CAC Minutes 03/11/2004 R March 11, 2004
Naples, Florida, March 11, 2004
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 1:30 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F
of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following
members present:
David Roellig
James Snediker
William Kroeschell
Tony Pires (Absent)
Bedford Biles
John Arceri
Ron Pennington
Graham Ginsberg
John Sorey (Excused)
Ron Hovell, Coastal Projects Manager
Dr. Jon Staiger, City of Naples
Maria Bernal, Tourism
1. Roll Call
2. Additions to Agenda
3. New Business:
Approval of minutes of February 12, 2004
Presentation of the Pressure Equalizing Modules System
FY 2005 Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Applications
i. City of Naples: Beach Maintenance - Algae/Seaweed Removal - Equipment
ii. Semiannual Monitoring of the South Gordon Drive T-Groin Project
iii. Permit-Compliance Marine Turtle Monitoring for the 2003 Gordon Pass
Dredging Project
iv. Semiannual Monitoring of Doctors Pass
v. Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
vi. Beach Maintenance - Algae/Seaweed Removal - Reimbursement
vii. City of Marco Island: Hideaway Beach and T-Groin Monitoring
viii. Hideaway Beach Renourishment
ix. Marco Island Monitoring
x. Collier County Environmental Services Department: Sea Turtle Protection
Program-Sea Turtle Monitoring and Beach Studies Project
xi. Collier County Parks and Recreation Department: Beach Cleaning
Operations 2005
xii. Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay and Clam Pass Park Beach Renourishment
xiii. Repairs to Beach Cleaning Equipment
xiv. Tipping Fees
xv. Collier County Pelican Bay Services Division: Clam Pass Monitoring
xvi. Pelican Bay Beach Renourishment
xvii. Collier County Tourism Department: Project Management and Misc. Fees
Prior Year Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grants
i. Various Grants to the City of Naples
ii. Lake Trafford Restoration
iii. Hideaway Beach Access Improvements
Old Business:
1 O-Year Plan
County / City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update
i. Schedule: discussion of progress and potential barriers to meeting a November
2004 construction start date
Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update
i. Public Access
ii. Cost Sharing
iii.Interlocal Agreement with the City of Marco Island
iv. Engineering Services Proposal
v. Schedule: discussion of progress and potential barriers to meeting a November
2004 construction start date
5. Public Comments
6. Committee Member Comments
Page 2
March 11, 2004
Meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman David Roellig at 1:30 PM.
1. Roll Call - Roll call was taken with a quorum of 7 members present. Councilman
John Sorey is excused for this meeting. New member Graham Ginsberg was introduced
and welcomed.
2. Additions to Agenda
New Business:
a. Approval of minutes of February 12, 2004
Change the word "faze" to "phase" on several pages.
Mr. Pennington moved to approve the minutes of February 12, 2004 as
amended. Second by Mr. Arceri. Carried unanimously 7-0.
b. Presentation of the Pressure Equalizing Modules System
A power point presentation was given by Ulla E. Doose -Eco Shore
International (attached) with the following information:
· For Shore protection
Pump water out of the beach - presenting a pipe system that goes into the
sand and consists of different pipes in the grid.
· Explained how the pipe looks and how it works.
· Galvanized 2 ½ inch diameter and 6 feet deep.
· Patented in US in 2003 - first introduction today.
· Showed normal beach and then the PEM (Pressure Equaling
· Function - silt washed out - sand from wave deposited
· Grid shown with Water, Beach and Dunes
· Principle - groundwater under pressure
· Not a miracle cure - need to have sand in water to end up leaving it on the
beach. Will have problem next to a groin. Sites with hi-speed erosion can
be difficult. Problem with no waves or tides. Needs circulation to bring it
onto the beach.
· Business Model - no cost for initial evaluation to see if appropriate.
Budget for Coastal Investigation and Lease Plan is then prepared.
· If results satisfactory, will offer contract, if not, will take the pipes up and
won't cost anything more.
· They are in Denmark, Malaysia, Sweden, Australia and Holland.
· Showed different areas "before and after" installation.
· Showed graphs for 3-year official tests results.
· Gave summary of benefits - some are: no moving parts, retains sand from
Beach renourishment, easy to install and remove, no power costs, no
March 11, 2004
impact on environment or living things and documented successful
· Had to be patented and proven and would like to use in US. Ulla
discussed the permit process in Tallahassee. She has spoken with the
Corps of Engineers and presented it in Orlando. She lives in Naples, has
contacted the person with the patent and wants to implement it in the
Naples area.
· She is looking for 2 miles of beach to use it on.
· One mile cost approx. $100,000. Depends upon the number of pipes used
and how wide the beach is and how the Contract is set up. The owner
would be willing to work with Collier County.
Mr. Pennington stated it may fit into the DEP's experimental program with funding on
an annual basis. Silt content in the sand was asked of Ulla. She responded when little
silt content it is still working. They discussed the grain size being .2 - .3 millimeters and
the silt content being low.
Areas of beach were discussed along with easements and state permitting. Ulla has
connection to get the permitting process set-up. She has a large engineering company
that may be interested. She has not seen a maintenance problem and mentioned they are
packed well into the sand. (Under the sand) Those not functioning are changed.
Maura Krause - Environmental Services - did not see any turtle nesting problems.
Nicole Ryan - Conservancy - did not feel she had enough information on the product
but liked the fact they are looking at alternatives that do not put beach hardening
structures on the shoreline. The less invasive is encouraging and pleased they are looking
at other alternatives.
Dr. Staiger talked about an experiment conducted in 1980's near Stewart - as waves
came up the beach water drained into the pipe and carried away. Dried out the beach and
not carried back. This is a similar system. Vertical is less prone to plugging up than
horizontal system. Stated it would be worth an experiment.
Mr. Pennington moved and asked Mr. Hovell to investigate the system further, see if
he can get an experimental program through the DEWs program and a suitable
location for the project. Second by Mr. Ginsberg.
Discussion followed on the pipes being exposed, drilling new holes, a partnership and
getting experimental permits.
Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
March 11, 2004
c. FY 2005 Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Applications:
i. City of Naples: Beach Maintenance- Algae/Seaweed Removal
Equipment purchase
Mr. Pennington mentioned there has been a push for the City to take over the cleaning
of all the Cities beaches. Certain areas they are not happy with and have been
unsatisfactory with the communication with the County. The City felt they can handle
the cleaning with rock removal and more manicured.
Mr. Pennington moved to approve the grant application for the equipment purchase
for the City of Naples for $150,000. Second by Mr. Arceri.
The County owns two beach rakes and the question were raised why the city needs
another one. The third one the County had previously was beyond repair and sent back.
Mechanical versus hand picking was discussed. The County had decided a year ago to do
more hand picking than mechanical.
Mr. Hoveil stated the City is asking for the equipment. If the city buys the equipment
and performs the same level of service the County is doing now, he is not sure it will
change anything. If the intent is to change the level of service, is the City asking the
County to change the LOS? There is some overlap from Parks & Rec asking for
basically the same thing.
Mr. Kroeschell questioned going back to raking again and will not sponsor the grant.
Mr. Pennington responded there have been many meetings with the City and County,
and the City was asked to submit a request for funding.
Dr. Staiger expressed that many residents are calling on the cleaning of the beaches.
The County is using two pieces of equipment and not responding to the needs of the
residents in a timely manner. If the City has a machine, they can help with a trained
operator and relieve the County of doing it in the City. The County could use the
equipment in the event of a break down. The citizens want the beaches cleaned better
and more often. The elected officials felt it was something that needed to be addressed.
Mr. Ginsberg agreed with Mr. Pennington - if the level of service is not adequate, they
have the right to ask for additional services.
Murdo Smith - Parks & Rec Department - machinery was in earlier this year and
repaired. Did not have the funds for all the repairs ($33,000 for both) so took away from
the general maintenance they were doing with the equipment. He has another request in
for funding for beach cleaning and another piece of equipment. The two machines were
March 11, 2004
not enough to handle the red tide, sea weed and algae. When they breakdown, there is
only one piece left to use.
The beach tech they had and used had been sent to Europe for repairs. When they had
decided to cut back on beach raking, sending in for repairs was costly, so sold it back.
Mr. Itovell stated the County Manager stated it is up to the City if they want to take on
their own beach raking.
Motion carried 6-1. Mr. Kroeschell voted "no" for the reasons stated above.
ii. Semiannual Monitoring of the South Gordon Drive T-Groin
Mr. Hovell stated this application is from the City of Naples to reimburse them for their
efforts and is an annual requirement.
Mr. Pennington responded it finishes up five years on the project. He stated it would be
appropriate to reimburse the City of Naples.
Mr. Pennington moved to approve the grant application reducing the amount of
$51,964 to $41,964. Second by Mr. Kroeschell.
Mr. Ginsberg didn't think it should be a continuation and should look for new funding.
Dr. Staiger gave a history of the inlet management plan from the '90's. This is one last
small piece that needs to be implemented of the Gordon Pass Management Plan. All has
been paid for by TDC in the past. The engineering and permitting was paid for by the
upland property owners. Construction and monitoring paid for by TDC grants. This is
the last two monitoring periods of five years worth.
Mr. Arceri questioned whether the policy doesn't cover it. The T-Groins are there to
prevent the inlet from accumulating sand. He stated #7 might cover it and make it
eligible according to their policy by having the T-Groins there.
Mr. Roellig was willing to pass on some of the applications knowing they don't conform
to the policy.
Mr. Arceri stated the grant application should be changed because it does meet the
policy under #7.
Mr. Hovell stated according to the way the policy is written this is not an eligible beach.
Dr. Staiger said they have to put the sand there, if they exceed the budget they can go the
other way - they are stuck. When it started with the Tourist Tax, it was for beach and
inlet management and that's what everyone voted for. That section has gone away, but
the inlet management part is what they got started with. He needs to finish the projects
and doesn't have any funds and doesn't want to be in violation with permits.
March 11, 2004
Mr. Roellig suggested passing on it and putting the obligation onto the County
Mr. Ginsberg pointed out the Florida Statutes 125.04 does not include monitoring.
Motion Carried 6-1 - Mr. Ginsberg voted "no".
xi. Collier County Parks & Recreation Department:
Sea Turtle Protection Program-Sea Turtle Monitoring & Beach
Studies Proiect
Murdo Smith - Parks & Rec Dept. - is asking for $395,000 for beach cleaning and
expanded equipment. A new tractor and new rake for a back-up.
Mr. Arceri asked if he could hold off until they could work out some arrangements with
the City of Naples. Mr. Smith would like to know if they get the equipment, that they
can use it also. He would like to see Collier County have a third piece of equipment.
Mr. Pennington would like to see a reduction of $150,000 because the city will be doing
the same things with 7 miles of beach.
Mr. Pennington moved to approve the grant application, less $150,000. Second by
Mr. Arceri with the understanding the City lets the County use the equipment if
needed. Carried unanimously 7-0.
Mr. Smith has the option of coming back to them after he has reviewed the Cities
Mr. Staiger mentioned the City would maintain the beach from Seagate north to Clam
BREAK - 3:01 pm
Mr. Hovell discussed the Lake Trafford area restoration and if it is eligible in the policy
for inland lakes and rivers - policy focuses only on beaches. They have a contract with
South Florida Water Management District to reimburse them up to $2M for the Lake
Trafford restoration. The Conservancy supports it.
Mr. Pennington remarked they may want to give some considerations and may want to
look at it further. May want to look at some potential amendments or updates.
March 11, 2004
Mr. Arceri mentioned one of the items the City of Marco did not submit was the project
started last year - an environmental impact study to close the gap between Hideaway and
Tigertail. The letter stated there would be a Boardwalk or renourishment. The public
thought the Boardwalk issue was dead.
Mr. Hovell stated a year ago they decided to withdraw the permit application for that
project. The recommendation for the engineer and what was forwarded to the BCC was
to do an environmental impact study for $25,000 for a boardwalk or sand.
Mr. Arceri thought they eliminated the Boardwalk because there were environmental
Mr. Hovell stated an environmental study needs to be taken into consideration. When
recommended to the Board that project was at a stopping point in which it was deferred
any further action pending a policy. They now have a policy, City of Marco Island would
like to revive the project and he was not sure the $25,000 work order is an option of
moving forward.
It had already been put in the budget. It was deferred last June from the BCC. Mr.
Hovell is looking for direction from the City and County.
Mr. Arceri stated it is a major opportunity to get more access from Tigertail to Hideaway
The environmental study needed to be done first. An aerial was shown of the exact area.
The Committees understanding was the Board of County Commissioners referred the
project back to the Coastal Advisory Committee, considered it a new project and needed
the policy to be firmed up and then decide if it fits that policy.
Mr. Kroeschell moved authorization to proceed with Hideaway Beach.
Regina Reiley - Spinnaker Drive, Marco Island - she addressed the committee on the
Boardwalk subject between Sand Dollar Island and Tigertail Beach. She asked them
before they vote to look at both sides of the issue. The good the Boardwalk would
accomplish versus the bad effects a foreign object into the water would cause to the area.
Look at the harm it would do to improve access to an already public beach. She asked
the committee to walk the area and learn more about the environmental issues.
Many talks are given in the area.
Mr. Arceri reminded Ms. Reiley they are not discussing the Boardwalk between
Tigertail and Sand Dollar - it is Parks and Recreation that would consider that
issue. They are talking about is the area between Tigertail and Hideaway. A year
ago they decided not to do with an alternative to build a 30 foot beach area.
Before that was done, they're now asking for a $25,000 environmental study to be
March 11, 2004
done to see if the placement of sand would create any environmental issues. The
boardwalk is not an issue at this point.
Brad Cornell - Collier County Audubon Society - he supports Lake Trafford's
recommendation for restoration funding and grant. Tigertail enhancement - they are not
supportive of putting sand next to the mangroves. Not necessary - there is an eco-system
in that area. Should promote quality of habitat for birds etc. Should be an eco-tourism
destination. Should not change the system. A study would be helpful and look at all
environmental impacts. Seems the study is held up and maybe waiting for an
authorization from someone.
Mr. Snediker mentioned they have approx. $20,000 budgeted for the Parks and
Rec for Taylor Engineering to do a study on a Boardwalk from Tigertail to Sand
Dollar Island. This is different. He stated the mangroves are flourishing after
they were told they would die.
Mr. Ginsberg supports both speakers and is concerned about the stability of the
area. He did not think putting sand in that area was a good idea. He cannot see
putting a boardwalk connecting Tigertail to Hideaway Beach. He stated they
need to preserve the area and a study doesn't need to be provided as they should
be looking at the big picture. The area should be left alone.
Fred Thomas - Big Cypress Basin Board and Original Chairman of the Lake
Trafford Task Force - his concern is to continue the funding to get the project finished.
He recommended CAC recommend to the BCC to amend the policyto use TDC funds
for inland lakes and rivers. Lake Trafford is a major tourist destination. Fix the policy
and worry about the inland lakes.
Mr. Arceri asked if there are similar lakes and need to change the policy or just
grandfather this project.
Mr. Thomas mentioned the major lake is Lake Trafford with a couple of shallow rivers.
They need to change the language that they are referring to beach access and inland lakes
and rivers. This will be a multi-year project.
The Committee discussed voting on the projects separately and a motion being on the
The Chairman called for the vote for those in favor Hideaway which carried 6-1.
Mr. Ginsberg voted "no".
Mr. Arceri moved to accept the Lake Trafford project. Second by Mr. Kroeschell.
Carried unanimously 7-0.
March 1 l, 2004
Mr. Hovell referred to Item, 3. d - Asked about amending the policy.
Committee decided to schedule a Review of the Policy at the May meeting for any
xv. Page 122 - Collier County Pelican Bay Services Division:
Clam Pass Monitorine
Mr. Pennington asked about qualifying under any of the uses prescribed. He did not see
a relationship to the beach.
Mr. Hovell referred to page 124 with the projected budget amounts.
Mr. Ginsberg pointed out they have monitoring as a question and a gray area. The
Florida Statutes does not cover monitoring. He asked if they have to continue to monitor
it until renourishment.
Dr. Staiger responded 3-5 years depending upon the project.
Mr. Roellig asked if they wanted to propose a modification indicating the $10,000 is to
assist in the evaluation in the material available for Beach nourishment activities.
Kyle Luckas - Pelican Bay Services - stated it would be used to evaluate when the
dredging is necessary in Clam Pass and the sand that comes out will be used for the
renourishment of the Beach. The application will be modified.
Mr. Kroeschell moved to accept the Clam Pass Monitoring grant application for
$10,000. Second by Mr. Arceri. Carried unanimously 7-0.
xvi. Pelican Bay Beach Renourishment
Mr. Pennington questioned the public access to that particular area.
The application says the proposed project area has pubic beach access.
Mr. Pennington did not agree with that statement of the application.
A lengthy discussion pursed on public beach access, the area, the erosion control line and
the funding policy.
Mr. Hovell had a hard time following Mr. Pennington's logic. His point is that an
eligible beach area has at least one public access point from a public street.
Page 114 was discussed in which Mr. Hovell said he should change that page to read:
"Vanderbilt Beach from Delnor Wiggins State Park to the south edge of the Ritz". Not ½
Mr. Kroeschell moved to recommend approval of the Pelican Bay Beach
Renourishment & Pass Maintenance for $600,000.
Carried 6-1. Mr. Pennington voted "no".
March 11, 2004
iii. Permit-compliance Marine Turtle Monitoring for the 2003
Gordon Pass Dredging Project
Mr. Kroeschell moved to appropriate $8,000 to the City for the Turtle Monitoring.
Second by Mr. Pennington. Carried unanimously 7-0.
iv. Semiannual Monitoring of Doctors Pass.
Mr. Pennington moved to approve the project. Second by Mr. Ginsberg. Carried
unanimously 7-0.
v. Beach Renourishment & Pass Maintenance
Mr. Pennington moved approval for Beach Renourishment & Pass Maintenance for
$9,400,000. Second by Mr. Arceri. Carried unanimously 7-0.
vi. Beach Maintenance - Algae/Seaweed Removal-Reimbursement
Mr. Kroeschell moved to approve the application for Algae/Seaweed Removal
Reimbursement. Second Mr. Biles. Carried unanimously 7-0.
vii. City of Marco - Hideaway Beach & T-Groin Monitorine
Mr. Arceri stated he would like to add that both the TDC and the CAC designated as a
vital tourism area subject to abnormal erosion but contingent on a public pathway access
point being established as being a low use beach requiring cost sharing. He stated it
should be an understanding and not conditional.
Mr. Pennington moved approval with the above consideration. Second by
Mr. Snediker.
Mr. Ginsberg mentioned he wouldn't consider it access (depending upon the length of
the pathway). The policy should relate to access - not path.
The definition was again stated that it has to have one public access point from a public
Motion carried 6-1. Mr. Ginsberg voted "no".
March 11, 2004
viii. Hideaway Beach Renourishment
Mr. Hovell stated there is an expectation that he is going to come up with the appropriate
cost share and he has no guidance in the policy to do that.
Mr, Ginsberg preferred Hideaway have access first, then establish a policy of funding
and agreed with Mr. Hovell.
Mr. Arceri felt the committee needs to review the allocation process to see whether they
agree with it or not.
A lengthy discussion followed on the project management plan and timeframe then going
out for bids. Cost sharing and the 10 year budget was also discussed. The approval of
the application will be contingent upon the public access.
Mr. Ginsberg was concerned about the project not qualifying for Category A" funds.
Hideaway needs to consult with the County to discuss the benefits of access to the public
before figures are given.
Mr. Arceri moved to accept the grant with the statement being made that it be
contingent on an approved public pathway as well as a low use designation of cost
sharing with an estimate of a cost sharing of $1.4M for the local residents to pay
towards the project for 2005.
Second by Mr. Pennington.
The figure used previously was $1.3M. Mr. Pennington seconds $1.3M.
Motion carried 6-1. Mr. Ginsberg voted "no".
ix. Marco Island Monitorin~
Mr. Pennington moved to approve the application for the Marco Island Monitoring
for $100,000. Second by Mr. Biles. Carried unanimously 7-0.
x. Collier County Environmental Services Dept.: Sea Turtle
Protection Program-Sea Turtle Monitoring & Beach Studies
Mr. Kroeschell moved to approve the Sea Turtle project. Second by Mr.
Mr. Hovell noted if the committee approves the entire project, they will be approving
funding outside of what is eligible under the policy.
March 11, 2004
Maura Krause informed the committee the Turtle program has been ongoing since 1994
and since 1990 on Marco Island. If they don't do Hideaway and the southern portion
from Pelican - the consequences would be no vehicles allowed on the beach during sea
turtle season, not being able to clean up after storms, red tides, no special events allowed
on the beach, park rangers not able to monitor and fire and police departments wouldn't
be able to monitor the beaches.
Mr. Hovell noted this is not all of Barefoot Beach but the part that is included in the
Wiggins Pass maintenance dredging permit. Only in the public park area and for beaches
that would be eligible under the policy, so no argument for Barefoot Beach being eligible.
He is having a hard time finding any reference to anything in Pelican Bay with the permit
Maura stated the reports for the State require them to compare the same nesting activity
one mile north and south of the renourished area.
Mr. Ginsberg said there is still a question of accessibility and monitoring in areas that
aren't accessible. He asked what they do in other Counties for alternative funding for
turtle monitoring.
Mr. Hovell did not know how other Counties pay for it.
Some areas do not meet the policy. The wording should also be contingent. The cost of
the project will not go down.
Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
vii. Vanderbilh Pelican Bay & Clam Pass Park Beach Renourishment
Mr. Arceri moved to approve the application for the Renourishment. Second by
Mr. Snediker.
Map was shown of the area in discussion on the visualizer. Mr. Hovell stated the State
would be concerned getting so close with a major renourishment project with a natural
Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
March 11, 2004
xiii. Repairs to Beach Cleaning Equipment
Parks and Rec's request for additional funding for this year for $433,400. Repairs to
Mr. Pennington moved to approve the additional funding. Second Mr. Arceri.
Carried unanimously 7-0.
xiv. Tipping Fees
This is an application for tipping fees from November 2003 through September 2004 for
the dumpsters. The City will be picking up six months of it. Mr. Pennington calculated it
could be reduced by $15,000.
Mr. Pennington moved approval as presented. Second by Mr. Biles. Carried
unanimously 7-0.
xvii. Collier County Tourism Dept.: Proiect Management & Misc.
Fees 2005
Done every year to cover the project management and the 2% the tax collector gets.
Balance of it is for staff work on the various projects.
Mr. Arceri moved to approve the application for the project.
Second by Mr. Ginsberg.
Carried unanimously 7-0.
Old Business:
a. 10 year plan
Mr. Arceri went over the 10 year plan with some of the following adjustments
and subjects discussed:
Bonded projects
Updated Project costs
· Sand Search - Naples - moved to 2005
· Hideaway Beach T-groins -2004/05
· Tourist taxes/increased revenues
· $2M holding
· Reserves fully funded
March 11, 2004
Discussion followed on the interest that is accrued.
Mr. Arceri moved to approve a resolution to the Board of County Commissioners
requesting the interest earned from TDC Category "A" funds go back to TDC.
Second by Mr. Kroeschell. Carried unanimously 7-0.
· Vanderbilt Beach project
· Submit both budgets to BCC
· Prior projects and projections discussed
Maria Ramsey - Parks & Rec - informed the committee there are some projects in their
final phases of development. Some are near the end of their project life and some in
infancy. The parking garage was approved with TDC funding years ago and if not for the
law suit, would have been a mute point. It would have already been under construction
and the funds off the table. She felt they are being penalized for the funding sources and
was brought forward in the policy.
Mr. Ginsberg pointed out Vanderbilt Beach is in a critical shortage of access. Whatever
they can do with funding would be appreciated.
More discussion followed on the Vanderbilt Beach parking garage and the funding issues
and reserves.
Mr. Arceri moved to go with the literal interpretation of the policy, $2M/year, $.5M
for Vanderbilt Parking Garage and submit to TDC. Second by Mr. Pennington.
Mr. Hovell asked the committee to update (annualize) the estimates for what the beach
cleaning and management fees are and tipping.
Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
County/City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update
i. Schedule: discussion of progress & potential barriers to meeting a
November 2004 construction start date.
c. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update - Mr. Arceri gave a report for the
first three categories:
i. Public Access - Hideaway Beach residents voted and needed a 75%
vote in which 79.7% voted to approve making the pathway eligible from
the street.
ii. Cost Sharing - the Taxing District is being prepared by the City and
will finalize early June.
March 11, 2004
iii. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Marco Island - City of
Marco Island has worked with Hideaway preparing a draft to go to the
County Manager for discussion and be brought before the committee next
The schedule enclosed in the committees packet was suggested be given to
the newspaper, provided the City of Naples, TV and websites.
Mr. Hovell reported: · Request for additional information for issuing the RFP will be next
week. A copy will be sent to the members when available.
· Permit easements for the City area is needed with recordings etc.
· Hideaway - response for additional information has been sent.
· RFP - issue when BCC approves funding.
· Taxing District for Hideaway discussed. (50% needed - 80% voted
for it.)
Mr. Ginsberg asked if Hideaway has shown any plans to the Board with a formal
decision concerning access. He felt they should wait for plans, a consultant and not held
to any dollar figures until the access is put in and the Committee can analyze it.
When the County receives a package it will be on the Agenda and be presented to the
different appropriate Boards.
iv. Engineering Services Proposal - Humiston & Moore has presented
the proposal for the balance of the work and shouldn't be deferred another
The Board of County Commissioners said this can continue.
Mr. Pennington moved approval of the Engineering Services with the
above consideration. Motion was seconded. Carried 6-1.
Mr. Ginsberg voted "no".
5. Public Comments - None
Committee Member Comments:
· Mr. Roellig hoped everyone had received the Congressional
Resolution from Congressman Goss's office.
· Mr. Hovell stated now they need Congressmen Goss to submit a
Congressional line item ad for $100,000 to fund the study in the
March 11, 2004
2005 Federal budget for the Department of the Army. The
deadline is the end of the month.
· Mr. Pennington commented the general information for the plans
for the renourishment of the City beaches and sand sources have
received approval from the Naples City Council
· Any member of the CAC can attend the TDC meeting on the 22nd.
· Mr. Kroeschell will not be in attendance at the April 8th meeting.
Maria will get the portion of the TDC Agenda to Mr. Pennington and Mr. Arceri for their
review before the meeting.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the Chair at 5:45 PM.
Vice Chairman David Roellig