Agenda 02/27/2018 Item #16D 302/27/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve Lease Amendment No. 1 with the United States of America Department of Agriculture (USDA) terminating the Lease early and authorizing County refund of three months’ rent to USDA for rent paid as of December 1, 2017, the proposed termination date and the date the USDA vacated the University Extension Office, due to damage caused by Hurricane Irma. OBJECTIVE: To terminate the County’s Lease with the USDA at the University Extension Service building and refund the USDA for rent paid after December 1, 2017. CONSIDERATIONS: On February 28, 2017, Agenda Item# 16.E.8, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved Lease No. 57-4209-15-003 with the United States of American on behalf of the Department of Agriculture. Approval of the Lease continued occupancy of office space at the Collier County University Extension Office, which is located on Immokalee Road, adjacent to the Fairgrounds. The USDA has leased Extension Office since 1992. The University Extension Services has been deemed uninhabitable due to damage caused by Hurricane Irma. The roof has been seriously damaged and compromised causing water infiltration throughout the building. At this time, while the building is being repaired, University Extension staff is leasing office space at the Kraft Office Center on Pine Ridge Road. The Lease with Kraft was approved by the Board on December 12, 2017, Agenda Item# 16.D.4. Due to the extent of damage, and the time required for repairs, the USDA has arranged for alte rnative office space and requested that the Lease be terminated. The USDA has continued to pay rent since Hurricane Irma hit in September, and due to the government’s accounting system, continues to pay rent even though USDA staff vacated the building completely as of the end of December. If this Agenda Item is approved, staff is requesting that the County reimburse the USDA with any rent collected after December 1, 2017. The monthly rent is $1,104.52, and at the time of consideration of this Executive Summary, no more than three months are required to be refunded. FISCAL IMPACT: If any overpayment of rent is due to the USDA, the monthly rent of One Thousand One Hundred and Four Dollars and Fifty-Two Cents ($1,104.52), and for an amount not to exceed three months’ rent, will be reimbursed to the USDA and withdrawn from General Fund (001) University Extension Office cost center (157110). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Amendment presented was prepared by USDA using its standard form. This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for Board action. -JAB RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Lease Amendment No. 1 and authorize the reimbursement of rent paid as of December 1, 2017 Prepared By: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. USDA Lease Amendment No 1 (PDF) 2. USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (PDF) 16.D.3 Packet Pg. 919 02/27/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.D.3 Doc ID: 4528 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve Lease Amendment No. 1 with the United States of America Department of Agriculture (USDA) terminating the Lease early and authorizing County refund of three months’ rent to USDA for rent paid as of December 1, 2017, the proposed termination date and date the USDA vacated the University Extension Office, due to damage caused by Hurricane Irma. Meeting Date: 02/27/2018 Prepared by: Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Michael Dowling 01/17/2018 11:14 AM Submitted by: Title: Division Director - Facilities Mgmt – Facilities Management Name: Dennis Linguidi 01/17/2018 11:14 AM Approved By: Review: Facilities Management Dennis Linguidi Additional Reviewer Completed 01/17/2018 11:20 AM University Extension Services Twyla Leigh Additional Reviewer Completed 01/17/2018 11:39 AM Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 01/17/2018 12:04 PM Solid and Hazardous Waste Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 01/18/2018 8:24 AM Public Services Department Todd Henry Additional Reviewer Skipped 01/30/2018 10:30 AM Operations & Veteran Services Sean Callahan Additional Reviewer Completed 02/01/2018 8:07 AM Public Services Department Todd Henry Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 02/07/2018 8:05 AM Public Services Department Steve Carnell Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 02/08/2018 4:17 PM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 02/14/2018 10:54 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 02/15/2018 9:47 AM County Attorney's Office Scott Teach Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 02/19/2018 12:14 PM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 02/20/2018 10:30 AM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 02/20/2018 10:58 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 02/27/2018 9:00 AM 16.D.3 Packet Pg. 920 TUREUNITEDATESs7OF LEASE AiIEI{OMENT LEASE AMENDMENT No. I NO 57.4209-1 03TO ESS OF PREMISES t1700 lmmokab. Ro.d , FL 3a120 THls AGREEUENT, made and enEred into-this date by and b€t$/een cotltr? county Goycmm.nt, whose addrsss i6 33JE ETAulAlll TMIL, sUlTE lol, NAPLES FL 3alo2 nereinaner carco rne Lessor, and ihe UNmo sieiis oF AxERtcA.hereinafter call€d the Govemmenl: YUHEREAS, the partigs hereto d$ire to amcnd the above Leas€; N-ow therefure, these pertigs for lhe considerations hereinafter mentionad corGnant and agree thsl the said Lcasa is emended.effective upon exacution by the Govemmont as follows: The lease erpiration date is terminated on Oecember 1. 2Ol I. Tne Collier County loadcruhip has deem€d this building untenable due to the sevee storm damage thal occuned during Hunicane lrma. on Soplember 11, 2017. Aner much rBearch it B detemhed lhe ropairs could take in exca8s of 12 monlhs and possibly not at all. The Govemment is ss€king relocation of tha fi1e8, fumilure and all Govemmentownedpn perty and will retein access until this is complete not to exceed January 15, 2018 No additional funds will be allocated toward this lea6€. Both partias haye agreod to the ebove. All othrt t ]m3 rnd coodltiom of tha La[. Em.ln ln ,orca and .fi.ct .nd r cuFcnt S.m.eoy r.gl.traddt muat ba m.lntalnad !o[ tt. llr. of th. L.!a. This Lease Amendment contains 1 page. All other terms and condilions ol the bas€ shall remain in brc€ and eftect lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribed thei, names as of the belotv dete FOR THE LESSOR:FOR TTIE GOVERNIEI{T: RHONDA Dighalt rign€d by RHONDA LAFI-EUN Det.: 2017.12-2909t8:51Srgnaturel Name: Tirle: Entity Namel Date: Signature :IAFI FlIRNamer -Rhin-da fa-Gu-Title: Lease Conhac-tang Ofiicer USOA - NRCS Oate WTTNESSEO FOR THE LESSOR BY; Signature: Name: Titb: Oale: AprrDvcd I !o form rn t L'8i rlY Atl(xrr,sy t.at'4 By: Aslislunt Counly @ o#tGHT E. BROCK, Cl.ft L.... Arnaadmant Form Ogt 2 16.D.3.a Packet Pg. 921 Attachment: USDA Lease Amendment No 1 (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) LEASE NO. 57-4209-1 5-003 EXHIB]T,?,, Succeedlng,/Supersodiog Lease GSA FORI L202 (1,1., 2015) Th6 Lease b r rade ind entered anl., l€tlve€n Collier Cuunty GoYemmeot (Lessor). whose pnnopal place of busrrEss is 3335 E T.mi.rli Tr.il, Suite 101, )Lpt .. FL 3,1102, aod wioa€ r eresl n lh€ Properly described lPren is lhal ol Fee c)v/rler. and The United StaGs ol Amefica (Golernment), actng by and lhrough the desagnated represenlatNe of tlle United Stal6 Deparlrienl of Ag,iculture (USDA). upoo the lerrrs and corditiorE set forlh herern. Wlnesseth: The parlEs herelo. for the consideratm lErerr3lle, rn€ntidEd. covenam altl egre€ as toloxs: Lessor h€reby leas€s to Ihe Government llle Preriscs clescnbed he.ein. being all o. a porlbn o{ |lE Property loc€ted al 1,1700 l.Enotalco Ro.4 X.rica, Ft 3a120 and more tully d€scnbed in Seclion 1 and EXHIBIT A Al{D EXHIBIT A-t, tog€ther wilh rEl 3 to lhe ure of pa*ing a{ other 6reas as s€t 6.lh herein to be usecl for such purposes as determined by USDA LEASE TER[{ To Have and To Hdd lhe satd Plerises wth rls app{Jrlen6nc6 fo. trle lerm begrnnng Lpo.r Auguat l, 2016 aid conftnufB lkowh July 31, m25 (tyo.B, 4 monlhs firm) Subjecl to terminataoo and reflewal rEhts as may be hereinaier set foth ln Wtne3s Wh€reof, tll€ panEs to lh|s Lease evilenc€ llEr agreemenl to a( teflns and co.ditrons set ltrth tErern by ther s€naue3 bebi. lo be etrectir€ as of ttE dale o{ de5very of lhe tully etecL'ted Lease lo the Lessor FOR TT'E LESSOR:FOR THE GOVERN a Name PENN TAYLOR,CHATRMAN NA Ranc,all Titl€ USDA Reat(t Olricer, Wananted Dale Date ,JAl Approvcd a.s lo l'orm and lc8rlilY WITNESSED FOR THE LESSOR BY Section 125. 1 7 Flori da S ta tutes Asst Cou y Atl .. states that the Clerk to the Board authenticates the chairman'sTle AITEST: D/',JrcHT E. BROCK Cl.rksignature Dale By: Attest as signature only., Tie hfo.malon cdlecuon tequrernents contained rn lhis soliolalror/contract, that are arot Equrcd by tE reguletloar. have be"n approt€d uy tfE c{ficeot MarEgemenr ar'd Eodger pursu,r to the paperso{t R.d.,crroo Act ar,d assE '"d thc oMa bonr"i N". costtim. LEASE NO. 57-4209,15-003. PAGE ,l GSA FORX L2O2 {05,115) @ I ) ,-.ssoQQB covERxrExr: NlfR 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 922 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) SECT|ON I rHE PREIVISES, RET{T. A'{D OTHER TERMS 4 101 ic2 103 'i.04 '.05 06 07 08 09 10 '11 12 13 14 15 16 17 rHE PREMTSES (SUCCEEDTNG) (SEP 2013)... EXPRESS APPURTENANT RIGHTS (SEP 2013) RENT ANO OTHER CONSIDERATIONS (APR 2015) , INTENTIONALLYOELETEO,,,,,, TERMINATION RIGHI S IAUG 2011) INTENTIONALLY DEIETFD oocuMENTs TNooRPoRATEO rN THE LEASE (APR 20r5)... ... .... ........ INTENTIONALLY DELETEO INTENTIONALLY OELETEO, INTENTIONALLY OELETEO PERCENTAGE OF OCCUPANCY FOR TAX ADJUSTUENT (JUN MI2) INTENTIONALLY DELETEO INTENTIONALLY DELETEO RATE FOR ADJUSTM€NT FOR VACANT LEASED PREMISES (SEP 2013) INTENTIONALLY DELETEO,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,, INTENTIONALLY DELETEO BUILOING IMPROVEMENTS (SEP 2012) .. . . 201 202 2U 2.05 2.07 208 301 302 303 3.04 305 306 307 3.08 3.09 310 3'1 313 314 316 317 3.18 319 320 3.21 322 323 3.24 3.26 327 3.29 3.30 3.31 332 333 334 335 336 3.3S 340 3.41 3.42 OEFINITIONS AND GENERAL TERMS {SEP 2013).. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES (JUN 2012).. .. ,. . , .. ALTERATIONS REOUESTED BY THE GOVERNMENT (SEP 2013) wArvER oF RESTORATTON (APR 20.1r) INTENTIONALLV OELETED CHANGE OF OVI./NERSHIP (APR 2015) INTENTIONALLY DELETED , , ,, ADJUSTMENT FOR VACANT PREMISES (SEP 2013) . INTENTIONALLY OELETED ,, , woRK PERFORMANCE IJUN 2012) . ... REcycLED coNrENr pnooucrd tcouCCiien-irw pnocuniueri curoiiiresr rsep 20rsr. ....... ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERAELE BUILDING PROOUCTS ANO MATENINLS ISCE ZOISI , , .. EXISTING FIT.OUT. SALVAGED OR REUSED BUILDING MATERIAL (JUN 2012) CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT (SUCCEEDING) (JUN 2012) ,,, ,,.,, EUrLorNG SHELL REQUTREMENTS (SEp 2013) .. RESPONSIBiLITY OF THE LESSOR AND LESSOR S ARCHITECT/ENGINEER (SUCCEEOING) (APR 2011) QUALTTY ANO APPEARANCE OF EUtLDtNG (SUCCEEOING) (SEPT 2011). .. VESTIBULES tStJCCEEDING) (APR 2011) I\IEANS OF EGRESS (MAY 2015) . ,,,.,. INTENTIONALLY DELETEO INTENTIONALLY DELETED . ,, ... ENERGY INOEPENOENCE AND SECURITY ACT (DEC 201t) INTENTiONALLY DELETED INTENTIONALLY DELETEO DEMOLITTON (JUN 2012) ACCESSTETLTW {FE8 2007) . CEILTNGS (APR 2015). EXTERIOR AND COMMON AREA OOORS AND HARONARE (S€P 2013) ., .,,-, .. , DOORS IDENTIFICATION (APR 2011I WNDO\ ,/S (SUCCEEOTNG) (SEPT 2011). ... PARTITIONS: GENERAL {APR 2015) . . PARTITTONS PERMANENT (ApR 2015) .. .. . .. . INSULATIONT THERMAL. ACOUST|C. AND HVAC (SEP 2013) . . WALL FINiSHES. SHELL (SUCC€EDING) (JUN 2012) . ,.,,.,.,, PAiNTTNG - SHELL (JUN 2012)... ... ....... FLOORS AND FLOOR LOAD (APR 2015) FLOOR COVERING AND PERIMETERS - SHELL (SUCCEEOING) (JUN 2012) MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL. PLUMEING GENERAL (APR 2011). . BUTLDTNG SYSTEMS (APR 2011) ELECTRICAL (JUN 201?J .. INTENIIONALLY OELETED DRINKING FOUNTAINS IAPR 2011) RESTROOMS (SEP 2013) PLUMBING FIXTURES WATER CONSERVATION (DEC 2011) ,NTENTIONALLYDELETED,, HEATTNG VENTTLATTON AND AtR CONDtTtOt{tNG - SHELL (SEp 2013)... ..... .. TELECOMMUNICATIONS DISTRIBUTION AND EOUIPMENT (SUCCEEDING) (SEPT 2011).TELECOMMUNICATIONS: LOCAL ExCHANGE ACCESS (JUN ZO12) LIGHTING: INTERIOR ANO PARKING - SHELL (SUCCEEDTNG) (SEp 2013)........ ACOUSTTCAL REOUTREMENTS (JUN 2012). TNDOOR ArR OUAL|Ty DURTNG CONSTRUCTTON (SEp 2013) LEASE t,|O. 57-4209-15-003, PAGE 2 LEssoR:!a&o'/.""*r*r' lr,l Tli 1 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 ,8 8 8 8 8I I.sI ',9 10 .10 10 10 11 11 .11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 .13 13 13 13 13 13 13 't1 l4 11 11 14 l5 15 GSA FORM L202 (0rt5) /6\t< \(J/ 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 923 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 3.43 SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING (APR 2011) 3,44 INTENTIONALLYOELETEO 3 45 INTENTIONAL-Y OELETEO 16 4.01 4.c2 4.03 134 SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION OF SPACE (SUCCEEOING) (JUN 2012) INTENTIONALLV DELETED ACCEPTANCE OF SPACE AND C€RTIFICATE OF OCCUPAXCY (SUCCEEDING) (MAY 2015) AS.BUILT DRAWI\35 UUN 2012) INTENTIONALLY DE.ETEO SECTION 4 OESIGN. COI{STRUCTIOT. ANO POST AWARO ACTIVITIES SECTION 5 TET{ANT II'IPROVEMET{T COi' POI{ENTS .,., 5.01 502 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 507 508 509 510 511 6.31 602 6.04 605 6.06 507 608 60s 6.10 612 613 614 6.15 616 617 618 5 i9 6.20 621 6.22 6.23 524 625 626 6.27 628 TENANT IMPROVEMENI REOUIREMENTS (SEP 2013). , .,,,,.,- , .,,,,. FrNrsH SELECTTONS (SUCCE€D|NG) (SEPT 2011) DOORS TNTERTOR (SUCCEEOTNG) (SEP 2013) .. DOORS: HARDWARE (SUCCEEOING) (SEP 2013) . PARTITIONS SUBDIVIDING (SUCCEEDING) (SEP 2013) ,,, WArL FINISHES (JtJN 2012t PATNTTNG-Tr (SEP 2013) FLOOR COVERTNGS ANO PERTMETERS (ApR 2015). ..... . . HEATTNG AND ArR COND|TTON|NG (SUCCEE0tNG) (JUN 2012)... .. . ELECTRICAL: OISTRTBUTION (SUCCEEDING) (JUN 2012) LIGHTING: INTERIOR ANO PARKING -Tl (SUCCEEDINc) (SEP 2013) PROVISION OF SERVICES. ACCESS AND NORMAL HOURS (JUN 20I2) JTILITIES IAFR 201, ) IN-ENTIONAL-V DELETED uTtLITY CONSUT\rpTtON REpORING (JUN 2012) HEATING ANO AIR CONDITIONING (SEP 2014) ., .., . ,,..,., INTENTIONALLY OELETED JAIIITORIAL SERV CES L.UN 2012r SELECTION OF CLEANTNG PRODUCTS (APR 2015) SELECIION CE PAPER PRODUCTS (APR 2015) INTE\TIONALLv DEL=TED MAINTENANCE AND TESTING OF SYSTEMS (SEP 2013) . . . .,. .. MAINTENANCE OF PROVIOEO FINISHES (SEP 2013) ASBFSTOS ABATEI\IENT (APR 2011) ONSITE LESSOR MANAGEMENT (APR 2011) IDENTITY VERIFICATION OF PERSONNEL (SEP 2013) ,. ,,,,,,., .,, SCHEOULE OF PERIODIC SERVICES (JUN 2012) LANOSCAPING {SUCCEEDING) (JUN 2012) LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE (APR 2011) , RECYCLTNG (JUN 20r2) RANOOLPH.SHEPPARO COMPLIANCE (SEP 2013) INTENTIONALLY DELETEO TNDOOR ArR OUAL|TY (SEP 2013) . RADON tN ArR (SUCCEEo|NG) (SEp 2013)...qAOON 'N WATER (JUN 2012) HAZARDOUS MATERTALS {SEP 2013) MOLD {SEP 2013) OCCUPANT EMERGENCY PLANS (SEP 2013) INTENTIONALLY OELETED,, 7 t)1 702 703 SECURITY STANOARDS {JUN 2012) .,.. DELETEo PARAGRAPHs THE FoLLoWII'id PARAGRAPHs HAG Beeru oiureo rnbr.,r rnls Iease MODIFIED PARAGRAPHS THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS HAVE BEEN MODIFIED IN THIS LEASE 27 27 27 LEASE O.57-4209 11003, PAGE 3 LESSOR:X ENT: ,\,i iK GSA FORU L202 (05/1 5) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 .21 21 21 22 22 22 .22 22 .23 .21 .21 .21 .24 .24 24 24 25 26 26 .26 26 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 924 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) SECTION 1 THE PREMISES, RENT, ANO OTHER TERMS 1.01 THE PREMTSES (SUCCEEDIIIG) (SEP 2013) UnEss otherwse noted. the Government accepts tlE Premrses and tenadl improuanents rn ther exrsling condition except wfEre speoficalions or slandards are contarned etsewiere rn lhls Lease These standards rnclude secunty lmprov€menls. File Protecton and Lrre Safely requarements ABAAS coinplance. as well as comphance wrlh all locai codes and ordinances Such acceptarrce by the Golemrn€rn ol eri3trE Premrses shall not relieve Lesgor ol continuing obhgations lor cleanrE. janito al. marnlenance. repair. elc. as sel brth in the Lease paragraphs and attached General Clauses Tl.e Prem6es are descflbed as follows A QSeg jllsehlqcslllg 1.100 renlaue square feet (RSF) yielding 1,t00 ANSI/BOMA Otlice Area (ABOA)square teet (SF)oloffc€ and.elated Space located on lh€ ltl f,oor(s) as deprcted on lhe fioor plan(s) atlached hereto a3 Ethibil A B E94E9!_&eeLe.gl9! The Common Area Factor (CAF) rs established as 0 0 percanl Th6laclor. vrhlch represlrrc the conveBion lrom ABOA to rentable square feet. rounded to lhe nearesl rvhole p€fcortage. shall be us€d for purpose3 ol renlal adpstrnenls in accordaice ltith the Payrne Cta6e of lhe General Cleuses 1.02 EXPRESS APPURTEXAI.IT RTGHTS (SEP 20r3) -rhe Govemmenl shall have ihe non-exclusrve right lo lhe we ol Appunenant Areas. and shall have the right to post Rules and Regulaltons Govemrng Conduct on Fedgral Property. Tille 4'l CFR, Part 102-74 Subpan C vrilhin such areas. The Government will coordanate wth L$gor lo erEure signage is consislent tlith Lessor's standards Appurlenanl lo lhe Premrges and ncluded rn lhe Lease are nghtg to use the folloring: A Parkino: 12 parkrng spaces as depicted orl the plan attached hereto as Exhbrt A1.0 { ot{E) parking spac6 a3 deprcted on th€ plan shall be re6erved and marked for the exclusrve use of the Goverffnenl. of \rlrich 0 (HOtlE)shall be stnEturcd/insde parkiflg spaccs. and t 2 shall be surface/oulsde parldng spaces ln addilion. lhe Lessor shall proude 3uch addiliohal parking spaces as Equired by tlE applicable code of the local govemm€nl enlily having jurisdiaijon over the Prop€rty Parkrng lot m[,8] accommodate pull through pa*tng tor trucks wth trailels. B Anlennas. Salellite Orshes and Related Tran8missEn oeuces (1) Space localed on th€ roofofthe Building suillcient rn size torlhe insta atron and piacemenl of lelecommunrcations equrpm€nt. (2) lhe nghl lo a@ess the roof ofthe Burlding. and i3) use of all BuildirE areas (e.g . chases. plenums. elc ) necessary for the lEe operaton and maintenance of s!rch lelecommunications equrp.nent at all ttrnes durirE lhe term ot thl3 Lease. 1.C3 RENT Ar{O OrHER CONSTDERAnONS (ApR 2015) A The Governmenl shall pay lhe Lessor annual rent payable in monlhly inslallmenls in anears al lhe following rales YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 ANNUAL R€NI ANNUAL RENT ANNUAL RENT ANNUAL RENI s11 824 2a s12.060 72 ll2 301 94 $12 5.7 98 s143000 sr 458.60 il .487 77 11 517 53 ANNUAL RENT tr3.25a.24 113,5!9,32 It3,7t9.7r 3ta.065.5t 31a.3a6.82 YEAR 6 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 ANNUAI RENT ANNUAL RENT ANNUAT RENi RENI t13.05a.92 lr t,316.01 113.5t2.ra 1r3,t53.9t t1.57E.14 tr,6lo.at 1i,6ir2.62 31.675./t7 tl/r.633.75 t1.,926.,(l 315.2t4.96 t15.529.a5 AxNUAT RENT sHEL- REN_'s12.798 91 OPERATTNG cosrsl 31 5,r7 8a lshdl rc ctcuanon - SBELi REMI. OPERAI|NG Cosrs'z ANNUAL REllT Tarm Slo.ra p.. RsF nur!d,.d by t,,100 RsF 2e! Etcl|.ron Dar yaa. lnro{gh t.rm or r..x ,OParatng Cost! rt.n cicul.r,o. - 8!!. Ylar 3'1.30 !l.r RS. nu&gtl.o by t.,tOO RSF 2o4 €.c.t.r,on Oa. y.r lnough t!,m ot t..r, E ll th€ Governmsnt occupte! lhe Premises lor hsg lhan a full c€lendar monlh, lhsn rent Shall be pro,ated basgd on the aclusl number of d6ys ol occupancy lor that monlh F Rent shall be paid to Lessor by electronic funds lranBfer an ac@.dance u/ith the provtliorE ol tlE G€nerai Ctaus€s. Rer gha be payabt€ to the Payee desgnated by the Lessor in the Systern f(x Aw6ad Managerhent (SAM). tfttE payla i! dffolent lrom dre L65or. both payee And Le6sor mull beregblered in SAM G Lesso. sh6ll provirc to llE Govlmn|€nl. in Grchangc tor lhe psFena of rer*al and oltic. spccrfi€d coisire.slion. the loloring. I Th€ basehold intere3t in the Propefly d6cribcd in ltre parlgrlph eitnhd .Tha pr!mi!c!.- 2 All costs. expenses and fees lo perform the lvork requred for acceptanc€ ol the Premlses in accordance \xilh thi! Leale. tncluding e costs for labor. matenals- and equrpment. professional I€€s. contractoa fees, altomey fees. pemrt fees. inspectm fees, ahd stm ar such lees, and all retaled erpenses. @.EASE NO PAGE 4 LEssoR\AB Go\rERxrExr, I lTk GSA FORU L202 (05/15) YEAR 5 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 925 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 3 perfomance or satEfaclion of alt other obligations set lorth rn lhis Leas€: arld all seMces, utilities. ancl mainlenance requlred for th€ p{ap€r ogeration of th€ Property. the Butldtng. aM lhe Prcmrses ln accordance w h lhe tems ol the Lease. lncludirE. but not limited t0 all inspeclions. modificalrons. repaus. reotacemenls. anc, rmprovements requrred to be made thereto to meet the requiements of lhi6 LeaEe. 1,0' INTENTIOT{ALLYDELETED rd\iLEASE NO.57-4209-15-003, PAGE 5 LEssoR: J:L&ovERxrE r: ILIL GSA FOR L202 (0s/1s) 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 926 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 1.05 TER' ll{aTroN RIGHTS (AUG 2011) The Govemmenl may teminate lhis Lease. in whole or in pan. al any time efiedve afier the Frrm Tern of thas Leage by provlding not less lhan 120 days prior Mrllen notice t; the Lesso. The efredive date of the temination shall be the day follovring the explrstion ol lhe required ndice penod or the ieminalaon date set tonh in the nolice whichever is later No rental shall accrue ater the efiedive date ol terminafion 1.06 IXTE},IIIONATLYOELETED 1.07 OOCU ETITS IiICORPORATED III THE LEAE (APR 2OI5) The foliowing documenls are attadled to and made part ofthe Lease: Documsnl l{ame t{o. of Pages Flocr Plan(s)1 Parking Plan(s)1 Agenc, specmc Requ rements OCIO/ITS 6 B Agenc, Specifi c Requirements AO-2056 10 81 Security Requi.erne.is level I 3 c GSA Fonn 35178 General Clauses 46 E 2 H GSA Form 3518-SAM. Addendurn to System for Award Managemer( (SAM) Rep.esenlations and Cert icalions isrtrons oa Leasehold interests in Real I.O8 INTEI{IIOI{ALLYDELETEO '.09 ITITE'{TIONALLYDELETED 1.IO II{TE]{TIOXALLYDELE'ED 1.11 PERCEIITAGE OF OCCUPAI{CY FOR TAX ADJUSTUET{T (JUt{ 2012) As of lh€ Lease Aw'ard Date lhe Golemmenfs Percentage of Ocaupancy. a! deinod rn the 'Real Eslale Tar Miust nent" paragraph ot thrs Lease is 9.t 7percent. The Percenlage 0f Occupanc'y is den\cd by dMding fle lotai Go\€mment Space ol1.r00 RSF by ttE total Eo ding space of IZ,OOO RSF. 1.12 IIITENTIOIIALLYDELETED 1.13 I}ITENTIOI{ALLYDELETEO 1.14 RATE FOR ADJUSTmEI{T FOR VACAi|T LEASED PREIS|SES (SEp 20i3} ln accorc,ance $rth the paragraph er{ited "AdjGtrcnt for Vacanl Pren ses' if lhe Government fails to occupy or vacateg the enlte or any po(ion of lhe Premises prior to expkalion of the term of lhe Lease. the op€rating costs paid by the Government as part of the rent shsll be reduced by to.oo pe, ABOA SF of Spac€ vacated by the Governmenl. 1.I5 INTEiITIOXALLYOELETEO t.I8 IITEI{IOI{ALLYDELEIED 1.1? BUTLOT G TTSPROVE ENTS (SEp 2012) Before the Govenrner acaeds the Space. tlE Lessor shall comd€te the tolowtng sddoond Bdldig impor/ements pnor to scEedance of the Spece: A Agency Sp.c c R.qulrrn on-E(hiblt B B. S€curlty R€qu[tlmnb L.vcl l- Exhlut C LEASE ito. S7-4m9-1rC03. PAGE 6 LEssoR: Jq.GovERirrElrr: \llR-GSA FOR L202 (05/15) I Erhlblt @ 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 927 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) SECTION 2 GENERAL TERMS. CONDITIONS, ANO STANDARDS 2.01 OEFINITIONS AND GEI{ERAL TERITIS (SEP 2013) Unless olherwise speciicelly noted. allterms and cor|diaons set forth in this Lease shai be rnterpreted by .efererEe to the follormg definitions. standards. and fo'rnulas: A AepC4g!!-d-AIg3S Appunenanl Areas are defned as lhose ereas and lacilrtrcs on lhe Property that are not localed wthin the Prem€es. bul lor wtxch riohts a.e expr*sly granted under thar Leale. or for which righls to use are rcEionably neceisary or reasonably anticipated wilh respecl Io lhe Government's enjoymenl dthe Premises and erpress appurtensnl rights B fulLgjlS The buridrng(s) srlualed on the Property ln whch the Premises are located shallbe reianed to a3lhe Buildng(s) C Ccmmon ArEa Faclor (CAF ) The Common Area Faclor (CAF) l5 a conversion tador delermined by the Building owrEr ard applEd by the orner lo ,he ABOA SF to delermrne the RSF for the leased Sp€ce The CAF 's epressed as a percentEle of the diltererrce b€t$,Een tlE anount of rer able SF and ABOA SF. drvded bythe AAOA SF. Forexampbl'l.500RSF.ndl0.000ABOASFwrllha€aCAFof 15% [(11 5@ RSF-I0.000 ABOA SFy10 000 A3OA SFI For the purposes o, thls Lease. the CAF shall b€ determrned ln accordance wlh lhe apphcable ANSIBOMA standard lor the typ€ of spac€ to whrch the cAF shall aoply. D Conlract Conlracl and contractor means Lease and Lessor rGpeclively E QAIE. All references to day or days- rn lh{s Lease shall mean calenclar days. linless 3pecified othell/lise F FAFyGSAR All references to the FAR sh.ll b€ und€rslood to rEan the Federal Acqulrilron Regulation. codifed a( 48 CFR Chapler 1 All refercnces to tlr€ GSAR shall be u^derstood to mean the GSA supplerner( to tE FAR codifed at a8 CFR Chapter 5 G Finn TemrNon+rm Term The Firm Term ls lhsl psn of lhe Lease lerlrl lhal 13 not subject lo termrnaton ,ights The Non-Firm Term as that pen of the Lease term follodng llE end of tl€ Farm Tem H Lease Term Comnrencemenl Oate The Leege Term Comme,roement Date m€ani ths dale on which the leae tem commeo@s I Lease Award oate The Lea6e Aw'ard Date means the clale of erecution of th€ Lease by tho RPLO and the mailing or olher\Aise tumEhing wriflen notifcation ol the er€culed Lease to the successful Olleror (and on whach the panles' oblgallons under the Lease begin). i. e&!!lleS. The Plemises are clelined as the total Ofllce Area or dher type of Space. together with all associaled common areas. described in Section 1 ol IhE Lease. and delrncaled by plan in lhe atiached erhrb( Parkng and other a.eas to whlch the Government has righls unc,er this Lease are nol rncllrded in the Premises K elgEg& The Property rs delined as the land and 8uftnga in wiich the Premases are locrlod. indildmg att Appunenant Areag (e g . paftirE areas) ia whiah the Govemment E granted nghts L Rentable Soace or Renlable Souare Feel {RSFI Rent8ble Spoce rs lhe area fo. wfiich a leMnl is charged rent lt ts determrned by the Bu drr{ owEr and may vary by oty o{ by bualding wthin lhe lame crty. Th€ Renlable Spsc€ may rnclude a share d Builc,ing 3upporucommon areas such as elevelor lobbies. Building conrdors and floor seMce areas FtOOr SeMce A.eas typically rncjude restrooms. lanitor rooms. tatephone clOSeE electrical closels. and mechanical rooms. The Relllable Space c,oes not include vertcal burlding penelralions and lheir encloug walls, such as slairs. elevator shafls and wrtical ducts Rentaue Square Feel ls calculalect using the folowing fomula for each type of Space (e g. oflice. warehoLrse. elc ) include.t In lhe Premrses: ABOA SF of SDace x (1 + CAF) = RSF M Sp!99. The Space shall refer to that pa( of the Prerntses to which the Govemmenl has exclr./srve use. such as Ofrice Area. or other type of Space Perking areas lo wtrich lhe Governmeflt has nghts under thrs Lease are Dqt inctud€d in the Space. N Otfce Area For the purposes ofthis Lease. Space shallbe measwed in accordance mh the standard (265.1,1996) provrded by Arnencsn Nahonal Slandards lnstatute/Burldrng OvvlErs and Mahagers Assooalioa! (ANSIEOMA) tor Offce Area. wtlich nEans thG srea whcre a ten;nt nonnally ho6espeBonr€land/orfumrlu.e.forwhichamea3urefiEntBtobccompuled.'Ref€rencqtoABOAm€anANSITtsOMAOmceArea. O Wo*i o Davs. Workjng Oays shall mean lvelkdays. ercluding Salurdays and Sundays and Federatholidays 2.O2 AUTHORTZED REPRESE TAITVES (JU mt2) The signalories to lhis Lease shall have full authonly lo bnd then respectave pnnopals with rega6 to aI maters retatmg to ll)l3 Le8se. No other p€rsons shall be understood lo have any authority to bind lher relpeclive gnnc,pals. except to th€ exlenl thet suah au,thority mat be expliclty detegated by notice lo the other pa(y. or to lhe extenl lhat such aulhority ls lransfened try succession of interesl The Govemmed shall have lhe righl io s'lbamde iti REAL PROPERTY LEASING OFFTCER (RPLO) by notice, withoul an expr$s debgation by ttE prior RPLO 2.03 ALTERANOXS REAUESTEO AY IHE GOVERI{TEI'T (gEP 2OIr) A The Governmenl may tequesl the Lessor to Fovde alle€liorE during the term ot the Le4te. Alteraio.ls u'rll be odered by r$u6nce ot a Leale lrlglgnl€rn G9l-F-qI 300, Order for Supplies or SeMces. or. when specifically .rrlhonzed to do so by the RPLO. a t6nant agency-epproved form. The GSAM clause. 552.270_31. Prompt Paymenl, including ft rnvoic€ requarements. shall apply to orders hr alterattons. alt oadeas er; su6Fct to lhe lcrms and condtiotls ol thi3 Lease and may be placed by the RPLO or a u.arranled contraciling offcer's representativ€ (COR) in USDA or t}; tenanl ageflcywhen specifically authori.ed lo do so by the REAL PRoPERW LEASING oFFlcER. sutiect to the threshotd timiteiion betow LEASE t{O. 57{209-15"003, PAGE 7 LEssoR:}f,]ft ovEnrrerr: \.[(-GSA FOR L202 (05,h5) C9 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 928 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) B. Crde6 for alterations rss!/ed by an aulhonzed coR ate l'mrted to no mo'6 lhan $150 000 (RPLOS are nol subjec'l to this threshold)' This threshold wi change accordrng to future adlustmlnlE ol the gimplified acquisrtion threshold (see FAR 2 ,01). TtE RPLO will provde the Lesor tlith 6 llst of tenant agency o-tioats adh6nzed to pb; ord96 and will sp€cfy any limrtalions on the authorily delegated to tenanl agencl oficials The lenant agenqy ofic]als are not aulhoized to deal wilh lh€ Lassor on any other matleG C payments for alteratroB ordered by tlE tenant agency und€r the edhorizalion dclcribed in sulparagraph B wrll be made diredly by the lenar agenc'y placing the ordei 2.y waivER oF RESToRAIOX (aPR 2011) The Lessor shatt have ro ftghl to requrre the Go!€mmeni to reslore tfie Prem6es upon lermrnatlon ol lhe Lease. and waNes all dams agarnst lhe Goverr.nent for \,raste. damagea or restoralion ansrng fiom or relale{ lo (6) the Govemment's normaland cu3tomary use ofthe Prefiises duarng the term ot the lease (including any extenstons lhereof) as $lell as (b) any inrtal or iubsequenl ateralion to the Premrles regardless ol whelher such alleralions are perlormed by the Lessor or by lhe Government. At it3 sole o ion. the Govemmenl may abandon property in lhe Space folloMrng exprratron of the Lease n which case lhe groperly wll become ih€ properiy ot the Lessor and lhe Government will te relieved of any liabilily in conrEction thereellh 2.05 INTEI{TIOI{ALLYDELETEO 2.06 CHANGE OF OWI{ERSHIP (APR 20r5) C lflitle to the Property is transfened. or the Lease ls assagned. the Governmenl. lhe ongrnal Lessor (Transfemr). and lhe new owner or a3sErEe (TraNferee) shall execute a Novalon Agreameal provic,ing lor the tranller of Trdnsferor's oghts and obligalions undlr the Lea3e to the Transleree. Wh€n execlted on behall oflhe Govemmlnl. A Novatron Agreement wll be made part oflhe Le6e via Lease Amerdrnent D ln addilron lo all documents r.quird by FAR 42.120.( lhe RPLO may requ$t addition.l information (e g.. copy ot lhe deed bill ol sab certifrcate ol merget. contrecl. corrrt clecree. 6rticlc! of incorporation. operatron egraemenl. parlrEBhip cenifcae of good strnding, etc ) troan the TraGferor or Tran3feree to vedfy the paftes repres€nlations regarding lhe tran3br and to delermine tlf|ether the transfer of lhe Lease is m the Govemmenl.s inleresl. E lr-the RPLO delerm,nG thal recogn[mg lhe Transferee as the Lesor rrrl not be in the Gover ients ntere3t. tlE Tasnsferor shatt rafiarn fu y t6ble lo lhe Govemmenl [Or the Transleree s pedormance of obligalions under th€ LeA3e. notvrithstanding the lranlfer lJnder no conditron sha the Govemmenl be oblgated to release the Transleror ol ouagatroru fiior to la) the ltnt commancement dale. and (b) any amount! dl.E arxl or$ng to the Govemhent und€r 15e Lease have been pad in fullo, cohpletely sel ofi agarnst the renlalpaym€nB due unde. the Lease F- 46 ! coldl[o!lol9gtrE recogrized as the Lelsor ard entiUement lo reoeavrng ,ent, lhe Transferee mult.egister in the System torAward Managemenl (SAM) (S€e FAR 52-232-33). and complete and srgn GSA Foih 3518-SAM, Addendrm to Syslem for Aw6rd Managemeni 1SeU1 nepre3ent8ti;s aM Certifications (Acquisitions of Leagehotd tmerests an Reat P.ope(y) G It trtle lo the Property is transfered or the Lease rs assign€d. renl shall contrnue to accrue. gubFd to the Go\€mmenl's rights as provlded for in th6Leaae Hoq/€vel the Govemrnenl's obhgatron to pay rent to lhe Tran8feree shall be suspended untit the Govermanl ha receiled all informstion reasonably required by lhe RPLO urt(ler sub-paragraph D. lhe Govommam has d6termin€d lhal Bcogr arlg ltre Transf6ree as the L65sor is an the Govemmenls inle.est (which delerminatron willbe prornB and nol unreasonably rNilhhetd). ar|d the Trangferee h€! met altcondilionB Specified m SUEpar8graph F So loog as any c,elays rn eflecting the recogn ion of TransfoEe a! Lessor are not ltte rcEponaibility ol thg GorEmrn€rt. no inter€st shalt accrue on suspencbd rent B The Govemoent and the Lessor may erecule a Change of Nams Agreement d the Lesso. is changmg oriy [s l€al nam€. and the Governmenl's and lhe Lessois respeclive nghls and obligations remain unaflected. Asampleform is found at FAR 42 1205 2.07 IT{TEXTIOTIALLYOELETEO 2.08 AOJUSTSEIT FOR VACAiTT pREftSES (SEp 20t3) A lf the Govemment lail! to occupy any portidl of the leasod Prembes or vacal$ lhe Premrses in whob or in pa.l prior to expiration of the termofthe Lease. lhe rental rale and lhe bar€ for operaling cosl adiustmOnts willbe reduced B lf no rate reductron has been established In thls Leas€ ttE rate lvrll b€ r€duced by thd ponion of tho corB per ABOA SF of operatang expenses not requrl€d to mairtain the Space Sad reduclron shall occur alter ltE Govemment gves 30 calencl days pnor notice to lhe Lessor and shrl cantinue rn elfecl untllthe Goverrvned occupies the vacanl Premjses or lhe Lease erptres or 15lerminated. 2-O9 INTETTIOIIALLYDELETEO A lt dunng the term ol ttE Lease. trlle to lhe Property rs trarEfefled. llE Lea8e b aaigned. or the Le68d chang€E t8 lcgai name. the Leasor arld il5 successor shallcomply wth the requrrcmen8 of FAR subpSn 42.12. lltlll€ 6lransfened. the Lesso. shSll notify lrl€ Govemrnenl Y'lhn f\€ days ofthe ifansfer oftille. LEAS i NO. PAGE 8 ..""o",50&or."*r.*r, l\l T(GSA FORI L202 (0r15)@ 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 929 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND SHELL COMPONENTS 3.02 RECYCLED CONTENT PROOUCTS (COMPREHEISIVE PROCUREmENT GUTDEL[{ESl (SEP 2013) A The Le$or shall comply lo tfie exlenl feesible wilh lhe Resource Conservalion and Recovery Act (RCRA) Sedion 6002. 1976. The Lessor shall use recycled conlent producls a! indicated rn this Lease and as designated by the U S Environmenlal Protection Agency (EPA) rn the Comffehensue Procurement Guidelines (CPG). 40 CFR Pan 247. and its aclofipanying Reco,,/ered Malenals Advisory Notrce (RMAN) The CPG lisB the dBqn.ted recycled conlenl producls EPA also provrdes recommendd levels of recycled conlenl lor these producls. The list of designated producls, EPA s 'ecommandalrons. and Ists of manufaclurers and suppliers of the products can be found at E!ts!!!4491,!!!/!!g B The Le6sor if unable to cohply with both the CPG and RMAN list!. 3hall sub.nil a Request for Waiver lor each msterial to UE RPLO wlh lhe Tt pncrng sub.nitlal The request tor wai\€r shall be besed on the fotlo$^ng c.itena ' The cost ofthe recommended product is unreasonaue 2 lnaclequate competilion €xrsts 3 llems are nol available w htn a reggonable period 4 ltems do not meet Lea8e parfonnance slandards 3.0:, EitvrRoxrE TALLY PREFERAELE BUtLOti{G PROOUCTS At{O IATERTALS (SEp 2Ots} A The Lessor shalt !6,e envlronmenlally preferable produds and mateflalg The L$sor is en@uraged to cdrsider the lit€cyde anatysis ot fle product. addrlon lo the initialcost B Refer to EPA'S ervrronment.lly preter.blt purchssirE Web site, u,nw.epa.gov/epp and USDA BiePrefen6d producits Web site !a&.!hI(!EE!l,geI.ln general. erNirormentaily preferable p.oducts and maleiats do one or more of lhe tollowrE 1 Conlain recfled matenal are blo-based. are raodly rerEwable (1o-year or shoner grorth ctlc e). or have other posdive environmental aflnbutes. 2 Mrnrmize the consumption ot rcsourcas. energy. and water 3 Prevent lhe deation of solid wEste. air poltrJlion. or wEter polulion 4 Promole the use oI nonloxic substances and avdd toxic malorials or proc€356s C The Lessor is encouraged to uge products thal are extracled and manufaciured regionally 3.0,a EXrSTlatG F|T-OUT, SALVAGEO, OR REUSEO BUtLDtic IAIE AL (JUX 2Ol2) 3.01 WORX PERFOR aANCE {JU m12) All u/ofx rn performance of thrs Lease shall be done by skjlled workers or mecJtanrcs and shall ba acceptabh to lh€ RPLO TIE RPLO may repcl lhe Lessor s workeG 1l if such are unlrcensed unskilled. or othe $se rncoanpelent. or 2) rl 3urrr have demonatrated a h6lory ol erlher untmely or otharwise unacceptable pertormance in conn€ctron wth work canted out in conjunclion filh either this corlracl or other gpvemrnenl or privale contracls A llems and malerials existing ln lrE Premrses. orto be removed fyo.n lhe Premisesduing lhc demolition phase areeiOU€ tor reuse in theconstruclionphase ol lh€ projecl The reuse of [sms and materials 15 preferaue to rcClcttng therh ho,ever. [ems con]dered ft €use shell be in re-furbshedcondllron and shall meel lhe quSlrty standards set lo(h by lhe Go\remment n thrs Lease. tn lhe absence of detinir\€ quaiiy slandads the L6sor E,esponsible lo confrm thal lhe quality of the tem{s) in qLrestion sha meel or ex@ed accepted industry or trade slsndards 6r firgt quatly commerciatgrade 6pplications ? The Lessor shall submit a reuse plan lo lhe RPLO me Gov€rnmenl wlll nol pay for extslng fixlules aM olhe. Tts Eccepted in ptace Ho\ €v€r theGovernment will reimburse lhe Lessor. as pad of the TlA. the cosls lo repair or amprove such fitures or imf,rovem€nls ideriifed o; the reuse plan andapprored by the RPLO 3.05 CONSTRUCTTON WASTE IANAGEIEITT (SUCCEEDTXG) (JUri 2Ol2) A Recycling coGt.uction waste 6 mandalory for inilial space alleralions for Tts and Subsequed alterAlioB under tlE Lease I Recychg aonstruct,on waste meang provdlng alt servcE nec6sary to fumrsh constructilxl materials or wasl6 lo o(ganizatDns wttEh wtll emptoythese malenaB or wasles rn the produdion ol new matenals Recycing indude3 rcqurrcd laboa and eqtiprra nece*sary toieparate irdiviruat materiatslrom the asgemblre3 of tltich lhey lorm a part C Submrtlal Reouireoed Pior to con3ttuctron commencemeol, a propoged plan follo\Mng industry glandarda to recycle construcion wa3te Theconstruclion waste management ptan shal quanlit fiateriat diverron goats and maxrmize flie materiats to be rocycteO'anOor iatvag€d 1at teast SOpercont) from coriBtruclron, demolilion, and packaging debrE- wlere the smalt qu6r ny of mEterial. the extr.ordinarily c;pEx nature ot tti waste oisposatmethld. or prohibitive experce tor rerycling $/ould represent a genuine hardship. the Govemmenl. upon vrriflen requeel ofthe Lesso; and approvaloftheRPLO. may permil allernalive means ol diaposat D _rhe Lessor shall recrcie the lolloi ,irE lems duling both the dernolition and construction phase3 of lhe prqecl. subjecl to econoftc evalu6tDn andfeasibrlrty. iEAS: NO 'AGE 9 LEssoR,j,Cllg covERxrE r: NTi?GSA FORI{ L202 (osi l5)AqI 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 930 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) ,. Ceiling gdd and lile 2. Light fotures. rncluding prop€. disposalofany l.arEfome6. bollastt. grd ltuo'Gsce.{ lighi bulb! 3. Oucl 'rod( and HVAC equipnEnt 4. wnng and eleatncal equDrEnt 5. Aluminum and/or stecl doors srtd frarneg 6 HadwarE 7. Oryrt/'all 8 Steelstuds I Csrpel. carpet bacring and carpet paddrrB 10 Wood :1 lnsrrlation 12 Cardboard packaging 13. Pallets 14. Wndott',s and gtazing materials 15. Al mi8cellarEous rrEtats (as ih itoot support ham6 for ftirg equipment) " 6 Al olher fnash and corutrlrcton matenaB. E it any \ .aste matertaB encounlered dunng lhe d€molition or conllruclDn phale are touid to coriain lead. asbestos. polychlor'nated biphenyls (pCBs)(such as fluorescent lahp ttillasls). or other harmfirt subslances they lhall be trarabd ,nd removed m accordance vrith Fe(bral and stale lar|/3 and€qurrements (rncemrng hazardous waste F ln addrtion lo piovidng 'one tme" removal and recycling of large scale demd{ion items such as carpeting or drywa[ the L6sor shal proude continlous facilities for the recycling ot incidenlat conslruclion waste cluring lhe initiat constructlon G ConslruClion malenals recycling records Shall be maintamed by the Lessor and 3ha[ be accesribte lO lhe RPLO. ReCOrds shall hctude matenals recycied or land-lilled. quantaty date and dentifcation of hazadous w6lteg 3.06 BU|LODTG SHELL REOU|REIEiTS (SEp 20131 A- T5e Building Shell shall be designed construcled. and marntan€d in accordance w{h the standards set forth herein artd co.npteted pnorlo acceptanc€ol Space For pricrng. lulfiltrnent ot alt ruquirements nol specificsly d€BDnated ss Tts. &,ilding Speclfic funonr2ed Capnal Ope;atng Cost!. or otter reflt compoirents as rndicated tha be deemed rnciuded in the she Renl 3 Baae slructure and Buildrng enctosure components sha be cornptete A common areas accesgibte by the Gove.nment. such as tobbles fire egresscorndcs and slai$€lls elevators garage! arld seMce areas. shall be comphte Restrooms sha be ;ompt6te and opeEtionat AI oewiy insialled Building shell components rnch.ding but not timiled to, heating. ventilation. and air conditaoning (HVAC). otectncst. ceilaogs sprinkleB, etc. shall befumished installed. and coo.dinaled with Tls circLdataon coardors are providcd as part of tlE-b;e Bu ding only on mulii-b;arfud ltoors where the co.ador is common to more lhan one tenant On srngte lenant ffOO.S. only the fre egress cordaOr(s) neceSSary tO 'rneet code is provded as pArl of lhe shell 3.07 RESPO]{STBTUTY OF THE LESSOR AXO LESSOR'S 'ACH|TECTTE]{G|XEER (SUCCEEO|f,O] (ApR 20fi) The Lessor shall be responsible for lhe prolessional quatity, technEal accuracr. and the coordination of aI destgrc. Ctrawings specificalions, aod othe,seMces fumashed by the Lessor !,1dar lhis contract The Lesso( shall. wlhout addilional cornpensalion. conccl ;r rGvise ari enors o. delicierrci$ in rtsdesrgr,s. drawrEs spec,,lcal,ons o, other serv'ces s.ot QuALrw atao APPEARANCE OF SU|LDNC (SUCCEEO|IG) (SEpt mt1, Dunng lhe lie of lhe Lease lhe Burtdrng shall projecl a professionat md aesthelcally pteasing apfaarance tncluding an attr8clive tronl artr enlraice $.syIhe facade, dorwrgpouts roof tnm. and wndow casing shafl be c]€an and In Oood condilion 3.09 VESTTBULES (9UCCEEO|}|G) (ApR 2011) A Exrstrng vesltbules shell remarn in place at pubhc e{trances ana, extls whofever \^reather conditions and heat lo33 are impo(enl tacloB forcoosideralion ln the event of negative arr pressure co.lditior6. provisions sha be made for equatizing a|r pGssurea Exrstinq gnlles and grates shall remain rn plece to control dirt and panicutates fro.n edterirB the duildirE al a primsry sxleior enrrl^vays LEAS: NO, , PAGE 10 LEesoR:\GBoovenrrEnr: [lf[-GSA FOR L202 (0r1s)A(r- 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 931 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 3.10 EAaas oF EGRESS (IAY 2015) A Pfior to occLpancy the Premrses ard any parking gsrage areas shall meet or wll b€ upgradcd to meet. eilher lhe applcable €gre6a rcquiremenE in the NatronatFire Prolecton Associaiion Lft Ssfety Codc (NFPA 101). orthe htematDnalCode Counql. lnlemational Building Code (l8C). each cunenl a3 of the Lease Award Date. or use an altematv€ spprosch or methd thal achieyes an equivalenl le\€lof gaGty deerned acceptable by the Gov6mm6nt. B The Space shalll.ave unr$lricled acc$s to a mrntmum of lwo remole exils on each foor of Govenment ocqrpancy C lnledockrng or scissor stairs localed on lhe floo(s) Mlere Space rs localed shall or{y count as one exil slair. D A fire escape locaiecl on the Iloo(s) wh€re Spac€ is localed shall nol be counled as an approvgd €xit stat. E Doors shall not be ocked in the dareclon ot eg.ess unlesg equipped wllh special locklng hardware in accordance with requireFEnts ol NFPA 101 or the t8c 3,,I I IXTEIITIOiIALLY OELETED 3.12 II{TEI{IIONALLYOELETEO 3.r3 EI{ERGY ll{OEPEl|OEi{CE AraD SECURITY ACT (oEC 20fi) A Tne Ene€y ndependence aM Sccunty Acl (EISA) establishes the follorrng requaErrents for Go\rammlnt Leascs in Buildings lhil hrv! not aamcd lne ENERGY STAR@ Latd confened by the Envrronmclltal Protedion Ag€ncy (EPA) yvithrn orE ye6r paioa to the due dale for fnal ,ropo3al revBions ( rnosi |ecenl yeai). I ll thls Lease !\ras awarded under any of ElsA's s,ection 435 statutory exceptrcn3 the Le3sor sha edher 1 Eam the ENERGY STAR@ Label pnor lo acceptance ol lhe Space (or not laler th6n one year aier the Lease Award Dale of a suc@eding or supeBeding Lease) or 2 complete energy efficiency ancl conscrvataon improvemems if any, agr€cd to by Lessor in lieu o{ eaming lhe ENERGY STAR@ Lab€t Fior lo scceplanc€ of lhe Space (Or nol llter lhan one yaar aller the Lease Award Oale of a succerding or SupergedirE Lerse). C lt thb LeaS€ *aE a$/arded lo a Burlding to be bu l or to a Burlding predomrnantly vacant s3 of thc due date for fnal propo3al le1,igiois and Ne! unabte t0 eam ttle ENERGY STARO label lor the most recenl year (a9 detrned abov€) dr2 to rrEuflicier( occuparry. bul u,as able lo dgnonstrate suficjent evidence ol capability io eam the ENERGY STAR@ label. then Lessor mlrBt e.rn thc ENERGY STAR@ tabet within 18 monltrs ater o@upancy by the Governmenl 3.,. INTE]ITIOiIALLYOELETEO 3.16 IiITEXTIO}{ALLYOELETEO 3.16 DEnOUIOX (JUrt 2012) The LeSSo. shall remove exsting abandoned eteclnc. tehphone. and data C€bling and clevices. a6 tvell as any olher mprovements Or fxlurer in place lo accommodate the Goverrlnent's requirements. Any demolition of exigtrng improvemenB thrl rs nec€lssry io salisfy itle Go\rcmmeri s layout ahall be done ai the Lesso/s expense 3,17 ACCESSIA|LTTY (FEB 2007) The Euilding. leased Space. and areaE Serving lhe lear€d Spacr shall be acces6ible to p€rsoB \ ith diEebtlitjes in accodance wlh the Architectuaalgamers Acl Accessibility StEndsrd (ABAAS). Appcndires C and D to 36 CFR Pad 1191 (ABA ChapleB I and 2. and Chapters 3 through 1O). To theexlent lhe standard referencad in lhc p(cclding senlance conltcls wth local accessibifig requiremenE ttE more stnrEent shell apply 3.1E CEIUIIGS (APR 2015) A compiele acoustcd ceiling sFtem (wtllch rncludeg gdd and lay-tn tles o. othar Buildn! 3tSndaad cltting sFtefi as appro\red by the RpLo) throughod the Space and Prembes sha b€ requi.ed The acourtrcat certrng system sha be tumBfu irutalt€d. ana cirordin ted ; h Ttg. - A CeilirEs shall be ai a mrnmum 0 lbel and 0 rnchcg and no more than 12 leel and O mches mea8ured tom lioor to the lowest obgtndion Area! withrarsed foonng sha-ll mainlarn lhese ceilmg-hright limitltions abov€ the fnished raBed tloonr€ Bdkhesdc and hanging or suface mounted tight fixtureswhich rmpede lratfic ways shalt b€ avoided. CorlrngE sha be uniform in cotor and sppearance tlrroughout the Spa;, ;,tih no obvioG damsg; to tilcs orgrd I Pior lo closing lhe ceiling. lhe Lessor 3hall coordinsle wilh lhe Govemment tor the inltallltlon of arry ilemg aboge the ceilang. C snouE the ceiling be rnstalled n lhe space p.ior lo construclion of the Tls, lhen th6 Lgraor shall bo r6ponsible fo( a[ cosls tn ragard lo lhedrsassemuy storage during construcllon. and lubsequeit reassembly of any ot lrE ceiting components wt ch may b€ required to comp€te m Ttg TheLessor shall also bear the nsk for any damage to the cciling or any co;ponents thereol duiing ltle co(rrtruction of lfie Tts c ceilinos shall be a flal ptane rn eaci room and lhalr be suiperded and fnisrred a3 bro|a unre$ ,l a[ernate equivalent as p.e-approv€d by th€RPLO:1 Rest ooanB. Pta8tered or spached aM tap€d gypsum boad :EAS; NO. . PAGE 11 LEssoR:jqacovERxrExr, l lTk GSA FORm L202 (0r15)('9 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 932 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 2 q&g!_e!C_g9d9!9q9gg!tr! Mineral and acoustical trle or l8y in pEnels wtth lexturcd or p.ttem€d suface 8nd regular edges or an equNalenl pre-approved by lhe RPLO Tiles or panels shall contain a mrnimum of 30% recrcled contcnt 3 Comdo6 and eatino/oallev areas Plastered or spactled and taped gypsum board or minel.l acoustical tile 3.r9 EXTERTOR AND CO Oir AREA DOORS ArD HAROTYARE (3EP 2013) A Exterior Building ooors and doors neoealary lo the lobbes common areas. and core areas shsll be requiled. Thl3 does nol ndude suite entry or rrteno, doors specitic tc Tls B Exleno, doo6 ghaLl be weather tqht and shallor,en outward Hing*. pivots. and pins shall be installed an a mann€r which prevenls removalwhen the clcor ls clored and ocked lhese doors shall have a minmum clear openang of 32" clear wde x E0' hagh (per leao Ooor8 thall be heavy duty. fush (1r hollow sleel conslru alron 2) sold core $/ood. o( (3) rnsulaled iempcred glass. As a mrnimum requrrement. hollo^/ sleeldoo6 Shallbe fully insdated iush. #16{auge hollow steei Sold-core rrcod dooas and hollow ste€l doo6 thall be at leaEt 1-3/4 inclEs lhck. 0oor SsEemblie6 8hall be ol durable l!nlsh and shallhave an aesthetcally pleasing appearance acceptable lo the RPLO The opening dimensionE and operations Ehallconform to ttE govemmg burldr.g. fre safety. accessibii y. and energy codes an(Uor requiremenls Fire door assa$bheE shall bc lilled arl(l lab€led Labeb on fire door ass€mblae3 shall be mainlain€d rn a legible condrlron Fire door aasemblies and thell accompanying harahMre Inc]udng trames and closing devices shall be installed rn accordance wth the requrements ot NFPA 80. Standard for Frre Ooors and Olher Op€ning Protecti\€s C Exleior doors and all common area doors shall have doo. handles or door frulls with heavytleighl hnges. All doo.s shall have conespondtng doorstops (wall or floor mounled) and salence6 All public use dools and restroorn doors shall b€ €quipp€d v{lh kick dates. Ail doo6 ihall have automalrc door crosels All Buildmg exterior doors shall have locking devi@s mstatted lo reasonably deter unauthonzed entry. 3.20 OOORS: IDEI{TIFICAIO]I (APR 20ll) All signag€ required rn common areas unrelaled lo lenanl ic,entification 6hall be provlded and in3tall€d by the Lessor 3.21 WNOOWS ISUCCEEIIxG) (3EpT 20ll) All wmdo$6 shall be weather tight- OpcrSble lindo\r6 thal open shall b€ equrppcd wlth locks. Otf-strcet. ground-levet *lndotrls and those accessible fom fire escap$. adjgc4nt roots. and other struclures thal can be opened musi be filted wilh a sturdy loctng device. Windo$6 eccaaliue fro.n fre escape3 must be .eadily oper6ble from the inside of thc Buitding 3.22 PARTITOIS: GE{ERAL (APR 2015) Panilrcns in publicrreis shatl be marble. glanite. hardsood. or dr|al covered with drrable erall co\rlrirE or high performance co€tng. or equrvalent pre- apploved by lho RPLO Newty anslall€d gypsu.n board material mult be GreerEuard Gold Cen,fed or have O grams per liter of VOCa 3.23 PARTIITONS: PER Ar{E T(APR2015} Permanent parlittons shalt ertend tron the strJctural ioor slab to the structuaal ceiting stab They shall be povided by the Lessor a3 part of shell rent agnecessary to surouncl tre Space. slai6. comdors. elevator shais. reslroons. alt @tumns and ianitor cto3els They shalt have a tame spread ratng ot 25 or less and-a smoke development rating of 450 or less (ASTM E-64). Slairs. elevatorr. and oth6r floor openinga shafi be snclosod by pafttions ;nd shall have lh€ fire resistance requrred by lhe applklable building code. lire code and ordrnanc€s adopted by lhe lurisdiclion in wllch the Bu;ding is tocated(sucil as the lnlefiational Building Code. elc ) cunent as of ttle Leasa Award Oate. Ner{y inrtaled gypsum board mat6.iat mlJ3t b9 Greeniuard Gotd Certifed or have 0 grams per liter o{ VOCS. 3.21 II{SULATION: THER AL, ACOU3TIC, AraO HVIC (sEp 2013) A All insulation producls shallcontain recovered matedals as requrred by EPAs CPG and related recycH content rBcommendation8 3 No insulalion inslalled wlh this project sha be materiat maoulactured usarE chlorofuorocarbons (CFC6). nor shaltCFCa be U3ed in ttE insta alion ol lhe oroduct. C. All insulation containang librous matenals exposed to air fiow shall bc rated for thal expolura or shall bc acapsulated D lnsulating properlGs for all malenals shall meel or exceed applcable lndustry standsrds PolystyrerE products shall haet Anencan Sooety forTest.g and Matenats (ASTM) C578 91 E A insulation shall m low emittlng wlh not Oreale. than .05 ppln formatdeb/de emlssDns F. The maximum flam€ Spread and smoke develorEd index for insulation shall meet the requtrehenb of the applicoble local codes and ordinance3(cunent as of lhe Lease Anard Dale) rdoptad by Ihe junsdiction in whch the Buitding js located 3.25 WALL Fr{|SHES - SHELL (SUCCEEO|}|G) (JU 2Ot2) A Allr*troo.ns wilhrn lhe Building cornmon ereas ofcovemrnenl-occupiod tlools shallhave 1)ceramctrte recyded glass tite, or corparabte rl/arnscotfrom the fnilhed lloor to a mrnimurn height of 4'€- arxt 2) semi gtors parnt on remaining welt ar€.r. or other frtsti apprireO Oy Ue eo,remmenf B A I clavalo. are* lhal acces6 the Space ard hellways accessng li!€ Spec€ shell be cover€d wlth well coy€rirEts not l6s than 20 ounc€8 per squareyard- hrgh perlomance painl. or an equavrtent fo\\c/ LEASI NO, PAGE 12 r-esson\Q$cov.r*r."r, NTv GSA FOR L202 (05/1s) 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 933 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 3.25 PAlNnlG - SHELL (JUX 2012) A The L€lsor shall bear lhe expense for all paantir€ assocjated $,ith lhg Buildihg shell Th6e areas shall include all cornrnon aeas Erte or p€nmeter v/atis and rnleflor core \-!ettg wthin tt€ Space shall be spackled and pnme panted ndh low rrolatile organic cornpounds (VOC) pnrner It any Building 3hell a€aa ar6 already painled pnor lo Tls. |hen lhe Lessor shall reparnt. al th€ L63sor's oxpeltle. as necessary dudng Tls B ;he costs lo. cyclrca parnting requirementt as outlined ln Seclion 6 shall be incll]ded in the shellrent 3,27 FLOORS AND FLOOR LOAO (APR 2OI5) A Ai adjojnmg floor areas shall be ot a common level nol varymg more than 1/4 inch ov€r a lo-foot horizontal run in accordarce wllh lhe Arnerican C)ncrste lnslrtute standa.ds .lon-slip, and acceptable to the RPLO B Under-floor surlaces shall be smooth and level Ofrce areas 3hall have a mrnrmum live load capacrty of 50 pounds per ABOA SF plus 20 pounds per ABOA SF tor mo\reable partitions Storage areas shall have a minimum live load capacity ot 100 pounds per ABOA SF. includang moveable panitorE Legsor m8y be rcquired lo provide a aeporl by a regislered slnrlurel engineer showing the ioor load capacjty. at lhe Lessor'6 expeme Calculations and slruclural dra\Mngs may also be requrred 3.28 FLOOR COVERTNG ANO PEFUIETERS - SHELL (SUCCEEDTXG) (JUt{ 20't2) A A;l Eurlding common areas ghallhave fnrthed iooG. gl currenlly prouded B The costs for cyclcal carpel replacemenl requfements as outlined m S€clron 6 shall be nclud€d in UE shell rent 3.29 ECHAI{ICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUnBIXG: GEI{ERAL (APR 2011) rte Lessor shall p,ovlde and operale all Building equrpment and systems rn accordance vrth agplicable tecrni€l publicaliorE. manurts. and starldsrd proceorJre!. M.ns.lines. and rn€ters for ulilities Ehallbe provided by lho Ledsor Exposed ducits. ppmg. arld condut! are not p€rmfied in ofrce Space. 3.30 BUTLoTNG SYSTEMS (APR 2011) whenever requested. lhe Lessor shall tumrsh to USDA as pan of ihell renl. a report by a reglslered prcfelsional engmeer(s) ghot$ng lhat the Buildhg and rls systems as desrgned and conslructed will satisfy lhe requuemenls ol lhis L6ase 3.31 ELECTRTCAL (JUN 2012) A The Lesror shall be responsrble for meetng the apphcsble requtements of locat cod6 and ordanances. When codes cgnllicl. the more gtflngent slanda.d thall Spply Marn servrce lacilities shall be enclosed The enclosure may not be us€d tor storage or other pulposes and shall haw door(s) fned w1th an automatic deadlocking latch boll wlh a mihimum throw of 12 inch Marn distribdion lor slandard offce occupancy shall be provided at lh€ Lessor's expense All floors shall have 120/206 V. lphase. 4-wire leth bond. 60 hertz eledric seavice avaalable. ln no ewnt shall such pou/€r distdbutton (nol lclud,ng lighling and HVAC) for the Space fall below 4 watls per ABOA SF B lvlain po$/er drllnbution swilchboards and disl.ibution and lighting panelboerds shallbe circuil breaker typ€ with copper bu3es lhat are prop€rly 6ted lc provrde lh€ calculated faull crrcuils Ail povr€r distnbution panel boar* shall be suppled wilh separale equipment ground buses All po/tar drstributrcn equrpmenl shell b€ requ,red to hanole the actual specfied and prqectad loads and 10 p€rcent spare load capacity Dislribulion parEl! are requrred to accorrmodale circuit breakers for the actual calculated r€eds ara 10 parcent spare circuils lhat wrll b€ equivalent lo the majonty of othel circun breaker3 r;r lhe panel system Fuses and cjrcuil breakers shall be plairly maded or lab€ied to ident y circuits or equipment supplied through them 3,32 INTEXT]ONALLYDELETEO 3.33 DRtt{KrNG FOUXTA|I{S lApR 2011) On each foor of Govemment-occupied Space. the Lesaor shell pro$.le 6 mnimum ol i.lo dnnkirE fountains with chilbd potrble watar nithin 20O fael of lravel from any Govamment-oc6upied area on the floor The lountains shell co.nply with Ssclion F21 1 of the Architectu'al Bari€6 Acl Accaslibttity Sianda.d. 3.34 RESTROOMS (SEP 2013) A lf no new conslruclrcn or major renovation of a reskoom is occuning compliarrce wlh locarl code is suflicient Separate rest.oom tac.ititiss for men and wcmen shall be provided n accordance wth local code or ordrnances. on each ltoor occupied by the Govemmenl in the Building The facititbs sha be localed so lhal employees wll not be required to lravel more than 200 feel. on one lloor to reach tlE reslrooms Each restroom shall have sullicienl water cloaeb enclosed wilh modem stall partitions and doors. unnab (in men's roon) and hot (set in actordance u/ilh applicabte building codes) and cold waler Waler closets ald unnals shall not be visible when the ertenor doo. is open C Convenience outleb shall be in3talled rn accordanc€ rvith NFPA StSndard 70, Nrlional ELdri:al Code. or localcode. vittichaEr i! mol! $nngent The Lessor shall provde duglex ulrtity outlets in r€slrcorns. comdors. snd dBp,eBing 6rea3 B Each maln lo3troom lhall contein the iollo*rng: 1 A mrnor and 3helf aboi,! lhe lavalory 2 A toht pepor dBperBe. m each ualer docel stgll thal vrrll hold al le8l lwo rolls and allorr ea!y. ureat icted disperBng. 3 A coat hod( on the rnside tace of the door to eaah walgr dolet stall aod on !e\,elgt v/Bll tocatir.B by fE hvatoies 4 At leasl orE mo<,em paper to\rel dispen3er. soap clilpanssr. and !6ste rlcoplade tor eve.y tv/o lavalo.i6. LEASE r{O. 57{2or-18{o!, paGE ,t3 LES9oR:}a&OVERXEXT: N[P.- GSA FORI L2O2 (06fl5) 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 934 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 5 A coin-operaled sanita.y napkin d6penser in t/vomen s restrooms with a wasle receptade ih each $raler clooel slall 6 A disposable loilel seat cover dispenger 7 A counter area of al leasl 2 feet. 0 anches in length erclugive of th€ lavlloabs (hoeclsr il msy be attachad to the lavatoaies) wilh a mrror above and a ground-fauh rnterupter-type convsnience orrllel locatGd adjrcar to th6 counlor area. The coonter should be inatalled to mi{mtze pooting or srrlling of urdler at the front edge 6 A floor drarn 3 For new instarlations and major renovalions. rcgtroom partilions Bhall be made troan recovered materials as listed tn EPA'B CPG- 3.35 PLUIBIiIG FIITUREg: WATER COIISERVATIOI{ (OEC 2oll) For new inllallalions and wlEnever plumbing fxtures are tleing replaced (replacement per flooa is required prior lo Lease cornmencement ln all imlances o' ronaonformancr where the Govemment occuptes the fu floo.): A Waler closets must conform to EPA WatersCn3e fi fxtur8 lt/ith equivatenl llush volurEs must be ditized. E ulnals musl conforn lo EPA Walersense or fixlurea wth equryattnl ffush volunes musl tte utitizcd Waterless [rinats are acccptable. C Faucets must cor{om lo EPA Wat€rsense or lixlures wilh equlvalent now rates m(Et b€ utiltze{, lnformation on EPA Walers€rEe fxturc! can berou.d at h D://\Nwwoa.ooy^EtGr!aita{, 3.36 I}ITE}ITIONALLYOELETEO 3.37 HEAflXG VEIILAnOI AtO AtR COl{DmOitIG -SHELL (sEp 2013} A _ C€ntral HVAC systsms shall be installed arld operolional. includrng. I appr@riate main art b.8n h IirE3, VAV boxej. dampcr!. lt€I duct3. and ditfulerg. lo_r an oErn ofilce layoul. ioc[rding a]l Building co(nlnon srear The Le!6or rhatl p,ovtcle cordition€d air lhrowh mrdiur p.!!lu'! ducl r/ort at a rats of .75 cubic te€t per minute per ABOA SF and 3yltems 3hrll be dclEncd with 3uficier{ lysterns capacity to IIEet-.i rcqur.c;rrfi in thb Laa.e. B Area! h.ling exc6sive heal gain or heal loss. or sffeclsd by 3dar radiation at ditbrent times of the day, shal be rndepender y conrollGd. C Eouiomenl Pedormance TempoElure contaol for ofiice Spsc€s rh6ll be prouded bry conoealeal centrat healaog end e[ cor|.tttDnmg cquEnEnt Th€equiprienl shall marnlarr Space Iernperalure cortrol over a ranga of intcmal load fuctuations of ptus 0.5 wSF io mimrs 1.5 W/SF io; fifid d$ignrequjrements of lhe tenaal D Ductwork Rr-use and Cteanino. Any duct\iro.k to be reu3ed and/or lo remain in place shalt be cleaned. tesird. and domoarstrded to be cban in accordance wlh tlE standards sel forth by NADCA. The cleanng, leliing, ar|d dernorEtration rhall ocq/ immediady priol to Govemmg occupancy to avcjd contamrnation lrom coFlruction dusl and otl|er airborne partic{rlSles E Cunng $orkino hourE rn peno<ls of heating 8.t cooting. vGn0ation shal be provided in ac@rdance wilh the lato3t €dilioo of Arne xn Sociely dlleat'ng . Refrigcralion aod A,r'Corditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Slandard 82 'l . Ventrlation for Acceptable tndoor Arr euatity F. An fnration shall b€ provlded and matnl,ained vrth fitters havhg a mmimun eficjerEl rating as delemmed by lhe tat6l edition ol ASHRAE Sl6r6ad 52 2. l,rethod of Testmg General Veatilat@n Ar{ Cleanmg Oevlce3 fq Removal Efiq€oc, by panide Size. pre'-fi[ers shall ha\.r a Minarnum Eftcienc,ReF,oing Value {MERV)emcrency of8 FinalfilteG shalthave a MERV efficjency of 13 G. Reglrooang siall be properly exhausled. wilh a maoimum of 10 air changes p€r hour. 3.3a 'ELECOIIUMCAnO]i9: tlSTRlBUnOlt AHD EeUtpIEr{t (SUCCEEO|i{G) (gEpT 2fi t) relecommunicalion8 swtch roorYls. wire cJosets, and relrted spsces lhallmeet gpplEabte NFPAltandarits. Borldlng and grounding lhafl bc in &codencEwlh NFPA St.ndad 70. Nationai Eledricat Code. and ottEr apptacabb NFPA standards and/or tocat code require;enb.- 3.39 TE|ECO Ut{lcAnO S: LOCAL ExCHAt{cE ACCESS (JUt{ 2012) A Ths Govemment may elect to conlract ils owrl telecommunicaliorE (voice. dala. vdeo, lntemet or other emeaging technologio3) lervlcs in the SpaceThe Govrrnm.nl may cor ract with one ot mo.e panies lo have INS wldng (or other lGnEmtlsion m€dium) and te-dommunicaii;ns equipment rutdted. B The L63sor shall allow the Governmen(s_de5{rnaled lel€co.hmunicaliom provireB acces3 lo utilize exisling Building wiring to conracl rt! tetuiceslo the Govemmenfs space. It the existing Building \MnrE is iGuficlont to handb tlre tnrcmi$ign oqulreriems of-th€ G;larnriqnl! derignatedlelecommuoEalioog Oroviders lhe Lessor shall provrde access fro.n lhe poinl of entry inlo lhe Buihir€ lo lhe Go\renynent.! ioor Spaca. tubjact-to anyrrherert limilalions n the pathway involved C T,1e Le3sor lhsll allow lhe Govemmenl'3 d*iOnated lelecommunicalions provid6B lo alfix telecorhmmi{xtioB antennai (high tr.qu.rE, mob e.mlcrowaw. !€lallite. or olh€r ernergirE techrDlogae3). Subject to sei0ht .nd nand toad co.tditiom. to root. pa.apcl, Or Buitdini ;ntGlope r!-|EqdardAcce3s from lh€ antonnas lo the Premis€s ghaI be provded o Thl L633or rhtllallodlhe Gov€mment-s delignaled telecommuncatons proudels to rfix ant€nna! and tratr3mitlaon davi:es throughorn he spac€and rn eppropriale common alea3 frEquenled by the covrmmant's anplolrlrs to etow tlle r!€ ot cdldar tebphone6 snd cqnmudcatiorB dovi:6necc!8try lo co.rduct businc$. 3.,O UGHnIG: INTERIOR Al{D PARKIIG . SHELL (SUCCEEI tMr) (gEp 2OtJ) LEASE No. 5?{2o}1roo:r. pacE ril LEgsoRLhgoovEnnrenr: [f[K c3a FoRr L2o2 (05fl5) @ 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 935 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) NOTE: FOR PRICING ESTIinATING PURPOSES, FIXIURES WILL BE IiISTALLED AT THE AVERAGE RATIO OF I FIXTURE PER 80 ABOA SF A i.rerior Faxlur$: Hqh effioency T-8. T-5. or LEo light fixtures (and associated ballast! or drivel!) Ehsll be ln8talled as e[her c4 ing gfid or pendant mounled for an open'ori.E plan. Ce(ing grid fixtures shall be either 2 wide by ,l' long o. 2 wde by 2 long. Lessor 3hall provide. as part ot Shell Renl. a mrnrmum overall lightrng lixlure efficEncy of 85 percent. Lamps shall maintaln a unilom color lev€l throughoul lhe leage term B !iI!!g_!e!EE: Frxtures shall have a mrnimum of trrlo tubes and shall provde 50 foot-candles at d6ktop level (30' above fnlslled ioor) wth a maxrr ,m unr'orm ly ra . of i 5 1 Lessor shall pro$de. as pari ol Shell Rent. '10 average foot-candl€s ln all oth€r Euilding areaa w{hin tlE Premises with a JrrI. mily ralro ol 4 f ainergency egress lighting levels shall b€ g.owded in accordance wilh lhe local applEable bu dng codes (but nol l€ss lhan 1 foo! :anJt. by erlher a|l ons le eriergency generator or lixlure mounted battery packs C E r!r,€r Densrtv Tte nax,murn frxlure po$pr clensity shall nol exceed 1 4 watt3 per ABOA SF D Davliohtrno Controls lf the Lease is more lhan 10.000 AEOA SF. the Lessor shall p.ovide d.ylight dimmang conlrolg in atriums ors,ilhn'15 feet ol wnd0r6 and skyhohls tvhere daylight can corilribule to energy saungs Oaylight hawBting 3€nsiig and co.ltrols shall be eilher rntegral to lhc fixtures or cerling mounted and sharl marnlarn requred lEhting levels in riork spaces. S a ccuoancvl/aca ncv Sensors The Lessor shall provire ceiling molnt occupancy sensor3. or vacgncy !en!o6 (Felsrred), or lcrr€duliog conkols tnrouoh the building automalron syslem (BAS) throughod tlle Space in order lo reduce the hous thSl the liJhts are On wien a parliojsr Space B unoccupled No more lhan 1 .0O0 square feet shall be cor{rolled by any orE lEnsor Occup€nc1 3erBors in endoged r@.n3 3hall conlin{ e lo operate aier lhe BAS has shutdoMr the borlding at th€ end ofthe lrorkday E Eurldrno Penrnele. 1 Exterior parking are.!. whicb driwwBys, pedestrian walks, ad ths Buildang p€rtri.rgr lightrng lovds lhatl b€ dsstgn€d por tluninating Engl.l€edtE Socicly (lES) standads Provire 5 toot-caidbs for doonEy areas. 3 foot<.ndle! fq trangition a.ras and at lea.t 5 foot-crndba throoghout th. pa (ng lot. Parking lol futurE8 shall provide a maximum lo minamun unilormity ratio ol lo:t. 2 lf thc le6lcd gpace is 100 p.rc.nl occupad by GoEmrient lenanb. all .(enor parking lol frtJr!! lhrl b. "Dart Sky, corqrlarn witr ito Fpp€rtyline tl3Pa83 G Pa*ino Structures The mtnimun illuminance levelfor parking struclures E 5 fool-c€ndlc! g! m€aluaed on tha ioor with r unifomity ratb of 1o:1. H Parkmq SarEors: lf th€ teased space is lq) perc€rn occupEd by Govemment teoantE. e)dend parking area and pdking gtn cture lighting lhall b€ sen3or or B,qS controllad in ordel thal ( may tre prograrnmed lo prcduce reduced lighting lcvel! during nonl,s€. Thb nm-us€ tirie poiod \rili normafly b€ fror 11.00 pm to 6 00 am I txlenor Polrver Baciuo: EJtenor egEss, walkway. paating lot. and parking structure lillt ing musl have €meagancy povrqr bad(up lo provire for safe evaclation of the Build,ng. 3.41 ACOUST|CAL REOUTRE E TS(JUi{ 2012) A. Rev6rb6(a(on Control. Privale offce and cor e.ence rooms ulling SBpended acoustcal ceiltngs lhatt hsve a noEe reductlon corffctenl (NRC) of not le59 th.n 0.65 in accordance trilh ASTM C-423 Open ofltc€ uing suspended acousucal ceiling! rhall havc an NRC ol not h3! than O 75. Private olfcos conlerence rooms. and open ollices using acouslical cloud or acotrslical wsll paneir with a minmun of TO cowrage shan have an NRC of notE$ tnan 0.85. B Amtienl Noise Control. Ambient noise from mecharxcal equrpmsnl shall nol sxceed noile crllena curve (NC) 35 in accordance $rith tE ASHRAE HaMbook of Fundamenlals in offces aM con erence roqns NC 40 an coflidors. cafelenas. lobbie!, gnd rcgtroolns; NC 50 in other gpacss. C Norse lsolatiqn. Rooms teparaled lro.n adlacanl spac$ by ceiling high partitrorE (not ircJuding dooas) shafl not tE 168! thao lha lollowing no6e isolal,on claBs (NIC) slandrrds when lested in accordarrce w(h ASTM E-336: Coniaranci rcoma: l{lc 40Olic.!: MC 35 D Testlno The RPLO may requrre. al LessoCs experl3e. lest repo.h by a qualifed acoulticsl co.l3unsd 3hovrin! thal acoustbal requirGrnerl3 have been met 3.42 rxt ooR AlR auAUTy ouRt 6 corsrRucnox (3Ep 20t3) A The L€ssor lhall pror de to the Govemmant material ssiely dala sheets (MSDS) or dher appropnat€ (barrnoob upon r€+,a!i. bd paior lo in8tallation o, u6o lor the folloviing producls. includiq bul rbl knaed lo. adh€sives, caulhng. 3e6l.nt!. ioldating mrt riab. ii.ep.oofng 6 ft.3topdrE matenab- ptint!. carpets lloor and lvall patcitng or leveling matenaB. tub.icants. dcar fn3he! foa $ood 3lrtacaa, jar lonat Cterr*ng poducia. a;d p;t conlro, prodLrts. B Tne RPLO may elimrnate iom corBideralim rrodrct5 vrth SEnficarrt quaditbs ot torb. iamaua. corotivr. or carcinolsnic rElgrial and p.odu& with potential to. hamful cllmcal ernissions. Materiab us€d oien or in large quanlilies will .ecsiw tha gEatotl aoount ot rBvi6 , C A I MSDS shall comply vrth Ocalrpalional SaIety aid Hoalth Adntdstration (OSHA) Equirerhonts The Laalo. €,!d i|r agcnts 3he cqnpty wrth rIrecommended measfes rn lhe MSDS to prolect lhe tEs[h and saHy ot pellonnel O To lhe grerl6t exteol possible the Le3sor 3hall sequence the mstdltl,on of inlah mateigt! so lfu metefill! that !r! high crnifi!.3 of votatib organic coinpoundE (vOC8) are installed and allowed to cure belore installing irfurior fir$sh mal€oab eqpccilly loft malenaa thal ua !l/or€n. fib.ou3. or porous in nalure. that may a(boab contaminants and release thern over time. \ ^ r k.'. LEASE lto. s7.2os-1 5.003, paGE 1 r LEssoR:)QlJcovERirErir: [[l(_ GsA FoRr 1202 (Orr s) €\\e, 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 936 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) E. llhere demolition or conslruction lvork occurs adjacent lo occupied Spaca. lha Lelsor lhall eract tppropriate bariers (noise, dust, odor, etc ) and take necessary 3ieps to minimrze rnterferen@ with the occupents Thb indud$ rneintaining accaplabie temperalure. humdlty, and ventil8tion n lhe occupiecl areas duing wndow removal. window replecemenl. or srmilar lypes ot\llrk F HVAC during Constructlon lf atr handlars sra r66d during conslruclron. thc Lcasor thlll provide fllration media with 8 MERV ol E at each .etum air gnl. as delennrned by the laresr editaon of ASHRAE Standard 52.2. Msthod ol T6ting Gencral Ventilstion Arr Cl.lnang Oevices fo. Removal E fiaiency by Padrcre Srze The permanent HVAC aFtem may b. ulod to move both lupply 8nd retun sir during lhe coBtruction process only if lhe forlowng condltions are .rel ' A comptete ai. iltration system with 60 percenl effoency lillcrs 13 anltSlled 8nd prop€rly maintained: 2 No p€rmaneni diftrsers are used: : No plenuh tlpe relum air systern i! employed: 4 The HVAC ducl syslem B adequatrly gealed to Fevrnl the lpreed of girbor.le p€nrcdate ard other contamin€nts; and . sr 'i- -. : I A llnat fush-out f€riod of 72 hours minimum is rcquicd aier inttallalion ol all anterio. frishe3 and beble occupancy ol ttre Space. The Lesgor Shall venlilate 24 houlE a day. wrlh rew fltroliofl mcdia at 100% OuldOOr Eir (Or m8nrhum oddooruir wfiilc achieMrE a ruidive huridity not greater than 60%) 2 Alter the 3_day per{od lhe Sgace may be occupred: ho$/eyer the flu5h-out mu3t cohlinua fo. 30 daF using the maximum percenlag€ of ortdoor arr conaBledt wtn acheving lhemal comtod and humdity controt 3 Any d€ualaon from thrs venlrtaion plan musl be approved by lhe RPLO 4 The Legsor is required lo provide regularly occr.rpred aress ol tha Spaca with nevr arr firation madia More occr+ancy thal paovtdes a MERV oi 13 or bstter. 5 Dunng coBtrudion dre€l or erceed the recomrnendrd daign approact€s ol the Sheet t{clst and Air Corlditioning National Contracto.s Associatron (SMACNA) IAQ Guic,elrne for Oc.upied Buildngs Und€r Construql|on. 't995. Ch.pter 3 6 Prolecl stfied onsite and rrElalled aboorptN€ ma€naB |roih mo€ture damag€ 3.4:' SYSTEflSCO XTS9TON|IG (ApR 2or.t) The Le$or shall rrlcorporale commEsroning requirEmenE to €nt thal the rnltallrlon 6rld pcrfo.manca ot cnergy coosumrng lylterns meel the Gc\€rl1lrEnl s proiect requilemenE The commBlioning lhdl cover only $,ork arlocilled wlh Tl! or allclllions or al a I'il|imrm: healiaE. ve ilatir{. air condilrcnrng and relrigeration (HVAC&R) systems and assocl5td control! laghtrng conlmh. And doryrltE hot u,6ter slrtefis. 3." IflTEI{TIOXALLYOELETEO 3,145 Ii{TEIITIOiaALLYOELETEo 5 Followng the BurldLng "tlush out. all ducl8y3tems are vacuumed \Mth potable hagh-effroency parliculale ar,ealance {HEPA) vacuums and Secumenled clear ri accordanc€ wth Nalaonal Air Duct Cleansrs Asrocialion (NAOCA)specifcatiorE LEASE t{O. sr4209-i s-003, PAGE r6 LEssoRLQGovERirf, Er.r: N fk GSA FOR L202 (0t15) €)\-Ly 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 937 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) SECTION 4 DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ANO POST AWARD ACTIVITIES 1.01 SCHEDULE FOR CO pLEnO OF SPACE (SUCCEEO|i{G) (JUta 2012} Ocsrgn and construction aclryrties for the Space shall commence upon Lcase award Conslructon of Tls ano comoletio.r of olher rcourred construction lvork: The Leslor shall cqnplete all \.1lo* as requned in thb Lease not laler than 60 Working Days lollowrng :ease awa6. 4.C2 IT{TEI{TIONALLYDELETED ..03 ACCEPTAIICE OF SPACE At{O CERnFtCAtE OF OCCUpAiaCy (SUCCEEO|XG} (XAy 2015) A the Govemrne shall accepl the Space only if the construction of Burlding 3he[ and Tls crhroming to thB Lease is substantially co.npl€le. a Cenifrcate of Occupanc-y (C oI O) has been issued as set fo(h bslow and lhe Buildino iftlp.ovemer(s ltece$ary lor a@gptance as delc,ibgd in mparag.aph Burlding lmprovemehts" are comdeled. B -he Space shall be consrdered substantally co.tplete only it th€ Spec4 may be lAed fo, rl3 intelxbd pupose arE cdrpbtion ol rrnatnmg vpat wl,noi rntedere unreasonablv wiih the Govemrnenl's onioym€rn ol the Spac6 Accoptaice shall be fnalaid UndirE upon lho Gor€rrricnt tvilh re3pec,t to lhe cofipletion of lhe Tls wl,lh the exceptlon ot iterns identified on e punch liat generltrd as a lesut d the inlfEdio.t, concealed candnrort!, tllant datcct!, or kaud. but shall not relieve lhe Lessor ol any olher Lease requirem€nts C The L49or shall provlde a vald C of O. rssued by tha lo(al lun3drctbn. for the rntended l6e of the Gol€rrmeflt. ll the locat iualldilim doea not igsue C of O'! or if the C ot O is not available. th€ Lessor may satisfy thls cond{ion by providnE a repo(l prepar€d by a licerEod fire p.ot€dloo €ngineer lhat lndrcat€3 tlE Space and Burldhg are co.npliari with a applcable tocat code! and o.dinanc6 and a fre protedion srd tife sably{otatrd EqurErnonts of tho L6a!e D At acc€ptarrcs. lhe Lease term shall commenc€ and the Lease Telm ComiEncernent DaIe shal be memodelized by Le6e Aricodylcnt. a The Goveanment wll nol be reguired lo accept Spacc prior to the schedule ou ined in lhis Lea3e. 4.04 AS-BU|LT DRAwlitcs (JUt{ 2012) Not laler than 30 daF afler lhe acceptance ol the Sp€ce. lhe L*sor. at Lssaois 6xperu6. shalt fumish to the Go\€mrne.rt a comptste Eel of Compuler Aided Dougn (cao) files of as-buill ioor plarc Showing lhe Space uMer Lease. as \i\/elt as coarido.s. llairways, and core ereas. The plan6 shalt hav€ b€en gen.ratcd by 6 CAD prcgGm v*ich rs compatibh Wth the tat$t reteale ot AutoCAD. The reqdrcd fite exiension B " ol/G " Chrn and purged fl€3 shall be.3ubmrlted on CO-ROIL They shal be tabehd wlth Buitding name. address. tist of drarri.E(r). date of lhe drating(!). and Lcssoi3 archiacd andarchitecl's phone number. The L6sor s operalor shall demoBtrate lhe subrhisgion on USDA equtfl.l,l€lr|t, if rcqu€sted byi# RPLO 4.06 IIiTET{TIOiIALLYOELETED .EAS' NO, PAGE 17 LEssoR\\q&ovERirrErr: IilL GSA FORI L202 (0r15) @ 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 938 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) SECTION 5 TENANT IMPROVEMENT COMPONENTS 5 Jl TENANT IIIPROVEMENT REQUIREXENTS (SEP 2013) The r-,s shall be desgn€d. conslructed. and manlarn€d in accodance wilh tl€ glandards gel lorlh in this Lease. For pricing. only lho6e requiremenl3 oesqnaled es Tl5 wthrn this sectiofi or designaled a! Tl! \Nlthrn the stlached aoeocy requiremenB and S€cur,ty Requira.nlntr, lhsll be deemed lo be Tl cosls 5 02 FINISH SELECTIONS (SUCCEEDING) (SEPT 2O1I) -f.e Lessor musl consu i w(h tne Govemmenl pior lo developng a mrntmum of thr.. (3) fnbh Optlol!lo nclude coordinaled gamptes ol inishes fo. al nterrc eleinenls such as parnl v/all covenngs. base covrng. caeel. window lreatmenls. lamtnales. and floo.ing. Atl samples provided must compty w h speorrcalaons sel {onh a,sewhere in this Lease. All required finilh ottion sanpl€s muit b6 provided at no additionat cosl lo th€ Government rvnhln 10 Work'rg Days ater Leas€ award. USDA must delNer ne@3sary fil1Eh selectlom lo the Lgslor t thin 10 tn/oftirE OaF aier receipt of samfres The firllsh iotroos musl b€ apgroved by USDA prior lo nslallstion The Lelsor may not na*c any lub6liltrions aier thef sh option is seGcted. s.03 DOORS: |I{TERIOR (SUCCEEDI c)(SEP2013) rhe lo owlng requrrements perlarn to reparr or replacemenl due lo mainlenanc€ or alleraliorB pedonned throlghout lhe lcm or lhe Lease: Doors ''.lhln the Space shali be provrded as pan ot tha Tls and shall have a mtntmum dear op€nhg of 32" wide x 80" h€h. Ooors shall be flush. solid core. wood wth a natura wooc, veneer face or an equrvalent door pre-approved by the RPLO Hollow core t&od dool! ,re not acceptable. They shall be operable uth I single effort. and shall meet the .equremenb of NFPA 101. Lite SEhty Code or the lntemational Buitding Code (current as of the Le.3e Au/a.d Date). ooors shall be installed in a melal ,rame assemuy wt ch is pnmed ard frnshed wilh a lo{ VOC Bemi{losr ;iLbas€d paint tdlh no fo.maiCehyde. 5.0,a OOORS: HAROWARE (SUCCEEOtilc) (SEP 2ot3) The fo,io\Mng requrrements penan lo repah oa rcplacedleot ctue to fiainlenance or atteratDns perfo.med throughout lhe tern of the Leas€: Doors shall have door handles or door pulls with heavyvcrght hrnges The L6sor ts encourag€d to avoid r€ use of dlrorE-plated hardware All rroor3 shall have corespondilg doc6tops (r,Jall or lloor-mounled) and srenceB. All door entrance! laadang tnto lhe Space from public conirors and oxlerior d@ts shall have automalrc door closers. Dooc d€srghsled by the Govemmgit shalt be equippod with s-pin. lumbler cytinder tocks and strike plate!. Ail locl.s shall be masler keyed Furnrsh al leasl tu/o master koys for sach lc,cx to lhe Govemmanl Any €rtodor entranc€ s-hall have a high securily tock. wilh apprcpriate key conlroi procedur$. as detemined by Govornmenl specficataons Hinge pin3 and hasps shalt be secured against u_nadhodz;d lemoval by using spol r €lds or prrned mountrng bolls The eienor srde of tlle doo. shall have a tock guard or e3tragat to pre\,anl lampedng of lhe lalch hadware. Doors used foregreEs oily shallnol have any operable exlenor hardware. All secunty-lodang arranganreits on doors used lor {ross sha compty yrith requrremenls Of NFPA lolor lhe Intemational Building Code curenl as of the Leas€ Ardrd Oate 5.05 PARTITIOIS: SuBolvlolxc (SuCCEEDlLc) (SEp 20t3) The following requiremenls penain to repair or replacernent due lo maintenance or alteratiois perlorm€d tkoughout the lem of lhe Leage: A Office subdaudng partitiorts shall comply wih applicabla burldmg codeg and local Gquirc.ncnt3 and ordinances shall be provided as part of lhe Tls Part{roning shatl exlend from lh€ finished floor to the finrshed clitrng and ghal be d6rgrEd to provide a miomum soun(l tranirnrssion ctass (STC) o137. They shall have a flame spreed rating of 25 or tess and Moke development raling of 450 or tesi (ASTM E-94) B. HVAC ahall be rebarahced and taghtng reD6 DrEd. as appropiate. ater ansta ation ot pa(itlons. C If hstalled an accordance w(h tlE "Automatrc Fire Spnnkler sygtem" and "Frre Alam SFtem' lErsgraphr. sprinkl€c and,ire Jarm notiticalton appliances shall b€ repos[ioned as appropnate atler rnslSllatiofl of pan ons to maintain lh€ levll ol fre p(oledton and litc lafuty 5.06 WALL FfttSHES (JUN 2012) tf the Govemmenl chooses to inslall a u,alt co\refing the mrnimun stsndad is vinyl-free. chtonne-t e€. plastiqzer-free !€lt covenrE vrtth rEcrd€d conter( or bio-based c(xnmercraltlE covering vyeEhing nol toSs than .t3 ouncGs per sqlare yad or equoalerit. Itthe Go!,cmmeri *doaes to irstan a n6n_p€rlormance painl coatrng, it sha compty with the VOC timits ot the Green Seat Sbmard GS-ll s.07 PANIXG -n (SEP 20t3) A Pnor to acceplance. all surtaces wilhin the Space wfxch are designated by USDA for parntang shall be n6w{y tinishcd in cdols Ecceptable to theGovernrher . 8. Tie Lessor ghall provide nlenor paints and coatings fial fl€et or are equivalent lo lhe folto /ing gtandards for VOC of gslsrlg: 1 Topcorl pahts Green SeatStandard cs.1l. Pamts Frrst Edition May2O. to93 2 All othe. arch ectural coatings. pnrnoG and urdercoats: Soulh Coast Ar Ouattty Management Obtnd (SCAQMO) Rule 11.t3. Arcnitedural CoatraEs. efective January 1. 2004. 3 Archilectural paints. coatings, anc, pnmers apptied lo tnterior wals and ceitings: a. Flals: 50 grams per trter (g/L) 6LEASE NO. 57-.209-15-001. PAGE t8 r-essonM&ovenxrexr, [[(_GSA FOR L202 {05/1s) 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 939 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) b Non-flats 150 g/L 4 Antirorrosive and ant-rust paints applied lo inlerio. ieno6 metalsubqtrate3: 250 gy'L. 5 Clear wood f,nrshes. a vamrsh 350 g/L b Lacque. 550 g/L 6 Floor coatrngs 100 g/L 7 Sealers: a Walerproofing se.leB: 250 g/L b Sandrng sealels 275 g/L c Atr other sealers 200 g/L 8 Sherlacs a Clear 730 9L b. Pigmented 550 9/L I Staim: 250 gil C Use reprocesred lalex paint ln accordance wilh EPA s CPG (CompEhonaive Pocurernent GuilolirEa) on aI paintgd aurlaces t lclo t€asibb. Tho tpc of pair{ shall be acceptable lo lhe Govemment s.llt FLooR covERlltos at'lo pER|IETERS (apR 2015) A Carpel til6 shal meel the Bqurrcmerts set lonh |n the Ep€cifcatrol!! below. Ftoor peoanetec at parlilbrE lhall h8w lrDod. rubbea, vinyt, oa clrpet base. Floor covenng shall be rngtatted rn accordance ttith mshdaclunng rn3truatlons to lay smoolNy aad evedy I The use ot ex,sling carpet may be apDroved by the Gorrern ner(; hovr\€r. e[lting capal shall be repaired. slralched. and deancd befo.e occLpsncy and sFall meel the stal : buildup reouirement as stated in the speofcrtaorE bdow C Any altemate ffoon.g shat b€ pre-approved by the Govemment D Scecf,catjons lor Caroet lo be Newtv lnstalled or Reptaced: 1 Producl sustarnabii v end enu.onm€nlel reouiremenb. ln oder lo achlew superior perfo.mance in multipl€ onvironmenlal attrihrte aleas.carpel musl have txird parly c€rtificatron in accordance with ANSyNSF 140 2007e Su9tainabh Carpat Arselsmed Standad al 6'Goh- levetmrnimum Carpet -anufacturer mu8t supply cenrficate as pan d lhe procur€inenl doqryrentat,on. 2 Recaci€d matenl: Recycled corne E measured by total Droduct M€Eht ol pre-coosumer andor pGt-@r,Eunor materials. Reaycled cornenlriLBt be at l€at 10% posl-consufi€r recoveGd conlenl. 3_ lOrclll$llqjOalenr!!. Th€ carpel and ,loor adh$ive (fo. gtue-donr Inlta ataonr) mr6t ni6et the Gregn Lab€t ptus (cLp) and noo. adheriv€(for dired glt€ dol,t'l) requrremonls ol the Ca.p€t and Rug hsfide (CRl). GLP nLmter must be prgvtded. Adhe.ives must meet VOC coricnt slandads per Sor,ih Coast Alr Ousl y Managernent Olstnd Rule ,1108 4 _ fac.e_Eber conte!! Face yarn mu3t be 100 percent nyton fiber. Loop pile sha be .lOO pefclr Butk Cor$nuo!! Filrnent (BCF); qn aM bop shall be 100 peacenl BCF for the loop portion and may be BCF or slapte for th€ cut porlion: eut pile carpel lhall b6 glaple or BCF 5 Pedomance €qurremenls for broadloom and modular tile a Slatic: Le$ than or 6qual lo 3.5 kV rltEn tested by AATCC Tcst ircthod t3a (Step Te3t Option). b Ftammabrtitvr Me€ts CPSC-FF- t -70 DOGFF-1-70 Meth.namrn€ Tabbt Te3t qiteria c tloonno Radrant Panel T63I Meels NFPA 253 Clrss I or ll depend[E upon ocq4anc, and fire code *firn te3led urder ASTi, E€/ag to(glue down inslallatio.. d SEOELDglStry: NBS Smoke Chamter - Less than 450 Ftamtng Mode wlEn t*ted uider ASTM E{62. I{OTE: Testing must bc pcrtormed in a NVUqp accrediled taboratory 6 Textuae Apoearence Retention Ratno ITARR). Carp€l must meel TARR rElangs specifi€d below Space Oefinition Traflic Classillcaton TARR Clasgificalion LEASE NO. 5?-4209-15-003. PAGE 19 LEssoR:Vllbcoveanrexr: NR GSA FOR L202 (0r1s) (D 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 940 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) Private Ofices Moderate A3OTARR Trainrng. conference. colJ(roorns elc Heary :3.0 TARR Seve.e :3.5 TARROpen Offce cafelena comdors tobbEs The caDet m(Jst be evaluatod usang ASTM D-5252 Hexapod Drum Teit as pe. the cdnmgrcial cirpet tegl proccdure ard the TARR da8lifc€tionielenriied using AS:M D-7330 Reclamatron of enstjng carpet lo b€ determrned wilh potential vendor \ryhen cerpel 16 replsced. submn cenficalron dccumenlation ftcm the redamataon trolily to the RPLO. 3 Werrantv. Suomit a copy of the manufaclurers standard \{srranly lo the RPLO within lhe fiBl 60 days of Govemrnert occupancy. The 3lvemment is to be a benefioary ot the terms ofthis w.ananty 5.09 HEAnTG AxD AtR COt{OtTtOt{[{c (SUCCEED|IIG) (JUit 2Ot2) _ihe fo rowng requiremerls penain lo reparr or replacement dr€ lo mainlenance or alteretioiB performed lhroqhout the tem of lhe Lease: Zone aontroJ Provtde lndrvtdual thermoslal control lor ofrce Space w(h control areas nol to exceed 1.5o() ASOA SF lnlenor spac6 musl be 3eparatetyzoned Speoalt occupancres (conferance rooms kitchens. etc.) must have active controla capable ot sensi,E Spac, use and;odutaling HVAi !ysE; in response to Space demand Areas lhal routinely hat/e extended hours of operatton shall be env[o.lmentoli contro{led through dedicaied tEdiog and arr condationrng equipmenl spec6l purpgSe areas (such ajt pholocopy 6nt6rs. laEa conhEnce room3. computer roomg. etc) wth an inlemd o;oling load ln 9xc66 of 5 tons snall be ln@pendently coolrolled. Provide concealed psckrge air conditiodng equaprnent to mect tocalized spol coolmg ol tenani specral equipment Polable space healers are paohrbiled 5.10 ELEGTRICAL: DISTR|BUiO}I (SUCCEED|'{G) (JU 2ot2) The foll(,wing requiremeitg penain to rcpalr or Gplacement dt€ lo mainlensncc or alleraliorE perfonn€d throughod lh€ lerm of the Leaae: A All el€alrical olrtlels shatt be rnstalled in accordance lvlth NFPA Slaodard 70. I All outlels within lhe Spac€ shall be marked-and coded for ease of vsre trscrng: outtels shall be c,rculed !€paBIely lroai lighling. Alt fioo. out6t9 shall be fulh wtth the plane ol the inashed foor Odl€l cover colors shatl be coorddated wnh padition ilnBh seEdioB - - C ;re Lessor shali i. all cases safely conce€l outlcts and asscEtd vrring (for elednctty. voic€. and data) to th€ rr'pfiglation(s) in partitjons. cailingplenums. in recessed lioor ducls. undar rarsed foonng. (r by use of E melhod acceptable lo the Goverlnenl. 5.ll LlcHTl cr ltlTERtOR Ar{D pARKtt{G - II (SUCCEEO|}|O) (3Ep 2Ot3) The following requrcynenlg pertain lo repatr or replacement due to mainteoance or alleralions performed throughoul the term oflhe Lease: A Fixtvres: The Lessor shall provide tnlenor lighling to comply w{h rcquaremenB under the palagreph. "Lighling: lnterior and parking - She((Succeeding)," B Bulldinq.Pedm€tqr There may be addrtiortai requirernents lor l€htrng rn exenorparking areas. vehicb dnvetEys. @cslrian waltv/aF. aM guilding p€nmeler in the Security Requrrernenls attached to tlis Lease € !EAS: NO. PAGE 20 LEssoRE!f,J3oove"rne*r, \[!-GSA FOR L202 {0r1s) 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 941 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) SE'TION 6 UTILITIES. SERVICES, AND OBLIGATIONS OURING THE LEASE TERM 6.01 PROVTS|OT{ OF SERV|CES, ACCESS, At{D itOR AL HOURS (JU[ 20t2] A r]e Govemmen s 'lcrrlar hours of operations are establEhed a3 6:00 at to 6:00 Ptl. Monday through Fruay. *rth the ercepton of Fedcrat holidays. SeMces roa nlenance and ut iil€s shall be provdad duflng these hour6' Th€ Go,.rmment 6hA ha€ aC-CesS tO ihe premtses and its Appurlanant Areas al alt I nes lvtnoul addrl onal payment. inctucting lhe use. during olher lhan nomal hours. of ncccl,sary s€rvices and utililies such a3 elcveloE reslrooms.lighls and eleclnc po\ €r Creanrng shall be perlormed dunng normal hou6 B. rire Lessor aoc, tre Lessoas representalives, emdoyees aM conlBclors shall domorEtrato a coopeEtive, positive. welcomtng respectfut.grofess,onal and business-lale demeanor and shalt pEsenl a neat. clean, ,ob-appropnate (prote3lional) appearance. 6.02 UTIL|T|ES (APR 2Ol.t ) Tile Lessor 6 €sponslble ior provrding all dililie3 neoBsary for base Building and tgnad op€rEtions as pan of thg rental co.Eide6tion. 6.03 INYEXTIOI{ALLYDELEIED 6.0'a UTlLlw COtiSU pnON REPORIIG (JUN mr2) J9on tequesl fyom the eEAL PROPERTY LEASING OFFICER or Contracting Oficer's Reprasentatjve. the Le$or shall provide regutar quarlerly reports oI lhe emounl ol al utlrtes consumed at the Bu ding in mor{hly detsil tor the duration of the Leasc The3e reporB mrEt be provided withn 45 dais ; lhe end oj each quanedy pe.rod and shall be rn eithe. Mittcn or eiectrqric lorm. as requested by ttE Govemnrent Th€ repods shall contain lhe number of aciual units consudEd. rl reporl! are available d€tsiling onv the Go'/emmer( s consunption. then the reporis !ha[ be limtled solely to lhe Go\/.mrEnt's consumplion Additionalry. sard r.porls shall indicate. for €ach utility b€ing reponed. lhe use ol lhe lpecilic utility. For etampte, ei€ctricly consumpflon shall indicalo if il includes heating or air corditioning. and if so. wtEther iust diflusers or daflulers and lEaling aae included in eleclncity coilump{on. 6.05 HEAING AXO AIR COt{OtTtOXt G(SEp20ta) A. ln all offic€ areas. temperalures shatt confom lo local @mmeroat equualeni ternperatue lerl?ls afid operaltr€ pmc{ice! h order to maximize lenantsatrsfaaton Theae ternperalures lhall be maintatnd lhroughoul the les3ad pnrnise$ and slMc€ aEas. rcgadl€is of ouEire ternperstur$. during thehours of opefatloa specrli€d ln lhe Lease. The L*ior shatt pedo.m any necessary syllcmg sl8rl-up reqlired to mea the comfiEacillly 6qui;bnt lemp€rature levels prior to lhe first hour of each dsy s ope€lion. At all times humidity shall be maintsirEd below 0O% relative humadity. B. Dirdng non-$rorkin! hours. heatmg te'l]peratures shall be set no high€r than 55' Fahrenhed. and air conditioning shall not be providcd ex@pt a3necessary lo relurn Space temp€Etures lo a suitable le\r€l lor the bcginnir€ ol working hour! Th€nnostab shal b€ iecured lrorn rrlarual operation byl(ey or locled cage A key shall be provided to lhe Govemmenl s de3tgnated repEsentatve. C. Ttrmal coanton. Dunng all tlorkng hours. comply wth tlte late3t editon ot ASHRAE Standard 55 Thermat Cofi{on ConditiorE fo. Human Ocorpancy. D i\alEhouse or garage areas requi.e healhg and vent aton only Cooljng oflhas Spaca is nol r€qui.ed. Temperalure of waehoule or galage arca8 shall oe nainlained at a rninmum o, 50' Fahrenheil E T:'e Lesso. shall condud HVAC syslem balancng ater any HVAC gystern alteratlona dutng the term of lh! Les3€ and shall make a reagonaole atlenp: to schsdule mar5r @rEtruction oirtsrde of olllce hoiJrs F Normal HVAC syslem!' maintenance shall nol disrupt tellanl operalDns. G ?5'100 AEoA sF of the Premises shall receNe cooling at dl limes 124 ft3 a da,!,365 days a year) for purpGes of cooling the dGignated seruerroom The lemp€ralure ot lhrs roo.n shall be mant6rncd at 6&75 degrees F. wilh humidity control nol to exc66d 55% relative-humirfiI.-r€gardtegs of cutsiile temperature or seasonal changes. Not\ itttstandirE tlle loregolng. Lessor shall p.ovde thB seruce 8l no additjo.let cost to uE Govem;eit itE L6sorprovides ths seMce to cther tenams n lhe Eu ding at no additDmldtarge 6,05 II{?EI'TIOXALLYDELETED 6.07 JAi{|TOR|AL SERVTCES (JUN 2012) Th€ Lessor shall m8inlarn lhe PremEe ard all sreas of the Property tO wfiich the Gowmment h8s roulin€ acces8 in I Cl€ao condilDn and shrll provide supplres and equrpment lor lhe term of lhe Lease The tollowing sct€dutc describes lhe tet et of serviles inlerdod. performance will be bas€d on lheRPLO s evaluation ot results. not the lrequencl or method of pertormance. A Tnree llner a..week Empty lresh receptactes S\iyeep entBnces. lobti€s. and conido6. Ctcan drnk[E fountain! SErep and damp nrop or scrubrestrooms Cl€an allreslrooh fxl$es. arld rcplenish restroom supplies. OEpos€ olalltrash and gadage gerE-rated h or about tie euilding. Outinonzontatsurfeces lhat are readily avaitabte and vigibly requale dlJ3ting Clean glass entry doors to thg Sp;ce. g This sup,paragraph has been inlentionatly deleted C lveeUv S\ ieeP o. vacuum 3l8ir5. Damp mop end spray buff ell resili.nl f,oors in restroom! and ma[h unt! Svveop 3idewetks. p.rking are.s, arE dnvewayg (u/eather permmng) D T,li! suFparaOraph has been hteitrcnelly de,.ted E Monthlv Thorougr.ly clust lurntturc comptelety st €ep ando. vacuum carpels. sweep slo.age spece LEASE r{o. 5?{20e-15-rro3, PAGE 2r LEssoqvx4}ovERxrExr: li(- csa FoR L2o2 (05n5} @ 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 942 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) l- Everv two monlhs G :1re€ tjmes a ve6' Everv t\ ! veals Shampoo caipets rn all offces and olher non-public arcas -r-.'s sub-paragraph has been ,ntentronally delBled Da..o wrpe reslioom wastepaper receptaclB stall partitions doors. wndow lllls, and Lames lobbies Wet mop or scrrb gaiages. H l!{@_aEal. Wasi all rnlerror and extenorwrndowr and other glass 5urfac6. Stnp and apdy four coats of linish to resiltent ioorg in lert.ooms. Stnp and rel nish main codd.rs and other heavy lrafrc aleas DLst wall surlaces $rthrn 70 rnches ol the 1l@r. venrcal surlaceg and un(hr surfaces. Clean metal and marble suafaces rn | A!!!gl!y Wash al. venetian blands. and dust 6 months from \ rashing. Vacuum or dusl all surfaces in the Buildino more than 70 inches from lhe foor. i'lcluc 1g lighl fixiures. \ a:i&.r' all dr.penes rn place. Slnp and relinish iooG m ofice3 and secona,ary lobbrc3 and conidors Shsrnpoo c€ryets m coridor3 and loJores. Clean balccnres redges. courts, areaw6y3. and f,al roofs J ! ,.s reouired propeny rnantain ptants and latrs Provde rnitialsLpply rlEtallalion. arld rEptecrrnent of light bulbs. lubes. ba ala, and 3tartqrse.cvic: and empty e)dery asr cans ahd ciean area ot any drscarded crgarene bufls M Fest control Car"ol pests as appropflale. using lntegraled Pest Manrgemenl lecfinque3 as speofed in lhe GSA Envrormer al ManEgoment lntegr.ied Pesl Manegenenl Technrque Guide (E,a02-1ml) 6.08 SELECTtOtt OF CLEAMI{G PROOUCTS (ApR 20.15) The Les6or 6hall use cieaning productE (inciudrng g€neral purpose chanels. floor cteaners. hand !oap. etc.) lhat cornply wth etthe, lhe GlEen Scat standad, the UUEcoLogo slanclard EPA s ocsign tor the Enuronmenl (oiE) designation or a EubalrtuL acc€ptabte to trle RPLO. Hand sgap productg siall also be USOA Ce(ited Brcprefened. 6.0s SELECIION OF pApER PRODUCTS (ApR 2015) The Lessor shall selecl paper and paper product6 (e.9.. reslroon lissue and paper to,trts) conformlng to lhe Gre€n Seal Standard (GS-t). or s subsude sccepiable to the RPLC 6,IO ITITENTIONALLYDELETED 6.1r rialtTENANCE ANO TESTIIG OF SYSTE S (SEp 20,t3) A The Le$or {s responsrble for the tolal marntenance and repair ot tlre lea!€d Prem6es Sudt mainlanance and aepails inctude ttte lit3 and priyato acc€ss roads All equlpmenl and syslems shall be maintained Io provide €liabh. €rErgy eficier 3ervi6 wilhout rxt suat inlemuplion. drtutting ndsea exDosure to fire or safutY hazards urrcomfo(able drafrs. qcessive air velocitEs. or unusual elnilsao.ls ol din. Tho Lessor's mair enence r$fLEibtlity ,nclldes indial supply ari replacernent of atl 3uppliea. matenals_ and equipment n€oEssary for iuch msint6nance. Mainlenance. tBling and inspedi; ol appropoate- equiprYEnt and systen6 shall be done in accordance wrth cunenl rpplEabte codo! rnd nlpeclion ceni6cet6 8ha[ br dirptryld Isppropriate CopEs of all records in thrs regard shalt be torrarded to the cowmment s d660natod rofresenlative. B. Al the LBsor's expenle. the Govarnmenl releivls ll€ nght lo require docwnentrlion ol pr@er opemlions, in3pection, leslrng. and maintenonos of fire proteclon syslems. such as. but not timitad lo, frc atarn. fre sprinktcr standpip$, fre pump. oinargcncy tighting. ifit ninated;*t signs, emergency generator. prior to occuoancy lo enlrura proDer operstaoo These tests shall be nihe83ed by the Govlmrnant's dciignaled represeftaliw. 6.'t2 tttalltlENAricE oF pRovloED FtxtsHES (sEp 20r3] A Ealnl. wa! coveriros Lessor shall msrntam allr|all coverings and high p€alormance p€int coating3 tn "likc n€$/ condition for lhc lifo o, the Lo.se Allpainled 6urtac€s. shallbe reparnted at lhe Lcgsor! erpense mctuding the moung ard retumrrE of fumilhings. 8ny tirie duaing the o@,rprncy bylhe Government if the Oarnt ,s F,ee tng or permanently stained. except *tEre dgmag€d d'le lo the negligence of the Golre;ment ff 6rt lhall bc dorE atar nonnal \ orking hours as delined elsewfEre rn thas Lease ln aatdatton to the foregong requrreneot. 1 L8sor shall reDaint co.nFon are6s at tca6l cvary lhree yeaE. 2 Lesgor shall perlorm clcllcal repamlrng of the SFce gvery 5 yea6 ot occqranc, Thi3 cost, indudrq the movtng alrd retumng of fumlhings. as vlell as disassernbly and €assembly ol systerns fum{ure per manufactuIer's \ /.arrnty. shal be at the Liseor's epense. I Caroet and noonnc 1 Ercopt when damaged by tlre Governmenl. lhe Lessor shall repair or replacg lloorirE al any ltme dudng lhe Lease tetm !/$e.l a Eacting or undedayment is exposedi b There a.e noticeable vanations in sudace color or lerturel c lt has curls. uplurned edge3. or other notceabte variations in texlure: d Tiles are oose or e. Tears oi t'ipprng hazards ars pros€nt LEASS NO. 51'!209-15-CO3, P AcE 22 rEssoRNC&ovERxxErr, N-i?,GSA FORI L202 (05/15) (D 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 943 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) il asbestoE abatemeni /,/1k rs to be performed in the Space afler occup9ncy. lhe Lessor shall sLrbmit lo ttE Go'/emment the ocqrpEnt 8af€ty plan and a oesu.iion cr lie melf:rs ol abalement anc, ae-occupancy clearance. in accord6nc€ wrlh OSHA. EPA. DOT. llate. and locSl caulatrong and gurdance al ,eas 4 wee(s pnor tc iire aoalenent $/ork. 2 NonMthstrnding thc foegoing. as parl of thc rental contrdlrElion tre Le99o ghall redac€ all carpet in the Space as n€adad rYrth I produd \^rrch meeb the requrrements in the 'Floor Coverings and Penmelels' pareg,aph in this Leale. 3 Reparr or replacenrent snall indude lh€ movrng and reluming of fumishings. includrr€ dase&gernbly and Ea!3ambly ol 9yltcms fumrture per ..anrraclurer s w?ranty rf necessary Wo* thall be p€dorncd Sller the normal hours establ5hed ekevrtEle in thir Lease. 613 ASBESTOS AqATEMENT (APR 20.11) 6.14 ONSITE LESSOR nIANAGE'TIEN? {APR 2011) Tha Lesso. shall provroe an cnsite Building superintendent or a locally drsignaled rcprclcnlativ! available to p.omptly E3poM lo dcfqand6. and rnmecralely aodre6s al emergencf situalions. 6 15 IOENTIW VE'iIFICATION OF PERSOINEL (SEP 2013) A Tte Govemment reserves lhe right lo verify identdies ol personnelwilh routri€ pae-occupancy andor unaccompanied aco6s! to Govlrrment !pac€.-ne i.ssor shall comp,) wilh the agency personal ider rty vefllication procedules below thal impbrnenl Ho.idard Sccrrlty Plllit diat Oirlclira-t2 \liSPL-12). Office of l' ;ragerned and Budget (OMB) gu'dance ir-Ot2a and M11-11 and Federal lnfo.mation Procolsing Slandrrds Puuication (FtpS ?UB) t,lumber 201. as a'rended B ;\e Govemment reserves the ig to coiducl addilDnal backgroud chects oi Lgssor per3orn€l and contradors tlilh roslirE accass to Govrmmen(lesse{,space throughoul the lerm of lhe Lease. C t,pon rcque31. lhe -essor wll notrfy llt€ Govemrn€nt \NtEther they wrll u9c ether ttE manual process a.id suknil compbt€d finggrp.int dart8 endbaclground inwst€aticr forms. or use lhe eleclronic process ot lO verification. compteled through the +QlP rFtarn. Thi! srolad b€ done for oachemployee ol lhe-Lerso: as v€ll as ehployees of the Lessor's contractoag or lubcontractoB wllo r!i[ provide buiE g opardting slrvict! GqurirE routirE access to the Govem,ieni 5 lea8ed space for a period grealer than 6 monthg. The Govemment may also req;re thi! iiorm8tion br thr i4lofs employeg8, contracloG. or subcontraclors who w{ be engag€d lo pcrlorm alterataons or emergency lepails in the Govemment,3 8prce. I y€IlialJrocess The Lessor shall proyd-e Form FD 258. Fing.rfhnt Ch.( (available trom the Govammcnt pnntung Oftice atry{SAE4lC{g . and Standard Form 85P. Ouoltionn.lG tq PuUE Trull Po6i[orl3, conpEted by each person and retum€d lo th. REALDROPERTY LEASr\G OFFTCER (or lhe cortracting otficer's desEnated reprerentative) wlhan 30 days lrom receipt ot tne forms. 2 Et€ctronic process The eleclronic Eocess wi be done through the e-Olp sygtem. The Lessor,s contraclo/pcBonnol will reccn€ an cmail a ong with.rnstr|Jctlons lor comptetung the Oltjce of Personnet Electronic Or8stionnarc (e-Olp). The conlBclor/peBonn€t will h8ve up to (7) sevenbusiness days lo rogin and complele the e-OlP for lhe backoround inyeslrgalion The contractor/peBonnet $/ill be inltrucled to accaa3 th! lvcblile. and receive on screen inslruclions $/hich anctude but it is nol tamiled lo a. How to -og tn b How to Arswer and Creale New Golden Questions c Wnd Add{ronai Oocuments to Send d. To Pfini and Srgn two SigialuE Forms (Cenifcatron Tnat My AnstErs Are Tru€) e To corniLete lhe subtlissron process. press the "Rel€8se /R€qu$t Taansmrt lo the Agency' and erit lh€ proce3s I Where to Seno The Le93or musl ensure prompt input. and tirnely rec€ipl ol the foloi$no. from lh€r contractor/p€.Eomd a Two FBi Fingerprinl Cards (Fonn FG258) o. one card produced try a liv*can device. b. Cedificalron That My An$^€rs Are True c AuthorEaton for Release of ldormalion. 0 Tlre L€aEo. must ensure the cont'acting oficer (or lhe conlrEcling officeds designalrd rcprescrialiE) has all of the requcated documenlaton toensure lhe complelion of the r4t/eslgalion. E Based on the Informaton fumashed. the Govemment wll conducl bsckground inveslEaliorE of lhe emphyees. The conlracting ofic{ w[ advEe theLessor rn Mitng f an employ€e fatl6 the in,.€strgalaon. and. efleclrve ammedrately. the emptoyee will no tonger be allo, ed to ,,,/o* ; ba rslagrEd to trork:r lhe iolernnicnt s space.F Trroughout the lif€ ofthe base. the Less(x shall provl(,6 lhe srll€ date for.ny now a,.nployoes, contractors. o. subcontractors $tro wifl be ats€nedlo the Governmenls space. ln lhe evert lhe Le3sors conlractor or lr,/bcontradoal! suboeque;tly redaced. lhe ne{v coitractor or sttcoatrador ir notrequired to 3ub.ni another sal ol these forms lor ernployees \rho were daared throogh lhi3 iro&s ,,rtrite enFtoy€d by tlE torrEr @ntractor orsubcontraclor The L65sor shall Esubmn Form FO 25E 8nd Slandord Fo.m 85P lo( every empoyi cowreO Uy mis patforapi on e S year oasrr. G The L6!9or shsll rns6rl thrs paragraph in all subcontracls wheo lhe subcoitractor is Equircd to hatg ptlfsicat acaess lo a bde,ally contro ad laolrty or access lo a fe(bral hformatron gyslern .:ASi: NO, , PAGE 23 LEssoR:>e.&vERirxE xr: lffR GSA FORta L202 (0r15) (e.\ 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 944 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 5.18 SCHEOULE OF pERtOOtC SERVICE8 (JUX 2012) Wthr 60 days ailer occupancy by the Govemmeart. the L6sor shall paovid€ the RPLO wnh a detaibd rtitEn Bartodub or aI p€.iodic s€rvic63 and rnainlenanc€ to b€ perfc:med other than daity. vycckty, or moilhty 6.'17 LANOSCAPTNG (SUCCEEO|RG| (JU[ 2012) A Landscape mana,oement paactices shatlprewnt po utioo by: 1 Emoloyrrg prratEes whrch svoid o. minimize lhe need for fenilizers and p€ticides. 2 Prohibring tie use of lhe 2.+Oidtto.opheDoxyacet/c Acid {2.4-O) heDtcide and oalanophosphstas: aM 3 ComDoslng' ecvd ng att yard wa8le B - - ;:re Lessor sharl use larEscaprng products wilh r€cycJed content as rcqufied by EPA s CPG GuirrcllrEg tor tandscaping p,odud!. Refsr to EpA,3 C rG r,,/eb sile.l!!!,!r!.g9gl!gl 6.16 LANDSCApE UlttttEt|AflCE (ApR 20lt) Lards.ape mahtenance sharr be perfomed dunng rhe gro$iir! seasoo at not ress than a r€ctty cyaL and shal congist of uatcrii€. uGedang. movrng,aM polrcing the area to keep ii free ol debris Prunrng and fertili2ation slrall be dorE on an as-rBad€d ba€is ln .ddition. daed, oying. or oah.ied ptarfrshall be replaced 6.19 RECYCLtitc iJUN 20t2) FoI Leases oreater than 10,000 rentabl€ SF. wilh a Leas€ lem grcater lhan 8h months. the Le$or sha[ establish a Ecyding program to. (Et amrnlmlm) paper. corrugated cardboa.d, gla$], pl83trca, and metais vvfierelocalma rts for Ecovered matarists exbt. 8 l,rheae stale or local law. code. or o(lananc€ requ.res recycting programs fgr lhe prcm,s€!. La*lor gha comply ! iith stch !t6te and/or tocsllaw.code, or ordinance. :.^-- "^_-ry,'Tp]a:1,19-ary^aq!t]ng.Pros6.In.lhe Lessorshall provid€ an sssily .ccsrlibro. appropi.tety 3ized are6 (2 sF p€tr 1.ooo sF of &nklnggross rr0or arBa) tm{ seive8 the Space for the cdl€dion and sloaage ot mrlerisl! toa rocycfng Tdc@fi rooms ere no( acceptiUe ar rectaing rpacelounnglhe -Lea!€ teJm the Lelsor agr6as. upon rcquGt to provde rE Govemmerlwittr aitOiti&ra nb(mation coicemiaE @ia,g progns,rr! r*irrtairrdln th€ 3uilding aod in the Space 5.20 RAI{OOLPH-SHEPPARD COTPUAI|CE (sEp 2Or3) Dunn! tlE lelrn ot lf€ Lease. the Lessor mey nol 6l8bli9h v€ndirE facililies wrlhin the baa€d spsce lha rvill co.rp€te wth eny Raidolph-shrppard\endiT facilit€s. 4.21 II{TETITIOIIALLYDELETEO 6.22 r{DOOR AtR QUAL|TY (SEp 2Ol3} A. Tne Lessor shall controi contaminants at lhe Source aGuor operale the Space rn guch a m8nncr thsl lhe GSA indicator leveb ioa carbon monoxiil€{co). ca6on dio&de (l.1"1'l and formrldehydc (HcHo) are nol erc€.ded Tho indicalor t€vslr for ofics ar6a3 Bha be: aoi pprir fm. rilight8d Ewrsgs(T/VA a hour sampre). co2 ..000 ppm (TwAr. HcHo o 1 pom (TWA) I The Les€of shall :nale a .easoneble atampt to ipply n3ecticides. paints. gtues. adhegilB!. aod HVAC system cleaning coanpound! $rth hlghtyvdatile or anitaling organic c(mfrounds. outsade o, tvorting hou6 E cept in an o;crgeiCy. thc Lartd shrll p.O;dc al lcall 72-ho; advsnc€ nollc6 tolhe Govormenl belore applying noxous ch€tnlt€b rn oGupred Spac6 and shall ad&uEtay t€ntitatc thosc ipaces ourtng ano atter apptcatim. C ;he Lessoa shall promily rnvestigrta indoor ar quality (tAO) Cgnplaints and lhalt nnFiarnont thc rEca.gary cont ols tO addr*s ihe Complainl. D lte Govemmer reserves ltE nght to corauct 'adcaeident lAe ase33lltenti snd d€daitad atudie! in Sp€ce lhat il oc,cuph!. !! wBI a! att spaceservrng the Space (e.9.. coinmoo use areg!. meafianft:alr@m5. t-tVAC systerns. etc.). Th€ LegSoa lhalt asgdl $re Co"emrnixit in its a$c$nprfr anOdetailed sllriei by I Making availabte information oo Building ope.storrs and Lessor ectivita3: 2 Providing access lo Spgco tor asseslmenl and testing. €quared: and 3 lmplemeoting aoneclhre mealures requi.ed by the RPLO. E Ti6 Lessor shall piovide lo th€ Go\&mm6nl mslori€l sabty datE sheets (MSDS) upon requert tor the foltoring prcducts prior to lhcir u!. (tu.ing th.le'rn of lhe Lease: adriesives. crulkrng- !o.lsnl!. jnsulaling malerials. fireproofng br hrestoppng r't t6rist!, padls, capcts. foor;nd u/rn pdchtfo orlcv6ling malorials. lubricants. clesr 6nbh lor uood surtac€s. jsnito,ial deankE ioduds. pGallodss. rodontlldos, and heoicrdcs. The covcmrledrBerves lhe righl to review suCrt p@ducts ulcd by the L63Or wihin: i The Space: 2 Common Building areas: 3 Venl ation sysrerns and zoo$ servlrE the Space: and LEAS€ xo. 57{20$1s{03. pacE 2. LESsoRESJaovERxrEt{r: NIP. csa FoRr Lj202 (orts)q 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 945 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) . The area abcv3 suspended ce rngs and engrE€nng space in tlle sSme ventilation zon€ as the Spac6 F wlEre hazardous gasses or chemrcals (any produds w h data rn tha l-balth and Safety seclion ot the MSDS sheet!) may be present or u!ed. includng large-scale copying and printing roorns segEgale areas wih ded(-to{ect partitiorE \iith leprrata qJtlide exhautting al a rate of al laast 0.5 cubic le6t pq minute pe- SF no ala recrrculation. Th€ mgchanrcal sy3tem musl operato at a n€gative presgure cornpared wrlh the surounding 3psces of al leasl an average of 3 )a (pascal) (0.02 rnches of t46ler gauge) and rsth ! minmum of 1 Pa (0 Ooa iich€s o, waler gauge) wficn lhe doors to tlt roohs are clased 6.23 RADON rN AiR (SUCCEEOTNG) (SEp 20r3) A Tle radon concentralron In the arr ot the Space shall b€ less thrn /a picocuri$ per later (pCr/L) for childcaE and 25 pCyL for a[ other s9ace. herean called GSA adion lev€ s - a Tesl lcradoll thal portion of Spac€ whrch ls rn grourd contact or closesl to the ground up lo and including the second ioor above grade (Space On lhe third or hrgher tloor above grac,e need nol be mersured): b Reforl i.e resutts to the RPLO upon award and c. Promptly can'y out a correcltve Sction program for any radon concentration tvhrch equats or exceeG the GSA aciton hnels. 2 Testno seouelce The Lessor shall measure radon bythe sl.M.nl lesl in sub-paragrsph O 1. completing the test not tale. than t 50 day! elter award. unless lhe IPLC decdes that th€re i! not cnough lime to @mdete the test prioito Leas€ Tcrm comimencement Drte, in rthicr case lhe Le8sorshall perfo-- the shon test in subpar8grsph O 2 C Corro\ctjve Actior Prooram ' Prooram tntuatron and procedures. a tf erther 'ie Govemment or the Lessor ctetects a radon con@ntration at or ebol/e th€ GSA acton lercts at any time lter avrard or dunrE the lerm of lhe Lease. the Les6or shall proinptly carry out a conectve action program tryhrch reduce! tE corrcentrilion to belo* the GSA aclron levels b lf erlher l.'e Govemment o. lhe Lessor detecls a radoo co.\cenlration al or abo\€ lhe GSA aclion tevals al 8ny time afier Govahmenl occupancy. t e Lessor sha prompty restrict the use of lh€ arleclod area and shrll provide cohparsbte temporaay lpece tor lhe t€nsntt. a3agreed lo by lhe Govemmedl unt the Leslor cafiEs od a plompl corecliv€ adion program $tich raduces the arncentration to belor the GSA action te\ ets and c€iJfes the Space for re-occupanc, c The Lesso. shall provije lhe Govenrnent llllh pdor witten notrce of any proposed coaredive acllon or lenanl retocation The Loalor shail prompllv 'evise lhe Co edi\€ action proglam upon any chsnge tn Bu ding conditaon Or Operation whidr vould altect the program or mcrease the adon aoncentratioi to or above lhe GsA action tsvets d The Lessor shall perfotm lha slandard tesl rn sub-Fragraph O.1 lo assess llle e{tecliveneg! ol a conective aclion program. The Le$o.may also pedcrm the shon lesl in suuparagraph D.2 lo determrne whetlE th€ Space may be occupi€d h,t shall begin thc itanOart tcttconcirriently .v'lh tl-e shon tesl e All measures 1o accommodate delay ol occupancy. cor.eqtive aclion. lenant Glocalion, lenanl 6-occupancy. or fo[o\ /-up mealuGrnent, shall be oroviCed by the Le3sor al no additionet coll lo th€ Govemment t lf lhe Lessor larls to exerose due diligence. or E otherwis6 unebl6 to rsduce the €don @ncenrafun prompdy lo below lh€ GsA adaon levels. th€ Gc,/emrnent may imptement a cofieclNe action prognrn 6nd cleduct its c6t! from lhe rent D 'aestno Procedures 1 Standard Tesl Place alpha lrack deteclo.s throughoul lhe aequircd area ior 91 or more days so thst cach cov€E no more than 2,OOO ABOASF USe Only devrces iLsted rn tl€ EPA REdon Measuremenl Profcjency Program (RMp) applicatjoo device cheddist! Use a hboralory raledprofoenl in th€ EPA RMP to analPe the devica6 Submil the rssults and guppoaling dala (gamplc localion. devtce type, dwalloo. radonmeasuremenlS laboralory proic€ncy c€nficalion numbe.. and the 3Enafure of a r6porBible taboratory oficlal) r'itin 30 day3 after the,r-easurement. 2 S!g4-Igtl. P,sc€ alpha lrack d.l€9lors lor al leasl t4 days. or charcoal canBt€.s lor 2 day6 to 3 days. throughout the Gquired arca so raleach coveE no more lhan 2,000 AEoA sF. slanihg not laler than 7 dayB afre. av/ard use onty'devices tited in th; EpA RMp applicetion devicecheddists. Use 6laboratory rated proficieri inthe EPA RMPtoanatyzrthe devices Subnat thera3utt! and 3upporting data r$thtn'3b dala.ter the+egsurement ln addilion cornpbts lh€ ltafldad te5t nol later than 150 days ater Govemment occi4|.Dcy 6.21 RADOi T}{ ATER lJult 20,r21 A li the w8ter source rs nol lrom a publrc utility the Leasor 6hall demonstr8te thal wate. provid€d lo lhe prBmB€€ i5 in comptianca with EpA requj.emernsand shall submt c€rtilkalion lo the RPLo pnor to the Govaoment occupyrng lhe space. Ileaessor st-:ri B lf lhe EPA action level is reached or exc€eded. the Le3sor shall instiMe appropdate Ebatqnom methods vihich raduca the radon tevets to belo lhrsaclion !.EAS NO . PAGE 25 LEssoR:;O$ovenn err: NTR GSA FORM L202 (O5/l5) 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 946 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) 6.25 HAZAROOUS f,iATERtALS (SEp ml3) A T.e leased Spac€ Siall bo free Of hazardorrg malenats. haza,torrs Subgtarrc68. and hazSadous $rasles. a9 defned ry And accordang lO apph€teFederel. state aod toc?t envrronmental regulatons. Shoutd lhere be re9gon to swpecl otheMile lhe Governmenl reserves ihe rigtlt at Les-sor,s expense. to reqJrre documenlation or testang to confirm lhat Ihe Spac€ rs free of all hazardous maleriats I L3ssor shal lo tns exle.l clrls kno$/iedge. nolify Govemmenl of the inkodrrcton ol arry hazardous malenatg onlo the prope(y by Lessor oa othersnclLd :g bul iot [nriec-: co-:enants occupyrrE space rn t€ Burtdhg 3.26 MOLo (SEP 2a13) A .r rtronable molo s '1otd or lypes and concentralrons ln exc€ss of that found rn lhe local orrtdoor atr g :1e Lessor sha ll prlvrc,e Space to the Govcrnment thal 6 tree frorn actionaue rnold ard frec lrom any condiio.E that reasonabty can b€ anlrcrpaledlo pernt the growlh of a.lronable mot(t or are ndicair€ of the po6srhlity thst actionable mold wiltbe preseflt (indEalo6) a -' sl.rch trmes as re Grvernmenl may direct. rncluding bul not lmited lo. afler a llood. weler damag€ nol caused by lhe Govemmenl. or repairs :a useo by lhe Less or i'e Lessor al ats sole cosl. expcnse and rBk shall: (i) caula an industrirl h)€brssi certrfiad by the Arnericso Board of tMustna IHygrc^,s18 or a qualifiec cor6uttanl (lhe lnsp€do() wfto. in erllrer inslance. is rea3onauy acceptabte U the Govemment.io insped and evatuale the Spaceror lh€ ore6ence ol acl,o'able mold or mold indic€lorsi and (ii) ca6e lhe lnspcclor to d;Iver ihe r6ulls of iE iBpectaoo and evatuation (the neport) to ttreGover"nent wthin 30 cays eiier il conducts same and in all evenls at the same lme that rt dettlers th€ Reporl io Lessor Wth ll€ delivery of thc ileporlto lhe Sovernment the ispeclor shall notily the Go\rcmmenl. m Mting via cov€r Ener to the lepon the lngpeclor drscovers or luspecta the exigtenceci aci cnable moid or tnc,calors in the teased Spac€ C -.e presence ol aaronable mc,d in tE PremBes may b€ lreated as a Casualty as delermmed ry the Govlmment. in accordance wrth th€ Fire andOther :asuaty clarJse ::itaL.ed r,1 tne Generai Clauses 6f thrs Lease tn addrton io the provisrorB oilhe Fire arld OttEr Ciiuehy ctause U Uus t_case. shoulo a portion of the D,gmrses be determined by the Govemmenl to be un-tenaaiablc due to an ad of negiig€nce by tlE L6sor oihs agents. thc Lesso,sh.ll povte roasombly acceptable altemative Space at lhe Lessor,s e,Oense. inctuding lh€ cost of moving, anO ani, rcquir€d .tterationa. E lf the Repon indicaleE that acljonabte moid or rndicalqs are prelent in the leased Space the L6sor. al jt! lola cost. expanse and risk, lhall wthin30 days at€r s reccip lf ihe Report: 1) relain 6n axpenenced mold rernedralion corrractor reasonably acceptable to the Gor€rment lo pI€psag andsubmll to the Governme:I ard Lessor a remedtatron ptan (he ptan) and within 90 days aner tE Gov6nm; .r approval of lhe ptan, rerncdate theactionable mokl or th€ iT alicalo6 ln the leased Space. bui paor lo commencing such .efiediaton. Lersor sh€ll land t* Govemmca a notice slstir€ (i) the clate on whlch the ac onrble motcl remedtalton 6hall stan and how long [ 15 ,qecled to corrrnu€. (ii) wttid ponion of lhe leased Space sna bc su6ieirlo the remediation. and L i) the remediation paoceduros and standads lo be uscd lo rmptement lhc Plan and th€ clearance cnleria lo be emp{oyed at theconclusron ot the remedratio. and 2) nottty. in acco(dance wilh any applicable F6deral. stale. and tocal health and gafety requremenls, lhe Govemmentemplol€es as u€llas aliother occupants o, and visilors to the teased Space ofthe nature. tocatro.t and schedde fo. th€ pianied rcmrdElion arxl rea3on3 !herefore. F ihe Lessorshallbe f$ponsrble for conductrng tlE remedratton an ac@rdance with lhe relevant provrsioaE otlhe documer entithd "Mok Remedialtohrn Scnools and Comme'od Burldings" (EPA 402-K-01-0O1, March 2OO1). publillEd by the U.S Environmenlal protection Agency, as same may beamended Or revised from lime to tiroe and any olhar applicable Fadera,. stale. or locAt taws. regulEtory 3tandards 8nd guideline; G T.e Lessor aclnolrredges and agrees that lhe Govemmenl shatt have a reasonabb oppo.tunrty tO inspect the tessed SpAce alter conctl,3ion ot ltEremec'atlon rl lhe resJiis ot lhe Governmenls rnspeclion indrcale lMt tlE remedaalron do€s nol cornpty wttr ttre clan or a;y dher sppiicabte Federatslate or local law! regulatory slanda.ds or guidelhes. lhe Leglor at lt3 lole co3t. apense and rilk 3h;I inrmedirtely take ait funhor adions nec,ls3aryto br:l^E Ihe remediatior ,i'rto complianc! H ll tfE Lessor fails to e)aerciSe due dlhgerrce o. 13 otheltltse unab{e lo remediate lhe actionabte mold. the Govemhent may implement a conecliveacbon o.ogram and deduct its cosb from th€ renl 6.21 OCCUPAT{T Ef,EROETCY pLAt{S (SEp 20,t3) The_Lessor is requlred to coope.ate. panicDale and_gomp, wrth lhe developmen( .nd trnpl€rncnt lion of the Gowmment s Occup.d Eme.qency ptsn iOEP) and if neccs8sr) a supplemental Shelter-in Ptace (StP) ptsn periodicalty. the Go\€mment may requBl th.t tE !6sor a;irt an revi€*ng andrevlsrng it6 OEP and SIP The Plan. among olher thrng6. lnwt rnclude an annual eiErgency evacuation d;I, emergency nolifcation proccdlEr t;r lhe Lesscr s Building engi.eer or manager. Euttdang secunty. locat errErgenc] perlonnal. ar|(, GWemmcot agenCl pcrsonnei 6.24 IXTE IOiIALLY DELETEO LEASE t{O. 57-4209,15-0i3, PAGE 25 rEssoR)f,j] GovERxrENr: l\ ili GSA FOR L202 (0r,rs) 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 947 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) SE:iiON 7 T DDiTIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 7.Ol SECUR'TY S iANDAROS (JUN 2Ot2) The Lessor agrees lo :.e req,.; rements ol Security Level I aiached to lhis Lease rDEN 'TY VERtFtCA'r- a X OF PERSOT{ EL (t[AY 2012) A _ 5e Gclernn'enl -eseNes the right to verity rdentates of peBonnel wlh rouline access to Governmenl Space. The Lessor shall co.nply wth the agenc. Dersonal rdenlil, vealicat|cn procedu.es hlow lhal implernenl HOMELAND SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL OIRECTIVE- 12 (HSPD-12) Offce of Manacement and BudSe! rO'\48) gudance M-05-24. and Fed€ral lnformation Procsssing Standard3 Publication (FIPS PUB) Numbsr m1. as amended 3 _ _e Lessor shal, ied thrs paragraph rn all subconlracl! whcn lhe subcontrsctor is requirod lo hav€ p+rystcat acasss to a federally cont olted facjtaty or acc-ss lo a fede;al ,-'r:rnalton system C Lessor complance rrlh paragraph6 1 through 4 below will suffice lo me€t lhe Lessors requirem€nls under HSPE12. OMB M-05- 24, and FIPSPUB Numb3.2C1 - The Gover.r enl reserves lhe nghl to clrdud baclground checrs on Lessor p€Bonnel and co.rtracto.s with aouine accels to Govenrnent Eased space '7.02 1U 205 209 3.11 314 3.15 332 336 341 102 405 6.03 0.06 6.10 621 628 7.03 IIOOIFIEO PARAGRAPHS: THE FOLLOWT{G PARAGRAPHS HAVE BEEN fODtFtEO tl{ THls LEASE 2 lJoon reques he L*sor shall submrt complsl€d fingerpnnl chart! and beclground inveltEatiql foams br Each employee ol lhe L€|ssor. aS $dt asem9loyeesoflh€Lessor'sconlraclof!orsubcq.llracloG.whotrlllrrovdobuildingoperaltng!€McegEquidngrouttneaccesstotheGovemmer's ieased space for ; penod grealer than 6 monlhs. The Got€mmont m6y sbo requre this information for thelelso/9 enptoye€s, confado.s. orsubconlladoB whc wlll be engaged lo pertolllt alteralrcns or eme.g€rlcy replirs in the Go!€rfffler{,s Spscr. .:1 Upoln requesi lhe Lessor must provlde Fom F0-258 Frngerfrinl Chan (availsbie fro.n thc FSA Slaie Ofica). ard Strnd.d Form OS. NationatAgency ch€ck wti lnqurres co.npieted by eaci p€Bon and returnod lo the RPLo (or the RPLO'S deligoated raprssentatrt c) nithin I) daF frornrec€ipt of the foms Based on tlE mfonnalion fumEhed. th€ covemmenl will cordud bad(grourn inEltigations o{ lhe erployeB. Ihe RPLO winadvBe lhe Lelsor n vwlllng d an e.hployaa fril! thc h\€slEatron ard etkit! mrEdielety. ttr ernptoyee *tl no tol|ger be eilo$€d lo vo,t( or be6is(rned to work ,- :r Govemmenl s Spac€. 4 Throughou( l-e hfe of !h€ Lea6e. upon leqrrc!1. the Lessor 6halt provde lfE sarle dala for any nes ernplole€s. conlraclo'!. or sut@otrlctols$to will be asgrgrel lc the Govemmenl's Spac! ln the evlnt tha Le3sor,s Cor(raclor or 3lbcodraalor 6 lub3€iuen y a€placsd. the ngvr Cortracloro' sijb.onlracior ,s rol .eeu(ed lo slunil another !€l ot lh*e loms fo( employeeg wtlo urre cleared frough ihs plo;ls vrilc employcd by thelc.mer conlractor a'subcontreclor The Lesor shatt Esubmd Folm FD-2S€ and Stardard Form g5 fc a/ery inptqpe COvereO by lhi! paiag.adh Ona 5-yea. basrs OELETED PAiAGRAPHS: THE FOLLOwtt{c pAR,AcRApHS HAVE BEE}a OELETEO FROr THIS LEA8E: BROKER COMUTSSTON ANO COMMTSSTON CREDTT (JUN 2012) RENEWAL RIGFTS (SEP 2013) PAYMENT OF EROKER (JUL 2011) REAT ESTATE -AX AOJUSTMENT (JUN 2012) OPERATING COSTS AOJUSTMENT (JUN 2012) AUTOi,IATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM (SEP 2013) FIRE ALARM SVSTEM (SEP 2013) ELEVATORS (SEP 2013) FLAGPOLE (SEP 2013) ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTROLS (JUN MI2) JANITOR CLOSgTS (SUCCEEDING) (JUN 2012) DUE OILIGENCE ANO NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT REQUIREMENTS - L€AS€ (SEP 2014)gurLD|NG SPECIFTC AMORTTZED CAP|TAL (B{;AC) pRrCE PROPOSAL (SEp m12 sErsMrc RETROFTT 1SEP 2013) UTILITIES SEPARATE FROM RENTAUBUILDING OPERATING PLAN (AUG 2OI1} OVERTIME HVAC USAGE IJUN 20'2) SNO1^./ REMOVAL (APR 2011) SAFEGUARDING AND OISSEUINATION OF SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED (SBU) BUILOING INFORMATION (SEP 2OI3) FLAG OSPLAY (SEP 2013) 201 334 5.08 607 RENT ANO OTiER CONSIOERATIONS (APR 2OI5I DEFINITIONS ANO GENERAL TERMS (SEP 2013) RESTROOMS rSEP 201s) FLOOR COVER'\GS AND PERIMETERS (APR 20I5) JANTTORTAL SERVTCES (JUN 2012) i:AS NC P AGE 27 LESsoRMft ovenue,rr, ln1 R GSA FORM L202 (05,115) 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 948 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) EXHIBIT A USDA PREMISES €) -l -1 l tl tNtflALS: cow [llR LESsoRsrL/3 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 949 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease) EXHIBIT A.1 PARKING PLAN @ rNrrArs: Gowl[(EssoR ]C\A t l I rla\ r T tl i\ .i.I' - I { t I I l 16.D.3.b Packet Pg. 950 Attachment: USDA Lease 2017 Fully Executed (4528 : USDA Termination of Lease)