AuEUst 7, 2Ol7
Naples, Florida
LEf IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30
A.M.in aWORK\NG SESSION at 3299 TamiamiTrail East, Building F,5th Floor, Training Room, Naples, Florida, with
the following Members present:
Present:Steve Hruby, Chair
Taylor Mclaughlin, Vice-Chair
John Cowan
Mary Waller
Litha Berger
Carlos Portu
Scott Kish
Denise Murphy
Joseph Schmitt
Christina Apostolidis
Kristi Bartlett
ALSO PRESENT:Kim Grant, Director - Community and Human Services
Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - cHS
Steve Carnell, Administrator Public Services
Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services
Leslie Reyes, Summer lntern
Cormac Giblin - Housing & Grants Development Manager
Susan Golden - Senior Housing & Grants Coordinator
Anita Jenkins,GMD
Angela Goodner, commissioner Solis's Office
Tim Durham, CMO
Deborah Forester, CRA Director
Public PRESENT: Barbara Melvin - FFI Bank; Michael Puchalla, HELP; Antonio Dumorney, ICU;
Maxene Exantes, ICU: Nick Kouloheras, Habitat; Darlyn Estet Sheriffs Office; Gary Petit-Dar; Laura DeJohn, JEI;
Ana Castilta, TD Bank; Tu Chi, Marriott; Jesse Perdon, NABOR; Mary George, Community Foundation; Gladys Cook,
Florida Housing Coalition; AB Dwyer, RE; Jane Payne, Supreme Lending; Doug Hartman, GNL; Lori Freibur& North
Collier Fire; Claire Raley, Bank United; Reg Boxton; Marlene Sherman; Christine Welton, Housing Coalition; Gary
Hains, Florida Star; Jim Warnkin, DLC; Alan Horton, At Large;
Steve Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. and read the procedures to be observed during the
meeting. He led in the Pledge ofAllegiance.
All eleven members were in attendance, therefore a quorum was established.
The motion was made to approve the agenda by John Cowan and was seconded by Carlos Portu. The
group voted 11-0 to approve the agenda.
b. Mary Waller made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of July 3, and Litha Berger
seconded. The group unanimously approved with a vote of 11{.
5. PuBuc CoMMEtfr
There were two requests for public comment - Jane Payne from Affordable Lending and Anita Jenkins from
the Growth Management Department.
6. olscussloN mMs A]{D PnEsENTAno s
a. Cormac reviewed the applications for reappoint to the committee, the results are as follows:
John Cowan: A motion to reappoint was made by Carlos Portu and seconded by Mary Waller.
The vote was 11{ for approval.
Kristi Bartlett: Denise Made the motion to reappoint which was seconded by Mary Waller. The
Sroup voted 114 to reappoint.
.Mary Waller: Litha Berger motioned to reappoint and Denise Murphy seconded. The vote was
11{ in favor of her reappointment-
Christina Apostolidis and Carlos Portu told the group that they were reapplying for membership
on the committee. The group wanted both of these candidates to remain on the committee.
They voted as follows:
Christina Apostolidis: Mary waller motioned to approve the reappointment upon her
application resubmittal and Kristi Bartlett seconded. The vote was 114 for approval.
Carlos Portu: Litha Berger motioned to reappoint upon his application resubmittal and Kristi
Bartlett seconded. The group voted 11-0 to approve.
There were two additional candidates that submitted applications - Jacob Winge and Carol
Hollander. With the above reappointments, there would be oo additional vacancies. The
group wants to keep their applications on file as possible replacements for someone who
b. Kim debuted PS/6(s for "Housingthat is affordable". The new PSA'S were previewed to the group that
were produced for air on social media and Collier Television showing members of the public defining
terminology related to affordable housing. The group enjoyed the presentations and Kim
complimented Jason Rummer and Daniel Christenbury on their contributions on the production of
the videos.
c.Cormac reviewed the Draft Community Housing Plan page by page with the Broup. Some comments
were as follows:
i. Request to know how many developers requested increased density from 16
ii. Steve Hruby asked that Redevelopment and other Strategic sites be added to
the plan.
iii. AHAC member comment - need "opt out'' fee (in lieu of) to be significantly
more than S10,00O (suggestions were in the amounts of S100,00O).
iv. Cormac - density bonus models show that a developer who uses such makes
more profit than those developers who do not choose to.
v. A more clear definition/picture of where the "urban" area begins and concludes
is requested.
vi. Joe Schmitt and Dr. Portu requested that more "sunshine" be provided with
administrative approvals for public scrutiny.
vii. lf a project and developer has invested funds in, is then rejected by the Planning
or BCC Boards, then a reimbursement of said expenses should be considered
back to the developer.
viii. Why are there so many rejections based on the LDC by GMD to a developer?
Create a list to identi{y and correct.
ix. On Page 25 of the presentation, identiry what the "zones" would look like in
Collier Count relating to "Smart Code".
x. Steve Hruby made a general comment that for growth to continue, "it should tie
the incentive to the consumer and the developer togethe/'.
xi. Dr. Portu asked why there were no changes from current unit square foot
requirements. Such as to allow for smaller units (single family and multi-unit).
xii. lnclude employment job types and number associated with such as part of the
plan (Kristi Bartlett and Steve Hruby request).
xiii. The USDA had housing funding available for those at 104% of AMI (such as
xiv. Add "rural lands" and rural land stewardship as areas for housing that is
xv. GMD commentary presented by Anita -
1. Referenced and did not explain what the "new town and villages
program" is?
2. Requested a better understanding from the plan (AHAC) how "linkage
fees" and "mixed income" incentives will work?
3. Requested definition ofGross and Net Density as a site measurement
(may not have heard that request correctly)?
4. AHAC needs to provide the "hearing examine/' better direction on how
to review projects.
xvi. clarity is requested regarding confusion over "densi( and "by right''versus
asking for increased density?
A motion was made by Joe Schmitt to approve that the plan be presented to the BCC. Litha Berger seconded and
the group voted 11{ in agreement.
At the next meeting, a representative from each subcommittee wlll attend the AHAC meeting. We will
review the report, get input from the AHAC in preparation to take the report to the BCC. On 9127 a
workshop will be held to go into details of the plan.
There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 a.m. after
being motioned by Mary waller, seconded by Litha Berger and havinB a final vote of 8-0.
Meeting chante: The meeting originally scheduled for september 4, 2017 was changed to September 11, 2017
with a motion from Litha Berger, a second from Mary Waller and a vote of 7{. (Denise Murphy, Taylor
McLaughlin and Carlos Portu left before the end of the meeting).
Location: sth FloorTraining Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 TamiamiTrail East.
CoufvrY AovrsoRY
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
OR "os omended' L).
ECL A 2077, "ds submifted' L)