Agenda 04/08/2014 Item # 4F4/8/2014 4.F.
WHEREAS, every child in our community of Nap /es in Collier County is a precious gift, fu// of
promise and potential, and
WHEREAS, child abuse and neglect is a serious problem in Collier and across our nation, and
WHEREAS, child maltreatment occurs when people find themselves in stressful situations,
without community resources, and don't know how to cope; and
WHEREAS, preventing child abuse and neglect is a community problem that depends on shared
involvement among people throughout the community and organizations such as
Youth Haven, whose programs provide immediate protection of suffering children,
support and information to families as well as community awareness; and
WHEREAS, child abuse and neglect not only directly harm children, but also increase the
likelihood of criminal behavior, substance abuse, health problems, and risky
behavior; and
WHEREAS, a// citizens of Collier County should become involved in supporting families in raising
their children in a safe, stable, nurturing environment; and
WHEREAS, calls this observance to the attention of all in our community to increase their
participation in our efforts to support r'ami/ies, thereby preventing child abuse and
strengthening the communities in which we live; and
WHEREAS, children are our most precious .resource with bright and hopeful futures one Yout%
Haven is committed to keeping the children who live in our community safe and
NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners
of Collier County, Florida, that April be designated as
DONE AND ORDERED THIS e Day of Aprit 2014.
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 4.4.F.
4/8/2014 4. F.
Item Summary: Proclamation to designate the month of April 2014 as Child Abuse
Awareness Month to be accepted by Jinx Liggett, Youth Haven Executive Director. Sponsored
by the Board of County Commissioners.
Meeting Date: 4/8/2014
Prepared By
Name: SmithCamden
Title: Executive Coordinator to Commissioner,
3/27/2014 1:18:04 PM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Coordinator to Commissioner,
Name: SmithCamden
3/27/2014 1:18:06 PM
Approved By
Name: DurhamTim
Title: Executive Manager of Corp Business Ops.
Date: 3/28/2014 8:05:48 AM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney,
Date: 3/31/2014 8:24:2' ) AM
Narne: I SaCksonM arl,
Title: Director -Corp Financial and Mngmt Svs. Office of Management K Budget
Date: 331/2014 9:22:27 AM
Name: DurhamTim
Title: Executive Manager of Corp Business Ops,
Date: 3/31/2014 2:16:48 PM
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