Agenda 07/07/2015 Item #16G27/7/2015 16.G.2.
Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting as the Airport Authority,
approves the attached First Amendment to the Collier County Airport Authority Standard Form
Lease with the Florida Department of Military Affairs and Standard Form Lease with Tellus
Florida. LLC.
OBJECTIVE: To achieve efficient land use while accommodating tenant land use needs within the
parameters of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved airport master plan at the Immokalee
Regional Airport.
CONSIDERATIONS: Tellus Florida, LLC (Tellus) recently relocated its construction, manufacturing,
and storage of prefabricated home - building materials operations from Lee County to the Immokalee
Regional Airport. Tellus is subleasing space in Incubator I from KPK Management, and is in need of a
one -acre parcel of land for the storage of prefabricated materials.
On May 8, 2015, in accordance with the terms of its lease, the Florida Department of Military Affairs
timely notified the Airport Authority that it intends to vacate the four (4) acres of land it currently leases
at the Immokalee Regional Airport no later than December 31, 2015.
A one acre portion of the Florida Department of Military Affairs current leasehold area would be the most
advantageous site to locate Tellus' prefabricated concrete residential and commercial building materials.
The Florida Department of Military Affairs has informed us they do not need the entire four acres for the
remaining lease period. As such, the Florida Department of Military Affairs and the Airport Authority
have agreed to reduce the boundaries of the leasehold from 4 acres to 3 acres and proportionately reduce
the rent.
*Annual land lease rate reflects Board approved rate at the time the lease commenced.
Per the Board approved Airport Authority rates and charges (January 13, 2015, Agenda Item 16G6,
Resolution 2015 -10, the initial annual rent for the one acre of property leased by Tellus will be $6,202.94,
plus applicable sales tax.
1 acre = 43,560 sf @ $0.1424 /sf /yr = $6,202.94/yr or $516.91/ month + tax
In additional to rent, Tellus will pay an initial commercial operating fee of $200, plus applicable sales tax,
per the Board approved rates & charges.
Tellus shall install temporary fencing to segregate its leasehold from the Florida Department of Military
Affairs' leasehold, as shown on Exhibit A. In exchange, no rent will be charged for the first month while
Tellus relocates materials and equipment to the area.
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Square Feet
0.1400 /sf /yr
0.1400 /sf /yr
Note: The Florida Department of Military Affairs is tax- exempt.
*Annual land lease rate reflects Board approved rate at the time the lease commenced.
Per the Board approved Airport Authority rates and charges (January 13, 2015, Agenda Item 16G6,
Resolution 2015 -10, the initial annual rent for the one acre of property leased by Tellus will be $6,202.94,
plus applicable sales tax.
1 acre = 43,560 sf @ $0.1424 /sf /yr = $6,202.94/yr or $516.91/ month + tax
In additional to rent, Tellus will pay an initial commercial operating fee of $200, plus applicable sales tax,
per the Board approved rates & charges.
Tellus shall install temporary fencing to segregate its leasehold from the Florida Department of Military
Affairs' leasehold, as shown on Exhibit A. In exchange, no rent will be charged for the first month while
Tellus relocates materials and equipment to the area.
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FISCAL IMPACT: The total annual rent received from the Department of Military Affairs of
$18,295.20 shall be paid in equal monthly installments of $1,524.60.
The total annual rent received from Tellus Florida of $6,202.94 shall be paid in equal monthly
installments of $516.91, plus applicable sales tax, currently six (6) percent or $31.01, for a total monthly
payment of $547.92. The total commercial operating fee will be $200, plus applicable sales tax, currently
six percent or $12, for a total fee of $212.00
The rents and annual operating fee shall be deposited into Airport Authority operating Fund (495),
Immokalee Regional Airport Cost Center (192330).
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved for form and legality and requires a majority vote
for approval. -JAB
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners acting as the Airport Authority
approves and authorizes the Chairman to execute the attached First Amendment to the Collier County
Airport Authority Standard Form Lease with the Florida Department of Military Affairs and the Standard
Form Lease with Tellus Florida, LLC.
Prepared by: Justin Lobb, Airport Manger, Airport Authority
Attachments: 1) First Amendment to Land Lease Agreement with the Department of Military Affairs
2) Land Lease Agreement with Tellus Florida, LLC
3) Termination Letter from the Department of Military Affairs
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.16.G.16.G.2.
Item Summary: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting
as the Airport Authority, approves the attached First Amendment to the Collier County Airport
Authority Standard Form Lease with the Florida Department of Military Affairs and Standard
Form Lease with Tellus Florida, LLC.
Meeting Date: 7/7/2015
Prepared By
Name: LobbJustin
Title: Manager - Airport, Growth Management Department
6/26/2015 3:50:33 PM
Submitted by
Title: Manager - Airport, Growth Management Department
Name: LobbJustin
6/26/2015 3:50:35 PM
Approved By
Name: LynchDiane
Title: Supervisor - Operations, Growth Management Department
Date: 6/26/2015 5:29:17 PM
Name: ShueGene
Title: Division Director - Operations Support, Growth Management Department
Date: 6/26/2015 5:48:19 PM
Name: KearnsAllison
Title: Manager Financial & Operational Support, Growth Management Department
Date: 6/29/2015 9:02:26 AM
Name: BelpedioJennifer
Title: Assistant County Attorney, CAO General Services
Date: 6/29/2015 10:01:38 AM
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Name: CasalanguidaNick
Title: Deputy County Manager, County Managers Office
Date: 6/29/2015 10:21:58 AM
Name: FinnEd
Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Senior, Office of Management & Budget
Date: 6/29/2015 11:56:21 AM
Name: IsacksonMark
Title: Division Director - Corp Fin & Mgmt Svc, Office of Management & Budget
Date: 6/29/2015 12:06:50 PM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney,
Date: 6/29/2015 2:22:39 PM
Name: CasalanguidaNick
Title: Deputy County Manager, County Managers Office
Date: 6/29/2015 2:29:27 PM
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, 2015 by and between Florida Department of Military Affairs, hereinafter
referred to as the "Lessee," and Collier County Airport Authority, hereinafter referred to as
"Lessor," collectively stated as the "Parties. ".
WHEREAS, on November 1, 2014, the Parties entered in to a Standard Form Lease for
storage of construction equipment, military vehicles, and related equipment at the Immokalee
Regional Airport (hereinafter referred to as the "Lease ");
WHEREAS, on May 8, 2015 the Lessee notified Lessor that it intends to vacate the
leased premises no later than December 31, 2015
WHEREAS, until such time as the Lessee vacates the ]eased premises, the Parties desire
to reduce the boundaries of the leased premises and proportionately reduce the rent.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals, and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged..
the Parties agree as follows:
1. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are incorporated by reference herein.
2. Exhibit "A" is replaced with the attached Exhibit "A," which reduces the size of the Leased
Premises from four acres to three acres.
3. Paragraph 7 is amended to reduce the annual rent to $18,295.20, which shall be paid in
equal month installments of S1524.60 a month beginning on July 1, 2015. All other terms and
conditions set forth in Paragraph 7 remain in full force and effect.
4. Excepting the aforementioned modifications set forth herein, all terms and conditions of the
Aareement remain in full force and effect. This First Amendment merges any prior written and
oral understanding and agreements, if any, between the parties with respect to the matters set
forth herein.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this First Amendment to Collier County
Airport Authority Standard Form Lease on the date and year first above written.
ice. e d .�
Print$(ame: Ls 1
Approved as for form
and legality
Jennifer A. Belpedio
Assistant County Attorney
Valeria Gonzales -Kerr
Colonel, Logistics
Florida National Guard
State Quartermaster
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7/7/2015 16.G.2,
Department of Military Affairs
I "X 'I �4uhat 0 currill
0111"I'i-Irt of e7%144
St. Francis Barracks, P.O. Box 1008
St. Augustine, Florida 32085 -1008
May 8, 2015
Mr. Robert Tweedie, Airport Manager
Collier County Airport Authority VIA: FedEx
2005 Mainsail Drive
Naples, FL 34114
Re: Collier County Airport lease Customer 4303021
Dear Mr. Tweedie:
Our current lease is set to expire on October 31, 2015.
With your permission, we would like to exercise our renewal option for two (2)
additional months. This would be from November 1, 2015 through December 31,
2015 at the rate of $2,032.80 per month.
Thank you for your consideration. If you should have any questions please feel
free to call me.
;t 1
Valeria Gonzalez- err
Colonel, Florida National Guard
State Quartermaster
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1111 t, C0111Cr COURTy Airport, Auihoniy S=dard Form. Least, iicrcinaficr i-cferr-cd it) as
*Lcase,* is entered inici this _ day of . 2015, by and between Tellus Flurid;L LLC. L
Florida limited liability carporution, whose mailing addre ss is ?8711 South Dim) Drive, Suite
10, Bonita Sprlrigs, Florida :14135 licreinaficr referred to w, 'UsscC and the Collier Count-%
Airport Author,ti. % ith administrative Offlizes locaicd at -2003 Main of Drixv, Suite 1. Naples,
Florida 34114, hereinafter refc-rcd to Ls -.Authoritv.' collwi%viv stated as the 'Parties.*
W I T.X ESSET 1-1-
NONNI. THEREFORI-i, in con.Mderation of Ten Dollars (S10.00) and other pawed and
valuable consider -ation cwhanued arrianam the Panics, and ill CLMSWCtalitln of the cm-crtanis
contained herein. the Parties hcrcby enter into this Lease on the following terms and conditions,
1. Co twee ance.. On the wmiss- and condilions, set forth in this" Leasi., and in
considcration of Lvssec's Tier i-on, iamX: under this ..cap:. thl- AuihoriTy conveys to the Lessee the
prcscni potvscssor% interest ira the lxa,&,d Pr-cmiscs -JC-SC7ih;-d bCIOW
I Descri
rlian.o.-Jxascd T-Ircrilises. Tht: Leased Premises gvhich is the sub.icct of this
Leas,- is incaied al he, 1mmol.aL-c Revional Airrait. in Colfill-r Count%,, Florida, consists (if L)n.,-
(I iacru, as shown in Lxliibit hercinaficr refcrred to as the `Preraais s.'
--vincc. LcssL�c wirra- t
ats jad ft:pmscints it) A,ulhorilN thal it
tO COTI, I .
has e%arnined the title and houndarics ot'Ific Prcmii;es, *,LLcordjrg1\% this com,cyance is suD.wct
I L ? a 110 1, the fo I " C, w ,, nt'.:;:
a. -'%nV aTId all C.011L!16031S. Feg�riciions, encuml-rvirc� and 11mitivions novw
rccorded U=insl the llrcmim.-S.
b Any and ail existing or fuT
rc 7onirtg lzvs or ordinances"
c4 xkny quesiions Ali bile and survey that mac arise in the f"a"un:: acid
d. " "atisfactory Ivrformancc of 111 i-,-rm% and conditions of1his Lcasc-
4 Yrernikc_-ti-- I-Cz c" c shall tttlh..e fliv Per >4C;. f'or zon�;Irucl,10:11
ma ;�w d' prefabri,"tw-J c:ou;:rctc rc-siacntial and Commercial building
awfactur-ing, anj ";Zvra-
L i ze the
MACria's, Authorh� shall hoxc the riaht o terminatt i.his -ifiould Lcssce u i i
Premises in anv marincr Incontsisicni iNi!1, the approvt:d usc- In the event Less et! shall cea-se to
.vqg° the Premises for the pure Esc= descrilcd 11crch i.. and such cz:ssaion Ot USC -Sh ail Wnt';MW fOr
neriod ofqixiv 160) dxtvs. this Lcw&c. at the option of"the Authority. upon thin y 030) days v\tlticrt
riatice to the Lcsscti_ shadl be cniiinasicd anid Lessee surrrmicr and xacale 9.11C Premises it,
t , I - -ivide-d. ho r, i
.hc Authoril% within lhirt\ 00) ddys at`w-r notice cif' term Mat ion. I'm weve sa d
sit (401 day period Nhail he tolled if Nuch CcKsallop is Caused tly events heyond th.- control of
the lx5see such a� acts of (Jod or ifsu,h ccsmiion is due to ciusing for reconstruction or -cpairs
to the building constructect b\ Leswc on the Lcascd Premises. Lessee Mia-11 not u-sr or allo-%\
pa ,-!t: I (it, 10
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allvo;1C tO USC thr 11rrunisc-S I'Or -e-oliential p rn, orc"; OT as a pubhe meeting Place or faC1111" (it --rk\
i. flermissibiq AltenXjoivs and Additions to Premiscs, ssec may not makes anv
alteraCtons tar addhions to the Premises %kithout obtaining Authority's prior wrincn comicni.
%x.-hich consent may be v-,ithheld in Authority's soic dL%cretion- Lessee sUl, submit to Authority
-rati ons, and additions at the time Nuthorit
Plans and specific�tions for all alit: y s consent is sought,
6. Term of'Leznc. 'I'lic term of dais Lease sluill commence on the date fin-'st above
Nvriticn and shall rcrawn in effect for as periud of one. (1) y=. 17his Icase may hr terminated
with at Icust sixty (60) days advance written notice to terminate given by one party io the other
So loo g, as the Lessee is not in dcfault of any cal` the terms herein and has no payment
arrearagcs, this Agreement may he ren.-wml fear four (4) addhional one (1) ycar tcrins. The
txssor shall advise the Lessee in VNTifin- in the event of a default which results in an
cmingeuishment of the right to automatic renewal of this Agreement. Absent such notice, this
Agreement shall autonintically rcrww unim the Lessee Ovcs %7itten rtolicc of an election not it)
exercise 111is Opfion at least O OI
thirty f ) Jzys Prior it, the expiration tit this Agreement. Sch
. �V . -h ' i u
option shall thereafter be and b-CCOMC flull and void and (if no further furs v and cfficzt.,
7, Rent. Less= hcrchy covenunts and agrces to par as rent for the Premises the sum
of S6_102.04 annuatl� (the. 'Base RCnial-4 plu,; applicable Faics tay., which shall Inc paid in I I
u - I year i firs! month o f J v I
equal rnonthlx ins,,mlls nt 5S51(0)1 (S-5547,C4" -viih %qx) durins, ihc initial
2015 1_5 free to accomrnod-alc� the rnfibilization Nriod) and sh.,dl be duc and payable by the firs,
day of every calen-dar month during the temi hereof` beginning an August 1, 2015, If the 1CM15 of
this Lcase shall cornmenec or} as dav odwr than the first day ofthe month, Lessee shall pay rental
equal to one th-wrtieth i Vx,111") of ll�e monthly nzntal MUlti'plied by -,he number of rental days of
S less th= the Busc Rental, Thi!
such %-razuond i-notith. The ]case rental rate shall at no time bc
Aulihon y and Lessee, lujwc% cr. :igme and siipulatc that the Icasc rental rage may he uniLacnally
i_�, CaCjj Vear" In aCC()rd,
incricascd by the Authority, no inorc than annually. effective Januar-, 'I - ancC
Nvith the Authow-C,% lease rental rate adjusirriclit pro rare zv, apprcwrd by the, Board us!'CouTaty
Comraiisioners. All rents and fLvs shall be made payahlc io the &Jlier County Ajrjxiti
Authofity. and muilcd by first class letter. postage prc*d. or Ivrsonally deliv=d. it) the
Adlministmt;ve Offices at 2005 Main.vail Deive, Suitc 1, Napic'� , Florida 111 114, t r
c~ h ter her
, , drl'ss as !ht. N1:1T1ai,L-r 111ar desigmau_- in xvn'tino
In udduiciri v) the rtmt, Less cc:hall pa% AULhklriq,, za one-n.'TIC &,UM 01'sNOXIO plw
61'�tl sales =% ibra total xroi_,nt of S217 —o n as;] Corime-'eial Opt-nmnz Voce vdiich shall he dw- in
ftill wid paid talon- r-
with thc finqt month's rent.
8. Nei Lease, Thi ie, :, fuliv ti l-, lcasc, wi-,h L:sscc re-sponsible far all cv-sifts, fct-s and
charges eancernint Y
4 ffic Prcniiscs. Accorein—l-,, Lviscc shall pttimptly paN whcnduc and prior to
anv del-inqucnc% all cc?N,S. J'Cvs. taxlcs. trash rt moval scrx-iccs. assessmcw, utlliw chargcs, inipact
tics and oh!iL�ation_s of any kind that relatc to 111C I11;Ct11is,,-s,, Lessee will indemnlf% and hold
Authority harinless 11oin any anJ all claims. costs and obligations arising from Le sseYL-*,,; use of
Ile Premis es, In case any .action or procceding, is h;rought against Authorliv hv reason of
Leqsce's use o' th 11reniise s, Lessee' - s, ha Mall paw' ' I I civa , fccs, expenscs atta l lijhili,IeS
Paize 2 of 10
Packet PaEre -2291-
7/7/2015 16.G.2.
resulting il=cfrom anJ Otull defend such ac-inn or, procccdinu if Authority shall w request, Ut
Lessce's cxpenw. by cotttm l nmsonahly q�jtl.qfactory to Ruth-urity. It is specificalIx a-�rccd
hoN%tver, that Authority may at its o"N-n cost and expense participate in the legal defien-st of'such
m,lth legal CounsIci of its Choosing.
9 Lessee`s Liens and N-lortgages.. I-csscc shall not in any wiv encumber the
Premises, and shrill promptiN, remove any and all liens plac.-d 'against the All per%on.s
to whom thest presents nm%l come are put upon notice of the fact that the intcrc,.;,, of :lac
Authority in the Premises shall not be sut cct to licits for improvements made by the Lessee and-
licas for improvements, madc by the Leaser are spccifically prohibited from attaching to or
becoming a lice on fiic interest of the Authority in the Prcmi or any pan of either. This notice
is r
,ivcn pursuant to the provisions of and in compliance -,-.iih Section 7 13. 10. Florida Statutes.
10. I-gveg's Obligation to Maintain PrgMisive. and Comply with .411 Lawful
R-cquircritents. Lessee. throughout the term of this Lease, at its own cost. and without any
CXpCFIS--- LO the- Authorii) , shall keep and maintain the 11'rernistn& in good, sanitary and neat order.
condition and repair, and shall abide with all laxkful requirements, Such maintenancc and repair
shall include, bui not ter limited to. painting, ' ianitari-al. Fis'Aures and appurtcrta g,
nces dightin
heating, plumbim,,. wid uir condition-nO. Such repair muy also includ- structunal repair. if
deemed necessary by the Les-,ce. If the Premises are not in such compliance in the rewsonabic
opinion of Authority, Lessee will be so advised in writing. If corrcctivc action 1-s not bcourt
within thirty (.30) days of the receipt of sueh notice and prosecuted diligently until corrcclive
action is completed. Authority may zausc the same to bee corrected and Lessee shall promptly
reimburs-c ALithOritV f0T the expenses incurred bv Authority, iogethcr with a, adminimraiive
11, Qutci l-,.tij(-wrncnt- Lessee bl- entitled t€a quict cqjoyrnent so ione as 1-cssce
has not dcfaultcd or, ariy o0 Inc lvrTtv, ofthis Lcase- Accordim.,q'W, Lx-ssc-c shall have the, exclusive
HOn w use the Promise,; durinL� dw tonia of this Lews,--. Durin- the term of th;!; Luase, Lc-ssec
ri-ly creel appropriate signage Oil The 1.xcLsc�! Przmiscs arij the inlprovcmcnL�i Consiructod i--N
Lessee 1hercion, A such sianavc shall be in compliance with all up flicablc cods and
ordinancLs and appro%cd 1,y the Authorltv: Awhoritv*s CrCII.
.N nt Neill not lie u nr;:2:No nail I
II Casualty and, Condcrinjtion
a- C.tsu.alt\. IJ thc PrLtriiscs are de.stroved, rendered siihaantially inhabitzhic. c
da.qUl'"Ud IQ :in) j1"jjCrii1,I -�Xlcnt. "'IS, roasonabh dcleri-,iiried h% Le%Fce and Aulhorilv. by fire or
qwe M,
�Jsi use the insuraticc p, ceeds. Ir:rc itt:atttr rcfcr% of To as 'Trooeeds-- 1(
rubuild Ur restore the ?vcrnises lo sub-stanlialtv its conditiOn to :such caWalt\ CVcrit Unless
the Authority pro ides the I CSj(!t! Vitjj Vj t fi
Twn JeTerTnimation that rebuilding
err Tesiorinc the
11rcilliscs to stack to conjitit,,in the T1rtxx-ds -vvithln a rca�,,na-hle period of time Is
impractic.ahic or would not he in the f cs� interests c:if the Atvhoriiy. in which evunt. Proccnzd5
all K- promptly remitted to Awhorilv If the Authority etc cis not to rcliair or rcplacc the
impro,'e ments. then 1-CIS :.c° or Authonix- moy wmunatc this 1--asc by Providing moticc lo tie
other part-.- wiffiln ninetv t100 "i Jays afic, tits occurrence of Bach cas-Maliv. The 1crnistiation "ill be
ojl%cfi%c on the ninetieth (1)'Oth), day aficr iuch fire or calicr casuail%. unlc s extendcJ b,, mutual
+,vrittczl a--reemcn., of the: Partic.s, Durlinw 111L perk id between the date of sucti casual;y and the
P42C .3W 0f I0
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daic at terminanorn, Lessee will cca-,;w its cqvcratiorts as m-av tic nccusisury A:iT appropnatc. If this
Lews-c is no', lemiinaicd as set forth her.-in. or if the Premist:N is d=-rArcd to is less than material
extent. ws reasonably daturniined by Lessee and Authoniv. I-essee will proceed %%ilh reasonable
ddii--crice. at no cost or c%pt-ase to Authority. to rebuild and rcpait the Pre.TniF.C..q 10 substantialh
the condition as existed prior to the casualty,
.. written notice its part
b. Condemnation. Authority may tcrmillutic this [-case h%
of a coudcnination p It, N%itj u,,�c its best cjTLjj_s to rnifigatc any damage
roject. Authon
caused to Lc&scc as a result of such tcrtnination: however, in no c%vnt will Authoettv be
Kahle to Lessec for -.Uiy Compensation as a result ol'such tcrTninanion.
13. Access to Premise& Authority, As difly authori7cd nacnls, conIMMIM
representatives and emple-yees. shall have the right �dicr reasonable oral noficc to Lesscc, to enter
into and upon the Premises during normal business hours. Lit such other times with the consent of
Lessee. it) inspect the Premi-ws. verify compliance with the terms, or this Lease. or make any
required relvirs not being,, timely completed by 1,cssec.
14, Termination and Surrender. unless othcnNisc mutually a=cd by the Parlics. no
later thwi the final day of the Ica sc term. Lessee shall redeliver posscssion of the Premises to
-%uthoritv in good condinon and repair. Lcsscl;° sirall have the ri-ahl at an.-V iinic during Lesscc'4
occupancy of the Prevaises to remove any of its pe rt,)nal property, equipment, and signs
11 iiavc 1 0 lion of either
providcd, hintrver, at the termination of this lase. Authorim shi he P
-co u i ic by I,ck,,cec to the ?rvni',ses upon
Aina Lesw—,,,- tr.) dernolish and removcall irn:TrC-IVCMeTIT,!,' M.0
Lesstx.,'s %acation thereof. or to require Lessee Io re air; said improvenients with 11VIOrv- On tilt:
11rcmises which improv-,ements and fixtures will becorne the property (if the Authority upon
vacalion of the Premises.
Assigimcnt- This Lcxsc is pc-rsk)rjaj jo I-CsSCC et a. 110t
assivn this Ixasc Ot sublet ally Portion of tfic building construcied on tht 1'rcmis:-.q b-\ I-CsSce
,,%i.khciui the c%prvs� Prior writicn consent of t iv A-1alw6tv, vvIlIch coliscril mad` he withhOd in
Authority's sale discectioll, Any purported assiptitticni or sublct without thr: extra .". vNI-111cri
coriscrot of AL-Unorily stall be considcm-d void from its ;I11ception, uIld sMI be crovilid,; i'Or the
Upon NNT11tv) I
irnmediatc termination of this LCjsc. Authcrity mu% f ree I % assign this I-c:
jusurapucc, 1 h Less---- shu' prctv�-It: afl insuramx I-v
Ut'horit%. as determintj 11V the Collier count" Risk Nlanx-milcilt Dt fat 2-tttIcII% as SCI forth or,
,he attaciled -Exhibit "B*.
17_ F)clltuhs- and Renic-dics.
a., Defaults b\ Lviscl-, 'Re occurr-11cc o;' arl% tat the f0flowing, cvcnts and 11w
expirallon 4-,Of thc appliCzillic cure period pct iorth bclovv withoul such cvcni cured or
Ink Lcs�,%:C` '.0 flic .-,reatcm CS thzn allevv :j b"! laLv
Abandonment offlrc�iiiises or disconurtuation, of Lens='s om-mition.
1,essLes material misi-cp-rcscritation of-any Matter related Io This Le asp -.
iii. E 61 cor-anizanon. plan or arn-Inuctnent 01 bank-71'UptCY
Him! OL vnsolvcnc�. no
Pa,-,c 4 o f 10
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Adjudication as bankrupt-
ML—kin- of a generral assignment ofth.- hencrit ofcreditars,
If Lessee suffers this Lease to he taken under any -vrii of cxccutian and
other process of la%v or equity.
Lcs,;ce's fai I urc i o uti I i ze the Premiscs ais set forth in this L.-iLse
viii. Any lien is filed against the Premises or Lcsscc'5 intcrest thercin or area
pan thereof in violation of this Lease. or vthL:r%6e. and the same r4-, M It i n s
unttleased for to period of'sixTy (60) div% from the dale of filing unless
within su.h period Lesm-c is contesting in --ood faith the %-alidizN of such
lien and such lien is appropriatcly bondcd.
ix, Failure of Lessee lo, mrform or cornr y vvith any material covenant or
condition made under this Least, %%,h.ich failum is not cured %ithin. ninety
(90) days from receipt of Authority's m-ritten notice staring; the non-
complianree shall constitute a default (other than those coverwits for which
a different cure period is provided), whereby Authority may, at its option.
termln;3w this Ljzwsc 1 y giving Less th]irly 03 0) dav!s Nvnitcr novice
UnIcss the: dcrault is fully cured within that thirty (30) itay notice perkvJ
(or such additiomal time zus is agreed to in writing by Authority as haing
reusonably required to correct such d.-fauh I, Hc %vver. the occurreucc of
anv of the events acct ftirdi above shall constitute a mawrW hre-ach and
dchult bN I-r-isce, and this Lease may b-. immediatel, terminated by
Authority txeepi to the extent then prohihiied by taw.
b., Remcdicn-,
In the evvil oftfic occurrence of uny of'thc foretminu default , Author *'
in addition to anv other splits and remedies it may have. ;ihall havc the
imilvdiatc rit,11 to rc-enter and n=ivvc all oidividuals. entities .and or
proper v. froin the Prcmis!,!.s, Such propert,- nizN be removed and siorcd in
a pub is t�wchousc or cl,scwhrre at ihc cost of and I'm the account of
Lcsser— III --vithOul SCE- Ice Of nutrtx tit resort to legal process and "ithout
lining dccmcd g1,1111% Uf tl'Cs,JMSS, or bcingo liable fOT any lt>s4 or divuliaL-c
whizit inav be occw;ioned thereby, If Less-= does not cure the d0faults in
the time "r-IMCS as se", forth .11hove, and Atj;horiiN has romoved and stored
property, Authnrit% - Oiall not bc wquired it) -11t0rc i'csr more than thirty 0 :0)
Jays, At`cr swil t trnz. siach properri-, shall be diecmed abandoned Lin""'
Authorit% .Ball dispose OF SLL:11 properly An :vl% inanner it So cl�looses and
shall nol tv liahle to I,-c-ssC- C for iuch disposal.
ii. If Lt: i-see jai6 to promptly PAN. viers Juc. any full insiallmcnt eat rein or
UnN, (,Ichcr !;urn payubic to Authority uaider ihis lxas,v, ail"' if said -;um
enruli, ,, unpaid for more than fivC (5 s day-S Past the Joe Jaw. the Lessce
ShUH pay AutfioritN a late paynicrit i;hargv equal to fi%c percent Of
each uch paymcnt ivt paid promptly -nJ in full avhvn dtla. Ally announts
not paid pwriptly vvit--n due shall also accrue compounded inicrcsl (if' Two
f-% lorid I
— e) jvrcent per mondi or The higliest ittierva rate hen allowcJ by f-
la%-,�. %,.-h1uhevcr is high,,r i"Defatilt %vhich interest Nhall bc
promptly p.aid t,,N [,cs-sw io Aw.honirk"
Page .; of 10
Packet Paae -2294-
iii, Authoriv, may sue for direct, actual d=aacs arising out of such default of
Lesqce or apply for injunctive relief as may appear necesswy or desirable
to enforce the performance and observance of imN obligation.. kerccmcnt
or covenant of Lcssee under this Lease, or othcrwisc. Authority shall be
entitled to rcasonablc attorney.,; fees and costs incurred arising out of
Lc�, ;:'s default under this lzasz.
c. Default by Authority. Authority shall in no event be charged with default in
the licrfonnanec of any of its obligations hereunder unless and until Authority shall have
failed to perform such obligations within thirty ('310) days (tit such additional time as is
r=sonably rcquircd to correct such default) after written notior- to Authoriq, by Lessee
propt:rly aTId in meaninglU detail specifying whcrcin. M Lessee's judgment or opinio, n.
Authority has failed to perform anyt such obligation s).
d. Remedies of Lessee, In partial considcration for the nominal rent churgcd to
U-ssee, Lessee hcrcby waives any claim it may have to direct or indirect monetary
damages it incurs as a result of Authority's breach of this Li=s;c. and also waiv".' WN'
ciiiin it might have to anonicys' fits wid im.sls arising out. ofAuthority*s breach of this
1, lx!;sec's rcnicdics for'Authority's dellhult under this Lease shall 'lie limited to the
i, for injunctive rciicf wi may appear neccslary or desirable to enforce the
perti-imiance and clf any obligation, agretmicn-1 or covenant (of'
Authorav under taus Lcaie.
ii. Lessee may curs any dcfault of Authority ani pay, all sun-is or do all
rcwsollub I Iv necess-ary work and. incLarall reasonable casts (in bt-111ilf of and
,at the expense of Awhorlt,-, Authority N%,°ill puN Lcswc on &-mand all
rca,winable cents incurwd and any alnounl�w so paid by 1,cs%ce- tit, b-,113lf of
Authority, with no interest.
C, Nt.t Rcincd Em;1wJNc, lNo rclllcdv herein conferre d upon or rescrvcd to either
party is Unt.-nded to be exclusive of ally 0111c; sv-,,iJL-hle remedy or remedies, but cach and
every such remedy till he 4:,uniullativeand ill addition to every other remody given under
this Le-'ase oi- hereaficr cx1sting, under latv or in equity. No Jetay or ornission 10 cxcrl-isc
am r0ahl o- P� ,wcraccruing upon any cn,cnt ofdcfault -wll J-Mnalr - aMV Suchrighi or povvcr
nor tic .:olisu-uvj it, he waived, but any such right and -,)MNL:r Ma%'bC CXCTCi,Cd frOM IiMC
to finau and as ofic-i as may he dt-emed expedient.
F1VCrVPr0%-t,,s1on hereof impoiinL, an obligation upon Lcsscc is a
material inducement and considcration ftir the execution of this Lxaxsc by Lessrc and
Authority. No Nvaiver by Lessee or Authonry E-it' an", tinnich of am, PrO"ision of this
I-casc wwit6 b-. decreed for any' purposL lo 11,c a \yaj%eT L& zlip, brejvh, ofany otherprovision
11--Tvor or (if ativ C01111,11UNDU or 1 uhs-.-qucM brczizh cwC the same provis-ion. irrespecti-ve of
the len-th of time that the rcspv�ctivt: bru.tch may haw•C contlnued.
18. Manlxfl. 1,4ssee shall 'he provided wah th,,- Authority's Lcasc Manual 61' any
which the AuthoritN mov amenJ frorn 6T11C 10 tint;,.. 'l he tc=s of this marim-d shall be derued tai
Pagc 6 of 10
Packet Page -2295-
7/7/2015 16.G.2.
S C sh 11 - bousid hv Lhe terms ofthis
--q- tncorroratc4 by reilerrmc into ihit- AgrveincaL and Lcwc s it SL
& N es a co of the Lease Manual
Lc,a--w Minun-1, as ofthc I ' m of the nionth Lesse-c rezci PY
o- an arnended Lease ManuaL With TcTact to any terms in this Lease Agreement which are in
conflict with the Lease
. Juni;1t. lilt Lease Manual shall control,
19. RulLi artd Rmlations. Lmec shall comply Aith the Authority's published Rules and
such xgulations nw%
'�cgijlajions for this airpm, which are on 51,1- at the azidircss -,It ftialt abow, as .
be amended fmni time to t v by the Authority in,.-Juditig such ireasoruiWc and uniffirm lanJing fee%,
v IrtTlin Ltmec 1c) time J��- lcviec for a�irficld oNrational pri\ileg?.s and,00r
rates or chargws� as ma. - i
sumices provided at the Airport. Lessee shall also compiv Mith any and all applicable govcrnmental
statuics, indes. orders.- and regulmians.
20. This Lease shall btt comqtru-,,d bye and controlled under the laws, of the State of
Florida. In the event of a dispute under this Lease, the Parties shall first use the County"s then -
current Altema-tivc Dispute Resolution 1'rocedure. Folim-%ing the conclusion of this procedure,
either pan% may file an aciien in the Circuit Court ofCollicr Count-,, to cniorce the terms of this
Lczsc, which Court the ParticsaL!rcc to have the sole and cxchisive jurisdiction.
21. This Lose contains, the attire agrecrncat of the Panics %vith resryw to the tilatters,
c0'-'C`rCJ hv this Lea-sc wid no other agrccfnent. statement or promise made any part%. car it) any
employee, officcr or agent of any party* which is not covained in this Lease shall be binding or
valid. Time is of the cmsencc in the doing' pe rforn-wee rand ahservai i tin of each and every term,
cownam and condition of this Lcw,�;c by the Illnile"S'
In tl►c event state or fiedera) la%vs are ciiac-ted aficr the cxecution of this L=se,
which are applicable to and pre:�-htde -n whole or in part the Panics' compliance -with the terms
of Ihis Lcallc. then in = ,uch event This Shall -
b- m c odified or revoked as is nccc,,%an to
,Onlph- With SUch laws, in at best rcllec is the intent of this Lease,
Except as ollr'TwINC providud hcr• in, this L,-am: shall oid., bc am,.. deal by m.,utual
wrami conNCT11 (11 ZhC' NrtiOS hereto tit h) their succcNsor-, in il`, Notives licicumicr -JwIl Lit-
givcn it) the Flarties scl forth lrelciae and shall he made by ' delivery. overnight
or by reglular mail. If plivcn by regular mail, the n0tiCC shail be deerned to have been
giwn Nxithin a re ired time it'&�)sitizzi in the U S. Mail. pLr,,%age prepaid,'writhin the time limit.
For tile pumose of Calculating time linnet which, run ton the gis•nr- of a particular notice the
calc, lawd fr, rr. actuai rece;n.
11 to Authonty: Airport Nlana-cr
Collic- County Airipm-tAwhoritv
200-5 Mainsaii DrIVC.
Na'O"&' Florida "41,14
Jamiami Trail Last_ S,1.1c Wl
Nar]�-S' Floridan :141 l 2
Flau, C 7 or 10
jFx 7:
Packet Page -2296-
If i Li L c.sw,- c Nlr, Paul Anibonv InOcAie
1 -South Diesel Drive, Suite 10
Bonita Springs. Florida 34135
7/7/2015 16.G.2.
Notice shall be deemed to have been Oven Lfn the next successive business day w the datcof
the couricr waybill if sent by nationally TVCC-Tnized overnight delivery smicc.
24. Lessee is an inderrendew cDntractor, and is not any keent or rcprcsentaii%1.- or
employee of Authority. During the terin of dais Lcasc, neither Lessee- nor anyone at;liug on
hChalf of Le%scc. Shall hold JISCIf out as an employcc. servant. mpresentative or agent of
Awhority. "Neither party will have the riglit or authority to bind the other party wilhout express
vNritten authorization dsuch other p3rTy to any obligat , ion to anv third party. No third parly is
intended by the 11anics to he a hcrieficiaq' of this Le = or to have any rights to enforce this
Lease against cither party herm or othen%isc. N-lothing contained in this Lease will constitute
the Parties as partners or joint ventures for any purpose, it being the express intention of the
Parties that no such pannership or joint venture -xisu or will, exist, Lessee acknowledges that
Authority is not pm)viding anv vacation time. sick pay. or other welfare or retirement benefits
normally associated with an empioyce-employer relationship and that Authority cxcludr-s Lzs.%cc
and employees from participation . 2!
in all health and welfare bcnvfit plans including N-acation.
sick, icavc, sevcrance. life, accidem, bralth and disability insurance, deferred co mprmation.
rcuruniciat and grievance right or privilegcs.
25, Neither pa ny to this Least will he liabile for any delay in the Nrlarmance of arty
obliLmiion undor this Least or inabi hgi% to perl-Unn Eats cobligiflion tinder this, lxzsc if and to
the "'telil that such delaN, in performam:c or inabilhy it) perkirni h caused by all event or
circuins,tance bvyond the reasonable control of'and without the fault or nealicence of the party
Claintinu F=ares, ~. Maicurc. "Force N-1.7111CLITC" M-1a3 l include an act of Okld' war (d'e-Clured or
undecl.17ed), ,;ahowuc, rich. insurrection, civil unrett,,, or disiurbancc. militar,w• or puerTilla, actiml.
'k �C (fu , C� 0
econornic sanction or crritmtrp. civil stri -t!. work storpa.-c. sl(m-dmm or 11 t V! sion.
I re, eurthquakc, abnormal wcather zondition, hurricanC, flot :1, lip-hinm. vk -ir id, J o ug, ,
Uld the
biTldin" order oCimy avw ,ernrocnial audio-,itv,
26. Jsc:!!scc swill not tr=sport, use. store. maintain, f-C'neratc, manufacture, handle.
, .1c
Lli"Pose, rcica%c or diwhargc any lia=dous NbT rt�,� a11,xiuj th-c Pitmis
_cs, nor permit
emplovecs, representatives. agents. contractors. .uh-corimiciom, Iiub.,gub-conmaotm, niaturial
-itic's ur-l'u. Ahtv'r the Lv!a'scId,
MCP ini'jinr sann In such arlLv'
t liffrs in cnga"';
-7. In compliance: witth Section 404.05.6. Flekrida Swauics. all flarti-c-s are hereby Made
a"IN;XV Of the followinin kadi-,in is a nuturally occurrina radioactive gas that. it has
.'tccumulaicd in a builin'g in sufflicicrit quantities. may present health risks lo F=Skln�s wilo =
C%Pclscd to it QwCr urn'c. Lzveis oaf radon that exce-ed federal and state guidelinces havc recta found
iti, b ildinio in Florida, Addifiowu! infoTmation regarding radon and Mdoli le--Sti 11 - -I':
u E.-S I " lim"
refrained from your Ccivaty Public Hcal& DeNi rinicilt,
lltzante 8 of 10
Packet Page -2297-
7/7/2015 16.G.2.
28, Airrx-tTl Dcv,clol2incli-I. T-4e Autho (I improve
rit% resenves the right to further dev-1017, T
-L --s e convenience. desires or
.be landing: and other areas cifthr ikirpoprl a.; it sees fit, r. ardit-s of th
vie%v orihe 1 otYsstr, and without int.crference or hindmnc;%
29 Ai rTK) q OngmaLmis. lxssec shall prevent any use of the Premises which would interfere
with or adver.wly •ffcci the operation or rnaintc=cc of the Airport, or othanvise constitute an
j ects o
airport, haz=L and mill rcstriv, the height of Tmictures: ob f natund grLivvth and other
obstructions on tae PM-Miscs to such height a,,; w comply v6ih Federal A%iafion Rcgtilations, Pan
30. Nondisocrimination !Cleat~ . The Lcsscc for himself. his pemmal reprmntatities.
ant and
SUCCCSSOrs in interest. ass part of the considc=ion hereof; Jocs hereby coven.
.agree ftt kl) no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded in
participating in. denied the th-neflis of, or [w othen. vise subjected to discrimination in the use of the
(;eawd Prcrnises; (2) that in the construction of any improvements on, over or under such head and
the furnisqhinLt of,--ervices thereat. no person (in the grounds of race, color or national cnigin shall In
exeltided from panici*ng in. denied the Ln-nefiLs of or otherwisc wbicctcd to discriminatiem.
that the Lessee shal I,= the Least l Premises in compliance Mth all cattier requimincrits, imposed h
or put-swant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulation,.;, Departrncrit of Transportation. Suhtillc A,
()ffice of the S=ctary. Part .211. Nondiscrimination in Fedcrall% assi-spicJ pmg
.rams (if the
Dt-e-panment ol'Tri,ii,,TtomtiotA-EfTectLL-Lticsia of Title \1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. as said
regulations may be jrncndrd� That in tic event of brwzh of any of the ubovc nondiscriminaiion
covenants, Authority shall have the right to wrtninatc this IxWSC a,rtd to rc-entcr into another lease as
[F this Ivaw had never been inade or The provision shall not he effiective 11-mil the
lul -d. fan C
procedures ofTitle 49, Codt ofl-eder.fl RC11l.lkkTi0rVS. P.1171 '.'7 1 ai-c fol lowed And comp L lcidiar
excTICISC Or expir-ition Ofarr"I rlghls.
II)TTlinant AgTvc non!s and I'Tap2tiv RJ�Lhts ReSC!"Ved. Tbis, Lea!ie i,,; subordinaw and
A flic Federal ►'Aviation Administration,
.'Uhiv-Cl to all c\i's'ling at-T muniv; b-twc.-n c � whority wid
ilic Auffion-tv and the Stalt: (* f Ficifida. and the Authoriv, and Colliur Couniv. Duning tile E1,111C of
a art
,wx or national emergic-ricy. the A1,11110riTN Silall hUVC d`IC right to le. s.- the landing a= or anN P,
flicicof Lo the Cithr-d Suncs Govcmnicrit i�x. t1jilitwy or naval or -similar usr- and, if such Icasc is
"CCUICLI. the Pro, isiows of N's L=Sc ilvsoialr as hey arc -xith the provisions of the
lea to the Governmcni. sha.11 tv sLtsr,:n&d,
-ova" bv thc
"h"& C%�L�ZEIIC 116-�, I-Casc prior tip Il hc-inc �alhfnilted for aprt
�-a!bcr Counly Aulhorivu, Til's L. rnm!y bc rcccorded by the Cotwity it--. t1w- MI rc -1141
C C0II'Vr COUnt%. FlOnJa. N% 111-im tkitmcim ( 14 1 d ws utzvr 1b: County �:ntcrs lilto this
I-Case, al Lesscc*s sole co,�I Z-nd Cxpzrlse.
J'a2c 19 o - 10
Packet Page -2298-
7/7/2015 16.G.2.
F.',.' 1XITNESS WHERFOF, the Lcs%cc and Authorii� hiv. e hcmw cNecuied this Lcasc the
day and year first aNive written.
(print name)
Wimess (Sitnnaluro
iprint n4lm'...1
1%nuIN Clerk
"irproved w� to lorm al-Ij
J4-ninifi:r A, Belpe,dio.
�%,ssistzml, Count%, All omo'
11au3 Anthony Inglesm Nimmgcr
A rkvk 4 -
ila!6,c 10 of I0
Packet Paee -2299-
7/7/7nl F 1 F r 7
7/7/2015 16.G.2.
Exhibit 8 Insurance and Bonding Requirements- Airport FuRity Leases
1 Aviation Tenant E] Non-Avkation Tenant
Insurance / Bond Type 11equired Limits
I. Z Worker's Ccimpensmion Statutory LMOS of Ficrida Statutts, 4:hapter 440 and all Federal Government
Staw orw ;.imtP6 and Requrrcmcnt,
Employer'; Lia p 1] 1 tv
IOQ,00_ lint fe Ismat pej occu rr erilce
Comr-nercia" General
r3od1v injury ano �rcpertv Dimage
bat)tlitV f0ccurrence roan)
patterned after the curl -ont
$ I,Mfi—W, single hma pff occurrence. 52,000,000 aggregate for
[so form
Socilly injury tlabihlzy and Propenv Damage Liability, This shall include Piremisei
and Operations; independent ContraVorS. Product! and Compiptpd Operations
and Contramal Liabil.ty
4. Indemnifir-atinn
7o the maximum e),Ivni permitted by Florida law, the Lessee shall indemnify
and hoid hatmle5s Collief Count V. its Otfice!% arC employees from any and all
LablItties, carnage!, losses anc co:t,., 4ncluoinr, but not iirnaed to, reasonabie
attomeys' fees and paralegaW fees, to the extent caused bV the negligence,
recklessness, at intenttonal4y wrongful conduct of the Lessee or anyone
employed or utilirtel by the Lessee in the performance of thi& Agreement. This
indemnification, obligation shall not be c:)nstruecl to negate, abrtage cr reduce
any other tagMis or remedies which vlherwne rno be avaliable to an
indemnified party or peisvn described in -his paragraph, This, section does not
pertain to any intioent arising from the SOIL' ne91481*11ce Of C-011�er County
Automobole L)abillTy
Iwo 00 Each 0.-rutrcncP, Bocov tnjorV & PrOI)e'IY
Aut✓mot:Ae InciuCeo
Pi£*r Otcu rencc-
boday 4n)Layold Lropeny damagE.
El Hargarkeepent UibiZlty 5 Per 0:r" !ence PVr
aircraft inclutding pFem:5e lability
AvV-aft LcaIbirlkty J'KurinCe Per rJECUrTEMCC
Dodily onjury and rrroperry damape
PolNuor L,ijbility In",rance Grc.,jrr;?nce
bodily in a; and pr�-,Pp'ty
Z, Le'55fe STUO' 1.hal all 5ublltnseelt zoniplly w;10" .roe. &arnt, 1r1-,Lr:JtKC- 'r,
mei2t; 1he same Le�-se�. sh;W prov,Lj ' County ov,t,h ,cftilizates
of inj.ur3nre, rn (�t, V" -eauired insazan,-e
7 [:,,[ r-ollic.r rDunly must ne namPl aS 'ADDITIONAL INSURED' or, me insw ance Cer-tif iLale f;),, i:ommervz)
Gie-IF-l"ll 1.1abIVIV w��E-Te re*1wre'-1
!ht Certificate Holder iha[,! !zit nam!rd d C01JCT C-OUnty bozird of Ccunl► 'ornmisli-C-ter' CIP, BMV 10
in. Colltcr County, Op, Z-01her County Gaw4elrnmi:-I, OR Cakln!V, Trte certlllcatet, Of
in5uronce M.u,;, t�qa;e the name of the Lease and locattoo cif Ihr leased propi�-Ty,
Thirty (30) Days Cancellation Notice re-quireM
Packet Page -2301-
7/7/2015 16.G.2.
Lessee's Insurance Statement
We under Land the insurance requirements of these spebficatiops and that the evidence cif insurabilav May De,
required within fpve �5) days ol the "card of rh & Lease agreement,
Name of Firm
Lessee Signature
Print Name
In urance AgencV
Agent Name Telephone Number
ofluc Flanda, LLE Paor 2
Packet Page -2302-