BCC Minutes 01/17/1989 R Saples. Flori1a. January 17, 1989 LE:T IT BE: REMEMBERED, that the Board of C01¡nty CollUllissioner. in r , , '1nd for the County of Collier. and also acting a~ the Board ot Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business ¡ herein. met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR 5ISSIO. in Building : , "F" ot the Government Complex, East Naples. Florida, with the : tollowing members present: ¡ CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. IUchard S. Shanahan Miçhael J. Volp. Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Jaaes C. Giles. Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Dalila Mendez and Maureen Kenyon. Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill. County Manager; Ron McLemore. Assistant County Manager; Tom , I Olliff. Acting Community Development Administrator; Ken Cuyler, County , Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator, George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Kevin O' Donnell. Public Services Administrator; Marjorie Student. Assistant County Attorney; Sherry Rynders. Risk Management Director; Jay Reardon. Emergency Services ¡ ¡ : Adainistrator; John Madajewski, Project Review Services Manager; Leo í ache. Ad.inistrative Services; Nancy Israelson. Administrative I ~ Assistant to the Board; and Tom Storer. Sheriff',> Department. , Page 1 J --- .", ' "'-"'-~'-""" " : ¡ I ¡ JANUARY 17. 1389 I ! Tape.1 It.. n .\GDDA - APPROVED WI TB CHAJrOU - -- ---- CQ88lssioner Sh.n.h~ moved, ..conded by Co_issioner Vo 1 p<"- Ð1d ! r carried unani80U8ly, that the agenda be approved with the following ì ! cha.cQ..: a. Item 9D1 - Selection of professional engineering tir:n to pro- vide professional services tor Marco Isl'1nd/Collier County water supply teasibility qt~dy - To be :1~ard at the " nri ot the Regular and Con8~nt Agenda, b. Request by Chairman Saunder8 that m~~tj~g adjourn at 2:30 p.lII. to accommodat~ m~eting with FDOT S~cret~ry Kay~ Hend~~sQn. c. !laTE: Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Health and Public Services Facilities will be held at 11:00 a.m. d. ìtem 9A2 - Recommendation to adjust lanrl ;Jse items scheduled for the Regular Board Meetings of January 24. February 14 and February 28 - Correction. e. Ite 14B10 - Recommendation to approv~ the tinal pl'1t of Vlllages ot Monterey at Woodbridge Unit Two tor Recording - Moved to It~m 9B3. , f. Item 14F2 - Request Board approval to authorize an appropriate ¡ memorial in memory ot G~orge Pittman - Mo'led to Item 9f2. g. Item UBU - Recommendation to adopt a resolution requ~st1ng the Board of Trustees of the Internal Iffiprovement Trust Fund , to establish an erosion control line on Marco Island - Moved I to Item 9B4. h. Item 14B4 - Recom8endation to approve acc~ss agrc~ment tor le9al access from C.R. 9~1 to the Naples Go 11' Estates Development - Moved to Item 9B!I. 1. Item UB~ - RecollUllendation to award and execute a construction contract with the lowest and most respon~lble bidder, Better Roads. Inc. tor Golden Gate Parkway double left turn lane improvements at Junction C.R. 951 and for guardrail installa- tion along Airport-Pullin9 Road north of Pine Ridge Road, County Bid Number 88-1321 - Io Qvpd to Item 986. i i j, Item 14B8 - Recommendation to have the Bo'1rd authorize the Chairman to execute an architectural contract for Building "J" (Sheriff's jail and administration offices) - Moved to Item 9B7. Ie. Item UB16 - Recommendation to authorize Johnson En9ineering, Inc. to perform a comprehensive water management stU(\Y and analysis ot the Belle Meade - Royal Palm Hammock Drainage Basin as additional contract services relating to the planned four-laning and associated canal improvements to C.R. 9ðl and S.R, 84 - Moved to Item 9B8. It.. #4 KlWUTE3 OF DECEMBER 20, 1988 - APP~9_Y~P_- ----- - Co8ai..ioner Sþa~.~.n 8OVe4, ..conded by Co-i.sloner II_.. and carried unani80U81y, that the ainut.. ot Dec_ber 20, 1988 be approved Page 2 1 -----,,-"- " -.- ~----"" ..."" ---..-,-.-- .." ! I , .7AJ1t1A.RT 17, 1989 ¡ - pre-sented. ¡ . It.. .ðA ÞIPLOTD SDV 1 C1t AXAJtDS - ~ þ ;( IW Coamissioner Saunders presented eaployee service awards to the following employees and thanked them for their service to Col:ier County: Tholla. Br~en Golden G3te Coamunity Center 10 yr~. James Scarbrough Road & Bridge 5 ¥'" Stan Spence Aquatic Plant 5 yr.. It.. .I5B SA7ZTT I)fCDTIVE AJU.RDS - PDzJ-T&U Administrative Services Adainistrator Ochs requested the Board to tormally acknowledge the recipients ot the County's Satety Incentive Awards. He suggested that Risk Management Director Rynders, who deve- loped the program four years ago, 4txplain the program. He indi- cated that Ms. Rynders has accepted employment with the City ot Pt. Myers, and he wished her well in her tuture endeavors. Ms. ~ynders advised that the package intoraation tully explains the program. She ¡ I noted that each year the Board ot County Commissioners and the ! ¡ Constitutional Officers' employe.s who work safely tor the entire year ~ i and have no accidents in vehicles, or accidents fro. property daaage I are drawn at random. Coaai8sioner Saunders read the tollowing names ot ..ployees receiving the award: Clerk at Court Larry Fox $ 50.00 Victoria Ortega 50.00 Tax Collector John Calyore $ 50.00 f ProPerty AppraiGer ! Lucie Siciliano $ 50.00 I Purchasing . ~ Jeanne Wagner $ 50.00 . Public Services , , \,,) +ti ",;. Page 3 ~~,' , f~ fY"^~.:y " ..;' ;f ,_....".,. ------.,,- , . , t f ¡ ,1AHUARY 17, 11"'3 i Bonnie rauls $ 50.00 Jos. Jimenez 150.00 Pablo Salinas 150.00 Utl1i ties Susan Copeland $ 50.00 Franlt Ter ilIa 150.00 Eaeraencv Services Richard D'OrazIo $150.00 Linda Swisher 50.00 Co..unltv D4tvelopment I Leroy Martel $150.00 ¡ Willialll Spencer 50.00 Public Works Curtis Anderson, Sr. $150.00 Gary Ha- 150.00 H i11i am J::ysar 50.00 Allen Madsen 150.00 Sheritt'. Department Darrell Addison $150.00 Paul Caltabiano 150.00 Kathryn CI1tton 50.00 Janelle Duntee 50.00 Acey Edgeaon 150.00 Sue Garcia 150.00 ' , , Joe Hall 150.00 ! Michael Ballaan 150.00 ; T iaothy Bowell 150.00 ) Edward Bunt4tr 150.00 Wll11- Rule 150.00 ì Harold Holte 150.00 , ! \ Co..issioner Saunders congratulated the above-mentioned ~~?loye4t., I ¡ and said that he is hopetul that the County will have an ~lu~::ï good ¡ ! program this year. He thanked Ms. Rynders tor her servic~ t,~ t:.e County. It.. .-sA PUBLIC PETITIO. BY RICBARD B. BRAUW U TBJ: CITY or .APL.lS NATf.R WELt.S I. OOLDD GAT.! ESTATES - COtJJITT A'l'TOlUlu TO D.lT.lRMID Ir PROVISIOUL USE IS REQU¡RED Mr. Richard E. Braun, representing the Golden Gate Area Taxpayers Association. advised that approxiaately a year ago the City ot Naple. constructed three new water wells in the Golden Gate Istatea area. Re noted that he had discussed the aatter with County Manager Dorr1l1, and the Building Code Compliance Director objected to the construction ~ I I .'1 I Page. ! i q ----"-' " , -.--- - ,-,-.-...-. ...-,-..."-.-- . , I i JANU;',,": ' I as the City required a provisional u.e to construct 5 ,: ~ted ' that the County Attorney's ottice concluded that the c:'~ , thin their rights. He read a letter troD Ms. Marjorie Stur~ ~ant County Attorney to County Attorney Cuyler pertaining t'! '1- sional use requirements. He referred to Page 119 ot t;.': ' :..:" <:;ode, and noted that Section 8.10, Peraitted Uses. deline'1t"'3 ., following uses shall be deemed uses in any zoning di~~~: ':r ¡ tanks, sewer lines, gas lines, telephone lines, cablevi51GfI ::es, I ì ì electric transmission, and distribution lines, etc. H~ ::','," .'it Paragraph "B", Provisional Ose, delineates the following u electric or gas generating plants, sewage treatment pl",,',';, ,. ;.1- tala, and so forth. In response to Co_issioner Saunders, County Attcn:"/ contirmed that the City has not obtain~d a provisional u~~. ,- advised that his office, Mr. Madajewski and the Co88'\1Iity Dev'"lopment Staff have researched the issue on whether the City neo:d,> t -'eo a provisional use, and have concluded that it is not necessa~'i ;' the City to obtain a provisional use. Mr. Cuyler explained tor Co_issioner Hasse that an interpretation must be mad'" ;:,,; " '~er the provisions set out tor water puaping, water irrigatlo:.;¡. :-:'eat- ¡ Dent plants fall in the same category a. individual wells. He ~eiterated that Statt has deterained that it is not a water a~~a or treatment plant tacility. Co_issioner Saunders suggested that the Board direct the County Attorney to determine it a provisional use is required, and i~ not required. the issue will be ended, however. if one is r',';~:: taft should work with the City ot Naples to process an application tor an atter-the-fact provisional use. I Commissioner Hasse indicated that consideration should be 7iven to the Golden Gate Estates, due to the drought and the water restrictions currently in ettect. County Attorney Cuyler indicated that he would compile (,' ~~atlon to be provided to the S"ard. Co-i..ioner Hasse suggested t;,,~ t the Page 5 1° ¡ I ¡ -=---a "-"...--..-..... ,,---, ---.-.", """.-.. T ,- '--'-'.' """"""'-'" . - -.-,.",--.,.--'.- :1;1.1 ,i' t JAJroARY 17, 1989 " lnto"aUon be broug" back "itbln a "eek." '~<,: Commissioner Goodnight asked the County's legal position it the ,~ ,.:,. prov1810n&1 us. ,. not .ppr~.d ~ the Board, a. the C=nty do.. =t f. have any control over water rights? ~ CO88issioner Saunders moved, ..c0n4e4 by CO88issioner Volpe , .. directing the County Attorney to det.r.ine if a provisional use is required by the City of .apl.s, and if the deter.ination is that one is not required, that would be the end at the iS8U8, however, it one is required, Mr. Cuyler should report back to the Board that one is required, and work with the City Attorney to process an appropriate application and direct Staff to expedit...... Mr. Braun advised that the City of Naples is required to obtain a building permit, and noted that they had begun construction without one. He reviewed the standard procedure imple.ented by contractors. He n?ted that the City paid $264.88 tor a building permit which indi- cates that it is a "generator building- which requires provisional use. He stated that the contract for the job was $450,000. He noted that the City applied tor a permit of only $11,173, therefore, the County got short-changed. He stated that the County has no jurisdic- tion over South Florida Water Management District's is8Uanc. of per- mits. He pointed out that the SFHMD does not keep records ot residential wells. He stated that in 1985 he had written to SFHMD objecting to the excessive pumping. He noted that a Phase II wat.r restriction has been recently implemented in the County. He not.d that the City pumps 38 million gallons at water a day, and have a permit from the SPWMD to increase the pumping. He stated that the City charges County residents 2S~ more than they charge City customers for the use of water and sewer facilities. He suggested that the Board stop all Certiticate. ot Occupancies until the City obtains a provisional use. Commissioner Hasse asked Mr. Cuyler it an impact fee is charged on the construction of pumping stations? Mr. Cuyler responded that pumping stations do not tall under the category tor which impact :r: '. -"".'..'m"."" _._""..,..,...... ""'-"'-'.'-~'."""--'" ,.,."-,.-....""""."""".-,,-,,,- jt.. '. I JANUARY 11, 1989 .;.7 .' . ::,~f are charged. -'.;0" ::1 Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that neither the ,;Ii ,,> water line project nor the pump station project are subject to road impact fees, under the existing Ordinance. Mr. Cuyler advised that people are charged road and library impact fees for the use ot the facilities. Hr. George Keller, President, Collier County Civic As80ciation, suggested that the Bo~rd set up a workshop to discuss the water issue. He indicated that the Utilities Department is doing a territic job in expanding, however, residents of the Golden Gate Estates have advised that their water quality is very poor, as thøy are drawing 8and and pebbles into their pumps. Commissioner Saunders suggested that Mr. Keller meet with Utilities Administrator Crandall to discuss the study conducted on the aquifers and the water sources. Chief Siebold, ot the Corkscrrw Fire Department, 8tated that the provisional use was not an issue, but the need tor tire protection i8, He indicated that the water levels have been dropping tor years. Be requested that the Board indicate to the City that they hook up to tire hydrants so the people have 808e type at protection. Commissioner Saunders claritied tor County Attorney Cuyler the aforementioned motion. Coaaissioner Hasse stated that he was hopeful that he could influence the Board to ask the City to look into the idea ot placing Kater hydrants in the Golden Gate Estates area. Commissioner Volpe suggested that Mr. Braun write to the SrHMD regarding his concerns. Open call tor the que.tion, the 8Ot1on carried 5/0. It.. .88 PtlBLIC PE'l'ITIO. BY RICHARD It. BRAtnI RE 'fBZ SPOIL BAR MA'l'EJUALS .AJrD ~y...ud FROM SALES (AVATAR) - COUJITY ATTOJUfEY TO Iß'UTIGA'R Mr. Braun pointed out that he has brought out the 8ubject aatter tour or six times in the last rive years, however, County Attorney Cuyler advised him that it was in litigation and could not be Page 7 -----,-",-,,-,'^,'" ....",..............." ..... ..-.,."",-"..,,---....-..-.,,,.- JANUARY 17, 1989 discussed. He stated that when Avatar (GAC), built Golden Gate Estates they had approximately 175 ml1es of spoil banks, however, after Avatar declared bankruptcy, the Federal Trade Commission and the Bankruptcy Court determined that the revenues ot the spoil banks were to be shared by Avatar and the County to improve the side roads in Golden Gate Estates. He indicated that in 1984 he had contacted Mr. Hartman, who was the Public Works Director, and revirwed an agreement between Avatar and the County, which indicated that the County was to get $.20 and Avatar would get $.20 ot spoil bank revenues. He stated that a year ago he brought the atorementioned matter to County Attorney Cuyler, and Mr. Cuyler had written a letter intorming him that Start did not have any knowledge ot such an agreement. He stated that the only intormation that Hr. Cuyler had was a memorandum from Mr. Hartman indicating that the agreement was non-existent. He reterred to a memorandum troD Mr. HartllUln to Hrs. Cindy Faulkner which states that between October, 1972 and June, 1983 the County has received $68,800 as their 50' share ot gross profit troD Avatar (GAC). He noted that in 1982 Avatar suttered a loss which resulted in no revenues to the County. He reterred to a document troD Clerk ot Courts Giles' oftice which indicates that the County collected $89,632 over an eleven year period. He indicated that Avatar's attorney's letter dated April 12, 1988 states that there is an agreement, and that Avatar had collected $308,785.96, and the County has be.n paid, He contended that Golden Gate Estates is short $6 million. He questioned where the money generated trom the materials is, l\nd where the dirt has been placed? Co..issioner Hasse stated that he would like some answers to Hr. Braun's statements, which are 8igniticantly important. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Clerk ot Court Giles advised that Mr. Braun's report was provided by hi. ottice about ten years ago. He noted that Mr. Braun's aain contention i. that there was spoil dirt "stacked up" for which the County did not receive any reve- nues. He stated that the Finance Department cannot determine whether Page 8 ,. .,.".,,"'. ,",," ""'" JAIroARY 17, 1989 the dirt was taken out ot Golden Gate Estates. Co..i.sioner Hasse questioned the whereabouts ot the dirt in question. Mr. George Keller advised that he has tlown over the area, and there is an operation in the area processing spoil banks, He inquired as to whether the County was receiving any revenues trom the opera- tion? Public Works Administrator Archibald advised that he was directly involved in the litigation procedure, and the County's standing has never been related to spoil materials, but to the roads. He stated that the County's major concern is the condition ot the roads, which are used by contractors to remove the spoil material. He noted that the County has required sutticient security it damage is done to public roads, whereas companies 8U.t incur the costs at repairing the road.. Mr. Braun noted that the County has paid attorney fees in excess of $~OO,OOO, and stated that Mr. Giles had informed him that it would be ditticult to justity the tigure as a number of years that have expanded. He noted that Hr. Cuyler had advised him that it was covered by insurance. He stated that it is apparent that the tax- payers pay tor the insurance. He noted that Avatar was not supposed to deduct income tax out of the revenues. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Cuyler advi'~d that a number ot cases have been tiled against Avatar. He stated that th. çase tiled against the County and Avatar was tiled in the amount ot $28 million cost of action, and all the attorneys tees were paid by the insurance company. He stated that the insurance company had recoaaended a settlement of $20,000 including attorney's tees, daaa- ges, and all the expenses incurred. He stated that there has never been a written agreement drawn up. He noted that he contacted Mr. Hartman and was intormed that he had never seen a written agreement. Be stated that the minutes ot 1967 and 1972 indicate that the County requires that Avatar remove the spoil banks and "in the event Avatar sells spoil banks the County shall share ðO:~O in any ot those sal..". Page 9 , "-,,,-,,-,,> ---"""-'~--"'-"""""" "'" , , ---.."'--------.- -"","""" . ""","., ,..-."" ""..-----.--. ----...",,'-.--,... .' JANUARY 17, 1989 He stated that to his knowledge Avatar has not been selling any ot the spoil bank materials since the litigation started two years ago. He confirmed Hr. Giles' statement regarding the tunds paid by Avatar, however, indicated that he did not know whether the amounts are correct, and whether they indicate appropriate sales. Responding to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Cuyler indicated that he would coordinate with ~r. Archibald to research the matter. He noted that the minutes at 1951, were not as informative as the minutes currently being done. Commissioner Shanahan suggested that a deter- mination aust be made as to whether or not the County has been short- changed by Avatar. Commissioner Volpe asked it the revenues received by the County have gone to the General Fund to which Finance Director Yonkoslcy advised that the tunds have gone to th~ Road 6 Bridge Fund. Mr. Braun advised Commissioner Volpe that the Trust Fund established with Avatar is a separate issue. He stated that Avatar would not give the County $85,000 it there was not an agreement to that ettect. Mr. Giles advised that the records show that the County received trom October, 1912 to July, 1985, 895,655.32 in spoil banks r-venues trom GAC. Mr. Cuyler indicated that the agreement he was reterring to is the agreement that Mr. Braun is questioning. Commissioner Saunders stated that a determination must be implemented to whether or not the County has in tact been short-changed by Avatar. Co8ai.sioner Sh.anahan .:wed. seconded. by Co-lssloner Ba8_, dlrectlng the County Attorney to investigate the spoil bank revenues, and whether the County has been short-changed by Avatar over the year., and that the ~inance Director'. recorda be updated and lnfora the Board what has transpired troa 1986 to present. Upon call tor the que.tlon, the action carried unani80U81y. It.. nA1 DEVELOPMEJIT O~ U AGUE:MEJrr B&1'W&.tJ8 COLLIER COmrrY AJrD '1'D GOLDa GATE FIRE COJrTROL AJrD lUtSCt1E DISTRICT roR '1'BE COLLECrl0. 01' IMPACT RES - APPROVZD Acting Community Development Administrator Ollitt advised that the Board endorsed and developed the Development Services Department and Page 10 ]£ _. -,- '-.-"-'----'" JANUARY 17, 1989 concept, which is a public service to provide "one-atop-shop" per- mitting process. He stated that the public will be able to process all development and permit related issues in one building. He indi- cated that the State Legislatuie approved House Bill 1032 which was an act authorizipg the use and imposition of impact fees within the Golden Gate Fire Control and Rescue District. He requested that an agreement be negotiated with the District to allow the County to collect the tee at the Development Services operation, and brought back to the Board at a later date tor approval. Co8al.sioner Has.. aaoved, s.conded by Co..issioner Saunders directing Starr to develop an agreeaent between Collier County and the Golden Gat. Pir. Control and Rescue District tor the collection of içact tee.. Co..issioner Volpe suggested that it would be appropriate to use the saae agreement with the other Fire Districts. CollUllissioner Saunders, however advised him that independent agreements would have to be developed with each Fire District. Open call tor the question, the IIOtion carri~ un.an1aou.81y. It.. nA2 UCOMMEJrDATIO. TO ADJUST LAJrD OSI I'lEMS SCUDOLED FOR TO REGt1LAR BOARD KEETIKGS OP JAKOARY 24. nBRUARY 1'. AJm 28, li8i - APPROVED Acting Community ùeveloplllent Administrator Olliff requested two weeks to allow Staff ample time to tamiliarize themselves with the new Comprehensive Plan, particularly with the requirements ot the Coastal & Conservation Element. He noted that Petitions R-88-22C and SHP-88-6C are shown to be reviewed from February 24 - February 26, howeve r, the correct date is February 14 - February 28, 1989. Coamissioner Volpe asked it two weeks is sufficient time to review the plan to which Mr. Ollitt responded attirmatively. Co8aissioner H_8. aaoved, seconded by C088issioner Sh.ft.~an and carried unaniaoualy, that Statt's rec0888ndation to adjuat land U88 it... to be scheduled tor January 24, "ebruary 14, and 28. li8Ð be approved. Page 11 liJ .-..,--."-""",---.....,,, .........-..----, or A1fUARY 17, 1989 It.. nA3 .JOIn MORXS1IOP BETWEElI TH:J: BOARD .urn TH:J: CITY 01' Jl.&PLES TO DISCUSS CORRIDOR KA.RA.GØI:ØT STtTDY - STIJI' TO DETERMIn COJlVD'IPT DAn K/CITY Acting Community Development Administrator Ollitf advised that Staff has proVQsed a joint workshop meeting for .January 2~, 1989 at 1:00 p,m., with the City ot Naples, and noted that the date has been tentatively approved by the City Council. He noted that A. Gail Boorman and Associates would be making a presentation regarding the Corridor Management Study. Co..issioner Goodnight indicated that she wnuld not be able to attend the meeting as she would be out-ot-town, and would return on .January 29. Mr. Olliff suggested that the meeting be held on February 8 which is the next workshop for the City Council; the Board concurred with the recommendation. Commissioner Saunders suggested that Starr find out it it would be convenient for the City Council to meet with the Boar~ on February 6, 8 or 9, 1989, to which the Board unanimously agreed. It.. nA" COJrTRAC'f WITH ICARD, MERRILL, CCLLIS, TIMM, ~. OI.SBURG, P.A. SIDIUY coon ASSOCIATES, UD J:IMLEY-BORJr . ASSOCIA'l'ES, I.C., 1'0 PRUARJ: CER1'AIK LA!fI) DEVELOPKEJrT UGtJLATIO.5 AJm 0'1'BER PROGRAMS 1'0 t~ THE PROPOSED GROWTH KAKAGEMEJIT PROQ'JUM - APPROVED Acting Community Development Administrator Ollitf advised that the subject item involves two objectives; to execute a contract with the tirms ot Icartj, Herr ill, Cullis, ThuI, Foren « Ginsburg, P.A., Sedway Cooke Associates, and Kimley-Horn« Associates, Inc., and to save the County an estimated $100,000 in consulting fees tor the development ot a unified land development code as recommended by the Growth Management Plan. He advised that during negotiations the inter- relationship of the growth management regulations with land develop- ment regulations, simultaneous development ot the unitied development code and growth management regulations would result in a substantial reduction in cost and time tor implementation ot the Growth Management .0' Page 12 J'l -""-""'.........-......,,-- .0"..."".' . -_,.__-0--. , '--'---'--""--"_"0_"'"""",-,,-- JANUARY 17, 1989 Plan and Development Services concept. He noted that Page 2 ot the Executive Suaaary shows the 64 codes to be unit led in the OnHied Development Code. He noted that a unitied system will be implemented that deals wi~h concurrency and level of eervice froll zoning through the actual building permit process. He advised that representatives troll the Icard firm were present should the Board have any questIons. He noted that the Board had b~en provided with the contract on January 16, and apologized tor the lateness. He stated that the County does not have an extension of due date for the land development regulations troll the State, and Start does not know if an extension will be granted. He noted that the commitment aust be met in a reasonable time trame. He requested authorizatIon of the contract with the Icard firm, and the appropriate budget amendaent in order tor Statf to accomplish the unified development code. Responding to Commissioner Shanahan, Hr. Ollift advised that $200,000 is available in the Community Development budget, there- tore, then~ is no cost to general fund or any tax dollars in the contract. He noted that the Task Force had projected a two year time trame for the projects, however, it would be feasible for the County to do it all at one time by utilizing one tirm. Co..issioner Saunders asked Mr. Cuyler it he has reviewed the contract, and his position regarding the use ot a consultant to per- tara the work? Hr. Cuyler contirmed that his Statf has reviewed the contract, and advised that the use ot consultants to get the job done i. necessary. Commissioner Saunders stated that this item was just as important to Statf as the document sent to the Department of Community Attairs, DCA. He indicated that he was in tavor ot the contract. Commissioner Volpe asked how the additional $106,000 to be incurred would be covered? Hr. Olliff responded that the Coamunity Development fund is a tee generated through development tees and building permit tees, which carries a larger reserve. He stated that there have not been any fluctuations, therefore, the reserve ~as Page 13 t -,_._,--, " -.'" ' ". """'",..."'.,.,""..,,.,_. JANUARY 17, 1989 aaintained consistent. He stated that there is a reserve to cover the additional $106,000. Assistant County Manager McLemore advised Co~Ais8ioner Volpe that the cabling is against a Capital Project account, and does not have anything to do with the matter being discussed. He stated that Statt had estiaated 12,000 perllai ts tor the current year, however, there are expected to be 13,000. He stated that Statf anticipated some unplanned expenditures, and noted that there is a large reserve, which should more than handle the additional anticipated costs. Commissioner Shanahan stated that Statt should conduct studies and analysis ot the aforementioned, which would be in the County's best interest. Tape r2 Coaaissioner Volpe stated th"!t the agreement indicates that SOme of the Staff will have to be provided to the consulting firm, and expressed concern that perhaps this would interfere with the workload. Mr. Ollitf advised that a lot more personnel would have had to have been provided tor the implementation ot the project, it the consulting firm was not contracted. He reassured that the current level ot ser- vice pertormed by Staft would not be attected. Co8a1..ioner S~!' ..~.:an 8OVed. eecon4ed by Co-i..ioner Goodnight and carried unani80U8ly, that the conaultant contract with the te.. of Icard, Merrill, CUlli., Ti_, ruren a Ginsburg, P.A., Sechnly Cooke A8sociat.. and ~i.ley-Horn a Associate.. Inc., and the nece..ary buðget aaend8ents be approved. Page 14 ,q ~~, ----."-. .. ' '-'-""'-"""" JANUARY 17, 1989 It.. "Bl ROAD IXPAC'f I'D AGUEMErr FOR GOODLETTE-FRAJIX ROAD WITH l1Å’ DEVß.OPERS 07 MOJrTERrf , SLEEPY HOLLOW, AJf1) BRlOOI'f LADS - APPROVED Public WorKs Administrator Archibald advised that requested appro- val of a Road Impact Fee Agreement with the abov~-mentioned developers. He stated tha~ the developers have undertaken impr"vements in excess ot a 51 8illion to extend Goodlette-Frank Road trom Pine Ridge Road, and to build a segment of Orange Blossom Boulevard, and tor future improvements in the area. He stated that the County has greatly bene- fitted by the improvements implemented. He stated that Start has identified $561,811.00 as expenditures that would apply tor road impact fees against the three projects. He noted that the agreement has been prepared primarily through the etforts ot the County Attorney's ottice to retlect the credit. He stated that the credit is based on road construction which has already occurred which is part ot the long-term arterial network, and the Growth ~anagement Plan. He advised that the agreement sets forth the credit and the credit tar exceeds the impact tees that would be paid by the developers. He stated that Staff is recommending and has writt~n in the agreement a provision "that all their impact tees be waived". He noted that H the tees are waived tor all three developers, it would be easier tor Staff in processing the building permits, on a project-by-project basis. In an8Wer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald advised that Ordinance 85-55 states that a land developer may pertorm road improve- ments on the arterial road network at his option. and such improve- ments and the cost can represent road impact tee credits. Mr. Archibald expounded for Commissioner Volpe that the County Attorney's otfice will be providing the agreement at a later point in time. He indicated that the tinal recolDlllendation includes the retund ot impact tees. He reiterated that the developers have paid the impact tees and, therefore, it would be appropriate to retund the ispact tees. Page 16 1V ""-"'--'---"'--' --,'" ._-,-,.,.".. ,-"'",' JANUARY 17, 1989 Finance Director Yonkosky asked it the credit is in excess ot the impact fees b~ing waived? Commissioner Saunders advised that the developers have constructed improvements in excess of a $1 million, and the road impact fees of the dwelling units were built with less then that amount, and the County is giving them a credit tor the impact tees. Commissioner Volpe asked it the County was retunding the ditference between $350,000 and $561.811,00? Commissioner Saunders responded that the impact fees paid would be a portion ot the $350,000 paid. Hr. Giles claritied that the County would not be collecting impact fees for the subdivisions, and Staff can book th~ total value of the improvement of $561,811.00 as improvements, and credited as impact fees. Mr. Archibald explained tor Commissioner Volpe that the agreement does not make provisions for a credit, however, it recognizes the dollar amount that has been put into the arterial road extension, and it waives the impact fees tor those three developments. He noted that some of the developers have already incurred an i!1lpact tee, which will ~e waived by the agreement. Mr. Yonkosky asked it the developers can utilize the $200,000 + someplace else? Commissioner Saunders responded negatively. C088is.ioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Goodnight and carried unanimously, that the road iapact tee credit agreeaent, authorizing the Chairaan to execute the agree8ent, and directing Start to waive and/or retund all iapact tee. tor the Monterey POD, the Sl.-py Ballow POD, and the Bridget POD, be approved. ?g, Page 1«5 .. --"""'--"--"""'" ... .. -.""""-"""-""""""""."".,.. .""...., -"'----""'.'- JANUARY 17, 1989 It... "B2 ALIuN\&J8'¡ OJ' AJf EXISTIXG PRIVATE ROAD AS A rt1TUR.! PUBLIC COLLECTOR ROAD 7OR 'fU IJIMOnLEE AREA, SPECIJ'ICALLY'fRE EXTEXSIO. OJ' COLLIER F ARJII ROAD BrrwED C. R. U6 AJrD C.R. 8ð8; PROPERTY 0M1fERS TO BI COJrI'ACTED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY DIDICATIOH; DEVXLOPMEJn' OJ' ROAD COJrSTlWCTIOR PLAJrS - APPROVED .'" Public Wor~s Administrator Archibald advised that property owners are in the process of impr~ving and aligning portions of an existing road which extends between Immokalee Road (C .R. 846) and 011 We 11 Road (C.R. 858). He noted that the road alignment would be a pot en- tial important future County collector road which would greatly improve circulation in a substantial area ot the County. He stated that the County can work with the property owners tor right-ot-way dedication and development ot construction planR. C088is.ioner Goodnight lIOVed, seconded by Coaai.sioner Shan~han that the alignaent ot an existing tara-to-aarket road.. a tuture collector road tor the 18IIOkalee are. be approved and that Statt be directed to contact the property owners tor road dedication, and to develop a road construction plan and to report back on the te..ibi- lity and economic considerations ot the plan. Mr. Archibald contirmed for Commissioner Shanahan that the time is appropriate to work with the private owners to discuss the rights-ot- way, since they are currently undertaking improvements. He advised Coamissioner Hasse that the entire north segment has been constructed through the sub-grade with some base in place, and the southern segments are in the sub-grade stage. Dpon call tor the question, the 8Otion carried unani80U81y. It.. "83 - Moved troa UB10 FIXAL PLAT OF VILLAGES OF MO~ AT WOODBRIDGE, u.- I T TWO - APPROVZD SOBJZC'f TO STIPOLATIOX5 Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the abo~e- mentioned project has been designed, the plans have been reviewed by Stat!, and he recommends approval subject to standard agreements tor security to provide for the construction phase. He stated that the agreement also includes maintenance security. He noted that the Page 17 qt ow..., -...--.-..-"...",...-----,-".,."."..,........, _0"-""'_--_'.""_"'-""'" ."..".,-"""".".."., -.- ..." ' JANUARY 17, 1989 Subdivision Regulations requires security in the amount ot 110~ ot construction. He noted that after the project's road and drainage improvements are completed, there is a one year maintenance security. He stated that Staff recommends a maintenance security be implemented, and the develcper has offered a 10~ maintenance security for water and sewer or a lO~ maintenance security atter construction tor water, sewer, road and drainage. He recommended approval ot the after construction agreement. He requested that a revision to the agreement for a 10~ maintenance bond be included as a 1ecurity for roads and drainage for a period of one year, although it is not spec1f ically required by the Subdivision Regulations. Project Review Services Manager Madajewski requested that the Board give Statt a policy approval of the 1°' maintenance security for all subdivision improvements tor both public and private rights- of-way, roads. and drainage, until such time as the Subdivision Regulations are updated. He claritied tor Commissioner Volpe that due to the size of Utility Ordinance 88-76, Staff had advised the Board when the Ordinance was adopted that there would be some conflict with the issue of warranties, which Staff is digiligently trying to resolve. He requested that the provisions of Ordinance 88-76 be waived and the standard Subdivision Bond cover the tinal plat items. Assistant County Attorney Weigel advised that the County Attorney's office review 1s tor the documents efficiency. He stated that the agreements have in the past provided tor the 10' maintenance guarantee tor one year subsequent to the completed construction ot the improvements. He noted that in this particular situation, there was no desire by the developer to provide the maintenance guarantee tor the road and drainage. He stated that there is no such require- ment within the Subdivision Regulations. He suggested that the Board go .cautiously" in initiating a policy prior to Ordinances being a.mended. Commissioner Saunders advised that the Board must at this time attend the groundbreaking ceremony tor the new Health tacility, and Page 18 / q~ ,." -.,---,-..-.,.-,-" ---_.""""""-"""""",-,,--,, "'-""'-""""".- ""'-""""" JANUARY 17, 1989 suggested that Mr. Weigel discuss the atorementloned with Mr. Archibald, and advise the Board whether or not to proceed with Statt's reco-endation. ..... Re<:e..: 11 :00 A.M. - Reconvened: 11:30 A.M. at which ti- Deputy Clerk ~yon replaced Deputy Clerk Mendez ..... Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the agreement that was revised and is subject to final approvdl by the County Attorney's office, does include the provisions tor the added main- tenance security. County Attorney Cuyler stated that his position is that the ordi- nance could be clearer in regard to the 10% maintenance, adding that this is something that the Board ot County Commissioners and Start has always required in the past and is something that is going to be claritied in the next tour or five months as part of the new regula- tions. He stated that Statf's position is that they will continue to take the posture that the 10% is something that needs to be part ot the negotiation and part of the agreement and the caution was that this is not specitically written. He noted that Starr will be con- tinuing it6 negotiations for the maintenance element in the saJlle way that it has over the past years. Mr. Archibald stated that trom the Starr standpoint he will be requesting the Board ot County Commissioners as part of tuture agreements to include this item to provide security. He noted that there may be case by case situations where this percentage may have to be changed. eo..i.sioner SMr\.8han lIOVed, Mconded by Comais.ioner Goodnight and carr led unani80U8l y, that the tinel plat tor Villages ot Monterey at Noodbridge, Onit Two be recorded with the following stipulations: 1. That the Board ot County Commissioners approve the Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement ot Subdivision Improvements and authorize the Chairman to execute the same. 2. That the developer post a 10% maintenance security for roads and drainage improvements in addition to the 10% maintenance security for water and sewer improvements tor a period ot one year at the time of preliminary acceptance ot the project. eo..i..ioner Volpe 8Oved, .econded by Co_i..loner 11&8- and carried unani80U8ly, that the existing Subdivi.ion Regulations be Page 1St qu ---"~'--'-" --.. "..,-"",-". ,,_....--."'" " "-",.",,, -"",_._"", "-,,._-, J'AJIUAKT 17, lilt .-nded. to include a provi.ion that would ::'equire a d8v8loper to poet .. MCUri ty an 8JIO'Unt equal to 10J ; tor _intenance of road and örainaoe. Page 20 q'l -----.----. .--.-.. "' JANUARY 17, 1989 It.. ~B. 8OVe4 troa #14B4 RESOLO"1'IO. 89-14 REQt7ZSTIKG TJIE BOARD OJ' TRtJSTEES OJ' TJIE IJfTER1tAL IMPJtO9~T TJWS'f J'U1fI) TO ESTABLISH AX DOSIO. COJITROL LID O. MAJtCO I S r..um - ADOPTED Comaission~r Shanahan stated that h~ would like a better understanding of what is being discussed with regards to the erosion control line. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that as part ot the beach nourishment project, it is necessary for the consultant to establish the mean high water line along those areas that will be sub- j~ct to beach renourishment. He noted that the surveys have been per- formed by the consultant and have been developed into the form ot a plat, adding that the r...quirellll'!nts ot the DNR and the Internal Improvement Trust Fund is that the County adopt a resolution sendjng the plat to the Internal Improvement Trust Fund in order for them to establish public hearing dates on Marco IsJand. He stated that the actua: plat is called the erosion control line survey and will be exe- cuted by the State, adding that the County only prepares the document and submits it to the State and then the State schedules a public hearing in Collier County and upon that public hearjng and the input provided, the State will take action to either execute or not execute that plat of the erosion control line. He noted that the erosion control line is primarily the mean high water line established by sur- vey and is primarily for jurisidictional purposes. Commissioner Volpe questioned where the line is located in rela- tionship to the new coastal construction control line, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the two lines will be COIII- pared in the near future, but at this tillie, he does not have a aap that shows the two lines. He stated that as a general rule, the ero- 8ion control line will be along the mean high water line and the coastal control line will be 100 to 200 teet landward ot that. Mrs. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Women Voters, questioned it the eroflion line is a 30-year erosion according to DNR, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald replied negatively, Page 21 ) () 1 -----, "'-"'-'-"""'-""'" JANUARY 11, 1989 adding that this line is simply to depict an existing mean high water line at the date that the survey was pertormed, which was done in 1988. He noted that the purpose of this line is to establish mean high water so that when the beach nourishment occurs, there is a control line relative to pr~perty rights. Mrs. Westman indicated that there would be a meeting at 1:30 P.M. this evening at Mackel Hall to discuss the proposed construction line. Mr. George Keller, President ot the Collier County Civic Federation, stated that when a high water mark is set up, the public has a right to use all that beach up to the high water mark, adding that the line should be set to where th~ natural high water mark wa. a reM years ago betore the erosion developed in order to establish a reasonable line tor the property owners and the public in general. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Chapter 161 indi- cates that the survey has to be current and has to reflect the mean high water as it currently exists, theretore, he is prevented trom going back in time and considering another location ot that line. Co..issioner Shanahan stated that the erosion line will be seen very shortly and everyone will be protected by the public hearings that the State will be holding, adding that he would suggest that input be lIIade at these hearings. He stated that in order to b. able to go forward on the beach renourishment, this plat has to be pre- sented to the State. Co8al.sioner Shanahan 8OVed, Mcon4ed by C088issioner Goodnight and carried unanl80U8ly, that Resolution 89-14 requesting the Board ot True t... 0 t the Internal Iaprove-.nt Trust Fund to establish an ero- .ion control line on Marco I.land be adopted. Page 22 JOP --.,-,.,-.-.----.-... ,"...".'---"-"" , - . --,----.-.. JANUARY 17, 1989 ~. '; -, ,", It.. "8& 8O'V8d troa 'UB4 ','< ACCPS USZXD"f FOR LEGAL ACCESS J'ROM C.R. 1151 TO TD JDPLES OOI3 ESTATES DrnLOPMKJr'f - APPROVED Commissioner Volpe stated that he simply wanted to know where the access road would be in relationship to Davis Blvd. and C.R. 951, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the location is approxiaately 300 or more teet south ot Davis Blvd. 011 C.R. 951. He stated that it is consistent with the Master Plan as part ot the Naples Golt Estates development, adding that this agreement is tor an easement that gives the developer the right to cross the canal at a specific location. He stated that the agreement: provides tor the necessary stipulations for compliance with all County regulations in etfect, adding that this is simply assuring the developer ot a per- manent location to cross the canal. He stated that the access point will be the main entrance to the development which is consistent with the planned development. Co..issioner Volpe questioned it the construction entrance has been established at this time. to which Mr. Archibald stated that this develop.ent will have two access points; one on C.R. 951 and one on Davis Blvd. east ot C.R. 951, adding that either access could be used tor construction purposes. He stated that before construction trattic could use the access on C.R. 951, an appropriate crossing would have to be built and there would also have to be a turn-lane with a median opening built. Commissioner Volpe questioned it the actual cost ot the acce.. will be borne by the developer, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald replied attirmatively. Co8ai..ioner Volpe JIOVed, .econded by C088issioner Sh-lmahan and carried unani80U8ly, that the access e.....nt tor legal access troa C.R. 9!H to the .aples Golt Estate. nevelopaent be approved. J}~ ~~ -/ --~ C v~ Z; ~ 7"T< ~ --- ~ '/~()/i'f. Page 23 }O~ -- -, d""_"_-"'.'--.- JANUARY 17, 1989 It.. "Be ~ troa .UBð BID .88-1321 FOR COKSTRUCTIO. CO~C'f FOR GOLDER GATE PARXMAY DOUBLE LEn TURJ( I.A1fJ: IMPROV1!X1DfTS AT J1J1(CTIOK C. R. 8ð1 AJn) FOR GUARDRAIL IKSTALLATIOK ALOKG AIRPORT-PULLIKG ROAD KORTH OF PIKE RIDGE ROAD - AMARDED TO BI1TER ROADS , INC. IK THE AMOUKT OF 81ð6,327.01 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ~ce.ber 11, and December 18, 1988, as evidenced by Atfidavit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, bids were received tor Bid .88-1321 for Golden Gate Parkway double left-turn lane improve.ents at Junction ot C.R. 851 and for guardrail installation along Airport-Pulling Road north ot Pine Ridge Road. until 2:30 P.M. January 6, 1989. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the total dollar aaount for this project based on the tour bids received was a low bid submitted by Better Roads in the amount at $156,327.01 and Staft is recoaaending that the Board of County Commissioners approve a contract with the low bidder. Coaaissioner Volpe stated that a part of the reason for this work is because of the development that is occurring at the intersection of Merchantile and Airport Road. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this work will take place at the intersection of Golden Gate Parkway, adding that there is one segment ot work at the junction with Merchantile Avenue, but this is simply increasing the storage lane tor that turning aove- .ent. He stated that this will benetit a large number of owners, adding that there i. not one specitic development that is causing this improvement to be done. CO88ieeioner H..e. moved, seconded by Co..issioner Sn.n.han and carried unanillOWJly, that Bid .88-1321 to awarded to Better Roads, Inc. in the 88OUnt ot $166,327.01 .. the low bidder. It.. nB7 moved tro8 .14B8 ARCRIT'ECT'aRAL COln'RACT WITH WI.SOR/FARICY FOR BUILDIXG J, PB.I.SE on (S~FF S JAIL AXD ADMIKISTRATIOX OFFICES) IX TBE AMOUX'f or $ii,8ðO - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is an agreement with the consulting firm to provide services tor the expan- Page 24 ]0(' "---"-"""'.- .-... ",.-,- ---,-,~_.,.,-.._"._,."" .." "..-,..------ JANUARY 17, 1989 8ion ot the jail and the Sherift'8 administration area, adding that thiø is a follow-up of the Board's direction from February 23, 1988, to negotiate a contract with the short-listed firm ot Winsor/Faricy. He stated that the contract has been developed in two phases, adding that the first phase is for the feasibl1ty study for planning ot the expansion and the location and initial schematic designs. He stated that the dollar amount for the tirst phase is $99,8~"'.OO, adding that this would occur during the current year. He stated that Phase Two involves the final design which is detailed drawings and specifica- tions tor the expansion based upon the preliminary work performed by the consultant, and would require Board approval. He noted that the dollar amount for Phase Two is $397,700. He stated that there are no fund. in the current year to proceed to Phase Two but the contract provides for an option by the Board at such time as Phase One is completed. Comaissioner Volpe questioned it the architect has accepted this dollar aaount based on the time period that has lapsed since the tigures were submitted, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald replied affirmatively, adding that he has an executed copy ot the contract. Co..issioner Saunders questioned if the County Attorney's ottice has reviewed the contract, to which Assistant County Attorney Weigel replied affirmatively. eo-issioner Shanahan 8OVed, seconded by Co-issloner Bas" and carried unan180U8ly, that the architectural contract with Min80r/Faricy tor Building -3- in the UIOU%1t of $99,860 be a~oved and the Chai1'88n authorized to execute ~. , " Page 25 )0& ,."'" -. ..,.-. '.""""-"""""",-"""""""",..".. ,."""""",."""-"_..,,,,,--,--_. "",-"""",.__.._,"'"""" ., " ., JANUARY 17, 1989 It- nB8 8OV8d trOll .UB6 30RWSOX EXGIrEERIKG, IKC. TO PERl"ORM A COMPRE1Å’JfSIVE KATn MA.KAGULIUI'I' STUDY UD UALYSI5 OJ' THE BILLE MEADE - ROYAL PALM RAMMOCX DRAIJfAGZ BASI. AS ADDITIO.AL COJl'TRACT SERVICES RELATIJfG TO THE PLAJfWED J'OUR-LAII.G AJrD ASSOCIATED CA1fAL IMPROVEME1n'S TO C.R. 9151 AJrD 5.R. 84 II' Tg AMOUJn' O'~81, 600 - A?PROVZD Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the Board has a contract currently with Johnson Engineering to undertake the design tor expanding C.R. 951 to tour-lanes from U.S. 41 to S.R. 84. He stated that as part of the contract, the expansion ot the existing canal was not included because it was hIt that this would involve a lengthy time trame and he did not want to hold up the design of the road project. He stated that he felt that he would come back at a later point in time with a contract that would include the water 88Oa- ge.ent aspects. He noted that there is a current contract tor the road design underway which calls tor making only minor improvements to the existing canal and he is asking that this contract be expanded to include some water management improvements to the existing system which would involve the design ot a canal system that will include canal crossings and some control structures so that it will serve the future need of the 951 corridor at the point of development. He stated that based upon some funding that is available in the Water Management Department, he is asking that approximately $81,600 be allocated for the design of the water management aspect of the 951 Canal, keeping in mind that this effort will not slow down the road project. He stated that he is asking that the same consultant under- take the water management aspects ot the canal improvements jointly with the road construction. but not as a joint contract. He noted that the tirst part of construction will be the southern seg.ent of tour-Ianing S.R. 9151 from U.S. 41 n?rthward to Rattlesnake Haamock Road which will not involve any canal relocation and the next contract will be to tour-lane C.R. 9151 from Rattlesnake Hammock Road northward to S.R. 84 which may become a joint contract tor both canal improve- aents and road improvements. He stated that because ot the expertise of the consultants and the advantages for construction tor that por- Page 26 Jg' - ..--.--.."" """- - ,.",-.....".",..--." JANUARY 17, 1989 tion ot C.R. 951, it would be in the best intere~t ot the County to expand the current contract. Commissioner Shanahan questioned it the funding has already been budgeted, to which Public WorKs Administrator Archibald stated that the Donies are currently available in Water Management 'Fund 325, adding that they are earmarked for this particular basin which inclu- des this project, Finance Director YonKosKY stated that the money that the Board js being asked to approve is a portion of the contract that is not related to roads and money trom this fund is ga3 tax tunds and cannot be spent on anything except roads and asked that he be given per- .ission to charge this money to the correct water management funds when the invoices CODe in. Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that on almost every one ot the construction contracts tor road improvements, they involve a aajor water management improvement of some kind and typically that cost is identified up tront and at the end of the job, the Road Fund would invoice the Water Management Fund in the total amount because this is the easiest way to keep track of the monies. Coaa1ssioner Shana~.n aoved, .econded by Coaaissioner Goodnight and carr ied unani80U81 y, that Johnson Engineering, Inc. be authorized to perform a comprehensive water aanageaent study and analysis ot the Belle Meade - Royal Pal. Ba,..,clt Drainage Ba8in .. additional contract service. relating to the planned four-laning and ..sociated canal 1çrov.wmts to C.R. 951 and S.R. 8' in the aaount ot $81,500. Page 27,,~'1?jg~ ~: '., . . "-""'-',",,"'-"'." .... --""""""'-""""".' ................'.'...., JANUARY 17, 1989 It- ~1 REPORT nOM T'H!: COLLIER COt11lTY AD HOC COtOrI'l"l'EE FOR THE HOMELESS - AÅ“JLt"'t.tD AXD PERJUJfE1f1' ADVISORY BOARD TO BE CREATED AJrD STAJ'J' TO NORX WITH ADVISORY BOARD IX DRATl'IXG A COUKTY-tfIDE HOIÅ’LESS AS S t ST AJfCJ; PLAJf Public Ser~ices Administrator O'Donnell stated that the Collier County Ad Hoc Committee for the Hom~less was established by the Board ot County Commissioners pursuant to Resolution 88-111 on May 10, 1988 and coaprised at 9 individuals who were directed to report their t1n- dings to the Board within 90 days. He stated that on August 10, 1988, the co-ittee requested a 120 day extension ot time to complete the repor t. He noted that there have be~n several meetings held and several site visits made to homeless camps, etc. He stated that the report was unanimously approved by the committee. Mr. Ray Carroll, Acting Chairman ot the Ad Hoc Committee tor the Homeless, referred to the report in the Executive Summary, noting that he is simply asking that the Board create a permanent advisory board to coordinate with the private sector agencies that are already working to help the homeless in the area and to interrace with Statt in the County and see that the lines of communication are kept open. He stated that he is also asking that Statt be directed to work with the above-mentioned advisory board to dratt a comprehensive County- wide homeless assistance plan tor the County. Co8ais.ioner S~n.h.n aoved, .econded by CO88issioner Goodnight, that the report on the hoaele.. tro. the Collier County Ad Hoc Co..itt.. tor the Ho.eles. be accepted and. permanent advisory board be cr..ted and .tatt be directed to work with said advi.ory board in dratting a Ctrol\t'y-w1de ho_l... assistance plan. Commissioner Saunders stated that when this plan is developed, the Board will have a chance to look at what the elements will be and what the cost will be, it any, to the County, adding that this i. not COm- 8itting Collier County to any particular act. Mr. George Keller, President of the Collier County Civic Federation, stated that most committees that are tormed are only advi- Page 28 Jgq ,-..,-.-,--- -,--- -»,,- ... .-_."",-".-"..,-,,----, ","",' J'.NUARY 17, 1989 80ry and it is not required that their input be made into a comprehen- sive County-wide plan. Co..iss10ner Saunders stated that this committee will also only be an advisory co..ittee and they will work with staft to develop such a plan which will be brought back to the Board for approval betore any implementation takes place. Opon call tor the question, the 8Otion carried unani80U8ly. It.. ~2 FlJUJIC:IAL OR I...U"D SWAP .ARRAJlGDmn'5 TO BE MADE I I' Arl SCHOOL 0MJmD/cxn¡.-n DZVILOPED AJm OPERAnD PAn FACIt.ITIES ARE GIVU t1P Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is to inform the Co..ission of an existing 1974 agreement that the County has with the School District relative to the use ot school owned but Coun ty developed and operated park facilities and its Impact upon the Gr~h Management Plan. He stated that in May, 1974, the County and the School District entered into an agreement whereas the County, at its expense, would develop various park facilities that would be located on school site tacilities wh1ch are Golden Gat~, Naples Parle. Poinciana, Seagate, Shadowlawn and Tommie Bartield Elementary Schools and Iamokalee High School. He stated that over th... years, a nUlllber ot tac1lities have been put In, generally, softball fields and tennis -;ourts, adding that the County has incurred consIderable expense in putting in these facilIties and maintaining them over the years. He stated that the County staff has been advised that the City ot Naples was interested under its proposed annexation to consider entering into an agreement with the School District for the operation ot Seagate Park, which is contained within the 1974 agreement. He stated that it is Statf's recommendation that this park cannot be piecemealed separa- tely trom the 1974 agreement without redoing the entire agreement. He stated that at Seagate there are S02e major recreational programs; women's softball; men's 35 bnd over softball league; girl's softball; and North Naples Little League also uses this balltield. He stated that all these facilities are inventoried in the County's Growth Page 29 ~O .-,-.-..-.--.. "'-"" - .. -.."...-, ."'..-. .. .. ---".,......., ."..,.-,.".-.."......,..........., jANUARY 17, 1989 Manageaent Plan and any loss to the County would increase the deti- ciency in the Recreation and Open Space Element; theretore, Starr's reco..endation is to object to any changes in its tacilities inventory that would i.pact negatively in increasing the deticiency in the Recreation and Open Space Element unless the County is to secure ott- setting funds to develop additional facilities elsewhere to eliminate this deficiency. Co..issioner Saunders questioned what the position of the School Board is in reference to Seagate, to which Parks «Recreation Director Crawtord stated that the School Board will be discussing this aatter Thursday evening at their meeting. H.... stated that it is his understanding that the School Board will be encouraging the City and the County to work out an agreement that would be satisfactory to both parties and they will support such an agreement. County Manager Dorrill stated that Start is looking tor an expression ot support on the Board's behalt related to the Starr's position. He stated that if this facility is transterred to the City, then the County should be reimbursed for similar asset values and he is si.ply looking for acknowledgment that it the Start pursues this aatter, they will be looking tor some in-kind replacement tacil1ty or cash value. Co..issioner Saunders questioned if the agreement provides tor reimbursement or replacement, to which County Attorney Cuyler stated that the agreement provides that it the School Board takes the tacil1- ties for their sale use, they have the requirement to reimburse the County for capital expenditures. Co..issioner Shanahan questioned what happens to the agreement it the ownership to this park is transferred, to which County Manager Dorrill stated that the agreement would be subject to some amendment. CO88issionsr Sh.8nahan 8OVed, seconded by Co..issionsr Saunders and carr led unani80U81 y, that it the Coun~ gives up Seagate Park, there will be proper reiabur.e..nt, either land 8M8p11 or tinancial re1a- bw-888n t. Page 30 I~l -"".-, . ..-..,---.,... , """.. _._~"-,.,,.,...- ...-.."'.__......,-", JANUARY 17, 1989 It.. ~3 HEALTH 01(11' TO APPLY FOR COMMUKI'l'Y DXVELOP1a]fl' BLOCJ: GR.U"1' l'UJIDS o. BIJ!AL7 OJ' TIm BeC FOR TRX 1989 FU1rDING CYCLE - APPROV1!:D Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that the Collier County Health Unit received permis~ion to apply to the DCA for a block grant in the amount of $7,090.00 noting that traditionally the department has applied for these funds over the past three years and it is targeted for a dental program. He stated that it is geared tor persons of less than 100' of poverty, adding that there would be no tiscal impact on behalf of the County. He stated that the required in-kind aatch ot 2~ would be made up from the State Collier County Health Unit budget and would not require County dollars, theretore, he is requesting permission for the Health Unit to apply tor the grant. Co8ai..ioner Goodnight aaoved, seconded by eo..issioner 8ha~h.n and carried unani80U81y, that the Health Unit be authorized to apply tor CO88tU1i ty d8velop8ect block grant funds ln the 88n1nt ot $1,090 on behalt ot the Board tor the 1989 tundlng cycle, Itea~. RESOLUTION 89-lð REQUESTING FINAXCIAL ASSI5TAXCE UKDKR TRX FLORIDA DEVELOPKDT PROGRAX FOR UST .APLES COMMUJII'l'Y PARI: - ADOPTED Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that the Board pre- viously approved this item on October 11, 1988 by way of Resolution 88-263 which was then forwarded to the State, adding that the State requested 80me changes in the resolution. He stated that this will enable the County to receive $120,000 in State tunds toward the construction of the tacilities at East Naples Community Park. He indicated that the program is set up on a two tor one match which means two local dollars for everyone dollar ot State dollars involved and would require $240,000 in County tunds. He stated that the monies have been programmed tor this project and therutore, would not require any additional dollars. He stated that this resolution is a redraft pursuant to a request made by the State and he is asking that the Board approve this resolution, again. ~.sionsr Goodnight aaoved, .econded by Co-issloner S1u¡Mlhan Page 31 J~~ "-..-"...,...-.--,,,,""""'.' "" ."'.."".-.."""""',".-,--- """,--",."""""", '" "" J'AJrUARr 17, un an4 carr i ed 1m8D 18'U8 1 y, that Resolution 89-1& reque8ting financial _sistance under the Florida Developaent Progr- tor East: .lIpl.s C088UD.1 ty Park be adopted. Parks & Recreation Director Crawford stated that the appropriate docuaents to the two contractors tor the construction ot the East Naples Coamunity Park has been received by the Purchasing Departaent and they are currently in the County Attorney's ottice under review. He indicated that once the contractors are notified to proceed with the physical construction of the park, they have approximately two weeks to aobilize and begin construction. - J~~ Page 32 ,'., ""._"'-~'-""-'-' - ~ . ~ .".", '.." ._",.,~ . ,-,---""" ",-, "".", " ,---",'-"""""""""""""""'-"- JANUARY 17, 1989 It.."D2 BID .888-1311 .ORTH COOITT RZGIOKAL WASTEWATER TREATMX8T FACILITY EXPUSIOJr - R.E.nCTID IJfD TO BE REB::D Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that he had estimated $4 million for the North County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility expansion, but the bids that came in were unreasonable as the low bidder was slightly over S~ million. He stated that with rebidding and inserting some bid alternates within the bid, the price can be brought down considerably. He stated that he is requesting that Bid #B88-1311 be rejected and that Starr be authorized to rebid this pro- ject. Co..issioner Volpe questioned it any thought was given to the possibility ot waiving the competitive bid requirements and nego- tiating with the existing bidders, to which Mr. Crandall stated that he gave some thought to this, adding that there are a couple ot large firlls in Collier County that indicated that the timing was simply not good and he feels that he will get a better response the second time around. He indicated that all the bidders have stated that they will be rebidding again plus there will be additional bidders. Comaissioner Saunders stated that the reason that all bids are being rejected and a request is proposed to rebid thi8 project is because the five bids are greatly in excess ot what had been esti- mated. adding that it is not because there are local contractors that want an opportunity to bid on this matter. Utilities Administrator Crandall indicated that this is correct, noting that there will be somewhat of a delay because ot this rebid, but he teels that it is necessary based on the existing bide that were received. Co8a1..ioner Goodnight 8OVed, Mconded by C088is.ioner B_- and carried unani80U8ly, that Bid .B88-1311 tor the Kor~h County Regional Maatewater Treat..nt Facility Expansion be rejected and rebid. Tape n It.. .9Fl STAn 1'0 DEVELOP .urn PRESIDf'f IX TRRE.! MEED AK ACTIOK PLU U '!'U EVD'T TO CITY OF KAPLE5 AJOrEXATIO. IS APPROVED AKD '1'U CITY OF .,ApLES 1'0 RES PO ~ TO TBJ: C 0 tnfI'Y I S MR I TTEK MEMO I K on WE E1C Page 33 J«I~ ,--_.. .-_._, .,------- ' . JANUARY 17, 1989 County Hanager Dorr ill reterred to the County Statt Analysis ot the City of Naples proposed annexation stating that it has not been the Staff's desire for the County to take an adversarlal position to the City of Naples' desired annexation plans. He stated that this matter is for the City to convince selected neighborhoods to annex into the City. He noted that the County's plans with regards to the City's proposed annexation plans evolve around matters related to actual cost and whether or not they can be portrayed in a different light as they would impact a homeowner in a particular scenario. He 8tated that between his office and the Clerk's ottice they have pre- pared a number of 8cenarios that seems to reflect the cost impact in a different light than the City's scenarios. He indicated that perhaps the City should propose some difterent scenarios as they relate to single family type dwelling units within the target areas. He stated that the other area deals with service delivery, adding that Start Is challenging the City to be a little more direct and perhaps adopt a time and dollar specitic service delivery type of schedule. He stated that the final area involves the quality ot lite issues, adding that this is one area where the County has nothing to be ashamed of. He stated that he questions whether Park Shore is a better quality ot life neighborhood than Pelican Bay or whether the Hoorings enjoys a better quality of life than the Vineyards. He stated that upon a closer and more direct analysis, it will be found that the County's most recent and comprehensive plan an~ the goals, objectives and poll- cies contained within that plan, in conjunction with the development review standards and processes that are in place in the County meet, and in some instances, exceed similar development revIew standards as they relate to quality of life issues. He stated that Starr has two reco_endations; 1) that the County encourage the City to respond in writing to the three areas that were mentioned so that there can be bet ter information available to the voter so that they can base a deci8ion and 2) that the Board will have to be prepared to adopt policies related to revenue measures as part of the 1989-90 tiscal Page 34 / tit .-""". ,.."-.".. - ~-"-,""...".,"....",._--"..^",",-_.--",,,' ,---.-...,"__._0"__- --"',-.-..-- ..._-- .. luuMY 17, ,... ,~ year budget and indirectly related to that, pol~ies on impact fees will have to be adopted. I Commissioner Volpe stated that he read the Statf analysis and the .~ report that was provided to the City, noting that he concurs with the Gounty Manager's recollUllendations. Coamissioner Shanahan indicated that the analysis says that resi- dents in the proposed area will pay more for government services it annexed; annexation will not result in any appreciable change in the quality of lite; and community standards will not be appreciably enhanced as a result of annexation. He stated that if the annexation is approved by both sides, the unincorporated area will have to take up a nUJllber of taxation areas to pay and compensate tor what looks lilce a bad move, adding that he does not see any benetits that would be derived from this annexation. He stated that he would support Staff's recoamendation to have the City prepare a report in wr i ting.s to what the benefits will be. City Manager Jones stated that the City has approached this issue w lth the interest ot providing all the information to the people that will be making the decision. He noted that he feels that the City should provide a report to the Board with the requested intormation and he would ask that betore any decision or response is made, the Board first review said report. He noted that the annexation area is aade up ot one-third single-tamily homes and two-thirds multi-family hom.s. He stated that he is asking that the Board approve an inter local agreement that would allow the City to include within its comprehen- sive plan, portions of each elements of the plan tor the annexation area. He stated that with regards to the quality of lite issues, the people in these areas will have to make that decision. He indicated that he would like to have one week to prepare a written respons. to the County's analysis. Commissioner Saunders stated that the interlocal agreement will be discussed under the County Attorney's report. He stated that there has been a lot of talk about the type ot development that will be con- Page 3ð ,~q "'«'"."-_.._,.".,"~,' 0"""0"0""_"""""""<"""'_-"'<' .. ",."".".<"..,"'.'-----",- "-"---,_. ""._"","- W~ . """ JANUARY 17, 1989 tinuing in the Park Shore area under the City government as opposed to what the developer can currently do under County government and questioned it there is an agreement that has recently been signed that explain~ what this developer can do? City Manaçer Jones stated that the City is responding to interest and requests that they have had over the past three years trom pro- perty owners and residents that surround the City, adding that Florida Statutes requires sollie approval ot this major property owner. He stated that in order for the issue to be taken to the voters in that area, that developer and the City have been discussing a development agreement that would, in effect, set the land use criteria tor that property. He stated that the specifics of this agreement is very si8ilar to the plan that has been approved by the Board 20 years ago and the Staft and the developer feel that it is in the best interest ot the City, the Developer, and the residents of the area to have an agreemen t that would reflect this. Co..issioner Saunders stated that he has heard that there has been an agreement worked out with the North Naples Fire District concerning the provision of tire service and questioned it this is accurate? City Manager Jones stated that this has been discussed with the Chiet of the Korth Naples Fire District and the status 18 that the discussions at the Stat! level has resulted in a proposal tor a ser- vice provision, adding that he is supposed to meet with the tire otti- cials on Wednesday. He noted that there will have to be some financial arrangement to compensate tor whatever service arrangements are _de. He noted that the City feels that the agreement that is being worked on will be tair and will cover the tire service needs in the area. CollAis.ioner Saunders stated that there has been a perception that the County is not providing equal or adequate police protection, EMS, water and sewer services, and all types of governmental services which is one of the rallying cries for annexation, adding that the police protection in Collier County i. excellent; the tire protection is Page 36 ¡(D - -,-.-., .,-..'"..",.-."'--_.,,--,-, No_.. "',.-..".,.." -- JANUARY 17, 1989 excellent; the EMS and the governmental service. are excellent and he hopes that the public does not perceive that Collier County Js second best to any coaaunity. He stated that there are some real issu.. that the County needs to resolve with regards to the City's annexation, adding that there needs to be an action plan that assumes that this matter will pas.. He noted that the City and the County should discuss the two reports so that the people that are voting on this matter will have the information that they need to make a reasonable decision. He stated that atter this is done, it should be brought , back in about three weeks. Cocaissioner Hasse questioned who will participate in this referenduJl, to which City Manager Jones stated that the registered voters that live within the area that is to be annexed or within the City will be the ones that vote on this matter. Commissioner Volpe questioned how this issue will be presented to the voters, to which City Kanager Jones stated that the ballot has been printed and it contains an issue tor the residents in the area ot Park Shore, adding that they must vote attirmatively tor annexation to be affected there. He stated that there is also an issue to be decided by the registered voters who are in the general area between Airport Road and U.S. 41 which must also be an attirmative vote. He indicated that there will also be two issues that the registered voters ot the City ot Naples must decide and they must approve both annexations attirmatively. He stated that this will be done through a mail ballot that will be mailed around February 15, 1989, and will have to be returned to the Supervisor ot Elections by March 7, 1989, by 7:00 P.M. Comaissioner Saunders questioned if an opinion has been received concerning the validi ty of a mail ballot cn t~e issue ot annexation, to which City Manager Jones replied attirmatively, adding that this matter has been contirmed. City Attorney Rynders stated that he discussed with the Division ot Elections the questions that they had regarding the mail ballot and Page 37 J!'I ? """,- ,-"",._------."..,."c.M_"".'_"""'."""-'" " , "..,..-, ,"".,"',",.-..------ '-.--".'-- c_-.,...-_c " .7AJroARY 17, 1989 they were satistied that there would be no problem. He .tated that he does not have an opinion in writing. City Manager Jones stated that he has been explaining to peopl, that are in the annexation area that thE, currently receive so.. of their services from the Board, some services troll an elected Sheritt, they receive services fro. an elected tire district and they receive considerable services from the City in the fora of water and sewer in that area. He stated that he is oftering to these people that these services be consolidated unde~ one management group, one accountable elected body, and allow them to be served a little more efticiently by one body. Chiet jones ot North Naples Fire District stated that he ie con- cerned with the annexation, adding that a large percentage ot the revenue Comes troll the proposed annexed area. Øe stated that the agreement that has been discussed does not furnish the citizens in the proposed area the rescue protection that they are now receiving. Øe noted that there is no agreement in any written tor. at this time. He indicated that when they have discussed this matter with various civic and condo associations, it has always been asked where the County stands on this issue. Coaaissioner Saunders stated that when the two reports are COm- pared and analyzed, it will be known what the County's position i. on the annexation matter. Co8a1..ioner Saund.rs aoved, .econded by Co8aissioner Volpe 8D4 carried unani80U8ly, that the Coun~ Statt be directed to develop an ...........tion action plan in the event that annexation is approved, an4 be brought back within three ...ea an4 that the C1~ at .epIc-. reap0n4 to the Ccnm~'s aeJ8Orandua on annexation in a week in order to have that input in developing the action plan. ..... aece.s: 1:1ð P.M. - Reconvened: 1:215 P.M. at which ti.. Deputy Clerk Mendez replaced Deputy Clerk Eenyon ..... It.. "1'2 ~RIA.L I. MEMORY OF GEOROI PIT'.rM.U - APPROVBD Public Services Administrator O'Donnell requested approval at an appropriate memorial in memory ot George Pittman, who devoted much Page 38 '" , "- 15'z" .' ----' ~._.' "-.-..-----.,,.. . ....,",."......._---,-'_'.- '-.'---"....- JANUARY 17, 1989 time and effort to the County, and requested that a suitable memorial at one of the County's park site be designated. eo.ais.ioner Ba... 8OVed, secon4ed by C088i.sioner Volpe 8n4 carried anani87U81Y' authorizing an appropriate 888Orial tor George Pit13lm. It- iJ9Gl M1!:JiIOR.UIDOM OW tnrDERSTAlfDI.G WITH 'fKE GOLDD GA'l'K I'IU COIlTROL JJfD RUCt1E DISTRICT - APPROVED. STA7I' TO PURSUE BID PROPOSAL SOLICITATIOX P'ROCESS raR GOLDE)( GATE IJfD XOR'l'B XAPLES PRASE I EMERGDCY SERVICES COMPLEX Emergency Services Administrator Reardon advised that The Meaorandum of Understanding is a non-binding document that sets the tone and scope ot the project which is a joint venture between the County and the the Golden Gate Fire and Rescue District. He noted that the facility will consolidate joint services; Emergency Medical Services, the Golden Gate Fire District, and the Sheritt's substation. He indicated that the terms and conditions are outlined in the package intoraation. He noted that tunds are budgeted tor the current tiscal year Capital Improvement Fund. Mr. Reardon advised Commissioner Volpe that the agreement allows tor the purchase of the facility at any time during the life ot the agreement by the Golden Gate Fire Control District. He noted that it would be purchased with fixed costs such as impact tees, a set price on the property value, and the structure would be depreciated at a rate ot 3.33% over a 30-year term. Mr. Reardon confirmed for Commissioner Shanahan that in the net savings figure there is no inclusion for intlation. Co8alssioner B..se 8OVed, seconded by Co..issioner Shanahan that the Me8orandua ot Understanding with the Golden Oate I'ire Control District be approved, and that and Statt be directed to pursue the bid proposal solicitation proce.s tor the Golden Oat. Phas. I K8ergency Services Coaplex. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Reardon expounded that the concept is "new", that it will be beneticial to the Golden Gate area Page 39 J~~ ------.,..,.....-.'. " ..-----.,.-. ... JANUARY 17, 1989 residents, and the County. He advised that the contract is designed to allow the County to renegotiate or re-establish teras and con- ditions with a new entity. Coamissioner Saunders suggested that the language on Page 1~ ot the Memorandum be clarified, which should indicate that the contract can be renegotiated as previously explained. County Attorney Cuyler advised that the district would always have the opportunity to purchase the tacility, and is a provision within the contract. Upoa. call tor the question, the 8Otion carried 1man180U8ly. Co..issioner Volpe asked if the aforementioned motion included the bid proposal process tor the North Naples District, to which Co..issioner Saunders responded that it did not. eo.a.ts.ioner Volpe JIOVed, ..conded by C088i88ioner Baa.. an4 carried unani80U8ly, directing Statt to pursue bid proposal solicita- tion process tor .0. .aples, Phase I, E8ergency Services CO8plex. "Î ,t ~..!t! .J> 'l~' '¡ì..)..~: E :"';{ I,:,,: :...-!,..,' "'>,' ~"ì }'} J ,,¡,I ~ 'ii(.., Page 40 ¡rf "-' " ""-"'""" -.--..-",'..,-... ,. ,;ANUARY 17, 1989 It.. ~2 PRESD'fATIO1f S'tJ'ØURIZIRG THE 1UP'OR'fS or THE CITIZDS GROW S'1't1DYI.ø THE ISSUE or FIRE CO1fSOLIDATIOW - ACCEPTED City of Naples resident Chuck Mohlke advised that at the last lIeetinç¡ of the Citizens Study Group, the Committee directed him to provide the Board with an update ot fire consolidation. He indicated that on July 19, 1988, the Board was requested to approved a three track system to address the issue of Fire Consolidation. He ind.1cated that the fire service professional coamunity would be involved in pro- viding their expertise. and data. He stated that a Citizens Fire Consolidation Study would be appointed. and the County would organize 8 project tea. which will be addressing the issue trom the standpoint of the Board and the County Manager's ottice. He stated that on Auguat 24, 1988, a letter was sent to a wide range ot civic 8S80- ciations, property owners groups, and others requesting their par- ticipation. He stated that the group met tor the tirst tille on September 21, 1988, and recently coapleted its s.v.nth aeeting. He advised that on Thursday, January 19, 1989, the group will hold it. eighth meetinç¡. and the Board will be provided with an Agenda, and the minutes of prior meetings. He stated that the Coll1lllittee 1s trying to implellent a cost etfective systell by providing integrated tire ser- '.-ice for the residents, by establishing a level ot service pertormance standards for each of the tire districts and the County, He noted that the independent tire districts are exempt trom the Comprehensive Planning, and the Committee is attempting to rind a way to include planning for the independent tire districts inside the networks ot the Growth Manaç¡ement process. He questioned it there is a concept in the County that supports tire consolidation? He indicated that the Co_ittee will be consulting with community groups and noted that the Naples Chamber of Commerce, and the Economic Development Council ot Collier County have expressed an interest in the issue, He requested that the Board give consideration to providing a service 1n the form of a sottware package that will permit a thorough analysis Page U J~D ---,- . -""---"'-""""'-"""'--.'."-""--"'- ,. ."-'_'_"..0--"_'--'-- ._-- ~ JANUARY 17, 1989 of the data to be provided. Commissioner Volpe asked it people would be surveyed within the fire districts to determine if they would be agreeable with the issue of fire consolidation? Mr. Mohlke advised that after the process ot obtaining data from the Fire Commissioners is initiated, there will be an attempt to reach residents in the districts and ask tor their par- ticipation. Co..issioner S~unders advised that no action was necessary, and thanked Mr. Mohlke for his efforts, and his continued work on the Co_ittee. It.. .IOA A.IuuI ~ . TO THE nBRC ART t, 1988 IJrTERLOCAL A~"1' BrnßD CI'IT or JLU'LØ AJrD COLLIER COtnrTY IDJDfTIFYI.G THE CITY'S Amru....no. AR.JtA - MPrwvJW WITH ~GES County Attorney Cuyler reterred to the City Manager's letter ot December 27, 1988 and the amendment to the joint City/County Interlocal Agreement which is still in effect. He noted that the City has already passed the amendment and is requesting that the County pass it, which was entered into on February 9, 1988. He stated that the Interlocal Agreement provides that the County statt notity the City of Naples in regard to public petitions e.g. rezones, PUD 's and planned amendments tor their comments. He advised that "New Paragraph" 5 authorizes the City to exercise comprehensive planning power8 within the proposed annexation area. He suggested that some wording be included that specifies that the paragraph will be void it the March 7, 1989 referendum is not approved by the voters. City Attorney Rynders 8tated that he had discussed the atoreaen- tioned addendum with Mr. Cuyler, and he did not object to the inclu- .ion ot the language. Mr. Cuyler suggested that an additional sentence be included showing that the Agreement is not for the purpose ot encouraging annexation, but merely to cooperate with the City in the event that annexation is approved; Mr. Rynders did not have any objections to the 0, J~.!,' Page 42 ---..-. ". ..,.-,...-"..--.,.-,-,---, ,'O'.' "..",-,,"'-"".'."""""'- JANUARY 17, 1989 sentence. Mr. Rynders advised that the purpose ot the amendment is to pro- vide certainty to property owners and developers ot the City's plans in regard to annexation. He confirmed tor Commissioner Volpe that the annexation are3 i8 included in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and noted that the Department of CommunIty Affairs had suggested that the City get the Interlocal Agreement to ensure that no legal issue could be raised. He stated that DCA commented that the annexation agreement would foreclose any possibility of a legal issue arising trom the City's initiated comprehensive planning for the area. He advised that the City's Comprehensive Plan was adopted January 4, 1969. Commissioner Saunders stated that if the Board did not approve the Agreement the City would have to readopt their Comprehensive Plan to cover the area. Acting Co..unity Development Administrator Ollitf indicated that he has not had the opportunity to review the City's annexation language, and assumed that the City would not be claiming intrastruc- tures that the County is claiming as part of its inventory, such as parks, and roads. City Manage~ Jones advised that the City has not claimed intrastructures being claimed by the County. Co8ai..ioner Sn-n...han JIOVed, 8econc1ed by C~JssJoner 11&8.., that the .l.8endJlent to the February 9, 1988 Interlocal Agr.-..nt between the City of .aples and Collier County identifying the city's annexation area be approved with the following: Paragragh ð language to retlect March 7, 1989 reterendua, and paragraph beC088s null and void it annexation is not approved; The Agree8eJ1t is in no way a stat88el1t in approving annexation, it is ..rely to accO88Odate the City in their c.....,rebensive planning. Co..issioner Volpe asked it the City has established levels of service tor the arterials in the annexed area? Hr. Rynders responded that objectives have been included which will establish levels of ser- vice. Ms. Lee Layne advised that the arterials in the area are County Page 43 J~'V . --- ._"-"_.,,_.._-,,.,,. """'--""""'-""'."-"""""-- ,........."",.",.,,--,.,-..... .. JANUARY 17, 1989 roads, and the County's levels of services have been adopted. Co..issioner Saunders stated that the City can adopt whatever levels at service they preter. Upon call tor the que.tion, the DOtion carried unanl80U8ly. SEE PAGES 59-N.l - N.B It.. .11A CLØX TO TO BOARD'S REPORT Finance Director Yonkosky advised that there are no items in the Clerk's report that require Board action. It.. .12.\ RESOLO'TIO. 89-11 APPOInI.O ILU'CT i'"O41:A.K, DISTRICT 2, REAPPOInI.O 1m. 3AKES CAI., DISTRICT 4, REAPPO I n I . G KARG I J: BALL, DISTRICT e, TO TO LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPnD Adainistrative Assistant to th~ Board Israelson advised that this item has been continued from the meeting of January 10, 1989. She stated that resumes have been received, and noted that the Library Advisory Board has recommended Dr. James Cain for District 4, Mrs. Margie Hall, District 5 for reappointment, and Mrs. Nancy V. Potter to fill a vacancy. She stated that they teras will be tour-year teras, expiring on December 31, 1992. ~..ioner Volpe 8OV8d that Kaney V. Potter, District 2, be appointed to the Library Advisory Board; seconded by CO881.sioner ShanaMln and carried unani80U81y. Co8a1.sioner Saunders 8OV8d that Dr. 3...s Cain, District 4, be appointed to the Library Advi80ry Board: seconded by CO88!ssioner Baa.. and carried unani80U8ly. ~..ion.r Goodnight 8OV8d that Mrs. Margie Ball, District e, be reappoint.ä to the Library Advi.ory Board; seconded by C088issioner S&unðe 1"8 and. carr i ed unan i80U8 1 y, thereby adopting Re801ut1on 8~18. Page 44 JÚ~ ; . '""" -""-,,, -"--,, ",.,,-,.." , ,~""'".'" "",.... ""..""",.",-,,-.---..----- ..."-,.."..",,,,- '._-- JANUARY 17, 1989 It.. .128 LOUIS ISSACS RL\PPOIJrTED, 2 YEARS; LOIS GUD APPO I .-rED 2 YEARS; . JOIDI J~I APPOIJrTED FOR 1 nAR TO THE OCBOPEZ rID CO1ITROL DISTRICT ADVI"ORY COMMITTn: - APPROVED Ad&i~istrative Assistant to the Board Israel~on advised that Ochopee Fire Control District Advisory Committee's terms expired on Decea~r 31, 1988, a~d Kathy Dawley has resigned her position. She advised that Mr. Louis Issacs is eligible for reappointment, and resu- mes have been received from Robert Jankowski, Lois Green and Vivian Storey. She stated that the memorandum dated January 10, 1989 from Emergency Services Administrator Reardon recommends that Louis Isaacs be reappointed for two-year term; Lois Green for a two-year term and Vivian Storey to the remainder ot the vacant term which expires Deceaber 31, 1989.. Co8a1ssioner Sh.n.h_~ aaoved, to reappoint Louis Issacs to a ~ year ter1l. Co..issioner Saunders suggested that all three appointments be initiated with one motion. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that according to the County's contract with the City of Everglades and the Ochopee Fire District, there is one appointee from the City of Everglades, which the City Council appoints. She stated that the majority ot the people who live in Ochopee believe that the City ot Everglades can only have one appointee. She suggested that Staff review the contract, and it should indicate that there is one vacancy tor each District. County Manager Dorrill noted that Everglades City is not in the District, how(!ver, is given a representative by virtue ot a single appointee, as a contractual obligation. Mr. Reardon confirmed Mr. Dorrill's ~tatement. and added that it another applicant is acquired from the Everglades City area, that person can become another one of the representatives at-large. Mr. CUyler stated that the matter had been discussed with him, and he did not have any problems with the issue. Coaai..ioner Shanah&n aaoved, ..conð.ed by Co-issioner Goodnight Page 45 JV( ,-,---""""-",, -.---.-.." .._, ",.."""".,_..""" ,"...-.., .TAJrOARY 11, an and carried -anani80U81Y' recO1l88t1ding that Louis Isaacs, be reap- pointed tor a two-year tex-.; Lois Green be appointed tor a two-yeu tex-., and .1ohr.. .1ank0w8ki be appointed tor a one-year ter8 to the Ocbopee ~ire Control District Advisory Co..ittee. It.. .13A LEASE 07 A OOUBLE-wIDE TRAILER FROM MARS'fD LEASI.G FOR S1Å’RIR'S SUBSTA'fI~ U DMOULEE - APPROVED County Manager Dorrill advised that the subject item has been con- tinued from the meeting of January 10, 1989. He stated that the Sheriff's Otfice has a øpace problem, and as an option Start will be contacting the Clerk's office to extend the lease on a monthly basis, and perhaps in the upcoming budget process the Board will have to give 80me consideration to adding a wing to the existing Immokalee Courthouse Annex, as the County will be prohibited fro. having a long- ter. use of trailers and mobile homes on the site. Co8a1s8ioner Goodnight lIOVed, seconded by Coaaissioner Shan..han and carried unani80U81y, that the le..e ot a double-ide trailer troa Maraten Le..ing tor use by the 5heritt's Ottice be apprOV'Od. ..... Co881s8ioner Goodnight JIOVed, ..conded by Coaais.ioner B...e and carried unan180U81y, that the re..ining Coneent Agenda i te- be adopted and/or approved.. tollowa: It.. .14AI , \,;V\J.1.:¡ 's DTERPRISE zon AJ'1roAL REPORT TO TBJt DEP.A.RnuulT O~ C..-u..L'fY AJ'1' AIRS See pag.. .5'1-,A. J -",I} Ir It.. .14Bl AGREZJÅ’Jrr TO TERMIlfATE THZ .OVIMBER 1, 1988 LEASE BETMltItX W. ALA1f MOODFORD, ATTOJUfEY-Ilf-J'ACT A1fD THZ BOARD O~ COUlfTY COMMIS5IOlfERS AJm £AY~uITURE OJ' l'U1fDS lfEID!D FOR OBLIGATIO~5 IRC~RRED 11/10/88 See Pages ~. /.. 13.~ It.. .14B2 LEASE AGUIIADT BnwEEK THE BOARD O~ COUJrTY COMMISSIO1fZRS .AJfD RI.LPB CRAnE FOR A PARCEL OJ' LAJfI) AT IJIIIIOnLEJt AIRPORT See Pages ~9-(! .1.. (!, I~ It.. .14B3 UASE &cnmÐÅ’Jr'f BrnaltX TBJt BOARD O~ COtnrTY COMMISSIOJIDS .AJfD J'ERRT BA'!TX1tLD FOR A PARCEL OJ' LAJfI) AT IMMOnLEE AIRPORT Page 46 ¡fJ¿ -,."...' .'M""""""""'--.-""'" , ....--.....".... jANUARY 17, 1989 See Pages Sf- ]). 1- D.lt:, It.. .UN - Moved to 9Bð It.. .1.86 - Moved to iBe It.. .1.86 QaITCLADI DUD FROM GLORIA VELASCO FOR TMO BURIAL LOTS AT THE LAD TRAJ'l'ORD MDIORIAL GARDO CDÅ’nRY IK IJIIItOULEE. FLORIDA See Pages S9-E. /. E, ;1. It.. .UB7 JÅ’DJU.L OF LUSE AGRE.lt.lu.aT BE'TWED GULF GAT'!: SOUTH AJID THE BOARD 01' \;UU.n COMKISSIOJI1ClS FOft O1IITS 17 . 18, GULl' GAT'!: SOUTH .01' '1'0 EXCEED $1.,nO.Oo See pagesS9- F, 1- ¡---' :J. It.. .1'88 - Moved to 9B7 It.. .UBi GJl&JIT PRZLDÅ’JU.RY ACCEP'1'AJrCE OF 'fU ROADWAY, DJlI.IIlAGJ:, WA'1'J:R AJID SDER IKPJb;)'~U'l£JII'S AJrI) APPROVE FOR UCORDI.O THE FIn.!. PLAT OF RnAlONOD EAST, mrIT " PHASE I See Pages .s~. J - ~. 5 It.. .1.810 - Moved to 9B3 It.. .UBll COJrTRAC'f FOR COKSULTIKG SERVICES WITH THE FIRM 01' BAZD AJID SAIfYER JUt WASTE M.UAGbt.bT SYSTEM See pages.£i9-/J1. 1- (11.9 It.. .1'Ð12 nXAL PLAT OF PEL¡CAJf BAY. tTJfIT SEVD' - St1BJ'ECT TO STIPt1t.ATI~S 1. That the Board ot County Commissioners approve the Construction and Maintenance Agreement ot Subdivision Improvements and authorize the Chairman to execute the s..e. 2. That the plat not be recorded until a street lighting plan 111 submitted tor approval by the Engineering Department. See pages..5~, I - }/. ?- It.. .UB13 aI'P "~13ð2 - PRORS5IOK.u. SERVICES FOR 7'HE LELY GOLI' ESTATES BEAO'fII'ICATIOK N.S.T.C. . APPROVE APPOI~T OF A CO.SOLT~ SELECTIOIf COIMIT"nE It.. .1.Bl. - Moved to iB. It.. .1.Blð nJrAL PLAT OF LOJfGSBORE LAD:, URn TMO - S11BJ'EC'f TO STIPULATIOn 1. That the Board ot County Commissioners approve Construction and Maintenance Agreement of Subdivision Improvements and the Escrow Agreement and authorize Chairman to execute s..e. Page "7 ~-",.,.""","_."....,""",,",,,-,,---,, ""-~..'....",.._---".._.,_. .....--.-...- .1AJruARY 17, 1989 2. That the Utilities Performance Bond required pursuant to Ordinance 88-76 be waived (this work will be covered by construction and maintenance security to be provided by the Developer pursuant to Ordinance 76-6. 3. That the plat not be recorded until a part of the existing platted area of Quail Creek Unit Two is vacated. See Pages 59- :I. / -I, f' It.. .14Bll - Moved to 988 It.. .1~1 rr 1989 LIøa.un' OPDATI.G GRAJrI' (STArE AID) ADMI.IST1tRSD BY THE STAn LIBRART OF FLORIDA See Pages 59- 9-. J - 9' -3 It.. .141'1 R.EST1lICT%D USI OF TRAIL BLVD. 6 GOODLrrTJ:-FRAJnC ROAD EXTDSIO. FOR PARXI.a - MAIVE J"EES FOR DÅ’RGDCY MEDICAL SERVICES - ~A CJUV ß(GJ:/SDIOR PGA TOOK EVmrr AT TH!: CLUB AT PELICAJf BAY It.. .14F2 - Moved to 9F2 It.. .1-'01 AQ~¡; SECORI.G A MEDICAL CO.SVLTI.G COJITRACT FOR DmRGDCY MEDICAL SERVICES WITH ROBERT ÐOYD TOBER, no. See Pages ~5"9-.J('. / - K-i" It.. .14B KISCZLI..AJrEOt1S CORRESPOJfDDCE - FILED A1fD/OR JUJ'ERRJW There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following 8iscellaneous correspondence be filed and/or reterred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Public Notice from Department ot the Army dated 01/04/89, Permit Application 88IPC-20290 re renourishment ot the beach at Marco Island. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and tiled. 2. Letter dated 01/04/89 to Elccted and Appointed Otticials and Interested Citizens from Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary, Department ot Community Attairs, re Division ot Resource Planning and Management, Chapter 9.1-26 and Local Governaent Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program (1988-89). Reterred to Nei~ ~~rrill, Tom Olliff and tiled. 3. Memorandum date": 12/27/88 to Statd, Regional, and Local Coastal Officials from Jaaes H. Stoutamire. Coastal Zone Management Section re 1989-90 Coastal Management Grant Program. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Tom OHitf, Bill Lorenz and f !led. ... Letter dated 12/30/88, with attachments to Commissioner Hasse, trom Gary J. Clarke, Assistant Secretary tor Medicaid, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Servic.. re iapleaen- tation ot the amendment ot the Florida Health Care Responsibility Act (HCRA) and the new Shared County and State Page 48 ~..- _. ... ~ -~._-~..__.".._....__._-_..,,_.._....- """,.-.........'.---'--.- ,....--. .,-.......,..-. JANUARY 17, 1989 Health Care Program (SCSHCP), Referred to Neil Dorrill, Co... Goodnight, Kevin O'Donnell and filed. 5. Florida Public Service Commission: A. Re Application of Florida Cities Water Company tor a rate i~=rease for Golden Gate Division in Collier County. Docket No. 871249-SU, Order No. 20537, Issued 12/29/88. Filed. B. Re Annual Hearings on Load Forecasts, Generation Expansion Plans, and cogeneration Prices for Peninsula Florida's Electric Utilities. Docket No. 890004-EU, Order No. 205'6, Issued 1/3/89. Filed. C. Re Annual Hearings on Load Forecasts, Generation Expansion Plans, and Cogeneration Prices tor Northwest Florida's Electric Utilities. Docket No. 890004-EU-A, Order !fo. 205'6. Issued 1/3/89. Filed. 6. Minutes: Golden Gate Parkway Beautification Advisory Co..ittee Agenda for 01/10/89 and Minutes of 12/13/88, Filed. 7. Memorandum dated 01/06/89 from Public Service Commission to All Practitioners from Steve Tribble, Director, re mailing addresses on pleading and filings. Reterred to Ken Cuyler and tiled. 8. Copy of letter dated 01/05/89 from W. C. Wilkinson, President, Wilkinson ú Jenkins Construction Co., Inc. to Coastal Engineering Consultant~, Inc., requesting consideration as a potential bidder on Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Permit Application #881PC-20290. Reterred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald and tiled. It.. .14,Bl CD'fInCAn OJ' CO~C'fIO. TO TJm TAX ROLLS AS PRESD'fED BY TJm ~PIJtT!' APPRAISER 'S OJ'J'ICE 1985 258/259 11/86 1981 375/381 12/13/88 - 1/6/89 1988 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1966/68 1/5/89 - 1/10/89 1988 165/119 &c 180/9' 11/30/88 - 1/10/89 It.. .14B2 SATISJ'ACTIOR OJ' tIERS FOR 5ERVICIS OJ' TJm PUBLIC DE7ERDER See Pages S 9- /... /.. L . / / ... Page 49 ..-- " " --"-"---""",.,..,--"",,,,,,-,,---,',-,,-,-'---'--'" JANUARY 17, 1989 ... D8'p'aty Clerk Botf88l1 replaced Deputy Clerk Mendez at thi8 ti- ... It.. nD1 SELECTIO1I OF PRORSSIOJ(AL DGIJÅ’ERIXa FIRM TO PROVIDE PRORSSIOJtAL DGIK:DJUXa SERVICES FOR MARCO ISLAJfD/COLLIER COUJI'TY WATER SUPPLY nASIBILITY STUDY - BOLE, MOJrTES AJrD ASSOCIATES SELECTED AS ø1 rID AJrD STAn TO nGOTIATE COJrTRACT WITH SAIm IX AX A."tOun' XOT TO EXCDD t~o,OOO Utilities Administrator Crandall advised that on Hovember 1ð, 1988, the Board authorized Staff to advertise and receive Request for Qualifications for professional engineering services to evaluate the feasibility of supplying Marco Island with potable water. He advised that eight firms responded, and the selection co..ittee h.. reduced those firms to three top ranked firms: Consoer, Townsend and Associates; Hole, Montes and Associates; and, Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan. COD8O1t r, '1' ownaend a%)4 A8 8OÇ i. t e 8 Mr. Bill Townsend, Vice President of Consoer, Townsend and Associates, stated that with hi. today are three members of his team: Mr. Ed Key, Office Manager; Mr. Mike Hengel, Hater Plant Operations Specialist; and Mr. Larry Hollands, ~ representative of Missimer and Associates. Mr. Townsend advised that his company is a national fira, and has a local office in Collier County. He indicated that the fira has been involved in Master Planning for the County, which resulted in the need for expansion of the Regional Hater Treatment Plant, including the 6 million gallon storage facility. He noted that this project waG within budget, and there are some minor punch list iteas that need to be involved. He stated that his firm has also been involved in the inspection and evaluation of the Marco Hater Supply Facility, as well as conducting studies of the treatability ot ground water from the Tamiami Aquifer and the Coral Reef Aquifer. Mr. Mike Hengel, Hater Treatment Specialist, referred to the three water samples that were provided for the Board'. review. He noted the differences in the color of the water, adding that the water is treated with different methods, depending on the raw water, ,~, <.~ "" "'; ; , , ¡ P... 0°/1° ':',~ " -,..,,-.-.-.,.-..---... .--,.,-,......,......-..,..-......- ......-.-..--......- ,jANUARY 17, 1989 source. He advised that several methods of treatment work very well including reverse osmosis, but it has a drawback relating to the disposal of brine which is a by-product of waste from this type ot treatment. He indicated that he will be responsible for water quality and availability for this project, noting that he will be working very c~osely with Missimer and Associates in determining the available quantity and then the source of treatment will be deter- mined. In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Hengel stated that his priaary experience with reverse osmosis is based upon survey of what is in process for use in this part of the country, and the new types of membranes that are coming out. He indicated that one problem area with reverse osmosis and a large facility, 1s that the suppliers have difficulty in obtaining bonding. Mr. Townsend stated that the development of the Marco study is straight forward, relative to engineering technology and the treat- ment of water. He indicated that many alternates have been iden- tified as possible ways to solve this problem. He indicated that the success of the report w11l revolve around the availability of ground water, and advised that for this reason, his firm believed it was nece~8ary to bring on board, Missimer and AsRociates, who have a long standing track record in Collier County for seeking out ground water supply. Mr. Larry Hollands, representing Missimer and Associates, stated that his firm has completed 13 potable wellfields in Collier County, and 20 water investigations, south of Alligator Alley. He noted that all this data is available in data banks, and will be used for the subject study. He stated that his firm i. pre- sently doing work for Deltona, exploring deeper wells. Tape ø4 Commissioner Hasse questioned how the brine is disposed ot, during the reverse osmosis process? Mr. Hollands replied that surface discharge can be disposed into an estuarine system, or offshore, but there is difficulty with the Page 51 J q I , - ._.. ~._...._-_.._.",_.....".", ...,.,-...--,..--.................- ..._---, " - jANUARY 17, 1989 Corps of Engineers and DER; spray irrigation, depending on the qua 11 tv of the source and the result in qua 11 tv of the brine; and, injection of the brine into an injection well, which i. very expen- sive. Mr. Townsend stated that he believes the County should consider his firm for the following reasons: 1. Firm operates nationally, they are prominent in the field of water engineering, and are located in Haples. 2. Familiar with the water needs of Collier County, having been involved in the development of th... Hater Master Plan and the .1esign of the Regional Hater Plant. 3. Familiar with the facilities on Marco Island, and the water quality and treatability aspect of water supply. ,. Proven track record with Staff and the Board of County Commissioners tor on time performance, quality services, all within prescribed budgets. Coamissioner Goodnight questioned what the best approach is to solve the Marco Island water problem, within a 2-3 year period? Mr. Townsend replied that the best approach is to pursue the various alternatives that are available. noting that several have been identified. He stated that ground water availability plays a very illpOrtant part. He noted that one of the alternatives i. to develop a raw water source for Marco Island, and pump it to Marco 80 they could use their existing facilities for treatment. He indi- cated that another alternative is the expansion of the Regional Plant, and provide additional capacity to pump to Marco. He stated that a third alternative iff the development of a new North County Water Supply Facility, and pipe down to the central area, and uti- l1ze the capacity of the Regional Plant to serve Marco Island. Mr. Townsend advised that his t ira will review each of the alternatives, including time frames and operational costs, and then aake a comparison of the bottom lines to present to Staff. Coamissioner Shanahan stated that th~re are no few words that he can say to describe the seriousness of the problem on Marco Island and Goodland. He noted that previous studies did not focus on water availability. He questioned what the time frame will be, if Mr. Page 152 I?z, ___dO ..... ---- - "'--"'---'-- JANUARY 11, 1989 Townsend's firm is selected? Mr. Townsend replied that his firm is ready to begin work iaae- dlately, noting that a completion date will depend on Missimer's drilling activities, and the searching of their data bank. He indi- cated that his activities would be completed in 6 months. Mr. Hollands stated that 90" of the raw data is computerized, and could be researched in a matter of 6 months. He indicated that the drilling and testing will be acquired within the next 6 weeks. Co..issioner Volpe questioned whether Missimer and Associates' contract with Deltona is to identify the sources of water and availability, and if so, would that information be provided for this study? Mr. Hollands replied affirmatively. Bole, Mont.. and Associates Mr. Toil Taylor, Vice President of Hole, Montes & Associates, stated that the first exhibit, as displayed, outlines the project team with the aajor responsibility being the preparation of the Hater Kaster Plan supplement, in addition to the PUmping and transmission analysis in order to get water to Marco Island. He advised that James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., will be responsible for the treatment analysis and hydrogeology environ- mental assessment. He noted that in addition, Missimer and Associates will be involved with the hydrogeologic investigation tor the project, and the provision of background ground water data. Mr. Taylor indicated that Hole, Montes & Associates has served Collier County for the past 5 years developing the County's current Hater Master Plan, the South County Sewer Master Plan, and have completed a draft submittal of the Horth County Sewer Master Plan. He noted that there is a Staff of 90 people within the firm, and are very knowledgeable of the Marco Island Water issue. Mr. Taylor stated that James M. Montgomery is represented by Dr. Pat Gleason and Mr. Bill Conlon; Missimer and Associates is repre- sented by Mr. Lloyd Horvath Dr. Pat Gleason advised that James M. Montgomery, Consul ting Page 153 1ß ,. ~- --.. .-,..------....,.........-...""" ...""..--..".... ." -,....----.----......,,-' .."".. .1AJroARY 17, 1989 lEDgineer., Inc., i. involved in this project because they are an industry leader in water treataent in the United States. He noted that this i. a national and international fire, and there are 1,000 people within the firm across the country. He stated that Montgo8ery i. one of the top 3 environaental engineering firas in the Country. He noted that Montgo8ery has publiRhed a textboo~ on water treataent, and have provided publications for the Safe Water Dr lnklng Act. He stated that the firm has offices in Port Charlotte, LaJteworth, Gainesville, Port St. Lucy, and Ft. LaudercSa Ie. Dr. Gleason .tated that hi. f ira has put toqether the Lee County Mater Resource. ManaQeaent Proqraa, which is the blueprint tor the future of that County. He noted that Montgoaery has also expanded tbe .-11f1elda in Palm Beach County, and they are now in the proc... ot c0D8tructing two large ~ll fields in Broward County. Mr. Lloyd Horvath, of Missimer and Associates, stated that hi. tire bas done a lot of work relating to the water supply on Marco I.land. Mr. Taylor stated that Hole, Montes 6 Associates envi.ions f requ1reaent. for the project: 1. Locating an acceptable quality and quantity ot water for Marco Island - Montgoaery and Missiaer and A..ociates will investigate potentia] water sources, and provide projected water quali.y and quantity for the project. A brief as.e..aent of the environaental peraitability of each source will be _de. 2. Based on the results of t~e hydrogeologic inforaation, Montgoaery will develop treatment alternatives tor the pro- jected water quality from each of those source., including l1ae 8oftening, aeabrane softening and RO treataent. 3. Bole, Montes 6 Associates will develop the ao.t co.t ett1- ci.nt -thod of transporting raw or treated water to Marco Island. f. Hole, Montes 6 Associates will consolidate the hydroqeolo- gic, treatment, and the transmission alternative., in order to develop a recoaaendation for the interaedlate and long-tera service to Marco Island. Mr. Taylor indicated that the reasons that his teaa should be -lected are: Hole, Montes & Associates has the technical quali- P8g8 &f I'I~ .._, --..- --'.'---'-"- -,... "" ....", ..._".. ---.-.--, ._- JANUARY 17, 1989 fications and experience to do the work; historic success with Collier County; development and implementation of the Master Plans and reco..endations has resulted in Collier County having a solid, and reliable high quality of service to its customers; Staff is con- fident in the abilities of this firm; corporate headquarters are located in Naples. In answer to Comaissioner Hasse, Mr. Bill Conlon of James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc., stated that reverse osmosi. systeas have been in Florida since the 1960's, and he has been working with them since 1971. He indicated that for waters below 500 TDS, a conventional lime softening treatment will be used, and for anything more brackish, membrane softening will be considered. He stated that membrane softening is slightly higher in cost and operating and maintenance, but a far superior water is attained. Commissioner Hasse questioned whether it would be better to bring raw water to Marco? Mr. Conlon indicated that this will depend on the economics of the treatment, noting that this will be compared to treating and deliv-ering there, and taking treated water in Naples and delivering it to Marco. He indicated that there are other alternatives to tie into the County System. Commissioner Goodnight questioned what the best approach is to solve the water supply problem on Marco Island? Mr. Taylor stated that this is a historic problem for Marco Island, and one of the items worth investigating through the study is to transport water to Marco with additional storage at the Manatee Road repumping site. He indicating that it is possible to come up with a relatively short-term program to implement within 2-3 years, something that may last 7 or 8 years down the road, and in the aeantillle, proceeding on with development with something of long- term Commissioner Shanahan questioned when, if selected, will the job co..ence, and what kind of time 1s projected to complete it? Page ðð ?{ .-." ~ ---.-..----,--." ..'---- JANUARY 17, 1989 Mr. Taylor stated that Hole, Montes «Associates can begin i..e- diately, and a draft wi 11 be completed for presentation in 4 months. Post, BucklfIY, Schuh a 3ernigan, Inc. Mr. Jon Dyer, Regional Environmental Manager, stated that with him today is Mr. Bill Simpson, Vice President of Environmental prograa, in Orlando; Mr. 11111 Pitt, Senior Hydrogeologist; O. 3. Morin, Treatment Process Expert; and Mr. Ed Copeland, Senior Enviornmental Engineer. Mr. Dyer indicated that his firm sees the project to study the feasibility of providing potable water to Marco Island. He noted that the three important task areas are: water supply, treatment processes, and system planning with proper costing. He noted that all work will be provided by Post, Buckley, and no sub-contractors will be used. Mr. Pitt indicated that he has been selected to lead the hydrogeology team of Post, Buckley, noting that he has 22 years of experience. He advised that there are three potential alternatives for water supply in Collier County for the future. He referred to a aap, depicting the locations of the existing major utilities and the well! ields, and explained the service derived from each facility. He noted the area of future wellfields to the north of the Tamiami Aquifer that would be ~~~~ feasible, and will give a better source of supply. He indicated that the second alternative, is the Hater Table Aquiter, better known as the Coral Reef Aquifer. He noted that there is a sole water dome in the area, and developing a wel1tield in this area is difficult. He stated that the third alternative is the Floridan Aquifer which is totally pristine, and has many advantages advising that it is almost impossible tor any pollutants to infiltrate into the aquifer. He noted that the only drawback is that it is a saline aquifer, but it does have the bene- fit of locating the well!ields exactly where they are desired. Mr. Morin stated that he has been in the water treatment bu.i- ness for 27 years, and advised that he has worked on all types of Page ð6 J 1(, _. -.--., ....,., ,-.,-,,--."."---'" "."".-".""""~"-"--'--- ____, JANUARY 17, 1989 projects, including feasibility studies and construction operations ot plants. He indicated that he was fortunate to be involved Kith a 250 million gallon per day desalination project in Saudi Arabia. He noted that as soon as the aquifers are located and the quantity and quality of water is determined, he will begin to review the types of treat_nt to lie used. He indicated that a number of treatment pro- ceases will be developed. and then concept designs will be done in detail to determine the projected water quality from the plants, and the capital and operating costs. Mr. Co~land stated that he has 15 years of environmental experience which will be brought to the team. He noted that after the type of treatment is determined, the piping and storage will be developed. He noted that he will be working side by side with Statf, and also the regulatory agencies. He stated that an economic analysis will be provided to compare on a present worth, so that a decision can be made as to which alternative should be used. He indicated that an alternative ranking will then be prepared with a reco_endation. He noted that he teels that the team of Post, Buckley, Schuh« Jernigan, Inc. is the best to serve the needs ot Collier County. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Pitt advised there is very little data at this time on the Floridan Aquifer, noting that most of the data is available for the northern area, and the Everglades. He stated that the only way to determine the actual water quall ty is to drill the wells and take water samples. Mr. Simpson stated that he does not believe that anyone has ever done an actual performance test on the Floridan, in Collier County, and noted that this will need to be done before a well per- ait in that area can be obtained. Coamissioner Goodnight questioned what the best approach 1s to solve the Marco water supply problem in a reasonable time period? Mr. Dyer indicated that the most practical approach would be a plant, located in the southern area of the County to feed Marco ;; Page 151 " -_.. "" .. -,_...,. '---"".'-.'---"" ""_._...._---""_...,.~- JANUARY 17, 1989 . Island, specifically. He noted that the Manatee Road site is a prime example of where a plant could be located. He stated that it the economical choice is to go with the Floridan, the welHield could be ',ocated there, and the existing raw water Une could be utilized. He noted that the time frame to do this is about 16 weeks. Mr. Dyer stated that the advantage to using the Manatee Road site, is that there is a Umi ted distance in which to dispose ot the brine. He noted that he believes a permit can be obtained for disposal of the concentrate into Henderson Creek, adding that there is a saltwater barrier structure which will keep the brine from going upstream to the regular water area. Mr. Dyer stated that his firm has a good working relationship with the County, and they have th~ exp~rience and tresh approaches to perform the project. ... At this tillie, the Commissioners completed the Consultant Selection Tabulation Form for the Marco Island/County Hater Supply Feasibility Study, and upon completion, Mr. Crandall announced that the first ranked firm is Hole. Montes & Associates; second ranked firm is Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc.; and the third ranked teaJII is Consoer, Townsend and Associates. He requested authoriza- tion to negotiate a contract with Hole, Montes & Associate. in an amount not to exceed $50,000. eo..i..ioner Goodnight 8OVed, .econded by Co..1..ioner Sh.nahan and carried unaniaously, that Staff negotiate a contract with Bole, Monte. i ù.ociat.., in an aaount not to exceed $ðO,OOO to pe~tora the Marco Island/County Water Supply Feas1~ility Study. Page 158 ._- _. .....-"..".......... ",." ...",.- ""-."""".'.""'--- .-.. .....- -------'...,. JANUARY 11, 1989 ... .here being no further business tor the Good ot the County, the meeting was adjourned by Orðer ot the Chair - Time: 3:40 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL k.~ØAI~ ATTESi::. 'J"li:!} 3AMES:-f: :,.GILES,oPLERK ..' .'.,';", "i'.:' é'.-) . '" "I'" :" ~ ,'" '" 0::=; _..: ... ~':.,' ,.,' ¿~;\'./?J~; DC. ~~~~,,~1nu:~þ~,pproved by the Board on -?-~A- "{r 1 /1'/'/ as presentlf~;\~\?- or as corrected . Page 69 '----'_, ~,-"", -, """,----_._---,..,', ",.,,' _.__.-,_.,,"._..,-,-~-