BCC Minutes 03/14/1989 R Naples, Florida, M'lrch 14. 1989 LI::T IT BE: ¡ŒMEMBEP.ED. that the Board of County Co-issioners in and tor the COU:1~ï of Col::ier. 'lnd also acting as thr, Board ot Zoning A;>peals and as the governinq board(s) of such speo:ie:l districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein. met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SEggIe. in Building "P" ot the Government Complex. East Naples. Florida, with the followinq =",-cbers present: CHAIRMAN: Burt ... Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse. Jr. Richard S. Shanahan Michael J, Volpe Anne GQodnight ALSO PRESl::lI1': James C. Giles, Clerk.; 1::11ie Hoffman and Maureen Itenyon. Deputy Clerks; Nejl Dorr jll. County Manager, Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manaqer; TolII Olliff. Assistant to 'he County Manager; David Weigel and M"Irjorip. Student. Assistant County Attorneys; Ken Baginski. Planning Services ~anager; Barbara Cacchione and Ron Nino, Project Planners; Y.evin O'Donnell. Public Service!> ;'.dministrator; Mé'\rtha Skinn...r. Social Ser'" ices Director; George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; Nancy Israelson, Administrativ... Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Tom Storrar. Sheriff's Office. . . Page 1 --", .-..,.., ,"""" """"'--'- March 14, 1989 I Tape n It.. " I AGDDA - A.rrJWY~ WITH CRAJlGES :i. Co8a.1_1oner S-ae lIOVed. .econded by Co.a1..1oner Snan.han and c arr i ed unan 180':18 1 y. that the agenda be approved with the following c hangee: a. Item 6B1 should read DOA-88-3C, not DOA-88 2C. b. Itl?lI 14E4 moved to 9E2 - Reco_endation to adopt a resolution to establish a new pay plan title - Request~d by Commissioner Saunders. , c. Add: Item '3Al - Request for reconsideratlr,;-¡ ot Pet it ion , PT)-8S-l7C. Harper Brothers Provisional Use - requested by Pet i Uoner. ( It was the conSf>.nsus of the Cr:>mmission not to consider this i t~m) . 1 d. :telll 14El mo'Jed to '3E3 Recommendation to ~xecute "Addendum - to the Contract to Hake Appraisals" betwe"!n the Board of Count"! Commisslon~rs and Real Property Analysts, lnc, in sup- port of condeœnation of remaining parcels 'Jrt SR-951 between ¡ "'ar-,; : ~ : ."~ E'r!oj."". it~,1 " " C P,.,q'.)t't>.,..' by Comnd 55 j on,r :;h4/J4t¡41 , " ¡ e. Itell 14E3 moved to 92:4 - Recommendation to ~xecute an agreement with outside counse 1, Hartsfield ,. Pixel at Tallahassee for the Pine Ridge Industrial ?<ìrk. Municipal Services Taxing and Benefit Unit Project - Requested by Commissioner Volpe. I JITRO DOCT I 011 OF MR. rRAJR: BROTT. COMMURITY DEVELO~KT ADMI.ISTRATOR County Manager Dorrill introduced Collier County's new Community Developllent Administrator. Mr. Frank Brutt. He st'l+",j that Mr. Brutt f has 16 years of planning experience in Florida It- 'SA DŒ'LOTD SERVICE AKARD - PRESDTED t Commissioner Saunders congratulated Jean Jeffords of Social Services, for five years of continuous service with Collier County Government. He pres~nted her with a certificate anrj a pin. I Hrs. Jeftords stated that she has enjoyed workifl9 in Collier County. noting that it is not often that indivièllal gets the . an oppor- tunity to work in an agency where there is team spirit ar;d un self ish devotion. Tillothy Spaulding of the Ochopee Fire Control District has served Collier County for ten years. Mr. Spaulding's award was not pre- sented. due to the fact that he is on vacation. Page 2 -- . - ,_. --""""""""-.""""""---".""""'" ; March 14. 1989 It- ft. PROCt.AJIIATIOW DESIGJI.A.TIKG APRIL 1. 1989. rOR THE SUP!:R BOML I I CIrT jComrTT VOLLEYBALL TOURJI.A.MEJf1' - ADOPTED -- Upon reading of the Proclaaation. Co..iaeioner Saunders aoved. seconded by Co.ai.e1oner Baaae and carried unaniaously, that Apr 11 1. 1989. be designated for the Super Bowl II City/County Vollryball T~t. Chris Holley, City of Naples Parks & Parkway Director, stated that on behalf of the City, he accepts the challenge to play volleyball this year. noting that it is an opportunity for both governmental agencies to get together in a casual setting and enjoy each others' company. Page 3 r --, .-" t I March 14. 1989 1 It.."A I; MR. BAJtOLD VAD UQaESTI.G IKTERPR.ETATIO. OJ' T1Œ ZO.I.a CODI: WITH , nst"KCT TO POJn' MARCO - STAl'P TO COME BACX WITH APPROPRIATE AIuJIWLUll'S TO 1'JŒ ~JrO _OJU)I.AJfC~__-------- --- ----- .~ , Planning Services Manager Baginski stated that this petition was presented to the Board of County Commissioners two week.s ago. at which time Staff was directed to review the Zoning Ordinance. and provide a recommendation. He indicated that upon review of the existing non- I ~ conforaing use section of the Ordinance. Staff believes that the best ~ 1 way to handle this item is to identify unique residf>.ntial non- :t ~ contorainr; uses. provide criteria in the form of a Provisional Use ~ request. and present same to the Board of County Commissioners with a t recommendation by Staff. and place the Board in the position of iden- tHying the unique nature. abiLty. or whether it is warranted to i expand the non-conforming .¡se. Mr. Baginski stated that he h"ls provided a brief outline of an ordinance ar ~ndJD...n t that can be made in the type of non-conforming uses or structures. as noted in the the I::xp.cutive Summary. He indi- ' t cated that there are six condit ions which ident1f,¡ '~la t : 1. 7he non-conforming use must have been in effect at the time I of adoption of the ordinance. 2. Expansion will not exceed the building height requirements of that District. 3. Expansion will not further encroach upon . ~le existing yards, ~ f 4. The alteration. improvement or reconstruction will not I result in the expansion beyond the origin,,: parcel. 5. Adequate parking must be provided. ~ 6. Such alteration. improvement. recanst rio' t ion shall ~ or not present a.threat to the health. w::lfare. 'c r safety of the community. Co_issianer Volpe stated that the direction t., Statf that is t requested. addresses alterations. and replacements of non-conforming uses and structures. noting that he does not want to see alterations I or replacements or changes in non-conforming uses, I Hr. Baginski advised that the reason he includ..cj structures and uses, is that there are unique circumstances relat¡ng to Port Marco, ~ f Page 4 ~ I ì - ----., .- "--,,,--.-.--. ,.."",- March H. 1989 , in that it is a non-conforming use and it involves non-conforming t..~ structures at the same time. Commissioner Volpe noted that the structure can be altered, but' he does not und~rstand how the use can be altered in a residential neighborhood. Mr. Baginski stated that he understands Commissioner Volpe's com- ment, adding that he feels ~hat a recommendation can be drafted. pointing out the differenc~s between th... uses "Ind structures, and presented to the Co~nty Attorney's Office. ~ Commissioner Volpe questioned whether this particular community I may require an amendment to the newly adopted Comprehensive Plan, to address the density situatio~ of If units on less ~han 1-1/2 acres of ? ~ land. as opposed to 4 units per acres? He noted that there seems to , ~ be in some inconsistency. i Mr. Baginski indicated that Port Marco will be part ot the analy- , ;. sis Qf the zoning review. Co..issioner Hasse questioned how long the mobile home park has been in existence? Mr. Harold Vann, President, Port Marco advised that the park has been in existence since the early 1930's. i Commissioner Hasse stated that he feels that consideration should ¡ be given regarding replacelllent of a like size, noting that this is a I betterment to the County. . Mr. Baginski indicated that there are many uses in property that, have been in existence in Collier County prior to the adoption of . zoning, adding that this may be a unique situation in the terMS of the request tor modification; however, it is nl)t that unique in terms of a non-conforming use. t Comaissioner Shanahan indicated that he feels ~hat an amendment is needed tor situations similar to Port Marco, which may be presented to .~ the Board. He suggested that the Objective be changed to read: "To I provide a means by which unique non-conforming residential structures ~ '; may be altered, improved or reconstructed." He noted that by deleting Page ð 1 .--- ~,.,-_._,...,,_._-,-"'_....._-----'--- - -. March 14, 1989 ~ "uses" in all instances, the Goal and Objective will be met. ì Mr, Baç¡inDJci requested that before action is taken on this item, t ~ he would like the ability to discuss the intent 01 ~he moditications " with the County Attor~ey to mak.e sure that they meet with the inten- tions of the Co=ission is this particular situ"ltion. He noted that this piece of ground is zoned com~ercial, which rnillres the use non- conforaing. as well as the structures on it. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Board desires to accommodate the proble. as presented, but it does not want to open up the solution t 80 that it affects oth..r '!r"as. He noted th"lt Staff should have the f le:dbil1 ty to determine whether the solution should include residen- tial structures and uses. He indicated that he do,,-., not want to open the flood gates to non-conforming uses and structures throuç¡hout the County. , ! ~..ioner Sh.n.h~n 8OV&d, seconded by Co..1ssioner Volpe and carried unani80U8ly, to d1rect Start to co.. back with the appropr1ate 0 rd 1.Dancee, and work with Mr. Vann to ensure that all the situation.e t ~lv1ng Port Marco are covered in the ordinance. Mr. Vann st'3ted that he will be happy to work with Staft, adding that he will safeguard the decision ot Staff. He indicated that he w111 meet with Mr. Baginski at his earliest convenience, , It... 681 . 682 DOA-18-3C AKD PETITIO. PDA-S8-9C, JAMES E. VDSEL . ASSOC., I.C. ~I.a DELTO.A CORPORATIOJf, REQUESTIJfG AJoŒJmM.EJrTS TO TBJ: MARCO SHORES DEVELOPM:E1fT ORDER AJfD PLAnED tTJfIT DEVELOPMEJfT - COJfTIJroED TO An ~ -1.L....-l~!'~;'LO- ~lLRU,DY1~J~J' Iß~¡:L~Ll'nJ1'LQIf~R...~~ ~EJfSE Co..issioner Hasse .oved, seconded by ';o_issioner Shanahan that DOA-88-3C and Petition PDA-88-9C be continued to Apr 11 11, '~89, Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated th"lt the time frame for the continuance of Items 681 and 682 is such that re'3dvertising is required, and it should be at the Petitioner's expense. ì Opon call tor the que.tion, the 8Otion carried unan180U81y. ¡ It- HB3 OJtDIJIAJIC1t 1St-II, PETITIO. ZO-S9-2. COMMUBITY DEVEI.OPKEBT DIVISIO. ~IJfG Tn BeC REQUESTI.a All A.MEJrIJMEJrT TO THE ZO.I.a ORDIJf.AJlCE or COLLIEr CO~ATY TO PROVIDE FOR A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FOR MeTIO. PICTt1JUt _A81.~~L~ISLO!' _rI¡:,JHJfG_g.!LLOCATIO!,--=_~QO~EDn- Page 6 I )1.- t .----- .-. March 14, 1989 Legal notice having been published i r. the Naples Daily News on February 23, ~989, as e'"idenLed by Aft idavi t of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance ~o. 82-2. the Comprehensive Zoning Regulations tor the Unincorporater1 Area of Collier County by adding a new subsection entitled Motion Picture/Television Production perm i t to Subsection 10.6 temporary use permit as Subsection 10.6e; Petition ZO-89-2/Co~nity Development Division for the Board ot County Co-issioners Project Planner C"Icchione stated that on November 15, 1988, the Board of County Commissioners directed the Community Development Division to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to provide a procedure for a temporar'¡ use permit for motion pic'.ure dnd television fi1aaing on location. She indicated that othf>.r loc<1tions were revie-wed: Dade County, Broward County, City of Orlando, and Lee County. noting that Staff used input from the respective ordinances as a forlll for Collier CQunty's ordinance. She noted that the County Attorney's office has reviewed this ordinance with regard to the insurance requirement!;, indemnification and surety bond requirements. Mrs. Cacchione indicated that the CCPC heard this petition on March 2. :989, recommending approval, however, several changes were suggested which have been incorporated into the ordinance. She noted that the ColIIJI ission discussed permit fees, several members stated that it the permit had broad applicability, or to encouri'lge the industry to .ove to Collier County that no permit fee should be required; other members felt thdt the staf'r'.ard permit fee should be charged as tor other temporary use permits. She stated that two persons spok.e in favor of the petition, and one person spoke requesting clarification. She advised that Staff is recommending approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendment. In answer to Commissioner Hasse. Mrs. Cacchione replied that the State ot Florida, in order to encourage the industry to move to the area, has recommended that no permit fee or low permit tees be ~ Page i 7 )~ .. '~."'-~~-' _....e", ' .......""'..--..--'- March 14. 1989 charged, becau~e of the amount of money that industry brings to the co_unity, noting that it is more ot a perception to encourage the industry to move to this area. She indicated that the fee for tem- porary use permi ts is $7~.00. COIID8is5ioner Hasse stated that he feels that the permit tee is Binia.al. and it should be charged for this industry, as well as for other industries. CollUllissi:Jner Volpe questioned who would be responsible for the issuance of perlai t s? Mrs, Cacchione respondp.d that this will be the responsibility of the Zoning Director. Co_issioner Shan'lhan noted that Coral G"Ibles charges $100 per day for movies; Orlando and Dade County do not charge; the City of Naples charges $500 for a comlT.p.rcial filmed in Lowdermilk Park. He indicated that none of the areas charge pe rIai t fees, but there are associated fees with thp. Clovie industry. Mrs. Cacchione stated that a fep will be charged tor the rental of any CO'In ty hcility, equipment, or any cost for extraordinary ser- vices, i. e. ext ra po 11 ce protection or the fire department, CoIID81ssioner Volpe indicated that he is not in favor of waiving the penai t fees for thi.-, Ind'"stry. He noted that ~n spite of the fact that additional revenues are brought into the Coun t 'j, he questioned how the costs of processing the "'ppl icat ion, ;;¡nd thp time spent by Staff and Administration are covered? Mr. Grant Sm i t h, President of Naples Intprnational Studios, stated that the perception from those of the motivn picture/television industry relating to permit fees, is that they will be leav~i1g aillions of dollars in the County that they are in, noting that they will pay for services from the Sheritt's Otfice, EMS, fire trucks, etc. He indicated that nine out of ten times, a producer will inquire with the Stat.... as to whether or not a permit fee 1" charged in a spe- cific arcos. He noted that in the case of Broward County where a per- mi t fee had been charged, that area was eliminated, since the Page 8 J4 ,,---,- ..."",.-, ...",.".'-,. March 14, 1989 producers belipve that a fee is ridiculous. He advised that he shares the opinion of the State. that there should not he '" fee, and requested that this be consid'!!red, There wer'..: no other speakers. Co8a1e.i oner Shanahan l8OVed, 8econded by Co..i.sioner Volpe and carried unani8au8ly, that the public hearing be closed, Comaissioner Saunders stated that he believes that the County should not impose a permit ff>.e for this particular industry, He noted that he feels that the industry should be encouraged to come to Collier Count." adding that the $')00 fee o:harged by the City of Naples, discouraqes them from filmin'J. Commissioner Volpe indicated that he understands the perception and the eqo of those involved in this industry, but noted that there is a beach parking fe,. Impofi,.d on th,. rp'sjd..nt" of this community, and in all fairness, he believes that a permit fee should be charged for the pro:::essing of the applications, He stated that these people are co8inq to Naples because of the en'" i ronmen t and the community. ColllJlli!lsioner Goodnight stated t!1"1t she disagrees with Commissioner Volpe. She noted that the Board of County Commissioners donated S10,000 to a tourism group that was going to M3rco Island for the Seafood Festival, in attempts that the travel agencies would book. people into Collier County. She indicated that it in the future, there is a great demand on the part of Staff for processinq the per- 8its. the issue of permit fees can be re-addressed. She noted that she believes that the County shúuld encouraqe the industry to collie to this area. CO8aJ...ioner Shanahan l8OVed, seconded by Co..i..ioner G<IOdnight, to approve Petition ZO-89-2, and that the ordinance.. nuabered and titled below be adopted, with no per.i t tees to be charged, and entered into Ordinance Book "0. 3~: ORDIJfAJl'CE 89-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY ADDING A NEW SECTION ENTITLED MOTION PICTURE/TELEVISION PRODUCTION PEPMIT TO SUBSECTIOn 10.15 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT AS SUBSECTION 10.6 1::: PRO'lIrING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECT!'.',. DATE. Page 9 1~ .-- March 14, 1989 Co_ission...r Volpe stated that the arguments presented have been very qood. He noted th~t he cannot imagine th~t a 575 permit fee is a detractor. H~ indi'_at~d that h~ Is r,o:Jt look in') to make money from this fee, but merely to cover the County's r:osts. Upon call tor the question, the 8Otion carried 3/2 (Co.aie.ioner8 Volpe and Jla.8- opposed), It.. Ø6Cl RESOLUTI08 S9-6S, PETITIOR SMP-88-9, PROGRESSIVE ERGIXEERIBO. UPJUtSDTIJrG EVUS AJrD ST~. REQUESTIBO SUBDIVISIOR MASTER PLAR APPROVAL l'O1t BAILEY WOOD MAS-::-ER PLAJf - ADOPTED PER PETITIORR' S AGRLuuJiI r ------ -.-------- - - ..--- - -----.- -- - -- -- Leg<il nQtice ha'Jing been published in the rlapl ~s Daily News on Februar-¡ 2"-. ; 38'3, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearinc;,¡ was opener'.. to consider P~tition SMP-88-9, fi:ed by ûl?bot""1 Allen Gr~ss of Progresslvp. Engineering, representing David Evans and Robert Stowers requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval ~or Bailey Wood, a subdivision containing '3.75 acres, more or less and 20 RSF-4 parcels for a parcel of land 1,/lng in the Northeast quarter of Section 23. Township 49 South Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. Project Planner NIno stated that the project site is located west of Airport Road, and south of Bailey Lane. He noted that the Board of County Co~issioners approveò a rezone petition with a provisional use for cluster housing. He advis~d that the subdi'¡ision consists of 20 lots. the zoning is RSF-4, and permitting 10,000 SF lots. He noted that all lots are in excess of that size. He advised that Staff has reviewed this petition anò fInd the Subdivision Ma~ter Plan to be in compliance with the SubdivisIon Regulation~ Ordinance. He added that all pertinent agencies ha'"e reviewed this Plan, and have in~icated no objection, subject to the stipulations, as noted in the Petitioner's Agr~~men t. He stated that the CCPC has reviewP.d this petition, and unanimously endorses it. C~lIIÆissioner Volpe stated that the subject area has ,!xperienced drainage problems. Page 10 )lJ .-- "--""" ......,-_....,_..,..", ...... March 14, 1989 Mr. !fino stated that there is a drainage concern, but he under!>ltands from Water Management Staff that the drainage will flow from the r'!tention ar'!a into the Poinciana outfall drainage system, for which there is roo t yet an official e"lsp.ment. He indicated that the Water Manageaent Staff is actively attempting to resolve this problem. Colllmissioner Volpe que~tioned when the issue of drainage will be addresse~" Mr. Nino advised that the stipulations as contained in the Petitioner's Agreement will not allow the issuance of building permits until final engineering and drainage plans ~re approved. He indicated that if th... systec; is not in place at the time the final plat approval is requested. it wUl not bf>. approved by the Water Management Board, CollUllissioner Shanah'in '5tat~d that he echoes his sentiments as we 11, relating to the drainage probJems. He note j that Sti'.ltf should ensure that drainage has been adequ'itely provided for, since he does not want to add to these problems. ~..ioner Shananan aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Rae.e and carried anan~ly. that the public hearing be closed. ec-i..ioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Rae.. and cazried unaniaoualy, that Petition SMP-88-9 be approved, and that Reeolution 89-65 be adopted, subject to the Petitioner'. Agree..nt, and DOted cone.me of drainage. Page 11 11 -.- ,,----- ,--- March 14, 1989 It.. ~2 RESOLOTIO. 89-66, SMP-a8-11 , WI LSOK , MILLER, BARTOR, SOLL & PEa, I!lC., llEPRESDTI!lG RICHARD VETTER, REQUESTIKG APPROVAL FOR ~IRTLAMD PIns SUBDIVISIO!l, LOCATED KORTH OF IMMOICALEE ROAD A.l'fD EAST OF pRTI..A1fP DR!~ =-" !<'DQPTJ!D.. PER" PET!VQl!ER~ ~CI~~HT_S_HEET AS ~lfDEQ Lega: :Jot ~r:e h'3'¡ing b"'~n published in the lIaples Dally News on February 26, 1989, as evidenced l¡ Affidavit of Publication f lled with the ClerJ.:. public hearing was oper.ed to consider Petition SMP-88-11, filed by Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., representing Richard Vetter. requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for Kirtland Pines, a subdivision containing 5 acres, more or less and 16 lots zoned ESF-3 in Section 24, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. Project Planner Nino stated that the Petitioner is requesting approval of a Subdivision Master Plan for Kirtland Pines, whi:::h is located in the Willoughby Acres area. He noted th'3t the project is a single-family subdivision, Zoned RSF-3, and consisting of 16 lots. He indicated that all review agencies ha-....e approved the Plan, subject to stipulations, adding th'lt th~ CCPC reviewed this request on February 16, 1989, and endorses same. He stated that Staff is recommending '!pproval of the petition, subject to the CCPC's recommendation. Commissioner Volpe noted that approval is being requested tor a subdivision which has an unusual length cul-de-sac. Mr. Nino replied that Staff, the cepc, and the reviewing agencies did have concerns rel"lting to this issue, adding that they are recom- mending the granting of a variance from the provision requiring tha-: cul-de-sacs not be more than 1,000 feet long; 1,300 feet, in this case. He noted that immediately south of this project. there is the same conf~guration of "I cul-de"sac on Mentor Street. becaus~ of a problem with a high tension power line that cannot be crossed. Co_issioner Volpe questioned whether there will be additional development along the cast side of all of the roads within Willoughby Acres, and if the Board will be asked in each instance to approve a cul-de-sac that exceeds 1,000 feet in length? Page 12 t~ .._-~.- '" .. ""."'.'---.-""..-- ,--,- March 14, 1989 Mr, Nino reolied affirmatively, noting that there will be a request forthcoming in the vcry near future for the extension of Euclid Avenue. He indicated that it is his hope that the Planning Services Staff and the Staff of Project Review Services will get together to do something in the north end of this area to alleviate repeating the pattern that exists in the older portion of the area. ColllJllissioner Volpe questioned where the traffic that will be coDling frolll the cul-de-sacs will be exiting? Mr. Nino advised that the traff ic will be exiting onto Lak.eland Avenue, when accesses Immokalee Road. He indicated that there has been some thought by St<lff that some of the streets at the north end of Willoughby should be !':ztended to Cypress Way East to siphon some ot the traffic to the east "Ind west. Co_is!>.oner Shanahan questioned whether extending the 1,000 feet cuI de-sacs to 1,300 feet will contribute to future bad planning? Mr. Nino st<lted that there is a good planning basis for the 1,000 teet cul-de-sac recommendatjon. rel<lting to emergency vehicles and traffic, noting that if a cuI-dc-sac is too long, there is unwanted traffic, because the end of the street cannot be seen, and drivers it unfa:¡i liar wi th the area, do not know they are on a cul-de-sac. He state"! th<lt a prudent l<lnd designer today would not come up with the type at configuration that boxes in the undesirable situation along the east side of the Willoughby area. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Publ ic Works Administrator Archib<lld stated that wi th regard to lon';l term development of Willoughby Acres, Euc 1 id Avronue and Lakeland A'lenue are the two north/south roadways which serve that development. He indicated that two other roadways will hI' extended and provide for access: Airport Road will be extended north of Immokalee Road, "Ind will provide for a tie in to the cuI-dc-sac streets; Livingston Road will be extended, and an easement will be improved upon along the west side of the existing power lines. He advised that some of the proposed develop- ments have made provisions to tie into this at some future point in Page 13 / ",1;, March 14, 1989 tillle. He noted that the cul-de-sac can be connected to ejther an alleyway on the east side of Wi lloughby, or it can be connected to Livingston Roa:! He noted that the County needs to ensure that in the long ten:: bu lId out '"-'15"', the c~nnection between the cul-de-sacs and the extensions between Airport or Livingston Road "Ire provided for. Mr. Fermin Diaz of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl &: Peek., Inc., representing the Petitioner, advised that this project is designed so that at sor:le f;,;ture date. if the County requires the proper easements to extend the road to the east, it can easily be extended by modifica- tion ot the cul-de-sac. He indicated that the utilities are there, and provisions have been made to extend those lines. He stated that if there is a concern relating to thp. length of the cul-de-sac, a sign could be placed at the intersection of Lakeland Avenue, indicating "No outlet", to advise people that are not familiar with the area. 'There were no other speakers relating to this petition. Co_issioner Saunders stated that he believes that the idea of appropriate slgnage is important, if this Petition is approved. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Board of County Commissioners has a petition from the existing Willoughby Acres Subdivision to create a special assessment project to correct the existing storm drainage system. He noted that he wonders if the existing Willoughby residents will appear before the Board next year stating that ..dditional roadside drainage is being dumped into an alread-¡ poorly designed dr'linage system. He indicated that the new parcel could pogsibly become a part of that new taxing distri,;t. Mr. Archibald noted that the proposed !Jistrict for improvements of the storm drainage system does include the entire area between the exte:"lslon at Airport Road and Livingston Road, adding that the subject parcel will be included in the future taxing district tor the improve- lIIents. In addition, he indic"lted that this development will involve on-site retention, and they will be providing a water management sY:Jtem, but their outfall will be through the Willoughby Acres system, Commissioner Hasse stated that approval for this project is being Page 14 'J,þ '--- .- '-"'- ._. March 14, 1989 requested now, ~nd it will be placing an additional burden on the drainage system that is there now. Mr. Archibald advised that the biggest concern is not the capa- city, it 1s to fill in the existing large ditches with large pipes. Commissioner Shanahan st"lted that in looking at the Agreement, Page 2, Item 116, it appears that ever/thing is covered relating to infrastructure and the effect on the level of service. CO88.1ssioner Sh.anah.an aoved, .econded by Co..is.ioner B.... and carried unani~ly. that the public hearing be closed. Co.ai..ioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..is8ioner Volpe and carried unani~ly, to approve SMP-e8-11, thereby adopting Re.olution 89-66, subject to the Petitioner's Agreeaent and an additional stlpu- lation requiring appropriate signage; and concerns to be noted r.lat~ to drainage. Staff to ensure that there i. appropriate pl~ng for traffic. Page 15 ~'l ....,..-."'"." , .."..",.""-,_.,,.._-,-- -"'."'""'-" March 14, 1989 ... ... Rec_. 10:2~ A.M. - Reconvened: 10:40 A.M, at which ti.. Deputy Clerk Itenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Hottaan ... It- ~3 RESOLOTIO. 89-67 RE PETITION SMP-88-10, AGlfOLI, BARBER , 61 BRUJrDAGE RURUDTIIa COÞ8ŒRCIAL DEVELOPMEJIT CORPORATION, RE APPROVAL :ro R THE RAILDAD I.w::¡utIAL PARX - ADO~ SUBJECT TO.~ITIORER' S AGREEME1r1' Leg"ll nC)tic~ having been published in the Naples Dally News on Februar-¡ 26, 1'38?, as evidenced ty Aft idavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, pub 11 c hearing was opened to consider Petition SMP-88-10, tiled by Jack McKenna of Agnol 1, Barber, á Brundage representing Commercial Development Corporation, requesting approval ot the Railhead Industrial Park located east ot Old U.S. 41 Pagels Road in Section 10, Township 48 South, R~nge 25 East containing 38.7 acres. Planner Nino stated that all lots are in excess ot the minimum area requirement for industrial lots and ~ 11 reviewing agencies have indicated that they have no objections to the approval ot this peti- tion subject to st ipu lat io,15. He noted that the developer has agreed to instal] a private system for W"lter and Sf>.wer if the County cannot supply this area at the time it is needed, noting that when such ser- vices are available, the developer has agreed to participate in the cost ot oversizing the sewer and water mains. He indicated that he is requesting one waiver of improvements which is sidewalks, adding that in an industrial area, sidewalks are not an improvement that is needed, Commissioner Shanahan indicated that he feels that sidewalks are justified in all areas, noting that he receives a lot of telephone calls asking that sidewalks be installed, Planner Nino stated that it has been his experience that sidewalks are not a planned teature of an industrial area and this seems to be justified. adding that if the Board would like to make this pC'licy, sidewalks could be required. He noted that there are no sidewalks along Pagels Road and if they were installed. it would be a system by itselt and would not interface with anything else in the County. Page 16 ~~ ,..0..."""'" . -.-.-,"-..-..- ...",--.-.."...-" March 14, 1989 CO88..1_ioner Hasse 8OVed, _conded by Co_issioner Volpe and carried anani80U8ly, that the public hearing be closed. CO881eeioner Volpe aoved, seconded by Co-iseioner Has.. and carr i ed. an.an 1.8OU8 1 y. that Reeolution 89-61 re Petition SMP-88-10, regarding an approval tor the Railhead Industrial Park be adopted. eub- ject to the Petitioner'e AgreeJlent. Commissioner Saunders directed Staff to investigate a policy involving sidewalks, noting that the Commission is interested in making sure sidewalk.s are installed where appropriate. Page 11 ;~ ---.---. March 1", 1989 It_~. ORDI~ 89-17 RATIrYIKG COLLIER COUWTY RESOLUTIOB BO. 88-246 FOR '1'B:! CO~08 OY PARXIBG FEES AT COUWTY BEACH PARXIKG FACILITIES - ADOPTXD ------ '- Leg"ll notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 23, 1989, as evidenced by Atfidavit of Publication t !led with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance ratifying Collier County Resolution No. 88-246 for the collection of parking fees at County ueach parking facilities. Parks á Recreation Director Crawford stated that the proposed ordinance is simply a housekeeping item, ratifying the establishment of beach parking fees at Clam Pass, Tigerta!l Beach and Vanderbilt Beach from $.50 to $1.00 per day per vehicle. Commissioner Hasse questioned why the County does not '.lse the beach parking stickers for the residents and then charge those people that do not live within the County, to which Mr. Crawford indicated that if the County receives State funds, there are restrictions with regards to charging ditterent fees. He noted that if the fees are root consistent, it could jeopardize any future tunding from the State. Tape n In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Crawford stated that the fees h~e already been implemented through a resolution and this is simply providing for the collection of those fees. He noted that this ordi- nance pertains only to ~hp. above mentioned three sites. Commissioner Saunders indicated that he would like to see a report with reqards to the revenue and expenditures for th'!!se three loca- tions, adding that there are County employees being paid to collect these fees and questioned how much is being collected? He stated that it this ordinance is adopted and it is del.ermined that there i9 cost to the County with regards to a County employee collecting the f~es, then the fee itself could be eliminated by way of a resolution during the budget process. Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated that the fees could be eliminated at any time through the resolution process, adding that the Page 18 Lj'V' -,....._--- ..-"'.., .- ". ,--. .. -,--------",.. ,"',...0_"'",....,-,.."..",-,..."..,..,,,..- "...--------- March 14, 1989 reason for this ordinance is also to be able to enforce illegal parking and issue tickets with park rangers. Mrs. Marjorie Ward, repre5~nting CABB, stated that this organiza- tion has o'..rer 1500 members I n CO II 1(' r County and Lee County and they are concerned with protecting the beaches. She noted a petition was previously presented to the Board with over 2,605 signatures that were opposed to any fees. She stated that the beaches are held in trust for the public and should be accessible to all that wish to use them, which also includes free parking. She stated that they want to keep the beaches free tor an residf>.nts. She indicated that there are other ways that could b~ explored, like charging a bed tax in order to maintain the be~ch and the parking facilities, Mrs. Pat Pilcher, representing the Vanderbil t Beach Property Association, stated that they have be~n concerned with the metered parking along Vanderbilt Beach Road. She stated that no one pays attention to these meters and there are never any tickets given <:Jut when the meters are expired, therefore, people do not bother to put money into the meters. Sh.... stilted that people park an along G",lfshore Drive in that area because there are no restrictions, but it is a very dangerous situation. Paries á Recreation Director Crawford stated that one ot the issues facing the Legislature is that the County be authorized to have a Parks and Recreation staff that would be able to address the en for- cement issues by issuing tickets. He noted that the County has to wait on State action before this can be done. He stated that ~t this tillie, the only enforcement in the area, is the Sherift's Department. Deputy Storrar stated that when the deputies are on routine patrol, they will is5ue tickets tor violatQrs and the toot patrol also does the same thing. He noted that if they receive complaints trom the area, they also check into them, Commissioner Sa~nders stated that thf>. item on the agenda is for an ordinance simply for the 3 attended beach parking facilities, adding that he is not prepared at this point to discuss other areas, He Page 19 4~ "",,"""'--"-""-""-"'----- ----",---, March 14, 1989 noted t h.!t. fe~s for other areas should be discussed during the budget hearings as WI'! 1] "IS the elimination of parking or the addition of parking !aci11ties. He noted that h~ would like information with regards to Cla!ll Pass Park and how much revenue is generated and what the expenditures are, noting that from an economic standpoint it may not make sense to charç¡1! for parking. He also directed that statt prepare a repo!"t regarding the meters on Vanderbilt Beach Road. CO881aaioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..iesioner Haeee and carried unanl80U8ly, that the public hearIng be closed. Co.aissioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co..lasioner Goodnight and carried un.anillOUSly, that the ordinance aa nuabered and tItled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No, 3!5: ORDIBA.\'(CE 89-17 AN ORDIlIAlICE PROVIDING FOP THE COLLECTION OF PARKING FEES AT COUNTY BEACH PAR~:IIIG F'ACIUTIF.S. PROVIDIIiG FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILI,"{; PROVIDING All EFFECTIVE DATE. !tea nBl RESOLOTIOW 89-68 RE PETITION PU-88-25C, KIlfO J. SPAGNA, REPRESElfTING T'HE IMMOULD RAITIA.\'( FREE METHODIST CHURCH REQUESTIBG PROVISIOlfAL USE -A- or THE RKF-6 ZONING DISTRICT FOR A CHURCH AND RELATED FACILITIES 0"" PftOP1œ'TY LOCATED ON THE SOU'l"HEAST COR1ŒR OP EUSTIS A~ AND BOO~ BLVD. Ilf IMMOULEE - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO FINDING OF FACT A.IfD PETITIOJrD I S AGR.EEM:EJr1' ,- -'---"---- Planner Bellows stated that this is a request for a pro~lsional use of the RMF-(' zoning district for a 270 seat church in Immokalee. He stated that the subject property contains 1.96 acres and lands to the north across Eustis Avenue is developed as single-family village residential. He stated that lands to the west, across Booker Boulevard are undeveloped; lands to the east are developed with a church and ~':'l!le r"'!sidential uses; and lands to the south have some undeveloped and multi-family uses. He stated that Statf has deter- ained that this petition is consis,ent with the Grçwth Management Plan and all agencies have reviewf>.d the petitIon. !Ie stated that CCPC held their public hearing and recommended approval subject to the s';:ipula- tions in the Petitioner's Agre~ment, He indicated that there was no public collUllent for or against this petition. Page 20 ~+ --_. .,.---. - March 14, 1989 Dr. ;leno Spagna, representing the Petitioner, stated that he agrees to all the stipulations and would be happy to answer any questions. Commissio~er Goodnight st;:¡.ted that a church <Juld be an asset to this property as it needs to bO!! cleaned up. Commissioner Volpe questioned it the site plan could also be approved at this time for this provisional use? Dr. Spagna stated that on all conceptual plans, there is room for change and deviation as long as it complies with the intent ot the drawing. He stated tr."It they would have to retain the 270 seat capa- city because that is what thO!! parking will allow. Planning Services Manager Baginski stated that the site plan is only conceptual and Dr, Spagna will have to go through the process with a detailed site plan. Co8al..ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Shan.ban and carr I ed unan i.80U8 1 y. that Resolution 89-68 re Petition PD-88-2&C, .eno .]. S pagn.a, representing the Iaaokalee Haitian Free Methodi.t Church, be adopted subject to FInding of Fact and the Petitioner'. AgrtHr88I1 t. Page 21 f£ .. .. "",-'."~".'M""'_"'.' ,...-...,- .. """'-'--"-- March 14, 1989 It..... S'TAP'J' D.lJt&A,;IIW TO DRA1"'T AlID CHAIRMAK TO EXECUTE AJf AGR.EDŒ1fT IO:TH THE CITY 01' ~ THAT AUTHORIZES COLLIER COtnrrY TO COIfTIJroJ: TO DO I.sPECTIO.S ABD ISSUE CO'S FOR BUILDIRGS WITH PERMITS THAT WERE ISSUED PRIOR TO AKBEXATIOB DATE. STAn DIRECTED TO COME BACX IO:TH MORE IRPORMATIOR REGARDIRG THE BALSTATT PROJECT AND HOW IT SHOULD BE ~~~ AS~_L- ~_~T IK1>L~ÇAT!QI!S__~ _:r!'Y9J._YED - ----- -----.- -- -' - 1".~5S" ~d:~;;'" City nf ~¡'1r] f>S CcJ;r.r;¡unlt., Je'¡" ~ oprr,('>n t Director, st"lted that this is a housekeepIng item with reg'lrds to finalizing and streamlining the transit~on from the County to City jurisdiction with regards to the areas that were annexed. She noted that the agreement has two pro'Jisions in it; to accommodate property proposed tor a DRI that lies both within City jurisd~ction as well as County jurisdic- tion; and to provide for buIlding permits that have been issued by the County or will be issued this week by the County in order for the County to inspect those buildings and issue the Certificate of Occupancy for those bu ildings. She stated that it also permits the City to honor those bu i ld.lng permits. She stated that this agreement is sicpl-¡ to provide a smooth transition in connection with the annexation. She indicated that the langlJage .In the agreement with r~gards to the DRI has the Halstatt property in mind, adding that a portion ot this project lies within the City. She indicated that the agreer:ent provides that the County can consider the entire pro- perty as one project, including the portion within the City and to issue the development order and rezone the property to PUD. She stated that the City agrF'P.s to honor both the Development Order and the PUD if approved by the County for this property. She stated that there are some minor changes that need to be made to the agreement, not inq that on the first page in the second whereas, "by the voters" needs to be struck as there are are"ls that were annexed by the voters as well as voluntarily, She indicated that on Page 2, the City has agreed that both the development order and the PUD zoning would be approved by the County and the agreement simply men t ions the develop- ment order, adding that there are three places that the phrase "and associated POD zoning ordinance" needs to be added. She stated that Page 22 JJ~S ---"'--" March 14, 1989 the first place that this occurs is on the second line on the second page of the "Igreement, adding that this phrase should be added after "development order. " She indicated that this phrase also needs to be added in Section One, and in the last section. She noted that the City ot Naples was approached by the Developer to approve this and their re;>resentatives are available to speak, adding that the concept is to provide for consistency and uniformity in the review process. ColõUllissioner Saunders questioned it thp County Attorney has reviewed this agreement, to which Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated the County Attorney has re'Jiewed this agreement, but did not sign oft on it. adding that there were some questions that they had, ColIIDissioner Saunders stated that in Section One, it states that Collier County agrees to coordinate the review and issue the Develop- ment Orders for Developments of Regional Impact that includes both City and County lands, it requested to do so by the City of Naples. He stated that he has some question with regards to Collier County government reviewing projects within the City of Naples, adding that he does not feel that it is appropriate, even it it is a DR!. He indicated that he spoke with some developers and was told about this particular agreement, not ing that he told this developer that he would not put himself in a position of reviewing a project within the City limits. Commissioner Volpe questioned it Sabal Bay would be included in this agreement, to which Mrs. McKim replied negatively, adding that the County has already issued the Development Order and PUD z,ming tor that project. Co_issioner Saunders questioned what would happen if Sabal Bay came back with a substantial deviation petition, to which Mrs, McKim stated that she could not foresee this as it has been handled separa- tely frolll the very beginning. She stated that she feels that each jurisdiction would handle their portion through amendments or a substantial deviation. Commissioner Volpe questioned it the agreement could obligate the Page 23 5¥ ""--""O"---",'..°""""""." __'0' March 14, 1989 County to what happens in the Park Shore area, to which Mrs. McKim replied negatively. Mrs. McKim stated that the language in the agreement is general in nature and doe~ not specifically "Ipply to anyone project. Commissioner Saunders qu,,-stioned if the developer of Sabal Bay withdrew their petition from the City and requested that the City direct the County to review the petition, would this agreement, as it is written, tell the County tho t they have to review that petition even thougb it is within the City limits? He stated that the problem he has wi th this is that he does not want to approve a DRI that nega- tively affects City residents when thp.y do not have a voice in it, He stated that he does not see any reason for Collier County to approve this agreement. Mrs. Mcr.im stated that in response to Sabal Bay, the City 0 f Naples could probably request the County to review this project, but the County may not want to agree to do that. She ,;tated that this has not been in any of the discussiçn that they have had on Sabal Bay. She stated that if there are problems with Section One of the agreelllen t, then Section Two should be look.ed at. She stated that she felt that this Agreement was to the advar.tage of the County more so than to the advantage of the City. She stated that in Section Two there are existing building permits that h"lve been issued and inspec- tions are on-going and a "CO" will eventually be issued on those buildings. She noted that there ;¡,rr, several in Naples Cay and in Park Shore that are under construction under a County permit, adding that there are also several projects where the County has reviewed the plans and is ready to issue the building ~ermi t. She stated that this agreement will allow the County to issue the permit, do the inspec- tions, and issue the "CO" on the buildings, adding that it allows the City to honor those "CO's". Shp. noted that the County has reviewed the perlllits and there are some differences in interpretations of the fire code and the building code, and it would be ditticult tor the City to take those permits from the County and continue. She noted Page 24 / ,~ ",.".,~......,..,_.,.,.._".-....._.... .,.....-..-,- March 14, 1989 that the County has already received the fee for some of these permits and the Coun ty will receive the fees for those that are issued this week. She noted that this will streamline the process. Commissio~er Volpe questl~neà if anyone has looked at this agreement since the annexation occurred, to which Mrs. McKim replied negatively, adding that the agreement was drawn up and approved by City Council prior to the vote on "Innexation. Commissioner Saunders stated that he has no problem with Section Two as lonq as the two references to the 35 foot llmitaUon is elimi- nated and it is made specifically to the areas where the permits have been issued. He indicated that with regards to Section One, it is going to be dif f icuJ t to correct this as the resid<?nts ot the City of Naples are represented by the Citj Council and he does not feel that it is appropriate for the County Commission to vote on projects that aftect city residents. Assistant County Manager McLemore stated that start's interest was purely in the matter of issuance of building permits. Coll1lllissioner Saunders stated that he feels that if permits have been issued, then the County should continue in the process. Coll1lllissioner Shanahan stated ::hat in view of the fact that this agreement was drafted prior to annexation, he would suggest that this be redo:1e and brought before the City Council again. Mrs. McKim stated that she would like to see the Commission take some tina1 action and then she could amend the agreement accordingly and take it back to City Council for final signatures. Attorney George Varnadoe, rep¡'esen t i ng Barron Collier Companies and Halstatt Partnership, stated that he would like to discuss Section One of the agreement, Hp. indicatE'd that t~e project that will be a DRI has a road through the middle of it which is Airport Road and east and west of the project is Golden Gate Park.way and everything to the east of Airport Road is in the County and 353 acres to the west of Airport Road is in the City. He stated that it appears that there are sollie solid benefits to the County in being the controlling entity that Page 25 £(, .-."-.." March 14, 1989 d~cides the intensity, placement, and timing of development on all the property since it abuts on Count-¡ roads that have to be maintained. He stated that as far as the portion of the development that is allowed in the r::ity, the City Counc 11 has considered the intensity of the development on t/'le City parcel when they considered the develop- ment agreement and has voted on it and appro?ed a maximum intensity of development on that portion of ti,e project iind he would not ask the County to exceed that, He indicated thiit the County has the ability to approve less than what will be applied for, adding that all uses are specifically set forth in the development agreement. He noted that from the perspecti'Je of the developer, they have been planning on this project for over a year and it is one project that is integrated through fly-over roads that cross County roads so that those roads will not be impacted at the intersection. He noted that the golf course will run from the County to the City and the neighborhoods are planned the same way with the town center being in the County side and the park iilong the water body is also in the County. He indicated that this is planned as one co;¡¡rnunity and not two, adding that the County's PUD process has been developed over a number of years and is well tuned, but the City's proces9 is not geared toward large develop- menta like this. He stated that he feels that it would be better tor the entire community' if there was one Development Order and one PUD document that controlled all the uses in an integrated manner, In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Varnadoe stated that there will be 353 acres in the City of Uaplea out of the total 1600 acres of the project, He noted that there will be 30 acres ot commercial. Mr, Varnadoe stated that there is an a=tivity center at the corner ot Airport Road and Golden Gate Parkway. adding that the petition will be submitted around April 15, 1989. He noted that the zoninq on this property is presently A-2 and he will be coming before the Board for zoning and DRI review. Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that the County is not a party to any of the development order agreements, which does not Page 26 .{1 ,-- ...---- ...........,...-...."...-..... .._.....,~_.- "-...-,- , March 14, 1989 mean that there has been any vested action. He noted that the project will have to campI y with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would suggest that Staft be directed to ;>repare an ag:-eement '",1 th the City of Naples that provides that building permits that the Coanty has issued prior to the effec- tive date ot an;-¡exatio:1 should be inspected a;¡r'. Certificates at Occu- pancy should be issued by the COU:1ty. He stated that he does not feel that there should b~ any referenc~ to any future building" being 35 feet or less. He stated that he feels that the Halstatt project is a good project, but he is concerned about other DRI's or other projects that the County may not be aware of and he would suggest that any agreement that the County enters into be spec it i c to this particular annexation only and that if the County is willing to review this par- ticular project, then it hI". namp.d in the agrp.ement. He stated that he would also suggest that there be another resolution approved by the City Council specitically approving the site plan for this project and pursuant to the agreement with regards to asking the County to review this project. Co_issioner Shanahan stated that he would like to isolate this one project and speak to it specifically because the County needs to have a strong say in the overall development ot this project because more than 2/3 ot the project is in the County. Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that from a planning standpoint, it is easier to rev1ew an entire project as a tull site plan, adding that with thf' majority of this project being in ':he County, staff would like to look at it as a complete project rather than reviewing two-thirds of a project. He stated that he still needs to come back to the Board with more inforraation on this matter and Khat implications there may be. Co8ai..ioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Volpe and carr i ed \man il8O118 1 y, that Statt be directed to draft an agreeaent tor the Cb.ai%'88n '. signature to .end to the City of ..ple. that authorize. Collier County to continue to do lnapections and issue "CO'." for Page 27 .It "'--""-"-"- March 14, 1989 building. tor which building perait. were i.sued prior to the ettec- tive date at the aost recent annexatIon. ~..ioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Hae.e and carried unani80U81y, that Statt be directed to return to the Board wIth aore intoraation on how the Balstatt project should be handled and what the Iaplicationa would be on reviewing the entire project. County Manager Dorrill questioned it the agreement that the deve- loper has en~ered into with the City is tinal, to which Mrs. McKim replied affirmatively. Page 28 $'1 -- ",.--,...."",..".....,....,-...---,..,.- - March 14, 1989 It.. nl.1 con:aACT FOR WORXDS COMPDSATIOK CLAIMS ADMIlIISTRATIOK SERVICES WITH POI. !USE MAIAG1!JIIDT SEKVICES~C, - APPROVED Administr"l.tive Ser"/iç..,s AdminIstrator Och!> st"lt..,d that this is a recollUllendation to approve a contract for Workers Compensation with Poe Risk I".anage:Dent Ser'/ices, lnc, of Tampa, Florida. He stated that since 1'385, the County has contra.çted for professional services for the managecent and administration of the self-insured workers compen- sation program which has included professional claims adjusting, com- puterized ~anagement reporting, and loss prevention services. He stated that in the past four ye'lrs, these services have been provided by Penn General Services and the -:ontract expires on March 15, 1989, in the annual amount of $1'3,500. He noted that on February 13, 1989, the Risk Management Depilrtment re-:eived a cert it led letter from ?enn General Services notifying them t:Jat they did not wish to renew the administrative services contr'lct "I.nd that they would be leaving the State of Florida and as a result ':If their actions, Staff requested written proposals on February 21, 1989, from the five administration cvmpanies listed in the Executive Summary. He noted that the propo- sals were received on March 3, 1999, and evaluated and based upon the overall price, quality of claims management and loss prevention ser- vices, Staff is recommending that tht> Board enter into a 30 month contract for claims administration services with Poe Risk. Management Services, I fiC. He noted that the services provided would include claims administration, case m"l.nagement, data processing, and manage- lIIent reporting services as well as loss prevention services. He stated that the total cost over the term of the contract is $53,500 and in addition to that, 40 hours of loss prevention services would be rendered at a flat fee of $1,500 per ye"l.r, He stated that funds are available in Fund 518 and staff is recommending that the Board waive the formal competitive process ari authorize the contract wi U. Poe Risk Management Services, Inc. Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated that he has reviewed the Page 29 /' ?~ ,.......-..,.........,....-.-..--...-. -"-"'-"""'" March 14, 1989 contract which is legally sufficient. Co88.1_ioner Snan.ahAf1 aoved, .econded by Co88J..ioner Baa.e and carried anani80U81y, that the contract tor Morker. Coapenaation Clai.. Ada1ni.tration 'ervices with Poe Ri.k Kanageaent Service., Inc. be approved. Page 30 1(, . '" '-""""""'.""""--"""---- "'" March 14, 1989 It.. "&2 ItESOLO'rIOJI 8~69 ESTABLISBIBO It. JfEW PAY PLA1f TITLE OP SOIOR RISK JIWWIDIEIrT AJIAL Tn - ADO~_. Commissioner Saunders stated th~t with regards to this item, he is anticipating that e'.¡en though there is no fiscal impact and staff is silllply establishing a new position, there will be a time when Statf comes back and asks that this position be filled. He stated that he feels that the Staff is expanding too quickly. Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that this is not intended to increase the st~ff, adding that there is no budget authority for additional personnel i!".tended or authorized by this action. He stated that this wil: simply establish a new pay title in the pay plan, adding that there has bee~ a ~'lcant safety otticer posi- tion in the Risk Management Department for several months and there has ~.::'!n a lot ot problem recruiting and retaining a person for that pol'iti'm. He stated that he has determined that this position needs to be more general and would provide in addition to loss prevention services, so:ne other areas of property and casualty insurance, employee benefits, disaster preparedness and other actuarial analysis tilat would be used in lieu of the safety officer position. He stated that there is no intent to increase the size of the currently budgeted staff. Commissioner Saunders stated that in fact, the safety officer position is being eliminated and replaced with a new position. C~esioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co..iesioner Raeee and carried unani80U81y, that Resolution 89-69 establishing a new pay plan title ot Senior Riek Manageaent Analyet be adopted. Page 31 ql ..,.,.."_....m'... """-""'-'- - ,....,-....,-..". March 14, 1989 It.. nK3 ADDDDOM TO TBZ COR'TRACT TO MA.ltE APPRAISALS BETWEEK TH!: BeC AJro REAL PROPDTY AJlAL YSTS, IRC. IB SUPPORT OP CORDEKRATIOR OP REMAIKIKG PARCELS O. STATE ROAD 951 B l: TW'!: E1I MARCO ISLARD BRIDGl: AJro U.S. U - APPROVED ----- .. --_. ---~- ----. Public Works Adm~nistrator Archib"ld stated that this is a recom- lIIendation to approve an addendum to a current appraisal contract, adding that currently Real Property Analysts, Inc, is performing a series of appraisals on S.R. 951 and of those appraisals, there are four where th~ appraisal basis needs to be revised or updated. He stated that "In addendum ha~ been prepared and outlines the dollar cost as well as assuring that this appraisal firm will be available to pro- vide services at an Order of Taking for condemnation action. Commissioner Saunders stated that he simply wanted to discuss this subject to address a statement that Representative Mary Ellen Hawkins made a number of times which has indicated that the finqers of g1.li1t should not be pointed "It the State for not compl".'!ting this road because the State has had it under its supervisio,. for about 10 years and it was ..at a number one priority during that time. He stated that she has indicated that the road is not project ready and has not been project ready, therefore, if there was money to give the County this drA te, the road still could not be completed. He st"lted that he would like to be ab:e to stand up and say that this road is project ready and the County is ready to build. Public Work.s Administrator Archibald stated that S,R. 951 is designated for 3 construction contracts, adding that the one and most important t:hat has been identified in the State's plan is the southern segmr:ï, ': an'1 the right-of-way for that has been ready for more than a year. He indicated that this ë.ddendum is for the northern contract and there are only 4 items that need to be addressed, adding that he is scheduling the Order of Takings for the middle part of the year. He stated that this will assure that the right-of-w;;,y is ready, adding that this will set the stage for the final action on the part ot the County. He indicated that the design and permitting has not been Page 32 q1 -~.." ---,_."--, 0-".' -."'0'--"'.-"'.""-".--"'- , ...... ""-..---. - ...-.,..-...,. ,'.". ..~ .. "- "'" --., -..-,..-- ------ -'----'---- --- - ,..--,..,.. -- March 14, 1989 signed off yet. adding that he is sUll hoping that by the middle of the year ::lost of the agreements between the State and the environmen- tal agencies and possibly the County will be worked out. Commissioner Shanahan stated that Collier County has already expended more than $2 million in right-of-way acquisitions. adding that the State has committed $10 million and in the near tuture the residents will be ask.ed to join the County in completing that road, Coaai..ioner Shanahan 8OVed, seconded by Co..is.ioner Volpe and carried unani8oualy, that the Addendua to the Contract to ~ appraisal. between the BeC and Real Property Analyst., Inc. in support at cond--n-tion at reaaining parcels on State Road 9~1 between Marco I.land Bridge and u.s. 41 be approved. Page 33 q8 ...-.,-..,,-......"" March 14, 1989 It.. "&4 AGJŒDŒJIT WITH OUTSIDE COUJISJtL, HARTSPIELD AID PIXEL OP TALLAHASSEE. roJt TJm PIn RIDGE IJmUSTRIAL PARX MU1IICIPAL SERVICES TAXIBO AJm BDUIT on~~.nçr - ~OVE...P__h_--'___--- -- ,- Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the County currently has contracts with the counsel of Hartsfield and Fixel for condemnation work, adding that a large MSTU contract for the Pine Ridge Industrial Park. is now coming torth. He stated that ther~ are over 350 parcels to be acquired as part of this project and half of them will require some condemnation action by the County and represen- tation is needed for this matter. He stated that he is recolllJl1endinç; that Hartsfield &. Fixel be engagl?d to handle this project, adding that the contract has been reviewed by the County Attorney. He noted that their hourly rate is $125.00 and the total amount is not to exceed $45,000. ColllJl1issioner Volpe stated that he has requested a list of all out- side legal consultants and has not seen it to date. He questioned what process the County is in with regards to this MSTU, to which Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this is about the last step in the process for this MSTU. Tape n Commissioner Volpe stated that this particular project has been designed, but questioned if the finan~ing has not been arranged for at this time. to which Public Works Adm!nistrator Archibald stated that an ad valorem tax has been placed on the existing benefit area for this MSTU. He stated that at c'?nstruction time, it will be han¿led by a bond issue. Mr, Archibald stated that the Naples Production Park is still in the preliminary phases, adding that Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI &. Peek, Inc. is underta..:ing the preliminary design which will be followed by the final design and permitting. He noted that the!ooe projects will take a good number ot years. Cn--i..ioner Haeee aoved. seconded by Co..ieeloner Volpe and carr i ed un.a.n 180U81 y, that the agreeaent with outside counsel, Page 34 l' ~ "'..,.."',",.,.-------- ---, -_._- - March 14, 1989 Bart.field 6 Pixel of Tallahaesee, for the Pine Ridge Industrial Park Municipal Service. Taxing and Benef i t Uni t project be approved. Commissioner Volpe requested that Staff report back to him on the status of the Naples Production Park. Page 35 11~ ._""--- March 14, 1989 It- "HI ClL\IIDIU TO FORKARD REQUEST TO DCA TO El'fnR INTO MEDIATIOø ABU TAXE APPKO~ATI ACTIO. TO FILE BOTICE WITH DIVISIOK OF ADMIBISTRATIVE HU.RI~ TO PRCTEC"r THE COtTlfTY' S RIGHTS WITH REGARDS TO THE .OB-COMPLI.u~ OF- ~--~OWTJL~~G~_1!T- -~~- --u.--- Stan I.~tsir.ger, 'Jrowth Managr>r:1r>nt Office, stated that this is "I recom.¡;¡endation that the Board ap~rove a strategy for responding to DCA's f ~ndbg of inten~ th<lt the County growth management plan was not in co::lpliance. He stated that Staff has reviewed the Statement of Intent and is recommending that the Board enter into an offer of informal mediation with DCA. He noted that alternative action and responses have been spelled 0\1 t to specific objections. He stated th"lt now that Not ice of Intent has been issued by DCA, the County is put ~nto the position of b"ing in an adversar'¡ role with DCA in legal proceedings. He stated that from this point on, DCA wi 11 be reluctant to commi t to agreements (;u ts ide <l structured process. He indicated that DCA has notified the County that there is a willingness to give technical advice only. He reported that an ad~inistrative hearing would take at least a year, but in the meantime, if informal mediation is proposed, it gives :JC/I. an~ ~he C();;n~ï the c~¡<lr.c", to rei' ch agreements on some or "Ill of the issues with the possibility o!' el1mi- nating the need for a:-, adminlstr<ltive hearing. He stated that an offer to mediate demonstrates the County's continued support for the growth management process and the spirit of ~he Growth Management Act. He stated that Colller County will be the first county to propose informal medIation, 'lddlng that it would be unl H:ely that DCA will refuse to enter into informal mediation due to the mood of the Legislature. He indicated that on Page 20 of the Executive Summary, Stat! noted that legislation would be intrcduced to makt: land develop- !lent regulations, (LDR's) zo:¡ing re-evaluilt1on and co~currency manage- ment effective one year after finding of ,~.ot ice of being in compliance, adding that it is his understanding that the DCA will pro- pose legislation to extend the due date for LDR's and zoning re- evaluations one year after notice ot intent, which ~ould be one year Page 36 ) l'1 - 0....' .... --- ,n -",--_.'__'_0'- March 14, 1989 trom March 2, 1989. He stated that if such legislation is passed, the County could conform to re-evaluation and LDR adoption within that one year period. He noted that legislation will be introduced to extend the date of lmp¡ement;;¡t.lon of the concurr~ncy management system to a similar time frame. Mr. Litsinger stated that there have been some substantial disagreements in the area of zoning re-evaluations and particularly with the problem of the County's potential requirements of taking on FDOT's responsib.llities that they cannot meet. He stated that a plan could be .In compliance possibly by giv.lng them the language that DCA would like, but the County would have problems immediately with the August ~st implementat.lon date. Commissioner Shanahan questioned if there is a problem with the five year window, to which Mr, Litsinger stated that DCA has stated that the five year window is not acceptable and they propose to make the language clearer in the 9J5 rules. Commissioner Goodn.lght stated that the State has indicated certain things that the County has to do wit h regards to DRI's and because of this good faith, the County governments have passed these DRI's and the PUD's and now if thir,gs have changed, the State should bear some of this responsibility. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Litsinger stated that mediation 15 proposed to resolve certain issues, adding that he is recommending that the County go forward and sit down and discuss this with DCA ir. a structured environment. He stated that he is asking to not.lfy the DCA by a lettp.r from the Chairman that the County wishes to enter into in f orlral mediation as provided for under Rule 9J.5 and in the meantime, St..ff can develop their posturp. on each objec~lve as to what they are willing to give or not will.lng to give. Commissioner Saunders questioned if any of the appeal rights are waived at this point by entering mediation, to which Mr. Litsinger stated that mediation is ditferent than arbitration, adding that appeal rights are not waived. Page 37 1\~ - ---- ~ -, ....... March 14, 1989 Assistant C:)unty Attorney Student stated that once the Notice of Intent has been filed. then DCA goes to the Division of Administrative Hearings and makes a request for a hearing, ",nd then the Division decides whether or not to grant that request and if they do, it auto- matically p~oceeds. She stated that the County's appeal rights are :lot wa~ved by going through mediation. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she feels that the County should go ahead with t~e administrative hearing because every coastal county has been turned down. .....Depu~ Clerk Itenyon was replaced by Deputy Clerk Boffaan..... Attorney John Brugger stated that wi th regard to down-zoning com- mercial property ~hat is not :0 commercial nodes, there may be a time period in which those properties can be reviewed, but subject to the letter tha~ was rece i '.red from the State, it indicates that this must be illlplemented immediately, which could result in halting ot permits. He noted that construction financing cannot be obtained to commence development because it may be stopped midstream, and the banks are concerned about how they will get their money. He stated that he believes that the issue should be looked at in the same manner that Palm Beach has, in that, the-¡ have accepted what has been approved to date, and incorporated that into their Plan. He noted that he understands the desire to have an aesthetically beautiful community by limiting commercial development to certain areas, but there has been billions of dollars spent in this County acquiring and moving toward development of property. based cn existing zoning. He stated that it is devastating to put a freeze on everythilJg. Commissioner Volpe stated that the County has adopted a new Comprehensive Plan, DCA has forwarded a Notice of Intent, and he understands there are some sanctions in the Growth Management Act if there is some leverage in terms of br1nging the County into colllpliance. He indicated that he believes that Staff should do wha- tever it takes to rece1ve an early resolution, noting that mediation is not binding, and a deçision should be made as to whether an admi- Page 38 \\q 0_00"0"'-._'.'- 0_-'-"-" March 14, 1989 nistrative hearing will be requested, or accept Dr;A I S recommendation. Commissioner Shan'lhan questioned whether th~ County can request mediation, and at the same time request an administrative hearing to move the tl;¡¡e u¡:- as quickly as possible? He noted that possibly the County should consider wh'lt Brevard County has done, to resolve this as soon as possible. Mr. Litslnger advised that Collier County does not have the same level of difficulties with DCA as Brevard County. He indicated that there is a process which will alleviate the problems, and ascertain what DCA can live with, and what the County can live with. He indi- cated that DCA has 'llreacìy requested an administrative hearing, noting that a mediation process in the meantime is a second choice, adding that it does not stop the fac~ ~hat an administrative hearing will be set. Assistant Count-¡ Attorney Student stated that the County and DCA can enter into negotiations at any time during the proceedings in order to resolve any of the :ssues. She noted that this does not have to encompass the mediation process. Attorney Varnadoe indicated that he spoke with Paul Bradshaw, Director of Division of Resource Planning and Management with DCA, and he advised that Collier County's Plan was by far the best County Comprehensive Plan that has been reviewed. He further stated that the only issue that DCA could not ignore was their interpretation of the law relating to the time requirement in which the County's zoning has to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Varnadoe stated that thE> one thing that mediation may do for the County is to resolve issues, on an inL)rmal basis, by possible wording changes. He noted that in his opinion. the Board of County Commissioners took a realistic approach to inconsistent zoning, noting that consultants advised the County of the best approach to take, and it was accepted by the public. Hr, Varnadoe indicated that he agrees with Commissic er Goodnight, and he believes that there is room to negotiate with DCA, and both Page 39 I'%-O .--. ,..,..,.,~ ,.-..-.----,.-..--- , . . - - - .-- «-.---------- March 14, 1989 programs should be pursued concurrently. He stated that the County should protect its legal rights, file motions of opposition, and at the same time, oJo through the mediation process. Co::un.issioner Saunders stated that he feels that Mr. Varnadoe's comments are well taken. He indicated that he feels that the County should stay fi~~ on what was o~iginally submitted to DCA, noting that there were months and months of r.F;gotiations, many public hearings, and long hours of debatp. by the Board of County Commissioners. Co~issioner Volpe .indicated that he has no problem with Commissioner Saundp.~s suggestion, noting that in terms of mediation, that applies compromise. CollUD..issioner Shanahan stated that the County has nothing to loose, and everything to gain by exploring both avenues. Co8alaaioner Volpe aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Haaae, that the Cba1r88D torward a request to DCA to enter into intoraal 8ediation regarding the .otice ot Intent to tind the County in non- coapliance, and at the .-- tlae, Statt to take the appropriate action to tile tor an adainistrative hearing, noting that the position ot the Board ot County C088issloners i8 to 8tand tir. by the original propo- _1, - aubai tted. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she will go along with the lIIot.ion, but she feels that the County should move forward with an administrative appeal, noting that DCA had the County's Plan from August until December, and they never gave any .indication that the Plan was not in compliance. Commissioner Shanahan questioned whether any County plans have been approved? Mr. Litsinger replied negatively, adding that various IIlIIall Cities have received approval of their plans. Opon call tor the question, the action carried unani80U8ly. Page 40 1Il .-.«.-..----...---..,.--.--..-.--- ..----.,-. March 14, 1989 It.. "112 At1THO1lIL\TIO. TO RGOTIAT!: AGREEMXJfT WITH MIAMI MICRO DATA IJle. FOR THE PtI1tCII.ASE O. A PROJECT MAlIAGEMDT SOFTWARE PACXAGIt ABD REI...ATED TUI.In UD PftOrESSIOJlAL SERVICES; BUDGET AKEJIDME1fTS TO BE HEARD AT PUBLIC HE.AJlI.G O. APRIL ~~.L-l~~~~OV!:.Q..--- Co=iss1on",r Saund",rs st-3t£'rJ that this item wag continued from the March 7, 1989 meeting, to allow Clerk Giles' Staff an opportunity to review the software package. Clerk Giles indicated that his Staff has worked with Techn.1cal Servicell Supervisor Conrecode, and they are satisfied with the soft- ware package. eo.a1_ioner Volpe aoveð, seconded by Co..i..ioner Haa.. and carr i ed unan i87U8 1 y, to approve the reco...ndationa ot Statt; purcba.8. agr...-nt DOt to excee~ $4~,150. Page 41 \1,y ---.. .. -_...._..,..""....._....._._,,._~._- March 14, 1989 It.. .11A BUDGET ~~CS 89-13./137; 89-139/40 - ADOPTED eo.ai..ione~ Haase aoved, seconded by Co..issioner S~anah.~ and carried unani80U81y, that Budget Aaendaents 89-13./137, and 89-139/1.0 be adopted. It- .13A ~ rea .APP1WPRIATIOJl FROM TRE LAM EJl70RCEMEJIT COJrrISCATIOJl TRUST J'tTIfD TO PU1tCJ!.ASE A RADIO EQUIPMEIfT ROOM IJI TRE AMOtnn' 01' $.2,1587 - APPROVED --. Co~issioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Comm.1ssioner Shanahan and carried unanimously, that the request for appropriation from the Law EnforceQent Confiscation Trust Fund to purchase a radio equipment room in the amou~t of $42,687 be approved. It... .138 Cornu.CT Ü."£JUI TH!: DAVID LAMRE1ICE (;~T.ut, IKC., AlfD nm COLLIER eOUJrTY SJIERIP'I" S OP'l'I CE JU GRAJI'1' FROM DCA KITH LOCAL MATCH 01' $2 2 , 14 0 - APP'ROVED Co8ai..ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Volpe and carried unani80U8ly, that the contract be~en the David Lawrence eenter, Inc., and the Collier County Sheritt's Otfice re the Grant troa DCA, be approved and Chairaan to execute ...." Page .2 ¡g1 ...........".......-.............-------- _....~.._,,~ March 14, 1989 ... ec-1..1cmcr Goodnight aoved, seconded by eo..i..ioner Shanahan aDd. carr i ad. unan 18OW11 y, that the tollowlng ite.. under the eoneent Agenda be approved and/or adopted: It- .14A1 BID .1311, MOBILE TRACE FILI8G SYSTEM TO R.A. BORTOJI EITERPRISES, IJIC. "QiB/A L~!!!._3~'_~~_I"'LORIDA IL~_~_~O..1'---'13, 313.30 Legal ~ot:ce havl~g ~een published in the Naples Daily News on February 5, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication f.1led with the Clerk, bids were received until 2: 30 P. M., on February 24, 1989, to cons.1der Bid #89-1371. Itea .14A2 RJtSOLOTIOB 89-10, PROVIDIJIG FOR ASSESSMEJIT OF LIEJI TO REeOVER FUJlDS TO ABATE PUBLIC JlUISAJlCE OF LOT 29, BLOCX 218, MAReO BEACH UJlIT SEVEJI (DIŒRI.7~~OOz~~,E,!'...L__B..V. , TR.~_,__,-- See ?;;ges --!k~A--,-~~__- Itea .1.,.3 KE!OLDTIO8 89-11, PROVIDIJIG FOR ASSESSMEKT OF LIEX TO RECOVER FUJlDS TO A..a.\TE PUBLle JrtJISAJleE OK LOT 36, BLOCX B, PIIfE VIEW VILLAS, WILLIAM L. MC~n., _S~._A,1fJ2~ILr..IAM,J.,. ~C..I~_AKIEr..,-.lR. n_u--___- ';",e P;¡ç;e" --~J~13_'--L~ß~~__- It- .14A4 RESOLDTIOB 89-12, PROVIDIJIG FOR ASS!SSMEKT OF LIERS IK ORDER TO RECOVD :rtJBDS TO ABAT!: PUBLIC JrtJISAKCE OK LOT 16, BLOCX 211 OF MARCO BE.AC1I~T_1t_!..~ ~Q!I:pL~-SC1IT1MACHER --- ------- ------- See Pages -4~..£!.~ - C';;.. It.. .14Að BID .a8-1362, MICROrILM READER PRIKTER rOR THE CUSTOMER SERVIeES SECTIO. or DrvELOPMEJIT SERVIeES, TO IJIFORMATIOR MABAGEKERT or FLORIDA, FOR CAJrJIO. MODn 180 , !,K, T1!~_AMomrr OF S23,74f:!.,.!1..!..- Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 27, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publ.1cation filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M. on February 15, 1989, to consider Bid #13fi2, MIL-rofilm R"dd',r Pr' nterH. It.. .14A6 RESOLDTIO8 89-13, MARGARET STRAUSS AND RESOLUTIOJl 89-14, e!eIL DIXOJl, limn-II_I JCŒCUTOR OF THE MARGARET STRAUSS !STAT!:, PROVIDIJIG rDR ASSZSSMEJrT OF LID TO R.I!:COV!:R 1'U1rDS TO ABAT!: PUBLIC JroISAJleE OK LOT 6, BLOCX 198L_UJlIT~L GOLD~GAT! CITY See Pager; ,-~ 7- ]). I - 7J, if It.. .1481 Page 43 ,.- /~~ ,-------..-- ----- ,--- -- --.--.--.... -------"'---""--""----- -.---- -- March 14, 1989 RESOLUTIO. e9-7~. HIGHWAY LIGHTING JOINT PROJECT AGREEMKRT KITH PDOT TO PROVIDE rOR ~NSTALLATION or STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM AT THE IJlTERSECTImLQL~1L -_4~-~-_.I~<LJC!.!-~~J!9~___u ..--------------- s.... ?;;~"'., !-J.__?~~. I -£f--- ------- Ite. .14D1 ADDDDA TO APPRAISAL CONTRACTS WITH STEWART & STEPHD, IJlC.. MAXWELL & ASSOC., I.C.. V-LEE REALTY, AND COASTAL ERGIJlEERIJlG COJISULTARTS, IJIC., IN ~ ~O~ ROT TO EXCEED $168,000 (EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES SANITARY S!KAGE CQ..~LECT!.ol' ~YS.1~J_- H__n - - ---- ------ ----- ------ -- --see Pages _iJ. 7- r: / - Ld Itea .14El Moved to 9E3 Ite. .UE2 SUBLEASE raR THE USE or THE CARRESTOWH FLORIDA HIGHKAY PATROL (FHP) SUBSTATIO. BY TBE SHERIn or COLLIER COUI'l_u'-L-~9RIQ_'~___h_----- S",e ?;;gP-- --- i./:_7-:n2! l_-_Ã~3. Ite. #14E3 Moved to 9E4 It.. "E4 Moved to 9E2 It.. #14E~ BID e9-1367, TEMPORARY DAY LABOR SERVICES, TO MAIfPOKER, INC., HAJfUYMAJI, IJ.r~~~!?Ç9_L !~f.~LJ.JfP_ADVA1fC!D _CL~I_NG_- :'ega: ~O t :. ce ha'l:' ::;¡ ::'1'...:-: ;;c;t,: ¡ 5~.ed :.n the Naples Daily News on F~bruary 2. 1'389. as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Cler¥, bids were received until 2: 30 P. M., on February 15, 1989, to consid~r Bid #1367, Temporary Laborers. Ite. #14G1 ACeEPTUCE or FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ERVIROJIMEJITAL REGULATIOJl RECYCLIJIG AMARD I. THE AMOUJIT or $18,7~0 --- Sf'"" ?ag'~ - ___~2- --iiJ----- Ite. .14G2 IIITERLOCAL MATERIALS RECYCLIJIG AND EDUCATIOJl AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY or KAPLES, TO PROVIDE rOR JOINT APPLICATION or STATE SOLID KASTE MA1IA~,g~_FUNDS - ------- - --- See Pages _lJ. 7- Ji.LL- ~--¥ Ite. #UG3 RESOLUTIOJl 89-76, REQUESTING FLORIDA DEPARTMENT or ENVIROJIMEJITAL REGULATION TO APPROVE A $7,~OO GRANT, TO UPGRADE AND EXPEJID U~ED OIL COLLE.£TIOl'_.J".Ac;rJ.JT.J~~~T~~~~LSTATIONS AND LARDl"ILLS S"õ'e Pag",s A~P~--9-'-~ Page 44 J'¡t, """""",-,,-"----"""-----"'."'-- March 14, 1989 It- .14ll eERTIFICATES OF CORRECTIO~ TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESEBTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER --------------. - ----- 1962 TAY. ROLL ,'r> DATED ~ 707 02/02/89 ~984 TA:~ ROLL :.0. DATED 214 02/23/89 :985 TAY. ROL.L ~;O. DATED 26: 02/23/89 1968 7AY. ROLL NO. DATED : n /207 11/15/88 - 02/16/89 209/211 02/21/89 - 02/24/89 213/21-' 02/28/89 Itea .14I2 EXTRA CLUB TIME FOR INMAn .0. 52552 Itea .14I3 SATISFACTIOJl OF LIEN FOR S!RVI~~S OF THE PUBLIC DEFEJlDER See Page --':£_1.._1:(,__[ .. .- -- -- ------ Itea .14I MISe!LLAJIEOOS CORRESPOIfD!tJlc.!L--=---?~L!D AND/OR REJ.PERRED The~e bei~g no objectio~, the Chair directed that the following miscellaneous correspondence be fil",d -3nd/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: .. 03/02/89 letter from Paul R. 3radshaw, Director, D.1v:'sion of Resource Planning and Management, DCA, advising that DCA has ':c:::ple~ed its re'..iew of the adop~r~d Co::1prehensive Plan for Collier Co-...::-. ':'1, and determined that it does not meet the ~eql,;irements of Chapter 163, ?art II, Florida Statutes, for co:npliance, Referred to BCC. !Ie i ¡ Do r rill, Tom 01 J. if f, Chd~les Gauthier, dnd filed. 2. 02/24/89 letter from Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary, Department of Community Affairs, advising that :)CA has completed its review of application submitted for funding under the FFY '988 CDBG Program. Referred to Tom 011 iff. Russell S:1reeve, and f lled. Page 45 e/1 ,,--,,-,,-"-'-'~--""---""-'- ""-------- March 14, 1989 3. 03/03/89 letter from Patrick Kenney, Environmental Specialist, DER. enclosing short form application, File No. 111613535, which involve8 dredge and fill activit.1es. Referred to Neil Dorr ill (letter), 8.111 Lorenz. George Archibald, and filed. 4. 03/01/89 letter from Robert K. Lof 11n, Environmental Specialist, DER, enclosing short form appl.1cation, File No, 111611735, which involves dredge and fill activ.1ties. Referred to Nell Dorrill (letter), Bi 11 Lorenz, George Archi~ald. ar.d filed. 5. 02128/89 letter from Delorell G. Dr'l, District Administrator, HRS, advising that HRS Collier County Public Health Unit has been awarded an increase of $6,000 for the WIC Program. Referred to He il DorrilL Kev.1n O'Donnell. Lori Zalka, and f iled, 6, 03/01/89 memorandum fro. 1.1m Chaplin, Manager, U,S. Department ot Housing and Urban Development, regarding Announcement of Fiscal Year i989 Competit.1on HUD-Administered Hon-Formula (Small Cft ies) Rental Rehabil.1tat.1on PrograCl. Referred to Tom 011.1tt, Russell Shree'.Ie, and tiled. 7. 03/07/89 Amended 1l0tice of Informal Conference from Land and Water Adjudicatory Commiss.1on re Resolut.1on 88-309 and Ordinance 88-93 of Collier County, Florida, th... Development Order for Citygate Commerce Park Development ot Regional Impact. Referred to 1l1!"11 Dorr 111, ':'om Oll1tt, Ken Cuyler, and tiled. 8. Minutes A. 02/13/89 - Beach Nourishment Ad Hoc Committee B. 02/16/89 - F.1re Con80lidation Study Committee and 03/02/89 Agend-3 9. Notice to Owner dated 02/27/89, frQm Allied Crane Service advis.1ng that they have furnished crane service tor improve- aent8 to the Collier County Courthouse addition under an order given by Ewing Construct.1on. Referred to Neil Dorr ill, Skip Camp, and f.11ed. 10. 02/23/89 letter from W.R. Trefz, P. E., District One Secretary, FDO!. notifying 1-75 Local Roads requested tor transfer to Collier County. Referred to Board ot eounty Commissioners, Neil Dorrill, and filed. 11. 02/28/89 memorandum from Peter H. Stowell, Director, Southeastern Area, U.S Department of Transportation, advising of Private Sector and Public Transit Synposium to be held in Denver, Colorado at the Radlsson Hotel April 23-25, 1989. Referred to Jeff Perry, and f lled. P""'1" 41': --------- March 14, 1989 " ... 7here b~1~ç ~o f~r~h~r busi~~~s for the Good of the County, the meeting was a¿jo~rned by Order o~ the Chair - Time: 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS! BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ,,' ~~ " . ~ BURT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN ATTES~, ' JAM:S C. GILES, CLERK . . , . , . « ~~" £ 4' .~~/J~. -< ?~, ÝJ. (' -' . . '. , These m:inutes were a?pro'¡ed ':J, the Board on ~.I/;7// /If) as prellented /~ or as corrected tf Page 47 I~' '-"'-'