BCC Minutes 05/16/1989 R Naples, Florida, May 16, 1989 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning A~peals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSIOR in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. (Absent) R.ichard S. Shanahan Michael J. Volpe Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Ol11ff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Administrator; JaJlles Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Stan Litsinger, Growth Management Director; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Tom Storrar, Sheriff's Office. I Page 1 - -'__0"'" MAY 16, 1989 Tape.1 It...3 ... 4/0 vote. indicate Co..i.sioner Shanahan'. absence. ... AGEXDA AKD COKSERT AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Coaais.ioner Goodnight aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the agenda and consent agenda be approved with the following changes: 1. Ite. 88 - Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI" Peek, Inc. regarding "The Crossing." - Continued to 6/23/89 or 6/6/89, based upon di.cussion. with Petitioner. 2. Ite. 9H4 - Added. Di.cussion of Growth Manage..nt Plan Acceptance Statu.. 3. Ite. 14A3 - To obtain approval of the Board of County Co..i.sioners for the County to enter into contract. with 1) Iaaolcalee Kon-Profit Housing, Inc.; 2) Collier County Concerned Citizens, Inc., for Hopewood; 3) Collier County Concerned Citizens, Inc. for Infrastructure; and, 4) Collier County Housing Authority to disburse Pocket of Poverty Funds. Withdrawn, per Staff's request. 4. Ite. 1482 Moved to 9Bl - Report to the Board of County Co..is.ioners on the status of Cl.. Pass. It- #6A lMPLOna SDVICE AMARP -=-~SEXT~JL___- ---'--. - - Commissioner Saunders presented an Employee Service Award and pin to Joanne Kirby of EMS for 5 years of continuous service with Collier County Government. It.. #68 PRQÇLAMATIOR DESIGKATIWG ~AY. 1989. AS "MEJf'rAL HEALTH MOJfTH" - ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamation, Co..i..ioner H.... aoved, aeconded by Co..issioner Volpe and carried 4/0, that the proclaaation designating the 8Ont~ of May, 1989, as "Mental Health Month" be "-SOpted. Ms. Pam Cox of the Mental Health Association accepted the proclamation and stated that the Association is active in promoting good mental health in Collier County. She indicated that she appre- ciates the support of the Commission. 1 Page 2 .0-.0_--_0".' ..- 0"__""""""""",. MAY 16, 1989 It.. nA MR. . MRS. NHITE UGARDIKO RESOLUTIOW 87-86, PROVISIOWAL USE ~OR A MOTIL ADDITIO. - STArr TO EXPEDITE PETITIO. FOR PROVISIOWAL USE, II' PETITIo.-u ELJ:crs TO REAPPLY County Attorney Cuyler advised that this item was continued from last week's meeting. He noted that this is a situation where the Petitioner's representative came in on the last day of an extension of a Provisional Use for a Building Permit. He related that Staff flagged the application and asked for a legal opinion as to whether or not they were authorized to process the Building Permit application, and issue a permit for the Provisional Use. He explained that he does not read the Zoning Ordinance to allow that to happen. He indicated that his reading of the Ordinance is that there can be the original Provisional Use and one extension. He advised that the specific pro- vision states: "if by that date the use tor which the Provisional Use was granted does not commence, the Provisional Use expires." He stated that he cannot read the Ordinance to include an application for a Building Permit as vesting any rights. Mr. Robert White stated that the financial situation with the bank deteriorated since he could not accept their terms. He added that he now has his financing in order, and is requesting a 90 day exteùsion which will enable him to get his addi~1on underway. He indicated that he has already had the fill placed, and the architect's fee has been taken care of. County Attorney Cuyler replied that he sympathizes with Mr. White's situation, noting that he has a very nice facility. He indi- cated that it Mr. White applies for another Provisional Use the Board -y very well approve it, but he explained that sometime there will be A Provisional Use that will come in for an application on the last day which is not a good Provisional Use, and the Board will have to treat that situation in the same manner as they are treating this one. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. White commented that the 1'111 was placed when the Provisional Use was granted, but after seven days this was stopped because Barnett Bank changed the contract relating to q Page 3 ..--., . .. ~ -.... "'--_ø ._~.._.. '...."".......,-.-.....---..,*- MAY 16, 1989 the financial arrangements. He advised that his contractor went to pick up the necessary requirements to obtain a permit 10 days prior to this, but he was informed that there were two amendments regarding fireproofing of the upper roof and interior walls which needed to be changed on the architectural design. County Attorney Cuyler remarked that Mr. Wh~te's representative ca.e in on the last day of the second year to apply for a Building Per.it. Commissioner Saunders indicated that from a legal standpoint, the Board of County Commissioners must comply with their ordinances, and he does not see any legal way that this situation can be resolved. Community Developmert Services Administrator Brutt commented that the procedure now is for Mr. White to reapply for his Provisional Use. He indicated that Statf can expedite the process, but this will have to be readvertised. He advised that this project needs to have a site development plan submitted, prior to the time when the Building Per.it will be reviewed. He stated that Mr. Whi te was informed of this by Mr. Baginski. Mr. Tony DiSarro, General Contractor representing Mr. White, stated that he undertook this project at the beginning of May, noting that he was aware of the expiration date of ~he Provisional Use. He indicated that he did everything within his power to comply with this time period, however. the plans were outdated since the time that the pro- ject was initially permitted. He reported that there have been numerous changes to the County Code which required revisions to the plans, and he did everything possible to expedite these changes. He explained that his interpretation of the ordinance was that it the Provisional Use expired on the 14th, and the Permit was applied for on the 14th, he was compl~ing with the time-frame requirements. He felt that when he applie6 for the Building Permit on the 14th, he believed that he was exercising his right to do so. He indicated that 10 days prior to this, he made inquiries to the Building Department regarding the new procedures tor this project, and then met with the architect /0 Page 4 ...., ."-- . ... .. -- - ...-....-........-.-.............. '-- . ~ . .. MAY 16, 1989 who revised the site plan. County Manager Dorrill questioned whether Mr. DiSarro filed a new site development plan for Staff's review? Mr. Brutt replied that to the best of his knowledge the site plan has not been resubmitted with all of the necessary information prior to the review of the Building Permit. Mr. DiSarro stated that the plan had not been submitted for review, since he was informed that application had to be made prior to the 14th, or construction must have been started. Commissioner Saunders noted that he feels strongly that the advice of County Attorney Cuyler should be followed, since he believes that there may be trouble down the road relating to other Provisional Uses. Coaaissioner Saunders aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Has.. and carried 4/0, that in the event that Mr. White elect. to reapply for his Provi8ional U.., Staff i. directed to expedite ..... It.. fiB1 REPoRT OW TIll: STATUS OF CLAM PASS - STAn' RECOJOlEM)ATIOWS APPROVED AND STArr TO EXPLORE ALTERKATIVE rowerKa SOURCES ~OM PRIVATE SECTOR Transportation Services Administrator Archibald reported that Clam Pass is a small Pass located in the Pelican Bay area in North Naples. He stated that the Pass has been opening and closing for a number of years, noting that the Road and Bridge Department has been attempting to keep the Pass open. He indicated Staff has kept the Pass open based on permits that have been received from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Environmental Regulation, and two per- mitting bodies from the Department of Natural Resources. He stated that the Pass is currently opened, but it is likely that it will be shoaled in. Mr. Archibald advised that Clam Pass is a dynamic Pass and it is subject to the southerly transfer of sand during the winter months, and during the summer months, the southwest winds push the sand in a northerly direction. He stated that it appears that the work that Staff is doing will be insufficient in the long term since DNR has If Page & -- ._-~o T .,---...,...... """""'.0.""" MAY 16, 1989 indicated that unless there is a fairly detailed study undertaken to determine the affects of a substantial change in the cross section of the Pass, it is likely that mother nature will continue to close the Pass, and keep it closed. He noted that this affects a 600 acre back bay area. He indicated that there may be credence in taking a look at the Pass trom the perspective to determine whether or not a larger flow way would assure that the Pass wi 11 remain open and that there wJl1 be a certain amount of flow and change in the water levels during tide events. He stated that based upon what the Division of Beaches & Shores officials have told Staff, it is likely that the Pass will close up again, and this affect, versus the continued expenditure of County dollars to keep the Pass open needs to be considered. He explained that a large volume of sand will have to be moved to recreate the Pass, and one thought that Staff has is that the sand could be relocated and used for beach nourishment. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald replied that it will be a number of years before this project could be considered for State and Federal grants. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald advised that there are no funds available for a consultant's study of the Pass, and the DHR has outlined the need for a detailed study to determine what type of Pass needs to be constructed to provide for the exchange during tidal action. Commissioner Saunders indicated that in reviewing the Executive Summary, Staff is recommending that this project be turned over to the Environmental Resources Division, and that any future planning of the Pass be included as part of the Beach Renourishment evaluation. Mr. Archibald explained that all the permits that have been received merely allrw the County to perform the work on a one-time basis to open up the system. He advised that Staff h;., ;nade applica- tion for the authority to maintain the Pass over a period of years, but this has not been approved since the State is looking for a more detailed study. ¡r Page 6 - -.... -'-..-.....<......-.,-.. ...,--,. - ~. ,. -"'---. ~. .. MAY 16, 1989 Co..1ssioner Hasse questioned whether Staff will be ceasing all work in the Pass? Mr. Archibald advised that Staff has completed the work which they were authorized to do, and the Pass is currently open. He noted that Staff will continue to monitor the condition, but should the Pass close up again, there is a fairly lengthy process to obtain additional permits. Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, stated that the Pass is opened and closed by nature, and any intent to artificially open it, will be nonproductive. He noted that the last tiae the Pass was opened, it was the result ot a storm. He indicated that the two things that concern him are: will this area be detrimen- tal health-wise to people in the area, since these waters become polluted, and is it essential that the Pass be opened, so that the public cannot walk on the beach at Pelican Bay? Commissioner Volpe stated that he feels that this is an important environmental issue, and an area of concern because of the destruction of the mangroves. He indicated that he feels that the possibility of obtaining funding from the Nature Conservancy or the Audubon Society should be explored, as well as the property owners, since funds are needed for a detailed study. Coaai.s1oner Volpe 1IOVed, seconded by Oo..i.sioner Hasse and carried 4/0, to approve the reco...ndatione of Staff, as li.ted below; and that Staff explore alternative funding sources fro. the private 88Ctor. RAte; - IDdations: 1. Due to the li.ited success obtained to date in keeping the Pas. open and without the benefit of a detailed engineering study to support the direction of our efforts, no further 88intenance dredging should be perfor.ed until such ti88 as a definitive direction is received. 2. Retain the .ervices of a consulting engineering fir. with expertise in this area of engineering to perform the neces.ary study analy.is, plane, etc. to aeet the concerns of FORK. The study should include not only the Pass and the Cl.. Bay Syste. but also the Seagate area and its connection to the 01.. 8ay Syst... 3. Since any 88intenance dredging will produce a quantity of sand of the quality needed for beach renourishaent, this pro- "ect should be included in and becoae a part of the County's Beach Renourishaent Plan. IE Page 7 -.--,,-...-.--..----.... --........-- ..~.........", MAY 18, 198i ~. Since the peraitting of this project involve. a gr.at deal of euvironaental conc.rns po.sibly coupled with beach renourish- aent, any further efforts on this project .hould be handled by the Environaental Resources Division and staff personnel involved with Beach Renourishaent. It- ~H1 RErDJlDIJfa O~ 816,170,000 COLLIER COUXTY, PLORIDA WATER AKD SEWER DIsntCT ItII;v...U& BOweS SERIES 1986 - If 0 ACTIOW County Manager Dorrill stated that this issue was to discuss authorizing the preparation ot potential refunding. He advised that new regulations have been issued by the Internal Revenue Service last Friday, and it appears that they affect the County's ability to refund the issue at this time. He advised that Staff's recommendation is to wait, pending final opiI.ion from bond counsel as to whether there is still a refunding opportunity available, and if so, they will report back on the circumstances. .0 action was taken on this ite.. It.. fiH2 AMEa~T TO THE AGREEMEJIT 8KTWED COLLIER COUXTY AKD ICARD, MERRILL, CULLIS. TIMM, FUREW a GIWSBURG, P.A. - APPROVED - Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that this is a request to approve the Second Amendment to the contract between Icard, Merrill, Cull1s, Timm, Furen & Ginsburg, P.A. He indicated that this ¿aendment cleans up some of the additional contract language, and there is no fiscal impact. Coaaissioner Volpe aoved. s.conded by Co..issioner Rae.. and carr1ed 4/0, to approve the second "'ndaent to the contract between Collier County and Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Ti.., Furen a aineburg, P.A. JI Page 8 .. -.--... ..... ..._.-....._._-_..-.~".".. .... ~ ---.--.--- . MAY 16, 1989 It.. ftll3 S&r.tUIBD 13 AKD 26, 1989, AT 7:00 P.M. TO BE ADVERTISED FOR PUBLIC DAJUJrOS O. THE BUDGET AKD TAXES - APPROVED Budg~t & Management Director Zalka stated that the proposals for public hearings on the budget and taxes are: Wednesday, September 13 and Monday, September 25 Co8aJ..sicmer aoodnight aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Has.. and carried 4/0, that Wednesday, Septe.ber 13, and Monday Septeaber 2S, at 7:00 P.M. be adverti.ed for public hearing date. on the budget and t:8X88. It:.. ftS4 DISCUSSIOW O~ mtOWTll M111AGEMDT PLAJf ACCEPTUCE STATUS - PRESDTED Growth Management Director Litsinger reported that he met with Department of Community Affairs Staff last Friday, and he has been able to determine that a compliance agreement will be reached, and the .ediation process may not be necessary. He indicated that Staff is in the process of drafting working proposals to be reviewed by DCA relating to the various issues that have been raised, and if an agreement can be reached on those issues, the next step will be a compliance agreement. He noted that the mediator will not. be called upon, unless his services are deemed necessary. Mr. Litsinger advised that at this point, the only substantial issue remaining is the timing for zoning re-evaluation and vested rights, with the understanding that, should the County adopt a tighter time frame, there will be grant dollars available. He indicated that the concurrency system, the five year window, the Natural Resources issue, and the Drainage issue are substantially "non-issues" at this point. Commissioner Saunders stated that since there has been nothing reduced to writing. he feels that this should be sent to DCA in the form of a letter. He indicated that DCA has reversed themselves many times, and he suspects that they are capable of doing this again. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Litsinger stated that Staff ,1 Page 9 .. ~,,-~ "'-'-- "-'-.-.--.......--...-..."..." ,-.----- u MAY 16, 1989 is proposing to transmit the changes and responses to DCA's comments to them this week, and if they are in agreement, Staff will proceed with the preparation of a compliance agreement to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she informed Mr. Pelham that he would be advised of the Board's action, and she feels that a letter fro. County Attorney Cuyler will do exactly that. 80 ac~ion was taken on this ite., It...11 auUU&T ~DMERrS 89-176-177 - ADOPTED eo-.1..ioner Hasse aoved, seconded by Co..1s.ioner Volpe and carried 4/0 that Budget Aaendaents 89-176, 176 and 177 be adopted. It- #12A RKSOLOrIO. 81-120, APPOIRTI.a MEMBERS TO TIŒ ADVISORY COIOtITTU O. TIŒ 801ß't,ns - ADOPTED Adainistrative Assistant to the Board Israelson advised that this item is to appoint nine members to the newly formed Advisory Committee on the Homeless. She indicated that in January, 1989, the Commission accepted the report from the Ad Hoc Committee, and authorized the creation of a permanent advisory committee to assist in drafting a County-wide Homeless Assistance Plan. She explained that on March 28, 1989, Ordinance 89-22, creating the committee consisting of nine mem- bers, was adopted. Mrs. Israelson stated that a press release was issued and posted requesting volunteers to serve on the committee, and fourteen resumes were received. She noted that Staff is suggesting that since the Committee will be dealing with the homeless issue on a County-wide basis, that membership should be from the broadest base possible. She indicated that several of the applicants had served on the ad hoc com- 8ittee and their inp~t would be helptul. Mrs. Israelson advised that the initial appointments will be for staggered terms, noting that three of the nine members will be appointed for two-ypar terms, three members for three-year terms, and JO Page 10 ---..,...... ...... ,......--..-.. -""""-""""""""'" "--""."""""-"""""""" ...., ...-..- MAY 16, 1989 three .embers for four-year terms. Commissioner Saunders stated that he spoke with John Mac'Kie III, noting that he will be relocating to Tennessee. Coaai..ioner Has- aoved, seconded by Co..i..10ner Volpe and carried 4/0, that Resolution 89-120 appointing the following IItppliC8Dt. to the Advisory Co..1ttee on the Ho_les8: Barbara A. Cool.,.. Herbert Ebner, Milli- Ericlcaon, Karen Milson, J'ohn A, Mac'JCie III, S1.~er Marie McFadden, J'oanne Redoble, Ronald Meb8ter, and J'ohn W1~cbger. Commissioner Saunders suggested that Mrs. Israelson contact John Mac'K1e to affirm that he is leaving Naples, and 11' he is, applicants fro. District #4 should be solicited. J\ Page 11 ..------------ -'-"""'"'"" "".,- MAY 16, 1989 It- '13A PUEJU.n ~ CZI.I.tJLA.K TELEPIIons IW ru AMOtnn' OF 810,100 rea TO 3VDICIAL PROCESS DIVISIO. OF THE COLLIER COURTY SBERI~'S O~ICE - AÞ'r-.r\t&U Deputy Tom Storrar of the Sheriff's Office stated that request is being made to purchase fourteen cellular telephone to be installed in the vehicles ot the Sheriff's new Judicial Process Division. He noted that the phones, in the amount ot $10,800, will be paid from the Law Enforcement Confiscation Trust Fund. Coaa1..ioner Has.. 1IOVed, -conded by Co..ls8ioner aoodn1ght and carried 4/0, to approve the purchase of fourteen cellular telephones in t:he aaount of 810,80'-, for the Sheriff's Office. ... ..... Coaai88ioner Basse aoved, _conded by Co..1..1oner Saunders and carried 4/0, that the following 1t... under the Consent Agenda be approved and or adopted: ..... It.. '14Al rIJrAI, PLAT APPRovAL O~ WIlIDSOR PARX SUBJECT TO STIPULATIO.S 1. That the final plat not be recorded until the required impro- vements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received for the incompleted improvements and that construction shall be completed within 36 months of the date of this approval. 2. Authorize the Chairman to eXQCute the Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 3. That no building permits be issued until the final plat is recorded. It.. '14A2 See Pages /7- fJ./- A,3- ~IXAL PLAT O~ WAPA RIDGE URIT II SUBJECT TO STIPULATIOWS 1. Accept the Letter of Credit as security to guarantee comple- tion of the subdivision improvements. 2. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of Napa Ridge Unit II 3. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 4. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. See paYr:.sJ:{;.ß,I- ~7 Ite. '14A3 - Mithdrawn and to ~.~-- It- #1481 ACCEPrUCJ: O~ CORSTRUCTIOK OF DOUBLE LErr-TURB LAJlrES AKD IJlTDSECTIOR IMPROV~4S AT U.S. 41 AKD VAKDERBILT 8UCH ROAD AS COMPLK'l'BD BY Ih~4T&K 1tO.I.DS, IWC AKD RELEASE OF ~IKAL PAYMEJrr IK AMOtnn' o~ 83, G2G ,17 AOTIIORI ZED ø.g Page 12 -_...._--- .-.."-- . .""--."""""--"."'-'."""'" ...--..- ...- MAY 16, 1989 See Pages /7-(!" f - C .S It.. '1482 aoved to Ite. #9Bl I~.. .1t83 S'tJPPL8IßJITAL AGRD:MDT WO. 4 waR C.R. 961 waUR LAlfIIa DESIO SEJrnCES I. 'rD »100ft O~ n, 000 WITH .Jonsow DalRERUG, IRC. REUTIRG TO SEL.KCTrVZ LU1) CLEARIWG MORJ: FOR PE7ORMA.RCE O~ A SOIL EXPLOUTIOJr PI.U See Pages 1'1- 7). I - 1), IC; , It.. '14<:1 1:t"X"VUI DOBBS APPOIJrTED AS COLLIER COUWTY AGRICULTURE DIRECTOR (AA"XUlSIO. DIRECTOR) PDRSUAKT TO STATE STATUTE 24C.606 It.. '14C2 CO1I'mACT M5JI.uI'UUI"X WO. 2 waR COtDroWITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY GKAJI"r ru.-os See PagE /IJ- E. f It.. '14C3 "An TO APPLY waR A GKAJI"r PROM Tn STATE OF J'LORIDA TO PROVIDE LtJJfCDS waR IMMOULEE AKD RULES StJ'MMER RECREATIOR PARTICIPAlITS ARD PARES AXD KECREATIOK DIRECTOR UPOIWTED AS COUWTY LIAISOW OrPICER TO ADlansrn SAID GKAJI"r It... #14C4 See Pages /~. r./ ~ F,~ RESOLUTIOW 89-121 RESCIKDIWa RESOLUTIOR 86-116 ARD 86-163 DEALIRa WITH APPItOVAL O~ IWDIODT HOSPITAL COSTS AKD AtJTHORlZATIOW OJ' PAYMJDIT AS CO1I1"LICTIRa WITH FLORIDA HEALTH CARE RESPORSI8ILITY ACT O~ 1988 See Page ---~jY~_L___- I~.. 'UDl AXDDIJIO WIJlDSOR PARE SUBDIVISIOK WATD AKD SEWER STlPULATIOW ~..L~~S AS PART OP REZORE R-88-13C ARD SMP-88-2C Mater and .ewer stipulations were prepared on .July 18, 1988 in responae to the rezoning petition for Mindaor Park as part of rezone Petition R-88-13C and SMP-88-2C. SDD Stipulation "I'" provided for sewage collection and transaission .or~h along Airport Road and connecting to the exi.ting sewage transais.ion on Iaaolcalee Rd. 1. Stipulation "I" was inadvertently incorporated in the s... petition, which provide for sewage collection and transais.lon South to the Pine Ridge Road right-of-way, which conflicts with Stipulation "I'" above; therefore, Stipulation "IW should be deleted. WATER 1. Stipula~ion "0" provided for off-site water transada.ion ~- ~o extend South along Airport Road and ccnmect to an exiatiDg _in at Vanderbll t Beach Road. Stipulation "OW should be revised to read: }1 Pag8 13 -- - -,.-......_.-- MAY US. un "The on-s1te water di.tr1bution 8Y8te. to .erve th1s project sbauld be connected to the existing water tranaaission 88in on Airport Road and extended throughout the project to provide adequate doaestic and tire flow capabilities to all develop- aent are_. The on-site distribution BYste. shall be connected to existing water lines in the contiguous develop- aents, including Four Seasons and Crescent Lakes, to eli.1nate dead-end conditions. All water 88in extensions for this pro- ject aust be consistent with the County's Master Plan.- See pages;:: ~~~ ~t~ .'¿ It.. 'UD2 WATD. ~ACILITIES ACCEPTAlfCB FOR WAPLES PROGRESSIVE GYMWASTICS I,;IUIITIUt See Pages O.R. Book 1441, Pages 1506-1518 It.. .1~D3 OJI-SXD SDD ~ACn.ITIES ACCBPTAlfCE FOR LAØSIDE O~ II.I.PLES AT CITRUS C1&JI[DDS WITH S"rU"l1UTIOW 1. The Plat Book and page number information for the recorded plat is incorporated in the legal document. See Pages / '7- H, I - )/,5 It.. '14.11 USOLUTIOW 89-122 CUCELLI.a TAUS UPOR LA1ID ACQUIRED rea Pt1Bt.IC USE. 30.M .\CD SITE LOCATED ADJ'ACDr TO THE PRESEJIT 66 ACRJ: COMI'Iu.xTY USE S1:n m THE OIll.JrGBTRZE PtJD See Pages /7- ~ ./ - ~ . h It- '14E2 LUSB ~T BET'NED OVERSEAS DEVZLOPIŒRT CORPORATIOW AJm BCC NHICH PJtOV1:DU rea THE AGRIC1JLTtJRAL DEPARTh.t.T' S COIn'IKUED USE O~ mn:rs DI02. DI03, DI04, DI06, AID DI08 IW COURT PLAZA IK THE AMOt7KT O~ 821,821.80 PER YEAR S- Pages /7-9, / - ff It.. 'UU Amtw:auu.T TO SUBLDSE BE'l'MED SOtrrHMEST FLORIDA COLLEGE AJm THE BCC 1ftI1:C8 PJtOVD)U rea THE COtJWTY' S USE OF A CLASSROOM AT SOtrrHMEST n.otUDA COLLEGE FOR AX AJnroAL AMOU1fT OF $2,400 See Pages /7-;(,1- /{: 12 . It.. 'UK4 ~T WITH CAVI. HOLDIWaS, IWC. IfHDEBY CAVIW BOLDI.OS IS C()Nr-_UrKÐ raa IUDIOVAL OJ' PDSOJU.L PROPERTY !'ROM lIEWLY ACQt11:RED STATE ItOAD 91U aIcnrr-o~-WAY IK -~ AMOt7KT OF n .1500 See Pages / 7- ¿¡:J.._~;;t.--b- It.. 'UEI5 B1:D "9-1387 rea THREE ILLUMI.ATED EXTERIOR aOVERBMElrT CAMPUS D1:RECTOaus - AWARDED TO HAIfDYB SIGJfS IR THE AMOtJJrf O~ 88.260 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on / March 20, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with j-'J Page 14 "'---....,-..... . """-""'" . """"""- MAY 16, 1989 the Clerk, bids were received for Bid #89-1387 for illuminated exterior government campus directories until 2:30 P.M., April 5, 1989. It- -uaa sr~ AD'r!IOIUZED TO ADVERTISE AJm SOLICIT PROPOSALS raR I'LEET ~ DD ~ ~CES AT .u ESTIMATED COST O~ taoo It.. -1.87 sr~ AOTBOJUZED TO ADVERTISE AKD SOLICIT PROPOSALS raR I'LEET MADrrD.uIca Gu.aru'X'&K SOnwAItE AJm AUTHORIZ8 THE raltMATIOR O~ A SELECrXmr COI8tl;n-aa TO REVIEW AKD SHORT LIST THE PROPOSALS AIm lr8GO't.1An D ACJltJòDuulr AT AJf ESTIMATED COST or $30,000 It.. '1401 MID-TUa AD.ro~;u'l_;nI TO VICTORIA PAItX DRAIWAOE I'UJfD 134 AKD APPItOPlUATE BtlUU&T ~ IR AMOun OF 82,800 It- '1402 MID-'RAJt A.D.1USbl.-48 TO WATER MAJrAGDmWr OPEltATIOR BUDGET (1'UJfD 110) DD APrKUPiUATE Bt1DGET AæJ.UI'IAltr IR MOun or 861,000 It.. '1403 lID)- YUa AD.:J D o:t ;¡ RAIl ;¡ S TO WATER MAJfAGEMmrr C I P Bt1DGET ( I'UJfD 3 2 6) AJm ~n Buuuar AluJlUI'UUIT I. mrr DECREASE AMOun or 83,009,900 It.. -1404 MID-YUa ADJ"DO:t;¡......,.;¡$ TO GAC TRt1ST-CAJfAL 8tJUU&T (1'UJfD 607) AIm ~TE 8uuu&T AJuaUl'lUlr IW MOun O~ S1, 000 It.. -1405 MID-'RAJt AD.roau..wus TO WAPLES PAU DltAIWAGE M.S.T.O. Bt1DGrr (nnrD 139) DD .&PPItOPlUATE J$UDGET .AM:lblUI'IUIT IW AMOun O~ 8700 It.. -un CDr.u'~CA.ns O~ COKItECTIOW TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESDTED BY PROPERTY APPItA.ISU'S ORICK 1986 TAX ROLL 242 6/3/89 1987 TAX ROLL 383 6/3/89 '988 T.uGIBLE PERSOWAL PROPERTY UÞ88-112/115 6/3/89 - 6/8/89 1988 TAX ROLL 223 - 228 ./6/89 - 5/8/89 180 4/5/89 It- -1.12 &Z%a& 8AI. 'rIMa FOR IKMAn .os. 28285, 62021, 48983, 40301, 50037, .3358. U'D J30fS. ~& Page 15 -.--- MAY 16, 1989 It- 4J14I tasczr.r.AJrKot1S CORKUPOJrDDCE - FILED AJrD/OR REnRJU:D The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Notice of Assignment and Order dated 4/28/89 regarding Case No. 89-2100, Golden Gate Association Area Taxpayer Association, Petitioner, vs. Collier County, City of Naples, and South Florida Water Management District, Respondents. xc: Ken Cuyler; and filed. 2. Copy of a memo dated 5/5/89 from Clerk of Courts to Lori Zalka, Budget Director, enclosing a tabulation and calcula- tions of expanded service amounts for the Clerk's Office. Filed. 3. Notice of Hearing dated 4/28/89 from Robert E. Meale, Hearing Officer, Division of Administrative Hearings, DCA, regarding Case No. 89-129OGM, Dept. of Community Affairs, Petitioner, vs. Collier County, respondent. xc: Ken Cuyler; Frank Brutt; Stan Litsinger; and filed. 4. Notice of Assignment and order dated 4/8/89 regarding Case No. 89-1841, Department of Community Affairs, Petitioner, vs. Collier County Board of County Commissioners, Respondent. xc: Ken Cuyler; Frank Brutt; Stan Litsinger; and filed. 5. Letter dated 5/5/89 from Robert K. Lof lin, Environmental Specialist, DER, enclosing short form application, File No. 111642735, which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bil 1 Lorenz; and filed. 6. Letter dated 5/5/89 from Robert K. Loflin, Environmental Specialist, DER, enclosing short form application, File No. 111642705, which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bill Lorenz; and filed. 7. Letter dated 5/1/89 from Pat~ick Kenney, Environmental Specialist. DER, enclosing short form application, File No. 111640205, which involves dredge and f 111 activities. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bill Lorenz; and filed. 8. Letter dated 5/1/89 from Patrick Kenney, Environmental Specialist. DER, enclosing short form application, File No. 111640305, which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Neil Dorrill; Bill Lorenz; and filed. 9. Letter dated 5/3/89 from Representative Irlo Bronson, Chairman, Fl. Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations, enclosing a copy of the Advisory Council ùn Intergovernmental Relations Final Report, Increasing Section 27.3455, FL. Statutes, Revenues to Fl. Counties. xc: Filed. 10. Contract 614, received from HRS 5/1/89 charges for services of process on 47 child support enforcement actions. xc: Filed. 11. Minutes received and filed: A. 04/05/89 - City of Naples B. 04/12/89 - M.I. Beachfront Renourishment Advisory Committee and 5/3/89 Agenda 12. Notice dated 5/3/89 from Olsen Precast, Inc., advising that they have furnished precast concrete structures and related J1 Page 16 -~~_... ...._--.~.... ...., , - - - -"",.,-,,-,",.,,--,'O__OM.""" MAY 16, 1989 aaterials for the Health Services Building under an order given by Leitner Electric Co., Inc. xc: Neil Dorrill; Skip Camp; Tom Conrecode; and filed. 13. Received 5/5/89 Validated Tax Receipt Data from Dept. of Revenue for April 1988, May 1988, June 1988, July 1988, August 1988, September 1988, November 1988, and December, 1988. xc: Filed. U. Change Order dated 4/24/89 to the Agreement of August 15, 1988, between BCC and Community Home Care, Inc., d/b/a Dial-A-Nurse, and covering services being provided by Dial-A-nurse to clients of Collier County Services for Seniors in accordance with Bid Number 88-1292. xc: John Yonkosky and filed. 15. Notice of Voluntary Dismissal dated 5/3/89, Twentieth Judicial Circuit, regarding Case No. 89-0525 CA-Ol, Immokalee Water and Sewer District, a political subdivision. xc: Ken Cuyler; and filed. ... There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 10:05 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING 80ARDCS) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~ f2.A~¿ K , ATTESTr:: /Jr JAMtš C. GI~S, CLERK <to ¿;. :- .." ~ ~ .~~~ ¡)C - ~ rb /'peP7 ~'. . These minu7oved by the Board on ~~ as presented or as corrected ~ . :J-~ Page 17 -- ---- ,---......".---.",..,... -,-