BCC Minutes 10/31/1989 R Naples, Flori,~, October 31, 1989 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioner.~ in and for the County of Collier, ~nd also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing bo~rd(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Richard S. Shanahan Michael J. Volpe (Absent) Anne GoodniGht ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Ellie Hoffman and Annaliese Kraft, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; Georg~ Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, C¢,mmunity Development Administrator: Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Robert Fahey, Solid Waste Director; Tom Conrecode, Capital Projects Director; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to The Board; and Deputy Byron C. Tomltnson, Sheriff's Office. Page October 31, 1989 Tal~ #1 Item #3 4/0 votes indicate Cartier, loner Goodnight's ~baence. AGKND& AND CONSENT AGENDA - API ROVED WITH CHANGES Co---issioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hames and carried 4/0, that the agenda and consent agenda be approved with the following changes: 1. Item 12A - Recommendation for appointment to the Golden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee - Deleted, as requested by the Board of County Commissioners. Item MINUTES OF PROPERTY APPRAISAL ADJUSTMENT BOARD OF SEPTEMBER 25, OCTOBER 2r 4, AND 6~ 1989 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Conissioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hesse and carried 4/0 that the minutes of the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board of September presented. Item EMPLO%~gK SERVICE AWARD - PRESENTED Commissioner Saunders presented an Employee Service Award and pin to Eltda Martinez, of Traffic Operations for 15 years of service with Collier County Government. County Manager Dorrlll noted that Ms. Marttnez has made every road sign in Collier County for the past 15 years. Commissioner Saunders recognized Randy Casey, of ~,~mpliance Services for 5 years of service with Collier County Government. Since Mr. Casey was not present at the meeting, Commissioner Saunders stated that he will give the Service Award and pin to County Manager Dorrtll, to present to Mr. Casey at a later time. Item #SB PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING THE FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER, 1989, AS "YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK" - ADOPTED Upon reading of the of proclamation, Commissioner Volpe moved, eeconde~ by Conisaioner Hesse and carried 4/0, that the Proclmtlon desi~nating the first week of November, 1989, aa "Yo=th Appreciation Week" k~ md~pted. Page 2 October 31, 1989 Item~Cl STAFF TO COMMENCE N~GOTIATIONS WITH STILES/SOWERS RE EXCHANGE OF COUNTY OWNED BLUEBILL SITE FOR THE CONKLIN POINT PARCEL FOR A BOA% LAUNCH FACILITY - WITH STIPULA]'IONS Public Services Administrator O'Donnell stated that the purpose of this Item is to update and advise the Commission of previously authorized appraisals regarding the potential exchange of the Bluebill property and the Conklin Point property, and to seek direction relating to further investigation of same. Mr. O'Donnell advised that on June 13, 1989, the Commission directed Staff, through the Real Property Department, to secure appraisals for the Conklin Point parcel and the Bluebill parcel. He reported that appraisals were conducted by Kushman & Associates, Inc. and Coastal Engineering, Inc., as follows: Kushman & Assoc., Inc. Conklin Point Parcel $2,200,000 Bluebill Parcel $1,520,000 Coastal Engineering, Inc. Conklin Point Parcel $2,160,000 Blueblll Parcel $1,300,000 Mr. O'Donnell explained that further discussions have taken place with diverse parties in regards to the possible exchange of the pro- perties. He reported that the Vanderbilt Homeowner's Association has repeatedly objected to the County continuing with plans for a boat launching facility at the Bluebtll site, and suggested that other facilities be explored. He noted that Staff and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board do not object to this suggestion, providing that there is a suitable alternative. He indicated that the Conklin Point property was suggested by the Vanderbilt Homeowner's Association. Mr. O'Donnell advised that from an operational perspective, the C~nklin Point property would suffice as a boat launch facility. He explained that if there is an exchange of the properties, it is anticipated to have two boat lanes, picnic tables, covered shelter areas, a~d restroom facilities. He noted that the approximate cost Page 3 October 31, 1989 for the development of the facility is $500,000. Mr. O'Donnell explained tha~ there have been discrepancies as to who owned title of the Conklin ;~otnt property, and as to how free and clear title can be guaranteed. He stated that Mr. Keith Sowers of Stiles/Sowers Realty Company has expressed an Interest to work with the County to secure free and clear title, and guarantee same. Mr. O'Donn~:ll reported that on October 13th, various parties met tn the County Attorney's office to discuss the parameters of how to proceed, and noted that Staff requested that Mr. Sowers submit a letter, outlining specifically what he will provide to the County. He noted that any County obligations would be contingent upon the Stiles/Sowers firm securing appropriate title to convey to the County, and the County will have no additional responsibility for sorting out who owns the property, and expenses will be minimal, exclusive of the appraisals which were required, and survey work that will be needed for the properties. Mr. O'Donnell indicated that Staff desires tc pursue the possibi- lity of the exchange with several stipulations: 1. Stiles~Sowers firm can provide to the County guaranteed free and clear title to the Conklin site by means of a warranty deed or title commitment. 2. Stiles/Sowers firm and the County agree on a mutually accep- table price, and related terms regarding the discrepancies between the two appraisals. lir. 0'Donnell stated that the surveying work, which is estimated to be $1,500, is currently being undertaken by the Real Property Department. He stated that this project is compatible with the Growth Manage. ment Plan which specifies that the County should proceed with the development of boat launching facilities. Mr. O'Donnell requested that the Commission authorize Staff to commence negotiations with the firm of Stiles/Sowers, or any other interested party pertaining to the exchange of the Bluebill site for the Conk/in Point site, with presentation and approval by the Commission at a later date. Commissioner Saunders indicated that when the County acquired the Page 4 October 31, 1989 Bluebtll parcel, he believes that there were some restrictions as to what the County could do with 1hat property, and questioned whether there is a viable alternative tn terms of exchanging that property for other property7 He noted that ne recalls that there may have been a reverter provision in the deed if the property were used for anything other than parking or boat launching facilities. Mr. O'Donnell advised that he does not recall seeing any reverter provision durinG his review of securing the Blueblll property. He stated that the property was accepted with the premise that the County would probably build a boat launching facility there, but it was never contingent upon that type of request. Commissioner Saunders asked what the difference of the properties are tN terms of acreage? Mr. O'Donnell replied that the Conkltn pro- perty ts 3.5 acres and the Bluebtll site is 5 acres. Mr. Arthur Jacob, President of the Vanderbtlt Beach Property Owners Association, stated that his association objects to the uti- lization of the Bluebtll site for the boat ramp. ~e noted that his Association feels that this ts a residential neighborhood, with resi- dential zoning on each side of BluebIll Avenue, and the boat ramp would deter the common Good of their Group. He explained that the Conkltn site is far superior to the Bluebtll site in terms of traffic, boat safety, and ecology. He urged th~ Commission.to authorize Staff to continue negotiations with the Stiles/Sowers firm. Mr. George Keller, President of the Collier County Civic Federation, requested that the Commission move ahead with the recom- mendations of Staff. He stated that Generally there ts inadequate parkin~ for trailers and vehicles at boat ramp facilities, and suggested that considerations be given for adequate parking at the proposed facility. Contsstoner Volpe moved, seconded by Co-missioner Shanahan and carried 4/0, to authorize Staff to commence negotiations with Stiles/So.rs, pertaining to the exchange of the Counl~-owned Bluebill site for the Conklin Point parcel, subject to the stipulations &e outlt~ld by Mr. O'Donnell. Page October 31, 1989 It~ ~9D1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 TO T.A. FOR~BERG, INC.'S CONTRACT FOR VANDKRBiLT DRIVE/BONITA BEACH ROAD WATER ~;AIN IMPROVEMENTS IH THE AMOUNT OF $33,900 - APPROVED Utilities Administrator Arnold advised that to date, five change orders have been approved for the contract with T.A. Forsberg, Inc., for the Vanderbilt Drive/Bonita Beach Road Water Main Improvements. He explained that because of the settlement with the City for the Carica Road tank and franch]se area, there ts the need for Intercon- nects, disconnects, etc. of lines in that area. He stated that propo- sals were solicited and quotes have been obtained from three contractors. ~1r. Arnold indicated that recognizing the fact that T. A. Forsberg was already doing work in the North County Service Area, a quote was also soliclted and received from that firm, with a price of $4,400 less than that of the lowest of the other three firms. He reported that in view of the opportunity for cost savings, and also to facili- tate the transfer of the franchise area from the City to the County, and to get into the mode of realizing the fees from the generated revenues, Staff is recommending that the Commission waive the formal bid process, and allow the T. A. Forsberg, Inc. contract to be amended via Change Order No. 6, in the amount of $33,900, to accomplish the needed additional work. Co~'ismioner Shanahan moved, seconded b~ Couissicn~r Hassa and carried 4/0, to accept the recouendations of Staff. Page 6 October 31, 1989 Item ~9D2 AGREEMENT WI'~H TOLLGATE COMMERCIAL CENTER FOR SEWER SERVICE - APPROVED Utilities Administrator Arnold stated that the Tollgate Commercial Center is located at the intersection of Davis Boulevard and SR-961. He explained that this plaza has sought permission from DER to construct a package plant and a companion effluent storage pond. He advised ~hat in view of some changing regulations, problems were encountered, and they are unable to obtain a permit for this facility. Mr. Arnold noted that Tollgate approached the County with an agreement to construct, ahead of the Master Plan schedule, certain forc¢~ mains on Davis Boulevard which would connect their proposed pro- Ject with the upcoming South County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. He indicated that Tollgate proposes to do the design and the construction at their cost which represents an approximate $400,000 savings to the County, and also allows the line to be installed one year ahead of schedule. Mr. Arnold advised that in view of the monetary benefit to be derived by the County from this agreement, Staff is recommending approval. He explained that in addition to the cost savings, the County will secure a Master Pump Station easement site in the vicinity of the subject intersection which will be needed for the Master Plan. Commissioner Hasse questioned whether any additio;:a] area will be serviced by the Master Pump Station7 Mr. Arnold replied that a 2 square mile to the west of CR-95! will be serviced. Commieeioner Shanahan loved, eeconded by Coniesioner Saunders and c&rrt~ 4/0, to approve the Sewer Service Agreement with Tollgate COmlaTCial Center. Page 7 October 31, 1989 It~r~gD3 RESOLUTION 89-313, SUPPORTING SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT'S GRANT OF REVISED IRRI(~ATION PROGRAM FOR FUTURE WATER REST~ICTION$ FOR MARCO ISLAND - ~DOPTED Utilities Administrator Arnold advised that the proposed resolu- tion, in support of the South Florida Water Management District's (SFWMD) grant of a revised irrigation program for future water restrictions for Marco Island, was pFepared as directed by the Commission on October 17, 1989. He stated that he has also drafted a letter of transmittal for the Chairman's signature. M':. Arnold noted that Staff has hnd discussions with the Marco Island Civic Association (MICA), who have expressed concerns relating to the mechanics of the program that the County has put together. He stated that he believes that the concerns are va/id, and has advised MICA that the County will be happy to meet with SFTNMD, MICA, and Marco Island Utilities to work out the details. He indicated that the spirit of the resolution conveys the intent of the Commission to pur- sue a revision to the schedule for Marco Island. Commissioner Shanahan stated that he feels that everyone involved should get into the loop, as suggested by Mr. Arnold, in order to obtain the best possible arrangement and the best benefit that can be generated. He noted that he has received a number of letters and complaints to be investigated, indicating that serious: water pressure problems have already begun. Mr. Arnold further requested direction relating to the need for the Sheriff to enhance enforcement regarding the issue of water restrictions. Commissioner Saunders stated that he believes that a resolution would be the most effective way to encourage the Sheriff to participate in the enforcement of the restrictions, and suggested that Mr. Arnold prepare same. Commissioner Hasse explained that he feels that the worse time to irrigate is during the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. when people are awakening and bathing, and questioned why those hours have been selected for irrigating? Mr. Arnold replied that ,~e,~bers of the hot- Page 8 October 31, ~989 ticultural community indicate that watering further back into the night, attributes to the developnent of fungus, etc. in the grass, and that morning watering does the m~st good. Go~ileloner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Co~u~iseloner Haeee, that ~olntt~n 89-313, be adopted. Mrs. Nancy Parker, President, Marco Is/and Taxpayers Association (MITA), expressed support of MICA's solution to the pressure and water quantity problems on Marco. She stated that the present proposals appear to be unworkable, since it takes longer than 2 hours to water most lawns. She explained that MITA agrees with dividing the Island into 1/3's, with each 1/3 being allowed to water for 4 hours on only 2 days per week. She noted that far less water would be consumed if a thorough Job is done twice, rather than an inadequate coverage three times per week. She voiced MITA's support of MICA to continue working on this project with Collier County Staff and the SFWMD. Mrs. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Women Voters of Collier County, stated that she concurs with Commissioner Shanahan's comm=nts regarding pressure problems. She stated that she is favor of MICA's proposal. She noted that the last restrictions contained dif- ferent rules relative to new lawns, noting that the League believes the rules were excessive. Mrs. Westman indicated that she feels that the sticker proposal is excellent in identifying whatever section of the Isla:~n is to be watering, so that inspectors can quickly observe any violator. Mr. George Keller stated that he believes that the people on Marco should be given consideration in water scheduling, since they know the water problems of Marco Island. U~on call for the question, the motion carried 4/0. Page October 31, 1989 Itn~gD¢ R~SOLUTION 89-31&, DF. ALING WITH PELICAN BAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT'S PROPOSED LEGISLATION RE WATER AND SEWER UTILITY FACILITIES - ADOPTED Commissioner Volpe stated that he has filed a conflict of interest relating to this item since his law firm provides legal service to the Pelican Bay Improvement District, and noted that he will abstain from voting. County Manager Dorrill advised that as a result of last week's Emergency Legislative Delegation Hearing, there are two sections within the proposed legislation that the County is concerned with. He noted that both are being requested to be handled under an emergency to attempt to file a local bill as part of the Special Transportation Session which is scheduled in Tallahassee in twc ,eeks. He explained that the first area deals with a requirement that any transfer or authority within the water/sewer provisions be based on the mutual consent of both the Board of County Commissioners as well as the Board of Supervisors of the Pelican Bay Improvement District. He reported that the second area requested to be amended under an emergency provi- sion deals with an expansion of their enabling powers to include broad municipal operations and Jurisdiction and the ability t~ levy 3 mills of ad valorem tax on the residents of the District. Mr. Dorr~ll stated that Staff's concern ~s that of the District's Interest to represent the residents of Pelican Bay, and noted that he feels that the County's primary interest is the general welfare and bustngss decisions involving the citizens of Collier County, and indi- cated this as it affects the mutual best interests of the community, not only those customers of the County Water/Sewer District, but the current residents of Pelican Bay. County Manager Dorrill advised tha~ the County has developed plans and has an $~8 million investment in a Regional Utt!It~ System, and it ts Staff's concern that these plans and Investments are ~etng ckallenged as a result of the nature, manner, and emer~a~.cy request of the Bill before the Delegation. He noted other concerns relating to Page 10 October 31, 1989 the inconsistency of the Home Rule Authority of the Board of County Commissioners, to allow a limited interest District Board of Supervisors veto power over the broader general welfare interests of ths Collier County Commission. Mr. Dorrill stated that while Pelican Bay is a very prestigious residential community, Staff's concerns are that it is not entitled to special treatment or special considerations over the considerations that the Board of County Commissioners require for all citizens of the community. In addition to several thousand customers of the Pelican Bay Improvement District, there are the broader interests of 28,000 customers of the County Water/Sewer District that the County Commission must concern itself with. Mr. Dorrill explained that the proposed emergency amendments run counter to and are in opposition to the original intent of the Legislature which created this District, and provided that it had limited purpose, limited duties, and limited powers not to supersede those interests of the general purpose government which is the Collier County Commission. He noted that the proposed amendments would attempt to change those originally contemplated in 1974, and they are a threat to the interest of the Collier County Commission and the Collier County Water/Sewer District. He stated that ~taff's position is that the Board of Supervisors has a duty to trans~tiori these responsibilities in an orderly and business like appro~.ch and dialo- g~e, but unfortunately, this does not appear to be what their pro- posed changes are, in order to conduct an analysis and transittcn of both ~,ater and sewer service facilities. He noted that there are legal provisions that deal with a proposal by Senator Dudley which would place a burden of proof on the County Commission, involving Chapt,ar 190 Community Development District, which this is not. He advised that a Community Development District is more ~tmilar to the District that exists at Port of the Islands. Mr. Dorrlll indicated that Staff's intent is to receive direction from the Commission today, as Representative Hawkins will be recon- Page October 31, 1989 vening the Emergency Hearing this afternoon. He reported that Staff's recommendation is in opposition to the emergency nature of what is being requested, and the Commission should insist that the Board of Supervisors attempt to transition these services, as currently pro- vided for in their enabling Legislation and that this matter not be considered an emergency nature, and if necessary, be taken up this spring as part of the normal Legislative Delegation agenda, and insist that they work with the County to explore the time, cost and method by which the Commission proposes to effect the Hole, Montes Master Plan to tie them into the County Water/Sewer District. Commissioner Hasse stated that he concurs with the Manager's phi- losophy. He suggested that Mr. Doff/il and Staff speak at the Legislative Hearing this afternoon, noting that he supports opposition to the emergency manner of this item. Utilities Ldminlstrator Arnold advised that he received a copy of a letter from the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association to the Legislative Delegation which sates the Association,s posit/on. He stated that in several meetings with the PBID, he has heard remarks relative to the County's North Wastewater Plant being in violation of the effluent production system permit, and noted that he would like to assure the Commission that there are no such violations, nor have there been any such violations of that nature. ~sststant County Attorney Lawson stated that he attended last w~ek's initial session of the Legislative Delegation with County Manager Dorrlll. He advised that the Pelican Bay Improvement District is not a Community Development District under Chapter 190. He noted that Chapter 190 is modeled after the wishes and desires of developers such ~s Westinghouse, who developed communities similar to Pelican Bay. Attorney Lawson explained that in 1974, the County Commission had a series of meetings with the Legislative Delegation when this District was proposed, and noted that the minutes fr<,~ those meetings indicate that the Commission resisted the District and giving up its Page 12 October 31, 1989 powers that relate to those of a general purpose government. However, he reported that tn the final analysis, the legislative Intent pro- vided for a controlled, economic and timely development of utility services consistent with local, regional, and state planning and policy, and that the water and sewer district be merged with the Regional Board for applicable general purpose government at the option of the County Commksston, at such tkme that system ks establkshed as v~able and functional and the guarantee of the sponsor ks expkred and the interest of the bond holders have been met. Attorney Lawson advised that Staff Is concerned that the Supervisors of the Pelican Bay Improvement District may go out and float several million dollars worth of bonds which would make it flnancially unfeasible for the County to exercise its abkltttes to succeed the Dk~trtct. He commented that the entire process of suc- cession ts a "murky process", however, noting that kt is the unila- teral ability of the Commkss~on at thks tkme. He stated that the proposed legislation which the Dkstrict has given to the Legislative Delegation, essentially says that the County wkll gkve up kts rkght to make a deckston as to whether or not it should merge, based upon the overall interest of the communkty, includkng the res]dents of Pellcan Bay, and then the County should come back and negotkate with thks District. He noted that the legislation ~ncludes another proviskon which kndtcates that the powers of the District shall be expanded to the point where it ts almost a m~nkature genera/ purpose government. Attorney Lawson stated that Staff ts suggesting that the Commi~skon adopt a resolution, whkch not only addresses the fact that it is opposed to the legislation, but also addresses Senator Dudley's proposal that Collier County should adoDt a provision as contained in Chapter 190 that essentially covers three elements which allow for a general purpose government to take over the water/sewer fac~lkt~es, or any other facilities or operations of a Special Dist~lct. He noted that the County Commission would have to demonstrato that It could provide the services as efficiently as the Dkstrkct,s, and those set- Page 13 October 31, 1989 vices could be provided at the same level of quality that the District ks providing, and that it would do so at a charge equal to or lower than the actual charge that the District would provide. He indicated that it ts the contention of Staff that this ks the basks to negotiate with the District, but to have to do that, and if the County fails to do that, and to carry that burden into a court of law, deviates from the original l,ltent of the legislation. Attorney Lawson explained that Staff is looklng to the Comm]sston for guidance as to whether or not it desires to be forced into a compromlse posltion which would amend the enabling legislation to requlre Collier County to adopt an ordlnance whlch states that it can provide service at the same quality and efficiency, and if this is not done within 30 days of passing the ordinance, they may take the County to court and Collier County will carry the burden of proof. Commlssloner Hasse questioned why this issue is being called an emergency7 Attorney Lawson replied that in listening to the discussions last week, the District is concerned that they must go into the marketplace immediately to create financing to expand their present system to serve the rest of the anticipated development in Pelican Bay, and they were asked to supply a time schedule and other information so that the emergency nature could be determined, but thls was resisted. County Attorney Cuyler advised that if the Board wishes to con- sld~r a resolution on this matter, there will ultimately be a suggestion as to f~ndtngs and scope of what the resolution would say. Mr. Bernon Young, Vice President, Pelican Bay Property Owners Assoclatton, called attention to a copy of a letter from his Association, dated October 30, 1989, which was sent to Senator Dudley and Representative Hawkins supportfn~ ine Proposed legislation. Mr. Young referred to the three items raised by Assistant Attorney Lawson: efficiency, quality, and the cost. He noted 'that these are the lssues of concern of the property owners of Pelican Bay. He stated that from the meetings that have been held to date, it ks Page 14 October 31, 1989 agreed that there is only one emergency issue: that the Board of the Pelican Bay property owners be put on equal footing with the County in terms of the negotiations. Mrs. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Women Voters of Collier County, stated that the League has long held a position favoring County owned and County managed ut/lit/es. She noted that if the Pelican Bay property owners are allowed to proceed as proposed, this would not be the case. Mr. Russ Mudge, Treasurer of the Board of Supervisors of the Pelican Bay Improvement District, stated that he is concerned about the charges that the residents of Pelican Bay will pay, in the event that the Collier County Utilities takes over the Pelican Bay Uti/it/es. He stated that the Hole, Montes & Associates Study com- parison of revenue cost estimate that County rates would cost the Pelican Bay customers an additional $500,000 the first year, increasing to a cost in 1994 of $1,000,000. He advised that PBID's rate projection for bulldout is 2004, and shows an accumulative cost differentia/ of $20,000,000 which will result from the higher County ra~e structure over the 15 year buildout period. He noted that PBID's rates are structured so that growth pays for growth. Mr. Mudge advised that the County will be required to replace the current excess capacity at /ts North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, proposed to meet Pelican Bay's needs, in order to prov/de for the explosive growth a/ready permitted by the County. Mm. Mudge called attention to cost estimates, as prepared by Wtlsor~, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc., and noted that ultimate buildout with all wastewater treated at PBID's facility tn Pelican Bay, ;and expanding the present i MGD to an ultimate 2.64 MGD under PBID's authority, is estimated at $12,156,000. He stated that under the County's authority, the cost will be $18,J87,000 which includes $3,481,000 for an additional 1.64 MG capacity at County facilities to Yeplace the present excess capacity which will be re<%uired for future County growth. He stated that a third alternative for u/t/mate build- Page 15 October 31, 1989 out, with all wastewater treated at the North Regional Plant, and under County authority, is estimated at $22,128,000 which includes $§,803,000 for the additional 2.64 MG capacity needed to accommodate Pelican Bay. Mr. Mudge advised that the Board of Supervisors has concluded that the economy's scale is inherent in providing more responsive on-site services to a Pelican Bay Community of 24,000 residents at buildout and results in greater efficiency, a higher level of quality, and lower level of charges for the users of these services than could be provided by Collier County Utilities. There were no other speakers. Commissioner maunders noted that a resolution has been prepared by County Attorney Cuyler's office which is in opposition to the pro- posed legislation. Co~issioner Hasse moved, seconded by Co~atsmioner Shanahsn, that Re~olutlon 89-314, be adopted. Commissioner Saunders noted that he does not believe that it is appropriate that special legislation be presented to the Florida Legislature when they are meetinG in special session on a specific topic. He indicated that he has no problem with the Legislature con- sidering this during its regular session. He explained that he also has ob3ection to tbs concept of the Pelican Bay Improvement District le~ylng up to 3 mills in ad valorem taxes. He stated that if that portion of the community is interested in self-government, they should consider incorporation as a city. ~on call for the question, the motion carried Volpe abstaining and Commissioner Ooodnight Absent). October 31, 1989 ,sss, Recess: 10:30 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:40 A.M. st which tim D~puty Clerk Eraft replaced Deputy Clerk Noffman ess** Administrator Services Administrator Ochs advised that approval o~ the B~dget Amendment transferring funds ~rom Capital Reserve into a Pro~ect Cost Ceater will allow the County to complete the Building C-2 addition project, previously approved by the Board. He explained that this project was budgeted for fiscal year 1988/89 and unexpended pro- ~ect funds as of September 30, of each year, are automatically rolled Into the Capital Reserve Fund 301 as part of the procedures for close of the fiscal year. He reported that this budget amendment would re- establish that Project Cost Center and allow the County to complete the C-2 addition project on time and within b~dget. He advised that the project will be completed this week and Mr. Coldtng and his staff will occupy that addition by the end of this we~k. He reported that there are no additional project funds requested as a result of this proposed action. C~tmmlonmr ~~ ~vmd, seconded ~ Oontmmtoner Hmmme ~d c~rl~ ~i~l), t~t the Budget ~en~ent tr~ferrt,g f~ fro~ ~d 301 Resets into the ~tldtng C-i Addition ~d, ~ ~pprovmd. STA~'~ ~RT - ~LIC ~MTIONS C~AlflN FOR PROMOTING ~CLIN~ ~ Environmental Administrator Lorenz advised that on May 30, 1989 the County accepted $206,000 from the Solid Waste Recycling and Education grant from the State of Florida, and 20~ of this grant, $35,400, was reclaimed for public relations effort to promote recycling efforts. He explained that the Board accepted a 50/50 matching grant of $20,000 from the Clean Florida Commission for a lt.{er reduction campaign and agreed to match this amount by applying $20,000 to a litter education ~rogram developed by The Conservancy. He explained that this combined strategy ts being Implemented by Media & Marketing and The Conservancy, Page 17 October 31, 1989 according to contracts approved by the Board on October 17, 1989. Ta~e ~2 Debra Hilgeman, Media & Marketing, advised that there is an effort to bring awareness back about litter prevention, and pointed out the use of the Indian standing by the road with a tear running down his face and the "Do not be a litter bug" slogan was implemented 20 years ago. She explained that $337,000 per year is being spent on roadside litter pick-up, and Media & Marketing hopes to achieve a goal of reducing litter by 5% per year for lO years, resulting in the program paying for itself. She explained that Media & Marketing is looking at the business community, and dividing it into 3 segments. She reported that the Collier County Builders & Contractors Association (CCBCA), has 800 members in the building industry, and noted that they are starting a recycling center. She pointed out that one third of the special wastestream results from construction and cleared vegetation. She explained that the State Restaurant Association took a stand against recycling and, therefore, the Col//er County Hotel, Motel & Restaurant Association will not be doing anything as far as recycling, but will work on litter prevention. She stated that retail asso- ciations, the third segment of business organizations bei:~g targeted, such as Coastland Mall, Third Street and Fifth Avenue South, will all be displaying the anti-litter material and recycling logo in their store windows, creating constant reinforcement of the campaign. She indica':ed that the logo will also be on the Coastland Mall food ven- dors' paper trays. She explained that an "Adopt a Road" program is being developed with the Transportation Director, as part of a naf. ional program on litter prevention, and the "Glad Bagathon" begins tomorrow with national media coverage. She noted that this is part of a big clean up, and staff time will :.~e d,~nated to provide training materials; all bags used for the clean up, educational brochures on ~&olid waste recycling and litter prevention, souvenir painter's caps for participants, posters, banners, cash prizes, television and radio coverage will be provided at no cost to the County. She explained Page 18 October 31, 1989 that a media exposure program photographing unauthorized dump sites throughout Collier County and educating people about the importance of recycling is underway. She stated that a scientific research study survey on recycling and litter prevent/on to measure perceptions and awareness, with a 5% reliability factor, was conducted and completed last night. She explained that 4 surveyors for Collier County, with 2 bilingual for Spanish speaking people in the Immokalee area, conducted the survey and noted that specific programs for Immokalee are being set up. She reported that the survey was categorized by 7 geographic areas, 4 age groups, 5 income levels and gender. She pointed out that the study is important to discern trends from raw information, i.e. a majority are in favor of government, rather than the private sector, being responsible for recycling and would not mind paying $2.00 a month for recycling. She reported that the types of questions included questioning if a person will pick up litter that can easily be disposed of, and whether or not Collier County has a severe litter problem. She noted that community-wide programs will be expanded; all pro~rams are long term, and there will be a mascot, The Can Man, with a contest in the schools to provide a name for him by the kick off date of the campaign, November 30, 1989. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the idea of biodegradable bags, returnables, and mandatory pickups has been discussed? He suggested contacting different people who have made several surveys regarding this. Ms. Hilgeman replied that in regard to biodegradable bags and return~bles, national associations have been contacted and materials and recycling information obtained. She explained that their contract with Collier County was approved on October 17, 1989, and noted that they are moving as quickly as possible to follow up these topics. She explained that, in regard to surveys, they were not able to find the precise information at the reliability level they ~r,? seeking, and consulted Joan Proctor, a retired researcher from Fo-t. Myers, to super- vise their survey, and emphasized that the survey is running 30% under budget. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Hilgeman reported that Page 19 October 31, 1989 with two separate grants, all fees must be broken do~n by the category; anti-litter or broad solid waste, but advised that the goals are the same. Commissioner Volpe suggested contacting service groups, such as the Jaycees, and civic associations. Commissioner Shanahan indicated that he liked the logo and the slo- gan "Don't Spoil the Dream - Keep Collier Clean". Mrs. Hilgeman advised that materials such as posters, badges etc., will be purchased, but before authorizing expenditures for these items, she wanted support from the Board of County Commissioners. Felicia Phillips, Vice President, Imagery Advertising, working in conjunction with Med~a & Marketing, advised that Imagery Advertising will be providing the graphics for this campaign. She explained that the slogans developed, "Don't Spoil the Dream - Keep Collier Clean, Litter Less - Recycle More, and Put Litter in ]ts Place" will be adapted to graphics. She reported that they are working in con3unctton with The Conservancy for public education programs in Collier County to get children and their parents involved. She displayed the logo and the mascot while passing out literature to the Board of County Commissioners. (Copy not provided to Clerk to the Board). She reported that Domino's Pizza has offered pizza parties for the winning class who provides a name for The Can Man. She explained that the graphics will be made into decals, buttons, posters, etc., and ready by November 30, 1989. She stated that after that date, radio and television will be contacted to include the campaign in their program~. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Ms. Phillips reported that they will be contacting groups such as The Kiwanis to assist in an effort to make the program more successful. She explained that the actual logo, The Can Man, originated from Rober% Walker's Office of the O].ty of Naples Utility Department. In response to Comuisstoner Hasse, Commissioner Saunders explained that the logo is not copyrighted. She stated that a three color poster will be distributed th¥ough The Conservancy to schools, private businesses, shopping centers etc., as Page 20 October 31, 1989 displayed by the composite drawing. Ms. Phillips emphasized that these type of materials will relate to Naples and the sense of pride in its lifestyle. She reported that she will also be working on a certificate for companies for the "Adopt A Road" program. C~issicrn,~r Shm_nahan ~oved, seconded by Conissioner Hasse and carried uz~mni~usly, that the status report on the Public Relmtions C~X~n for pr~tin~ re~clin~ ~d litter reduction efforts ~ DI~IO~ ~ IS~S DIS~SSED D~ING ~ JOI~ LEE/COLLIER CO~ C~SSI~ ~I~ - ~~D ~ 3 ~ETINGS S~D~ED P~ Assistant to the County Manager Olliff advised that the only outstanding issue to be discussed is scheduling of future meetings. He reported that the directions are numbered ! through 11 in the Executive Summary, and noted that a letter was attached by the Lee County staff requesting establishment of quarterly meetings. Commissioner Saunders pointed out that the Joint meeting was success- ful, is important to maintain, but one meeting held every 6 months would accomplish Collier County's objectives, and give staff enough time' to solve probl~ms requiring direction. Commissioner Hasse indi- cated that he had no problem with every 3 months. Commissioner Shanahan suggested, as a compromise, three meetings a year be deve- loped. Commissioner Hasse and Commissioner Saunders suggested that Thursday would be a good day to hold the meetings, Mr. Olltff reported that Staff had considered Thursday or Friday. Commissioner Saunders emphasized that no meetings should he held in a room without a sound system. Mr. Olliff indicated that if the Bo~rd directs that the next meeting be held in February, Collier County would host the meeting and select a site in Collier County. Co~issioner Hasse moved, seconded by Conissioner Shanahan and carried un~nt~ou~l¥, tl~t three Joint Lee/Collier Coun. t¥ ~eetings a ~7~mr ~ held with the next ~eeting schednled in February. Pa~ 21 October 31, ~989 Commissioner Volpe questioned holding similar meetings with the City of Naples and having Commission meetings in Golden Gate and Marco Island? Mr. Olliff explained that the Board misunderstood the way the Executive Summary was written. He advised that one meeting in each district once a year was intended, with five outside of the County during season, for five months, once a month, and if successful, the Board could continue doing the same the following year. Commissioner Saunders commented that if an Item relating to the district, or an Issue such as beach renourishment for Marco Island is on the agenda, a meeting could be held, but to schedule a meeting in Immoka]ee when there is nothi~ ~ on the agenda that is relevant, does not make sense. Mr. Olliff advised that meetings could be held in conjunction with spe- cific items, i.e. the Immokalee Master Plan, the Golden Gate Master Plan, If the Board wishes to schedule a meeting in a particular district. TWO ,%I~ND~ENT$ TO A(IREEMENT$ WITH KRAFT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND WIN~OII/FARICY ARCHITECTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE ADDITIONAL FLOORS ON THH COURTHOUSE - APPROVED Acting Capital Projects Management Director Conrecode advised that he recommends authorization of the two Amendments to the Agreements in response to Board action of June 13 and July 18, 1989. He explained that the June 13th Board motion approved the fourth floor shell, and the J~ly 18th meeting directed Staff to complete the fifth and sixth floor shells. He reported that the approved contract amendments with the a:~chttectural firm and general contractor cover that work. He indicated that the office of Capital Projects has worked with the County Attorney's office to ensure that the contracts are appropriate. He stated that the Clerk's office and Statf have addressed the fiscal Issues. He reported that the architectural agm~ement for $206,950, and the construction agreement for $3,526,000 cover all work, and in addressing that with the Clerk, a pro3ected shortfall of under $200,000 can be addressed with 3 options: 1) a tax anticipation note from Fund 301; 2) a select delay in other projects such as an EMS facility, or 3) Page 22 October 31, 1989 leasing the equipment for the facility. James Giles, Clerk of Courts, emphasized that sufficient funds must be available before expenditures are approved and pointed out that the Board is individually liable for expenditures in excess of the funds available. He reported that the memo from Mr. Conrecode to Mr. Olliff in the summary provided on the back shows a $196,000 shortfall. He explained that one of the elements in arriving at that shortfall is a change order providing funds of $1,130,000, and the change order has not, nor is being presented to the Board. He stated that the Board would be signing a contract without adequate evidence of sufficient funds. Mr. Conrecode reported that the change order, based on Board action in June and July, is for the elimination from Kraft's contract, all of the work associated with Building "A", approximately 1.! mi/lion dollars. He stated that Staff is currently working on a complete space analysis, addressing Buildings "A", and "B", completion of the Health Building and Courthouses over a period of years, and the credit from that contract can be executed at any time. Mr. Giles questioned if the $7,776,000 figure in the 301 budget included Building "A"7 Mr. Conrecode replied that the funding for Building "A" i~ included in the figure, but noted that the encumbered amount of $5,309,000 comes f:rom contracts in place, and the County would reduce the value of Kraft's contract by 1.! million, thus reducing the encu~%brance. In response to Mr. Giles, Finance Director Yonkosky explained that Mr. Conrecode indicated the $5,309,000 figure includes a portion of money that has been programmed for Building "A" that has not been identified. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Conrecode ~ndicated that the actual construction amount is $1,174,000 in Kraft's bid and of that figure, some equipment has been ordered and received, and the 1.3 million is an approximation. He e~:plained that the other mon:es included furnishings and interior finishes that were going to be provided by the County; hence the $2,160,000. ~'. Giles questioned if the change order has been negotiated, and if there is any problem with ~t7 Mr. Conrecode replied that it has not and there does not Page 23 October 31, 1989 seem to be a problem with it. Finance Director Yonkosky explained that the total shortfall show~ on the letter, $195,000, is outside of any funds that the 301 budget has and the Board, If it executes these contracts, has to approve moving everything in reserve up, and authorize short term borrowing. Commissioner Saunders stated that if the Board approves the contracts, and there Is a uhortfall, it will be funded from some source and would come back before the Board at a later date. Commissioner Volpe questioned the $2,000,000 available for the 5th and 6th floors of the Courthouse being transferred over and Building "A" being addressed at a later point in time? He noted that some equipment has been purchased, and some part of the $2,000,000 ts going to be for services or' work performed by the County. Mr. Conrecode explained that when Kraft Construction began work on the Courthouse, all the air conattioning equipment was ordered, Including air con- dlttonlng for Building "A", and was In one large o~der. He polnted out that the at~ condttlontng equipment for Bulld~nG 'A" ls being used on the additional three floors of the Coumthouse. He reported that mlscellaneous door frames, light fixtures, etc., have also been purchased, and for the most part, the $2,000,000 ts stlll there as a transfer from one cost center to another. ca~ied ~t~uly, that exertion of the ~ ~en~ents to the A~mt. with ~aft Co~tnctlon Co~y nd Wtneor/g~t~ ~ Cuunty Manager Dorrtll commented that the reason this was done was to save a projected $I,000,000 minimum cost that would have been in.fred if the County had come back and tried to build the additional Vhree floors at a later date. He indicated that if the County ts short $195,000 to save $1,000,000, that Is good business. Page 24 October 31, 1989 ltn ,11 ~ TO TH~ BOARD'S P~PORT - NO ACTION Iteu#13i PURCHASE OF TWO UNDKRCOVER VEHICLES FOR THE STATE ATTORNEY'S OFFICE - ~AL OONTIN~tENT UPON COUNTY ATTORNEY'S INVESTIGATION OF LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Commissioner Saunders reported that the Board has been advised by the Clerk of the Court that the State Is to provide transportation ser- vices to the State Attorney's Office, not Collier County. Finance Director Yonkosky explained that 78-100, the Attorney General's opinion, states in the Appropriation Act of 1974, purchase of vehicles for the State Attorney by Collier County would requtre purchase of the vehicles thereafter. He advised that the County has been unable to ascertain if the County purchased vehicles In 1974, but the State Attorney's Office maintains that Collier County did purchase a vehicle tn 1974. He stated that it ts the consensus of the Clerk'n Office that the Board approve this item, sub3ect to verification of the vehicle purchase in 1974. Commissioner Saunders suggested that the Board approve this Item, contingent upon approval of legal sufficiency by the County Attorney. ~tuloner Shanahan moved, seconded by Couisstoner Volpe and caxvied unanimously, that the purchase of two undercover vehicles for the ~t&ts Attorney's Office be approved, contingent upon approval of legal ~ufftcisncy by the County Attorney. ~atuloner Hesse seconded by Coutssioner Shanahan and carrimd u~mn~ly, that the following items ~nder the Consent A~nd~ be · ~P~ axle/or adopted: lte~,14A! ~LESOLKITION 89-315 GRANTING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER RE: FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF BAYFRONT GARDENS WITH STIPULATIONS - CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RE 'SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS Retain the irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 410 Barnett Bank as security for maintenance of the Infrastructure until the Board of County Commissioners grants final ~cceptance of all improvements. Authorize the Clerk to release Certificate of Deposit No. 1008753. Pag~ 25 October 31, 1989 34 Authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution authorizing preliminary acceptance. Preliminary acceptance of improvements will not become effec- tive until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed to Collier County Water-Sewer District. See page:-,~~L l~NAL PLAT AI~OVAL OF QUEE~S PAR~ AT LAGO VERDE PHASE VI WITH Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. 24 Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of Queens Park at Lago Verde Phase VI. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached maintenance agreement. That no Certtffcates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF PELICAN BAY UNIT 13 WITH STIFuhATION$ - CON~'fRI~L'TION AND MAINTENANCE AGR~EM~q~T OF SUBDIVISION IMPRON~ENTS Accept the Performance Bond as security to guarantee comple- tion of the subdivision requirements. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of Pelican Bay Unit 13. Authorize the Chairman to execute the construction and main- tenance agreement. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. See Pages '7 R~DOLUTION 89--316 APPROVING RECORDING OF FINAL PLAT OF W~LLINGTON AT LONE OA~ UI[IT ONE AND GRANTING PRELIMINARY ACCKPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAII[A~, MATER AND $~WER IMPRO%rKMENT$ - SUBJECT TO STIPULATION~ AND 2o Accept the irrevocable Letter of Credit as security for main- tenance of the infrastructure until the Board of ~ounty Commissioners grants final acceptance of all improvements. Authorize the recording of the final plat of Wellington at Lone Oak Unit One. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Maintenance Agreement for Preliminary Acceptance and Resolution authorizing preli- minary acceptance. Preliminary acceptance of the improvements will not become effective until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed to Collier County Water-Sewer District. Page 26 Iteu~14i~ October 31, 1989 KISOIZ'flO~ 89-317 ~ilTTIN~ FINAL ACCKPTANCE OF SUBDIVISION ~ IN COUNTHYSIDK AT BERKSHIRE LA,K~$ SECTIONS 1 AI1D 2 NITH STIPULiT!0~S Authorize the Chairman to execute the resolution authorizing final acceptance. Authorize the release of the maintenance security. See Page ._~ ~.~_, / RESOLUTION 89-318 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ;~BATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 11, BLOCK 92, GOLDEN GATEr UNIT NO. 3 - LEONARD D. WISNIEWSKI Itu #14A7 RESOLUTION 89-319 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RBCOVER FUNDS EXFE~DED BY TH~ COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 10, BLOCK 319, MARCO BEACH UNIT 13 - RICHARD W. FIELD ItU#leA8 See Page~ ~~~, ~ , ~ I%ESOLUTION 89-320 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIKN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 26, BLOCK 231 GOLDEN ~ATE, UNIT NO 7 - CHARLES B. BOLTON ' Itel~ ~14A9 RA~OLUTION 89-321 ~AOVIDING FOR ASSKSSMENT OF LIKN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENI)ED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 25, BLOCK 243, MARCO BEACH UNIT NO. SIX - FRANK AND ROSEMARIE D~LT.~ORTE Itu ,14110 ~OLUTION 8~-322 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS F*g~KNDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 4, BLOCK 128 UNIT 5, GOLDEN 6~TE - THOMAS HUGGINS III ' Item #14111 RESOLUTION 89-323 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS ~ BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LO'-' 19, BLOCK 43, M~RCO BEACH UNIT TWO - DIMARCO AND DIMARCO, INC. Itu ~14A12 RESOLU~!ON 89-324 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXI~E]zr~ED ~Y TH~ COU~I~ TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 32, BLOCK. F, SABAL SHO~,iES $0~DMSION - CHARLIK D. WILLIAMS .~ge 27 October 31, 1989 See Page~,~ O~ RESOLUTION 69-325 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXl~KNDED ~Y THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 29, BLOCK 218, MARCO BEAC~ UNIT SEVEN - DEKRIJGER & ROO~N, P.E.V. f B.V., TRUSTEE See PageJ~--.. ~ /.- .,,~. a Ite~ #14A14 RESOLUTIONS 89-~28 AND 89-327 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUND~ EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 6, BLOCK 198, U~IT NO. 6 PART - GOLDEN GATE - MARGARET STRAUSS, CECIL DIXON, INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR MARGARET STRAUSS ESTATE RESOLUTION 89-328 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER ~0HDS EXFE]~ED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 18, BLOCK 184, MARL~O BHAC~r UNIT SEVEN - JOACHIM PLATE RESOLUTION 69-329 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER I~INDS EXI~ENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 2, BLOCK 83, GOLDEN GATE; UNIT NO. 3 - HENR~ J. SULLIVAN Ite~ #14A17 RESOLUTION 89-330 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RKCOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 5, BLOCK 199, UNIT 8r GOLDEN GATE - VIRGINIA AND JOHN C. GARRISON; JR. Itu~14A18 RESO~TTION 89-331 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FLrNDS K~I~EB~J~Z) BY ~ ~ TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 18, BLOCK 2, MAItCT, BEACH UNIT ONE - COLIN MAYERS, LESLIE HARRIPAUL, SILVIA JONES JOID IITRI¢IA HARRIS Item ~14A19 RESOLUTION 89-332 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 20, BLOCK ?0 OF MARCO BEACH UNIT TWO - ~ICO CASALE, TRUSTEE See Pages ~~ Ite~ J14&20 RESOLUTION 69-333 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RKCOVXR FUNDS EXl~NDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE OS LOT 36, BLOCK 240, GOLDEN GATE, UNIT NO. 7 - EDWARD J. AND LAVAERDA L. PKLC Page 20 October 31, 1989 RESOLUTION 89-334 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXFEIDED BT THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 15, BLOCK 87, UNIT 3, ~OLDEN GATE - CELEST~ AND MERI CARLESIMO Itn#14A22 RESOLUTION 89-335 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXFENDED BY TR~ COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 12, BLOCK 135, UNIT 4 PA~T -- ~OLDEN GATE - RAYMOND J. AND JOHANNA M. PRINDIVILL~ Ira ~14A23 See Page%~ RESOLUTION 89-336 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED I~T TEE COU]ITY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 3, BLOCK 212, MARCO BEACH UNIT SEFEN - MICHAEL J. AND PATRICIA F. KAPLAN Item #14A24 RESOLUTION 89-337 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED B~f THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 12, BLOCK 258, OF MARCO BEACH UNIT SIX - EURO ATILIO ROWER0 lt~ #14A25 RESOLUTION 89-338 PROVIDING FOR ASSK$SMKNT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPelleD.BY THE COUrFY TO AGATE mIBLIC NUISANCE OX LOT 2, BLOCK GOT-DKI GATE, UNIT WO. 5 - MARTIN R. #ALSH, JR. ]:teB d~4A26 RESO=~TION 89-339 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FIINDS EXFEIN~ED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 2, BLOCK 276, GOLD~ GATE, UNIT NO. 8 PART ! - PAULINE B. HARRISON It'~m 914A27 RESOLUTION 89-340 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXI~ENDED BY TH~ COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 1, BLOCK 239, IINIT 7, PART -- GOLDEN GATE - JAMES J. REILLY R~3OLUTION 89-341 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RHCOVER FUNDS EXP~NDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 6, BLOCI~ 4, OF MARCO BEACH UNIT ONE - SANFORD AND BLUMA F. PRESSMAN Item~14C1 AUTHORI?,tTION OF FUNDS TO SUPPLEMENT MOTOR POOL CAPITAL RECOVERY FUNDS IN ~ A~--JUNT OF $3,350 FOR PURCHASE OF A REPLACEMENT VEHICLE TO BE ASSIGNED TO COLLIER COUNTY SERVICES FOR SENIORS P&~ 29 Octot~r 31, 1989 It~ Jl~C2 EII~]IJlI/RII~J/UTILITY DE$IG~ CORTRACT IR THK AMOURT OF $45,000 FOR FACILI?IKS IT CLAM PUS PARK I~TH WILSON, NILLKR, BARTON, SOLL & PKNK, Item e14D! L~3AL ~ FOR ONGOING LITIG&TIOR IR AR A~OURT ROT TO ~XC~D $10,000 R~ ~'S MIL'ILFIKLD ,ADMINISTRATIVE H'F. ARING IMPRI3T LIMITS FOR IORJ~RtS COHPKIrSATION, GROUP BDIEFITS AIFD PROPERTY ,AIID C&~'gar. TY ~MI~/R &CCOUNT~ IN L/M/TS OF $50,000; $100,000 AJrD ~20,0CO llSPECTIV~? It~m#1411 ~ ~ Tll~ FOR I]I~&T~ RO$. 39190~ 60968~ 42789~ AND 52119 It~#1412 SAT~SleACTION OF LI~NS FOR SKRVICK$ OF T~ PUBLIC DL~F~WDZR~ It~#14Ia See Pages ~ .~ MISCKLLA]IEOU$ CORRESPORDERCE - FILED ARD/OR RKFKRRKD Tl,e following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: Letter dated 10/18/89 to Chairman, BCC, from Patrick Kenney, Environmental Specialist, DER, re: Collier County - WRR File No. 111712265, Woodrich Marina III, advising that they are enclosing short form application which involves dredge and fill activities. xc: Nell Dorri]l, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt and filed. 2. Notice of Public Workshop and Proposed Rule Making dated 10/20/89 from DER, xc: Nell Dorrtll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt and filed. T~;o letters dated 10/13/89 to Hon..Burr L. Saunders from Tom Gardner, Executive Director, DNR, re: recommendations aimed at ',mproving boating safety and manatee protection for Florida waters, xc: Nell Dorrill, letter only, Bill Lorenz, letter, Book and filed. Copy of letter dated 10/3/89 to Immokalee Service Programs, Inc. fro,,t W. H. Holmes, P.E., Chief Multi-Modal Programs, DOT, re: comprehensive provisions set up by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration regarding Drug TestinG. xc: Nell Dorrtll, George Archibald, BCC and filed. Financial Statement dated 6/30/89 from Fine Arts Society of Collier County, Inc. xc: Finance Department and filed. Letter dated 10/16/89 to Board of County Commissioners, from Jeffrey R. Garvin, Garvtn & Trtpp, re: Claimants Jean W. Turman and Lester G. Turman, Automobile Accident of 9/18/89. xc: Ken Cuy!er, Risk Management, and filed. ?. Mtnu%~s received and flied: Page 20 October 31, 1989 A. 3/3/89, 6/2/89, and 8/31/89 minutes and 10/27/89 Agenda for MPO B. 9/13/89 Marco Island Beachfront Renourtshment Advisory Committee C. 9/6/89 Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee D. 9/22/89 Big Cypress Basin Board E. 9/22/89 Minutes and 10/19/89 Agenda for Parks and Recreation Board 6o F. 11/2/89 and 11/19/89 Agenda; 10/5/89 and 10/19/89 Minutes - Collier County Fire Consolidation Study Group Notice to Owner dated 10/12/89 from Gulf Constructors and Tom Barrow Co., under an order given by Went Co., advising that they have furnished Air Distribution Devices and Accessories for the improvement of real property to 5600 Warren Street, Naples, South County Wastewater Treatment Plant. xc: Nell Dorrtll Skip Camp and filed. ' Notice to Owner dated 10/13/89 from Gory Roof Tile, under an order given by Crowther, Inc. advising that they have furnished materials, labor and/or services to South County Regional Water and Management/Waste Water, Treatment Plant, Operations Building. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Skip Camp and filed. 10. Notice to Owner dated 10/13/89 from Gory Root Tile, under an order given by Crowther, Inc. advising that they have furnished materials, labor and/or services to South County Regional Water and Management/Waste Water Treatment Plant, Process Control ~ulldtng. xc: Neil Dorrtll, Skip Camp and filed. 11. Notice to Owner dated 10/13/89 from Gory Roof Tile, under an order given by Crowther, Inc. advising that they have furnished materials, labor and/or services to South County Regional Water and Management/Waste Water Treatment Plant, Effluent Filter Building. xc: Nell Dorrtll, Skip Camp and filed. 12. Notice to Owne~ dated 10/18/89 from Disposable Waste Systems, Inc. under an order given by W.E.D. Construction Company advising that i. hey have furnished services or materials for Lake County Correctional Sewage, Lake County, Florida. xc: Nell Dorrtll, ~$kip Camp and filed. 13. Notice to O~-ner dated 7/20/89 from R.C. Trucking, Inc., under an order given by Ford Pile Foundation, advising that they have fur- n~shed services or materials for the Collier County Health and Public Services Building. xc: Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp and filed. 14. Notice dated 10/19/89 from The Trane Company, under an order given by Kraft Construction Company advising that they have furnished labor, materials or supplies for the project known as Collier County Government Center. xc: Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp and filed. 15. Balance Sheet and Statement of Changes in Asset, and Liabtllttes for Collier County dated 10/23/89 from Sam J. CcJding, Property Appraiser, Agency Fund: General. xc: John Yonkosky, Jennifer Pike Risk Management, Leo 0chs and filed. ' 16. Copy of memo dated 9/20/89 to Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director, from John A. Yonkosky, Finance Director/Deputy Clerk, re: Procedure for purchases not validated as to public purpose, xc: Neil Dorrtll, BCC and filed. 17. Letter dated 10/12/89 to Hon. Burr L. Saunders from Don Hunter, Sheriff, re: Movement of Inmates from County Jail to tbs coul, ts. xc: I{ell Dorrtll and flled. Page 31 October 31, 1989 18. Copy of letter dated 10/17/89 to Hon. Gerald Lewis, Comptroller, State of Florida, Department of Banking and Finance, from Guy L. Carlton, Collier County Tax Collector, enclosing necessa~.y forms tn compliance with Section 218.36, Fla. statutes, xc: BCC and filed. ATTEST: . -: JAMES C. GILES~.';CLERK There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11:25 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL gUST L' SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN These minutes approved by the Board on ~//~ /,~// as presented / or as corrected Page 32