Agenda 03/11/2014 Item #16A 6 Proposed Agenda Changes
Board of County Commissioners Meeting
March 11,2014
Continue Item 16A6 to the March 25, 2014 I3CC Meeting:
Recommendation to adopt a Resolution granting a design variance
that authorizes a speed limit increase from forty-five miles per hour
(45 mph) to fifty miles per hour (50 mph) on Collier Boulevard from
Davis Boulevard to US41. (Staff's request)
Continue Item 16A7 to the April 8, 2014 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to approve the
prioritization of five limerock roads for the purpose of limerock road conversion,from the Road
Maintenance Lirnerock Road Conversion Program (LRCP), Project 60128, in FY2014.
(Commissioner Nance's request)
Move Item 16K3 to Item 12A: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners
rescinds its direction that the County Attorney work with the Clerk to obtain an Attorney General
Opinion as to the legality of the La Peninsula MSBU Ordinance and instead directs the following:
(1) That the La Peninsula Condominium Association pays the County in advance for the estimated
costs to be incurred; (2) That these funds be held in Trust for La Peninsula Condominium
Association in a separate fund and not be considered public moneys; (3) That until there is a
judicial decision on the bond validation proceeding, all expenditures in connection with this MSBU
be made out of these private funds; (4) That if additional moneys are needed, they come from the
same source and he deposited in the same account; and (5) That if, and only if, there is a judicial
decision arising out of a bond validation proceeding which upholds the legality of the ordinance and
the financing, then at that point the moneys previously paid could be reimbursed to the
Condominium Association as part of the financing. (Commissioner Fiala's request)
Continue Item 171) to the April 8,2014 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to adopt an
Ordinance to be known as the Natural Gas Franchise Ordinance. (Staff's request)
Time Certain Items:
Item 13A to be heard at 10:00 a.m.
Item 11A to be heard at 10:45 a.m.
5/6/2014 9:3/AM
3/11/2014 16.A.6.
Recommendation to adopt a Resolution granting -a design variance that authorizes a speed
limit increase from forty -five miles per hour (45 mph) to fifty miles per hour (50 mph) on
Collier Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to US41.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval to increase the speed limit on the six -laned portion of Collier
Boulevard between Davis Boulevard and US41.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Collier County Transportation Engineering Department completed
the six- laning of Collier Boulevard between Davis Boulevard and US41 in late 2009. The
project was designed and built as an urban cross - section with concrete curb and gutter, which by
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) standards limits the posted speed limit to 45 mph.
In September of 2013, a speed study was performed on Collier Boulevard at six separate
locations between Davis Boulevard and US41. The study indicated that Collier Boulevard's
posted 45 mph speed limit should be increased to 50 mph along its entire length from Davis
Boulevard to US41. As the roadway's design speed for features other than the curbing match 50
mph design speed standards, a design variance for exceeding the 45 mph limit imposed by
standards for curbing is recommended by the Director of the Transportation Engineering
Department and the Chief Engineer of Traffic Operations.
Upon completing an engineering and traffic investigation, Florida Statutes, Section 316.189
provides that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) may set speed zones after the
investigation determines such a change is reasonable and in conformance with criteria
promulgated by the FDOT. The completed engineering and traffic investigation found that an
increased speed limit of 50 mph on the designated section of Collier Boulevard between Davis
Boulevard and US41 is reasonable and in conformance with the defined criteria.
FISCAL E%IPACT: The estimated cost of replacing the necessary speed limit signs is
approximately $3,000 and is budgeted with the Transportation Services Fund 101, Traffic
Operations cost center 163630. There is a minimal maintenance cost expected on the signs, as
they average a 10 year life.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Resolution recommended is consistent with the
County's Growth Management Plan.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is
approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for Board approval. -JAK
RECOMMENDATION: That the BCC approves the Resolution to grant a design variance to
allow the speed limit to be raised above 45 mph and increase the speed limit to 50 mph on
Collier Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to US 41, authorizes the Chairman to execute the
Resolution and authorizes staff to erect the appropriate traffic control signs.
Prepared By: Carmelo Caratozzolo, P.E., Principal Project Manager, Traffic Operations
Attachments: (1) Resolution; (2) Collier Blvd. Speed Limit Variance; and (3)
http• / /www collieraov net/ ftp/ AgendaMarchlll4 /GrowthMcrmt /`CollierC
ountvS,PeedLimitStudy- Tech %20Memo- S %26SO920123.pdf
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3/11/2014 16.A.6.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.16.A.16.A.6.
Item Summary: Recommendation to adopt a Resolution granting a design variance that
authorizes a speed limit increase from forty -five miles per hour (45 mph) to fifty miles per hour
(50 mph) on Collier Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to US41.
Meeting Date: 3/11/2014
Prepared By
Name: CaratozzoloCarmelo
Title: Project Manager, Principal, Traffic Operations
2/7/2014 4:10:44 PM
Submitted by
Title: Project Manager, Principal, Traffic Operations
Name: CaratozzoloCarmelo
2/7/2014 4:10:45 PM
Approved By
Name: BathonDale
Title: Project Manager, Principal, Transportation Engineering & Construction Management
Date: 2/14/2014 7:10:26 AM
Name: LynchDiane
Title: Supervisor - Operations, Road Maintenance
Date: 2/14/2014 5:50:10 PM
Name: NauthRookmin
Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Transportation Administration
Date: 2/18/2014 9:15:32 AM
Name: KhawajaAnthony
Title: Chief Engineer - Traffic Operations, Traffic Operations
Date: 2/18/2014 2:27:43 PM
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3/11/2014 16.A.6.
Name: AhmadJay
Title: Director - Transportation Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Construction Management
Date: 2/19/2014 7:41:45 AM
Name: KeamsAllison
Title: Manager Financial & Operational Support, Transportation Administration
Date: 2/19/2014 10:29:22 AM
Name: ShueGene
Title: Director - Operations Support, Transportation Administration
Date: 2/19/2014 3:15:09 PM
Name: MarcellaJeanne
Title: Executive Secretary, Transportation Planning
Date: 2/26/2014 12:57:51 PM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney,
Date: 2/28/2014 3:11:48 PM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney,
Date: 2/28/2014 3:27:14 PM
Name: IsacksonMark
Title: Director -Corp Financial and Mngmt Svs, Office of Management & Budget
Date: 3/4/2014 8:59:22 AM
Name: OchsLeo
Title: County Manager, County Managers Office
Date: 3/4/2014 9:28:08 AM
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3/11/2014 16.A.6.
WHEREAS, Chapter 316, Florida Statutes, permits the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) to alter established speed limits on roads under its jurisdiction;
WHEREAS, Collier Boulevard falls under the jurisdiction of the BCC; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 316, Florida Statutes, the BCC may alter
such existing speed limits as may be appropriate upon the basis of an engineering and
traffic investigation; and
WHEREAS, the subject section of Collier Boulevard was designed with a design
speed of 50 mph other than the roadway curbing, which would ordinarily limit the speed
^, limit to forty -five (45) miles per hour, and
WHEREAS, the County's Director of Transportation Engineering and the Chief
Engineer of Traffic Operations have both approved a recommendation to grant a design
variance to increase the posted speed to greater than forty -five (45) miles per hour
based upon the roadway operating speed; and
WHEREAS, the results of such engineering and traffic investigations determined
that the increased speed limit is reasonable and safe under the conditions found to exist
and it conforms to criteria promulgated by the Florida Department of Transportation and
Collier County.
1. The BCC does hereby grant the requested design variance and establishes a 50
miles per hour (50 mph) speed limit on Collier Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to US 41
and does hereby direct the County Traffic Operations section to erect appropriate speed
limit signs giving notice thereof.
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2. A copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Collier County Sheriffs Office for
proper enforcement of the established speed limits for Collier Boulevard within the
designated segments.
3. The effective date of the speed limit increase shall be after written notification to
the Sheriff's Office and upon posting of the appropriate signage.
This resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favoring same
this 11th day of March, 2014.
By: By:
Deputy Clerk Commissioner Tom Henning, Chairman
Approved as to form and )egality:
By: I
Scoff R. Teach,
Deputy County Attorney
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3/11/2014 16.A.6.
Collier County Transportation Engineering Department
Roadway Design Variance
Roadway: Collier Boulevard - County Project 60001
Segment: Davis Boulevard to US 41
Subject Feature: Six -lane roadway with curb and gutter
Requested Variance: To increase the posted speed to greater than 45 mph
Reason for variance request: The Collier County Transportation Engineering Department
completed the six - laning of Collier Boulevard between Davis Boulevard and US 41 in
late 2009. This roadway segment was designed and constructed as an urban cross - section
with curb and gutter. By normal standards, as set forth in the Manual of Uniform
Minimum Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance for Streets and Highways
(Florida Green Book), the use of curbing requires that the posted speed limit be no more
than 45 mph. A speed study was completed on Collier Boulevard, by Tindale- Oliver &
Associates, Inc., in September 2013, from Davis Boulevard to US 41 and based on the
average of six (6) spot speed locations, the 85th percentile speed was found to be 60 mph.
Therefore, according to 2009 Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD), the speed limit should be set within 5 mph of the 85`h percentile speed.
However, the Florida Department of Transportation's Plans and Preparation Manual,
Volume 1, Chapter 2.16.1, states that "The maximum design speed of six -Iane high speed
urban and suburban arterial highways is 50 mph.
The six- laning of Collier Boulevard between Davis Boulevard and US 41 was designed
and constructed to operate with a speed limit of 45 mph. As mentioned above, the
average 85th percentile speed of the segment was found to be 60 mph. Although the
roadway segment has an average 85th percentile speed of 60 mph, the Florida Department
of Transportation's Plans and Preparation Manual, states that "The maximum design
speed of six -lane high speed urban and suburban arterial highways is 50 mph".
Therefore, the maximum speed limit allowed on Collier Boulevard between Davis
Boulevard and US 41 is 50 mph. Based on the findings from the Tindale- Oliver &
Associates, Inc. speed study, it is recommended that Collier Boulevard between Davis
Boulevard and US 41 have a posted speed limit of 50 mph, which would require a
variance from the posted speed limit of 45 mph.
Adverse effect of variance if approved: The variance of a higher speed limit would limit
or negate the safety factor afforded by the provision of the curbing, which is designed to
redirect errant vehicles that might otherwise leave the roadway. It creates a situation in
which a normal 50 mph clear zone must be maintained in the median and along the
roadside. Preservation of the clear zone will prohibit the installation of any roadside
obstacles and non - frangible poles, as well as limit the size and Types of plants and trees
that can be utilized for landscaping in the median and along the roadside.
Benefits of variance if approved: The segment's speed Iimit being raised to 50 mph will
allow for the majority of traffic to travel at speeds of closer proximity to the 85'h
percentile speed, thereby reducing the amount of weaving, passing, and overtaking of
vehicles. Keeping motorists traveling in the same direction at approximately the same
speed is a well known method of providing vehicular safety and the basis for the use of
divided multi -lane roadways.
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Recommended action on the requested variance:
Approve () Disapprove
Date d
a Ahma , P.E.
Director, ransportation Engineering
0 Approve
3/11/2014 16.A.6.
Anthony Khawaja,
Chief Engineer, Tr
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Proposed Agenda Changes
Board of County Commissioners Meeting
March 11,2014
Continue Item 16A6 to the March 25,2014 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to adopt a Resolution
granting a design variance that authorizes a speed limit increase from forty-five miles per hour(45
mph) to fifty miles per hour (50 mph) on Collier Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to TJS41. (Staff's
Continue Item 16A7 to the April 8, 2014 13CC Meeting:
Recommendation to approve the prioritization of five limerock
roads for the purpose of limerock road conversion, from the Road
Maintenance Limerock Road Conversion Program (LRCP), Project
60128, in FY2014. (Commissioner Nance's request)
Move Item 16K3 to Item 12A: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners
rescinds its direction that the County Attorney work with the Clerk to obtain an Attorney General
Opinion as to the legality of the La Peninsula MSBU Ordinance and instead directs the following:
(1) That the La Peninsula Condominium Association pays the County in advance for the estimated
costs to be incurred; (2) That these funds be held in Trust for La Peninsula Condominium
Association in a separate fund and not be considered public moneys; (3) That until there is a
judicial decision on the bond validation proceeding, all expenditures in connection with this MSBU
be made out of these private funds; (4) That if additional moneys are needed, they come from the
same source and be deposited in the same account; and (5) That if, and only if, there is a judicial
decision arising out of a bond validation proceeding which upholds the legality of the ordinance and
the financing, then at that point the moneys previously paid could be reimbursed to the
Condominium Association as part of the financing. (Commissioner Fiala's request)
Continue Item 171) to the April 8,2014 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to adopt an
Ordinance to be known as the Natural Gas Franchise Ordinance. (Staff's request)
Time Certain Items:
Item 13A to be heard at 10:00 a.m.
Item 11A to be heard at 10:45 a.m.
5/6/1019 9'.38 AM