~"""---~""""-'" .,. ' """-.,,,.-
.. .._----
J'AJlUAKY 3, li89
8&lary nmgea tor an Jtnvironaental Servic- Adaini.tra~or and a
Project ~t Director be a40pted.
Page .&7
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JANUARY 3, 1989
Iu. .nn
~..x 8OXD ISSUE UITIL 8/1/8i AT A COST or $10,000 - ADOPTED.
Com.=issioner Saundcr3 ::;tated th<1t with rcg.:¡rd::; to the cxten::;ion of
the bond issue, he will abntain trom voting on thi3 particular issue
but w':'ll vote or. the other matters with regards to the reorganlzation
Assistant County Manager McLemore stated that thls item ls to try
and develop a Solid Waste master plan In an etficlent and effective
way. He 8tated that in this approach he i3 asking that the concept
and reorganization plan be approved which provides for a number of
changes¡ which is to cstabli3h a new management ta3k torce comprlsed at
a nuaber of people that are affected by these decisions and the aana-
geaent of this new tank force will COllie directly froll the County
Manager's office. He stated that the Gcope or the goal of the task
torce i8 being revised to require th~t the plan be economically
teasible and that it alao be environmentally compatible wlth the com-
.unl ty. He stated that a management termination date will be set tor
.June 30, 1989, with the actual resolution extending the bond3 for
August 1, 1989. He noted that the advi30ry committee scope would be
reviewing the actual lIa3ter plan product with the staff which will be
developed by an indepcndc.ont wa3te management con3ultant, addlng that .ÞD
he i. asking for authority to solicit RFP's tor ~ waste management
consultant who will work with the advisory committee and staff to come
up with thia final product. He noted that a aelcction comalttee will
review the RFP's and rank the top three firms and come back to the
Board with their recommendat':'on,
In answer to Commlaaloner Hasse, County Manager Dorrill stated
that there is an advisory committee in place that has been struggling
Page 48
JAlrUARY 3, 1989
In teras ot what they were technically capable of doing as well as
hav Ing some internal political problems that has resulted in resigna-
tions. Be 3tatr>.d that he has con3ented to work with whoever 13 on the
co_ittee, but in terms of the zakeup of the colllmittee, it Is the
discretion of the Board.
Aaslstant County Manager McLemore stated that the consultant would
be responsible for wrlting the master plan if hi3 reorganizatlon plan
is approved,
County Manager Dorrill 3tated that this is to be a comprehensive
County-wlde solld waste management plan that zay include recycllng
both at the curb as well as a processing facil1ty, colllpostlng, land-
f 11 l1ng , adding that he is hopeful that a master plan will Include all
these processes and others that may be available.
Co..iasJoner Shanahan questioned if this i3 approved, would It
replace the existlng Solid Waste Advisory Board with a new task torce
instead of an advisory committee, to which A3sistant County Manager
McLe80re replied affIrmatively.
Mr. Bob Y.rasowak I, representing Work on Waste CoRllllttee, stated
that thls itelll was not advertised in the newspaper, addln9 that what
was advertlsed only addressed the extension ot the bonds and not the
reorganlzatlon of the committee, He stated th<:lt it would be
appropriate to continue this Ratter until such time aa It has been
properly advertised.
Mrs. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Woaen Voters, ///
que8tioned it this recoRlllcndation is tor <:I new solid waste task toree,
to whlch County M<:Inager Dorrill 3tated that there arc sollie vacancies
and it the Commis3ion wants to change the makeup of that co-ittee, it
is up to the Board.
Mrs. Weotman otated that there should be a new commlttee as this
group ls not being effect~ve in thls area, as they do not work
Page '9
...,....-,...."...-... ,..
JAKUARY 3, 1989
toçether well. She stated that this matter has been discussed over
two years now and noted that the League of Women Voters supports a
comprehensive master plan as well as the recycling conce~t. She
stated that the League is also supporting the reco=mendation of Staff.
Mr. Bob Krasowski c:¡ucationed the advertising requirements, to
whlch County Attorney Cuyler stated th;:¡t this matter ha~ been in front
of the Board twice and the County Manager's offlce was charged with
coming back to the Board with somethlng comprehensive whlch Is what 1s
front of the Board at this tlme.
Mr. Kra8OWski stated that the only reason that the exlstlng Com-
alttee 1:1 to be reworKed is to elialnate the crltics of resource reco-
very or Inclneratlon of solid waste. He stated that the Executive
Susaary refer3 to the existing solid waste advisory commlttee, but the
atateaents that have been made are inaccurate and untrue. He referred
to a status report that was given to the Board regarding the Solid
Waste Advisory Committee and indicated that he would like to be able
to express his opinion with regarda to thdt report and would request
that this item be placed on the agenda 30 that the people that are
mentioned in the report can have a chance to defend themselves. He
stated that the commit~ee presented an outline ot a master plan and
also presented an RFP document to aoliclt input from interested par-
ties. He stated that there are people that arc promotlng resource
recovery for varlous reasons and trylng to discredit the committee. //¿
Be stated that he would suggest that the Board not go forward with tho
recoaaendatlon of Staff, He stated that after 3-1/2 years of looking
into the solid waste i33ue, there should not be anymore money spent by
County Government to extend this bond lssue,
Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation,
.t.tad that the process should be an open mind and to find out what 1s
Page ðO
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JAIfUARY 3, 1989
the aost beneficial way of getting rid of solid waste in Collier
County. He noted that set ting up the task torce 9hould have been done
a long tiae ago and rccycling 3hould be in9titutcd il1medlately. He
noted that the County nccd3 to move torward on thi3 matter. AlGa,
he feels that the County nhould be operating this plant and not
someone from the private Gcctor. He quc:3tioned if bond coun::¡el knows
for sure that the investment credits will be extended?
Mr. Daniel George, Tax Partner of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby, & MacRae in
Row York Clty, stated that when the Tax Retorm Act of 1986 was passed,
there were certain broad grandfathering provisions applied to certain
Golld waste facilities, adding that it i39uers or governmental
planning facilitics took certain stepa prior to the year end 1985, the
law sald that when they did a plant it would have certain tax
advantages that were eliminated and would be entitled to a step-down
investment tax credit. He stated that the tax advantages at this tilDe
would probably result in a net present value benefit to the bullder,
and therefore, to the ultimate recipient of the gervlce, it would be
between 8 and 10\. He 3tatcd that Collicr County expended a slgnlfl-
cant aaount of money prior to year-end and there waG also a signed
aervlce contract with a vendor, but there are grey areas where an
equlty tax consultant would have to be hired to give a tax oplnion.
Be stated that some of t."Ie grey area3 involve the aervlco contract
that was signed and has now been resclnded and the expendlture of the //~
project that was made prior to year-end, but with a questlon of what
the project is, adding that there will have to ultimately be some
guidance from IRS by the law firm that gives the tax oplnion. He
indlcated that IRS i:; giving favorable rulings it the project Is sll11i-
lar to the project that was contemplated in the beginnlng, that Is, if
Colller County decides to do a resource recovery facility that
involves some sort of combustion that 13 similar to the orig~nally
Page ell
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JANUARY 3, 1989
cO8pleted ~roject. He stated that he cannot guarantee that the tax
benefIts would be there, but there io a high probabllity.
In anøwer to Commissioner H.:1S3e, Bruce Pulver ot PaineWebber
stated that the $10,000 is the coot to August 1, 1989, which covers
the trustee, the tender agent, and the rating agencies. He stated
that hls flra gets nothing out of it, He noted that baslcally $5,000
will be for the tender agent for certlflcates that are passed between
old buyers and new buyers; $1,100 is for the trustee for malntaining
the account3 for Collier County; and $3,000 i3 for the rating agencies
whlch gi~e a rating to the bond issue.
Clerk Gile3 questioned it the County should get a rullng on this
issue and indicate what 3cenarios are likely tor the County, to which
Mr. George stated that it a vendor is chosen, he would ask for repre-
sentatIon from the County indicating that the County spent $200,000
prior to December 31, 1~85, He stated that the vendor will then take
the risk to make sure that he gets the tax advantagcs, He stated that
It would not be prude~t at thi3 time to get a pr i...ate letter rullng
fr~m the IRS because there is not a speclfic project at this time.
Co..issloner Saunders stated that the County io in the exact same
place they were in Dccembc r, adding that there i3 an Issue of whether
the banda should be extended tor 6 months on the posslblllty that /~
there may be oome tax benefits that would be bcnetlcial to the rate-
payer:» of the solid wB3te oystcm. He stated that this 10 not known at
this time because it Is not Known what type of systcm wl11 be bullt.
He stated that by extending the bonds, it Is simply keeping thls issue
allve for another 6 months, adding that during that time period, it
could be determined that there will not be a resource recovery taci-
I1ty and then $10,000 would be spent tor nothing, He noted that if it
1. deteralned that a resource recovery facility is wanted withln the
County and the County i3 eligible for the tax benefits, then the
Page &2
...-...-,--...-.,..-"., ,.....,.
JANUARY 3, 1989
$10,000 cost wlll have saved the ratepayers mlllions of dollars over
the I1fe of the project.
CO..18sioner Volpe questiQned how long the bonds will remain
outstanding, t.:. which Mr. Pulver stated that they remain outstanding
until Collier County decides on a project.
Mr. To. Giblln of Nabors, Giblin, Steffan, and Hickerson, stated
that prlor to August, he will look at what has been done and if the
County 13 going to proceed with some type of solid waste plan that
involves resource recovery or energy, the bonds will be extended out
further, but if the County decides not to go with such a project, then
he wl11 let the bonds "drop dead" as of August 1. 1989.
Mr. Irvlng Berzon, lIICaber of the Solid Waste Advlsory Commlttee,
stated t~t he feels that this bond Issue should be renewed and he
would go along with the recommendation at staff, He stated that he
would strongly urge the Commission to dlaband the existing Solld Waste
Advisory Committee as they serve no useful function in its present
for.. Be stated that a committee needs to work honestly and objec-
tively with Staff. He stated that he was against the $88 alllion pro-
ject and if the County was proposing an $88 million incln~rator this
date, he would stll1 oppose it, but there has to be some form of
energy recovery project done, He stated that he feels that the
$10,000 cost to extend these bonds is worth the chance In order for
the County to prepare a master plan. //S-
~4..1oDer Baa.. aoved, ..condad by Co8ai..ioner Volpe and
carried 410, (Co8a1..ioner Saunders aba~ained), that Resolution 89-2
~~t"G 060 ~llion of the $88 aillion Reeource Recovery BoD4 i8eue
until 111 Iii at a cost of $10,000 be adopted.
ec-.s...icmer Shanahan 8OVed, ..condad by Co-i.sioner OoodDigh~
aDd carried n~_nS8nU8ly, that the SoUd NiUlte Manag...nt Maeter Plan
8eorv-n4'ation Plan providing a new Solid Naete Manage88D~ Task Worce
P8ge ea
-------."',,..-..... . "> -, _._'..0.'.""'..
JAJrOAKY 3. un
CO8pr18ed at a Taak Force Director and Manager. Prote.eienal CO88dt-
~-. aDd Ci tizena Adv i8Ory Co8ai ttee be approved; that a r."i88d pro-
jec:~ goal 1Jta~~t requiring the aaater plan to be enviroD88D~ally
aDd .c~~calJy t...ible be approved; that ~he revi88d projec~ echa-
dule ~ era1na ~ 1Dg on J una 3 O. 1989. be approved; that the revi88d 8dvi-
eory CO88d~t- r8eponaibilitie. liaiting ~he co..itt- to review aDd
c~ "1: OlD the ...~er plan d.ocuaent. developed by tbe prote..ional
CO881~t- be approved; that an appointaent at a cOD8Ultan~ ..løc1:ion
~~~- be apploved: that an appoinu.ent ot . qualltied 8Olid ....~e
---s. IAt COD.8Ultant be approved; that tbe County Manager be
aut:hor1.zed ~o adv8rti.. tor R.eqa.eet tor Propo_18 tor a qualified
Solid "'U &D.g1neering con8Ultant to aa.iet tbe taak torce; and ~~
th8 Solid ...te &D.gineering Con8uI~ant Selection Co8aitt_. aade up at
th8 Coan tv Manager. the A8. i. t an t Coun ty Manage r. the Finanee
DÚ'8CtOr. the County Attorney and the EDviroD8ental Servic-
LA.fnt.~rator be authorized to evaluate coD8Ultan~ propo_le and
re<> ~ to the Board the top three coneultant. in order of pre-
f 8r8DC8.
Page 54
....----,.. .
.--..--."."'-- -..' ..
JANUARY 3, 1989
I~ n1.A1A2
~~ '---'~.S 8~-&8¡ 8~-63¡ 8~-8&/86¡ 8~-68/12¡ 8~-76/7&¡
"'77/'78: UD ....0/82 - ADOl'TlW
c-i..1oner Goodnight 8OVed. ..ccmðed by Co88.1..ioner ..... and
carr~ ~'~ly. that Budge~ Aaen48enta 89-&8¡ 8~-13¡ 8i-Ia/II.
89-68/72: 8i-76/7a: 89-77/78: and 89-80/82 be a40pted.
It- .11Ü
C-i..ioner Goodnight 8OVed. ..conded by Coaai..ioner Baa88 and
carried anan18oualy. that Budget ~~ ReeoluUon 8i-8 be a40pted.
Page &&
,-...., .. ...-....,---..-....
'-"'----""'-'- ...
JANUARY 3, 1989
Iw. .12£
('~t-i0D8r Sþ.ana~n 8OVed. _condeð by C~i..ioner Goodnigh~
aD4 carr led ......., i ~ 1 y, that Ricahrd 3an4ro. Ronald Pritchard. and
.ill~ P8chJgoda be appointed to ~ lele. of Capri ~ir. Control
D 1sU 1ct A4Y 18ory Co8a.1 t t e. .
I t.ea n 2JI
PAD.ICZ a.u.&. DAVZD ADDlSOJr. UD '1'000 'J.'tJ'RRELL APPOIII'RD '1'0 'l'D
Adainiatratlve Asaiatant to tho Board Israclaon stated that there
are three posltions available on the flve member committee and Mr,
Cardillo has asked to be reappointed. She stated that 9 resumes were
received and the EAC reviewed the resumeD and recoaaended that Mr,
Cardillo be reappointed; that Mr. David Addlaon be appolnted to one
position and that either Mr. Neale, Mr. Dlffenderfer or Mr. Turrell be
appoInted to the third vacancy.
eo..i8sioner Shanahan stated that he would like to see Mr. David
AddIson appointed and for the other two poaltions he woulG llke to
recoaaend Mr. Patrick Heale and Mr. Todd Turrell. He stated that he
W?Uld like to recommended Mr. Turrell instead of Mr. Cardlllo as he
feels that there should be a change and Mr. Turrell would also be a /,ið
balance for the committee.
~_icmer ~n..h..n 1IOV8d., ..condeð by Co8ai..ioner ~tgh~.
u. appoint Mr. Patrick ..ale, Mr. David Addi.ion and Mr. TocSd Turrell
u. the bvirOD88ntal Adviaory Co8aitt_.
Coaaiasioner Saunder3 stated that he doea not have a problem wlth
recOllllendlng Mr. John Cardillo again if he would 11ke to be reap-
eoaaiaaIoner Volpe stated that Mr, Cardillo aoked to be reap-
pointed tor the purpose of havlng some contlnuity on the committee.
Page 56
."""""".--,--..",. ,-.."
Adaini8trative Assistant to the Board Israe130n stated that the
two other people that are on the comalttee are falrly new members and
becauae of thla, Mr. Cardillo felt that he would 11ke to serve another
eo..lss10ner Volpe asKed 1t there 13 80me question as to whether
Mr. Cardillo could continue to serve on the committee because at
having served two teras already?
Ma. Israelson stated that Ordlnance 86-41 states that only two
8Ucceasive teras can be served, but there 1s a pro7islon where the
Board at County Comci3s10ners can waive thls requlrement If It i8
dee8ed necessary.
C082iasioner Saunders stated that he only served a portion at one
tara and then a whole term, adding that he 13 eligible for reappolnt-
8ent without a waiver.
VpoD call tor the question, the 8O~ion carried 3/2. ( ~ ~ ..10D18Z'8
..... 8Dd --.-...1:'8 oppoaed).
Coa:Dty A~~orney Cuyler .tated that on It.. .14M ~bere i. suppoee
t:o be 8D exhibl~ -A- which list. the Avatar Pha8e III deed that i.
t:o be ---.. t ed. Be noted that thi. i~a. could be continued or it
could be approved eeparately troa the regular Consent Agenda. Be
DO~ect t:ha~ he doe. have tbe docuaen~ in hand.
I~- .14N /N
1 gaa. BY 'I'D 8CC - ADOPnD
c-~..loner Oooc1niiiht aoved, ..conðed by CO8IIi..ioner Sh.n.~.
t:hat: It:- .UN be reaoved troa the Con8ent Agenda an4 tha~ Re80lu~Jon
..-3 C8DC8liDg delinquent an4 current taxa. upon land.8 donated by
Avatar Proper~ie., Inc. previously accepted on February g, a&8, by
the Board ot County eo_i..ioner. be adoptlfd.
Page 57
.."..-"....-...- .
~_'_""_._" ".' "-,-,,,-
JANUARY 3, 1989
c-i..ioD8r Baa.. lIOVed, ..conc1ec1 by Co8a1..ioner Gooc1n.1ght an4
carr Ja4 Øft8ft i 8nU81 y, that the r...1nlng Con8ent Agenda 1~... be
6du..t84 8Dd./or approved - inc1icat.d below:
I~- nUl
See !';:¡ges ,,~- I. I - I. 7i'
It- .1~81
LAD TJtA.J'J'O1U) KDIORIAL OARDDS CÐûìluu' LOT DEED .OS. 662. 664. .. ee&
See Pagc3 ~-
It- .1482
SN: P'lgc ~.L-:.8, /
It- .1~83
AS -.....u&U 8&S I S
$ce Paç;c3 ~
Itea .1~" beard prior to Con8ent Agenda approval
Itea .1485
1. That the final plat not be recorded until the requlred Imprc- ß7
veaents have been conatructed and accepted or untll approved
securlty ls received.
2. That the utllity maintenance bondlng security required pur-
suant to Ordlnance 88-16 be walved (the maintenance security
required for thls work wl1l be provided by the developer pur-
suant to Ordinance 16-6).
It- n4..
rnu.r. PLAT OJ' LELY 8A.R.D'OO'l SUCH, OJrIT '!'NO - ACCEP'l' 'l'RtJn DEED AS
See Page!> k1:J-J}. / - 1J~-
Itea .1487
rnu.r. PLAT OJ' TOLL GAn COtOŒJtCIAL C&8TIUt, PlLLSE on - SUB.:1ZC'r 'l'O
ß' U'V t..a TI on
Page 158
-.'<"-~-""-"-"--- , -.. - "",,-, -----..-,-
.]1,.NUARY 3, 1989
1. That the final plat not be recorded until the requlred impro-
veaent3 have been conatructed and accepted or until approved
security is received and that no certificate of occupancy be
is1Jued until the plan for street lights ha3 been approved by
the En~ineering Department,
2. That the UtilitleG Performance Bond required pursuant to
Ordl~.ce 88-76 be waived (this work wlll be covered by aain-
tenance security to be provided by the Developer pursuant to
Ordlnance 76-6).
It- ß6"
8'1'tJIVI.&TI OIlS
1. Accept the security for the 3ubdivlaion improvements and
authorlze the Chairman to execute the attached securlty docu-
2. That the Utilities Performance Bond required pursuant to
Or~lnance 88-76 be waived (this work will be covered by the
construction a~d maintenance security to be provided by the
developer pursuant to Ordinance 76-6).
Sce Pagc3 {¡,~ I - £, 6
Itea .16B9
1. That the Board ot County Comalasionera approve the attached
Construction and Maintenance Agreement of Subdlvislon
Improvements and authorize the Chalrman to execute the same.
2, That the Utilities Performance Bond required pursuant to
Ordinance 88-76 be waived (th18 work will be cover~d by
construction and maintenance securlty to be provided by the
Developer pursuant to Ordinance 76-6),
3. That the plat not be recorded until a new letter of credit is /.$2:,
received referencing "Tract G", substituting the exlsting
letter of credit for Audubon Country Club, Unit One.
It:- .16Dl
See Page:; OR Book 1406 Pages 1590 -~593
It:- .1401
~¿Y~TXU -------.,--- '-. --
See Pages ~:l- r. / - &.d. 0
I~- .1402
Page 69
."- --...,"-.,...--. ..,.--. -'--
JANUARY 3, 1~89
See Page -6.~...,lJ. ,
Iu. nc.G3
D%R& DI8 mrrr J'Oa 'I'D COUJI'1'Y WAIK, .:JAJroARY 10& - 21, 19 8 9 AT JIO CIIAJaJE
Iu. ndl
1988-61/64 12/14/88 - 12/22/88
%~ nØ2
D%8& a&IJr TIXI r;)Jt IIDIA'fB .OS. 49202, 1581570, 38441, 158101, 315184,
04728. ~13, U888, 68046, 68880, 211502. AJrD 69868
It- .1"0
See Pages ~ -II, I - H. /.!L
I~- .1".
There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following
8iscellaneous correapondencc be tiled and/or referred to the various
departlM!nt::a as indicated below:
1. Letter dated 12/9/88 to BCC Chalraan trom William K, Clark,
Executive Director, Area Agency on Aglng, re Seml-Annual CCI a
Title III-B Monitoring Visit. xc: Kevin O'Donnell; Filed.
2, Memo dated 12/'/88 to All Local Governments, Eliglble /.17
Entitieø, Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkcr Organizatlonø and
Other Interested Partie::a from Bud Parmer, Director, Divlsion
of Housing and Communlty Development, DCA, re Notlce of Fund
Availability " Community Services Block Grant, xc: Nell
Dorrll1; To. 0 llit f; and Filed.
3. Letter dated 12/15/88 to B. L. Saunders from Thomas B.
Yeatman, Community Program Adminlstrator, DCA, re FY 1988
Coaaunlty Development Block Cr.:1nt Program on 12/29/88 at 9:00
A.M. xc: Neil Dorrill; Tom 011 itf; and Filed.
4. Letter dated 12/20/88 to Colleague from Thomas G, Pelham,
Chairman State Emergency Response Commis3ion tor Hazardous
Materials, DCA, re new federal and state law known as Tltle
III, Emergency Planning and Communlty Right-To--Know. xc:
Neil Dorrill; Tom Olliff; :Jay Reardon; and FlIed,
Page 60
,..." "..-..-- .
JAJrnARY 3, 1989
5. Letter dated 11/17/88 to BCC Chairman froll Robert K, Loflin,
Environmental Specialist, DER, re Mr. Otto Rosenaeir, File No,
441571855. xc: Neil Dorrill; George Archlbald; Bil 1 Lorenz;
and Filed.
6. Letter dated 12/14/88 to BCC Chalraan from Robert Loflin,
Environmental Specialist, DER, re Collier County - WRR, File
1(0. 111582175. xc: Neil Dorrill; George Archibald; Bl11
Lorenz, and Filed.
7. Letter dated 12/16/88 to BCC Chairman from Patrick Kenney,
Environmental Specialist, DER, re Collier County - WRR, File
No. 111565195, Foster and Bellairs, xc, Neil Dorrill; George
Archibald; and Filed"
8. Memo dated 12/20/88 to Local Governments Eligible for Grants
Onder the Solid Waste Management Act and Other Interested
Parties trom Rick Wilkina, Director Division of Waote
Managellent, DER. re A Profile and Directory ot the Recycllng
Industry in Florida, 1~88. xc: lfc il Do r r ill; Bob Fahey; and
9. Letter dated 12/16/88 addreosed to Dear Sir or Madam,
froa Randall L. Armstrong, Director, Dlvision of Water
Management, DER, re their participation of a program of recom-
aended federal approprlatlons tor the a,s. Army Corps of
Engineers' water resource otudieo and projects in Florida.
xc: Neil Dorrill; George Archibald; and Filed.
10. Letter dated 12/09/88 to BCC Chalrman froll Robert Loflin,
Environmental Specialist, DER, re Collier County - WRR, File
No. 111581285. xc: Neil Dorrl11; George Archibald; Bl11
Lorenz; and Filed.
11. Letter dat~d 12/16/88 to BCC Chairman from Robert Loflin,
Environmental Specialist, DER, re Collier County- WRR, File
No. 111583375, Fernstrom, Carl M. xc: Neil Dorrill; George
Archlbald; Bill Lorenz; and Filed.
12. Letter dated 12/12/88 to BCC Chalrman from Gary J. Clarice,
Assistant Secr~tary for Medicaid, fiRS, rc Health Care
Responsibility Act, xc: Neil Dorrill; Kevin O'Donnell; and /s-¡r
13. Meao dated 12/05/88 to BCC Chairaan frail Hey Landrum,
Dlrector, Division of Recreation and Parka, DNR, re nolllina-
tions for Beach Acceos Initiatlve (Extended Deadline). xc:
Neil Dorrill; George Archibald; Tom Olliff; and filed.
14. Letter dated 12/09/88 to BCC Chairman from Gerald G. Lott,
P.E., Dlstrlct Traffic Operation3 Engineer, DOT, re notlfica-
tion of changes in Traffic regulations, xc: Nell Dorrlll;
and Piled.
15. Letter dated 12/22/88 to Chairman BCC from Gerald Q, Lott,
P,E., Dlstrlct Traffic Operatlons Englneer, DOT, re nc.titica-
tlon of changc9 in Traffic regulations. xc: Neil Dorrl11;
George Archibald; and Filed,
16. Mlnutea of Collier County Ad Hoc Holleleao Committee tor
12/7/88 and agenda for 1/4/89 meeting. xc: Filed,
Page tH
-'"..", """ ,~,_.._.._.,
'" --
_............"...._,--, "....,--,_. n .",-,
.1 !.JroARY 3, 1989
17. .otice to Owner dated 12/8/88 to Gulf Constructors Int'l. and
Collier County BCC tro. Naples Lumber & Supply Co" Inc. re
South Collier County Waste Water Plant. xc: Nell Dorrlll;
Toa Cranda11; and Piled.
18. Motice to Owner dated 12/8/88 to Collier County acc for the
improvement of the real property identified as Tamiami/Col11er
Co. Aniaal Control Addition by Tamiami Bul1ders, Inc. by Allen
Concrete & Ma30nry, Inc. xc: Nei' Dorrill; Kevln O'Donnell;
and Piled.
19. Notice to Owner dated 12/8/88 to Collier County BCC tor the
Improveaent of the real prop~rty idcntlfled as Street
Improvements (S. Colller Blvd.) by H. W. Beaudoln & Sana by
Hertz Equipment Rental. xc: Heil Dorrill; George Archibald;
and Filed.
20. Notice to Owner dated 12/20/88 to Collier County acc for fire
alarm equlpment and/or labor at Collier County Courthouse
under an order given by Leitner Electric Company. F~oa
Si.plex Time Recorder Company, xc: ~cil Dorrlll; Skip Camp:
and Piled.
21. Peralt for Construction, Permit Number A CO-l~l. Permlttee:
Crescent Beach Developers, Inc, c/o Coastal Englneering
Consultants, Inc. xc: Nell Dorrill; Bll1 Lorenz; Tom Olliff;
and Piled.
There belng no further business for the Good of the County, the
aeeting was adjourned by Order of the Chalr - Time: 4:30 P,M.
~ .
, .,. ~ß'.'1~.o1" , CRT L, '."""EIIS, CHAllUWI ~
~s .r",'c;.' """
,7ùœ!s... ç. G~', ~CLERT. ~
~4....;.i ~ -
/ ~~ - ~
" ,', ---C ~
~~~j~~tes approved b; the Board on -- -< ~ /11 P,7'
as presented ~ or a3 corrected /- .
Page 152
-" ."'--..--..
,..,-.--.. .."."'"