CAC Minutes 02/12/2004 RFebruary 12, 2004 COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, February 12, 2004 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" third floor, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS BOARDROOM, of the Govemment Complex, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida with the following members present: David Roellig, Vice Chair Anthony Pires James Snediker Bedford Biles William Kroeschell Mr. Pennington John Arceri Also Present: Maria Bemal Ron Hovell NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARDROOM, THIRD FLOOR, W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (ADMINISTRATION), AT THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX, 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA AT 1:30 P.M. ON FEBRUARY 12, 2004. AGENDA 6. 7. 8. Roll Call Additions to Agenda New Business a. Approval of minutes of January 8, 2004 b. 1 O-Year Spending Plan c. Engineering Services for Wiggins Pass Annual Monitoring d. Coastal Advisory Committee Candidates for Vacancy Old Business a. County / City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update i. Purchasing Strategy ii. Public Information Program Phase 2 iii.Engineering Services Proposals iv. Requests for Additional Information v. Project Scope and Funding vi. Schedule b. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update i. Purchasing Strategy ii. Erosion Control Line iii.Requests for Additional Information iv. Schedule c. Review of Recommendations made on January 8, 2004 Audience Participation Committee Member Comments Schedule next meeting Adjournment ADDITIONALLY, THIS NOTICE ADVISED THAT, IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND THAT FOR SUCH PURPOS E, HE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. February 12, 2004 1. Callto Order a. 1:34pm 2. Roll Call 3. Additions to Aeenda a. Introduce Maria Bernal- working in the tourism department New Business a. Approval of minute of January 8, 2004 i. Discussion on the use of the term "transcription" ii. The transcription was not detailed for ease of comprehension for those not attending. b. 10 Year Spending Plan "TDC CATEGARY "A" BUDGET PROJECTIONS "(worksheet) reference) i. Pennington had met with others having a discussion about this, he is not in agreement with the number for 2004 and they should be adjusted in agreement with the original discussion. ii. Move to amend budget; Vanderbilt parking garage should be bonded and the beach park facilities budget be brought back into the agreed 2 million dollars and also incorporate the beach re- nourishment. iii. Some of these figures from this worksheet are carried forward from prior year commitments in various stages of execution. iv. For clarification a worksheet with a distinction of new appropriated funds and prior year commitments would assist in budgeting. v. Previous motion moved to vote, passed unanimously vi. Have a subcommittee do a recommended budget. Have someone from County Finance assist with the project. vii. Some scenarios where run through the excel work sheet to demonstrate the budget possibilities. viii. Included in this worksheet is also a -5% estimated revenue and possible reimbursements. e February 12, 2004 ix. Sub-Committee established: - Mr. Pennington, Mr. Arced, and Mr. Roellig 1. The three members will email Ron on their availability for meeting times. -Speaker: Dick Lydon Questioned about payment of 2004 taxes, along with the 2 million dollars and the adjustment for inflation. Commendations were given. c. Engineering Services for Wiggins Pass Annual Monitoring i. Wiggins Pass Annual Monitoring is required each year, last year it was bypassed by the post construction report that was utilized and accepted by the State. ii. Annual monitoring is usually performed in May, it is being brought forth now in order to get the recommendation and issue the work order to commence with the necessary procedures in a timely manner. iii. Moved for approval with a unanimous vote. -Speaker: Dick Lydon Addressed a rumor of an ethical nature dealing with Mr. Humiston that he did not agree with. d. Coastal Advisory Committee Candidates for Vacancy i. This position is in replacement of Jack Strapponi. Requirements for the position were reviewed along with a review of each candidate and individuals comments. Graham Ginsberg has more of a technical back ground and is interested in beach access. Rob Dowling does not have as much of the technical background but has the understanding of the importance of the beaches being a realtor and is an advocate for beach renourishment. ii. Vote was called for Rob Dowling to be elected- vote was unanimous 5. Old Business a. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update February 12, 2004 i. Erosion Control Line 1. A power point presentation was given by Mr. Humiston from Humsiston & Moore Engineers (reference presentation) ii. Requests For Additional Information Discussion: -The way the shoals are moving on the shore, there is a possibility of a natural influx of sand moving on shore. How much or when is unpredictable, a change in plans is therefore not recommended at this time. -The permitting process could take up to 3-5 months, best case scenario 90 days. -One contractor will take care of the entire project. -Once the permits are in place then the next step can take place with the preparation of the construction specifications as well as the detailed construction cost estimated plans. -A scope and proposal have been provided but a work order has not been given for the second faze of this project. Speaker: Graham Ginsberg Displayed pictures iii. Purchasing Strategy 1. Two step selection process- Get a list of initial interested firms, have a prequalification check, and solicit only those firms that have passed the check. A selection committee would be needed for this processes. 2. It is the goal to have the contractor mobile around November, or September. In order for this to be done a July award for permitting should be targeted. The funds would need to be awarded this year in order for the project to move forward this year. Feasibly for success of the project there can't be two contracts with two separate selection processes, and award the funds at two separate times. If two separate contractors are used the timing could 4 February 12, 2004 bo be off along with the problem of working out the proper timing of the natural erosion of sand. 3. A five person selection committee with one CAC member ( Jim Snediker) along with Ron Hovell, two others outside of the department, and a purchasing agent. 4. Discussion on sponsorship definition and description. Certain areas can sponsor the portion that is within their boundaries if they so desire. County / City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update i. Purchasing Strategy 1. The figure of 9 million dollars was the starting number from 2 years ago since then more beaches have been added, therefore the cost estimate is now 17 million dollars. This includes three fazes of one, two, and three (referencing worksheet). ii. Public Information Program Phase 2 1. When this funding for education through the web site was received by the Tourist Development counsel it was voted 5 to 0 to deny any funding. It was viewed as funding that could be better spent. Returning with a presentation to demonstrate the importance of educating the public and others on all of the on going projects was advised. This is a good tool for the Hotels that will be directly affected by these projects. The City might also benefit from working together on this web site education. David Roellig volunteered to go the TDC meeting on Monday the 23rd to give the proposal of scaling back the meeting amounts down to only 4 meetings instead of 9 in order to decrease the expenditures. iii. Engineering Services Proposals February 12, 2004 o e J 1. There are three proposals: "Final Design, Plans and Specifications", "8th Annual Monitoring Report and Survey", "Borrow Area N5 and Pipeline Corridor Marine Resources Investigations" 2. The cost of aerial photography might not be necessary since the County already does this. 3. Motion to have County staff are to conclude negotiations and issue a work order not to exceed initial proposal for "Final Design, Plans and Specifications". All voted and unanimously passed 4. For page 23 the date needs to be switched from July 2002 to 2003. 5. Motion to pass"8th Annual Monitoring report and Survey" Voted on and unanimously passed with changes. 6. On page 47 there is a typo. Faze one and faze two can be ongoing simultaneously. It has to be Horizon way at the end of R52. On page 60 next to the last paragraph the southern limit of the project is set at R-88 it is suggested to be R-80. The first paragraph on page 60 states "Since Clam Pass is predominately closed", it is open. 7. Request to have comments to be incorporated for the "Borrow Area N5 and Pipeline Corridor Marine Resources Investigations" c. Review of Recommendations made on January 8, 2004 i. Discussion of size of grain of sand and color Audience Participation a. None Committee Member Comments a. Commendations for Mafia Bemal Schedule next meetin~ a. Next Meeting is scheduled for March 11th 1:30 in BCC Boardroom. 6 February 12, 2004 9. Adiournment There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order to the Vice Chair at 5:30 pm. Collier County Coastal Advisory Council Vice Chairperson, Mr. David Roellig 7