AHAC Minutes 12/04/2017The minutes from the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee for the meeting of December 4, 2018
were not signed at the January meeting due to the absence of the Chairman. Therefore, they will be
included in the February packet.
December 4,2017
8:30 A.M.
Naples, Florida
LET lT 8E REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30
A.M. in a tyOR(rNG SESSION at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 3.d, Board Room, Naples, Flodda, with the
following Members present:
Present:Steve Hruby, Chair
Taylor McLaughlin, Vice Chair
John Cowan
Mary Waller (arrived at 8:33 am)
Litha Berger (arrived at 8:33 am)
Denise Murphy
Christina Apostolidis
s€ott Kish
Excused:Joseph Schmitt
Carlos Portu
ALSO PRESENT:Cormac Giblin - Housing & Grants Development Manager
Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS
Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services
OTHERS PRESENT: Jean Kungle; GeorSe Danz; James Molenaar, Clerk ofCourts; Crystal Kinzel, Clerk of Courts:
Hannah Vogel, WINK News; Barbara Melvin.
steve Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:30 A.M. and read the procedures to be observed during the
meeting. He led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Eight members were in attendance; therefore, a quorum was established.
SettinS the calendar for meetings for next year was added to the agenda as 74- A motion was made
to approve the agenda as amended by Taylor McLaughlin and was seconded by Denise Murphy. The
motion passed by a vote of8-0.
b. Mary Waller made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of November 6, and Litha
Berger seconded. The motion passed by a vote of 8{.
Packet Pg. 68 Attachment: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Minutes - December 4, 2017 (4953 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 5,
4. lNroRMAno aL mMs
5. PuBLrc CoMMEIfr
6. DEcussro rrEMsANDpREsEt{rATroNs
cormac reviewed the applicants for the open position on the committee of "advocate for low income
persons". The group had discussion about the candidates. Kim told the group that certain
candidates could apply for funds through CHS and there cou ld bea potential conflict of interest. lf
this happened, the person could not apply for funds or refuse to vote on anything regarding their
group. Kim said she would check with the BCC office to see if the group could interview applicants as
there were more than one that would fit the qualifications. She would also let Barbara Melvin know
that her application has expired and ask her to reapply. Litha BerBer motioned to table this item to
the next meetinS, Mary waller seconded and the group voted unanimously to accept the
b. Apartment Report - Jason Rummer gave the 3'd quarter repon, reviewing a graph that depicts the
past 3.5 years showing that home prices increased 18.8%, median income increased 8.6% and
affordabllity decreased 4.7%. Next month he will have numbers of available homes.
c. Cormac updated the group regarding the implementation of the Community Housing Plan.
Dec 12th Bcc:
.Request for lnformation (RFl) item county owned lands.
.Discuss Bembridge PUD of 5 acres and Manatee Park with 60 acres.
Feb 27th BCC:
.Adopt New Definition of Affordable Housing - Housing Affordability
.Adopt new Housing Demand Methodology
.Advocate for full fundinB of the Sadowski Housing Trust Fund
.Amend the Affordable Housing Density Bonus (AHDB) program
.Adopt a policy to address housing that is affordable in future public
land acquisitions.
.Adopt amended lmpact Fee Relief program (extend rental deferrals)
.Create a concurrent zoning review/approval process to reduce the cost
of affordable houslng construction and expedite new housing
. Develop a process for commercial to residential conversions
.Develop guidelines to incentivize mixed income residential housing in
future and redeveloped activity centers
Cormac said he will have a draft presentation ready for the group to see before it is presented at the
meeting on February 27th.
Mary waller asked if we were workinS with Kathleen passidomo on her bill. Cormac answered in the
Packet Pg. 69 Attachment: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Minutes - December 4, 2017 (4953 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 5,
NExr MEEn c: JANUARY 8,2018
Locatlon: sth Floor Training Room, Administration (Bullding F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East.
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
OR "os dmended' a).
2078, "os submitted' L)
christina Apostolidis asked if wewill own or lease the land. steve Hruby stated that we shou ld give a
long-term lease in order to keep the homes built on it affordable for a long time.
Litha Berger said that she felt the key to keep the community active was to keep them aware ofwhat
was happening. She said Naples DailyNewsshould bea major conduit. Kim said that the 1C sales tax
was in the news and it goes to affordable housing, so that is one way we keep it current. Christina said
that the affordable housinB project is on the frontline of the federal tax reform as well.
a. The group discussed next year's meeting dates. Discussion was made rega rding changing the time
of the meetings back to 8:0O a.m. The group agreed to change the meeting time. The meetings
will be held the lirst Monday of each month with the exceptions of January and November, when
they be held on the second Monday due to holidays.
b. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned at 9:11
a.m. after being motioned by Mary Waller, seconded by Taylor Mclaughlin and having a final vote
of 8-0.
Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Minutes - December 4, 2017 (4953 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 5,