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Agenda 04/08/2014 Item # 11C
4/8/2014 11.C. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to review the Vanderbilt Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Improvement Study and provide direction to Staff in regards to construction of pathway, shoulders, crosswalks and other safety enhancements requested along the Vanderbilt Drive corridor. OBJECTIVE: To obtain acceptance from the Board of County Commissioners (Board) of the Vanderbilt Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Improvement Study, and to obtain direction regarding which of the recommendations Staff should move forward on in regard to constructing a pathway, shoulders, crosswalks and other safety enhancements along the Vanderbilt Drive corridor. CONSIDERATIONS: On June 9, 2008, Lodge Abbott and the County entered into a Settlement Agreement for the Cocohatchee Bay PUD. The agreement provided for a $3 million dollar payment to the County to be used for Vanderbilt Drive corridor improvements. In accordance with the agreement, the County coordinated with FDOT to use a portion of those funds to rebuild the main bridge on Vanderbilt Drive. The remaining funds were programmed with Board approval for a comprehensive pathway on the west side of the roadway. Accordingly, staff has proceeded with significant public input along the following timeline: • On September 28, 2009, PBS &J was awarded the design contract for pedestrian improvements along 4 miles of Vanderbilt Drive from 111th Avenue North to Bonita Beach Road. Formal Public Meetings were held on December 17, 2009; September 21, 2010; January 2012 and in April 2013. In response to public comments to evaluate a holistic review of options, the County contracted Stantec Consulting Services Incorporated to prepare the Vanderbilt Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Study in July 2013. As result of the study, additional public comments and a community sponsored petition, staff has identified a prioritized list of improvements that it is recommending to the Board for approval, subject to available funds. FISCAL IMPACT: Project 60178 has a current unencumbered fund balance of $1,581,819.11 for use in making the improvements within the corridor. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for Board approval. —SRT GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. Packet Page -317- 4/8/2014 11.C. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board considers the recommendations described below and directs the County Manager or his designee to move forward with the prioritized list subject to . available funds. RECOMMENDATION 1: • Construct an 8 -foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive from north of the existing overpass northward to the existing sidewalks in the Bonita Shores area; and • Construct a 10 -foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive from I l Ith Avenue North, north to the existing overpass. o Estimated cost: $1,000,000. RECOMMENDATION 2: • Construct 5 -foot shoulders on both sides of Vanderbilt Drive from l l Ith Avenue North to the Cocohatchee River Bridge. o Estimated cost range: S80,0004122,000 Note: Community representatives have recommended that the County pursue MPO Box Funding for this project. The next funding cycle for MPO funding will be fiscal year 2020 -21. RECOMMENDATION 3: • Add Enhanced warning signs, pavement markings or other acceptable treatments to create visibility and promote safety for cyclists, pedestrians and motorists at the pathway's crossings of the various driveways on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. o Estimated cost range: $10,000- $20,000. RECOMMENDATION 4: • Construct crosswalk safety improvements along Vanderbilt Drive in order to provide pedestrian access across Vanderbilt Drive at up to three mid -block locations. o Estimated cost range: $179,0004292,000. RECOMMENDATION 5: • To construct low level lighting along the Vanderbilt Drive pathway. o If the Board supports this recommendation, Staff recommends the residents of Vanderbilt Drive create a Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) or some similar taxing district for operations and maintenance of any lighting installed. Staff would bring this item back to the Board for final review and approval before executing this phase. Prepared By: Stacy Revay, Transportation Planning Project Manager, Engineering Services Department, Growth Management Division Attachments: l) Budget Summary 1) Bicycle Pedestrian Safety Study 3) Vanderbilt Drive Petitions 4) Cocohatchee Bay PUD settlement agreement Packet Page -318- 4/8/2014 11.C. COLLIER COUNT' Board of County Commissioners Item Number: l LA Item Summary: Recommendation to review the Vanderbilt Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Improvement Study and provide direction to Staff in regards to construction of pathway, shoulders, crosswalks and other safety enhancements requested along the Vanderbilt Drive corridor. (Stacy Revay, Transportation Planning Project Manager) Meeting Date: 4/8/2014 Prepared By Name: stacyrevay Title: Project Manager, Transportation Planning Approved By Name: puig_j Title: Operations Analyst, Community Development & Environmental Services Date: 02/25/2014 04:14:22 PM Name: reedjarvi Title: Manager - Planning, Transportation Planning Date: 03/03/2014 09:27:06 AM Name: JackMcKenna Title: Manager - Engineering Review Services, Engineering & Environmental Services Date: 03/05/2014 11:50:07 AM Name: teachscott Title: Deputy County Attorney, County Attorney Date: 03/24/2014 07:51:12 AM Name: marcellajeanne Title: Executive Secretary, Transportation Planning Date: 03/28/2014 10:14:43 AM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 03/3 1/2014 08:18:49 AM Packet Page -319- Name: markisackson 4/8/2014 11. C. Title: Director -Corp Financial and Mngmt Svs, Office of Management & Budget Date: 03/31/2014 09:21:59 AM Name: ochs_l Title: County Manager, County Managers Office Date: 03/31/2014 11:59:22 AM Packet Page -320- VANDERBILT DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 60178 Budget Events Lodge /Abbott Assoc. Settlement Agreement FDOT for Ped features on the bridge Utility Upgrades due to Ped features and bridge Pathway Design /Study Services (PBS &J, Atkins, Stantec) Advertisements /Postage (NDN, Fedex, etc.) Remaining Packet Page -321- 2/20/14 Budget $3,000,000.00 - $958,179.18 - $266,567.06 - $200,041.84 - $2,920.66 $1,572,291.26 4/8/2014 11.C. 4/8/2014 11. C. Vanderbilt Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Improvement Study Prepared for: The Collier County Transportation Planning Department Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Services Incorporated 3200 Bailey Lane Suite 200 Naples, Florida 34105 C December 2013 Packet Page -322- 4/8/2014 11.C. Siqn -off Sheet U 5;1, i�� �it Sta ntec This document entitled Vanderbilt Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Improvement Study was prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. for the account of Collier County Board of County Commissioners. The material in it reflects Stantec's best judgment in light of the information available to it at the time of preparation. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions made based on it, are the responsibilities of such third parties. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report. Prepared by .::7:::14- s ignature) Jeffory L. Perry, AICP Senior Transportation Planner Packet Page -323- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Table of Contents EXECUTIVESUMMARY ................................................................................ ..............................1 1.0 PURPOSE ............................................................................................... ..............................2 2.0 STUDY AREA .......................................................................................... ..............................3 3.0 CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................ ..............................5 3.1 COMPLETED AND PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS .................................. ..............................5 3.2 PRELIMINARY IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDED BY COUNTY................................................................................................. ............................... 6 4.0 IDENTIFICATION OF OPTIONS & ALTERNATIVES ............................. ..............................7 4.1 LOCATIONS ............................................................................................ ..............................7 4.1.1 Crosswalk Locations North of Wiggins Pass Road — Option 1 . ..............................7 4.1.2 Crosswalk Locations North of Wiggins Pass Road — Option 2 . ..............:...............9 4.1.3 Crosswalk Locations South of Wiggins Pass Road — Option 1 .............................11 4.1.4 Crosswalk Locations South of Wiggins Pass Road — Option 2 .............................12 4.1.5 Bike Lanes /Paved Shoulders South of the Cocohatchee River Bridge ................14 5.0 IDENTIFICATION OF IMPROVEMENTS ............................................... .............................15 5.1 IMPROVEMENTS ................................................................................... .............................15 5.1.1 Crosswalks ............................................................................... .............................15 5.1.2 Sidewalk Connections .............................................................. .............................26 5.1.3 Modern Roundabouts .............................................................. .............................27 5.1.4 Bike Lanes /Paved Shoulders ................................................... .............................27 6.0 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT & PARTICIPATION ....................................... .............................28 6.1 PREVIOUS EFFORTS ............................................................................ .............................29 6.2 PRESENTATION AT A GATHERING OF MASTER HOP. LEADERSHIP REPRESENTATIVES............................................................................. .............................29 6.3 PUBLIC WORKSHOP ............................................................................. .............................29 6.3.1 Review of Public Comments / Input ........................................... .............................30 7.0 COSTS AND AVAILABLE FUNDING .................................................... .............................33 7.1 PLANNING LEVEL IMPROVEMENT COSTS ........................................ .............................33 7.1.1 Crosswalk Improvements ......................................................... .............................33 7.1.2 Basic Costs ............................................................................ ............................... 34 7.1.3 Bike Lanes /Paved Shoulders ................................................... .............................35 7.2 FUNDING COMPONENT ....................................................................... .............................36 7.3 ALTERNATIVE FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES ........................................ .............................37 8.0 RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVES ...................................................... .............................38 8.1 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS ..................................................... .............................38 i Packet Page -324- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY 8.1.1 Recommended Crosswalk Installations ................................... .............................38 8.1.2 North Segment: OPTION 1 — Four Crosswalk Locations ........ .............................38 8.1.3 South Segment: OPTION 1 - One Crosswalk Location Plus Sidewalks ..............39 8.1.4 South Segment: 5' Bike lanes .................................................. .............................39 8.2 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS ........................... .............................40 9.0 NEXT STEPS .......................................................................................... .............................40 Packet Page -325- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Executive Summary For the past several years, Collier County has pursued the planning and design of what has become known as the Vanderbilt Drive Greenway, a multi -use pathway to be located along the west side of Vanderbilt Drive extending from Bonita Beach Road on the north to 111th Avenue North /Bluebill Avenue on the south. As a result of funding made available through a developer Settlement Agreement between Collier County and Lodge Abbott Associates in June 2008, the County initiated a planning process that incorporated an extensive public involvement/participation process to help define the scope and purpose of the corridor improvements. During the public involvement /participation process intended to define the "greenway" improvement, ancillary concerns were raised about the safety of cyclists traveling within the roadway along the southern 1.25 miles of the 4 -mile long corridor (where no bike lanes exist), and the safety of pedestrians (and cyclists) wishing to cross Vanderbilt Drive in an effort to access the new pathway to /from developments located along the east side of Vanderbilt Drive. As a result of preliminary work done by Transportation Planning Staff, a number of potential locations for crosswalks were identified. Stantec was asked to conduct a planning -level evaluation of the corridor in consideration of the pending Greenway project for potential improvements that might enhance safety for bicyclist and pedestrians within the corridor. Stantec was asked to focus on potential crosswalk locations, the types of crosswalks and related improvements (e.g., signage, lighting, connecting sidewalks, etc.), and also to consider the need to add bike lanes or paved shoulders to Vanderbilt Drive south of the Cocohatchee River. In addition to the evaluations, Stantec was asked to facilitate one or more public participation opportunities in order to gauge interest in the additional improvements being contemplated. During the course of this study effort, the team was invited to make a presentation on potential safety improvements at a gathering of the leadership representatives from most of the developments within the corridor. This was followed up by an advertised public workshop at which a formal presentation was made and the public was invited to engage in discussions with County Staff and the Consultant Team about the proposed greenway and the ancillary safety improvements. After a thorough evaluation and consideration of all of the public input, the Consulting Team, in consultation with Collier County Transportation Staff, proposed a set of recommendations, in priority sequence, including: • Adding 5' bike lanes to the southern segment of the corridor • Conduct a Detailed Engineering Study/Warrant Analysis to determine the location of the recommended cross -walk improvements • Implementing four (4) enhanced crosswalks in the northern segment of the corridor • Implementing one (1) enhanced crosswalk with connecting sidewalks in the southern segment of the corridor Page 11 Packet Page -326- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Purpose December 2013 1.0 Purpose For the past several years, Collier County has pursued the planning and design of what has become known as the Vanderbilt Drive Greenway, a multi -use pathway to be located along the west side of Vanderbilt Drive extending from Bonita Beach Road on the north to 111th Avenue North /Bluebill Avenue on the south. As a result of funding made available through a Developer Settlement Agreement between Collier County and Lodge Abbott Associates in June 2008, the County initiated a planning process that incorporated an extensive public involvement/participation process to help define the scope and purpose of the corridor improvements. During the public involvement/participation process intended to define the "Greenway" improvement, ancillary concerns were raised about the safety of cyclists traveling within the roadway along the southern 1.25 miles of the 4 -mile long corridor (where no bike lanes exist), and the safety of pedestrians (and cyclists) wishing to cross Vanderbilt Drive in an effort to access the new pathway to /from developments located along the east side of Vanderbilt Drive. As a result of preliminary work done by Transportation Planning Staff, a number of potential locations for crosswalks were identified. Stantec was asked to conduct a planning -level evaluation of the corridor in consideration of the pending Greenway project for potential improvements that might enhance safety for bicyclists and pedestrians within the corridor. Stantec was asked to focus on potential crosswalk locations, the types of crosswalks and related improvements (e.g., signage, lighting, connecting sidewalks, etc.), and also to consider the need to add bike lanes or paved shoulders to Vanderbilt Drive south of Wiggins Pass Road to 111th Avenue North /Bluebill Avenue. In addition to the evaluations, Stantec was asked to facilitate one or more public participation opportunities in order to gauge interest in the additional improvements being contemplated. The remainder of this report summarizes the study efforts and conclusions /recommendations. Page 12 Packet Page -327- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Study Area December 2013 2.0 Study Area The Study Area is comprised of the Vanderbilt Drive roadway corridor which extends from Bonita Beach Road on the north to 111th Avenue North /Bluebill Avenue on the south. Vanderbilt Drive is intersected by Woods Edge Parkway and Wiggins Pass Road. See Figure 1. It should be noted that along the northernmost one 1 -mile of the corridor, the Vanderbilt Drive right -of -way is located along the county -line between Collier and Lee Counties, with lands along the east side being in Lee County. Lands adjacent to the corridor define many of the users of the corridor, although there is assumed to be a portion of the users that are "passing through" with neither an origin nor a destination within lands immediately adjacent to the roadway itself. This user base, like the users that "occupy" (reside or work within) the corridor, include motorists who travel through all or parts of the area using Vanderbilt Drive as an alternative route, preferred over US 41, as well as pedestrians and bicyclists that pass through, or otherwise take advantage of the corridor's pedestrian /cycling and park facilities. Although the corridor is shared by a variety of users, both motorized and non - motorized, one target audience for this study effort is the pedestrian and bicyclist residing on the east side of Vanderbilt Drive, that might want to take advantage of the facilities on the west side of the road. Due to the absence of sidewalks on the east side of the road and lack of crosswalks to facilitate safe movements across Vanderbilt Drive, these residents have no convenient and safe way to leave their communities except by motor vehicle. To facilitate safe access to the new Greenway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive, the County conducted this study of potential crosswalk locations to serve the residents of the corridor living on the east side of the road. The County also recognized a deficiency exists in the roadway cross section of approximately the southern 1.25 miles of the corridor, a rural roadway cross section that has 10' travel lanes, and no paved shoulders or designated bike lanes. The need to improve safety for cyclists and motorists traveling through the southern part of the corridor is also considered an important facet of this study effort. Page 13 Packet Page -328- V- .1..�• t « 1 1�'� OW i N ' {t e P `a� iMprdM"d0i�!Y" xW fir, w�a31'5 YxC,!'l �t16'Lt' 4�� 7.d�.i"{t Y+Ct 3k3 ARE N4 ' «e. +✓. if ' . x2Y a r y'S 4 , ��� 1 t $ .t, ♦� s �arl7 "' : ",," •.,,ail �, !� .. ? � � b I L:'�,T sr`w w+wg j . ■ y sv*'aevi Via} w� - #"�?!'e., X54 .t"A y �,,., � ^«!e� s�P #' k r sv+•ae .r-d w t Yw� .7yA2 p wa im o,pil3Y�!`r AL MT 90 —.704" "Awl f S _9 • xpf,'4t, �r �k ��•T "�, w wol WWI � °r, 01"S k� A-1 AMA IgA 1 v q r; :.,. .. 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Considerations December 2013 3.0 Considerations At the onset of the study, the County provided Stantec with details about potential locations for crosswalks that had been developed over the past year. Stantec was asked to conduct a planning -level evaluation of the identified locations and to consider the possibility of alternative locations. Stantec was also instructed to give additional consideration as to the importance of adding bike lanes or paved shoulders to the southern 1.25 miles of the corridor where such facilities are absent today. It has been recognized that although many bicyclists will use the existing off -road (and future multi -use) pathway, a lot of cyclists prefer to ride on the roadway, and the absence of a designated bike lane or paved shoulder forces these cyclists to use the travel lane, resulting in motorists and cyclists having to deal with the potential conflicts. 3.1 COMPLETED AND PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS Vanderbilt Drive is a 2 -lane Urban Collector designed with a "rural" cross section with roadside stormwater swales. Within the Vanderbilt Drive corridor, a continuous 5 -6' asphalt pathway /concrete sidewalk exists along the west side of the roadway from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue /Bluebill Avenue. Designated bike lanes exist along the outside edge of each travel lane between Bonita Beach Road and the Cocohatchee River Bridge, just south of Wiggins Pass Road. No bike lanes or paved shoulders exist south of the bridge. Travel lanes between 111th Avenue /Blue Bill Avenue and Wiggins Pass Road are 10' wide in this segment, with a posted speed limit of 35 mph. North of Wiggins Pass Road the travel lanes are 11' wide and a 45 m.p.h. speed limit is maintained north through this segment to just south of Bonita Beach Road at 9" Street where the posted speed limit changes to 40 m.p.h. Urban development lines both sides of Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road south for a distance of 2 miles. South of the existing developed area for a distance of approximate 2080 feet, vacant land approved for future development lines the corridor. South of this vacant area, existing development located along the west side of Vanderbilt Drive extends for a distance of 2800 feet, ending south of the Cocohatchee River. From that point south, no development exists on either side of the roadway for a distance of about 3,300 feet. The remaining southernmost 2,365 foot segment is lined with urban development. This combination of built and un -built urban landscape within the corridor, and the safety issues and challenges unique to each area, are the subjects of this study effort. Over the past several years, the County has made a substantial investment in the corridor, including the construction of two new pedestrian bridges, a new bridge (with integrated sidewalk and bike lanes) over the Cocohatchee River, a preliminary design alternatives study of the two remaining bridge structures (full design services are imminent), and the planning and design of the " Greenway" multi -use pathway. As part of the planning phase of the Greenway, the County undertook a significant public involvement effort, one that continues today with the related Page 15 Packet Page -330- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Considerations December 2013 improvements discussed in this report and a reconsideration of the scope of the planned Greenway improvement. Additional improvements are planned, including the replacement of the two remaining bridge structures south of the river following the design phase. Once completed, all three bridge structures south of Wiggins Pass Road will include on -road bike lane /paved shoulders and either component or ancillary pedestrian sidewalk features. The opportunity to implement the safety improvements discussed in this report must be considered as an integral part of the overall plan to make improvements in the corridor, and need to be dealt with in the context of all of the planned improvements, to ensure timelines and consistency, and to position the improvements to take advantage of cost - saving measures and other potential funding opportunities in the future. 3.2 PRELIMINARY IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDED BY COUNTY The County provided Stantec with a preliminary identification of potential cross -walk locations for consideration and evaluation. Stantec was asked to specifically evaluate these locations as well as identify any alternative locations. For the purposes of evaluating potential locations, the study area was divided into two regions, one north of Wiggins Pass Road and the other south of Wiggins Pass Road. The southern region also encompassed the segment of the roadway along which new bike lanes /paved shoulders would be considered. The initial set of potential crosswalk locations provided by the County Transportation Planning Department included locations at opposing entrance road intersections of major developments, and at the intersection of Woods Edge Parkway and Vanderbilt Drive. The locations included: • The Dunes /North Shore Lakes or Vanderbilt Villas • Arbor Trace /Glen Eden • Emerald Bay /The Retreat • Audubon /Audubon • Woods Edge Parkway Intersection These locations are discussed in more detail in the following sections. The County also provided direction concerning the need to consider adding bike lanes /paved shoulders to the segment of the corridor south of the Cocohatchee River Bridge. North of the bridge, designated bike lanes extend to Bonita Beach Road. Due to the narrow cross section of the roadway south of the bridge it is especially challenging for both motorists and "on- road" cyclists. Page 16 Packet Page -331- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Options & Alternatives December 2013 4.0 Identification of Options & Alternatives A planning -level evaluation of the locations identified by the County was coupled with an identification of alternative locations and features intended to fulfill the same goal of providing safe and convenient access from developments on the east side of the road to the new Greenway to be constructed on the west side of the road. The following sections discuss the various options examined and provide a summary of the recognized advantages and disadvantages. It should be noted that nationally, the design and implementation of crosswalks is guided by the provisions of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). While providing general guidance as to minimum (or maximum) standards, the manual also recognizes the unique characteristics of each potential location and the importance of conducting a detailed engineering analysis of each location before implementing any crosswalk improvement. 4.1 LOCATIONS The crosswalk studies were conducted in two distinct areas; the developed area south of Woods Edge Parkway, and the developed area just north of 111th Avenue North /Bluebill Avenue. Several additional potential crosswalk locations were identified north of Woods Edge Parkway serving Lee County residents but were not otherwise considered in this evaluation. 4.1.1 Crosswalk Locations North of Wiggins Pass Road — Option 1 North of Wiggins Pass Road is the most highly developed region of the two, with nearly continuous developments lining both sides of the roadway. This segment of Vanderbilt Drive also includes the two east -west intersecting corridors of Wiggins Pass Road and Woods Edge Parkway, and therefore affords good east -west connectivity to US 41. Along the west side of Vanderbilt Drive, an off road pathway (predominantly asphalt surface) exists the entire length from Bonita Beach Road to Wiggins Pass. Designated bike lanes exist on both sides of the travel way. With the exception of a few segments of sidewalks in front of developments along the east side of the roadway in Lee County north of Woods Edge Parkway, along the Collier County portion of the roadway south of Woods Edge Parkway, there are no sidewalks on the east side of the roadway. The initial set of potential crosswalk locations provided by the County Transportation Planning Department included locations at opposing entrance road intersections of major developments, and at the intersection of Woods Edge Parkway and Vanderbilt Drive. Page 17 Packet Page -332- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Options & Alternatives December 2013 Figure 2: North Crosswalk Locations - Option 1 The locations, shown in Figure 2, included: Woods Edge Parkway Intersection • Audubon /Audubon • Emerald Bay /The Retreat • Arbor Trace /Glen Eden Since all of the existing developments along the east side of Vanderbilt Drive south of Woods Edge Parkway would have direct access to one of these four crosswalk locations, implementation would not require the construction of any interconnecting sidewalks except for what would be needed to connect from the crosswalks to pedestrian systems inside the adjacent developments. While the County would construct those portions of the interconnecting sidewalks within the right -of -way, the adjacent developments would be responsible for the portion of the interconnection from the edge of right -of -way to the internal sidewalk /roadway system. Advantages • No north -south interconnecting sidewalks are required between the crosswalks (all development served directly by location) • Four (4) locations may provide additional "traffic calming" impedance effects. • Locations have approach -end neutral areas (diagonally striped medians associated with turn lanes) that could provide areas to create pedestrian refuge areas. Disadvantages The three locations at development entrances would require pedestrians to cross the greatest number of travel lanes and therefore have to negotiate the greatest number of potential conflicts. • The three locations at development entrances would require motorists entering /exiting from the developments to deal with potential conflicts with pedestrians in the roadway, while at the same time dealing with other entering /exiting traffic and thru traffic. Packet Page -333- Page 18 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Options & Alternatives December 2013 • No sidewalks on the east side of Vanderbilt Drive limit mobility between developments. 4.1.2 Crosswalk Locations North of Wiggins Pass Road — Option 2 During the evaluation of the initial set of potential crosswalk locations provided by the County, a set of optional locations was developed that included the same locations at Arbor Trace /Glen Eden on the south and Woods Edge Parkway on the north, but substituted a single "mid- block" crosswalk location, mid -way between the other two, that was not adjacent to any development entrance. The locations, shown in Figure 3, included: • Woods Edge Parkway Intersection • Mid -Block Location • Arbor Trace /Glen Eden Since The Retreat and Audubon along the east side of Vanderbilt Drive would not have direct access to one of these crosswalk locations at their project entrances, implementation would require the construction of north -south interconnecting sidewalks between each development's access drive and the adjacent crosswalk locations. In order to be most effective in reducing the likelihood of pedestrians /cyclists crossing at a non - crosswalk location, sidewalks would need to be constructed along the entire length between all of the three crosswalk locations to provide convenient access to an adjacent crosswalk. Also, as in Option 1, interconnections would also be needed to connect from the crosswalks /sidewalks to pedestrian systems inside each of the adjacent developments. The County would construct interconnecting sidewalks within the right -of -way, while the adjacent developments would be responsible for the interconnection from the edge of right -of -way to the internal sidewalk/roadway system. Advantages • This option eliminates two of the three locations at development entrances that would otherwise require pedestrians to cross the greatest number of travel lanes and therefore have to negotiate the greatest number of potential conflicts. • This option eliminates two of the three locations at development entrances that would otherwise require motorists entering /exiting from the developments to deal with potential conflicts with pedestrians in the roadway, while at the same time they are dealing with other entering and exiting traffic and thru traffic. Page 19 Packet Page -334- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Options & Alternatives December 2013 FIGURE 3: North Crosswalk Locations — Option 2 The single "mid- block" crossing affords the shortest distance for pedestrian's to cross, and there are no other conflicting movements for pedestrians or motorists to deal with at that location. Mid -block location might allow sufficient space for a pedestrian refuge area (in between the travel lanes) without having to add additional pavement to one or more of the outside roadway edges, by narrowing the travel lanes. This would encourage motorists to reduce speed through the crosswalk area. • Adding sidewalks between the crosswalks creates a connected sidewalk system between developments on the east side that can be used without the need to cross Vanderbilt Drive. • Cost savings related to one less crosswalk location installation. Disadvantages Adding sidewalks on the east side of the road create new potential conflicts between pedestrians and motorists (entering /exiting the developments), that generally don't exist today. • Three (3) locations may provide less "traffic calming" impedance effects (than four locations). = Costs associated with 4,900 linear feet of interconnecting sidewalks required between crosswalks to ensure convenient access to a crosswalk from adjacent developments. Implementation costs could be exacerbated by difficult /challenging construction conditions. Packet Page -335- Page 110 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Options & Alternatives December 2013 4.1.3 Crosswalk Locations South of Wiggins Pass Road — Option 1 In the south region of the corridor there is generally only one location that necessitates consideration of a crosswalk; near the southernmost end of the corridor serving the North Shore Lakes and Vanderbilt Villas. This location is opposite The Dunes development. The first option, shown In Figure 4, places the crosswalk immediately adjacent to the intersecting entrance roads of The Dunes and North Shore Lakes. In order to facilitate safe access to the crosswalk from the Vanderbilt Villas project, a short segment of interconnecting sidewalk, approximately 330 feet in length would be needed from the Vanderbilt Villas entrance to the crosswalk. As in all cases, a connecting sidewalk from the crosswalk/sidewalk into each development would be required. The County would construct interconnecting sidewalks within the right -of- way, while the adjacent developments would be responsible for the interconnection from the edge of right -of -way to the internal sidewalk /roadway system. FIGURE 4: South Crosswalk Locations Option 1 Additionally, it would be appropriate to consider extending the sidewalk a distance of approximately 365 feet south of the North Shore Lakes crosswalk to the northern terminus of the existing sidewalk on the east side of Vanderbilt Drive fronting the Naples memorial Gardens. Although not absolutely necessary, extending the sidewalk would provide safe and convenient access to facilities to the south without having to cross Vanderbilt Drive first. Advantages • Provides increased mobility though the addition of interconnected sidewalks (especially if extended south to connect to the existing sidewalk). • Existing narrow approach -end neutral zone (diagonally striped median associated with a turn lane) that could provide an opportunity to create pedestrian refuge area by further narrowing the travel lanes, and provide traffic calming effects. Page 111 Packet Page -336- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Options & Alternatives December 2013 Disadvantages • The location at either side of the development entrances would require pedestrians to cross the greatest number of travel lanes (4 or 5 lanes). Pedestrians have a greater number of potential conflicts with thru and turning vehicles. • The locations at either side of the development entrances would require motorists entering /exiting from the developments to deal with potential conflicts with pedestrians in the roadway, while at the same time they are dealing with other entering /exiting traffic and thru traffic. 4.1.4 Crosswalk Locations South of Wiggins Pass Road — Option 2 FIGURE 5: South Crosswalk Locations Option 2 An alternative location for the crosswalk would be to locate it north of the Option 1 location, and immediately north or south of the Vanderbilt Villas entrance road. This location, shown in Figure 5, would require a short interconnecting sidewalk to connect the North Shore Lakes internal system to the crosswalk at the northwest corner of the development. No sidewalk along the east side of Vanderbilt Drive would be necessary, although it would be appropriate to consider constructing a sidewalk as described in Option 1 to facilitate convenient access to the existing sidewalk that terminates at the northwest corner of the Naples Memorial Gardens. Advantages No Interconnecting sidewalks required along Vanderbilt Drive between crosswalks (all development served directly by location with internal interconnections) * Existing approach -end neutral zone (diagonally striped median associated with a turn lane) could provide an opportunity to create a pedestrian refuge area. Page 112 Packet Page -337- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Options & Alternatives December 2013 • Shorter distance (fewer lanes) for pedestrians and cyclists to cross (3 lanes instead of 4 or 5 in Option 1). • Fewer potential conflicts for pedestrians. • Fewer potential conflicts for motorists entering /exiting developments. Disadvantages • North Shore Lakes required to provide more extensive interconnection to internal system (through landscaped berm area) • North Shore Lakes pedestrians required to cross Vanderbilt Villas entrance drive introducing pedestrian conflicts with entering /exiting vehicles that do not presently exist. Page 113 Packet Page -338- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Options & Alternatives December 2013 FIGURE 6: Southern Segment Bike Lanes or Paved Shoulders 4.1.5 Bike Lanes /Paved Shoulders South of the Cocohatchee River Bridge The portion of the Vanderbilt Drive corridor north of Cocohatchee River Bridge to Bonita Beach Road, consists of a 2 -lane rural cross section with 11' travel lanes, with the occasional 11' wide left- and right -turn lanes at approaches to developments, and designated 5' bike lanes. In contrast, the 1.25 mile segment of the corridor south of the Cocohatchee River Bridge consists of a 2 -lane rural cross section with 10' travel lanes and no bike lanes or paved shoulders (Figure 6). The existing 6' paved pathway meanders along the west shoulder, often only 6' or less from the outside edge of the travel lane. In order to improve safety for motorists and on -road cyclists, the County has expressed an interest in constructing bike lanes /paved shoulders along this segment of the corridor (Figure 7). This improvement will be discussed in greater detail in the section that follows. It should be noted that the preliminary design evaluation concepts developed to replace the two existing bridge structures south of the Cocohatchee River include on -road bike lanes /paved shoulders. Packet Page -339- Page 114 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 5.0 Identification of Improvements Crosswalks, while important for pedestrian safety, should not be used indiscriminately. The MUTCD provides that "An engineering study should be performed before a marked crosswalk is installed at a location away from a traffic control signal or an approach controlled by a STOP or YIELD sign. The engineering study should consider the number of lanes, the presence of a median, the distance from adjacent signalized intersections, the pedestrian volumes and delays, the average daily traffic (ADT), the posted or statutory speed limit or 85th - percentile speed, the geometry of the location, the possible consolidation of multiple crossing points, the availability of street lighting, and other appropriate factors." During the engineering study for a new marked crosswalk, consideration should be given to the need for measures designed to reduce traffic speeds, shorten crossing distances, enhance driver awareness of the crossing, and /or provide active warning of pedestrian presence. This is especially true for new non - intersection pedestrian crossings which are generally unexpected by motorists. 5.1 IMPROVEMENTS 5.1.1 Crosswalks A variety of crosswalk options have been explored as part of this study effort. Options include signing and marking, painting and surface treatments, the use of various types of warning beacons and activation options, the use of pedestrian refuge areas, and lighting options. Signing and Marking The style of marking, and the associated signing, of crosswalks is guided by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices ( MUTCD) and the FDOT Roadway Design Index, which dictates the minimurn design requirements for both intersection and mid -block locations. Crosswalk markings provide guidance for pedestrians who are crossing roadways by defining and delineating paths on approaches to and within signalized intersections, on approaches to other intersections where traffic stops, and at mid -block locations. In conjunction with signs and other measures, crosswalk markings help to alert road users of a designated pedestrian crossing point across roadways at locations that are not controlled by traffic signals, STOP or YIELD signs. At non - intersection locations, crosswalk markings legally establish the crosswalk. Page 115 Packet Page -340- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 The style of crosswalk marking may vary according to established guidance as shown in Figure 8. High visibility crosswalks, e.g., the "piano key" style are encouraged where maximum visibility is advised. Surface treatments, discussed later in this section, can further enhance the visibility of the crosswalk. FIGURE 8: Examples of Crosswalk Markings (Source: MUTCD Figure 313-19) Spacing of Iino selected to avoid wheel path Page (16 Packet Page -341- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 In Florida, motorists are required by law to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. The appropriate signs for unsignalized crosswalk locations are shown below. In certain instances, in -road signs (Figure 9), with or without associated pedestrian refuge islands, may be placed between the travel lanes to help identify the crosswalk location FIGURE 9 FIGURE 10 and to remind motorists of the law that requires them to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Stop S T lines are located in advance of the crosswalk, and LAW are marked with the appropriate sign (Figure 10). The marking of crosswalk at mid -block locations also includes stop lines or stop bars located 20' -50' in FOR advance of the crosswalk markings. These stop lines are punctuated by the appropriate "Stop Here for Pedestrians" signs (Figure 11). WITHIN E 1; CROSSWALK r'` FIGURE 11: Example of Yield Lines at an Unsignalized Midblock Crossing (Source: MUTCD Figure 313-17) ............................ -- 2? to 50 ft ----� '� W� A -Two-way roadway _ I"_ 20 i ,,) J0 f't -- Note: If Stop Hare for Pedestrians signs are used instead of Yield Here to Pedestrians signs, stop lines shall be used instead of yield lines. The use of roundabouts also facilitates the marking of crosswalks, and frequently may include the use of refuge islands that offer pedestrians an area to wait for an acceptable gap before proceeding across the travel lane (Figure 12). Page 117 Packet Page -342- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 FIGURE 12: Example of Marking & Signing for a Mini - Roundabout (Source: MUTCD Figure 213-21) Page 118 Packet Page -343- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 Surface Treatments The surface of the crosswalk can be enhanced to provide both visual and tactile feedback to motorists. Colored and contrasting surfaces (Figure 13) increase visual attention to the location, making it easier for motorist to recognize the crosswalk location as they approach. FIGURE 13: Example of Color- Contrasting High Friction Surface Treatment Crosswalk More robust surface treatments such as brick pavers or cobbles (Figure 14) add yet another level of awareness as a driver passes over the crosswalk, sensitizing the motorists to the crosswalks both visually and through a tactile response. While painted surfaces can be relatively inexpensive, brick pavers and cobbles bring an increased cost to the improvement. Stamped asphalt and bonded aggregate offer less expensive alternative treatments. Page 119 Packet Page -344- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 FIGURE 14: Paver /Cobble Crosswalk Treatment PAVER CROSSWALK WITH COBBLE BANDS Lighting Proper lighting will be necessary to enhance the visibility of the crosswalks at night. There are currently no publicly maintained streetlights along Vanderbilt Drive corridor and most of the existing development entrance road intersections lack sufficient roadside lighting to illuminate a crosswalk. Any new mid -block crossing locations would also require the installation of roadside lighting. Crosswalk Refuge Islands To further enhance the crosswalks, consideration was given to creating pedestrian refuge islands as part of each crosswalk location. Some locations explored have approach -end markings as part of the lane transition areas at intersections used to accommodate turn lanes. As part of a crosswalk installation, these diagonal striped zones could be used to create pedestrian refuge areas approximately mid -way across the road, allowing pedestrians to cross one direction of travel lanes and then safely wait within the refuge area for a gap in opposing traffic stream before proceeding the remaining distance across the travel way. Page 120 Packet Page -345- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 Some of these existing intersection areas, including the turn lanes can be 4 lanes (plus bike lanes) wide, a total distance over 55'. At a pace of 3 -4 feet per second, walking the entire distance can take up to 18 seconds, during which time a car traveling at 45 mph will have traveled approximately 1,200 feet, almost '/ -mile. Simply crossing to the center of the travel way could take up to 10 seconds, during which time a car traveling at 45 mph will have traveled 660'. For a pedestrian, having to negotiate a 40 second gap in two opposing lanes of through traffic (plus turning vehicles) can be an exceptionally difficult task. Refuge islands can narrow the distance and thus reduce the gap needed to safely cross the travel way. They also allow the pedestrian to focus on traffic approaching from one direction at a time, making gap acceptance easier. The placement of pedestrian refuge areas can be done permanently, or in a "temporary" fashion as for a trial period. Permanent installations would normally involve the construction of a raised median island using concrete curbing (Figure 15) necessitating a significant construction and maintenance of traffic effort. FIGURE 15: Example Mid -Block Pedestrian Refuge Island The implementation of "temporary" refuge islands involves the use of pre- fabricated products that can be installed quickly without incurring a lot of maintenance of traffic "down time ". Recently, Lee County installed temporary refuge islands at new crosswalk installations using pre- fabricated curbing called Qwick !Curb to form the outer perimeter of the refuge "islands" (Figure 16). Another type of pre- fabricated product, called Redipave, uses recycled rubber to create raised island components that are pieced together in the desired size /shape. Both types of products can be installed (or removed) quickly and economically by agency road crews (Figure 17), minimizing the impact to the movement of traffic during installation and offering a more economical alternative to the construction of permanent raised median island refuges. Page 121 Packet Page -346- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 FIGURE 16: Example Mid -Block Pedestrian Refuge Island — Qwick Kurb (Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, FL) FIGURE 17: Example Mid -Block Pedestrian Refuge Island — RediPav (Images courtesy of Professional Pavement Products, Inc., Jacksonville, FL) Page 122 Packet Page -347- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 Edge Treatments While roundabouts and pedestrian refuge areas may offer levels of traffic calming effects within the travel way, edge treatments can also be incorporated into the overall implementation plan to further enhance the crosswalk area in ways to help manage the speeds of vehicles in the corridor. Narrowing the travel lane, both visually and physically, will help to further reduce speeds expected through the crosswalk area. Restriping (to narrow) the travel lane approaching the crosswalk, coupled with hardscape edge treatments, e.g., curb extensions, bulb -outs, etc., will reduce vehicle speeds and at the same time, shorten the distance that pedestrians have to cross to reach the other side of the roadway (or pedestrian refuge area). Actuated Warning Beacons & Signals Proper signing and marking when associated with the appropriate flashing beacon assembly can provide effective enhancement for any crosswalk installation. Actuated crosswalk signal systems include those installations that deploy amber flashing lights, "warning" motorist to yield /stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk, and those that stop traffic with a red signal indication (e.g., full signal or "HAWK" hybrid signal). Actuation is controlled by the pedestrian using either a pole- mounted push button (Figure 18) or sensors embedded into bollards (Figure 19). Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) The RRFB uses rectangular- shaped high - intensity LED - based indications (Figure 18), flashes rapidly in a wig- wag "flickering" flash pattern, and is mounted immediately between the crossing sign and the sign's supplemental arrow plaque. Research data from an extensive study of RRFB installations in St. Petersburg show an 80 -100% rate of motorist "yield to pedestrians" compliance, in comparison to far lower rates (in the 15 to 20 percent range) for standard beacons. The St. Petersburg data also shows that drivers exhibit yielding behavior much further in advance of the crosswalk with RRFBs than with standard round yellow flashing beacons. Additional studies in Dade County reported a significant reduction (to negligible levels) of evasive conflicts between drivers and pedestrians and the percentage of pedestrians trapped in the center of an undivided road because of a non - yielding driver in the second half of the roadway. FIGURE 18: RRFB w /Push Equally important, the very high yielding rates were sustained even after 2 years in operation, and no identifiable negative effects have been found. The RRFB's very high compliance rates Page 123 Packet Page -348- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 are previously unheard of for any device other than a full traffic signal and a high- intensity activated crosswalk ( "HAWK ") hybrid signal, both of which stop traffic with steady red signal indications. The RRFB offers significant potential safety and cost benefits because it achieves very high rates of compliance at a very low relative cost in comparison to other more restrictive devices that provide comparable results, such as full midblock signalization. Flashing Amber Beacons (CAUTION) Similar to RRFBs, traditional flashing beacons (Figure 19) include one or two pole- mounted round amber light assemblies actuated by the pedestrian by push button or by sensors. In addition to locating the caution beacon assemblies at the crosswalk, in some instances it may be appropriate to install supplemental assemblies in advance of the crosswalks to notify motorists of the crosswalk location ahead. Steady Red Signal Indication (STOP) FIGURE 19: Amber Beacon w /Bollard Sensor Actuator Although Florida Law requires motorists to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk, the amber caution signals described above do not indicate how long a motorist (in either lane direction) must remain stopped. A fully signalized or hybrid signal installation includes a steady red, STOP indication which controls the length of time during which the motorists traveling in both directions must remain stopped. Operationally, a fully FIGURE 20: Fully Signalized Crosswalk 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 pedestrians to cross. A hybrid "HAWK" (high- intensity activated crosswalk) signal (Figure 21) is designed to function in a manner similar to a conventional pedestrian signal by providing a protected street crossing for the pedestrian, but at a location that does not have traditional signal control and operation. The "HAWK" is used at mid -block locations or un- signalized intersections to provide a cost - effective method of protecting a pedestrian movement. Until activated by the pedestrian, the "HAWK" signal rests in a dark state for the vehicle, allowing normal flow through the mid -block area /un- signalized intersection while displaying a constant "Don't Walk" indication for the pedestrian crossing. Activation by a pedestrian causes the amber (CAUTION) indication to flash. This is then followed by solid amber, followed by a solid red (STOP) indication, followed by a flashing red indication during which time motorist may proceed with caution (after stopping), once the pedestrians have cleared the crosswalk. The signal once again goes dark after the flashing red phase. Throughout this cycle, the pedestrian output identifies when it is safe for pedestrians to proceed. FIGURE 21: HAWK Signal A full signal installation at the suggested crosswalk locations at intersections with project entrance roads would mean having to fully signalize all approaches to the intersection in order to avoid driver uncertainty and confusion. In addition to the detailed engineering study required for all crosswalk locations, a signal warrant analysis would be necessary to support such an improvement. Page 125 Packet Page -350- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 5.1.2 Sidewalk Connections As mentioned previously, some of the optional locations would require the construction of interconnecting concrete sidewalks in order to be fully accessible. The mid -block option would require the construction of sidewalks running parallel to the roadway, interconnecting with developments at project entrance roads. At project access roads, sidewalk interconnections perpendicular to Vanderbilt Drive would be needed to interface with the pedestrian facilities within each development. A portion of that interconnection would be within the public right -of- way with the remaining part being on private property, and therefore construction of that portion outside of the public right -of -way would be the responsibility of the adjacent land owner (e.g., developer or homeowner association). The County Land Development Code (LDC) provides that sidewalks constructed along roadways with a functional classification as an arterial or collector be 6' wide and be constructed of concrete, a minimum of 6" thick over a compacted subgrade. Within Public R/W Within the rural cross section drainage swales generally consume all of the right -of -way between the edge of pavement and the right -of- way /private property line (Figure 22). Adding a 6' sidewalk within this area is likely to be especially challenging in many areas, resulting in higher construction costs. Preliminary survey data indicates a significant amount of alteration to many of the swale areas would be required in order to retain the required side slopes and maintain required drainage designs. FIGURE 22: Roadway Drainage Swale Page 126 Packet Page -351- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Identification of Improvements December 2013 To /From Developments Generally, the County is prohibited from using public funds to construct infrastructure on private property for the benefit of the landowner. Therefore, constructing the connection between the crosswalk/sidewalk and the pedestrian facilities within each development would likely be a shared responsibility, the County constructing the portion within the public right -of -way and the adjoining land owner (e.g., developer, master home owners association, etc.) constructing the remaining portion to connect to the internal pedestrian system. 5.1.3 Modern Roundabouts Consideration was given to the installation of modern roundabouts as an additional measure of "traffic calming" at intersection locations and at mid -block crosswalk locations. The modern roundabout is characterized by the following: • A central island of sufficient diameter to accommodate vehicle tracking and to provide sufficient deflection to promote lower speeds • Entry is by gap acceptance through a yield condition at all legs • Speeds through the intersection are 25 mph or less In addition to being a physical speed- impedance device, roundabouts also have the design characteristic of providing opportunities for pedestrian refuge areas as part of the facility. Additionally, the roundabout provides a central core area for landscaping or other hardscape treatment. Modern roundabouts, when correctly designed, are a proven safety countermeasure to conventional intersections, both stop controlled and signalized. In addition, when constructed in appropriate locations, drivers will experience less delay with modern roundabouts. FHWA has adopted NCHRP Report 672 Roundabouts: An Informational Guide which establishes criteria and procedures for the justification, operational and safety analysis of modern roundabouts in the United States. During the initial consideration of the roundabout option, it was understood by the planning /engineering team and the County Staff that any roundabout option to be considered would need a thorough engineering design review in order to determine the optimum size and shape /configuration. It is unclear at this point as to whether or not there would be sufficient right -of -way at select locations to facilitate the implementation of a roundabout; however the concept was considered to be an option that deserved further consideration in a public forum. 5.1.4 Bike Lanes /Paved Shoulders The southern 1.25 miles of the corridor, south of the Cocohatchee River Bridge to 111th Avenue North /Bluebill Avenue, is a narrow 2 -lane rural cross section with 10 ` travel lanes and no bike lanes or paved shoulders. The existing 6' off -road asphalt pathway that meanders along the Page 127 Packet Page -352- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Public Involvement & Participation December 2013 west shoulder of the roadway frequently coming within 6' of the edge of pavement. This roadway segment has a posted 35 mph speed limit. The corridor is a favorite of cyclists, both "on- road" and "off -road pathway" enthusiasts. For those cyclists preferring to use the travel way, the 10' travel lanes make this portion of the corridor a challenge for the cyclist and the motorist. As travel volumes increase along the corridor, opposing traffic makes it difficult for motorists to overtake a cyclist while giving the proper amount of clearance. This can frustrate drivers and cause a dangerous condition when motorist and cyclist are forced to share a single 10' wide travel lane. The County has recognized the need to improve this section of the corridor with either designated bike lanes or un- marked paved shoulders (Figure 23). Either solution is acceptable and would yield a marked improvement in the travel characteristics of the roadway. FIGURE 23: Rendering of Additional Paved Shoulders As mentioned previously, a review of the existing condition of the corridor revealed that for the majority of distance in this segment, the existing off -road asphalt pathway is frequently located 6' or less from the edge of the travel way. A review of the design plans for the Greenway indicates that throughout much of the segment of the corridor, the new Greenway will be 4' off the edge of pavement. This condition (existing and future) would prohibit the adding the additional bike lane /paved shoulder improvement to the west side of the roadway, requiring all of the additional asphalt to be placed along the east edge of the existing roadway, necessitating at a minimum the restriping of the travel lanes, and at a maximum a complete overlay of the roadway. If the County reconsiders the design of the Greenway improvement based upon recent public input, this may offer an opportunity to relocate the proposed Greenway further away from the travel way and allow the additional bike lanes /paved shoulders to be added to both sides of the existing roadway. 6.0 Public Involvement & Participation The Collier County Transportation Planning Department has made a commitment to provide continuing public involvement/participation opportunities at all stages of project development; from "concept to completion ". The following section summarizes this on -going effort as it relates to the development of future project improvements in the Vanderbilt Drive corridor. Page 128 Packet Page -353- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Public Involvement & Participation December 2013 6.1 PREVIOUS EFFORTS The public involvement efforts employed as part of this planning study are a continuation of previous efforts related to the Greenway. The County Transportation Planning Department conducted an extensive public involvement effort as part of the planning and design of the 4 mile long multi -use pathway along the west side of Vanderbilt Drive extending from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue North /Bluebill Avenue. After considering the options and public input garnered through a series of workshops and public outreach efforts, a preliminary design for an 8'wide multi -use pathway was prepared. It was during this initial stage of public involvement/input, that the issues of bicycle and pedestrian safety arose, suggesting that an ancillary effort to examine additional public safety countermeasures would be in order. As a result of a raised awareness of the safety issue, the County Transportation Planning Department undertook this supplemental study effort to evaluate potential options for improving bicycle and pedestrian safety within the corridor. 6.2 PRESENTATION AT A GATHERING OF MASTER HOA LEADERSHIP REPRESENTATIVES Following the development of a set of options and alternatives, draft exhibits illustrating the concepts and alternatives were prepared for use in presenting the options /alternatives at an advertised public workshop. As a preview to the public workshop, the County Transportation Planning Department and Stantec were invited to a gathering of the leadership (board members, etc.) of most of the residential communities along Vanderbilt Drive (within Collier County). At that meeting, held at the Cocohatchee River Park Coast Guard Station on April 9, 2013, the draft exhibits were presented and discussed. Those in attendance were encouraged to help get the word out to members of their associations, encouraging them to attend the public workshop scheduled for April 16, 2013, in the ballroom at Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church. 6.3 PUBLIC WORKSHOP On April 16, 2013, Stantec helped to facilitate an advertised public workshop to present the concepts and alternatives generated during the first phase of the study. The early evening workshop, held at Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church Ball Room, included a 30- minute "open house" format to allow attendees to view the exhibits and speak with the staff and the consultant team. Following the "open house ", introductory remarks by the staff were followed by a PowerPoint presentation illustrating the concepts and alternatives that were on display. Following the presentation, the staff and the consultants entertained questions and comments from those in attendance. Additionally, attendees were encouraged to provide written comments on the comment cards provided, and to recommend a set of three priority items they wished to see accomplished in the corridor. Of the 112 attendees that signed in upon arriving at the workshop, 58 comment cards were completed and returned to staff, or subsequently provided either directly to staff or through the Page 129 Packet Page -354- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Public Involvement & Participation December 2013 project website via e-mail and /or written form during the 30 -day comment period following the workshop. 6.3.1 Review of Public Comments /Input Following the 30 -day comment period, all of the comments were compiled into a database spreadsheet, reviewed by the project team. Attendees at the public information meeting were invited to provide contact information on the sign -in sheet. Participants were also encouraged to fill out a comment/survey form after the presentation to provide any written comments as well as to identify three top priority improvements they would like to see in the corridor. During the team's follow -up review, due to concerns raised by some attendees that non - corridor attendees might disproportionately FIGURE: 24 — Corridor Zip Codes influence the priorities, the improvements identified "c r, yid sad were tabulated for the entire group of respondents, and for those in attendance who identified with an address being within the three selected zip codes that surround the corridor. The three zip codes used include 34108, 34110, and 34134, as shown in Figure 24. Packet Page -355- Page 130 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Public Involvement & Participation December 2013 Of the 112 attendees that signed in, 54 did not provide written comments or suggest any priorities for potential improvements. A summary of the comments from the remaining 58 attendees that provided public input follows in Table 1. The input from the 40 attendees that were identified with an address within the zip codes surrounding the corridor has been isolated separately as a subset of the responses shown in Table 1. Additionally, 9 non - attendees provided public comments, with 6 of those responses coming from respondents that identified with an address within the corridor zip codes. Those responses are also summarized below. Table 1: Summary of Public Input Although not technically an "improvement', reducing the speeds and /or reducing the speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive north of Wiggins Pass Road, was a frequent comment, often associated with one of the identified improvements, e.g., roundabouts, etc. Additionally, while Table 1 is intended to quantify the recommended priorities suggested by the respondents, the team noted many of the comments included "do not..." remarks, e.g., "No roundabouts ", or "No cobbles or bricks in the crosswalks ", etc. While very few respondents discussed the number or locations of potential crosswalks in the north segment, two respondents commenting on the southern segment specifically suggested that crosswalks be located on the north side of The Dunes entrance point to minimize conflicts with the majority of motorists exiting or entering The Dunes, which do so to /from the south (the intersection of Vanderbilt Drive and 111th Avenue North). Page 131 Packet Page -356- Non - Attendees Attendees Providing Providing All Comments All Non - Comments Attendees from Attendees from Providing Corridor Providing Corridor Comments Zip Codes Comments Zip Codes Total Count of Respondents 58 < 40 9 6 8 ft. Multi -Use Pathway (West Side of Roadway) 8 7 0 0 >8ft. Multi -Use Pathway (West Side of Roadway) 37 23 , 1 0 Paved Shoulders, /Bike Lanes (111th Ave. N. to Cocohotchee Br.) 32 20 7 5 Sidewalks on East Side of Roadway 13 11 - 2 2 Crosswalks 25 19 2 2 Roundabouts 18 16 2 1 Reduce Speed Limit (N. of Wiggins Pass Rd.) 18 16 5 4 Although not technically an "improvement', reducing the speeds and /or reducing the speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive north of Wiggins Pass Road, was a frequent comment, often associated with one of the identified improvements, e.g., roundabouts, etc. Additionally, while Table 1 is intended to quantify the recommended priorities suggested by the respondents, the team noted many of the comments included "do not..." remarks, e.g., "No roundabouts ", or "No cobbles or bricks in the crosswalks ", etc. While very few respondents discussed the number or locations of potential crosswalks in the north segment, two respondents commenting on the southern segment specifically suggested that crosswalks be located on the north side of The Dunes entrance point to minimize conflicts with the majority of motorists exiting or entering The Dunes, which do so to /from the south (the intersection of Vanderbilt Drive and 111th Avenue North). Page 131 Packet Page -356- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Public Involvement & Participation December 2013 While technically "not on the table" as part of this study effort, the other compelling observation from the public information meeting data suggests that the debate about the width of the future multi -use pathway along the west side of the roadway is not yet over. From those respondents with an address within the zip code corridor, the majority clearly favor a pathway width greater than 8 feet by more than a 3:1 margin. Given all the respondents, the margin of support was over 4.5:1 in favor of a wider pathway. It was also noted that one respondent didn't think the existing pathway should be widened at all. Of the 40 respondents that included an address within the adjacent zip codes, 47.5% (n =19) included crosswalks as a needed improvement. 50% (n =20) suggested that bike lanes or paved shoulders were important. Only 27.5% (n =11) of the respondents suggested that sidewalks along the east side of the roadway were an important priority. 40% (n =16) of the respondents favored the use of roundabouts, and while not specifically included in the discussion as a priority improvement, 40% (n =16) also made it a point to either specifically recommend lowering the speed limit, or suggested that speeding was a problem that needed to be dealt with in some manner (e.g., using roundabouts and crosswalks, etc.). There is an obvious consensus among all of the respondents that safety within the corridor, for cyclists and pedestrians, is a major issue. The recommendations resulting from this study have taken into consideration all of the input received from the public and from agency staff responsible for not only making improvements, but for the perpetual operations and maintenance of the facilities. Page 132 Packet Page -357- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Costs and Available Funding December 2013 7.0 Costs and Available Funding As part of the planning effort, it will be important to understand the relative cost of different improvement options in order to properly evaluate their implementation potential given the limited amount of funding that is available for such improvements. It is important to understand that as a planning study, "planning level" estimates of potential costs are provided in order to compare options to available funding, and these costs should not be construed as engineer's estimates of probable costs which would be expected as part of the required detailed engineering analyses of a specific improvement. The development of engineer's opinions of probable costs requires a significant level of effort based upon a particular design (i.e., construction plans), not only to evaluate specific material and labor costs, but also to evaluate the added costs associated with challenges related to stormwater management, maintenance of traffic, etc. Each option will be different, as will each location; therefore for the purposes of this study, our planning level estimates are based upon a range of values that might reasonably be anticipated. In addition to planning level cost estimates, we have also explored the funding that is likely to be available for any improvements, understanding that much of the existing developer contribution fund has already been expended or is committed to complete any needed redesign and construction of the Greenway improvements. Additionally, we have explored other funding options that might be available in the future to help fund subsequent phases of improvements. 7.1 PLANNING LEVEL IMPROVEMENT COSTS A range of planning level costs has been developed for each type of improvement mentioned in this report. It is assumed that the "basic" crosswalk installation will include for all locations, striping, signing and marking, an actuated flashing system, and arterial —level street lighting. 7.1.1 Crosswalk improvements The cost of a "basic" crosswalk installation, including a flashing warning system, will range in costs from $26,500 to $42,000, including the cost of new arterial -level lighting. A range of costs has been developed using a variety of sources, including public agency guidance, vendor prices, and standard FDOT Unit prices. The cost of sidewalks needed to interconnect the three crosswalks in Option 2 is based upon planning level estimates provided by the County Transportation Planning Department. A breakdown of unit costs for individual components for the basic installation and "enhancements" is provided in Tables 2 and 3. Page 133 Packet Page -358- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Costs and Available Funding December 2013 TABLE 2: Planning Level Costs for Basic Crosswalk & Sidewalk Installations Basic Crosswalk — Signing, Marking & Lighting Cost Range Crosswalk Design, Survey, Engineering (25% of CST) $6,600— $10,500 High Visibility Striping, ADA compliant tiles, Signing and Marking $1,500 - $2,000 Flashing Warning System — Actuated $15,000 - $20,000 Arterial -Level Lighting $10,000 - $20,000 CEI (Construction Engineering and Inspection) (25% of CST) $6,600 —$10,500 Total $39,700 - $63,000 Sidewalks (6' Concrete) Cost Range Sidewalk Design, Survey, Engineering (25% of CST) $15.42 per LF Construction (6' wide) $61.68 per LF CEI (Construction Engineering and Inspection) (25% of CST) $15.42 per LF Total $92.52 per LF TABLE 3: Planning Level Costs for Enhancements Enhanced Alternatives (ADA Compliant, Signing & Marking) Cost Range High Visibility Striping w /Color Aggregate Additive $3,500 - $4,500 Brick Pavers, Signing and Marking $18,000 - $25,000 Median Refuge — Quick Kurb, Signing, Marking, etc. $10,000 - $15,000 Median Refuge — RediPove, Signing, Marking, etc. $5,000 - $10,000 High - Intensity Activated Crosswalk ( "HAWK ") Hybrid Signal $60,000 - $70,000 Traffic Signal (Mast Arm Assembly) $300,000 - $500,000 Edge Treatments — Restriping, Curb Extensions, etc. Various Roundabout $110,000 - $150,000 7.1.2 Basic Costs Assuming the basic costs, outlined above, the range of costs associated with crosswalk and sidewalk improvements for the various options throughout the corridor are detailed in Tables 4 and 5. Page 134 Packet Page -359- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Costs and Available Funding December 2013 TABLE 4: North Crosswalk Locations Option 1 Per Location Cost Range 4 Basic Crosswalk — Signing, Marking & Lighting $39,700 - $63,000 $158,800 - $252,000 330 feet of Sidewalk Total $158,800 - $252,000 Option 2 Cost Range 3 Basic Crosswalk — Signing, Marking & Lighting $39,700 - $63,000 $119,100 - $189,000 4,900 Feet of Sidewalk $92.52 per LF $453,400 Option 2 Total $572,500-$ TABLE 5: South Crosswalk Locations Option 1 Per Location Cost Range 1 Basic Crosswalk — Signing, Marking & Lighting $39,700 - $63,000 $39,700 - $63,000 330 feet of Sidewalk $92.52 per LF $30,500 Total $70,200 - $93,500 Sidewalk Ext. to Naples Memorial Gardens Sidewalk - Per Location Cost Range 365 feet of Sidewalk $92.52 per LF $33,770 Option 2 Per Location Cost Range 1 Basic Crosswalk — Signing, Marking & Lighting $39,700 - $63,000 $39,700 - $63,000 7.1.3 Bike Lanes /Paved Shoulders Adding paved shoulders or bike lanes to the existing segment of Vanderbilt Drive south of the Cocohatchee Bridge should be included as a component of a complete overlay (milling and resurfacing) of the existing roadway in order to avoid uneven edges which could prove dangerous to cyclists. Additionally, with the existing and future multi -use pathway located along the western edge of the roadway, there is insufficient space to add a paved shoulder /bike lane to the west edge of the pavement, requiring most, if not all, of the new pavement to be added to the east side of the existing roadway. To simply add the additional asphalt to the east side of the road would require removal and replacement of all existing lane striping. The incremental cost for the additional asphalt has been isolated in the cost estimates in Table 6, since the cost of resurfacing the existing travel lanes would be funded by County roadway maintenance funds, and not by the funds provided though the developer settlement agreement. Page 135 Packet Page -360- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Costs and Available Funding December 2013 TABLE 6: Paved Shoulders /Bike Lanes Unit Costs Paved Shoulders /Bike Lanes Cost Range 8' of Asphalt for 2 Paved Shoulders (added cost as part of resurfacing) $9.50 - $14.75 per LF 10' of Asphalt for 2 Bike lanes (added cost as part of resurfacing) $12.25 - $18.50 per LF Source: Ranges developed by Stantec using FDOT District 3 2012 Annual Roadway Construction Costs for Milling & Resurfacing 2 -Lane Rura Roadway with 5' Paved Shoulders and represents the additional cost associated with adding additional width for paved snouiaersioiKe lanes; the range is +/- 80% to 120% of paving -only costs. These estimates below do not include the 3,100' of paved shoulders that are being constructed as a component of the replacement bridge structure projects. TABLE 7: Paved Shoulders /Bike Lanes Improvement Costs Paved Shoulders /Bike Lanes Cost Range 3,500 'of 4' Paved Shoulders (as a component of resurfacing the roadway) $33,250 - $51,625 3,500' of 5' Bike Lanes (as a component of resurfacing the roadway) $42,875 - $64,750 7.2 FUNDING COMPONENT Original Settlement amount $3,000,000 The following improvements have been funded from the original Settlement Agreement fund: • Cocohatchee River Bridge Replacement ......... $1,300,000 • Greenway — Planning & Design Services ............ $200,000 • Miscellaneous .......................... ........................$65,000 Total ......... $1,565,000 Of the remaining balance of $1,565,000, a $1,000,000 set -aside is considered essential to see the Vanderbilt Drive Greenway project through construction, leaving $565,000 available to consider funding some of the additional bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements considered in the study effort. Although it is possible that there may not be sufficient funds from the developer settlement agreement to fund all of the desired improvements, there are additional sources of revenues that should be considered to help fund improvements beyond those that are ultimately funded through the developer settlement agreement. Page 136 Packet Page -361- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Costs and Available Funding December 2013 7.3 ALTERNATIVE FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES While the initial source of funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements within the corridor is the fund established through a developer settlement agreement, additional sources of funding for bike /ped improvements are available for future improvements. A number of State and federal programs exist to support improvements to non - motorized transportation modes. Although administered through the Florida Department of Transportation' (FDOT) annually developed 5 -Year Work Program, most of the programs are channeled through the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for application processing and prioritization. The MPO has developed a Comprehensive Pathways Plan that establishes a basis for identifying and prioritizing future bike /ped pathway improvements. Sources of potential funding include: • 5 -year Work Program Pathway "Box" Funds - This source consists of a minimum set - aside of federal urbanized area transportation funds that are specifically dedicated to bike /ped improvements. Priorities are established each year through the MPO planning process. Although candidate projects are most frequently selected from the Comprehensive Pathways Plan, there is nothing to preclude other important bicycle /pedestrian projects from being implemented with these funds. • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Transportation Alternative (TA) Funds - Formerly known as the "Enhancement Funds" program, this newly renamed program is a competitive process administered by FDOT with applications accepted annually and processed and ranked by through the MPO planning process. • Safety Funds - This is a competitive process administered annually by FDOT through the Community Traffic Safety Team planning process. • Other County Transportation Funds - Consisting of a mixture of motor fuel tax revenues, impact fee revenues, payment -in -lieu sidewalk funds, and general fund revenues, although generally limited, some of these funds can be used to enhance and maintain non - motorized infrastructure. • Municipal Service Taxing District Funds - Generally available to support community - based infrastructure improvements through the formation of Beautification or Lighting Districts, etc. These districts provide for on -going maintenance as well as the initial capital investments. Generally, it is necessary for a public agency to sponsor a project for any of these funds, since the initial capital expenditure in most cases comes with a perpetual maintenance responsibility. It is therefore incumbent upon non - governmental entities to conceptually develop and promote particular projects through the respective agencies administering the particular funding programs in order to advance their particular projects. Page 137 Packet Page -362- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Recommended Alternatives December 2013 8.0 Recommended Alternatives The alternatives were considered and evaluated based upon the advantages and disadvantaged discussed previously in this report. The overall goal of the project is to identify selected improvements that will enhance bicycle and pedestrian movements in the corridor. Clearly, enhancing the visibility of the proposed crosswalks and thus increasing driver awareness of users is of prime importance. Adding bike lanes or paved shoulders to the southern segment of the corridor has long been recognized as a critical need, and born out through this study and previous public involvement efforts. When considering the level of funding immediately available to make improvements in the corridor, it is important to try to maximize the improvement value for the funds expended. 8.1 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS The recommended improvements extend to both type of installation and location, and total planning level costs have been tabulated for each recommended Option. 8.1.1 Recommended Crosswalk Installations Research has shown that "visibility" is a key factor in the effectiveness of a crosswalk installation. In order to enhance the visibility of the proposed crosswalks, it is recommended that each installation include the following components: • Basic High Visibility Striping, Signing and Marking • RRFB Flashing Warning System w/ Push Button Actuation • Median Refuge — RediPave, Signing and Marking • Arterial Level Street Lighting 8.1.2 North Segment: OPTION 1 — Four Crosswalk Locations In order to provide the greatest degree of driver awareness of pedestrian movements through this part of the corridor, it is recommended that basic crosswalks with associated enhancements (Table 8) be installed at four locations as described in Option 1. In addition to enhancing driver awareness, the frequency of the crosswalk may help to reduce the speed of motor vehicles traveling through this part of the corridor. TABLE 8: North Segment — OPTION 1 Costs Cost Range/ Enhanced Crosswalk Crosswalk Option 1 Four Locations 4 Basic Crosswalk —Signing, Marking & Lighting $39,700 - $63,000 $158,800 - $252,000 Median Refuge — RediPave, Signing, Marking, etc. $5,000 - $10,000 $20,000 - $40,000 Total $44,700 - $73,000 $178,800 - $292,000 Page 138 Packet Page -363- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Recommended Alternatives December 2013 8.1.3 South Segment: OPTION 1 - One Crosswalk Location Plus Sidewalks In order to improve the overall access and mobility of those residents living on the east side of Vanderbilt Drive at the south end of the corridor, Option 1 is the recommended solution with the with the enhanced crosswalk located on the north side of the Dunes /North Shore Lakes intersection, coupled and associated sidewalk connecting the North Shore Lakes entrance to the Vanderbilt Villas entrance. Additionally, it is recommended that the optional sidewalk extension to the Naples Memorial Gardens sidewalk be constructed, thereby allowing residents complete access to 111th Avenue north without having to cross Vanderbilt Drive. The associated costs are shown in Table 9. TABLE 9: South Segment — OPTION 1 Costs Basic Crosswalk Cost Range / " Crosswalk Option 1 One Location 1 Basic Crosswalk —Signing, Marking & Lighting $39,700 - $63,000 $39,700 - $63,000 Median Refuge — RediPave, Signing, Marking, etc. $5,000 - $10,000 $5,000 - $10,000 Sidewalks - 330 Feet (Required) $30,500 $30,500 Total $75,200 - $103,500 $75,200 - $103,500 Sidewalk Ext. to Naples Memorial Gardens Sidewalk Cost Range Option 1 Sidewalks - 365 Feet (Optional) $33,700 $33,700 Optional Total $108,900 - $137,200 $108,900 - $137,200 8.1.4 South Segment: 5' Bike lanes Given the narrow existing pavement ( +/- 10' travel lanes), it is recommended that funds be set aside and earmarked to pay for the additional construction costs related to adding 5' bike lanes to the roi itine costs associated with resurfacing the southern segment. Even in the event the travel lanes are widened to 11' as part of a future resurfacing project, the additional width of the 5' bike lanes over the 4' paved shoulders would provide an extra measure of clearance between users of the bike lanes and motor vehicles in the adjacent travel lane. The costs associated with this improvement do not include the +/- 3,100 of the bike lanes that are assumed to be included in the roadway resurfacing that will be incorporated into the bridge replacement project. In the event the planned resurfacing adjacent to the bridges does not include the bike lanes, the cost to complete the entire 6,600' of bike lane improvements would increase substantially. TABLE 10: South Segment — Bike Lanes Costs Paved Shoulders /Bike Lanes Cost Range 3,500' of 10' of Asphalt for 2 Bike lanes $42,875 - $64,750 F6,60 of 10' of Asphalt for 2 Bike lanes $80,850 - $122,100 Page 139 Packet Page -364- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY Next Steps December 2013 8.2 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Table 11 provides a summary of the recommended solutions with a range of planning level costs associated with each recommendation. TABLE 11: Summary of Recommended Improvements Improvement Option 1 Four Locations South Segment 3,500' of Bike Lanes (as a Component of Future Resurfacing/ $42,875 - $64,750 North Segment - 4 Enhanced Crosswalks (Option 1) $178,800 - $292,000 South Segment - 1 Enhanced Crosswalk (Option 1) w/ Optional Sidewalk Ext. $108,900 - $137,200 Total $330,575 - $483,950 ' 3,500' of assumes the northernmost 3,100' will be incorporated (and paid for) in the resurfacing associated with the bridge replacement project. 9.0 Next Steps This report recommends consideration of a set of cost effective solutions to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety within the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor. There are three important "next steps" in this process, including: • Detailed Engineering Study /Warrant Analysis of Selected Alternatives — Before proceeding to implementation, the County will need to conduct a detailed engineering analysis of the selected improvements, to evaluate the operations, constructability, and costs associated with the improvements. • Public Involvement and Consensus Building — It is important to vet the proposed recommended improvements with the public in an effort to build a community consensus on a selected set of improvements, and to ensure the viability and success of the projects. It is recommended that this be done as part of a County Commission hearing. • Coordination with the Greenway Project and Vanderbilt Drive Resurfacing — The need for the crosswalk improvements is directly related to improving accessibility to the new Greenway Project. It is important to coordinate the recommended improvements with the Greenway Project and the future resurfacing of Vanderbilt Drive in order to implement the most cost effective solutions. Page 140 Packet Page -365- 1~~^`D E^^B [LT D^^I'VE PrE^^T^O^^ (Funchng/�on rhe�o�gcAbbo�Io��cmevtAgoe�mynV 4/8/2014 11.C. .` 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. vVe respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because ofgreat neighborhood interest and support. I.Am8iootccpinolt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive 2. There are 25 sep2ra-te neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County m, look ut providing safer entrances/exits u, each development. 3.Acunsisent4O MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Sanbz Beach Road toI11mPvonve. However, today vve would leave the 3smP* speed Emit in place south of the C-ocoh2tchee River bridge until the COUnty upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 o,otmxe»ouumco. �.aike|ancs{5foctshoula!eo)souuhmf the Cocohatd�een�verbridge. (MPO Frondli:gmuquested) S. Other Safety Ininrovenientszo becon`)derad:|ow|eve|ii%hdngonpathxvaKtra-Hicco|mingfeatures,uchas(2)cpu,swaUus, safety _~ islands or medians, 2nd sturn |ane onto to8mStreet (where Royal Scoop is). This ba local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. xvecertainly doro-, support any futurecons|d"eration -1or widening Vanderbilt Drive to4Lanes. N am" e Address Signature �� 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature Packet Page -367 - 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) /�[ - (� Lf_. —. AT ,r „('%/,/'gt�li°�..KL'.C.....( �Ss C✓/�O G�"� G2�- Ct..c<.�' /� �ii- .L.C'-E:l"TI//' /'_ /;?- ( Packet Page -368- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge /Abbott Settlement Agreement) ®x: -r We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not seethe pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature Packet Page -369- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge /Abbott settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature j o C!l 4 4) C C- A, �z ffl-v- _- _ - / ME` C!o Packet Page -370- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see tQie pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111[4 Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and '@ turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name address ��ignature � bt '01 -3 Packet Page -371- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Nay0e Address /0 LLO WN S'U �- r,,I 1 L ``7 O i�v 13 ?--U C-T /Vn ,:� �7 L- � �-`fll Packet Page -372- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) nrmms Address Signature r !i/ 2 ll l Packet Page -373- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. P. ' We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An B foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A: consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 112th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot b € €ce shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81 Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a focal, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature IC3) "-�o C/Y--( ::) eAl'J C;,g-- V i�•ti'�ifG� �����'�'" l5 d�e� �r� /� -��-� ��7oz lit i �/� t� , ���� - Packet Page -374- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address MgnatuEe,. 6,o L14- �t ('� Z 3� 11 'a > c 3 q )fsvL L_ Z7 C "_.._7'� % J s C\ �..,_ -' _ �."� -- �, ,cs rte' Wit? /� ° .�' C � �:S .�,� �i L y �✓� -�°��S 3 �'i� a w1L= D P, -A 2 0� "►' z -�S 34 Lja I t D :3 7176 Packet Page -375- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. g. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 m H speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111' Avenue. However, today we would leave the 55 MPH speed lirrnt in place south of "he Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (S ' out shouiii�r5) SOLI,-!, 0` ti:e Cocohatchee River bridge. (MP© Funding requested) S. Other Safety improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to o "Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer foe the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Z3LI rZ Address Signature UN Packet Page -376- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature 3 / d v— /✓ t ( �r till y� -� .... f I I �l 1 d' � t3 %' �"3'! L J ?�`✓ lam+ ! � 1 � '1 ! �"�n �' ' 1° "{?� ''_ � � t l t� Cf ct 0 00 `� Gtic / ®� a < j�s' 55 A�i 1 71 G �-� �, �i AIL ID3 �41(a a) Packet Page -377- 3 4/8/2014 1 1.C. 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (N'Crth flay) sLpport the foilovring Safety Improvements in our neighborhood, v,,re respecitively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and aplove these because of gi eat neighborhood interest and support. 1 Ail s foot asrihait pathway on thlevJest side of Vanderbllz Drive. 2. There are Z5 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not seethe pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urae the County to look at providing safer entrances; exits to each development. 3. A cojjslsjc-nt 410 NPPIj speed limit on V�-mderbilt Drive iron Sonita Beach Read to 111"h Avenue. How&ver, today we iiwould leave the 35 MPH speed lin-ft in place South of the Cocohatchee Riser bridge upall the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 Z� foot bike shoulders. 4. sgce lanes (5 jocit' shouWei-s) south of the Cocohatchee Ykiverbrldgn. (1,rjc,40 Fundln.g req,;ast-2d) 5. othersafety improvernent-5 to be considered; low level licediting CM pWthvray, uaific such as (2) crosswalk's, safety i�Man6is or medians, and a turn lane orito to 81h Street (vAere Royal Scoop is), This is a local, neighborhood road v,11-lich should be made Suffer for the residents. We certainly CIO not sup"'10i"C any future consideration for widening, Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. IN a 1,1111 e Add vess I Si gern a, tu re IiL 7 � �3 3 v, fi) Packet Page -378- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. g here are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bilce shoulders. 4. ?ilce lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature �-?G �(,kA iM������ X-� 7z:, BPacket Page -379- 16=1 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address - Signature 4 Psi A I %�" f�°' � � l J^ :� ` 4 .t'Id .,N L' I ' S`S' P f' � v 2g e'! C?Wilian -25 dove F6wee br L Packet Page -380 - 11-71 VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. B;I(e lanes 1,5 foot shoulders) south of the'Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. other Safety improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. A.e4,4enec Signature Packet Page -381 - 0\1 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Si ature 177AAw, /7,1� Q I ! �� j1 j v .) 6 -J, / Y -�LD ( Z:oCam, " p :?q 1 ( Q �9 Packet Page -382- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) FIR <� 8 Feet wide 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) suppo rt the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive, 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Like lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81" Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Narne `Address f a�"4 �- Signature V y IN . ? "�. Packet Page -383- '• VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge /Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111" Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike !apes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to Sth Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. ('`� " Packet Page -384- (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. c s� 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. . 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name M (is Add�rress p/ 5Ign turer, ital C � Packet Page -385- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the foliowing Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. Z. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature J� &i � /� - 7 G �g `? �=�� . Nv, �/ . I r- J) -, —17 Kl ,rrrS Z_ F6x (I 9 � all � —T l W" t(n ce'l- ad 1, -,-, IVI a ✓Cn Cp �-5. /V( fie' it, .S' '�� Packet Page -386- C VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not seethe pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. -'t' s 4 ( -Lcz-1� sz U . -�ocz,c— c , (-" c'--- Packet Page -387- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11. C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name 3 Address q Go i � y - E &V _�;�,� i Packet Page -388- 3 W U ' Signature VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11. C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level fighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8' Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name _ Address D 4 n n A' r-r9_A W /,VJ ) . ( T/ - n�� Packet Page -389- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11. C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to St" Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4L-anes Name Address �tti cJ`\���� Signature 0 '✓/ -�- 1 e CAC ' i (�61 rCat Packet Page -390- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION 4/8/2014 11.C. 'I '�Jlfi We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. an 3 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. ,A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (i01PO f=unding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name address Sienature Q0 Packet Page -391- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature /% 6hrr�I'm16x 1f -161 Atv� OD Packet Page -392- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. -_4 r We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81h Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. @ Packet Page -393- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBIL r DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81h Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents, We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature ��� Packet Page -394- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflictwith vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. R41:e 1--. 15 foot shou!ders) so:sth of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5.0ther Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8ch Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Sig A VPacket Page -395- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature 1�"4 ��OVk�? � AP-1-1i /-S PA � PQ,� I `r z ©0C, 8 (— �dz�Xh Packet Page -396- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and supp.ort. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not seethe pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Packet Page -397- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) .: M_.... ,.a We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level fighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 80 Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address 12) Packet Page -398- Signature (Funding from the lodge Abbott e dement Agreement) 8 Feet wide 4/8/2014 11.C. y ark We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. we respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An S foot asphalt pathway can the west side of Vanderbilt Drive_ 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not seethe pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the county. to look at providing safer entrancesf exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the county upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to St' Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name ( Address Signature lul Packet Page -399- 4/8/2014 11.C. Signature VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature ,; 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt give Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Bcard of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. L An E foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt give. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 NAIPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 55 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level fighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to St" Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address �C�l�?SQ � r�� Signature X41 J�10 bVe+� h Ca,�� «��_✓..� e,�z -- / - /-)r,e-- Gcq (I Packet Page -401- Oct. 17, 2013 4; 27PM /1�kN�No. 16501", 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) sunaarf the following Salrtrorovaments in our neighborhood, We respectively request the Collier county Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists IRS they use the pathway, We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 112 'h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchae }fiver bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. d. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of#he Cocohatchee River bridge. (W.P0 Funding requested) 5.0ther Safe IMAEgYAmQnts to be considered: lowlevei lightingon pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, Safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to V0th Street (where Royal Scoop Is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature C{{IA1_P t'(rg& Packet Page -402- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBI+LT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signa�yre 9 Packet Page -403- VANDERRILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. 4 ' We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. x �r M • Packet Page -404- (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 11116 Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traff ic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name ,\ Ad /d/;r%ess / g ure ' '' I G i= % z.� (. C!�i4 2lc�a o 4 ZAJ d 0 < J q %5; Packet Page -405- 4/8/2 014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) !Name Address Signature l'5--Li 4 Q 'Q 0 1 , /o 26� :fir. . �r, � j� 9i C -C � rf "j L✓ 1L 14 S C'�pftNvoai> L,j 30'f i ,7-e ff"^e l /�' z G f C C� 01a r ✓ / Cd L G �� G l" cY/a�G ✓G i �: h ✓ �a k.t z j ? i - / �� C F- b R Q ink 860 LAO rr B'" %C'� "� -f>d� �.�a.J d.s 6./ �.% � J ✓� AJJS`'/ / e✓K. c.%G) % �°I�a Packet Page -406- N VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81h Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature 11-� Packet Page -407- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) t 8 Feet wide Vale, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathvi ay on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. z. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 11111 Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shouiders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MP0 Funding requested) 5. other Safety improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop Is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address signature R f tiL-C" i � g-VT �1) Packet Page -408- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8t" Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature Packet Page -409- 1 (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11. C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not seethe pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (S foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81h Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name ,� r Address (( //��// �Signature �erCLAdlne go Y6,,-,5 /y�76 Jwr<ip✓r' ?o1n7 A&P?L ICJ-' Z/ ( N (I Lk ct'K N)o yeS 1 *5-76 .J c -,,i e � Po I'✓1 � Lade Alal� ((l / � lii�� �) i✓_ l C i'^ % (� r 1 N f-7 w d- ff i Packet Page -410- l� �b VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2)- old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvementsto be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81h Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. So Ir N V -fl P"L -IS L= Signature Packet Page -411- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An E foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 275 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they z^se the pathway. We urge the County to l'oolc at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A cons;stent 40 MP I E speed iirnit or Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111t" Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 Mr-In' speed Limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bilce lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MP® Funding requested) 5. Other Safety improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islancs or rnedians, and a turn lane onto to 8u' Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Nanne Address Signature Packet Page -412- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name / Address Signatures, Packet Page -413- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111' Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature Packet Page -414- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature !01 Packet Page -415- r E Z !01 Packet Page -415- r E VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11. C. ct—' Le We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Packet Page -416- 418/2014 11.C. a N 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered. low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name / Address SiggnWature ILI 01�� Packet Page -417- IjWv4ad'��'l a - It VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. " w c.3 We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An B foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3o A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave ;e 25 MFEs speed !i i ir: place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot Mice shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MP® Funding requested) S. Clher Safety Improyef i"tlents to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature % � h',L /tom, -i �'i� 4,�%.� 2W 14, -,L.0 r� c ✓\ f?.v CA Packet Page -418- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (worth Ray) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An R foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2.1 here are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to tooic at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111`" Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbi!t_Drive to 4 Lanes. U �& /q Packet Page -419- 0 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature f� ni �y}c /Czy� 57 �,Oy 0,6 Ir��14�15 3 V-1 I �_�i' � ��w ✓�` 7 eS -3 S-% ism EV'z-,'d � &'fr' (3) Y Ah l Packet Page -420- 1r3 (L 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature ��� f'Z �-� s'1''e �1 ��1 � %� L� f9- �-%'�; ,� � �. �� ,C i� i'�-1- c� � � � .�, ° k''� � "' ► 1" L`v�� �i����` (=6,. V� Packet Page -421- 0 VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION 4/8/2014 11. C. (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4 l 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to .look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Z��M- Packet Page -422- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature-_ i= ��s'lf'�'� �Z� ��9 � ��,•� �� � �� �- �-�. < ! ,rte %'•�� `-/ Packet Page -423- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement)a We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as th -2y use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to Stn Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Narne Address Signature 4 J �����- �/�/c�— l��.l%� -• �X� �'Q,Q ,�Gp �� !/tJ' t�/lA.� V w�.r. vC.f/"Lf�.4tif'T- tlJiC.� 4/8/2014 11.C. r VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION l h r /" � (Ft ff rom the Lodge Abbott settlement Agreement) �j 1 j We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature r _ Packet Page -425- /0 4/8/2014 11. C. Packet Page -426- 47-1 tie VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. II � rP 14 t 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. Where are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to _look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 112th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 -foot bilce shoulders. 4. Bilce lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (IVIPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn Pane onto to 81h Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Sign e P, -175 14 & TT - / � / fit i �i� �� f= , Aj J ©M V� (i� �► .l �S CL Packet Page -427- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11. C. 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. I Where are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists a's tl;ey use the pathway. We urge the county to l'bolc at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH. speed lirni•. In place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bilce shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MP® Funding requested) S. Other Safety Irnprbvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to V' Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. V� Packet Page -428- (Funding from the Lodge /Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81 Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. 4/8/2014 11. C. 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111`h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bite shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. OtherSafety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature Packet Page -430- �z 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111`h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bite shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) 5. OtherSafety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature Packet Page -430- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An B foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians &'bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to -Ibok at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed iimit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111h Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (M PO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to Su' Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Macrae Address Signature 1 4 Packet Page -431- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) W 8 Feet wide 4/8/2014 11. C. ". We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectiveiy request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at ;providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However; today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades. the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81h Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name ,address Signature Packet Page -432- X11 0 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature yj Packet Page -433- i E a re) VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11. C. 8 Feet wide We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Ray) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians tic bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MiPX speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 1111" Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MINX speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. Bi ke lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MP© Funding requested) S. other safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81 Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature 4/8/2014 11.C. CAO �f (4uaLuaaaGd�uowap4aS.14ogclV a5p07 aya u oaf 5wpunji 111®11113d 3A I80 l VA Packet Page -435 4/8/2014 11.C. A ° �� 5 a r. V' We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An S foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may notsee the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. 4. 5ike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MPO Funding requested) S. Other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 8th Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature c�ff�,�✓ �-si rA� Icy /v x'7,6 C4ew 6 Packet Page -436- 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) I WE We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safetv Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. 1. An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (Z) old bridges and adds 5 foot bilce shoulders. 4. Bilce lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (IVIPO Funding requested) S. other Safetv Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 86 Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Name Address Signature -IR L&�� LL.CCL -t?-- L4 3 ICeM L l (ice J� �iS i _ L •L (� (' �t , a V n Q A o-A i 1 � n e r-h1 k�r 1-11 SO -1:::� 'X �.i Packet Page -437- a 4/8/2014 11.C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Name Address Signature Packet Page -438- VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (f=unding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) 4/8/2014 11.C. We, the Residents of the Vanderbilt Drive Corridor (North Bay) support the following Safety Improvements in our neighborhood. We respectively request the Collier County Board of Commissioners to consider and approve these because of great neighborhood interest and support. I . An 8 foot asphalt pathway on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive. J 2. There are 25 separate neighborhood entrances, which create a conflict with vehicles who may not see the pedestrians & bicyclists as they use the pathway. We urge the County to look at providing safer entrances /exits to each development. 3. A consistent 40 MPH speed limit on Vanderbilt Drive from Bonita Beach Road to 111th Avenue. However, today we would leave the 35 MPH speed limit in place south of the Cocohatchee River bridge until the County upgrades the (2) old bridges and adds 5 foot bike shoulders. I r 4. Bike lanes (5 foot shoulders) south of the Cocohatchee River bridge. (MP® Funding requested) 5. other Safety Improvements to be considered: low level lighting on pathway, traffic calming features such as (2) crosswalks, safety islands or medians, and a turn lane onto to 81h Street (where Royal Scoop is). This is a local, neighborhood road which should be made safer for the residents. We certainly do not support any future consideration for widening Vanderbilt Drive to 4 Lanes. Packet Page -439- 4/8/2014 11. C. VANDERBILT DRIVE PETITION (Funding from the Lodge Abbott Settlement Agreement) Packet Page -440- Retn: 4176441 OR: 4368 PG: 2345 % 4/8/2014 11.C. CLERK TO THE BOARD RECORDED in the OFFICIAL RECORDS of COLLIER COUNTY, FL COPIES 97.00 INTEROFFICE 4TH FLOOR 06/10/2006 at 10:46AK DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK EIT 7240 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE This Settlement Agreement and Release ( "Agreement and Release ") is made and entered into on this � day of 7 ,pe . , 2008 by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida (the "County ") and Lodge Abbott Associates, LLC ( "Lodge "). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on or around May 10, 2005, the County denied Lodge's Planned Unit Development ( "PUD ") Amendment request, a request that more specifically asked for an amendment to the PUD's Bald Eagle Inenian; and WHEREAS, the PUD jii' pion is also som S�jlreferred to as the Cocohatchee Bay PUD; and WHEREAS, Lodg t fill d d pt #( Wn o 16A, 10 ` ' Ih e T7entieth Judicial Circuit in and for Collier County, Flo" concerning the proposed amendment to the PUD's B4 ale Management i4,400ase being styled Lodge Abbott Associates, LLC v. Collier CountyrFCas Ile - QS-SZb = A' d �� y cll� WHEREAS, on or around May 1, 2006, Lodge submitted a notice of claim to the County purportedly, among other things, pursuant to the Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property Rights Protection Act ( "Bert Harris Act "), Section 70.001 et seq., Fla. Stat.; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 70.001(4)(c) of the Bert Harris Act, the County met at a regularly scheduled meeting on December 12, 2006 and authorized the making of a written settlement offer to resolve any and all claims Lodge had against the County; and WHEREAS, this Agreement and Release protects the public interest served by the regulations at issue. 1 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -441- OR 4368 4/8/2014 11. C. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this Agreement and Release, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and with the intent to be legally bound, Lodge and the County mutually agree to the following: 1. The County and Lodge agree to adopt and incorporate the foregoing recitals, sometimes referred to as "Whereas clauses" by reference into this Agreement and Release. 2. The settlement documents will consist of the original PUD Ord. No. 2000 -88 (Exhibit 1), the amended PUD (Exhibit 2), the revised Bald Eagle Management Plan for the amended PUD (attached as Exhibit `B" to the amended PUD), a phasing diagram entitled "Cocohatchee Bay Golf Course Exhibit j h i , and a Pathway Depiction (Exhibit 4). This Agreement and Release ,-e pre sfy states the abgptable deviations in development standards from the original original PUD will control 3. The sett lement t a s l bye --cc in`thisAgreement and Release, the site development plans ( "SDPs ") that Lodge has subfni d being approved18y 'h, .Minty, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Cou nty' a el .tlI e-., , ment standards set forth in the p original PUD and as may be vaned by the express terms of this Agreement and Release. These three SDPs are identified as AR5282, AR5283 and AR5284. 4. The County will expedite the review of these three SDPs and all future building permit applications submitted by Lodge. The existing environmental impact statement ( "EIS ") does not need to be amended unless the SDPs are revised to increase wetland impact beyond the impact currently permitted by the South Florida Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by more than five (5 %) percent. 5. Lodge agrees to contribute $3 million to the County for affordable workforce housing. Payment shall be made at the rate of $600,000 for each of five (5) residential 2 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -442- OR: 4368 p 4/8/2014 11.C. condominium buildings to be built by Lodge at the time each building permit is issued. This payment shall be a credit against any affordable workforce housing fee adopted by the County. If no fee is adopted or if the fee is less than the payment set forth, the County shall retain the excess payment. 6. Within fifteen (15) days of the Effective Date of this Settlement Agreement, Lodge shall contribute the sum of $3 million to the County to fund Vanderbilt Drive corridor improvements and bridge enhancements. No impact fee credits shall be given for payment of this sum. Lodge recognizes that the County may request additional contributions up to the proposed road impact fees due for 59 tn`xnits to assist the County in funding the construction of the Vanderbilt Dnvdee enhancemients.t'No such additional contributions shall be required, however,, until tl g— AQounty-pro vid-es evidence: that all parties have spent $5,500,000.00 on the Vanderbiti 0n'v %idg6, ' 4e'n�n s. Ari!y such sums paid over the initial $3 million shall reee** road' iitrp fee- 46redA7- '- N6fhing in this Agreement and Release, however, is intended` nor shall it restricts n any- way the County's ability under applicable laws, ordinances or ru sI to uite fif y.perce t (50 %} of all transportation impact `' �?�, t fees upon approval of the SDPs. These fu - — shall be refunded to Lodge should Lodge be permanently prevented from commencing construction based upon actions by any governmental entity or any third party. County shall be entitled to retain these funds without any need for reimbursement upon the earlier of (1) Lodge's commencement of construction of the first tower, or (2) the exhaustion of time to file any third party challenge with respect to any matter concerned by this Agreement and the attachments hereto. 7. Lodge and the County agree that the Cocohatchee Bay PUD shall be exempted from the County's PUD sunsetting provisions within the LDC until the Effective 3 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -443- OR; 4368 P4/8/201411.C. Date of this Settlement Agreement. At that point, the five year sunsetting provisions in the LDC shall govern. Lodge still shall be obligated to provide annual PUD monitoring reports. S. As each residential condominium building receives the first certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy, Lodge shall record restrictive covenants on one -fifth (1/5) of what is known as the GC Parcel, and when all five covenants are recorded, they will restrict the use of the entire GC Parcel to two (2) residential units and the uses described in the PUD for the golf course development area. The phasing diagram of this requirement is attached as Exhibit 3. These restrictive covenants shall each provide that if the golf course development area or golf-ccaurse -�-- any reason, then all of the GC-,,P arcel including development area, except remain forever as green in Paragraph 5.3 of the amen ever discontinued or abandoned for �r for tation the entire golf course (2) residential units, shall to the uses expressly allowed revisions to these restrictive k covenants will require a supermaority vote of the Board ©f.C:6utxty Commissioners. 9. To fully satisfy its' o�igti�ns_to_contfuc sidewalks along adjacent off -site a E C° A , public roads, Lodge shall construct a path wa y t nM(10) feet in width on the western side of Vanderbilt Drive (consistent with the Comprehensive Pathways Plan adopted by the County in 2006) in lieu of building a sidewalk on Wiggins Pass Road and a sidewalk on the east side of Vanderbilt Drive. The pathway is depicted in Exhibit 4. This construction of the pathway shall be accomplished by Lodge with Lodge's funds and shall be completed upon the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy for the first residential condominium building within the Cocohatchee Bay PUD Project. 10. Building Five as shown on the revised Bald Eagle Management Plan attached as Exhibit B to the amended PUD shall be increased from fifteen (15) stories to seventeen 4 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -444- OR: 4368 F4/872^0'1^4 11.C. (17) stories, but shall not exceed 175 feet in Building Height, as defined in Paragraph 3.5 entitled "Amended Cocohatchee Bay Community Development Standards" of the amended PUD, and Footnote 2 thereto. 11. The maximum number of dwelling units to be constructed by Lodge shall not exceed 590 units. Of these, a maximum of 590 units may be multi - family and constructed on the R Parcel. However, two (2) units of the 590 may be single family units to be built on the GC Parcel. The development standards for the single - family dwelling units on the GC Parcel shall be as set forth in Section 4.4 in the amended PUD, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 12. What has been single R parcel as set forth in The development standards, /fc the amended PUD (except 13. If there are tohe =1 —and R -2 Parcels shall be replaced by a Wised PUD Maste ,attached to the amended PUD. II of Paragraph 3.5 of e epessl iiaiftd liy,ftq Agreement and Release). L Plan required ell by federal or state agencies; .ice\, her County PUT➢'A, ends ent process shall be required. The County acknowledges that th . m ded_Bald- E`,ag�le anagement Plan is in compliance with the County regulations. Lodge shall Se—exempt from any County regulations that may be adopted in the future applicable to the Bald Eagle and the County shall defer to the state and federal regulatory permitting process relating to the Bald Eagle Management Plan and issues related thereto. Lodge, however, shall be required to notify the County of any such changes required by state or federal agencies, which will then require an administrative change by the County to any of the previously approved SDPs under review or that have been approved by the County. Any change to the construction sequencing shall be considered an insubstantial change to the SDP. 14. The Cocohatchee Bay PUD is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit 2. 5 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -445- OR: 436$ P4/8/201411.C. 15. Lodge shall and hereby does without limitation release, waive and forever discharge the County, its present and former elected or appointed officials and employees, insurers, sureties, agents, attorneys, and representatives of any and all claims, causes of action, costs, expenses, attorneys' fees, or charges of any kind that Lodge has or may have that arise from, or reference, relate or refer in any way, whether directly or indirectly, to the Cocohatchee Bay Project, PUD Ord. No. 2000 -88, the related Bald Eagle Management Plan or any amendment or proposed amendment to the PUD Ord. No. 2000 -88 or the Bald Eagle Management Plan through the date this Agreement and Release are approved and authorized by the Board for the Chairman's signature-.,including-..,without Iimitation all Bert Harris Act claims and the claim asserted in Case No. 05- 967 -CA This release shall be immediately effective upon the County's approval`of `the-, -3, SDPs in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in paragraph 3, of this`Agreement and Release. 16. In the event',of, a'lhird pasty "'challenge fo-this Agreement and Release, the County and Lodge agree to'work cooperatively to d6fend this Agreement and Release. In this regard, the County and Lodge, shall ,each..,seek -to become parties to any such challenge ., Y proceeding if one or the other of them is not named as a party in the first instance. The County and Lodge shall each bear their own costs and attorney's fees in any such proceeding. 17. If any third party challenge to this Agreement and Release should ever be successful, after exhaustion of all appeals or other requests for review or reconsideration or federal permit conditions prevent Lodge from being able to develop the project consistent with the amended PUD Master Plan then the County agrees to return all money provided by Lodge under this Agreement and Release upon sixty (60) days written notice from Lodge and to allow Lodge to retain the Bald Eagle I anagement Plan as permitted by this Agreement and Release to the extent allowed by law. In addition, if Lodge is ultimately unable to obtain 6 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -446- OR: 4368 D4/8/201411.C. required federal permits for the SDPs as referenced in this document and is therefore unable to build this project (exclusive of any federal permits or approvals for docks), Lodge likewise will be entitled to a refund of all money provided under this Agreement and Release within sixty (60) days of written notice from Lodge and Lodge shall retain the Bald Eagle Management Plan as permitted by this Agreement and Release to the extent allowed by law. 18. Nothing in this Agreement and Release or the settlement documents shall be construed or interpreted to confer any right to docks or any particular number of docks. 19. The Agreement and Release shall be binding upon Lodge's and the County's predecessors, successors, assigns, offic T,7 resie-nt-aAd former employees, owners, present and former elected or appointed,o cI s, insurers, prirl ti a ,.and representatives, who shall work together in good faith 20. This r , Florida. , } this Agreement and Release. r the laws of the State of 21. This Agreemetf`ad Release may be.aimend`ed..`only by a written instrument specifically referring to this Agri rtt ,n elease; Zl re cured with the same formalities . J^ ,, as this Agreement and Release. This merit` d Release supersedes all prior discussions and representations and contains all agreements of the parties. 22. The County and Lodge acknowledge that this Agreement and Release is the product of mutual negotiation and no doubtful or ambiguous provision that my exist in this Agreement and Release is to be construed against any party either based upon a claim that the party drafted the ambiguous language or that the language in question was intended to favor one party or the other. 7 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -447- OR; 436$ P 4/8/2014 11.C. 23. The Effective Date of this Agreement and Release shall be the date upon which the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, executes this document. 24. The County and Lodge acknowledge and assume the risk that additional, different or contrary facts to the facts which they believe exist may now exist or may be discovered after this Agreement and Release has been entered into, and they agree that any such additional, different or contrary facts shall in no way limit, waive, affect or alter this Agreement and Release. The County affirmatively states that it is not aware of any facts that would prohibit the construction of thelprgjeRt� as -,iUt horized by the PUD and this Agreement - - -� f and Release or the enforceability,-O' of this Agreement and ilease. Lodge affirmatively states that it is not aware of authorized by the PUD Agreement and Release. 25. In the event ov, w6ul&prol bit the\ construction of the project as 3ement ar d RVI nor the enforceability of this of this Agreement aa/Release, either party to this Agreement and Release may enfri�Tde ifs-tt4m & in- -the Twenteth Judicial Circuit in and for Collier County, Florida. In this respect, the County and Lodge shall request that the Court in Case No. 05- 967 -CA approve this Agreement and Release as part of a stipulated judgment and retain jurisdiction to enforce this Agreement and Release's terms and award any other ancillary relief for the breach should such be necessary. REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK REMAINING SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW 8 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -448- ATTEST':;.: DWIGHT- E1,BROCK, CLERK By: A n -to Cha i puty Clerk s i gnaturt on f is" '' WIT S ES; Signed Name -:p1C.'tjV4 7.7 4nin ame am e Printed Name OR; 4368 14/8/2014 11.C. BOARD OF COLTA:TY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO TY, F ORIDA By: TOM HENNING, CHAIRMkC ITS: ►TT ASSOCIATES, LLC Jr'J Ap oved as to form$�g °~~"��� '1 and e T)kow Je Co y 2/28/08 revision 9 Packet Page -449- ITNF% OR; 4368 PG. 4/8/2 014 11.C. ORDINANCE NO. 2000- 8 8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91 -102, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAPS NUMBERED 8508S, 8516N, 8517N, 8520N, AND 85205; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM RSF -3 (3), A (ST), RMF-6 (ST) (3), RMF-6 (3), RW -12 (ST) (3), RMF -12 (3), RSF -3 (S-I) (3), RSF-4 (3), and RSF-4, TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS COCOHATCHEE BAY PUD FOR A MAXIMUM OF 590 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES INCLUDING A GOLF COURSE AND CLUBHOUSE LOCATED-ON—THE NORTHWEST CORNER .OF WIGGINS PASSTLC.1'88 )�A_NO, VANDERBILT DRIVE (C.R. 901) Ij . TO. WNSHIP 48 2 EAT, COLLIRSOUTH, FLORIDA, CONSISTIIgG!,iiSF 532+ ACRES; AND AN LDT., petitioned herein described NOW, THEPLEFORE BE IT ORDAINED ing , anderbilt Partners II, coning classification of the tty Commissiams, oI Collier County. Florie; °lhai' e f y J SECTION ONE The zoning classification of the heremem� 46kri:`, beid leaf „propeaty located in Sections 8, 16, .. 17 and 20, Township 48 South, Rang-e-25 Wit, Coliiei County, Florida, is changed from RSF -3 (. 3), A (ST), RMF-6 (ST) (3), RMF-6 (3), RMF -12 (ST) (3), RMF -12 (3),RSF -3 (ST) (3)6 RSF-4 (3), and RSF-4, to "PUD” Planned Unit Development in accordance with the Coeohatchee Bay PUD Document. attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Maps numbered 8508S, 8516N, 8517N, 8520N, and 8520S, as described in Ordinance Number 91 -102, the Collier County Land Development Code, are hereby amended accordingly. 94"1 • This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. Exhibit 1 to Settlement Agreement and Release Packet Page -450- OR: 4368 ` "" 4/8/2014 11.C. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board" of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. this day o .2000. ATTEST:., DMhGHT E. BROCK, Clcrk ktt*st as to CWrsm'S signature only. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS UN COLLIER COUNTY, TY. FLO D.k, BY: 9 JAMES D. CARTER, PhD., CHAIRMAN Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency /A, moo4m. Assistant Cc PIZ This ordinance filed With the secretory of � Sgte's Wks the Zgdcy of 4"kv Cnd ockncn+!Cldqen ,nt Of rY1-11 Z'na J*ce-e5 lnis ATQ-41cic-y ar Z A N Packet Page -451- OR; 4368 P4/8/201411.C. COCOHATCHEE BAY /:1 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND SUPPORTING MASTER PLAN GOVERNING COCOHATCHEE BAY A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PREPARED FOR. R. / VANDERI I `„ r ii t t e :T PARTNERS II, L PREPARED BY—. PMS, INC. OF NAPL 2335 TAMIA ?,rII TRAIL-1, DAT E REVIEWED BY CCPC DATE APPROVED BY BCC ORDINANCE NUMBER A, MENDMENTS AND REPEAL DOCUMENT DATE EXHIBIT "A" Packet Page -452- a Zo�,a'l f- 12/14/00 OR: 4368 4/8/201411.0. INDEX PAGE List of Exhibits and Tables II Statement of Compliance III SECTION I Property Ownership, Legal Description and Short Title 1.1 SECTION II Project Development 2.1 SECMON M Residential Development Areas 3.1 SECTION IV Golf Course / Open Space 4.1 SECTION V Preserve IDi sfrac ��° 5.1 SECTION VI Gene a1 S�evelapment Commitments 6.1 a� Packet Page -453- OR; 4368 P4- "" 4/8/2014 11.C. LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES EXHIBIT "A" Planned Unit Development Master Plan EXHIBIT "B" PUD Master Plan with Eagle Zone Overlay and Bald Eagle Management Plan TABLE I Land Use Summary TABLE H Development Standards 7.11 € , rte... t Ij.^ r Packet Page -454- OR; 4368 p4/8/2014 11.C. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The development of approximately 532.09 t acres of property in Collier County as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to be known as Cocohatchee Bay PUD will be in compliance with the goals, objectives and policies of Collier County as set forth in the Collier County Growth Management Plan. Cocohatchee Bay is a mixed use residential golf course community and will be consistent with the applicable elements of the Collier County Growth Management Plan for the following reasons: 2. 3. 4. 5. Traffic ways, utilities, and other public facilities necessary to serve the Cocohatchee Bay Project are adequate. The Cocohatchee Bay Project will participate in the expansion of existing public facilities to the extent of its impact on those facilities via payment of impact fees. The Cocohatchee. Bay Project will be compatible with and complimentary to existing and planned land uses in the vicinity. Project lands lie in a transition area which includes low -rise residential development and high -rise multi- family development. The subject property's location in relation to existing or proposed community facilities and services permits the Development's residential density as described in Objective 2 of the Future Land Use Element. The project Deve surrounding land The property was action establishin; Parcel I Parcel 5 Parcel Parcel 7 - Parcel 8 Parcel 9 Parcel 10 TOTAL IER rI i - -..._ in Policy 5.4 A 's 13:1 "5F acres 69.61 acres 1.26 acres 80.65 acres 532.09 acres Lary to existing and future Land Use Element. Process which resulted in an ' 33.57 units 64652 units 39.45 units )'f'= 208.83 units RW, —l2(3) - 583.80 units - 12st(3) RMF- 12st(3) - 3.78 units RMF- 12st(3) - 241.95 units RMF- 6st(3) - 1757.90 or 1758 units The PUD will utilize a total of 590 units on 532.09 t acres for a gross density of 1.11 dwellings per acre. This action makes the land use and density consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. M Packet Page -455- 7. 8. Q OR. 43b3 YU' /Ahu 4/8/2014 11.C. Improvements are planned to be in compliance with applicable sections of the Collier County Land Development Code as set forth in Objective 3 of the Future Land Use Element. The project Development will result in an efficient and economical allocation of community facilities and services as required in Policies 3.l.H and 3. LL of the Future Land Use Element. The project Development is planned to protect the functioning of natural drainage features and natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas as described in Objective 1.5 of the Drainage Sub - Element of the Public Facilities Element. All final local development orders for this Project are subject to Division 3.15, Adequate Public Facilities, of the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). r)D IV Packet Page -456- OR: 4368 4/8/2014 11.C. SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the location and ownership of the property, and to describe the existing conditions of the property proposed to be developed under the project name of COCOHATCHEE BAY. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 THE SOUTHERLY 548 FEET OF A TRACT OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID TRACT BEING DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SAID SECTION 8, RUN S.88°24'40 "W. (SHOWN IN ERROR AS S.88°2640 "W. IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGE 235; O.R. BOOK 87, PAGE 439 THROUGH 447; O.R. BOOK 167, PAGE 692; O.R. BOOK 218, PAGE 4$4;;i FEItE g AFIER CITED AS OFFICIAL RECORDS), ALONG THE SOUTH LINE�I~,YSA�D°Gf2MENT LOT 4 AND THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION 0F�'i9771 JTH LI�NE,�FiIt 7: 71 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH AN AGREED 'BO DARY LINE AS REG( RDED IN O.R. BOOK 87, PAGES 439 THROUGH 447 (SURWl'ORAS -MOTE: ALTHOUGH O:1t. BOOK 167, PAGE 692 AND O.R. BOOK 218, PAGi 484'"' ICAITE T.1wiAT~7I4E AGREED BOUNDARY LINE IS FOUND IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGI 3A-MIEWA GS,�k ��iSTA�tCE ARE IN EFFECT THOSE RECTTED IN A .A'Ij� AN+�i Abyr DEEDS O.R. BOOK 87, PAGES 439 THROUGH 447j, PF +THE P JB I I2DS F CO DEEDS COUNTY. FLORIDA; THENCE RUN IiTe °1`1�!tE3 "W.: A:fNGID Ii3�Y LINE, FOR 300 FEET; THENCE RUN N.3000'00'',,AWNG SAID AGREE.D BOOND. -RY LINE, FOR 961.43 FEET T g (SHOWN IN E A 961.30 FEET IN OFFiCTr+ RECORDS); THENCE RUN e 1 ✓ .. wM• t N.67°30'00 "W. ALO�*SAID AGREED BOUNI5t RY,bNE, FOR 1397.99 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 1397.0I,,1 sE)" THE OFFI. 4 1JECORDS); THENCE RUN N.22 °3l X00 "W., (SHOWN I R ►S` J 2103606 "W. IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), ALONG SAID AGREED BOt7 415,kRt-L17NE; FOR 944.72 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH. ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 99.92 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SAID SECTION 8; THENCE RUN N.0 °08'53 "E. (SHOWN IN ERROR AS NORTH IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), FOR 429.82 FEET; THENCE S.59 °00'00 "E., FOR 815.68 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH SAID WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3; THENCE RUN N.89 °1 2'20 "E., ALONG SAID WESTERLY PROLONGATION AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3, FOR 1907.82 FEET, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3, THENCE RUN S.00°23'1 0 "E., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3 AND SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 4, FOR 2744.30 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RELIC'TION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LOST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR EROSION. Packet Page -457- OR: 4368 Pf 4/8/2014 11.C. PARCELS THE NORTHWEST I/4 OF SECTION 16 IN TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE RIGHT -OF -WAY FOR STATE ROADS S -865A (ALSO KNOWN AS VANDERBILT DRIVE) AND S -865B (ALSO KNOWN AS WIGGINS PASS ROAD). PARCEL 6 THAT PART OF THE NORTHERLY ONE- FIFTH (BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY ACCURATE SURVEY AS THE NORTH 268.54 FEET) OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WHICH LIES WEST OF THE RIGHT -OF -WAY OF U.S. HIGHWAY 41 (ALSO KNOWN AS TAMIAMI TRAIL). PA&CEL 7 THE EAST I/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE RIGHT -OF- WAY- OF.STATE ROAD S -96SA (VANDERBILT DRIVE), PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERET- O -BY ACC, RETION OR RELICTION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LAST TIHEREFROM By, S'UBMERGENCE OR EROSION. PARCELS BEGINNING AT;THE'SdUTHEAST-CORNER OF' ECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY. FLO UDA,,-kUN N.89°54'20 "W., ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 17, FC1«R 2839. F'E' ET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH AN AGREED BOUNDARY,LINE AS`REC:C)RDED IN.Ri BOOK 68, PAGE 235 THROUGH 250 QF THE°PI3BLICFREC0'RDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN N.01030'O5'T- ,.ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 1298.70 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR As 1300.00 FEET, IN 0,, R. BOOk 68, PAGE 235 AND O.R. BOOK 167, PAGE 642 HEREINAFTER CITED AS OFFICIA - R1 CORDS); THRICE RUN N30 °00'00' c., ALONG SAID..AGREED BOUND ARY LINE, FOR 800 FEET; THENCE RUN N.OS °00'00'W., ALONG -SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 1480 FEET; THENCE RUN N.29011'40' V4'., ALONG gAID AGREED'E30UNDARY LIME, FOR 1957.41 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE RUN N.88 °24'40 "E. (SHOWN IN ERROR AS N,SM6'40 "E. IN THE OF 1CIAL RECORDS), ALONG SAID NOR T H LINE FOR 3449.51 FEET i O THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE RUN S.012730 7E., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17, FOR 2690.04 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 2689.35 FEET IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), TO THE EAST QUARTER CORNER; THENCE RUN S- 0°26'00" E. (SHO'. YN IN ERROR AS S.0026'00 "W. IN THE OFFICFiA.L RECOIL'S), ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17, FOR 2584.65 FEET TO T93 POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPTING THEREFROM (1) THE EAST 112 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4,(2) THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4,(3) THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST I /4, OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4, ALL IN SAID SECTION 17; AND EXCEPTING THE RIGHT -OF -WAY FOR STATE ROAD S -865A (VANDERBILT DRIVE), AND EXCEPTING THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 1.2 Packet Page -458- OR: 4368 PC- I 'll 4/8/2014 11.C. OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, RUN S.89053'1 8'V. FOR 50 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN S.89 °53'1 8 "W., FOR 186.65 FEET, TO A POINT ON BULKHEAD LINE AS SHOWN ON PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BULKHEAD LINE PLAT BOOK 1. PAGE 7, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN S.41 °1 1'03 "W. FOR 133.10 FEET, ALONG SAID BULKHEAD LINE; THENCE RUN S.0 °06'42'7., FOR 120 FEET, THENCE RUN N.89 °53'18 "E., FOR 275.72 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD S -865A (VANDERBILT DRIVE): THENCE RUN N.0°26'00 "W., FOR 220 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RELICTION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LOST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR EROSION. PARCEL 9 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM A POIN�aFBEGIISNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE�3D��`i '1/4 OF SAID SECTION 17, RUN N.89 °40'55" E., FOR 56112 :FE N -T E,,Ng1 RT'H LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF THE SOUTHEAST,�174``OF SAID SECTION 7�"TO A POINT ON THE BULKHEAD LINE AS SHOWN ON PEAT- T14E'RSOF RECORDED IN,BULKHEAD LINE PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 7. OF THE PUBLIE�RI3EOk. -D Ol 'CQLLIEk1CO'UNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN N.0°26'00W., FOR T00ET�,N =�- L�K;f�EAD LINE; THENCE RUN S.89 °40'55 "W., FOR'6566�.23�FEE ULKNFAD LINE, TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF IRS N RhiikM T `1 c4 v` Sbu HEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE RUN Q!25'4#., OO flg. 3 O° TiII POINT OF BEGINNING. PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION O L�ELICTION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LXND THEREFROM sus GENCE OR EROSION. PARCEL IQ " e � ✓ ` " BEGINNING AT THE SF�TI1E -,C0LIR1 F SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLL.IER`C0.LJN.i7iRIDA, RUN N.89 052'20 "W., ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 20, FOR 2053.75 FEET, THENCE RUN N.00°l4'00 "W. FOR 1698.91 FEET; THENCE RUN N.54 °47'52 "W., FOR 399.32 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH AN AGREED BOUNDARY LINE AS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGES 235 THROUGH 250, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN N.79° 1 T I V'E., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 69.60 FEET; THENCE RUN N.02 °59'30 "W. ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE FOR 1417.66 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 1475.01 FEET IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGE 235): THENCE RUN N.27 01570 "W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE FOR 705.31 FEET; THENCE RUN N.18 °44'30 "W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE FOR 887.03 FEET, THENCE RUN N.05 037'50 "W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE FOR 393.34 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20; THENCE RUN S.89 °5420 "E., ALONG SAID NORTH LINE FOR 2839.52 FEET, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE RUN S.02 °12'00 "E., ALONG THE 1.3 Packet Page -459- OR; 436$ P4/8/201411.C. EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 20, FOR 5273.90 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 5277.24 FEET IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGE 235) TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RELICTION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LOST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR EROSION. AND LESS AND ACCEPT THE RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF STATE ROADS S -865 A (ALSO KNOWN AS VANDERBILT DRIVE) AND S -846 (ALSO KNOW AS BLUEBILL AVENUE). AND LESS AND ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBE REAL PROPERTY: ALL OF WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO. I ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, AT PAGE 8l OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND ALL OF WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, At PAGE 44, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 4 OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1 ADDITION -j" NCE N.89 052'20 'W. ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, A.k3I�TDiCOF99:g6 -FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, THE SA,1vlE�EI3�TCi THE SOLIT��ST CORNER OF LOT 10, BLOCK 1 OF SAID WIGGINS PA'kL'A'NDINGS UNIT NO. 2;',TIiEI�CE N.89°527A "W., ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF � - *IGGINS P,'1SS LANDINGS UNIT NO.I A DISTANCE OF 1400.65 FEET T(3 THE SOEMLI y CbklI ER OF'�AIo WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1; THENCE p144 -ONC S LINE OF SAID WIGGINS �` > PASS LANDINGS �f NO' AIS'�'A CE, N.34-26-15-R, ALONG SAID WESfiERLX; LI1 tEr A DI i ANCE 4F 439.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LWEtOF a4II °W C 115 'ASSi:Ag lN'G'S UNIT NO. 1, THENCE N.87°48'00 "E. AL,014Q SAID NORTHERI:� LINE AfibiS-'''ANCE OF 1481.48 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST COR R OF LOT 3, BLOCk? O.F SrA�-lVi IGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO. 1; THENCE S.642"QU "B. A DISTANCE 6144477 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT l; BI QCK.3 OF SAID WIGG iS -PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO. 1; THENCE N.87°48'00 "E: A "'D1Sj,"fCE- - X00 00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ' S 02°12b0' flNG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO. 1. A DISTANCE OF 668.16 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK I OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO. 1. THE SAME BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT I OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1 ADDITION; THENCE 5.02 012'00 "E. ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1 ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 1209.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, PARCEL CONTAINS 88.56 ACRES, MORE OR LESS (BEARINGS REFER TO WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1 ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE 81 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA). PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RELICTION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LOST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR EROSION. AND LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY: 1.4 Packet Page -460- OR; 4368 J 4/8/2014 11.C. A PORTION OF LAND LOCATED IN THE EAST 112 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE N.02 °12'00 "W., ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 1970.20 FEET; THENCE S.87 °48'00 "W., A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF VANDERBILT DRIVE, A 100.00 FOOT RIGHT -OF -WAY AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 BLOCK 3, WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS, UNIT NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, AT PAGE 44, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE SAME BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE S.87 °48'00 "W., A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE N.02° 12'00 "W. A DISTANCE OF 163.77 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT 1; THENCE S.87 048'00 "W. ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS, UNIT NO.1, A DISTANCE OF 1481.48 FEET; THENCE S.34026'15 "W. ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAS INS PASS LANDINGS, UNIT NO. 1, A DISTANCE OF 439.48 FEET T�G?THE �,STERLY CORNER OF TRACT B. BAKER CARROLL PQI; ACCORDING TO, PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 42,.O1- TIDE PUBLIC RECORDS-OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE N.54 °47!52 "W.,$ ALONG -THE NC)RTHERL Y LINE OF SAID BAKER- CARROL POINT, A DISTANCiOF`� FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH AN AGREED BOUNDARY LINE P�OI� C"'le:F, °}CORDS BOOK 68, AT PAGES 235 � � k t � 9 THROUGH 250,x' OF C LIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE N.79° 1 T 10 "E., AI�ANG kA16,AIG iOUN13AkY 'I ,&, A DISTANCE OF 69.60 FEET; THENCE N.OS °�'VV.; A�A1VG°SAITTAREi50U1<aiI7ARY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1417.66 FEET; *ENCE N.27°15 -20"W , A�ANq SAT "GREED BOUNDARY LINE A DISTANCE OF 61 i�:O)MET; THENCE N.87 �48'dQ"E K DISTANCE OF 2472.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE W ZTERLY RIGHT -OF- WAY!L� OF SAID VANDERBILT DRIVE; THENCE 5.02 °1275 "E:;A "IjVG SAID _VVFSTE�I."LIIVE, A DISTANCE OF 1373.11 FEET; THENCE S.02° 12'00'E. ALONG SAID i�VI�LY' LINE A DISTANCE OF 667.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; PiARc2gi CONTAINS 100 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 13 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The subject property is owned by A.L. Dougherty Co. Inc., a Delaware Corporation. IA GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AREA A. The Project site is bordered on the West by the Delenor Wiggins State Paris and Barefoot Beach County Park, on the East by Tarpon Cove PUD and Wiggins Bay PUD, on the South by the Dunes PUD and on the North by Arbor Trace PUD and the Retreat PUD. B. The zoning classification of the project prior to approval of this PUD document was RSF -3 (3), RSF -3ST (3), RSF-4, RSF -4 (3), RMF -12ST (3), RMF -12 (3), RMF-6 ST(3), RMF -6(3), and A -ST. 1.5 Packet Page -461- OR' 43�$ 4/8/2014 11.0 cut LJvv IS PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION A. The Project lies within South Florida Water Management District No. 6. Drainage from the property will discharge into Cocohatchee Bay B. Water Management Facilities for the Project will be designed and constructed in order to introduce project stotmwater runoff to wetland areas in an attempt to assist in the restoration of historic water retention and preserve areas. C. Elevations within the Project site range from 1.5 to 1 I feet above mean sea level. Most of the area, however, falls within the 10' to I V foot elevation category. The site lies within Flood Zone AE (EL l l') and AE (EL 12') according to Firm Maps 120067-019 1D, 0187D, and 189D, dated June 3, 1986. D. Soil types within the Project include Keri fine sand (approximately 50%), Cypress Swamp (approximately 48%) and Charlotte fine sand (approximately 2%). Soil characteristics were derived from the Soil Survey of Collier County, Florida, issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Soil Conservation Service) in March, 1954. 1.6 PROJECT DESCRII'iION 1�� +\— The Cocohatchee iBay PUMis 4 +csiddfitial •an"d. golf course dwelling units. R'ecceati n 1. faeAties i lttdin + a olf our caddie quarter:, ind '.e s.44 � i I be ` ec► i in njun Residential and reccrreationn al tani esigned to be h natural setting by us'ulgmdn urchttcemil thornes~ +appr open space. t j 1.7 SHORT TITLE ' d This Ordinance shall be Iao nd: cited asN= tt "COCOHA DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE " - -�- Y W Packet Page -462- ununity with a maximum of 590 clubhouse, maintenance facility, n with the dwelling units. onions with one another in a late screening and buffering and .TCHEE BAY PLANNED UNIT SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 2.1 PURPOSE OR: 436$ 14/8/2014 11.C. 7be purpose of this Section is to generally describe the Project plan of development, relationships to applicable County ordinances, the respective land uses of the tracts included in the Project, as well as other project relationships. 2.2 GENERAL A. Development of Cocohatchee Bay shall be in accordance with the contents of the Planned Unit Development document and applicable sections of the Collier County Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan in effect at the time of issuance of any development order, such as, but not limited to, Final Subdivision Plat, Final Site Development Plan, Excavation Permit, and Preliminary Work Authorization, to which such regulations relate. V&ere- the"gulations fail to provide developmental standards, then the provisions-ofht in6st $unmet district in the County Land Development Code shall apply. � 1- B. Unless oflwvise=ifiotedthC definitions of all;terms,shall be the same as the definitions set forth in the Collier Gounjy Land'lyevel+ppment\Code. in effect at the time of building permit applicatipn -,,1, 1 4 C. All condition; ',;:irnposod and allot ` `Yuc miterfal presented depicting restrictions for the f� a� development, oflthe ocoliatcfie = y PUI),shall:bccorne part of the regulations which govern the'tnanncr in which the PUDsite may be'detreloped. D. Unless mod>i ;�vaived or excepted by�h s;PVD' the provisions of the LDC, where applicable, remain `f+all force and effccc;wfih.respect to the development of the land which comprises this PIiD E. Development permitted by the approval of this Petition will be subject to a concurrency review under the provisions of Division 3.15, Adequate Public Facilities. of the LDC at the earliest or next to occur of either final SDP approval, final plat approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this Development. 2.1 Packet Page -463- 4181201411.C. OR: 4368 p;, 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PLAN AND PROPOSED LAND USES A. The Project Master Plan, including land uses for the various tracts, is illustrated by Exhibit "A," the PUD Master Plan. The nature and extent of land uses within the Project are indicated on Table I. The specific location and size of individual tracts and the assignment of dwelling units thereto shall be determined at the time of detailed site development planning or platting. B. The final size of the recreation and open space lands will depend on the sexual requirements for water management facilities, golf course layout, roadway pattern, and dwelling unit size and configuration. COCOHATCHEE BAY LAND USE SUMMARY TABLE I 2A RELATED PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS A. Prim- to c r°c�- ding of a F" ccord Plai, anw"OC Cocdo€ninjuni Plait for c11 ot° part of the PUD, final plans for all required improvements shall receive approval of the appropriate Collier County governmental agency to ensure- compiiance with the PUD Master Plan, the Collier County Sulu.ivision Code, and thw (Matting laws of the State of Florida. B. Exhibit "A," the "s`JD Mastcr Platt, ca st :u es the r..qui.ud PUD 15--vclopmcnt Plan. Subsequent to or concurrent with PUD approval, a preliminary subdivision plat, if applicable, shall be submitted for the entire area covered by the PUD Master Plan. Any division of property and the development of the land shall be in compliance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code, and the platting laws of the State of Florida. 2.2 Packet Page -464- 1VfA IMUIV€ Lt lliD 1CISiiNTENSITY SUMMARY l F. ` 4A.X. D.U.'s !Square F66t6C e A_ CRES Residential "R 1 44.00 (/- Residential "R2" 90 ; 9.70 +/- Golf Course "GC" 170.39+/- Open Space N/A 308.00 -t4- (Preserve, Lakes and Landscape- Buffers) Total `90 Total 532.09f- sexes 2A RELATED PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS A. Prim- to c r°c�- ding of a F" ccord Plai, anw"OC Cocdo€ninjuni Plait for c11 ot° part of the PUD, final plans for all required improvements shall receive approval of the appropriate Collier County governmental agency to ensure- compiiance with the PUD Master Plan, the Collier County Sulu.ivision Code, and thw (Matting laws of the State of Florida. B. Exhibit "A," the "s`JD Mastcr Platt, ca st :u es the r..qui.ud PUD 15--vclopmcnt Plan. Subsequent to or concurrent with PUD approval, a preliminary subdivision plat, if applicable, shall be submitted for the entire area covered by the PUD Master Plan. Any division of property and the development of the land shall be in compliance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code, and the platting laws of the State of Florida. 2.2 Packet Page -464- OR: 4365 Pr- I'll 4/8/2014 11.C. C. The provisions of Division 3.3 of the Collier County Land Development Code, when applicable, shall apply to the development of all platted tracts or parcels of land as provided in said Division prior to the issuance of a building permit or other development order. D. The development of any tract or parcel approved for residential development contemplating fee simple ownership of land for each dwelling unit shall be required to submit and receive approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat in conformance with the requirements of Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code prior to the submittal of construction plans and a final plat for any portion of the tract or parcel. E. Utility, road. public and private easements shall be established as required during the SDP and/or plat approval process. F. Appropriate instruments will be provided at the time of infrastructure improvements regarding dedications and the method for providing perpetual maintenance of the common facilities. ZS MODEL HOMES / SALES OF10ES7 °- , Model homes. sales caiters d other uses and structures related to the promotion and sale of veal estate such as, but ncn lnvted to, pavilions, viewing platforms, gazebos, parking areas, tents. and signs, shall be penmtted `pdn- 69al`itses.thtoughout the`Cocohatchee Bay PUD. subject to the requirements of Section 2.6j-'4 of the Colliei County,Larid Development Code and all other applicable sections. Sales' li tt gill perm t pror td; final plat approval as provided in said Section 2.6 14s p 4rJ� t� t �1 2.6 AMENDMENTS -'O PCTb DOCU R PUD MASTER PLAN Amendments may 4_6 de to the PUD as provi $, m -&e . C:'oHier County Land Development x, Code, Section 2.7.3. = r 2.7 ASSOCIATION OF PR6PEt'r'YOVIERS FOR COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE Common area maintenance will be provided by the Master Property Owners' Association. The Association is a legitimate alternative for the timely and sustained provision of quality common area infrastructure and maintenance under the terms and conditions of County development approval. For those areas not maintained by the Master Association, the Developer has created a property owners' association(s), or condominium association(s), whose functions shall include provision for the perpetual maintenance of common facilities and open spaces. The Master or the property owners' association, as applicable, shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and management of the surface water and storrnwater management systems, and reserves serving the Cocohatchee Bay PUD, together with any applicable permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and South Florida Water Management District. 2.3 Packet Page -465- WN OR: 4368 " 4/8/2014 11.C. 23 DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS The Collier County Planned Unit Development District is intended to encourage ingenuity, innovation and imagination in the planning, design and development of relatively large tracts of land under unified ownership or control, as set forth in the Collier County Land Development Code, Section The Applicant has not set "stages" for the development of the property. Since the property is to be developed over an estimated ten (10) year time period, any projection of project development can be no more that an estimate based on current marketing knowledge. The estimate may, of course, change depending upon future economic factors. 29 GENERAL PERMITTED USES Certain uses shall be considered general permitted uses throughout the Cocohatchee Bay Community PUD except in the Preserve District. General permitted uses are those uses which generally serve the Developer and residents of the Cocohatchee Bay PUD and are typically part of the common infrastructure or'are aconsi�,community facilities. A. General Permittodse:�`�" 1. Essential - services asset forth under th&Collier County Land Development Code, 2. Water" anagernent faciliiieUand Iste'd sttvc�ures. QL 3. Te 1p+arary sewage treatmentfacilities. r 4. Lakes itiuding lakes with budttt, ds,gr ;t2Yer architectural or structural bank trcatrnents % `'--ri y F 5. Guardhouses; gate wiises;'aa accefis control structures. 6. Community and neighborhood parks, recreational facilities, community centers. 7. Temporary construction, sales, and administrative offices for the Developer and the Developer's authorized contractors and consultants, including necessary access ways, parking areas and related uses. 8. Landscape features including, but not limited to, landscape buffers, berms, fences and walls which shall be in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the tinge permits are requested unless otherwise specified herein. 9. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible. 2.4 Packet Page -466- OR; 4368 n^- 1'71 4/8/2014 11.C. B. Development Standards: Unless otherwise set forth in this document, the following development standards shall apply to structures: 1. Setback from back of curb or edge of pavement of any road - Fifteen feet (15') except for guardhouses, gatehouses, and access control structures which shall have no required setback. 2. Setback from exterior property lines - One half (1/2) the height of the structure, minimum of twenty feet (20'). 3. Minimum distance between structures which are part of an architecturally unified grouping - Five feet (5'). 4. Minimum distance between unrelated structures - Ten feet (10'). 5. Minimum 6. Minimum W of parcel area - 7. Sidewalk"s,q# e i w,-and.cagpaths may b6,placed within County required buffers;" however' e wi+dth of the requiritd buffer shall be increased proporUcsnstly,- to�fie` �vpav' surface of the sidewalk, bikepath, or t ±""' j �,.. ✓_ .,,� M� ,cam ; 8. Starrciands or parking landsc$ping,`�igns oiid other land uses where such stagd" are not specified hei, are to b'--'in accordance with the Collier Canty Land velopment Code in of f. ttjthel6e of Site Development Plan Approval. 210 OPEN SPACES REQUIREMENTS r-� The PUD Master Plan identifies approximately 483 acres included in the Recreation, Golf Course, LandscapclOpen Space, Lakes and Preserve District designations. These areas equate to approximately 91 percent of the Project and fully satisfy the open space requirements of Section 2.6.32 of the Collier County Land Development Code. 2.11 NATIVE VEGETATION RETENTION REQUIREMENTS Twenty Five Percent (25%) of the viable naturally functioning native vegetation on site shall be preserved. 2.5 Packet Page -467- UK, iJbb FU! 2.12 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS zsrz 4/8/2014 11. C. A. A perimeter berm shall be constricted in conformance with Section 2.4.4 of the Land Development Code. 1. Trees and shrubs shall be planted along the base of the berm so as to visually soften the appearance of the side of the berm. 2. Ground cover on the side of be berm shall form a dense attractive mat, and shall not require mowing. 3. Trees shall be a minimum of 75 percent native species. 4. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 35 percent native species. B. A minimum landscape area of thirty -five feet (35') shall be developed along the Vanderbilt Drive frontage: SM3mdscap�e buffer on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive shall include developmerttffeluzes�tht,.�m e the view of high rise residential structures from Vanderbilt *Drive '' tip.: � „ ��„�.'' .,-`' �'� ,�•„� 2.6 Packet Page -468- OR: 4368 pro /'I" 11.C. SECTION III RESIDENTIAL "R" DEVELOPMENT AREAS 3.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to establish land use regulations and development standards for the residential development tracts designated on Exhibit "A," the PUD Master Plan as "R1" and "R2" 32 MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS The maximum number of dwelling units permitted within the PUD is 590. The subject property contains a gross acreage of 532.09 t/- acres and base density of 1.11 dwelling units per gross acre. 33 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Areas designated as "R1 "and "R2 the-P - Master Plan are designed to accommodate high -rise residential dwelling ulait ,p ``pes; -me tr';yarnaly;dwellings, adult living facilities, _ u ,. ..y compatible nonresidentia7.te; a hill range of recreational facilities, essential services, and Customary accessory used ,/ The approximate acreages are indicated-on the PUD Master Plan. These adages are based on conceptual designs{ andare a¢rozniiate,. Ctuaige�f all'development tracts will be 6/ � i to � � �`� s provided at the ticct a of {sit Developmer t ha�_or P� F14ntnary Subdivision Plat approvals in !� accordance with Division 3�3..�nd Divisio 3;2, res � ely f,!the Collier County Land Development Code., Residcniial tracts arc d�gned -4 o accorniuodate internal roadways, open spaces, parks and a ne ity areas, lakes and watri'tmanagetincn facilities, and other similar uses found in residential 3A USES PERMITTER A. Princiol Uses 1. Multiple - family dwellings. 2. Guest suites and cabanas. 3. Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible in the "Rl" and "R2" Districts. M Packet Page -469- 4/8/2014 11. C. OR: 4368 ru: zsii 1. Uses and structures customarily associated with principal uses permitted. I Recreational uses such as. but not limited to, clubhouse, fitness center, health spa, tennis courts, swimming pools or similar recreational uses. 3. Any other aoeecsory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible in the "R I " and "R2" Districts. 3.5 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Table I sets forth the development_.standards Districts. ,.�. _� z. B. Standards for par)`ing.' "landscaping. signs ara"i not specified'heceu or within the Cocohatchi Collier County Lancl,;Development-Code in e approval. Atlnlcfss otherwisc�iridi6ated, wr apply to p.iinc {pa[ strYip ices: i rti C. Off- strecf,psrl<ng`Tqwr £o rmriltYamilyr driveways which are separate from anx.roadi green spacelarca, of not less than ten feeW0' to pavern nt edgr8' shall separate any paring;' for land uses within the "R" Residential land uses wherz such standards art YTUD, are to be in accordance with at ibe time of Site Development Plan rds,`heights, and floor area standards e accessed by paridng aisles or ve more than one development. A as measured frorn pavement edge veway from any abutting road. D. In the event the Dzveloper wilds the. muloplef am"lily housing placed in the area between Tarpon trove and Failing Waters; a mi imum of 30 percent of the multiple family housing shall be offered i6irnpi6y6m -of the golf course with purchase price or rental rates consistent with traditionally accepted housing costs to income ratios. 3.2 Packet Page -470- OR: 4368 P4/8/2014 11.C. COCOHATCHEE BAY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR TABf.R I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS "RI" "R2" HIGH -RISE MULTI- FAMILY Multi- Family Dwellings Minimum Lot Area NIA 1 Acre Minimum Lot Width NIA WA Front Yard - Internal Road •t OS BH not less 0.5 BH not less than 25 feet than 25 feet Front Yard - Accessory Bldg. 0.5 BH not less OS BH twt less Including Parking Structure than 25 feet than 25 feet Front Yard - Vanderbilt Drive BH NIA Front Yard - Accessory Bldg. 50 WA Side Yard 0.5 BH 15 Rear Yard Principal 0.5 BH 15 Rear Yard Accessory ✓ �� =`� r i5 10 Maximum Bldg Hglg7t 20 stoiric)sfocpt tnattimum � 35 - -- i height 4,26 felt a2 Dice Between Pritrcip -s "S1-ra—ctor OS S '3 . OS BH not less f than 15 feet Floor Area Min. JS*c}" K _`� ``1" 1%t)0 1200 SF tom, f aff, (Building Haight): Building 6coaahall be the vertical distance rowuntred froze uppermost fr�r►ttl al ceiling elevation of the struti S j (Sum of Building Height): Combined betg6t of two adjacent buildings for he I All distances are in foes aeiess otherwise noted f F� - �_ a.W t - 1 � i r heiir`s habitable finished floor elevation to the r � of determining setback requixtnents. • I Fran yards shall be meal ued as folkms: A. if the parcel is served by a public right -of -way, setback is measured from the adjatxnt right -of -way line. B. If the pared is served by a private read, setback is measured from the back of curb (if curbed) or edge of pavement (item crtrbed). 02 Building heigM for the north property lime adjacent to Arbor Trace in the "R I" tract shall be 15 stories fora maximum height of 150 feu. -3 Where buildings with a common architN=kl theme ace anglod, skewed or offset from Otte another. and calls are tut parallel to one another, the setbacks an be administratively reduced. 3.3 Packet Page -471- OR' 4368 ' r 4/8/2014 11.C. v, c,J i u SECTION IV GOLF COURSE "GC" DEVELOPMENT AREAS 4.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the uses permitted and development standards for the Golf Course tracts. The primary function and purpose of these tracts will be to provide aesthetically pleasing open arras, golf course and recreational facilities. Except in areas authorized for Development, all good quality native trees and shrubs shall be protected and preserved wherever practicable. 4.2 PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES No building or structure, or part thereof, shalt be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following. A. Permitted Principal Uses-ad Suvaurc`s,_ -,e,T 1. Golf coufscs;and golf club facilities,,', ie quarters, clubhouse, guest suites, includinemDorary eolf clubhouses. 2. 3. Cotnmtihit* and golf aou s:Tit teha666 arras, !maintenance buildings, essential services,ir gafiotZ4�wtatcr d' fflucrrXY stgragCta sks and ponds, water and wart' at ter treatment plants, utility pumpini- facilties and pump buildings, utility and inun�enance staff offices. � _71 4. Any o f piWipal use which is compar le' in nature with the foregoing uses and which the3'lannriig- Srrvicxs_Dep[a t \ 'Director determines to be compatible. B. Permitted Accessory U —9nd etn es 1. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the principal uses permitted in this District. 2. Pro-shops, practice areas and ranges, golf cart barns, rest rooms, shelters, snack bats and golf course maintenance yards. 3. Retail sales of associated recreational equipment and apparel, such as, but not limited to, golf, tennis. and other recreational related equipment apparel and accessories. 4. Restaurants and related uses intended to serve club members and club guests. 4.1 Packet Page -472- OR; 4368 P 4/8/2014 11.C. 5. Shuffleboard courts, tennis courts, health spas, swimming pools, and all other types of accessory facilities intended to provide recreational opportunities for members. 6. Open space uses and structures such as, but not limited to, boardwalks, nature trails, bikeways, landscape nurseries, gazebos, boat and canoe docks, fishing piers, picnic areas, fitness trails and shelters. 7. Any other accessory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible. 43 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS A. Principal structures shall be set back a minimum of twenty feet (20') from Golf Course District boundaries and private roads, and twenty-five feet (25') from all PUD boundaries. B. Accessory structures shah Ialninimum of ten feet (10') from Golf Course District bound" =d% 43 te-roads ,.pan- 44w`enty feet (20') from all PUD boundaries and " residential tracts:. f,/ C. Lighting facilitiep'sh-aYbe arrunged -in a- mannezwvhic''h will protect roadways and residential properties fror direchglare or�,,unreasonable interference. r i D. Maacimum height c f struc 1. , P3-tnci Strvctu , stories for a u swum height of 20 feet. 2. , A ory Structures 'A story' for a filiiimum height of 15 feet. E. Minimum dts between principal sliuctures 'Tern feet (10'). F. Parking for theru 't3+..center/clubbou'sc'shail be three spaces per every one thousand (1,000) square feet of gr6ss floor arcs; irbitfi 'shall be considered inclusive of the required golf course parking, providgdthcc`go`lf-eounsc and recreational facilities are private, otherwise, applicable provisions of the Land Development Code shall apply. G. The golf course maintenance building shall be located a minimum of 1750 linear feet west of U.S. 41. H. Standards for parking, landscape, signs and other land uses where such standards are not specified herein, are to be in accordance with Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of Site Development Plan approval. Unless otherwise indicated, required yards, heights, and floor area standards apply to principal structures. 4.2 Packet Page -473- SECTION V PRESERVE'T*' DISTRICT 5.1 PURPOSE OR. 4368 F-- 4/8/2014 11.C. The purpose of this Section is to identify permitted uses and development standards for areas within the Cocohatchee Bay Community designated on the Master Plan as the Preserve District. 52 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Areas designated as Preserve on the Master Plan are designed to accommodate a full range of conservation and limited water management uses and functions. The primary purpose of the Preserve District is to retain viable naturally functioning wetland and upland systems, to allow for restoration and enhancement of impacted or degraded wetland systems, and to provide an open space amenity for the enjoyment of Cocohatchee Bay Community residents. 53 USES PERMITTED! V No building or structure ,oqp wrihereof, shalt be °exec in part, for other than d)6- following: A. Principal Use 1. Passii r 2. Bikin• �e 3. Golf "t are permitted in eagle prina%y zone. �.r rF 4. Wildlife sanctuary) y 5. Pathways and or bridges. 6. Recreational shelters. in Preserve upland areas. or used, or land used, in whole or oardwalics. 4 outside the limits of the bald 7. Drainage and water management facilities as may be *required by SFWMD. 8. Any other accessory use which is comparable in naturz with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible. 5.1 Packet Page -474- OR: 4368 PC'4isill 11.C. 5.4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Setback requirements for all structures shall be in accordance with Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended. Any lot abutting a protected/preserve area shall have a minimum 25 foot setback from the boundary of such protected/preserve area in which no principal structure may be constructed. Further the plat shall require that no alteration, including accessory structures, fill placement, grading, plant alteration or removal, or similar activity shall be permitted within such setback without the prior written consent of the Development Services Director. In no event shall these activities be permitted within ten feet of the preserve boundary. B. Maximum height of structures - Twenty -five feet (25'). C. Minimum distance between principal structures - Ten feet (10'). D. Minimum distance between accessory structures - Five feet (5'). E. Standards for parking, landscaping, signs and other land uses where such standards are not specified herein are,toi , accgdan= with the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the- ;<irrre�or°'te Ivelop ent Plan approval. Unless otherwise �. » _!. indicated, required s; heights, and floor -ar standards apply to principal structures. 5.5 PRESERVE A non - exclusive cons6evatiiot%'6asenienCI& t-a44s aired by 1Coflier County Land Development Code, Section 3.2$ 4J 3 zfor..�an& rnclliW, in thc�seryl c.,pistrict. In addition to Collier 1 �Z � v_. „,� I �, -A County. a non -exdlpsive tonserv�tron eak ..'Ent rriA d o; yquire i by other regulatory agencies with jurisdietta�n over Preserve Distiie l lands. I ition to complying with provisions of the Collier Coup a Development Coda; said�ea 'nt shall be provided in accordance with the terms set f 3 `ii lira applicable permit ` ""other agencies. The Developer, Y aPP Pe 8 °b1+ g open, its f :, , successor(s) or assigns, tti�ing,the Master �, ,Owners Association shall be responsible for control and maintenance ,of.lattds ten the )?i eseive District. ;.2 Packet Page -475- OR. 4368 P 4/8/2014 11.C. SECTION VI GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 6.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the development commitments for the development of the project. 6.2 GENERAL All facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with final site development plans, final subdivision plats, and all applicable State and local laws, codes, and regulations applicable to this PUD. Except where specifically noted or stated otherwise, the standards and specifications of the Land Development Code, Division 32 shall apply to this Project even if the land within the PUD is not to be platted. The Developer, his successor and assigns, shall be responsible for the commitments outlined in this document. The Developer, his successor or. assigned -- shall, PUD as adopted, and any othex condidons or m4 of the property. In addition, any successor or as within this agreement. ._.. 63 PUD MASTER A. 1 C. Exhibit "A," or site development plan approval prc of the Land ` Development Code, PUD All nc eessary easnn eitts,.deWcations, continued operation and naentenhn- Project. the Master Plan and the regulations of the ions as may be agreed to in the rezoning in title, is bound by the commitments used development and is ►undaries or special land use ay be adjusted during the platting the provisions of Section v be made from time to time. uments shall be granted to ensure the utilities and all common areas in the I be following shall b-- consl red minor changes and refinements, subject to the limitations of PUD, Section 6.3A: R=nfiguration of preserve areas, jurisdictional wetland limits, and mitigation ' tures as a result o' eavirorimiental regulatory agency review, as long as the change.- de not zrase additional imparts to protected species or habitat. 2. Reconfiguration of ]al=es, ponds, canals, or other water management facilities where such changes are consistent with the criteria of the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County and where there is no further encroachment into preserve areas. 3. Reconfiguration of golf course envelopes and design features where there is no encroachment into preserve areas. 6.1 Packet Page -476- OR; 4368 Dr' I'll 4/8/2014 11.C. 4. Internal realignment of rights -of -way other than a relocation of access points to the PUD. S. Reconfiguration of residential parcels when there is no encroachment into preserve areas. 6.4 SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT/MONITORING REPORT AND SUNSET PROVISION A. Initiation of construction on the Cocohatchee Bay Project is contemplated in calendar year 2000 with completion of the golf course and Project infrastructure anticipated to occur in calendar year 2000/2001. Marketing of commercial and residential sites and golf course memberships are to begin in calendar year 2000, and are expected to be concluded in calendar year 2010. B. Monitoring Report: An annual monitoring report shall be submitted pursuant to Section of the Collier County Land Development Code. C. The Cocohatchee Bay PUD shall be subject to the Sunset Provisions of Section of the Lanti"- � i� fi- Codc. 6S POLLING PLACES/.,',"';' Pursuant to Section Z630.'o�f�fk— Land.Llsvelopment Code, provision shall be made for the future use of space'within a tadion building far the puiposa;of accommodating the function of an electoral roll=' place:. An agreement shall«bi' in, thin o'ii ci l records bf the aerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County, which shall- b& up n ny`an .alI st &ess&ib interest that acquire ownership of such common areasidcluding, but not limited fp, condominium associations, homeowners' associations. that such,69mmon facilities may fie usedfo an electoral polling place if determined to be necessary by th�iiP4;riso_r of Elections. ;• °f. i 6.6 SUBDIVISION REQUIREW -ANO- STAS.IDARD DESIGN SUBSTITUTIONS A. Sidewalks I bike paths shall conform with Subsection of the LDC_ Due to the environmental issues on this Project impacts are to be minimized. B. Private streets shall conform with the right -of -way width requirements of Subsection of the LDC except as follows: 1. Cut-de -sacs and local streets less than one thousand feet (1,000') in length are required to have a minimum fifty foot (50') right -of -way width and two ten foot (10') wide travel lanes as required by Suign 2. All other cul-de -sacs are required to have a minimum of fifty foot (50') right -of- -way width and two ten foot (10') wide travel lanes as required by Subsection 6.2 Packet Page -477- OR; 4368 4/8/201411.C. 3. Tangents between reverse curves shall not be required under Subsection of the Land Development Code. 4. Street grades may exceed four percent (4%) under Subsection of the Land Development Code provided that applicable Florida Department of Transportation, Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards (FDOT MUMS) and AASHTO criteria are met. 5. LDC Subsection The standard that street name markets shall be approved by the Development Services Director and conform with the Florida Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices are waived. The requirements for street pavement painting, striping and reflective edging of the main road system will be waived. Traffic circulation signage shall be in conformance with Florida Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices standards. 6. LDC Subsection shall be 30 feet )Anth-t - be 40 feet. K 6.7 TRANSPORTATIONC :" The minimum back of curb radii for internal roads ezcption of both entrance road intersections which shall A. The Developer ihallWvide a-fair shire,contributiodjoward the capital costs of any traffic signals y e`�lietdeemed warranted by the County Engineer. The� tc`sigral willi'tcttall, owned, operated, and maintained by Collier, Cou nty` Tare Develo �_ � 1 provide artet �l level street lighting at all Project accesses prior issuan ai 5 � rti 6a ' of-�ciRcupancy for a building accessed from a Project entrance. B. The Developer; igrifts that Collier County riesetves the right to disallow developer improvements witrarxderbilt Dnr/Vyrst Livingston Road, and/or Wiggins Pass Road rights -of -way tl sttc t_pnovrt�a is oonflict with or negatively impact public roadway, drainage, or uulitlr= facilittesplantied as part of future four- laning construction. C. The Developer shall provide additional right -of -way in fee simple title, when necessary, along the PUD frontage to Vanderbilt Drive. Additional right -of -way is required in varying widths from 10 feet to 25 feet on both sides of Vanderbilt Drive as shown on the final four -lane design plans prepared for Collier County by Johnson Engineering, Inc. Such required right -of -way along each side of Vanderbilt Drive shall be dedicated and conveyed to Collier County without consideration for impact fee credits for public roadway, drainage, and public utility improvements. The right -of -way conveyance shall occur at the time requested by the County. 6.3 Packet Page -478- OR; 4368 nn. "" 4/8/2014 11.C. D. The Developer shall provide additional right -of -way in fee simple title, when necessary, along Vanderbilt Drive and Wiggins Pass Road at all proposed and authorized access points wherein right turn lanes for development purposes are required or specified. Such additional right -of -way is declared to be compensating right -of -way and accordingly will not be subject to road impact fee credits. The final four -lane design plans prepared for Collier County by Johnson Engineering, Inc. do not show required right -of -way for right turn lags for this PUD, but the right -of -way shall generally be of a typical width of approximately 15 feet. The right -of -way conveyance shall occur at the time requested by the County. E. The Developer shall provide the additional 10 feet of right -of -way in fee simple title, when necessary, along the PUD frontage to Wiggins Pass Road. Additional right -of -way is required in varying widths on the north side of Wiggins Pass Road as shown on the final four -lane design plans prepared for Collier County by Johnson Engineering, Inc. Such required right -of -way along Wiggins Pass Road shall be dedicated and conveyed to Collier County without consideration for impact fee credits for public roadway, drainage, and public utility improvements. The right -of -way conveyance shall occur at the time requested by the County. F. The Developer shall i vi+de 4ddit o� ifl.Ti;ght -of -way in fee simple title, when necessary, -- along the PUD',s nth 4 � y' for fiuture44st/West Livingston Road between Vanderbilt Drive „a r U.S. 41. The Villagd�Tacd PUD directly to the north of this PUD has dedicated 67 5 Meet ofright -of -way along Its southern property line; for the future East/West)Livingstbn Road Vi feel 4 right -o� -wad+ along the northern property line for future East /W t f npabam i;o d small e-dedicatcdbto the County. Such required { a n f \ ti, € - right -of -7 y shelf be \cared an��conver� rll* Collier County for public roadway, drainage, andk�ublic,u6ilit,v inprOv mcntsa€ et bounty shall compensate the Develo r f ' r,, a F pe , the ngt -c5f =way bast on psscrsj` land appraisals of the fair market value based Art its value prior to app>'awal o the')UD. The right -of -way conveyance shall occur at th&,tifii &e oquested by the cotinf: , G. Tbc Dcveloper`sliallsign and pay fornj<e'e:quired road improvements to Vanderbilt Drive that will prow de�M` t?r- Proj�l (this includes turn lanes and other improvements such as 1i tiA )) -_I MV improvements are made prior to the construction of the County's Vanderbilt Drive four -lane expansion project, the Developer shall pay the design and construction costs related to access for the Project for the existing two -lane section of Vanderbilt Drive. Future four -lane expansion of Vanderbilt Drive shall include the Project's access and shall be designed and paid for by the County during the construction of Vanderbilt Drive. If these improvements are made after the construction of the County's Vanderbilt Drive four -lane expansion project. the Developer shall pay all design and construction costs related to access for the Project. 6.4 Packet Page -479- OR; 4365 PC 4/8/2014 11.0 H. The Developer shall meet the stormwater attenuation and water quality requirements for the future East/West Livingston Road between Vanderbilt Drive and US 41. The Developer shall be compensated for the stormwater management commitments at a rate to be determined. The Project shall accept future stormwater commitments from East/West Livingston Road along the Project property line in the form of water quantity. Water quality will be handled within the 167.5' right -of -way reservation. I. The Developer shall design noise mitigation/abatement systems in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Code. J. In the event the County four -lane improvements to Vanderbilt Drive or Wiggins Pass Road precedes the development of this Project's access to Vanderbilt Drive, the Developer shall bear the full cost for the access and appropriate turn lanes. 6.8 UTILITIES The development of this PUD Master Plan shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions: A. Water distri bution ewago collection -c ,tt'ansmission lines to serve the Project arc to be designed, const2ucied, conveyed, and/or o Bali and maintained in accordance with Collier County Ordinance -lo. 97 17,-as amended;,and other applicable County rules and regulations. 17�� ° -� B. All custoners'conneirtrng to th'cvr,�li�stn'b�fti6n and sewage collection facilities to be constructed will be customers Othe County tied will be billed by the County in C. The on -site tivater distribution sysu District's watef and must be in the County's° dater Master Plan of these facilities, the followiiii =fc-4 system: !Project must be connected to the vitl�the main sizing requirements specified tad throughout the Project. During design be incorporated into the distribution l . Dead -ered mmins shall include dead—end flushing hydrants. 2. Stubs for future system interconnection with adjacent properties shall be provided to the property lines of the Project at locations to be mutually agreed to by the Cou-Y and the Developer during the design phase of the Project. 6.5 Packet Page -480- OR: 4368 PG: 4/8/2014 11.C. D. A water distribution system shall be constructed throughout the project development by the Developer pursuant to all current requirements of Collier County and the State of Florida. Water facilities constructed within platted rights -of -way or within utility easements as set forth in Collier County Ordinance 97 -17, shall be conveyed to the County Water /Sewer District for ownership, operation and maintenance. All water facilities constructed on private property and not required by the County to be located within utility easements shall be owned, operated and maintained by the Developer, his assigns or successors. E. All construction plans and technical specifications and proposed plats, if applicable, for the proposed water system must be reviewed and approved prior to commencement of construction. F. A sewer distribution system shall be constructed throughout the project development by the Developer pursuant to all current requirements of Collier County and the State of Florida. Sewer facilities constructed within platted rights -of -way or within utility easements as set forth in Collier County Ordinance 97 -17, shall be conveyed to the County Water/Sewer District forownership, operation and maintenance. All sewer facilities constructed ti h ate r t�%a�id not required by the County to be located within utility ease�rn�nts sftall be own and maintained by flit Developer, his assigns or su kors. �� G. All the 1, �7 •. Packet Page -481- proposed plats, if applicable, for ived prior to commencement of OR: 4368 PP- I ' l 11.C. 69 ENVIRONMENTAL The development of this PUD Master Plan shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions: A. Environmental permitting shall be in accordance with the State of Florida Environmental Resource Permit Rules and be subject to review and approval by Current Planning Environmental Staff. Removal of exotic vegetation shall not be the sole means of mitigation for impacts to Collier County jurisdictional wetlands. B. All conservation areas shall be designated as conservation/preservation tracts or easements on all construction plans and shall be recorded on the plat with protective covenants per or similar to Section 704.06 of the Florida Statutes. Buffers and setbacks shall be in accordance with of the Collier County Land Development Code. C. Buffers around prescaved jurisdictional wetlands shall be in accordance with the State of Florida Environmental Resource Permit Rules. Preserved jurisdictional wetlands and surrounding buffers shall l 6 incorporated in Conservation Areas which shall be plaited. D. An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maintenance (exotic -free) plan for the site, -11 with emphasis on rile conservation /preservations areas, shall be submittal to Crrnnt Planning Environs` afft0- Staff-for.review and`approval prior to final site plan/construction plan approval./' pproval. E Petitioner shall comply with the gcirdelines And recommendations of the U.S. Fish and ) g g po � mp �� is to proud Vlfildlife Conservation Commission Wildlife Service (USi =WS ,end Florida Fish (FFV4%CC re in t..ntial i ac `ected,wildlife species. VA)= protected species are,- observed on site, a Habitat'Managernent Plan for those protected species sha11 be submitted to.l=lanning Services S..ction.staff,for"review and approval prior to final site plarg constru `tion gran appro,�,al. A Bald Eagle- management Plan and a Gopher Tortoise Management Pian-are required f ©c this'site: F. Any amendment to the Bald-Eagle-Management Plan shall require review of the FnvirQnrne_ -nt:tl Advisory Council or any succcssor bndy. 6.10 ENGINEERING A. Dctailtd paving, grading, site dminage and utility plz= shall lr- submitted to Engineering Rcvicw s ;i-vi=s for review. NO consLmction p°rwiLs shall ba. issues unless and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance with the submitted plans is granted by the Engineering Review Services. B. Design and construction of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code. 5.7 Packet Page -482- OR; 4368 PC, 7 4/8/2014 11.C. C. The Developer, its successors and assigns, shall be required to satisfy the requirements of all applicable County ordinances or codes in effect prior to or concurrent with any subsequent development order relating to this site, including Site Development Plans and any other application that will result in the issuance of a final or local development order. 6.11 WATER MANAGEMENT A. An excavation permit shall be required for the proposed lakes in accordw= with Division 3.5 of the Land Development Code and South Florida Water Management District Rules. 6.12 HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL Pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code, if, during the course of site clearing, excavation or other construction activity a historic or archaeological artifact is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect the discovery shall be immediately stowed and the Collier County Code- En €orrcment Department contacted. 6.13 ACCESSORY Accessory stn the principal s contractors stf of Project dev completion of -:A,, T acti with or following the construction of tgs traikrs, marketing facilities, be erected and utilized during the period �uiliiings shall be removed upon • i Packet Page -483- are accessory to. OR; 4368 P"' 8%2014 11.C. 6.14 SIGNS 1. General q 3. A. All County sign regulations shall apply unless such regulations are in conflict with the conditions set forth in this Section. B. For the purpose of this PUD Document/Ordinance, each platted parcel shall be considered a separate parcel of land and shall be entitled to signs as permitted herein. C. Should any of the signs be requested to be placed within the public rights -of -way, a right -of -way permit must be applied for and approved. D. All signs shall be located so as not to cause sight distance problems. Entrance Siens A. Two (2) sig;ts*ith) %1. taxxymtarrl arm of 40 square feet each or one (1) sign with a maximum; aria, of -l'00 square' feet shalt be permitted at each entrance to the B. Entxknce',`sig ti -shall notsxcee—d 4 height C. preventsdirect glare into the vision of dniQ into ai3facent residences. 1, \ t' Proicct Signs cl- ., r.n (15) feet above the lowest right -of -way to the uppermost hts are shielded in a manner which using the adjacent streets or going A. Project signs, designed to promote the Cocohatchee Bay Project, or any major use within the Project shall be permitted along the east side of CR 901, the north side of CR 888, the south side of Livingston Road Extension and on all land tracts within the Cocohatchee Bay PUD limits subject to the following conditions: 1) Project signs shall not exceed a height of twenty (20) feet above the finished ground level of the sign site nor may the overall area of the sign face exceed one hundred (100) square feet. 2) A maximum of four (4) project signs shall be permitted. Two (2) signs shall be located along the CR 901 frontage, one (1) shall be located along the Livingston Road Extension frontage. and one (l) shall be located along the CR 888 frontage. M Packet Page -484- OR; 4368 P% 11014 11.C. 3) Project signs may be lighted provided all lights are shielded in a manner which prevents direct glare which would impact the vision of drivers using the adjacent streets or going into adjacent residences. 6.15 LANDSCAPING FOR OFF - STREET PARKING AREAS All landscaping for off - street parking areas shall be in accordance with the Division 2.4 of the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of building permit application. 6.16 PROVISION FOR OFF -SITE REMOVAL OF EARTHEN MATERIAL The excavation of earthen material and its stockpiling in preparation of water management facilities or other water bodies is hereby permitted subject to applicable sections of the Land Development Code. If it is demonstrated that fill activities on those buildable portions of the Project site are such that there is a surplus of earthen material, then its off -site disposal is also hereby permitted subject to the following conditions: , % ), - A. Excavatiot tines s" shall cdmpij*'W� ' th the definition of a "development excava6on'"`;"iutsuant to Division 3:5rof t`he Land Development Code whereby off -site removal.shall be limited to ten:,percent (to a maximum of 20,000 cubic yaros) of th64otalwyolume ex`2airated unless. commercial excavation permit is B. All other provisions of saidTh"visxin 3.5 arm O s 6.10 Packet Page -485- 4/8/2014 \•• _ awl PUD MASTER PLAN t� 0� Packet Page -486- z Q at, r� O 0 O Ch" Q � pp �i O G N i t I EXHIBI T "B " C"Zi lumE BAY PUD AjASTERR PLAN MTM EAGLE ZONE OYEitLA Z tea =- OR 4368 PA. flpA4 4/8/2014 11.C. �a o� N V1 2 i m 04YE: 0e -29 -00 p/O.ECT M2: eallos VAK&%E & DAYLOE RE10 11-06-00 ,87.. X. .r.,.,, M".L ,•�•• •�• S Q E.• N T. S. AC.tD NO. �02� -ftU& Packet Page -487- t r n i t I EXHIBI T "B " C"Zi lumE BAY PUD AjASTERR PLAN MTM EAGLE ZONE OYEitLA Z tea =- OR 4368 PA. flpA4 4/8/2014 11.C. �a o� N V1 2 i m 04YE: 0e -29 -00 p/O.ECT M2: eallos VAK&%E & DAYLOE RE10 11-06-00 ,87.. X. .r.,.,, M".L ,•�•• •�• S Q E.• N T. S. AC.tD NO. �02� -ftU& Packet Page -487- OR: 4368 14/8/2014 11.C. Bald Eagle Habitat Managemeid Plan COCOHATCHEE Sections 8, 18, 17, & 20, Township 48 S, Range 25 E, Cosier County. Turrell & Associates, Inc. August 2000 4.0 Bald Eagle (Hallaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus) 4.1 Occurrence on Site An active bald eagle nest is located on the site on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive, shown on the attached site plan / preserve map. According to FFWCC records, the site has been active for at least the last 7 years with nest being constructed in two different trees. The current nest was constructed in 1995 and the original nest tree was cut down in 1997, the nest had already fallen. The parent birds fledged one hatchling in 1998 -99 and two young during the survey period. The nest is located in a dead and rapidly deteriorating Slash Pine tree on the western portion of the property. The tree is located between a small sawgrass marsh area and the bay forest / mangrove swamp. The birds have an open view to the water over the tops.-of--the--mangroves to the west. Almost all of the established trees- between -the snest .tree and Vanderbilt Drive have died, mostly due to;a,fAeihi f occurred on =the property several years ago so the birds also Nava` a relatively unobstructed° view of Vanderbilt Drive. Due to the condition ,&-the -tree, it is not emoted that the eagles will continue to use the nest riaore Shan -coup 9 of more gears at the most. It is more likely that a,storrzl wit# = ea :: i ds�wl!#- either destroy the tree supporting the nest, destroy he rie$t itself It is' not clear where the eagles will try to construct a new nest it` tlisloc curse" Specific observations were made during, the, past two- -nestir g--seasons -` #o note flight patterns and feeding beha -v7cir around the nest These observations showed that flights into and out of the'rivst were predominately to,:th6 south and southrwest from the nest tree Several other dead pines around the nest served as perches for the parents during, the nesting season_ .An effort was made by the parent birds to construct a new -- .nest - adjacenf to the existing marina early in the °9V00 season, how ever, these_ efforts were unsuccessful. = Biology and Habitat Requirements The bald eagle is the largest raptor that breeds on the peninsula of Florida, Vith a �ingspan of about seven feet. Body plumage is dark brown with the head and tail a distinctive while. Juveniles are brown -black and fully develop the v -1t cite head and tail by the age of five or six. Eagles typically nest ciose to water with their diet comprised mainly of fish but supplemented with a variety of vertebrates including birds and turtles. Thus nests must provide prey opportunities in the vicinity, good visibility and a clear flight path. Nest laying begins in early fall and the cone shaped nests can be 6 feet Packet Page -488- OR: 4368 P'-'- I'll 11.C. Bald Eagle Habitat Management Plan COCOHATCHEE Sections 8, 16, 17, & 20, Township 48 S. Range 25 E, Collier County. Turrell & Associates, Inc. August 2000 across and 6-8 feet deep, lined with soft materials. Most commonly, living pine or cypress trees are chosen where some canopy remains above the nest. The ratio of water to land edge is one of the most important considerations and so long as prey density does not diminish, habitat suitability of an area remains constant. Egg laying peaks in early December and clutches usually consist of one to two eggs with incubation of approximately 35 days. The young fledge after 10-12 weeks although parental care may continue a further 4 to 6 weeks after this. Most of Florida's eagle pairs are year round residents while the young are migratory. In addition to the nesting tree, diurnal perch sites are an important part of the eagle's territory, when, during the non - nesting season, perching may take up 74-83% of the day (FWS). Selection is similarly based on how much prey is available in- titre cinity and how well the bird can see it, thus perch sites are,i ailjtr _ ered by an open area such as river or take banks. r`.r7,,,,. %" As a the are nest sit6 and feeding areas plans. Given the °,g an overview habitation is ierable t&,the build up of contaminants In was severely affected by the use of the rhich r�duoed reproductive success by ,rc �,A3' iso' ing are on -going concerns. 61,n�� sti g birds has been shown to lead al, pn d temporal isolation from the 3 components of species management fo►`hecok�gical success of the eagle, 0 .sttia project site will allow continued 4.3 Site Development Considerations and Species Management Protocol The current site plan calls for development of a golf course only with an option to conduct future residential construction should the site conditions or management techniques change to allow it. It should be noted that existing flight paths are predominantly to the south and south -west and a far greater area of preserve extends from the nest tree to the west, keeping the site in a similar configuration to how it is currently utilized by the birds. The main foraging area is the Wiggins Pass estuarine system which is designated as Outstanding Florida Waters, 280 acres of which Will be deeded by conservation easement to the South Florida Water Management District preserving this habitat in perpetuity. Packet Page -489- OR; 4368 PG- I l014 11.C. Bald Eagle Habitat Management Plan COCOHATCHEE Sections 8, 16, 17, S 20, Township 48 S, Range 25 E. Collier County. Turrell & Associates, Inc. August 2000 The Habitat Management Guidelines outlined in the Recovery Plan for the Southeastern States Bald Eagle call for a primary protection zone, except under unusual circumstances, extending 750 to 1500 feet outward from the nest tree. The precise distance being dependent upon the proximal and spatial configuration of critical elements such as the nest tree, feeding area, and roost trees. No residential, commercial, or industrial development, logging or mining should occur within this zone. The site plan for the golf course as proposed projects into the 750 foot primary zone to the east of the nest tree. It is not anticipated that this will adversely affect the eagles because of the existing circumstances of the site. There are no existing living trees within this area and the birds currently have a relatively unobstructed view of Vanderbilt Drive. The golf course would remove some of the dead snags left in the area but observations over ie arst�hwei rs have shown that these snags are not utilized by the�brrds- tror;erching. Also, flight paths into and out Of the nesting area were in the tapposita direction and not over the area proposed-46-156 impacted. A screep of Hiving vegetation will be planted between tha golf -wurse and the nest sites. to block views and sounds of the golfers/ fro"he nsst `'i�is ac on\would result in a buffer of approArn j 0 = to4be- east-of nett. A buffer of 750' would be maintain t' t�1 iof ar` i o tl ,of the nest, and no impacts are proposed o thees�t between the treed and -the Gulf of Mexico. To mihiim ie disturbance duri >± buffer zo te�of 1500' in radius` site cons `, ctio activities. No ► the 1500-foot ton @,during the i through May'1 5 f' ' - 7'` C I I Ant nesting period, a greater ►fished and maintained during activities will take place within ►d which runs from October 1 Incorporated throughout the site is an education plan consisting of signs and posters located at golf hole tees, with information and pictures of the habitats and species located in the vicinity of each hole. In this way players and residents will gain knowledge and an appreciation of the system as they progress through the course. The eagle will be highlighted at the appropriate location with details on the species biology, etiology and conservation status. Packet Page -490- OR; 4368 P 4/8/2014 11.C.1 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -88 Which was adopted by-�'t 7 "BBSZ)rrd "shot County Commissioners on the 12th day of Decem15. 000, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand Wand the oxzz r County Commissioners 6fECo1lier Co of December, 2000. t cial\ seal \of`\the Board uz ty "bridal, this 1501: dai=; oi - DWIGNT`FE. BROCK 5erk of Courts and Clierk ' Ex- officio to Board of County Commissioners By: Ellie Hoffman, .....'.. Deputy Clerk Packet Page -491- OR: 4368 4/8/2014 11.C. - COCOHATCHEE BAY f A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND SUPPORTING MUM 13D MASTER PLAN GOVERNING COCOHATCHEE BAY A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PREPARED FOR:,,',/` VANDERBILT PARTNERS II LTD NJ PREPARED BY: PMS, INC. OF NAPLES_, 2335;TAMrAMI TRAILNORTH DATE REVMV#TD BY CCPC DATE APPROVED By BCC I X1_1 i+ ORDINANCE NUMBER 2w"s UN s i:W DOCUMENT DATE 12114M AOREEMENT AND SH DATED I 2/28/08 mvzseon FxWbit 2 to Settlement Agreement and Release Packet Page -492- OR; 4368 n4/8/2014 11.C. MDEX PAGE List of Exhibits and Tables H Statement of Compliance III SECTION I Property Ownership, Legal Description and Short Tide 1.1 SECTION H Project Development 2.1 SECTION III Residential Development Areas 3.1 SECTION IV Golf Course:- 40, M"-I" 4.1 SECTION V Pierve Distract 5.1 SECTION VI r , Devclepr ntC mmitments 6.1 F5�7 r t,i V28108 revision I I Packet Page -493- -Ar 0 Pik OR; 4368 4%8/2014 11.C. SIT "A" Arnmded Planned Unit Dcvelopn=t Master Plan I X BIT "B" Cocohatchee Bay P D Amended Bald Esde ManaQenieat Plan EXHM31T "C" Settlement i =mwt and Release TABLE I Land Use Sununary_ TABLE II DgvCjopment Standards for''W' District 2IM08 revision lI Packet Page -494- 4 «c 1 -N, s .o OR; 4368 F-- 4 1 1 .C.J STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The development of approximately 532.09 t acres of property in Collier County as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to be known as Cocohatchee Bay PUD will be in compliance with the goals, objectives and policies of Collier County as set forth in the Collier County Growth Management Plan. Cocohatchee Bay is a mixed use residential golf course community and will be consistent with the applicable elements of the Collier County Growth Management Plan for the following reasons: 1. Traffic ways, utilities, and other public facilities necessary to serve the Cocohatchee Bay Project are adequate. The Cocohatchee Bay Project will participate in the expansion of existing public facilities to the extent of its impact on those facilities via payment of impact fees. 2. The Cocohatchee Bay Project will �'ble -with and complimentary to existing and planned land uses in the vicarn`rty _Pcnj lands - -in a transition area which includes low -rise residential development and high -rise mni -iim l development. *, 3. The subject proper#y lsrc ion ui relation to,existing for proposed community facilities and services permits the De @optaenVs resident al density asdescribed in Objective 2 of the Future Land Use Elortresnt�l, ` ^y` •� ,� 4. The project Deve opnncnt�p- 6ompatible wi�r and complemu►iary to existing and future surrounding land vises as requutzcl i olicypof d Use Blement. 5. The property was down,zoned during the ZoninkIR."/Nealuation Process which resulted in " an action establishing'severil`zoning districts and nsitiest Partial 1 - 11 19acrCS R5F =3st = FE � S F4 33.57 units Parcel 5 - 161.63 acre's �- --- R&P=4• _ 646.52 units Parcel 6 - 13.15 acres RSF -4(3) = 39.45 units Parcel 7 - 69.61 acres RSF- 3st(3) = 208.83 units RSF -3(3) RMF-((3) RMF- 6st(3) Parcel 8 194.60 acres RMF -12(3) = 583.80 units RMF- 12st(3) Pa=I 9 1.26 acres RMF- 12st(3) = 3.78 units Parcel 10 80.65 acres RMF- 12st(3) = 241.95 units RMF- 6st(3) TOTAL 532.09 acres = 1757.90 or 1758 units 2/28/08 revision III Packet Page -495- 9ann 4/8/2014 r 1 The PUD will utilize a total of 590 units on 532.09 t acres for a gross density of 1.11 dwellings per acre. This action makes the land use and density consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. 6. Improvements are planned to be in compliance with applicable sections of the Collier County Land Development Code as set forth in Objective 3 of the Future Land Use Element. 7. The project Development will result in an efficient and economical allocation of community facilities and services as required in Policies 3.1.H and 3.1.L of the Future Land Use Element. 8. Tire project Development is planned to protect the functioning of natural drainage features and natural groundwater aquifer recharge arras as described in Objective 1.5 of the Drainage Sub - Element of the Public Facilities Element. 9. All final local development orders for this Project are subject to Division 3. 16, Adequas 212MS revision IV Packet Page -496- 11.0 K 1,, 1 !: SECTION I PROPERTY OVJNERSEV & GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 PURPOSE Pr �AAl 4/8/2014 11 f - The purpose of this Section is to set forth the location and ownership of the property, and to describe the existing conditions of the property proposed to be developed under the project name of COCOHATCHEE BAY. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHE IERLY 548 FEET OF A TRACT OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUN'T'Y, FLORIDA, SAID TRACT BEING DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SAID SECTION-8,. RUN S.88024'40"W. (SHOWN IN ERROR AS S.88 °26'40"W. IN O.R,.- B � ,E....235; O.R. BOOK 87, PAGE 439 THROUGH 447; O.R, , tT, FA E~� ? ; ,O.R BOOK 218, PAGE 484; HEREINAFTER OFFICIAL RECORDSLtAL.ONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GO� 4_.AND THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID SOUTH LINE, FOR 7,7'6.7",4 -FWI' o- AN- INTERSZ;.MON WLTH AN AGREED BOUNDARY LINE AS $W-ORI �II LI3_ Y PkGES 439 THROUGH 447 (SURVEYOR'S [1CIH j 4MAY92 AND O.R. BOOK A% 218, PAGE 484LCA' E'1iAT L1NB IS FOUND IN O.R. BOOK 68, AJGE 23S`; T �B iGS � D 4TANCE ARE IN EFFECT THOSE RECITEDV,��A LATER EXCHAN OF'�QUTT'�AIM DEEDS O.R. BOOK 87, PAGES 439 THOUGH 447), OF T PtM ,/RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID';- —THENCE RUN N.29- 1146" V ; A"LONG SAID BOUNDARY LATE, FOR 300 FEE,F;r77,ffiNCE RUN N 3't)'1 .. ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOIt°9�1.4°3 TjSHOWN Tl�i'ERROR AS 961.30 FEET IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS); Ti�F1�iL E.�RUN^ 67 °30'00"W. ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 1397.99 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 1397.01 FEET IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), THENCE RUN N.22031'00"W., (SHOWN IN ERROR AS N.22 °3900 "W. IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 944.72 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH, ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 99.92 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LATE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SAID SECTION 8; THENCE RUN N.0 °08'53 "E. (SHOWN IN ERROR AS NORTH IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), FOR 429.82 FEET; THENCE S.59 °00'00 "E., FOR 815.68 FEET, TO AN WTERSECTION WITH SAID WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3; THENCE RUN N.89 °12'20 "E., ALONG SAID WESTERLY PROLONGATION AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3, FOR 1907.82 FEET, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3, THENCE RUN S.00023'10"E., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3 AND SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 4, FOR 2744.30 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PLUS ANY LAND ADDED 1.1 2128/08 revision Packet Page -497- C. H N! L4Ul 4/8/2014 11.0 THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RELICTION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LOST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR EROSION. PARCELS THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16 IN TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE RIGHT - OF-WAY FOR STATE ROADS S -865A (ALSO KNOWN AS VANDERBILT DRIVE) AND S -865B (ALSO KNOWN AS WIGGINS PASS ROAD). PARCEL 6 THAT PART OF THE NORTHERLY ONE -FIFTH (BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY ACCURATE SURVEY AS THE NORTH 268.54 FEET) OF THE NORTH 1R OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WHICH LIES WEST OF THE RIGHT- OF-WAY OF U.S. HIGHWAY 41 (ALSO KNOWN AS TANIIANII TRAIL). PARCEL -7 THE EAST 1R OF THE NOR OF"SEGTION 17, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLD,JC0U TI' .. Fl- ;ORi�.'A; XCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OHfrTHE�30L>THEAST U4 ,`I',HE NORTHEAST 1/4 AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM —THE RIGHT-OF-"Y 'OF STATE ROAD S -865A (VANDERBILT DA VL). 'PLU$,ANY-LANIY\ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RE IC77ON, ?AND _LES$ VW ACC AW ,L�ND' LOST THEREFROM BY BEGINNING AT\fW SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25� EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, RIDA, RUN N.89 °54'20"W., ALONG THE SOUIJR B OF SAID SECTIO�1 Ql, -:FOR 2839.52 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH W_ AGREED BOUNDAl1;'Y,,12NE AS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGE 235 T=l&llfiRUNl 251 -OI ' ili PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; i6X°30�05"E., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 1298.70 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 1300.00 FEET, IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGE 235 AND O.R. BOOK 167, PAGE 642 HEREINAFTER CITED AS OFFICIAL RECORDS); THENCE RUN N30°00WT—, ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 800 FEET; THENCE RUN N.05 °00'00"W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 1480 FEET; THENCE RUN N.29° 11'40"W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 1957.41 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE RUN N.88°24'40"E. (SHOWN IN ERROR AS N.88 °26'40"E. IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), ALONG SAID NORTH LINE FOR 3449.51 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE RUN S.0027'30"E., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17, FOR 2690.04 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 2689.35 FEET IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), TO THE EAST QUARTER CORNER; THENCE RUN S.0°26'00"E. (SHOWN IN ERROR AS S.00'26'00"W. IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS), ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17, FOR 2584.65 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPTING 1.2 2!28/08 revision -- Packet Page -498- -- -_ - -- OR: 436$ P 4/8/2014 11.C. TEIER WROM (1) THE EAST 112 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4, (2) THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOU IMEAST 1/4,(3) THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4, OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4, ALL IN SAID SECTION 17; AND EXCEPTING THE RIGHT -0F WAY FOR STATE ROAD S -865A (VANDERBELT DRIVE), AND EXCEPTING THAT PORTION-OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 'A OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, RUN S.89053'18"W. FOR 50 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN S.89053'18"W., FOR 186.65 FEET, TO A POINT ON BULKHEAD LINE AS SHOWN ON PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BULKHEAD LINE PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 7, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN S.41 *1 I'03 "W. FOR 133.10 FEET, ALONG SAID BULKHEAD LINE; THENCE RUN S.0 °0642 "E., FOR 120 FEET, THENCE RUN N.89 °53' 18"E., FOR 275.72 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD S -865A (VANDERBILT DRIVE): THENCE RUN N.0°26'00"W., FOR 220 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PLUS'AADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RELICTION, AND LESS, 'I ANY LAND LAST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR ER1*61t "� � Al ` PARCEL 4 p THAT PORTION OF THEN O$�EASTIM -OF TH9 SOUTHEAST I/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 48 sb LTG COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOII:O'�/,� tIVI % TTa �OF t BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST Cb ;', ' OF(THE C � dF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION e T7 ICU& -N.69 W'S5 "E,kll 560.24 ', ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST � 1/4 OF THE sourHEAs'T- �..°I�4 OF SAID SECTION 17, TO A POINT O `., BULKHEAD I. - A� S`IlbWN ON PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BUGtEAD LINE PLAT Bi'IDiC;A,I'AGE 7, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CO' COUNTY, FLOORIDA; JU NCE RUN N.0°26'00"W., FOR 100 FEET, ALONG SAID BUL ZWWCE RUN S.89 °40'55"W., FOR 560.23 FEET, ALONG SAID�SL.A, LNE; TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE RUN S.0°25'41 "E., FOR 100.00 FEEL', TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RELICTION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LOST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR EROSION. PARCEL 10 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN N.89 °52'20"W., ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 20, FOR 2053.75 FEET; THENCE RUN N.00 014'00 "W. FOR 1698.91 FEET; THENCE RUN N.54 °4752W., FOR 399.32 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH AN AGREED BOUNDARY LINE AS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGES 235 THROUGH 250, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN N.79° 17' 10"E., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, FOR 69.60 FEET; THENCE RUN 1.3 2J28/08 revision Packet Page -499- • Cana 4/8/201411 N.02059'30"W. ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE FOR 1417.66 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 1475.01 FEET IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGE 235); THENCE RUN N.2701520'W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE FOR 705.31 FEET; THENCE RUN N.18 °44'30 "W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE FOR 887.03 FEET, THENCE RUN N.05037'50"W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE FOR 393.34 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20; THENCE RUN S.89 °54'20 "E., ALONG SAID NORTH LINE FOR 2839.52 FEET, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE RUN S.02012'00"E., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 20, FOR 5273.90 FEET (SHOWN IN ERROR AS 5277.24 FEET IN O.R. BOOK 68, PAGE 235) TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RELICTION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LOST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR EROSION. AND LESS AND ACCEPT n RIGHTS- OF-WAY OF STATE ROADS S-865 A (ALSO KNOWN AS VANbER�3II:T" -DR VE) ;` AND S -846 (ALSO KNOW AS BL LEBIIL. AVE SLUE) AND LESS AND A'CCEPT:THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEREAL PROPERTY: ALL OF WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS aU I" "NO V A�DDLTION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT nu4m F RECORDED IN T BC ?K' -.1091 AT PAGE 81 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF.- COLLMk.COUI TY, EL,ORIb.K,- rND ALL OF WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS ONIT NO.1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK I .'At PAGE 44, OF THE PUBLIC,.•'RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA;,BFHNG MORE PARTIGULAR:LY"DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE' SOUTHEAST CORNER OFL OT 4 OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT N0J'. AI3DITIQN- ,THENCE' N.89 °52'2:0"W. ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SALi3 =L(3T' �k'--DLS'I'ANCE OF 599.96 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, THE SAME BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 10, BLOCK% I OF SAID V.'IGGL:S PASS L :NTDl&*:GS UNIT NO.1; THENCE N.89 052'20 "W., ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1 A DISTANCE OF 1400.65 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1; TIC TONG TFM WESTERLY LLN?E OF SAID Vi�`,G*S PASS L- A.NDINCS U!,Tr NO.1, A DISTANCE OF 1608.90 FREI; TrM1 CE N.34026'1 .5 "E., ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 439.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1; THENCE N.87948'00"E. ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 1481.48 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3, BLACK 3 OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1; THENCE S.02 °12100"E. A DISTANCE OF 163.77 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 3 OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1; THENCE X.87 °48W' E. A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET T© THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT l; THENCE 1.4 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -500- C. I� w w - - 4/8/201411.C. S.02 °12'00"E. ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1, A DISTANCE OF 668.16 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1, THE SAME BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NOA ADDITION; THENCE S.02° 12'00 "E. ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1 ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 1209.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, PARCEL CONTAINS 88.56 ACRES, MORE OR LESS (BEARINGS REFER TO WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT NO.1 ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE 81 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA). PLUS ANY LAND ADDED THERETO BY ACCRETION OR RMWIION, AND LESS AND ACCEPT ANY LAND LAST THEREFROM BY SUBMERGENCE OR EROSION. AND LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOMNIG DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY: R C 'r A PORTION OF LAND, LA��TE�rF.¢ST,a�I/2 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE, 2 T" OF COLLIER CC ' FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESC ill—E - FOLLOWS: �, �, CONIlviffiJCING AT THE SO iJ CQ RNER THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION X20;i1tE�02 °2f 4 5 f Cj THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1i4 i DL TAN f(F si9'10 FEET; THENCE S.87 °48100"W., A DISTANCE OF 50.001 F `TQ A.�P+QIi ON THE Y RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF VAND$R�B.T DRIVE, A 106V FOOT -0F WAY AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER, OF LOT 1 BL004Vk GDS PASS LANDINGS, UNIT NO.1, ACCORDINd� THE PLAT THEREOF R�pI�DED IN PLAT BOOK 10, AT PAGE 44, OF THE 0 BLIC�RECORDS OF C( IEiF COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE SAME BE NG THE POIIV"!' �b r l 4NIN of rTHE PARCEL OF LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE S°4�0"W, DLSTANCE OF 200.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE N.02012'00"W. A DISTANCE OF 163.77 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3. BLACK 3, OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS UNIT 1; THENCE S.87 °48'00"W. ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS, UNIT NO.1, A DISTANCE OF 1481.48 FEET; THENCE S.34 °2615"W. ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID WIGGINS PASS LANDINGS, UNIT NO.1, A DISTANCE OF 439.48 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF TRACT B, BAKER- CARROIL POINT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 42, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE N.54047'52"W., ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID BAKER- CARROL POINT, A DISTANCE OF 399.32 FEET, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH AN AGREED BOUNDARY LINE AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 68, AT PAGES 235 THROUGH 250, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE N.79 °17'10"E., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 69.60 FEET; THENCE N.05 °9'30"W., ALONG 1.5 2/28108 revision Packet Page -501- UK: 4itu ru: Mt 4/8/2014 11.C. SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1417.66 FEET; THENCE N.27 °15'20"W., ALONG SAID AGREED BOUNDARY LINE A DISTANCE OF 616.67 FEET; THENCE N.87 °481)0 "E., A DISTANCE OF 2472.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF- -WAY LINE OF SAID VANDERBILT DRIVE; THENCE S- 02012'25`B., ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1373.11 FEET; THENCE S.02° 12'00"E. ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 667.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, PARCEL CONTAINS 100 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 1.3 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The subject property is owned by A.L. Dougherty Co. Inc., a Delaware Corporation. 2.4 GENERAL DESCREMON OF PROPERTY AREA A. The Project site is bordered on the West by the Delenor Wiggins State Park and Barefoot Beach County Paarrk,.on- .theXast by Tarpon Cove PUD and Wiggins Bay PUD, on the South by- tho-Dub fk and-on the North by Arbor Trace PUD and the Retreat PUD k1. B. The zoning ctassr on of the project prior"to approval of this PUD document was RSF- 3,A(3), �rASt%353w;(3); -RSF ;RSF -4 (3 RW -12ST (3), RMF 12 (3), RMF-6 ST13). RAO-- 1.3)- iA- S".T— 1.5 PHYSICAL DES B ON f A. The Project lies within South Drainage from, th`t property will d B. Water Manageiricnt acilities for the order to introduce tip jest storrnwat7 assist in the restoration of ids"C --wal 2 Bay District No. 6. r � ill designed and constructed in o wetland areas in an attempt to a and preserve areas. C. Elevations within the Project site range from 1.5 to 11 feet above mean sea level. Most of the area, however, falls within the 10' to I I' foot elevation category. The site lies within Flood Zone AE (EL 11') and AE (EL 12') according to Firm Maps 120067 -0191D, 0187D, and 189D, dated June 3, 1986. D. Soil types within the Project inchrde Keri fine sand (approximately 50%), Cypress Swamp (approximately 48%) and Charlotte fine sand (approximately 2%). Soil characteristics were derived from the Soil Survey of Collier County, Florida, issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Soli Conservation Service) in March, 1954. 2128108 revision 1.6 Packet Page -502- OR; 4368 pr,• �an� 4/8/2014 11.C. 20WO-i'TIN : 04 1011AILCISM The Cocohatchee Bay PUD is a residential and golf course community with a maximum of 590 dwelling units. Recreational facilities including a golf course, clubhouse, maintenance facility, caddie quarters, and guest suites will be provided in conjunction with the dwelling units. Residential and recreational land uses are designed to be harmonious with one another in a natural sating by using common architectural themes, appropriate screening and buffering and open space. V SHORT J= This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "AbONDED COCOHATCHEE BAY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE" .1 'F g ti C i d s Ov 1.7 V28/08 revision Packet Page - 503 - -- SECTION lI PROJECT' DEVELOPMENT 2.1 PURPOSE m. IAAA 4/8/2014 The purpose of this Section is to generally describe the Project plan of development, relationships to applicable County ordinances, the respective land uses of the tracts included in the Project, as well as other project relationships. 2.2 GENERAL A. Development of Cocohatchee Bay shall be in accordance with the contents of the icd Planned Unit Development document, the Settlement Aerecment and Release attached hereto, and applicable sections of the Collier County Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan in effect at the time of issuance of any development order, such as, but not limited to, Final Subdivision Plat, Final Site Development .,Plan,- -- Excavation Permit, and Preliminary Work Authorization, to which.-sudh egvations' relate. Where these regulations fail to All I provide developmental standarti , then . 'provisions of the most similar district in the County Ladd`- Development Code shall apply. B. Unless otherwise noted, the 3e5nition"s of all \deems shall be the same as the definitions-'set for inn the Ccdire rCouno, =d.D velopment Code in effect at the time of building'pornnLIreaLoe C. All conditions : i utposed andTall gtaptaic material Pr entzd depicting restrictions for the development of the Coeohatchee Bay PUD' shall become part of the regulations which govern the manner tnfwhich tbePUD site may be developed. D. Unless modified, waived or excepted by this PUD, the provisions of the LDC, where applicable,- remain in- full. -force acid effect with respect to the development of th land which ; c�rnprises this PLID F. Development permitted by the approval of this Petition will be subject to a e E:, d--r t^ i -si t c a r3equ to 1h; -li :,on:,;:rrrnry --view Ft„ p:�v ens of �isis- _ - -- _ _._ Fasilties, a the L.DC at the earliest or next to occur of either final SDP approval, final plat approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this Development A. Tire Project faster P'Izn, including land uses for the various tracts, is illustrated by Exhibit "A," the PUD Master Plan. Thee nature and extent of land uses within the Project are indicated on Table L The specific location and size of individual tracts and the assignment of dwelling units thereto shall be determined at the time of detailed site development planning or platting. 212MS revision 2.1 Packet Page -504- 7 i.c . I 4368 r 4/8/2014 11.C. B. The final size of the recreation and open space lands will depend on the actual requirements for water management facilities, golf course layout, roadway pattern, and dwelling unit size and configuration. COCOHATCHEE BAY LAND USE SUbEW&RY TABLEI Golf Course "GC" ,' ; 2 ** 20 Open Space (Preserve, Lakes and Landscape Buf iii;)- ;�,;��- \ 59�* 7 Total ' .� dam 3170 4 4.90 i f' n —rev —T i 170.39-+4- 308.00 +/- Total 532.09 +/- acres 2A RELATED PROJECT`P APPROVAL REQT3WAI OM A. Prior to the recording" fa,�R r$_PIkbd/or Condominium Plat for all or part of the PUD, final plans for all q hied improvements shall receive approval of the appropriate Collier County governmental agency to ensure compliance with the Ammdcd PUD Master Plan, the Collier County Subdivision Code, and the platting laws of the State of Florida. B. Revised Exhibit "A," the Amended PUD Master Plan, constitutes the required PUD Development Plan. Subsequent to or concurrent with PUD approval, a preliminary subdivision plat, if applicable, shall be submitted for the entire arcs covered by the Amended PUD Master Plan. Any division of property and the development of the land shall be in compliance with DimAsiee -3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code, and the platting laws of the State of Florida. C. The provisions of Diyisien 3.3 of the Collier County Land Development Code, when applicable, shall apply to the development of all platted tracts or parcels of 2/28/08 revision Pte►? Packet Page -505- 4/8/2014 11.C. - land as provided in the Collier County Land jievegment Code said- Bi~yeiee prior to the issuance of a building permit or other development order. D. The development of any tract or parcel approved for residential development contemplating fee simple ownership of land for each dwelling unit shall be required to submit and receive approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat in conformance with the requirements 9; Division ;:a of the Collier County Land Development Code prior to the submittal of construction plans and a final plat for any portion of the tract or parcel. E. Utility, road, public and private easements shall be established as required during the SDP and/or plat approval process. F. Appropriate instruments will be provided at the time of infrastructure improvements regarding dedications and the method for providing perpetual maintenance of the common facilities.' 25 MODII. HODS / SALES OFFGES C" w y Model hones, sales canters ,and other uses and`saixduies related to the promotion and sale of real estate such''as; but not limited to, pavijons;,,Yiewing platforms, gazebos, parking areas, tents, and `;sighs, shall - be- .,pernitted� principal uses throughout the Cocohatchee Bay ,PUD; subjecttbe Collier a County Land DevelopmtynCC °andd all`° f� a plu&a �ti�ons. Sales facilities will be permitted prior to fin appro va as-- �provr� to the Co Bier County Land Devclocnncnt 2 4 ;3 4 26 AM]KND;�� T'O Y"UD DOCUMENT Ok' MATER PLAN Amendments may be made,., to the PUD as pro`videci in the Collier County Land Development - 2.7 ASSOCIATION OF PROPER'T'Y OWNERS FOR COMMON AREA MAIIiTENANCE Common area maintenance will be provided by the Master Property Owners' Association. The Association is a legitimate alternative for the timely and sustained provision of quality common area infrastructure and maintenance under the terms and conditions of County development approval. For those areas not maintained by the Master Association, the D-- vcloper has created a property owners' association(s), or condominium association(s), whose functions shall include provision for the perpetual maintenance of common facilities and open spaces. The Master or the property owners' association, as applicable, shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and management of the surface w&L—. and sto mwater management systems, and reserves serving the Cocohatchee Bay PUD, together with any applicable permits from the Florida Departmwt of Environmental Protection, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and South Florida Water Management District. 2.3 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -506- A. AA411 4/8/2014 11.C. - 2.8 DESIGN GMEI1NES AND STANDARDS The Collier County Planned Unit Development District is intended to encourage ingenuity, innovation and imagination in the planning, design and development of relatively large tracts of land under unified ownership or control, as set forth in the Collier County Land Development Code,-Sw6ee44.4044. The Applicant has not set "stages" for the development of the property. Since the property is to be developed over an estimated ten (10) year time period, any projection of project development can be no more that an estimate based on current marketing knowledge. The estimate may, of course, change depending upon future economic factors. 29 GENERAL PERWITED USES Certain uses shall be considered general permitted uses throughout the Cocohatchee Bay Community PUD except in the eVistt-rct- Zeneral permitted uses are those uses which generally serve the, t?#i =-Zti rhea of the Cocohatchee Bay PUD and are typically part of themm;rrtfisstructurt or art considered community facilities. r A. General PermittodUs=- 1. Esst e ntia £(� icox r a8 s se t`f ii n dS e rtd t he 'Collier County Land Development 2. wab r h' m1 agement facilities aW related structu 3. Tempo, ry-Apwage treatment facili[rei , -- ' / 4. Lakes including k`8kbs with -bum -or other architectural or structural bank ftatments:---. !'l "M,C' I`V, ` 5. Guardhouses, gatehouses, and access control structures. 6. Community and neighborhood parks, recreational facilities, community centers. 7. Tennpcxary construction, sales, and administrative offices for the Developer and the Developer's authorized contractors and consultants, including necessary access ways, parking areas and related uses. 8. Landscape features including, but not limited to, landscape buffers, berms, fences and walls which shall be in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time permits are requested unless otherwise specified herein. 2128/08 revision 2.4 Packet Page -507- 4/8/2014 11.C. - 9. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible. B. Development Standards: Unless otherwise set forth in this document, the following development standards shall apply to stcuchwes: 1. Setback from back of curb or edge of pavement of any road - Fifteen feet (15') except for guardhouses, gatehouses, and access control structures which shall have no required setback. 2. Setback from exterior property lines - One half (1)2) the height of the structure, minimum of twenty feet (20'). 3. Minimum distance between unified grouping yeleer 4. Munirnura°distatic a between 5. 7. structures which are part of an architecamilly mrelatod'sthiettim - Ten feet (10'). however the width rarely to the width c rse- my* 01a6ed within County required the 'irequiMd/ buffer shall be increased payedaaiface of the sidewalk, bikepath, or cartpth.N 8. Standards dscnng, stgris and other land uses where such standards areTiiofs5 'fie4� teitrr•efe to be in accordance with the Collier County land Develo t"ftode in effect at the time of Site Development Plan Approval. 2.10 OPEN SPACES REQUMEMENTS The Amended PUD Master Plan Reereefie", Golf Gomm. L"d8MPeQPWk Spam, L660 and pnoerm M"e* sagafy AWilLa the open space requirements of Sw6es 2,642 -of the Collier County Land Development Code. 2.11 NATIVE VEGETATION RETENTION REQUIREMENTS Twenty Five Percent (25%) of the viable naturally functioning native vegetation on site shall be preserved. 2.5 2/28/08 revision Packet Page -508- -- OR' 4368 r4/8/2014 11.C. 2.12 LANDSCAPING RMUMMEWS A. A perimeter berm shall be constructed in conformance with Sesgea3:4.4 -of the Land Development Code. i . Trees and shrubs shall be planted along the base of the berm so as to visually soften the appearance of the side of the berm. 2. Ground cover on the side of be berm shall form a dense attractive mat, and shall not mire mowing. 3. Trees shall be a minimum of 75 percent native species. 4. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 35 percent native species. B. A minimum landscape area of thirty -five feet (35') shall be developed along the Vanderbilt Drive frontage aid €�iin-d&cape buffer on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive shall include div:�lbrp neat ' -,:that impede the view of high rise residential structrirrbsfroiYr Vanderbil�`� 2118M revision f $I J1 1 2.6 Packet Page -509- 3.1 PURPOSE 3.2 33 3A 4--��� --F 4/8%2014 11.C. SECTION III RESIDENTIAL "B" DEVELOPMENT AREAS The purpose of this Section is to establish land use regulations and development standards for the residential development tracts designated on Exhibit "A," the Amended PUD Master Plan as "It" "b,., h1AXI4UM DWELLING UNITS The maximum number of dwelling units permitted within the PUD is 590. The subject property contains a gross acreage of 532.09 +/- acres and base density of 1.11 dwelling units per gross acre. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Areas designated as :K to accommodate higb -d, living facilities, compat essential services, and cu The approximate I scrawl acreages are based or( development tracts M44 Subdivision Plat m9peetiYely, of t6c l resigned to accomn o" and water manaeement,fa USES PERMITTED --oa tial dwelling u°ait nonresidential uses, a "- 'd d t. tithe of is in accordance with County Land D �Oejoj eternal roadways, open s ides, and other similar u A. Principal Uses 1. Multiple - family dwellings. 2. Guest suites and cabanas. PUD Master Plan are designed multi- family dwellings, adult ange of recreational facilities, Master Plan. These Actual acreage of all at Plan or Preliminary de. Residential tracts are ks and amenity areas, lakes in residential areas. 3. Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible in the _M "b " --d "b2" Districts. B. Accessory Uses 1. Uses and structures customarily associated with principal uses permitted. 3.1 2128!08 revision Packet Page -510- OR • 4399 F M. 4/8/2014 11.C. i i 2. Recreational uses such as, but not limited to, clubhouse, fitness center, �( health spa, tennis courts, swimming pools or similar recreational uses. 3. Any other accessory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible in the •'R" !!A 1 " and "D'„ Districts. 3S DEVELOPNOW STANDARDS A. Table 111 sets forth the development standards for land uses within the "R" Residential Districts. B. Standards for parking, landscaping, signs and other land uses where such standards are not specified herein or within the Cocohatchee Bay PUD, are to be in accordance with Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the tine of Site Development Plan approval. Unless otherwise indicated, required yarns, heights, and floor area standards VVY to principal structures. - ,,, ~ � "1�` shall be accessed b arki C. Off-street parking,regu r ¢ or tt -�anm ,y�uses Y P aisles or driveways �whte1t are separate frr►m $ny roads which serve more than one development. A °green space at�ea of not less than ten feet (10') in width as measured from p�iveme; nt�ge -to- parent edge shall separate any Pig aisle or driveway from any abuintt.•road. 0 } IN DBVEWPNMNTSTANDARDS = HIGH -RISE Matti- Faaa'iy Dwe/ioap+ MWO MWU FAMRAFS NON HIGH am$ (Ot&er h%du a n Lot Area N/A 4-AGM MtaEmam Lot Widt4 N/A 944 NIA Front Yard - Internal Road •t 0.5 BH not kss than 25 feet A3- BSI- se4ior thaft 26 1W 0.5 BH net less don 25 fee Front Yard - AeweeY Bides LKWIMS Parkin Structure 0.5 BH not kas than 25 feet GJ RH-%W�iw dw. 26 fm* OS BH out leas Front Yard - Vanderbik Drive BH N" Front Yard - Acemary Wdr, 50 WA Side Yard OS BH 43 Rear Yard Prindpol 0.5 BH 4-5 � Rear Yard A 15 40 1 2129M revision 3.2 Packet Page -511- _ -- - _ OR; 4368 P 4/8/2014 11.C. Masdnm Bids K*w 20 stories for a maximum Might of 200 foot *2 i 33 Dfstaoee Between Priisd 3lnctores 0.5 SBH *3 QJ4M -o *low irast-i&" 03 BH noc lets is fed Floor Area Min. S.F. 1800 SF NSF R: (Building Height): Building height shall be the vertical distance maaa+ed from the first bsbitable finished floor elevation to the uppermost finished eeling devssioe of the strumm (Sum of Building Height): Combined beight of two adjace t buildings for the purposes of dexermmdning ttbad e4- All distances are in feet unless othemse noted. *l f=ront yards shall be measured n follows: A. if the parcel is saved by a public right -of- way. setback is measured from the adjaoesut right-of.way Hine. R. If the panel is served by a private road, setba * is -wed from Me bm& of curb (if curbed) or dge of pavement (if not wrbed). *2 Building height for the myth property line adjacent to Arbor Trace in the 'I W" tract stall be u 4S stories for a maxim>m height of JU 490 feet. y '3 Where buikhop wdeb a common wrhiv ciu nd tt"ingip 'A, ewed er offset from one mother. and salts are not parallel to one anther, the seabacks an.fieii�ivdy mndcsced ° "° ti 04 For r ghatar iiji" ci ftt be m imin floor area. xd T_ r l ?128!08 revision 3.3 Packet Page -512- 4.1 PURPOSE OR: 4368 Pr,- ?A " - 4/8/2014 11.C. SECTION IV GOLF COURSE "GC" DEVELOPMENT AREAS The purpose of this Section is to set forth the uses permitted and development standards for the Golf Course tracts. The primary function and purpose of these tracts will be to provide aesthetically pleasing open areas, golf course and recreational facilities. Except in areas authorized for Development, all good quality native trees and shrubs shall be protected and preserved wherever practicable. 4.2 PERAUMD USES AND STRUCTUM No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Permitted Principal Uses- SrucKuir9, -- , 1. Golf Ionises° and golf club facrhtios, rdie quarters, clubhouse, guest suite311in l g temporary golf clublauses.\ 2. U�,to 2 l e1 fairy detached dwelling units. 3.3: Prnjectjinf or and sa pen ' 4.3: Community and golf dcousse' maintenance etas, maintenance buildings, essetiti '=rvices, irrigation v�jw and of iaeat storage tanks and ponds, water �l`wastewater trcatment pl�'ants,,xitility'pumping facilities and pump buildings, utility and maintenancefstafoPfices. 5, Any of the usts..of z "Z..sUbiect to the development standards of the "P" District. `_ -- 6.4 Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Planning Services Department Director determines to be compatible. B. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures 1. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the principal uses permitted in this District. 2. Pro - shops, practice areas and ranges, golf cart barns, rest rooms, shelters, snack bars and golf course maintenance yards. 2J28M revision I 4.1 Packet Page -513- I OR; 4368 4/8/2014 11.C. 3, Retail sales of associated recreational equipment and apparel, such as, but not limited to, golf, tennis, and other recreational related equipment apparel and accessories. 4. Restaurants and related uses intended to serve club members and club guests. 5. Shuffleboard courts, tennis courts, health spas, swimming pools, and all other types of accessory facilities intended to provide recreational opportunities for members. 6. Open space uses and structures such as, but not limited to, boardwalks, nature trails, bikeways, landscape nurseries, gazebos, boat and canoe docks, fishing piers, picnic areas, fitness trails and shelters. 7. Any other accessory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the P, larming Services Department Director determines to be compatible.,, < -p 43 DEVELOPMENT A. Principal Course I PUD bou B. Accessory'Isl Course Dish boundaries a a c and privat!,r ds,�i and.4* tracts. ,�� feet (20') from Golf ,e feet (25') from all '—o�, ten feet (10') from Golf verity feet (20') from all PUD C. Lighting facilities sh'aU be arranged in a manner ifiich will protect roadways and residential propeifies04rom drnct_.glara oarnssa�sonablc interference. D. Maximum height of structu 1. Principal Structures - 2 stories for a maximum height of 20 feet. 2. Accessory Structures - I story for a maximum height of 15 feet E. Minimum distance between principal structures - Ten feet (10'). F. Parking for the community centericlubhouse shall be three spaces per every one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area, which shall be considered inclusive of the required golf course parking, provided the golf course and recreational facilities are private, otherwise, applicable provisions of the Land Development Code shall apply. G. The golf course maintenance building shall be located a minimum of 1750 linear feet west of U.S. 41. 4.2 2128108 revision Packet Page -514- - 4-3-6- L 4/8/2014 11.C. H. Standards for patting, landscape, signs and other land uses where such standards are not specified herein, are to be in accordance with Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of Site Development Plan approval. Unless otherwise indicated, required yards, heights, and floor are& standards apply to principal ==VMS. 5b", iJ �! •1 ► J r .d r r r lL: • , t r • 1 .! r_i �► 79 1 / li• Ir f --•'�C_ SINGES F Y • Fr= yards shall be memmd as follows: 2128/08 revision .: 7. ' M .t a I' r:l ^.• \1^ 1 1. 4.3 - Packet Page -515- MIubmauL Area f; i'�� ` FrMItYard SWO yaw 18 zoned t2igU rM • Fr= yards shall be memmd as follows: 2128/08 revision .: 7. ' M .t a I' r:l ^.• \1^ 1 1. 4.3 - Packet Page -515- - flR 4398 A(;'IAIA 4/8/2014 1 l.0 i� }�� it .• � �1� , �•��y « «� a i. Cov=d pKUng. attached andt-or-I 71 goo=. Remudonal facffifies indWing but • t fignited to R29 and tennis • = counted iv. Water manapuM facifities and lakes v. One (1) gms—t house (as allowed by th: Land DcyalgRMt CWO R2[ will not bj as additional •_ 1 '}. to StOMIC facilities 4.4 2128/08 =vision Packet Page -516- SECTION V PRESERVE "P" DISTRICT 5.1 PURPOSE r%." . n V% 4/8/2014 11.C. The purpose of this Section is to identify permitted uses and development standards for areas within the Cocohatchee Bay Community designated on the Amended Master Plan as the Preserve District. 5.2 GENERAL DESCRI MON Areas designated as Preserve on the �n Master Plan are designed to accommodate a full range of conservation and limited water management uses and functions. The primary purpose of the Preserve District is to retain viable naturally functioning wetland and upland systems, to allow for restoration and enhancement of impacted or degraded wetland systems, and to provide an opens ace amenity for the enjoyment of Cocohatcbee Bay Community residents. — >. 53 USES PERMITTED No building or struc`ture,,+or'part� 3ietr�oWhall be ercci d�alt6red or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than th g: A Principal Uses 1. Passive 2 Passive rzc o C umbm s following: i. Bgardw?`; jL Environmental uses (wetlands and conservation areas) iv. Flower beds L Golf cart pa vim' Pathways and/or bridger. vii. Handicag ra= viu. F4uestrian uses and trails * Fitness trails and shelters * IL Hiking and nature trails xi. Qpen NM dramagr; systems (required for the p=ttin of f the ect xii. Parking lots fig�Zpport of any use within this section) xiii. Sidewalks * xiv. Underground drainage xv. water parks (fountains) 5.1 2128/08 revision Packet Page -517- ka: 7,. - SA LYL AWL &X- XAL MiL AxiiL XY-iV. XXV. xxvi. my I OR: 43-61-8 OF- I'll 4/8/2014 11.0 :InWincluding structural bank weatnrmts) Boat kink and canoe dock3 Eishing pjcn Chiardh• uses. utchouses Passive parks, with 2LsAve nautional uses sLbj to this F79TrI7FWI=7, TM-7. 15,11! 1 11 #11 a 51 URI I Boi's M-, I DevelgoogjLt QWej Gazebos Picnic areas Wildlife HwgaW Recreatimal shelters. in Rmftap u2jAW areas o& Drainare and water management facilities as may V.�� -m-TA-Me, kv, 1 ? TI ;7. 11 a OT -1; 71- - 11 �11 I 9. Any other I uses and 'w be comDatil )ry use which is ie,.Planning-Ser Z "Z C 11) WA A rl];d 30 1 AZI WIVNI 111 ',4 in nature with the foregoing meat Director determines to A- Setback requirements for all structures shall be in actordance, with SWQOB 4.7.3. e Collicr County Land Development Code, as amended. Any lot abutting a protected/preserve area shall have a minimum 25 foot setback from the boundary of such protected/preserve area in which no principal structure may be construed. Further the pig shall require that no alteration, including accessory structures, fill plac:ernent, grading, plant alteration or removal, or similar activity shall be permitted within such setback without the prior written consent of the Development Services Director. In no event shall these activities be permitted within ten feet of the preserve boundary. 2128/08 revision Maximum height of structures - Twenty-five feet (25'). 5.2 Packet Page -518- OR; 4368 T4/8/2014 11.C. C. Minimum distance between principal structures - Ten feet (10'). D. Minimum distance between accessory structures - Five feet (5'). E. Standards for parking, landscaping, signs and other land uses where such standards are not specified herein art to be in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of Site Development Plan approval. Unless otherwise indicated, requited yards, heights, and floor area standards apply to principal structures. 5.5 PRESERVE DISTRICT CONSERVATION EASEMENT A non - exclusive conservation easement or tract is required by Collier County Land Development C for lands included in the Preserve District. In addition to Collier County, a non - exclusive conservation easement may also be required by other regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over Preserve District lands. In addition to complying with provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code, said easement shall be provided in accordancc-ww, idi;hie t , t, forth in any applicable permit granted by other agencies. The *vi jok� lts--su�xssiicjs),,or assigns, including the Master Property Owners' Associal.io$ -shall be rrsponsibie,rccrntrol and maintenance of lands within the Preserve Diitr ct: �J 77- N, 5.3 212W9 revision Packet Page -519- - - OR: 4368 nn- 1A1) A 4/8/2014 11.C. - SEMON VI GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMBETlVIENTS 6.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the development commitments for the development of the project. All facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with final site development plans, final subdivision plats, and all applicable State and local laws, codes, and regulations applicable to this PUD. Except where specifically noted or stated otherwise, the standards and specifications of the Land Development shall apply to this Project even if the land within the PUD is not to be platted. The Developer, his successor and assigns, shall be responsible for the commitments outlined in this document. The Developer, his sue rr:Or assignee, shall & regulations of the PUD as;.adopted, and any other agreed to in the rezoning :of'iTie- property—lu- additi, bound by the commitments At- this- •agc+eeme 63 PUD MASTER PLAN — Amended Master Plan and the I rts or modifications as may be .uccessm or assignee in title, is A. Exhibit `A,z' 'the- Amend PUDz, Master Plan; illustrates the proposed development-and is conceptual in .� rPtosed tract, lot or land use boundaries or., special land use boundates, -shall not be construed to be specific and may be adju�W. during the plattin site development plan approval prowess. Subject''tc� .il>e f the Land Development Code, PUB arnendmeiitsrna m 6ie to time. B. All necessary easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to ensure the continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities and all common areas in the Project C. 'Tie following shall be considered minor changes and refinements, subject to the limitations of PUD, Section 6.3A: 1. Reconfiguration of preserve areas, jurisdictional wetland limits, and mitigation features as a result of environmental regulatory agency review, as long as the changes do not cause additional impacts to protected species or habitat 2. Reconfiguration of lakes, ponds, canals, or other water management facilities where such changes are consistent with the criteria of the South 6.1 2128!0 revision i Packet Page -520- OR: 4368 P 4/8/2014 11.C.- Florida Water Management District and Collier County and whore there is no further encroachment into preserve areas. 3. Reconfiguration of golf course envelopes and design features where there is no encroachment into preserve areas. 4. Internal realignment of nght"f- -way other than a relocation of access points to the PUD. 5. Reconfiguration of residential parcels when there is no encroachment into preserve areas. 6.4 SCHEDULE OF DEVE OPMENTIMONITORING REPORT AND SUNSET PROVISION A. Initiation of construction on the Cocohatchee Bay Project is contemplated in calendar year 2000 with completion of the golf course and Project Mrastruicture anticipated to occur in calaadar 001. Marketing of commercial and .- . � k > : r , residential sites aad`gol .cou se �ps� to begin in calendar year 2000, and are expected'to.„be cortciuded in 2010. B. Monitoring Acpot' 7annual- monitoring report shall be submitted pursuant to the Co ^'Iiiet-County Land Development Code. C. The �Coccro 7OT3.4 o 6.S POLLING PLACES f' Pursuant t0 Seelies 2.6.3", the future use of space within, function of an electoral polling Provisions of Seabee `�0/ Code, provision shall be made for the purpose of accommodating the An agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the Cleric of the Circuit Court of Collier County, which shall be binding upon any and all successors in interest that acquire ownership of such common areas including, but not limited to, condominium associations, homeowners' associations, that such common .facilities may be used for an electoral polling place if determined to be necessary by the Supervisor of Elections. y: • .�. �:I' a I'. C s J�lf . �Ir 1 �s ���1'� �t ► � t !may A. Sidewalks / bike paths shall conform with W-..__6e 94.9.3.P. a the LDC. Due to the environmental issues on this Project impacts are to be minimized. 2IM08 revision 6.2 Packet Page -521- nn. Ienr 4/8/2014 11. C B. Private streets shall conform with the right -of -way width requirements of the IAnd_ j ov-dgpment Code LIX except as follows: 1. Cul-de -sacs and local streets less than one thousand feet (1,000') in length are required to have a minimum fifty foot (50') right -of -way width and two ten foot (10') wide travel lanes as required by the Land Development C . . 2. All other cul-de -sacs are required to have a minimum of fifty foot (501) right -of -way width and two ten foot (10') wide travel lanes as required by the Land Devclggment Code Salmefien ;.2.9.4, i6.6 . Tangents between reverse curves shall not be required under SWwwdee the Land Development Code. 4. Street grades may exceed four percent (4%) under Sabseeden -e€ the Land Development Code provided that applicable Florida "-�- . DepartrneA�-;a T� on. Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards db- & 11i9C�i�IS - an�SHTO criteria are met. 5. 6. Of I Traffic circulation s. .nt of Transportation 4affic Control Devi !The minimum`` b"kt'c the exception of both all be approved by the ith the Florida Department ition Manual on Uniform ments for street pavement anam road system will be conformance with Florida Administration Manual on E WI& internal roads shall be 30 feet with road intersections which shall be 40 feet. 6.7 TRANSPORTATION — For Additional Inforymtiom va Settlement Ammemmt and Release A. The Developer shall provide a fair shine contribution toward the capital costs of any traffic signals necessary at Project accesses when deemed warranted by the County Engineer. The traffic signals will be designed, installed. owned, operated, and maintained by Collier County. The Developer shall provide arterial level strut lighting at all Project accesses prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for a building accessed from a Project entrance. B. The Developer agrees that Collier County reserves the right to disallow developer improvements within Vanderbilt Drive, East/West Livingston Road, and/or Wiggins Pass Road rights -of -way if such improvements conflict with or 6.3 212810& revision Packet Page -522- OR: 4368 PG; IAII / 014 11.C. - negatively impact public roadway, drainage, or utility facilities planned as part of future four - laving construction. C. The Developer shall provide additional right -of -way in fee simple title, when necessary, along the PUD frontage to Vanderbilt Drive. Additional right -of -way is required in varying widths from 10 feet to 25 feet on both sides of Vanderbilt Drive as shown on the final four -lane design plans prepared for Collier County by Johnson Engineering, Inc. Such required right -of -way along each side of Vanderbilt Drive shall be dedicated and conveyed to Collier County without consideration for impact fee credits for public roadway, drainage, and public utility improvements. The right -0f - -way conveyance shall occur at the time requested by the County. D. The Developer shall provide additional right -of -way in fee simple title, when necessary, along Vanderbilt Drive and Wiggins Pass Road at all proposed and authorized access points wherein right turn lanes for development purposes are required or specified. Such additional right -of -way is declared to be compensating right -0f w I+ will not be subject to road impact fee credits. The finalfour= -plans ared for Collier County by Johnson Engineering, show required nil# - l way for right turn Janes for this PUD, but the7 �igi C 4 way shall generally be'of a' }ypical width of approximately 15 feet. The right= nK-way cone -yang shall ooc4ur at the time requested by the County. 4 � �. :Wiggins if E. The Developer shall provi"& \ iont I a of fright- of-way in fee simple title, when ryectssaty,.lgn t f'UT1rontc Pass Road. Additional c.�...< right- of- waytis required in varying widths on`the north side of Wiggins Pass Road �. A P as shown ort. e final four -lane desi 41ans,TtMared for Collier County by Johnson Engirt''; "e mn, Inc. Such requir6d'i*ht -of -way along Wiggins Pass Road shall be dedicatied, and conveyed to Collie" , ty without consideration for impact fee cre"4u i)ubEc- roadway,- -(Si'inage; and public utility improvements. The right -of - -way coney 610c 14M_1616'6 a__,atfie time requested by the County. F. The Developer shall provide additional right -of -way in fee simple title, when necessary, along the PUD's north boundary for future East/West Livingston Road between Vanderbilt Drive and U.S. 41. The Village Place PUD directly to the north of this PUD has dedicated 675 feet of right -of -way along its southern property line for the future EaWWest I.jvingston Road. 100 feet of right -of -way along the northern property line for future Fast/West Livingston Road shall be dedicated to the County. Such required right -of -way shall be dedicated and conveyed to Collier County for public roadway, drainage, and public utility improvements. Collier County shall compensate the Developer for the right -of- way based on professional land appraisals of the fair market value based on its value prior to approval of the PUD. The right -of -way conveyance shall occur at the time requested by the county. �►T /T_;7itT:if�il�f.Ti1 6.4 Packet Page -523- 4/8/2014 11. C. - G. T'he Developer shall design and pay for any required road improvements to Vanderbilt Drive that will provide access for the Project (this includes turn lanes and other improvements such as lighting). If these improvements are made prior to the construction of the County's Vanderbilt Drive four -lane expansion project, the Developer shall pay the design and construction costs related to access for the Project for the existing two -lane section of Vanderbilt Drive. Future four -lane expansion of Vanderbilt Drive shall include the Project's access and shall be designed and paid for by the County during the constriction of Vanderbilt Drive. If these improvements are made after the construction of the County's Vanderbilt Drive four -lane expansion project, the Developer shall pay all design and constriction costs related to access for the Project. K Tice Developer shall meet the stormwater attenuation and water quality requirements for the future East/West Livingston Road between Vanderbilt Drive and US 41. The Developer shall be compensated for the stormwater management commitments at a rate to be determined. The Project shall accept future stormwater commitments from East /West Livingston Road along the Project property line in the for, m -of v+aterquarttity Water quality will be handled within the 167.5' right -of :way Teserarat�on:– ¢ L The Developer shall design noise mitigation/abatement systems in accordance with the Collier Couhry TaiidDeveiopment Code. J. In the event the Cogmiy =fqur tan p ovements "to Vanderbilt Drive or Wiggins Pass Road ^^ precedes thG development.of this. Project's access to Vanderbilt Drive, the Developer shalt, bear _full cost for>the access and spgropriat: turn lanes. _� m._._� 6.8 UCELNE S y The development of this Arfi=&4 PUD Master Plan shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions 1`- e A. Water distribution, sewage Mcollection and transmission lines to serve the Project are to be designed, constructed, conveyed, and/or owned and nuuntamd in accordance with Collier County urdinan= No. 97 -17, as amended, and outer applicable County rules and regulations. H. All custamers connecting to the water distribution and sewage collection facilities to w w7sw c-t -A rill. ice.. c u'stoiwcm of u County and will be b-Mc' by the CVunty in accordance- with the County's establish --d rates. C. The on -site water distribution system serving the Project must be connected to the District's water main and must be consistent with the main sizing requirements specified in the County's Water Master Plan and extended throughout the Project. During design of those facilities, the following features shall be incorporated into the distribution system: 6.5 2/UM revision Packet Page -524- -- -- — _- nR d --- F- 4/8/2014 11.C. - 1. Dead -end mains shall include dead -end flushing hydrants. 2. Stubs for future system interconnection with adjacent properties shall be provided to the property lines of the Project at locations to be mutually agreed to by the County and the Developer during the design phase of the Project D. A water distribution system shall be consmicted througbout the project development by the Developer pursuant to all current requirements of Collier County and the State of Florida. Water facilities constructed within platted rights - of -way or within utility easements as set forth in Collier County Ordinance 97 -17, shall be conveyed to the County Water/Sewer District for ownership, operation and maintenance. All water facilities constructed on private property and not required by the County to be located within utility easements shall be owned, operated and maintained by the Developer, his assigns or successors. E. All construction plans and technical specifications and proposed plats, if applicable, for the proposed �r �tcm,must be reviewed and approved prior to commencement of eo stn iea. - -- •. a r F. A sewer distriution system shall be constructed throughout the project development by�the De a of per - pursuant to all`curient requirements of Collier County and` the State of F of da. Sewer facilities constructed within platted rights - of -way or Wift'`ii eft ntsF tset. --h in`6 ier County Ordinance 97 -17, f 1/ ! I k 1���,I fiE 1 shall be conveyed: to the ti gj ' zisr District for ownership, operation and main6m,1 - l \s�ew.er facilrties eonshve�`d°°ori private property and not required by rthe County to be located - withia utility easements shall be owned, operated an4fnaintained by the Developp . hi, assips or successors. G. All construction plans and technical sppigftcalions and proposed plats, if \ 7 ��.I- . applicable, for the proposed sevtet systeirn�rt �st •bi e reviewed and approved prior to commencement of co ts4`�uc�i, r* C I 6.9 ENVIRONMENTAL The development of this Bnynd;d PUD Master Plan shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions: A. Environmental permitting shall be in accordance with the State of Florida Environmental Resource Permit Rules and be subject to review and approval by C%urent Planning Environmental Staff. Removal of exotic vegetation shall not be the sole means of mitigation for impacts to Collier County jurisdictional wetlands. B. All conservation areas shall be designated as conservation/preservation tracts or easements on all construction plans and shall be recorded on the plat with protective covenants per or similar to Section 704.06 of the Florida Statutes. 2128/08 revision .. Packet Page -525- 0% A 0% A 4/8/2014 11. C Buffers and setbacks shall be in accordance with34.9.44.3. e the Collier County Land Development Code. C. Buffets around preserved jurisdictional wetlands shall be in accordance with the State of Florida Environmental Resource Permit Rules. Preserved jurisdictional wetlands and surrounding buffers shall be incorporated in Conservation Areas which shall be platted. D. An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maintenance (exotic -free) plan for the site, with emphasis on the conservati alpreservations areas, shall be submitted to Current Planning Environmental Staff for review and approval prior to final site plan/construction plan approval. E. Petitioner shall comply with the guidelines and recommendations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) regarding potential impacts to protected wildlife species. Where protected species are observed on site, a Habitat Management Plan for those protected speeiessh _ _:strb�ottod to Planning Services Section staff for c � 1 z -� review and "appm�vad`grvor,,.,�o- fina�-sife l n%Gonsttuction plan approval. A Bald Eagle Manapinc ni � lo' S and a Gopher Tortoise Management Plan are required for this site. / ," 1 4.10 ENGIIVEERING4 r " gR - ` `�, , , , �` _ 4 I i A. Detailed pay g;�grading, site ntiiL plans shall be submitted to Engineering 1, .4 -'% S ices for rev07t� N coristrtiction permits shall be issued unless and until` approval of the proposed oq� in 8000rdaace with the submitted plans istted by theEngtneng Review Services. �. CI B. Design and construction of sIl�ltm meats shall be subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code. C. The Developer, its successors and assigns, shall be required to satisfy the requirements of all applicable County ordinances or codes in effect prior to or concurrent with any subsequent development order relating to this site, including Site Development Plans and any other application that will result in the issuance of a final or local development order. 6.11 WATER MANAGEMENT A. An excavation permit shall be required for the proposed lakes in accordance with giyWen -3.5 -a€ the Land DevelepmeM Gede Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances and South Florida Water Management District Rules. 6.7 2/28108 revision Packet Page -526- 4168 F �.�, OR! m. 4168 Pm- 4/8/2014 11.C. - 6.12 HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL Pursuant to .. e the Land Development Code, if, during the course of site clearing, excavation or other construction activity a historic or archaeological artifact is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect the discovery shall be immediately stopped and the Collier County Code Enforcement Department contacted. 6.13 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Accessory structures shall be constructed simultaneously with or following the construction of the principal structure except that temporary sales buildings, trailers. marketing facilities, contractors storage and office facilities and the like, may be erected and utilized during the period of Project development and marketing. Such temporary buildings shall be removed upon completion of the marketing or construction activity which they are accessory to. 6.14 SIGNS 1. General A. All ACour1 cor►tIict,' B. Fot, the", I shall tbe'r as P zu' C. Should °M of -way, a a herein. signs be o�ated46-is-fv C �S D. All signs shall be 2. Entrance S' 0 such regulations are in ace, each platted parcel shall be entitled to signs cod within the public rights - for and approved. to cause sight distance problems. A Two (2) signs with a maximum area of 40 square feet each or one (1) sign with a maximum area of 100 square feet shall be permitted at each entrance to the Development B. Entrance signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen (15) feet above the lowest centerline grade of the nearest public or private right -of -way to the uppermost portion of the sign structure. C. Entrance signs may be lighted provided all lights are shielded in a manna which prevents direct glare into the vision of drivers using the adjacent streets or going into adjacent residences. 6.8 2128/08 revision Packet Page -527- Dr- 1 A 11 4/8/2014 11.0 A. Project signs, designed to promote the Cocohatchee Bay Project, or any major use within the Project shall be permitted along the east side of CR 901, the north side of CR 888, the south side of Livingston Road Extension and on all land tracts within the Cocohatchee Bay PUD limits subject to the following conditions: 1) Project signs shall not exceed a height of twenty (20) feet above the finished ground level of the sign site nor may the overall area of the sign face exceed one hundred (100) square feet. 2) A maximum of four (4) project signs shall be permitted. Two (2) signs shall be located along the CR 901 frontage; one (1) shall be located along the Livingston Road Extension frontage, and one (1) shall be located along the CR 888 frontage. 3) 6.15 LANDSCAPING All landscaping of —the- Collier C application. 6.16 PROVISION FOR s- niy -be3 ghied`provided all lights are shielded in a �h prevents drectglare which would impact the vision using the adjacent streets or going into adjacent ty Land Development Code in effec k tf` F, OF"ITE RE ovAL OF EARTHE x with the Pi, ision 2.4 time of building permit MATERIAL The excavation of carti--n� . material i "and its;:. stockpiling in preparation of water management facilities or other waterbatiies is hereby permitted subject to applicable sections of the Lmd Payelerrmse Code of Laws qW Ordinances. If it is demonstrated that fill activities on those buildable portions of the Project site are such that there is a surplus of earthen material, then its off -site disposal is also hereby permitted subject to the following conditions: A. Excavation activities shall comply with the definition of a "development excavation" pursuant to Division 3.5 of the Land DeyelepmeM Go& Code of Laws and Ordinances whereby ofd site removal shall be limited to ten percent (to a maximum of 20,000 cubic yards) of the total volume excavated unless a commercial excavation permit is received. B. All other provisions of the Code of Laws and Ordinances said Division are applicable. 2128!08 revision Packet Page -528- T1". 1A11 4/8/2014 11.C. 1 O � O I o0 y� r3 z a � n lono ,. .:.;... . e x tl l , I It I '!' •:t`t�, }� "`��("�,4 � S+y tip, 4 s ' f Exhibit "A" to Amended Planned Unit Development Document Vanasse M �:�. WE- 06-29 -00 sCIcE: COCOHATCHEE BAY w y� K 3" REV 01 -25 -08 N. r. S. PUD MASrF.x PLAN Dayl o r � m� M w, w.K w PROJECT No.: 80447 r� Ma a ma r ll1.In.1N1 �MCIAW ACED N0. 80447- PUD -UP7 Packet Page -529- OR: 4368 41812014 11.C. EXHIBIT B COCOHATCHEE BAY PUD AMENDED BALD EAGLE MANAGEMENT PLAN The foregoing Bald Eagle Management Plan has been coordinated through, and approved by, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers ( "USACE "), the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ( "USFWS "), and the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission ( "FFWCC" ).l A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant proposed to construct five high -rise condominiums (each 17 to 20 stories) , a social and fitness center, a golf driving range,3 tennis courts, guest cottages, parking areas, and storm - water- .management facilities on a 111.3 -acre project site. y. ` b`c�oriip "ensatx far unavoidable effects to bald eagles at nest CO -lq, and now CO -i9A, the applicant p�epeses -te shall purchase and preserve suitable aa`4bitat.. �orw-r estiu g bald ,,eagles,, in, or in the vicinity of, Collier County, in`sputhwest Florida. The,,project site °is` located north of Wiggins Pass Marina in Sect 6izs 8, 16, 17, and 20, 'Township `48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida:.. B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS, In the event of project implementations, the entry road, stormwater pond, parking area, and golf club house areas will be cleared and constructed in the first non - nesting season (May 16 through September 30). Exterior construction of the golf club house would also occur in the first non - nesting season. 2. Land clearing and the initiation of construction of condominium number 1 also would be initiated in the non- nesting season (May 16 through September 30). However, construction of this 20 -story building, which is ' This section is from the DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION section in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's Biological Opinion dated February 27, 2004, as amended on February 6 and February 27, 2007 ' In accordance with the Cocohatchee Bay Development Standards, buildings #1, #2, #3, and #4 are 20- stories and building #5 is 17- stories. 3 Private practice area. Not open to the public. ` Biological Opinion dated February 27, 2004, Page 14, as amended on February 6 and February 27, 2007. Pacf<et Page -530- OR; 4368 PG- 'M 2014 11.C. anticipated to take about 2 years to complete, would not be limited to the non - nesting season. The staging area for building number 1 would be at the future location of building number 3 (Figure 1). Site clearing for the staging areas would occur in the same non - nesting period. 3. In the second non - nesting season, construction of the remaining recreational facilities east of the access road (i.e., fitness facility, social facility, pool, cottages and tennis areas) would be initiated and exterior construction completed. These facilities are intended to be operational upon completion of the 2 -year construction phase for condominium number 1. 4. Land clearing and the initiation of construction of condominium number 2 likely would begin in the next non - nesting season, depending on economic conditions. The pad for condominium number 3 would again serve as the staging area for condominium number 2. The permittee agrees the construction sequence fear- the remaining condominiums would be buildings 3, 4 and 5' 41i, ie f`onstruction of these condominiums ., ,(fir.; initiated only iri �th ncin- nesting seas (s. • Figure 1). The construction start dates of these condominiums likely would be in consecutive non - nesting seasons;'btit "cou�l7i�be�iel -yed based,on \'the economy. 5. The boardwalk corm ctrtt `coii�►amtri zittnbe`rs 4 and 5 inside 660' of CO -19A ;wot d onl be cor tructdd �n `hiel uplands in the non - nesting season after't3es- ts'ateomplet� ark°' at the revised location as shown. f 6. In the eventihi-bald eagle pair returrt�p CG- 19 or builds other nests on property owneti,b�i .° dge Abbott socfa -tes, LLC, the permittee agrees to similarly modify `the, coiistructtdn,t 'Yce on the remaining buildings to minimize the adverse effects-of -fi prof ect on nesting bald eagles. 7. The permittee has proposed to preserve an off -site bald eagle nesting territory as compensation for unavoidable effects to eagle nest CO -19A. Securing a territory may be in the form of fee simple title or a conservation easement to be granted to an acceptable third party. The territory must include sufficient area to accommodate alternate nest trees in the event that the primary nest tree is lost. The permittee will use best efforts to locate and secure a territory in Collier County, but reserves the right to search elsewhere if an acceptable contract cannot be secured in Collier County. C. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS5 5 Amended Biological Opinion dated June 30, 2004 pursuant to a request for letter of technical assistance from Collier County. Page 4-5, as amended and / or re- stated in the February 6 and 27, 2007 Biological Opinion Packet Page -531- OR; 438 pr4/8/2014 11.C. The USACE has requested the USFWS to modify the February 17, 2004 biological opinion for the Cocohatchee development based on modifications to the project proposed by the applicant. The USFWS has reviewed the proposed project modifications and notes that they will result in the addition of the following two (2) items to the Terms and Conditions Section of the biological opinion: The construction of condominiums numbers 2 and 3 can be initiated only during the non - nesting season (May 16 through September 30) (no earlier than 2008). However, once initiated, construction activities can carry over through the nesting season until the construction of each condominium is completed. 2. The applicant has agreed nesting territory prior to project. Securing a conservation easemi territory must iriciuc in the event thate efforts to locate '`atfd right to s�arch else Collier County:' �it�e to purchase and preserve an offsite bald eagle the initiation of construction activities for the ary -may be in the form of fee simple title or a primary nest tree i) Preferenco wiII -_b'6, n4o so' active nesft'�y bald eagles, but attracting ant, supporting nestin acceptable.��~� to, acceptable third party. The :y'accommodate alternate nest trees is lok.\ The applicant will use best in 'Collier County, but reserves the able `contract cannot be secured in ' el that presently supports pports suitable habitat for may also be considered ii) Preference will bt given ->a�'t_fiodimited to, selection of a parcel of suitable habitat that tins -beer selected and ranked as a conservation priority for preservation by agency process. iii) Proximity to other conservation lands being managed or identified for preservation and management, proximity to foraging areas, size, cover types, and presence of other species of conservation concern will be considered for selection of a parcel of suitable habitat for nesting bald eagles. D. CONSERVATION MEASURE6 Provided the necessary federal, state and local permits are obtained, the applicant will construct a 50- to 60 -foot artificial nest tree on a salt flat approximately 5,000 feet northwest of the existing nest tree CO -19. The applicant shall utilize diligent efforts to attempt to obtain the necessary federal, state and local permits. The a Biological Opinion dated February 27, 2004, page 15 Packet Page -532- OR; 4368 PG- 4/ All 14 11.C. purpose of the artificial nest tree is to ascertain if eagles that are utilizing nest CO- 19 will relocate to the adjacent artificial tree. This specific location was chosen because it is within the territory of the eagles that nest at CO -19, farther than 1,000 feet from the proposed condominium construction area, well buffered from other potential conflicting land uses, and will minimize disturbance to wetland resources. The geotechnical engineer (ASC Geoservices, Incorporated) suggest that actual fill for the base structure in the salt flat wetland will be limited to a 25- square foot area, and can be pile driven by a crane from a floating barge. Water depths are adequate to reach the site, and representatives of the South Florida Water Management District will accompany the contractor during barging and tree installation to ensure that environmental damage will be minimized. The artificial nest tree will use technology developed for monopole cell towers with artificial bark, limbs and needles matching that of a mature slash pine with a crotch configuration suitable for construction of a nest by bald eagles. The tree will be designed to withstand 140 mph winds, be lightning proof and constructed of non -toxic materials. Examples- of4hmAcchnology can be found at manufacturer websites such as www:rnai -' . ake faprr<Z 1 www.utilitycamo.com. The applicant also residents of Cc monitor eagle i the camera will Any revision by 111'e L Wildlife Service Commission (FFWC14 conditions will not * Bald Eagle Manageme pair build a new nest 01 a vide6 ceinera in the nest tree to provide the and other intere" sll `,' parties with an opportunity to r jThe_final..designs� of the base, the nest tree, and .S. Army Corp WS), and the hat may cause .JSACE), the U.S. Fish & f & Wildlife Conservation ie above described terms and ie Cocohatchee PUD or this eagle pair or a second eagle any revisions to the above described terms and conditions required by the agencies listed above shall not require an amendment to this Bald Eagle Management Plan. The applicant shall notify the County in writing of any revisions to the above described terms and conditions approved by the agencies listed above and such revisions shall automatically become part of this Bald Eagle Management Plan and no further action to amend this Bald Eagle Management Plan shall be required. F. PHASING PLAN In accordance with B & C above, a phasing diagram has been included for reference. See Attachment 1. G. REASONABLE AND PRUDENT MEASURES 7 From Biological Opinion dated February 27, 2004, pages 13 -14 Packet Page -533- OR: 4368 I'll 4/8/2014 11. C. I. For the duration of the project, the applicant must take all necessary steps to minimize the potential for incidental take of bald eagles during each nesting season. During the construction of the project, the applicant must make reasonable effort to prolong the integrity of the bald eagle nest tree, the nest, and the surrounding habitat. 2. Upon the onset of the nesting season each year of construction (October 1), the applicant must initiate monitoring according to Service draft monitoring guidelines, to detect the presence of bald eagles on the project site and, if present, any abnormal bald eagle behavior, since site work and building construction within the primary zone is proposed to occur during the nesting season. This monitoring consists of 4 hours per morning, for 3 days per week while construction is occurring. V Packet Page -534- OR. 4368 Pr4181YO14 11.C. r ! s w O �- cOj F N 0 yy. c i q S O 4, ----- - - - - -- a MEE KI C. 1004 i u 500 75 25D' i l , i r a i 1 i IN O vs 0 " Rj .. _ r l 1 p UW f Attachment 1 to BEMP Packet Page -535- Exhibit 3 to Settlement Agreement and Release COCOHATCHEE BAY E DAYI OR N ANA—SSE GOLD COURSE EXHIBIT Packet Page -536- OR: 4368 14/8/-2-0-1-4 11.C. x Urine —7 % Z i Lb . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... y ............. ........ C7 r Ch -b, `Gi— I N ,ate G (4 Co C4 4 C") Exhibit 3 to Settlement Agreement and Release COCOHATCHEE BAY E DAYI OR N ANA—SSE GOLD COURSE EXHIBIT Packet Page -536- ,tip w E S NORTHERN PUO FRONT4G£ ALONG WESTERN VANDERBILT DR ... R/W — 2017 L.F. (10' WOE SIDEWALK TO BE£ CONSTJ�C i D/NEPLACED),7, Gam' �p OR. 4368 P nAA4 6 4/8/2014 11.C. PROPOSED SIDEWALK (10' WIDE MUt77 —USE ASPHALT) SOUTHERN PUD FRONTAGE ALONG WESTERN VANDERBILT DR. R W — 1.692 L.F. +/- 10' WIDE SIDEWALK TO 6E CONSTRUCTED/REPLACED) Exhibit 4 to Settlement Agreement and Release e,e,n 111,1447 Vanasse Urfa MM" frd4c F ;wKeriq bchsnx Fnintrem,FS,. Cocohatchee Partners, Ltd KINSALE CONDOMINIUM �Fnpe F°'°'T soo tal rer e „��, su to ua tCOCOHATCHEE BAY P.UW kU441 -SH'03 D ayl o r � I. I 4r. I!D 0.a...k tw im !� nor.. r. »M, Nopies. F! 34 ,'08 PtlD WW FRONTAGE EXWBIT rr. A r 7)/ gTir01 r ]7171! K1i aaa rrt 1' . MCI' 11-10-07 0 Sheet No. 1 of Packet Page -537-