BCC Minutes 02/07/1989 R
~"'pl....s. ?orid~. February 7, 1989
LET I7 BE REMEMB::RED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the Count? of Collier. and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the go'."'!rning board!s) of such spl!!cial districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted businl!!ss
herein. met on this d'ite at 9,00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSICR in Building
"I'" of the Government Complex. East Naples. Florida. with the
following ~embers prp.sent,
CHAIRMAN, Burt L. Saunders
VICE-CHAIRMAN, Max A. Hasse. Jr.
Richard S. Shanahan
Michael J. Volpe
Anne Goodnight
ALSO PRESENT, Ja7:1es C. Giles, Cleric; John Yonlcoslcy. Finance
Director; Ell ie Hoftman and Maure....n Kenyon. Deputy Clerks; Neil
Dorr ill. County Manag~r; Pon McLemore. As5i5tant County Manager; Brian
Mackenzie, Assistant t ,) th.... County Manager; Tom Olliff. Acting
Commun i ty D'?velopm'?nt Administrator; Ken Cuyler. County A'tcorney;
David Weigel. Assistant rounty Attorney; Tom Crandall. Utilities
Ad.inistrator; Mike Arnold, Assistant Utilitie5 Administrator; George
Archibald, Public Works AdminiRtrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Publ ic
Services Administrator; William Lorenz. Environm'?ntal Services
Administrator; Harry H'.lber, Assistant Public Works Administrator;
Hancy Israelson. Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Sam
Bass, Sheriff's Department.
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FEBRUARY 7. 1989
Tape .1
C088iaaioner Shanahan 8OVed. seconded by Co..i..ioner Ba... and
carried unaniaoualy. that the agenda be approved with the tollowiDIJ
Ite. .1'F2 Authorize the Chairaan to execute the agr..aent tor
field internship between Zaergency Medical Service.
and Edison Coamunity College - Withdrawn
Ite. .9H1 Pinal Statt report/public diacusaion on annexation
to be heard at 10:30 A.M.
It.. .983 Recoaaendation to approve a resolution authorizing
the acquisition ot a drainage e.....nt tor the
Poinciana area by gift. purcha8.. or condeanation -
Continued to 2/21/89 aeeting.
I tea .1484 Reco..endation to aaend County's short list de.ign
services award to Wilson. Miller. Barton. Soll a
Peelc. Inc.. consisting ot iaaediate approval and
execution ot a Consulting Engineering Services
Agree.ent Phase I Airport-Pulling Road aix-laning
i.proveaents between Radio Road and Golden Gate
Parkway and concurrent authorization to co...nce
with negotiations with saae tira tor Phase II six
lane design services between U.S. '1 and Radio -
Moved to Ite. 9B'
Ite. .UB5 Recoaaendation to approve and execute a Consulting
Engineering Services Agreeaent with Bole. Mont.. I
Associatea. Inc.. consisting ot roadway de.ign aer-
vices tor laaokalee Road. C.R. 8'6, tour-laning
iaproveaents between Junctions U.S. U and 1-15
coupled with a tea~ibility analysis tor the planned
Cocohatche. River diversion canal pursuant to SrwMD
Contract Mo. 88-5'2-0916 - Moved to Ite. 9Bð
J'AJroARY 10~~~-1~L_t989 - APPROVED
Co..issioner Hasse aoved. 5econded by Co..i..ioner Shanahan and
carried unaniaou8ly, that the ainutea fro. the Special Meeting ot
January ,. 1989 and Regular MeetiDIJa ot January 10. 11. and 2". 1989,
be approved.. pre..nted.
It.. .ðA
Commissioner Saunders recognized Dawn L. Breheney as Employee ot
the Month tor February, 1989, and presented her with a plaque and a
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FEBRUARY 7. 1989
cash awar~ of $50.00. H"? commended her for her exceptional perfor-
It.. .5B
Colllmissioner Saund"?rs presented employee service certiticates and
pins to,
Sandy Haclcney, Project Review Services for 5 years of service
Lullpeung Walsh. Utilities, for 5 years ot service
It.. NB1
ASRlst<lnt Publ1c Work Admin1strator Hub..r s'<lted that this item
was di5CU55"?d and continued trom th.... January 31, 1989 meeting, to pro-
vid~ '3ddi'~o:î;:¡ lntormat 1'Jn, He noted that the p' were concerns
reçarding the competitiv"? s~l~ction process, and compliance with
Chapter 287 of the State St'3tutes. He advised that it watt determined
that the scope of services did not include provis10ns for services
reyond the study phase, and it is appropriate to distribute additional
RFP's tor further design services to complete thl'! project. He indi-
cated that Staff is recommending that the existing contract with
Co~stal E:ngineerinç. Inc, tor the study be amended to provide ser-
vices by Tom Herbert and Associates for coordination with the
Legislature and Coastal Engineering. He noted that Herbert and
Associates will act as sub-consultant to Coastal Engineering.
County Attorney Cuyler advised that competitive bidding for addi-
tional engineering services is required to be in compli~nce with
Flor1da Statutes. H"? noted that h... has reviewed minutes from several
aeetinqs, and RFP'R. and the RFP was Rilent a", tar a", further services
that would b"? required, He indicat...d that h... agrees with Mr. Huber's
co-ent. in that, the sub-contract through Coastal Engineeriny. Inc.
is appropriate.
Mr. Huber stated that he is requesting authorization for Start to
distribute the RFP's, and in the meantime. the Ad Hoc Committee will
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have to submit recommendations for additional tunding sources to per-
form the design services.
Co_issioner Saunders stated that he had requested an evaluation
ot the potential tor th~ Corps at Engineers to p~rform so~e of the
engineering work. and aRked County Attorney Cuyler to explain the
County Attorney Cuyler indicated that he and Assistant County
Attorney Weigel had a conversation with a gentleman from th",- Corps of
Engineers on February I), 1989, noting that he will provide a summary
of that conservation to thO? Commission. He stated that he was advi8ed
by the Corps that project completion is anticipated to be 8 years. and
it would be appropriate to pursue the Army Corps of Engineers as a
back-up tor funding, in the event that something goes wrong with pri-
vate funding or State çrants.
For c jar if ica t ion purposes, Commissioner Shanahan questioned it
today'a recommended action is to prepare a contract for Tom H",-rbert
and Associates, distribute RFP's and pursue funding from the Corps of
Engineers, in thO? event that something happens alonç the way?
Mr. Huber replied affirmatively. but noted that a contract is not
to be entered into with Herb~rt and A~sociate5, but that the contract
with Coastal Engineering Services. Inc. is to be amended to include
Herbert and Associates as a sub-consultant.
Clerk G il es questioned what the amendment to the existing contract
Mr. Huber advised that the existing CO:1tract with Coastal
Engineering was tor the original study and report which was presented
to and approved by the Board ot County Commissioners in February.
1988. He indicated that thO? purpose of the amendment is to provide
coordination services during the upcoming Legislative Session to move
along the efforts of tunding and to have the project appear on an
authorized list for tunding at the State 1 eve 1. He noted that Herbert
and Associates will be providing technical information that the
Legislature may require.
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In answer to Co_issioner Volpe, Mr. Huber stated that the cost
tor services to be provided by Herbert and Associates is approximately
County !o!anager Dorr ill indicated that the original intent was to
Iceep the proJect eligible tor funding that will come trolll the State's
Beach Renourishment Program. He noted that the intent behind Mr,
Herbert's services is tor lobbyinç¡. environmental in nature. to work
through the Legislative Committees and the DNR, to keep Collier County
on the priority list and eligible tor State funding.
I'!r. Huber advised that I'!r. Herbert will also be pursuing tunding
troll! the Federal level.
County I'!anager Dorril1 jndicated that there were concerns last
week relative to the apportionment of costs between this project and
the I'!arco project. He noted that the Marco Beach Renourishment
Project Pund was reimbursed through a fund transfer for their appor-
tionate share, adding that as a policy matter, the Board may want to
entertain a motion that any additional funds spent on behalt of the
Naples Beach Renourishment Project receive a similar pro-ration.
Dr. Michael Steven. Vice President of Coastal Enc;¡ineering. Inc.,
stated that his tirm has tully met their contract requirements to
date. He indicated that he supports Staft's recommendation, and is
wi lli ng to go through the the bidding process, and teels that his tirm
w1ll be selected as the most qualified. He noted that the current
contract does possibly intf"rpret that the contract is to con-:inue. He
indicated that his goal is to assist the County in achievinc;¡ it"
objectives relating to the Beach Renourishment Program, He noted that
he believes that the- intent. of Staft i" to enI'Jure that the project
reaain active at the State 1 eve 1. with a continuous tlow of technical
lntormation. He stated that DNR has indicated that this is a model
project. and the environmental constraints are controllable. and they
want the Legislature to be educated so they can appropriate matching
tunds for construction, He stated that the work that will be required
involves meetinc;¡s with Statf to establish strategies for legislative
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FEBRUARY 7, 1989
action. the U,S. Army Corp'J of Engin...ers; th... G~v...rnor's Oftice; State
agencies to provid"! funding coordination; key Co~gressional and
Budg...tary Staff at the Fed...raJ lev...l to help proce"ls th... action; and
to meet with the Collier County Legislative Delegation in Tallahassee
to pro".Iide technical intormation and assistance, and monitor th.... DNR
budget which will require interaction and travel which will be pro-
vided by Mr, Herbert,
Mr, K...nneth Hunt or Marco Island stated that he supports Staff's
position to continue with the competitive bidding process,
Mr, Carl Berlce of Marco Island commented on the Marco Island
Beach Renourishment Project. notln¡¡ that the Advisory Committee had
indicated that competitive bidding would not be required for that pro-
ject. since Coastal Engineering had b...en hired by the private indivi-
duals who started that project,
Mr. Huber advised that the sl'!lection of Coastal Engineering tor
the Marco Island project was recommended by the Advisory Committee.
Mrs, Charlotte Westman, repr...senting th... League ot Women Voters of
Collier County. stated that the firm of Tom Herbert and Associates
;¡rovided seismic testing studies tor Texaco 8ome years ago, noting
that this group and what they do is commendable,
Attorney David Bruner of Marco Island requested information
relating to the past contracts and monies paid for beach
Mr, Huber stated that he will provide the requested intormation to
Mr, Bruner.
Mrs, Ann Bruner ot Marco Island stated that she understands that
the lobbying that is to take place will be for the County beaches,
other th>tn Marco Island. She questioned if the contract will include
Marco, once an understanding is reached r...lating to beach access?
County Manager Dorril1 stated that Marco Island is not contri-
buting to the tunding of thO? NaplO?s, Vanderbilt and Park Shard pro-
jec t, noting that they have received a tund transter in support ot the
Marco Beach Project tor the money that was contrlbut...d to the County-
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wide Capital I~provement Project.
Coaalssloner Saunders indicated that once Marco Island becoaes
eligible for State tundinq. thO'! Board will take the necessary steps to
pursue it,
CO1I8i..ioner Shanahan aov.d. .econded by Co..i..ioner 8&8.. and
carried unaniaoualy. to ...nd the contract with Coa.tal Engineering,
Inc. tor additional .ervices; St.tt to di.tribute RrP'. tor .ngi-
neeriDIJ. and pursue the pos.ibilty ot additional tunding troa the
Corpe of Engineer..
eo..i..ioner Shanahan 8OV.d. .econded by CO1I8i..ioner Saunder. and
carried unaniaoualy. to continue the policy relating to reiabur..-.nt
tor the Marco Island &each Renouri8haent Project.
{' ~ ~ ~c..:- L ~
C!~t, ~ ~I'A."~ 't"l-/~ø/¡r.
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It.. "B2
TH-~_D~I,O]>EI!9L_T_HE- SA]( ~-~Q_1t~AJL!,~OJEÇ'!'_'1:Q_,O~1"AI1! RE I MB OR.S EME](T
?u.bllc Worlr.!1 Admlni<;t rdtor Archibi1ld stated that Statf is
requesting approval to utilizO? Transportation Funds, in the form of
gasoline taxes. to undertake a shortfall that is foreseen for two pro-
jects on U.S. 41 East, He needed that the Board needs to consider the
funding ot thO? shorttall tor each of the two projects as follows:
&..t .&ple. Library Project - Mr. Archibald advised that this
project involves an eastbound lett turn, westbound right turn. and
exiting acceleration turn lan~s on U.S, U which will cost approxima-
tely $85,000. He not..rI tha~ an adjacent shopping center developer
will be sharing the access. and will sub1'Jidize a majority of the cost.
He indicated that thp County's responsibility w11] be approximately
30-35\ of the cost. He 5tat~d that there is currently 510.000 in the
the project tund availabl.. to construct the turn lane, ncting that
there is a shortfall in the approximate amount of 520,000, He indi-
.::ated that Statf is recommending that the shortfall be subsidized with
gas tax revenues from Fund 313.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse. Mr. Archibald advised that the
original plan provided for a westbound right-turn lane, with a fairly
short taper lane, adding that DOT is now requiring the addition ot the
eastbound right-turn lane, and the acceleration lane.
San Marco Road Project - Mr, Archibald stated that this project is
subject to a threO? party Agreement between DCA, the FDOT. and Collier
County, tor the utilization ot State grant tunds to build a turn lane
complex and an entrance road for a development on the East Trail, He
noted that in March, 1988. two bids were received trom two contractors
and award was made. based upon utilization of grant tunds in the
aaount ot $199,999. and the utilization ot tunds provided by the deve-
loper, He stated that the project was complet....d on September 16,
1988. and payments ha~e been made to the contractor. but tinal payment
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has not been &'.;lde, since there is a shortfall be1:ween the total amount
ot the contract and the tunds received from the State, and the deve-
loper, He noted that the developer has made application to extend the
grant to include the accrued interest. He stated that Statt has been
waiting tor FDOT and DCA to siQn ott, so that the interest tunds may
be utilized, He noted that the developer wi 11 have to subsidize the
rera.aining shortt.a11 , or what the State doe" not fund, He indicated
that this process will take some time and, therefore, Staff is recom-
.ending that Fund 313 b"! utilized to pay the contractor, and tinal out
the contract, and that the gasoline dollars will be reimbursed through
development funding by the developer, or through the use of additional
grant tunds from the State,
Coaaissioner Hasse stated that it appears to be logical tor the
developer to come forward and finance this. since he is the principal
Mr, Archibald indicated that the developer has been u~able to come
forth with the tunds, noting thi'Jt this places some burden on the
County tc pay the contractor.
Co-issioner Shanahan fitated that this project was completed in
raid-Septeraber. and ne feels that the County should take care ot the
outstanding dollars owed. and move ahead to obtain reimbursement.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe. Mr. Archibald stated that the
County is currently holding intere-st on the original grant tunds ot
5199.999, and the question is whether or not th... State will approve
utilization ot the interest tor this project, or require that it be
returned to Tallahassee.
Commissioner Saunders questioned it the contract with APAC-Florida
tor roadworlc is between that company and the developer? Mr. Archibald
replied negatively. advising that the contract is be-tween Collier
County and APAC, as stipulated in the Three Party AgreeJllent. He noted
that it the County does not receive a grant, it will have cause ot
action against the developer.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he is not sympathetic toward the
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developer. sinr:e he is liable for payment of the worlc that was done.
He indicated that it the County is reimbursed by the State, that's
tine. but 1 t therew111 bl'! no r...imbursement by the State, the deve-
loper ill re,-¡pon5ib,., to p't'¡ the County bJ1lck.
Mr. Archibald stated that Staff will be following two approaches:
to pay the contractor and. at the same time. pursue the developer to
subsidize the shortfall.
County Attorney Cuyler advised that the problem is that the
County has an independO?nt contract with the road contractor. who is
lookin¡¡ to the County for payment.
Caaaissioner Hasse aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Sh8neh8n and
carried unanl80U8ly, to approve the use ot Fund 313 tor payaent ot the
ahorttall to construct turn lanes on C.S. 41 tor the ~t .apl..
LIbrary Project.
Co88issioner Shanahan 8OVed, seconded by Co..issioner Goodnight
and carr led 4/ 1 (Co..is.ioner Volpe oppo.ed) , to approve the U8e at
Fund 313 tor pa~nt ot the shorttall tor coapleted turn lane. tor the
San Marco Road Project; and Start to take laaediate legal actlon
aqa1n.at the d..,eloper, - nece.sary, to obtaln relabur..aent ot the
It.. ~B3 - Continued to 2/21/89
It.. nlU
~~~~~-=-~PRO~R______--- --- ,---
Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that Statt is recom-
mending approval of a design contract with Wi15(>O, Miller. Barton,
SoIl Er Peele. Inc, to provide engineering design services tor the six-
lanin¡¡ ot Airport Road. He indicated that the project has been deve-
loped under two phases, Phase I is 1.4 miles from Radio Road, north
to Golden Gate Parkway, adding two lanes to the existing median, and
providing tor any environmental permitting requirements. He noted
that Start is anticipating that the design will be completed within
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210 days, and construction beginning in December, 1989, which is con-
sistent with the County's Five Year Road Program. He stated that the
total dollar aMount f()r this project is $267,140. and includes tixed
costs tor the design, surveying, anct environmental permitting. He
indicated that in addition to th.... contract amount, Staff is requestlng
approval ot two set aside ¡terns: $30,000 will be needed if separate
design is required for water management permitting requirements; and
10\ change order authority. which is fairly standard. He advised that
there will be reimbursable costs: two 16" torc.... mains and water mains
that will be done tor the Cit-¡, and to be included in the project, tor
approximate design costs of $67.5'0; and a Joint Participation
Agreement with the Florida Department ot Transportation, whereby, the
County will be reimbursed a maximum of $140.000 tor this project.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse. Mr. Archibald advised that there
will be right-of-way constraints, affecting adjacent property owners,
which may not be a p06 it i',¡e.
Comaissioner Volpe questioned the phasing of the project, and
re-establishing the priorities of six-laning Airport Road between
Radio Road and U,S, '1?
Mr, Archibald stated that the priorities. as set forth in the Five
Year Work Plan. will remain in tact, noting that what is being changed
is the segment ot Airport Road from Radio Road to U.S. 41, in that,
this project will be dif terent from the phase that is being requested
for approval, He indicated that it will involve several right-ot-way
acquisitions, and it needs to be looked at in expanding trom , lanes
to 6 lanes, and an analysis to reflect future build out ot 8 lanes VB.
I) lanes. He noted that the priorities are not changing, but this pro-
ject will occur after improvements have b~en made from Radio Road
north, and the time tram"? that has been set tor this project is May,
Mr, Archibald stated that Staff will pursue a fixed tee contract
with Wilson, Miller. Barton. SoIl lit Peek, loc., to design the roadway
segment which was part of the Board ot County Commissioners' approval
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FEBRUARY 7, 1989
in 1987 tor Wilson Miller to be involved, He noted that respon-
sibilities are not being added to the design contract, but merely
having two contracts tor the design to obtain results on the roadway
as quickly as possible,
Clerk Giles stated that he does not believe. under Florida
Statutes. that the County can pay the 18\ interest penalty as con-
tained in this contract.
County Attorney Cuyl~r advised that this is a business decision,
to be determined by the Board ot County Commissioners, the County
Manager. and Staff, as to whether or not it is a good decision. He
indicated that there is nothing in the Statutes that precludes the
County from paying this,
Finance Director Yonkosky stated that in many Attorney Generals'
opinions, it detines that it it does not state you can do this. than
you aay pay interest. but noted it is a bad business decision to do
eo-i..ioner Shanahan 8OVed, .econded by Co..ie.ioner Baa.. aDd
carried unaniaoualy, to approve the ConaultlDIJ Engineering Service.
Agr....nt with Wllaon, Miller, Barton, SolI 6 Peek, Inc., tor Pha8e I
Alrport-Pulling Road aix-laning iaprove..nt. between Radio Road and
Golden Gate Parkway, deleting the 18' interest penalty, and concurrent
authorization tor Statt to co.-ence tee negotiatlona wlth a... t1ra
tor Pb.aae II .ix-lane design aervlce. between U.S. U and Radio Road.
C ~ ~~~1"II~o/it
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It.. ri85
APPR..o~D- ------------- -----------------
Public Works Administrator Archlbald stated that request is being
made to approve a design consultant agreement with Hole. Montes &.
Associates, Inc., tor the tour-laning of Immokalee Road between U.S.
41 and 1-75. He indicated that this project was originally negotiated
in two phases. but Statt is recommending that th",- agreement as pre-
sented include one phase, which will be continuous trolll U.$, 41. and
ti'? into the exiting four-laning at 1-75. He noted that the total
dollar aaount tor this project is $528,383,91. which includes the 1°'
authority ot the contracting ofticer. and a $30.000 set aside tor a
combination ot right-ot-way issues that may, or may not be necessary.
He indicated this contract is based upon hourly rates, and the tim...
fraae to provide each function.
Commissioner Volpe stated that Staff is recommending the accelera-
tion ot Road Priority '22, which is the sl!!gmp..nt of Immokalee Road bet-
ween Airport Road and 1-75. He questioned what eftect this will have
on other priorities?
Mr. Archlbald stated that the original Five Year Plan called tor
the segment from U.S. 41 to Airport Road to be under construction 10
October. 1989, He indicated that based upon combining the two pro-
jects. there is a need from the traffic standpoint to take both pro-
jects concurrently. He noted that the project from Airport Road to
U.S. 41 was originally scheduled for construction in October. 1989,
and the next project was scheduled to begin in May. 1992. and
completed in March, 1993. He indicated that request is being made tor
that pr lor ity to be changed. and to include all the work in one
contract because of the s"'-rvices and costs a'5sociated with it. He
noted that there will be sufticient revenues tram impact tees to
subsidize the $1.3 million dollars that will be addl!!d to the current
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~..loner Shanah.n 8OVed, seconded by C088l..ioner Goodnlght
and carr i ed un.an i8OUJll y, that the Publlc Works Adaini.trator be
authorlzed contract authority in the aaxiaua aaount ot $&28,383.91:
the Con8ulting !DIJ1neering Service Agreeaent with Bole, Monte. a
uaoclat.., Inc. be approved in the aaxiaua aaount of $'&3,078.28,
deleting the 18' interest penalty clause; and the Traneportation
Departaent authorized to construct 3.& al1e. ot laaokel.. Road tor
tour-lanlng iaprove_nts under a .1ngle bld lettiDIJ an award in lieu
of two pba8e8.
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FEBRUARY 7, 1989
..... !lee::..: 10:30 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:40 A.M. at which
ti.. Deputy Clerk ~enyon replaced Deputy Clerk Bottaan .....
Tape 62
Ite. .9Hl
IfAPLES AJrD BROUGHT BAC~_!'91L~IEM BY -~- BÇQ-9l'- nBR~AR¥_..1.!1 1989
County Manager Dorr111 st'!t~d th'!t the Commission's policy on
annexation has been one of an advocate and fact finding eftort. adding
that there has been an attempt not to oppose or criticize their
colleagues at the City. He noted that Staft will explain some ot the
findings and conclusions that were discovered as a result of a review
ot the doculllentation of the consultants worlc. who were engaged by the
City ot Naples. He stat~d that the County's perceived role is to
challenge the City and to ask questions on behalf of the people who
will get a chance to vote so that th'?re is '! full and public disclo-
sure of all the facts. the costs, and the service delivery intor-
Assistant County Manager McI~more out 11 ned the Start's position as
per the appended report.
Mayor Edwin J. Putzell. Jr.. City ot Naples, thanked the Board tor
the public meeting and indicated that the City of Naples is always
anxious to cooperate w 1 t h the County in matters at mutual concern, He
noted that the annexation issue was not initiat'?d by the City ot
Naples. it was initiated by a number ot citizens of the conti\11.lOUS
areas for help because ot their concerns that th~ir current daily
needs were not being met. He stated that the County is having an
extreme challenge in dl!!al ing with thl!! ~Y.plosiv'? growth. He noted that
the City had a study pertormed and brought experts in from California
to advise and educate the City because no one Icr:~w much about annexa-
tion. He indicated that after studying the issue. it was learned that
annexation is one of a number of planning tools .:snd it occurr':d to the
City that this planning too] is important in helping to maintain the
ataosphere ot the metropolitan community in whiçh everyone lives and
also important in directing and managing the growth in the areas
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FEBRUARY 7. 1989
around the Ci1.Y within their own water and sewer service areas. He
stated that there is a substantial part or this area that is now unde-
veloped and other parts are subject to PUD's. adding that the City is
most anY.iou! in participating in the future development or this area.
He stated that he is anxious and dedicat....d to have the public intormed
at the facts. He reported that sE'ver<l1 meetings have been held with
the pub 11 c in which experts on annexation have spoken as well as those
in com.unities that have suftered from not annexing, He indicated
that there have be"?n m~etin~s for over a y....ar and the City government
has also been meeting with property owners in the contiguous areas
such as Gulf Shore. High Po i nt, Poinciana Village. and the Country
Club ot Naples, as well <IS those people within the City. He indicated
that the City is portraying th"? tacts <IS th'?y se~ them, adding that
there were 25 meetings held in the month ot January and there are 24
.eetings scheduled tor the month of February in order to try and make
the tacts known, He stated that there has been questions with regards
to how much it will cost the residents in the areas to be annexed.
~otinç tlla t the largest part ot the tax bill that everyone pays will
remain, as annex<ltion w 111 not change that. He stated that the City's
part of the <ld valar"m tax th<lt everyone pays 1,; less than 10% or the
entire tax bill. He rooted that he believes that there will be no
increase in taxes tor the residpnts of the CHy of Naples, Mayor
Putzell said that they employed the Florida International University
Joint Center tor Environmental and Urban Problems, under the direction
of Dr. John DeGrove. who came up with the t 19ures that have been pre-
sented. He stated that the concern of an increase should not be
determined on taxpayers cost because it will be less than a 1\ benefit
or burden. He indicated that there are Bome large issues that have to
be resolved in this County such as zoning and the problems of density,
traffic, the environment, the quali ty or lite. and how to mailltain and
tinance these issues. He noted that the compreh"?nsive plans are wish
lists and are promises by the government. but how they are financed is
sollething that has to be considered before a sound decision can be
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FEBRUARY 7, 1989
_de with respect to annexation,
Co.aission~r Volpe questioned wha: the motivation of the City i8
in proposing the annexation, to which Mayor Putzell stated that the
environaent has to be protected and the City's laws and policies are
Coaaissioner Volpe then stated that the motivation is that it ls
perceived by the City that the City can simply do the job that the
County is presently doing. better.
Mayor Putzell stated that the citizens continue to come to the
City and ask that they be annexed into the City.
Comaissioner Volpe stated that he is left wi th the impression that
this issue is simply a beauty contest, noting that he teels that it
should be indicated where the County is going with regards to being a
provider of municipal services, He stated that the focus should be on
what the County is prepar'?d to do. what the growth management plan
ir.cludes. how the County is prepared to address deficiencies, and the
challenges that the County faces, He stated that he represents the
aajority ot the people in the area that is proposed tor annexation and
the question is how are they going to benefit from being annexed into
the City ot Naples? He stated that to this point he has not heard how
these people are going to be benetitted or what increased benetit they
will receive for their U tax increase. He stated that people have
come to him from the City and have said that they are not happy with
the level ot services that they are receiving trom the City, ~dding
that he has seen a lot of people moving from the City to the County
and not trom the County to the City,
Mayor Putzell stated that based on the pertormance of the City,
they have promised, planned, financed. and performed.
Co-issioner Shanahan questioned how many people have called
regarding annexation tram the County to the City and also questioned
why there is such a nel'!d to annex lIore property?
Mayor Putzell stated that the calls, Jetter!!!, and coaplaint. are
sufficient enough to be of concern to the City. adding that over the
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years there has been more than 100 inquiries.
Coamissioner Hasse questioned how this area was selected, to which
Mayor Putzell stated th~t the City wants to annei'. the area within its
current water '=Ind seWf"r service areas only. He stated that the water
and sewer services of the County Co~rthouse are being furnished by the
Ci ty ot Naples and lð5t we.... Ie , the City was asked to extend water ser-
vice to ~ast Maples Community Park which is outside their water ser-
vice area, He stated that the City has decided to contine the
annexation to the areas thðt receiv"? both water and sewer service,
Co_issioner Hass" qupstioned where the City gets its water from,
to whict'. Mayor Putzell replied trom the welltields in th.... ~ast County
just like the County does.
Coaaissioner Volpe stated that the report that was prepared by the
Pinance Director is a mathematical analysis ot annexation which indi-
cates that it is impossible for the City to provide the same level ot
services to the area to bp. annexed as it currently provides to its
existing citizens unless all citizens in the expðnded Citv have a
significant ad valorem t~x increase or all citizens in the expanded
City have a significant df>Creð5e in the levels of services received or
citizens in the existing City will continue with the same level of
services and the citizl"ns in the proposed annexation area will receive
a lower level of services for several year'!!,
Mayor Putzell stated that this analysis is not true and the City
is not going to have s"!cond class citizens as 1 t is colll.lllitted to
giving the same l~vel ot service to everybody in the annexed area as
the City now enjoys or w11 I enjoy in the tuture,
CoJllJllissioner Saunders stated that the level ot cooperation between
the City and the County is at an all time high level, adding that he
has had regular meetings with the Mayor and the cooperation will
continue regardless of what happens with annexation. He reported that
wi th regards to annexat10n there is a 1isagreement on some of the
facts and that is the purpos"? of this ,lIeeting, adding that the City
and the County are not to be in complete agreement on this matter, but
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the facts will be )(nown.
Mr. Prank Jones. City Manager of Naples, stated that there has
be~n discussion b~tween th"? two stafts in trying to determine it there
is a common gr'Jund to present financial data th;;,t can be used in ana-
lyzing the issues. adding that thert! is not a great discrepancy bet-
ween the point ot view that has been taken by th.. City and presented
to the public and the positiO! that the County Staff has ta)(en. He
stated that the issue is a sma 11 amount ot money that is for solDe ser-
vices that th"? City has reported will not be ini'ially made available
to County residents in the unincorporated area which pertain to solid
waste disposal service which is under franchisp.. by the County, He
stated that the ditterence computed by the County is about $55 a year
per resident tor a single-tamily home and the cJt'¡ has ac)(nowledged
that when the tranchise expires, they will be pn'pared to otter that
service. H~ stated th'3t th"? history has be"?n th.3t the City can offer
the services competitjv....ly with whatever servicp the County has
available to the people. He stated that he has not received the
report from the Finance Director. but will reply with some coDLlllents
after receipt ot sam"? He indicated that in the City's interest to
analyze the impact ot annexation on the tinances of the current resi-
dents of the city, a colllpanion report was prepar~d with the intent ot
using an economic model to analyze the tlow ot rpvenues and expen-
ditures that would come to the City, which 5how..1 that there was a
slightly positive benetit to the City during annpxation in providing
the sallie level of service to the annexation areð as is currently being
provided within the City, He stated that in ordpr to verify this
report, h~ asked each depðrtment to prepare an Ooc;t [mate of pe rsonn.....l .
equipment. and other c'3pital expenditures that they would need to
serve th~se areas in the areas ot polic"? tire pr'Jtection. community
development inspectors and planners and community services where parks
and recr~ðtion and right-ot-way maint~nance is pr'Jvlded, He indicated
that the results at these statt reports verified that the Dlodel was
correct and those services can be provided at the same level ot eftort
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FEBRUARY 7, 1989
in the annexation area as within the City. He indicated that Staff
has identitied the number ot police officers, the equipment that wl11
be needed. as well as a recruitmO'!nt program. HO'! noted that the City
has attempted to negotiate an agreement with the North Naples Fire
Control District whereby thO'! City would allow them to provide sollie
portion of the service in this area and allow them to put their equip-
.ent c:.nd personnel to good uSO'! tor which they would be compensated to
ottset any impact that annexation might initially have had on thelll.
He indicated that the City has been unsuccessful at this polnt to
negotiate such an agreement, He indicated that the City is prepared
to hire the p'?rsonn'?l that is necessary and purçhase the equipment as
well as providing facilities to provide the same level of fire protec-
tion service in this annexation area as they currently provide within
the City, He stated that at least halt the residents that are In this
area are located closer to City facilities tor fir"'- protection than
they are to County tacillties. He indicated that there is a mutual
aid agreement .in place within the City. He not'?d that with regards to
parlcs and recreation !,;f'rv1ces. the City has recently worked an
agreement with the School Board that would prov1dO'! the City with the
facilities at each of the ,,>chools that might comc into the City
through annexation, He noted that th~y are pursuing a program at th18
time fo.' those school sites. adding that he also teels that the
coop~ration between the City and the County is essential in addresslng
the very serious problems that will arise as the County continues to
grow. He indicat~d that the City r'?lies a gr~at deal on the County in
addressing the growth issues as they take place predominantly outside
the City, He stated that the City does not intend through the annexa-
tion program. to have an eftect on the County's ability to address
either the operational needs or the comprehensive plan capital lmpro-
veaent needs, adding that they would support interlocal agreements
that would eftectively allow thO'! County to address those needs.
Comaissioner Volpe questioned it the additional personnel i8 to
i.prove and provide better service to the people in the annexed areas,
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to Mhich Mr, Jones replied atfirmatively.
Mr. Lyle Richardson. Naples City Councilman, stated that annexa-
tion has b"?en brought i!bo'lt by thl'! lmmense growth in the metropolitan
area over the past few years, adding that it has caused a shortage at
services be i nç¡ furnished in the ditterent areas of the County being
collbined with a lack ot tunding sources to properly ofter the ser-
vices. He indicat~d that in 1970, the City had 12,000 people and it
grew to 20,000 by 1988 and will probably go to 22,000 in its current
ç¡eoqraphic area. He noted that the County has grown tram 38,000 in
1970 to 86.000 in 1988 and is projected to grow to 286,000 by the year
201~. He stat"?d that th"? r;¡rowth is th... hir;¡hest in the nation and
extremely ditticult to handle, adding that over the past few years the
County has sti!rted many projects and then had to stop for various
reasons, He noted that in the last tew years. the Florida State
Ler;¡islature forced both the City and County to prepare a arowth aana-
gellent plan and in that iG a dp.termination of the things that the City
should do, and the County, in order to achieve a level ot service that
Mas determined by a citizens committee of 26 people that has worked
through the Collier County Planning Commission and the Board or
County Commissioners. He stated that there is a commitment to do
these things in a five year period. He noted that the City ended up
loti th a shortage at a partial parlc which amounted to $1 million and the
County ended up with an S80 million deticiency it they followed
through with the Growth Management Plan that was presented. He indi-
cated that S28 million ot that would come trom ad valorem taxes
currently in the budge t. another $8 million will come from parlcs and
library impact tees. which leaves about $42 million to fund. He
stated that the plan for funding requires 3 reterendums tor bond
issues and it is a sizeable piece of money to be put together. He
stated that the growth management plan did not cover beach renourish-
sent or the recycling and disposition ot the remaining materials. He
noted that the City built the capacity to service the area and they
are in a rosition to handle the area without further major expen-
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FEBRUARY 7, 1989
ditures, addinc¡ that for the people in the City it will cost nothlng
and for the people in the County who are asleed to vote on the annexa-
tion, th'! cost increase will be l'!ss than a ot their tax bill, He
stated that the issue 15 simply that the City is a government en t ity
that is financially sound, able to talce on more work and is willing
to do it, He stated that it would be helptlll to the County and would
relieve the County trom some of their commitments and the dollar com-
.itaents that have been made in the growth management plan.
Co_issioner Volpe stated that within the areas that are proposed
for annexation, the County has committed about $9 million tor that
area in the Growth Management Plan and questioned if the City will
accept the respons ibil1 ty to:' those commitments and those projects
within the annexed area, to which Mr, Richardson replied aft ir-
Co_issioner Volpe questioned it the City has a mechanism tor
generating those revenues that will be required, to which Mr.
Richardson stated that the City's capital improvement prograJl. is
funded by the utility fees that the City gets and, by City Charter,
they are co_itted to use that for capital, adding that it cannot be
used tor operating,
Co..issioner Volpe questioned if it is the tranchise tees that
will tund ti.e capital programs, to which Mr, Richardson stated that it
will tund the programs that art> the City's responsibility, adding that
the road programs that make up part ot the $9 million will renain with
the County. He noted that certain County ::'oads. the County must do.
He stated that the City is willing to malce an interlocal agreement
with regards to the road programs,
Co..issioner Volpe questioned if the City has an impact tee ordi-
nance in place, to which Mr. Richardson replied negatively, adding
that when the road impact fee discussion came up, there was not a need
for that money as the Capital Improvement Program was handling the
needs and it was elected not to have such a fee.
ComJI.issioner Volpe questioned it it would be necessary tor the
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City to i.pose impact fees within the City limit!!, without annexation,
to ",hich Hr. Richardson r~p1ied negatively.
Co..ission~r Shanahan stated that the figur~s that have been
discussed are !!ti11 in dispute, adding that the people have not had
ample intormation trom the County on this matter. He indicated that
the County is obligated to provide the information to all the citizens
that "'ill be particip.ating in this election,
Mr. Richardson stated that the cost ",ill be less than 1" using
either thO'! County's figur,,"-s or the City's f igur,,"-s,
Mayor Putzell stated that when the statement was made with regards
to the a t igure. the County"S figures were being used, He stated
that with regards to the tixed tlow ot tunds for the capital improve-
lDent progrðJIIs, the City ot Naples has no general obligation debt and
no revenue bond debt except tor two enterprise funds, water and sewer,
adding that if there is a capital improvement program in the areas to
be annexed by way ot a reterendum, the City has the financial capabi-
1ity to do it through bonds .and the user fees,
Mayor Putzell indicated that County Manager Dorri11 has said IIOre
than once that Naples is a quaint little town, adding that this sean.
it is unique, He stated that the City is the business, the com.mer-
cial. the financial, cultural and educational c~nter ot the entlre
County. He stated that the City is in top tinancial condition and it
also serves water and sewer into the County well beyond the city's
borders. He noted that it is quaint in that it has the highest rated
fire department as well as having a code entorcem....nt board that enfor-
ces the City laws. Ht' stated that next month ht. expects that the City
will be the first law p..ntorcelilent body in Southwe'St Florida to achieve
national accreditation and it will then bp. one of less than 100 cities
in the United States with that standing, He stat'?d that it is also
quaint in that the Department of Natural Resources has used the City
as a model for beach access around the State as there are 3' street
endings at the beach that are paved and have parking. He noted that
the County participates in the funding ot it and in giving the citi-
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zens free parlcing permits, adding that last year the County agreed to
pay $70,000 a year in two $3!1,OOO installments. He indicated that
he is pleased to state that he has a checK tor the County tor credit
on that $3!),OOO that was collected, He indicated that it is a small
check but it shows that the City is unique in being able to run an
etfective beach parking program. He noted that the City also has a
volunteer police corp which is active and issues beach parking permits
and in turn releases the uniformed officers for other duties, He
stated that the City has landscaped lts medians and has street tree
planting programs; has a recyling program ot paper in place which is a
substantial savings to the City and the recycling program tor alumlnum
cans will go into ,.t!ect at the ..nd ot February. Also, the City has
an annual computerized road survey and maintenance program and a
budget for it, He noted that the City is also a unitied. cohesive,
coordinated government rurnishing the citizens of the area with all
the serv i ces. He stated that the City does not have an independent
tire district or law entorcement by a constitutional otficer, adding
that the City is unified under one protessional head and statf. He
noted that the developers outside the City use Haples as their address
when they run their ads on radio and TV because Naples is unique. He
stated that there has to be continued cooperation between the City anù
the County because ot areas ot mutual concern like the Gordon River
drainage basin, pollution in Naples Bay, and problems in protecting
the environment. He concluded by expressin~ his desire to cooperate,
his sincer ity in what is being done, and his conviction that it is
Commissioner Saunders stated tor the record that the check that
was received is in the amount of $2,972.00.
Commissioner Hasse stated that the City of Naples is a fine COII-
aunity but questioned it it will remain a fine community it all the
additional property is annexed?
Mayor Putzell stated that this is on/'! of the most important
planning moves and they are committed to lIIaintajning the quality of
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FEBRUARY 7. 1989
standards that they have and to extend them to the areas to be
Commissioner Shanahan stated that Naples is a nice place to live
but he would like to read som"? comml'!n~s regarding how the County
teels, He stated that the zoning regulations ot the City and the
County are comparable, adding that developments in the County under
current ordinances are equal to or better than developments in the
City. He stated that the County's new Growth Management Plan and
Comprehens i 'Je Plan are considered the model in the State and the
County's n~ development permitting systelll and unitied development
code is a lIIodel for thf'. n"lt10n, Hp indicated that the County haø
dedicated <t.n entire division of County government to the enhancement
and protection of the environment, turther noting that the County's
n~ aaended coalllercial zoning regulations will bl'! tar more restrictlve
than the City's. He indicated that over the years, the County has
developed the capacity to handle larç¡e complex development projects,
adding that the County Is developing a growth management system second
to none in the country. He indicated that the County is ç¡ocd and so
':s the City.
Mr. Albert Bayer, 1134 8th Avenue North, stated that he lives in a
worlcing man's neighborhood. He stated that he came to the lIIeetlng
this date in a neutral pos it ion unt il he read the paper regarding
questions and answers ot annexation which is a np..gative paper. He
stated that the statements are more than distortions, He indicated
that if he was a Park Shore resident, he would bl'! very careful which
way he voted.
Commissioner Volpe stated that the paper that Mr, Bayer is
referring to. are questions that were aslced and answers that were
given with regards to annexation,
Mr. Curt Boyette, representing ACTS annexation which is a new
group to tight annexation. stated that he would ask that the
Co-lesion talce a stand a<;;¡ainst annexation. He stated that he lives
in the annexed area and he has not received any information nor has
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his neighbors, He stated that the City at this polnt has not
tult illed their obligation to the people of the annexed area. He
indicated that a lot of people in the annexation Area "B" are not
homeowners and they have not received any information, He noted that
a lot of prop~rty in this area is appraisp..d at $100,000 or less and
the County has indicated that those properties are the ones that will
receive the largest tax increase, He stated that the working class
people are the ones that are going to feel the tax increase. He
stated that if annexation passes, the population will increase by 50~
which w111 be a large impact. He noted that the Sheriff's Department
w111 be handling the area of annexation until thl'! City gets their
police torce together which will mean a lack ot police protection tor
the first 6 months,
Hr, J, Sandy Scatena ot 2990 Binnacle Drive, stated that he tinds
it dHf icul t to believe that there will not b.... any increased cost to
city residents and little or no cost to residents of the new annexed
areas. He presented 18 pieces ot literature to the Board with regards
:"0 annexation.
Tape .3
Hr. Scatena referred to the impact analysis statement and the
t.1çures that would be needed for fire protection. equipment, tacil1-
ties, and personnel, noting that the information that the City has In
this statement is incorrect. He stated that with regards to pollce
protection. there has been no indication as to what the additional
cost will be or if ther"? will be the samp.. level of service. He noted
that there will have to be extra taxes because someone has to pay tor
the growth. He stated that he objects to misinformation and would
like to be assured that the people receive the correct intormation
before they vote on this issue.
Hrs. Jaclcie Burel of Golden Gate Estates stated that she has con-
cerna with regards to the annexation because it these areas are
annexed into the City, it has to aftect the rest of the people in the
County area because there will be a loss of tax revenues and the
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Coun ty will still have to maintaln the roads in the ann~xed area. She
stated that everyone is talking about the impact on the City residents
and th~ residents in the proposed areas of annexation, but she would
like to know what the impact will be on the County residents? She
stated that the Board has not talcp.n a stand on this matter and the
people in the areas that are not attected will not be able to vote on
this matter. adding that the problem that she has is that the Board 18
maintaining a neutral position, She stated that she tee18 that it is
in the best interest ot all taxpayers County-wide that th~ Board take
a stand on this issue.
..... Deputy Clerk X4nyon was replaced by Deputy Clerk
Eottaan at this ti_: 12:35 P.M. .....
Hr. Paul Dayton stated that he cannot understand the reason tor
the proposed annexation, noting that he believes the affected resi-
dents will be paying higher taxes.
Co..issioner Volpe aslced Sherift Hunter to comm~nt on his
Ottice's position regarding annexation.
Sheritf Hunter stated that he does not want to destroy the good
relationship that his office has with the City, noting that he wants
to reassure that both departments are working tog~ther. H~ indicated
that troll a professional 1 eve 1, he is prepared to worlc with the City
during the transition to provide law entorcement. at the curr~nt level
of service. He advised that he has six patrol districts, and addi-
tional aanpower is identified each year depending on growth, noting
that it there is an increase in population in a specitic district,
there would be an increase in the patrol cf that area.
Commissioner Shanahan questioned whether Sheritf Hunter feels
that the protection provided by the Sheriff's Otfice is equal or
better than the protection provided by the City?
Sheriff Hunter stated that he docs not compare his Ottice to muni-
cipalities, since he is responsible for the jail, warrants, civil ser-
vice, and civil paper service, that is mandated by the State. He
noted that his Oft ice is under a brand new adminiatration, and he
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intends to ';/0 to the people in the districts, and ask the. what level
of service they require, and tai lor law entorcement services to the
areas i.pacted by those .,ervices,
In answer to Commission....r Saunders, Sher it f Hunter replied that
there is sutticient patrol in the Park Shore area, adding that there
has been a problem with vandalism and parking after hours in certain
areas by youngsters.
Coamissioner Volpe stated that he is surprised by the number ot
residents within the colllJllunity that are concerned about thelr safety
and securit-¡,
Coaaissioner Saunder~ indicated that he belip.ves that this hearing
has been very constructive, noting that the pub lic has had an oppor-
tunity to air specitic issues, and they now are aware ot the tact that
they can turn to the County Manager and City M~nager tor information.
He added that there have been lengthy discussions comparing the City to
the County. noting that he feels that both governmental entities are
doing a good job, but there is always room for improvement. He stated
that he believes the issues that have been raised relating to tire
protection and police protection need to be loolced at.
Co-issioner Volpe stated that a ~resentation of tacts and iden-
tification of issues have been presented today, but noted at this
point, he is not ready to support the proposed annexation, based on
the intormation that has been provided.
Co_issioner Hasse indicated that he cannot say that he Is in tav-
vor of annexation. noting that he believer that the County residents,
as a whole, are satistied with County government. He stated that the
Growth Management Plan will improve the entire County.
Co_issioner Shanahan noted that many requests have been made
today requesting additional information, particularly, from the
County, He indicated that he believes that the County has an obliga-
tion to provide an intormation packet to the registered voters in the
proposed annexed area,
~..io~r Shan.~~n 8OVed, ..conded by Co_i..ioner a...., to
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RBRDARY 1, 1i89
autborlze the County Manager'. Ottlce to prlrp81'e an lntor'88tJon.al
pac: 1t.8ge, to be di.tributed by ..il, to the reglstered voter. in the
propo.ed annexed are_.
Coaaissioner Goodnight stated that as the Commissioner ot District
0, her constituants are the turthe'Jt away from the annexation problem,
with one exception. noting that there will be a reduction in tax
dollars, and her District is the one that receives the most tax
dollars from the County. and hands baclc the least amount ot tax
dollars. She indicated that she believes that when the Commisslon
reviews a new budget, services will be cu t, rather than raising taxes,
and her District will be the one to be aftected the most.
Co8.lllissioner Saunders suggested that Staff submit the intor-
lIIational package to th"? Board ot County Commissioners for review,
prior to next Tuesday's meeting, so that it can be approved or
amended. ** **SEE PAGES 2/?..;1. / - ¡4, 6 ****
Upon call tor the questlon, the aotion carried unaniaouely.
Rece.. 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.
It.. ~1
Legal notice havJng been pUblished in the Naples Daily News on
January 9. 1989, as evidenced by Attidavit of Publication t lled with
the Cleric, bids were received until 2: 30 P. M., January 20, 1989, to
consider Bid #88-1350. for the Golden Gate Community Parlc Lighted
Baseball Field.
Public Services Administrator O'Donnell advised that statt is
requesting that the Board reject Bid #88-1350, tor a Lighted Baseball
Field to be constructed at the Golden Gate Community Park. He stated
that tour bids were received, noting that the lowest bid was ~221,OOO
In excess ot the amount budgeted tor this project, lie indlcated that
Staff believes that the specifications relatinq to electrical should
be amended, and the project should be rebid.
Page 29 \ \'
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
Co8ai..ioner Shanahan 8OVed, .econded by Co..i..loner Goodnlght
and carr i ed ttna.n i8J'U81 y, to reject Bid .88-13~O; Statt directed to
8Odlty the 8P8citications, and readverti8e the bid tor constructlon at
. Regulatlon Lighted Baaeball Field at the Golden Gate CO88Unlty Park.
It- #'9<:2
Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that on June 14,
1988, the Board ot County Commissioners authorized Schmitt Design
Associates, Inc", to d~siqn the Agricultural Cent~r, He noted that
the County appropriated $7~.000 for the design work, and $200,000 has
been received from the State to be appli~d toward design and construc-
tion costs.
Mr. O'Donnell adv~s....d that the Soil and Water Conservation
District contacted h~5 otfice and requested that they be located in
the proposed building, adding that they will require 925-1,000 SF. He
indicated that since the District does not have uptront money to be
applied toward the design and construction costs of approximately
$80,000 for inclusion in the facility, Staff is proposing a 15 year
lease arrangement at 5750 per month, ;¡lus an 8' interest amount. to
recoup the County's outlay for design and con'Struction,
Co8ai..ioner Shanahan 8OVed, .econded by Co..i..loner B.... and
carried unaniaoualy, to conceptually approve the inclU81on ot the 8011
and Mater Conservation Dlstrict in the Agricultural Center, Imd Staff
to negotiate an appropriate lease, subject to revl- by the County
Attorney'. Ottlce.
It.. "Dl
3; 89-27/CMS 89-3, DISTRICT '; 89-28/CMS 89-', DISTRICT ð, AUTHOKIZI.a
~.~Q'-_,.Ç~Lq!:R ,cO~.~.\TE~::-~!;WE!t ßI~n.RlçT - ADOPTED
Assistant Utilities Administrator Arnold adv1sed that this item is
a continuing eftort by Start to obtain the necessary easements tor the
South County Çollection System, He noted that Statf has made the
Page 30 \ \"-
"""""'---' """""" ,----- """"""""" """".....-...,...,..""""
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
ettorts through Real Prop~rty, to obtain the~e ~asem~nt8 through gltt
and settleaent offer. for less than the appraised otter. He stated
that in order ~o tile a condemnation hearing in a timely fashion,
Staft 1s requesting authorlzat Jon tel proce(o'd in that direction,
Co881..1oner Shanahan aoved, .econded by Coaai.sloner Goodnight
and carr i ad unan 180U8 1 y, to adopt Resolution 89-2ð/CWS 8i-l, Dlstrlct
1, tor the acqui.ition ot ea..aent. tor the -East and South .aple.
S~tary Sew~r Sy.te.- project, and Incre... the tund1DIJ authorlz.t1on
tor th1. ettort to Sl,ððð,OOO.
~1..ioner Shanahan 8OVed, .econded by Co..l..loner Goodnlght
and carrled unani80U81y, to adopt Resolution ei-26/CWS 89-2, D18trlct
3, tor the acqui.ition ot e8888ent. tor the -East and South R.ple.
Sanitary Sewer Syste.- project, and Increaa. the tundlng authorlz.tlon
tor this ettort to Sðð,OOO.
Co88i..ioner Shanahan aovad, .econded by Co..l..ioner Goodn1ght
and carried unanillOU81y, to adopt Re.olutlon e9-27/CWS 89-3, Di.trlct
4, tor the acqui.ition ot e..eaents tor the -East and South .apl..
Sanitary Sewer Sy.t..- project, and increase the funding authoriz.tlon
tor thi. ettort to $i6,OOO.
eo...t..ioner Shanahan 8OVed, seconded by Co..i..loner Goodn1ght
and carried unani80U81y, to adopt Resolutlon ei-28/CWS 8i-4, D18trlct
ð, tor the acquisltion ot eaaeaent. tor the -East and South .&pl..
~tary Sewer Syate.- project, and lncre... the tund1DIJ authorlzat1on
tor thi. ettort to Sðð,OOO.
County Attorney Cuyler advised that because of thelr bulk, the
legal descriptions are not included in the agenda package, but they
will be included as part of the record.
- Page 31 \ 1"
""-. "'-""" ."""-".-- --
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
It.. .11A
BU1XlET Aft£AI1Jft&Jß"S 89-103-105 - ADOPTED
ec-.1..1oner B.....e 8OVed., ..con4ed by C0881..ioner Goodnlght and
c err i ed unan 180'U8l y, that Budget Aaendaent. 89-103-10&. be adopted.
It.. .118
ec:-i..loner Goodnlght 8OVed. .econded by Co..i..loner Bae- and
carried unani80'U81y, that Budget Aaend8ent Resolution 89-10 be
Page 32
-,-- -... "-."..-""..."",,.--..,......,,-
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
It.. .12.\
Commissioner Shanahan stated that request has been made by the
Marco Lutheran Church to waive the tent tees for a rummage sale to
develop funds tor Collier County. He advised that allot the monies
that are generated troll the church go to Collier County and charlties
wi thin the County.
Co..issioner Hasse questioned whether waiving ot these tees is
generally an accepted Policy?
County Manager Dorrill advised that there is not a mechanism to
waive these fees, but noted that the subject circumstances are dit-
terent. He indicated that there is usually one request per month to
waive such tees,
Co..issioner Volpe stated concerns that it these tees are walved,
a precedent will be set tor future events to ben...tit charltable orga-
nizations, He suggested that the existing ordinance be redrafted, to
exempt certain activities trolll the tees. He noted that he is not
opposed to Commissioner Shanahan's recommendation, but teels uncomfor-
table regarding precedent setting.
County Manager Dorrill noted that a zoning review and lite satety
Ins~ctions will be performed,
ec-i..ioner Sh.80n..han 8OVed, ..conded by Co..l..loner Ba.8.. and
carried 4/1 (Coaai..ioner Volpe oppo.ed) , to waive the tent t... tor
Marco Lathem Church.
eo.a.t..ioner Volpe 8OVed, 88COnded by Co..l..loner Saunders and
carrled 4/1 (C088i..loner Shanahan oppo..d), that Statt be directed to
revlew the exi.tlng ordinance. relatlng to tee. ot thl. nature, tor
poe.lble ezeaption tor certaln tunctlona.
County Manager Dorrill stated that Start will pursue the review ot
the ordinances, when the annexation issue is completed,
Co..i..ioner Goodnight 8OVed, .econded by Co..l..loner Ba.8..
and carried unanlaously, that the tollowlng ite- under the
Consent Agenda be approved and/or adopted:
Page 33
. ""-" .,.,...,,---......, .-
'-'--""'-""""'" "" '
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
It.. .1..\1
It.. .1.A2
See Pages .37- /3.1
It.. '1'A3
S~e Pages 3'7, C' I
It.. .1.A'
Se~ Pages ~__?~:¡)~L -
It.. .1 US
1. That the final plat not be recorded until the required impro-
vements have been constructed and accepted or until approved
security is received for the uncompleted improvements and
that construction shall be completed within 36 months of the
date of this approval.
2. That no certificates of occupancy be issued until a street
I ighting plan is submitted for approval by the Engineering
3. That the Utilities Performance Bond required pursuant to
Ordinance 88-76 be waiv....d (this work wi 11 be covered by main-
tenance secu,it'ý to be provided by the Developer pursuant to
Ordinance 71;-6) and that a maintenance security tor ten (10)
percent of the total cost of construction of all intrastruc-
ture improvements (water, s"'.wer, road and drainange) be pro-
vided on completion and preliminary acceptance of the project
by the County. for a period of one year.
It.. 'UA6
1. That the tinal plat not be recorded until the required impro-
vements have been constructed and accepted or until approved
security is received for the uncompleted improvements and
that construction sha 11 be completed within 36 months ot the
date of this approval.
2. That no certificates of occupancy be issued untl1 a street
lighting plan is submitted for approval by the Engineerlng
3. That the Utilities Performance Bond required pursuant to
Ordinance 88-16 be waived (this work will be covered by main-
tenance security to be provided by the Developer pursuant to
Ordinance 76-6) and that a maintenance security tor ten (10)
percent of the total cost of construction of all intrastruc-
ture improvements (water, sewer, road and drainage) be pro-
Page 3.
-- ~".""'-"'-"-""-"--- ....,,-
'-""-"-'-"""'-""- ",
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
viðeð on completion and preliminary acceptance ot the project
by the County, for a period of one year,
It.. .14.A7
See pagf>8_~2~ I - E, .3
It- #l4.Bl
It.. #UB2
It.. .14.83 Moved to It.. .9B3
It.. #1.84 - Moved to 92.
It- #1'8ð - Moved to 9Bð
It.. #UD1
See Pages ()R'~/J/.IS" ¡;~ 1¿J.,t/-/~ 7/
It.. .UE1
Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on
Deceaber 26, 1988, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with
the Clerk, biðs were received until 2:30 P.M., January 11, 1989, to
consider Bid #88-1348. for office supplies,
It.. .1.£2
or 87,020.00 IR IMMOEALEE
See Pages _.3 -,;.. ¡::: /- F, a- ---
It.. .1"'1
See Pages -:::1 7- ~ / - ~ 9
It.. #1.1'2 - Mlthdrawn
It- .1.Bl
Page 35
.. --,.- "-.,- '". ,- .. _.._----~_..-..........--..""""",-",--",,--
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
See Pages _~'1...II. /.. H. /1
It- #UBI
No. 398 Dated 01/13/89
1'10. 273 Dated 01/13/89
1'10. 260 Dated 01/13/89
Nos. 195/196 Dated 01-19/89
Ro. 16' Dated 01/19/89
It.. '1412
DTJt.A G.A..I. TlKE FOR IRMATE ROS. 60133. 34010, U107, 52tH1, 35895,
34101, 46920, 411541, JUVUILE, 38682, 54417, 433153, 1581561 , 52098
It.. #141
The following correspondence was tiled and/or referred as indi-
cated below,
1. Letter dated 01/23/89 trom Paul R. BradRhaw, Director,
Division of Resource Plannin9 and Management, Florida
Department of Community Affairs, to BCC Chairman. advising
that the County's application for reserve tunds under the
1988-89 Local Govprnment Comprehensive Panning Assistance
Pr09ram was not approved for funding, xc Neil Dorr ill, Tom
Olliff, Charles Gauthier and filed.
2, Letter dated 01/20/89 from Thomas G, Pelham, Secretary, DCA,
enclosing agenda tor February 21. 1989, Small Cities
Community Development Block Grant Applicant Workshop. xc
He il Dorr111. Bi 11 Lorenz and filed.
3, Memo dated 01/23/89 to Local Government Oft icials from
John S. Shearer, Assistant Secretary, DER, re Federal
Stormwater and copy ot Federal Register Part III, EPA.
Letter only reterred to Neil Dorrill, Bi 11 Lorenz and t l1ed.
" Memo dated 01/24/89 from Don W. Berryhill, P. E., Chiet,
Bureau Local Government Wastewater Financial Assistance,
DER, re FY 1990 Priority List for Wastewater Fianancial
Assistance. xc Neil Dorrill. Tom Crandall and tiled.
5, Letter dated 01/19/89 to BCC trom John I. Bailey, Land
Management Specialist, Bureau of Submerged Lands Management,
DNR. re DNR Lease No, 11053'215, Lessee: BCC. xc George
Archibald, Kevin O'Donnell, Clitt Crawtord and tiled.
Page 36 (II
,.. ......"......-..---....""....--
FEBRUARY 7. 1989
6. Memo dated 11/18/88 tro~ HRS Collier County Public Health
Unit and annual report for 1987. Filed,
7. Minut...s:
A. CC?C Agenda of 02/02/89 and Minutes of 01/05/89 and
B. Solid Wastp Management Advi~ory Co~m1ttee Minutes ot
06/02/88, 06/08/88, 06/23/88, 07/13/88 and 07/27/88.
C. 02/14/89 ~olden Gate Parkway Beautification Advisory
Committe"? agenda and Minutes of 01/10/89,
8, :.ot 1ce trom Katie Tucker, Executive Dir~ctor, Department ot
Revenue, re Distribution of Constitutional and County
Gasoline &: Spec1al Fuel Tax collected during December, 1988
w1 th 2 checks. Peterr"?d to Joe Warren with checks and tiled.
~. Memo dated 01/23/89 from 1', H. Treadway, Jr., Deputy Director,
::Jiv1sion ot Ad Valorem Tax, Department of R....venue, with an
...:?dated Florida ;)ept. of Revenue approvpd Bidder's List,
....ft"?ctive 0¡¡0¡¡89. xc Neil DorrilL Steve Carnell and f !led.
10. Letter dated 01/23/89 to BCC Chairman f,om Kenneth R.
Hakanson, Division Manager, Sewe 11. Todd Iir Broxton, Inc., re
File No, 82646-068. 11/22/88, JoReph Abbott. et aI, xc Neil
Dorrill, Leo Och'9, Ken Cuyler and fil....d.
11. Copy of letter dated 01/11/89 to Mr, Charlie Green, Lee
County Clerk of Court'9, to Bce Chairman re Grant-In-Aid
Agreement. Piled.
12, Letter dated 01/16/89 from Daniel J. Mi'5cho, Con'trol1er.
SWFRPC and a copy of their annual C,P.A. audit. Referred
to BCC and filed,
13. ..etter dated 01/25/89 to BCC from G, W. James, III, Vice
President, T. L, James Er Co., requestinr¡ an invitation to bid
on dredging work for beach renourishment. xc Neil Dorr!ll.
Steve Carnell, Harry Huber and filed.
There being no further business tor the Good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order ot the Chair - Time: 1:25 P.M.
ArT~T""';;"';. ~
J~ . 'C. GILE~((~L£RK ,
~ '£... ..:~ 0 'BURT L, SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN
.~~. C
',The I'l.nute~ approv~d by the Board o~~7 pl.! / ? /J'
as pr.,en,t,ed ~ or a., corrected
Page 37 s6?
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