Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 12/05/2017 - Not Signed�40yw Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA •Bayshorc Beautification MST Haldeman Creek MSTU A;Senda item 4a— December 5, 200 meetin;3 minutes BAYS HORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LOCAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 5, 2017 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called to order by Chairman, Maurice Gutierrez at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office, 3570 Bayshore Dr, Unit 102. I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, Karen Beatty, Mike Sherman Steve Main, Ron Kezeske, Shane Shadis and Larry Ingram. Peter Dvorak has an excused absence. CRA Staff Present: Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator, CRA; Tami Scott, Senior Project Mgr., Tim Durham, County Managers Office and Debrah Forester, CRA Director. II. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Gutierrez. M. Adoption of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Steve Main second by Ron Kezeske. Passed Unanimously. IV. Adoption of Minutes: A motion to approve October 3rd, 2017 was made Steve Main second by Ron Kezeske passed unanimously. A motion to approve October 5th, 2017 was made Ron Kezeske second by Steve Main passed unanimously. Ron Kezeske noted that he was not present at the October 19th meeting and asked that the minutes be corrected, a motion to approve amended minutes for October 19th, 2017 was made Steve Main, second by Shane Shadis one obstained passed 6-0. A motion to approve November 7th, 2017 was made by Ron Kezeske, second by Steve Main passed unanimously. V. Community/ Business Presentations: a. Meredith L. Mclean from the Richard M. Shulze Family Foundation: Collier County Community Assessment Survey; Ms. McLean explained that the survey is being conducted throughout the County to determine the needs and services in the community. The goal is to reach all the county commission districts to get a good representation. Ms. Mclean distributed the survey and time was provided to complete the survey at the meeting. Anyone who did not finish during the meeting was invited to leave them at the CRA office and Ms. Mclean will pick up later. Once the all the surveys are completed a report will be given to the community on the results. Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA •Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU VI. Old Business: a. Vacant Lots deed restrictions: There was much discussion from the Advisory Board as well as the public attending, that the CRA should require some monetary compensation back to the CRA for the developer not complying with the terms of the deed restrictions if the CRA does not take the properties back. The Advisory Board discussed the increase in value of the properties since the sale and discussed some additional compensation because if it were sold today the value would be much higher than when they were sold originally. If the developer continued with the property, they would like to see a more reasonable timeframe to complete the construction and a mechanism in place to assure proper notification is given to the developer if the timelines are not being met. Ms. Forester requested the Advisory Board's consensus of support to negotiate with the develop and bring the item back at the January meeting. The consensus of the Advisory Board was to support negotiating and bringing it back in January. Mike Sherman opposes negotiating. Tami Scott noted that she had reviewed the Advisory Board's meeting minutes since the properties were sold including the time frame when the deadline to completed the construction was reached and no discussion on the topic was included in the meeting minutes. b. 17 Acre update: Debrah Forester, updated the advisory board that there was a conservation easement at Sudgen Park and the Nature Conservancy would not support any development in the easement. Ms. Forester provided an attachment showing the conservation easement and after further discussion with County staff, development in the area would require mitigation which would also be expensive. The pedestrian pathway connection to Sugden Park is allowed in the conservation easement, so the other two options are still viable. Staff will be meeting with each developer and clarify the terms of the purchase agreement. Staff will update the Board at the next meeting. c. Sudgen Park Pathway: Tami Scott noted that the executive summary to return the CDBG funds to the County will be presented to the CRA Board at the January 9 meeting. As discussed previously, the timing and approved location of the pathway may change once the developer of the 17 acres is selected. Using the CDBG funds to build the pathway at this time was not recommended. d. Redevelopment Act -Legislative update: Tim Durham provided an update on House Bill 17 and Senate Bill 432 which will impact both existing CRAB and the ability for local governments to create new CRAs. Staff is closely monitoring the bills and will continue to provide updates. Ms. Forester noted that Florida Redevelopment Associate is also monitoring and providing input on these bills. The Board members may be interested in tracking the bills Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA •Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU themselves, which can be done by registering online with the Florida House and Senate legislative tracking system. e. Redevelopment Plan Update: Debrah Forester stated the item is scheduled for the January 91h BCC/CRA agenda for approval to move forward with the contract as negotiated. f. Public Art/Murals: Staff updated the Board about the discussion with the murals that were changed since the Advisory Board approved them. The Arts subcommittee will be reviewing the process and application to consider additional language and criteria that will be brought back to the Advisory Board. VII. New Business: a. Safe Routes to School support letter: Staff requested the Chairman sign the letter of support to add sidewalks on Linwood Ave. Ron Kezeske made the motion to approve the letter as written, Steve Main second the motion. Passed unanimously. b. CBIG application Real Macaw: Jeanne Harvey the owner of the Real Macaw submitted her commercial improvement grant with 2 quotes for her sign, and roof improvements for a total reimbursement of $5,286.45. Ron Kezeske made the motion to approve the CBIG application, Karen Beatty second the motion. Passed unanimously. e. Future meeting location: Ms. Forester requested the Board discuss the future location of the CRA meetings to the 5th Floor training room at the County Administration complex, noting the limited resources available at the CRA office. The Chairman asked the community members in attendance what their preference was and they unanimously chose to have the meetings at the CRA office and not the County complex. Future meetings will be held at the CRA office unless under special circumstances where there is the need to have a larger meeting area or better technology. d. 2018 Meeting Calendar Staff provided the 2018 calendar with meeting dates and asked when they wanted to take their summer break. Ron Kezeske will not be able to attend July meeting. Karen Beatty preferred August and September off. Karen Beatty made a motion to recess August and September, Ron Kezeske second the motion. Passed unanimously. VIII. Project Updates: Project Manager's Report: Tami Scott referenced the report included in the meeting packet and asked if there were any specific questions. She highlighted the Thomasson Drive project and the outcome of the Hearing Examiner on the Micro Brewery decision. IX. Correspondence and Communications: Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU a. "Speaker Corcoran takes aim at CRA's": Staff attached an article addressing the two bills going on the legislative ballot. b. 17 acre site, NDN editorial and articles- Articles were included about the 17 acre proposals and what the developers want to build on the site. c. Stormwater Public Workshops: Staff attached meeting dates on the Stormwater Utility Study/Fee that the BCC is considering. Maurice Gutierrez brought up the MSTU districts and asked if any consideration is being given to areas that already are being taxed to provide stormwater improvements. Staff will bring forward that concern to the department working on the item. X. Advisory Board General Communications: Mike Sherman asked about Mattamy Homes sight plan if staff could bring back some plans on what they plan on building. Staff will bring back more information on the project as they submit to the County for approvals. XII. Citizen Comments: Kathi Kilburn wanted to introduce herself and her desire to do more in the Community and how excited she is to invest and live in the CRA district. XIII. Next Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 at 6pm. XIV. Adjournment— The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Chairman Maurice Gutierrez 4