BCC Minutes 02/21/1989 R
Naples, Florida. February 21. 1989
LE7 17 BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met or: this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSIOR in Building
"F" of the Government Complex. East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders
(Arrived at 9: 10 A. M. )
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Richard S. Shanahan
Michael J. Volpe
An:1.e Goodnight
ALSO PRES;:NT: James C. Giles. Clerk; John Yonkosky. Finance
Director; Ellie Hoffman and Maureen Kenyon. Deputy Clerks; Neil
Dorr i 11, County '1anager; ¡;'on McLemore, Assistant County Manager;
Tom Olliff, Acting Community Development Administrator; Ken Cuyler,
County Attorney; Tom Crandall. Utilities Administrator; Leo Ochs,
Administrative Services Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental
Services Administrator; George Archibald. Public Works Administrator;
Harry Huber, Assistant Public Works Administrator; Jay Reardon,
Emergency Services Administrator; Nancy Israelson. Administrative
Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Torr Storrar. Sheriff's Office.
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FEBRUARY 21, 1989
I~- n
MDDA »PbPlau WIn t'!W&.8I2W.
ec-i..laDU' ~~D 8O'Y'84, eecODdoe4 by ec-i_l00e1' CiIoOdI1lght
aDd C&1'1' led 4- I r (CO8&1ar.l0D8r Saunðer. DOt p1'88811.t), that the egeDda
be *t1PJ."Owe4 wlth the following change.:
A. Item 9Al to be heard at 9:30 A.M.
b. Item l4Cl moved to 9Cl - Authorize a budget amendment in the
amount ot $81,000 tor furniture tor the Environmental Health
Services to be located at the new Development Services
Building. (Requested by Commissioner Saunders)
c. Delete Item 14&3 - Recommend~tion to award contract tor pre-
paration ot real estate appraisals, in support ot right-ot-
way acquisition on County Road C-9ðl (trom U.S. 41 north to
Rattlesnake Hammock Road) to Donald R. Johnson, P.A.
(Requested by Leo Ochs, Administrative Services)
JII.-uTa CW Juu.uT 31. AD nROAn 1. 1'" - Arnwvau
ec-1_1cme1' ~.Þ-ua ~. eec0D4ed. by CO8aJ_IOD8r 800dD.1gh~
aDd C&1'1' 1 ed 4- I 0 (ec-.1..10D8r Satm4ar. not pl'888Dt), that the aJ.m¡ ~..
at JIU1U8rY 31, IS". Regular ...ting IID4 "ebruary 1, 1 ,.., llegular
... t 1Dg be approved. .. pre88II. tad.
I'ttOCI MUnOS D88IaArlJlG J'KRUlft 23, 24-, AD 25, 1"., .... .~..;c -
~ T8 . - A.DOPRJ)
Commissioner Hasse presente~ disabled American Veterans Ernie
Raziol0, Bob Techner, and Ron Masis a proçlamation, designating
February 23, 24, and 20, 1989 as "Forget Me not Days".
Mr. Techner stated that the Disabled American Veterans of Chapter
117, appreciate the Board ot County Commissioners' recognition. He
noted that many veterans in Florida are neglected.
Opcm 1'911"iQl at the pz'\?Cl.-t:1011, Co8a1_1cmer ~1.gh~ 8D984,
88G~ b'f ec-1_1cmer Ithaft",b,.om 8Dd carrled 6/0 (ec-i..l00er
8.,'" ""r. JIOt: pr888J1t), that: tb8 procl...UOl1 be 8dopt8cS.
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It- ...1
~C8 '--H, ~~ TO AOQVZ8Iß08 ~ 10 n8a........ ~""'I_.-x-
.œ ~ 1'0 ucu.a IoUIo aT 8D"'r, ~ CIa o--...-rAß08 - .&DO..~.., Io8J)
"An' D~-t541 1'0 r'\I..ur; 0'n:D ALt'DJIA1'tVU roa .IOOVDD8 In....~.
Public ~orks Adainistrator Archibald .tated that this ite. relate.
to drainage out tall tor Poinci~na Village and surrounding area.. He
noted that in June, 1987, the Board ot County Co..is.ioner. directed
Stat t to pursue the purchase ot ease..nt., in the aaount ot 82,1500,
tor the purpose ot providing outfall to Poinciana. consi.ting of 4215
{" t ..10D8r' ~1'8 arrlY8d.t ~z10 10...
Mr. Archibald .tated that he had a .eeting with property owner.
uhich proved po1itive and ~ould allow the County to ..intain the
exieting ditch in the ease.ent area, but for one rea.on or another, he
ha. not been able to purchase the right-of-way. He noted that the
exi.ting ditch needs to be widened, and the .ide slope. need to be
changed to iaprove the capacity ot outtall. He advi.eu that .ince he
has not been able to purcha.e the.e ea.e.ent., Start i. reco_ending
condeanation ot subject properties, and he is requesting authorization
to proceed in obtaining apprai.~l. ot .....
Coaai..ioner Has.e .tated that he was under the iapre..ion that
Milson, Miller, hrton. 5011 & Peek, Inc. we. going to a.si.t the
County w1th the acquisition ot the easeme:')t on the southwest corner of
hiley Lane.
Mr. Archi balL! indicated that he does not believe there is . defi-
nite co..itaent in the PUD docuaents. He .tated that a nuaber of
property owner. are proposing to develop north ot Poinciana Village,
and do have a need to a..ure that the positive outfall 18 available to
Poinciana Village, as well as their developaents.
Co..i..ioner Shanahan stated that it there 18 to b. growth north
ot Poinciana. acquiring the two subject parcels 1s only part ot the
Job that will be required. He .tated that it see.. that it would be
acre appropriate to go acros.. the canal, and dig to a width that would
provide th., outfall that is required tor the entire are., instead of
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PEBRUARY 21, 1989
acquiring the two properties in que.tion.
Mr. Archibald .tated that Staft is concentrating on the exi.tlng
ditch, noting that there are ea...ent. to the .outh that provide a
connection to the Gordon Rlver. Be noted that the ea.e.ent. to the
.outh, a. well as those north ot Poinciana, dictate the capaclty that
dev.lop.ents to the north will be lieited to. Be indicated that at
this point in tiee, Statf i. atte8pting to obtain an ea...ent to
enaure that tho.e control. continue through two parcel. ot prop.rty
.outh of Poinciana Village, and north of an exi.ting ea.ement that the
Coun ty own.. Be noted that the lea.t expen~ive route to take is to
l1.it the condeanation to two owner., and to where the ditch ls
currsntly existing.
Co..issioner Shanahan noted that ~ fairway fro. the Royal
Poinciana Golf Course will be running along side the ditch of the two
aubject parcels, and not.d that it ..e.. it would be ea.ier for the
other property owners to conde.cend, and dedicate or .ell their pro-
pertie., In.tead of ~nly two property owners, adding that thls w111
protect future den.ity.
Mr. Archibald indicated that if all that is required i. the
existing ditch and ieproveaent. which are li.ited to 30', there is no
driving force to get a third party involved. He noted that it the
right.-of-way were to b. donated, at no cost to the County, it would
be favorable to talk with the appropriate owners, but if a cost 18
involved, it gives credence to the idea to 11.it this to the 30' on
the two 8Ubj~ct parcels.
Co8a.1_iGD8Z' Volpe 8G'ftd, 88C.. ".,ie4 by ~ t .. ic1aer ~ ~ gh t, to
8Idopt t:M .....l. t 100 ~ tbor 18 !Jag the 8Cq1L1.1 t 1oa at the dr8 t......
.T. It t~ the Po1Ac:18Da &re8 by gUt, pIZ"Ch888 or 0 ," .. 1 .at 1oa.
Mr. !lhanon Coebe stated ~hat he i. not opposing the acquisition
ot the ea.e.ent, but noted that he concur. with Co..1..10ner Shanahan,
1n tha t it .hould be done right. He indicated that the subdivision
was bui 1 t 1n 1967-158, and the golf course. were bu11t fro. 1970-17.
notlng that the entire river ba.in wa. filled. He noted that the golf
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cour.e i. cau.ing the proble., adding that he is willing to give up
hi. part ot the ea.e.en t. but teal. that the golt course should do the
.e_. Be indicated that ~he acqui.ition ot the two ea.e.ent. will not
801ve the proble..
I n &n8W1I I' to Co..i..ioner Haa.e. Mr. Archibald .tated that the two
subject piece. ot property are being oftered to the County with cer-
tain cornU t ionJI. noting that it the County cannot ..et tho.. con-
dition.. the alternative ot condeanation is be ing requested.
Mr. Archibald .tated that in past year. the biggest proble. wa.
the location of fences. which collect debris and slow down the water.
He noted that the 30' will provide tor the current need of a 11-10 year
.tor. event.
Co..i..ioner Shanahan questioned whether atte.pt. have been .ade
to acquire other ease.ent. on the other .ide ot the canal?
Mr. Archibald replied attiraatively, noting that he he. contacted
repre..ntative. of the Royal Poinciana Golt Club, and they indicated
that their existing tence line does provide tor a butter. Be advi.ed
that Start is looking at ~ he relocation ot the tenco line to acco.-
8Odate the right-ot-way on the golt cour.e .ide, noting that the cost
ot acquiring 30' on one .ide v.. the ("oet ot acquiring the nuaber ot
teet on both .ide., and the cost ot encroaching and relocating i.pro-
ve-nt. that the golf cour.e has already installed.
County Manager Dorrill stated that the Poinciana Civic A.sociation
i. .upporting the Mayor'. ann.xati~n prograa, and the County need. to
.how .088 .ove.ent to solve one ot the two proble.s. He noted that
this area i. within a large drainage basin which 1'110. north fro.
Golden Gate Parkway to Pine Rid~e Road, and under Pine Ridge Road to
the Indu.trial Park. He indicated that a growth .anage.ent project 1.
prQ9r...ed to re.pond to the entire drainage ba.in that runs .everal
.ile. north becween Goodlette Road and Airport Road. Re noted that
there i. nothing presented today which .tates that the acquisition ot
this e..e-nt i. .ufticient to provide the outtall tor the entire
drainage "a.in. He noted that the .econd proble. is recognizing the
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historical drainage proble. in the Poinciana Subdivi8ion, and the two
co..unitiea to the north on Coach House Lane a~d Bailey Lane. He
stated that tbia will be an i.prove.ent to that çarticular proble..
He indicat~~ that the acquisition ot this eaae.ant has languished
since the .uaaer ot 1987, and his ottice and the County Attorney's
ottice has been pursuing this to eðet th~ Board ot County
Co..lasioners I co..it.ent. to the Poinciana SubdivisIon, and the other
coaaunitiea. H. noted that the Co..lasion needs to .ove on this it..,
to authorize Statt to acquire the ease.ent through gitt, purcha.8e, or
e.inent do-in, noting that it will send a good aignal to the two
existing aubdiviaiona with proble.., aa well.. other property owner.
in the entire b..ln.
Mr. Karl Hodges stated that he ottered his eas..ent to the County
several year a ago, but nothing wa. ever done about it. He noted that
prior to that he requested that the canal be cleaned up, and he
received no ayapathy, adding that he paid tor the canal to be cleaned
up. He noted that the County aurveye~ his property and when it was
staked out he noticed that the canal wa. eroding beyond the 30' into
bb yard. Be advised that he ottered the ea.e.ent to the County, 1t
it would atabilize the bank. He noted ~hat he was told that this
could not be done. He stated he teela the aa.e a. Mr. Co.bs does. in
that, why should they donate the entire 30', it there is a po..ibility
that the adjoining property owner could glve halt ot thi.?
Coaaisaioner Volpe questioned the ti.~ng ot the proposed acquisi-
County Attorney Cuyler stated that Statt wl11 continue to talk
with the property owners re)ating to gitt or purch..e. but hi. ottice
will proceed with condeanation, and any necessary appraise!. tor the
property. Be noted that the setting ot a he.ring will take tro. 2-3
8On the.
Co..i.aioner Shanahan at.ted that it .ppears that the golf cour..
will continue to tlood out, and he teela that Statt should continue to
puraue th~ eaae.ent on the other aide, .. well. He noted that both
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property owner. have ottered to cooperate with the County, and the
only thing that they have requested i. that the property owner. on
the other side cooperate.
County Manager Oorrill advised that he teels the County i. obll-
gated to de that. He indicated that a. a result ot the Coap Plan,
Start is obligated to aggre.sL,ely pursue the additional ea.e..nt. and
drainage outtall tor the entire basin. He noted that environaental
peralta -y be required, and the weir structure a.y need to be relo-
~..i~ Yolpe ~ Júa 8Crt 1011 to 1Jac 1 að8 tM t . tat' f be
tirec~ q ~JU other alt:~1... tar the eoquJ.81~1OG ot .......
-t:.. ~t..1C18WI' 8004n1ght ~ad the ""'17lnt. IIZIð the 8Ot:1aIa
~1e4 -1-....17.
County Attorney Cuyler requested that Hr. Archibald tollow up with
Mr. Bodges regarding the stabilization ot the bank.
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FEBRUARY 21, 1i8¡
Xu. MAl
c.&a'XY& ~ % ...., ... ....u.-rxC8 C-...ac, DA VII) [U I - ¡.¡~ 8In'.I.L
-uft ~.-, aJIiQV-IJ.,88 ~% 'lO OO8IUoA.-t A CADYV;U. .... ..--œr.r
21-a.r 1"', A% V.I. 41 A8D DAVIS 8OULIN&aD - Un.uy..., 87ft
OC8DtnG8I , MI) ~"" X' J 8OIID MIVQ)
Acting Coaaunity Development Administrator Olliff .tated that this
ita. was continued fro. last ~.ek's agenda. He noted that David
Lawrence Mental Health Center is requesting a carnival per. it , and
waiver of the surety bond, tor a carnival to be held fro. February 21
through February 26, 1989, on East 0.5. U, southeast ot the inter.ec-
tion of Davi. Boulevard and 0.5. U.
Co..i..ioner Saunders advised that th18 ita. wa. continued tro.
last week due to a 2/2 vote constituting no action.
Co..ission~r Hasse noted that hi. concerns relate to trattic pro-
ble.. in this area, and co.plaints that he has received that the car-
nival wae being put up over ':he weekend, without the required per.it.
Mr. George Frazer, repre.enting David Lawrence Mental Health
Center, stated that there see.. to be a .isunderstanding. He indi-
cated that attar the .eating lapt week, he wa. under the i.pres.ion
that the carnival could be set up, and ready tor operation by 0:00
P.M. on February 21, 1989, H the per.it was approved. He n.....ted that
the carnival W88 not open to the public, and the intent was not to do
anything 111egal.
Co..i.sioner Saunders noted for the rocord that he advised Mr.
Frazer that a 2/2 vote resulted in no action, and the reque.t tor the
carnival per.it would be continued until this week. He advis1d that
he told Mr. Frazer it the carnival was to be set up prior to the
approval of the per.it, it wculd be done at his own risk.
Co~ty Attorney Cuyler advised ot the reconsideration ordinance,
but .ince thi~ petition was continuúd due to a 2/2 vote, it wa. the
conaenau. that it doe. not apply, eince there wa. no action taken.
Co..ls.ioner Shanahan stated that he received several call. fro.
di.tre..ed per.on. noting that the carnival will be opened at 5:00
P.M., when tratfic i. already heavy at this intersection. He
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que.tioned whether conaideration could be given to changing the hour.
ot operation to begin at 6:00 P.M.?
Mr. Fr¿zer .tated that he looked at the trattic and conatruction
.ituation at this inter.ection, noting that con8truction i. ba.ically
coapleted. He noted that there will be parking on both ends of the
carnival site, and a parking lot attendant haa been hired to direct
trattic oft the road and into the parking area. He indicated that Lt.
Reily of the Collier County Sheriff'. Office ha. agreed to additional
road deputies, if they are required.
County Manager Dorri11 stated that since there see.. to be con-
cerna relating to the traffic proble.., he i. sugge.ting that .. a
condition to the carnival per.it, that the Co..is.ion authorize hi. to
use diacretion in taking action regarding additional road patrol offi-
cer., if needed.
Co..i..ioner Volpe questioned the waiver of the surety bond?
Mr. Olliff indicated that the .urety is required to ensure clean-
up at tel' the carnival has taken place. He noted that .ince the car-
nival i. sponsored by a local group, they are requesting waiver of the
surety bond.
County Manager Dorrill advised that a waiver has been granted to
the Frontier Day. and Ever71ades Seatood Festival.
C- t -.loaer ~ t gh t 8G"'rGd, .-c-~ bot' C- 1 ..1.aDer m.--t... ,
to ... J. - y .. u.. C&I'1Ú Y8..l pera1 t I'*¡'Q88 t ad tJIIIf Din' 14 r........... ilia tal
II8&.lUa 0eaUz', wlt1a the I:aoar8 at oper.tlOD for 'I"ao88d8y, 118('-1I1S87 8ad
. ~ M1A8 .zOO P.II. - 11:00 P.II. 8Dd the ..abtD4 boa. be 1Jag
thoee ...1tr1...lly ........tad: 8D4 that the CoImty .......... 18 to be
~I r, .i~1e fer cw.J.".1Dg 8d8q8.at. police patrol pro~8C1:1aG. IIrrt 1oD
carrJ.8A a/I (0a8a1_1CÐ8ra' ..... 8Dd Yolpe oP\io..4).
"' '--,--<..--...-.-
FEBRUARY 21. 1989
..... AIK T T I 10lOS A.M. - a.o-w~~1 10118 A.M. at ~cb
U- Dt.~ty Cla1t It8ayaIa replaced Depaty Clerlt 1Io1t-. .....
-~'I" - ~ IJI '!'D ...xurr aJ' . ., , 000 J'Oa ITVaJI .( 'twI& J'Oa 'I'D
..... 1 ~ 8AL ft 8DYI CD '1'0 - LOC.\ 'RZ) A1' '!'D .. I8Vn '~I 116
8aYIC88 ~ - A.rr8UYAU A'1I) eou.~1 ID.~~ DI.Jtkn;au '1'0 '-X.-I-
D' !Sa .-.&.x- 8i8:IIULI) - L&A8ZD '1'0 'I'D rlAft C8. D' n 88)ULD - All
I»-Ja:8 Ou. ~X .( 011
County Manager Dorrill stated that this ita. was re.oved tro. the
Consent Agenda and is a reco..endation to acquire, tor the portion ot
the Coun~ Health Depart.ent, ottice turniture consistent with the
balance ot the turniture and wall units that have been purchased tor
that particular section. He noted that the activitie. ot this depart-
-nt involves .eptic tank ~r.its. re.taurant tood e.tabli.haent per-
.its and the like. He indicated that the County has an obligation to
provide the space and the reco..endation i. tor the County to acquire
and own the wall units and the turniture required tor this section.
He .tated that he i. reco..ending that the tunds be transterred troa
re.erves .. this is a General Fund related agency.
Co..issioner Saunders stated th4t he asked tor this to be re.oved
tro. the con.ent agenda tor a turther explanation. adding thAt he doe.
not have any proble. with this ite..
C088i..ioner Vol~ questioned what the $81,000 repre.ent., where
it coae. tro. and what it is tor?
County Manager Dorrill stated that the turniture and deaountable
wall partitions selection was &ade prior to the new Coamis.ion being
.eated, adding that there wa. al.o tloor covering that W88 bid. He
.tated that in order to .eet the .chedule with the contractor tor the
building it was decided to us. the car~t .quare.. but betore the
carpet i. purchased tor th~ new Courthouse and the new Health Service.
8uilding, hi. reco..endation to the pre.ent board was that the car-
peting be re-bid tor the 8QUares as well as broadlooa roll carpet.
8e stated that they are in the proce.. ot doing this. 8e indicated
that all other departaents that will be in this building are paying
tor their own turniture de~nding on which tund they are in. adding
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FEBRUARY 21, 1989
that Co-.unity Develop.ent Depart.ent ie purcha.ing their cwn tur-
niture and wall partition. fro. the Coaaunity Developeent Fund and the
Utility Divi8ion i8 purcha.ing their own furniture and wall partitions
fro. the Utility Divi8ion Fund. He indicated that the balance ot the
departaents that are in this building are purcha.ing their own, al.o.
and the one exception i. the Health Unit Depart.ent. Be noted that
the &8aociated coat is 887,000 tor the partitions a. well a. the aodu-
lar type Steelca.e furniture. Be indicated that they do not have
aoney within their budget to acquire this type ot turniture, adding
that they receive their support tro. the County's General Fund and he
i. reco...nding that thh fund pay tor their portion ot the turnitura.
but that it reaain on the County's pr?perty list in ter.. ot the
Co..iesioner Shanahan que.tioned what will happen with the tur-
niture that i. existing that i. ineo.patible and deteriorating, to
wh1eh Coanty Manager Dorrill 8tated that this furniture ie usually
offered to other County agencie. and other governaental agencie. and
if neither ot the two agencies want it, then it i8 .old at the
County'. annual auction. He indicated that 80.. ot the furniture i.
in poor corAition, but it there is .o.e furniture that can ~ acquired
USUAlly other depart.ent. acquire it i_ed1ately.
Clerk Gile8 .tated that this i8 State property that the Bealth
Unit currently he. and the County Manager i. saying ~hat he will .all
this furniture tor 8urplu.. He noted that t~e County .ub.idize. the
County Health Departaent and rather than the County directly Juying
this turniture. it would &ake .ore .en.e to transfer it to the County
Health Unit Tru.t Fund to gain aatching contribution. fro. the State,
or credit.
County Manager Dorrill .tated that it he. been hi. intention to
taka credit tor this purcha.e and apply it to the funding .echani.. a.
a contribution .0 that the County get. cred1t tor additional .upport
ot tM Lo.~al Be.l th Uni t..
Clerk aile. .tated that unle.. the c&8h 1. actually tranaterred,
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FEBRUAJrl 21, l~U
he doe. cot ~ heM the County can gain credit tro. the State tor
this furniture.
County Manager Oorrill stated that In ter.. ot the budget proce..
and tbie annual support, he intend. to take credit tor this type ot
purcha.e in-aid ot the County Health Unit.
Co..issioner Shanahan questioned it there is a pos.ibility at any
State lunda or aatchlng fund. to help the County, to whlch County
Manager Oorrill replied negatively.
C' i ..1oIa8r --~ 1ID9'8C, 8M r- "'-4 by ec-.1-1oIa8r ......, tJaa't
. "'-', t '.1 ~ II t 1D the ~t ot '.',000 tor tunaJ. tU'8 f~ the
8DY1J: tal JIoMlth 8erYl088 to be 1oc:ated at the D8W ""'.loI t
8erYs... ..U..Jav be --.."',"~-4.
eo..i..ioner Volpe que.tioned it the County can be as.ured ot
receivin<¡ credit tOt. this turniture, to which County Manager Oorrill
.tated that this is not 80aething that needs State approval. Be
etatad that it the County has to pay tor it, he wants i t to be a
County asset and on the County property list.
CO..i8.ioner Volpe questioned it it reaains County property, can
the County lea.e that property back to the State, to which County
Manager Oorrill .tated that the County has an obligation to provide
the physical apace building requir...nt8 tor and in-aid ot th~ County
Health Unit and in addition, to direct cash sub8idy, there is a tor-
aula that give. the County credit tor contri~ìtiona in-aid and support
ot the Local Health Unit. He stated that he is intending tor this
purcha.e to be shown a. one ot the contributions in-aid ot the Local
Health Unit.
Clerk ail.. .tated that the County does not have an obligation to
provlde turniture, adding that he would also que.tion it the State
ehould rent this furniture 80 that the County can get eo.e State
dollars back toward eub8idizing the operations.
County Manager Dorrill stated that h. does not have any proble.
with incorporating as part of the aoticn that within the current
year'e budget process, that this transaction be shown a. a County sub-
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.idy tor which next year'. State fund. ~ould then apply.
~ 4..1~ ~ ", II b.1. 8Ot 1aG to 1J:w: 1-- tb8 .". I lilt
- t~t~ .., OG8Dty -..,.r Dorrl11. ec-1_1oaer"", 'M
bJ.a .u .A.
Co8ai..ioner Goodnight questioned if a rent agree.ent would hurt
the County with regard. to an in-kind contribution? She noted that
there are .ervi~es with regards to eental health that the County i.
contributinq and ahe would like to be able to add this 887,000 to
County Manager Dor:ill stated that a. it relates to the
Environaental aealth Section, he would be inclined to reply negaU-
vely, but this ia .oa.thing that he would have to explore.
eo..ia.ioner Saunders .tated that he would suggest that the budget
eaendaent be approved and that the County Manager be directed to
detereine it the furniture should be leased to the Stat. or it it
should be an in-kind contribution and what would be the beat way to
get the aoat credit back fro. the State in teras of that contribution.
Clerk Oiles .tated that if the County rents this furniture to the
State next y.ar and then the County returns it to thee in additional
"baidie., then the County 18 generating aatching dollar. fro. the
Stat. that the County would not otherwise have and a auch stronger
aatching contributIon would be deaonstrated tro. the County.
Co_ie.ioner Saunders stated that the purpose of hi. etate.ent i.
that this ia not so.ething that can be r.~olv.d at this point and the
County Manager needs to look into the aatter.
Co..iaaioner Shanahan stated that the intent of aaending the
aotion.&8 to try and aaxieize the return that the County could get.
Be stated that it th.re ia any aoney available troe the State, the
County .hould try and obtain i t.
ØIIaa 0&11 t 01' ÜII8 ~ 1aG - TJ ~, the 80 t lOG C81"1' 184 WD8IL1-
It8a "'1
~ .., . a.- .. """.-h._A. all !'D 8CO'l'II n.r.IDA a2'D III\~" ~
øx.J.IO't ..- ~ n"ow ~n08
Page 13 ;4
- .-----..,.
FEBRUARY 21, 1ia¡
Utilitie. Adaini.trator Crandall .tated that th18 i. a progre..
report on the .orth County water aain .y_te. which we. reque.ted last
Noveaber becauae at that tiae, low pressure proble.. were being
e~rienced. He noted that the 30 inch a,1d 36 inch water aains have
been turned en and the installation ot the 16 inch water aain has been
coapleted through Bonita Shore., Little Hickory Shore. to Bonita Beach
Road. ~e stated that with the exception ot so.. punch li.t ite.. and
dre.s-up ite.., that line i- ettectively activated. He .tated that
they d1d so- tlow testing and it has been continuously done .ince
.ove.ber and the reaul t. are included in the executive .uaaary. He
noted that there is . aarked iaprove.1tnt in the tire t lows that are
available tor that area, adding that they have exceeded the projected
tire flow that they originally thought they would have. H. noted that
be i. pleased with the result.. He .tated that there are adequate
t Iowa available to Lely Baretoot Beach it there i. a tire deaand. Se
.tate-d that currently the County i8 under water restrictions and,
therefore, the water pre.sure out ot the Regional Treat_nt Plant is
lowered, but upon deJULnd, the pres.ure can be increa.ed to 18 pound.
pe r equar e 1nch or higher out ot th4 plant and supply the t lowe that
are projected in the executive .uaaary. He noted that a. developaent
occurs 1n this are., the pressure w111 reduce and the iaprove..nt.
that have been conte.plated along Bonita Beach Road, like the 14, inch
water 88in and the boo.ter puap, Kill .till be required. He .tated
that this i- being pur.ued under a change order with T.A. For_berg and
w111 be coaing back to the Board in the next t- weeke.
Co..i..loner Shanahan stated that his concern was Lely Baretoot
Beach, adding that ev.rything eee.. to have iaproved.
Utilities Adainietrator Crandall .tated that everything ba.
181proved and <-van though the llow rate .hows only 828 gallons, it
...t. subdivi.ion regulations.
Co..1..ioner Volpe wtated that he 1. .till receiving coaplaint. in
thi. ar.a and Mr. Crandall indicated that the co.plaint. are becau.e
ot the reduced pre..ure co.ing tro. the plant which i. due to South
pag.l4- I'
,.-,"---..... "...--........,-..
"".".".-' .."'..-..
Florida Mater Manage..nt Di8trict re8trictions. He .tated that once
the presruree are back up to nor.al and so.. rain i. received, there
.hould not be any proble.. or co.plaints.
CO..is8ioner Saunders stated that this is si.ply a report and,
therefore, no action i8 needed on this it3..
I tea ..-&1
8DÞ """1271 ... .. (".¡.~ IIIJ8. --Y "'.~JrT 8.8;¡- - t'nUto ~
..,. . --~ ft ~ rr--a- I""'L~I--'" IfID .JI'8-.œ eu.;¡~I..8 C(8IUT
~ 1'0 a -M,I. ..... --- Tin 0118
Legal notice having been published in the Maple. Daily Mewe on
.July 6. 1988, a. evidenced by Affidavit at Publication filed with the
Clerk, r~est for propo.ale were received tor a c..pus-wide energy
aanage..nt -v.te. until 2: 30 P. M., July 27, 1988.
~ni.trative Services Adaini.trator Ochs stated that in june.
li88. the Board authorized Staft to .olicit request for propo.al. and
to De9otiate an agree..nt with the top ranked fira. He .tated that
8Ub.equently four offers for proposals were received and the propo.al
rubaitted by .Johnson Control. Co.pany we. .elected ba.ed upon pricing,
their experience in the field and their ability to service their
-vste.. and their products. He .tated that this energy aanage..nt
-vste. i. designed to be phased into all the building. on the caapu.
over a period of five years.. buildings are either renovatect or newly
col1.8tructed. Be noted that funds for this agree.~nt are appropriated
in the ry 88-89 adopted budget and he i. reco..ending that the
Chairaan be authorize~ to execute this agree.ent. He indicated that
once the -veta. is !ully installed and operational. the engineer'.
report estiaate. that within 22 aonth. of that time, the Coun-:y will
coapletely recover its capital invest.ent in the .yste..
t'l 1..1Gaer..... 8D't'8d. 88-Ci c:I ~ by 0- t -laaer ---h.. Uaa~
~ "--1211 t~. ~ ~.... .-.rgy --..... .. t Irp't- be ~ to
~,." 00a~J.e C .~ -,. 8D4 the Cbal1'88D be _t:hor1.8e4 to 888C'8U.
þ- L I. .... lll~.
Coaai88ioner Shanahan que8tioned the Co..ent. of the Finance
Director, to which Mr. ache stated that Ite. 16 of the purch&8e
Page 15
"Om".. - ....0_--.'._----",-,,--
,. "....-.---...-...
PlBRUARY 21, au
agr....nt 1. the warranty and Ite. 11 is si.ply a state..nt to the
effect that there are no other l.plied warranties beyond those that
are expr..Rly agreed to.
Coaaissioner Volpe questioned if this agree.ent .ean. that Johneon
Control. i. going to be the sole .ource tor providing this type of
equipaent in the building., to which Mr. Och. replied afflraatlvely,
adding that over the tive year period it will cost $297.600 to retro-
fit and lnetall the ay.te..
.... 0&11 t 08" UIII8 q888't 1Ga, the 8Ot1oa carr1ed --t-..ly.
Fin&DCe Director Yonko.ky que.tioned that since there are no
dollar. in the contract, is he being instructed to allow expenditure.
up to a certain aaount. He noted that there is only approxiaately
812,000 budgeted for this equ1p..nt.
Coaai.sioner Shanahan .tated that if there 1. only 872,000 left.
then the Board i. not g01ng to author1ze anything in exces. of
Clerk Gile~ 8tated that there is an energy aanageaent co.t and
work echedule that .haws aaount. that ar. est1aated tor .ach year by
Statt which total. 8291,600 but the contract that is attached doe. not
identity trA cost and the .chedul. i. not a part ot the contract.
Coun~ Manager 001'1'111 stated that an inv01ce cannot be paId
beyond the 8Oney that is currently appropriated unless additional
budget &88ndaent. are approved tor .dditi~nal fund.. ee .tated that
the conatraining purcha.ing authority i. li.lted to whatever BOney i.
part ot the approved annual budget.
Clerk Oile. .tated that he does not have a question on what 1.
budgeted. but h.. a question on the aaount of the contract that was
juat approved.
Capital Project. Manager Conrecode stated that on an annual baal.,
the FacIlIties Manage.ent Depart.ent deter.1ned that a certain nuaber
of build11\gs can be upgraded, retrof1tted or n~ con.tructlon done,
a4d1ng that 1t works out to 81.2ð per square foot to install thi.
Page us
Y!BRUARY 21, l¡S¡
ey.t... 8. atat.d tMt .111 .ach ca.., y.ar by year, the purpo.e i. not
to ezc..d the building. plan tor that year Which 18 why there i8 a
five-year plan.
Coan~ Manager Dorrill stated tMt an additional 8Otion could be
aade that would indicate that the contract i. executed 8ubject to
appropriatlona in a total aaount not to exceed 8297,&00 in a five year
p.r iOO.
C ........~-- ~ 8Ø"fI'8d , MK""~ by n.- t ..1aDer -..- 1 girt
884 ........... f-.lyo, ~ the ocIIIUactt be ap....o,,~ 8abj8C1: =
J I_, --1atl0D8.
Page 17 ~~
.. -
~ .t-40 ""..nIJN TD ~&r- .UII'\IIa MnD. ~...a. - AÞOrxa.y
Public Nork8 Adainistrator Archibald stated that this ita. deal.
with the Iaaokalee Airport Maeter Plan and a recomaendation to approve
and adopt the plan and to execute a resolution contiraing that. Øe
noted that the Plan began in Rove.ber, 1S18ð, when the Board entered
into a contract with Delta Associates to deteraine the 20 year build-
out. Be indicated that the Plan involves a nuaber ot ditterent
teatures and eleaents and the Plan has been scrutinized by the Airport
Advisory Coaaittee, in addition to the Statt. Be noted that the
approval troa the FAA has been obtained. He noted that part ot the
plan has a series ot eleaents to it regarding the history, aviation
deaand.8. 4eaand capaçity of the airtield and landing cap.city. He
noted that there is al.o an outline ot iaprove..nts which is ba.ically
a 20-year plan that indicates the series ~t iaprove..nts which would
develop the site. He indicated that he has an exhibit that shows the
uses that are now proposed in and around the airfield it.elt, adding
that there i. a tixed base operation and provisions tor general
aviation on both sides ot the aajor runway and the Plan al.o include.
provi.ions tor coaaercial property and induetrial property with the
idea of establishing operations within the property that will pay tor
iaprove..nts in the tuture. Be noted that one at the ite.. that the
adviaory co..ittee has been interested in is basic iaproveaent8. the
need to expand and provide tor aprons, T-P.angars. etc. He stated that
the Plan a180 has an inve8taent plan to undertake these iaprove.ent8
with the condition being that the Airport Can 8tand on its ~J and end
up justifying th08e iaprove.ents by developing a revenue .tre.. that
will provide tor the debt service. He indicated that in the next tew
....ks the T-Banga~s tor the Iaaokalee Airport will be brought betore
the Board. He stated that an invest.ent in T-Hangar8 and taking advan-
tage of a State and Federal grant to construct these will re.ult in
revenue. that will pay the debt .ervice over a period ot tiae. Øe
noted tha~ this i8 basically the Plan that i. being reco...nded for
Page 18 $K
nBRUARY 21, U8i
Co.ai..ioner Ba.se questioned it the laackalee Airport 18 totally
cost ettective. to which Public Morks Adainistrator Archibald replied
negatively, adding that he Mould 8Uggest impleaenting the Plan in two
stage. depending on Mhat the County can aftord to inve.t and pay back
and depending on Mhat operators ..y provide tor the County in tel'" of
long-tara le..e..
Casalseloner Guodnight stated that she Mould like to encourage
st~tt to look at the property that ie on the north side o~ the
Airport. She stated that it this property could be lea.ed it ..y help
thie plan. She noted that it has taken alaost tour year. to get this
Plan done and she is glad that it is finally co.pleted.
;- t_'" If --"igh~ 8O'9'8CS, 88'C~"'" by o-i..1GDer ~Aa.
tba~ ""J8t1a-. ....~ ~ the r~J.. U,rport ~.~r Pl8D ...
. J. ~ II
Co..issioner Volpe stated that it i. goin~ to be difficult tor the
County to break even at the I..okalee Airport, adding that in the
report it appears that there Mill be losses tor the next ten years.
Public Morke Adainistrator Archibald stated that any plan that he
presents Mith losses MOuld probably not be approved, adding that any
plan Mill have to be done on a s..ll scale in the beginning. He
stated that over a 20-year period, there Mould be a loss it everything
in the plan Mas done, adding that the County Mill undertake certain
iaprove..nts but it Mill be shown that thQse i.proveaents can be
financed and constructed and paid tor fro. a debt service standpoint
over a ð and 10 year period. He stated that these ite.. Mill be
coainq back to the Board and unless the County can be paid back for
the.e Improve..nts, he would not a.k that they be looked upon
C088issioner Volpe stated that the Master Plan is the ideal plan,
but in the -anti_, certain projects Mill be co.1ng back to the BeC.
Public Morks Administrator Archibald stated that the deaand tor
..rvices Mill be th. driving force behind how quickly the improve..nt.
",_.. . -.--,-,.----
Cosai..ioner Volpe questioned it the approval ot this plan co..it.
the Coun~ to full i.ple.entation ot the Plan during the 20 year
period, to which Mr. Archibald replied negatively, adding tMt all
this plan ~s is contiI'. where the i.prove.ents will be placed on the
Airport property.
County Manager Dorrill stated that there was discussion regarding
T-Ranqars last year and he telt that the initial invest.ent did not
justify the short-tara revenue that the County expected in return. Re
stated that this would be subject to annual appropriations that would
be based on Start's recoaaendation concerning the revenue generating
potential or the tact that the County Is &&king a t b:ed capital
Jnve.t_nt in ~hat tacility tor return in the future.
..... call f .. UtII8 "...-t 101:1. , the 8rrt 1oG carried -- i -oo.e 11'.
Page 20
FEBRUARY 21, 19851
% '--..-.a
.... or """ ---.;¡ pq- DI %D .I8JaIr'r Cð . 110 , 000 2'0 ... ....... ..... ... %D
8CII;.D .... . -- I ~ In: --- . . .... c...x .&.-....u..... 2'0 JrAI'L88 I'.I.8IIIr:tI.I
~ 8n88 8U L JL .. - Ar,,--,.., -.u
Solid Wa.te Director Fahey .tated that in the past 6 year. there
haa been about a 1 0 8'1; incroase in the waste asterial that coa~. to the
landt 111. He stated that 9 y~ar. ago, there were 24 people a.signed
to this operation and ae ot this year, there are 26 people. He .tated
that the ability to handle thi. greater aaount i. that ao.t of the
work i. done in-house, both the engineering and the con.truction. Be
.tated that the daily operatIon. and the operating perait require..nt.
are the nuaber one priority, adding that this waste 8Uet be buried as
it coae. In and the sit.. aust be re-per.itt.d at tive year interval.,
theretore. Statt i. constantly in the process ot constructing the
laproveaent. required tor those peraits, He noted that the next obli-
gation i. to ..e t the require_nts ot the Growth Manage.ent Plan which
i8 the two year in-advance liner requireaent and having 8ufficient
land on hand to _et a 10-year plan tor supplies. He 8tated that the
third -jor Ite. to consider is the new State Solid Waste legislation
and the i.plication. and the planning that is necessary to _et those
rtKlUir._nts. He indicated that the fourth priority i8 the ainJng
operation which i. a research and developaent project that enable. the
County to recycle, reclal. and hopefully, save .oney. He 8tated that
at the .aple. landfill. the tirst lined cftll conetituted 26 acres and
Staff purcha.ed the dirt and bull t the base and the liner installa tien
was done by contract. He stated that they are new entering the .econd
phase which is a 20 acre area and the base i. oeing built by a vendor
and the liner and leachate work will also be done by outsider.. Øe
noted that on-going work at this .ite involve. closure of cell. 3 and
4 to .tabiliz~ the cover, ðlevation ot the center line road, ae well
as the aJning .. part ot the daily operation. Øe .tated that they
have constructed in-hou.e their own water aanageaent control device..
Øe indic4ted that in laackalee, th~y are putting in two five-acre
lineiS cell. and the base we. built by Statt and those liner. will be
covered by Staff. He .tated that the aajor rea.on for getting the..
~ lined are.. done i. because the work i. beet done during the dry
--..on. adding that he expects to receive bids on .0" of th..e liner.
IUIxt we.k. Be reported that on an annual b.eie at the .aple.
Land till, tb8re i. noraally a require.ent ot 12ð,OOO ton. of dirt to
cover 260,000 tone ot waste. He .tated that in the budget he
requ.eted only $100,000 which would have purcha.ed approxiaately 1/&
of the dirt require.ents, adding that to date $165,000 baa been spent
which w.. '6~,OOO aore than what we. budgeted. He stated that he 1e
..kir~ for $150,000; $6ð,OOO to ~over the deficit that has occurred
and give the. an additional $8~.000 tor the reaainder of the year,
..aua1nq that the landfill aining operations w111 produce the
re..in~ng requlre..nts. He indicated Uat the landf 111 .iniug baa
been a ~-phaae operation, adding that they received the original
Governor'. Energy Oftice grant tor $20,000 and they are now on the
.econd gran t. Be .tated that the work to date on the .econd grant has
involved 30 day. ot identity1ng the coaponente, weighing and ..aauring
everything that i. proce..ed and to date there he. been about 20,000
t one done. Be .tated that they have identified their coat through
this analy.i. a. being $1.38 pur ton. He .tated that in the n.xt week
or two, he expect. to go into the production phase and hope. to get
that proce.sing up to about lðO ton. ~.r hour. He .tated that at the
pre..nt tiae, they are proces.ing about ~O ton. per hour and of that
90 tone, 18 ton. i. u.able as cover d1rt. Be a.ked that th1. budget
"'n48ent be approved.
Co..i..ioner Shanahan questioned why the projected aaount of cover
dirt w.. not obta1ned to begin with, to which Mr. Fahey .tated that
the operation was not a first priority operation, adding that the cell
baae construction ha. been a priority. He noted that th1. operation
baa been inter.ittent but nuaber. have been produced through w.ighing
aDd "&8Ur1ng at the aaterial.
~ -1-..... -... f gIa ~ 8D9'8d, 88C 4ÞII by C-f_~ Yrdpe ....
08ft' '-i. . 11y, that tbe ..... ~ a '1 ~I'~ 1A tbe -.a~ of
.... U /
'" "", ...._".,,",'_,,_,,-
.....-v.W 21, 1'"
.1".."11"" '......18r t-.I8 fraa 1:be 8011. IIIIIñe De....- It ~.'h....
fOltr V ~.. 8' I iee to "'1.. L8D4f 11 1 opera Uag '- l' Ø8 t ... ...... 4- ~ -4.
I tea 4Þ8a
8œ.D 188ft M JL Ì\.-. """f --- X" ~ ~ . X. 1'U IIAPLD L.&8ZII'n.L DAn
1i<N_-. '1- 1.1'- IT 8ZII. - UPkuV'-u
Solid Waste Director Fahey stated that this item regards equipaent
purch......, adding that he pl~ to purchase a co.pactor and a
bulldozer. Be indicated that the original estJaate aade l.st spring
was tor a $200,000 expense tor this aachine. He indicated that the
current revi.ed e.tiaate tor that ..chine is $285.000 which r~ires
an addi tional $U,OOO. He stated that at this tiae, he doe. not want
to trade in the ~ip.ent that he has. adding that he would like to
881ntaln the exi.ting equip»ent a. stand-by equipment. Be lndicated
that in the ab~ence ot a trade, this will allow the County to provlde
eare back-up equipeent and better -.t the dally operatlng COndltlone.
Øe indicated that the 0-8 aachine that the County owns already has
10,000 hours on it and that aachine he. an expectancy ot 10,000 hours,
adding that he would like to have this aachine on stand-by and buy a
new 0-8 aachine instead ot the D-6 which was originally anticipated to
be purcha.8ed. He noted that the upgrade cost 18 $130.000. adding that
this $130,000 along with the $85,000 constitutes an additlo~l
Co..i..ioner Shanahan .tated that the $135,000 increas. i. a large
increase over a pericd ot 9 aonths.
Mr. Fahey indicated that the original estiaate was low, and co.-
bined with the tact that he doe. not want to trade-in the D-8 equip-
-nt, there is a large increa.e. He stated that he now plana on
tradlng in a 1913 D-6 which he. about 20,000 hours on it.
Co..i.sioner Saunders questioned it this i. the best buy possible.
to Mbich Mr. ~ahey .tated that it i. probably the be.t aachine, adding
that the.e e.tlaate. are bas.d on buying Caterpillar equip-Qt.
County Manager Darrill stated that th18 i. .ubject to bid and just
becau.e the County own. Caterpillar equip.ent, it does not aean that
Page 23 ~t
"."",w'"", ..
PEBRUARY 21, 1i8i
the next purcha.e will be Caterpillar. adding that the.e fIgure. ar.
the wor.. caae .cenario. Be indicated that there aay be other blda
tor International or japane.e products and Statt could reco...nd one
ot tboa. b4aed on the bid.
-: . 1 T I' -..- tgb~ 1IO'I'8d, 88< ~ ~ by ~ t ..~. fn'8,
~.... '- 11,,11 ~ t tor t:b8 ~ 1.1 4 II8e1:a ~ --- t-.. t b 18CZ' I. I.
tile - - 1.- ....., 11 1 IIi88I'ry 8qw.1 ¡8811 1: l1D8 1 tala by U 11 , 000 .. 1:1 ... ....... .
ea..i..loner Volpe questloned what Ite.. this S21ð,000 will
address. to tfbich Mr. Fahey stated that It wl11 upgrade a 0-6 to a 0-8
which ls e.t1aated at 8130,000; the co.pactor Incre..e. by 88ð,00O;
and the 1913 D-6 dozer will be retained as a back-up.
.... c:all for t:b8 ~1GG, tbe 18Ot:1GG carrl84 --ttllO'Q81y.
I tala ....
8GI.D 8II8'D I8PIU '"-z hlNlU L- - . ~ '.rO ~ .. .. CAD'f ,. !IQ> AD
~~- ,81'18 IoI8WILL ~C88 J'Oa c:.a"n.u. ~- -.. Dr !'D
~ - tna, 000 - ¡.. .. -... "'"
Solld Naste Director Fahey stated that this it.. 1. tor equ1p..nt,
adding that he had originally planned to purchase an 11 yard aach1ne
tor 'l~O.OOO and be is askIng that this be upgraded to a 16 yard
aacbine with an e.tiaated co.t ot S22ð,OOO. Be stated that pr...ntly
they have three pans and he would like to trade In a 196ð .even yard
pan whicb i. currently 1n laackalee. Be .tated that he does not think
that he will get auch tor a trade-in on that pan. but the .aall eleven
yard pan wIll be .hipped to laaokale. and then there will be ~
larger pans that will .erve the Napl.. Laudt 111. Se stated that thl.
incre... would aaount to $1~,OOO. He indicated that the .econd halt
ot the r~e.t is tor .cale. at th~ Naples Landtl11 and keeping the
other ..t in ca.e there i. a breakdown which constitute. the reaainder
at the request.
(' t-.I-IF ---igbt 8D98d, 88(;,';' 1.4 by ~1_1C881' ....., ~
tile 8e.1.W ....... ~ ~ ~ t ,'- . t t a 1Dcr--. C8rry ...... 4
~ t.... J I ",1a8 I.8DIUUl -....<>toI'1at1oD8 tor Capital 8qv.J......~ in
tile .. ~ tau,OOO 1M 1\.... 4).~.
C088i~.ioner Volpe questioned it L'y ot these iteaa could have
Page 24-
-."."""'" .", ,- ...
beeD &Dt1c1~ted at budget t1.., to wh1ch Hr. Fahey 1ndJcated that
laat year'. budget did contain the scales but that work waa not done
which i. why it was carried over. Hs indicated that the other work.
because at the new .1n1ng project and the tact that they have had 80-
proble.. 1n ...ting the daily operating require.ent., torce. hi. to go
to larger equipaent and obtain acre equip.ent as back-up.
..... ...11 far u.. ~1CD. t:h8 8Crt 1oa ~ 1 e4 - f -0'881 T .
1-- 8886
~l~ T .. - --.ø MrlZ I8.8TD PLUI - .... II' -.rrt IW. ~œ&
~ ,~ --- T18IJ. -fill - AI ...... &II C8 & . ..-n ftx.&L 8&818 &8D 80 DQ-
RRa8 - ~ - 8'X.I:J) IIII.8D IIU'I'IZ PLAIr 18 CQ8'LItD &lID. .. In'
TO ... I.
Environaental Services Adainistrator Lorenz stated that on january
24, li89, the ~ard directed Statt to work with Waste Manage.ent
Cospany to develop a pilot recycling prograa. He indicated that "aate
Manage..nt Coapany caae to the Statt with a prograa that would cons1.t
at approxiaately &,000 ho... tor a iO-day period where on. at the
ex1.ting ~-day pick-up will be designated as the recyc11ng day. He
noted that the ay.te. would be a one-bin .y.te. where the hoaeowner
would put recyclable.; glaas, paper and alua1nua cans 1nto one bin and
the "aate Kan&ge.ent truck operator would then taKe that ..t~rial fro.
that bin and put it into a vehicle which would be supplied by Ha.te
Kanage_n t. He noted that Waste Manage..nt will also deliver the.e
bins to the ho.es, develop a public relation. prograa, and include a
tollow-up .urvey. He indicated that Collier County would be re.pon-
.ible tor approxiaately $25.000 which would be the cost to su~ply
the bin.. H( noted that revenue. tor the recycling progr.. would be
turned back to the County and it the Board deter.ines that the County
.hould proceed with this prograa and aake 4 coaaitaent by the
beginning ot March, the prograa would run July, .\ugust, and Sept..ber.
ae DOted that concurrent with this prograa, the County i. developing a
Sol1d "a.te Ma.ter Plan and this plan .hould be complete by the end at
june, adding that this plan would evaluate the various alternative.
tor solid wa.te di.posal in the County which could include any kind of
Page 26 Vi
FEBRUARY 21, 1989
pilot recycl1ng progr&a8. Be .tated that Statt reco...nda that the
Board wait until the coapletion ot the aaster plan prior to any pil~t
recycling prograa. He noted that it the plan reco...nd. a pilot
prograa, it could begin as soon as the ...ter plan i. coaplet.d which
would only be basically a tour aonth delay at this ti.e. Be ind1cated
that it the Maater Plan recoaaenda against this plan, then the County
would have .aved $2ð,OOO less any revenue. that were received, there-
tore, Start 1. reco..end1ng that the aaater plan be coapleted betore
any C0881 t8ent i. aade to such a prograa.
Co..1.al'Jner Ba.se que.t10ned it the County could aove torward
without the $2ð.OOO Inve.taent, to wh1ch Mr. Lorenz 1nd1cated that
plaat1c bag. were di.c~.sed with Wa.te Manageaent Co.pany which would
be a ...11 co..ltaent 1n tor- ot tinanc1al cost to the County but
their operations people indicated that th1s would not be an acceptable
alternat1ve. Be noted that there are optIons 11ke reduc1ng the nuaber
ot people that would be 1n the prograa wh1ch would. theretore, reduce
the County'. co.t.
Co8a1..1oner Shanahan .tated that he 1. concerned about delay1ng
th1. aatter at all, add1ng that the C1ty ot Naple. 1. d01ng a rea.o-
nably good job in the1r recycling prograa and he teel. that the County
could.pend the $2ð,OOO to initiate .uch a prograa.
Co..1..ioner Saunders .tated that the COat ot this prograa would
be S2ð,OOO and it i. est1aated that there would be $10,000 1n revenue.
that would be coaing back to the County whIch .ean. only a 81ð,00O
10.. 1t the County .top. the progr.. atter the three eonth.. He noted
that th1. $1&,000 would be ottaet by tipp1ng tees and landt111 .pace
.aving. aaaoc1ated with recyclIng. He .tated that he teal. that th1.
would give the County a good opportun1ty to see it this particular
type at recyclIng prograa i. going to work, which would be benetic1al
1n the developaent ot the 501id Wa.te Maeter Pl~. Be noted that
Maste Man&ge..nt Coapany 1. prov1ding a rIsk tree pilot prograa tor
the County a. they are paying all the operat1ng costa, purchas1ng the
equi P88D t, and then turning the revenue. back to the County. Øe 1n(11-
Page 215
. -_..
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FEBRUARY 21, lieS)
cated that the only thing he MOuld like to .e. i. that the prograa
would go tor tour aonth. instead ot three aonth.. ee indicated that
be cannot ..e any rea.on to delay this prograa.
Mr. Lorenz .tated that he teels that the tieing in this ca.e i.
like putting the cart betore the horse, adding that four aonthe 10..
i. not that 8Uch of a 10.. and the Ma.ter Plan should be coapleted
Coaais.ioner Goodnight .tated that the Maater Plan i. auppo.ed to
be coeplet.d at the end of June and the pilot prograa could be .tarted
the fir.t part ot July and if th~ Ma.ter Plan reco..ended another type
of r~ycling, then no one would know it this type of recycling would
be succe..tul. She noted that whatever prograa the Master Plan reC08-
118nd.8, there would al.o have to be an experi..ntal period. She ind1-
cated that the 825,000 i. not that 8Uch coapared to what wa. 8p8nt on
fteaource ftecovery which did not go through, adding that .he t..ls that
this prograa should be initiated.
Coeai..ioner Hasse stated thet the County needs to aove forward on
recycliDQ, and this is a aini..l investaent on the County's part. Øe
noted that with Na.te Kanag...nt Coapany operating the recycling
prograa, it MOuld be an excellent way to experiaent.
Mr. &gel...r, General Hana~.r of Naste Manageaent Coapany. stated
that their goal wa. to get a representative saaple ot the coaaunity
covering are.. troa Marco Island into North .aples. He stated that he
i. not prepared to give the actual street~ but it would be repreaen-
tative at the County area.. He indicated that the prograa can coe-
..nce .. eoon a. the Board agree. to it and they can get their
equiP88nt delivered. He noted that the initial conver.ation w..
around a July date, but if &quipaent can be secured prior to that
date, they will co..ence operations i...diately.
Co..i.sior~r Shanahan que.tioned if everything i. dependent upon
the availability at the truck, to which Mr. !gel.eer .tated that it i.
dependent upon the truck and the bin., adding that because of the
State legislation aany coaaunitie. are getting into the recycling
Page 21
_. -- .... ._-"~"..._.....,---_..._-....,_..
progr.. and there i. a great deal ot deaand tor that ~ ot ~lp-
_nt. Be .tated that there is not a proble. ot obtaining it. but the
lead ti.. i. a variable.
Coaais.ioner Volpe questioned it the County could be ..eured that
this equipeent would be available by July 1.t, to which Mr. &g.l...r
.tated that this would be a good a..es..ent.
Coaa1s.J~ner Ha..e que.tioned it it ha. been investigated a. to
~re this &aterial will be di.posed, to which Mr. Igel.eer .tated
that they have spoken with a nuaber ot &aterial purcha.er. tor paper.
gl... and aluainua, adding that he i. .till exploring.O88 ot the..
are.. in order to obtain the best price at the ti.. tor the potential
revenues that would be given back to the County.
Coaai..ioner Volpe questioned why Waples i. going to be a pilot
progr.. ot ð,OùO resident. and Maste Manage..nt'ø other prograas have
1... than 5,0007
Mr. £gelseer .tated that .oae ot the other progr... were started
in the early pha.es ot Wa.te Manage..nt'. experience with recycling
and .ince that tiae, they have built experience. He noted that the
nuaber of be... wa. predicated on the truck and what could be phy.i-
cally picked up fro. the street in a day'. ti- traae which is roughly
abou t 1,000 ho... a day. He .tated that they chose 5,000 beçaus. at
the capability ot the equip..nt and aaxi.izing its u.., adding that
&.000 ho..s is about a 25' s..ple ot ~o.es which would be .igniticant
in ter.. ot collecting data.
Co..is.ioner 80... questioned how &any ton. of aat.rial will not
go into the landfill becau.e ot the ~.cycling progr.., to whi.:h Mr.
£gel...r .tated that this 1e .o..thing that will b. det.r.ined when
the proqr4A i. working.
Coeai.sioner Volpe indicated that it the 825,000 i. too auch of an
inv.. t8en t, the progr.. could be .caled down to about 2,500 ho... and
then qu.stioned how this equipaent co.pare. to other equipaent that i.
being used throuqhout the State?
Mr. &~elseer .tated that the truck i. a dual drive aultl-bin ~
Page 28
-.,... ,~,~ -
plece at equip.ent that allows the .egregation at aaterial. as it ls
being collected. He noted that glae8 cannot be coll8cted in a aixed
colored t..hion and he haa indicated that he would like the pilot
prograa to include clear glass only. He stated that when the prograa
i. e-w:paftAed, then the clear and ..ber glass could be added. Øe noted
that this t~~ vehicle is used in soae ot the other prograas around
the State.
Coaaissionar Saunders questioned it M..~e Manage..nt Coapany would
con.a1cSer aakiDIJ this progr.. a tour aonth progr.. inatead of a thr..
8Ontb progr..? He noted that by the tiae the 1ntoraation co..s ln and
ha.a been analyzed and the Board reacts to it, the progr.. w111 be over.
Be stated tb3t he would 11ke to have the extra aonth in order to
expand the progr.. it they so desire without the prograa lap.ing.
Mr. &gelsear .tated that they would be Willing to look at an
extenaion ot tbe 90 day period, adding that in 60 days, everyone could
look at the progr.. and it 1t is soaething that the County would like
to continue, It could be handled at that ti...
Coaaissloner Shanahan questioned it Collier County could handle
this progr.. the...lves, to which Mr. Lorenz indicated that the
County does not have a vehicle or the necessary ~quipaent or the per-
aonnel to conduct such a progr...
Coea18sionar Saunders indIcated that the question at Co..is.1oner
Shana~n 1s that ..sualng the County had perai8sion troa the francb1-
see to collect this &aterial, could the ~ounty get the truck, the per-
sonne 1, and collect clear gl..s, paper and kluainu. at no cost to the
County, to ~hich County Manager Dorrl11 replIed that he teels that the
County could not do th1s without any cost involved.
Mr. Charlotte Nestaan, representIng the League at Moaen Voters,
stated that the League is 1n tuli support at the Solid Maste Maater
Plan. She indicated that this prograa 1s not set in concrete and w1l1
co.t Ie.. than $25,000 which 1. not a &ajor expen.e co.pared to other
expena.s that were jU8t approved tor the Solid Haste Departaent. She
stated ~.t this 1. 81aply a trial period.
Page 2i
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FEBRUARY 21, 1989
Mr. Bentley Spencer st.ted that he ha. been involved in recycling
for OVer 30 years and what Na,te Manage..nt Colrpany proposes with the
container ryste. ~ill not work. Se .tated that it everything is
duaped into one container and then separated, it cannot be done. Se
.tated that all this aaterial has to be handled separately. Se noted
that in the thr.. I8Onth period, the County could have its 0Mn prograa
runn1ng aDd -ollecting. Se noted that the ho..owners put their
new.p.pers on the curb and thh worked, but when they Wled the con-
tainers, aoDey ... lost.
Coaai.aioner Volpe que.tioned why the single bin ryate. is going
to be aeed ~tead of the three-bin ayate. that was in the original
Mr. &gel...r stated that the capital coats ot the three-bin eyate.
are tr1ple, adding that they chose the one bin truck side .ort ..thod
becauae ot the le.a capital coat tor the County and because the truck
side sort -vste. allows 8Ore flexibility in the tuture. Se noted that
it the Ma.ter Plan co... back and say. that the County .hould build a
aater1als processing center and the glas., paper and aluainua could be
picked up in a fixed fashion and taken to a processing plant and
..parated, the one-bin ay.t.. could still work.
Coaei.sioner Volpe questioned how 83ny of the other pilot prograaa
that Maste Manage..nt i. operating are the .ingle-bin ryste., to which
Mr. &gel.eer stated that it i. e~tiaated at about 2ð~. Se stated that
he f..l. that the .ingle-bin syste. is a good ayst.. and will aake a
good progras.
. I .. I - T r ..... 8Ø'1'111d, -.c 1111 by ~i..1C1D8Z' ~tgtrt. t2aat
..u-....,.u.. ......- - II« J -tell be ...... Q. -4 tor t 8U' -u..
Co8aissioner Shanahan stated that he would suggest that the
progr.. be 8OVed up.S .oon as possible instead ot .tarting it in
Co8aissioner Volpe stated that a. part ot the propo.al there 1. a
r equ.a t that the 50-day tranchi.e negotiation period be delayed until
such t1.. as negotiations coaaence and que.tioned what this ..ana?
Page 30
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.--.... , ,_........
FEBRUARY 21, 1989
Mr. 0.01'98 Varnadoe, Attorney, repre.enting Wa.te Manag...nt
Coapany, stated that the existing law requIre. the County to nego-
tiate with it. exi.ting .olid waste tranchi.ee tor 60 day. prior to
going to any other entity tor recycling, adding that this ..ana that
this i. a pilot prograa at basically no Cù.t to the County that Naate
Manage..nt i. absorbing and they do not want this to count during the
60 daya. B~ etated that once the County has the HasteI' Plan and know.
wh~t the recycling i8 going to be, they would expect the eo day. to
begin at that point in ti...
Co8ai..ioner Volpe stated that this is the .aae eO-day perlod that
the County baa been in with Naate Manage..nt.
Co..is.ioner Saunders stated that what i. being asked i. that the
eO-day period begin at a point in ti.. in the tuture when the County
decide. what t~ want to do with the .olid waste. He .tated that he
has DO Frable. witb thi..
C088I..Ioner Volpe stated that at the tI.. or the pre..ntat10n of
the pilot prograa tor recycling, there was so.. discu.sion about the
eO-day period and he thought that it began when this &attar was pre-
viously di.cua.ed.
Coeai..ioner Goodnight .tated that this was di8cua..d previously.
adding that she thought that the eO-day period was to begin ~ow,
adding that it was her under.tanding that Naste Hanage..nt had the
option or bringing back the pilot proqr.. tor the County to look at.
She stated that she does not have any problea in delaying the 60 day
period until the Ma.ter Plan has been co.plated.
C088is.ioner Saunders questioned it there is any probl.. with thl.
being added to the action?
V . - ie88r ..... .4e4 h.1a 8OU.. to 1.Dc11ld8 the ~ period
h.'-~ .... tile 8o1J.4 II88U l18ñer Plui 18 8dopted. ~ t ..1ODn'
Tr r ~ .Ik' rArlbn' ee-c::~...'.
County Manager Dorrill .tated that he doe. not fe.l that anyth1ng
.hould be done unl... there is an aaendaent to the exi.ting franchi.e
that explains contractually everyone'. obligations, everyone'. r1.k,
-. -. --. -,-_....,
FEBRUARY 21, 1ge9
and everyone'. re~ibilitie., even in the pilot prograa. B. st.ted
that this .hould be 8pelled out in writing, adding that during the
pilot project any additional intoraation that beco... part of the
prograa .bculd be incorporated .a part ot the record and the proposal
received last week tro. Waste Manage.ent is not part or the record,
but should be incorporated .. part ot the aaended franchi.e agree..nt.
Be .tated that this should be done in the interest ot the co88Unity..
well as bein~ an educational proces..
~ssioner Saunders .tated that he teel. that a .eparate
agreewent covering the recycling progr.. would be sutticient, adding
that Mr. Varnadoe could dratt the agre...nt. He noted that the data
would be public record and there i. no obligation by Collier County to
proceed with any tuture arrangesent. with Wa.te M.nagesent.
Coaai..ioner Saunders questioned it the Co..ission baa any proble.
with. eeparate agr....nt it tb1. 18 approved?
-r .~. HI." ..... ] ~ bJ..a aot: 1ca aga.1D 8Dd ~ .. J ""q; . r
8N~ J_1 a]. Jaer ...... " ega1A.
Coun~ Attorney Cuyler .tated that it i. the Boards decision
r~ard1ng tbe eO-day period, but when the pilot prograa 18 coapleted,
it the Board doe. not want to go torMaI'd with the continuance of this
prograa, then it the 50-day period i. started at that ti_, the Board
would again bave to .tart ne7otiation8 with Waste Hanage..nt and wait
60 day. to continua beyond that tise.
Coaai.sioner Volpe stated that he tho~ght that during the 50-day
period the Board was li.ited a. to who they could be negotiating with
tor thi8 typo ot progr... He .tated that he thought the reason tor
only a pilot prograa with Waste Manage..nt i. because the Board was
witha tbi. 50-day period.
County Attorney Cuyler .tated that the Board could negotiate w1th
tbea aDd DOt co.. up with a pilot prograa. adding that thi8 18 being
done because the Board want. to get 80" stati.tics to tind out about
the prograa.
C088i~.ioner Volpe que.tioned it this could have been negotiated
Page 32 1[
""--------,_...., ..... ---'--'--'"
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FEBROARY 21, }g89
with anyone el.., to which County Attorney Cuyler replied it could not
be done during the 60-day period.
Co.ai88ioner Volpe stated that the Board ie then being aaked at
this ti.e to extend the 60-day period. adding that the 50-day period
was begun when the presentation was &ade. He stated that it the Board
goes with this pilot project, there will be another 50-day period at
the end of this where they will Þave to deal and neqotiate exclusively
with Waste Mv~geaent.
Co.aisslQn8r Saunders stated that if the vote on this issue 1. in
the attiraatlve, then the recycling pilot proqraa aa de.cribed in the
execut1ve booklet is a~roved. Mr. Varnadoe will co.. back with a
written agr....nt that specifies what they will do, which is ba.lcally
what i. contained ln the booklet. He stated that the Board wl11 h6ve
to giv. final approval on the agreeaent.
County Attorney Cuyler stat&d that Mr. Varnadoe can .upply the
agre1t_nt to his of t ice 80 that he can look at it and then he wl11 put
i t beck on the Board agenda. He stated that he under.tands that the
aajor teraa have bee~ decided by the Board this date.
.... 8&.U &It t:M ~ 1.ca. the 801:1.ca carr 1ed -- t Illy.
.... ..... : 12106 P... - ~~: 12 : 115 P.. . .-t 8Ib.1c:Ia
U- ....1:y C lartt 110 t l881 replaced D8pa ty Clerk ~ . . . . .
-- a.z... - 1IIIT IIXD .. I.U8 8ZØZCU, x.:. to t'8Ø9'IJ8
a.z.. ~ - 82'8 ~. ~ D8 M8CXI TID'&1In IIZIoIrrInc:.&%1Q8 ....'f.D. D
Ø8 -. - 814.000 - Ar-r~y5U
Technical Services Supervisor Huber stated that request is being
&ade to provide an alternate .ethod of irrigation for the lan~caped
88dian islands being aaintained by the Marco Island Beautification
M.S.T.O. Be indicated that due to the recently i.po.ed water r.atr1c-
tioo.a, Incoo.aistent water pressure, and a desire to participate in the
effort to conserve water, the Marco Island Beautitlcation AdvI80ry
Co8altt.. has conaidered and is reco...nding a proposal fro. the 881n-
tenance contractor to provide the use of a water truck to teaporar1ly
replace the 8utoaatic sprinkler syate.. He noted that bas.d upon an
Page 33
'-'....... . _._.."".~--..._._..". .....
nBROARY 21, 1989
evaluat100 conducted by Statt, such uae would provide the tollowing
1. Inaure ad~ate and unitora irrigation tor all landscaped
18 landa.
2. Iliainate uae ot potable water t~r irrigation purposes,
thereby enhancing the etfectiveness of the iaposed water
3. Provide an estiaated cost savings of $12,000 tor the opera-
tion of the Taxing Didtrict during the reaaining portion at
yy el't/89.
Mr. Buber advi.ed that the contractor is proposing that the
priaary source ot obtaining hie water will be fro. the treated
effluent fro. Marco Island Utilities. He indicated that it tor .0..
reaaon another source ~s needed, the Eagle Creek Country Club has
agreed to let hi. draw fro. the upstre.. weir, and the Willow Run
Quarry has stated that they will supply hia with the aaount ot water
he needs. He noted that the contractor also has private wells on his
property that could be utilized.. an additional source ot water, if
needed. Be stated that DER and the South Florida Water Manage..nt
Dietrict have indicated that they would approve the application at
treated effluent on the ielancå.
Mr. Buber indicated that it this proposal is approved, it will be
iaple..nted by a suppleaental agree..nt to the existing ..intenance
contr'-Ct, effective March 1, 1989 for the seven aonthe re..ining
during this fiecal year.
Mr. Bubel' explained the 812,000 coat savings: last years' actual
coat for obtaining water fro. Marco Ialand Utilities waa 848,000: th1.
year's anticipated cost is at least that .aount, it not greater. ainc.
there are additional landscaped ialands; actual expenditures for tirat
quarter of this year ia $13,000, with three quarters reaaining, wh1ch
8XCeeda 860,000. He noted that the estiaated cost for February 1.
83,000. Be indicated that the coat tor the subject proposal w111 be
814,000 tor the re..ining portion of this ti.cal year, wi th ~lc
charge. to Marco Island Utilities for aeters in the aaount ot $4,700,
for a total coat of 836,000. He noted that the aaintenance contract
w1l1 be incre..ed, but the object code for buying water, w111 be
Page 34,
FURUARY 21, liei
ea..i..ioner Shanahan stated that h. 8Ub.cribe. to any aean. tor
conaervLnq _ter. but que.tioned whether the at teet at the ettluent on
the plante and bushes had been tested?
Mr. Huber indicated that any source at water that i. proposed by
the contr.ctc~ will be tested.
Mr. Lewis Gent.ch of Marco Island stated that the priaary source
will be tree a holding pond at the treataent plant on Marco Island.
and que.tioned what stage of treataent that plant haa? Be al.o asked
if there would be an odor troa the ettluent?
Utilities Adainistrator Crandall ~t.ted that he i8 not faailiar
with the type of -vetea, but noted that if any of the effluent will be
given -V. it will have to aeet DER standards. He indicated that
te.ting i. done daily. He turther noted that ettluent i. u.ed for
irrigation of golf cour.e. throughout the County, and there is no
l' '-"'" í -- ............. , 88C .. by c-t..u-r -- ---
..... (.. t .IT, to ,.,r_n tile 88pp~t&1 A.øJ; 1 l tit tb8
-" - I _b:'8ct w1 th .. I.-m 8erY1oee, lAc., tor tile I88n:o I.818Dd
rll "fin' ,... .....~.O. Ù8 ...-.w14e .. alUrDAt8 ..ter 8C_08 ~o:r ~1-
.-Mo. .c ÖIe J-'" I ac.W -- ~... 181-8Dd8 w1 tIaJA the ..... .. Diab' 1c-t.
Page 38
---, ",----,." ---.---.... -..'
FEBRUARY 21, a8~
I t.ea ...
"~:I'II ... ---I.. ...~~ '!'O DaOTUn " CO8'fJIAC'r w:tft c.I8'.
J '" , a I8ZD .. ~ " 8OLm 88TZ ... -...-..-x- ~ I'L&8 -
Environaental Science Adaini.trator Lorenz stated that this lte.
relates to . request tor the County Manager to be given authorization
to negotiate a contract with Ca.p, Dresser 6 Mc~ee tor the purpose of
developing a Solid Waste Manage.ent Master Plan. He advi.ed that on
Dec88ber 6, 1988, the Board of County Co..i.aionera authorized Staft
to solicit proposals tor a Solid Waste Consultant to develop a Solid
.&ate ~ter Plan tor Çollier County. Be noted that on February 3,
1989, the Purc~ing Departaent received seven propo.al. tro. a
variety at conaulting tir.., and on rebruary 6, 1989, the selection
c~ittee short listed tour tir.. tor intervi~ that were held on
February 13, 1989. He indicated that as a re.ult ot the pre.entationa
that were pre.ented to the co..ittee, a ranked short li.t ... prepared
of the firaa in order at desirability, a. tallow.:
1. Caap, Dre..er .. McJ.:ee
2. Razen" Sawyer/Willi.. 1'. Coeulich Joint Venture
3. B.D.R.
Mr. Lorenz indicated that Statt is reco...nding that the County
Kanaqer be authorized to negotiate a contract with Caap, Dre..er"
McJ.:_, tor an e.tiaated aaount ot $50,000.
County Attorney Cuyler advi.ed that this contract will be nego-
tiated, and put on the consent agenda on the next available date.
Co8ai.sioner Volpe questioned whether the $50,000 i. the orig1nal
e.ti..ted coat ot the engineering report?
Aa8istant County Manager McLeaore .tated that the original antici-
pated tlgure was $35,000, but the interview process deter.lced that
the coat would be $35,000-$50,000.
r '-11 ~T" 8ClIA-.,lght 8D9'84, 88<: ~ 1.-5 by ~ t ..iaD8r -- .....
oerr'" f ,..17, that tb8 eo.m ty ~ be IrQ tbør 188d to IIII8go-
t !ate . - tr-act with CaIIp, Dr. I I II: a Mc:E8e in 8D -.... t DOt to .... II' .. 4
NO."', l8Jf: U. ~- c,t ""lopiDg . 8ol14 "'t. .. .- rt ~ rt8r
Page 38
".'", ."".......,.,..--""'."
FEBRUARY 21. 1989
I'" -AM
-"1'!r18 ......~. --............. '!D ItJ:8U11IC8 W 80"1' -".."[8 8'.,000,000
~r.,... 1 . -. r 111 ~ ~ BALm WAC:tLITT .... --
~ .&......- 1... (t'D 8)-.'-1. ~ JItI:O.J'8::t') - ~ ¡¡: au &3
County Attorney Cuyler stated that this ite. is a request by the
Moorings tor the Health Facilities Authorlty to issue not exceeding
83&,000,000 Collier County Health Facilities Authority Health Facility
Revenue Bonds. Series 1989 tor the purpose of retinancing certain
outstand1n.g banda. and to construct certain iaprov~..nts to the
Moorings Park facility. He noted that Attorney Donald Pickworth has
provided docuaentation, noting that there is an explanatory letter
enclosed in the agenda package, and a proposed resolution, which ba8
been..~ slightly.
Attorney Donald Pickworth, repre.enting the Health Facilities
Autbori~ .tat_d that the reaolution County Attorney CUyler i. pro-
viding is identical to the one contained in the agenda package, except
there ls a DeW aubparaqraph 8G8, which adds the language that the
banda are not a pledge ot the credit of the County or the authority,
and that neither the County or the authority, nor any -aber. are
liable.. a result of the.e bonds.
Mr. Pickworth noted that the Authority is considering a requ..t by
Mooring., Inc. to retund the outstandicg 1984 bonds which carry a 10~
1nter_t rate, and to provide new aoney for additional con.truct1on to
add 16 beds to the nursing center and a 30 bed assisted care tacility
to ...ist the Alzbeiaer's patients, and to aake iaprove..nts to the
dining and recreational facilities.
Co8ai..ioner Saunders stated that A.G. Edwards ..y ..11 .J" at
the banda in the future, and questioned whether this would result ln a
confll~ regard1ng voting?
County Attorney Cuyler advised that it A.G. Edwards is not
Involved In any of the underwriting, there would be no conflict.
f ~-& ITII. ---"'.... .,..,..... _In-. . by C-i..~ --iglrt:
..... ~i.M\ T~1I1..l.,. to 8Idopt JI88Ol.t1aa "'~1. .. <11111,
'.--'-" . .. ~- '.""""'" .......,...-..".--........",,-
..--..-...... ..~--
~a.,. 21, 1...
n ~J.a8 tile 1 T - -q" of DOt . . .... hl9 . a a . 000 . 000 00 111er Co8Irty
II8a1 tilt ... ill u.. _üaor 1 ty II8a1 th he 111 ty .. ~ - ...... a.r 188 1...
Ca. aI88r-.. X-pQoJ:ate4 Project).
Page 38 q1
..--.-..--.",... ..
FEBRUARY 21. 1~8~
ICII1H .. ..-11Z/11' - AÐvr~6U
V t-1o88r .11~..,1gb~ ~, ~ by ~_1C1D8r II.- ..
C8ZT .1eII - t. ~ly, ÜIIa ~ ...... t ~ '1 1 ~ f"U "-112/11& be 8dopte4.
lu. ~:u.
J'8Z& .... MD .... 8OLD8JI UD u-.uru 08 ""~1' C1II 'I'Dn C'8OICZ,
a.- -- 4. 1M' .... ~U-- - Al'harflW
Co..issioner Goodnight advi8ed that 8he has received a letter troa
CoO.R.IL relating to a clean up day in Iaaokalee. She noted that .be
has also bad contact with residents in Golden Gate Estates regardlng
the po..ibility ot placing duap.ters in that area on a weekend. Sbe
8U9f18.ted that two Saturday., February 26tb and March 4th, be
deeignated as Free Duap Day. in Collier County. She indicated that
Yahl Brothers can participatð with providing the duap.ter8, as well ..
haul1og ite.. to the duap in Xaple. .nd I_okalee.
C0881.8ioner Shanahan 8t~ted that his concern regarding providing
tree duap days throughout the County tor two daY8, relates to the 10..
ot r8'Venue.. He noted that he has no concern with providing this
progr.. tor laaokalee.
Co8ai..ioner Saunders indicated that be does not under.tand the
reaeeD to provide this service county-wide.
Co..issioner Goodnight noted that the people tro. Golden Gat.
Eatat.. have not gotten back to her, and .uggested that one Saturday,
ot their choic -, and March 4th tor IlI8Oka.'.ee be designated as the days
tor tree duaping in those areas.
County M4nager Dorrill .tated that it is easier to aonitor neigh-
borhood duaping and clean up progr..., if they are done through a .pe-
citic vendor. He noted that the only ti88 there were tree duap day..
witboat re.trictiona, there was an inordinate aaount of co...rc1al
U88 of the County Landfill.
V '.... TII 'II. ~ IgIIt 8O'98d, IÞ8-{ ~1oed by C-t..J.aDer -- ~
~ -..J8&.. A _ly, ÜIoR rr.e DaIp D8y8 be pl'CW1d84 for ~
..~ ea....118tet88 Area GII. a ..~ of ~1r choice, .. III8rcIb 6.
1.... ~ .. I' L- 1.. A.rea.
Page 3~ erg
FEBRUARY 21. 1989
Xu. --
888CIIo8D8 ..... a , ~ &011 U.IN 'lD ~ rp.& L88 I8I.UVD TO ADOPT 'f'D
¡,oca¡, .. ~ ~az G8 ~Vd.IIT 8'fM8I'8 WID -y~. TO .. (JTTLT~
.. ... ~ or ~Rr" 8OU8DfCJ - &.INn: IWI
Co..issioner Goodnight stated that she is requestin~ that the sub-
ject resolution be sent to the Legislature, requestin~ that they adopt
the local option surtax on do~ntary st_pe so that the revenues can
be utilized for affordable houaing. She advised that several countie.
have already requested a 8ill fro. the I.egislative Dele~ation, DOting
that Dade County is presently the only county within the state that
b&.8 this. She stated that the Doc Sta.p in Dade County i« only used
for co_rcial, but they are now requesting that this be applied for
residential units on _aunts ot 8200,000 or aore. She indicated that
the Board of County Coaaissioners sets the a.ount at the tax, as -11
as bow the 8Ol'..r{ can be spent. She noted that it is proposed that
this tax will generate over a 8illion dollars per year to Collier
Coun tv.
Mr. rr ed Tho..., Executive Director at the Collier County Housing
Authority stated that he solicits the Board of County Coaaissioners
support of this resolution. He noted that in recent visits to
Mashlnqton, D.C. and discussions with the people fro. KUD, i t appears
that progr... that are torthcoaing will provide aore aoney tur hou81n~
to tho.. co-.unlties that have ~enerated either stat. or local funda.
Ø. indicated that this resolution will allow the County to take the
aaxL8ua advantage of any tederal funds t~~t will be available for
affordable housing.
eoaaissioner Shanahan indicated that he fe.ls that the County
needs to aearch for any sensible aeana to ~enerat. fund8 to asslst in
affordable houslnç.
C ......1.. ---tgbt 80'9'84, 88C ~ D4ed by c- t ..1GII8a' - -'--
... --- ~ .. .À..l J', t.bat .-..ol.tJ.cxt "'U be~.
Page 40
~ .-.-,....... ..---.--
FEBRUARY 21. 1989
~. . V ~..tJ . . w.. .u~e4 ~ III83rt hi' II., t.b8 ...... of
~ .1. ty o-J _1c:88re will be F .1ao to 8 ] ... --"- 118 wi Ua tM
I I II'" b8a t.b8 C r l:c...--::y. .. 8dY 188d tba1: tb8 <i 4..JGD
~l re€I.. 8~ 12:15 P.K. tal' l1llDCh.
...... D8I
~'u... ~C8 ~ D oUUNatJtI.AL PAB8 - \N\I8;n ""'-1"98 !'O
"- &.IlIa 8'UftI8 ~ 011 2/2~ I' ,
eo..l..loner Volpe stated that he MOuld llke an update on the
zoning re-evalu.tion prograa ~elatlng to indu.trlal parka that was
diacu.aaed last Ifttek.
Coan~ Manager Dorrill advi.ed that he will provide a .tatu.
report: ~ _It.
T . -I n . . I I ""'I t gb~ 8:PNId , ...:01IIII.84 by C- ' ..1....- - ì t!IW
~ lu.fM. t t:t....lT, t:h8t t:b8 tol1ow1Dg 1~ -...r Ü88 c.o-
888It '.11 ... - _...14>111..4 8M4Iflfr .......t.114 .. fol1Ol8:
J: t88 .u.u
--'T~ - 'l:r2: 80. al.aM, -TALL DAD OJ' M.PI.D- - AJI.18C'I: TO
.-&'~ --
1. Detailed site drainage plans shall be subaitted to Project
Revi.w Servlces tor revl.w. No construction peralt. .hall be
issued unle.s and until approval ot t:he propo.ed con.truction
in accordance with the .ubaitted plans ls granted by Project:
Rev l.w Serv ices.
2. The excavatlon shall be llaited to a bottoa elevation of -7
ft. ngvd. All di.turbed area. proposed for lalte excavation
shall be excavated to a ainlaua elevation ot -7 tt. ngvd.
3. .0 excavation aaterial shall be reDOved troa t:he project .ite.
4. A copy ot the South 'lorida Water Kanageaent District concep-
tual and con.truction/operatl~n perait or early work peralt
shall be eubaitted to Project Revi.w Services prior to
i.~ce of an excavation perait.
J t88 ft481
. lID ..... ...... - ~ -- .. .)OW .... &lID 1"110 J'LU III8 8IID'D Mil - -
... ....~ A8I ..~ 88CTIC8 - ~~ ro CR8JII, J'cmt!'JlM:l'OR
(I;Jø_._~ JI;--~ OW 821,1".00
Legal notice havlng been published in the Naple. Daily New. on
:J anu.ary 2, 1989, a. evidenced by Atfidavlt ot Publication flIed with
the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M. on .January 18. 1989. to
coneider Bid '88-1349 for three bush hog aower. and two flex wing
rblno 8OW8rs tor the Road and Bridge Sectlon.
It88 -~
PIÞ\f' JL .. ... IIIGI"O6Id. Au J;-.-.L%8D ro ua 1; .. - . - :ru .&.LI 'l-m In' C1II Z.I'DI
-- ~-" "D., ~,.. u.n D'rA:ra, a8rf 1 I' A8 1811: 8'%.
.... U
. .0_... ".... -- - ....---..,....---..-...-...--
"'_0._- ".--
,-..-.-..---,.. -_...-- """'--
...--.." il. 1...
II . -~ I I RI.8C'nC8 ft()o)1 .. AIm 1I88r1'Un08 JWIo C ~. A8D
-. '. .. ,aB A ~_I~F.. 8RYIC88 ~
~ -- ........
1.&1:8. .. fl II wl&~ 91i~ ""-¿..-If D.1ZD 808. 't1 ¿~ 810
See P 49" 4 '-f. - It. / - ¡¡.If
I ~.-..ol. -... tie 4Þ1ÞC 1
-- . - - ~Ja". In J"C8 r.-- I"'~
See Page. .f./. iJ - £. / - £.3
It88 ftCl
- 1: - au ""-11" I'C8. ~:ITr tR1I.Ja) sav:tca - -~ TO
rl- I_'. 18C. Dr !D ~ or 8M.011
See pageø 4..L/. - r. I - r'd-
It88 ft4a
1&18 - . -' - - 8.ItI"lD LU8 X. CO8I'C8&ß C8 .&.:a) !D 8CC J"QR
~ ~ -. '. ~ ~ VS& cø .. -...ra C1IfFI C8 Dr 1.f88"W . r -n Dr DIE
... - ".1"
See P ag.. J..t.L.I - R . / - F3 .;).
&~.eWIm tU~ a T
I IIW'M8 ø-u D ""'{. J.JiIw !D r ~ 8DLU &IQ) 1188UL&rI...
.. -l - - '"""M œ 0- ...... ~!, M.8CI:PI.DI&KI' JIOLI CT. .. 'C; 11- ...-;r¡ ro
.. 7'8, .-~...-
See Pages L¡. '-1- C I I - r:. /..1}
I t8Þ.un
JIÞ- a_. - - .~.. U J"QR P8DI'O8.U.8 J'Q;l cmmrt &8D nIW r ~C8
...- J ~ ... !D -..:to. -P- rI 18DXC&L 8DYICD ..... J' .x..
All .,- - - 88I.8:'rU8 C()88u x XA& TO -.&" .I.'" &8D It.&B ~ -
'-I ~-...
1t88 ~1
~""I"~ cø «_8IFu.OII U hr.&a_¿..., lIT 7:D ~-¡;If ~I"".
1!2..:. I2!n
1988-12/H 211/89 - 2/9/89
1988-16 2/9/89
... h "~II
., ,- . -... . ~ - I.J8 .. 88INI CD or !D I'V8L1C - - -..
Pege U
.--. ------..
---.-... --.-.-,.------
FEBRUARY 21, 1989
See Page. lJ- 1--]). J - J), f-
Xt88 ~
~.-- C-_.........-(¡& - nTIr7\ AIIÐ/'" ....-........,
There being DO objection, the Chair directed that the following
.i.cellaneoua correapondence be tiled and/or referred to the varioua
4epart.ent. .. indicated below:
1. Letter dated 1/30/89 fro. J.... R. Upchurch, Branch Manager,
AT&T, attaching a tully executed copy of the contract with
A'¡-.T. xc: Herb Lantz; and tiled.
2. Letter dated 1/2~/89 to Mr. Jaae. !f. Burch, Collier County
.atural Resources Section, tro. Edward Prottitt, Ph.D., H. J.
Burnette, Ph.D. and Phillip Pisher, Center for Environaental
Education, requesting that all financial checks destined tor
Contractor be aade out to -The Center tor !nvirol18ental
Educo&tion-. xc: Piled.
3. Meao dated 2/11/89 tro. Thoaas G. Pelhaa, Secretary. DCA, re
.ational Coaaunity Developaent Week March 24-31, 1989, and
euqgesting activities tor Collier County to undertake to help
proaote this "eek. xc: To. OllHt; and tiled.
4. Letter dated 2/8/89 tro. Trudie D. Bell, Environaental
Specialist Wetland Resource Regulation, DER, enclosing stan-
dard tor. application (tile Mo. 111602~29 Collier Bd. ot Co.
Co_.) which involved dredge and till activities. xc: !feil
Dorrill (Letter); Oe~rge Archibald; and tiled.
~. Letter dated 2/3/89 tro. Willi.. K. Whi tt ield, Environaental
Specialist, attics ot Beach Erosion Control, Division ot
Beaches and Shores, DRR, enclosing project propo.al fora8.
which should be co.pleted "ith as such intoraation as i.
available. xc: !feil Dorrill (Letter); Milee Arnold (:'etter);
Harry Huber ("ith tor_); and tiled.
6. Minutes received and tiled:
A. 2/2/89 CCPC and 2/16/89 Agenda
B. 1/26/89 Parka" Recreation and 2/16/89 Agenda
7. 8otice to Owner dated 2/1/89 tro. V:ctawall Architectural
Products intoraing that he he. furnished aaterial. for the
&&at .aple. Library by order ot Accent Mirror and Ola.s, Inc.
xc: Neil Ourrill; Milee Arnold; and Filed.
8. Petition dated 2/10/89 fro. re.idents and ho..owners on Van
Buren Avenue, !faples, PI., expre..ing their di.approval of the
appearance and aaintenance ot 4 dwellings on that street. xc:
BCC; !feil Oorrill; Heyward Boyce; and Filed.
9. Meao r.ceived 2/10/89 to All Southeastern Ar.a Metropolitan
Planning Organization. and States, fro. Peter .. Stowell,
Director, Southea.tern Area, U.S. Dept. of Transportation,
regarding Py 1989 Section 8 Planning progr.. Approval Actiona.
xc: Jett Perry; and tiled.
There being no further bu.ines. tor the Oood ot the County. the
...ting was adjourned by Order ot the Chair - Ti_: 1:00 P.M.
Page 43
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Tbes8 81nute. approved by the Board on ~~.;;;;
.. pr.-nted L- or a. corrected
Page 4-4-
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---.---... .