BCC Minutes 03/21/1989 R
Naples, Florida, March 21, 1989
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Co..issioners in
and tor the County ot Collier, and also acting as the Board ot Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) ot such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, aet on this date at 9:00 A.M. in R&aULAa szaSIO. in Building
"F" ot the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
tollowing .eabers present:
CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Has.e, .Jr.
Richard S. Shanahan
Michael .J. Volpe
Anne Goodnight
ALSO PRESENT: .James C. Giles, Cleric; John Yonlcoslcy, Finane.
Director; Ellie Hottman and Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerics; Ron
McLe80re, Assistant County Manager; Brian MacKenzie, Assistant to the
County Manager; David Weigel, Assistant County Attorney; Kevin
0 I Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Martha Skinner, Social
Services Director; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator;
George Archibald, Public Works Administrator; John Boldt, Water
hanageaent Director; Pranlc Brutt, Community Development Services
Adainistrator; Kenneth Baginski, Planning Services Manager; Charles
Gauthier, Coaprehensive Planning Manager; Jett Perry, Chief
Transportation Planner; Toa Crandall, Utilities Adainistrator; Clitt
Crawtord, Parlcs , Recreation Director; Harry Huber, Assistant Public
Worlc. A~1nistrator; Heyward Boyce, Coapliance Services Manager; Nancy
Israel.on, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputie. Tom
Storrar and Sam Bass, Sheritt's ottice.
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March 21, 1989
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~ - "PItuY&.U WIn ÇUJrG'U
ec-1..100er ...... 8OV'ed, eecondeð by Co8a1_100er m..n-hen aDd
carr led 1m8I118N81 '1, that the IIgenda be ap...l0V*<! wlth the tollowlDQ'
a. Add: It.. 12C - Approval ot Interlocal Agr.."ut to ..tabl1ab
the Cr1a1nal .7u.tic. Intonaat1on Syat.. Council.
b. Add: It.. 120 - Oi8CU88ion regarding Health racllitl..
Building. R.8que8ted by Co88i.81oner Saander..
c. Add: It.. 12£ - Inatallation ot a Scoreboard at I880kal..
Coammi ty Park tor I880kal.. Bl;Jb School. bq1¡ee t ed by
Co8aisslon.ar Goodnight.
d. It.. 1486 - Reco D4ation to approve prap.....d 8811berab1p tor
the Collier County Beach JIouriab8ent "Ad Boc:" Co8aitt...
Contlnued to April 4, 1989, per Statt'. r8qQe8t.
e. It.. 14D2 8OV'ed to 9D2 - Approval ot tiDal f1mding authoriza-
tion tor .rngineerlng -rvice. tor Pba8e II 1t8g1on.al "'ter
Tr.a~t Plant and I8ellt1eld bp8nalon. R.8que8 t ed by
Co8al.s1oner Volpe.
ICI JIt7TU or r&RtI UT 2 8, a89 tamTIJfO - A.PP!tOv&.U AS PKUDTKD
Co..issioner Hasse moved, seconded by Co..issioner Shanahan and
carried unanimously. that the Minutee ot the meeting ot February 28,
1989, be approved a. presented.
It.. nA
Co..issioner Saunders recognized and congratulated Opal Smith, ot
Social Services, and Sriwan Fredley, Parks & Recreation, tor ten years
of continuous service with Collier County Government. He presented
them with. certiticate and a pin.
It.. nA1
I MP1t()y ...... r::J TO S It - 51 ð 1; PltUAJlI ncuSUT uaOLUTIO. AXD BOJII)
Il&n.8u&S; UD A UPORT '1'0 8E SUllMITTKD TO TIIZ BeC O. 3/21/89
Chiet Transportation Planner Perry stated that the issue of
discussion concerns local tunding options to improve either in whole,
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March 21, 1989
or in part, SR-9!11 between U.S. -'1 and Marco Island. He advised that
the Level ot Service ot SR-9!11 is at capacity, and in ter.. ot Growth
Manage_n t. this is an alar8ing issue that needs to be resolved as
qu1ckly as possible, it the County is to be concurrent in the eyes ot
the Departaent ot Co88unity Atfairs. He noted that the Exscutive
Suaaary descr1bes the local options that are available, and the
variou8 sources of revenue that could be used to supplement one or the
other. He indicated that the priaary issue that needs to be resolved,
is whether or not the County will move torward with local tunding,
either in part, or in total ot the project, and once this has been
decided, the sources ot revenue should then be determined.
Mr. Perry ind1cated that it appears that in order to have sut-
ticient funds within the concurrency period, a bond issue w111 be
required. He noted that a n- source ot revenue is the toll option,
which could be Dupplemented with existing revenues, 1.e. i.pact tees,
existing gas taxes. local option sales taxes, or an MSTD. He stated
that one ot the tactors that should be considered today, 18 that the
County is running out of tiae regarding meeting the concurrency man-
date ot the Growth Management Plan. He noted that the Level ot
Service standards will beco.e ettective in August, and a comprehenslve
plan aaendaent must be processed in time, in order to be concurrent.
Co..issioner Hasse questioned whether Mr. Perry telt that the
"tolling" ot SR-901 will pay tor the total widening ot that road?
Mr. Perry stated that this is a local option, noting that there is
$11 aillion in the State's Five Year Work Program, and the State has
advised that this money may be used in corljunction wi th the needed $10
.illion which is 8issing to tund the project. He indicated that the
State has assured statt that it the toll option or bond issue is used
to fund the al1tire project ot $21 IDillion, the $11 million will con-
tinue to stay in Collier County and will be used on another state
tacility, i. e. U.S. 41. He advised that the analysis that was done by
the bonding tirm, indicates that the toll option will support the
entire 821 million.
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March 21, 1989
Co..issioner Volpe asked it the decision is aade that local
tunding will be used to tund SR-9~1, will it jeopardize the County's
right to obtain State participation or reimbursement?
Mr. Perry stated that the State is only obligated to pay baclc what
is in the Five Year Work Program. He noted that there is also $13
million in the the Five Year Work Program tor the widening ot SR-29.
Co..issioner Goodnight questioned how aany DRI's are in the Marco
area that will have to use SR-9~1? Mr. Perry stated that the only DRI
wh1ch will physically connect to SR-9~1 is Marco Shores.
In an-er to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Perry advised th.t the
bonding money is tor new sections ot rights-ot-way, noting that the
County cannot be reimbursed the $2-1/2 million that has been spent tor
Co..iss1oner Shanahan indicated that it appears necessary that a
.eries ot meetings should be held to pre.ent materials to all
interested parties ot the possibility ot a toll. He suggested that
aeet1ng. be held during the next 2-3 weelcs at the Civic Center at the
Isles ot Capri, MackIe Park, Goodland, and the Erin Isles area to
intora the public how the program will be i.ple.ented, the t1nal
costs, where the potential toll booth could be placed, tinance
charges, duration ot the tolling, the real reasons tor the toll, the
Level ot Service, safety factors, and who will benetit. He stated
that he believes that the people at Marco, Isles ot Capri, Goodland,
and those up and down SR-9~1 ehould be aeeured that the co..itted $11
million will be used tor the tunding ot this road. He noted that this
is the t1.e to start thinking about the bridge, and suggested that
when the road is paid tor through the tolls, .oney should then be
escrowed tor the bridge.
Co..issioner Saunders stated that it there is a toll, the
construction costs should be kept to a .inimua, and the $11 million
that the State has dedicated to SR-951 should be used tor that road.
Co..iss1oner Shanahan stated that the County already has $2-1/2
.illion dollars in the project, the State w111 have $11 million in
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the project, and it the people indicate that they are in tavor ot the
toll, everyone will be participating in the project.
Mr. Milton Leonard, President ot the Marco Island Civic
Association, stated that in June, 1988, a questionnaire was submitted
to the 1,300 .eabers ot the Association asking it they were in tavor
ot paying a toll to tinance the SR-9~1 project. He noted that as ot
"-,rch ~, 1989, 200 replies have been received with 62.'" in tavor at
the toll; 34.4' Opposed to the toll; and undecided 3.2!11. He noted
that ther~ was a .ajor .eabership drive during the second halt ot
1988, with ...bership now totaling 2,lðO, and 2~0 replles to the
questionn.ire have now been received. .
Mr. George Keller, President ot Collier County Civic 'ederation,
.tated that the solutions that have been presented today have short-
talls, and they will not do the job. He stated that the SR-9~1 pro-
ject will take quite a while, and .uggested no truck trattic on that
road, or the possibility ot making SR-961 one way going South, and
CR-92 one way, going north.
Public Morlcs Administrator Archibald noted that SR-9ð1 is an
i~portant corridor to Marco Island and I-7ð, adding that he do.. not
be 11.ve that a single direction approach should be considered. He
stated that the emphasis should be put on the tour-laning.
Mr. Keller turther suggested that the road could be extended on
each side by tour teet so that there could be a passing lane on por-
tlorua ot the road. He .tated that another possibility is to require
that the "-,rco Shores develop.ent have an aqueduct ot 4 lane. down to
U.S. U. He noted that the people ot Marco Island are not in tavor ot
toll., the residents ot Isles ot Capri use Marco Island tor shopping,
and suggested that the toll booth be placed on the north side ~t Isles
ot Capri Road.
Mr. Bob Stiers ot the Marco Island Taxpayer~ Association. indi-
cated that hi. Association has studied this issue in so.. detal1,
noting that the option ot a toll road should be left to the voters
that are .ost attected. He stated that the Association has not taken
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. pro or con position on the widening of SR-9!H. He .tated that
batore a decision is made, the tollowing questions should be answered:
1. It Marco Islander's, Isles ot Capri, Goodland, etc. agree to
pay tor the w..'-e...:.:¡g ot SR-951 through tolls, thus relieving
the County and the State ot that obligation, will the tax-
payers receive credit tor this? Suggestion: toll tor
widening U.S. 41 North, and build SR-951 with County tunds.
2. It there are to be tolls, where will the booths be located,
and what toll will be assessed?
3. Will tolls be ditterent tor ditterent types ot vehicles, i.e.
tourist, residents, heavy truclcs and vans, etc.?
4. Will tolls apply one way or both ways?
5. How will access point. along SR-951 be controlled?
6. Will there be trontage road" to get to local businesses along
the right-of-way?
7. Will local residents be allowed to purchase pass/decal?
8. Will Marco Shore. development have a second access to SR-951?
9. How aany dwelling units with access to SR-951 have been
10. How &any commercial establishments have planned approval on
11. Will there be meaningtul road impact tees asslgned to the new
unit. to be developed?
12. Atter the bonds have been retired by the use ot the tolls and
i.pact tees, will tolls continue to be collected and put into
escrow tor another bridge?
13. What actual insurances will there be that the $11.5 million
promised by PDOT will be committed to SR-951, and not used
tor other County projects?
Co..issloner Shanahan stated that everyone ot Hr. Stires
questions will be addressed.
In an-er to Commissioner Volpe, Hr. P~rry advised that the per-
aanent population ot Marco Island is 9, 000, noting that ther--- are
211,1100 trips per day on Marco Island, during a 24-hour period.
Mr.. Hancy Parker, President ot the Marco Island Taxpayers
Association. stated that the Association would lilce to see a .ore
detailed analysis published on the tinancial aspects ot all the alter-
natives to the tunding question.
Hr. Willi.. Hanley, President, Isles ot Capri Civlc Association,
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stated that thb other speakers have spolcen well regarding the problems
ot tolling SR-951. He noted that the questions raised by the Marco
Island Taxpayers' Association are si8ilar to those that his
Association intended to raise. He advised that his Association is
opposed to the tolling ot SR-951, noting that this does not suggest
that they are not open to action which will result in the Isles ot
Capri aaintaining the kInd ot services that they need. He indicated
that 8Ost ot the residents rely on the servlces ot Marco Island, and
it will be very deaanding to pay a toll to go to church, or the drug
store. He noted that it there are to be tolls, the placement ot the
toll booth is very important.
Co..issioner Shanahan stated that SR-9!S1 needs the type ot
discu.sion which is talcing place today tor the tollowing reasons:
1. The Level ot Service by State and County standards designates
SR-951 as unsate to travel upon.
2. S.R. 951 is the only true evacuation route troll Marco Island
and Isles ot Capr i.
3. SR-951 is an I-75 connector.
Co..iusioner Shanahan read the tollowing question, as telephoned
in by Mrs. Charlotte Westaan: SR-951 i8 not totally project ready.
When will it be project ready?
Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that the envlronmental
permi ts will be received by the PDOT in the latter part ot this year.
He indicated that S.R. 951 will be project ready tor construction at
the end ot 1989.
Co..issioner Volpe questioned the per-nent population ot Isle. ot
Capri? Mr. Hanley replied approximately 1,000-1,200.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Commi9sioner Shanahan .tated that
during peak s.ason there are 25,000 residents on Marco Island.
Co..issioner Saunders 8tated that he would like to congratulate
Co..issioner Shanahan tor bringIng this discu.sion item betore the
Co..l.sion. He indicated that the County is now at the stage to do
soaething regarding the situation ot SR-951, but the questlons to be
answered are what is to be done, and what i8 the solution?
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ec-J.-1aa..!' m.-._~ 80'984, eecODded by Co8a1-100er 800dnight,
that 8t&ft be dIrected to:
1. Declðe what ..tbod ot public notlce/partic1pat1on 1.
approprlate to g8QQ8 the CO88anity support tor the toll con-
cept by conduc:tl~ 3 or 4 public ...t1Dg8 and a "Orkabop, In
11eu ot a r.teren4ua.
2. That in order to pr...rve our Growth ~t Plan opti0D8,
prOGeed with the nec..eary Growth tIan.¡¡a~nt Plan ~t
to identity the n.ce.eary rltV8nDe in the Cap.1 tal Iaprol......"ot
II-..nt in order to tund the iaprov.--nt. to sa-t81 duri~ rr
3. Pr8p8re the Dec"eary 1t.e8o1uUon autborlziDQ' a toll on Sa-181
and to prepare the n.ce.eary bond cSocu8enta.
.. Pursue a Jolnt Partlcipatlon Agr---.nt wlth the rlorl48
Departaent ot Tranaportatlon regardlng tJw 1188 ot bon4ed
r.~~ to advance and pay tor the c0D8tructlon ot SR-981.
Co..issioner Shanahan stated that allot the above items are con-
siderations that have to be addressed, noting that nothing is loclced
in concrete, and gives the County the flexibility to do thlngs after
the legislative hearing in April and May. He noted that these are
aerely ways to prepare, it this is the route that will be taken.
Co..issioner Goodnight suggested that when Start comes back with
t~e intorMational package to be provided to the public, that they
include various tolls tor different types ot vehicles, the possi b il1ty
ot resident or business stickers, the idea ot one way tolling, with a
toll booth located at SR-961 and U.S. 41.
Co..issioner Volpe indicated that he concurs with the recO..en-
dations ot Co..issioner Shanahan and Statt, but wonders it the issue
to prepare the necessary resolution authorizing a toll and the pre-
paration of the bond documents isn't a bit premature, since the Board
is atte.pting to identify whether or not there is local support tor
this alternative. He stated that it is critical that the County be
assured that the $11.5 million committed by the State will be allo-
cated tor SR-951.
Mr. Perry advised that Item 4 relating to the Joint Partlcipation
Agree..nt, advances the State tunds in the torm ot bonds, and the bond
expert. wl11 .eet with Statt within the next 2 weeks to iron out all
the details.
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March 21, 1989
CO..is8ioner Hasse noted that he concurs with Co..issioner
Shanahan's rec~..endation to conduct public intormational meetings.
He noted that these meetings will give the people the opportunity to
aake their wishes known.
Co..issioner Saunders stated that the people that are in tavor ot
the tolls or in OPposition to thea, should malce their views known at
the series ot ..etings that will be held. He indicated that it it is
determined that the senti.ent is not in tavor ot tolls, this issue
will co.. back to the Board ot County Co..lssioners, and an evaluation
will be _de as to whether to proceed, or hold a .traw ballot,
reterendum, etc.
Co..issioner Shanahan indicated that the intent ot his motion i.
tor the preparation ot intoraation to b., prepared to present to the
people, and to aaJce tinal decisions at a later date, 2-3 weelcs down
the road, as to what the step will be, 1. II. a resolution or another
course ot action.
Co..i.sioner Saunders stated that in preparation tor the intor-
-tional ..etings, he is suggesting that Statt prepare a plan ot
tinance which includes tolling tor the $10 million portion, and State
funding tor the $11 .illion portion; an indication ot the amount ot
the toll. location ot toll plazas, and the clas8iticatlon ot users
that will b., able to obtain resident/business decals.
Co..issioner Hasse suggested that Statt include a ballparlc t igure
tor the addition/widening ot the bridge, and the possibility ot con-
tinuing the toll tor the bridge costs.
Mr. Perry stated that Statt will prepare specitic guidelines as
per the Co..ission's direction, and present them at next weelc's
ec-1_100er St,.....han 888Dded hI. 8Ot1on to ret lect that the
report by Start 1. to be pr888Dted to the Board on March 21, 1981.
Cl-i_1oaer Goo4n1ght accepted the ~nt. Upon call tor ";be
qa,eetiOl1, the 8Otion carrled unanl80U81y.
.... 1tece8.: 10:1& A.M. - Jteconvened: 10:30 A.M. at which
Deputy Clerk EBnyon replaced Deputy Clerk Bottaan .....
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It- ftA2
Planning Services Manager Baginski stated that this item deals
with the Suamerwood POD otherwise known as Timberlakes. He stated
that this project was originally approved in Dece.ber 1981, and within
the developaent conditions there were three pertinent sections;
Section 3.5 Trattic. which required the entrance road into the develop-
sent to be aligned with the industrial park on ~h~ northern side ot
Radio Road and condition "B" under that salle section required a
sid~alk to be provided along one side ot the intersection with the
loop road and the third section which 18 3.7, required that a natural
butter or vegetation butter along the west property line be
established approximately 80 teet in width along the northern portion
and a ainimum width ot approximately 50 teet be maintained along the
southern portion ot said buffer. He stated that in September ot 1988,
a site development plan tor Ti.berlakes at Suamerwood was accepted by
the Planning Services Section and during a review it was noted that no
portion ot the property under the control ot Suamerwood aligned with
the entrance road to the industrial park to the north and across Radio
Road. He indicated that since the alignment to the entrance road ot
Suaaerwood was i.possible, it was determined that the aost appropriate
aethod of solving this problem would be to require the aaxiaum separa-
tion between the existing industrial intersection and the proposed
entrance into Suamerwood. He stated that the site plan was distri-
buted to the various review agencies within th~ County and it was the
consensus that this would be the appropriate change to make in teras
of satety and circulation. He noted that the plan was approved admi-
nistratively and since that time, he has been advised that slnce the
condition for the 80 toot butter was specitically ident it ied in the
PUD conditione, there was not the administrative authority to approve
such a change. He noted that under the circumstances he is bringing
baclc the request to the Board, aslcing that Statt be directed to ini-
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March 21, 1989
t1ate the PUD aaendaent incorporating the changes and whil. the PUD
aaendaent 1s being processed, the Developer be allowed to continue
with the construction ot the development aa per the approved lIIodit1ed
site developllent plan.
In anBW4!r to Commissioner Hasse. Hr. Baginslci stated that the
the buildings are in the approxiaate salle contiguration but the loca-
tion of the structures have changed.
Mr. ~gins'd stated that the site plan reflects the desires ot the
developer in terms ot numbers and location ot the buildings. adding
that all statt members participated in the review. He stated that the
location ot the entrance road was relocated due to necessity because
during the review it was deter~ined tha~ it was impossible to comply
w1th the original plan as there is no way to al1gn the road. He noted
that the properties are not adjacent. are not opposite and the deve-
loper does not own the property opposite the industrial park where the
entrance is to be provided. He indicated that in light ot the tact,
the align.aent cannot be made, the next alternative is to separate
those intersections as much as possible to provide tor stacking and
turning aovement as well as safety.
Co..issioner Hasse stated that this was a aajor change and the
developer should not have been granted permission to move the road or
the buildings.
Co..issioner Volpe questioned how the Board ot County
Co..is.ioners could approve the location ot the exit road it the deve-
loper did not control the property, to wh1ch Hr. Baginslcl stated that
this was approved in 1981 and this is a ditterent owner ot the pro-
perty then when the plan was originally heard. He stated that the
original owner did own or have possession or control that property.
Co..issioner Volpe questioned it statt is recolll8ending that the
Plann1ng Service. Departaent initiate the PUD amendment, to which Mr.
Baginaki replied attirmatively.
hpe n
Mr. Baginski stated that Statf readily admits the error in ter-
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ot looking at this aatter as a ainor change subject to adalnistrative
approval. He stated that the applicant did not violate the terllls,
adding that he eubaitted plans and changes were aade based on the
request ot revi~ing agencies. He stated that additional landscaping
has been requested to try and aitigate the reduction in the butter.
He stated that the entrance road was changed at the request ot the
revi_lng statt. not ing that the applicant has atteapted to work with
Statt with regards to suggestions and recoamendations that were made.
He stated that he teels that it is appropriate tor Statt to generate
the request.
Attorney David Leigh, representing the residents ot Coconut Creek
Estates, reterred to a map showing the original proposal ot the
Suaaerwood Development in 1981, adding that it had the entrance road
and a parking lot on the west side next to Coconut Creelc Estates with
two bul1dings in that area. He noted that at a meeting on Deceaber 1,
1981, the petition was deterred until the Homeowners ot Coconut Creelc
Estates had a meeting with the developer. He stated that some ot the
proposed changes being considered were the density which would go troa
6.22 units to . units, the number ot actual units would go troll 92 to
60 unlts. and a butter area would be provided along the western and
southern edge. He stated that these changes were approved by the
surrounding property owners atter aeeting with the developer on
Deceaber 3, and December 10. 1981. He noted that the road had been
aoved tart her to the east at this tis. with a minimum butter ot 80
teet and Statt wae reco..ending approval. He indicated that Mr. Tom
Beaver, representing the Coconut Creelc Homeowners at that time, indi-
cated that the homeowners' consensus was tor approval based on the
plan at that time. He noted that the changes troll the original plan
to the second plan is the one that is actually in the PUD and the
changes ~hat were involved were the density which was reduced troD
6.22 to .. units, the buildings were reduced trom 9 to 6 and were also
aoved to the east side ot the little lalce away troe Coconut Creelc and
the parking lots were moved to the east side ot the bulldlngs, the
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little lake was lett as a butter, the butter zone was added along the
M1tst side ot the project, and the road was aoved to the east side ot
the little strip that 90es out to Radio Road. He indicated that these
changes M1tre aade in Dece.ber, 1981, and the PUD was approved on thls
basis. He reported that thill project sat tor a long tiae and then
developers M1tre changed. He stated that in the tall ot 1988, County
statt approved a revised site development plan with the tollowing
changes; the road wall aoved back to the west side, the number ot
buildings was incre..sed trom 6 to 8 and the two westerly buildings are
now shown directly next to Coconut Creelc at the west side ot the pro-
ject. the 11 ttle butter lake has been eliminated and there is only one
big lake, the roadway and the parking has been aoved back to the west
side ot the buildings, tennis courts, pool and poolhouse were added
next to Coconut Creek Estates, and the vegetation butter has been
reduced and eliainated throughout the len9th ot the project next to
Coconut Creek Estates. He noted that on January 23, 1989. one ot the
owner. ot Coconut Creek Estates was told by County statt that the
development at Timberlakes would proceed according to the original
PUD. He indlcated that on .January 25, 1989, the bulldozers eliminated
signlticant portions ot the vegetation butter. He indicated that
County statt stated that these were sinor changes and statt was
authorized to aake those changes, adding that these are not sinor
changes. He noted that the residents have been deprived ot their
legal and aoral rights and deserve to be heard. He stated that he is
re-questing that the Board deter this satter until these issues can be
resolved and in the .eantiae, stop all construction.
Attorney Kathleen Passidoao, representing OHA Development who i.
the developer ot Timberlake Club at Su_erwood, stated that .he is
totally unprepared because her client tound out about this hearing at
8 a.a. this date. She stated that the attorney tor the neighborhood
is well prepared but her client was not given notice ot this hearing.
She stated that it the Board is going to review the PUD document, the
developer needs an opportunity to discuss these issues with the people
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March 21, 19851
involved. She noted that when her cllent purchased the property, he
reviewed the ~D and Section 3.6 ot the POD provides that minor design
changes .hall be permitted with adainistrative approval ot the County
staU. She noted that her client worked with the Statf and got a site
plan approved, adding that in a letter ot November 23, 1988, County
statt approved the revised site plan and her client acted and relled
upon that approval.
Co..is.ioner Saunders stated that generally speaking it a statt
person ..xe. a ai.take and it turns out that this person did not have
the legal authority to do this, his understanding ot the law is that
one cannot rely to their detriaent on the aistake ot Statt. He stated
that the Board still has the authority to say that Statt II18de a
ai.take and ~erything is started allover again.
Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated that Comaissioner
Saunders' ander.tanding is correct.
Ms. Pas.idoao stated that .he has not had a chance to research
this 1_, but her client has a road in there and there are building
pads tor the buildings, a lake that has been nearly excavated and he
h~s acId .'iJ ot the 60 units and is under reservation tor the balance
of the units. She stated that her client has building permits and it
is ditt icult to say that one cannot rely on the law. She stated that
it the PUD is opened tor review, it has to go baclc through Statt
again. She questioned it Statt determines that the building or road
should be 8Oved, who is going to pay tor this and what will her client
say to the 60 buyers? She stated that this could be a real problem.
She noted that her client's position is to worlc with Start, the Board,
and the property owners. She stated that they are willing to put in
add1tlonal landscaping and willing to buIld a wall, but to take action
on this aatter without giving everyone proper notice is not tair.
Co..issioner Saunders stated that he agrees that everyone should
have proper notice, adding that it would not be fair to II18ke any deci-
sions that would be detrimental to Ms. Passidomo's client this date,
but 80aething has to be done to prevent any turther hara to the
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.urrounding property owners.
Co..issioner Hasse stated that he would not object ':0 grant ing the
developer and his attorney sore time to do their research as long as
everything in the development stays status quo at the present time.
Co..isaioner Volpe questioned it proper notice was given, to which
Mr. Baginski stated that tormal notitication was not glven to anyone
regarding this satter.
Co..issioner Volpe questioned it Co..issioner Hass. is suggesting
that no turther construction take place and that there be a "red tag-
put on the project, to which Co..issioner Hasse replied attiraatively,
adding that this will give everyone a chance to research the satter.
Ms. Passidomo stated that construction should not be stopped as
this ,.,ill cost her client a tremendous amount ot money. She noted
that he is under a time schedule and has subcontractors lined up tor
this job. She stated that according to her client, the butter zone is
totally intact except tor the entry road and this is something that
the Board needs to look into. She stated that it is not tair to stop
construction and they have a valid building permit.
Co..issioner Saunders stated that he does not teel that any deci-
sion can be -de this date, adding that they are simply being aslced to
start a PUD process and indicated that he would suggest that Stat! be
directed to prepare the necessary amendment to the PUD and that the
developer be put on notice that there is no guarantee that they will
have an approved PUD document. He stated that trom this point tor-
"'ard, the client is being put on notice that he is acting at his own
peril it he continues construction. He noted that he does not teel
that the Board should say no turther construction, adding that the
developer should have this option but it he continues construction,
there could be a problem.
Co..is8ioner Volpe questioned what happens it the developer pro-
ceede on his own and the -endment i8 not approved and the road has
been pu t in, to which Commissioner Saunders stated that it Stat! ls
directed to initiate the PUD docuaent and the developer has been
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March 21, 1989
ordered not to do any construction, and the PUD changes are approved,
then there could be a po8sibility of probleas because the change. were
approved and yet the developer could not do any worlc tor two or three
80nths. He noted that it the Board indicates that they continue
construction on their own perils, and the PUD amendments are not
approved, then they will have to remove whatever tacl11t1es they put
.... P...ido80 stated that since they did not get notice ot the
hearing, it should be continued tor a weelc or two and that wl11 give
her a chance to review this satter.
Assistant County Manager McLemore stated that the intent was not
to have. public hearing and a public hearing cannot be held without
due notlce. He stated that Start is .sking to establi.h this process.
Co..is8ioner Volpe stated that he teels that the most appropriate
suggestion was aade by the Chairman which is to put the developer on
notice that he cannot rely upon what has previously been sald with
regards to the site plan and then initiate the process tor a POD
aaendaent and have the developer worlc with the adjoining property
owner. to ~ sure that he has the support for the changes that are
being considered.
M.. Passidoao stated that she would suggest that the only things
that get reviewed are the amendaents, to which Co..i.sioner Volpe
stated that this is the intent.
C i-.iCJD8'r 88andera 8OV'ed, eec0D4e4 br Co88i_iooer Vol"", that
't~t be directed to initiate a Planned th11t DevelO¡88Dt ~t
1It1U.z1.Dg' the ...rvency ordinancs procedure lt that i. legally per-
ai_ibIs 1IDd, it not, then to azped.lte tbi... 81ICh .. poss1ble, aDd
that the ec-1_1on state that the c2eveloper, it he proceed.8 tmder the
plan that he le C'Urr8I1tly proceedlng under, do 80 at hi. own r i8k ..
the ec-1_ion ls not aaying that he can or C8DD0t proceed..
The following people spoke against this PUD amendment indlcating
that there are violations of the docuaent with regards to relocation
ot infrastruct'lres, lack of cooperation from statt and developer,
Page 16
March 21, 1989
re8OVal ot trees, laclc ot privacy, devaluatlon ot property, increase
ln derutity, re¡ocation ot the road, destroying the butter area, and
relocation ot entrance a8 well as a lack ot a tiae period on a PUD:
hthy Fort Debby Cully
To. Beaver 'rederick Nystro.
George ICeller
Co..i.sioner Has.e que.tioned it there is a li.it on PUD's at the
present tiae, to which Mr. McLesore stated that the Co.prehensive Plan
envi.ions .088 changes in the tiee limit. He noted that this will put
the Board on alert to the proce.s change. and recommendations that
will be coaing betore the Board in the near tuture.
Mr. Baginski stated that under the existing ordinance there are no
limltations to a tise limit on PUD's, adding that the Statt, ln con-
junction with the consultants, is revislting the condltions ln the
exlsting zoning ordinance. He stated that he can assure the Board
that no one on hfs statt has taken a casual approach to thls aatter.
Co..i..ioner Volpe stated that the changes that have been approved
do not appear to be sinor changes, adding that he would like to have
SO88 intoraation as to how this entire aatter was handled internally
b-J the Start.
Attorney Lelgh stated that he would be glad to work with the deve-
loper quickly, and the Board can say that the developer i. acting at
his cnm perils, but once the trees are gone, they cannot be replaced.
He stated that it 8Ust be illegal to allow the developer to continue
in contravention ot the existing PUD.
Co..issioner Shanahan stated that he would lilce to consider pre-
paring the PUD amendment and put a stop on the develop.ent untl1 it i.
"-i..1aDer ~ra w1 thdrew hi. 8OtJon aDd ec-J_iODer Volpe
wt.bA ... Ä18 eec" 04.
Co..ls.ioner Saunders stated that he teals that there were so.e
al.take. _de at the statt level and he does not tee 1 that thi. could
be considered a sinor deviation. He indicated that one ot the hardest
things that the Board has to do 18 to protect neighborhoods.
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'"- 1 ..1oDer ~ hen IIOV8d. , 8eCODðed by Co88.1..iooer ....., to
dIree~ .taft to prepare the approprlate Pt1D d~n~ 88118nd88nt. to
reflect the D8Ce88ary cbange8 and that the developer 1. DO~ to do
anytlLJ..Dg tl¡a~ 18 in violation ot the orlg1nal Pt1D do<:._ut.
Mr. N~gar, developer, stated that the landscaping has only been a
ainor change and they coabined the two lake.. He stated that the
buildings do not tace the neigh¡"ors, noting that the recreation taci-
11 ties are in that area.
Mr. McLellOre stated that the issue is whether there ha. been a
8Ubstantial change and in the opinion ot the County Attorney, there
h... been. He noted that this .is the only issue at this time.
Mr. Keygar stated that the Board approved this plan and the only
problem was the road, noting that he has an obligation to the people
that have purchased these hoses. He noted that he has a ti- 11aft
which lndicates that these people are supposed to able to move in
during the IIOnth ot .July.
Co..issloner Volpe stated that he needs all the intoraation on
this aatter betore he can -Ice any decision.
Upoa call tor the q1W8tion, the 8Otlon carried QD8DJ.aoaal'1.
..... Jteceee: 11: 55 A.M. - 1lec0DV1tD8d: 12:0& P.M. at wtUch
t~ Deputy Clerk Bott88D replaced Deputy Clerk ~ .....
I t- .,81
rICILIT1' L&&n a.q-nftoUlT Un.&&III 'l1tI acc UD 'l1tI SCHOOL 8OAJt:D rea osz
Public Works Administrator Archibald stated that this item is a
reco--ndation tor approval ot a lease with the School Board '?or use
ot a portion ot property at the County Bar~ complex in I_olcalee. He
noted that tor the past year, the School Board has been using this
property tor their bus operations, noting that they have done their
aaintenance work and cleaning ot the buses at that location. He ind-
icated that the School Board has suggested a lease, which provides tor
7/10 acres on the west side ot th~ current County Barn complex, addlng
that the ainiaua lease that they can conside~ is tor 40 years. He
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noted that it the lease is approved, the School Board desires to
construct a s8811 88intenance building ot approximately 2,400 square
teet. He advised that upon teraination ot the lease, the aaintenance
building will becoae the property ot the County.
Mr. Archibald advised that the regaining conditions ot the lease
are tairly standard: insurance requireaents, and indemnitlcatlon. He
auggested that a change be made to the lease, Article 8, second
paragraph, noting that there is a typo which indicate. the "Lessor"
shall be tully responsible tor any and all laprovelllent., repairs,
alterations..... He stated that "Lessor" should be changed to
Mr. Archibald indicated that Statt is reco..endlng approval ot the
lea.e, notinq that there are three ite.. ot concern:
1. The ti8e ot the lease.
2. $780/per year tor the cost ot providing water and electrlcal
3. Teraination clause which makes the County responslble tor the
building that will be constructed by the School Board, it tor
any reason the County desires to talce that site over tor its
In answer to Colll8issioner Hasse, Hr. Archibald stated that the
l~"e contains a condeanation clause which counters the 40 year
clause, which allows the County to take condeanation action to acquire
that property or reaove the lease, at the County's expense.
Co..issioner Goodnight stated that there is plenty ot land on the
available property, and it thia lease is not approved, the School
Board wll1 be using the property next to I"okalee High School, whlch
will put additional trattic on the already congested Iaaokalee Drive.
"'-i-.1C1D8r Goodnight 8O9'8d, .-c0Ddecl by ec-l_i0D8r JIa8ee aDd
carr18d -i~l'1, to accept the r-.:;, Tn4atlon ot St81t, app.. õ....1Dg
the le88e. - ~.
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I~ ...1
rwa..-.- IJ8I~..._¿a - PItO.:ntcT u-..1UUUU1, DU I GJI 8DVI CD TO COftD1tJ8
TO CC88"LI:n rw a nr aaw PLA.8: COit$utOCTIOW sncs . PKJIXIT1I TO n JU.ADT
ro-. wvnI.. IMPLaaDr'rATIO., .um IDDTIJ'TI.O COST .um OPTIOIIS
Environaental Services Division Administrator Lorenz stated that
on Jan-.1ary 3. 1989, the Board approved sending an intor_tional
package and questionnaire to all property owners in the Naple. Park
study area. He noted that 3,050 questionnaires were _fled; 801 or
26' questionnaires were returned. He noted that 150 indlviduals were
in tavor ot the pri.ary i.prove.ents to the drainage syste.; 146 indl-
vidual. _re in tavor ot both the pri_ry and secondary i.provements;
296 individual. were in tavor ot sol8e type of i.prove.ent, and 505
individuals _re not in tavor ot either pri.ary or secondary iaprove-
Mr. Lorenz indicated that a special meeting was held with the
Naples Park Area Association on Pebruary 23, 1989, to revi- the
results ot the questionnaire, and the majorlty ot the property owners
that attended the _eting were not in tavor ot proceeding with the
propos&d drainage i.prove.ent project.
Mr. Lorenz stated that Statt has arrived at six possible alter-
natives tor the Commission's considera.ion:
1. Declare a public necessity and direct Statf to proceed with
project and creation ot a Special Assessment Distrlct tor the
entire proposed primary improvements (Estimated cost.
2. Direct Statt to reduce scope ot project to include only the
proposed priaary i.prove.ents in so-called South Basin
(Estimated cost - 51,960,000) and proceed in creation ot
Special Assess18ent District tor the smaller benefiting area.
3. Project be deferred, but that design services be contlnued
tor the purposes ot: (a) having a completed drainage plan
for Ifaples Park; (b) having avail~ble construction specitica-
tions, bidding docu.ents and agency peralta ready tor tuture
project implementation, and (c) identifying construction cost
and construction options.
.. Request local sponsors to provide petition signed by 60' plus
one ot all attected property owners requesting i.ple.entatlon
ot all or part ot the project.
5. Determine that there is not enough public support tor project
and direct Statt to not proceed wlth project.
6. Wait ror implementation ot County-wide capital lmprove.ent
program and possible creation ot a Stormwater Utillty Fee
Syste. to finance all capital projects.
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March 21, 1989
Mr. I.orenz stated that because ot the Icinds ot proble..
experienced in the area, and the degree ot nonsupport ot the project,
voiced by return ot the questionnaires, Statt is reco..ending that no
turther action be taken, unless the local sponsors provide a petition
signed by ~O, plus one ot all attected property owners reque.ting
implementation ot all or part ot the project.
The t01lOW1~~ persons spoke in tavor of lmplementing Naples Parlc
Area Drai~g. Iaprovements:
T81p8 «:
Mr. Red jaDes
Mr. Anthony MaisIe
Mrs. I.orene Mood
Mr. Ilobert Milson
Mrs. Anna ..... e n (also read a letter from Susan Anchraa)
Letter tro. Susan Anchraa
Mrs. judy Mazza
Mr. Frank Mazza
Mrs. Dolores JCleln
Mr.. Jeannette Poresaan
Mr. George King
Mrs. Lucy Veccia
Mr. Rlchard Mood
Mr. George Keller
Mr. Predericlc Metzger
Those .peaJters in tavor ot the improvem~nts cited the tollowing:
In tavor of iaprove.ents, but those livlng on the canal should have a
higher assessment; open ditches are a safety problem; a better
financing plan is desired, and the County should bear a portion ot the
responsibility; stagnant water aids in the breeding ot ao8quitoes, and
i. a public health problem; erosion has 11mi ted the land where
children wait tor school buse., and is a dangerous situatlon; tlooding
attracts alligators, snakes and rats; an adequate syste. needs to be
provided now; Beachwallc should be included and assee.ed the saae as
other properties; assess.ents should be co..puted by square tootage of
property; present ditches and swales are an open invitation to gar-
bags, doqs and litter.
The following per.ons spoke against impleaentlng Naple. Park Area
Drainage r.prove.ents:
Mr. Barry Purdy
Mr. Ilobert Sourbeer
Mrs. Marie Sourbeer
Mr. Lewls Miener
Mr. Anthony Terrible
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March 21, 1989
Mr. Richard Pett
Mrs. Belen Pett
Those persona speaking against the improvements cited the
following reasons of opposition: 60" or acre ot the Naples Park resi-
dents do not experience tlooding or erosion, and preter to wait tor a
County-wide Coaprehensive Drainage System; sewer system installed in
the 1980's has been a great improvement, and there 1s now less
standing water; another study should be conducted, or a second opinion
should be obtained; Beachwallc and the Pavilion have been designed
with lakes and a perimeter Mall which prevents runoft into other deve-
lop88nts; n- system .,il1 not benetit the Beachwalk, and theretore,
it is lnappropriate to include this area.
Co..issioner Volpe stated that he attended at least one ot the
public meetings that was held, adding that as a result at today's com-
ments there seeas to be concerns relating to tloodlng proble. and
public health. He indicated that he understood that the study was to
deteraine a problem ot tlooding, as opposed to public health.
Mr. Lorenz advised that the study addressed the drainage proble..,
and the Levels ot Standards.
Mr. Dan Brundage, ot Agnol1, Barber and Brundage, stated that it
the drainage proble. is solved, the aajor health proble.. wll1 also be
solved. Be advised that the system as proposed, will take great steps
to eli.inate tlood1ng.
Co..iss1oner Volpe stated that based upon what he has read, and
tro. the co..ents that have been aade, he 1s not persuaded that
Alternative '1 is something that he can support since the people who
live in the area are not supportive of this drainage progr~. He
questioned when there Mill be a Master Plan tor stor8Water runott?
Mater Management Director Boldt stated that RFP's tor the Master
Plan have been sent out, and will be submitted at the end of the month
for the .election process. He noted that most ot the work will be
coapleted by August or September.
Co..1ssioner Shanahan stated that he teels that there i. a public
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March 21, 1989
necessity, and he is trying to read into the interpretation ot Statt'8
reco..endation ot Alternative #,.
Mr. Boldt advised that overwhelming coaaents ot criticis. about
the variou8 parts ot the project were made at the public meeting at
the High School, and it is difticult to say that there is good public
811pport. He noted that there is a good public need and nece8sity, and
he telt that the solution would be to ask for support by the aajorlty
ot the people ot the area that will be impacted by the project.
CO..is8ioner Shanahan stated that his recoamendation is to con-
sider a public necessity. and tind the appropriate tundlng.
Co..issioner Goodnight stated that there is a public necessity.
She noted that she teels that the Board ot County Coamissioners will
811pport the utility tax tor the stormwater aanage.ent tee that will
be proposed in the coming months. She questioned it the Naples Park
residents pay tor their drainage, does this .ean they will be elimi-
nated tro. the utility tee? She indicated that she has a real proble.
with taxing these people twice. She stated that she believes that
Alternative #3 "ill get the Coaais8ion exactly what it is looklng tor.
'hpe H
r-i-1oaer Oooc2ni;Jbt 8OV'ed, -.ccmded by Co88.1..1or:wr Volpe, to
8CC8p"t 8t:a.tt' s rec Ddatlon of Alternatlve .3: Project be deterred
bat ~t deelgn eervlc.. be contlnued tor the pa.r'pO88 ot: (a) hav 1 DQ' a
CO8plsted c1re.1nage plan tor .aple. Park; (b) having available
COD8tra.ct ion spec 1 t i ca t ions, b i cSc1 ing c1ocu8en t . and agoency pera its
reedy tar tut:are project 1IIp1888'D.taUon; and (c) i den ti ty 1ng construc-
t 1 011 coe-t and COI18 t ru c t 1 on opt 1 ons.
In &n8Wer to Coaaissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald stated that Statt
will have to come back with Alternative 63 to provide the dollar,
a.aoun t, funding and the time frame, noting that it will take from 6-9
aonths to obtain environmental permits.
Co..issioner Saunders advised that he agrees with Co..1.s1oner
Goodnight, noting that the engineering and design work will be con-
tinued tor construction. no satter how the project will be tunded. He
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added that this will give the County the opportunlty to investigate
other tunding ~chanis.s, including the utility tee, and it allows the
greatest degree ot flexibility.
Co..issioner Hasse questioned how long it wlll take to construct
the iaprove8ents? Mr. Archibald advised that it will take between
9-12 8Onths, after the per.its are obtalned.
Opaa call tor the qaaation, the 8Otlon carried. 'V"aftt--u.ly.
It- .-1
Assistant County Manager McLemore advised that on Hovember 8,
1988, the residents ot Marco Island Beach front properties voted by
reterendua to create the Marco Island Beachtront Renourish8ent
Facilitle. Municipal Services Taxing Unlt tor the purpose ot
renourishing certain sections of Marco Island Beaches. He indicated
that on March 10, 1988, Harry Huber, trom the County Capltal Projects
Start, Frank Blanchard, and Margaret Kelley ot the Marco Island Beach
Renourishaent Co..ittee, presented the project to the Collier County
Pinance Coaaittee tor evaluation and co..ent.
Mr. McLe80re stated that the Pinance Co..ittee made several
1. The estimated budget tor the project exceeds the bond
authority provided tor in the reterendum, but there are
several alternatives to mitigate the situation, and concluded
that the County should move ahead with the Bond Issue at its
authority level ot $5 million.
2. Move the Issue as quickly as possible because ot the
inclining nature ot interest rates.
3. Due to special characteristics and complexities ot the taxing
district, a negotiated sale would be preterable to a com-
petitive sale.
4. Attempt to tinance the Issue within the 1.2 .ill goal ot the
Advisory Co..ittee, with seven years being ideal, and ten
years being the aaxiaum.
Coaal..ioner Saunders stated that he feels that becau.e ot the
s...ll nature ot the $5 .illion General Obligation Issue, there is no
real Deed to have Co-Managers. He noted that the backup lndlcate.
a bond lseuance cost ot $150.00, but there is no breakdown a. to haw
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8Uch ls Onderwrlters Counsel, Bond Counse 1, FA Pees, or proposed
average takedOWl1 and expenses.
Mr. McLe80re indicated that he agrees with Coaal.sioner Saunders
that because ot the size ot the Issue, a Co-Manager is not technically
needed. Be noted that in order to expedite the project, the exi8ting
authority under the RPP was being used, rather than going baclc to a 90
or 120 day 8elec~ion process.
Mr. David 'lecher ot SunTrust Securitie., Inc. stated that with
regard to the $150,000 bond issuance cost. an estiaated three points
ti... the bond issue is used.
Co..issioner Ha.se questioned the shorttall ot 8310,0007
Mr. McLemore lndicated that the bond issuance cost was not pro-
vided tor in the original budget authority. He noted that the project
could be reduced trom 150' to 125' ot beachtront renourishment in
order to reduce the shorttall.
Co..issioner Saunders noted concerns ot Iceeping the tee. at a
Mr. Michael Hole. Second Vice President with Smith Barney, stated
that with a 7 year term, the takedown will be øigniticantly less than
a 10 or 20 year bond issue, adding that the costs ot tinanclng will be
Co..issioner Shanahan indicated that when dealing with a 85
m1111on bond i.sue it does not appear that dual Underwriters are
nece.sary. He stated that under the circuastances, it -y be tor
expedience .ake, and he would like to sove on the program a. quickly
a. possible.
~1..100er a.ander. 8C798d, to approve the rec 1"""'tlaa ot the
ri~ ec-1tt.., bat without the Co-tI8nager, .. toll0W8:
1. Coanty I8anager to De9Qtlate a contract with the tollcrdng
peJ'80D8 and tlr88 in an 88O'1U1t not to exc..-d the authority
proy1ded by the Io8rd ot Coanty Coaai..loner. tor the
1881I8DCe 0 t the .June, 1981, 7.79 M1111on hI.. Tax Bond
I 88Q8:
..". r1acher - rl8C&l A4vlsor
8a1 tl1 8arDey - Onðenrr 1 ter Il8anager
"'~, Cllb11n, Stetfen.e . .icbr8OD - Bond C01I:D881
Co..1.sioner Goodnight questioned whether there will be a proble.
wi th this?
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Finance Director Yonkoslcy stated that the only reason the Finance
Co-ittee chose to go with the Senior Manager/Co-Manager relationship
was that this was the exact saae toraat that was approved and accepted
by the Board tor the 87,900,000 Issue. He advised that there will be
no proble. by not having a Co-Manager.
ec-1..iao.r ..... 88Conded the 8Otlon.
Co_issioner Saunders stated that the Co..ission will have the
oppor~ity to approve the budget tor the construction project.
Co_issioner Volpe questioned whether there is additional intor-
aation relating to a negotiated sale vs. competitive sale?
Mr. Fischer stated that he has touched base with .0.. ot the
ln8Urers. noting that he does not know what the outco.e will be. He
noted that he is still recoaaending a negotiated sale.
Co_issioner Volpe questioned the breakdown ot tees tor the 87.79
million Bond Issue?
Mr. Fischer stated that the Investaent Banking Fee was 1.4', and
Underwriters Counsel, Plnancial Advisor, and Insurance added up to
Co..issioner Shanahan questioned whether deleting the Co-Manager
will change the tinancing costs? r;r. Pischer responded negatively.
Mr. Frank Blanchard stated that he appreciates the Manager's
Clerk Giles stated that with regard to the overage over the S~
8illlon, there is .oney tro. County-wide tunds when 8Oney is spent on
beach renourish8ent, which .ay help to make up the d1tterence. He
noted that when there are competitive negotiations, the aanagement
tee, attorneys tees, and tinancial advisor tees can usually be nego-
tiated. He noted that the Board .ay desire to hold ott on approving
the t a.aoun t un t il an analysis can be provided by Statt.
Co..issioner Saunders stated that as long as the Flnancial Advlsor
is assuring that these tee. will be kept to an absolute 8inisum, he ls
Mr. Fischer stated that betore the Bond Issue i. presented to the
Page 26
March 21, 1989
Board ot County Coraissioners tor a purchase agreement, all the tee.
wl11 be presented tor the Board's approval.
.... call tor 1:bo qa.88UOD, the 8Otlon carried 4/1 (~i_loaer
m-. L "1 .l.J....Clu4).
... 1/ .. l.,. Ct.rk K.8ayoD ~laced Deputy Clerk Bot1'-..n at thi. tu. ...
11:- ~1
~ 08 US1' IL\Pt.U ~ JII L n P AJtJt - ~.... ILU
Public Services Administrator Kevin O'Donnell stated that on
Deceaber 13, 1988, the Board awarded bids tor Phase II ot the
construction tacilities tor the East "aples Coaaunity Parlc but the
project has been delayed tor a number ot reasons. He noted that there
were problem. with DKR as well as other regulatory agencies. He noted
that they are now proceeding on this park.
Mr. Toa Peek ot Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl ,. Peek, Inc., st..ted
that Better Roads and Mid-Continent Electric ot Naples are the two
p~i.. contractors on the construction ot the tacilities and at this
polnt all contr~ctors are on-site and working. He stated that the
underground electric conduit is in place, the pads tor the bul1dings
are ln place and hope tully, the toundations are being poured this
date. He indicated that the underground sewer piping and the manholes
are on-site and ready to go into the ground. He stated that the
pedestrian jogging paths around the lake are being constructed at this
time. adding that everything is go at the site with a project comple-
tion around August 1, 1989.
In an.--r to Commissioner Hasse, Hr. P.,elc stated that in 1982 the
bond is8Ue was approved tor a park prograa and subsequent to that,
there was a selection process and his tirm was hired in later 1983.
He stated that the development prograa that was set torth that indi-
cated what would be in the parlcs was done in 1984 and construction
be<¡ an in 1980. He noted that some ot the parlcs were completed and
opened two years ago. He noted that part ot the reason that this parlc
W&.8 the lu,t one to start construction was because there was an
Page 27
March 21, 15189
existlng 8Oftb~11 t ield at this location with two tennis courts, and
~o basketball courts that the School Board owned but the County
operated and 88intained the. under a lease. He stated that there were
facillties that were being used tor recreatlon at thls site. He noted
that troa the tiae the property was purchased by the County in 15183
until design was ready in 1985, the Warren Henderson Wetland Act had
gone into ettect that changed the juriSdiction of wetlands by the
State of Florida and the County then had to go through a lengthy per-
aitting process with DER, SFWMD and the Corps ot Engineers that wa.
not antlcipated to be required, adding that 8Ubsequently, the initial
schedule had tallen behind.
Coa.issioner Shanahan questioned it there is to be a second
balltield in the second phase, to which Mr. Peelc replied attir-
Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that when Phase II
of the coaaunity parlcs are started, East Naples will be the first one
C-iv.1OD8T Shaft.8h~ 8OV'ed, 88CODded by CO8ai..10D8r ...... aDd
C8ZT~ -f8O'lL81.." that the report 1'8g1t.rd1ng the &aat -«pI..
C I ty P8rk be 8CC8'pted.
1u. "1
am -"-UM rœ 'rD 8OIr11I Cuu.u UOIOIIAI. JlA.STDfAru DUDDJrr
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily N~s on
.January 29, 1989, the Orlando Sentinel on February 5, 1989, the Tampa
Tribune on January 29, 1989, and the Miami Herald on January 29, 1989,
.. evidenced by Attidavit of Publication tiled with the Clerk. bids
were received tor Bid .89-1356 tor the North County Regional Waste-
water Treatment Plant Facilities Expansion until 2:00 P.M., March 2,
Ti. Cleaons, Utilities Wastewater Director, stated that this is
to award Bid 89-1356 to Mil.ir Construction, Inc. ot Jacksonville,
Florida. tor the North County Regional Wastewater Treat.ant Plant
Page 28
---- - ...-
March 21, 1989
tacilitiea ~ion. He stated that the bid was sent out requlrlng
the base bid price tor the contractors and separate prices tor seven
added alternatea. He stated that the base bid trom Mil.ir is
53,889,000 and St¿~: is recommending accepting the base bid and Alter-
nate lte- 1, 2, 3, ", 5, and 1 tor a total expenditure ot S4,245,000.
Mr. Ed Key. representing Consoer Townsend Associates, stated that
this i8 a rebid project, adding that the original bids came in over
the estiaate and rebids were let. He noted that these bids came in
substantially below the original bids with only the delay in the
operatlona ot the plant, adding that all the process equipaent that
was planned originally tor the plant has been included lt the added
alternates are accepted and he is reco..ending that the Board accept
the bld ot Milair Construction with the above-noted alternates.
Co..issioner Shanahan questioned it the operations building is
the only thing being deleted, to which Mr. Key replied attiraatively.
Mr. Cleaon& stated that the bul1ding is ottice space that ls
needed but statt teels that a better cost could be obtalned it it were
separate ot this contract.
""-i-.1oaer ---h.IQJ 8O'98d, 8eCODded by Ca8a.1- J 0Da" ..... aDd
carrJ" --i~ly, ~t 814 '~13ðl tor the IJorth County Jtegion.al
~ 1're8t88nt racil1 ti- ~nelon be awarded to M1la1r
~JOD in the &8OUDt at '4,24ð,OOO.
It- nD2
!{-~--I' AIm ASSOCIATU, I_C. U 'fJtI AMOt1Jrr or $120,000 rea nAsa II
Mike !Cewaan, Water Director, Utilities Division, stated that this
is a request tor approval ot the tinal tunding authorizatio~ tor engl-
neerlng service. tor the Regional Water Treat.ent Plant and Welltield
!.xpanalon, Phase II. He noted that the total addltion tor these ser-
vices ls $120,000 ot which $60,000 is tor the welltield englne~r HMA &
A8soclat:e6, and the reaaining 560,000 will go to Consoer Townsend tor
their work on the water plant. He noted that the increase is engl-
neering services tor potassium permangenate and chlorinatlon tacill-
Page 29
...".."--'-'~'~._."'-"" ...
March 21, 1989
tles as -11 as corrosion investigation deterioration etfects that
were occurring, along with additional inspectlon tiae and adainistra-
tion by the engineers tor the project. He noted that this will allow
the County under peak de.ands during tourist season to exceed the
plant's noraal operating conditions and provide the additional water
to the custo.ers without an expansion to the plant, adding that this
is a cost saving ettort.
Co..is.ioner Volpe stated that he asked that this be reaoved tro.
the consent agenda in order to understand the process.
Mr. "--.an stated that the tinal change order tor the plant opera-
tion will be torthco.ing which covers the actual construction, adding
that they are still negotiating at this t18:e with the contractor.
C i..10D8r 800dnight 8OV'ed, 84tCODd8d by Co8ai-Ioner ...... aDd
carr 1- -- i ~ 1'1, that the tlnal f1mc1ing authorization tor eng1-
Deer 1DQ' 881"Y 1 cea w 1 th Con8r AIr, T~ and ueoc:iat.., Inc:. in the
88OaDt ot 8120,000 tor ~... II Reg1onal Mater Treataent Plant and
-1111814 ""I~loa be app..ollwd.
CC8DIICT T8'!8Waq .œ ~;¡~"Tlo. or cnr. BAS. PIIAS8 II (BID
---- 12M) III %IlK AlmOn CW 8231,600, IJtCLOD IJIØ U ADD I n OJI.&.L 3 3 DI. Y8
N ~ TIll: 1'IIIO.18C'T - UtrKuy&.U
Solid Waste Director Fahey stated that this is a requellt to
increase the amount ot expenditures necessary tor Phase II of lined
Cell '6, adding that he did the design and engineering on this job and
the probleas are due to his aiscalculating ot the materials required.
Be stated that to meet the DER requireaent, he .ust have a cell base
elevated 12 inches above the high groundwater table and the c~ll is
then constructed with the base and then a permeable liner and a
leachate collection system which is then covered with a two toot pro-
tector layer at sand. He stated that he anticipated the aaterial
would be abou t 3,000 pounds per cubic yard but the material that was
purchalled was about 3,460 pounds per cubic yard. He stated that this
aaterial is purchased by the ton and he was 14' short of the necessary
aaount becau.e the aaterial was heavier. He indicated that the plan
Page 30
-- ..~ ~-_._--_.- ,...---"....---..-.,.,........"".
,.,--...-,... .
March 21, 1989
has ~ topographic aaps associated with it; one was done in 1916 and
another one that was .ore recent, adding that he toolc the average ot
those two and aissed the actual elevation by a halt toot. He stated
that the coapacted ettort to put the baae aaterial down has had an
iapact on the existing Eaterial on site which Ileana that there is an
accumulative shorttall ot about 50,000 tons ot aaterial; 25 is attri-
butable to the ditterence in the weight ot the lIaterial, 20,000 tons
ls attributable to the dltterence in the elevation, and 5.000 tons is
attributable to the compacted ettort on the existing ground. He
stated that he is requesting approval tor an increase of $238,500
which will be used to purchase 50,000 tons ot material.
(' i -1oDer ..... 8OV'ed, 8eCODdeð by Co8a1-iooer !Ih.n.~ aDd
carr iÑ - 4-..1'1, that the contract 1ncre... for COD81:ruct1on of
ce 11 ..... ft.88e I I (Bld ..8-12&6) in the 88:1ant of 8231, &00 1ncl'llilUJag
8D -....Jt..s.c..J. 13 cS.ay8 to COIIplete the project be appr~.
p.TT 1'WTII&rf Jœ8T-- 1_0 k&rulcr r.oM WILSOIf, ICI LLD, ~. 8OL.L .
Mr. Harry Huber, Technical Services Supervisor, Capital Projects
Kanageaent Otfice, stated that this item is a recommendation to accept
the preliminary engineering report and provide authorlzatlon to
proceed with the next 8tep in the process tor constructlon ot the
as8es_ble iaprove.ents in the Naples Production Parlc. He noted that
those improveaents are water aain, sani tary sewer, roadway an"
drainage iaproveaents. He indicated that on August 6, 1985, the Board
created the ftaples Production Park Municipal Service Taxing and
Benetit Unit and subsequently selected Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll 61
Peek, Inc. 8S the conlfUltant to provide the engineering services
required tor the design ot the proposed improveliConts. He noted that
they have coapleted the study and report phase ot the project and have
produced the preliminary engineering report which has been revi...ed by
Statt and was also submitted to the City ot "aples and Colller County
Utilities Division tor review and coaaent. He noted that as a result,
Page 31
.......... .."......,",..-,..,.-,-"..........-
March 21, 1989
the report is acceptable subject to detalls that will be addressed
under final design stages. He stated that the next step would be an
adoptlon of a resolution ordering the acquisition and construction ot
the a..essable improvements and at that time, the cost would be
addressed as well as the method of asses..ent and the a.sessment roll.
He stated that the total preliminary cost in the report i. $5.696.0.5
which includes the esti.ated acquisition costs ot easements and
rights-of-way. engineering, legal and financial costs relatlve to the
Co..lssioner Volpe stated that the Flnance Director has ralsed an
lssue concerning the reco..endation ot .tatt which is that the County
n89otlate with the consultant to bring the County into the next phase
ot the project and the question has been asked it these services were
included in the original contract? Mr. Huber stated that the Board
entered into an agreeaent with the consultant and that aQr.ement did
provlde provlsions tor all the services that are required tor
constructlon, adding that there was a specific dollar aaount tor the
study and report phase. He noted that the agreement also set torth
the cost tor the succeeding stages, but there was no specitic dollar
aaoun t, it was based on a percentage ot the estimated cost ot
construction which was not known at that tilDe. He noted that in order
to pay for the tinal design cost there will have to be approval tor an
additional tax levy or a bond anticipation note which he will have to
bring back to the Board at a later time.
~1..1c:m8r Shanah_ft aaved, -.coD4ed by Co8a1..100er ..... and
carr 184 -- 1 8O'U8 1 y, that the Board acc4rpt the preliainary 8'D(Ji.oeer1Dg'
r~.t-t: 88thorlze preparatlon ot the initl"l r81lO1utlon orderinq
8Cq1L1altlCG 8Dd CODatru.ctlon ot ""'sable illprov.....nte IIDd I!tUthor1za
atûf U pr"8p8.r8 IIDd negot1ate an alJTalnMDt with the COD8'Ultant to
P4-~ ~ tiDal de81gn tor the proposed lçrov.....nt. .in the llapl-
1"1 ~ t Ua Park IISTU. Report on tile in the Clerk's ottice.
~& n 'lD II&PL&8 PItODOCTIOli P.a.u PItOI"DTY 08arD8 ASaocurIOIf ro
~..... I81:D.D8 Pa\YIJIG IMPJW.,_&~ wrn:nr ru IU.PLKS PItODOCTIOli P.a.u
".a.r.V. AIm ~U A TAX AJrTICIPArIOli IIOTK - "'rlWY&.U
Page 32
~ .,
" "M""
March 21, 1989
Mr. Harry Huber, Technical Services Supervisor, Capital Projects
Manage..nt otti~., stated that this is a recommendation to approve a
request by the Naples Production Park Property Owners Association to
provlde interi. paving i.provements wlthin the Naples Production Farlc
MSTU to provide sater traveling conditions until the proposed improve-
ments are co.pleted. He noted that the actual construction ot the
proposed iaprove.ents is about one year trom now and in the interim
they would like the paving improvements done. He indicated that the
cost to do this work would be approxi88tely $25,630 and there is
currently approxi.ately $13,000 in the initial tax levy monles. He
noted that there is a shortfall ot approximately $12,600 and the pro-
perty owners association are asking that there be a tax levy initiated
during the next tiscal year to aalce up the ditterence. He noted that
there are several conditions relative to this recommendation, one
being that the County Transportation Depart.ent or the County would
not be obligated to perform any turther 88intenance other than what is
indicated above until the proposed improvements tor the assessment
district are completed and accepted or without prior Board approval
and appropriate reiaburse.ent and that a tax antlcipation note be
obtained to provide the additional tunds not currently aval1able.
c-1..100er Volpe 8OVed, eec0n4e4 by C0881..ioner ...... end
carr 1" 1ID8D 1IIcru81 y, that the request by the _apl.. Prodaction Park
Prop.rty OWner. A8eociatlon to provlde 1nter18 paving !ap£ow---nta
.1tb~ the 8aple. Production Park N.S.T.O. be approved end . tax ant1-
clpatlOG DOte be autborlz:*<! to t1n.ance the detlclt.
It- .11.A.1A2
JOINaT ""--1...,..4 It-l41/U2 UD 89-1U/IU - ADOPTED
c- 1 .. 1 ODe r CJooðn i gh t 8OVed, ..cODded by Co8a1.a1cmer ..... 8Dd
carr 1.. --- 1 8Q1I.81 y, that 8a4get A88nd8ent. 11-1.1/142 end 19-14./1.5
be 8IIIopt:ed.
There was discussion regarding the tabulation ot contracts and
Finance Director Yonxosxy stated that his Start is getting ready to
sub.it another .onthly report.
Page 33
, -.---... ""'."""'---'.--"-"'.'."-"'."".' ..
...--,..-.. ,...--........ .. ,- ~.. .. ~~.
March 21, 1989
It- nu
Administrative Assistant to the Board Israelson stated that there
are two rellUlles in the executive paclcet and one was recelved atter the
deadline tro. a Mr. Salvatore Scareno, adding that the Marco Island
s.autltication Advisory Co..lttee is reco..ending that Mr. rranlc
Meeslce be appointed.
C- i -1oa.r ~ h.an 8D'Y8d, eeccmded by Co8a1..1oner 1Ia8- aDd
carr 1 ed ~ i 8nQ8 I." that Re8olutlon 89-77 appo1ntlng Mr. hank L.
M8e8b to the Mllrco I.land Beautification Advl80ry Co8aitt.. be
8do¡rt eel.
Page 34
,.."...,_."..,.,., .,.."".",..,.",,-
March 21, 1989
1u. ~D
TQf .J'C888 TO tD -TD N~T .&.1WIsoaT 8OAItD - &.DOrTlW
C-i..1cIa8r a.-......, 8O'98d, 8e(;0Ddec2 by eo-.tm.100er ~lg:ht
8Dd carr 184 ~ t -..1"1 , tb.a t Ite8o 1 u t ion . ~ 7 I appo in t 1ng 1Ir. P8ul
Cbin'a11er 8Dd r ~ in t 1ng 1Ir. TOIl .7 0De8 t 0 the .. t 81." --.g í .. t
~ 8e8ri be 8døpted.
Pag8 3ð
-.. .-... -,~,"."._,.., ..............--...-........
.'---."..' .._~
March 21, 1989
~--'-\I -'-.._pox DTAllLISBDIØ TO caIJIDtAL .7D8TIa ~0Ir
.Z8..- t- -.1.10 - Uf.........a.u
Co8aissioner Saunders stated that thls was added on as an
e..rgency because the Public Detender's ottice subaitted this
agreeaent indicating that it needed to be approved in order to receive
so.. aatching tundø.
Assistant County Attorney Weigel stated that he has reviewed thl.
and he he. no problea with it.
Clerk Giles stated that this is basically the same agreement that
has been in place tor the last two years with the C.JIS Council tor the
20th 3udlcial Circuit, adding that a deadline is test approaching ln
order to recelve the aatching tunds.
C' t -1.aD8'r --""'r . 8:J9'8d, ~ by ec-1..1C1G11r ~h-, aDd
carr 181 1-.17, that the 1.nterloca.l agr..-.nt ~lj~jl1g the
Cri_t_1 .l88't1ce 1D.tor.ation 8y8t- CoaDc11 be ap..,rov..4.
Page 36
....-. . ---".,._".~.._..._................"..
March 21, 1989
It- n2D
Ovv.,u &.1n,.w...r .um STAn AI:1TJIOaIDJ) TO OTILID nm SDVICU OJ!
ç,u¡,ft8 rnt.zI8 W'Ift .PAImS TO nr:a DAL'nI rACILITIU 8UtLDIJfG
Co..is.ion~r Saunders stated that there is a potential problem
Kith the contractor in ter- ot the piling -vstea to be used and he
telt it ls necessary to give a report to the Co..isslon on what the
potential proble- are, adding that he would also like to authorize
the County Attorney to obtain appropriate counsel and take whatever
actlon Is necessary to protect the County'. legal interest.
Mr. To. Conrecode, Capital Projects Management, stated that with
regards to th~ Health and Public Services Building, Carlson
Corporation was given a notice to proceed in early January which was
tollowed by a pre-construction conterence. He indicated that during
this aeeting. Carlson Corporation proposed an alternate toundation
syste. called an auga-pressure grouted pile, adding that this system
Is design~ to support a building the ...e as any other pillng -vste..
He not~ that this type ot syste. could be done quicker and with less
disruptlon to the neighbors in the Glades. He noted that a Change
Order was issued to the contractor and they were told to go ahead with
the auga-grouted syste., noting that there was to be no addltlonal
cost to the County and it the system tailed the County could dlrect
that the Contractor go back to the original plle syste. at no addi-
tional cost to the County. He noted that there were three ditterent
test plIes put into the ground and they all tailed and were rejected
by the County structural engineer. He noted that the County 1.
looking to their consultant to tind out the best suitable solution.
He .tat~ that he received some correspondence trom the consultant
stating that they are directing Carlson Construction to go back to the
original piling syate..
Coaaissioner Saunders questioned it there is any work belng done
on the .ite at this time, to which Mr. Conrecode stated that tt.ere is
site work being done, but no toundation work.
Coaaissioner Saunders questioned it Carlson Construction has
Page 37
March 21, 1989
de~ acre aoney becau.e ot this systee, to which Mr. Donegan,
Project Manag~:-, stated that they had ad11tional charges tor delay ot
tie. and for additional test work as well as for additlonal length ot
pilings. He noted that he does not have a cost proposal at this tl.e
from thea. He lndicated that the number that they had tor the general
conditlons was approxiaately $8~,000 but the cost will be .ore when
the other ite- are added.
Co..issioner Saunders stated that he has heard flgure. ot approxl-
aately $130,000. adding that tro. a legal standpoint, the County is in
good shape, but there appears that there aay be some contlict torth-
coaing and be would lilce statt to have the appropriate legal counsel
available to the., like the la,... fir. of Carlton Fields.
As.istant County Manager McLeeore stated that he agree. wi th
Co..1ssioner Saunders on this aatter and would like to be able to have
Carlton Pields aval1able in the beginning in case there is a problee.
C t-1CD8T ~r1I ~, 88CO'Dd8d by ec-1- 1 ooer --- aDd
carr 1.ed -- t -..1 y, that the County Attorney be autbor.tze.d to 1Itll1ze
Carltoa r1eld:8 wlth ntga.rd8 to the -tter concernln.g Carl8OD
Co¡:a.-_Uoa aDd the "alth Servlc- Ba.11d.1DQ'.
hpe ..
It- ftU
~08 or ~ÐÞO.&.1) AT DIIIOE.ALD co....,.~n PAItX rea D8ÐEALD
az- 8C.aOOI. - U;riwY&.U
Coaaissioner Goodnight stated that Pepsi Cola has ottered
laaoltalee High School two scoreboards; one tor the high school toot-
ball tield that the School Board owns and the other tor the b..eball
t1eld that i. on County property. She stated that there are no regu-
latlone tor the Parlcs & Recreation Depart.ent and the School Board has
agreed to put up the scoreboard, but Pepsi Cola has asked the
laaoltalee High School to sell only Pepsi products tor the next tive
years. She indicated that Collier County's na.e is not on any docu-
_ntation, theretore, a scoreboard could be placed on the County
ballt ield that would be utilized by the County without any restric-
Page 38
. _'0""'_.'-.-.--"-.'--"-'.'-.'.--
March 21, 1989
C . - s.c.-r -..".., t gb t 8OV8CS, 88G0Dð8d by ec-.i_1cmer m.-.....
8Dd C8rr 1e4 -- i -.. 1 '1, that CoUl.r County allow 1'ep81 Cola aDd the
8ctaool 8acrd to p1ac:e a acoreboe.rð at tbr8 b8eebe.ll t 1.1d at the
T-"-~ C ity Park.
C0881s.1oner Shanahan questioned it the County 18 golng to go
exclu.ively with Pepsi Cola, to which Public Services Adalnistrator
O'Donnell replied negatively. adding that this restrlctlon wll1 apply
only to the scoreboard at the I..okalee High School. He noted that
Start has no objection to this aatter.
..... c-1_100er Goodnight 8OVed, eecon&td by Co8a1_ioner
a.-........ aDd carried unan 18N81." that the tol1ow1DQ' 1 t-
1IDðer the eon...nt Agenda be aPPlov*<! and/or adopted: .....
It- .1u.1
rua.,.,""""- I.&TrD or CJtKDIT I- LI&'O or A PDJ"ORIIA.JrC8 IIOIID JOlt .uœDLT
'fITT ., ~.~UR AT JtOTAL MOOD OOLl' ØD <Nu.un Ct.O'B
!? /"
See Page. .J., ¡ - .; I. I
I t8a n...u
rDI&L I'IoA1' œ 8C8D8U. I.AJtU AT rD VDQT.utDs BOLl' UD '^AI_¡;&. Ct.O'B -
.""01 n.IIVI.AnOllll
1. That the final plat not be recorded until the required i.pro-
veaents have been constructed and accepted or until approved
security is received tor the incoapleted improveaents and that
construction shall be co.pleted within 36 months ot the date
ot this approval.
2. That the Utilities Pertoraance Bond requlred pursuant to
Ordinance 88-76 be waived (this worlc will be covered by aain-
tenance security to be provlded by the Developer pursuant to
Ordinance 76-6) and that a aaintenance security tor ten (10)
percent ot the total cost ot construction ot all lntrastruc-
ture i.proveaents (water, sewer, road and drainage) be pro-
vided on co.pletion and preli.inary acceptance ot the project
b)i the County, tor a period ot one year.
It8a ~U.3
rnr.u. PLAT or LlU.Y ~ 8u.cJI 08'I1' TWO - WID S"lIPULAnOll ØD
(-oIhJ ...."". ~08 j.JII) JIADr1'DAJIC'K &n'8~DI...rr
1. Letter ot Credit as security to guarantee completion ot the
subdivision improvements to be accepted and Construction and
Maintenance Agree.ent.
See Pages 43,,11, 1- A, 6
It8a n4.U
TMO ft&n POSI1'X088 1'0 8Urrulla rD PItO<Ø.UØ or rD JrØLT CUATKD CODlt
.....-~.I .. 8QAItD, IIOUSIJIQ COOK ØD wnr. nrsncrIO- P'ttOOPA.
~ne Compliance Otticer and one Secretary I
Page 3i
, ".. ......,..__...,.
March 21, 1985Þ
1u. ~"1
Co..issioner Goodnight questioned it this .ean8 that the State 18
not going to take this road back, to which Public Works Administrator
Archlbald r~lled attiraatively. He noted that the County wants to
aaintaln this as a County road until the i.prove8ents are aade and
then at that point in tiae, lt Mill be subject to a claasltlcation
See Page ;,t3- ß. /
Iu. ~."
See Pages -CJ1f' ðøø~ /P.?(
Iu. ~~ 8Ø'&"8cI to ftD2
Iu. ~Ø1
.A88T l 1;. -- oM..&JID ---'.......-;r OJ' L&.I.SZ AG.1l1IUIrt HI--- ~ u.n
8OQ'ft - ~ 8CC I'OIt mrrr 1 S , ØULJ' Ø.A TIt sour!I, IIIrI CJI """".&..uaø J'OII 'rD
Mat rw .. .... I'OIt A SO'8ST A rI 011
See Pages If 3. (!. I - C.;J.
~a- ~4._lfx UD STAx\/XVlltx DUD m 1IUU'&a&II\i& 1'0 'rD ur.a OJ'
See Pages If '3 -Ì). I - /), .3
It- n6111
D~CJ8 OJ' IlI"I' ..9-138. UD .LPPOIJrt'.NI...:r or A COlfauloT.urt :lKI.KCT:IOIf
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Harry Huber, Technical Services Supervisor, OCPM
Brian MacKenzie, Assistant to the County Manager
Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director
Milliaa Lorenz, P.E., Environmental Services Adainistrator
Chr is Ho lley, Co..unity Services Director, City ot Naples
Iu. n.au
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A'-' I V.ll J'ItOC;a.uu-. SJI.ALL 8& L&V2KD UD DIPOSKD POUO.urt 1'0 COLLID
"""".&11 C8DDIA8C& "-23
See Pages -~~~ -
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.... 60
March 21. 1...
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See Page Jj. 3--Y. /
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ar '.,On.50
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
February 1, 1989, as evidenced by Attidavit ot Publlcation flIed with
the Clerk, bl48 were received until 2:30 P.M., February 15, 1989, tor
orn&88ntal and turt spraying tor the Marco Island Beautlticatlon MSTU.
Iu. ft48 Ca8rt~ to ././11
Iu. n4U
8IIY --.. L .L IJ8 1II'I'ODr1'D 1'0 'fI[8 CIOI.D8JI 8.\1'8 C~II~1'T ,-,;.. ADVJ:~
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~ T:tI ~TRIII'. orrIC'8
1988-82/84 311189 - 3113/89
208 2/16189
212 2/16/89
216/216 3/06/89
I U8 ft 4o.J2
IXDA ... nr T1J8 rea I88A 1'8 1108. eUI., 01421, 421158, 08...
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See Pages 43-H,I- H. /2-
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a-."~ ~bl'vllDIDfCIt - nLED AJID/Olt ItUDJUW
There being no objection, the Chair directed that the tollowing
.iscellaneous correspondence be tiled and/or reterred to the varloum
depart..nts ao indicated below:
Page 41
- . _.. ,-. ,.".--.-.....-.-,,-..,.....,,--,..,.
.'-_.'-'------ -.- -
March 21, 1989
1. Public Notice dated 3/9/89 trom the Dept. ot the Aray
advising that an application has been received tor a permit
to do 88intenance dredging at Clam Pass by Collier County.
xc: ;:eil Dorrill; George Archibald; Kevin O'Donnell; and
2. Order on Motion to Strilce dated 3/7/89 re Case No.
88-2U~-CA-O1, Circuit Court ot Collier County, regarding
Crossland Savings, PSB, Plantitt, vs. Arthur M. Robert!!!, et
al. Detendants. xc: Ken Cuyler; Piled.
3. Letter dated 3/9/89 tro. Robert K. Lot Un, Environmental
Specialist, DER, encloslng short tor. application, Pile No.
111617045, which involves dredge and till activities. xc:
.eil Dorrill (letter); Bill Lorenz; and P fled.
.. Letter dated 3/8/89 tro. Patriclc Kenney, Environaental
Specialist, DER, enclosing short tor. application, File No.
111616475, which involves dredge and till actlvities. xc:
lfe il Dorr ill (letter); Bill Lorenz; and Piled.
5. Letter dated 3/7/89 tro. Trudie Bell, Environ.ental
Specialist. DER. enclosing a standard tor. application (Pile
"0. 111616199, Collier County), whlch involves dredge and
till activities. xc; Neil Dorr ill (letter); Bill Lorenz;
and Piled.
6. Letter dated 3/8/89 tro. Philip R. Edwards, Deputy A.sistant
Secretary, DER, advising ot unauthorized dredging, t !lling
and aangrove alteration by Lely Development Corporatlon. xc:
acc; and Filed.
7. Letter dated 3/10/89 trom Robert K. Lot lin, Environmental
Specialist, DER, enclosing short tor. application, rile No.
111617545, which involves dredge and till activities. xc:
Ifeil Dorrill (letter); 8ill Lorenz; and Filed.
8. Letter dated 3/9/89 trom Robert K. Lot lin, Environmental
Specialist, DER, enclosing a short tor. appllcation, Pile No.
11161698~, which involves dredge and till actlvities. xc:
.ell Dorrill (letter); Bill Lorenz; George Archibald; and
9. Letter dated 3/6/89 trom Gary J. Clarke, Assistant Secretary
tor Medicaid, HRS, notitying Collier County ot its aax laua
tinancial obligation under the Health Care Respon8ibl1ity Act
tor the 1988/89 tiscal year. xc: BCC; Ne il Dorr ill; Kevin
O'Donnell; Lori Zallea; and Piled.
10. Heaorandua dated 3/8/89 trom Gary J. Clarke, Assistant
Secretary tor Medicaid, HRS, regarding training sess~ons tor
the Health Care Respon6ibility Act and the Shared County and
State Health Care Program. xc: Jfe il Dorr ill; Kevin
O'Donnell; Martha Skinner; and Piled.
11. Minutes received and tiled:
A. 3/1/89 - Marco Island Beachtront Renourishaent Adv. Co_.
B. 2/7/89 - Marco Island Beautitication Board
C. 3/16/89 CCPC Agenda
D. 2/14/89 Golden Gate Parkway Beautitication Adv. Co_. II
3/14/89 Agenda
12. lfotice to OWner dated 3/6/89 tro. "aples Lumber II Supply Co.,
lor.. advising that they have turnished varlous buildlng
aaterial tor the i.proveaent ot Collier Health II Publlc
Services Building, under an order given by Carlson
Page 42
. .....
.".",,-,-. ,---,.,-."
March 21, 1989
Corporation Southeast. xc: Nell Dorrill; Skip Caap; and
13. Letter dated 3/9/89 troa Mike Mannlx, Dlstrict Adalni.trator,
Real Property Manage.ant, FOOT, advising that it is not
possible to extend the notlce ot lease cancellation tor pro-
perty on Alligator Alley and I-15 & S.R. 29. xc: Neil
Corri)l; and Piled.
14. Letter dated 3/1/89 fro. M. R. Tretz, P.E.. Dlstrict
Secretary, FDOT, in reterence to FDOT's notitication letter
of 2/23/89 which advised of the scheduled transfer ot roadway
segwents to Collier County. xc: George Archibald; Walt
Carter; and Piled.
There being no further business tor the Good of the County, the
aeeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Ti.e: 3:35 P.M.
..... M.~HAI-'
A~ : . > . v.....
.1~ C. GILU, ~~
... .
;~~k.z£ --4;. 5J <" .
. , ,
The~e ~1nùtes approved by the Board on ~/ //. /JI1
as presented ~ or as corrected
Page 43
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