BCC Minutes 06/12/1989 W
Naples, Florida, June 12, 1989
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this da"e at 9:00 A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSleR in Building
"F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Burt L. Saunder~
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Richard S. Shanahan
Michael J. Volpe
Anne Goodnight
ALSO PRESENT: Maureen Kenyon and Annaliese Kraft. Deputy Clerks;
Neil Dorrill, County /1anager; Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County
Manager; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; George
Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt,
Community Development Administrator; James Reardon, Emergency Services
Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; William Lorenz,
Environmental Services Administrator; Russell Shreeve, HUI Director;
Jeff Perry, MPO Director; Martha Skinner, Social Services Director;
and Leo Ochs, Administrat~ve Services Administrator.
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JUNE 12, 1989
Tape #1
Strategic Planning Workshop
County Manager Dorrill stated that this is part of an effort in
developing a strategic plan with goals and objectives for the County,
adding that the top list of issues, projects, and problems confronting
the County have been identified in the document that was presented
to the Board for this meeting. He noted that there have been public
opinion surveys done \/hich will be completed the first week cf. J\'.ly
and, as a result of this meeting, all issues will be combined into a
strategic plan of goals and objectives for the County for the coming
year and adopted as part of the budget process.
Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that this deals with
the need to improve the County's ab~lity to get information prepared
by the County to the public. He indicated that there is no formal way
at this ti!lle that Staff is getting information to the public. He
noted that there are several options listed and Staff is recommend:!ng
that a quarterly bulk mailin¡ newsletter be initiated which will
outline some of the on-going projects, programs, and policy decisions,
in order to make the community feel that they are part of the County.
He stated that Staff has looked at public relations firms or someone
that can package information professionally, because there is no one on
staff that can do this. He noted that a second objective is to deter-
mine if additional efforts and resources are needed and reflect those
in the proposed FY 89-90 budget and another objective is to implement
approved program enhancements in FY 89-90.
County Manager Dorrill stated that he is trying to improve and
centralize the responsibility for public affairs in the Manager's
otiice. The objective tor the quarterly newsletter and the County
Mana7er's report of staff and department activities. He noted that it
should be determined if a full-time public affairs officer is needed
or consulting type public relations advice. He noted that this would
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be incorporated into the budget documents and would be ready tor
review during the summer.
Commissioner Volpe stated that communication is important and he
teels that a newsletter should be more often than quarterly.
Assistant to the County Manager Ollitf stated that the cost bene-
fit is strong and the amount of dollars that is put in is worth the
benetit that is received by way of better public understandin~.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, County Manager Dorr ill stat'~d
that there will be some budget numbers developed and the program will
be tunded with available funds, adding that these documents will be
ready ln July for the Board to lo~k at. He noted that he would like
to have a separate budget next year tor public relations.
Commissioner Volpe stated tHat rather than hiring a public rela-
tions firm, he would rather see a County employee hired as a public
relations otficer. Commissioner Goodnight concurred with Commissioner
Volpe regarding this mat~er.
Commissioner Shanahan indicated that he would like to see a
newsl~tter mailed every six weeks instead of quarterly.
County Manager Dorrill stated that the newsletter would be sent to
registered voters and they would have a copy of the work product ready
tor July.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he feels that it w~uld be
appropriate tor the County Manager to provide the media with the
County Manager's corner and update the community each month by way ot
a guest commentary in the Naples Daily News on a regular bacis.
Commissioner Saunders stated that it appears that the Commission
agrees with the concept of distributing information in some form at
some intervals and these decisions will be made during the budget
County Manager Dorri..l stated that this issue involves produc-
tivity, adding that there has been a very good productivity ettort tor
the last two years, but there has been a bad job of conveying the
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rest~lts or the benefits to the Commission as a whole. He noted that
any government agency needs to be concerned with productivity, cost
savings, more tor the tax dollar, budget cutting and doing things more
efficiently. He noted that a review of various productivity options
were done in his office and there have been 13 management and cost
etficiency studies done in the past two years. He stated that the
results from these studies show that there is a rather productl~e
management and productivity program in his agency. He noted tha.l:
these types of studies are good business, adding that he is
encouraging departments and divisions to seek the assistance of the
budget management staff to do these studies. He stated that it
appears that the Board is interested in increasing productivity
measur~s and as a result of this, there will be a minor expansion for
this effort. He indicated that there will be studies disclosed to the
public that have been done whether they are good or bad. He indicated
that the public needs to be convinced that the work being done results
in higher efficiency or results in decisions being made to change the
way things are being done or to improve the way things are being done.
Commissioner Saunders stated that the report indicates that there
is some level of misunderstanding on the part of the Commission con-
cerning the efforts of the County Manager. He indicated that it
sounds as though the County Manager will be continuing the past
ettorts and increasing those efforts to be sure that County government
is more cost etficient and to let t~e public know that they are
getting the biggest amount of services for the dollars available. He
noted that he appreciates the efforts of the County Manager and the
comment that these efforts will continue and be expanded, keeping in
mind the need to keep the cost within a reasonable amount.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he would suggest that there be an
employee suggestion program, noting that if employees have an incen-
tive they can identify area~ where efficiency can be improved.
County Manager Dorrill stated that there has been an employee
suggestion program that has been a dismal failure only because there
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was not an incentive for the employees. He noted that Cape Coral has
a progra~ where they share the cost savings with the employee that
made the suggestion and he would like to look into this program.
Commissioner Shanahan stated that he feelR that productivity goals
and objectives should be set and looked at every quarter in order to
keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in the County.
Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that this j.tem deals
with the Growth Management Plan and, specifically, funding for the
Capital Improvement Element, adåing that the background outlines that
the:e is $236 million for the capital improvements that are scheduled
to be completed over the next five years. He noted that the Plan is
totally funded and was approved by DCA, adding that as part of that
tunding there w~re several new funding sources that were outlined that
need to be approved by the Board to make the full capital improvement
program work. He stated that there is about $48 million of new reve-
nues within that plan and there is new and different types ot revenues
including "GO" bond issues that are required to go to voters as well as
stormwater run-oft utIlity fees. He noted that the Board has taken
some steps in that direction with regards to parks and library impact
fees. He noted that there are still road impact fees coming torth and
the utility run-off fee is scheduled to be completed once the storm-
water management master plan is received. He noted that the tinancing
plan needs to be in the forefront of thought during the budget process
and over the course of the next five years. He indicated that by
August of 1989, the new revenue sources need to be adopted as outlined
in the Plan or the plan will have to go back and be adjusted in terms
of the level at service.
Mr. Olliff stated that the next issue is still the Capital
Improvement Project and how there is a great deal of pressure put on
the County to complete its ~apital improvement projects because of the
Growth Management Plan. He noted that development and continued
growth in the County depends on the ability of the County to provide
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those governmental services. He stated that the t irst objective,
which is to restructure the organization to better meet this
challenge, has been accomplished. He stated that the second
objective is to research some funding me:thods to allow tor total pro-
ject tinancing at the project's inception. He indicated that the third
objective is to improve information tlow and the Board needs to know
what is going on in the County with capital projects. He noted that
the last objective is the legislation which would allow for a
"design-build" process, 'ldding that the Development Services f'\'.!l'.~ing
is an example of this process.
Hr. Ollitt noted that the next issue is vested rights, noting that
the Growth Management Plan is to do a three year re-evaluation ot all
existing and non-constructed zoning within the County which was one ot
DCA's primary objections to the plan. He noted that Staff is trying
to resolve this matter, adding that there were two basic options to
resolve this. He noted that one option was immediate, which would make
all zoning comply with the comprehensive plan and the second option is
to pick a time period in-oetween. He stated that Staff is generally
working with a March, 1990 date with DCA to see if this will be
approved. He noted that there are 1!S0 PUD's that have beon approved
and in the vested rights category, adding that Staff has done about 40
of these PUD's to date. He noted that if the March date is selected,
Staff could not do the zoning re-evaluation within that time period
and then it would become incumbent upon a property owner to show the
County that he is vested.
Commissioner Shanahan stated that if March, 1990, is acceptable to
DCA, the County should agree with it. He noted that there are already
people coming in with five and ten year old PUD's that they are trying
to get into a proper format. He stated that he feels that thi'!l matter
should be placed upon the property owner.
Commissioner Saunders stated that one of the comments he pre-
viously made with regards to vested rights is that he did not want to
do anything with vested rights that changed existing Florida law. He
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JUNE 12, 1989
noted that the Commission also took this position at that time. He
noted that when the Commission now looks at a ten year old pun that
has a commercial and residrmtial section, the Board will have to make
a de'termination if the commercial in the PUD is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan and if it is not, then it has to be determined if
it is vested. He stated that if it is not vested, then the Commission
can down-zone it.
Cowßunity Development Administrator Brutt stated that this i'.' aue
concerns the development implementation of the Golden Gate and
Immokalee Master Plan, adding that a tremendous amount of work has
gone into this. He noted that Golden Gate has a citizen's steering
committee and around 7,000 mail outs were sent to the community to
determine their main concerns. He indicated that Staff has been
working with the Immokalee Citizen'~ Technical Committee with regards to
their plan. He indicated that part ot the major difficulties in
Immokalee is the population; the permanent, the migrant, etc., which
was the first activity that was undertaken. He noted that a land use
map is being prepared and he expects to have both projects to the CCPC
and then to the BCC in the early part of the fall. He stated that
trom an economic standpoint there is a need to get away from agri-
culture in lmmokalee and get into a more diversitied economy, which is
Assistant to the County Manager Olliff stated that Development
Services in its implementation requires a great deal of ordinance
rewriting and consolidation in order to make that process work. He
noted that part of the Icard-Merrill contract is a unified land deve-
lopment code which they are working on and will unity ~~l the develop-
alent processes into a single document so that they make sense with
each other. He stated that the land development regulations required
by the Growth Management Pliln are also being worked on which are due
by August 1, 1989. He indicated that there is a great deal of process
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JUNE 12, 1989
change going on and the purpose is to tighten the controls. He stated
that if the information is available when requested, Statt will be
able to guarantee certain turn-around times with a quality review. He
stated that there are a lot of new regulations that will be coming
into place with regards to the Growth Management Plan which will be
presented to the Board in the near future. He noted that there is a
lot ot work to be done in the next few months.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he feels that there will have ';:0 be
sollie special meetings to accomplish all the requirements of the Growth
Management Plan as well as the requirements for the budget.
Mr. Olliff stated that he feels that there will be a couple issues
that may not make the Augus~ 1, 1989, deadline but Tallahassee has
indicated that as long as a substantial etfort is made, there will not
be a problem.
Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz stated that this issue
covers solid waste, water management, groundwater, natural resources
and advisory boards. He stated that for the disposal ot solid waste,
they are working on a master plan. He indicated that Statf is looking
into the technologies of how to handle solid waste and certain cri-
teria is being focused that will minimize the technological market and
economic risks. He indicated that recycling will be part of the solid
waste management plan as well as the requirement tor the landfill
space. He stated that the solid wa&te f.teld is constantly changing
and new technologies are emerging quickly. He stated that Stat! needs
the flexibility to be able to react to changing conditions and bring
in new technologies tor the future but at the same time, the plan has
to proceed so that everyone knows what direction the County ~ill be
Mr. Lorenz noted that another issue in Solid Waste deals with the
collection issue as oppose~ to processing and disposal, adding that
the solid waste collection system strategy has to support the pro-
cessing and disposal components of the master plan. He noted that one
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issue is the competitive bid contract versus franchise agreements and
the other issue is mandatory collection, which have to be addressed.
He noted that these issues will be coming back to the Board in the
fall with a recommendation for competitive bidding or mandatory
Hr. Lorenze noted that another component ot Solid waste is hazar-
dous waste management, adding that there are three components ot this
strategy. He stated that one is using the hazardous waste collection
center; the second strategy is the program for small quantity ~~n~ra-
tors of hazardous waste and Staff needs to determine if there is any
existing or past problems and to be sure that small business people
understand that certain materials are considered hazardous or a threat
to the environment. He noted that the thi~d strategy is a petroleum
storage tank program which will be established by September 30, 1989.
He noted that DER does not have the manpower to inspect and monitor
all petroleum storage tanks that exist in the State and there is a
program to contract with local governments to do this. He noted that
Staff is working on an agreement with DER and this will be coming back
to the BCC as a new program for next year. He noted that there would
be money available for two years for this program.
Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz stated that with
regards to this issue, the concern here is how the projects will be
tunded and the criteria that will be used to establish the priorities
to implement this project. He noted that through the development of
the master plan, the Board will have to give Staff direction con-
cerning the level of service standards. He noted that surface water
management is intimately related to groundwater resources and other
environmental issues are also related. He noted that the environmen-
tal concerns will b~ addressed in the water master plan. He noted
that the scope of services provided by the Water Management Department
has included the maintenanc" and development of capital improvements,
project reviews, excavati=~ ordinances and water management systems
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which are now currently provided by the Development Services Depart-
ment. He indicated that the aquatic plant control and maintenance of
some ot the large canals is being taken over by the Water Management
District. He stated that current resources will have to be shifted
with regards to this matter, noting that Staff can move into the
smaller drainage areas and provide for aquatic plant control in those
areas. He indicated that he will have to look at the Water Management
Department in order to provide a more comprehensive water reS::;':lrce
planning group that will look at the broader issues of water ~a~age-
.ent for potable water supply, municipal supply, maintenance of
aquatic systems, supply for environmental concerns, and to be more of
a working liaison with the South Florida Water Management District as
they develop watershed master plans.
Tape #2
Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz stated that this issue
is to develop a coordinated water resources conservation program. He
noted that there is not currently a contact in the County for water
conservation. He indicated that in providing continuity with the
Wa~er Management Department, 1::here is a possibility of the County
developing more ot a coordinated approach to water resources planning
ot which a water conservation program would be part ot. He noted that
this program should focus on demand management similar to the SFWMD
and there is also a need of a further assessment of the water
supplies. He stated that he is asking tor direction concerning the
new roles and expanded service of the Water Management Department. He
stated that there is a need for a more coordinated degree and a solid
approach to water resources planning.
Commissioner Volpe stated that reducing the availability of the
water to the end user has been a way of conserving water.
Mr. Lorenz stated that ~he Growth Management Plan requires this
type of a program and coor~ination is going to be very important.
Commissioner Shanahan stated that a program has to be developed to
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work in conjunction with the SFWMD as in the next five years, this is
a critical issue.
Environmental Services Ad~inistrator Lorenz stated that this issue
is the extent ot County involvement for monitoring and developing
management programs for the estuarine system. He stated that there
are two areas that need to be focused on; one is the tunding of a
comprehensive estuarine monitoring program and the second is the
extent of the County participation in a Naples Bay management ~'rr,~ra:n
and bay management organization. He indicated that the Growth
Management Plan requires the County to have a monitoring plan in place
by March 1, 1990, adding that a monitoring program that would identity
certain problems and establishing base line conditions tor evaluating
future trends would cost approximately $75,000 - $80,000 annually. He
indicated that he has currently allocated $10,000 tor this program in
this fiscal year to establish some pilot studies in order to design
the program turther. He indicated that with regards to the Naples Bay
management program, the Commission adopted a resolution that directed
Staff to work out with the City staff an agreement which will be
brought back to the Board for acceptance.
Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz stated that a ground-
water protection ordinance is being developed and much of the focus is
on wellfield protection. He stated that there are numerous technical
issues that will have to be brought to the Board. He noted that the
fairness of proposed prohibitions and restrictions within proposed
wellfield protection zones will have to be implemented. He noted that
it will have to be decided whether grandfathering of existing land
uses and facilities will be implemented or compensation provided. He
reported that a large issue is what the effect of the proposed
requirements will be on the siting of future welltields. He noted
that there are five zonef. of protection that approximate groundwater
travel time ot 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 years, adding that 20 years is the
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extent of the wellfield mandgement zone where the restrictions will be
taking place.
Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz stated that this issue
is to develop the appropriate professional and technical staft to
build up the Natural Resources Management Department to meet a variety
ot requirements which is a very ambitious environmental conservation
program that has been set torth in the Growth Management Plan. He
stated that numerous development standards have been developed t':.r
various habitats. He noted that a Coastal Management Plan is to be
done by August 1, 1990. He noted that the issue is tunding, adding
that the depa:-tment must be funded in such a fashion in order to
accomplish the objectives. He stated that there is also a need tor a
good environmental data base th"1t will allow them to put data on a map
to manage it, work with it, and then analyze it. He noted that the
annual cost for the salaries of staff is around $200,000.
Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz stated that there are
numerous environmental advisory boards and their focus has been on
land development reviews. He noted that a Natural Resources Technical
Advisory Committee will have to be developed which will focus on
environmental programs and problems. He noted that there would be a
need to coordinate these activities with the other advisory boards,
adding that one alternative would be to formalize the creation of the
advisory committee required by the Growtt Management Plan by taking
the existing EAC and limit its role to policy recommendations and
development ot programs and ordinances.
..... Rece..: 11 :00 A.M. - Reconvened: 11:10 A.M. .....
Commissioner Saunders indicated that with regards to transpor-
tation. there is not a need for a presentation and asked it there were
any questions from the Com~ission concerning the report.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Transportation Services
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JUNE 12, 1989
Adainistrator Archibald stated that currently the impact fee ordinance
allows tor the use ot coll~cted funds on the state or county road
system, but there is not a separate impact tee system for state roads.
He stated that there are cases where there are individual impact tee
districts where it is most appropriate that the arterial roads serving
that district is a state road and it would be appropriate tor those
impact tees to be used on that state road rather than a county roa1.
Commissioner Saunders stated that the policy that has bee~ ~~opted
is that this will be done on a case by case basis, noting that on S.R.
951 the Board has voted to potentially use impact tees on that state
road. He noted that at some point, impact fees may need to be con-
sidered for Davis Blvd.
Commissioner Saunders questlone~ if there are any questions on any
of the areas under Mr. Reardon's report.
In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Emergency Services
Administrator Reardon stated that over the past year the Citizens'
Study Group has been looking over the topic of integration and they
have found that there is a lot more to it than what was in the tirst
report. He noted that if there is not a well integrated plan between
local municipalities and special taxing districts, there could be a
moratorium enacted according to House Bill 599. He noted that a
report will be coming back to the Board for their consideration with
regards to consolidation. He stated +hat the Citizens' Study group
has taken a close look at integration of EMS, fire facilities and
Sheriff's facilities, but there is so much involved that they decided
to take a look at each one separately before they did thi8 jointly.
Commissioner Volpe questioned if there is anything dealing with
hurricane evacuation in the strategic planning, to which Mr. Reardon
stated that this falls within the area ot emergency operation center
and coordination to make tho¡e joint decisions, adding that the second
report discusses this, as the County is behind times with regards to
this matter. He noted that there are not enough shelters in Collier
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County from a bed space standpoint to facilitate every citizen in
Collier County. He indicated that there are about 25,000 bed spaces
and the population is about 140,000.
In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Reardon stated that the
integration plan is not a six-year plan, but he will have to look six
years into the future. He noted that the first year is studying
integration; the second year is planning; the third year would be
implementation, as the third of a six-year plan, and every ye.....' th'~
plan would have to be revised.
Mr. Reardon stated that the real crisis is emergency service faci-
lities and the current command post is outdated, which is going to cost
some money to make the operation work right.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Reardon stated that there are
no tederal grants available for emergency management. He noted that
with the State, the biggest thing is the EMS Trust and that is outside
the boundaries of the areas that are mentioned in the report on Page
". He stated that there is not anyone area where all the equipment
required is available for a hazardous situation. He stated that he
does not have the capabilities to jack houses and rescue victims if
there is a heavy rescue along the shoreline. He indicated that he has
no capabilities for mass casualties, adding that there are no fiscal
resources. He noted that their emergency operation centers need to be
addressed as well as fire prevention, warehousing, purchasing, and all
the overhead items. He noted that the lease will not be renewed for
the helicopter at the airport or the EMS headquarters. He indicated
that it the ambulances are strategically located, the County could
save themselves some money in the future and would also meet the
requirements of the Growth Management Plan. He stated that he will be
bringing the report from the Citizens' group back to the Board by the
first of August.
Commissioner Volpe ques',:ioned if there is a master plan regarding
these matters, to which 1'.=, Reardon stated that there is a six year
plan which identifies the areas that have support from the fire ser-
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vices plus all the needs ident if led by the various departments within
the Emergency Services Divi&ion. He stated that this is the start
toward ~he master plan with this year being the first year of capital
needs and programs as well as staffing needs. He stated that he would
expect that this document will be modified to some substance when the
fire consolidation group concludes their study. He stated that he
also needs to link the comprehensive land use map, the growth mana~e-
lRent issue to the fire consolidation issue from a performance st"""..:1ard
level as well as from the emergency service division and then
integrate them so it makes a good solid master plan.
..... Deputy Clerk ~ratt replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon
at thie ti- - 11 :4.5 A.M. .....
County Manager Dorrill note_' that the location and construction of
the new North Gounty Wellfield and Water Treatment Plant will be Mr.
Arnold's primary responsibilities. He pointed out that the plant
will impact the Northern area of the County and Marco Island in par-
ticular. He emphasized the continuing need for proper efficient
effluent disposal and maintaining concurrency through the extensive
capital improvements proçram. He reported that millions of dollars
will be needed for the construction of water and sewer facilities. He
noted that the majority of the Board of County Commissioners' matters
relate to the Transportation and Utility Departments.
Commissioner Volpe commented that he would like to see better
forecasting of rate adjustments. Mr. Arnold concurred and noted that
the use of sophisticated software defining rate increases and phases
will alleviate the rate fluctuation. Commissioner Volpe questioned
rate collection being implemented by the use of master meters in
mobile home parks i\nd Mr. Arnold responded that it has been done.
County Manager Dorrill pointed out that individuals are not billed in
mobile home parks, but rat:.er the developer or association is and that
crnates some dissatisfac~~on.
A discussion followed about the effective date of "capacity plus"
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billing for mobile home parks. County Manager Dorrill indicated that
he would repvrt back to the Board of County Commissioners with the
exact date of implementtion. Commissioner Shanahan pointed out that
incremental adjustments annually are more palatable and these adjust-
ments are essential to financing future needs.
Commissioner Shanahan emphasized that the possibility of increased
revenue from effluent water would be beneficial. Mr. Arnold cautioned
that dual water systems are far away trom implementation because the
County's focus will be on golf courses and big area users wher~
effluent water can be disposed of economically. Commissioner Ha~se
questioned anticipating a sufficient effluent supply for golf courses?
Mr. Arnold stated that the South County Regional Waste Water Treatment
Plant under construction, with the capacity to produce 8 million
gallons per day, is entirely committed to users. Commissioner
Shanahan commented that the dem..'nd will far exceed the supply in rela-
tion to the number of golf courses constructed in the next ten years.
Mr. Arnold not~d that it is not conservat ion :;,f potable water, but
rather a conservation of the resource,
Commissioner Shanahan reported that reverse osmosis, deep well
aquifers, and membrane softening availability should be in our future
plans. County Manager Dorr ill noted that Mr. Arnold had sent him a
memo requesting authority to obtain consulting engineers to do a
feasibility study relating to the method of treatment, location and
purchase options involving the North County Well Treatment Plant.
Commissioner Shanahan commented that he had received a 1978 edi-
tion of the Marco Island Eagle with an article Jirecting Statf to put
together a purchase plan for the acquisition of Marco Island Utilities,
establishing a price at $9.1 million dollars.
County Manager Dorrill pointed out that sludge removal will be an
issue for both the lime sludge at the water plant and the activated
sewer sludge generated in larger capacities from the old and new
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Public Services Administrator O'Donnell poir:ted out that in the
last few years the Legislature has moved to make counties responsible
for indigent health care costs. He pointed out that the Budget
Aaendment presented to the Board of County Commissioners last year
required that the County contribute a co~ple of hundred thousan~
dollars for funding additional Medicaid funding. He stated that
effective January, 1990, a new program has been mandated for counties
requiring payment to a maximum of $4.00 per capita resulting in
Collier County having d liability of $537,000+ dollars. He indicated
that October 1, 1989, a new State/County share program will be ini-
tiated for health care benefits to hospitals at a cost to the County
of approximately $77,000. He pointed out that in order to deal with
these increases, additional staffing will be needed in the Social
Services Department, He noted that a Social Worker and Fiscal Clerk
will be needed to fulfill the State's requirements. He emphasized
that the general trend of the State will entail tremendous increases
to Collier County in the future. He noted that the previous cost to
the County was approximately $15,000 to $20,000 in addition to
$80,000 for Naples Community Hospital. He pointed out that, under the
new program, Naples Community Hospital will continue to receive the
$80,000 as well as an additional $143,000.
Commissioner Volpe questioned the eligibility and identitication
of income level for c;ounty indigents. Mr. O'Donnell replied that
the increase will be 100 percent of the poverty level which is pre-
sently $481 for one person per month up to $1,951 for a family of ten.
He pointed out that County residency is easily obtained by ob~aining
and filing a Declaration of Domicile. Commissioner Volpe questioned
if the eligibility requirements are state-wide and Mr. O'Donnell
acknowledged th~t they are.
County Manager Dorrill remarked that due to the remarkable job
Martha Skinner does in the Social Services Department, the Board of
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JUNE 12, 1989
County Commissioners is seldom burdened with social service issues and
matters. He indicated that child related issues and indigent health
care for the aged will force the County into the welfare business. In
response to Commissioner Goodnight's concern about the "senior" money
funds not beinç;¡ received from the State, County Manager Dorrill
replied that State funding for th~ in-home incapacitated care for
senior citize;¡s, c leanir,g of their home. food care, transportatio.~ to
doctors and picking up of prescriptions for approximately 75 'U.' " IJO
people was eliminated. He explained that Staff will be before the
Board of County Commissioners for direction as to taking care ot these
Martha Skinner, Director of Social Services, reported that the cut
is in the Federal funding and as of January 1990, $49,000 will be eli-
minated ot the $102,000 grant. She pointed out that 71 people will
be cut from the services. In response to Commissioner Shanahan she
pointed out that Dade County had a large portion of minority groups
allowing them to draw off funding from the allocation to districts
without large minority groups. Mr. f)'Donnell reported that each item
on this strategic plan is mandated by the State or has tc, comply wi th
the Growth Management Plan.
A discussion followed about the museum and the library.
Commissioner Volpe pointed out the museum is a "wants" rather than
a "needs" question and sugge3ted tying the museum to the library.
County Manager Dorrill indicated that a cultural center application
might be beneficial. He emphasized that as County Manager in an urba-
nized community he is obligated to support and be sensitive to
cultural needs, as well as parks and recreation facilities and housing
for ~:~S, the fire department etc. He pointed out that the museum has
been built by private entities and is an asset. Commissioner Shanahan
commented that sources of revenue will have to be found for these
items. County Manager Dorr ill responded that taking advantage of
opportunities, i.e. the purchase of Lely Barefoot Beach, pay-as-you-go
tunding, will be in the Budget, Commissioner Hasse pointed out that
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the private sector did a beautiful job on this entire project. Mr.
Dorr ill added that volunteer ism and private donations are the real
success story.
A discussion followed about the Agricultural Center. Commissioner
Saunders suggested going to the farming interests for contributions
and Commissioner Goodnight responded that it does not benefit the
agricultural community. She pointed out that this Center houses 4H.
master gardeners, and research facilities. A discussion followed
about developm~nt of open space sites and the acquisition of a-=i't,.lge
from The Vineyards.
Commissioner Volpe questioned the expansion of the main library
and County Manager Dorr ill responded that the main library's size is
not consistent with the minimum level of service provided in satellite
facilities. Commissioner Hasse suggested urbanizing the library faci-
lities. County Manager Dorr ill poir.ted out that the Board of County
Coll1.lllissioners invested heavily in satellite facilities, but the
Central Headquarters should contain the largest research section and
house administrative staff.
A discussion followed about pres,=nt expansion facility and the
Troy property.
Commissioner Volpe stated that the County is committed to
expanding the Central Avenue facility and that is where the expansion
should take place. County Manager Dorrill noted the City of Naples
approached the County about the Troy parcel but the timing is poor.
Tape #3
Medical Insurance Coverage
Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that alternate
ways of providing medical coverage and the medical insurance fQlicy
increase will be discussed at tomorrow's Board of County
Commissionere-' meeting.
Vehicle tor Hire Industry
Commissioner Saunders asked if there were any questions on the
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JUNE 12, 1989
motor vehicle for hire industry and Mr. Ochs responded that the PVAC
has been urging Staff to revise the current Ordinance to expand regu-
latory control over vehicle5 for hire. He pointed out that Staff is
reluctant to do this because the Sta+.:e regulates insurance, weights and
measures, meters and other issues. H~ emphasized that enforcement of
permitting violations by the Sher if f is difficult. He commented that
both he and the County Manager are trying to determine the best
rl..~ Man6-a...nt
Commissioner Volpe queRtioned how many pieces ot equipment the
County owns and maintains. Mr. Ochs replied "About 400 including
heavy equipment and 200 pieces of hand-held equipment, 1. e. lawn
mowers, tillers, etc. " He pointed out that the County will be bidding
tor new tleet maintenance service for the vehicles and the County will
require better clauses and prov':'sions in the service contract.
Commissioner Volpe questioned relocating to the County Barn? Mr.
Ochs responded that they are currently located in a trailer on the
Government Complex and lccating them at the County Barn complex will
be advantageous to the management of the contract service. He stated
that the amount of the contract would be $600,000. In response to
Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dorr ill emphasized running a municipal garage
operation is not feasible. He pointed out that hiring and employing
mechanics, together with the parts inventory necessary is a nightmare.
8uJIan Resource.
In response to Pay for Performance, Mr. Ochs stated that turnover
before the implemented compensation and classification program was
11." percent and has now dropped to 6.5 percent. He stated that
reducing turnover and providing performance based pay and appraisal
process has been successful, He pointed out that the Board of County
Commissioners should scrutinize the marketing report when it is
brought to them and should also support the policy of equitable and
con;patible pay. He stated .hat it is difficult to attract skilled
personnel in this area. .:::....unty Manager Dorrill reported that it has
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JUNE 12, 1989
been his personal pleasure to resolve a great deal of the morale
problems and reward the deserving employees. He pointed out that the
County was also able to cull out the 5 to 10 percent employees who
were not up to standard. He pointed out, however, that private
industry pays $5,000 more than engineering and planning, and that
needs to be looked at.
Tra1n1n~ and Educational Rei.bur....nt Proqr...
County Manager Dorrill commented that training programs tor mL:.1"Ia-
gellent is needed.
Purcha8inq PolicY and Educational Rei.buree.ant Program
Commissioner Volpe noted that this item is on Tuesday's agenda.
Mr. Ochs stated that revisions to the Personnel Ordinance and
capital projects' contracts will be completed and brought back to
the Board of County Commissioners after their recess.
County Manager Dorrill summariz~d by noting that communicating
with policy makers is a difficult part of the job, and he thanked the
Board of County Commissioners for spen~ing this time with Staff. He
noted that any items of particular interest or omitted can be
discussed with either him or Staff 1:~fore the goals and objectives of
strategic planning ar~ ready for adoption in September.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
12:35 P.M.
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