BCC Minutes 01/24/1989 R
Ifapl.., Florida, january 24, an
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co..issioner. in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting aa the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts a.
have been created according to law and having conducted busines.
herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in KZOULAR SK88IOW in Building
"F" of the Governaent Complex, East Raples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAH: Burt L. Saunders
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, :Jr.
Richard S. Shanahan
Michael :J. Volpe
Anne Goodnight
ALSO PRESEPfT: :Jaaes C. Giles, Clerk; :John Yonkoslcy, .,inance
Director; Dalila Mendez and Ellie Hoffaan, Deputy Clerk.: Heil
Darrill, County Manager; Ron McLeaore, Assistant County Manager: To.
Olliff, Acting Co..unity Development Adainistrator: Ken Cuyler, County
Attorney; To. Crandall, Utilities Adainistrator: George Archibald,
Public Works Adainistrator: Ann McCoy, Landscape Architect: Philip
Scheff, Planner: C. W. Teaby, Utilities Engineering Director: Ifancy
Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board: and S.. Sas.,
Sheriff'. Departaent.
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J'AJroARY 24, 19n
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AG'DDA AIr¡) w-¡...... AGDDA - Urp;vy&¡ .u lAuIulD
ec-.1s e 1 cmer . hII., . h8n 8OV84, 8eC0n4e4 by ec-J...1cmer ~Jght
an4 ~1811 m&an180U81y, that the Agenda an4 Con8ent Agenda be
~..OY..4 wIth the following chaDge.:
1. Itea 1'89 - Recoaaendation to approve and execute a drainage
easement to Pelican Bay Iaprovement District - Deleted.
2. Itea 128 - To be heard at the end of the Regular Agenda.
3. Item 9'3 - Reco..endation to approve Resolution in support of
Interchange at 1-75 and S.R. 29 - Added.
". Ite. 1'86 - Recoaaendation to approve and execute an limited
us. agree.ent between the Board of County Co..is.ioner. ot
Collier County, Florida and the Marco Island Players,
Incorporated - Moved to Ite. 9B2.
ec-.1-icnMr Shanahe;n 8OV84, 8eC0nde4 by Co8aJ...icnMr ...- 8D4
C&rri811 1m8n18OU8ly. that the .1nut- of J'1IZ1U.Uy J. I.'. be ~"o"..4
.. ~t811.
It- .u
Co..is.ioner Saunders presented employee .ervice award. to the
following e.ployee. and thanked the. for their service to Collier
Herb Luntz Coamunications/Public Affair. e year.
Michael Newaan Utilities Division e year.
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J' AJW ARY 24, au
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DOUrI08 .... DWAJrIS CLO'B or floo. 00 TO na:r.AT COST ~ 8U.CJI
~.a-T - ACOI..fo-tIW
Hs. Donna Dublin of Environmental Resources Management noted that
it was a great pleasure to work in conjunction with the County'. Park8
& Recreation Departaent in the planting of sea oats, which she is
hopeful wIll control beach erosion on Vanderbilt Beach. She intro-
duced Mr. gal Oardino of the Kiwani. Club who would be making a pre-
.entation to the Board. Hr. Gardino presented the Board with a
$100.00 check to be utilized on the beach renourishaent program, and
noted that the Kiwanis Club 18 supportive of renourishing of the
County's beaches. Co..i.sioner Saunders thanked Mr. Gardino, on
behalf of the Board, for the 5100.00 donation.
It... ...1 a ...2
nTIrIC8 PDA-I'-GC. 8ItDCI: CI'UD a usocuns, IE . - conIJlO'KD TO
~21, 1... . PETITIO. .-17-430, BOTLKa KIQI~.o. UC. -TO
A COWT L8ulW TO naAOAItT 14. au
ec-.1. e 1 cnM r Ooodn 1 gb t 1IOVed, -c:0nde4 by eo-1.mioner ...- 8D4
C&rr i811 unani80U8 1 y, that Petition PDA-"-IC, Bruc. Green a
Aa8OÇiat_, be contInued to ~ebraary 21, 1.lg, aDd Petition .-'7-430,
Butler KDg~ring. Inc. be c:ont1nue4 to rebrv.azy 14, 19l9.
It- ~1
8O00&:¡- Uo"'-I-.:r USOLO'TIOIIS 'SÞ-3, 4, a a . APPJtOVIJJG Aft . ........ .¡ . TO 2'D
n~AL TU. l"'-It ADOPTIW aQuOl;T - ADOPT&.u
Legal notice having been published in the Maples DaIly Mew. on
January 22. 1989 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with
the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider amendments to the
Piscal Year 1988/89 Adopted Budget.
Finance Director Yonkosxy requested approval ot the above-
aentioned budget amendment resolutions. He stated that Chapter
129.06, Florida Statutes, defines how the adopted budget can be
Krs. Charlotte Westman. at the League of Women Voters ot CollIer
County, asked it the ite.s on Page '8 of the Executive Suaaary pertain
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J'AJWARY 2', 1989
to the original MSTU, or the island-wide MSTU for Marco Island Beach
Renourish8ent? Public Works Administrator Archibald advi..d that the
8362,532 aaount represents carry forward from the previous year, and
the fund i. being increased based on the exact carry forward aaount.
Co8aI_icnMr Goodnight JIOVed, 8eC0D4e4 b7 Co8aJ...10Z18r 8han.~
and carr 184 1m8n18OU81 y, that the public bearing be cl0ee4.
ec-J.-lcnMr IM~hC1 1IDV84, 8eC0n4e4 b7 Co8aI_Icmer CJoo4D1ght
an4 C&rr i84 1m8n18OU81 y, that Badget .A8eDd8eDt Reeolutl0D8 '~-3, f, 0
. . be 8dopt 1111.
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J'AJI'O.u:r 24, 1181
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Jl&G1Jt.A TI m RJ: rI RJ: BYDR.\Jfr PLACDID'T - C 0 JrT I:öWI1) raft & MQXS
Legal notice having b~en published in the Naples Daily Hews on
January " 1989 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fIled "ith
the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the adoption ot an
ordinance aaending Ordinance 76-6.
Acting Coaaunity Development Adainistrator Ollitt stated that the
subject item is to reco..end approval of an Ordinance which will aaend
the requirements that establish the location of fire hydrants in rela-
tion to buildings. He noted that conflicts between the Fire Code
Ordinance 86-ð' and Ordinance 76-6 have existed in respect to the
spacing of fire hydrants. He indicated that both Ordinance. reterence
the Kational Fire Protection Association (KFPA) ot the tire hydrant
installation standard. County Attorney Cuyler reco...nded that the
item be continued for five weeks, until such time as the Planning
Co..ission has had the opportunity to revirw the Subdivision
Regulations an~ the Ordinance to aake theIr reco..endation.
ec-.1- i one r Ooodn i gh t 8OVed, .ec0nde4 by C~sslcnMr Sh-"Jlllh4m
IIDd carr i811 tmaD laouel y. that consideration of an ord1D8nce 888DdiDg
0rd1.n.ance 115-15 be contInu.d tor t i.,. "'0.
It- fiAJ.
oaDDI&JICZ "'1, AØDDI80 ORDIJlAJrCJ: '5-e,. Aha.-uJ:D BY ORDIJtUrCJ: "-04
J'Oa "ILa COItPOJllATIOW PUD, CORJlZC'1'UO scazvuus D:JtOa 08 L&O.\L
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Ifrw8 on
Dec..ber 2', 1988 as evidenced by Affidavit ot Publication tiled wIth
the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the adoption ot an
Ordinance aaending Ordinance 88-ð4, tor a PUD known a. .Stile.
Corporation" to correct a scriveners error to reflect the correct
legal description for property located on the south .ide of Iaaokalee
Road. approxiaately II' 8ile west of 1-75, in Section 30, Township 48
South, Range 26 East.
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jAXUARY 24. 1989
~,,<,epe Architect McCoy .tated that the St 11e. Corporation POD
... originally 8pp%"oved by the Board In 1986 and ...n4ed in 1988. 8be
noted that both the origInal and ...ndlng POD ordInance. contain an
errODevG8 legal de.criptlon. and the corrected ordinance will rectiry
the error.
~t..1.aD8r -- ... - .. 8D'I"8d . 88< ["- 184 by C- t ..1.aD8r ---... t girt
8Dd carried --t-oa..ly, that the pabl1c bear1.ag be clo8ed.
"- t -1.aD8r ..... 8D'I"8d . ~ by C- J ..1oDer m.- ~ 8Dd
carr 184 - t 80'1181 Y . that Orit t wumce ,9- 7. r"""tng Oritt~ '8-88.
for -.tl188 eo....,...ratiao POD- œ CO.t-..Kt the legal d88cr1ptiaD. be
8dopted 8D4 8Dtered 1Dto Orit t ~ 8ook 80. 14.
08D DIA8C8 80. , 9- 7
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It88OI.IrrIe8 .....n .. ¡-.uTIO8 .-88-21. DOlt .:c2.~0IP ~
~ . --iTIO8 . x.: . - .......~ ~ IIILLIAII . ... I IE - - All
Legal notice having been published in the Raple. Daily K8W8 on
january 8, 1989 as evIdenced by Affidavit at PublicatIon tiled with
the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consIder PetitIon V-88-21,
tiled by RIck McCUllough of McCullough, Inc.. repre.entlng Milli.. and
Barbarm relkert, reque.ting a 2.4 toot variance troa the required rear
yard ..tback requIr...nt ot 25 feet to 22.6 teet, for property located
at the e..tern end ot Hi10 Street on Snook Bay, Lot 47, I.land a'aaber
2. 1.1.. of Capri, Section 32, Town.hIp 51 South. Range 26 8a8t.
PI8DD8r &chett advl.ed that Mr. Mr-Cullough has reque.ted a rear
yard -tback varIance In order to tlnl.h the constructIon of a .ingle-
f_l1y r-icSence. He indicated that during the conatruct1on proc_.,
the Petitioner tound that the hou.e was encroaching Into the rear yard
-tbeck; the toundation of the house was done ba.ed on the eurveyor'.
8take8. and he bas as.erted that the surveyor al.laid the 8take8.
wbJcb placed the .iddle rear Une of the house at 2rL 2 f_t froa the
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proP41rty line. He noted that the Engineering Depart.ent ha. no objec-
tion. to the petition. however, the Planning Statt does not find that
a land or structure-related hardship exists, therefore, 3tatf recoa-
-nds denial of the petition. He noted that the Planning Coaai..ion
held their pu~lic hearing on J'anuary 5, 1989, and reco..ended approval
of the petition. At the meeting, he noted. no one .~oke against the
petition, however, two supporting letters have been received from
neighboring Lots '°8 and '06, located to the north and south re.pec-
tively. He reco..ended approval ot the petition a8 per the CCPC'.
rec~ndationo He advised Co..is.ioner Volpe that the house is 75*
Hr. Harold Hall. representing the Petitioner, contiraed that the
neighbors do not object to the location of the house. He noted that
the houses in the area are spaced 7.5 feet, and acving the house to
the 8rear8 gives the neighborhood acre roo. between house., and will
be better for the septic system, a. it provides an additional 200
square feet of unobstructed area. He indicated that the construction
of the house will not in any way obstruct the view of adj~cent pro-
perty owners,
In response to Co..i..ioner Saunder.. Mr. Hall advi.ed that Anchor
Engineering was the surveyor, and due to the irregular .haped lot. the
house was set with the center within the 25 feet to be a. close..
possible to the septic .ystea. He reiterated that the corner.
encroached 2,' feet into the rear setback, and requested approval of
the variance petition,
Responding to Commissioner Volpe's question regarding the d1agraa
on Page 13 of the Executive Suaaary, Mr. Hall indicated that the house
has a screened porch that does not extend as far into the setback as
the neighbors,
Mr. Scheff noted that the Board had previously granted permission
for the Petitioner to close the roof in order to protect the house
from water daaage, and the Petitioner was aware that he would have to
appear before the Board for a variance petition.
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J'AXUARY 24. li8i
ec-.1-1oaer 8h4n-h4m 8O98d., eecoa4e4 b7 ec-.1_1oaer ~1_'t
aDd carrIed 1mIII118nu11y, that the public beariDg be c1~.
ec-.1-icnMr 8b.tI-h4m 8OV84, 8eC0Dde4 by ec-.1aaloaer ~1ght
an4 carrl811 1m8n18nully. that 1letIo1utioa. 8e-17, Petlt1oa. V-"-21, tick
8k:CullOUogb ot McCullough Con8truc:t1QU. Inc., repraaentiDg .1111- 8D4
Barb8ra ~e1ker1: reque8ting a 2.4 foot varIance, be 8dop'ted.
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J' AJro ARY 24, 1989
It- nBl
PrrITI~ PD-I'-lC, C~ L. CA.IDID, ItZPKUDrnu 'fD DD'A.lt'rNu-T 01'
~kI8o;A'1'IO1f, UQOUTIJfG A ~IIO1lAL OSE 8.8 O~ '.10 USDTUL
JØVI en AT .. TB ST. S.". - DDIKD
Planner Scheff advised that the subject item i. to obtain
Provisional Use "b" ot 8.10 Essential Services for DOT, for property
bordered to the east by 6'th Street, S.H., and to the west by I-75,
approxiaately 3/' of a aile north of Golden Gate Parkway, contains
1.098+ acres in Section 30, Township '9 South, Range 26 East, He
noted that on May 24, 1988, the Board, by a vote of 5/0, continued the
Petition tor six months to allow the Petitioner ti.e to tind an alter-
native location for the tield office. He advised that the Board
approved the Petitioner's alternative location at the Old Toll Plaza
site on the south side of S.R, 8', and east of S.R. 951 on November
22, 1988. He noted that the Planning Co..ission reviewed the Petition
on April 21, 1988 and reco..ended denial, as the proposed use i. not
compatible with the area, and would have negative ettects on nelgh-
boring properties, He recoaaended denial of the Petition based on the
Planning Co..ission's reco..endation. He noted that a letter from Mr.
Aquino, a neighbor. was received informing that the Departaent was
vacating the facility quite slowly,
Co..isaioner Saunders asked why the request for a provisional use
is needed, if DOT is moving to a new location, to which Mr. Scheff
advised that the item is merely procedural, and noted that St.ft i.
reco..ending denial because DOT has moved to its new location, and
the request for a provisional use is, therefore, hot needed.
ec-i..ioner Shanahan 1IOVed, seconded by CO8al..icnwr GoodDight
and C&rr 1811 UD&n iaouel y, that PetitIon PO-I'-IC, Car8QD L. CarDer,
repl.~tlng the Dwpart..nt of TransportatIon, r8qUe8ting a Provl-
slocal 0.. 8b8 be deni811.
It- nA
I'1tOIC CtJDD'1' øo.I T A S PIt I .0 S, I'LOJUDA 33.23 TO ~, I'LORIDA 13.8' -
Mr, Ed Ruff, representing the Co..ittee for Zip Code Change,
requested the Board's support in changing the current Sonita Springe
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J'AJrOARY 24, 1989
Zip Code, 33923, to Maples 33963. He stated that the Coaaittee feel.
the change is essential to properly identify the area with Collier
County. He provided the Board with petition letters which have the
signature of 330 families in the area. H. noted that two month. ago
it was not certain how .any fa.ilies were interested in the aforeaen-
tioned change. He advised that due to Ms. Eaily Maggio's suggestIon
that he acquire the consensus of the neighborhood in the aatter, the
petition letters were sent out. He noted that the issue is very popu-
lar in the Little HickorY/Bonita Shores area, and also noted that
people in the area have for aany years endured a lack of identity with
the Collier County coaaunity. He noted that the people in the area
pay their taxes to Collier County, however, are identified as "Lee
County. by the Post Office. He stated that residents in the area have
the right to carry a Raples address, as other residents of the County.
He stated that due to the contusion in addressing, it 1sd1ff1cult for
eaergency services such as police, aabulance etc. to easily locate a
residence. He noted that for aany years the Post Office has proal.ed
a branch in the Marth Naples area to serve the people, and It is
currently budgeted in the 1990 budget. He stated that the Collier and
Lee Counties Post..sters have been very cooperative, and have no
objections to the change, He provided the Board with a copy of a ,
letter from the Postaaster General which indicates that the case 1.
being considered.
In response to Co..issioner Hasse, Mr. Ruff advised that the
Co..ittee has .ailed 600 petition letters, and confiraed that a 1/3
response was received, which is a considerable aaount. He n(\ted that
a very s..ll aaount of property owners had responded negatively to the
Co..issioner Volpe noted that the Board does not have the
authority to change zip codes. Mr. Ruff confiraed that h. wa. merely
requesting the Board's endorsement in the matter. He advised that the
area includes landowners that do not have houses built on the pro-
perty, as well as actual residents. He confirmed that the area con-
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J'AJroARY 2., 1989
sists of Lee County street addresses, and noted that it i. the only
area in Collier County that the streets go east and west instead of
north and south, He advised that insurance rat.. are not affected by
the address being in Lee or Collier County. He noted that he has not
received a response fro. the President of the Bonita Shore. Property
Owners Association regarding the issue.
Coaais.ioner Saunders indicated that the last paragraph ot the
petition invalidates the conclusion, as the petition refers to ~o
separate issues; the zip code change and the development of a branch
office, which .ay never occur.
Mr. Ruff noted that the Co..ittee is dealing with the identity of
the coaaunity, and the Board supported a resolution in favor of
changing the area to a Naples telephone exchange. He noted that due
to the tact that the coaaunity and the Board have not requested that a
post office branch be constructed in the North Ifaples area, the
construction of saae is continually being moved to a future year. He
contiraed for Co..issioner Saunders that he had inserted the branch in
the petition, and noted that the coaaunity is seeking a ZIp code
change. He noted that the property owners are not resident. of BonIta
Springs, but of Naples, and are constantly being identified wIth Lee
County governmental agencies.
"r. Robert Nason of '5 E. 5th Street, Bonita Springs, expre.sed
opposition to the change as it "would be a hassle to come to Xaple. to
pick up his mail". He noted that Mr. Ruff i8 not correct in hi. allega-
tion that the coaaunity is part of Collier County,
Mr. Frank Schelstrate of 4' E. 6th Street, Bonita Sprin~s, cited
that the zip code change would totally c~nfuse the community, and
therefore, he was opposed to the change.
"r. Andy A, Cle.ents of 360 Valley Drive, Bonita Shores, advised
that in 1986 the Bonita Shores Civic Association had voted in tavor of
divorcement tram Bonita Springs a. they are part of Collier County.
He noted that Coaaissioner Volpe is the area's repre.entative. He
stated that there is a problem with aabulance service, and It the area
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had a "33963" zip code there would not be a problea with finding an
addres.. He noted that another problem is that the addressing system
is confusing, and questioned if he should advertise his house a. being
located in Collier County or in Lee County should he ever decide to
sell it. He stated that f:he Emergency Services Department shutter.
when a Bonita Springs call appears on their coaputere, Co-issioner
Saunders stated that his secretary was contacting the Eaergency
Services Department in this respect.
Ke. Eaily Maggio of 250 Second Street, W. Little Hickory Shores,
advised that when the issue was originally brought up she was agaInst
it, however, she has taken a "quiet" position as to not influence
people in the area. She stated that she is quite certain that she
lives in Collier County. She stated that newspapers have contacted
her in regard to the issue, but she has aaintained her position of
-no co-ant" in the satter.
Co-issioner Volpe noted that based on the discussion there i.
.088 confusion in the area in question in terms ot identifying with
either Lee or Collier County.
Ms. Maggio noted that the survey was an expensive package tor a
private individual, namely Mr, CleJaents, who clai.. to have aailed the
petitions and to have paid tor the postage involved in the sailing of
...., She stated that Ed Ruff Realty owns the postage meter used tor
the aa!ling, and there is a considerable aaount ot money being
expended. She noted that the Ordinance is designed to protect the
taxpayers and the Co..ission against special interest groups imposing
their Belt-serving interests on the aajority, She noted that the
Board's endorsement would be ot great int 1 uence to the co88UD.i ty, and
further noted, that the addressing system has been in existence tor
aany years without any problems. She stated that the implementation
of a zip code change would cost aoney to the coaaunlty.
Tape "
Mr. Robert K. 8atscher of 68 7th Street, Bonita Shor"s, stated
that a zip code change would be contusing to his customers. Øe .tated
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that the change would cost hi. dollars and inconvenience. He noted
that the physical change to the address will take ti.e, and questioned
where the coaaunity's mail would be sent while the changes are beIng
Co..issioner Volpe co..ented that the Post Office would continue
to deliver aail for a period of one year after the i.pleaentation of
the change. although a Bonita Spring. street i. on the envelope.
Mrs. Renee Slater of 853 E. Valley Drive, BonIta Springs,
requested that the Board d~ny the request for a zip code change. She
noted that the survey does not reflect the aajority of the people in
the area.
Hr. George Keller of the Collier County Civic Federation stated
that the Board cannot take any action on the issue being discussed
as thi. is a postal i8sue.
Ka. Marilyn McCollum of 39 Sixth Street, Bonita Shores, stated
that she is happy with the service being provided and expressed
resentaent to the zip code change, and requested that the Board not
vote in favor of the request.
Mr. Bob Dickerson, representing the Lely Development Corporation,
~tated that they endorse the Co..ittee's request for zip code change.
Hr. Grant Tigwell of 46 'th Street. Bonita Shores, advised that he
had not given much thought to the petition, until he had to call "911"
for emergency service tor a child who had spilled acid on his face,
and he did not have any problems in getting assistance. He, however,
noted that the Federal law requires that an acid spill be reported to
the lire Department and cleaned up as toxic waste. He stated that the
spill was not cl~aned up until three days later because the "ire
Departments were trying to determine who would be picking it up. He
stated that finally the Lee County Fire Department cleaned up the acid
and the area. He indicated that after the aforementIoned incident, he
realized that he does indeed need Collier County identity.
Co..lssioner Saunders advised that the Emergency Medical Services
Departaent was contacted, and Statt was intormed that the average
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J'AJroARY 24, 1989
re.ponse time is less than five .inutes in the area. He noted that
there is an agreement with Lee County 8hould it take more than five
ainutes to respond, and no problems in response time have been encoun-
teredo He noted that there have not been any reports of anyone dyIng
in the area due to a delay in the ambulance service.
Mr. David Hingle of 26 3rd Street, Bonita Shores, advised that he
had written a letter to both the Bonita Springs and Raples post...ter
objecting to a zip code change. He stated that he own. a busine.. and
his aain office is located on Bonita Beach Road, Collier County.
Responding to Coaaissioner Volpe, Mr. Olliff advised that there is
an existing ordinance which states that the County shall not have
identical street neaes. He noted that there is a grid system in the
County whereby houses are numbered in a reasonable fashion.
In response to Co..issioner Saunders, County Manager Dorrill
advised that the County is in the process of developing a technology
"Enhanced 911~, which is not presently available. Coalliasloner
Saunders recalled that the Board had voted to provide tunds for the
.Enhanced 911~.
Mr. Bill Hill, United Telephone Sy.tem, advised that there 1. pre-
.ently confusion with County, City and Exchange boundarie.. He con-
tiraed that there is a proposal to create the "Enhanced 911".
Co..issioner Volpe comaented that although the Coaaittee has iden-
titled a serious problem, he is not prepared to presently endor.e the
proposal. He encouraged Mr. Ruff and the Committee to .push" for a
substation in North Naples.
Co..issioner Saunders concurred with Co..issioner Volpe'. state-
aent and added that significant proble.s have been raIsed by the
Speakers in regard to response tiae. He suggested that the Soard
direct Mr. Dorr ill to investigate how the County can better coordinate
provision of fire, police and Emergency Medical Services in the area,
and if there is . problem the Fire Chief in Bonita Springs and in
Collier County should be contacted to ascertain that there are
appropriate agre.ments for adequate service in the area. Se adv ised
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Mr. Ruff that the Postal Service does not have any plans to build a
Korth .aples Sranch because they do not have available fund.. Øe
noted that the zip code change, at this point, would inconvenience
people, a. opposed to providing for a n~ postal facility.
ec-.1-1cmer Saunder. 8OV8ð, ~ by Co8aJ..icmer ~..~,
that Staff eD8'Qr8 that the &¡>..,Iopriate ...rgeucy -rvlC88, polIce,
fire, an4 aabl:¡lance, are 8dequately coordInated. In the area, 8D4 aab
8UZ'8 there 1. DO ~Ion In .treet D8II88.
Co..issioner Shanahan noted that the Board has heard enough
discus.ion on emergency probleas, for instance the acid on the chIld,
and indicated that the evidence sust be caretully reviewed and
corrective ..asure. implemented.
Co..issioner Volpe suggested that the atore.entioned Inforaatlon
be provided within a month, and Co..i8sloner Shanahan reque.ted that
Staff find out when the -Enhanced 911" "ill be goIng into effect,
Upon call tor the questIon, the IIOtion C&rrled. 0/0.
a.ec... 11:00 a... - aecoQy.oeð 11:20 a... at ~ch tl..
Deputy Clerk Bott.an replaclld Deputy Clerk IIeD4ez
It- ft.
Mrs. :Judi Nadeau stated that she and her faaily purchased 9 acres
of property east of the Vineyards, on 2nd Avenue Southwest, with the
intention that her father-in-law and mother-in-law will build on 3
acres, her brother-in-law will build on 3 acres, and she and her hus-
band will build on the back 3 acres of the property. She indicated
that .he discovered that current provision. will not allow the. to do
thIs, without going through the subdivision review process.
Acting Coaaunity Development Adainistrator Olliff advl.ed that
this is an area that the subdivision review does not addres.. He
noted that the County Attorney's offIce has drafted an aaendaent to
the Subdivi8ion Regulation Ordinance which relate. to this ty~ of
case. He advised that the aaendaent will be presented to the Board of
r- . t
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County Co..issioners around the 1st of April. He indicated that
another option i8 that the petitioners aay request an exemption to the
current Subdivi8ion Regulation Ordinance, but noted that this probably
will have to g~ back to the Subdivision Revirw Co..ittee, and their
recoaaendation Kill be forwarded to the Board.
Co..issioner Saunders stated that the petitioner'. request .ee..
to be fairly s1.ple, but noted one concern that in the future if one
of the 3 lots Kere to be sold, there aay be an access problem. He
indicated that one of the considerations 8ight be granting a peraanent
eaeeaent that would run Kith the land. He sugge.ted that it .ee..
that the appropriate action 1s to direct Mr. and Mrs. Nadeau to the
subdivision revirw process for a waiver, and then co.. back to the
County Attorney Cuyler indicated that he is not certain that.
Kaiver will address th1s type of situation. He noted that hi. office
is working on language which Kill aaend the Subdivision Regulations.
He stated that he has no objection if Staff is to present this
Petition to the Subdivision Revirw Coaaittee, but advised that he
caution. the Board not to instruct Staff to take this through the
Subdivision Revirw. He indicated that it aay take an actual aaendaent
to the Ordinance,
ec-.1..ioner tJh.nab.en 8D9'ed, 8eCODC2e4 by Co8a.1..i cme r ..... 8D4
~11111 1m8n18OU8ly, that Staff be dlrecte4 to ...18t the P8tl U0D8r8
with goiDg throa.gh the 8UbdJv181on W&JV8r proc-., wIth DO ØQ8Z'8Dt....
County Attorney Cuyler advised that he Kill aeet Kith Mr. Olliff,
in the aeanti.e, and i f it appears that the aaendaent proceS8 is
necessary, he as.u.e. that he has the authorization to proceed.
1t- H81
.,DI7IKD DCAVATIO. PKRXIT 80. - -1-715/81008- ( AD - JIAPLU aoc:z
0 - 15 15 -
Public Works Administrator Archibald .tated that thi8 item 1..
request to aodify the per.it application for "Naples Rock Pit~. He
noted that the previous excavation permit by White Construction was
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J'AlroARY 24, 1989
i8.ued in 1982 for the 1-75 construction. He indicated that in May,
1988, the Board of County Coaaissioner8 allowed the transter ot
ownership fro. White Construction to Tara-Manatee, Inc., represented by
Mr. Wili.. Hig7s.
Mr. Archibald advised that Mr. Higgs is currently in the proces.,
through the original excavation perait, to complete the excavation of
a 70 acre lake. He stated that on :January 10, 1989 the Board ot
County Co..issioners approved a Provisional Land Use, which allow.
reaoval of the aaterial from the site, He noted that this per.it
application is a follow-up to the action which allows the permltee to
be considered to remove approxiaately 465,000 cyds. ot _terial, and
excavating to a aaxiaua depth of -19 ft. ngvd, which will allow hi. to
excavate to a total depth of 30 ft. He noted that the Hater
Kanageaent Advisory Board has reviewed this application, and is reco.-
&ending a~roval, subject to the following stipulations:
1. The excavation of the 70 acre pit to a depth ot 30 ft.
(elevation -19.0 ft. ngvd.) shall be in accordance with
County Ordinance No. 88-26 "Co..ercial" excavations and all
previous stipulations & conditions placed on the existing
per8it. All disturbed areas proposed for lake excavation
shall be excavated to a 8iniaua elevation of -1.0 ft. ngvd.
2. Off-site removal of fill material shall be subject to
"Standard Conditions" i8posed by the County Engineer in docu-
sent dated ð/2'/88 (copy attached).
3. This approval is subject to the approval of the Board ot
County Co..is8ioners of Provisional Use Petition Ho.
PU-8S-16C which will provide compatible zoning for this pro-
posed land use,
In answer to Co..issioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald advised that the
action granted :January 10, 1989 allowed an excavation depth of 35',
which is now restricted to 30'.
Hr. George Keller. President of the Collier County Civic
rllderation, stated that he objects to the 30' depth, noting that the
canal on the northeast side of CR-951 is almost dry and the lower the
rock beds are dug, the lower the water table will be. He noted that
there is a significant amount of sulphur at a depth of 30', which will
affect the water supply in Golden Gate Estates. He noted that if the
original application was restricted to 20', it was done tor a good
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reason. He stated that there currently i. a water .hortage.
Hr. Archibald stated that after the lake is excavated, thi8 area
will be an industrial park, and the lake will receive runoff troa
.urrounding lands, which will be an advantage to aaintaining water
levels. He noted that under the current excavation per.it, monitoring
-vsteas will be established to deteraine if degradation of ground
water i. occurring, adding that the ground water in the subject area
has a high chloride content.
Coaaissioner Volpe que.tioned how aany additional cubic yards of
aaterial will be removed from the site under the current peralt7
Hr. Archibald stated that the infor.ation provided by the appli-
cant shows an additional 466,000 cubic yards to be removed fro. the
site, noting that some of the aaterial has already been excavated and
stockpiled by the original permittee. øe noted that the per.it allow.
the applicant to sell the aaterial to local markets.
Coaaissioner Hasse questioned whether the applicant wIll be
charged impact fees for the use of the roads?
Mr. Archibald indicated that a road impact tee will be charged,
but it will be relatively saall. He advised that the roads that will
be used are adjacent to CR-951, and are designed to handle that kind
of tratt ic.
Coaaissioner Hasse noted that aany fill per.it applications are
being granted, and questioned the damage from the blasting to the
surrounding water .upply?
Hr. Archibald 8tated that the potential is always there, but indi-
cated that there are seisaic devices which are required tor all
blasting, and he believes that there are enough ctlecks and balances
during the blasting and the excavation pr~ces.e8 to aonitor any change
in quality of the water,
Co..is.ioner Hasse noted that there have been complaint. regarding
blasting taking place at different times during the day and night, as
well as weekends. and noted that aonitoring will not be conducted on
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, County Manager Dorrill indicated that he is not aware of anyone
blasting at night. He noted that the recently adopted Excavation and
Blasting Ordinance meets all of the County's current requirements. Be
stated that there is not a residential area within a 8ile of the pro-
posed 8ite. He indicated that the nearest residential estates coa-
aunity is over a aile. and acrOS8 the aain Golden Gate Canal, to the
north. He noted that this is an exi8ting rock pit, which has been the
most notoriously, poorly managed pit in the County, and the new
contractor i. local. and he has expressed an intent to work with Staff
to clean up a bad rock pit.
Co..issioner Volpe questioned whether the lake is a part of a
tu~. industrial park?
Mr. Archibald stated that the zoning is A-2, and the Provi8ional
Os. which was approved on January 10, 1989, 18 tor a 8ining operation.
He advised that there i8 a Master Plan, and the lake will be ot use in
the future, He indicated that the surrounding lands have been rezoned
for industrial type uses,
Mr. Eeller stated when the rock pit was originally started, and
blasting took place. the residents in his area had green water. He
fttated t~at there is a reason why the depth was restricted to 20', and
the Co..ission should determine that 30' rock pits will not be per-
8itted around residential areas in the tuture.
Mr. Archibald advised that the 20' depth goes back to the 1982
perait, which was based on the contractor getting a certain aaount of
aaterial fro. the site. He noted that the results of a report
provided by the Environmental Resource Department addressed the con-
cerna of the water table quality and quantity, and the results indi-
cates that a depth of "0' should not caU8e any problem, because at the
confining layers at those depths.
Co8a1-iooer 8hat1-h4I.D 8OV84, 88CODðed by Co8aJ._l00er ~Jght, to
&;Itol...". 8Ioditl811 bc.1avation Pera.1t .0. 88.133, with the .ti~atl0D8
- stat811 pravloualy by Mr. Archibald.
Co..issioner Haase questioned whether the constant openIng of the
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rock pit. to a depth of 30' or .ore will have any affect on the water
aupply in the area?
Environaental Science and Pollution Control Director I.orenz
advIsed that there are three concern. relating to rock pits:
1. Excavation not be conducted below a confining unIt, where
there is an interconnection of the two groundwater aquiter..
In this ca8e, thi8 will not happen.
2. When a rock pit is dewatered, it will cause groundwater to
flow into the pit. This is a wet 8ine, and will have no
extensive dewatering.
3. The kind of uses that will occur around the pit, i.e. stora-
water run off or hazardous aaterials which are soil con-
taminations and will run into the rock pit.
Mr. Lorenz stated that Staff considered the first two concern.,
and dis8issed them, since they are not significant in this case. Be
indicated that with regard to the third concern, there should be Boa.
positive grading 80 the water will not flow into the pit.
~i_lcmer tJ}uwi.abM 888Dðe4 Jú8 aoUon to iDcla4e aD 84cUtloaal
sUpllaUon req1I1r1ng ~1tiV8 gn4iJ)g, 80 that nmoff w111 DOt I'1ID
into tb8 pIt. ec-.1-icmer GoodnIght lICc::eptlld the ~t. 8D4 tb8
aotlOQ ~111d 1m8n1.8oa8Iy.
It- ~1
Mr. Willard :J. (Bill) Hill, :Jr.. President of the Collier County
Fair Board, advised that this year's County Fair was one of the aost
outstanding years in the Fair's 13 year history, noting that the tur-
nout resulted in turning people away, since parking was filled to
Mr. Hill indicated that the Pair Board set on Deceaber 21, 1988,
and a proposal was offered froB the Orangetree development for an
additional 30.~3 acres of land, i..ediately east of the Pair Ground
property, at $6,000 per acre. He noted that currently the property
contains 05 acres, 15 of which have been dedicated to the dev"lopaent
of the the Collier County Extension Agent, leaving 40 acres. He
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8tated that he believes that the additional acreage is an opportunity
to be taken aGvantage of.
Co..issioner Shanahan questioned whether an appraisal of the pro-
party had been obtained?
Mr. Hill stated that the County's Real Property Divi8ion appraIsed
the subject property, and they feel the 88,000 per acre is an
outstanding price.
Coaaissioner Saunders noted that Staff will have to comply with
State Statutes which requires appraisals, and the only direction that
could be given today, is for Staff to proceed with the appraisal., and
co.. back to the Board of County Coaaissioners with a tigure and a
purcha8e contract.
CO..i88ioner Hasse questioned whether any receipt. from the faIr
wIll be used for the funding of the additional property?
Mr. Hill advised that the receipts that have been earned will be
put back into total developaent, He noted that the grounds are being
developed for coaaunity use in a multi-faceted plan, 80 the t aany
events can be held at the Fair Grounds. He indicated that a request
baa been presented to the Fair Board, for the Southwe.t Council of Soy
Scouts to hold a jaaboree on the property.
Co..iesioner Shanahan questioned what the net earning were from
this year's Fair?
Clerk Giles stated that the revenues fro. this year are about
815.000 sore than last year. He noted that the working capital for
develop.ent was almost $25,000 at the end of Deceaber, 1988.
Coaaissioner Goodnight indicated that the money that is to be used
to construct the restrooms at the Fair Grounds, is tram the Fair
Exposition Budget of Doyle Connors, who has provided a grant tor
these facilities, with matching funds that have been put into an
account. She further noted that the lease that Collier County has
with the 'air, is that whatever is built on the property becP"s the
property of Collier County.
Co..is.ioner Volpe questioned where the fund. ot 8185,00 will coae
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froa for the additional 30.93 acres?
County Manager Dorrill stated that in the event the Board decide.
to pursue the proposal, appropriate action would be that. purcha.e
contract Kith conditions be developed and brought back. H. indIcated
that the conditions would be: identifying an appropriate source ot
funds: ownership of the property reaain with the Board ot County
Coaaissioners and the lease be ..ended wIth Collier County 'air and
Expo.ition, Inc.: and that the County develop the 8ite plan and engi-
neering relative to the entire piece of property.
Co..issioner Shanahan ~t.ted that he does not feel that the County
can go wrong by purchasing this property now, or in the future.
Co8a1_icnMr S~haJ] 8O'9Wd, 8eC0D4ed by Co8aJ...lcmer Goodnight:
and carr i811 un.an18:Ja81 y, that Staff prO(;eed WIth the ~l'op...-1ate
appra.18al8 to justify a reconcile agalnet t.b8 """ng price, ..
ntqU1red by 1_: a contract with conditione be developed 8D4 broaght
b8cIt to the 8o8rd., iðeutify1ng an approp.date source of f1m4e:
o..o.rå.1p of the ~rty to 1'888111 with IIoa.r4 of Ccnmty
Co8a1..i0D8r8, an4 the 1.... 888n4ed with CollIer Ccnmty J'air 8D4
bpo81tiOD, Inc.: aDd that the CaaDty dev8lop the .ite plan 8D4 8Zlgi-
D88riDg relative to the 811tire piece of property.
It- .12C
FIUIJIQ 8fI'I"I[I8 JIAJr-MADJ: AlII) 8J:A111AT.r n\ Cu.u.s OJ' MAJtCO ISLA.8D - 8'fAJ'J'
Co..i.sioner Shanahan stated that he requested discu8sion of this
ite., due to a nuaber of telephone calls and letters that he has
received requesting action from the Board of County Co..lssioners.
Be read into the record, a letter dated January 21, 1989, from Mr.
Paul J. Ballestero, Katerfront property owner on Marco Island,
objecting to the invasion of hi8 riparian rights by out-of-County coa-
..rcial .ullet tlsheraen,
Co..issioner Shanahan indicated that current ordinance re.trlct.
the ti.. ot fIshing trom 11:00 P.M. untIl 7:00 A.M..
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The tollowing persons objected to fishing within aan-aade and
se.walled canals:
Mr. .1....s Love, Marco Island
Mr. M. R. Fllbin, Harco Island
Mrs. Bettye Pangle, Vanderbilt Beach
Mr. :John Billebrandt, Marco Island
Mr. Robert Hock, Marco Island
Hr. Herbert Lipson, Marco Island
Mr. Sill Evans. Marco Island
Mr. :Jack Crouse, Marco Island
Mr. Ira Evans, Marco Island
Mr. T. Reinhardt, Harco Island
Tape n
The reasons for objecting to ti8hing within aan-aade and .eewalled
canal. are as follows: fish of all 8pecies are being captured in
abundance, an~ are being depleted: netting past the restricted ti.. of
11:00 P.M.; noise and abusive language tro. the fisher.en: out.ider.
are cleaning out the canals; lights on boats at night are annoying:
theft of resident8 boats and equip.ent: coaaercial type bus in... being
conducted in residential neighborhoods; co..ercial occupation disrupt.
the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood; weapons aboard coaaer-
cial boats; use of seawall tor netting operatIon.: Sheritf's substa-
tion on Marco is not always opened during the hours when violations
are occurring, to report complaints; lIttering in the canals.
The following persons spoke in favor of co..ercial fishing wIthin
aan-aade and seawalled canals of Harco Island:
Hr. Marty :Johnson, Coaaercial risher..n. Vancleave, Missiesippi
Mr. .1o~h Lawson, Coaaercial Fisheraan, Goodland
Mr. Bobby Stinson, Goodland
Hr. Mullis Tr~rnton, Naples
Hr. Gary S8ith, Co..ercial Fisherman, Naples
Mr. Charles S8ith, Coaaercial Fisheraan. Belle Glade
Mrs. Phyla Seith, Marco Island
Mr. Roy Bartlett, Coaaercial Fisheraan, Marco I8land
Mr. .1on Staiger, Naples
Mr. Anthony Dixon, Commercial Fi8heraan, Goodland
Mr. Fred Lively, Coaaercial Fisher..n, Goodland
Those speaking in favor of coaaercial fishing within the aan-aade
and seawalled canals of Marco Island, cited their reasons as tallows:
Violations are being created by a 8aall 8inority ot the co..ercial
tisheraan, most at which are out-of-County resident8: coaplaint.
should be referred to the Marine Patrol; coaaercial rishing 1. the
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sole source of inco.e for aost of the tisheraen: the hone.t fi.heraen
will not take the chance of retrieving illegal gaa. fi8h, and loosing
their boats ~d equipment; the aajor1ty of the fisheraen are .erely
trying to aake a living, and they do not wi8h to cau.e any proble..:
no arrests have been made in these canal8 thi8 year: local fisher.en
should not be scrutinized for out-of-County offenders: there are acre
restrictions on the coamercial fishermen than on the sport fisheraen:
coaaercial fisher.en will come to the aid of boaters in trouble: aany
of the coaaercial fisher.en receive abuse from residents: resident. ot
Marco own their perspective lots and they do not own the waterway.:
the fisheraen use the aan-aade canals for 8-10 weeks per year tor
aullet fishing; Constitutional Rights being violated by banning co.-
aercial fishermen from the aan-aade and seawalled canals, and allowing
sports fisheraen to fish these area..
Deputy Grady Johnson of the Sheriff'. Depart.ent advl.ed that hi.
unit has received a relatively low nuaber of complaints regarding
theft by co...rcial fishermen and abusive language. He noted that the
aajority of the calls he has received are fro. resIdents Inquiring..
to the legality of the fishing boat8 being in the canals, and the
hours that are permissible for fishing. He stated that if a boat
is utilizing the motor for retrieving the nets, and it is after
11:00 P.M., a citation is issued; no warnings are given.
Coaai88ioner Volpe questioned when, in ter.s of tiaing, the Board
would have to act, in order to have thi8 aatter brought before the
State L~islative Delegation?
County Attorney Cuyler advised that the Legislative Delegation had
it. hearing earlier this year than they noraally do. He incHcated
that unless a aatter i. a 8evere threat to health, safety and welfare,
it cannot be included in the Legislative Agenda tor this year: it
will have to be included in the agenda for next year.
Co..is.ioner Volpe stated that it appears that the Board of County
Co..issioners is stymied, as far as what can be done at thi. tl88, and
the problea will be unresolved until the end of 1989-90.
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Mr. Char lee S.ith, co..ercial tisheraan, sugge.ted that a couple of
the local coaaercial fisher.en, a couple of the re8ident. of Marco,
and a ..mber ot County Staff meet. and atte.pt to resolve 80.e of the
probleaa that have been presented.
~1..iocar ~"4m 8CI"N4 that tb8 IIo&r4 of Ccnmty cc-1-10D8r8
coa814er . pl~ 8pec:ial Act to prob.1blt cn uclal U8Ia.1ng w1 t1ûA
the 881:. 88ðe C8D8.1. of Marco, GoocU8D4, an4 the 1.1- of Cçr1.
Co..issioner Shanahan stated that he believes that the Board
should revirw and consider the draft, and take Into consideration, Mr.
S.ith'e suggestion that all involved partie. work together to r..olve
this situation in a autually, equitable, and satisfactory way.
Co..issioner Goodnight stated that 8he object. to thi8 ban. She
noted that during the 1960's and 1970'8, there were acre aullet
fieheraen than there are now. She indicated that there was. better
aullet season last year, than there has been in a long ti... She
state4 that she does not believe that it is the co..ercial fisheraen
that are depleting the species of fish, but rather the developaent in
the area. She noted that coaaercial tisheraen have never petItioned
this Board regarding the ceasing ot development in the County: they
have never petitioned the Board to stop the .osquito spraying, and It
is known that thi8 causes some of the proble..: and, they have never
complaIned to this Board that the Federal Governaent has taken the
Katlonal Park from the.. She indicated that these people have been
iapounded enough, and their livelihood i8 being taken away from them.
CO..i88ioner Saunders indicated that one of the major proble..
expressed today is that there is fishing going on after 11:00 P.M.
and thefts are taking place. He noted that one r~ggestion would be
for the Sheriff's Department to step up enforcement, and ticket tho.e
persone in violation of using abu8ive language, throwing trash in the
canale, or holding on to someone'. dock. He stated that he can sup-
port an analysis by Staff of what can be done to solve this problem in
the long-ter., but in the short term, the law enforceaent otficials
can be ticketing the violators,
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Co..issioner Goodnight stated that she concurs with Co..i.sioner
Saunders' suggestion.
Co..lssio~er Volpe stated that he believes a little broader tocu.
should be taken, and not merely ll.itlng the study to Marco and the
surrounding areas.
Ci-i _iODIn' ~bG1 ~ hI. IIOt1OD - follCM8: Dl~ Staff
to ..-a.l1&8te an4 proviðe propo8&l. to the 8o8r4 on bow to deal -it!a
thi8 81t:11at1OD in the long-tara, seconded by ec-1_1cmer ""._",,1'. 8D4
carr 184 mum18OU8l y .
ec-i.-1oaer Sa1m48re 1IO9'8ð, ~ by ec-1..1cmer Volpe, that
ÜI8 eo.m1:y ~ ...t -lth the SherIff to 1Dcre... lIDforC886At on
Jkrco X.J..Dd, in 8ZX1 arcnmcS the caua18, 8ZX1 the t18bel'8lU1 to work -it!a
Staff 8D4 %WpOrt vio1at0r8.
Deputy johnson stated that the Sheriff's Departaent, Marine
Patrol, and the Gaae Co..ission have vessel8 in the area. In addi-
tion. he noted that 80me of the DIfR officers will also be placed in
boats this year. He noted that as of next week, there will be another
patrol boat based at the substation on Marco Island. Be ztated that
any ti.heraen that are in violation, will be cited on the spot. Be
noted that aany times the thetts that occur have taken place by
boaters fro. the East Coast. He indicated that the mullet 8ea.on
generally runs from December 15 through J'anuary 20. He advise4 that
if the residents of Marco have a problea, they should contact the
Sheriff'. aain telephone number, at 714-4434, and he will get back 1n
touch '..lith the..
Dpoa call tor the qaetJUOD, the IIOtiOD carrIed. 1ID8D18:nI81y.
8ece8a 1:15 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. at Mb1ch t1a8 Depa1:y Clerk
8IIb..do... replaced Depaty Clerk BofhaD
It- n82
LIXITED os. ~.h""'T U'ht1LlUl '!'111: 8OAJtD or ",^,mn COI8a88IOIIJDt8 &lID
Public Works Adainistrator Archibald requested approval at a
L181ted Use Agreement between the Board and The Marco Player.,
Page 21 i , .: ~.'
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J'AJroARY 24, 1989
Incorporated, to utilize the old Marco LIbrary for a period of 30 days.
He noted that the Players will be using the pre.ises from 1:00 p... to
11 :00 p... on Monday., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. He stated
that the Agreeaent includes the teras and conditions, and the Players
auat provide the necessary insurance prior to occupancy, He noted
that the aaount of $60.00 will be paid to the County to offset the
cost of electricity, as well as a $200.00 cash bond to insure adequate
cleanup of the property at the tftr.inatlon ot the Agree.ent.
Co..is.ioner Shanahan stated that there are a nuaber ot indlvi-
duals who are interested in acquiring space at the old library.
County Manager Dorrill advised that the last Board's direction on the
issue, was to contact the Constitutional Otficers to explore and put
together a budget to renovate the facility to be used a. a .atellite
governaent facility, He noted that the County will be i.pleaenting
renovations to the facility so.etiae In the spring, and Staff wIll not
enter into any long-tera agree.ents.
Coaaissioner Shanahan stated that there is a possibility that the
facility can be utilized as a 8ini-governaent center. He stated the
O.S. Post Otfice has contacted hia for consideration in renting a 8ec-
tion of the building.
In response to Co..issioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald advI.ed that
during the specified dates and times mentioned in t~e Agree.ent, the
Marco Players will have exclusive use of the facility. He confiraed
tor Co..issioner Has.e that the Agreeaent contains a termination
clause that allows the County to cancel the lease immediately should
an emergency crisis be created. Co..issioner Shanahan asked what
constituted an emergency crisis to which Mr. Archibald expounded that
there are two specific ter8ination clauses which provide tor a 15-day
ec-.1..icmer S~Mn 8OV8<1, 88CODde4 by Co8als.1cmer ..... 8D4
~ 184 1m8ni80a.81 y, that the L1a1 tltd 0- .I.gr..-nt .i th tbe IIu'co
Ie.lca4 Player8, Incorporatltd aDd the Board be appr0va4.
Page 27,
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---- ,.....-.,.
J'AJroARY 24, 1989
Xu. nD1
rr'f' a 8ØW ORDD 110. 1 TO TO COWaUDC'rX08 COIIT1UC1' WID GOLJ'
0uIt* f JWC, 1'uIat, IE. roa TO -SOOTH COVJrTY UOIO8AL KAaT1llCA'l"D nD'fIUDI"!'
rACIt.IT'!- - I.!:'nwv W
Coaai.sioner Saunders questioned whether the contractor would be
assuaing the responsibility for any surface conditions he aay have
encountered in the construction of the project? Mr. CUyler responded
that be did not have the answer to the que8tion, but would inve.tlgate
the -tter.
~tilities Engineering Director Teaby explained that the Change
Order is to reaove unacceptable soil conditions tound below the
Clarifiers, that were exposed during the foundation excavatIon pro-
cess. He noted that the aforementioned conditions were not displayed
in the soil borings that were done for the site. Responding to
Co..iesioner Saunders, Coaaissioner Volpe advised that one of the .oil
borings was conducted by the Contractor's testing consultants, and the
other was done by Law Engineering, who had conducted the original .oil
Mr. Edward T. Key, of Consoer, Townsend and A8sociate., Inc.,
advised that the prelimInary soil borings perforaed by Law Engineering
included three borings; one iamediately in the area, and two in the
surrounding areas. He stated that none ot the borings indicated the
_gnitude of roots beneath the Clarifiers. He confiraed tor
Coaaissioner Volpe that Law Engineering had performed the original
test. after the contractor's testing consultant aade the recoaaen-
dation that the _terials be re.oved. He stated that the problem has
been discussed with the Corps of Engineers, and the Environaental
ProtectIon Agency, who have indicated that there should not be any
proble.. of the work being fundable under the grant.
Coaaissioner Saunders reiterated hie opening reaarks, and noted
that he is not T1estioning the validity of the proces.. Mr. Cuyler
indicated that there is a time constraint involved in the Change Order
issue; he stated that the Board can approve the Change Order subject
Page 28 '1~
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..----.--- ,-
J'AJroARY 24, an
to, and with the condition that his office review it. Øe noted
the contract Mill be presented to the Chalraan tor hi. .ignature after
a deteraination i8 made that the responsibilIty does not lie with
another entity, but with the County. He stated that if he has any
probl.... the contract Mill be pre.ented to the Board wIthin a week.
ec-J._ioaer --- 8OV84, 8eC0Dded by Coaat_loaer 8h8mth8a 8D4
~ill11 1IlI.8Z118OU8ly, that ChaDge Order JIo. 1 to ~ COD8tra.ct:1on
CCII11:r8c1: with Gulf Con8tractortl, Inc. tor 1:be -South Ccnmty Jt8g1oaal
...t~1:8r 'f'reat88Dt ~ac111ty. 1D the --.nmt of '90,000, 8D4 grazatiDg
a so d8T 1:1", extena1on to 1:be contract, 8D4 1:h8 D8C8888rJ' ~t
l.I~'~.t be ~AOY.4.
Page 29
- . --,---- .'----_."".._,.,-,., , ,-"--"-""-"--""",,,,,,,,,,"_"""M ,._.~,...._-"...,'_.._'-
.1AJroARY 2., 1989
It- ~1
APPOl.,,-..x ~ nAB JIImTT AS ~.J.tT DnU.OPIGDIT aøa.I8'I1tA1'Oa -
County Ma~ger Dorrill requested the Board's confiraation in the
appointaent of Mr. Prank Brutt as Coaaunity Develop.ent Að8inistrator
.. required by the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances. Be
advised that the Executive Suaaary contains a brief resume in regard
to Mr. Brutt's background and experience. He indicated that Mr. Brutt
is currently the Coaaunity Developaent Director tor the City of 51.1
Valley, California.
Mr. Dorrill advised that Mr. Srutt has been offered the po.itlon
subject to the Board's approval with an anticipated .-ployaent date of
March 1, 1989, and an annual salary ot $59,600. In response to
Co..issioner Shanahan, Mr. Dorrill noted that the Board has a reloca-
tion policy for professional positions of up to one month's gross
salary for which Mr. Brutt is eligible. He confiraed for Co..i..ioner
Volpe that there are funds within the Huaan Resources Budget to pay
tor intervi~ costs.
ec-.1_1oaer ...- 8OV84, 8eC0Dðe4 by CoaaJ._lorwr o--tym COD-
UraiDg the appo1nt8ent of ~8Dk Brutt - CO88Imity D8Te1op118Dt
~i,,'atrator at an 1IDDUa1 _1UT of tel,eoo.
Responding to Coaaissioner Volpe, Mr. Dorril1 advised that Staff
had received over 60 resuaes, and a coaaittee comprised of former
County Kanager Noraan, Dr. Michael Steven., and Don Barber, revIewed
the applicants and had recoaaended three, ot which he interviewed tHo
0p0I1 call tor the qu88tlon, the 8Otlon carrIed 1IDIm~1y.
It- nn
County Manager Dorrill requested approval of Mr. Willi88 Lorenz
for the position of Environaental Services Division Adainistrator. He
noted that Mr. Lorenz possesses outstanding credentials, as well - an
outstanding record as a County eaployee. He advised that Mr. Lorenz
Page 30 ' ,
" ",'0..
.... .----.---........ ..._~-,~._~...,., ,...,..-.-..-.-.,..-.--.-
.,..., "n" ~
J'AXUARY 24, 1189 ;"
haa a graduate deqree in Environaental EngineerIng, and hi. background \"
and experience includes .urtace water aanageaent and environaental
concerns. He noted that Mr. Lorenz' salary will be at the entry
C'--i..1oDer 8Þ-1-hCl 8OV8ð, eec0Dd84 by ec-.J..IOD8'1' ~Jght:
8D4 carr 1811 1m8n 18OU8 1 y, that B111 Lor8'Dz be appo1nt811 to the po81t1on
of Elnr1J:o.......tal Servic- Ada1nl.-trator.
Iu. nn
DSOLOTIOII "-11 U aup'i'vIcr or U IJI'RJICDJIGZ AT 1-76 UD I.a. 28-
County Manager Dorrill advised that the aatter pertaining to the
1-75/S.R. 29 Interchange is not ofticially finalized.. per the
Departaent of Transportation. He noted that the de.ign and environ-
&ental aspects are close to completion, and emphasized the iaportance
ot the Board's requesting the Interchange at the location to allow law
enforceJIent, fire and EMS vehicle. acce.. from S.R, 29 to the
Interstate. He noted that Marco Island, Everglade. City, and
laaokalee Kill also have acce8. unto the Interstate to get to the last
County Attorney Cuyler added that the re801ution contains cer-
tain governaental entities that Staft is reque8ting reviww, co_ant
and recoaaendations regarding 8itigation seasures to protect panther.
in the area. He recoaaended that the tis. fra.. be within SO - 16
days In order to obtain a response fro. the jurisdictional agencies.
Co..issioner Shanahan advi8ed that at the last MPO seeting there
Kas some discu88ion pertaining to 1-75 and S.R. 29 and the potential
$10 8illion expenditure to protect the panther.. He indicated that
the Chairaan dratted a letter stating the Board ..mber. were in favor
of protecting the panther habitat, but that .oaeone else should spend
the 810 8illion to aove the road.
Public Works Adaini8trator ArchIbald advIsed that the re.olutlon
provides for the federal agencies to sign off the proposal to do the
tinal design of the Interchange, and to obtain ~ederal funding tor the
Page 31
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J'AJroARY 24, 1i SIt
C'--1..1oaer GoodnIght 8DV8d, eeCODdecS by ec-1..1oaer eb-MbcI,
that It88olllt1ca 89-11 in .....,.,...rt: of aD Interch8Dgi8 at 1-75 8D4 ..K. 2.
be 8dop1: 811.
Mr. Dorrill contiraed for Co..issioner Volpe that the area i. out-
side the urban area, 18 zoned agricultural and aay al.o tall under the
conservation, reservation or wetland. owned by the State.
Upoa call for the ~lca, ~ ~led 1ID8D18oa.8ly.
It:- .11.U . 2 See Pages .~--I'LL~. 'I-
J(J~.U "...~+. "-92/91 - ADOhku
ec-.1_100er ...... 8O'V811, 8eC0Dðe4 by Co8aJ...1cmer p.-~ 8D4
carrIed 'Dft8ft1~ly, that 8a.dg8t ~t. U-t2/98, be 8dop1:ed.
It- .1Lt.3
~1N&"r IRaJllW1Uf. U80LOTIOW 89-' - ADOPTm
ec-.1_icmer ..... 8OV84, 8eC0Dðe4 by Co8aJ...lcmer ~re 8D4
~ 1811 1m8n 18OU81 y, that 1laðg8t: ~nt Re8o111Ucm '9-8 be adopted.
"' "
" ¡
':..",*, "1~'"
Page U,J':
';. c'
" ,
......'........ ..,.-_.,....m."....,.."'"
J' AJro ART 24, 1989
IUs ~2A
D&PPO.&.8 ~ .I: œ III C1IKL& DKLO" 1)t\ , APPO IJI"rha.- ); em '!' .LIIU'T. J: COII8'!'Aft In
TO ØOLZI8JI ClAn ~..LT1' "~AA ADVI8Ort COI8(I'f'!'D - U.WJlI&J.~ nUl'
TO ...a.nvw:rt'tS8 roJt 'fJIIKD .......&a
Adainistrative Assistant to the Soard Israelson stated the subject
itea 1s to appoint or reappo1nt aeabers to two of three vacant posi-
tions on the Golden Gate Coaaunlty Center Adv1sory Co..lttee. She
noted that three teras exp1red on Deceaber 31, 1988: Mr. David RichIe
ba8 aaved out of the distr1ct and i. no longer elig1ble for reappoint-
aent: Mr. Ralph Partington has served two full teras, but has offered
to continue attending the meetings until a replacement is appointed,
and Mrs. Michele Delgado has requested reappointaent to a second tera.
She noted that Mr. Tiaothy Constantine's resuae was the only resuae
received. She stated that a .eaorandua dated J'anuary 12, 1989 from
J'oan J'enks, Director of the Center, has been received recoaaending
that Mr.. Delgago be reappointed. that Mr. Constantine be appointed,
and that Staft readvert1se to tIll the re..ining vacancy.
~..10D8r :aa.- 8IOV8d, -.çon4ed by CO8a1..1cmer .,.--.btlZll 8D4
~ 1811 1m8I118OU8 1 y, that MIchele Delg8ðo be raappo1J1t811 8D4 Mr.
'!'1.aJtby CoDatanUoe be appointed to the OolcSen Oate CO88IIInlty Center
A4v18OrJ' 8o&rd for two Y8&r ter88, Imd that . pre88 raIe... r~1Dg
appl1C8Z11t. tor the r888ining vacancy be ra188U8d.
It- .12.
WI 'f1I nUl': COII& BACE I . 4 MUD: WASD MI.D.ØDIIDI"f '1'0 IoD'II n 08 M l' '1'0
U8OIt8 con
Co..issioner Saunders stated that representatives from Waste
Manageaent, Inc. were present to provide the Board with guIdance on
the types of recycling prograas that are avaIlable. He noted that the
State Legislature has aandated that the County instItute recyclIng
prograas this year.
Me. Terry Douglas. on behalt ot Waste Manmgeaent, Inc., thanked
the Board tor allowing the. to share the prograa entItled RRecycle
A8erica". She stated that landfills are slowly tIllIng up throughout
Page 33 1~
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J'AJrnARY 24, au
the country, and waste energy plans are becoaing .ore diffIcult to ,
develop. She advised that recycling can be a par~ of the coaprehen-
sive 8Olution needed in order to aaintain a clean and safe environ-
aent in the c~~ty. She stated that by J'uly 1, 1989, the State ha.
aandated that each County initiate a recycling prograa that recover.
the aajority of the newspaper, aluainua cans, glass and plastic
bottles. She noted that the aaount of .unicipal .olid waste i. to be
reduced by at least 30~ by the end of 1994. She stated that there are
three different levels of residential collection syste.s tor
recyclable8: a drop-off 8ite of conveniently located container.;
buying centers, whereby aaterials are dropped off by residents, are
weighed and are paid; curb 8ide collection, ~or which recyclable. .re
placed at curbs by residents and collected on a perIodic basis by a
truck. She noted that the atore.entioned .ethod results in high
participation rates, which in turn result In higher recovery rate.
She 8tated that the City ot Maples has a recycling prograa for newspa-
pers which the City is very pleased wIth. A video spotlIghting the
recycling co..unity of San :Jose, California was .hown at this ti88,
which explicitly explained the recycling process.
Mr. Burt Loor, Region Market Development Manager, clarified that
the planning proce.s for a recycling prograa sust be iaple..nted by
J'uly 1, 19a9, not the actual prograa itself. He noted that to recycle
30~ ot aaterials by Dece.ber 31, 199' will requIre a very coaprehen-
sive syste. and to acco.pli8h such a prograa will require residential
as well as co..ercial participation. He stated that the curb .ide
progr.. involves a .ulti-bin source separation, 'n which each ho.. i.
gIven a set of bins and the residents separate the aaterials: another
involves the provision of a container in whIch the recyclable. are not
.eparated, and a thIrd syst.m called a .ixed-recyclable syste. for
which one container i8 provided tor each home, and whereby the
aaterlals are loaded on the truck wIthout .eparating the aaterials.
ae noted that there is not a8 yet a plant in Florida whIch 1. capable
of handling large volume. of .ixed recyclable.. He noted that curb
I, '. . '. ',;,~,
Page u.~r;,,:,"":"??r;
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'., '.,'¿"
,---..-. ..,... .." ---~-_..__.._-_. " , .... .."...-..--"",---
J' AJftJ ARY 2", 1989
side prograas are not reco..ended for rural areas, however, drop-off
containers can be conveniently placed to collect aaterials. He
advised that in ...11 rural counties syste.s have been set-up at land-
fills to collect aaterials. He stated that the curb .ide eyate. i.
rapidly growing across the country. He noted that the San .108e
prograa was initiated a few years ago, and in Florida there are four
active aulti-aaterial prograaa.
Mr. Ken Agels, Local Manager of Waste Manage.ent, Inc., adv bed
that participation in the prograa is essential in order to ..et the
State's goals. He noted that the curb-.ide progr.. entail. three
iaportant aspects, convenience, educatIonal, and proaotionality. He
stated that theIr proposal to the County is to get together to iaple-
aent a pilot prograa or to institute a County-wide prograa.
In response to Co..issioner Baese, Mr. Loor advised that there are
containers in rural areas such as Ochopee for newspapers: and rural
areas ot Manatee County for aluminum ~an8 and newspaper.. He advi.ed
that the prograa is cost-effective due to the fact that there i. very
little investaent involved. He noted that since aaterial. are depo-
sited in bins, there is no cost involved in the collection of the
aaterials. Responding to Co.missioner Volpe, Mr. Agel. advised that
coaaercial establishments would probably be undertaken after the re.l-
dential prograas come into effect. Mr. Lear advised that there are
presently programs serving co..ercial establishment. in Marion County,
the City of Ocala, as well a. across the country. He advi.ed
Co..i.sioner Shanahan that a aulti-aaterial curb-. ide prograa, if well
publicized, can produce 10 - 15' reduction in residential Haste.
Responding to Mr. George ~eller, of tÞe Collier County CivIc
Federation, Mr. Loor advi8ed that a recycling progr.. will never
ettectuate a 100' recovery rate.
Mr. Agel. .bowed a second video at this ti.. which explained
..~ of proaoting the progr.. and he provided the Board with
Co..issioner Volpe asked what the cost of the progr.. would be to
Page 35 1(,
---.-.,--... ,...", ._._-,..",...__.._~-
J'AJroARY 24, 1989
which Mr. Loor advised that there are aany varIable. to be considered
e.g. the cost of the containers have to be considered, and noted that
so.. local governaents purchase the container., and in other case.
contractors purchase the containers: a deteraination has be aade on
whether the revenues generated are going to be shared by the govern-
aent and the contractor, and the duratIon of the contract 1. another
factor to be considered.
Mr. Ira Evans, aeaber of the former Solid Wa.te CItizens Advl.ory
Co_lttee, advised that the videos had been shown to the Co_ltte. on
Augu8t 24, 1988. He noted that the solid waste J.sue i.. nationwide
probl_. and there are a nuaber or group. expending a consIderable
aaount of aoney to provide solutions to these proble... He suggested
that the County not concentrate on anyone prograa, .. to give other.
the opportunity to present their prograas. Be stated that on J'uly 13,
1988, the Co..ittee requested that a Request tor Propo.al toraat be
deve loped, and a twenty-eight page propo.al was developed. As the
Coaalttee wa. not satistied with the Proposal, they de.igned their own
and as of Deceaber 7, 1988, it was .till under review by the County
Attorney's office. He reIterated that the Board should give other
agencies the opportunity to present their progr..., and that the pIlot
prograa not be restricted to anyone area.
Mr. Bob Krasowski of Work on Waste Colljer County, suggested that
the Board carefully review the prograa as the State 1. merely requIrIng
that a pilot prograa be jn place by J'uly 1. He also sugge.ted that
the 60 day period required to aake arrangements with Waste Management
be effective iaaediately. He pointed out that the contract with
Wast. Manage.ent expires in 1990 at whIch tiae the County will be
either extending the arrangement or developing Reque.t for Proposals
troa other interested parties. He suggested that the system can then
be divided into two parts, the collection ot garbage and the collec-
tion of recyclable., He recoaaended that a transfer-type station be
developed at the landfill where construction waste can be deposited.
County Manager Dorrill clarIfied tor Co..is.ioner Volpe that there
Page 36 ,'17
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--'." ' """."..-._----'-~ . ,
J' AJro ARY 2 .., 19851
is not a proposed contract with Waste Management, Inc.
In response to Co..issi~aer Goodnight, Co..issioner Saunders
advised that hi. IntentIon is to si8Ply aake a motion at the end of
the di8cussion to direct Maste Manageaent to work with Staft and bring
back to the Board a recycling prograa for household recyclables. He
noted that it is ot utmost importance that the County coamence
recycling as part of the overall comprehensive prograa. He noted that
the development of a pilot progr.. should not be delayed. He further
advIsed that he had contacted Terry Douglas of Waste Management to
obtain inforaation on recycling.
Mrs. Charlotte Westaan, repre.enting the League of No..n Voter.
ot Collier County, stated that :July 1, 1989 is a very important date.
She noted that she did not see any rea.on why the pilot prograa being
suggested could not be implemented. She .tat~d that the voluntary
aethod is a good Kay to start the prograa. She co..ended Co..issloner
Saunders for taking the initiative in the issue. and added that the
Haste Manageaent plan includes all methods ot recycling.
'rape fl
ec-.1_10D8r """"""r8 8CW84 üa&t: lI881:e ~t, I.Dc. get:
togetber WIth Staff, aDd wI thin .. weeD C<88 back to the 8oar4 .1 t:h a
pilot plan tor recycling; that are.. wber8 recycling woulcS be ettec-
t 1 Y8 be c:bo8en; tha t a - thocSo 1 ogr be _lect ed , wbe ther 1 t be curb
.ide .i th three bir:aa or curb sl48 WIth 0D8 bIn or Nbat CO8biAatloa ot
aree 8Dd _tbodologi- can be acceptable, 8D4 that Waste ~t
8dYl- the 8o8rd on .-.y1I th8y can help to abeorb 8088 of the CO8t: of
the pr-()fø.1".
CO..i8sioner Saunders noted that the Board is under no ohllgation
to go forward with the pilot prograa, however, if the Board decide. to
go torward with the progr.., the parameters can then be set e.g. 90
days, 9 months or until the expiration of the franchise. He stated
that when the tranchise expires in 1990, the Board will eIther nego-
tiate with Wast. Management, Inc. or proceed with a competitive bid
process. He stated that the aain objective is to obtain Inforaatlon
Page n .-,1'
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.1AJroAKY 24, un,
on the recycling process.
Coaais.ioner Shanahan asked if the Board i. precluded to ðev8lop a
pIlot prograa parallel with Waste Manag..ent? Co..i..ioner Volpe
advised that for a period of 60 days the County sust deal exclusively
with the franchisee, and after that period of ti.e, the Board can
proceed on parallel tracks. County Attorney cuyler contiraed the
aforeaentioned stat..ent.
~i..iQD8r ...- 88(;()D4ed the aotion.
Hr. ~.ll.r suggested that as part ot the agree.ent with Haste
Manageaent that they waive the 60 days completely.
Co..issioner Saunders advised that the 60 day period would coa-
aence iaaediately if the Co_ission concurred with the reco...ndation.
Hr. ~rasOHskl suggested that the area to be annexed by the CIty of
Kapl.. be included as part of the action.
eo_issioner Saunders stated that he would not change the action.
eo..is.ioner Volpe noted that he appreciated public input, however,
stated that it is inappropriate for the public to try to aaend
Dpoa call for the ~IOD the aot:iOD carr.184 ---ni~ly.
ec-.J.-i oaer GoodnIght aoved. , eecoD4ed by Coaa1-i oaer .,.......... hAft
8D4 carried 1m8n1aov.8Iy, that the r8JllÚJ11Dg CoD8ent Ag8Dd.a it- be
8dop~ 8D4/or approved - iD41catlld below:
It- .14.&1
"l",U, PLA~ or 'tUIUI8UItT al.løumSIOW - 8VBJ"IÇT TO STIPO'LI.~1O.a
1. Accept the security for the subdivision i.provoaents and
authorize the Security Docuaents.
2. That the Utilities Pertoraance Bond required pursuant to
Ordinance 88-76 be waived (this w~rk will be covered by the
construction and maintenance security to be provided by the
developer pursuant to Ordinance 16-6)
See Pages ¡.J, d. - B. J - 8.h
1u. .U.U
r.-.&I'. Pr.&~ or 1In.I'.IJlGTOJf AT LO.. OA&:, UlfI~ 1 - 80'8J'KC1.' TO l'flJ"OT.&nOlla
1. That the final plat not be recorded until the required lapro-
veaents have been constructed and accepted or until approved
security is received tor the uncoapleted laproveaents and that
all construction shall be completed wIthin 36 aonth8 of the
date of this approval.
--..-."....--..",.--". ,...---..-,..-,.......".....--
.,.--. " ..
J'AKUARY 24,1989
2. That the UtIlitIes Perforaance Bond required pur8U8nt to
Ordinance 88-76 be waived (thi. work will be covered by aain-
tenance .ecurity to be provided by the Developer purwaant to
Ordin.nce 76-6)
It- .lu.3
FIJLU, PLAT ar 1fII.LOW WQT - ~ TO n1pœ.a~1on
1. That the final plat not be recorded until the required lapro-
v...nts have been constructed and accepted or until approved
security is received for the uncompleted iaprove.ents and that
all constructIon shall be coapleted within 36 .onths ot the
date ot thIs approval.
2. That no building peralta be issued for lot. 20 and 21 until
the statue of the Live Oak tree on the.e lot. i. deterained.
3. That the UtIlities Pertoraance Bond requireð pur8UaOt to
Ordinance 88-76 be waived (this work will be covered by aain-
tenance security to be provided by the Developer pur8U8nt to
Ordinance 76-6)
Iu. .U81
810 na-uu pqJtW1) TO PA.I.IØTTO 1"KUCE ~b'1'.ut Dr TO AIIOUII't' OW
. 111 , J U . 00 roa 'fDD CKDI CAB rr.& '1'BID DOIIP 1'R1A; a UD 'f'JDtD ØCY
DOMP 't~h
Legal notice having been published in the Naple. Daily N... on
Kove.her 27, 1988, bids were opened for Bid #88-1341 until 2:30 P.M.,
Deceaber 14, 1988.
It- .1..2
~C8 ',..19 - BIGBKAY L1GJl'TIJIO J'onrr PRO..1KCT AQ~lIha.Iu - :rLOIUD&
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~&T-- JtO.U) . TO c.-OU.n IfILL PItOVIDS weR SY8TDC ~ -
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See Pages ~ - c.. I - C!....3
It- .1...
8T'D DlrnuC"l' OIQ GDD.AL DCPROÝ -- .dt ~.T O~ 'tD JtO&D D18DJ:CT
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Iu. .,.486
CC8DACT Dr 'lD AIIOUII't' OJ' U, 400.00 1fI'!1I A. U1L BOODI.I.B . .A8&OCUTU
TO ~ QUAJtTDLY 1lUJrTD.UfCZ IJrSPKCr1On roa 'tD I&UCO I8l.Um 8U.U-
See Pages r!)~ ~ .A,.c...<.. - ..../L
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J'AXUARY 2., It8t
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S.e Pages JI. :J.. E. I - E.f
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S.e Page. J/. *J.. f: 1- F.5
It.. .1'.' - Deleted
It- 4ndl0
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1t- .1fDI
I tea 4n Q)2
(nu-LI:D AJm MJIBOL& 0IIr.'f) - 8118.ßC'1' 1'0 ST1POLAT1OJr
1. The legal documents are found acceptable by the County
Attorney's office as to for. and sufficiency for recordatIon.
Recorded in O.R. Book 1412, Paae. 270-280
It- 4n fD3
bU,_1U1I US'f, O1fIT 4, PBASZ I - 1U.'l'D UD n:1ID J'.&clr.I~1"
See Pages ~ - ß. I -A~
1t- .,14.1
~Ar"I'lOll 1'0 1'D I"~lDf AArbaZ UDØUUDaDl'1' POLICY nr '!1IJ: AIIOOft
It- .U~l
~ 07 8200.00 A MOIIT1I ( MID UJfOtJ)
It- 4nß
There being no objection, the Chair directed that the followIng
a1scellaneous correspondence be tIled and/or referred to the varioua
departaents.. indicated below:
..--. --._~,--".~..._,,~._.,...._...,....,..."_., """_-_,,,"-'-"-'--
J'AJroARY 24, 19B~
1. Letter dated 12/28/88 to BCC Chairman from Robert Loflin,
Environaental Specialist, re Collier County - WRR, File Xo.
111!58928!5, Tropical Pas., Inc. Referred to Ifeil Dorrlll,
George Archibald and filed.
2. Letter dated 01/12/89 to BCC Chairman fro. Patrick ~enney,
Environmental Specialist re Collier County - WRR - File Xo.
111!591U!5, Collier County UtIlities. Referred to Neil
Dorrill, Tom Crandall, George Archibald and filed.
3. Letter dated 01/0'/89 to BCC Chairman from Robert L. 30hn.on,
Director Child Support Enforcement, Department ot Health and
Rehabilitative Services, with warrant totaling $117.00 repre-
sents incentive paY8ents for the fourth quarter in federal
fiscal year 1988 on child support collections processed in
Collier County on behalf of TItle IV-D AFDC and Non-AFDC fami-
lies. Referred to :Joe Warren with check, and filed.
4. Minutes:
A. CCPC Growth Management Plan Public Workshop Minute. of
S. CCPC Agenda for 01/19/89 and Minute. of 12/15/88
C. Iaaokalee Lighting.&: Beautification Advisory Committe.
Agenda tor 01/17/89 and Minutes of 10/18/88
ð. Letter dated 01/12/89 to Clerk of the Board Giles from J'aae.
P. Ward Assistant District Manager enclosing the Annual
Financial Statement.
6. Letter dated 01/11/89 to Cha1raan BCC fro. Kenneth R.
Hakanson, Division Manager, Sewell, Todd.li: Broxton, Inc., re
their File No. 82665-068, Date of Occurrence, 11/22/88,
Claimant, :Jerome Bergaann. Referred to Xel1 Dorrill, Leo
Ochs, Sherry Rynders, Ken Cuyler and filed.
7. Letter dated 01/16/89 to Chairaan BCC fro. Kenneth R.
Hakanson, Division Manager, S~ell, Todd' Broxton, Inc.,
re their File No. 826'6-068, Date ot Occurrence, 1/22/88,
Claimant, :Joseph Abbott, et al. Referred to "el1
Dorrill, Leo Ochs, Sherry Rynders, Ken Cuyler and fIled.
8. Memo dated 01/11/89 to Chairaan BCC to All Guaran~ee. and
State DOT's fro. Peter N. Stowell, Director, Southeastern
Area, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, re
I.plementation Schedules for All Active Projects. Referred to
3eff Perry and filed.
Xtea .1al
Tangibl. Per80D81 Prope~
110. I'"-at Dated 1/11/..
It- .UB3
See Pages ?t ~ - N. I - 1-/..3
. ': ..,':'
Page 41
..._m____"" ".,n,- -- . .-"""., """"-"-"'--'-"" ., , """ ,..---.-,-.,.-
3AKUARY 24,1181
There being no further busine8s for the Good of the County, the
meeting was .djourned by Order of the Chair - T1.e: 3:~O P,M.
.' M.~ cat-.
. .:-~"p"D
$to ,.... ~IJI
ATTE !.' '.
4;¥fr;~ Oc: .
in~;;.' .in~~_j" approved by the Board on ~ ?, /1'/1'
'I .,1'\\.1 ..
.. pres.nt~¿ ~ or as corrected.
Page 42 :~1
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