BCC Minutes 09/18/1989 B Naples, Florida, September 18, 1989 LET IT BE REMEMBgRED, that the Board of County Commissioners In and for the County of Collier, and ales acting ae the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. tn ~ ~FI~OP ~0~ in Building "F" of the Government Coaplex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saundara Max A. Hesse, Jr. Richard S. Shanahan Mtchaal J. Volpe Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Ellis Hoffman and Anna/tess Kraft, Deputy Clerks; Nell Dorrtll, County Manager; Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Sheriff Don Hunter; Gall Addison, Chief of Administration, Sheriff's Office; Guy Carlton, Tax Collector; Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections; Nlna Neal, Community Development Administrative Assistant II; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Robert Schmidt, Budget Analyst; Lort Zalka, Budget Director; Mike McNees, Utilities Finance Director; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administra- tor; Kev..n O~Donnell, Public Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Jay Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator; and Charles Bell, Court Administrator; Page SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 Legal nottce having been published in the Naples Daily News on Ssptslber 17, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to hold a Workshop Nesting to review the 1989-90 Budget. Budget Director Zalka provided a handout dated September 15, 1989, Impact on Taxes of Proposed Cutbacks (appended.) She advised that the first column of figures represents the tax rates as adver- tised on the tax notice; the second column represents the budget as It stands today, based on the actions taken by the Co.lesion at the public hearing on September 13, 1989. She indicated that as a reenzlt, the County-wide tax Increase is 11.1~, and the aggregate ts 11.5~, which ts the amount that will be advertised for the second public hearing on September 25, 1989. She noted that the cutback~ Include 8500,000 by the County Nmnager, and 8337,000 by the Sheriff. She explained that the third column represents proposed cutbacks that will be reviewed today, and based on those cutbacks, the tax increase County-wide will be 8.?X, and the aggregate will decrease from 11.5~ to 8.1~. She noted that the proposed cutbacks are based on: $717,000 from the County Manager, ~1,000,000 from the Sheriff, $85,000 from the Supervisor of Elections, the elimination of the tax rate for the Naples Production Park and the Narco Beach Access Taxing Unit, and a cut in Reserves of 8300,000. Ns. Zalka called attention to the next page, which lists the cut- backs within the County Manager's budget, for a total of $197,500. She noted that the second page lists cutbacks to Improvement Districts, i.e. the proposal to replace the tax for Naples Production Park with a loan, and it also includes a list of Capital Pro,acts which could be deferred in the followtno year. She noted that funds would be placed tn Reserves, based on the 1 mill Capital Outlay Millage Rate. She explained that a $300,000 cut is proposed in Reserves which will eliminate the policy for 5~ Reserve for Conttnge:tcy on the Expanded Service portion of the budget, but the 5~ policy will still be maintained on the Current Service Budget. SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 Conissioner Saunders stated that he will be asking the Coemtsslon at some point during the Workshop, to reconsider putting the $50,000 back into the budget for the Health Department for the program involving drug affected babies; and to also consider putting back into the budget, a program with TECH where handicapped individuals are working as groundekeepere. Public Services Administrator O'Donnell advised that the TECE pro- posal will be $20,000 on an annual basis. County Manager Dorrill stated that the TECH progra~ has been very beneficial, and is paid through either contractual services or elapsed salaries. He indicated that he certainly would like the opportunity to see it continue. It wm~ tb~ ~ of ~ Cmimi~ion to £~ Conissioner Hasse noted that the Manager's Office, Sheriff's Office, and so ~any of the Staff have done an exceptional Job in trying to meet the budget. He stated that the Couission office pre- sently has three secretaries, and they have done an adequate Job. He suggested that the Board forego the luxury of a receptionist, in addi- tion to the secretaries. It~ tbs co~m~n~u~ of the Oo~mim~ion to forego the In answer to Con~tss~.~ner Volpe, Ms. Zalka advised that all of the projects within the Facilities Management Fund are listed on Page of the Tentative Budget. She indicated that the CIE Projects are listed with a project number, but the Hon-CIE Projects do not have a number. County Manager Dorrill explained the listing of the Non-CIE Projects on Page E-13, as requested by Conissioner Volpe. Conissioner Volpe questioned whether any of the projects can be deferred, in addition to the Parking Lot Improvements for $100,O007 Ms. Zalka replied that the trailers for the Government Complex in the a~ount of $35,000 have been delayed for one year, and noted that Page E-14 lists additional deferrals from the budget. County Manager Page SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 Dorrill advised that he Is also proposing the deferral of 81,340,000 tn the 1 Mill Capital Improvement Fund. Ms. Zalka advised that the handout that she has provided only includes County Manager cutbacks, and any other Agencies have not been included in this list. However, she advised that the Supervisor of llecttons has provided cutbacks In the amount of $85,000. T~x Collector Carlton advised that he had requested 3 new posi- tions with the State, two of which were for the Marco Island Satellite, based on projected numbers of activity. He indicated that Commissioner Shanahan had asked him to review these positions very closely, and he is happy to report that he is presently requesting one Compliance Officer, and one Clerk for the Marco Island Office. He explained that he has cut a total of $31,000 from his budget. Commissioner Hesse thanked Mr. Carlton and Mrs. Morgan for their efforts in making their contributions to the budget cuts. Clerk Giles stated that the Board of County Co.missioners set qutdellnes this past spring of holding the budget to 12~. He reported that he prepared his budget and transferred monies from fees to keep the budget at 12~. He advised that he does not believe that he has any ~fat" in his budget, noting that his office does not pay money for parties for employees, does not buy coffee or coffee pots, ~nd he believes that he has a very frugal budget. Uommissioner Hesse questioned the number of new employees Clerk Giles has requested? Ms. Zalka advised that there are 11 positions in the Kxpanded Service Request for Mr. Giles' entire fund. She explained that there are 3 positions for Clerk of the Board; 4 for Clerk of the Oircuit Court, and 4 for Clerk of the County Court. Commissioner Hesse noted that other Constitutional Officers have made a real effort to cut their budgets. Mr. Giles replied that he does not believe it la fair to ask everyone to cut back a specific percent, since certain budgets may be above the Commission's ~ida- lines when they were submitted. He Indicated that many times an inflated request ts submitted initially because later a cut will be Page · SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 requested, but he does not feel he has done this, and noted that this practice should not be encouraged. He stated that many of the pro- perty values on Marco Island have Increased, noting that the Marco Island Fire Department has a 30~ increase in their budget, and each dollar of that increase affects those people Just as emch aa a County- wide dollar from the Commission. He indicated that several agencies are Impacting the Marco situation and he believes that the Comaiseton should also press for cutbacks in other agencies. Clerk Giles further stated that most of the furniture In hie office is 10-15 years old, and recently, a couple of surplus desks have been pulled from the Purchasing Department, which he felt was perfectly adequate, and noted that his Staff ts working tn very tight office spaces. Commissioner Hasse questioned whether Mr. Giles has any thought as to where the increases in the budget came from? Clerk G~les explained that past approvals of budgets have brought the combination of taxes and taxable values to this point, which ts unacceptable to the public. He indicated that he believes that t~ghter purchasing practices are needed in the County, and if the Commission will review each Executive Summary to determine whether these purchases are absolutely necessary, it will help a lot. Commissioner Volpe no,ed that an additional M~nutes Secretary position has been requested due to the newly appointed Code E~forcement Board. Clerk Giles stated that th~s position ~s requested not only because of the Code Enforcement Board, but there has been an Increase in the number of Board appointed committee meetings this year. He indicated that this position can be eliminated, if desired, and the effected organizations can hire outside secretarial services, and provide tapes to the Minutes Department, but they prefer not to because of the danger that the m~nutes may not be transcribed correctly. County Manager Dorr~ll referred to Page B-3 of the County Commissioners Budget, as requested by the Clerk: $60,000 to Page 5 SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 reconstruct the County Code of Ordinances. He indicated that this is an important item, but there lo also the opportunity to cut 860,000 from the Board of County Commissioners budget. Clerk Giles advised that the County Attorney's Office has had problems trying to work through the current codification. He indi- cated that this assists the legal Staff in doing proper research on ordinances, etc. Co.missioner Shanahan suggested that consideration be given to deferring this Item for a year. The discussion on this item was continued later in the Workshop. Commissioner Shanahan stated that there have been a number of questions on Marco Island relating to the validity and legality of the appraisals, and he would like to hear his response regarding this. Commissioner Saunders Indicated that from a legal standpoint, the pro- perties are supposed to be reappraised every year, but from a prac- tical standpoint, It is probably impossible to do every parcel every year, and that may be part of the reason for the increase. County Manager Dorrill noted that there have been many discussions throughout the budget process concerning new employees that work for the County Manager and the number of proposed positions for next year. He called attention to his handout of New Expanded Service Employees. He advised that the first section shows the number of expanded addi- tional employees who are being requested by departments for the coming y~ar, based on the Tentative Budget. He explained that 27 new posi- tions are proposed in his Agency, and 1/2 of those are being paid by user fees. He Indicated that the second section refers to commit- ments, directives, or areas that were promised to do when the Growth Management Program was approved, and has resulted in the addition of 20 new positions. He stated that the two largest areas are EMS and the Environmental Science and Pollution Control Department, and are primarily paid for by user fees. He reported that the third category relates to State mandates or requirements for operating permits, noting that three positions are in Enterprise Funds, and one Social Page 6 SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 Worker as a result of the State indigent health care coot containment progra~ which will add an additional 100 cases to the Social Service workload. He advise~ that the last column on the second page shows positions that are shown as new positions tn the budget but if they are not fully explained, the fact cannot be appreciated that these are part-time positions. He stated that this totals 50 full-time positions and 6 part-time positions. Commissioner Saunders questioned whether this handout reflects the cuts that Ms. Zalka described earlier in the County Manager's Tentative Budget reductions? County Manager Dorrtll replied that this is based on the original budget, and ? positions have been cut from this list. County Manager Dorrill referred to Page A-8. Be noted that the question ts always asked every year, as to whether more total County 0overnment workers are being added than is necessary, and Indicated that the summary provided shows the total number of County employees, as a ratio between population and total County work force. He reported that since 1981, on a percentage in proportionate basis, the number of County employees per capita has tracked below the increase in population. Commissioner Volpe stated that with regard to the revenue side, this bud,et ts built aro~.~d certain proposed increases in Impact fees. County Manager Dorrtll Indicated that he will be proposing on or about October 1, that the County road Impact fee be increased significantly. The discussion relating to the restructure of the County Code of Ordinances resumed at this time. County Attorney Cu¥1er advised that this Item came about when his office and the Clerk's Office identified a serious problem since the Code needs to be revamped and updated. He noted that members of the public are using this Code, and there are concerns of the possibility that they may be getting information that is not correct, or not updated which would result in problems. He stated that the $60,000 flqurs came about aa the approximate cost to revamp this. He indi- Page 7 O000G SEPTENBHR 18, 1989 coted that the cost will benefit the public as well as Internal Rea- bore of the County. Assistant County Attorney Lawson ind~cated that State Law rsquires that the County codify Its ordinances. He indicated that many years ago, the County or the editor neglected to incorporate changes as they were made, and this has resulted in the Code having ~any o~ieelons in it. He advised that people are continually going to the Minutes and Rscords office to find out the law of the County. Hs indicated that the $60,000 for the revamp has been recommended due to the Growth Management driven requirements for revised ordinances. X~ ~ th~ con~n~u~ of t~ C~t~t~ t~t t~ $60,~0 to Co~/ss/oner Shanahan reported that the Property Appraiser adding two mapping technicians, in the amount of $91,000, to meet Increasing mapping retirements, and noted that he would like to ask him if these positions could be deferred until 1991. Co~ssAoner Sounders requested that County Manager Dorrill ~ake this tn~Ar~, to Mr. Colding. A discussion took place relating to the Maternal Health Care progr~. Co~ssioner Volpe stated that he feels that this issue. ~tt there As the q~stion of prioritizing the allocation the Co~ty's dollars, ~d he is not in favor of Including the $50,000. Co~ssioner Hesse concurred with Co~issioner Volpe. Co~lssioner GoodnAght indicated that she feels this is a ver~ important issue, and everyone on the news today is talking a~ut increasing police protection due to the drug situation. She noted that the Sheriff has been asked to cut his budget, and In return the Co~AssAon is g~ving $50,000 ~o help with coca,ne addicted birth weight babies, tha~ will cost ~he County ~ore. She indicated tha~ if the Sheriff's budget is going to be cut, she suggests to leave the $50,000 out. It ~ ~ ~ of the Co~AesA~ t~t t~ 850,~ f~ $~ 11, drug~f~ed b~b~e~ not be ~ncluded in t~ Another d~scuss~on took place rela=~ng ~o the ~mport~ce of the restructuring of the Codes versus the drug affected babies, and Co~es~oner Hesse suggested that both of these re~eete be deleted from the budge~. 850,~ fo~ ~ ~g ~ffect~ ~t~ ~t ~ lncl~ ~n t~ eeeee~e 10:30 A.M. ~c~~ 10:45 A.M. S~er~ff H~ter state~ that at the public hearing, September ~3, ~989, ~n response to the Boa=d of County Con,asSorters~ ~ns~etence of a $~,000,000 to $~,500,000 cut, he cut h~e budget $1,000,000 ~d pro- v~ded the Boa=d of County Co~ss~oners w~th an ~nd~cat~on of where the do~lars and people would be positioned. Sheriff Hunter co~ented that he had heard many people ta~k a~ut the Sheriff's budge~ on S~-D~ember ~3, ~989, bu~ those people attende~ h~s wo=kshops, no= ~es~oned h~m ~n =ega=d to the Sheriff's official operations ~d note~ that ~e considers them Coffee,one= Hesse ~es~one~ what people, and Sheriff H~ter rep~ed that ~t was the people who spoke ~n opposition to the S~er~ff~e budget on Septembe= ~3, ~989. ~e ind~cated that ~e had received m~y ca~ls to remain f~rm on h~s budge~, because many co~ty leaders are plugged ~n to the economic development fo= ~he co~ty, and fu~y aware of ~he consciences ~f the Sha=~ff ~s not fully fun~ed. reported ~at he w~ll make a =ecommendation to the Board of County Co~.a~oners before the final m~lage ~s set. He e~la~ned tha~ he w~ go to the f~na~ hearing on September 25, ~989 for add~t~ona~ Page 9 SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 input from the taxpayers. He noted that Marco Island has significant tax increases that ap;ear to be the function of evaluation, and he understands their problem, but does not concur that a budget can be arbitrarily cut, based on a cap. He mtated that he is prepared to discuss the positions identified in the handout (copy provided to Clerk to the Board and attached hereto). A discussion followed about expanded service requests and the canine unit. Sheriff Hunter indicated that he is requesting a sergeant to oversee the 8 people in the canine unit. He pointed out that a dog is considered uniformed personnel. Commissioner Volpe questioned the additional 3 deputies in the canine unit, Increasing the amount to 8 members? Ms. 0ail Addison, Chief of Ad~tnAetration, responded that 3 members are presently funded out of the operating fund, 2 more were added for drug sn~ffers from the Confiscated Trust Fund, and 3 were added from the general fund totalling 8 doge and handlers. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter indicated that there are 3 working dogs, and 2 narcotic dogs today, but in the new budget, October 1, 1989, they are requesting 3 additional assault dogs. Me. Gatl Addison explained that ae far ae operations are con- cerned, that is all one unit and the funding has nothing to do with the operation other than what affects ad valorem taxes. Sheriff Hunter reported that each dog team of a hand/er and one dog equals two deputies. He pointed out that doge are capable of doing a Job much quicker by use of their scent in terms of searching buildings for burglary suspects etc., and more patrol man hours can be returned to the street as a result of using the dogs. Commissioner Shanahan expressed concern about Marco Island, and noted that a section of Marco Island has had an unusually high tax increase, and are paying a considerable portion of the total tax bill as it relates to Collier County. He indicated that approximately 16 to 20~ of the total bill is collected on Marco Ielar& and with this Page 10 SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 new property appraisal and the huge increases, they are going to carry a greater share of the load. He explained that they are considerably concerned when the County talks of providing ~ust as much, or mmybe less, service than last year. Sheriff Hunter stated that if the complaint was accurate, they would have a legitimate complaint. He explained that Marco Island has the next to the last highest crime rate and calls for service; second to Everglades City. He reported that if he leaves the staff as It is today on Marco Island, less the STEP unit, they have the highest staff ratio per population in Collier County. Commissioner Shanahan indicated that they have an aggressive Neighborhood Watch program that works with the Sheriff, and questioned the great Increase of crime Incidents in the last few months? He explained that with the tremendous growth, people who steal and rob cone to Marco Island, and he thinks that Marco Island deserves greater coverage than statistically what Sheriff Hunter allocates. He empha- sized that where the tax dollars come from should be considered. Sheriff Hunter indicated that he does not pay attention to where the tax dollars come fro~. Commissioner Shanahan pointed out that he should pay attention. Sheriff Hunter reported that his primary responsibility is to provide the service to reduce crime and apprehend criminals. He stated that how and where the Board of County Commissioners draws the m~aey from ts their responsibility. He noted that he corrected his misstatement when he said highest ratio staff per population, he Intended to say highest ratio staff per calls for service or workload. He noted that the highest crime increases are tn Immokalee, North Naples and East Naples. Sheriff Hunter stated that a flexible force as he implemented tn his original budget could have handled the crime rates, trends, calls for service, opening of 1-75, and movement away from cocaine to methamphetamtne. He emphasized that he was required by the Board of County Commissioners to cut back on his budget, and he has to retrench back to a flexible force concept, more dramatic than originally pro- posed, and that is what the Board of County Commtsston,-rs sees before ()0()I0 Page SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 them. He requested that before the Board of County Conissioners t~ke any final action on this, additional community input should be per- mitted, and he will be at the final public hearing. Commissioner Shanahan emphasized that Sheriff Hunter ought to explain in detail what he does with the dollars he gets to the people of Marco Is!a~.', act because of lack of service, but for the dollars that they contribute. Commissioner Shanahan commented that he would be remiss if he did not indicate that he has also received calls encouraging him to approve Sheriff Hunter's original budget. Commissioner Shanahan questioned the administrative inequities related to the number of people on the streets? Sheriff Hunter stated that depends on how an administrator is defined, and noted that law enfor- cement officers are encouraged to roam the County, therefore super- visors are required. Commissioner Shanahan pointed out that Sheriff Hunter would like 690 people, and questioned what the numbers are in relation to law enforcement and administrative personnel on the street? Sheriff Hunter stated that he would have that information later. He reported that his philosophy is to allow patrol deputies to exclusively function as law enforcement officers and remove their administrative responsibilities. Tape W2 ~a/funct~oning, part~ally ~naudible In r~ponse to Comm~ioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter explained that the rangemaster position at a cost of $61,S00 includes benefits, a vehicle and everything attached to that position. He reported that a Rangemaster will be the chief inspection officer of the pistol range that has been approved for relocation due to a gas buildup at the landfill site. He indicated that the rangemaster will identify a safe spot to relocate to, develop a range design consistent with and cer- tified by the State of Florida and Rifle Association, be the chief inspection officer, and repair, assemble and test firearms. He explained that Lee County failed to provide adequate inspection of weapons and in a civil suit the Jury recommended the Lee County Sheriff's Office establish a position and procedures to inspect Page 12 SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 weapons to be in working order. Commissioner Volpe questioned if this is a new position? Sheriff Hunter replied that there are 350 law enforcement deputies to be certified twice a year on the range, and someone has to be in charge of that range. Sheriff Hunter noted that only an inspector is qvalified to check weapons. In response to Commissioner Volpe0 he emphasized that the cost would be prohibitive to hire a private contractor for that purpose. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter reported that the budget analyst position to a new position that has been filled by Bob Noden in order to prepare and maintain control over the budget. He noted that Ms. Addison is In charge of all warrants, planning and development and 4th In the chain of command. He reported that Crystal Blankenehtp ts in charge of the Finance Division, I.e. payroll, bonds, inmates, commissary etc. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter stated that he and Ms. Addison prepared the budget in the past. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Addison noted that the Administrative Assistant II position in the Distribution Center has been reduced to an Office Assistant I position. Sheriff Hunter explained that that person maintains the continuity between salbsta- tions, movement of records, paychecks etc. between substations, as using a FAX machine ts too expensive. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Sh~rtff Hunter rep~"ted that the child care program ts being researched for deputies, their spouses and children. Coamisetoner Volpe questioned the $40,000 that is proposed and Sheriff Hunter indi- cated that Ms. Addison will have to reallocate that money to rent more space next year for investigative offices. He explained that ha likes to preserve money because there is a great deal of concern on the part of deputies, on a security baals tn relation to the person who would care for the deputies' children. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter replied that he has not determined how to work with the $40,000, it had originally been Intended as an in-house program. Ns. Addison commented that it Is phased in for April after sore research has been done. Page 13 SRPTEMBKR 18, 1989 Sheriff Hunter responded to Commissioner Volpe that he plans to contract a fitness facilitator to Impose mandatory physical fitness standards for his agency. He Indicated that the fitness trainer would maintain test results and semi-annually make sure that the depu- ties fit the standards, and work out regiments for those who do not. In response to Commissioner Volpe0 Ms. Addison explained that the addition of a new mechanic has been postponed to the January, 1990 hiring. She stated that there are S mechanics with one acting as administrator for making purchases and coordinating the purchase of new automobiles. Sheriff Hunter reported that the fleet of SOO auto- mobiles is maintained by tn-house mechanics. He explained that as people ars added, more vehicles are also added and in-house main- tenance repair is cost efficient and receives cost breaks on parts and priority on delivery of patrol vehicles. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter reported that adding patrol deputies or Investigators requires support people to maintain that position, I.e. mechanics, rangemasters, clerk typists, record clerks, and vehicles repairs tn order to keep the road patrol officer on the street. In response to Commissioner Volpe's comment that at the last workshop with 176 road deputies and a total staff of 690 he thought that it was 50/50 between administration and road depu':tes, but §0% cS ueputy time is spent for investigating Incidents, Sheriff Hunter reported that the 50~ referred to the cost of services vs. road patrol, a preventative measure. Commissioner Saunders questioned how many guards the Sheriff has? Sheriff Hunter replied "172" Commissioner Shanahan questioned which of the 690 are administrative, and which of the 690 are road patrol deputies? County Manager Dorrtll commented that Sheriff Hunter should be given the opportunity to add the SWAT team difference between administrative and certified law enforcement officers which does not Include the marine patrol. Commissioner Saunders requested a brea!'.flown of the marine patrol, telecommunications, etc. Ms. Addison responded that she did not have the charts. She reported that there are 80 tnvesti- Pa~e 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 gators, 172 patrol people, 8 certified law enforcement officers in the warrants unit, 4 warrants deputies, 2 crime prevention positions, 13 wire relations deputies, 28 scheduled lieutenants, 4 captains, 1 chief, ! undershertff and ! certified sheriff. In response to Commissioner Hasse's request for the figures, Ms. Addison reported that she could get the chart and summarize the figures. She noted that in the past a printout of all positions has been given to the Board of County Comnissioners. A discussion followed about the balance of the list and the figures. Commissioner Hasse commented that he can only respond to a budget presented to the Board of County Commissioners and the reduction of $379,000 from the original budget was not acceptable to him, however, today's reduction of $1,004,000 ts acceptable. He noted that where the $1,004,000 is taken from is Sheriff Hunter's prerogative, and he could not tell him how to operate his Department. He emphasized that there is a problem in Collier County, and the Board of County Commissioners has gone to the County Manager, and other constitutional officers asking them for reductions. He noted that the tremendous burden of increased taxes In Collier County ts what he is addressing, and the Board of County Commissioners is relying on Sheriff Hunter to come up with a figure that he can live with. Sheriff Hunter indi~ated that he felt he was fairly specif~c, but clarified that hie primary responsibility to the taxpayers is to pro- vide law enforcement at a level of service that satisfies the taxpayer and citizen and maintain some lower level of risk for the patrol depu- ties. He noted that he understands that the Board of County Commissioners ts An a Jam and he is attempting to assist them in meeting budgets such as this, but the whole County budget, not asking the Sheriff to remove $1.5 million o~ the $2 million dollars reduc- tion, should be looked at. He indicated that he has $1,000,000, but he is not comfortable with that and he does not believe that will provide an acceptable level of service. He empha- sized that growth will bring more criminals into Collier County next Page SEPTENBER 18, 1989 year, ~nd the Sheriff will not be able to provide the sue level of service. He noted that his recommendation Is for the Board of County Commissioners to watt until the September 25th bearing. Commissioner Volpe questioned the responses to Incidents and if there is any differential between them? Sheriff Hunter reported that he differentiates between a patrol unit responding vs. a community aide responding. A discussion followed about the chart (copy not pro- vided to Clerk to the Board) and the responses to calls. Commissioner Volpe questioned how the level of service for the co~untty ts developed based on number of responses to number of Inci- dents? Sheriff Hunter replied that duration of the response and duration of the instance ts being addressed, not the Issue of response time. Commissioner Volpe commented that the 51 minutes ts the average for any type of incident. Sheriff Hunter concurred, and noted that includes the amount of lime to get to tbs incident, take care of it, clear the scene, book people into Ja~l, etc. Commissioner Shanahan commented that he interprets that there are 341 c~rtifted law enforcement deputies that may do administrative work, 171 certified correction deputies, that totals 512 that are cer- tified deputies or certified correctional deputies and 105 tn support personnel, 40 telecommunications personnel, 37 aide and crossing guards adding up to 182, w~th all positions totalling ?04 of which 182 are designated as administrative. Sheriff Hunter concurred. Commissioner Shanahan commented that the Sheriff ts heavily staffed with certified law enforcement people vs. administrative people and admittedly some of the 512 will do more administrative work than cer- tified law work. Sheriff Hunter concurred and noted that training officers, captains, lieutenants are considered administrative also. He emphasized that 171 certified Jail deputies are mandated. Commissioner Shanahan stated that ways to maximize the '~ime on the street needs to be addressed of the 512 certified law officers and Sheriff Hunter concurred. Commissioner Saunders asked for a consensus of the Board of County Page 16 SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 Com~issionere to direct the Sheriff on 3 alternatives. He explained that on the handout from Ms. Zalka on the impact of cutbacks on taxes, (copy attached hereto) the middle column reflects a reduction of $337,600 which is Alternative No. l: Alternative Ho. 2 ie the proposed budget with new cutbacks totalling cute of $1,004,300 and Alternative No. 3 is to suggest other types of cuts. He asked for a consensus of the Board on whether or not they want to go with today's budget, the proposed situation, or something new. In response to Couleeioner Saunders, Commissioner Goodnight replied "today's", Commissioner Shanahan "2" (Commissioner Saunders questioned if that is the $1,000,000 and Commissioner Shanahan responded "That ie correct", Commissioner Volpe replied "! support the proposed budget with the new cutbacks that we've heard today", Commissioner Haese replied that "l accept the third column in all respects", Commissioner Saundere replied "I am going to agree with the majority on the $1,000,000 based on Sheriff Hunter's indication that he may very well be able to live with this, but at the budget hearing on September 25th I do want to state that I support the Sheriff's budgeting process and the fact that obviously he has to provide law enforcement to the community, and I am going to rely on what Mr. Hunter says and if he comes back on Monday and says that he can't live with that $1,000,000 cut, then I'm going to support him on that, bu~, at this point he has indicated that he can live with it so I'll stick with that". Sheriff Hunter emphasized that he has indicated he will ten- tatively propose the $~,000,000 cutback tn order to elicit additional comments on his budget from the populace, but asked the Board of County Commissioners not to establish that. Commissioner Shanahan and Commissioner Saunders indicated that nothing can be established until Monday night. Sheriff Hunter explained that if that ia what the com- munity, including Immokalee, North Naples, East Naples wants, he will live with that. Commissioner Shanahan indicated that ~:he Sheriff should have ample time on Monday night to explain his position that he would prefer budget cut No. 1 of $337,000 rather than budget No. 2. Page SEPTF. J~BER 18, 1989 Sheriff Hunter stated that $337,000 will maintain service, while the larger cut will affect current service levels and the co~mnity needs to speak out on their opinions. Co~untsatoner Volpe questioned if some purely administrative posi- tions could be cut from the budget rather than road deputies? Sheriff Hunter responded that he will be happy to discuss these issues. County Nanager Dorrill Indicated that a review ta in order at this time. He noted that it appears that the consensus at this point Is to cut $2,815,700 aa shown on the 1at page of the sheet Ns. Zalka pro- vtded this morning, and tn addition $1,47§,000 has been deferred tn capital Improvement projects tn next year's budget, totalling $4,290,000 tn cuts and deferrals, and through reduction of $60,000 in the codification program, the tax collectors cuts and the Board's receptionist position, there is approximately $100,000 and the Board of County Commissioners ts at $4,398,700. Commissioner Shanahan commented that the reduction of $4.4 million cut would bring the County down to a tax increase of 8.1~. Ns. Zalka Indicated that the aggregate tax Increase, baaed on the additional cuts made today, ts 7.9~. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Zalka reported that the millage rate ts 5.0?40. A discussion followed about the percentage increases of taxes tn relation ':o property appraisals. Commissioner Shanahan indicated that there ia discussion from Narco Island taxpayers that the Board of County Commissioners hold the property appraisals final decision and set some sort of cap. Ns. Zalka Indicated that the County is not authorized to do that. Commlaatoner Shanahan pointed out that the peopAe on Marco Island think that the limitation can and should be put on tn 1989/90, not 1990/91, and take in the County's income and spending with a limit for Narco Island as a consideration. Commlastoner Volpe commented that the problem is not ur.~qua to Narco Island; people who live tn Port Royal, Aqualane Shores, etc. are experiencing the same Increases in their assessed valuation and all waterfront property, wherever it happens to be. Commissioner Page SEPTemBER 18, 1989 Island complaining, and North Naples, East Naples and Naples, and Olde Naples also are concexned about an Increase in taxes. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Ms. Zalka indicated that the County has no authority with regard to the County Property Appraiser. A d~ecueelon followed about the $50,000 for drug affected babies. Conm~ss~oner Saunders ~nd~cated tha~ Mr. Dorrill has ~de an o~fer find that money ~n h~s budge~, w~thou~ Increasing ~he ~ ra~e. Co~ssloner Volpe co~ented ~hat ~hls comes under contract agencies, and If dollars have been allocated to this program as Mr. Dorr~ll etated ~n the amount of $T5,000, he ~s not In favor of moving money around to ~ake care of th~s program. Co~lssloner Volpe lnd~caTed that he ~s not ~n favor of authorizing the County Manager to reallo- ca~e dollars ~o find monies without ~ncreaslng the to,al budge~ fund this particular project. County Manager Dorrlll co,ended ~hat ~he $T5,000 does no~ belong about ~worthy~ projects. Co~lss~oner Saunders sta~ed that he would suppor~ th~s, Co~ss~oner Hasae Indicated ~hat he would no~, Co~es~oner Shanahan ~nd~cated that he would, Co~ss~oner Goodn~ght ~nd~ca~ed that she would. It was the consensus of the Board of Cowry Co~iss~oners that County Manager Dorrill find the $50,000 to ~pport the program. Co~ss~oner Sanders ~nd~cated that th~e budget workshop adjourned at 11:45 A.M. and the Board of County Co~se~onere will reconvene at a pub/lc hearing on September 25, I989. Page ~9