BCC Minutes 03/07/1989 R Naples, Florida, March 7, 1989 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Commissioners in and tor the Ccunty ot Collier, and also acting as the Board ot Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) ot such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in R&GULAa SISSIO. in Building "F" ot the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the fOllowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, :Jr. Richard S. Shanahan Michael J. Volpe Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: :James C. Giles, Clerk; John YonXosky, Finance Director; Maureen Kenyon and Ellie Hottman, Deputy Clerks; Neil DarrilI, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; T08 Ollitt, Acting Community Development Administrator; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Weigel. Assistant County Attorney; Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Adainistrator; William Lorenz. Environmental Services Administrator; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Harry Huber, Assistant Public Works Administrator; :Jay Reardon, Emergency Services Adainistrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Toa Storrar, Sheritt's Ottice. Page 1 l March 7, 1i89 Tape.l It...3 AGDD& AJrD COnDT AODDA - APPJtOVZI) AS AMKJrDED County Manager Dorr ill stated that there are people in the audience that are present with regards to a zoning matter in Golden Gate Estates, that is not on the agenda. He noted that people have been .isintor.ed and there is nothing on the agenda with regards to such a aatter. County Manager Dorrill asked that Item 9A2 be added regarding Petition C-89-3, Naples North Rotary Club, requesting a permit to con- duct a circus on Marco 10, 1989 on U.S. 41 on property east of the Collier County Government Complex directly across troll the Courthou8e Shadows Shopping Center. He noted that the Rotary Club received several approvals but did not collpletely tile the application tor the per.it on tiae based on misunderstandings. He noted that it is the decision ot the Board whether this item should be added onto the agenda. CO881.8ioner 1I&a- 8OVed, -.conded by C0881..1oner Sþa""'~Hm an4 carried unani80U8ly, that It.. 9A2 be added to the .~en4a. County Manager Dorrill stated that he would like to add Item 13B which is a request tor extra gain till~ tor Inmate Numbers 54530 and 54714 at the request ot the Sheritt's Ottice. Coea1asionar Saunders aoved, _conded by Co-1aaloner Sba.n&ban and carrled UL&ni80U81y, that Ite. 138 be added to tb8 agenda. County Manager Dorrill stated that he is requesting that Itell 9Bl regarding the discussion ot Naples Metropolitan Organization and State Road 951 troll U.S. 41 to Marco Island be continued to March 21, 1989. He turther noted that Item #9E3 should become Item '9El, Item #9El should become Item #9E2 and Item #9E2 should become Itell 923. Co..issioner Volpe indicated that he had a couple of questions regarding Itellls U4B2 and #14B3 but would simply ask his questions prior to approving the consent agenda. He also noted that his discussion with regards to Item #12A should becolle part ot Ite. '9H3. Page 2 ~ -, """"-"""'" March 7, 1"989 ec-J._loner 1ta.8- aoved, ..conded by C~1..1on Shan.h.n and carr 1 ed ananJ.aoua I y, that the agenda and c0D.88nt ~ be approved - -- Ddoed. It_.. MI..-oTU o. Q(WL.U JŒnUOS or RBJroAJtY 14 AJrD 21. uei - A.PI"KO'i'&D Co8a1..100er Has.. aoved, _cond.ad by Co-1..1oner Shan-h4J1 and carr led unani80U81y, that the .1nute. ot the Regular Meet1nga of rebraary 14 and 21, 198i, be approved - presented. It.. .OA PJWCI..»U. TI 0Jr DO I GJIA T I.O TO JŒU 0 r MARCB 12 -1 8, li8i AS -.ATIO.AL MIDDLZ LrnL EDOCATIO. ~U- - ADOPTZD -'___H Upon readlng ot the proclaaation, Co_l..loner B_.. aoved, seconded by Co_la.loner Volpe and carrled unanl80U8ly, that the proclaaatlon ðeaignatlng the week of March 12-18. li8i - -.at1onal Mlddle Leval &ducat1on Meek- be adopted. Ms. Mary Brown, PrIncipal ot East Naples MIddle School, thanked the Board tor the proclaaation and Invited everyone to visit the five .iddle schools during Education Week. She also read a poem to the Board that was written by an 8th grade student. Page 3 q , --..-- ........-.,..,., March 7, 1989 It.. "AI STAn TO DIt.AJ'T JUOtJLATIO.' U1) DUIG. CJUID&LIR3 TJL\T IKPL.DŒJfr TO CORJU DOlt MAJrAß DmJrT S Tt1DY, DRATT OPE:JlUIO.AL PROC&DoR.&s U1) RUPOJrSIlJILITIU I'OR TIm KPO CITIZUS ADVISORY COt8IIT'nZ - APPROVED WITH MCDIFICATIOWS Planner Blanchard stated that the Board held a Joint workshop last month to review the corridor management study tor Goodlette-Frank Road and Golden Gate Parkway, adding that Statt was directed to return to the Board with recommendations regarding a sçhedule tor dratting and implesenting regulations tor the study, an organizational tramework tor coordinating projects that are recommended within the study and how the recolUlendations can be applied to other corridors as well as other reco..ended projects. He stated that since the corridor manage- .ent plan was prepared as part ot the Growth Managellent Plan, imple- .enting regulations should be placed on the saøe schedule as the reaaining land development regulations tor the plan itself which would mean that the regulations will be prepared by August 1, 1989 and they would entail an overlay district to the zoning ordinance that would apply developllent regulations specifically to those two corridors. He stated that Statt is recommending that the Citizens Advisory Committee ot the Metropolitan Planning Organization be used as the project coor- dinating body and that Stat! be directed to drat't amendments to the operational procedures to include that role in their procedures. He indicated that first priority would be to ident Hy a pilot project troll the corridor managellent study tor implementation as well as potential tunding tor that project. He indicated that because the reco-endations in the study are unique to those two studies, it is also b~ing recommended that additional corridor studies be done in order to determine it these regulations can work on other corridors or whether they need to be revised. He stated that it is being recom- .ended that a corridor management study should be done during 1990 tor Airport Road and that the same methodology be used, adding that it could be either done in-house or by consultant. Co..issioner Saunders stated that he teels that the corridor mana- Page 4 \\. ."."-.-.,.....--....... -.,.,., "'" March 7, 1989 geaent study should be done prior to 1990, adding that there will be construction going on but there are diagralls and it is known how the road will be constructed as well as the widths ot the aedians and the study could begin without waiting tor Airport Road to be colllpleted. He stated that there is sutticient talent in-house to handle this pro- ject instead ot hiring an outside consultant. He stated that this prograa should work tor the County, which lIay lIean sollie inconsistency with the City ot Naples even though the County will work with the City. He indicated that he would also like to see xericscape landscaping used as much as possible to avoid watering the medians. Coaaissioner Volpe stated that the contract has been let tor the design of Airport Road, adding that this study needs to be worked into that project. fie noted that there are also legal issues relating to the overlay zones and queøtioned it the County Attorney i8 aware ot any ot the challenges that have been raised where there is double zoning on a piece ot property? County Attorney Cuyler stated that there has been solie general discussions about the issue and when these ¿sS11es arise, they will have to be brought to the Board on a case-by- case basis. Coaaiøsioner Shanahan questioned it tuture recommendations tor corridor studies such as U.S. 41, Davis Blvd., Pine Ridge Road, etc. would be included in the plan, to which Planner Blanchard stated that this would be up the CAC. ec-laaloner Sh.an.ahan aov~, _conded by Co_lsaloner aa... an4 carried unanlaoualy, that Statt be directed to draft regulatlona and de8ign guidelines to iaple_nt the Corridor Ma.nage_nt Study by Auguat 1, 1.'9; c1ratt ....ndaenta to th. operatlonal procedure. and reapon- 81bllitlea tor tha Citizen Adv180ry Co-1tte. to tha KPO to r.tlect tbelr role as tha lead agency tor corrldor project coordinatlon and iapl888Dtation; 8chadule a Corridor Krnage_nt Study tor Alrport Pull~ ao.d fro. O.S. U to h18ok.ale. Road belng one ot tb8 tlrat prlor1ty; lncorporatlng Xerlcacape lnto tha landacaplng tb8_; and do~ the atudy In-boua.. Page 6 )~ .. -'...",...".."", March 7, 1989 It.. nA2 CAK8IVAL PERMIT a9-4 RZ PETITIO. c-ai-3, 8A.PLES .ORTB ROTARY CLUB UQVKS'nG A PEKMIT TO COJrDOCT A CIRCUS O. MARCB 10, lial O. U.S. U JtA.S1' 0-1 TO COLLIn COUJfTY GOVE:JUfMDT CAJIII"IU{ - APPROVED WI'l'B STIPUI..\TIOJr Acting Coaaunity Development AdmInistrator Olliff stated that this is a request by the North Naples Rotary Club tor a permit tor a circus to be held on March 10, 1989, on the property east ot the County Govern.ent Complex. He stated that they have aet all the requirellents ot the ordin~~ce and they are requesting a surety bond waiver and a waiver ot the tiling tee which is co_only the case with a local group sponsoring a circus or a carnival. Mr. Ollitt indicated that this request had been discussed with ditterent members ot start, but they did not know that there was a torllal procedure and application that they had to tile. He noted that this past week, the petitioner tiled all the necessary intormation that was required. He stated that ori- ginally the petitioner had discussed this matter with the wrong start which is the reason tor this He.. being put on the agenda at the last 8Inute. He IndIcated that the cIrcus will be only one day, which i. Friday, March 10, 1989. Co..issioner Volpe stated that there 18 no material indicating the tiae ot operation, what secur i ty will be provided, or how trattic will be controlled. Co..issioner Saunders stated that the approval should be con- ditioned on the Rotary Club contacting the Sheriff's Department to be sure that there is adequate police tor trattic tlow. ec-J...loner s~ aoved, .econded by Co_1..1oner Saunder. and carried UD&Dl80U8ly, that Carnlval Peralt al-4 re Petltlon C-B9-3, -apl.. .orth Rotary Club, reque.ting a peralt to conduct a clrcua on March 10, UBi, on U.S. U east of the Colller County Government Center be approved, subject to the .ecurity belng provlded and tb8 Sheriff'. Depart..nt proviólng adequate police tor trattic flow. Co..issioner Volpe stated that he teels that there should be a policy with regards to every vacant piece ot land being used tor a circus or carnival. Page 6 )~ March 7, 1989 It.. ~1 O"IOII ~--~ AJrD SALU COJrTUC'r FOR ACQaISITIO. 01' ADDITIOIIAL L.U'D U TO ~ Pt1D COI"ßCTED WIn T'D COLLIER COtnrrY AORICt1LT'DRAL FAIR AJrD E%POSITIO., UC. - APPROVED Public Service:; Administrator O'Donnell stated that this is a request tor approval ot the option agreement and sales contract tor the purchase ot 30.96 acres ot property immediately east ot the current tairground property. He stated that on January 24, 1989, Statt was dIrected ~o proceed with the preparation ot the necessary documents tor the acquisition ot this property. He noted that all the necessary documents are attached to the Executive Su..ary. including an appraisal froll Maxwell 6r Associates indicating that the land 18 valued at 5185.000 and the seller is asking 5185,580. He indicated that including all associated closing costs, the total outlay tor the County NO\4IC: be ~190, 474.50, adding that it is recolUlended that funds come out ot the Capital Funds reserves. He indicated that there are nine reco..endations in the Executive Su..ary that need to be acted upon and he is also requesting that Statt be directed to tast track the provisional use which is required tor the use ot the property. In answer to Coamissioner Volpe, Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the allocation tor the tairgrounds 18 850,000, which is basically some contract work and manpower and equipment to be provided by the County. He noted that IIOSt ot this is being sub- sidized with the Fund 301 account tor the improvements and the tuture construction ot the agricultural building. Co..issioner Volpe stated that the County owns 55 acres and 40 acres is used tor the County tair and 15 acres is to be used tor the agricultural building. He stated that he assumes that the 850,000 i. tor site developllent in order to have access to the 40 acres. Public Works Adminis~rator Archibald stated that there is already access to this site and the only activity that the County is involved in this year is the excavation of the lake and the preparation ot the 15 acre site tor the tuture development ot the agricultural building. Co..i~sloner Volpe stated that he thought the tair that Was held Page 7 rjo '-".".'.. -. ..-.__.. ....----.----...". -..........-. March 7, 1989 in 1987 on the County's property was because there was a lack ot access to the 40 acre parcel. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that when Collier County and the Fair Board leased the property, there was an agreellent that said that the Board would excavate the lake and provide the till, adding that the problem is that the 15 acres to be used tor the agricultural building does not have the right type ot 80il to built on, but it is the rIght typ. ot so 11 tor the 8idway tor the tairgrounds. She stated that there was going to be 80me transterring ot dirt tro. one 8ide to the other side and the till in the lake was going to be used to build the agrIc-ultural center and the clay and limerock was going to be 80ved to the back. She indicated that tor the last two years the agricultural parcel has been used tor the midway and the rest ot it has been used tor parking and the independent part at the tair. Co..issioner Volpe stated that he has some concerns as to whether the County needs an additional 31 acres tor the County Fair. He noted that he has revi~ed the budget and this money is unbudgeted. He stated that he has so18e reservations about the necessity of 80ving turward on this matter. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that this past year, tratt ic had to be stopped troll co.ing into the tair because there were no parking spaces. She stated that the Fair Board and the Board should not envl- sion this property as being the Collier County Fairgrounds, adding that it should be the place in the County where all the .ain events take place. She noted that wIth the County owning this property, they will be able to clai. this property as part ot P~rKs & Recreation. She noted that there has been solie lIoney that has been allocated by the Fair Board and the State. Clerk Giles stat~ù that in the last year about $25,000 was 8pent on capital improvemt.'nts trom the Fair Board's working capital, adding that at the end ot this year, there will be very little capital lett because they put it into improvements like fencing, the trailer, rock tor the area, electrical, septic tanks, etc. He indicated that a Page 8 ~I . . . _. ,. ,- '--'---'" _._".,._,.,,---- --"-.-.."...- . Msrch 7, 1989 grant in the amount ot $22,000 was received which was aatched by the 'air Board tor public restroolls tor the site. Coaaissioner Volpe stated that he is simply questioning the necessity at the acquisition of an additional 31 acres and the tilllng because it is unbudgeted. He questioned if the timing is illportant7 Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that the seller has put torth ð tiae table, adding that closing on the property will take place on April 6 and it it is does not, he will los" the option that he has on the property. Coaaissioner Goodnight stated that any type of improvements that are placed on the property belong to the County and not to the Pair Board. Coaaissioner Shanahan questioned how much net profit was made on the last tair, to which Clerk Giles stated that it does not appear that there will be much of a profit this year, but last year it was about $15,000 and the year betore it was about $7,000. Coaaissioner Shanahan stated that he teels that thls property Mould be a good buy at $6,000 an acre. Coaaissioner Volpe questioned why it is so important tor the County to issue a letter prior to March 31, 1989, indicating that thls property is eligible tor co_unity use, to which Public Services Adainistrator O'Donnell stated that this has to be done prior to the closing on April 6, 1989. He noted that the tast tracking ot the pro- visional use is for the Fair Bo~rd's purposes. He noted that this needs to be done so that developmer,t can proceed. Clerk Giles stated that it the option to sell expires, the County will lose their chance to acquire the property and it will beco.e an orange grove. Coaaissioner Volpe questioned what this property will b. used for, to which Public Services Adainistrator O'Donnell stated that he assu- -s that it will be used tor expanded tacilities and parking. Coaaissioner Volpe stated that he teels that $200,000 i. very expensive for a parking lot. Page 9 4V , ,.".".",""".".--"-- ",..," , . "",-, M.arch 7, 1989 CO..i8sioner Saunders stated that this property i8 priced at tair aarlcet value, adding that the property is not being purchased because it i8 needed in the next year or two, but it will be needed 5, 10,or 15 years troll now. He noted that it will be a lot .ore costly to acquire it when it is an orange grove. Co..issioner Hasse stated that it the Board does not move on thls now, it aay be too expensive In the future. Co8a1- 1 0D8T Ooodn 1 gh t 8OVed, .econ4ed by C0881..1oner Sha~.."C) and carrle4 '/1, (Co8al..1oner Volpe opposed), that the Optlon Agr8888nt and the Sale. Contract tor the acqul.1tlon ot additlona1 land in the Oran.getr- PUD connecte4 wltb the Colller Ccnmty Agrlcultural Walr and Expoalt ion , Inc. be approved; that tb8 1~ cSepo- .1 t be held In e.crow by the Ccnmty; that the addendua to tb8 5&1- Con t r 8C t be ex.K:'U t ed; that Statt tollow proper cl08ing procedur_; that the payment of the balance becO8e. due upon c1081ng; that Statt record wlth the Clerk all n.ece.aary c1ocuaents; that Statt prepare the DeC. I lazy bwSget -ndaents troa General Fund Re-rv.. to Publlc $ervlC88 Adadn1.tratlon In the aaount ot 8190,'7ð.OO to cover 8Xp8n888 888OC 1& tad w 1 th the acqu 18 1 t1 on; and that Statt prepare an .~t to the cv.rrent I.... between tb8 Ccnmty and the Walr Board to include the D8W1y acqulrod 30.96 acr... PIIQ'810 ~~ ~_.. .-----..... March 7, an It- nI:l USOLOTX08 11-151 UVOEI.O CEKTIJ'ICATU OJ' PUBLIC COJrVDIDCZ AJrD ncusrn ftOM T'U.LOW CAB OJ' JIAPLZS, I.C., CLASSY TAXI AJrD at1LJ'CO.LS'1' t. IMOOS IU SDVI cz - ADO P'nD Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that this is 5i.ply a housekeeping item, adding that this is revoking Certiticates of Public Convenience and Necessity trom Yellow Cab ot Naples, Inc., Classy Taxi, and Gulfcoast Limousine Service because they were recently sold to Florida PreSchools, Inc. He noted that Ordinance 86-4 requires that these certlticates be revoked it approvals ot such transters i. not previously granted by the Public Vehicle Advisory Board. He noted that he is requesting that these certificates be revoked. ec-1-100er Shanahan 8OVed, -.cended by Co8ai..loner 1Iaa- and carr led ......... t fIO'U8l y, that tb8 pabl1c b8arlnq be clO88d. ec-1-1oner Shana~an lIOVed, .ecended by C0881..1oner Goodnight and carr 1 ed unaniaoua I y, that Reaolutlon 89-&1 revok1nq Certlt1cat.. of Publlc Convenience and .ec..aJty fro. Yellow Cab ot .apl.., Inc., CI....., Tax.l and Oultco-t Li80U81ne Servlce, be adopted. Page 11 jo -">'""'-""' March 7, 198i It- "&2 R&SOLOTXOII 89-52 AJU.RDI.a CERTIFICATES 01' PtTBLIC COJIVDIDCZ .u'D DCD8ITY TO rLOR.IDA PlŒSCBOOLS, I.C. D/B/A COt1RTUY CAB CO., Y'KLLOW CAB (Ø DPLU, I':., CL.A..S SY TAXI, .u'D Ot1L7COAn LIMOOSID SDVICE - AOOt-"JAU Adainistrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that this item is to award Certiticates ot Public Convenience and Necessity to Florida PreSchools, Inc., d/b/a Courtesy Cab Co., Yellow Cab ot Naples, Inc.. Classy Taxi, and Gultcoast Limousine Service. He no'~ed that the Public Vehicle Advisory Board lIet on August 29, 1988, to review these applications and have recommended approval. He noted that $150.00 ot revenue will be credited to Fund 001 tor the Certiticates; one tor van, one tor taxi, and one tor limousine as required by the Public VehIcle Ordinance. He noted that Statt is recoaaending that a resolution awarding these certiticates be adopted. ec-.l-l00er 1I&a- 8OVed, -.conded by Coaai..loner Shan..ah,m and carr 1.ed 1ID8I11.8au.a I y, that the public hearing be cloeed. C-t..1ODeT Has.. aoved, _cended by C0881..ioner Shan..ah4in an4 carr fed QD.IID.1.8au.a 1.." that Re8o1ut1on 89-52 .warding Cer~lflcat.. of Public Convwn1ence and ..c".lty to I'lorlda Preachool., Inc., d/b/a Coa.r t: ...., Cab Co., Tellow Cab of .aple., Inc., Cl_.,. Taxi, and OultC088t L1.80U81ne Servlce, be ac1op tad. Page 12 £'V ""'--'", .... -.. .----.--.-.-.... March 7, 1989 It.. nu BID ".-1337 - AKARDED TO ALPHA OMEGA BOSIDSS SYSTDIS FOR T1D L.U.SE OF TMO ~CA 70905 COPIER KACHI~S Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Nove.ber 21, 1988, as evidenced by Attidavit of Publication tiled with the Cleric, bids were received tor Bid #88-1337 tor the purchase ot two high speed copying lIachlnes untIl 2: 00 P. M., December 1, 1988. A .inistrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that seven bids tor high speed copying machInes were opened and analyzed on December 14, 1988, and as a result, tour vendors were asked to install their equipment on site tor a one week trial period. He noted that Staft is rl!co_endlng the lease ot two Konica machines, adding that one will service the n~ Development Services BuIlding and the other will be added to the central copier systell which services Buildings "F", "D", "a", and "W". He noted that the cost to lease the copy machine tor the balance ot this tiscal year is approximately $13,000 and those tunds are budgeted in the operating budget in Community Development and Devel?paent Services. He stated that the cost to lease the addi- tional copier tor the central system tor the balance ot this tlscal year Is approximately $12,000 and that expenditure is not currently budgeted and will require a budget allendllent. He noted that the annua l'/zed cos t of the lIachine Is $20.000 which includes the lease cost, all supplies and all maintenance charges. He reterred to a cost ot system expansion analysis noting that this will be a $12,000 addi- tional budgeted expenditure to the central systell, but when the total copier system expansion cost is compared against the current system in the central copier system cost, there is approxillately a $5,600 addi- tional expenditure tor annual operation ot the central copier system. He noted that the ditterence between the $12,000 and the $!.,600 is basically a function of eliminating the overage charges that are occurring on a monthly basis on several of the machines that are running tar beyond their current rating. He noted that when this hap- pens, there is a lIonthly overage charge and currently there haa been Page 13 51 ...~.~.._._- -...-.....,., . March 7, 1989 about 89,000 in overage charges. Purchasing Director Carnell stated that the $9,000 is the ove...ages that have occurred in the past 12 months, adding that the rating is a volume assigned by the manufacturer. He stated that the machine on the 8th t loor i8 rated tor 50,000 copies a Month, adding that more than 50,000 copies a month can be done but when this happens, there is a large overage charge. He indicated that there have been months that there are 80,000 to 90,000 copies done in a month. He indicated that this aachlne was purchased three years ago and the County has outgrown this copy aachine, adding that there has been an extrellely large aaoun t ot down-time recently. He noted that this will resul t in more cost to the Statt and the County, adding that to add a machine will cost about $20,000 tor the tirst year, but there will be about Sl~,ooO saved in overage and wear and tear. He noted that by adding this aachlne, about 3/4 ot the annual cost will be saved. Co..isaioner Shanahan questioned why Savin is rated second it their cost is less, to which Purchasing Director Carnell stated that Savin has a cut ott point ot 80,000 and tor anything beyond that there is an overage charge and Statt is projecting about 85,000 copies, which Ileana that there will be an overage charge every Month. He said that tt.e Konica has the capability ot going up to 150,000 copies a sonth. He noted that the savings may not be that great initially, but as the County grows and there is increased demand in that work area tor sore productivity, there will be a big ditterence in the machines. He noted that this is a straight lease tor 24 months and he would reco..end that it be done this way because ot rapld depre- ciation. I C-t..lcmer Volpe aoved, _cended by C0881..1oner ...... and C&rr teet anan1l1OUSl y, that Bid .88-1337 be ewarded to Alpha Oaega 8v.a 1D888 Sya t ... tor t b8 Ie... ot ~ Eonlca 70iOS copl.r aach1ne. and a ba4get 888Dd8.ü t In the amount ot $12,000 be approved. ..... aec_s: 10:16 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:26 A.M. at which tu. Deputy Clerk Rottman replaced Deputy Clerk ~..... It.. nrl P8gI8 14 fl '"--".,-,-~, - ~ . ...,.--------..... ....~,---,--_.- """"--- --..,-, March 7, nil KSCC""""""~L\.U'IOJJ T1I.AT STAJ7 rAST 'l'1l&CX PROPOSALS FOK aGIRDIJrG AJrD AaClUuKi"TUKAL ~C&S FOK DSSIGJr AJfD co.atKuCTI~ or rn GOLDa GAn AJID IIOIrr1I IIAPI&S PHASE I JDaDtGDCY SDVIC&S COMP'I.ÆXU, AJrD SELECTIO. ÇOMIQ:'lTD TO BE U"l'ABLISUD - APPTtOVED Eaergency Services Administrator Reardon advised that the ori9inal request of Statt as noted in the Executive Summary was to solicit turn-key proposals troll tirms tor the development and construction ot the Golden Gate and North Kaples, Phase I, Emergency Services Coaplex... He lndicated that intoraatlon has been provided that pro- hibits Start troll purging the recommendation otter, and he would like to withdr- that recommendation, and ask the Board to provide direc- tion to Statt to allow them to tast track the bidding process through the conventional, current Policy ot the Board ot County Commissioners tor such projects which will allow Start to solicit protesslonal deslgning services, separate troa contract tro. servlces, and approve the selection co..ittee. Co..issioner Volpe stated that the County has had positive experiences with turn-key proposals, and it is untortunate that there are now legal constraints that prohibit the County troll using that -thod. f-:e indicated that hopetully solleone in the Association ot Counties will be considering solie legislative approach so that this -thod will be able to be used. Commissioner Hasse noted that he con- curs wlth Co..issioner Volpe's comments, and was very sorry to learn that there cannot be a turn-key operation. County Manager Dorrll1 advised that he has discussed th18 at the Florida AssocIation ot County Administrators and Manager Meeting in St. Petersburg two weeks ago, and asked it the County could develop a position to be presented to the Legislature, hopetully, with the sup- port ot the Florida Engineering Society, and possibly recelve con- cessions. There were no speakers regarding this item. ~t..l0D8r Baa- lIOVed, -.conded by Co8a1..1oner Volpe 81Jd carr led 1ZDan 180'Q.8 1 y, that Statt be dlrected to tmat track prDp088la tor 8DV1DeeriDg and archltectural -rvlc- tor dealgn and C0D8~ruc~1OD Page 1& J4 """"Om." ". ""----'-."""--' .-".".".--, llarc:h 7, un of tbe eolden Gat. and JIorth 8çl_, Pha8e I E8erg8DCy Serv 1 cea Co8pl...., 8Dd that a _laction c0881tt.. be _tab11..bed to r991.. 8Dd abort 118"t the propo8&l.. It- ~1 SOLID JI&.S'T'Z ~ MASTD PLUf COJrT'RACT WITH CA.'V, DUSSD . ÞICI.:JtK, DIe. - ArrKUY&.U A8'D STAn TO PROVIDE UALYSI" I:D'OJUQ.TIOJr TO SAID nD FOR POSSIBLE COJrT'RACT COST IlEDOCTIO.S Pollution Control Director Lorenz indicated that on February 21, 1989, the Board of Count, Collmissioners authorized rtatt to negotiate a contract with Camp, Dresser, Ii McKee, Inc. to deve!~p a Solid Waste Management Master Plan. He noted that during negotiations it was determined that it would be advantageous for the County to expand the scope of the contract over and beyond the typical elellents of a Master Plan to Include: a detailed analysIs ot suItability tor a landt ill site; a detailed analysis ot sludge management; and an analysis ot collec- tion system alternatives. Mr. Lorenz stated that Statt requested that the consultant cost out the Basic Master Plan, which is 858,000, and he was also asked to cost out the optional tasks tor the site evaluation, collectlon system analysis, and sludge evaluation. He noted that Statl believes that it is more advantageous to pursue the more detailed analysis. He stated that Staff is requesting authorization to develop the Solld Waste Master Plan, and include all the components tor the total allount ot 8130,000. Co..issioner Volpe indicated that at the time the short list was prepared a few weeks ago the contract was to be in the amount ot S~O,OOO, and now the contract amount, including additional services, is $130,000. He noted that he is not opposed to these services, but has concerns as to how they have surtaced. Mr. Lorenz advised that during the consultants' presentations, questions were asked as to how they would evaluate certaln items, and it bee... apparent that the level ot detail that would be provided, would not be adequate to what the County needs at this particular tl_. A. an example, he indicated that the sludge dlsposal analysls Page 16 ÚD -.---." .. -.- """""" "'~---"'----'-- March 7, 1989 collpOnent is a much greater level ot detail than the Master Plan. He noted that the Growth Management Plan requires that by :January 1, 1990, the County must have a strategy in place tor ~;udge and septage disposal, and it became evident that this process wo~¡d involve further detail. Co..issioner Volpe referred to Task 115, Contract Collection Analysis, and questlon~~ why this task could not be pertormed In- house? Mr. Lorenz advised that Start does not have the degree ot exper- tise that is required to do this job, noting that this is a fair Com- ment to make regarding the other tasks as we¡l. Co..issioner Shanahan stated that he shares Co..issloner Volpe's views, in that, he was looking tor a Consultant Agreement in the $50,000 range, and wonders it the direction provided by the Board would have changed, it the contract amount was presented at $130,000. Co..issioner Saunders indicated that he concurs with the comments made by Co..issioners Volpe and Shanahan. He stated that when the board asked tor consulting work, the objective was to tind out what the alternatives were to disposal ot solid waste, i. e., inclneration options, recycling options, and co.posting options. He stated that he does not teel that the tollowing tasks should be included in the contract: Task #1 - Waste Quantities and Characteristics - HDR did a thorough analysis on this a couple ot years ago, and the Solid Waste Department is weighIng trucks that come to the landtill. Task 12 - Waste Acquisition/Plow Control - County Statf can advise what the tlow control situation is in the County, and it seems they have the legal authority to control these. Task 13 - Evaluation ot Existing Facilities and Operations - This task combined with Task #6 is what is being reviewed. Task #4 - Energy Market Update - An outside consultant should not advise th.. County ot what the energy lIarket is, at this point, because it has not been determined it the County will be selling energy. Tasle '5 - Materials Market - Waste Management Start is presently evaluating materials market tor the pilot recycling program, and intormation should be obtained trom them. Task 17 - Recycling/Material Recovery Program Evaluation - Waste Mana\jjellen( will be provIding intorllation through the pilot progra... Mr. Fahey may be able to provide a report on landt ill mining. Page 17 (pl -'"'"""~" March 7, 1989 Task #13 - Site Evaluation and Acquisition - This presumes that there will be a need tor a site tor a tacil1ty. Task U 5 - Contract Collection Analysis - Statf should be able to provide anc,wers to these questions. Co..issloner Saunders stated that he teels that there are several eleaents ot the contract that go beyond what his init ial perception was: to hire an engineering firm to do a quick analysis ot the options that the County had in dealing with solid waste, but not to an-er the types of questions that Staf" can answer. Tape n Hr. Lorenz stated that in the tille tralDe that Statt is looking at, Taaks '1-12, are esti.ated at 1.000 hours, which is impossible tor Statt to accomplish in the next six months, along with their other duties. He indicated that the degree ot expertise that i. required to put together a Haster Plan relating to technology, can only be attalned through the benetit ot the consultants keeping up with the latest intoraations regarding these new technologies. The consultants will rely on the County's data to develop the total Solid Waste Master Plan. Co..issioner Volpe stated that he believes that the optional tasks could be done at a later date. He questioned whether there i. suf- ficient Statt expertise to develop the RFP that is required in connec- tion with the ~~ntract tor waste collection in the County atter 1990, as reterred to in Task #15? Hr. Lorenz replied that there have discussions with the con- sultant. who has g<..ne through this process in various localities, and haa brought up numerous incidents and information that Staff was not aware of. He stated that he would want to have that guidance and expertise. Co..issioner Shanahan noted that Co..issioner Saunders made a number ot suggestions to eliminate a considerable portion of tl1e basic study, and questioned whether the study could be restructured, elimi- rating these itells, and include Optional Items #13. 14 and 15; or do Ite.. '1-12, and perform Items #13-15 in-house? Page 18 ro-z., _C"O_~"'-- 0 March 7, 1989 County Kanac¡er Dorrill advised that the reco_endation is an atteçt to anticipate tuture work, so that there will not be a con- currency nlc¡htaare a year tro. now by Statt being in a perpetual state of advertising. solicitinq, interviewing and negotiating contracts for all the minor jobs. He noted that asIde from the collection system analysis. the adjacent site evaluation and the sludge analysis have concurrency Growth Management i.plications, adding that Staff will be looking for engineers to do $30,000 work, and there will be con- currency problems. and soaeone will tile an objection over a rezone, etc., because the landtill inventory requirements have not been met. He stated that the sole Administrative Staff ot the Sold Waste Oepartaent consists of one person, a Director. He indicated that there is one coordinator's position, who supervises the Landfill operation, the Transter Station operation, and all of the account and revenue intoraation. He noted that he would not like to have the Master Plan work co.pleted, and then 9 .onths later, have Statt come back to request another Rf'P tor the Landt ill analysis. Assistant County Manager McLemore stated that durinq the eva- luation process, the project teall asked questions ot the Utilities Division relating to the sludge analysis. and learned that they had not had the opportunity to do a detailed analysis for the tinal dispo- sition ot sludge. He noted that the team also learned that it the property adjacent to the landfill. regardless ot the cost, cannot meet certain soil conditions, etc., it will not be usable. He notl!d that this is vital intorllation that will be necessary 3 .onths fro. now. Mr. Robert Matthews, Senior Vice President of Camp, Dresser, « McKee, Inc., addressed Commissioner Saunders' comments relating to the Tasks within the scope ot the Master Plan Update. With regard to the Tasks that were referenced as being completed, he indicated that II revi- ot previous data, developed by other consultants as well as Start, is being looked at, and his firll will be providing their tech- nical expertise as an update to those, in preparing a tlnal reco..en- dation. With regard to the Optional Tasks, he advised that those Page 19 lt~ " -""..""",,,_. """"""""""'--- ---'-------'--- - -.- --. ...-.- March 7, 1989 tasks will not be started at the same ti8e as Tasks '1-7, but ln the development ot the alternative analysis, it the reco-endation leans towards stayinQ with a landtilling collponent tor an initial phase or two phases ot Master Planning, it must be known whether the 300 acres is adequate and sutticient to acco-odate that landtilllng option. He noted that without that analysis, it would become contingent on how much ot the 300 acres, it any, can be usetul tor landt ill expansion. With regards to the Optional Task relating to Sludge Analysis, Mr. Matthews noted that currently the County disposes ot solie sludges at the Landt ill. adding that EPA has issued new dratt regulations that will aake it auch .ore ditticult tor Ut ill ties to dispose ot sludges in the land application fashion which could have an impact on tonnage loadings ot sludQes to the Landt111 or co-Qeneration with regard to incineration ot solid waste and sludges. He noted that presently, there is not a clear understanding ot volume ot waste water sludges, 8eptage sludges, Qrease sludges. and water plant sludges withln the entire County. He indicated that this is what would be done in that Task, so that the data can be presented to show how it would impact each ot the alternatives that are being consid~red. He noted that it it is eli8inated trom the waste stream, both current and tuture, there is a benetit with regard to waste reduction .s required by the 1988 Solid Waste Reduction Act. With regard to the Contract Analysis Alternative, Mr. Matthews stated that Collier County does not currently have in place a 100' aandatory collection. He noted that a very key collponent ot mandatory collection l.plemented in a tew counties includes non-residential. He indicated that all components will be analyzed, based on the fir.. expertise in doing other programs. He stated that he does not want to reco..end a presentation of total mandatory collection, and then six 8Onth8 down the road come back with 40 solie odd exemptions or excep- tiona that have to be made because they have not been analyzed or reviewed. Co..issioner Saunders stated that .uch ot the intormation relating Page 20 { ~ -- - -..-,-.,.-. . March 7, 1989 to Tasks 4, 5 and 7 has been compiled by the Waste Manageaent Depart_nt tor the Pilot Recycling Prograll, and is available, noting that an independent evaluation would not be needed. Mr. Matthew- stated that it Optional Tasks are left for a 9-12 8Onth period in the future, there would have to be an adjustment tor cost, based upon the consultant's cost at that time. He noted that there was an element ot cost consideration, as well as ti8ing. with regard to conducting those tasks. In an-er to Co..issioner Volpe, Mr. Matthews stated that it the recoaaendation is to stay with landt illing, the County will need to understand the aagnitude at the current solid wastes, and those at the tuture, which are substantial aaterials to be analyzed. He noted that it alternatives can be presented that are more cost ettective than landt ill1ng, those will be presented, but all the data will have to be reviewed. Hr. Bob Krasowski questioned the target date ot of 90 days tor the caapletion of the Study, noting that it is now March 7th. Mr. Lorenz stated that the target was to obt'!lin intoraatian regarding the possibility of extending the bonds tor the Resource Recovery Plant; and obtain inforlllation tor the Recycling Plans that IIIUSt be IJUbaitted to the State with a collpleted Solid Wa.te Master Plan. He noted that those dates tie around the end of :June, 1989. Mr. Krasowski questioned what happened with the colllputer program that the County paid tor that the Conservancy was working on with Hazen Sawyer that dealt with options relating to recyclable. and the ways to -nags the waste stream? Public Work. Ad.inistrator Archibald replied that the contract with Hazen Sawyer Is continuing, noting that the County will be obtaining cost 1ntorllation tor certain phases of certain programs tor reeve ling. 'He indicated that the information that wl11 be obtained troll that contract will be valuable to the Solid Waste Departllent and to. tuture consultant that will use that information in arriving at a total Master Plan. Page 21 I' (/) --- ,,-- -'-" March 7. 1989 Mr. ICras~slr:i stated that he teels what is being proposed is very wasteful. He noted that the prior Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Co..ittee was given charge to review the topics that are dealt with in the proposed docu.ent, and now a consultant is being paid up to $130,000 to do this. He indicated that the County has a lot ot data and intonaation, and a c~rtain degree ot expertise relating to the solid waste issue, and he teels that the Master Plan could be deve- loped in-house, and streamlined to the needs ot Collier County. He suqgested that an ottice ot lIaterials reclamation and recycling be establl~hed under Mr. Lorenz, and the $130,000 could be used to finance the hiring of solid waste engineers to do the necessary work. He stated that it the proposed Plan is pursued, the County will be equander inç, taxpayers' dollars. Mrs. Charlotte Westman. representing the League ot Wollen Voters ot Collier County, stated that the Master Plan that is to be drawn in 90 days, is not just for 5 years; it 18 tor 5 years and 20 years. She indicated that everything that is a part ot the Executive Suaaary i:1volves short terll and long ter.. She noted that the State has set guidelines tor the County to address the subject. She stated that this is a 80st collplex subject, and the RFP is addressed in that way. She indicated that everyone of the optional components apply to the Kaster Plan and solid waste. adding that because of the growth of the County, records troll 2 years ago cannot be used tor 1989 or 1990. She noted that she does not teel that it is illproper to consider the recoaaendation ot Staff. She stated that the responsibility for this complex i.sue should be directed to the consul tant, with all the com- ponents included, tor tinal judgement by the Board ot County Co..issloners. She stated that education tor the public is also needed. ec-.t_1oner Saunder. aoved, _con4ed by C0881..1oner ~ 19ht , to ~.~YW the rSCO888n4atlon ot Statt, .. pr-..n.ted, an4 wber.ver PØ881ble, Start to provlc1e lntoraatlon and analyal. to the conaultant to r~ the 88IOaI1t of tb8 contract. Page 22 lIfI .' -,-----------_..... .. ..-----., March 7, 1989 Coaaissioner Saunders stated that initially, he hlt that there were a number ot areas where the County could save .oney, but Statt has persuaded hi. that the Plan should include the options. Co..isaioner Volpe noted that he too had reservations about the optional ta.ks, but he sees the merits ot doing them now, as opposed to later. fie indicated that he still has reservatlons about the Collection System Analysis, adding that it seems that this task does not tie into the Master Planning. Mr. Matthews stated that this relates to the retinellent ot a reco_end.tion it consideration is to be given to resource recovery. He noted that it is his understanding that the County will be making a decision regarding franchise agreements by the end ot this tiscal year, and his tire Kill want to provide recommendations regarding the waste stream control. He stated that the total control should include both residential and non-residential. Co_issioner Hasse indicated that there are solid waste problema in the County with solutions that are long overdue, and he bðlieves it i') ti.e to move torward in a positive manner. He noted that much ot the required intoraation can be obtained troll data that Statt has pre- vlously acquired, and can supplellent Mr. Matthew's needs, and possibly cut costs. Co..issioner Shanahan stated that he concurs with Co..lssioner Has.e's coaaents. Opcxa call tor the queaUon. the 8Ot1on carrled unan1aoualy. Page 23 U~ March 7, 1989 It.. ....1 auWa"r POL.ICY FOJt FISCAL n.u 1no - O. I.C1UI.SI: I. TD MIL.t.I.OZ RAn O'ID. aT..UILISDD JaL.I.AGZ un Dr LA.S1' DUUU&T CYCLE JJID nAn TO EVALUAn JI:O.\I) IMPACT RX3 WITHI. CITY LIXITS JJID ROAD IMPACT rn LKVELS _I. TO COM&JI-r °RIlIJIUCK - APPROVED Co-issioner Saunders stated that In October, 1988, he requested that Statt consider a Budget Policy tor the 1989-90 budget cycle to includ4!' a O~ increase in the millage rate, recognizing that there would ~ increased revenues from assessments going up and new constructIon that had CO's by :January 1, 1989, as well as increased revenues by users tees. He advised that this item was tabled, since there was going to be a new Board, and they should have the oppor- tunity to consider this. Management & Budget Director Zalka advised that Staft prepared a torecast of the Fiscal Year 1990 budget and tound that an additional $2 .illion is needed to pay tor current services and mandated prC>g'raas. She noted that two new revenue sources are recommended: user tee increases and a cost allocation plan. She indicated that this will provide the needed money tor a break even budget - 9" for each Agency Manager. She added that this will lie an no tax increase, but it wi 11 provide no tunds tor any new positions that are discre- tionary expan~ed services, noting that a tax increase over the roll- bade rate will be needed to provide new services tor discretionary increases in the budget. She advised that a 2-1/2~ tax increase will buy 2-1/2' tor expanded services tor a total budget increase ot la. She stated that a 5\ tax increase will buy 4~ expanded services, tor a total budget increase tor each Agency Manõger ot 13". However, she noted it annexation passes, the County will loose approximately 81 million in sales tax revenues tor the General Fund, and to make that up, will cost another 2-1/2\ tax increase. Theretore, she noted that Start is reco_ending that the Budget Policy provide for increased user tees, a cost allocation plan, and a 5% tax increase. She stated that it annexation passes, Statt reco-ends that the tax increase be 7-1/2\, which will provide a total budget increase ot 13\ for each Page 24 q~ -~'","'" March 7, 1989 Agency Manager to cover current services, aandated programs, and ., tor dlscretionary expanded programs. Co..issioner Saunders asked Ms. Zalka to explain how the roll-back aillage rate is arrived at. Ms. Zalka stated that the new value is recelved fro. the Property Appraiser, and it generally goes up 4'-5' because of the increased value ot current property. She advised that the millage rate is rolled back to a lower rate troll what it ",as in the prior year, to represent collecting the salle aaount ot money trom the same taxpayers. She indicated that when the valu~ ot an existing piece ot property goes up, the County does not get any more aoney troll that, because the rate is rolled back. Co..issioner Saunders stated that it 5' above the roll-back rate is being reco..ended, and there is a 4'1; increase in general assess..nts, and it is stated as a Policy that the .illage rate wl11 not change tro. 1988-89 to the next budget cycle, the 5' is being attained. Co..issioner Saunders stated that he would suggest that the Co..i.sion direct Statt to stay with the 0' increase ir. the .11lage rate, and see what impact that will have on the budget cycle. Co..issioner Volpe noted that there are to be 54 new positions in County Govern.ent, 20 ot which are in the Sheritt's Ottice. Ms. Zalka advised that these are estimates, and the actual number ot positions will be up to each Agency Manger, depending on the pre- paration ot their budget. Co_issioner Saunders noted that there is nothing here today that i. cast in stone, noting that when the County gets into the budget process, it various departments request additional positions, they will have to just it') this to the Board ot County Coaaissioners. Co..issi~ner Saunders suggested that Start look into the levying ot i.pact tees tor roads withIn the City limits, noting that the Florida Suprelle Court has ruled that this is perlllssible. He noted that he believes that the road illpact tee. should be expanded to Page 25 q1 --"'~u -- -"',-----,-".., . March 7, 1989 include the City lillitS, and Statt should come back to the Board and advise where the road impact tees should be at for the entire County. Clerk Giles stated that with regard to expanded services, it there is a 1011: increase in population, the extra service required trom the County has to be accommodated tor by these services. C~_lOD8T S«1md8r. ~, _concSeð by C0881..ioner Volpe, to 8dop~ - Policy tor the 198~~ tnadg.t cycle a O. 1ncre... in tb8 8111898 rate OYer tb8 .111age rate that... e.tab11.beð ln the l_~ badge~ cycle, recognlzlnq lncre888d revft1U88 troa u-r t..., higher -... 1 14t., and n.w construction tor which CO'. war. 1.8U8d on or be tore .J ama.a.ry 1, 1989; and Statt evaluate road impact t... with1n tb8 Clty laH., and evaluate tb8 road lL'p8ct t.. level. In tb8 current ord,1.n.aDce. In anSWf!r to Commissioner Shanahan, County Manager Dorrill stated that the Chair.an wants no actual increase in millage over the prior year. He noted that people's taxes will go up by virtue of a higher assessment, but this is out ot the hands ot the Board of County C"_issioners. He indicated that the millage will be trozen at last year'. actual millage rate. Ms. Zanca advised that the budgets troll the various Departments and the Constitutional Otticers ccme to the Budget ottice on May 1st, and the value of properties is received from the Property Appraiser on :July 1st. She stated that guidance is requested troll the Board so that Statt can arrive at an estimate ot value. Co_issioner Saunders stated that the motion deals with millage rates. County Manager Dorrill stated that the instructions to Start will be 8Odit1ed to do whatever is appropriate. County Manager Dorrill noted that the Tax Collector's budget ls submitted to the Depart~ent ot Revenue, and Stat! p1Jta his budget lnto a foraat which appears in the budget document along with the other budgets. He noted that as an option. Start would like to present Mr. Carlton's budget both ways at the workshop level, and the Board will Page 215 q\ -'""",..,... March 7, 1989 then aaka the decision as to how it should be formatted into the budget dOCU8en t . 0p0D call tor the queetion, the I8Ot1on carried 1ID8D180V.8ly. It.. ~ UQOD'f rea ADTIIOR1UTIO. TO ROOTUn AOJUDmJrr WITH Ja.ua JaCJtO DATA, DIe. rea SOrnu.ta PACXAQZ UD TRAUUO; A1fD A.SSOCUnD IJ'C1DGn A.k&a.-.-.\. TO .. DAJU) B~RJ: U ADVDTISED PUBLIC HUJUJIO o. APRIL 2S, 118' - COIITIJrOKD FOR PERIOD or TIJa: TO ALLOW REVIEW BY CLEU GILD Technical Services Supervisor Conrecode stated that Staff is requestinq approval tor the purchase of a sottware package and related training and professional services tor a collplete Project Manage.ent eottware package. He noted that Statt has solicited proposals from the three leadlng sottware vendors in project management, noting that Primavera System. through Miami Micro Data Inc. has been selected. He noted that the tiscal illpact for the first year is not to exceed $43,150, which includes all training tor the initial start up of the sy.tea, the purchase ot the package, and any tirst year adjustments or iaproveaents on the sottware package. Co..i~sioner Volpe asked Mr. Conrecode it this is a program that he is taailiar with? Mr. Conrecode responded aftirmatively, noting that he believes this is the most superior package, even though it ls lower in price. Clerk Giles stated that his Data Processing Departaent has not revi~d the sottware to ascertain whether it is compatible with the County's present systell. Co..issioner Saunders questioned whether there is any problem i~ delaying this Itell, until an analysis can oe perforlled? Mr. Conrecode stated that he has no problem with delaying this until an ar.éllysls can be perforaed. CcI8aJ - i ODe r Vol pe 8OVed, -.conded by C0881.a1oner 1Iaa- aDd carr18d ---I~l." to continue thl. It.. tor 8 per1od ot t1~ to allow ~tici8Dt revl.. by Clerk Gil..' Statt. Tape n It_~ DI8CV88IC8 .. TO DKPAJtDa:.wT or COMhuaJ;1'T AnAIRa' DaT&.RR.tDTIOJr U COI.LDI:It cu¡".u'. ~In PLU - STAn TO COIQ BACK IfITH QõC ;Il ~\.TI~ 0Jr 3/14/8' Page 27 q'\ .--.---..., , March 7, 1989 Acting Co..unity Dev~lop.ent Ad.inistrator stated that the purpos~ ot this ite. is to advIse the Board ot a letter received troll DCA on Friday, March 3, 1989, and to also advise ot the ti.. traaes. He noted that the letter was ot non-co.pliance with the 9:J5 crlteria, but it is ln co.pliance with the Regional Comprehensive Plan and the State's Co8prehensive Plan. He indlcated that Statt has contacted Tallahassee, and there are tour primary areas, three ot which are technlcal in nature and can be corrected through language changes, and are not aajor in nature. He noted that the other ite8 is a policy decislon which will be decided by the Board relating to the zoning re-evaluation prograa and the ti.ing ot the changes that will be required. He stated that Start is requesting to coile back next week with a reco..endation ot each ot the items. Co..issioner Shanahan stated that he would like to tile a tor..l complaint to Mr. Pelhaa, in that, discussIng the approval or non appro- val ot the Collier County Plan prior to notitying the County is in bad taste and bad judge8ent. He indicated that he tinds lt very ottensive to learn via the newspaper or radio that the County's Plan has been turned down, particularly when DCA had indicated that Collier County had a IIOde I Plan. Co..issioner Volpe stated that he bad requested that the zoning re-evaluation plan be placed on the agenda tor purposes ot discus.ion, and it seeas to be one ot the important issues that DCA has iden- titled. He noted that the "use it or loose it" concept that had been used is, in the view ot DCA. too long, and he teels that the balance at tilling tro. 0 to 2 years and 0 to 3 yea:.'s needs to be stricken. He advised that he is not in tavor ot challenging DCA's Co..ent~ or rejection ot the Plan. Co..issloner Saunders stat~d that there is a very short tll1e p.r iod in which to tile an appea I, and noted that it Statt does not get the direction they need in tille, he would suggest that an appeal be t l1ed, to protect the County's appellant rights. C- t ..1 0D8I' ... .. aoved, -cODded by C0881..10ner Volpe 8Dd P8g8 28 10° -------. -----..-.. March 7, 1St.. carr i84 ~ i -0'11.81 y, that thl. it.. be brought back D8X1: ....k, 8Dd St~t to provi~ r.co-ndatlona regarc11nq DCA'. CO'888'nt.. It.. .11A JuUU&Z Ah&.~¡~ 89-120/123, ARD 89-120/127 - ADOPTED ec-i_iooer Goodnlght 8OV8d, -.conded by C0881..1oner Baa- 8Dd carried ~t~1y, that Budget A8endaent. 8~-120/123 8D4 8~12a/127 be ~ed. It- 'lOA RESOLVTI 08 . I- 0 3, AO'TBORIZDfQ TO BOOSIJrG PI.DC1I: AO'TBOIITT OJ' COLLIn \'uu8¡ 11 TO IS8UK JIOJtTOI.aa AaV&.llU& BOJrDS TO PI.DCI: ROODJrl BAY ~~-~ ~.nç:r ~ -M!'O~ -.M - ~~- ---- ----- County Attorney Cuyler advised that this agenda item and the one tollowing are Housing Finance Authority aatters. He indicated that there are a couple ot saall changes in one ot the proposed two resolu- tions. Attorney Donald Pickworth, repre.enting the Housing Flnance Authorlty, stated that there are two projects to be di.cussed. He noted that the tirst project is a a~lti-tallily apartment project, adding that the Authority considered this at a public hearing and has ðeter.ined to move ahead with the project it approval is granted by the Board ot County Co..issioners. He advised that the project will consist ot 500 units, with the tirst phase consisting ot approximately 240 units, and will be located on Manatee Road. He indicated that thls project is sillilar to others that have been financed by the Authority: Suamerwinds, River Reach, Meadowood Apartments, and the Belvedere Apartments. Attorney Pickworth noted that the rules have changed, which ba:Jl- cally require that 20' ot the units aust be available to indlvlduals whose incoae is at or below 50' ot area lIedian. He stated that this is a ditticult requirellent tor the developers to meet, adding that this has been the tirst application since 1985. He advised that the developer is proposing to have a dual rent schedule, so that t¡nlts will be available at a price for persons in the lower range. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Pickworth stated that Page 29 O( - ~,_.,-_."_. _.""---'.'" '"'--.......--- March 7, 1989 approval by the Board of County Co..issioners is required by the tax code, noting that the County is not liable tor this project. Co..is.loner Volpe questioned the amount ot the bond lssue? "r. Pickworth replied that it all 500 units are constructed, the amoun t r~ested is $25 m1111on, but noted that the first phase of construction will require $10 million. Mr. Pickworth stated that single-tallily projects are handled dif- terently, in that, the Authority lIakes the program available wlth the 80nies avaIlable through lending institutions which have to subscrlbe for the aoney. He noted that it the Board approves the single-family project today, the people putting the issue together will go to the various lending instItutIons in Southwest Florida. lIIake mortgage loan. in Collier County, and the Bonds will be issued in an -oun t suf- ficient to cover the aaount subscribed to by the lending institutions. Co..lssioner Shanahan questioned it there is a certain amount set ..1de for the low-cost, single-tamily dwelling, or are the benefits ln i.pact fees, etc.? Mr. Pickworth indicated that the single-family person applies to the financial institution that has subscribed to this prograa, noting that the person applying must be a first time hoae buyer, and the new construction home cannot exceed $19,000. In answer to Co..issioner Volpe, Mr. Ollitf advised that the zoning re-evaluation will consider each case separately, notlng that a special case, such as low-income housing, -y have certain additional types ot criteria that would allow a difterent zoning review. Co_issioner Hasse questioaed what type of illpact the project will have on SR-951? Mr. Pickworth 1ndicated that the initJaI 240 units are ready to be con8tructed. He noted that the Authority understands that the project 18 fully permittable today, whether it is financed or not, and is zoned accordingly. Co_i8sioner Shanahan questioned whether the project i. -grandfathered in", and it zoning is already accomplished, what wl11 this project do to SR-951 and Manatee Road? He suggested that Statt Page 30 Ð1' c- ._""".,--, March 7, 1989 look further at the present situation on SR-951, and how this project will ettect it in the future. He noted that possIbly this ltell should be continued for a week, to allow for turther review. Co..issioner Volpe stated that the County has a road that .1s already at capacity, and he does not know what continuing this project tor another week will revea I, since this is a 500 unit project, and the road i. presently over capacity. Co..issioner Saunders indicated that regardless ot who .1s building this project, the same zoning issues apply. Co..issioner Goodnight stated that the reason the petitioner ls betore the Co..ission today, is to be able to take advantage of federal 8Oney. She noted that by continuing this item tor a week, it is po.sible that with the interest rates cliabing daily, the developer may take the optIon not to construct the project, it he cannot obtaln an interest rate that will allow hill! to make a profit. She indicated that everyone should be treated the same, adding i t building is to be stopped on SR-951, there should be a moratorium that will apply to everyone. Co..lssioner Shanahan stated that a aoratoriull will not apply to persona that are "grandtathered in", or those that have been per- .itted, noting that they have the right to proceed on that basis. Mr. Pickworth advised that the developer has been told that the Coun ty will undertake a zoning re-evaluation program, and are subject to the provisions within the State Statutes relating to concurrency, and it he delays building the project, he may be subject to this. County Attorney Cuyler stated that it the CommIssion desires the addition ot a "Whereas clause" in the resolution, indicating that the County does not warrant building per.its, and the County is subject to I I Growth Managellent concerns, it can be added. t Mr. Pickworth stated that he has no problem with County Attorney Cuyler's suggestion, noting that it is his understanding that these are the rules that the developer 8ust comply with when he applies to the Authority. Page 31 D~ -,-, -,.....,---"-,-,,, , .., --- March 7, 1989 ""--i..tœ.r Volpe aov.d, 88<;oDCSed by Co8al..lon.r ~1gb't 8D4 ~ led -.taø.Ia IT, to ~ Re8o1at1on 8~-e3, author 1..z iDg the Boaai.Dg .i~ hthorlty of Collier County to 188118 aor1:gage r.\o....... bood8 ~o be 1I.88d to t lnance a 8Od.erate lOCQ88 apar~t proj8Ç~ em llanat.. Jtoed. wltll the 8ðcSed provl.ion that tb8re are DO repJ..8..n- tat1oð8 OQ the p4U"t of the County 1n approv.in.g th1. t1no8Dc:iDg that tll1. w111 I"88Ul t 1n v..t1D9, or exe...,t tll1. project froa the reqa.1r.t- ~t. ot the Growth Page 32 i { , ,,-,,- ._-"----"-'. March 7, 1989 1t:- .108 JtDOUrnC18 '--'0., AOT1IOK1ZATIo. roK 'fD BOOSIA PIJI.AJICK ADTJIOJUTT OJ' CI..&T "-'-u 1'0 ISSO'K II.OLE J'AMI'LT ~ nvlUU& BOIrD8 I. COOPKIU.TIOIr WITH TD COLLIn COOJITT BOOSI.O n.uCK At1TBOJUTT, TO n..&IICZ QOALJ.rT J..8U LOU P1tOG1lAXS I. COLLIn COO:rrY, AJrD AOTBOKIZATIO. rea TD CO'LLID ADTBORITT TO DTD. IJrTO AJf IJr'TDLOCAL AmtzmŒJrT WITH Tn CLAY ADTBOIlITT FOR TnSZ PORPOSES - ADOPTED ~s ~IJ&D The discussion for this item was presented in the prior item. County Attorney Cuyler stated that there is a change which has been added to the proposed resolution. He noted that a "WHEREAS clau..- has been included which states that "the Colller Authorlty has requested the Board to approve the issuance ot the Bonds In order to satisty the requireaents ot Section 147(t) of the Int:ernal Revenue Code ot 1986 as ..ended". He advised that the additional provision regarding vesting and the Growth Manageaent Act will also be added to this resolution. C'~ i -10Di8r Shan- h_TI 1IOV8d, -.ccmded by C0881..1oner Oooc2nJght: 8Dd carr 1ed 1ID8nJ..au.a 1 y, to adopt Re8o1utlon 89-&4, ..~. Page 33 "!' .w.- ---.-.-- . March 7, 198i It- .-tal. uaourrIC8 IS-ðð, PItOV1:DI.O J'OJt '1'D IMPOSITIO. AJrD COI.LJ£CTIOJI OY LOC.I.L 0PrIC8 rD ~ DII.UK:'ED UI&lW~r -'11- TELKPBOD SDVICK AJfJ) 5Y\I ~ 1" - Auur.¡: ILU Williaa McNulty, E911 Coordinator with the Sheritf's Oftice, stated that request is beIng aade tor a change in contract tcr equip- aent with United Telephone Company. He noted that in 1981, a contract was entered into with UnIted Telephone for AMI and ALI equipment, noting that sInce that tiae, through aodern technology, one piece ot equipaent has been developed which will replace the two lte.. which were originally contracted tor, and wl11 be a savings to the County in the amount ot $20,000. oro-t-IOD8r -"".h...... 8D'98d, 88CODded by Co8a1..1cmer II888e 8DIS C8rr1ed -t~l." to 8¥~¿O~- the contract wlth United Telepboae ~J" 8Dd 8dopt b801ution a.-ee. Page 34 'IV~ ----- March 7, 1989 Itea #1U DnA CiIAIJI TDI8 roJt I JIMA n: JrOS. & . & 3 0 AJrD & 4 7 1 4 - A.PP'JtOVÐ) ec-J._1QD8T Goodnight ~, 88CODded by CoaaJ...i0D8r Shan..h-""ll aDd carried 1IDaa~ly, to approve extra gain tl- tor Inaat. 1108. &4530 8Dd 647U. ... c-i..1aDer Volpe 1IO'V'8d, aec0Dde4 bT eo...t..lcmer tlhan.ahez¡ aDCS carried --i-oualy, that the tollowl.og 1t-- 1mder the CoD8eDt ~ .. be ...... ¿ 0 v ..-d and I or 8dop t ed - 888D4ed: It.. -1U1 fiJIAL PA.Dl.1œT I'OR COIIMEJtCIAL UJrI) USE STt1DT TO RrYJrOLDS, SMITH . KILLS U TO M«X1IIr 01' 8958.03 It.. ." 4.A2 RZSOI.uTI08 IIÞ-55, P'KOVIDI.O J'OR &.sSUSM:Er.r or LID I. OKDD TO UCO9D ( FU1ID8 &..r~ BY TIm COOJITY TO A.BAn: PUBLIC WISuc. 08' LOT 7, IJLOCX ~ 289, MoUCO 8UC1I, UJrYT 8, MARCO ras I.C., A JfE1f .7D.SEY COJtPuRArrO8' See Pages -4/- A. I - ¡t. )... r I It.. .1U3 f JtUOU7rIœ IIÞ-&7, P1tOVIDIJrG row ASSUSMZJrT 0., LID I. 0JtDD TO UCO9D ! FV8'DII ~ BY TO CCt7JITY TO A.BAn: Pt1Bt.IC WISAJrCK o. LOT 5, IJLOCX r ~. !.I.-IT I. ØOt.DD GATE.. .10BJr C. a vntGI.IA GARRISO. ~ See Page. ~ 1- 73 t J - B. j" I It.. #14.1.4 RKSOU1nœ IIÞ-&l, PItOVIDIJrG row ASSUSKDT or LID I. OKDD TO UCOVD ¡: FU1ID8 Lu-aaU&U BY TIm CUV.ll' TO A.BAn: PUJSI.IC WISUCZ o. LOT 11, IJLOCX .~ 197, 0IrIT I, GOLDD GAn, KAJtOt7DIn: M. MARTIJrDALE See Pages ~/~. / - (!t~ I ! r Ib- .1U6 I aCSOt.UTIOIr 81Þ-59, PItOVIDI.O FOR ASSUSIUJrr or LID I. ORDD TO UCC"íD I ni'1:D8 ~ BY Tn COt1JrTY TO A.BAn: PUBLIC JrUISAJfCZ o. LOT 11, III..OCK: 15, to"1l"IT 5. OOLDD GATE, MIlS. D.R. ~JrD I See Pages II- / - ]). 1- j). fÀ ., ¡ It.. -1481 ¡ :I 1t:D'T.u. ar KQtJIPtmJrT TO PDWORM SIn: PKZPARATIO. AT TIm COLLID COO'-n . , rA~>.nw I'œI TO PROPOSED AGRICULT'1JRAL Bt1ILDUO FROM .1Aa QOED I ~uW~.-YIOlr, AT A COST lfOT TO DCIID 82,500 I .I It.. .1..2 I STAn TO .LDVDTIS& FOR PROPOSALS FOR COMP1ŒBDSlVE PROnsSIOJIAL &8Qnør.wtWCI IIDVIc&s FOR TIm SIX-LAJrI80 or GOLDD GAn: PAJtDAy UD PIn azÞD 1tOAÐ, UD TO DUIGJr or PEDUTRIU OVDPASS I. D8IOI'.:I.LD o. s... 2': AJID JUEOO'...I..llKl) COJrSt1LT.IJrT SKLECTIO. COMMITTD TO n t1SKD FOR ~ SPSClfiC PItO.1KCTS Page 35 0..""_'" ".....,_..."....",.. .-"".."..."--..,, '. "', ~ ~ ~ " March 7, 1989 A dlscussion took place regarding this itell relatlve to the ~ priorities ot Transportation Iaprovellent projects, and the consultant if Po selection coaaittee. It was determined that Statt's reco..endation be J revised, in that, this Consultant Selection Committee be approved tor'" ¡¡ the ~ specitic projects, as noted. { : It- ~.83 ! "'~ USOU1rIC8 '~. JIOTICI: 01' InDT TO LZVY 'fD SIX CDTS LOCAL OPnOlf j GAS TAX, ""A4.il".LV& S~Aft.DO 1, un [~ A discussion took place regarding this item. Commissioner Volpe it stated that he wants to make sure that it the State Legislature ,. , should decide to increase the gas tax to ten cents, that Collier ;~ If County w111 take advantage ot keeping the option available. ¡ County Attorney Cuyler advised that it there was a~dltlonal authorlzation by the State Legislature, the option will be presented "' i to the Board at that time. I"~ ,¡ See Page 4/- £, / ii 'f! It- .1~1 ',¡ ¡~ .urr- Tun 0Ir :roa ST UP TO EV ALO An, SHORT LIST AM) DGOrIAn A "" COIr'r1f.CT roil AaC1IIncTt7R.U. .um DaIRmu.o SDVICKS 1'0. ADDITIOJr TO 't n L I IIa.A.aT I!IU.DQO A.ItTDS I .um SELECTIO. COMMITTEE ESTULISUD The proposed mellbers ot the selection committee are: the Library . Director, a representative ot the Purchasing Department, the Public . ~ ,I Service. Administrator, the Chairman ot the Library Advisory Board, "'I ¡~ the Pre.ident ot the Friends ot the Library, and a representative tro. f~ ~ the Capltal Projects Ottice. ~í It- ~4C2 :' "1 CO8"ntAcT 888-1 2.. (GJtOQ8'Ds MAIn'D.UCI:) WITH R . B LAIfJr SDVXCI: ~"f:G nr TO MIOOJIT or 822 1800 li~ It- ~4oC3 j &aII..,-¡- InTJI 'fD COLLIn COOJITT SCHOOL BOARD I'OR OTILIZI:RO SCHOOL \1 IIOSU TO "-AIraJovIl(T ItECltUTIOJr PARTICIPAftS See Pages ».1- ¡::; / - r. ~ ,~ :1 It- .1.1)1 1tSSOI.UTIC8 '--.I/cwa-'~ð, SETTI.a APRIL 11, li8i, AT 9:00 A.M. J'O1It PUBLIC DAaIJIO or 1'10 P'IlKLIMIlLUr ASS~SKÐrr ROLL 1'0. 'fD DAVIS 8OOLnAItD WA'lD ~ sncLU. ASS~SKÐrr DISTRICT See Pages ~ /- _.ß. J - %.7 Page 315 Ji fJ ,. - -""-,-.",,, . if pI Mðrch 7, 1989 It It- .14D2 !! 810 ""1111, ""-'II"a.lltuCTIOII 01' SKAGAT'K DJlrvE tUTU T1lAJrSKInIOII 1'0 ¡. T. A. "'-'-. Ille. I. TKK AMOOWT or 88ð,277.ðO Legal notic~ having been published in the Naples Daily News on :January 22, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit ot Publication tiled with the Clerk, bid. were received until 2; 00 P. M., February 13, 1989, to conaider Bid '89-1355, Water Main at Seagate Drive, U.S. 41 to West Boul.vard at Pelican Bay. It- n4D3 ~U'T"r\,:. OJ" IIA.AIt I'ACILITIKS - 8UD8TIWft, A CO8VUR.L.J.UJI Recorded in OR Book 1422, Pages 1997-2013 It- .1.1)6 ~i.r4AJICZ OJ" tUT&a rACILITIU, no LID - Jr1Pf Bon MInSTJUU Recorded in OR Book 1422, Pages 1983-1996 It.. .1~ ~ OJ" IlATU rACILITIES - TR.A VICDQ AT TBE VIJI'&T.LRD8 - WYTB n J. rlI.A TI C8 The water tacilities tor Tra Vigne at the Vineyards are to be ac.cepted, with the following stipulation: The Departaent of Environmental Regulation bacteriologlcally clear the water tacilities for consu.ption. Recorded in OR Book 1422, Pages 2016-2028 It- n.u. IoIJTWr8T'n.TIOII I'OR DISPOSITIO. or &Qt7IPMEJIT AT cn..\DES MTD TK1I.~ I'LoUT CC88I8TD1' WITH TKK BOARD'S Pt1JtC1I.ASI.O POLICY It- n.D1 t1TIUT1:a AIMI.ISTUTOR TO SOLICIT PRonsSIO.AL DOIRD.I.O SDVICU I'OIt DKSI811 OJ" buUU&T&.U tUTU TJUJrSMISSIO. PftOJECTS AJrD STAJ"I' v ,. -. J.o T.UrT CQI8(1 T T ... SKLECTED Me.hers ot the Statt Consultant Selection Committee are: Ann Marie Stolz, Adllinistrative Assistant I Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director Michael McNees, Utilities Finance Director Bill Teaby, Utilities Engineering Director Michael R. Newman, Utilities Water Director It- n.D8 G.a..AY"'" OC4I~.IUIC AT CUSCDT LAD &sTATU, A POD - IJUtSVOCABLZ WU&& 01' CRJmIT I. LIKtJ 01' PUI'O~ 8OJfI) See Pages -II /. / /. / - . Page 37 $'1 f - .............................,...... March 7, 1989 I U8 ß .&D1t rDlN61.a.- A% ~D, A comxMI.n1JM - IRREVOCABLZ LZTrD 01' caGI'l DI LUG ar A I'DJ"ODIAJICZ 8OWP See Pages ¥-/- H . / .. ¡.¡, Jl- It- ß'81 8ID ßlel, I.I.IIDSCAPIJrG AJrD SIn MORX J'OJt BOILDI.OS -0-, -1:-, AJrD LAD ADA '1'0 1lU1tTVII' S LA8'DSCAPI.O co. J'OK PHASE I .. II I. TO AMOOrr 01' 8345,511. 25 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on :January 27, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavlt of Publication tiled with the Clerk, bids were received until 2;30 P.M. on February 15, 1989, to consider Bid #89-1363, Landscaping« Slte Work, Buildings .0., .~", and the Lake Area. It- ß6&2 Iœ:SOLU"lX C8 1 ~ 2, ACCXPT .I.IICZ 0 I' snc LU. N.A.JtLU'TY DEED J'ROM A VA l' AI( ~.L.&;I . DIC., A/I:/ A GAC PItOPD'J'IES, I.C. J'OK 14. 12 ACUS 01' ~. ~LIt&.U 8T COLLID C()u.u rRAJrSPOJn:ATIO. DKPr. T'O I'tTLFILL ~1' ""-.u;....~å KELA1'I.O 1'0 VAJrDDBILT IJUCB RD. IMP!t:O*f'IW'IAJuS, 8ID 110. 17-1181 See Pages 4-/- ~ , I.. ~.. ~/ It- .U.U SOFT1I&D ~T SDNICES ~EWklut4 WIn DIGITAL EqcIP. CORP. U8C.uUIIUI, A8'D AU'J'IIOJUZA'lIOJl J'OK COM8IJIKD I'InD SDVICZ "J~n/~ COnRACT FOR COtJ1ITY MAJL\GER'S OFFICE AOTOÞIA1'IOJI I:IUI~ÞI See Pages J..I,/ - O. I - o. b.; Ii It- ß4" \, TWO L..ulu.-IUI t1Sa ~~~ò:t 8&nr~ TO BOAJlD 01' COtJ1lTY COIIMISSIO1fD5, ;\ .108 .. -, DIC.. AJrD TO DMJULU C1LUIBD 01' CCIMMK:RCK. 81 C1I I'ttuYU1S J'Oa 'l'D t1Sa or evu.u PROPD'lT T'O BOLD TO JIARVEST nsTIVAL See Pages ~/..~. /- 9- . 9 It- .14D ~INIII ----I-.-x '!"aAJISJ"KDIJrG J'Om)S J'ROM J't1JID 301 CAPITAL Aor..--aUTIOIr Ino TO OPDATIJrG OPDATIO. - - It- .14.. JUtSOLU"J'ZOIr '--63, AtrrlIORIZI.O JU.rlUluI'lt1KZ 01' J't1JIDS FOR MARCIl 01' DDmS ""I'Jr~JCA- T-QIItTS, TROPHIES UD PLAQUES See Page 4- /- K. / It- .1487 ! 13 1tZ3OLOTI08 '--'4, AOTJIOJlIZIJIO TO rIJIAJICE DKPDTruurT TO SA'lISJ'T U ~ OVT8TAØtJ18 nrYOICI FOft PLAJr'J'S I. 1"BJ: ~ 01' 8220 ¡; Page 38 tþ .- . .--.-....,.."'«'"'-.- .,-.---. . .-- r ~ March 7, 1989 See Page .¡..J. / - J;tJ. / It- .1411 ,; j CDTU'ICATD en COII1UtCTIOJI PIt.&SØ'1"ED 81' no):-JUh Y APP!tA.ISD TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1988 .0. 1988-80 Dated 02/23/89 "0. 1988-81 Dated 02/27/89 It- .,.41:2 mQU &U:JI TIB roK I8lAn JIOS. 28901, 39937, aa42f5, ".7al, .&0 7 14, AJIJ) 020&4 It- .1413 SATIØ'ACTIOJrS en LIDS U PtJBt,IC DU'...IJO See Pages 4/- /J1. J .- 41- I J It- ""'1 JaSCWT r ..........-... ~~PO.DUCZ - PIL.ED AJrD/OR JlE7IDt]lED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the rollowlng 8i8cellaneous correspondence be tiled and/or reterred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Letter dated 02/17/89 tro. Gordon L. Guthrie, Director, Depart.ent ot Coaaunity Attairs , advising that Congress recently ..~nded the Disaster Reliet Act or 1974, now called the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Reliet and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 100-707), to eli.lnate the "tirst bite tree" policy and to add new tlood insurance require- menta. Reterred to BCC, Neil Dorril., Leo Ochs, and .James Reardon and tiled. 2. Letter dated 02/22/89 troll Patrick Kenney, Environmental Specialist, DER, enclosing short tore application File No. 111609185, which involves dredge and till activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill (letter), and Bill Lorenz and tiled. 3. Notice of Public Meeting received 02/27/89 from DHR to be held March 9. 1989 at 9:30 a.m. at the Departllent ot Agriculture and Consumer Services Administration Building in Tallahassee to gather additional intoraatlon tor the (CARL) ¡ program. Referred to Neil Dorrill and tiled. ~ 4. Letter dated 02/22/89 fro. Nancy Holaway, Secretary, Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association, advising that the Association would like to go on record as unanimously , agreeing to request the BCC to deny any new permlts for Provisional and Co..ercial use in Golden Gate Estater until the Master Plan has been completed. Referred to BCC, Neil Dorrlll. To. Ollitt and tiled. ~ 5. Notice ot Public Meeting received 02/27/89 to be held on Tuesday, March 14, 1989 at 10:00 a... at :J. Edwin Larson Building, Auditorium, 200 E. Gaines Strl!'et, Tallahassee held by FlorIda Fire Satety Board with attachment or . copy or ~ule Chapter 4A-21 "Fire Extinguishers and Pre-Englneered Systeaa". Rl!'tl!'rred to :John Madajewski, Heyward Boyce and tiled. Page 39 1 'If ".----",...... --".,.. ",._""...._""""",,, . ._..._..- -.-. -- ~ .--..- March 7, 1989 6. Amended Notice ot Intoraal Conterence received 02/27/89 trom Land and Water Adjudicatory CoMmission regarding Resolution )(0. 88-309 and Ordinance 88-93 ot Col111!!r County, Florida, the Development Order tor Citygate Commerce Park Development ot Regional Impact, rendered pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Reterr3ed ~o tleil Dorr 111, Ken Cuyler, Tom Oll1ft and tiled. 7. Answer and Atfirmative Detenses received 02/27/89 trom Land and Water Adjudicatory Co~~ission regarding Developllent Order 1(0. 88-93 issued by Collier County, Florida, approving a Develop.ent ot Regional I'.pact now as Cltygate Commerce Park. Reterred to Ne 11 Dorr 111. Ken Cuyler, Tom 0111ft and tiled. 8. Letter dated 02/24/89 from W. S. Yearty. Chairman, Levy County Board ot County Commissioners, enclosing a copy ot the Resolution adopted by the Levy County Bce during their regu- lar meeting on 02/21/89 opposing the transter of roads trom the State Maintenance System to the Levy County Maintenance Syste.. Reterred to BCC. George Archibald and t 11ed. 9 Minutes: A. Parks and Recreation Agenda tor 02/21/89 B. Fire Consolidation Study Committee for 02/02/89 and Agenda tor 02116/89. C. CCPC tor 02/16/89 and Agenda for 03/02/89. F11ed. 10. Notice to Owner dated 02/27/89 trom Aetna Steel Company advising that they have turnished fabricated reintorcing steel for the improvement ot the south service area control building under order given by The Starr Organization. Reterred to Neil Dorrill, Mike Arnold, Skip Camp and f l1ed. 11. Letter dated 02/22/89 trom Dr. Dolores P. Zell, Executive DIrector. State Job Training Coordinating Council, in reterence to the Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act (EDWAA) with attachment of policy for designa- tion ot substate grantees under (EDWAA). Referred to Neil Dorr ill, Kevin 0 I Donne II, Ken Cuyler and filed. 12. Letter dated 02/22/89 trom W. R. Trefz, P. E., District Secretary. State Department ot TransportatIon. regarding Section 03030, SR951, Alternate Truck Rou~lng Between US U and Marco Island. Reterred to BCC, Neil Dorr ill and tiled. . 13. Letter dated trom Mike Mannix, District Admini8trato~', Real Property Management, State Department ot Transportation, regarding State Roads 93(1-75) &r $.R. 29 1s the subject of a Public Purpose Lease Agreement between the BCC and the FDOT to accollmodate the Sherift's Ottice tor a Communication Tower and Transmission House. Referred to Neil Dorr ill and t l1ed. Page 40 ,,~ -._, ".,.,,"' , "........".....-..,.....-.. -..- , "'..-.-----.. March 7, 1989 ... There being no turther business tor the Good ot the County, the .eeting was adjourned by Order ot the Chair - Tlae: 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) 01' SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL , / .M~HAI-- - .' , ~ ATnST: ': J~ C. GILES, èLERK , dJ" ~ f' . #~ u,,~ {J.t:. . ~ .....~ :ll', 1/1-' These .inutes approved by the Board on as presented ~ or as corrected '- Page U /; ..-- '" _.....,._" ,.. ,.......-