AHAC Minutes 07/17/2017MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING June 5, 2017 Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESSTOTV at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 5th Floor, Training Room, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Steve Hruby, Chair John Cowan Mary Waller Taylor McLaughlin, Vice Chair Kristi Bartlett Scott Kish Christina Apostolidis Carlos Portu Litha Berger Joseph Schmitt Denise Murphy Absent: ALSO PRESENT:Kim Grant, Director - Community and Human Services Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services Cormac Giblin - Housing & Grants Development Manager Susan Golden - Senior Housing & Grants Coordinator Public PRESENT:Barbara Melvin - FFI Bank A.B. Dwyer 1. CluroOnorn Steve Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m. and read the procedures to be observed during the meeting. He led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. RoLr CALr - CoMMITTEE MrangrRs lro Smrr Seven members were in attendance, therefore a quorum was established. 3. AppnovIl.oFAGENDAANo MINUTES a. The motion was made to approve the agenda by John Cowan and was seconded by Mary Waller. The group voted 7-0 to approve the agenda. b. Mary Waller made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of May t, and John Cowan seconded. The group unanimously approved with a vote of 7-0. Excused 4. INFORMATIo]{A1 TTEMS Cormac told the group that the Stakeholders Committee was working on the 7 main focus areas of theULl report. He is talking to the chairs of the 7 committees bi-monthly a nd progress looks good. Since the last meeting the Florida Housing Coalition has been hired to write parts of the plan. They have a 60 day period in which they will do their research and craft their portion. Listed belowareall the areas of study, the chairs and a short recap oftheir progress. 1. Density, Certainty of Process and lnclusionary Zoning combined into lgroup. Cormac and Nick Kouloheras from Habitat are the co-chairs. They are working with the Growth Management Department reworking the density plan that the county is currently using and working on adding greater density to areas where it makes sense. They are currently working on their outline for the big report. 2. lmpact Fees are being run by Cormac and Susan Golden. They are looking into the current program and ways to make it better. They are also looking at other counties and what they are doing in this area. 3. Stable Funding Source is being chaired by Kim Grant. This group is working with the Florida Housing Coalition on possible funding sources including a true linkage fee, a restaurant surcharge tax, ZC sales tax for infrastructure, general fund money and possible philanthropy. 4. Steve Hru by is chairing the county su rplus land and land trust items. Under the direction of Commissioner Taylor, a list was created of over 300 properties that are owned by the county. Out of these the top 10 will be vetted for size and whether or not they are a suitable location to build affordable housing. They are also looking into having the BCC adopt a policy of bringing the possibility of talking about affordable housing in every new acquisition. The Florida Housing Coalition will help develop and build a model. Steve is also working with Commissioner Taylor to get funding. 5. Transportation is being lead by Michelle Arnold. They are researching other modes of transportation, encouraging connectivity between gated communities, carpooling and park-n-ride locations. 6. Michael Dalby's group is looking into the public communication as the process heads forward and public outreach of the plan once it is finalized. This includes public service announcements such as - What is affordable housing? What is inclusionary zoning? The purpose is to try to generate public interest and buy-in of the programs. Kim will be attending this committee's next meeting along with Jason Rummer and Daniel Christenbury. Theywill be producinga public announcement to be release in August. Someone asked about attendance at the stakeholder meetings. Cormac said the last meeting was down in attendance, but Kim Grant said some of the subcommittees had recruited other members of the community to assist in their specific effort. Cormac is also setting up outreach sessions with major interests to get the word out. ln late August AHAC will have a meeting to present a "draft" of the plan to solicit public input. 5, PuBuc CoMMEirI There were no requests for public comment. a 2 6. D6cussto mMsAND PREsErrATrcNs b. Jason Rummer brought answers to some questions from the meeting of last month. He told the group that GroMh Management had worked on numbers telling us who is moving here and what the housing needs are. The GMD report supported our position. Steve asked Jason to find out how many people drive in to Naples for work from Broward and Dade counties? Jason said he will bring the answer to the next meeting. 7. ADJOURN Cormac encouraged all ofthe members to attend the next Stakeholders meeting. One topic of discussion will be to develop an AHAC version of the community vision. There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 a.m. after being motioned by Kristi Bartlett, seconded by Mary Waller and having a final vote of 7-0. NErI MEgflI{G: Meeting: Iuly 3, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. Location: sth Floor Training Room, Admlnistration (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East. CoLUER ADvISoRY en The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on OR "os omended' l). lrlt 2O17, "as submitted' l(l a. Thefinal report from the ULI was passed out to all members of the committee. Steve reviewed the report and asked for open discussion. Kristi Bartlett was concerned that the community vision could be turned into one cohesive vision. She feels every group has a vision of their own. Kim told the group that our implementation schedule was much more aggressive than the recommendations from the ULl. Taylor McLaughlin asked about the number of units that we feel is right for affordable housing. Cormac told her that we reviewed the demand model at the last meeting and that it will be incorporated in the community housing plan. He said that the number shifts as the community changes.