Agenda 03/18/1997 R COLLeCt COUNT~ Tuead&y, ~arch 1~, 1997 9:00 a.~. ~TI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AT LF~T 13 DAYS ~ P~ ~O DIC~f ~ AP~ A DECISION ~L ~GIS~ P~LIC fP~R~ ~LL ~E L~I~ ~ {5) H~S ~ESS P~I~SION FOR ~DITIO~ T~ ~SI3T~ LIBT~NO D~CES FOR ~ ~ ~AI~ AVAI~LE IN ~ CO~ CO~SSIO~RS' OFFICE L~ RECESS SC~ FOR 12~00 N~N TO 1~00 P.M. 1. INVOCATIQ~ 2. PLF-DGE OF ALLEGIA.NC~ 3. APPROVAL OF A~ENDA ARD CONSENT AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINIIT$~ February 25, 1997 - Regular meeting. 5. ~RQCLA/~ATIONS A~ID SERVICF~ A. (1) Proclamation recognizing Continental Cablevision as & provider of family valued programming and entertainment by offering the Disney channel with basic service. To be accepted, by Edward Garcia, Government and Community Relations Manager and Mickey Mouse. (2) Proclamation designating March 23-29, 1997 as'Public Library Volunteer Week. To be accepted by Fran Hays, Volunteer Coordinator; Anne Schuch, representing Headquarters Library; Bob Smith, representing Marco Island Branch; Frances Lease, representing Collier North Branch; Charles Wright, representing Eas= Naples Branch and Owen Hayes. representing ~olden Gate Branch. (3) Proclamation designating March 12, 1997, as Naples Woman's Club Day. E. Service Award~ C. Presentation! March 18, 1997 6. APPROVAL OF CL~K'S P~P0~T A. ANALYSIS OF C~ANGZS ~ R~SZRVES FOR CONTINGENCIES 1. General Fund (001) 2. Community Development Fund (113} 3. Facilities Construction Fund (301) 7. PUBLIC PETITIO~ A. Robert D. Nadeau, Executive Director, representing the July 4th Festival {Naples Junior Chamber, Inc.) regarding the upcoming July 4th Festival at Sugden Regional Pork. B. Frank Balogh, Vice Chair, Chamber/£DC Coalition Disaster Recovery Committee, regarding the Post-Disaster Re-Entry Identification Program. 8. ~QUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT A. COmPliCITy DEVELOPM]D{T & ENVIRONMENTAL S£R~CE~ (1) Community Development and Environmental Services Division staff presenting the 1996 annual report of the Development Services Advisory Committee. (2) Staff review and recommendations relative to Ordinance 90-7, also know~ as the Crestwood PUD which, according to the required PUD Status Report submitted by the property owner/agent, has not commenced construction es defined in Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, resulting in several possible courses of action for the Board of County Commissioners to consider. (3) Staff review and recommendations relative to Ordinance 90-6, as amended, also known as Neapolitan Park PD-D which, according to the required pUD Status Report submitted by the property owner/agent, has not commenced construction as defined in Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, resulting in several possible courses of action for the Board of County Commissioners to consider. (4) Staff review and recommendations relative to Ordinance 91-88, also known as The Vincentian Residence PUD, which according to the required PUD Status Report submitted by the property owner/agent, has not commenced construction as defined in Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, resulting in several possible courses of action for the Board of County Commissioners to consider. (5) Staff review and recommendations relative to Ordinance 91-31, also known as The Waterford Estates Pb~, which according to the required PUD Status Report submitted by the property owner/agent, has not commenced construction as defined in Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, resulting in several possible courses of action for the Board of County Commissioners to consider. (6) Request the Board of County Commissioners approve a Resolution establishing local requirements and procedures for amending the Collier County Land Development Code and repealing Resolution No. 93-124. March 18, 1997 (?) Staff review and re¢o~nendations relative to Ordinance 90-69, ae amended, ales known as the A~tron Plaza PUD which, according to the required PUD Status Report submitted by the property owner/agent, has not co~nenced construction as defined in Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, resulting in eeveral p~ssible courses of action for the Board of County Commissioners to consider. (8) Staff review and reco~m~n~ations relative to Ordinance 83-45, also known as the Weetview Plaza PUD, which, according :0 the required pUD Status Report sub~nitted by the property owner/agent, has no% co~nenced construction as defined in Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, resulting in ,everal possible courses o( action for the Board of County Commissioners to consider. (9) Appeal of invoice and statement of account for Code Enforcement Case No. 61113-079; owner of record Matthew Tavtigian end Rowena Tavtigian. (1} This item has been deleted. C. PUBLIC SERVIC~ D. SUPPORT SERVICE~ E. COU~'Y MA. NAGEE (1) Recommendation tO approve Advisory Boards designated for annual review per Ordinance No. 92-44. (2) Board authorization to waive the competitive proposal process and au:horize staff to nego:iate a con:tact with Henderson, Young & Company to prepare a Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Feasibility Study. an update of the Law Enforcement Impact Fee Ra~e Study, and a Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Rate Study, if feasible. 9. ~OLg~Ty ATTORNEY'S REPORT 10. ~OARD OF COUNTY CO~MISSIOWERS A. Appointment of member to the Collier County Public Health Unit Advisory Board. B. Appointment of member to the Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee. C. Appointment of members to the Industrial Development Authority. D. Appointment of member to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. E. Nomination of representative from Collier County to :he Esters Bay Agency on Bay Management. (Commissioner Hancock) Il. QTHER CONSTIT17TIONAL OFFICE~ PUBLIC COMMENT ON GENERAL TOPIC~ PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HF. kRD IM~[EDIATELY FOLLOWING STAFF IT~'MS 3 March 18, 1997 All matters listed under thie item are considered to be routine and action will be taken by one motion without separate discussion of each item. If discussion is desired by a member of the Board, the= item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and coneidered separately. A. COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT & L'~rVIRONMENTAL SERVIC~ [1) Approval of a Budget Amendment using Fund 111 reserves to pay impac= fees that were previously authorized for reimbursement. (2) Water facilities acceptance for Naples ~eritage Clubhouse. (3) Water facilities acceptance for Mystic Greens II. (4) Water facilities acceptance for Naples Heritage Maintenance Facility and Restroom. (5} Recommendation to grant final accep%ance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements for the final plat of "Sou=hampton Unit One-. B. PUBLIC WORF~ (1) Provide authorization to obligate funds for professional services to perform the second year of Post-construction monitoring requirements for the Collier County Beach Restoration Project. (2) Approve a change order for performance of additional services under the Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project. (3) Approve renewal of me~%bership for 1997 in Fiorxda Shore and Beach Preservation Association's "Beach Watch" program for local government sponsors of beach and inlet projects. (4) Recommendation to reject Bid #97-2634 for the purchase of a bulldozer for the Stormwater Management Department. March 18, 1997 (5) Approve the conveyance of water facilities to Florida Cities Water Company and execution of Agreements terminating interim water aez-vice Agreements. (6) Award a contract for Bid No. 97-2642, Clam Pass Maintenance Dredg'ing to Masters Group, ~nc. in the amount of $77,411.00. c. ~ {1) Recommendation that the Board of County Co,mmissioners award the contract to renovate the Golden Gate Community Center to W. j. Varian Construction Company. (2) Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners award the contract to make improvements at Immok&lee Recreation/Aquatic Center to Vanderbilt Bay Construction, Inc. (3} ReCOmmendation that the Board of County Commissioners adopt resolutions recinding a no-parking zone along County Road 29 in the vicinity of Outdoor Resorts, Chokoloskee Island, to allow off-road vehicle and boat trailer parking and establishing a limited no-parking zone on an adjacent right-of-way for safety. Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, renew its a v appraisers and a~nraisa1 .~_ . ppis ~1 of valuation sez-vice~r~h~.~'.u~*~m" _~or appraisal and -~- ~n~ ~ounty may require from time to time, pursuant to RFP-95-2338. {2) Recommendation to award Bid No. 97-26¢1 for exterior pressure cleaning. (3) A Resolution approving the Satisfaction of Liens for certain residential accounts wherein the County has received payment and said liens are satisfied in full for the 1991 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments. (4) A Resolution approving the Satisfaction of Liens for certain residential accounts wherein the County has received pay~nent and said liens are satisfied in full for the 1993 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments. (S) A Resolution approving the Satisfaction of Liens for certain residential accounts wherein the County has received payment and said liens are satisfied in full for the 1992 Solid waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments. · (6] ReCommendation to approve a budget amendment to appropriate the maintenance services revenues that are in excess of their budget. (7) Report to the Board of County Commissioners concerning the sale and transfer of items associated with the County's surplus auction of February 22, 1997. 5 March 18. 1997 BOARD OF COU'~I'T COI~SS~OI~R~ fl) Certificate cf Correction: NEED MOTION the Ch~i~an to ~ign C~rttficate of Correction to the tax roll~ ~ p~ented by tha Proper~y Appr~imer.~ Office. REC~E~ [2) Satiefaction of Lien: ~ED MOTIQN authorizing the Chal~an ~o sign Satisfaction of Lien for Se~ice~ of the ~lic ~fendmr for Came Nos. 96-8411-~. 94-1499-~, 96-3497-~, 96-10186-~, 96-9929-~, 96-212-~, 96-10059-~, 96-1615-CFA, 96-5393-~, 94-~880-CFB, 8S-3808-~, 90-3465-~ and ~C~E~ APPROVe, (3) ~cellaneous I~.ms to File For Record With Action A Directe~ · Q~R CONSTI~ION~ (1) Reco~enda=ion for Board to authorize =he A~torney to commence a civil action againat Elba Co.ora=ion and First Union National Bank of Florida. focally Sou~heas~ Bank P.A., to draw on =he escrowed funds for the re~ired improvements at E~assy Woods Phase I and E~assy Woods Phase II. $ March 18, 1997 A(~NDA CHAN~ES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETIN~ MARCH 18, 1997 ADD~ ITEM 10 (~) ~ FINAL REPORT OF THE CITIZENS' COUNTY MANAGER SCREENING COM~ITTEE. (STAFF'S REQUEST). 1. COLLIER COUNTY LANDFILL AND SOUTH REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT PLA/T~ . (COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE) . Mn children have greater access to television today and watch more of the medium on a daily basis; arwl families are longing for better program.t depicting values, education and learning of life skills for their children or grandchildren., and programming that is al~propriate for an entire family to watch is much needed in toda.y '$ society; and I qlr£RF.n$, we as a community applaud the efforts of organisatfon~ and businesses, xuch a~ Disney channel, which acknowledge that television vtewing can bt fun and educational. NOI~ THEREFORE, be it fam~ recognize. ~Collier ton as a provider of Disney channel AICP, CHAIRNt~ PROCLAMA 7'ION The Volunteer Service Corp. is an integral part of the Collier County Public Library system; and during the months of December and January these concerntd cittzertx donated over 3, 700 volunteer hours to our Public Library system; and the total monetary value of this volunteer service exceeded $30,000. ~0; and this volunteer service directly affects the taxpayers by r~atuctng the actual cost of Library service; and The VolunIeer Service Corp. now contains over 300 indivldual parttcipants; ana the qualtty of £tbrary Service in Collier County would be reduced without thetr presence and willingness to service. NOW TttEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that appreciation i~ extended to this DONE AND outstanding ~p between the public and pr~,ate 'by both that an investme~ in our but in our present as our commitment to a ,lic ;, 1997, be CLERX~ CP, CHAI~ MAR 18 P.O.__ / WHER_F_4S, WH£REAS, PROC£,4M4 TIO~ the Naples Woman's Club is cetebra~'ng sixty-five years of service to the Naples community,, and this Woman's Club has been instrumental in development and expansion of the Collier County Public Library system; and the Naples Woman '$ Club has established and promoted Youth Haven facilities for dependenl children during these years; and tn 1984 i;s members.funded and erected the Veteran '~ Memorial tn Cambier Park; and scholarships amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars have been presented to local htgh school graduates over the~re many year$,, and virtually hurMreds of philanthropic organization, r have benefited from both the financial and volunteer arMstance of Naples Woman '$ Club members,, and Naples Woman's Naples area; the the acco~ these cot its members for their of Collier dcm DONE AND D~qGHT E. BROCK. CLERK A~3£ H.~.A ~Z TEM NO. ,o ./'/· HAR 18 lg~t7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA M~rch 18, 1997 CLERK'S REPORT Ana/ylJs of Changes to Re£erves for Contingencies Genera/Fund (001) for FY 96/97 Community Development Fund (113) for 96/97 Facilities Construction Fund (301) for ~ 96/g7 AN, ALYI~ OF CHANGE8 TO GENERAL. FUND I~EI£RVE FOR ¢ONTINQ£NCIE~ F~ lt~ mc,Ming d.~ ~¢ kCen~ 18,1~g7 FY' 1~47 RE~,ERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES: I.A. 11-Z?'-~8 48 12-11..~8 64 To ;my ~ exp,me~ f~ ~ Chid Car~ ~ 12-11~8 68 To r~3eir ~'~e ~ L.~ Chiae~ 12.-31-e6 110 11g ~ re~Ne,~ with ~ m longer employed by EMS. 1-31-1~7 143 To ~ w'l~ Tax Deed App,~G;.-.i, for cleinque~ t~,l f~ 1 gg4 tax certf, clt~, 2-11 -g7 183 To fund gain ~hed~g award~ a~ ~g~:~<l by BCC 12.17..g6 1 ~7 To fum:l ~ rapai~ to Ihe Im~,=~/~e J~, Naple~ J~il $10,000 eech: (No.: 29. 17. 66, 69. 51,181,162.) $ $ 4,6'ZS.gO0 5,~31,919 (18.50000) (~ 4,475.00) 41,300.00 (42,770.00) (35,50OO0) (12,50000) (36,180) ..... HAR 1 ~ 1997 ANALY'~ OF CHAHG~$ TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND (113) P.,~.~ RVE FOR Fo~ ~ mean9 of M~ch 18, 1997 FY t~4-~7 FOR ~m<~.~nm) o,' W~c~m mm mxpkW~d 1-22-97 112 EX~LANAT}ON OF REDUCTIONS Explanation Fun(~ ~ovk:led by mxcm cmn'y forward $ 4~5.200 Total Redu~on~ AI~,LYI~ OF CHANGES TO FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION FUND (301) RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES F~e mee'~v3 ~ of M~rcfl lB, 1997 2-11-g7 2-24-97 3-5-97 B.A. 145 EXPLANATION OF REDUCTIONS Exp~m:m ~da~on can')' forward i~ needed for ongoing proJectl for 1997. Fund. n~t nee~d f~. L.~-~g R~'of~, returned Funde needed to cover ~he co~! of professorial ~nd~caping for Em 41. $ 294,400.00 533,733.00 (=2,0O0) Amendm®ntl ,,,mounting to ~ than $10,000 each: (No.: 25) (2.201) Tot~ reductior~ $ 239.3.33 o.~ MAR 1 1997 N~t05-~7 23:57 - · g42 403 77g0 ~.02 Presented by the Naples Junior Chamber, Inc. (Niple$ JC's) P.O. Box 7783 Nal~e~. Fk~l. 34101 (941) 4d3-3748 FAX 403-779O March 5, 1997 Mike McNees Interim County Manager 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34104 This is a request to be placed on the Cc!lier County Commission agenda for Tuesday, March 18, 1997 under the "Public Petition" heading. The Naples Junior Chamber, Inc. wishes the Collier County Board Of Corur, issioners to be the title sponsor of the upcoming JULY 4TH FESTIVAL to be held Friday, July 4, 1997 at Sugden Regional Park. The Collier County Parks & Recreation Department would be the supervising entity for the county. I have had several meetings with Skid Camp and his staff. They are ezcited and most ' interested in assisting with this event. For more information please contact me at the above phone nu~T~ers. ~-..ecutive Director AGENDA ITEM I~:.~.. ~ 3620 Tamiami Trail North, Naples, FL 34103-3724 CHAMBER/EDC COALITION EC~ D6VELOPt~NI' Of COOLER FOR GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (941) 262-6376 FAX (941) 262-8374 Mr. Michael A. McNees Interim County Manager 330i Tamiarrti Trail East Naples, FL 34112 INFO: FIL[: STAFF FILl: March 11, 1997 HAND DELIVERED Re: Request for Public Petition - Post Disaster Re-Entry Identification Program Dear Mr. McNees: The Disaster Recovery Committee of the Chamber/EDC Coalition for Government and Community Affairs came before the Board &County Commissioners on June 18, 1996. Ms. Klm Anderson, representing the committee, presented a plan for a Post-Disaster Re-Entry Identification Program. Having received the approval of the Commission, as well as the City Council, the committee moved forward with the program. On behalf of the committee, I would like to request that Mr. Frank Balogh, the Committee Vice Chair, be placed on the agenda for the March 18, 1997 Board of County Commission, under Public Petitions, to present the Commissioners with the completed program. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions regarding this request I can be reached at 262-6376. cc: Capt. Tom Storrar Chief Kevin Rambosk Mr. Ken Pineau Disaster Recovery Committee Members Sincerely, Ellie Krier Chamber Coalition Manager HAR 1 8 I997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPlV[ENT AND ENVIRONME~AL SERVICES DIVISION STAFF PRESENTING THE 1996 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE. OBJECTIVE: To present the Board of County Commissioners with an a~mual update of activities of the Development Services Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: The Development Services Advisory Con~.mittee (DSAC) was formally acknowledged as an Advisory Board to the Board of Commissioners in 1993 by Ordinance 93-76. The stated mission of the DSAC is to assist in the enhancement of operational efficiency and budgetary accountability within the Community Development and Environmental Services DMsion and to provide a link between the Division, development industry and citizens of Collier County. Chairman for 1996 was Tom Peek, PE., and Herbert R Savage, AIA, served as the Vice-Chairman Newly elected Chair and Vice-Chair for 1997 are Clifford Barksdale, P.E. and R. Bruce Anderson, respectively. The DSAC holds publicly noticed meetings the first Wednesday of each month at the Development Services Center. The DSAC is organized into three standing subcommittees to oversee the varying responsibilities of the full Committee These sub-committees are: Land Development Regulation, Chair, Cliff Barksdale, Utility Codes, Co-Chairs, Gary Hayes and Joyceanna "J..A." Rautio; and Construction Codes, Chair, Dino Longo. These sub-committees also meet monthly and held a combined total of 38 meetings during 1996, not including the special meetings held by the Land Development Regulation Sub-committee during the development of the Commercial Building Architectural and Design Guidelines or special committee meetings relative to development of the revised Utility Standards Ordinance. All Committee and Sub-committee meetings are publicly noticed. The DSAC had a very active and involved year, highlighted by the following accomplishment s: MAR 1 8 1997 · Endorsed of single-family lot drainage plans in conjunction with building permits · Supported elimination of privatized building inspections · Provided advisement in discussions on fire flow policy and fire department interlocal agreement. · Reviewed habitat protection ordinance/standards and results of developer incentive survey for habitat protection. · Approved structural building and hurricane code amendments · Affirmed revised commercial vehicle ordinance · Continued to review and comment on the amendments to the Utility Standards Ordinance. · Provided oversight of the budget development for the Community Development and Environmental Services Division annual budget. · Continued to provide input in the development of the Community Development integrated computer network. · Endorsed enhanced landscaping and building signage requirements for commercial sites. · Provided technical expertise in the development of the Commercial Building Architectural and Design Guidelines. Gross'th Managemen! Impact: AJI actions of the Development Services Advisory Committee are consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. Fiscal Impact: This Advisory Committee has no operating budget and receives staff support via the Community Development and Environmental .Services Division Administrator. Recommendation: That the Board of County Commissioners accept the 1996 annual report of the Development Services Advisory Committee. Prepared By: Donald W, ,,sJ--nold, AICP Planning Services Department Director Date ., .,.1.P, " ',z 7 I AR 1 8 ! Reviewed By: Tom Peek, P.E. Immediate Past Chairman of DSAC Date Chairman, DSAC / Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Community Developmem & Environmental Services Division Date Date ~I,~R 18 lgg? STAFF REVIEW AND RECC~4ENDATIONS RELATIV~ TO ORDINJ%NC£ 90-7, AI2~O ~ ~ T~ ~S~D ~, ~ICH, ~CO~ING ~ T~ ~I~D ~ STA~S ~RT ~IT~D BY T~ ~R~ ~R/~NT, ~ NOT ~N~D ~S~CTI~, ~ DEFINED IN SECTION OF ~ ~I~R C~ ~ DE~~NT CODE, ~S~TING IN SEVE~ ~ ~NSIDER. OBJ]:CT/V~: Staff is requesting that the Board review staff's findings and recommendations regarding the above referenced PUD. CONSIDERATIONS: This PUD was originally approved on January 23, 1990. Section of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the fifth anniversary of the PUD approval by the Board. of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of this report is to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section For those PUDs approved prior to the effective date of adoption of the Land Development Code, the five year approval period commenced on the adoption date, October 30, 1991. Therefore, the conditions set forth in Section are applicable as of October 30, 1996. The above referenced PUD has been identified as a project which was approved prior to October 30, 1991 and which has not commenced construction as defined in Section Staff has utilized the required PUD status {monitoring) report, supplemented by field observation and review of in house records to verify the current status of the PUD and as the basis of a recommendation to the Board consistent with the options provided in Section (I) & (2). Section reads as follows: Time limits for approved PUD master plans. In the event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landowner(s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or a development order for all infrastructure improvements to include utilities, roads and similar improvements required by the approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least 15 percent of the gross land area of the PUD site every five years of the date of approval by t~he Board of County Commissioners; and 1 8 ,'997 ' o Fail to receive final local davelo~ent orders for at least 15 ~ercent of the total number of approved dwelling units in the PUD, or in the case of PUDs consisting of nonresidential uses, 30 p~rcent of the to~al approved gross leasable floor area within the PUD every six years of the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The project developer shall sul~it to the Planning Services Director a status report on the' progress of develo~x~ent annually cc=~encing on the fifth anniversary date of the PUD approval by the ~oard of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of the report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth above. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has commenced in earnest, then the land shall retain its existing PUD approval and shall not be subject to additional review and consideration of new development standards or use modification. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has not commenced in earnest, then upon review and consideration of the report provided by tho owner and any supplemental information that may be provided, the Board of County Commissioners shall elect one of the following: To extend the current PUD approval for a maximum period of two years; at the end of which time, the owner will again submit to the procedure as defined herein. Require the owner to sufl~it an amended PUD in which the unimproved portions of the original PUD shall be consistant with the Growth Management .Plan. The existing PUD shall remain in effect until subsequent action by the board of the submitted amendment of the PUD. If the owner fails to sul~mit an amended PUD within six months of Board action to require such an amended submittal, then the Board may initiate proceedings to rezone the unimproved portions of the original PUD to an appropriate zoning classification cons ..... ~ v~ ~h -2- MAR 1 8 ]997 the ~ture Land Uae El~a~nt of the Growth ~fana~ment Plan. Zn the case of developments of regional impact, time limit restrictions shall bo ~rseded by the phasing plan and/or tim~ limits contained within the a~plication for development approFal and approved as ~art of a develo~aent order in conformance with F.$. ] 380.06. ~lrnopsis of Approv~<i Land Uses: This PUD was approved for a range of commercial uses similar to the C-3 zoning district for a maximum of 20,000 square feet of retail on tract I (1.35 acres), plus 90,000 square feet of non- retail uses such as warehousing, offices and similar uses, or 160 motel rooms (a density of 26 units per acre) on tract II (6 acres). This PUD also contains a 2.2 acres of preserve area divided between tracts I and II, This PUD contains 8.23 acres. Consistency with Comx~rehensive Growth Management Plan: The subject PUD is designated an Activity Center on the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. Based on staff review of the approved land uses, the PUD has been determined to be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The PUD has also been found to'be consistent with the following GMP Elements FLUE; Traffic Circulation Element; Open Space/Natural Resource Element. Consistency. with the Collier County Land Develo~ment Code : The PUD has been distributed to the appropriate Jurisdiction review entities specifically for review of the PUD for consistency with current land development regulations. Based on that review, the following inconsistencies have been identified: Transportation: (Traffic impacts, access management, etc.) This PUD will be required to adhere to the provisions of the LDC, including the Access management Plan. Landscape: {Buffers/Green Space) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the L~. Environmental: (Protected species, green/open space) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. - '3-- IlAR 1 8 1 97 · ~nginm~ring/Site Dmvmlo~nt: (Sewer/water, drainage issues) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. Planning: ( Architectural Standards) This PUD pre-dates the Architectural Standards gf the LDC; however, the applicant has agreed to comply with the Architectural Standards of the LDC, at the time of development. FISCAL IMPACT: A two year extension of this PUD Ordinance will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. BTA. FF RECO[~4ENDATION: Based on a comprehensive review of this PUD document, recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant a two year extension of this PUD. PREPARED BY: CHARRAM BADAMTCHIAN, Ph.D., AICP DATE REVIEWED BY: RO~RT J. MULHERE, AICP CURRENT PLARNING MANAGER DATE DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP PLARNI~G SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE CC~MUNITY DEVELOi~ENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISI~ iN -4- MAR 1 8 1997 ,----.--- 10 '*~ 11 14 15 · "-:l 24 30 31 39 41 43 44 R£SOLUTION 97- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCI~MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, P'JRSU~.~T TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOFM~NT CODE AFFECTING ORDINA2/CE 90-7 K~O~ A~ CRESTWOOD PUD, EXTENDING Th'E CL~NT PUD A~PROVA/, TO )4ARCH 18, 1999; ]~WD PROVIDING A/~ EFFECTIVE DATE. WHERe, the Crestwood PUD, Ordinanca 90-7 adopted on January 23, 1990, is subject to the provisions of Section, of the Land Develop:ent Code (LDC), Time Limits for Approved PUD Zoning Districts together with their respective Master Plans; and WHER/.AS, the PUD was adopted consistent with and under the provisions of the Collier Co'~%ty Growth Manage~ant Plan; and WHEREAS, the applicant kas acknowledged that the subject PUD shall com~ly with the AJchltez~ural Standards, as defined in Section 2.8 of the Land Devei:pment Code (LDC]. WHEREAS, the Board of Czunty Commissioners has reviewed the PUD and has detex-r...ined to ax:~nd the current PUD Zoning for two years, until March 18, 1999; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RS~LVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Ficrida that: This approval. The above recitals are adopted herein by reference as if fully set for:h herein. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of compliance with the review requirements of Section of the LDC. Pursuant to said ae:tion of the LDC, the current PUD approval is hereby extended to March 18, 1999; at the end of which time the owner shall submit to the procedures in LDC Section Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its BE IT FURTHER RESOL%~D that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is grante~. This Resolution adopte~ after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of , 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: D~IGHT E. BROCK, CLEkK TIMOTHY L. ~tA}~COCK, CliAI~; APPROVED A~ TO FORM k~D LEG$C SUFFICIENCY: MARJq~IE M. STUDENT A~SISTANT COUNTY ATTO?.N~y f/Crestwood PUD/ -2- liAR 1 8 1997 ORDINANCE 90- 7 A~ ORDINANCE AMTNDIHG ORDINANCE 82-2 THE CO~RZHENSiVZ ZONING ~G~TiONS FOR ~Z WIHCO~O~TED ~ OF"COLLI~ CO~y, FLORIDA BY ~ENDIN~ ~E OFFICI~ ZONING AT~S ~P ~ER 48~26-9 BY C~;GI::G TH~ ZONING C~SSIFiCATION OF MEREIN DESCRIBED Re~ ~ROP~TY FROM A-2 TO "Pb~" P~N~D ~;IT D~ELOPMENT FOR APPROXI:~TEL~ 5.5 ACRES OF R~STA~T, RETAIL OR OFFlCE SPACE IN ADDITION TO 2.7 ACRES OF RI~HT-OF-WAY, OPEN ~PACE ~D.. W~;D ~, TO BE ~O~ AS' PROPERTY LOCATED AT ~Z SOPHIST CO~ OF I~O~EE ROAD (CR INTERChanGE QU~T, CONSISTINU pF 8.23~ ACRES, LOCATED IN ~!~ION 30, TO,SHIP SOUTH, ~:GE 26 ~ST, COLLI~ CO~;TY, FLORIDA; ~D BY PROVIDING ~ EFFECTIVE DATE. W~EREAS, Robert L. Duane of Hole, Montes and Asseciates, re~resenting Frederick R. Pauly, Trustee, petitioned the Bcard of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIHED by the Board of County Com.uissicners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: The Zoning Classification of the herein described real property located in Section 30, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida is changed from "A-2" to "PUD" PlannWd Unit Development in accordance with the PUD doc'anent attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein and by reference made part he~eof. The Official Zoning Atlas Map"Nu=~ber 48-26-9, as described in Ordinance Humber 82-2, i$ hereby amended accordingly. I This Ordinancs shell become effective upon receipt of notics froa the Secretary of State that this DATe.: January 23, 1990 BOM~D OF COUFTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO~/NTY, F~RIDA R-~9-20 PUD ORDiN~;CE nb/2007 · ! CRZSTWOOD UNIT D~-VZLOPM~NT FILE NO. Prepared By Hole, Montes & As$o¢iates,.Inc. 715 loth Street South Naples, Florida 33940 January 9, 1989 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE SECTION I STATEMiNT OF ¢O::PLIA~NCE .............. · ....... '..: .... 1 SECTION II ' .'. PROPERTY OW~NERSHIP, LI. GAL D~_SCRIPTION,'SHORT '. TITLE AND STATE."-:;T OF 5,'NiFIE0 CONTROL..' ......... '.. 2-3 SECTION III STATE,~fENT OF I.NTE:~? A~rD RRCJ---CT DESCRiPTiON ........ 4-5 SECTION IV GENERAL DE%~LOP.~.'E:~T R.~GULATiON$ .................... 6-10 SECTiO:; V E:U*I RON'MENTAL STA2~DARDS ............................ 11-13 SECTION VI TRANSPORTATION PSQU I P~}~NT S ........................ 14 SECTION VII ~NGINEERING A.~'D UTILITIES F~.QUIR~.M~:~T$. '" 15-17 SECTION. VIII WATBR F. A2~AG_.-,~:_VNT R~QUIP. F. MT_NTS ...................... EXHIBIT A: EXHIBIT B: LIST OF EX'H. IBIT$ CONC£~AL PUD MASTER PLAN WAFER .f ! I -~-CTION I STATFI{ZNT OF COMPLIA~C£ The development of this project will* be in compliance ~ith the planning goals and objectives of Collier County ss Sst forth in the Growth Management Plan. This compliance.includes: 1. The subject property is located in In'aria identified as an Activity Center in the Cro',~h Managenent Plah for Collier County. 2. Activity Centers are the preferred 'locatio~s for the concentration of co.~-.ercial and mixa~ use development activities such as this project. 3. The subject tract is l¢cated on the southeast corner of the I~okalea Roa~ and 2-75 ln~er~ection. This strategic locations allcws the site superior access for the placenent of commercial activities. 4. The project shall be in compliance ~lth all applicable County regulations including the ~row~h Management Plan. 5. The project ~i!! ~e served by a complete range of services and utilities aa approved by the County. 6. The project is cc:;atibla ~ith adjacent land uses"throu~h t~he internal arrangezent of structures, the placement of land use buffers, and the proposed davelopmen~ standards cone&lead herein. The Planned Unit Development includes open spaces and natural features ~hich a · r preserved from future development in order to enhance their natural functions and to serve as proJec~ amenities. On this site, %he proJec% cosines' land uses, including retail, and office uses, vi%h extensive open spaces and buffer zonem to satisfy the ~ldalines ad~ra~sed in the ~ro~h Eanagement Plan pertaining ~o land uses in planned unit developments ~i:hin Activity Center~. SECTION II, \ PROPERTY O'.~.;~RSHIp, LEGAL DESCRIPTION, SHORT TITL.T. Ak;D STATEMENT OF UNIFiED CONTROL 2.1 The subject pro?e~y is currently o'~ned by: ~. Fredrick R. Pauly, Trustee -' 2.2 The subject prc~erty is described ss f~l.lo~s: L'--GAL D_~SCRIPTIoN CR~ST,'OOD PUD The West 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Nor~,heast 1/4 of Section 36, Township 48 South, Range 2S East, Collier County, Florida. Less and except the Nc.~h 100 feet thereof previously conveyed to the State of Florida, dated 26, September 1965 and recorded in D.B. 43, Page 243, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Less and ,xc.pt prc~.-ty condemned by the S=.t. of Florida ~ amended order of taking of the T~elfth Judicial ¢ircui= Court.% Civil Action No. 74-197-CA-01-JTR. ~ Containing 8.23 acres, =ore or less. PREPARZD BY: Advanced Surveying Inc. 9282 vanderbilt Drive N&p!es, Florida 33963 2.3 f~igET_TJ~Ii& This ordinance shall be kno'~n and cited as the "Crest~ood Planned Unit Development Ordinance". SECTION III . -- STATL,V~:;T OF INTiNT A/~D PROJECT DESCRIPTION It is ~he ~e'/eloper,s in:ant to es~ablish · ~lanned Unit to set forth flexible 7Uidelinel for the fu~ure development cf the project that meet accepted planning principles and practices end to implemen: the ~ro~h~nagemeft.Plan. 3.2 The location of land uses are sho-~n on the Concep:ual PUD MeS~er Plan. Chan~es and variations in building location and the mix cf lend uses shall be permitted via Site Develop:en~ Plan approval in accordance with Section 10.5 of the Ordinance. Changes and varla~ion In buildin~ trac:s may be pekin:ed during Site Development Plan approval if, at ~he discretion of the County Manager, or his designee, such changes and variations are in confo:ance with ~e substantive and procedural requirements of the Subdivision ReT~la:ions. 3.3 ~'ITE CLE~.RI~:O ~D Clearing, ~r~d!nq, earthwork, and site drainage w6rk shall parroted in accordance with applicable Collier Ccun:y Ccde~ and Ordinances and ~e standards and co:i~ments of doc~ent. 3.4 EASE~NTS F0~ UTILITIE~ Easements, where re~ired, shall be provided for water management areas, utilities and other purposes as may be needed. Ail necessary easements, dedications'or other shall be sranted %o insure the continued operation and main%enance of all me,ices and utilities. This will ~e substantial cczpli~nce vi~h applicable re~lations In effect at the ti~e a~provals are ra~eated. 3.5 ~QN$£RVATI0~; KREA The Conservation Area will bm dedicated for conservation and for uae of :he Conserve:ion Areas shall stipulate: The Conservation Area ~a hereby declared common area, and ahall be the perpetual responaibility cf the aasociation and may An no way be altered from ira natural Irate. Activi:ies prohibited within the Conservation Area include, but'are not limited to the followin~: conatruc~l~n or placi~ of build!riga on or above the ~round; du~pin~ ~r placinq soil or o~her aubetancea auch aa trash; removal or' deatrucficn of treea, ahru~a, or other veqe:a~ion with the 'exception of ex::ic plante as defined in the County Code; ewcavaticn, or removal of aoil material; and any other detrimental to dr&ina~e, flood control, ~ater c:naarvatlon, erosion control, or fiah and ~il~lifa habitat conae.--va:lcn or preaerv&ticn. U~e~ pe.-mi%~ad in the conaervation area include boardwalks, picnic are~ and other uaes compatih!e ~ith the Conservation Are~. 4.1 4.2 4.3 SECTION IV GENERAL DEV~LOPMINT R~U~TIONS The purpose of this'section is to delineate the developnent regulations that accompany the Conceptual ~$D Master Plan. Where dave!o~r~ent standards are not specifically provld~d for in this dccuzent the applicable stand~rda of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance shall apply. No building or structure, or part thersof, shall he erected, altered or used, or land used, in ~hole or part, for than the following: A. ~rinc!o~! Ccrm~rcial Uses 1. Anti~ae shops; appliance stores; art studios; · . supply shops; automobile parts stores; aut:nobile service stations with repairs (in accordance with the standards of Section 9.8 of. the Zoning Ordinance). 2. ~akery shops; bait and tackle shops: banks o.~e financial institutions; barber and beauty ah bath supply stores; bicycle sales and services; blueprint shops; bookbinders; book stores; business ~achtne services. 3. CaJpet and floor covering sales - which may include storage and installation; churches and other places cf ~orship (in accordance with the sZandards of Section 8.11 of the Zonin~ Ordinance): clothing stores; cocktail lounges (in accordance vith the standards of Section 8.11 of the Zoning Ordinance); cor:ercial recreation uses - indoor; ¢on.neroial schools; confac=ionary and candy stores. 4. Delicatessens; dm~artment stores; ~rug stores: dry cleaning shops; dry good stores; and drapery shops. 5. Electrical supply stores;' equipment rentals including lawn mowers and power saws, which may include their repair and sale. 6 - 6. Fish market - retail only; florist shops; fraternal and social clubs (in accordance with the standards of Section 8.11 of the Zoning Ordinance); funeral hones; furniture stores; furrier shops. 7. Garden supply stores - outside display in side and rear yards; gift shops; glass and mirror~sales - including storage and insta'llation.: gou.~e, shops. 8. Hardware Stores; hat cleaning and bI~cktng; health focd stores: homes for th% aged; hospitals and hospices. 9. Ice cream store~. 10. Je'welry stores. 11. Laundries - self service only; leather gocds: legizimate theatres; 1iq-dot stores; locksmiths. 12. Marinas: markets - food: markets - meat; medical offices and clinics; millinery shops; motels and hotels; motion picture theatres; museums; music stcres; Dinor automobile repair work. 13. Ne~ car dealerships - outsid~ displsy per~. !teed; nets stores; night clubs (in accordance with the standards of Section 8.11 of the Zoning Ordinance). 14. Office - general; office supply stores. -. 15. Paint and wallpaper stores; pet shops; pet supply shcps; photographic eq~ipnan~ stores; pottery stores; printing; publishing and mimeograph services shops; private clubs (in accordance with the standards cf Section 8.11 of the Zoning Ordinance); professional offices. 16. Radio and television sales and services; radio staticn (offices and studios), and auxililry transmitters and receiving equipment, but not principal transmission tower; research and ~esign labs; rest homes; restaurants - including drive-in or fast food restaurants (in accordance with the standards of Sec=ton 8.11 of the Zoning Ordinance). 17. Sewage treatment facility; shoe repair; shoe stores: shopping centers; souvenir stores; stationery stores: supermarkets and'sanatoriums. 18. T&ilor shops: ~&×idermists; tile sales - cerauic tile; tobacco shops: ~toy shops: tropical fish stores. 20. Variety stores; vehicle rental - automobiles only; veterinarian offices and .clinicq - no outside kennels. 21. Watch end precision lnstrumpnt repai~ shops. 22. Warehousing, wholesaling, sto~age and ~istri~ution facili=ies, including comparable uses. 23. Any other cc~merci&l use or professional se.vice which Is comparable in nature vith the foregoing uses and which the County Manager, or his ~esig~ee, da%e:-m, ines to be comparable to and compatible with the foregoing uses. Acceoso:-v Uses 1. Accessory uses and structures, customary ~n ccr--.ercial centers and for transient lodging facilities including tenpora~/ water .an~ sewage facilities, should they be required. ~- ~onserv~tion Area Uses ~ Uses detern, ine~ to be consistent with the intent of the Ccnservation Area such as boardwalks, nature trails an& picnic areas. 4.4 L~-';D USE INTENSITY ~-~D PROJECT PHASING Tract Tract II Retail, Office, or Commercial Warehousin~, storage, other comparable non-retail lan~ uses Right-of-Way . ..~ APPROX. 1.35 6.0 .~5 4.5 There are t~o tracts of land placed for develo~nent within thin PUD, Tracts ! and II. The full range of con~erclal usaa Will be permitted on Tract I. Tract II will be linited to motel Uses, offices uses, warehouse and distribution facilities including ocher land uses which are non-re,ail in character. On the co~ercial Tract I, a maximum 'of 20,000 s~uare fee= retail ia to be allowed in accordance with the provisions se~ forth in Section IV, Subsection 4.3 of the'.F~D document. Tract II will allow a maximum of ~0,000 aqu&r% feet of non- retail use or 160 motel units, based on a per acre. .. Property ia proJec=ed to be develo~e~ to a build ou= over a ten year period. 1. Yron% Yard - Fifty (50) feet. 2. Side yard - ~¢enty-five (25) feet fro: external property boundaries, ten (10) feet at the Tract X/ Tract II boundary. 3. A t~e~y (20) feet setback frcn the'edge of the Conse~¢a=icn Area ia required. 4. Rear yard setback - Fifty (SO) feet from prope~y boundarie~. 5. No t~'o principal structures may be closer together than cna-half the sum of the building heights. Lot Size Re-'Uire~erht 1. Mininun lot ~id=h - One hundred (100) feet. 2. Min!nun lc= size - Ten thousand (10 000) square fee~. , kttnimum Floor Ar~ 1. Mo~el Units: Four hundred (400) a~uars feet and not to exceed five hundred ($00) aqyare feet. All ocher cor~ercial uses: Minimum one thousand (1,000) square feet. '., f / As re~-uired by the Collier County Zoning Ordinance in Iffec~ a~ the ti~e ~ermits are requested. Maximum ~eich~ 1. Sixty f/va (65) feet for'motel ueee~. 2. Fifty (50) flat for commercial UlII.~' A fifty (50) feet setback will bm provided from adjoining proper:}' line~. The per/meter of the plant will be ecreened in accordance with Ordinance 8.3?. ~enty five (25) foot buffer, utilizing axiating vegetation, with 10' landscaped buffer within the 50' eetback buffer, to the rear of the project in accordance with the atand&rd~ of Section $.3? of the Zcnlng Ordinance. Ae required by the Collier County Zoning Or{inane, in affect at the time pix-mits ire requested. Should residential uses occur on the tract to-t east of this parcel prior to the development of t~la parcel, a ten (10) foot landecape buffer shall be in,tailed along the eastern property line. H. $iona~9 As reTaired by the Collier County Sign Ordinance in effect at the time pe.'-mit~ are requls%ed. 10 5.1 SZCTZO~ V E WV Z R 0 :' ,', .vi. '- NT~ L ST~DA_RDS The purpose of this Section is to sst forth ~a stipulations established by the Enviror~ental Advisory Council· A. Petit/omar shall ~e subject tO Ordinance 7~-21 (or the tree/vegetation removal ordinance in existence at the time cf pern. itting], re~irtng the acguisition cf a tree removal per~!t prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall he submitted to the Environnental Resources Management for their review and subject approval prior to any york on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The ~ite clearin~ plan shall clearly depict hov the final site layout incorporates retaine~ native vegetation to the ~axi~u~ extent possible and h~ roads, buildings, lakes, par~ing lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal. Native species shall be utilized, a~ descr~'Med ~elov, in the site landscaping plan. A landscape plan for all landscapin~ on the development shall be submitted to the County Landscape Architect and to a County Envircnme~&l Specialist for their review and shall be subject to ~heir approval. The landscape design shall incorporate a mini~u~ of S0% native plants, by number, Ancludin~ trees, shrubs, and ground cover. At least ~0% of the trees, o~ the shrubs, and ~0% of the groundcover shall be native species. At the direction of the County Landscape Architect or County Environmental Specialist a higher percentage o~ tree~ or shrubs' can o~fmet a~ egual percentage of groun~cover. ~or example, the use of ?0% native trees could allow the uae o~ only S0% native groundoovar. This plan shall depict the incorporation o~ native species and their six with other species,. any. The goal of site landscapin~ shall be the re creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. Co All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and presez-~a areas. Following site development~ a maintenance program shall be implemented to prevent ~einvasion of the site by such 11 exotic species. This plan, whl?h will describe control techni~ues and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and subject to approval by ~he Environmental Resources Management and the Community Development Sar-vices Division. D. If, during the course of sfte clearing, excavation, or other construction activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, all development at 'that loc. ation shall be immediately stopped and the Environmeptal Resources Management notified. Development will be'suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the.Environmental Resources Management or a designated consultant to assess the find and date.--1, ina the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Environnen=a! Resources Management will res=end to an'; such notification in a timely and efficient manner ~o as to provide only a minimal interruption to any const.-ucticn activities. E. A conservation area comprising 2.2 acres of wetlands is set aside on the Conceptual PUD Master Plan in vhich no development is permitted to take place unless determined to be consistent with the natural function of this area. Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance Ko. 75-21 es amended by Ordinance 89-58 (prese~,atiQn of native habitat). 'o G. Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance ;;o. 82-2 amended by Ordinance 89-57 (use of native species'. landscaping). H. Pe%itloner shall be subject to Ordinance 82-37 as amended by Ordinance 89-53 (removal of exotic species). I. Petitioner shall be subject to Collier County Comprehensive Plan Policy 12.1.3 (discovery of an archaeolocical or historical site, artifact or other indicator'of prese~'-vation). J. Petitioner shall obtain and submit documentation of all necessary local, state and federal permits. K. In the event active protected speciee foraging habitat, nests or burrows are encountered during development activities, the Collier County .Planning Services Environmental Review Staff shall be notified i~nediately and project designs may be adjusted, if warranted. (Collier County Cozprehensive"Plan policy 6.3.4) 12 L. Protected plant species (but~srfly orchid and wild pine) and those sighted during deve%opnent activities shall be protected from injury or rslocated on site, preferably to preserve or landsoape arsas. The existing locations es wall as the transplanting locations, if warranted, shall be identified on tbs site plan. M. The conservation area shall be delineate~ by a signed and sealed professional survey on the site plan. N. A natural vegetation buffer sha.ll ha r~.q~lred around protected wetlands at least ten (1'0) feet wide. O. Control structure elevations in protected, 'created or restored ~e%!ands shall be established to main=mis or improve ede~4a:e hydroperiods. The control structure elevation shall be designed to metz the requirements of South Florida Water Managemen~ District and Collier County engineerin~ and Water Management Department. P. Quantitative criteria for miti~ation shall be based on the results of final field determinations made by the South Florida Water Management District end Collier County Environmental Staff at the time of site '- development plan approval. Compensation proposals shall provide reasonable assurance that resource impacts will be offset. .. 1. Mitigation plans proposed in wetlands to be press.--red, restorsd, enha~cmd shall include & description of area (location and six.e), vegetation proposed to be-planted, source of vegetation (transplantation 'from impacted areas preferred), hydrologic 'regime, exotic vegetation removal, monitoring and maintenance plan. 2. Mitigation proposed in upland areas shall emphasize establishment of habitat value. Ye~atation retained and supplemented shall focus on wildlife value and estab!is.h~ent of nativ~ vegetative "con~unities". 3. Lake mitigation in the lake designated on conceptual site plan shall include littoral zone plantings of native, aquatic 'vegetation. Q. Petition shall be subject to all Collier County Ordinances in effect at co~encement of construction. TRAa;$ PORTATION VI TRAa;$PORTATION REQUI~.~NT$ I. Provide left and right turn lanes on Inmokalee Road at the project entrance. 2. Provide arterial level stre&t lighting ah the project entrance. .o. 3. Provide a fair share contribution to~rd the c~pita! cost cf hy th, ccur. l.~. Tea signal shall be o~ned, o~era=ed and maintaine~~:~..'Co!lier C:unty. 4. All traffic castro! devices used shall conform ~ith the ~/l Unifc.-r. Traffic Cor.=ro! Device~ as required by 316.0747, F!crida Statutes. 5. These in~rcTenents are considered "site related" as defined in Ordinance ~5-55 and shall not'be applied as credits toward any lnDact fe,s re.cuired by that ordinance. All improvements except signalization shall be in place before any certificates 'of occupancy are issued. 6. Primary access to Ir~okalpe Road shall be via'the exes%lng Frontage Road. - Ail frontage roads are subject'to Flori~ Department of Trans~o~ation road classification in Collier County maintains ~he frontage road unless ~-~4~ (Imc. okalee Ro~d) becomes functionally classified as a road. 7. Should the project gain access to a pe~itted "r. aJor access" to the east via a frontage road, ~ht developer ~hall a fair share contribution toward the capital cost of a traffic · ignal at that access Then deemed warranted by the County. Additionally, the Florida Department' of Transportation and Collier Count}' rese~e the right to modify and/or close the existing neOian opening for safety and/or capacity needs. 8. The ro=d i~,pact fee ~hall be in accordance ~i=h the fee schedule s~= forth in Ordinance 85-55, or as may be amended, and shall be paid at the time building p,~its are issued unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Co~issioners. 9. All re.ired access improvements shall bm in place b~fore any certificates of occupancy are issued, and mhall not be subject 'to impact fee cr~di6s. 14 7.1 SECTION VI~\. ENGiNESRING AKD UTILITIES P. EQUI;~EMIMTS The purpose of this Section is to set fort,.the utilities requirements ~hich must be accommodated b~ the project developer. . 1. Water distrikuticn, sewage col!ecticn and transmission and interim ~ater and/or se~ace treatment facilities to sez-~e the project are to ~e designed, cons=ruc=ed, conveyed, oTned and :elm=aimed in accordance ~ith Collier County O.-_nance No. 88-76, as amended, and other a~iica~le Ccun:y ~les and regulations. 2. All customer~ connecting ~o the ~ater distribution and ~e~'age collection facilities to he const~cted ~ill ke cu~tomer~ of the County and ~ill ba billed by the County in accordanca with the County,s est~k!ished rates. .. Shcu!d the County not be in a position ~c provide ~aler and/or se~ar ~e~ica to the project, the w~er and/or seuer customers shall be customer~ of tSe interim utility established ~o se~e the project until the County,s off-site water and/or se~er faci!itiea ara available %o se~e the project. 3. I% i~ anticipated that the County Utilities Division con~unp=ive demand and/or receive and treat the · a~ga generated by ~hia project. Should the County sy~:en no% be in a position ~o ~upply potable water to =ha project and/or receive the project's wa~tawa=er at the time development commences, the Developer, at hi~ *~en~e will in,tall and operate in=erin wa=er '~upply and on-site treatment facilities and/or in%arim on-~ite ~e~age treatment disposal facilitia~ ads,ate to mee~ all reTairazen=s of the appropriate re~lato~agencies. An agreezen= shall be 'entered into betTeen the County and the Developer, binding on the Developer, hie a~signs or ~ucce~sor~ regarding any interim 15 treatment facilities to be utilized. The agreement must be legally sufficient to th. County, prior to the approval of conatzn3ction documents for the project and De in conformance with the requirements of Collier County Ordinance No. 8B-76, as amended. 4. If an interim on-site 'water supply, treatment and transmission facility ia ~tllizad to serve the project, it must be properly sized to. supply average peak day domestic demand, in addition to fire flo~ demand et a rate approved by the gppropriete Fire Control Distric: servicing the project area. 5. Prior to approval of construction documents by the County, the Developer must present verification pursuant to Chapter 367, Florida Status, that the Florida Public Service Co~ission has granted territorial right5 to the Developer to provide sewer and/or water service to the project until the County can provide these sex-vices through its water and sewer facilities. 6. The utility construction documents for the project's sewerage system shall be prepared to contain the design and construction of the on-site force main which ~ill ~ltimately connect the project to the future central sewerage facilities.of, the District in the Ir-~.okalee Road rights-of-uny. The force main ~u~t ~ extended from the main on-alta p%hnp statio~d~ to the west rights-of-way line of /mmokalee Road an~ capped. It must be interconnected to the ~uO] station with appropriately located valves to per, it for simple redirection of the project's sewage when connection to the County's central sewer facilities becomes available. 7. The on-site water distribution system to se.-ve the project must be connected to the District's 12 or 16 inch water main on the ~outh side of Xr. uokales Road, extended eastward to the east boundary line of =ha project consistent ~ith the main sizing re%/uirenents specified in the County's Water Master Plan. The coordination for the location and sizing of the ~ain extension shall be processed through the County Utility Division. During design of these facilities, the following features shall be incorporated into the distribution system: a. Dead end mains shall be eliminated by looping 'the internal pipelihe network. b. Stubs for future system interconneotion with 16 west, and tbs smuth property lines of project, et locations to be zutually agreed to by the County and the DmYelcp.r during th. design phase of thm ;roJect. Note: Revie~ record drawings and/or master plan for location and ~izs of mains. Stubs to be provided to any adjacent properties. If possible, stipulate intarconnection ~o adjacent devmloped properties, unless the adJacmnt systsm Is ~aste~ metmrad. 1. Da%ailed paving, grading, sit,'drainage'end utility plans shall be submitted to Project Revie~ Se.vices for review. ::o construction permits shell he i~sued unless and until approval of the cons=ruction in eccordenc4 ~ith the suhnitled plans is granted by Project Review Services. 2. Design and construction of ell improvenen%s shell ke subject to compliance with the appropriate provisions of the Collimr County Sukdivi~ion Re~u!e%ions. 3. Ac=~ss into each trio% as sho'.~ on the c:ncep~ual P.U.D. Master Plan i~ informational only. Location and nurber is subject to subdivision Mas%er Plan approval. 4. ~efore const~action plans apprmval, the acTass road to the ~ite shall be dedicated and accepte~ Collier County for maintenance purpose~. 5. A minimum of 20 feet setback from th* edge of conservation area which in silence will be the rmTcired 20 feet maintenance easamsnt will be (i.e. South Florida Water Management District, De~artzent of Environmental Regulation) re~-uire a more strict setback, plans shall reflect the :ore ~trlct. 6. The wetland preserve may not be utilized for landscaping purposes. 7. The local street for this project shell be according to the typical section for Collector Street as re~uired in Article XI, ~ection 6 of the Subdivision Re~lations, or a~ othe~i~e re,ired a% the ~ine of construct[on plan approval. ~7 ~CTION VIII WATER KANA~EMINT R~QUI?'-MiNT$ 6.1 The purpose of thie section is to set fo~h the stipulations elta~!lshed by the Water Managtment Advisory Board, ~hich -eha!l be acco~¢dated by the project developer. ,. l. Detailed paving, grading' and al~e ~draina~e plans shall Me su.b~itted to County ProJec~ Review ~ervicel for review. No cona%ructlon~er~ite shall bm unless and un~il approval' of the prc~cse~ is ~ran~ed ky County ProJt:: Revie~ Se~;ices. 2. Ccnstr~c~ion cf all ~zter m&nagemen~ facilities shall he s'~Jt:: ~o co:pliance ~i~h %he a~propria:e prc'/islons cf the Collier County Subdivision Regu!ation~. 3. ;.n Excavation Pe~it ~ill bm reTuire~ for ~he proposed ~et!and in accordance wi~h Collier County Ordinance No. ~-26 and $~-~D ~le~. 4. De=ailed paving, grading and sl~a drainage plan~ shall Me m'~nitted ~o Project Revie~-Se~ice~ for r~Tie%'. );o con~t~ction pe~l:s shall ~e issu~ un!,ss and until approval of the constrcc~ion is gran~e4 in accordance wi~h ~ · '~zi~ted plan~ ~y ProJec% Revie~ Se~ice~. · 5. )-n Ex:~va%ion Peri% ~ill ~e re~ired for ~e proposed l~ke(~) in accordance wl%h Collier County ordinance No. Sa-2S and SF.~D~les. The lake mhall he re!coated a minim~ 200 feet from the we~lan4 and increased in alee ~o mae% South Florida Wa~er Eana~zen~ District retirements, unless by South Florida Water Management Di~t:ic~ ~. A Flor!da Dependent of Transpo~a~lon an4 Ylori~ Water Mana~eman~ Dia~ric~ peri% approval ~o ou%fall in%o ~ha Cocoha%chee Canal shall a~i~%e~ ~efore con~c~ion plane approval. 7. A cc;y of ~he South Florida Water Mana~e:ent Di~tric~ pe~it or Early Work pe~lt and Co~a ~ineara ~e~lt ia re~ired prior ~o ~lan.a~prcval. 18 0 / / 0 \ 0 ~- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO ORDINANCE 906, AS AMENOED, ALSO KNOWN AS NEAPOiJTAN PARK PUD, W"HICH, ACCORDING TO THE REQU~IRED PUD STATUS REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT, HAS NOT COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION, AS DEFINED IN SECTION [7.3.4 OF THE COtJJER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, RESULTit~3 IN ~ I~BSIBLE COURSES OF ACTION FOR THE OOAT~) OF COUNTY COMMISSICA~ERS TO ~DER. ~ Staff it requesting that the Board review staff's findings and recomme~:ta~s regarding the Neapolitan Park PUD. CONSIDERATIOI~J,,~[;. This PUD wes originally approved on January 23, 1990. Section 2.7,3.4 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the project developer subm;'t an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the fifth anniversary of the PUD approval by the Board of County Ccmmissioners. The singular purpose of this report is to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accord·nc· with the cdt·ri· t~et forth in Section, For those PUDs approved pdor to the effective date of adoption of the Land Development Code, the five year approval pedod commenced on the adoption date, October 30, 1991. The,'efore, the conditions set forth in Section are applicable ·s of October 30, 19c~5. The above referenced PUD has boen identified as a project which was approved pdor to October 30, 1991 ·nd which has not commenced construction as defined in Section 2.7,3.4. Staff has utilized the required PUD status (monitoring) report, supplemented by field observation 3nd review of in house records to verify the current status of the PUD and as the basis of a recommendation to the Bo·rd consistent with the options provided in Section 2,7.3.4 (1) & (2). Section reads as follows: o Time limits for approved PUD master plans, in the event that · PUD m·s~er plan is given approval, and the landowner(s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or · development order f=r all infrastructure Improvements to Include ut/i/t/es, roads end sh;lilar improvement= required by ;he approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least 15 percent of the gros~ land · rea of the PUD site every five years of the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners; and of PUDs consisting of nonresidential uses, 30 percent of the to~ approved gross leasable floor area wlthln the PUD every six the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Fall to receive final local development orders for at least 15 percent of the total number of approved dwelling units in the PUD, or in the case -1- 1 8 1997 The project developer shall submit to the Planning Services Director a atatu# Plport on the progress of development annually commencing c)~ the fifth anniversary date of the PUD approval by the Board of County Comml~sionera. The singular purpose of the report will be to evaluafe whether m' not the project has commenced In earnest In accordance with the criteria set forth above. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has commenced in earne~ then the land shall retain its existing PUD approval and shall not be subject to additional re~'tew znd consideration o! new development standards or usa modification. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has not commenced In earne~f~ then upon review and consideration of the report provided by the owner and any · upplemental Information that may be provided, the Board o'/County Commlulonere shall elect one of the following: To e~,~end the current PUD approval for a maximum period of two years; at the end of which time, the owner will again submit to the procedure as defined herein. Require the owner to submit an amended PUD in which the unimproved portions of the original PUD shall be consistent with the growth management plan. The existing PUD shall remain In effect until subsequent action by the Board on the submitted amendment of the PUD. ff the owner falls to submit an amended PUD within six months of board action to require such an amended submittal, then the Board may initiate proceedings to rezone the unimproved portions of the original PUD to an appropriate zoning classification consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the GrowfJ? Management Plan. In the case of Developments of Regional Impact, time limit restric'Jons shall be superseded by the phasing plan and/or time limits contained within the application for development approval and approved as pert of a development order in conformance with F.S. 5c 380.06. -2- NO. ~ btAR .1. 8 P~. ~ ~;vrm;:~t8 ~f A~r~re~ed I.~n;I U~,e~: This 20 acre PUD was approved for commercial uses, office o~ motel uses (maximum motel density is 2B units per acre), ACLF (maximum density of 26 u~its p~' acm), and multi-family sl~uctures et 16 units per acre. Cor~_?h~rtc¥ with Comprehe.rt.s. ive G_row~h Man~nt Plan; ~e subj~ PUD is ~in an A~ ~ (~nta ~ara ~u~va~ and Da~s ~va~). ~ ~ s~ ~ of ~ ~v~ ~ u~s, ~ PUD ~s ~en dete~i~ to ~ consis~ ~ ~ ~r ~n~ ~ ~rm~nt P~n. ~ ~ns~ Rafi~ Systom ~es f~ a m~imum ~ ~in ~ A~ ~nter of 26 un~s ~r a~e for motels and ACLFs and 16 un~ ~r a~ f~ residential ~~nL During ~e Zoning R~val~Uon P~mm in 19~, ~is PUD ~s ~ ~stent ~use ~ is ~in an A~v~ ~nter. ~e PUD is d~ ~sistent ~ ~ f~ GMP Elements: F~um ~ Use Element. C~n$!stencv Wi~h the Collier County Land De. velopme, nt Cpde; The PUD has been distributed to the appropriate jurisdictional review entities specifically for review of the PUD for consistency with current land development regulations. Based on that review, the following inconsistencies have been identified: Environmental: An updated Environmental Impact Statement may be required. Native vegetation retention requirement is not specifically stated. FISCAL IMPACT: A two year extension of this PUD, as recommended by staff will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. STAFF RECOMM,ENDATIQN: Based on a comprehensive review of this PUD document, Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant a two year extension to the Neapolitan Park PUD. -3- FRE~CHL, PLANNER II CURRENT PLANNING DATE ~-(:~T J. ML~LHERE, AICP, MANAGER DATE CURRENT PLANNING . /',, DONALD W. ARNOLD. AICP, DIRECTOR DATE ~/~.ING SERVICES DEPARTMENT VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AC~INISTRATOR DATE COMMUNI~ DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION PUD ~,UN~ET:NEAPOI. ITAN PARK PUD -4- No. ~.F..-~.,,Z.~- / tilAR 1 8 1997 fl ~AR 1~ ORDINA~¢£ 90-. § AN ORDINABCE AM~iNDING ORDINA/~CE 82-2 THE COMP~SIVK ZONING ~G~TIONS FOR ~E ~INCO~TED ~ OF CO~I~ CO~, ~RIDA BY ~DING ~E OFFICI~ ZONING A~S ~ ~B~ 50-26-2 BY ~GING ~ ZONING ~SSIF~CATION OF ~E TO "P~" ~D ~IT D~~ FOR ~~, ~L ON ~ (3) O~ · QU~ ~ OF O~ SPACE ON ~E ~ ~o~ ~ o~ ~ ~o~ ssn~ 6~," ~ ~T OF ~A ~ BO~ ~NSISTZNG OF 20~ A~S, ~ATZD iN S~ION 4, TO~SHIP 50 SO~, ~GE 26 ~, CO~I~ CO~, ~RIDA; ~D BY PROVIDING ~ EFFE~IVE DATE. WHEREAs, Robert Duane of Hole, Montes and Associates, r.epresanting William M. Pogue, of Davis Boulevard Partners, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of th~ 'herein described real' property; NOW, THEReFoRE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: The Zoning Classification of the herein described real property located in Section 4, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida is changed from "A-2" to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the pUD document attached hereto es Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein end by reference made p~t hereof. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 50-26-2, as Ordinance Number 82-2, is hereby amended accordingly_= . This Ordinance shall becoms effective upon rmceipt of notice from the Secretary of Statm that this Ordinance hat be,n filed with the $,cretary of State. DATE: January 23, 1990 '~.~j , ..' .ATTEst:'/ ' ~':'.- -~ .. ,':~ ,, v~ .... / ..%-, - ~, KAPJORIE M. STUDLNT A$$I$~kNT COUNTY ATTORNEy BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLI~ COUNTY, FLORIDA ~u3~-A.' ~SS~., ~., c~Z~U~ R-B9-17 PUD ORDINA.NCE nb/2017 °o NLkPOLITAN PA~K ' . A PLA~%~D UNIT DL~ZLOI~T_NT ~A FILX NO. 88.228 715 Ttn~h Strte= Sou=h N&pXeso Florida ~3940 (813} 262-4617 JANUARy 1990 EkqllB IT "A" ~ TA~T.~ OF COFrTNTS I. STAT~F. NT OF CO.~PLIA2~C~' ............ ~ ........ '..... 1 II. FROPL~/~..TY O%,'~TE~L~HIp, L~GAL DESCRIPTION AND SHORT TITLE AND L~.~I~IED CONTROL ................. 2 III. STAT~KF. RT 0]~ INTLD~T AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..... 3 IV. GE}~Z~AL DL~W'~LO~HI~TT R~GUL~TIONS ................. 4-10 V.. TRANSPORTATION R~QUIR~H]DrTS ..................... 11 VII. ENGIN~F. RING A~D UTILITIES REQUIP. E~,.NTS .......... 14-19. Ao CONCEPTUAJ~ MASTER PLAN STATIMINT Or CO~{PLIANCE The pUr~oee of ~his section is ~o set for~ch how ~hm ~ro~osed ~tv~lopmmn= complies wl~ all a~ltcabll rm~ireuen=s of Boulevard Pa~nera on ~0 ac e~ of prope~y loca=%d in Sec=ion Collier County development ~la~lons and ~he in=em= of ~he Davis of To, ship 50 Sou=h, Range 2S East. The name of:=htz PUD is be Neapolitan P~rk. The ~evelop~en~'o~ ~l~ 'Planne~ Devalopmen~ ~lll be in co=pi!ante with the planning goal~ a~ objectives of Collier County aa se~ forth in ~he Gro~h .Plan. This Compliance includes: 1. The S~Jec= propa~y is located in an aras lden~ifted as an Activity Center in ~e Gro~h ~anageuen= ~lan for Collier County. 2. Activity ten,era are the Preferred locations for co~cen=ra=ion of co~*rcial and mixe~ uae ~evelopnent ac~tvi~tes. The proposa~ developman= includes a mix re~ail, office, and ra~lden~ial uses, ~o satisfy .cri~erla. 3. The project development la pla~ed =o tnCO~orata na=ur~. ays%ems, existing and ~a~ade fo aCcordance with ~heir natural 4. Provisions are included in the project to minimize ~he n~er ingress and egress points onto Davis BOulevard by providing for provisions for shared access wl:h adjoining prope~ies. ~e project shall be In compliance ~l=h all applic~le County radiations including ~he Gro~h Management Plan. ~e project will be ae~ed by a complete range of se~lces and utilities as approved by ~e County. The project is compatible with adjacent land uses ~rough ~e internal arrangement of st~c~ures, ~e placemen~ cf land ~e buffers, and ~e proposed development Standards contained herein. ~e Planned Unit Development includes e~enstve open spaces which are Prese~ed from future der e~ance %heir natural function .~ ~39pmen= In order amenity. . s .... ~ se~e cs a proJec~ PROP£RTy OWNrR~HTp, ~ ~HOR~ TIT~ & ~IFI~D CONSOL 2.1 ~m s~J,c= prope~y is ~rren:ly o~,d byf'" Davis Boulevard Pa~nmrs 2.2 The S~Ject prope~y Il described ~o follow~: The Zaa~ 1/2 of ~he Southwest 1/4 of ~he Southwest 1/4 Section 4, To~hip 50 Sou~h, Range 26 Eaa~; leas ~he 75 feet ~ereof reae~ed for road ri~ht-of-~ay (Davis Boulevard), Collier County, 2.3 This Ordinance ~hall De ~o~ and Cited aa ~he "Neapolitan Park Planned Unit Development Ordinance.. It la the intent of Davis Boulevard Pa~nerl to eltadlish & Placid Unit Devllopment on '20 lcfii An ~ection 4, TO,ship 50 ~ou~, ~ngl 2~ East, Collier County, Florida. ~e s~Ject prope~y il ~der unified O~erlhip for ~e pu~os;'of obtaining ~D zoning. Development of ~ls Planned Unit will oc~r in accordance wi~ ~e s~mltted ~D ra~la=lonm and any conditions approved with the rezone petition as described and-agreed =o wi~in =his ~D doc~ent. SECTION III STATEMENT OF INTENT AND PROJ_rCT DESCRIPTION Unit Development. It is 'the purpcsa~of this document to set forth flexible gufdelines for the future davelcpment of the project that meet accepted planning principles and practices . end to implement the Gro~h Managammnt Plan. Development Plan. $~bsequant or concurrent with PUD approval a Su-bdivi$1on Master Plan shall be submitted for the entire a ma r included in ~he PUD Master Plan. All divisions of property and ~he development of the land shall be in compliance with ~hs Subdivision Regulations. '- ii) The provimions of Section 10.5 of the Zoning Ordinance shall apply to the development of all plettld tracts, or parcels of land as provided in said Sect-ion 10.5 to the issuance of a building permit or othe~ Pri°rO developmenl order. 3.3 SITE CLEkRING ~3D DRAINA~ -. Clearing, grading, earthwork, and site drainage work shall be performed in accordance with applicable Collier County Codes and Ordinances and the mtandards and commitments of this document. 3.4 ~T$ FOR UTIL!TIE.~ Easements, where reqUired, shall be provided for water management areas, utilities and other purposes aa may be needed. Ail necessary easements,., dedications or other instruments shall be ~ranted to insure the continued operation end maintenance of all serwicts and utilities. This will be in s~bstantial compliance with applica~la re~lations in effect at the time approvals are reqUested. SXCTION IV G£N£RAL DZV~LO~NT R~GULATZONS ~o ~u~olm of ~l Sec:ion Il ~o 'delinea~e an~ ~lnerally deserve ~e proJec: plan of development, ~ha xeapec:ive land uses included In ~he proJec:, al' well as :he project's develo~en~ criteria. · Re~lation~ for deve!op~en~ shall ~e t~ ~cc°r~a~ce ~t~h ~he Jtandarda ~a~ forth in :hie documen:. ~ere specific developmen~ s~andar~s are no~ se~ forth, applicable developmen: standard~ of ~he Collier County Zonln~ ordinance eball apply ~ha~ are in effec~ a~ the ~ime of applica~ion for the relevant 4.~ ~D USE INT~NSITIE~ Tracts one (1), an~ ~wo (2), and ~rea (3) ~ha: fron~ Davt~ Blvd. are pe~it~ed %he full range of cc~ercial uses tden~ified in Sec:ion 4.4. Trac~ four (4) la pe~ikted office '.or motel u~e only, and :tact five (5) residential land uses. The following table aet~ fo~ ~e maxim~ yields on each tract. . '. Approx. Tract '~ ' Acreage Intensity One Co~mercial 1.20 .25 Bld Coverage Two Commercial 1.20 .25 Bid Coverage Three Commercial 1.10 .25 Bid Coverage Four Office/Motel* 6.2 150,000 a.f. Five M.P. Res.** 6.9 81 units*** Motel uses may be develope~ at a density of 26 units per acre. Densities not utilized on .Tract five ($) may be transferred to Tract four (4) for the construction of additional motel units. ACLF units may also be developed at a density up to 26 unite per acre in accordance with ~e standards of this ordinance. .. Multi-family units (MF) may be developed up to 16 units per acre. b. ~d~t ¢o~ra~a~e ~iving c. ~rcup and cl~a~sr hou~.~ng. ' ree!de~lal r a ess or for ~renelen~ faci2tties, lodging B. ]~r~IDENTIAL DE%~LOp.~fE_~T a. ~ - Sixteen (16) dwelling units per acre b. ~l~ll41~t W~_~jl _ One Bundred rtf~y fae~ O~ 1. From Tract ~o~nda~ - ~ln~ 1~ fe~ 2. From Vehicular Use ~ea - ~tn~ 10 f~et from Oeslqnatad ~etland and/or Wa~er~y 4. From Vehicular Driveway and/ct S~ee2 - ~' ~Helch~ of Z~e~url- _ Fo~y (40} ~ee~. e. ~l Be~ween S~c~ur~ . B~Cvaen any two (2) Principal s~c~uraj on the sa:e parcel ~lre shall be provided a distance e~al one-half (1/2) ~e iq of their heights. f' ~~ - Slx Hundred (600~ a~are feet for one (1) bedroom unt~s and seven hundred fifty (?S0} for ~wo (2) bedroom units, and nine hundred (~00} a~are fee~ for three (~} bedroom umt~a. g' ~ - 1 acre. h. ~ininun Off Street Parkl~u - Per the requirements of the Collier County Zoning ordinance. The following development .standards shall apply to the assisted ca a living facilitl%s - ACLF: r a. Maximum Number of ACLF Un,ts heP. Acre - ~wanty six (26) units per acrl. ... - kS:×imun ACLF Unft Ar~ - Four ~undred (400) '. square fee~ for efficiencies, five hundred (500) for one bedrooms and six hundred and fifty (650) for two bedrooms. . . R~uuire~ Parkin~ SDace~ - One space per three ACLF beds plus cna space per two employees. Ce Acceeso.-y uses to support housing, for the elderly such as centralized eating areas, recreational facilities, sundry retail Uses and other similar kinds of uses. a. All other development standards shall be in accordance.with development standards of this document. 'Adult Congregate Living Facility shall be defined aa set forth in Chapter 400.402, Florida Statutes. Spatial relationships for structures resulting from this permitted use shall be determined at the tine of Site Plan Approval' application submission pursuant to Section 10 S of the Zoning Ord!.nance:- ' 1. ~ and StruCtures~ No building or structure, or Part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the follow~ng: 2. Permitted Pr~nc~nal Uses and Structure~ a. Antique shops; appliance stores; art studios; art supply shops; automobile parts stores; automobile service stations, with repairs as an accessory use (in accordance w'lth the standards of Section 9.S of the Zoning Ordinance); - b. Bakery shops; bait and tackle shops: bank~ smd financial institutions; barber and beauty shops; ba~h supply stores; bicycle sales and services; blueprint shops; bookbinders; book stores; business machine se~vices. c. Car washes; ca.-pst and floor covering sales - whi%h may include storage and installation; churches and o~hsr places of worship (in accordance vlth ~hs standard~ of section 8.11 ' of the Zoning Ordinanc,); clothing I'o ms, cock=ail lounges (in accordance with ~m · tandardl of Section 8.11 'of the Zoning Ordinance); co~trciil rlcre~tion UIml - candy s~ores. . '. d~ cleaning zhops; d~ goods=orms,, and drap,~ shops. e. ~lmctrical ~upply store~; m~ipment rentals, including ia~ mowers and power ~aws. f. Fish mark,~ -.retail only; florist shops; fratm~al ~d social cl~s (in accordance wi~ the ~tandards of Section S.ll of ~m Zoning Ordinance); funeral homms~ fu~iturm s~ormm~ fu~lmr mhops. .. .and rear yards; gift shops; glass and m%=or sales - including storage and installerS; h. ~ardware storms; hat cleaning and blocking; health fo~ stores; honms for the agmd; hospitals and ho~pices. I. Ice creamItores. J. Jewel~ stores. k. ~un4ries - self se~ice only; leather go~s; 1. Mark~t~ - f~od; markmts - meat, medical offices and clinics; millinm~ shops; motels and hotml~; motion picture theatrms; museums; music m. New car dealerships - outside display permitted; news stores; nigh= clubs (in accordance with the standards of Section 8.~1 of the Zoning Ordinance). n. OffiCe - general; office supply stores. o. Paint and wallpaper ~tores;'~'pet shops; pet supply shops; photographic ec~4ipment stores; pottery stores; printing; 'publishing and mimeograph services eh~ps; private clubs (in accordance with the standards of'e~ction 8.11); professional offices. P. Radio and television sales and servicms; radio station (offices and studios), and auxiliary transmitters and receiving equipment, but not principal transmiusion tower; rest homes; restaurants - including drive-in or fast food restaurants; (in accordance with the standards of Section 8.11 of the Zoning Ordinance). q. Shoe repair; shoe stores; shopping centers; souvenir stores; stationery stores; supermarkets and sanatoriums. r. Tailor shops; taxidermists; t~le sales - ceramic tile; .tobacco shops; toy Ihopa; tropical fish stores. s. Upholstery shops. t. Variety stores; vehicle rental - automobiles only; veterinarian offices and clinics - no outside kennels. u. Watch and precision instrument repair shops. v. Any other commercial use or Professional service which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the County Manager or his designee determines to be comparable to and compatible With the foregoing uses. Accessor~ Uses = a. Accessory uses and structures customary in . commercial, and residential areas including .. recreational facilities sewage treatment plant facilities and other essential services. 4.5 CQM~fERCIAL DEVE-LOPME:~ STAN~ARD.~ 1. ~/nimum Eot Area - Twenty thoueand (20,000) a~-uare feet. SIGNAGE A. Minimum Yar~ Remuire~ents £~ternal 'Prodect a. L~ont Yar~ - Fifty (SC). feet a~ measured fro~ Davis ~oulevard right-of-way and' twenty feet from any interior right-of-way. Sidl YaF~ - None, or a minimum of five (5) feet with unobs~:-ucted passage from front to rear yard. c. Rear Yard - T~enty-five (25) feet. Inter,or Access Driv~ - A minimum fifteen '(15) feet building setback shall be provided from the interior access drive. Minimum Floor Area of Structu~ - One thousand (1,000) square feet per building on ~he floor. ~ - The maximum height of any commercial structure on lot (4) will be sixty (60) feati~md thirty-five (35) feet for lots one (1), t~o (2) and three (3). ~ Lot Width - One hundred fifty (1~0) feet. The developer intends to crea~e a uniformly designed special eignage and.identification system including but not limited to subdivision and entrance eigns for ~he project to compliment the intended development themes and architectural styles. Such signs are intended to be located and permitted at all project entrance points as well ae at other etra~egically identified areas and will be enforced through restrictive covenants and/or architectural controls. Ail signage shall be in co:pliance with the Sign Ordinance for Collier County. Utilization of the right-of-ways for landscaping decorative entrance ways, and slgnage shall be reviewed and approved by the County Engineer and County Manager and his designee consisten~l~h acceptable engineering practices to insure pedestrian and vehicular safety. 4.6 4.7 A. A minimum ten (10) foot landscape buffer will be maintainmd along the east, west, and north proper~y lines in accordance with ~ha standards, of Section 8.37 cf t. ha Zoning Ordinance. B. Along ~_ha eastern and western boundaries of lots four (4) and five (5) a twenty-five eeC. back shall.be provided which no st~c=urmm or ~arking will'.bm Existing vegetation will be lef~ In plac~utsidm ~e foot landscape buffer wi~ln ~is area. to provide additional screening to adjoining prope~ies. C. A minin~ ten foot (10) buffer will be maintained at should it be re,ired. ~E~IONS TO SUBD~ISION REGU~TIONS approved by the County Engineer but n~ed not meat U.S.D.O.T.F.K.W.A. Manual of Unifo~ Traffic Control Dmvicms. Street pavmmmnt painting, street striping, and rmfl.ctivm edging rm~lrmmmnts may be waived. b. A~icle XI, S~ction 10: ~ retirement to mon~mnts in a t~lcak water valve cov~r shall bm Mon~mnts shall bm inmtall.d in accord wi~ standards and ~hall bm approvmd by ~m County ~gl~er. c. ~iclm XI, Smction 21: ~ retirements for utility casings shall bm waived if all utilitims are ln~tall,d prior to const~ction of thm street base ~ d. ~iclm XI, Smction 17 j:' ~ rm~irmment ~at streets have a minim~ tangent of 100 femt intersections shall bm 4atm~in.d at ~ time s~mittal of const~ction plans. e. A~iclm XI, Section 17 K:' ~ retirement ~at say be m~ified at ~e time of s~mittal of plans. f. A~lclm XI, Section 17F: Sixty (60} .fee= of right-of- way shall be dedicated instead of the eight-four (~4) fee= re.ired. Developer ~hall provide st.-end streets =o access the adjacent parcels, where a~]lcable. 10 5.1 SECTION V TR~NS PORTATIO?~ RZQUIR~MINTS The developer shall: a. Subject to Florid· Dap·rinse= cf Tr·nsp~r=·t!on approve1, and shall provide · fair share 'contribution tow·rd the capital cost of · tr·fflc signal ~hmn dee~ed warranted' . by the County. The signal will be owned, operated end maintained by Coll!mr County. b. The developer shall provide ar~erial level street 1A~hting at ~be project entrance. c. The three out parcels shall have internal access only. They mhall have no direct access to Davis Boulevard. d. The developer shall provide sixty (60) feet cf additional right-of-way along the north side of Davis Boulevard for -. water management/transpor~ation purposes. e. ~ullding setback~ from ~he ~avis Boulevard Righ=-of-W shall be a. minimum of.~ifty (50) feet. ' aO f. Ail traffic control devices used, excluding street.name signs, shall conform with ~he Manual on Uniform TrafXJe ~~ as required by Chapter 316.0747, FlorAd~ g. These improvemen~s are considered "site related" as defined in Ordinance ~$-55 and shall no= be applied as credits t~ward any impact ~ees required by that ordinance. The improvements shall he in place before any certificates of ~ccupancy are issued. h. Payment of Impact Fees shall be made at ~he time of building permit issuance and ~he amount of the faa shall , be in accordance with the effectivs fee schedule per ordinance. .. i. The subdivision master plan shall be revised to provide a stub street along the north and west boundary of the plan in the location depicted by th& westerly directed arrow. 6.1 SECTION VZ EI'~'ZRO~TAL STANDARDS The purpose of this Section is to set forth ~he stipulations established by the £nv~ronmental Advisory Council. A. A prese~ation area comprisln~ a~6ut t~o ~ In th. north eas~e~ potion cf ~he ~roJec~. ~is irma is intended to provide protmc~ion for a c~ress s~and. Only uses dete~inmd to be consil~ln= ~ith ~he goal of prese~ing ~is area shall be B. Petitioner shall be s~Jec~ to Ordinance No. 75-21 as amended by Ordinance Sg-Sa (prese~a=ion of native habitat). Petitioner shall be subJec~ to Ordinance No. amended by Ordinance a9-57 (use of native species in landscaping). Petitioner shall be s~Ject to Ordinance No. S2-37 amended by Ordinance. ag-S3 (removal of exit.lc ~pecie~). Petitioner =hall be a~Ject to the Collier County Comprehensive Plan Policy 12.1.3 (diacove~ o~ an archaeological or historical site, a~ifact or o~er indicator of pre~a~ation). Pe~itionar ~hall obtain and s~nit doc~entation of all neceaaa~ local, state and federal pe~its. In the event active protected species foraging habitat, nests or burrows are encountered during ~evalopnen~ activities, the Collier County Planning Se~lces Znviro~ental Review staff shall be notified i~ediately and project designs may Me adjusted, If watt, tad. (Collier County Comprehensive Plan poli~ S.3.4). Protected plan~ species (Mut~erfly orchid an4 wll~ pine) and those sighted during development activities shall protected from inJu~ or relocated on alee, preferably to presage or landscape areas. The. existing a~ wall as the transplanting locations, if warranted, · hall be identified on the site plan. The con~e~ation aea r shall be delineated by a signed and sealed professional su~e~n the site plan. 12 Jo Mo Lo A natural vaget&tion buffer shall ba required around protected wetlands at least tin (10) flit wldl. Control structure elevations in protected, created or restored wetlands shall be established to ~aintain or improve adequate hydroperiods.' The control structure elevation shall be designed to meet the requirements of South Florida Water Management District and Collier County Engineering end Water Managemant D~par-.nsnt. Quantitative criteria for mitigatkon Ih'all' be bassd on'- the results of final field determinations made by the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County Znvironmsntal staff at the tiue. of lite development plan approval. Compensation pro osals shall provide reasonable assurance that resource ~pacts vi11 be offset. i. Mitigation plans proposed in vetlandl to be Presaz-ved, restored, enhanced shall include a dlscription of area (location and size), vegetation proposed to .be planted, source of vegetation (transplantation from .impacted areas prefarrmd) hydrologic regime, exotic vegetation remova.O monitoring and ~aintsnance plan. ii. Miti~ati~n proposed in upland areas shall emphasize establishment of habitat value. Vegetation retained and supplemented shall focus on wildlife vslue-a~d establishment of native vegetative #communities-. iii. Iake mitigation in the lake desig~ated on conceptual site plan shall include littoral zone plantings of nativs, aquatic vegetation. Petition shall be subject ~o all Collier County Ordinances in effect at commencement of construction. SECTION VII ENGINEERING ;eND UTILITIES R~QUIR/.~NTS 7.1 PURPOS£ The purpose of this Section is to set forth the utilities reTuiraments which must be accommodated .by the project developer. -.. A. Water distribution and sewage c~llection and transmission systems will be const.-ucted throughout the project development by the developer pursuant to all current requirements of Collisr County and the State of Florida. Water and sewer facilities constructed within platted rights-of-way or within utility easements required by the County shall be conveyed to the County for ownership, operation and maintenance purposes pursuant to appropriate County Ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of conveyance. All water and sewer facilities constructed on private property and not required by the County to be located within utility easements shall be owned;, opsrated and maint~ined by the developer, his &sstgn~ or successors. Upon completion of construct/on of the water and facilities within the project, the facilities be tested to ensure they meet Collier County,s utility construction requirements in effect at the time construction plans are approved. The abovs tasks must ~s completed to the satisfaction of the Utilities Division prior to placing any utility facilities, either County owned or privately owned, into service. Upon completion of the water and/or sewer facilities and prior to the issuanc& of Ca~ificates of Occupancy for structures within the project the utility facilities shall be convsymd the County, when required by the Utilities Division, pursuant to County Ordinances and regulations in effect at the time conveyance is requested. All construction plans and technical specifications and proposed plats, if applicable, for the proposed water distribution and sewag~ collection and transmission facilities must be reviewed and approved by the Utilities Division prior to commencement of construction. 14 Ail cuotomere connecting to the water dis~ribution and sewage collection facilities will be customers of the County end will be billed by the County in accordance with the County's established rates. Should t~e County not be in a position to provide water and/or sewer service to the project, ~he water and/or sewer customers ehall ba'.cuetomers of the interi= utility established to eerve ~he project until the County'e off-site water and/or sever facilities are evailable tq serve =~* project. It is anticipated that the coud=y U=~li~ies Division' will ultinately supply potable wa=ar to meet the consumptive demand and/or receive and treat the sewage genera=ed My =hie project. Should ~he County system not be in a position to eupply po=tble wa=er to the project and/or receive the project's waetewater at the time development cc-~ences, the Developer, at hie expense, will install and operate interim water eupply end on-site savage treatment and disposal facilities adequate to ueet all requirenents oft he appropriate regul&toryagencies. An agreem,nt ~hall be entered into between the County and the developer, binding on the developer~ his assigns or successors, legally acceptable to County, prior ~o the approval of ~onstruction -. documents for the proposed project, stating ~hat: 1. The proposed water suppiy and on-site treat~%~t facilities and/or on-site waetewater treatment and disposal facilities, if required, are to be constructed aa part of the proposed project and must be regarded as interim; they shall be constructed to S%ate and Federal standards and are to be owned, operated and maintained by the developer, hie assigHe or euccessors, until such tine as ~he County's off-site water facilitte~ and/or off-site sewer facilities are available to service the project. The interim treatment facilities ehall supply services only to those lands owned by ~he developer and approved by.~he County for development. The utility facility(les) may not be expanded to provide water and/or sewer service outside the development boundary approved by the County without the written consen~ of the County. 2. Upon connec~ion to the County's off-site water facilities, and/or sewer facilities, the developer, his assigns or successors ~hall abandon, dismantle and remove fron ~he site the 15 and discontinue usa of tha water supgly source, if applicable, in a ~anner consis=ant with State of Florida standards. All work related with ~his activity shall be perfo.-mad at no cost to the County. Conmection to the County's off-site water and/or sewer facilities will be made by the owners, their assigns or successors, at no cost to ~ha County within 90 d~ys after such facilities become available; '. The cost of connection shall include, but 'not be limited to, all engineering daa~gn and preparation of. construction documents, permitting, modification or refitting of sewage pumping facilities, interconnection with County off- site facilities water and/or sewer lines necessary to ~ake the connection(s), etc. At the time County off-site water and/or sawer facilities are available for the project ~o connect with, ~he following water and/or sewer 'facilities shall be conveyed to the County pursuant to appropriate County Ordinances and Regulations in effect at the time: (a) Ail water and/or sewer facilities constructed in publicly o~ed right.~-of- way or within utility easements required -'. by ~ha County within the project limits will be required to make connection~&ith the County's off-site water and/or se~er facilities; or, (b) Ail water and sewer facilities required to connect the project to the County's . off-site wa"cer and/or sewer facilities when the on-mite water and/or sewer facilities are constructed on private property and not required by the County to be located within utility easements, including but not limited to the following: (1) ~ain sewage lift station and force main interconnecting with the County sewer facilities including all utility easements, necessary. (2) Water distribution facilities from the point of connection with the County's water facilities to the master water meter serving ~he project, including all u~ility easements necessary. 5. The'customers sa~vad on an interim basis by ~he utility system constructed by the davel¢ger shall become customers o~ the County at the time when County off-site wa~ar and/or Sewer facilities are available to Jerve ~%e project and such connection, is ma~e. ~ior connec~ion o~ ~ha p~oJe~ ~o ~he'Ooun~y,s site water and/or fe~er facili~iaa developer, his assigns or successors, shall turn over =o the County a complete lis= of the customers ~e~ed by the interim utilities system and ~hall no= compete with the-County for the se~ice of those customers. developer shall also provide the County ~i~ a detailed tnvento~ of the facilities wi~in ~e proJec= and the entity which will be r.aponsible for the water and/or sewer · e~ice billing for the project. 6. All con~c~ion plans and tec~l~l specifications relate~ to connaction~ to ~h Co~ty'a o~f-aite water and/or s~war faciliti will be s~mitted to the Utilities Division for review and approval prior to co~ancement 7. The daveloper, his aesigns or successors, a~aa to pay all system developmen~ ~arges a~ ~e time that building pe~lta are re.ired, pursuant to appropriate County Ordinances and Re~lations in effect at the ~lme of petit re~e~t. ~is retirement shall be nada to all prospective buyer~ of prope~iea for which building pe~its will be re~ire4 prior to the sta~ of building const~ction. S. ~e County will lease to ~e Developer for operation and maintenance ~e water distribution and/or sewage collection and transmission system for the s~ of $10.00 per year, when such system is not connected %o the off-site wa=ar and/or ~ewer facilities and operated by the County. Te~ of the lease shall be dete~lned upon completion of ~e proposed utility const~ction and prior activation of the water supply treatment and 17 distribution facilities and/or ~he sewage collection, transmission and treatment facili=ies. Ths lease, if red, ired, shall re~ain in elf%ct until ~he County can provide ~azer and/or se~e- se.-vice through its off-site facilities or until such time that bulk rate water and/or sewer service agreements are sez-ving the project. F. Data required under Count~' .Ordinance No. 80Jl12 showing the availability of sewage ae--%'lce must be . submit=ed and approved by the Utilities Division prior to approval of the construction documents for the project. A copy of the approved D~R per.-its must ~e submitted for the sewage collection and transmission systems and the wastewater treatment facility to be utilized, upon receipt thereof. G. If an interim on-site water supply, treatment and transmission facility is utilized to serve the proposed project, it must be properly sized to supply average and peak day domestic demand, in addition to fire flow demand at a rate approved by the appropriate Fire Control District ssrvicing project a aa H. Constraction and %wnership of the water and sewer facilities, including any proposed interim s&wage treatment and disposal facility, shall be--in compliance with all Utilities Division standards, policies, ordinances, etc., in effect at the time construction approval is requested. I. Detailed hydraulic de%ignreports covering the water distribution and sewage collection and transmission the construction documents for the project. The reports shall list all design assum~tions, demand rates and other factors per~inent to the system under consideration. J. Prior to approval of construction documents by the County, the Developer must present verification, pursuant to Chapter 367 of the Florida Statutes, that the Florida Public Se.-vice Co:m~ission has granted territori~l rights to' the Develo · rov d. s.w.r s. ic, to th. facilities g sewer 18 A. Ail out parcels shall hays internal access points only. Access points shall be located in accordance With Ord/nance 76-6 as amended, or Ordinance 82- 91. ' B. The roadway layout shall m~et a d&sign spied of 30 m.p.h. Appropriate signags shall ac¢onp&ny detailed construct:ion pXans. ' Cul-de-sac turn-arounds w!~h a nin~=u~ pave=ant radiu~ of 40' at all dasd-and parking a sas r longer than 300, shall be provided on detailed construction plans. D. A minimum building setback of twenty (20) feet fro~ the lake is required. £. Detailed paving, grading, site drainage and plans shall bl submitted to Project Review Services for review. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance with the submitted plans is granted by Project, Review Services. · ' F. Design and construction of all impr~vaments she1 be subject to ~ompliance with the appropriate - provisions of the Collier County Subdivision Regulations, except those listed in Ssction'~.7 herein. _ G. Work within Collier County right-of-way shall meat the requirements of Collier County right-of-way Ordinance 82-91. H. The project shall be platted in accordance ~lth Collier County Subdivision Regulations to define the right-of-way, tracts, and easements as sba'an on t. he conceptual P.U.D. Master Plan. I. A copy of the FDOT permit shall bm provided prior to construction.plan approval. 19 SECTION VIII WATER. KANAG;','~ENT R~QUIR-~MENTS The purpose of this section is to stipulations established by the Watsr Manage=ant A~visox-y ~oerd, which shall bm accommodated by '~'J.e proJec= developer. 1. Detailed paving, grading and site drainage plans shall be submitted to County Project Review Se~lcas for review. No cons=~c=ion pe~i=a shall be issued unless and until approval of ~ha pro~sed const~ction in accordance with the s~mi=~ed plans is gram=ed by County ProJec~ Review Sa~lces. 2. Contraction of all water management facilities shall be s~Ject to compliance wi~ ~a appropriate provisions of ~a Collier "CountM Repletions. ~ Excavation ;e~i~ will Me re~ire4 for ~e proposed retention area in acco~anca wl~ CollAer County Ordinance No. S~-26 and S~D ~lea. - 4. ~e to ~e mixed land use wi~in ~he project, a ma~ter association will be foxed. The mas=er association has ultimate re~pons~ili~y for operation and maintenance of ~he drainage facill%ies wi~in the project. 5. A copy of S~D Pa~lt or Early Work ~e~lt ra~ired prior ~o conat~ction plan approval. 6. A 20' maintenance easement shall be pr~lded around the entire perimeter of ~e lake and a 20' access easement ~hall ~e provided. 2O The lake and wetland locations do not ninimu~ 200' separation criteria of ~he So~h Florida Water ~anaganent District rules, l~rovide appropriate calais=ions, consis=e~t wl~ Sou~ Florida ~=er ~nagemen= Ols=ric= ~les =o allow reduc=ion ~ ~is d~ension. Xf, aa a ~= of changes caused by ~he Sou~ Florida Wa~er ~ag~en~ Dls=ric~ Pe~lt retirements, ~a'si~e pl~ s~s~an=ially,' ~la project shall be re~i~ ~o back ~o ~he Wa~er HanagenenC Adv~so~ ~rd possibly =he Collier Councy.Pla~ing'~o=ission and ~ard of County Co~lssi~nars : if. de~e~lned necessa~. '-. O 21 ! 2 3 ¢ 6 ? 9 lo 15 16 1'7 19 20 30 32 3~ 36 37 39 4o 42 44 RESOLUTION 97- A I~'.ESO%.IJ'TION BY 'I'%,~E ~ OF COUNTY COK~IS$IONERS OF CO~I~ ~DA, P~SU~ ~ SE~ION 2.7.3. D~PM~ ~DE AFFE~ING O~I~CE 90-6 ~0~ AS N~POLIT~ P~ E~DING ~ 18, 1999; EFFE~IVE DATE. ~I~E~A$, the NEAPOLITAN PARK PUD, Ordinance 90-6 adopted on January 23, 1990, is subject to the provisions of Section, of the Land Development Code (LOC), Time Limits for Approved PUD Zoning Districts together with their respective Master Plans; and WHEREAS, the PUD was adopted consistent with and under the provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the PUD and has determined to extend the current PUD Zoning for two years, until March 18, 1999; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeels of Collier County, Florida that: 1. The above recitals are adopted herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of compliance with the review requirements of Section of the LDC. 3. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the current PUD approval is hereby extended to March 18, 1999; at the end of which time the owner shall submit to the procedures in LDC Section This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is granted. -1- WkR 1 8 1997 This Resolution adopted after Lotion, second and majority 2 vote. 3 Dona this day of 4 S & 7 9 ],0 12 14 l& 19 20 21 22 :24 . , 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~}~ISSIONERS COLLIF--R COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK TIMOTHY L. ~ANCOCK, CHAIRRA/4 APPROVF~) AS TO FORH AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: MARJORIE )4. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOR/4EY --2-- STAFF R~VIEW AND RECfkMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO ORDINANCE 91-88, A/~SO KNOWN AS THE VINCENTIAN RESIDENCE PUD, WHICH, A~CORDING TO THE REQUIRED PUD STATUS REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT, HAS NOT COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION, AS DEFINED IN SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPM~.NT CODE, RESULTING IN SEVERAL POSSIBLE COURSES 'OF ACTION FOR THE BOARD OF CO~3NTY CO~MISSIONERS TO CONSIDER. OBJECTIVE: Staff is requesting that the Board review staff's findings and recommendations regarding the above referenced PUD. CONSIDERATIONS: This PUD was originally approved on September 16, 1991. Section of the Collier County Land Developmen~ Code requires that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the fifth anniversary of the PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of this report is to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section For those PUDs approved prior to the effective date of adoption of the Land Development Code, the five year approval period commenced on the adoption date, October 30, 1991. Therefore, the conditions set forth in Section are aF !icable as of October 30, 1996. The above referenced PUD has been identified as a project which was approved prior to October 30, 1991 and which has not commenced construction as defined in Section Staff has utilized the required PUD status (monitoring) report, supplemented by field observation and review of in house records to verify the current status of the PUD and as the basis of a recommendation to the Board consistent with the options provided in Section (1) & (2). Section reads as follows: Time limits for approved PUD master plans. In the event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landowner(s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or a development order for all infrastructure improvements to include utilities, roads and similar improvements required by the approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least 15 percent of the gross land area of the PUD site every five years of the date of approval by the Board of County Commissi.~'nu&{G£~[M~ -1- MAR 1 8 1997 Fail to receive final local developm&nt orders for at least 15 percent of the total number of approved dwelling units in the PUD, or in the case of PUDs consisting of nonresid~ntiai uses, 30 percent of the total approved gross leasable floor area within the PUD every six years of the date of approval by the Board of County Co.~ ssioners. The project developer shall submit to the Planning Services Director a status report on the progress of development annually commencing on the fifth anniversary date of the PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of the report will b~ to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth above. Should the Planning Services Director determ/ne that the development has commenced in earnest, then the land shall retain its existing PUD approval and shall not be subject to additional review and consideration of new development standards or use modification. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has not commenced in earnest, then upon review and consideration of the report provided by the owner and any supplemental information that may be provided, the Board of County Co...issioners shall elect one of the following: To extend the current PUD approval for a maximum period of two years; at the end of which time, the owner will again submit to the procedure as defined herein. Require the owner to submit an amended PUD in which the unimproved portions of the original PUD shall be consistent with the Growth Management Plan. The existing PUD shall remain in effect until subsequent action by the board of the submitted amendment of the PUD. If the owner fails to su~it an amended PUD within six months of Board action to require such an amended su~ittal, then the Board may initiate proceedings to rezone the unimproved portions of the orig:.nai PUD to an appropriate zoning classification cons..ste~r~o.£~ MAR 1 8 1997 -2- P~. _ ~ the FUture Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. In the case of deFelopments of regional impact, time limit restrictions shall be superseded by the phasing plan and/or time limits contained within the application for deFelo~ment a~roFal and a~roved as ~rt of a development order in conformance with F.$. ] 380.06. ' S~nop~i. of Approved Land Uses: This PUD was approved for 30 residential units for the elderly on a 10 acre parcel; a school, a church and related facilities on another 10 acre parcel. And another 10 acre parcel to be used for children's home, residence for unwed mothers, family enrichment Center, special education center, etc. This PUD contains 30.7 acres. Consisten~ with Comprehensive Growth Management Plan: The subject PUD is designated Urban Coastal Fringe on the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. Urban Coastal Fringe district allows residential developments with a base density.of 3 units per acre. This district also allows a host of non-residential uses such as churches, schools, etc., provided certain criteria are met. Based on staff review of the approved land uses, the PUD has been determined to be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The PUD has also been found to be consistent with the following GMP Elements FLUE; Traffic Circulation Element; Open Space/Natural Resource Element. Consistency with the Collier County Land Develo~-.ent Code : The PUD has been distributed to the appropriate jurisdiction review entities specifically for review of the PUD for consistency with current land development regulations. Based on that review, the following inconsistencies have been identified: Transportation: (Traffic impacts, access management, etc.) This PUD will be required to adhere to the provisions of the LDC, including the Access management Plan. Landscape: (Buffers/Green Space) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. IMAR!81997 I ,.._,/ ~nvironm~ntal: (Protected species, green/open space) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. Engineering/Site Development: (Sewer/water, drainage issues) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. Planning: This project does not provide any size criteria or other development standards for the church, school, special education center, etc.. It is not possible to evaluate the real impact of this PUD by the size of the parcel only. It is staff's opinion that this PUD should be amended to provide all necessary criteria and development standards for this development. ~ite__~_~_~cific Conditions of Approval~ Staff recommendations relative to each condition of the original rezone approval are listed below: Conditions of Approval: The developer shall improve Southwest Boulevard along their property to minor collector standards. Staff Recommendation: This condition of approval is appropriate and necessary to accommodate the additional traffic caused by the development of this project. FISCAL IMPACT: A two year extension of this PUD Ordinance will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. NOTE: This PUD was originally approved in 1984 with a density of --8 dwelling units per acre. In 1991, as a result of the ZRO (Zoning Re-evaluation Ordinance) process, the applicant was required to amend the PUD to reduce the density to 3 units per acre, consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. The PUD was amended on September 16, 1991. STAFF RECOt4~ENDATION: Based on a comprehensive review of this PUD document, recommends that the Board of County Commissioners require the property owner to amend this PUD within six months. MAR 1 8 1997 . -4- PREPARED BY: CHARRAM BADAMTCHIAN, Ph.D. , AICP DATE R~VIEW~D BY: RObeRT J. MULHERE, AICP CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DATE /,SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNI~ DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION -5- ! :2 4 8 9 *~o 11 ],4 P~ESOLUTION 97- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOWERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE 91-88 FSNOWN ~ VINCENTIAN RESIDENCES PUD, EXTENDING THE CURRENT PUD APPROVAL TO M~_%CH 18, 1999; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 15 WHEREAS, the Vincentian Residences PUD, Ordinance 91-68 16 adopted on September 16, 1991, is subject to the provisions of 17 Section, of the Land Development Code (LDC), Time Limits 18 for Approved PUD Zoning Districts together with their respective 19 Master Plans; and 20 WHEREA~, the PUD was adopted consistent with and under the 21 provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan; and 2~ WHEREAS, the Board of Ccunty Commission~r~ has reviewed the 23 PUD and has determined to extend the current PUD Zoning for two 24 years, until March 18, 1999; and 25 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning 26 Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: 27 2a 1. The above recitals are adopted herein by reference 29 as if fully set forth herein. 31 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of 32 compliance with the review requirements of Section 33 of the LDC. 34 35 3. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the current 36 PUD approval is hereby extended to March 18, 1999; 37 at the end of which time the owner shall submit to 38 the procedures in LDC Section 39 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its 40 approval. 41 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in 42 the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for 43 which the extension is granted. -1- MAR 1 8 1997 This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of , 1997. 4 & ? 10 Il 14 17 18 21 2S 26 BOARD OF COUNTY CC~I$$IONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: D~IGHT Z. BROCK, CLERK TIMOTHY L. DLA/qCOCK, CHAII~N APPROVED AS TO F0~ AND LEC.~/, SUFFICIENCY: ~aohtz ~. ...... ORDINANCE 91- 8.__8 // AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-2, THE CO:~PREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER ".?-., ..... ~.~ .... ~' COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL .... ' ~ ** ZONING ATLAS MAP NI~MBER 0632N; BY CHANGING ' THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PEAL PROPERTY FROM "PUD" TO "PUD", PL3C~NEDUNIT DEVELOPMENT, K~OWN AS VINCENTiAN RESIDENCE PUD, FOR A MIXED USE COMPLEX (MIXED USES INCLUDING PESIDENTIAL, INSTITUTIONAL CAPd~, AND COMMUNITY FACILITY), FOR PROPERTY IDCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF US-41 EAST AND ON THE EAST SIDE OF SOUTHWEST BOULEVARD, LYING IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUI~{, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 30.7 AC~ES; A~D BY PROVIDIN~ AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W~EREAS, the residential portion of the Vincentian Residence Planned Unit Development (PUD), which ~ermits 80 dwelling units at a density of 8 units per acre, has been to be inconsistent with the Density Rating System contained in the Future Land Use Element of the Grow~ch Management Plan; W}FEREAS, the Collier County Growth Planning Department petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property to be consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Grow~ch '. Management Plan; *NOW ~HEREFORE BE IT*ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~4TY, FLORIDA; SECTION ONE: The Zoning Classification of the herein aescribed real property located in Section 32, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "PUD" to "PUD", Planned Unit Development, in accordance with the PUD document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein and by reference made part hereof. The official Zoning Atlas Map Number 0632N,as described in Ordinance Number 82-2, is hereby amended accordingly. - ( SECTION T~O~ Ordinance Number 85-27, known as tha Vlncantian Residence PUD, adopted on June 18, 1985 by the Board of County Comnissioners of Collier County, Florida, is hereby repealed in its entirety. This ordinance sh~ll become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County 'Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 16 day of -~~, 1991. ' "'}~3 ~,~/ '.. _%.,,? ... · /)/* .; · { . . .A~TEST: . .'..(%' · - ~ ' . A · .% .~.~. '~ . ~ · ,~ · ~ · ~ ~ ~'.. , . ~ . ~... ?'~'. '~. ' ...... ~'~ ~ ..~i~ rl,Appr~= as to fo~ and ' } l'~gal ',ufftcten~ Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: V~NCENTIAN RESIDENCE OP~ VINCENTIAN RESIDENCE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTARTS ARCHITECT: F~IO L~NDO~, A.I.A. 2335 TA/~IA/~I ~RAIL N. NAPLES, FLORIDA 33940 T--'L. (813) 262-478E ENGINEER: BRUNS AND BRUNS, INC. 529 TMIRD STREET SOUTH NAPLES, FLORIDA 33940 TEL. (813) 261-5965 PLARNING CONSULTANT: DR. NENO J. SPAGNA, PRESIDENT FLORIDA URBAR INSTITUTE, INC. 3850 27TH AVE. S.W. NAPLES, FLOR/DA 33999 TEL. (813) 455-2168 PR~P~.R~D FOR EDWA~RD A. MCC~.RTHY, ARCHBISHOP OF THE DIOCESE OF ~tIA2~I MIAMI, FLORIDA REVISED FOR JOHN J. NEVINS, BISHOP 'OF THE DIOCESE OF VENICE .VENICE, FLORIDA APRIL, 1984 RA'VISED SEPTEMBER, 1984 SECOND REVISION MAY, 1985 R~EVISED SEPTF..MBER 16, 1991 BY THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH PLANNING DEPARTMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS ................... SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION ..... 1. 1.1 PURPOSE ................... 1. 1.2 T.~GAL DESCRIPTION .............. 1. 1.3 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP ............. 1. 1.4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ....... 1.5 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ............ 1. SECTION II PROJECT DE};ELOPMENT ............ 4. 2.1 PURPOSE ................... 4. 2.2 GENERAL ................... 4. 2.3 SITE PLAN AND LAND USE TRACTS ........ 4. SECTION III WATER MANAGEMENT ............. 6 SECTION IV LAND USE R~GULATIONS ......... 4.1 INTENDED USES .............. 4.2 PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES AND STRUCTURES 4.3 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES %.4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ............ SECTION V STATEMEHT OF COMPLIANCE .......... 10 SECTION VI DEVELOPM]ENT COMMITh'ENTS ......... 11 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2. SITE PLA2I ................. 5 FIGURE 3. PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE ......... 7 SECTION PROPERTY O~ERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION The purpose'of this section is to identify the location and ownership of the property, and to describe the existing conditions of the property proposed to be developed under the name of VINCENTI~ R~RIDENCE. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Commencing at the concrete monument marking the East corner of Section 32, ~ownship 50 South, Range 26 £ast, Collier County, Florida, this monument being the Point of Beginning; thence North 02'47'30" East along the Easterly boundary of said Section 32 a distance of 885.11 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S. 41 (Tamiami Trail), said right-of-way line being a curve; thence along said right-of-way line an distance of 819.59 feet, maid curve concavs to the Northeast, '.having a central angle of 14'35'08", radius 3219.55 feet, chord distance 817.38 feet and chord bearing of North 46'21'34" West to the point of tangency; thence continue along said right-of-way line North 39'04~00" West 73.64 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of Southwest Boulevard which is the Easterly boundary of Trail Acres subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 50 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence along said right-of-way line and said boundary South 50'56'00" Wast 1007.99 Feet to the Northeasterly boundary of Trail Acres Unit 3 as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 94 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence Southeasterly along said Northeasterly boundary of said Plat South 39'05'25" East 1081.97 feet; thence Easterly along the North boundary of said Plat South 87'30'12" East 695.91 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel containing 30.7 acres more or .less.-See Figure 1. 1.3.. P~OPERTY 'OWN~_RSHIP '. · '.~The property encompassing this PUD is under the ownership. Of'John J. Nevins, P.O. Box 2006, Venice, Florida. 1.4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY A. The property consists of 30.7 acres of land, more or '"less, generally located on the south side of U.S. 41 between Southwest Boulevard and tile Nitching Post Mobile Hone Park. Ingres~ and egress will be from Southwest Boulevard and U.S. 41. The land is presently vacant and covered by native vegetation. B. The current zoning of the subject property is PUD, Planned Unit Development. C. The Growth Management Plan designates the subject property as within the Urban Coastal Fringe Area. 1.5. ~MYSICAb DESCRIPTIO~ A. The elevation of the project site varies from 4.5 to 5.7 feet with an average elevation of approximately 5.1 feet, see Figure 1. identified on the Federal Insurance Rate Nap. Zone 8A is defined as ,,Areas of 100-year flood: base flood elevations and flood hazard factors no~ determined-" ~ike all properties in collier County, it is eligible. for insurance under the National Flood Insurance Program. A description of the soil types found in the project area - Leighty classifies the project soils as Arzell Fine Sands (Aa5). This soil group is characterized as deep beds of fine loose sand with almost no organic matter; slightly acid or neutral. The depth of rock varies from 48 inches to 80 inches. Relief is nearly level or slightly depressional. Surface runoff is very slow or ponded. Internal drainage ia rapid when freed of high water table. Seasonable high water table varies from one to two feet with a duration time depending on rainfall periods, amount of rainfall and the wet-dr~ seasons cycle. There are no limitations to the degree and kind of low building structured. : % % ." SECTIO~ II PROJECT ~EYELOPHENT 2.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to delineate and generally describe the project plan of development, the respective land uses of the Parcels included in the project, as well as the project criteria for VINCENTIM! RESIDENCE. A. Regulations for development of VINCENTIAN RESIDENCE shall be in accordance with the contents of this document, PUD-Planned Unit Development District and other applicable sections and parts of the "Collier County Zoning Ordinance." B. Unless otherwise noted, the definitions of all terms shall be the same as the definitions set forth in the "Collier County Zoning ordinance." 2.3 SITE PLA~ AND LAND USE TRACTS A. The site plan, including layout of streets and land use of various parcels, is illustrated graphically by Figure 2. .There Shall be three (3) land use parcels, plus necessary street rights-of-way, sewage treatment . plant, lake and appropriate landscaping, the configuration of which is also illustrated as (1) ~" Parcel A: ~aximum of 30 residential units for '~!~]~"~;:.' ...... ; '' flexibility to locate some of these '. ....::. If Parcel B and/or Parcel C are used · : .-. ' for housing, additional units shall be · -.' .~ calculated using the density of 3 units per acre for the additional land allocated for this.use. (~ 10.0 acres) (2) Parcel B: Parcel B is intended for future development for a school, church, rectory and related uses. (± 10.0 acres) (3) Parcel C: Parcel C is intended for future development of institutional care facilities such as, but not limited to children's home, residence for unwed mothers, family enrichment center, special educational center, etc. (± 10.0 acres) ~OTAL ACREAGE (± 30.7 acres) 3.1 3.2 SECTION III WATER ~LANAG EMENT It is estimated that the final developed site will consist of nine acres of impez-vious area, four acres of lake, two acres for sewage treatment facility, and 15 acres of open area. Originally this land was drained by sheet flow to the south. Due to development on west, south and east the water restricted from its natural flow. It appears that the best way to handle the stox-m water is to route it to the lake and then provide an overflow out to the east boundary which is a Section line. When the detailed drainage design is completed the water can be routed to the north or south, whichever is best. See Figure 3. The petitioner agrees to the following water management stipulations: A. Detailed site drainage plans shall be submitted to the County Engineer for review. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance with the submitted plans is granted by the County Engineer. B. Revisions shall be made to the size of the retention lake and design of the outlet control structure to limit off-site discharge to 0.33 cfs/acre. C. Unless a legal outfall can be established through adjacent farm property to the south, off-site discharge shall be restricted only to the US-41 road i%n Excavation Permit will be required for the proposed lake in accordance with Collier County '. Ordinance 88-26, as amended. E. Detailed site drainage plans shall be submitted to 'the County Engineer for review.. No Construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance with the 'submitted plans is granted by the County Engineer. Distance between principal structures: Fifteen (15) feet. Signs - As permitted or required by the Collier County Sign Ordinance in effect at the time a permit is reques:ed. Minimum off-street parking and off-street loading - as permitted or required by the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time a permit is requested. Hlnimum landscaping requirements - as permitted or required by the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time I per. it is requested. S~te Development Plan approval in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance shall be received prior to any development. SECTION V STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 5.1 5.2 The project US-41. The petitioner states that if he proceeds with the development, he will: A. Provide agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, or sureties acceptable to the County for completion of the undertaking in accord with the adopted Master Plan as well as for continuing operation and 'maintenance of such areas, functions and facilities that are not to be provided, operated or maintained at general public expense; and, B. Bind his successors in title to any commitments made under "A." preceding. The Vincentian Residence Planned Unit Development is consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan for the following reasons: A. The project site is designated Urban Coastal Fringe, and is within the Traffic Congestion Area, as designated on the Future Land Use Map and in the 1~/ture Land Use Element. Interconnection with adjacent properties is not appropriate. The Permitted uses in this PUD are permitted in the Urban Coastal Fringe and the density of 3 units per acre conforms to the Density Rating System contained in the Future Land Use Element. The proJ~c~ will be served by central water and sewer facilities. ..The project is compatible with surrounding land uses. ...The p~o'Jec't will comply with all applicable County, State and Federal laws regulating development of the will be limited to one access point onto SECTION VI DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 6.1 Environmental Advisory Council - The EAC met on February 6, 1985 and reco=mended approval of Petition R-84-11C (the original rezone petition to PUD) subject to the following conditions which are acceptable to the petitioner: A. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Project Review Services Environmental Staff for their review and approval prior to any substantial work on the site. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native vegetation to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots, and other facilities have been . . oriented to accommodate this goal. B. Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the Project Review Serwices Environmental Staff for their review and approval. This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. C. Ali exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site development a maintenance program shall be implemented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will'describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed with and approved by the Project Review Services Environmental' Staff. D. If during the course of site clearing, excavation, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and the Project Review Serwices Environmental Staff notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the Project Review SeTvices Environmental Staff or a designated consultant to access the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its sal%ageability.. The Project Review Services Environmental Staff will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to provide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activities. E. Maintain to the maximum extent possible the natural vegetation in the 25 foot buffer along US-41. 6.2 Water Management Advisory Board - The ~4AB met on April 10, 1985 and recommended approval of Petition R-84-11C (the original rezone petition to PUD) subject to the following conditions which are acceptable to the petitioner: '-. ?~--~.-.... .. .-~ ../.'-.'.'-~".'~ '.'-'-'- 6.3 6.4 A. Detailed site drainage plans shall be submitt, ! to the County £ngineer for his review. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed construcCion in accordance with the sub~itted plans is gran=ed by the County £ng~neer. B. Rev£sions shall be made to the size of the retention lake and design of the outlet control structure to limi~ off-site discharge to 0.33 cfs/acre. C. Unless a legal outfall can be established through adjacent farm proger=y ~o the south off-site discharge sh~ll be restricted only to the US-el road swals. D. An £xcavation Permit will be required for the proposed lake in a¢¢¢rd&nce with Collier County Ordinance 88-26, as amended. Traffic £ngineer - A. Subject to FDOT approYal, the petitioner shall provide the following: (1) No nedian shall be permitted for a westbound left turn off of US-¢1. (2) An eastbound right turn deceleration lane on US-41 at South~es~ ~oulevard. (3) Arterial level street lighting at the project entrance. (4) Sidewalk and/or bike path improvements along property frontage as required by County. (5) Westbound left turn lane on US-41 at Southwest Blvd. The'development shall have positive drainage outfall for excessive runoff as required by the County. The developer ~hall improve Southwest Boulevard along' their ~roperty to minor collector standards as set .- "forth in the ~ubdivision Regulations. County Utll~ties Services Division - A. This PUD is subject to the conditions outlined by ~r. · John F. MadaJewski in hie memorandum to Missy Ober dated May 14, 1985, attached. .... VINPUD?.2291 MEMORANDUM DATE w~:. ~. Re: , ~eCition ~-S&-llC, Vincenclln FUO (Supercade~ stipuletionl coutaIna~ in =eno dated April 25, ~e have reviewed the above re~erencsd ~et~tion end have no obJeccto~ to the rezone as requested. N~ever, we requ~re the fail.tn sCipulac[ous as a condition to our rec~end&cion for approval: A) Vacer i 1) Vicar dia~rlbution and sevale collection and systems will .be cons~cted throughout the pto~sct developer ,. developer pursuant to all current requiresents ut Collier Coeur7 '..".s~.'be conveyed . to 'the :Dusty for ~tsbtp~ eperat~ · ~nteu~nce ~u~oses. ~ ~te: and saver fac~ttes c~st~cttd private, ptopett7 and not required ~y t~t C~nt7 t~ be lb:aced utility easeeents shall be ~ed, operated a~ ~intained ~ the Developer~ his assigns or successors. Upon co~letion oI og the water and sever lacilities within the prolect, the be tested to Insure they ~eet Collier Countyt~ ~n~ :equire~nts at v~tch tine they will be conveyed or transgerred to the County, required by the Utilities Division, pursuant to appropriate County Ordinances and Re~ul~tions in e~ecC at the ti~s conveyance or trans~er is requested, prior to betnj placed i~to 2) ~1 construction plans and technical specifications ~nd plats, if applicable, ~or the proposed ~ater distribution and con,action and tran~aission ~aci~lties Just be reviewed and approved :he Utilities Division prior to co~enceaent o~ 3) All cue:Deers consortia8 to the water distribution and sevaje collection facilities viii be custoaera oI the County and viii be billed by t~e County in accordance with the County's established rates. Should the County no: be In a position to provide water and/or sever se~lce to the project, the water and/or sever cuscoaers shall be custouers DE the interia utility established to serve the project until the County's DEl-site ~acer and/or se~er ~ac~lities ate available to se~e the project. &) It is anticipated that the County Utilities Division viii ulti=tately supply potable water to meet tha consumptive de~and and/or receive and trait the ievaga [snerated by this project. Should'the .Count7 system not be in a position to supply potable water to the project and/or reciive the project's vastewater at:the;time ge~elo~nt 'co.encee, the Developer, at his expense, vil1 ins{~ll'~nd ePerat~~t~ supply and on-liCe treatment .facilities ~nd/o~'~', ..... . ...... ..- .:, '... '... '... . ..._:..: .............. . :. .:. To: Ann HcKl,~. Plennin$ Dept. ~) Am Asreenent s~all be entered ~nCo be~vaen che County and the Developer, bindin~ on ~be Developer, his assigns or successors, lesally acceptable ~o ~he County. prior ~o the approval of eoms~c~lom ~o~menzs ~or ~he proposed project, a~a~n~ tha~: a) ~e proposed wa~er supply and ou-sl~a tread=est ~aail~es ou-si~a was~ewa~er ~rea~em~ an~ disposal ~aeili~ian, ~f required, are be cous~c~ed aa par~ o~ ~he proposed proJec~ and ~s~ ~ rtgarded inUe~; they s~ll be cous~c~ad ~o S~a~e ~d Fe~e~al s~andards a~e ~o be o~ed, opera~e~ and ~lu~ained by the ~er~ ~s assl~s or successors uu~il auc~ ~e as ~he County's off-siva wa~er faeili~Xes and/or o~-si~e sever fac~l~ies are available ~o se~ica the proJec~. ..... .b) Upon conn,c~iou ~o ~be County's o~-si~e wa~er facilities, · sewer faclli~ies~ ~be Developer, ~ia assigns or auccessars a~ll abandon · dis~n~le' and re~va from the si~e .~he iu~er~ wa~er and/or se~ge . "~rea~nen~ facility and discon~ue ~ne o~ ~he wa~er supply ',applicable, ~ a ~nmer consis~eu~ wl~b ~a~e of Florida s~andards, ~1 work ~ela~e~ ~h ~his ac~lv~y shall be per~o~ad a~ no cos~ to the · County. ' c) Connection ~o the County's ogf-slKe wa~er end,or ne~er ~11 be ~de by the o~ers, ~beir assigns or successors a~ no cos~ to Coum~y within 90 days ag~er such ~acili~es b~co=e available. of connection shall include, bu~ no~ be l~i~ed to~ all desl~ an~ preparation of ~ons~c~lon documents, pelleting, ~di~l~a- Cion or rafi~cing o~ sevage pucpln~ facll~cies, ~n~erconnec~lou Couuuy o~-si~e facilities, wa~er author sewer lines necessary ~o ~e ~he conmec~iom(s), e~c. d) A~ ~he C~me County o~f-nice water and/or se~er [acllicies are 'ava~laBle for the proJec~ ~o conmec~ with, ~he following va~er and/or sever faciliKles shall be conveynd ~o the County purauanK to a~propria~a County Ordinances and ~e~ulac~on$ in e[fec~ ac ~he 1) All ~a~er and/or aec*er facili~iea coma~ructed In ~ublicly o~ed rights-of-way or within u~lli~y easements required by fac[li~ies required ~o make conmecKiom vl~h the Coun~y'n o[[-si~a water and/or sever faclli~ies; or, 2) Ail wa~er and sever faclllKles required C~ conncc~ the proJec~ Co the County'n off-site water and/or sewer ~hen t~e on-~te valet and/or'~ever'.-[ac~ltt~e~'~te contracted on private property and 'not'required by tKe,-Count~ to 'fo: Ann ~c~.~-~4 l'lar, ntnI De~art=ent i) ~ln s~v~ts linc ~cition ~n4 ~orce ~in inc~r- co~ecclu[ ~ch Cie County si~r facillcils ~cludin[ ~scer racer ~ecer se~ln~ ch~ project, lncludin~ e) ~e customers se~ed on au incezh basis by the utility sysc~ consC~cced b~ ch. Developer shall becks cusco:ers o~ ch. ~uucy ac c~e when County o~-sice varec and/or seve~ facilities art avlihble ee~e ch. project iud s~ch co~ecciou is Md.. Prior co conuecci~ · ' ch. p~oJecc co ch. ~uncy'l oil-siC, racer and/uT sever facilities ;..' Developer, his flSilns, or successors I~ll cu~ oYir co Ch. ~cy ~'. couplers list o[ the customers le~ed by ch. interim utilities system '-; ~e Developer a~ll also p~ovidt the County with a derailed ~v~nco~ 'the Iacilici~s se~ed vlc~ the project and the en~lCy ~l~ ~1 bt responsible for the vicar and/or sever se.ice blllin~ for Chi project, ' f) All' :~o~s~uc~loa plans ant technical specifications related to connections Co the County's off-siCs racer and/or sewer facilities be submitted Co the Utilities Division for rsviev and approval prior to co~ence~enc o~ consC~ction. 1) ~ht Developer, his stalin, or successors altec co pay all system development charles ac the Cl~e chac lulldinl PaniCs are requited, pursuant co appropriate County ~d~ances and lelulacions In effect cbt cl~e o~ Pe~lc request. ~[s requirement s~ll be Mdc ~ Co prospective buyers-o~ properties ~or which buildinl pe~cs will be 'required prior co ch. scare ol bulldin[ construction. h) ~he County ac ice option may lease for ope~a~lon and ~incenance Ch. vicar distribution and/or se'~ate collection ~nd transmission system Ch. project Developer or his asslins [or the sun o[ $10.00 per year. o[ the lease shall be dece~ined upon completion of ~he proposed construction and prior co activation o[ ~he racer supply, treatment and distribution facilities and/or Cbs aevaSe collection, crans~ission and treatment [aclllCies. The Lease, il rtqulred, shall renain In effect until ch. County can provide racer and/or siver semite chr~[h off-sic, lacllicies or until such clot Char bulk race racer and/or sever B) Dace rtquired under County Ordinance .N~ ".~O-ll2'.'~hovini thc avail- ability of .evils ' service, 'must be su~ cced:~a~ae~'~. ,.. j.he · .... Cbs . roJecc..~f,Subnic :a ;copy. of ;che ~pp~ DER~pe~ Page C) If an iuCar~ oa-a~ca rater supply, trea~uenC and crans-.L~ss~n facility is uC~l~zt~ Co ae~e the proposed project, ic mac be p~per~y ,~zed co supply average and peak day d~esc~c d~nd, ~ addition co f~re ~lov deMnd aC a race approved by the app~priace Fire ~ucrol D~scricc ~) ~t ~L~ doc~uC aha~l bt ravLsed co stLpulacio~s conceded here~n. A r~Loed copy of the ~ doc~tuC ~sc ~ sub~Cce~ co Ch~ Oc~l~ctea D~vision ~or ~tv~tv and approval prior Co schedu~tn~ the ?echelon for consideratXon bY .0 STAFF REVIEW ARD REC(IMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO ORDINANCE 91-31, ALSO KNOWN AS THE WATERFORD ESTATES PUD, WHICH, ACCORDING TO THE REQ(3IRED PUD STATUS REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/A~ENT, HAS NOT C(~4MENCED CONSTRUCTION, AS DEFINED IN SECTION OF THE COLLIER C~JNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, RESULTING IN SEVERAL POSSIBLE C(~JRSES OF ACTION FOR THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~%4ISSIONERS TO CONSIDER. OBJECTIVE: Staff is requesting that the Board review staff's findings and recommendations regarding the above referenced PUD. CONSIDERATIONS: This PUD was originally approved on April 9, 1991. Section of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the fifth anniversary of the PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of this report is to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section For those PUDs approved prior to the effective date of adoption of the Land Development Code, the five year approval period commenced on the adoption date, October 30, 1991. Therefore, the conditions set forth in Section are applicable as of October 30, 1996. The above referenced PUD has been identified as a project which was approved prior to October 30, 1991 and which has not commenced construction as defined in Section Staff has utilized the required PUD status (monitoring) report, supplemented by field observation and review of in house records to verify the current status of the PUD and as the basis of a recommendation to the Board consistent with the options provided in Section (1) & (2). Section reads as follows: Time limits for approved PUD master plans. In the event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landowner (s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or a development order for all infrastructure improvements to include utilities, roads and similar improvements required by the approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least 15 percent of the gross land area of the PUD site every fife years of the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners; and 1 8 1997 IJAR 18~ me Fail to receive final local development orders for at least 15 percent of the total number of approved dwelling units in the PUD, or in the case of PUDs consisting of nonresidential uses, 30 percent of the total approved gross leasable floor area within the PUD every s/x years of the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The project developer shall submit to the Planning Services Director a status report on the progress of development annually commencing on the fifth anniversary date of the PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of the report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth above. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has commenced in earnest, then the land shall retain its existing PUD approval and shall not be subject to additional review and consideration of new development standards or use modification. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has not commenced in earnest, then upon review and consideration of the report provided by the owner and any supplemental information that may be provided, the Board of County Commissioners shall elect one of the following: To extend the current PUD approval for a maximum period of two years,, at the end of which time, the owner will again submit to the procedure as defined herein. Require the owner to submit an amended PUD in which the unimproved portions of the original PUD shall be consis ten t wi th the Growth Management Plan. The existing PUD shall remain in effect until subsequemt action by the board of the submitted amendment of the PUD. If the owner fails to submit an amended PUD months of Board action to require such su_h~_ittal, then the Board may initiate rezone the unimproved portions of the original an appropriate zoning classification -2- the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. In the case of developments of regional impact, time limit restrictions shall be superseded by the phasing plan and/or time limi ts con tained wi thin the apPlication for development approFal and apProFed as part of a development order in confoxmance with F.$. ] 380.06. This PUD was approved for 63 sing/e-family residentia! dwelling units. The gross density for this PUD is 3.25 units per acre. This PUD contains 30.7 acres. C°nsiste~wi~ehensive Growth Management Plan: The subject PUD is designated Urban residential on the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. A base density of 4 units per acre may be permitted within the Urban residential district. Based on staff review of the approved land uses, the PUD has been determined to be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The PUD hus also been found to be consistent with the following G~4P Elements FLUE~ Traffic Circulation Element~ Open Space/Natural Resource Element. Consisten_cywith the Collier Count_~Land Devel~ent Code : The PUD has been distributed to the appropriate Jurisdiction review entities specifically for review of the PUD for consistency with current land development regulations. Based on that review, the following inconsistencies have been identified: Transportation: (Traffic impacts, access management, etc.} This PUD will be required to adhere to the provisions of the LDC, including the Access management Plan. Landscape: (Buffers/Green Space} The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. Environmental: (Protected species, green/open space) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. Engineering/Site Development: (Sewer/water, drainage issues) -3- Ig .R 1 8 1997 The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. FISCAL IMPACT: A two year extension of this PUD have no fiscal impact on Collier County. Ordinance will STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on a comprehensfve review of this PUD document, recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant a two year extension of this PUD. PRE P~RED BY: CHAHRA~ BAD~TCHI~4q, Ph.D. , AICP DATE REVIEWED BY: CURRENT FLANNING MANAGER DATE DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP - -- PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR VINCENT.A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION -4- NAR 18 1997 1 2 3 4 s 6 ? 9 1/. 12 13 14 ],5 RESOLUTION 97- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOA/~D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUanT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY IdtND DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE 91-31 KNOWN A~ WATERFORD ESTATES PUD, EXTENDING THE CLT~NT PUD APPROVA.L TO P~CH 18, 1999; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE· 16 WHEREAS, the Waterford Estates PUD, Ordinance 91-31 adopted i? on April 9, 1991, is subject to the provisions of Section 18·, of the Land D~velopment C.~e [LDC), Time Limits for 19 Approved PUD Zoning Districts together with their respective . 20 Master Plans; and 21 WHEREAS, the PUD was adopted consistent with and under the 22 provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan; and 23 WHERE,, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the 24 PUD and has determined to extend the current PUD Zoning for two 25 years, until March 18, 1999; 2& NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ~ESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning 27 Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: 29 1. The above recitals are adopted herein by reference 3o as if fully set forth herein. 31 32 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of 33 compliance with the review requirements of Section 34 of the LDC. 35 38 3. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the current 37 PUD approval is hereby extended to March 18, 1999; 3s at the end of which time the owner shall submit to 39 the procedures in LDC Section 2.7.3·4. 40 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its 41 approval. 42 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in 43 the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for 44 which the extension is granted. MAR 1 This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. 4 $ 6 ? 9 10 1], 13 ].4 15 17 2O :'1 :22 24 25 Done this day of , 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: MA~JO~IE M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY -2- O~D~NANC£ 9~- ~ ORDINANCE AMENDING O~DINA~CE 82-2 T~E COMPR~S~V~ ZONinG FOR THE ~ZNCO~TED ~ OF COLLIER CO~TY, F~RIDA, BY ~D~NG ~E OFFICIAL ZONING AT~S ~P N~B~S 50-26-2 ~O 50-26-5; BY C~GING ~E ZONING C~SSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT D~VELOPMENT KNOWN AS WATERFORD ESTATES PUD CONSISTING OF 63 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING U~ITS, LOCATED NORTH AND SOUTH OF WMITkKER ROAD, APPROXIMATELY ONE MILE NORTH OF RATTLESNAKE KAM~OCK ROAD (CR-864) A~;D APPROXIMATELY TWO MILES WEST OF CR-951, IN SECTIONS 9 AND 16, TOW14SHIP 50 $O[r~H, RANGE 26 FAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTI~IG OF 19.4~ ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Beau Keene of Evers, Meal & Purse, Inc., representing Dan Peppers and Dugan Porter, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; MOW, TMEP~E~ORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners 'of Collier County, Florida: T~e Zoning Classification of the hereih described real property located in Sections 9 and 16, Township 50 South, ..Range 26 East, Collier Cou~ty,'Florida ~s changed from A-2 to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the PUD Document, attached hereto as F. xhibit "A" which is incorporated herein and by reference made part hereof. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Numbers 50-26-2 and 50-26-5, as described in Ordinance Number 82-2, are hereby amended accordingly. SECTION TWOt This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AI~O DULY ADOPTED by the Doard oE County C~mmissioners of Collier County, Florida, this ';ch Apr£1 _, 1991. ATTEST: JA~ES .C.. GILES, CL£RK ~APP~OVED AS R.~ AYlD LEGAL SUFFICIENCY BOARD OF COLq~TY COHNISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PATRICIA ANNE GOODNIGHT%~ CHAIR.MAN T~ mdlna~e f{l~ with the o~ ~,£', ~J.,~, .~', A$~ISTJUiT 'COUNTY ATTOTUV£¥ R-90-27 0RDINARCE nb/4194 ' PLA~gED U~ZT DEYELO?~E~T FOR YATERFORD ~STATES Prepared Evera, Neal & Purse, 2403 Trade Center Way,.Suite ~8 ~&plee, Florida DATE ISSUED: JulT 25, 1990 DATE REVISED:' April 9t 1991 CCPC DATE:' KarCh 7, 1991 ~CC DATE:...APril 9. 1991 -- O~DINANCE ~0.: EXHIBIT "A" TABLE 0£ CONTENTS SECTION I, STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE ........................ SECTION II, PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP 2.1 - INTRODUCTION, LOCATION AND PURPOSE ...................... 2.2 - SNORT TITLE ............................................. 2.3 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION ....................................... 2.& - TITLE TO PROPERTY ................... SECTION III, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT .............................. 3 1 - PURPOSE 3.2 - GENERAL PLAN OF DEYELOPMENT ............................. 3.3 - COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE ORDINANCES ................... 3 & - LAND USES - 3 ~ PROJECT DENSIT~ ' TABLE I - LAND USES AND ACREAGE ..................... 3.6 - EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES ................................. 3.7 - ROADS ................................................... 3.8 - ENTRANCE FEATURES ....................................... 3,9 - OPEN SPACE .............................................. 3.10 - CONCURRENCY HANAGEMENT ................................. SECTION I¥, RESIDENTIAL LAND USE .............................. & 1 PURPOSE ' &.2 - MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS 4.3 - PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES ....................... 4.4 - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SECTION ¥, R£CREATION ........................................ 12 5ol - PURPOSE ................................................ 12 5.2 - DEYELOPMENT PLAN ....................................... 12, 5.3 - PERMITTED ~SES A~D STRUCTURES ........ ~ ................. 12 5.& - PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS ............................. 12 5.5 - PROPERTy DEYELOPME:~T CRITERIA .......................... 13 S~CTION YZ, WATER MANA~Z~ENT AREAS ........................... 8.1 - PURPOSE ................................................ l& 6.2 - 9EVELOP~ENT PLAN ....................................... 6.3 - PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES .......................... 6.1 - PLA~ APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS ........................... SECTZO~ VIZ, GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMHITMENTS .......... ' ....... 15~ 7.1 - PURPOSE ................................................ 15 7.2 - GENERAL..~ ............................................. 15 7.3 - PUD MASTER PLAN ............ ~ .............. 7.& - ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITM£NTS ...................... 7.5 - WATER MANAGEMENT AND ENGZNEERZN~ COMMITtlENTS...'...16 & 17 7.6 - TRANSPORTATION COMMITMENTS ........................ 17 - 19 7.7 - UTILITIES COMMITMENTS .................................. 19 7.8 - FIRE COMMITMENTS ....................................... 20 7.9 - EICEPTIONS TO COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIOiIS ........... 20 PUD MASTER PLAN .................... ~ ............... ATTACH?IE:IT 1 · o : SECTION Z ST~T£HENT OF COHPLIANC~ The development of approximately 19.4 acres of property in Collier County, as a Planned Unit Development to be known as Waterford Enemies, will be in compliance with the planning goals and objectives of Collier County ss set forth in the Growth Nanalement Plan. The residential and recreational facilities of Waterfor~ Estates will be consistent with the growth policies, land development regulations and applicable comprehen$1vs planning obJectivee for the following reasons: 1) The subject property is in compliance with the Future \ Land Usa Element (FLUE) of the Growth Hanageaont Plan (GNP) which is evaluated ss follows: A. The project development is compatible and complimentary to the surrounding land uses. B. Zmprovements are planned to be in substantial compliance with applicable rslulations. C. The project development will result in an efficient and economical extension of community facilities 1nd services, The project development is planned to incorporate natural systems for water management in accordance with their natural functions and capabilities. E. The subject property is located within the Urban · . Residential Destination as indicated in the GMP's Future Land Use ~lenant (FLUE) amd Future Land Uae Hap. Hors specificall7, the site is within the Urban; Hixed Use District which permits s variety of residential development subject to compliance with specified criteria. The proposed project is permitted a maximum base density of four (&) residential dvsllinl units per gross acre. Since the site consists of approximately 19.4 acres, the proposed project is permitted a maximum total of 78 units.' Furthermore, the Petitioner proposes to construct a total of 63 units on the subject property (Reference: Companion Petition SMP-90-31). Therefore, the Subject petition is in compliance with ~he FLUE of the GNP. Furthermore, the FLUE centaina a new provision interconnection that is stated as follows: "If the project fails to interconnect with all existing projects when Physicell7 possible, and fails to provide lnterconnection with all future adjacent projects, up to 1 (one) dwellin$ unit per gross acre may be subtracted as deemed appropriate bl the BCC". · ~ote: iction of the B~ard of County Commissioners limits the project to s maximum total of 63 residential dwelling units. A~hough in~trconnac~on ~i~h ad]acan~ proJlc~s is or desirable ~van ~hl con~tlura~o~ and ~oca~on of the alta, con[iluration of adjoinin8 atrlecs, and the neiShborin~ land use pacclrn. Therefore, the · baal denaicy ahall be parm~cCld aK ~ naximun of four (&) residential dvallin$ un[el per lroml acre. HovaYar, per action of cee Board of County Conn~aalonara ac ica naaCin$ on April 9, 1991, the project ia permic~ld a max~num ~o~al of 63 residenc~a~ Jvallin8 - 2 - PROPERT! DESCRIPTION AND O~NERS~IP 2ol I~NTRODUCTION~ LOCATION AND PUIPOS~ In is the intent of Dmniel Peppers mad Dulmn Pot&er, hereinafter called "Devmlopars", their successors and mealies, to establish · Planned Unit De~alopnant (PUD) on spproxleacsl7 19.4 acres of propers! located in Collier Coun~I, Florida. The subject project is generally located 0.8 niles East of Count! Barn Road sad 0.6 lllll North of Road in ~ha Northwest t of Jet,ion 16 and the Southwest Boulevard and ia ~ransec~ed by ~hitaker Road. It is the purpose oI this docunsnt to es~aBlish .~tandards and luidslines [or the lu~ure de?elope·ne o~ this properKy. 2.2 SRORT TITLE This ordinance shall be known and cl~ed aa nYa~er~ord PUD Ordinancen. 2o3 ~ECIL DESCRIPTIO~ The subject proparcy being 19.&~ acre· is described as follows: E '½ o~ ~h· $9 ¼ o[ ch· N~ ~ o[ the N~ ~ ol Section 16, Township §0 South, Ranis 2~ EasKI Reset?iai the North 30t and the East 30' Road Right-of-gay and E ½ of the N9 ~ of the S~ ~ of tht.N~ } of Section 16, Township 50 South,'Rania 26 East; ResarTtng the East 30' and ~he South 30' Road Right-of-Uny and E ½ of the ~V } of ch· ~V } o[ ~he NV ~ of Section 16. Township 50 South, Ranze 26 £asc; Les· ch· South 30' and the East 30' Road Riihc-of-Vay and S ½ o~ the $~ ~ o~ ~hs S~ ~ o~ ~he S~ ~ o~ Section 9, Township $0 Sou~h~ Ranis 2~ Ease= Subject to an easeman~ ~¢ross Ease 30t for inlrsss and egress and Ro·d all proper~ies sicua~ed, lying and being in Collier County Florida. , TTTL~ TO P~0PE]{TY The subject property is ovned by Damiel Peppers and Dus&n - & - 3.1 3.:2 3,3 3.4 3.5 SECTION III PROJECT DEYELOPMENT PURPOSE The purpou,! of this Section is co lenerall! describe the plan of the deYslopmen~ lad delta·scs the lensrsl condL~Eons thac rill uppl~ to ohs project. ' CEntRaL PLaN OF DEYELOPME~T Ya~erford E·cutes ~s · plsnned communit! includ~nl a =lx~ure of'residenti&! uses and recreational, conservation and water s&nslsesnC related el·sene·, COM?LIANCE ¥ITH ~PPLICABLE OXDI~AXC~ The pro~ecc is intended co be in cospliancs vith the applicable Collier County Zoninx and $ubdiv~s~on Regulations as veil Is other Collier County Develops·ne codes in e~fecc nc ch· tine bu~ldinl peraics are requested, Table I is a schedule of ch· intended land use ~ypas v~ch epproxisate acre·lee. The err·al·nest of ch·se land use types is shorn on ~xhibic "A", PUD Master Plan. Minor ch·uses and variations in de·iSa and acre·x·s shell be permitted ac final desiXn co acc·ne·date ~opolraphy, ~eleca~ion and other P~OJECT DENSITT ~ The total ~creale of Yaterford ~sCete· is approx~saCel! 19.& acres and ch· CHP permits ch· project a maximum base density of &.O units per ir·ss acre, Horsy·r, per action of the Board of County Connissioners ac ~a meecinl on April 9, 1991, Ch· project is pernicced a maziuus coral of 63 residential dvellin8 - 5 - ¥~kTERFORD ESTATES TABLE ! LA~D USE ..... Recreation · · R-O-~ baser?ed for Dad~ca~ion Tot&l 10.6 2.8 2.9 0.2 2.9 19.~ - 6 - 3.6 ~ASEHENTS FOR UTILITlgS £asements shill be provided /or water monoGooent utilities and other purpoaos as ma? be needed. Said easements and improvements shall be in compliance with the Collier Count7 Subdivision Relulations in affect at the ti~e · permit is requested'or requirad. All necessary aasements, dedications or other shall ba [ranted to ensure the continued operation ·nd maintenance of ·11 service utilitias in compliance with applic·bla ralulations in effect at the time approvals era requastad. 3.7 Ill roads within the development (not includinI ami portion of ~hiteker Road, Sunset Blvd,, ldkins Avenue, or the Santa Barbara Blvd. Extension) shell be privata roads to be perpetually maintained by an eppropriate homeovnerta association. 3,8 EITIANCE FE!TUIE~ It vide strips of land adjacent to each side of ~hitaker load mai be utilized for beautification purposes. Permitted uses and structures within this ·rea include: fences, silnale, lendscapins end other customer! uses associated with entrance beautification. Ill necessary easements, dedications or other instruoents shall be $ranted to ensure the continued operation and maintenance of these facilities in substantial compliance with applicable relulations in effect at the tine approvals are requested. 3.9 OPZN SPICE I minimum of size! percent {602) of the project's Iross shall be devoted to us·bls open space in accordance with Collier Count! Ordinance 89-~2. This requirement shall not apply to individual development parcels. 3.10 CO~CU~RENCY HANAGEHENT Development permitted b~ approval of this petition viii be subject to · concurrencl review undor the provisions o! the Idequ·ta Public Facilities Ordinance (IPFO) ~o. the earliest or next to occur of either finnl S~P approval, or bulldia[ permit issuance applicable ~o this prolect. SE~TXO~ 1¥ A.1 PURPOSE RESIDENTIAL LAND USE 4.2 4.3 Ae The purpose of this section la to aec forth the development plan and relulaciona for the areas deailnated on Actachman~ 1, PUD Naater Plan, as Residential. F~XIMUH DWELLING UNIT~ A Aaxisus number of 63 iinSle family attached and/or detached units aa! be constructed. ~ERHITTED USES AND STRUCTUR~ No building or structure, of parc tharnof, shall bm erected, altered or used. or land nasd, in whola or part, for ocher ~han tha following: (I) Single Family leaidenca. '(2) Duplex'Residence.. · . (3) Earthsinini co be permitted only in conjunction with rater management/lake(a) micin~ pursuant to Collier County Ordinance Es. 88-26. :~ '- ' - 'B.'~:lccaaao~{ Usesg ". i~.-:-''.' · '" ' :-- ' · · ' · ,- o . · .. . 4~,".'~ .... '.' .' ~ - ' ':~'~:"(1')'Custos&r~ acceaaory'~aea and structures 'lncludinl' ~ "~':' '>-" ." :.'~"i~r 7'.:'/ :'private $~a~e4'. ;;-.:;.. ': . . . . .. . ' ,: .... ".'. ' ';"'; :: :":~' (~) Hodel Homas~ '."'"' ' ' ' a) Hodel hones a~all be parmi~ted in conjunction with the promotion o£ the davelopsa~t. No sore than threa "DrI ~odelm" may be constructed prior co recordinl o~ aplac for the project ii applied £or by the project owner. Site(s) for the model(m) must conlora to zoning standards and be located on a future platted lot. A seres and bounds.legal daacrip~ion shall be provided on the site plan required aa part of the building permit issuance. Access shall be provided to each model lrom the nodal serving as a #Sales Center" or an approved independent "Sales Center". Access shall be for pedestrian traffic only; no paved road will be alloyed. .0 A "Sale· Center" nay be constructed prior to recordtnl of a plat. The "Sale· Center" · hall be limited to one structure (one butldin~ permit). It may be serviced b7 · temporary utility system (i.e., dry wall ·nd septic tank/drainfield) prior to availability of central ut£1it7 systems ·t which time connection to the central ·ystan will be made. Interim fire protection facilities in accordance vith NFPA require·eat· are required unless n permanent water ·ystea i· available to serve the Center. c) Review and approval of the "Sale· Canter" ........... shall follow the requirements of the Site Davelopaent Plan process (Zonin$ Ordinance, Section lO.S). A metes and bound· lelal description shall be provided as part of the application. Access to the "Sales Center" · hall be provided b7 · paved road or temporary driveway which ·eats Count7 Standards. A water name·anent plan must be provided which accoanodacea the runoff ~rom the "Sales Center", the required parkinl, and access road/driveway and any other impervious surfaces, The ·ysta· ·hall be dasilnad to fit in with the ma·tar water anna·ameer system for the entire development. d) At the tine of bnildin$ permit application ~ ........... for · "Sale· Center#, · temporary use permit shall be obtained, "Sales Centers" nay not be occupied until · Certificate o~ Occupancy .is issued...Models must obtain · conditional CerttfEcata of Occupancy for model purpo·e· only. Model· ma7 not be occupied until a permanent Certificate of Occupancy is issued. (3) Recreation facilities. (4) Water nanageoent facilities. DE?ELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Cederal: Ail yard·, setback·, etc. shall be in relation to individual loc boundaries. B. Minimum Lot Area: 6,000 square feet. Hinimum Lot Width: 1) Corner lots - ?0 feet average between front and rear lot lines. In the Case of wedge-shaped corner lots, the [ront lot line shall be a line lnterconnectinS the two points where side lot lines intersect street rish~-of-vays. Interior lots - 60 feet average betveen [roflt and ' rear lot lines. Hlninum Yard ReQuire3ents: I) Front Yard - 25 [eec. 2) Side Yard - 7.5 feet unless zero lot line unite are utilized where the minimun aide yard shall be increased to 10 feet for the non-zero lot line. 3) Rear Yard - 20 feet. &) All yards abutting s street shall be front yards. Four-sided corner lots shall have two front and. two side yards (except where a lot abuts more two streets[ in this case, each side of the lot abutting a street shall have m fro~t yard). Five-sided corner lots shall have two front, side and one rear yard with the rear yard bein8 farthest fron tbs abutting streets (sxcept where a lot abuts more than two streets~ in this case, each side of the lot abuttinl a street shall have · front yard). Hininum Floor Area o[ Principal Structure~: 1) One story: 1,200 square feet of living area exclusive of patio and garage. 2) Two story: 1,600 square feet o~ living area exclusive of patio and 8arage. Haximum Height: (1) Principal Structures - 30 feet. (2) Accessory Structures - 1~ feet. Off-Street Parkin~ Requiremen~t: As required by Collier County regulations in effect at the time building permits are requested. - 10 - ---r. , Aa required by Collier County regulations In ef[ect ~ at the time bulldinI permits are requested ~" Aa required by Collier County tabulations in ~.~d at the time bulldins permits are requested '~ 3. ~'dditio~ Requirement : ~ I) Trects~B ~j~d D, ia identified on the PUD Mascer ----~,,.u un~s. furthermore, all lo:s developed ".~: ~n Tracts B and D shall be e=~lrely =ero-lo~ line ~"" un~s or en~i~e~y non-zero , 2) Trac~a F and ~, al ~den~i~ed on . Plan 8 SCar 'k.~ rely with simile-racily ,. in Traccs.F and.'H shall be entirely zero-lot line -':'; units or entirely non zero loc line unica. ~ . 3) E~ch reaiden~ial lot shall be developed wl~h a · -~ -extnun o~ one reliden~iel dv*llinl u~i~ .per lo~. ~ '' Furthermore, ill.sinllt_tlnilI ac~ached units shall __ .. be Joined alonl ~.comno= wall a~ {he proper~y line " 'oepara~inl ~he ~vo rtsiden~lll.lo~s ..L . '' "' -' ".-' ma n . ~-~-.->.-'......-~.~... · --:- l..~lininLa.,iniaun o[ i I0 too~ sida yard fatback' requireien~ Ior.'Che moa-zero' side Iard.lo~ lines.. ""; ' In ~ddi~lofl, tll,sinlle~llnilI de~ached units shall '" 'be'required ~o nfin~ain a tinimu= ~'~:~ ' side yard setback requiremen~ [or all side yards. · .,:,_ - I1 - SECTIOff Y PURPOSE ' plan and regulaciona for the area designated on Actachnenc 1, PUD Master Finn, aa Recreation. 5.2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN The primary purpose and function of the recreation area will be Co provide common recreation facilities for use by residents and [uesta. 5.3 FERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES No bulldinl or structure, or pert thernof, shall be altered or used. or land used, in vhole or in part, for other ckan the follovinl: A. Permitted Principal Uses and Structures: 1. Open space and outdoor recreational facilities. Pools, tennis courts, nhuffleb~¥d courts, racquetball courts, asnociationTrec~eacion/naetin~ .. halls, chicken huts. 3. Perimeter fence amd similar security structures. '"' B.' Permitted Accesso{7 Uee~ and Structuresc I. Accessory uses and structures customaril~ associaltt vith principal uses permitted in this diacric~. 3.& PLAN APPROVAL REqUIR~EffTS Plans for these uses shall be submitted to Development Services £or scar! raviev and ~pproval of the plans and their concept/daniSh. Construction plans shall be in accordance vith these approved plans. The perimeter boundaries o[ such plans shall be recorded in the same manner an a platted lot. 5.5 PROPZ~T! ~EYELOP~E~T C~ITE~I~ A. Overall site design shall be haraonious in terns of landscepins, snclosurs o! structures, location of access streets and perkins areas (it any) and location.and ' trss~nen~ of buffer areas. B. M_..l~lnum Yards - Both Principal and Accessory Structures: 1) Front Yard: 20 feet. 2) Side Yard : 7.5 fast. --'-3)' ln~r Yard : 10 feat. &) Separation between structures: 10 feat. C. Maxinun Hei~h~ - 30 feet. D. O~her Standards: Off-street parking, iandscapin~, .... aianaxe, and nzher e~andards not addreseed hereim shall he aa required ~! C~llier Count! res~la~ions in effect at the tiaa bulldins perai~e are requested. , -~ E. Site Development Pla~ ($DP) approval ,hall be require~ for the recreation ars, in accordance with Section 10.$ of'th~ Colli~'Count! Zonins Or~inance. S~CTION ¥~ rATEr ~AC~E~T AREAS ~URPOSE The purposo o! th~s section is to ae~ forth the development phn and relula~ona for the ~reas des~nated on A~tachmen~ 1, PUD Nester Plan, aa racer Hanalement. D_EYECOPNENT"PLAN The primary purpose of the racer aanalenent areas will be for flood protection and water detention ~n accordance v~th applicable codes and o~d~nancea. P~RMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES No buildin[ or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, Xn whole or in part~ for other than the folloving= A. Permitted Princip&l Uses and S~ructure : ~ 1, Open space. .. 2. Lakes and other functional ~ac$1$~es fo~ use such es v&ter ~ana~ement. 3: 'per,meter fence and similar securXty structures. Permi'tted Accesso~ Uae~ and S~ructgres= ~...~:....:.;.. ... ... 1. ·-Accessory.usaa and.structures cus'touar~ly associated · .. ~lans for ch'ese uses shall be s~bn$c~ed co "~ ' Sera,cas for scoff revSev and approval of.cEe plans and -- . ~heSr conc~p~/des$gn. Construction plane shall be accordance v$ch chase' approved plane. The perSae~er · -...~ boundaries of such plane shall be recorded -- manner as a P~Cced - 14 - $~¢TION ~£NE~AL DEYELOPH~NT COH~ITHENTS 7.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Sect/on is co set forth the development cona£taents Q[ the project. 7.2 G~N~AL A. All facilities chill be constructed tn strict accordance vith the Collier County Subdivision Resulations, the County Zonin8 Ordinance and all applicable federal, state and local codec in effect et the time · - PerBite are requested B. ?hie project shell be required tn meet all County ordinances in effect et the time buildinl permits ere requested. C. Subsequent to approval of thio project, final conatr~ct~on plans and ~nal sabdivilion plat shell be submitted for reviev and approval. A. The PUD Kester'Plan, attached es Attachment 1 hereto, ia an illustrative Preliminary development plan. The deailn criteria end layout illustrated.on the PUD ~nster Plea'shall be understood to be mr-th~he'~inal-.des~$n may 's&tie~y tho project criteria and comply vith ell applicable requirements o~ thin ordinance ........ All necessary easements, dedications or other ' instruments shall be lranted to ensure the comtinued operation and maintenance of all nervice utilities and all areas in the project. Revielone to the PUD ~aster Plan may be permitted subject to Subsection 7.27J. of the Zoninl Ordinance. - 15- 7o& EN¥IRONHENTAL ~. ~11 propose~ ~iti~ation for i~pacts to Collier ~urisdiccional v~clands sholl comply vich the and requirements of Appendix 7 o! the South Flor~ Water Hanagenent Dis~ric: rules. Hit£~ation orals shall be surveyed prior to [inal construction plan ' approval end desisnated as e conservation end/or tract vith protective covenants pursuan: Florida St&~utes. Chapter 70&.06. B. Prior to final Pint/construction plsn epprovsl, developer sheiI submit · ~ypical ~uildinl lot clearin~ plan ~o be included in the homeouners~ 7o5 ~AT~ HANA~H~NT AND ~N~ZN~ZN~ COHHZTH~NT~ ~. Detailed pavin~, ~redin~, site dreinnle end u~il~ plans shall be subni~ted to Pro,act ~evieu Service~ for reviev. ~o construction per,i~s shell be issued unless end until approval of the proposed construction in accordance uith the ~ubni~ted plans is ~rented Project ~evieu Services. ' B. Zn accordance ~i~h ~he ~ulee of the South Florida ~a~er --'---aafi~ement District (SF~D), Chapters ~OE& end this proJec: shell be designed ~or a storm even: 3-day duration end 25-;ear return frequency. ¢. Desisn end construction o~ all improvenencs.shell ~ubJect to conplience vit~ the appropriate provisions of the Collier ¢ou'nty Subdivi~ion An £xceve~ion ?ermit viii be required ~or the proposed lake(e) in accordance vi~h Collier County Ordinance No. 88-26 and SFV~D rules. All lake setbacks req~ed by this Ordinance shall be adhered to unless reducel utilizinl lake setback curves. E.I copy of SFWMD Permit or Earl! ~ork Pernit is prior to cons:ruction plan approval. Landscepin$ shall not be p'laced vithin the rater manasement areas unless specifically approved by Reviev Services. 7.8 In addition to the lO0 ft. of right-of-~ay being dedicated for the future Santa Barbara Boulevard extension, the developer shall dedicate an additional l&O ft. for a drainers easement [or canal widening and maintenance purposes in accordance with the District ~o. 6 Drainage Study. Any reduction to this requirement is subject to review and approval by the Water Hanale=ent Director. For all off-site roads to be improved by the developer, drainage, improvements for these roads to insure a positive discharse and adequate capacity is required in accordance with Collier County standards and Florida Water Hanalement District rules. Construction permit from South Florida Water Banalement District is required. All improvements shall be approved by the Transportation Services Director. Such i=provenents shall be linited to re-gradin8 o~ roadside swales to insure positive and adequate flow. I. This project periueter tradin$ shall be designed zero discharge for lO0-year, 3-day atorn event, unless drainage improvements, guaranteein$ a positive outfall to ~oyal Woods Col[ and Country Club, are constructed as part of the proJec~ development. J. Plattin~ is required, in accordance wi~h Collier County Subdivision ~egulations, if any lots, trac~$ or parcels are ~o be sold. Z. Work withi, Collier County right-of-wa? shall meet the requirenents of Collier County Ordinance ~o. T~A~SPOETATION CO~ITHE~TS A. Baaed upon Future trip assignments to Santa Barbara Boulevard Extension (Davis Blvd. to ~attlssnake-Ha=~ock ~oad), Whita2er ~oad, Sunset Boulevard, and Polly Avenue, the following needs ~o be addressed by Collier County and/or the developer (subject to the determination of the Collier County Transportation Services Admi~istrator) prior to initiation o~ final development processes to include pernits for site work: 1. The Developer shall provide appropriate right-of- way dedications for Whitaker ~oad (County Barn Rd. to Sunset Blvd.), Santa Barbara Blvd. Extensiom (parcel frontage), Sunset Blvd. (parcel frontage to Adkins Avenue). and Adkins Avenue (Sunset Blvd. to Santa Barbara Blvd. Extension). - 17- 2. ~mprovement of the above noted seleents of Vh~taker Road, Sunset Blvd. and, also, Poll! Avenue to County Standards. . ,~. 3. The Developer shall dedicate appropri~t~draina$o easements consistent with the overall'area ' development plan. ImproveeenC of off-sits drainale conveyance to a pasitive out·all. B. The developer shall provide · fair share contribution toward the capital cost of a traffic slsnal at the project access to Santa Barbara Blvd. via Whitaker Road when deemed warranted by the County. The silnll shall be owned, operated, and e&intained by Collier County. C. All traffic control devices used, ezcludinl street naee sales, shall comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as required by Chapter 316~07~7, Florida Statutes. · D. The Developer shall provide arterial level street lilhtins st all project accesses. £. Access improvements ·hall not bo subject to impact fee credits and, ezcludinl sisnalizstion, shall be in place before any certificates of occupancy are issued. .. F. Ro&d impact fees shell bs as set forth in Ordinance 85-5~, as amended, and shell be paid at the time buildins permits are issued ~leas otherwise approved · by the Board of Ccvnty Commission·rs. G. Because of the potential of'adjacent roadways not conformins to appropriate service level standards due to the rate of increase of traffic ~olumes versus scheduled/funded roadway capacity improvements, the developer is advised that fvturs land development activities in the area nay be subject to future land use control consistent with the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. H. With reference to Attachment ! to this document, the ~ollowins stipulatioms shall apply: 1. A total o~ l?& feet o~ ri·he-of-wa7 £3st of the section line shall be dedicated to Collier Count! as pare o~ ~he pla~lnS process. - 18- 2. Said right-of-ray shill ba ded£caced for roadvoy and drainage purposes. 3. The use o! 20 feec o! this rilhc-o~-voy along the Eastern aide for i berm to facilitate tho rater manesemenc lake ia saCiafactory rich the stipulation that nodi~icacions to the berm me7 be made by Collier County aa & result o~ pernittin; and construction of Santa Barbara ~oulevard. A,Vater service shall be provided chrovlh connection to the County central water ayStel. B. The water main must be extended Iron the Collier County Vater/Sever Dlstrictes oxistins transmission main on Vhitaker Road to the project site and extended within the project, aa required. Thm system nusc be properly dsaisned and sized to supply &yorase and peak day . ' domestic den&nd in addition Co fire flay demand at" ~- m race approved by the appropriate Fire Control Dlacr~cc · aervicin[ the project area,- C. C°nscruction documents for the wager and sewer ,lmpr~vemints rel'atinS to the development of the propmrcy . · mus~ be. reTleved and approved by Project Ravine Services · prior co the approval of buildina permits on the .proper~y.' .,. ~v ': ·'!.i :;'. ~."co~v~anc. Of chi w.t.r mid ..w.r ..twice ~<~ .... '- .'"' '' 'to the Collier County Vater/$ever District BUSt ~ .'..-.~. .... --. comple~ed'prior t~'~'p~roval of any Certificates be :.-~'~".;..:;.L. ." '.".'. :Occupancy'for structures on"~he re erg of ' ',.', ".:' i' . .- .'.-. -....--~ .... ,.-~..-..- - :. P P y, · E. Cons{ructiOn an'd'ovnerahip;~f.~h~,~aCir and .sever ": · . facilities'shall be in complii'nce 91ch 811 :. DiYlSion a~endarda, policies; ordinaflcee~ practices, ecg, in effect at ~he ~lme construction approval is requested. ' .. F. ~ewer service shall be provided throuzh connection to the County central sewer system. C. Connection to the exlacin8 water and sewer facilities within Whicaker Road riiht-of~ay ia required and must be fully illustrated on the final construction plan and supporting eniineerinl conatru¢~lo~ drawings as co location, sixe and This project shall be designed for central water and sewer systems. - lg - 7.8 FIRE COMMITMEMTS Fire hTdrants shall be appropriately located to meet the requirements and approval of the local fire district. · 7.9 EXCEPTIONS TO COU~T! SUBDI¥ISSON RECULATIO~S A. Article XI, Section 17.H: Dead-end streets shall be deafened as a cul-de-sac. However, 'such streets shall ' ' ~t'%~ed 1.200 feet in length. Article X, S~ction 19: Street name signs shall be approved by Project Review Services and all traffic circulation sisnage shall meet USDOT FHWA NUTCD requirements and standards. Article XI, Section 10: The requirement for reference markers to be placed in water valve covers ia vaive~. subject to P~oJect Review Services approval and subject to meeting State Statutes. ~ - 20- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES FOR AMENDING THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 93-124. OBJECTIVE: Staff is requesting that the Board approve the attached re~olution which sets forth procedural requirements for amendments to the Land Development Code (LDC). This resolution will replace resolution 93-134 which was approved by the Board in March of 1993. CONSIDERATIONS: Resolution 93-124 set forth procedural requirements for amendments to the LDC. One of those procedures requires that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) hear the proposed LDC amendments for the first cycle of the year (January cycle) in March, and for the second cycle (June cycle) in September. Review by several entities prior to the CCPC hearing is generally necessary (where the proposed amendments are cumbersome and/or where many amendments are proposed). These entities include the public at large, the EAB, EPTAB, DSAC, CBIA, Naples EDC/Chamber coalition, neighborhood and community associations, and various impacted special interest groups. Providing this information to all of the interested groups, and soliciting and receiving input and then incorporating that input into the staff report for the CCPC, within the required time frame has been difficult. Additionally, there have occasionally been conflicts with other priorities making it difficult to schedule two evening hearings during the month in which the CCPC is required to hear the proposed LDC amendments. As an example, the current LDC amendment cycle is required to be heard by the CCPC in March. The Comprehensive Planning Section is also scheduled to bring forward the EAR based amendments for consideration by the CCPC in March. Additionally, legal staff will be involved with litigation at the State level during the latter part of March. Staff has discussed these conflicts with the CCPC and was directed to replace the existing resolution with one which provides greater flexibility, but at the same time does not allow a proposed amendment to languish for an indefinite period of time. The attached proposed resolution does not set forth a specific month in which LDC amendments for a specific cycle must be heard by the CCPC, but rather states that the first cycle (January) of amendments in any calendar year must be heard by the CCPC on or before the last Wednesday in the month of May for that calendar year. For the second cycle (June), the amendments must be heard by the CCPC on or before the last Wednesday in December of that calendar year. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this resolution will have no fiscal impa! GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This proposed consistent with Collier County Growth Management Plan. r~olution i8 PREPARED BY: ROBERT J. MULH~RE, AICP DATE CURRENT PLAN1NING MANAGER DO~--ALD W. KRNOLD, AI~P DATE P G SERVICZS DEPAR'rM~NT DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMIiNT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DMSION -2- IlAR 18 1~7 RESOLUTION 97- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES FOR AMENDING THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND D£VELOPMENT CODE AND REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 93-124 WHEREAS, Section 163.3202(1), Florida Statutes, requires that local governments adopt land development regulations that are consistent with local co~prehensive plans; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3202(3}, Florida Statutes, requires that local governments compile their respective land development regulations into a single land development code for the particular Jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, Collier County did adopt a comprehensive plan on January 10, 1989, known es the collier County Growth Management Plan (GMP); and WHEREAS, Collier County did adopt unified land development regulations on October 30, 1991, known as the Collier County ~and Development Code (LDC), which became effective on November 13, 1991; and WHEREAS, Section 1.19, LDC, provides that the LDC may be amended up to two times in each calendar year; and WHEREAS, Division 2.7, LDC. provides procedures pertaining to advertisement, public notice, and hearing dates for amendment of the LDC; and WHEREAS, in order to provide the citizens of Collier County adequate opportunity for submission of proposed LDC amendments; and WHEREAS, in order to provide county staff adequate tim~ to review proposed amendments and to prepare said submissionz for consideration at public hearings; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that each amendment cycle of the LDC is not intended as an opportunity to rewrite the LDC, but is an opportunity to address glitches, legal deficiencies, to incorporate land development regulations as r.~r~d by the GMP.. and to change the substantive law aa necessary and appropriate for the changing needs of Collier County. NOW, TMEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY TME BOARD OF COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER CODNTY, FLORIDA that= In addition to the statutorily mandated amendment procedures detailed in Sec. 1.19, LDC, and Div. 2.7, LDC, the followlng requirements and procedures shall be followed before an a~ndment to the Collier County Land Development Code shall occur= 1. All proposed amendments to the LDC shall be subm/tted in writing to the Planning Services Department along with the required nonrefundable filing fee as set forth in the Land Development Code Schedule of Fees, for each amendment to Lny section or mubsection of the LDC. 2. A letter of application requesting amendment of the LDC shall accompany any proposed amendment to the LDC and sha!l state, in addition to any background information or explar~tton in support of the proposed amendment, the following: I (We), ., acknowledge that submission of the enclosed proposal for amendment of the Collier County Land Development code and payment of the filing fee in no way obligates the Collier County Board of Co~nissioners to adopt the proposed amendment. I (We}, ., further acknowledge that Collier County staff, interviewing the proposed amendment or may recommend rejection of the proposed amendments by the Collier county Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners. 3. Proposed amendments shall be submitted tn strike- through/underlines format with the entire section or subee=tion to be amended set forth. Proposals shall be typewritten. 4. A duplicate copy of proposed amendments, letter of application and explanation of the proposed amendment shall be simultaneously submitted to the Office of County Attorr. ey for review. 5. Proposed amendments ehal'l be received at the Planning Services Department and Office of the County Attorney prior to 5:00 P.M. on the submission deadline date(s) established herein. IlAR ! 8 6. Amendments to the LDO required by the GMP, including but not limited to incorporation of adopted Land Development Regulations and GMP mandated amendments thereto, or amendments required to meet legal deficiencies in =he LDO shall not require a filing fee. 7. Submissions deadlines for the first amendment cycle in any calendar year shall be as follows: January 1'~ shall be the last day for a petitioner to submit an application for proposed amendment to the LDC. The Collier county Planning Cor~nission aha11 be scheduled to hear the proposed amendmen%s for the first amendment cycle on or before the last Wednesday in the month of may of that calendar year. 8. Submissions deadlines for the second amendment cycle in any calendar year shall be as follows: July 1': shall be the last day for a petitioner to submit an application for proposed amendment to the LDC. The collier County Planning Commission shall be scheduled to hear the proposed amendments for the second amendment cycle on cr before %he last wednesday in the m~nth of December of that calendar year. 9. No proposed amendment may be submitted which was rejected by the Board of County Commissioners during the previous amendment cycle unless otherwise directed by the Board of County Commissioners. 10. The procedures provided herein shall apply to all I.DC amendments exclusive of emergency amendments as provided for by Sec., LDO, Planned Unit Development rezonings, amendments to the zoning atlas map, amendments to the LDC directed by the Board of County Commissioners, amendments required by the Growth Management Plan, and as otherwise provided herein. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. -3- AGENDA kT E.M. m IAR 1 8 1997 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOArD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: MARJORIE M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY LDC AMENDMENT CYCLE RESOLUTION/md -4- STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO ORDINANCE 90-69, AS AMENDED, ALSO KNOWN AS THE ASTRON PLAZA PUD, WHICH, ACCORDING TO THE REQUIRED PUD STATUS REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT, HAS NOT COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 2.7J.4 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, RESULTING IN SEVERAL POSSIBLE COURSES OF ACTION FOR THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO CONSIDER. Staff' is requesting that thc Board review staffs findings and recomm~tio~ r~,~rding ~ above referenced PUD. CONSIDERATIONS: This PUD was originally approved on September I 1, !~90. Section of the Collier Count)' Land Development Code requires that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on thc fifth anmiversary of the PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of this report is to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section 2.?.3.4. For those PUD's approved prior to the effective date of adoption of the Land Development Code, the five year approval period commenced on the adoption date, October 30, 1991. Therefore, the conditions set forth in Section are applicable as of October 30, 1996. The above referenced PUD has been identified as a project which was approved prior to October 30, 1991 and which has not commencx, d construction as defined in Section Staffhas utilized the required PUD status (monitoring) report, supplemented by field observation and review of in house records to verif), the current status of the PUD and as the basis ora recommendation to the Board consistent with the options provided in Section (1) & (2). Section reads as follows: 2. Z3.4. I?me limits for approved PUD master plans~ In the event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landowner(s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or a development order for all infrastructure improvements to include utilities, roads and similar improvements required by the approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least 15 percent of the gross land area of the PUD site tn. cry five )'ears of the date of approval by the Board Of Count)' Commissioners; and Fall to rece!ve final local d~,velopme~ orders for at least 15 perctnt of the total number of approved d~elllng units In the PUD, or b~ the case of PUD's consisting of nonresidential u~es, $0 percent of the total approved gross leasable floor area within the PUD every slx year~ of the dale of approval by the Board Of County Convnlssloner~ The project developer shall submit to the Planning Services Director a status report on the progress of development annually commencing on the flfth anniversary date of the PUD approval by the Board Of County Commlsslonera The tlngular purpose of the report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced In earnest In accordance with the crlteria set forth above. ShouM the Planning Services Director determine that the development has commenced in earnest, then the land shall retain its existing PUD approval and shall not be subject to additional review and consideration of new development standards or use modification. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has not commenced in earnest, then upon review and consideration of the report provided by the owner and an). supplemental information that may be provided, the Board Of Count), Commissioners shall elect one of the following: To extend the current PUD approval for a maximum period of two years; at the end of which time, the owner will again submit to the procedure as defined herein. Require the owner to submit an amended PUD in which the unimproved portions of the original PUD shall be consistent with the Growth Management Plan. The existing PUD shall remain in effect until subsequent action by the Board of the submitted amendment of the PUD. If the owner fails to submit an amended PUD within six months of Board action to require such an amended submittal, then the Board ma), initiate proceedings to rezone the unimproved portions of the original PUD to an appropriate zoning classification consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. In the case of Developments of Regional Impact, time limit restrictions shall be superseded by the phasing plan and/or time limits contained within the applicatlon for derelopment 1 8 1997 approval and approved as part of a development order In c~nformance with F.S, :~ $80. 06, Svnonsis of Aooroved Land Ui~i; This 7.63 acr~ PUD was approved for 115,000 ~luare feet of busix~ss and professional office space, I:aaking or financial ir~itutioe, s day car~, and a r~-taurant. The PUD al~ contains th~ required preservation/open space, Consistency with Comorehensive Growth Management Plan: The subjoct PUD is 4mi~nazed Activity Cemer (Interchange) eo the Future La,nd Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Manag~ (GMP). The Activity Center is designed to concentra~ almost all new c, omngrcial zoning in locations wh~r~ all traffic impacts can nmdily Ig gccommodat~ and to avoid strip ~ of d~vcloprncnt. Since th~ subj~ PUD is l~a!_ed_ within the southeast quadrant of the Pine Ridge Road/l-75 Interchange Activity Center, the FLUE permits conuxn:rcial land uses within this PUD. Based on staffr~view of the approved business and professional office uses, banking or financial institutions, day care, and r~xtaurant uses, the Astron Plaza PUD is consistent with the FLUE and the GMP. The PUD ~ also been dca'ned consistent with the Traffic Circulation Element and the Open SpacedNatural Resource Element with minor r~,isions to the PUD document. Consistency with the Collier Count~ Lan~l D~v~looment Code: The PUD ha~ been distributed to the appropriate jurisdiction r~vi~, entities specifically for review of the PUD for coosis~enc~ with current l~nd development regulations. Based on that review, the following inconsistencies have been identified: Transportation: Section 4.9 of the PUD (Traffic Impacts, access management, ~c.) No inconsistencies were reported however, staff advises that certain references should be changed to reflect current administrative regulation if the PUD is to be amended. Environmental: Section 4.7 of the PUD (Protected Species, green and open spaces) No inconsistencies were reported however, staff advises that certain references should be changed to reflect current references if the PUD is to be amended. Engineering: Sections 4.3 and 4.4 of the PUD (Sewage/Water, drainage issues) No inconsistencies were reported however, staff advises that certain references should be changed to reflect current administrative regulation if the PUD is to be amended. Architectural Theme: There are no architectural theme requirements that were adopted with the approval of this PUD. However, Section 2.8 of the Land Development Code provides architectural and site design standards that will be applied during the site development plan (SDP) review process to any commercial development within this PUD. I MAR181997 STAFF COMMENTS: Staff'is oft.he opinion u~.t tho~ is insufficient justificatio~ to m:luin: an owner to submit sn amended PUD s/reply be~.~se ~ PUD rd'¢r~w.~s cod~ that sr~ now cousolicl~ into tl~ L~d D~,~lopment Code, or otl~rwise have r~femw.~s of sdminisu~ve import tim bef..~se ~ c.h~ged or ~ otherwise pl~l in a diffcrmt ie~isl.~iv, document. Their closest or most similar r~lztio~hip to current r~fcrences applies in tl~ administration of PUD dev~:lopmcnt commitmmts. Mor, importantly, is when, her or no~ ~ is any ~ of ~ ~ mofl~l to mzl~ the PUD comist~r~ with today's cod, appli 'c,ibl¢ to subsequcr~ r~quircd development approvals (i.¢. Planing ~d/or SDP's). FISCAL IMPACT: An amendment to ds PUD, as r~commc~ed by staffwill have no fiscal impac~ o~ Collier County as the appropriate PUD amendment and o~r zpplic, abi¢ fees ss-ill cover the cos~ of stafftime associat~ with review of said amendment. and the cost of ~venising and public notice. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on a comprehensive review of this PUD document, s'~ff re. commends that thc Board of Count)' Commissioners grant a two year ex'tcnsi~ of thc Astron Plaza PUD per the artach~ resolution. PREPARED BY: / "~-~_, ,/ ~ .... -.--.. RAY ~II~LLOWS PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE R~V!FWED BY: DATE ~BERT J. MULHERE, AICP CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MAR ~. 8 1997 -~.~,...' . .,.-.., ......... o oI, c£ 9o: ....· "";' ': ":" ~ ORDIH~CE ~ZN~ O~ZN~CE ~ 8R-~ ~E ~~$~E ZONING ... ...... ?-.. ~ 'FOR ~E ~IN~T~ ~ OF'~Z~ ' . ' COU~ ~DA B~ ~ZNG ~E OFFZCZ~ .~ ~. ~ _~/ ~Y 10TH ~ S.W. ~D ~ ~Z ~ ~Y ~,~ _~.~y THE D-2 ~, ~A~ IN S~IOM 17, ' ~ TO~S~Ip 49 SO~, ~GE 26 CO~I~ ~ ~DA, ~NSI~G OF DATE. ~S, Pamela S. ~ac'K~. of ~ings & ~, represen~ing A~tron Development of Nmplel, Inc., ~titioned ~l ~oar~ of County Co~issioners to change the zoning classification of ~l described real NOW, ~FORE BE IT O~AINED by ~l Board of Co~ty C~fssfoners of Collier County, Florida: l°Cat~d;'i'~'~i'~ti~n 17, To,ship 49 Sou~, ~g* 26 East, Collier Cou~tyj ;~o~ida, is changed from "E" ~tlt~s to ~P~- ~l~ed Unit Development In accordancl wi~ the P~ do~ent,~ltta~ld hereto '~.ihi~ ~A".vhich ia tnco~orated h~rein and'by refer~ce'nad~-~a~{ hereof. The Official Zoning Atlas Hap N~er' 49-26-3, Is des~i~d ordinance Number 82-2, is hereby amended accordingly. This Ordinance shall ~come effective upon reclipt of not fca from the Secretary of State ~at ~fs ~dinance has ~e~ filed vlth Secretary of State. DATE: September 11, 1990 BO~ OF C~Y C~ISS~ONERS ..... .;..' CO~I~ ~, F~RIDA N AST~ON PLAZA A PROJECT SIZE AND LOCA.TION: 7.6 ACRES LOCATED IN SECTION 17, Toq~sHIP 49 SO~H, PJ~NGE 26 ~ ASTRON DEVeLOPmenT OF NA~LE3, INC. 800 LAUREL OAR DRI~E, ~'~ITE 203 IqA~LE3, FL 33963 REVISED DATE: AUGUST 15,' 1990 FAC:--'"'-"'-- Executive SECTION I - 1.1 1.2 1.3 1,4 SECTZON II - 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 $~C~ION III - 3.2 sECTzo~"rV' _ : - .. ... , . :.,. 4.1 4.2 PROPERTY OWNZRSH/'P ~ D~r~ON ~gal Propm~y Physical General Proj mot Project Phasing Site Development Plan P~D USES ~ Pe~itted ~c~ Gi~er~l - '. : .,..--,.'.-.. I-1 Z.-2 I-2 I-2 II-1 II-1 II-2 ZI-2 II-2 III-1 III-1 · '" ' ' ' ~ : 4.5 "Util~ties', Power, Telephon, and CATV .......... 4:9 . .Transportation StlFu/atio~ ........ EXHIBITS A. Conceptual PUD Master Plan, I-1/2" x 11" - Exhibit "A" .B. Typical Roadway Section, ~-1/2" x 11" - Exhibit "B" regulations for As~ron Plaza, a Planned Unit Dewelop~mn~ intended · to provid~ offic~ faclliki~s ~o ~ p~fessio~ cockily. By s~mittal of this d~ent, ~e ~tl~oner ~s re~s~inq to r~zon~ 7.6 mcrm~ from Z~ta=es (~) to a PI~ U~ ~vmlo~mn= (~). SubJ mcr property 'i~ included In .~e PAne ~/I-75 a~lvl~y center a~ ~et fo~h tn th~ newly adopted Colli~r Co~ 6~ ~agemen= Plan. Astron Plaza vi11 utilize the ~istLnq vegetation and other native spe¢i,a within a thl~y (30) f~t l~ca~ buffer on prop~y line. ~ts buffer will ~in~atn ~ inte~i~y of ~eighborhood to ~he ~ou~. ~c~ss to ~e proJe~ w~ll Oaks Boulevard. Astron Plaza will consist of four p&rcmls. One parcel will initially be utilized for an intert~ wastevater treatment plant that will be deco~u~ssioned at such tee as County sewage collection becomes available. ':" '"' STATEI(ZNT OF O0~FLZARC~ This"pT°Ject is' in compliance with the goals and obJe~cfv~s~of~the Gro~ch Hanagement Plan southeast co~r of on the highway n~twork and to ,~e safe ingr,ss/~ess. ¢ r ...¢ PROP..E]~Ty OW3ffERSHIp AND DESCR/PTION Description of la~d surveyed beir~ a par~ of Tract 30, Trac~ 25 and Tract 26 of Golden Gate Estates, Unit No. 33 (P.B. 6, Page C911ter County, Florida, containLng 7.63 acres Bore or less as follows: All that part of Tract 10 of Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 33 acco. rding to ~he plat ~hereof as recorded in Plat ~ook 6, Page ?0, Public ReCords of ~11~er Co~ty, Flor~da~ Official ReCords Book 8~0, pag~ 1597, ~lic Re~ of' County, containing 1.59 acres ~ore or ~ess; ':: "~ according to ~e plat' ~eof as reco~ed ~ Pla~' ~k 6, ~ge 70, ~bltc Records of Collier County, ~l'~r~da~ ~SS ~D ~XCE~ING ~erefrom ~at parcel desk,bed al ~rcel 113-R in Official Records Book 970, Page 705, ~1~c Recor~ of County, Florida; subject to easements ~d res~r~ions of record; containing 2.94 acres ~ore or ~D All that pa~ of ~a~ 26 of Golden Gate ~tu U~t No. 33 according to the ~lat ~ereof Is recorded ~ Pllt ~k 6, Page ~blic Records of Collier. Co~=y, ~$S ~D EXCE~ING ~erefrom that parcel descried as P&rcel 139 Officfal Records Book 850, Page 1598, ~1~c ~co~ of Collier subject to easenants Ind restrictiorm o~ record; containing ~.10 acres nora or less. .. .T.he .aubJect .p.roperty is currently under the ovnership of The Vineyards Interchange Partnership,. A Flori~ General Par'cnership consisting of the following: Ross W. McIn~osh, Trustee Scott H. Pritchard S.W. Pritchard Jr. and Beatrice H. Prttchard Husband and Wife as an Donald A. Gel-~h-ar~l Elizabeth C..Ger%h .. . 1391 Third Street S. Naples, FL 33940 Naples, FL 33~99 ]~C. 2, Box 741 .Arcadia, FL 33821 27721 Forrester Drz SW.'7. ' '' Husbahd a~d Wife a~ an i:. '. . Bonita Springs, FL.' 33923 ~] ~ Estate by.the Entirety ~ "-.':~--. ..... .' ? -.--, r-.:- · '~','~.-~: :',' --T-..~"?:.' -."~.. %"/ ", · 1.3" ~NE~L DESCRIPTION:OF I~tO~CT~i n:'.. '..".'f -' · , ...- .. -..-.. ... ~.:~,=.._. . .. ...... : :.....' · .:.~ -.... ..... <:~..;:,:..' ~. ~ .'1 ..... ?:' The' ~'o~ i=i' ;'l~;" ;OiCi~, ..... ~ ..- ...... . ......... ;..,:. ,,,....-.~.. - ... ... . 7.~ .acree located i~:i*ction Florida. Said parcel is bordered to' the' north b~ Pint · . Ridge Road, to the east by Oaks Boulevard, to the south by 10th Street SW ar~ to the vest by the Z-75 .Canal adjacent to. Interstate 75. 1.3.2 The current zoning classification of the property is E - Estates' District. "F -! .T Tile physical, characteristics of l~e sits lncluds a ninuCe parcel of sc~ ~ress ~o ~e ~o~eas~ (0.2 acres) vi~ ~he ~Jori~y o~ ~e sl~e hi~ ~1~ couAs~V ~l~y o~ ~he roll,lng sp~ies: slash pine cypress caMbage palm SUBCA~OPy vax myrtle dahoon holly Brazilian pepper winged i~c str~gler fig . staggarbush Taxo~ iu~ die~ichu~ achinus tersbinthifoliv~ Ficus aur1~ ..... Lvonia ferr~oinea. GROUND COVER, Z~CT.,ODX:~G' ]:~~ A.~D. ~ 't ': -. co~on a~ pl~t /:]~.~?j~ Tilla'~sia fasci~lita .. ;., ,. .......' ,,, ,. spanish ~ss" -~ ~.~r.~lll~ndsia ~sn~idev " ....... .sedge ' · ~.~ [~e~t.strioa tv.,-..,m~ .' -a i ..... .~ ' · - ....... - · . I ~' ,~ W'" "' ): ?.'. ~ ', · ~ .... S~ . - ~L.~. - bro ' .. ', . ,.:I =- .,. -"' ' '' z~e vine Cassia filifoni~ ,.~,.~...., ...... - -::, · · '~.- ca~sa~ weed -'~'~-G""<~uFem~. ~n~se, v~ ...- . - -'[:"'~ ~'~ oison .................... ' ..... P t~ :' . ".' ~ '- Toxic~end~n' rad~ca~- ~uscadine ~pe ''~ tlckse~d reindeer lichen Cladoni~ app. contadina ~adina canesca2~ finger ~ass Chloris golden polly Phle~iu~ aurlu~ Elevations wi~ln ~e project range fr~ approx~tely 11.0 feet H.G.V.D. to 12.0 feet N.=.V.D. ~tsttng ~a~age ts to the wes= to ~a 1-75 canal.' Native soil t~es tn ~e a~ea are ~ri fine sand, ~zell fine sand, and Charlotte fine sand. Soil ~ara~erls~lcs were derived from ~e soil sudsy of ~ollier' County, Florida, issued by the U.S. ~pa~ent of A~i~e ~'19~4. 'C' oO ~ECTION II PROJECT DL~ELOPHE~T Regulations for developnsnt cf Ast~on Plaza aha11 be in accordance w:~th the coat:ants of thais POD Ordi~ncs, a~d ~e Collier County ZonL~g Ord£nance, w~th exceptions as approved by this ord:~nance. All terms shall be as defined in t. he "Collier County Zoning Ordinance- ~u~lees o~he~lse noted. 2.2.1 ~ D~r~LO~T A~D LA~D US__7. All nectslary aasent~ts, ded/.cat~ors' or other instruments shall h ~t~ to'u~e'.~e cont~nu~ o~erat~on and ~k~nce of ~1 se~c~ Uk~t[es. ~e pe=~=~oner Or ~y s~se~en~ ~rs Shall Pr~tde for maln=~n~nce, of. ~y ...cmon...~ space, ~a~ag~ fac[![ties, lakes, re~eat~o~ ~m, ~1 arias or any other a~eniti~ ass~iat~ vi~ ~e pro~sed development. Prior to completion of the project all this PUD document shall bs let by the developer or h~s · designee. If certain coua/taents are to b, ~et d~ng the final phase of cons~lon, edemata shall be established to ass~ t~t all C~ents are ~et by ~e devtloper or his designee at ~ t~ of completion of ~h~s p=oJec=. .f 2.2.2 Any variation in the nester plan ~er this sect. ion shall be pursuan~ ~o all ~t ~vel~en~ ~e~la~o~ as to 7.27J of the Zoning Ordinance 12-2. Master Plan. 2 . 4 PROJECT PHASZN~ Specific project phasing Is not anticipated for Astron Plaza. Project buildout will be dictated by ~arket demand. 2. ~ S'Irf 'DfvELoP~NT PI~A'N re,ired improvements ~ buffering Shell receive ~he appr~al - .of all appropriake 'Collier CO~M ~ve~ agencies insure.compliance wi~ the P.U.D. ~ster Plan, ~e .. .~ker Plan, ..~e Co~tM S~ivislon.~e~a~Ao~- ~ ~e ~.'- pla~kin~ laws of khe Sta~e of Fiori~ ~ ~ili~ ~e developer of anM ~rac~ or ~rcal s~ae~ent to s~ivision shall be re,ired .to s~i~ a~ receAve approval of a si~e develo~ent plan in confomn[a with ~e re~Ar~en~a es~lished vi~tn Section lO.S of ~e Zoning Ordin~ce. S--&CTI OM /ZT ~PR~C~PAL ~ ~CCT.~SOR¥ USF.~ No building or structure, or pa~ thereof, shall be er.crud, aktared or used, or lar~ used lnwhole or,re, for o~her t~n the following. 2.1.1 Per-treed Principal Uses and Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 4 ~ a. Drive-in bank or financial b. Off/cas, business ~d professio~l, testament no~ to ~c~ed 2,000 sq. ~. ~ adve~is~g .::- .'-..' and. outside s~age shall ~t restaur~t. . . c. Day care center. d. Interim vaste~ter .trta~t only} . ' 3.1.2 ~e~i~ted Acc~sso~ Uses and Accesso~ uses and st~es ~sto~r~ly the pe~it~ed Principal uses will ~, 2 D~E~PMENT STANDA~ The development stand,ds Pr~td~ heze~ a~ly to ~s 1 through 4 unless specifically noted o~e~lse. no more than 4 tracts, vt~ a ~x~ ~r ~a not to ~ceed 110,000 s~are feet. 1. ~tn~um ~t Are~ - ~f~y-nina ~o~a~(39,000) SF ~inimum Ya~ Rec~Jlrement, Front Yard - fifteen internal road rSght-of-~ay or road easement · - line .... (b] Side Yard - one-half (1/2) of bulldi~ h~qht ' wi~ a 10' ~1~. (c) ~ulldi~ ~e~ck fr~ ~e fee~. (~) Bulldi~ ~e~ck fr~ ~e X-TS ~l eas~t -~efl~-flve (2~) fee~. (e) Buildi~ se~ck fr~ 10~ Ave~ facilities ara to ~ co~~ project and shall ~ r~ ~ ~. to be o~ed, operated I~ uJn~ his assigns or successors until su~ t~ as offff-site se~er facillkles a~ avall~le to se~ice ~e' project. The interh trea~tmt facilities shall supply se~ices only ko ~ose la~ ~ approved By ~e Co~2 for cleveland. facility(les) Bay rick h e~ to p~vide s~'er se~ice outside ~e developBen~ ~a~ appr~ed ~ the County wi~out ~lttefl consent of ~e C~. Tract 3 . will Be .reserved ' for an interim on-site "'.. - · ' ~ ' -':' ~ ' - ....... ~'-- ?~%-'~--~XI.l.~.~ ~ ~'.~J~.-.-~r~ u ~ -,~.-~-~.~.~..'~' ~< _'. · · ' L . .- ' , ; .0.j°.: : .... . ,..-' -~-' ' .--., -' .... f' .w~,~..',,-~;..,. q~ ....-Z<~- ;- ~ .-~,-¢--'-" · '- .. ' ........... ..~~,;.~..,.,.,..,. ~-=_,~,~,~ -- ,,... ,..,.. a~R i 8 m? { , ' -.,~.~.~. - .,~ :-.. ,.... ::, .......~. ~.,,?.+,:..,,;. ,~...?,,.;~ · ,;,fa;';'.o. , .....,.... , o . .. ['."'. ~ .:.o .-...,,...o ' ' "": .-.-: ---"-. .L.,._,, .. ~ revert ko the peraltted principal u~s vhen the vastevater treatment facility Is deconalesioned. oo Wastev&ter Treataent Plank (I~dTP) DeYeloj~e~t Standard~: (a) Yard Requlrenent~ for ~P: 50' (all ya~da). ' along ~ no~ ~r~ter, ~ ack.ante Section 8.37 of ~e Zo~ (c) ~so~tlon ~ds ~ffer ~ir~: 10' l~p~ minimum of four fe~t a~ve effluent ~sorption beds. I continuous hedge of shrubs shall be planted on Tract 3 property libel. All shrubs are to be cold hardy and · minimum of 36" in height. The shrubs on the north side of Tract 3 must be 10 gallon elis'{lth a I/niau~ of $4" in height. All ehrubs are ko be planked on 3~ centers. t~·ir fo~Lage dur£ngth·'v~ter'le&son. ~exL~pZe o~ the an ·vet·ge of 25 foot centers. and Tract 3 reverts to the peraltted principal uses, these buffer/landscape des~gncriterAa wall no longer.be in effect. The buffer/landscape requAre,en=s for Tract 3 will then be as required An SectAon 1.30 of the Zoning Ordinance 82-2 latest a~en~mtnts, and th~s document. 3.2.2 A landscape buffer shall be provAd~d ·long the south property line adjacent to Tenth Avenue SW and partially along the east property line adjacent 1~o Oaks ~ulevard. Sa~d landscape buffer shnll be h a~ord~ce with Section ... -.. -'.-, ..... .. ',.. . 8.37 of the. ZonXng ~d~n~ce, except ~e ~fer shall ."r~:.,r~j~';.~t~ ..... ~'a n~n~ of 3'0' ~ ~dth. Water ~q~t ,--..~ /~'~ .... ...?.. :'- :, . .. ..., ., . ............. · .. ;~-.. ~-~.~-~-~z~:<.-~-~.~'- -~,~ ..... : ~' -,.'" .~ -', · .. ' · . ~:~'~.~,--~,.~. ,:~-t~.- ~.~.~ ~ .~;-.'~;.;~:-?~.' ,.,..--. ~ ..... · . , · . r~ ~ - . ..... ~"~ .... ..':.:.' . -. P d by ~e Collier Co~_y .... · ' =? . ~f~':._'.:'=: - ... . ... · ...';. -.= .... . ~ . . . 2 · '.',:.~m.,.- .... ; .~lated.by. deed r~trlctto~ ~ c~ts '~.." '' · ' ' · - '"'"'~:~:7" ~i~=u= ~,~d,=~pi~ =,~=~en~ ,~u~ ~ ~= ,, ~n Section ~.30 of the 2on[ng Ordnance 12-2 and amendments ~d as ~y be ra~r~ aro~ ~e ~P/Tract 3.2.5 Nlnimum off-street parking and off-street loading requirements Ihs11 be ~et as reqUired ~n SectAon I of the ZonAng OrdAnance 82-2'and latest nuendlents. 3.2.6 Lighting: All 1Aghts shall be located and'oriented In such · ~aru~er_~.o..a$ .~ot.to .produce glare Onto adjacent ~. "'~ '~,-'~'; · 7..r- ~'~:;.- .1.'~- ~-~,,-;- . -~.- ~--~?.~ .. ;'-' ~;.- ..~" · · - . · ' ,~"' %";~'~?. ~. :l?'- .'~ . . . ~(= ' ....-.... .......... .,, ~. ..~ ~., ,~ ~,.~-,. . .'. ~ . / MAR 1 8 :].2.? Prior ~:o any site plan approvals or tie sale eSt~lA~ ~ ~o~ ~e~nts ~/or deed res~rl( a~li~le to all .cf ~e .P~les '~der ~ese c~n~ a~/or deed res~l~Aons shall set ~a~ all ~V~l ~rcel d~elo~fl~s shall c°a~t~le ~ra~er, color o~, r~t ~erlals, gAUge desA~. Said r~a~lo~, c~e~nts, and/or. res~rl~Aons shall be of accepk~ly high shall ~e eAforced ~ ~e o~er a~ developer. It is the I~veloper~s lntant to &dh~rs to s~ pl~ ~aclliti~s ar~ co~~ ~ a~o~ce vl~ ~e f~l developmen~ plan as a~ed ~y ~1 appli~ll m~cX~l agencies, and in acco~ w~ f~al, I~tl ~d 1~ la~a, c~es, and re~at~o~. 4 4.2.3 All traffic control devict~ used, excludinq street alqr~, shall conforn ~th the Kanual on Un~forn Traffic Control Devices (Chapter 31~.0747 Flori~ S~tes]. There shall be only one point of access to the proJec~ from Oaks Boulevard and Xt shall be al~roxl~atelv centered on that frontage. 4.2.4 The developer shall provide ~n sa~t b<~nd right turin lane on Pine Ridge Road and · ·~u~h Bo~md right turn lane on Oaks Boulevard at the pro~ect entrance, 4.2.5 The developer s~all provide collector level street lighting at the pro~ect antrance. 4.2.$ The above improvements are considered "alta related- as defined in Ordinance 85-55 and shall not be applied as credits toward an~ ilpact fees required b7 that ordinance. They shall be in place Before any cer~lficats of occupancy are Issued. Payment of Y~pac~ fees shall he in accordance wi~h the fee schedule as set forth An ordinance 85-S5. · '.' O .... · . -. , . ~ ~Axer,~ , .' '~"~...."' ,.. ~ ",'_ ..... ~-~ .... .,~ .......... , '. - · ~so~tLon Beds, in accord~ce vL~ ~outh TlorLda Hater ~na~emen~ DlstrLc2 4.3.3 Detailed landscape and water ~anagement plans and water management calculation~ shall Be su~aitted to show ~hat the required quantity of. water can be provided An the area ~ointly used as a landscape'and drainage easement. . 4.4.1 water distribution, sMVe coLlar, ion and tranfnlssLon end lnteri~vaterend/or ~trtat~int facilities County O~l~e ~o. 81-74, u ~, ~ o~er Ipplicible Co.ti ~IS a ~l~. 4.4.2 All c~2stosars connecting to the water distribution and s~vage collection facilities to h co~ed viii be custom,rs of ~e Co~ty lsd will ~ billet by ~e ~o~ty in accordance wt~ ~e Co~ty's ts~lishtd ntis. Should ~e County not b, in a.~sitt6n to provide'stir .a/or ........~. sewer stairs .,to...~t .established to .... .~ ..... ~.' · '~ · '-':~L~,72." 4'.17-" · ' - ' ' ~ " ....... · ......... 4 4 3 .... ; -; ~ .... 2'~' ..... &~ '' ' ~' ~' '~ ' "~'",' .... · , .' .~ '. · ', ultimately 'su~lv .....damand · and/or ~e~l'i~-;'~ ~2[[~~ ~~.~, ...~: '~, ...... --- ' '. ~ 1%.:-:'~ :'-.-.~":,'~;~:'-.,. ~.:'e .,.~....-g ~g . ~ted.bY position to suppl~ ~ls ~t.r to'~ prol~t ~nd/or co~ences, ~e ~veloper, it Als ~e vi11 ~ I~. disposal facilt~t~ adm~a~''~i Met ~1 r~mn~ of be ade~lately buffer'~ A~'~~d. ~ a~eeaen~ shall be an~er~ .into bet-~een' ~e ~M a~ ~e .Developer~ b~di~ -~n '~e :'~velo~r, '~'"'~si~ · u~iltzed. ~ea ....... ' ~'- '- ~.... .......... . .......... .,,, % ............. ... ,....gr~an~ ~t,h.le all ~' "~' ;' ..... : -''-'--'~'.='~ ~ ,. -~'~ ~CO~f]~ '~ ~:-.;~._-.=; ...... .~,. , ..... Y~,... p lot ........... ,~.,. ~<,.,,, ~ .... ~~ .... . -?~..e.;.=~..~.?~i-~,~.. ........ ,:;......,.,~..~.~:. ~~.~.~- ., .. ·. /~.. '~"' '-~,~:'."~,' ' ~' · , . . .. ..:.v ~.:, · .... '. '. . -~ .; ..,' ~.'..' · · ~ . ra~iramanta of Collisr Co~R~y Ordl,-~nc& Wo. I.-'7~, es amended. .e 4.4.4 4.4.5 If an intarl~ on-sits water ~ly, treatment and transmission facility ia utilized to serva the proJec=, At BUSt be Pro,fly sized to ~ly avenge ~ tay domestic d~, in ~ition ~ f~e fl~ ~ at a rata appr~ ~ ~ a~ro~riate FA=e Control Di~trict ae~/cl~ ~e pr~J~ area. Extension of the off-site water d/sar/button .Y~tem to se~e the proJec~ shall be coordina~ed vith Collier County to extend the X~" '~ar ~n f~ ~e Presen~ tempora~ - 'j.~: '::"~ ': ~'li~e' '6n Pi"~:~a~;~".~ .;~.~&tO. ~l ~ rtght~f~ . --,.. . ~ ~ . ,potn~ .... ,~,~ ~ P ' "~:~iz '" ~.- -..~....,,.,~ ..... r .... ~ ~, · .~ .... -,,.,,. ,. :.,;~.~~';~'.~ -.,'...' ';; '~: ', ' · ~:~ -.~i~VI t~' '~ ':' "--; ~..-. i ..... ;. I --~.-~.~r~.'.:.:7':/Y;;'-,.._..- .,...',.,,'~~~:~ a~ ~ ~-. . · ....... ~':~ ~=~..,..-.-~, '_ ..._ ~ ~~.~ ..... ~~i16~ -~-~'~:. . .?., . -,. ' ' ? ' "' ~ The'S""-:' : ;: ~"~.' ~....' ..~., . ' 'v~1%~.~o.=~ ......... ' · ............ . .?~-~-v- .; ~ ...... ..'.-.-..-~ -. ..-..r.~. : ..= - ..- ..-.. ~'~uR'saall,b :-,.:= ..... Oaks Boulevard t0:k-~:/?i~:~':".'%'. ' ? 'J~CX ~ ~red uhde~ ' ....... . '~: :' ~e pro~e~t '..-" ' 4.4.6 '- .... ~ · ' --~ ...... .:' - · The 'u~['lity const~iom..,do~en~ for ~e proJe~,, ' "se'werag~ and *'con,t~i0~"&~;",~.: '._;:' · _ ~- ~--=A~e force ~ Which Will ultima~ely CO~e~ ~e 'Pro~e~"~ an7 furze..central interconnected to '~e" ~-' . ..'::':" trict, it ~ak be ~P a~tlon' wl~ ' ~PP~oPr[ately located valve~ to ~it for ~ple re-diri~tio~ of the ... P~oj.ect,~ sewage ~e~..CO~ec~i0~. to the Co~ty,= central se~er factlltie: . able. ~.j. ~..~.~ ._.~ ..~(,,.~ . '~-. 4.4.7 Prior to approval of construction aocuaants by the to Chapter ~67, rlor~ ~utes, ~ ~e Florida ~blic =e~ce Co~lssion ~s ~=~d t~to~al r~ghts to the proJe~ ~til ~e cowry ~n p~v~da ~es, le~ces ~ovgh its water a~ sever facllAtl~. 4.4.8 The existing off-site water facilities of the District must be evaluated for hydraulic capacity to serve this project and reinforced aa re~uired, if necessary, consistent with the County,s Water ~aster Plan to An~ure t~at the District's water aystea can hy~aulA~lly provide a sufficient ~tity · . .4.~ .Appropriate easoen~ for ~e ro pe~inent info~tion s~ll be ~tted ~ acco~ance with the Collier Co~ty Ordin~ce approved prior to ~e ls~ca 4.5 UTILITIES. POWER. -TEL£PHO~E AND CATV Power, Telephone, Cable Television and any additional utilities that may initially or at some future date serve the .... pr.oJect, shall be installe~ as per County Ordinahc&'N0.· Article XI, Section 19, Utilities, and in compliance with any other applicable~ state or county laws, co~es, and ~egulatioms. · :i~'.': ..... : i '/~......' '.: .i'..' :.,.~ ~., ,. ~'~.~. ;* ~d~. ~ ......-~.c5._~:..~'.~,,~,~,~4 ..:-...,'..... .. ., ::'., : ,. . .. ~ .... '0 o o 4 .?.1 SOlid Waste management aha/1 be assign.ed to franchised battler who shall .be responSible for the c and disposal of all solid waste generated by this day Petitioner sh~ll be subject to Ordinance 7S-21 a, by Ordinance Wo. Ig_$8 and Ordinance ]~o. 12-2 aa Tree Removal Pezl~t). Preser*ation of vegetation subject to the following: e. ~etention of existing native vegetation An th apace areas a~d landscape. SpecAfA~lly, ~v ~ I to ~ feet ~ h~l,k, .j,;'.. .n' ~eater t c. A thi~y (30) f~t native species Vegetative buffer the entire southern bOu~a~ shall e~end sou~east co.er and taper off along ~e eas~, bOUnda~. The ~l~y (30J foot native species regal · :'] ;"£-:--'- · ~- buffer shall be retained, enhanced and main=ained. : "'~-' .-. . ., areas.of Vegetation within :Ihs buffer zone that :~'" '"""J::' "'~} impacted due t'o the Proposed 4ralnsge swale she: 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 Des~:gn and con~truc~ion of all improvements s~bJect to co~liance with the appropriate provielon~ the Collier County Subdivision Regu/ation~. Platting is required in accordance with Collier Country SUbdivision Regulatior,~, if are to be sold. 4.S.3 Work within Collier Country righ~_of.~a2 shall Beet the " require"entj.Cf CoLlier ~ty riqht~f~y ~e 12- '-, i' -. ",' :"~1 .: ' -' -:'.-:-....... red,red By ~e S~viafon R~lat~o~ and Ordinance. are no~ pro.seal.' ~e ra~iremen~ ~o provide Slde~l~, or no~ to, WAll h ad~us~ d~q ~e . Master Plan appr~l Pr~S[ 4.8.7 .e 4.'8'. 8 An excavation pera/t v~ll be '=equ~=e~ for the PropOSed detention area i~. accordance vith Collier County Ordinance ~o. 11:26 i~ South ~o:~tl ~atet ~geaent O~st=~ct. 4.8.9 A ainl=ua of 200 feet separation a~all be provieed between the retention areas and the a~ver treatment plant absorption bede, in accordance with South ~lorl~A ~ater ~anagement District x4Ales. ' 4.8.10 Detailed landscape Lt~t water ~anagement plans and water management calculation~ shall he sttb~/tted to sh~ that the re~ired ~antity o~ ~ter can ~ provided ~ ~e area Jointly us~ as a l~dscape ~d ~age eas~en:. ~be~e ~ha22 ~e only one ~o~nt o: access to the P=o~ect and ~: sba~ be app:o~ate~y cente:e~ on the Oaks tu:n 2arias on O~ ~e~:d 'at.'~e ~=o~ect ent:ance. MAR 1 8 1997 4.9.4 Access lnproveaen~.s s~all not be su~ec'c to ~ ~e~ credits and shall ~ In place before any ce~lfl~tes of occupancy are Issue. 4.9.5 The road Impact faa shall 'be as set f6rth In Ordinance 85755 'as '"ended, I~J sh~ll ~ paid at ~e tl~ ~lld~nq Pe~its are issued ~less o~e~ise appr~ed by ~e ~ard 4.9.6 All traffic control devices Used shall confor~ vith the ~lUal on Unifor~ Traffic Control D~ic~_ la required by Chapter 31~.0747, F~orlda Bta~tes. 4.9.7 In consideration of ~anagement Regulations and t~a potent~a! of adJlcen~ .... . .~. r~advays not co~o~ng standards due to ~e ~te of'~lse of t~ff~c vol~ versus sched~f~d~, ', '., ~.' '' the .. appi~cant'[sh~ld ......... rl~lac~ons.' . ':...~.,:f:.~:'.....{-.: ;.~. ... .. ~.. ';.,-~ ,.. ...:...~ .:. )MAR 1 8 1997 NOTE THE ALIGNMENT OF THE ROgD WITHIN THE ,RIGHT OF WAY ,~$ 'SHOWN tS CON- CEPTUAL. FINAL ALIGflM~ OF ~OAD WITHIN TH~ RIG~ OF WAY B~ O~TEaMINED DUalNG FINAL TO ALLOW FOR OPTIMIZATION ~ LOCATION WITHIN THE.RIG~ ~ WAY. 1 2 3 4 s 9 lo 14 R~SOLUTION 97- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCI~MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PU]~$UANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEV~LOPKENT CODE AFFliCTING ORDINANCE 90-69 KNOWN AS ASTRON PLAZA PUD, EXTENDING THE CURRENT PUD APPROVAL TO MARCH 25, 1999; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1~ W~ERFdtS, the Astron Plaza PUD, Ordinance 90-69 adopted on 17 September 11, 1990, is subject to the provisions of Section 18, of the Land Development Code (LDC), Time Limits for 1% A~proved PUD Zoning Districts together with their respective 2o Master Plans; and 21 WHERF. AS, the PUD was adopted consistent with and under the ~2 provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan; and 23 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the 24 PUD and has determined to extend the current PUD Zoning for five 25 years, until March 25, 1999; and 26 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning 27 Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: 30 3]. 32 34 36 39 4O 41 1. The above recitals are adopted herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of compliance with the review requirements of Section of the LDC. 3. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the current PUD approval is hereby extended to March 25, 1999; at the end of which time the owner shall submit to the procedures in LDC Section This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its approval. BE IT FURTMER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of %he Petition for 44 which the extension is granted. -1- MAR 1 8 1997 This Resolution adopted altar motion, vote. Done this day of 4 & 10 21 26 17 2O 22 24 2S 27 second and majority , 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY C0~MISSIONER$ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FO~{ AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: MARJOItlE M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY -2- MAR ! 8 1997 STAFF REVIEW AND RE~NDATIONS RELATIVE TO ORDINANCE 83-45, A!~O KNOWN A2 THE WESTVIEW PLAZA PUD, WHICH, ACCORDING TO THE REQUIRED PUD STATUS REPORT SUB~4ITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/A~ENT HAS NOT C0t~4ENCED CONSTRUCTION, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 2.7.3....'. O} THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, RESULTING IN SEVEi POSSIBLE COURSES OF ACTION FOR THE BOARD OF COUNTY C0t4qISSIONE TO CONSIDER. 9BJECTIVE: Staff is requesting that the Board review staff's findings and recommendations regarding the above referenced PUD. CONSIDERATIONS: This PUD was originally approved on August 16, 1983. Section of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the fifth anniversary of the PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of this report is to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section For those PUDs approved prior to the effective date of adoption of the Land Development Code, the five year approval period commenced on the adoption date, October 30, 1991. Therefore, the conditions set forth in Section are applicable as of October 30, 1996. The above referenced PUD has been identified as a project which was approved prior to October 30, 1991 and which has not commenced construction as defined in Section Staff has utilized the required PUD status (monitoring) report, supplemented by field observation and review of in house records to verify the current status of the PUD and as the basis of a recommendation to the Board consistent with the options prov~.ded in Section (1) & (2). Section reads as follows: Time limits for approved PUD master plans. In t~e event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landowner (s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or a development order for all infrastructure improvements to include utilities, roads and similar improvements required by the approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least 15 percent of the gross land area of the PUD site every five years of the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners; and -1- NO. ~ I AR 1 ,<3. 997 i Fail to receive final local developmant orders for at least 15 percent of the total n~,.~er of approved dwelling units in the PUD, or in the case of PUDs consisting of nonresidential u~es, 30 percent of the total approved grose leasable floor area within the PUD ever~ a/x Hare of the date of approval by the Board of County ~ ssioners. The project developer shall ~zbmit to the Planning Services Director a status report on the progress of develo~nt annually cc~mencing on the fifth anniversary date of the PUD approval by the Board of County ~issioners. The singular purpose of the report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth above. Should the Pla.nning Services Director determine that the development has commenced in earnest, then the land shall retain its existing PUD approval and shall not be subject to additional review and consideration of new development standards or use modification. Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has not commenced in earnest, then upon review and consideration of the report provided by the owner and any supplemental information that may be provided, the Board of County ~Co.~ssioners shall elect one of the following: To extend the current PUD approval for a m~imum period of two years; at the end of which time, the owner will again submit to the procedure as defined herein. Require the owner to submit an amended PUD in which the unimproved portions of the original PUD shall be consistent with the Growth Management Plan. The existing PUD shall r,,~in in effect until ~lbsequent action by the board of the submitted amendment of the PUD. If the owner fails to submit an amended PUD within six months of Board action to require such an amended sul~ittal, then the Board may initiate proceedings to rezone the unimproved portions of the original PUD to an appropriate zoning classification consistent with AGE N I~ J'T,F..J~, MAR 1 1997 the ~uture Land Use Element of the GroFth Management Plan. · n tha c~$e of developments of regional impact, ~ p~ ~or ~e 1~ ~ COn ~ ~ed ~i ~ ~ a~li~on for ~velo~enC a~roFal ~d ~~ ~s ~rt of ~ ~vel~nC or~r ~ co~omnce wi~ F.~. ~ 380.06. 8'~mopsis of Apb, roved Land Uses: This Commercial PUD, with the exception of high technology manufacturing uses, such as optical, dental, hearing aids etc., was approved for similar uses found in the C-4 zoning district. However uses such as restaurants, lounges, liquor stores, automobile dealerships, etc., permitted within the C-4 zoning district, are not permitted in this PUD. This PUD contains 20.37 acres. with Co~prehensive Growth Management plan: The subject PUD is designated Urban Residential on the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. Based on the fact that all infrastructures are in place, this PUD has been deemed ~improved" as defined in the Collier County Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance (Ordinance No. 90-23), and, therefore, consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The PUD has also been found to be consistent with the following GMP Elements FLUE; Traffic Circulation Element; Open Space/Natural Resource Element. Consistency with the Collier County Lan~ Develo~nt Code : The PUD has been distributed to the appropriate Jurisdiction review entities specifically for review of the PUD for consistency with current land development regulations. Based on that review, the following inconsistencies have been identified: Transportation: (Traffic impacts, access management, etc.) This PUD will be required to adhere to the provisions of the LDC, including the Access Management Plan. Landscape: (Buffers/Green Space) The PUD document is not fully consistent with the requirements of the LDC. However, the inconsistencies are minimal and in the opinion of the reviewing staff does not warrant a PUD amendment. _~_ I~R 1 8 ~997 Plmsuaing: (Signage) The PUD doc~u~ent is not fully consistent with the requirements of the LDC. The signage section of the PUD provides for pole signs up to 25 feet in height. The LDC, as ~mended in 1996, has reduced the height to 20 feet. Enviror~men~al: (Protected species, green/open space) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. Engineering/Si~ Develo$~nt: (Sewer/water, drainage issues) The PUD Master Plan is consistent with the requirements of the LDC. Bi~ ~c!fio Conditiona of A~roul: Staff recommendations relative to each condition of the original rezone approval are listed below: Conditions of A~proval: When deemed necessary by the County Engineer, the developer shall provide a fair share contribution toward the capital cost of a traffic signal at the intersection of A~rport Pulling Road and westview drive. Staff Recommendation: This condition of approval is appropriate and necessary to accommodate the additional traffic caused by the development of this project. FISCAL IMPA/~T: A two year extension of this PUD have no fiscal impact on Collier County. Ordinance will STAFF RECO~4M~NDATION: Based on a comprehensive review of this PUD document, recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant a two year extension of this PUD. -4- 1997 PRE PARE D BY: CHARRAM B~A.MTCHIAR, Ph.D. , AICP DATE REVIEWED BY: ROBERT J. MULHERE, AICP CURRENT PLA~NING MANAGER DATE DONAJ25 W. AR/~OLD, AICP P~~~/~~,SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ~;]~NCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE DATE COMMUNITY D~VELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION -5- 1 4 s & ? g 14 Is I~ESOLUTION 97- A R~$OLUTION BY THE BOA/~D OF COUNTY CO~MlSSlON~RS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LA.ND DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE 83-45 ~O~ ~ ~S~IEW P~ ~UD, EXTENDING T~ C~NT PUD ~PRO~ TO ~CH 18, 1999~ ~D PROVIDING ~ EF~CTI~ DATE. 2s w~E~, the Westview PUD, Ordinance 83-45 adopted on August 17 16, 1983, iS s~bJect to the provisions of Section, of 28 the Land Development Code (LDC), Time Limits for A~proved PUD 2! Zoning Districts toga=her with their respective Master Plans; and 20 #HE~F. AS, the PUD was sdcpted consistent with and under the 2= provisions of the Collier Co'they Growth Management Plan; and 22 WH£REAS, the applicant kas acknowledged that the subject PUD 2] shall comply with the Archite:=ural Standard~,°'as defined in 24 Section 2.8 of the La:d Development Code (LDC) 2s WHERS. AS, the Board of C~unty Commissioners has reviewed the 26 PUD and has deter~r, ined to ex=end the current PUD Zoning for two 27 years, until March 18, 1999; and ~O NOW, THER~FOPS. B£ IT R~$3LV~D, by the Board of Zoning 29 Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: 30 3]. 34 .25 36 39 40 41 1. The above re:itals are adopted herein by reference as if fully se~ forth herein. 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of compliance with the review requirements of Section of the LDC. 3. Pursuant to said seTtion of the LDC, the current PUD approval is hereby extended to March 18, 1999~ at the end of which time the owner shall submit to the procedures in LDC Section Resolution shall become effective Immediately upon its This approval. 44 BE IT FURTHER RSSOLV~D that this Resolution be recorded in cs the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for 46 which the extension is granted. -1- IIIAP, 1 39 7 This Resolution adopted &feet notion, second and majority vote, Done this day of , 1997. 4 & II ! 22 13 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BOARD OF COUNTY C(~HISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: D~IGHT E. BROCK, CLERK TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRY~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LE-G2t SUFFICIENCY: "bY, ..., ~ : : '~ ~:. '.D , ../,..., MARJO.i~26 M. STUD£N~ ' ' ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOmN~_y I~R 1 8 1997 I '.' '_~_. ,....~. _. RECEIVED ZONING DEPT. ..... ~ .' ' I.q(£.R~S, Bose, )ucl~ley, .Schuh & Jerallmn, re~t~.se:tir~j ~" Scrom and kar~ey, petitioned the loa:d of C~ty C~tss ers property; gO~, ~I~?0RI 1~ l~ O~AI~ b7 the )o~tg ef Count7 C~ssi~ets ' .... m~E Collier Co.n:7, .-- SECTION 0~: located in Section 1, Tc~mshtp )0 South, hnle 21 blt, Collier florida Is cbinjed t:eu C-1 to "P~" Planned U~it Develop:eno in accocdal ~'ich the )L'9 ~occ:enc attached hereto as [xhibit "A" vh!c~ incorporated herein and ~y reEerence ~de ~art hereo~. ~be Zonin% Atlas )la? ~u~ber) ~u:ber )0-25-1, as described in Ordinance 82-2, is hereby acende~ accotdl~[17. . _ . . r-.. . . .. .-..,. : . .F .. .--...~-- .] .:~..~'.~:.'--: _- .... :. -..~ .- z- - .. ' '"': :;?''`:'~¢ r~'.;,>.. --':. ' ""~ $~CTION T~O: BOMQ O.· C0U1¢~ COLLIZi~ COU'~I'~, Ir'L01~IDA OT~)Zi~'~ 1<0. 83-65 was ado~:e~ b',- r. he Board of Ccn_-~L-v Cc~rcd. ssicm, e:rs ~ P.~j~lar .Cession cb.a l~:'.q ~!~ o£ ,~,us:. 1983. ' ~.~-T~.?.SS ~ k~-.~ ~d :~e official seal of ~e ~ of C~_~, Cch-. r£ssicmers of ~.~l~e- . .... C~, Tlo~, c~ls 17ch ~y o~:. 1983. ~is ~r'~c~qce fi!e~,~h the Secretary of S:a:e's office 22nd day of Au~., 1983 acknowledg~r~n: of ~t fil~ Clerk of.Cou~:s ~.d Clerk Lx officio :o ~card of Counk'y. Cc~x[sslor'.ers DEV£LOPI,[NT FOR ~':ST?I £~' PLAZA Prepared Euckley, Schuh & Jernigan,'%nc. ~ap~es, F]orfda '" Date Issued: Date Approved By CAPC: " . . o,t, ^~,~ved ,~. BCC:.', ...,-: -,. --;.. . . .. . ;; _ . .....'- -'.~,~.~_-[,,~y,,;~_~.,~ ~ · -:~V~ :: ~.~; · ..... ....-~.'~:-.-" ./~:~-. c:~=:~~~~m: .~ ....~ .....~:~-- ......,, . '~~.. S~CTIO~; Il: $£CTI0:; III: S£CT!O~I IV: TABL£ OF CONTENTS CC.~;;':~CIAL O[¥[LC~.'.:[NT R£GUlJ, TIO:;$ DE'IF. L C2:.;i liT CC:.:;.;i £XXIBiTS 1.1 LEGAL OESCR~T]O:: O? THE PUD PARCEL .. Al] of the $o,':h ~ of the I~ortheast ~ of the ~orth~est ~ of Sec:~on e,en.s an. res~.~ct~ons of record; cont~ntng 20.37 ~c~es less. Also ~no~n ~s !~s:'~fe:~ PIzza, as recorded In Plat Boot 13, of t~e P~](c ~tc:r~s eF Collier Coun:~, SEC?IO~i Il: CC~ERCIAL OEV£LOP~EHT R[GULAT)OI~$ 2.1 PURP¢$E 2.2 The purpose cf this secttc~ is to set forth the regulations for the Cevelop~e~: cf t~e ;roposed 20.37 acre Planne: Unit Development known as gestvfe~ PER~ZTTED USES A~;~ STRUCTURES, SUB~£CT TO S~TE PLAH R£VZ£V ~o building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or lan: cr ~ater used, in whole or in part for other than the following: · 2.2.a. Per~!tte~ Principal Uses And Structures: Art Studios and Art Supply stores A:tc=obile pert stores 4. ~ar~er end beauty shops S. Blueprint and engineertn supply 6. Business and professfona~ shops/ offices (including retatl)~ 7. Cemeteries end Heusoleums (human or pet) 8. Churches or other places of worship 9. Civic end cultural activities lO. Clothing stores 12. Colleges, universities, schools en~ other educational fa- cilities 12. Confectionery and candy stores 13. Delicatessens 14. ~rug stores 15. £1ectr(cal supply stores 16. Financial institutions 17. Florist shops lB. Foot ~arkets ]g. Funeral ho~es ~0. GarUen supply stores ~l. Gift shops 22. Gout=et shops 2~. Her:~are 24. Ee~lth food stores 25. High technology precision manu'ect r . is of a smell nature ~hf~h'~*-: --~ ~ng us~s where the Proc ~ ~vc~ .u~ generate o:or, noise, ( which is detectable from off the premises; e.g. optical, c tel, hear(ag aids, medical instruments, computer components otc. g6. Hobby supply stores 27. Ice cream shops 2,2.b. ~. In:ertor ~ecoratfng Showrooms 2~. Je~'elry s~ores La~ora:¢r~es, provided that: a) ~lo c~or, noise, chenfcal discharge, etc., iron off the premises Ire generateR; b) AIl ~'ork is done vlthln enclosed structures; and c) Ho product fs manufactured or sold, except tnclden' to develop~nt activities 3~. ~e~fca~ clinics 32. ~e~fcal ~a~oratorfes 33. F~e¢fcal offices (For human care) ~<. ~or~gage brokers ~. ~u$tc stores 35. Office su~;~y stores/ 37. Patn~ and wallpaper stores (retail) ~8. Pe: stores (no outside kenneling) 3~. Photographic equipment and suppl~ stores ~0. £ea~ estate offices ~1. Repair shops (radio, television, sma~] i~plfance, shoes an~ other, items of I small size or nature) ~2. £esearch, design and develop~nt Icttvtttes (high techn{ provided that: a) See restrictions for llboratorfe$ ~3. Shopping centers {not to exceed ~S,O00 s~. ft.) ~. ~ransporta:~on, comuntcatton and uttltt~y offices {not ~nc]udtng storage of equipment) 4~. Ve:ertnar~ clinics {no outside kenneling) <~. ~atth and precision fnstru~nt sales end repair ~7. An~ other professional or comerct&~ use ~h~ch t$ tn nature w~th the foregoing uses -hfch the Zoning Olre~ ~ete,-n~nes to be comp&ttble in the district. Pernit~e¢ Accessorz Uses And Structures Access~r~ uses and structures customart~ associa:ed with th~ ~ses permitted in this district. 2.3.a. F:~ninun Lc: Aree: One (~} acre 2.3.b. ~ninun Lot ~tdth: Two hundred (200) feet ~ 2.3.C. F:fnfnun Yard Reoufrement$: ---- 1) Fron~ Yard - Fifty {50) feet 2) S~de Yard - Fifty CSO).feet . 3) Rear Yard - FJf~'(50) reit - , ., *:.,; :.~,,. , ... ~ :..~'.~ ...-.--, ,. . .... .. :.. ._. . . .. ~.. 'i 2.4 2.3.d. ~.3.e. 2.3.f, $ l G:;S 2.4.a. 2.4.c. 2.4.d. Yaxf~um ~etoht Of Structures: Thirty (30) feet abcve the fi ~ra~e of tn~ ~(ni~um floor Area Of Principal Structure: One thc~s~nd (1,~ sq:ere feet per bufi¢ing on ground f)oor. ~"-*- Di ............ stance sc= cf the het$~ts, ~ichavor is ~ax!=:~ ~efoht: Twenty-five (25) feet. ~f=f=:= Front Se'Jack: .Fifteen ilS) feet, In¢Ivtdual Business Signs: l) One wall, m~rKuee or hanging sign per business, (no maxi height), with an area not more than twenty ~er~ent the total square footage of the front wall t~ be affixed, with a maximum of 250 square feet. 2) One on-premise sign per lot, with a n~xf~u~ area of one Cred (100) square feet. F~ximum height, twentz-five (25 Project Identification l) C=e directory sign located at each ~ain entre=ce, not r~re than 250 square feet or _. C.'.e project si~n lccated at each ~.atn ~.~: ~:re than lO0 square feet. · ,..h...L.. CFF-S?~EET PAR;<I:,'G /~':D OFF-STREET LOADI,~:G REQUI~E.*:TS X~ re:air(d by the Zoning Ordinance in effect mt the ti:e of ~ reQu(rud by the ~ontno Crdinance (n effect at the ti~e of a~licattor As required by the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of appl(catfor. · ~ b~(1 ding pea'mi ts. · . and ne(s/hborin9 properties frc~ direct ~lmr ,,- 3.1 3.2 A¢:iltOnli guf¢elfnes which are more strtn~ect than those cc~ta(ne~ tn Zcntng Cr:f~a::e in effect et the time of application for ~ butl¢in~ per:! may be es:~:(s~e~ b~ the Ceveloper to ensure maximum consts:~c~ et: con- ttnufty ~(:~(~ :~e pro, eot SS ~ell es ~tth the Character of t~e surrcundfn, resiCent~al nefg~rhOod. . LA?JDSCA?~ ~R ST~P The Ceveloper will provJCe a landscaped buffer str~p, not less than lOofee~ in ~id:h, ~h~ch ~'~11 achieve eight (8) feet tn hefght~no eu~ ¢~a¢ity ~ct~s cf ~lant~ng, along the ~outhern end eastern properly lines. £xts~ing vege:a:~¢n ~tll be uttltzed ~herever the re ufr sanely eet~g ~e:. Ga~s in exi~ttne ve-eta+f ....... ~ , ed ct!torte, ts ~re. c e-a,~crs a~G..c ~..e southern property line will be top'ante: ~([hc~ ticn et~: [E) ice: fn heic~: an~ 80: opaque. Seedlings which ~fllV~I the recu~re: cri:er~a ~fth~n I2 ronth& ~ill be utilized elsekhere In buffer T~e Cevelo~er ~i~l eliminate the e×tsttng pavement connection of gestvtew Orive an: C~:a Street. Although the ~estvte~ ~rfve rtg~t-of-~a~ rtl1 con- :fnma :~rc~ :o Oo~na Street, for possible future re-connection, t~e pave- ~e~: conne::i¢~ ~ be re~ov~ an~ a turn around provided a: t~e eas:erl~ ~n~ cf :.'es:','fe~ ~rive, so :ha~ access to ~es:v~e~ Plaza w~11 ee allc~ed fro shall ',r-v; ...... -- ~. t..e Cou~ .no,near, the ~evelo;er or hfs ~sstgns · , u ,~ e r~r s.,are cc~trloutlon to~ard the capital cos: Of a ;:~na~ ~: t.~e ~.~:ersec:ton cf Atr~ort-Pullfng Roa~ end ~estvie~ Drive. An~ i~ all Lrcfffc signals sha~l ~o o:.~n~d, eperaCe¢ and mafntatne¢ b~ Collier 3~LDI~i~ £,'=ch ~c::.~ercfal lc: shall be ii~.~it~d to a fifty percent (5¢:) t~ervious :ensit:,, in a:::r~anc~ with t~e Pre~'fously approved water ~ana;e~ent Cosign 2.6.4. Parcel Use Criteria The parcel use designations tllustrateU t~ E~hlblt 4.1 which co~panies this submission, reflect) in Section 2.2.a. ~.~...e~rmftted u~es s~ect~ii ,.:.~.~.~.~..;..o · ~. t~' *: ~ · ! ....... ':~L."-i'" r - -- i 3.6.b. Site Plea Review rior to the issuance of bufldtn~ permits Cot each parcel, n~IvfUu,1 site plln shmll be submitted to the Zonin Be for their re¥iev and approval. mo PURPOSE A~D T~e t.~s~er Plan (Ex~b~ 4.1) ~$ a v~su~l representatTon c? pose~ ~'es~vie~ Plaza co~e~cfal PUD. Thfs plan Js not re~resen~ t~e ?ina1 deve]o~ent p]~n for ~nd~¥Tdua] lots. buflding sizes and locatfons, parking lots, etc., will be Xc~ual by the actual use on each lot an Cete.~ned plan rev+e~ and ap royal ,+ ,~- ~,?11_be subject to mfr. P -- ,~ Lame oy ~nnl~.,z__ . ~a sfte -,~,,~.6,on ~or ~ bu~Idfng per- :1 .! ~, .-' i : ".'5[ ' ii ' I ",,'**: "'""-2.T.'::: ":'"::::: :-'::~' . .._.. ": ~- ,i [ ; ' ' ' ~i-.,,, ;.. · i ' °t"~", 'i ! : ....-. : .~1;!. I., I,. '" .. L ....----.~;...~--:i ',L.~...; .... ,: ..... .~'i ;i ~ i.:.,...~::?....' -..t...?.;~ j ]id.: ,.~.~.'_' - . : :tl I . i !. II ~1 Li,:l '" .. . i' II . . l:i[~d -- I' ; : !'1 ~ ~ ~, ' I;.ll-li~ ! I {. :: ., · .: ilu " ,.' ~- °. -',, '. . . t..~.'". :' .'-t~..,,~l~',~,'- : .... -'~-~.~'. ' I I~ ...:.:~.. :.,~,, ~'~...,.....:..:~ ' ~-- :.r.'-~-.')~: L'2'.''['~':SnY'' . ~~ ~:'~ ..-/~ I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPEAL OF INVOICE AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 61113-079 RECORD O~ER- MATTHEW TAVTIGIAN AND ROWENA TAVTIGIAN Board to hear appeal by property owner, Matthew Tavtigi~a~, as prescrib~ by Ordinance 91-47 CONSIDERATION 15 November 1996 18 November 22 November 27 November 20 December 8 January 1997 8 January 27 January 7 February 24 February Case Summary for 61113-079 Property found to be violative: acctenulation of prohibited exotics species Brazilian pepper and Earleaf acacia Notice of violation mailed, certified, return receipt required pursuant to Ordinance 91-47, section 15 Notice of violation returned with letter from USA Corp. advising that property was sold to Matthew and Rowena Tavtigian Notice of violation mailed, certified, return receipt required pursuant to Ordinance 91.47, section 15, to Matthew and Rowena Tavligian Returned to sender by Postal Service after 3 attempts at delivery Property rechecked and documented as still violative by Code Enforcement personnel Telephone contact with property owner attempted - unlisted number Contract awarded to lowest bidder for abatement Violation removed at public expense of $225.00 Owner invoiced $325.00 by mail Mr. Tavtigian contends that he is not responsible for the abatement and administrative costs as he never received the Notice of Violation letter despite three attempts at delivery by the Postal Service. A Code Enforcement Investigator also attempted telephone contact only to be advised by the telephone company that Mr. Tavtigian's telephone number is unlisted. Ordinance 91.47 section 15 requires only that the Notice of Violation be mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and said mailing is deemed personal service upon the property owner. IEI~MPACT The amount of the assessment is $325.00 representing an administrative cost of $100.00 and an expenditure of $225.00. GROWTH MANAGEMJ~NT IMPACT Not applicable LMAR 1 8 1997 RECOMMENDATION Because ~e owner was given due and prol:~' notice as prescribed by Ordinance, the assessment of costs should be supported by the Board. Staffcosts ar~ du~ to the documentation of the violation, the exl~nse of abatement action, the four inspections of the lot by Code Enforcement ptwsonnel and the adminisirative and clerical costs associated with the mailings to the Owner. The Board may wish to consider any e~uating circumstances offc~d by the l~titioncr in making its decision in this mat~er which have not been put forward to staff. PP~PARED I~V: ~. Li~]a P. ~ulliva~ ~ Code Enforcement Director ~RE~TE~'WED BY: Vincent A. Cautero Community Dev. And Environmental Svcs. DATE: MAR 1 8 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMb~NDATION TO APPROVE ADVISORY BOARDS DESIGNATED FOR ANNUAL REVIEW PER ORDINANCE 92-44. OB~CTIVE: To comply with Ordinance 92-44 which requires the Board of County Commissioners to review the appointed advisory boards in the years 1993 and 1994 and every 4 years thereafter and approve that they are meeting their obligations. CONSIDERATIONS: According to Ordinance 92-44, advisory boards must indicate that they are serving the purpose for which they were created, state whether the board is adequately serving current community needs, provide a li~ of major accomplishments for the preceding 12- month period and indicate whether there is any other board or agency serving the same purpose for which the board was created. Also, the Board of County Commissioners must decide whether the ordinance creating the advisory board should be amended to allow that board to more adequately serve the purpose for which it was created. The advisory board mus~ also prove that membership requirements have been met and/or if they should be modified. The advisory board must justify the cost, both direct and indirect, of maintaining the board. Attached are the requisite reports for the following advisory boards: Collier County Planning Commission Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee Lely Golf Estates Beautification Advisory Committee Pocket of Poverty Review Committee Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee Ochopee Fire Control District Advisory Committee Environmental Advisory Board FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Board Reports as they are presented requested. PR-KPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Commissioners approve the Advisory and review any recommendations for amendments as Chris ~inelair, Administrative Secretary .// Michael A. McNees, Interim County Manager Date: Date: pg._ I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Report to the Board of County Commissioners on the Activities of the Collier County Planning Commission during calendar year 1996, as required by ordinance 92-44. As required by Ordinance 92-44, the following is a r~port on the activities of the Collier County Planning Commission during the Calendar Year 1996. ]~;.]t,~3~tl~ Chapter 125.01 of Florida Statutes provides the County the power to carry on county government, including specifically the power to prepare and enforce comprehensive plans for the development of the County, and to establish, coordinate, and enforce zoning and business regulations as may be necessary to for the protection of the public. Chapters 163.3174 and 163.3194 provide the authority of the local government to establish a "local planning agency" and land development r~gula6on commission. Chapter 67-1246, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State on AugusI 4, 1967, and known as the "special act", specifically provides the County's authority ~o establish the Planning Commission, and further s,~ forth the functions powers and duties of the Planning Commission. In general, these include: the review of the County's Comprehensive Plan and any amendments thereto, culminating in a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners; the review of all zoning and land use petitions for consistency with the County's Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan, culminating in a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners; to keep the general public and the Board informed and advised on matters relating to planning; and to conduct public hearings as required for the drafting, establishment and maintenance of the comprehensive plan, and other planning and land use related ordinances such as the Collier County Land Development Code. Collier County Plannlns Commission 199~ Membership Russell A. Priddy, Chairman/District 5 Michael A. Davis, DiSmct 3 Donald J. York, SecrctaryfDistricl 2 Russell A. Budd, District 3 Edward J. Oates, Jr., District 4 'Richard Nelson, Dis~ct I Fred N. Thomas, ,Ir.. Vice-Chair. Dis-o'ic! 5 Michael Pedone, District I (replaced Fredrick Gartz) Michael J. Bruet, Distric! 2 Collier County Plaanlns Commtsstea Membership Michael A. Davi~ Ch~i~ F~ N. ~om~ Vi~hair~i~ Michel J. B~ ~i~ Rus~ll A. Bud~ Di~ 3 ~w~d J. O~t~ Jr., Di~ 4 ~ch~d Nelmn Di~cl I Gary Wrage, District 5 (replaced Russell Priddy) Michael Pedone, Dis~cl I Donald l. York, District 2 January 9. 1997 ~ Ordinance 92.44 requires the following items be specifically addressed in this report: 1) Whether the Board is serving the purpose for which it was created; Over the pas~ year, the Collier County Planning Commission has conducted semi- monthly meetings, on the first and third Thursday of each month, as well as several workshops and evening hearings, md has fully served the purpose for which it was created. 2) Whether the Board is adequately serving community needs; The Collier County Planing Commission holds semi-monthly public hearings. These meetings provide a forum in which any and all interested and/or affected parties can participate in thc planing process. Several evening workshops and public hearings were conducted for public participation during the two Land Development Amendment Cycles conducted during calendar year 1996. The Planning Commission meetings provide the public with a forum to obtain information relative to a particular issue, or to express support or opposition to a particular proposal. In this way, the CCPC is adequately serving the communities needs. 3) A list of the Boards major accomplishments for the preceding twelve month period; During calendar year 1996 the Collier County Planning Commission held 24 regularly scheduled public hearings, and four evening LDC Amendment workshops/hearings. The following is a list of the types and numbers of petitions heard by the CCPC during the past year. Rczones (straight) Rczones (PUD) PUD Amendments Insubstantial PUD Change Conditional Uses 15 15 34 I Developments of Regional Impact Devcl°l~ment Order Amendments Comp Plan Amendments Boat Dock Petitions Zoning Variances PIAR 18 1997 ~ pg. 4) Additionally, the CC'PC revi~,ed the Marco l~land Ma.~ter Plan; the staff recommendations for Evaltmtion and Apprai~l Report (EAR); two cycles of LDC amendments, including a comprehensive review of the County's Landscape Code, the Architectural and Site Development Standards and Guidelines for Commercial Buildings and Projects. Whether there is any other Board or agency, either public or private, which la servtng or would better serve the purpose for which the Board was created; s) 6) There is no oth~ Board or agency, public or private which serves the function of the "local phmning agency". Thc Collier County Planning Commission, having been established pursuant to thc powers granted in the "special act", Chapter 67- 1246, Florida Statutes, functions as the "local planning agency" for Collier County. Whether the ordinance creating the Board should be amended to allow the Board to more adequately serve the purpose for which it was created; Staff is unaware of any reason or purpose to amend the Ordinance which created the CCPC. The establishment and purpose, powers and duties, and other specifics governing the procedures and activities of the CCPC are found in Division 5.2. of the Collier County Land Development Code, ndopted in October of 1991. Whether the Board's membership requirements should be modified; There are tine members appointed to the CC'PC, two members each from Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5; and one member from Commission District 4. Members serve staggered four year t~..s There is no reason to modify the membership requirements of the CCPC. The cost, both direct and indirect, of maintaining the Board. The only direct costs associated with the Collier County Planing Commission areas follows: Court Report Fees (Official Minutes): Advertising Printing and other incidental costs: $7,500 per year on average* $25,000 per year on average $5.000 Per year on average* $42,500 per year on average* $%. Pg. Jan~y P. !~.97 * These costs are budgeted for in the Planning Department Budget and revenues, for the most part, are generated fi'om petition application fees to cover these costs. PREPARED BY: C'ImRENT PLUG ~AGER i~/ATE/*/'] ("' I~VIEWED BY: MICHAEL A. DAVIS, CHAIRMAN DATE COLLIER COUNTY PLANING COMMISSION VINCENT ^. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNI~ DEV. & ENVIRO~AL SRV$. DIV. 1997 MATTHEW HUDSON 321 13TH STREET S.W. NAPLES, FLORIDA 34117 TELEPHONE: 455-5072 January 10, 1997 Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tarniarni Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 RE: ~n Gate Estates Land Trust Committee - 1997 Advisory_ Board Revte,:: Dear Commissioners: This litter is to serve as a report to the Board of Coun'b/Commissioners on the above referenced Advisory Board. Ordinance No. 94-40 (approved by the Board of County Commissioners on August 16. 1994) provided that the "Golden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee" be renamed "G,~.den C-,ate Estates Land Trust Committee". The Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee was established pursuant to Ordinance No. 87- 48 for the purposes of aiding and assisting the Board of County Commissioners in can?lng out the requirements, conditions, and vadous provisions of an Agreement, dated November 15, 1983, (1983 Agreement), between Collier County and Avatar Properties Inc., f/k/a GAC Properties Inc. The Agreement provided for the dedication of 1,061.5 acres of property to Collier County. The Agreement outlined certain criteda for which the land and prodeeds from the sale of the land be utilized. More specifically: The property dedicated to Collier County would be used to provide facilities for such things as recreation, utility and community service for the existing and future residents and visitom of Collier county, and to provide a source of revenue to fund improvements within the area known as "Golden Gate Estates" and to provide for the acquisition of other lands, equipment, and materials for the future construction of improvements. The 1983 Agreement also required that the la,Us deeded to the county be used only to provide govemmental facilities for existing and future residents of Collier County, with all capital improvements to be physically located within the geographical boundary of the area known as "Golden Gate Estates". In addition, any proceeds from the sale of dedicated lands are to be utilized for capital projects, to be located within the area known as "Golden Gate Estates." The 9ovemmental facilities which can be constructed upon said property or with the proceeds of the sale of the property include fire protection fadlities, police,~adlities, public sch°°ls' libraries and recreational facilities as well as equipment Ts ~'~ '~1~~ for the operation thereof, Letter, dated January 10, 1997 Board'of County Commissioners Page 2 of 3 lands deeded in acoc,-dance with the 1983 Agreement; to propose marketing programs for the sale of lhcee lands; and set pdontles and monitor expenditures from the trust fund (GAC Land Trust) established by the Board of County Commissioners wherein revenues from the sale of property are deposited. The Committee in Apdl 1992 and again in November 1994 mailed questionnaire~ to each resident of the Estates to inquire as to government r,c,=ds in the area. It il~ lhe results of these questionnaires that a~!st the ~ in mcomrT~xling spedflc governmental ~ or equipment that may be funded by the GAC Land Trust. Marketing procedures have been formally al)proved by the Board of County ~ and am being adhered to by the County's Real Property Management Depa~ In addition, the Committee, from time to time, may direct the Real Property Management Department to place advertisements or purchase "For Sale" signs which are placed upon selected sites, to enhance the marketing of any remaining property wtthin the Trust. Asset~ of Ihe GAC Land Trust am approximately $250,000 in available cash and $1,100,000 in land inventory. Ai~omximate~ 450 acres of land is yet to be utilized or sold. The Committee in order to monitor revenues and expenditures from the GAC Land Trust reviews 'Schedule of Revenues and Expend~m" forms and "1~alanoe Sheets" prepared by the Real Property Management Department with the assistance of the Collier County Finance Department. 'Fha Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee in the past year has recommended, and the Board of County Commissioners has approved, the following allocation of funds from the GAC Land Trust: 1. A total of $110,(:X:)0 for the design and construction of EMS Medic #12 located in North Golden Gate. The fadlity has recently been placed in service. A total of $49,913.07 to the Big Corfcscmw Fire and Rescue District to provide mobile, portable and base station radio equipment for the County-wide 800mhz radio system in order to provide for radio communications necessary to provide efficient fire p,'otec~)n to the residents of Golden Gate Estates. 3. A total of $30,000 to Collier County for purpose of purchasing children's reference materials to be housed at the Golden Gate Estates Library. 4. A total of $156,000 to Collier County for purposes of completing the Sherffl's Office Multipurpose Training Facility. The Fadlity was completed in December 1995. The Facility is located on a parcel of property which was among the inventory of lands donated to the County by Avatar. Additional acreage was purchased by the GAC Land Trust to provide for the expansion of the Facility and adequate buffer. Olt~r recent projects have included: 1. Providing funds for the design of the Maxlax A~ Has~ _r[E,M,, ~lt, Community Park located in the Estates and the purchase of land needed for a 2. Providing funds for the design of the Golden Gate Estate Library; and, 3. P ' the purchase of fire protection equipment for the Big Corkscew Island Fire and LatIer, dated January 10, 1997 Board of County Commissioners P~Jge 3 of 3 As evidenced above, the Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee is adequately serving current community needs. W'~h the assistance of the Real Property Management Department, the Cx)tden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee Is best se~ng the purpose for which it was As C~irman of the Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee, I am of the opinion lhat no amendment to the ordinance which established ~ C-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~Uen Gate Estates Land Trust Commiflee is necessary at this time. The cost of maintaining the C-,(~en Gate Estates Land Trust Commtttae is nominal. The only cost is that of staff time to attend meetings which are held on the fourfh Monday of ev~3f month at 7:00 p.m. at the C-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~den Gate Estates Ubrary. The meetings do not usually exceed one hour in I shall be available to present this report and answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your continued suPixxl of the Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee. Sincerely, Matthew Hudson, Chairman Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee cc: Sandra Taylor, Director, Real Property Management Department Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee Members LELY GOLF ESTATES BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Collier County Manager's ~. attention Chris Sinclair George Pea3on, Chairman, Lely Golf Estates Beautification Advisory Committee January 23, 1~7 1. The Board is sen/trig lhe purpose for which It was created. To beautify end maintain the medians in our MS.T.U. area. 2. We know ~ Board is adequately serving Community needs. 3. Considering a revamp of every median in the subdMsion, our task was a III or IV Phase Construction Project. 1995-96 was Phase III . accomplishing completk)n of St. Andrews Blvd., Valley Stream Circle and '~ of Pebble Beach Blvd. That in itself'was a considerable feat--considering our limited funds. Also, we ~ successful in obtaining a loan of approximately $50,000 fi.om Collier County to complete our final Phase IV Project. Construction of Phase IV has started as of this writing. The rerr~inlng section of Peb~e Beach Blvd., all of Forest Hill Blvd. and 3 cul-de-sacs ~ Amen. We thank the Collier County Comm~ for granting the loan provision. 4. We know of no other Board or Agency which is serving or would serve our purpose ~ 5. Yes, we could amend the Ordinance to facilitate a more exDeditiou.~ procedure to go from planning, bidding and construction. The present bureaucratic pipeline from department to department is not lime efficterlt and could be ,,S.1Z.0aZZIJjQ.~ 6. No modification necessary. 7. Our members vorunteer their Services. The only direct cost is for secretarial services, which is about $2,000 per year. ff there are any questions, please contact me at 775-3355. ~ge Pearso~ cc: Commissioner John Non'is Steve Fabiano, Transportation Services Members. Lely Go~f Estates Beautification Advisory Committee Phone (94 !) 643-$330 FAX (941) 643-833! HOUSING AND URBAN IMPROVEMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: January 7, 1997 Chris Sinclair, Administrative Secretary County Manager's Office Greg Mihalic, Dir~ctor_~~ Annual Advisory Board Review The Pocket of Poverty Review Committee was disbanded several years ago after the expenditure of all monetary funds from the Pocket of Poverty. lfI can provide any additional information, please let me know. GM/jcl cc: Vincent ~.. Cautero, Administrator, Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. MEMORANDUM 2 I 1997 TO: Collier County Manager's Office - attention Chris Sinclair FROM: 011Scholes, Chairman, Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee DATE: January 15, 1997 RE: Annual Advisory Bo·rd Review and Report In accordance with Ordinance 92-44, the follovlnq addresses the specific Items to b~ covered in our current report: I. The Board is serving the purpose for which it vas created -- to beautify · nd maintain the medians and related matters. 2. We believe the Board Is adequately serving community needs. An article In the January 1, 1997 "Marco Island Eagle" entitled, "it vas a very wood year" is attached. The feature photo showed newly planted royal palms by our committee at the Jolley Bridge Gateway. 3. Coz Boards' accomplishments during the past twelve months, followed · hurting yeac in 1995 when our previous maintenance contractor ceased operations without notice and our medians deteriorated without any care or watering for months until BCC could provide scant emergency services under the cumbersome and time consuming County procurement and legal procedures. In 1996 ve had In place · new, full service landscape contractor, Environmental Care, Inc., who has responded veil to our needs. With the approval of BCC, ye purchased a dedicated watering truck which is maintained by County Transportation Services and ye have full control over our watering operations. A major project vas replacing lost sod and ney sod has been placed from Jolley Bridge to the southern end of Collier Boulevard and also along Seavlev Court in medians about six miles In length. Also while replacing sod on North Collier Boulevard, plant beds were placed in the medians to add colorful bougainvillea similar to what had been placed In South Collier Blvd. a fey years earlier. Finally, we applied for and were granted a U.S. Urban Forestry Dept./Florida Agriculture Department grant of $9000.00 which paid for 50% of our "Oatevay Project". The project includes Royal Palms and bougainvillea beds on the approach to the Island at the Jolley Bridge. In related areas, the thirteen (13) Historical Markers vhtch our committee maintains received ney bronze plaqoes and recognition tags to identify the persons or organizations that maintain them. A brochure is attached which the Marco Island Chamber o[ Commerce published recently for persons to visit these marker~. Also, the Chamber ha0 a ney "Harco Cat" plague made at the time the original artifact came to the Collier Museum a~d it will be placed by us at the "Welcome to Narco" sign which ye maintain and had refurbished this Page ?vo 4. We knov of no other board of agency vhlch Is serving or vould serve our purpose. 5. We see no need to amend the ordinance as ve have latitude under "related utters." lhen the "Vision Committee. planned a roundabout at Bald ~gle and Elkcam ye had a landscape plan prepared and proslsed to plant It and ye have consldezed roadside "green' areas. $. Our ,embership requirements seems adequate. We have seven (?) ,embers, tvo at-large and five recommended by major Narco Island Service Associations. ?. Our ,embers volunteer their services. The only direct cost Is for secretarial services, about $2000 per year. Our annual expenditures should run in the vicinity of $450,000 per year, about the amount received in ad valorea taxes. A cop of our latest budget report Is enclosed, is you can see ve have a higher budget as It Includes reserves and carry forvarda vhlch ve hope to maintain in the future. If there are questions please contact ae at 642-6983. Sincerely, Oil Scholes cc: Commissioner John Norris Steve Yabiano - Transportation Services Members - Marco Island Beautiflc~tion ldvi~nry Committee 4/22/1997 11:25 9417754454 CCX.J.~ ~ PAG~ 82 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES TO: L~o Och~, Admird~lrmtor 8uppod $el~k:w~ Dhrl~ion FROM: Diane B. Fl~gg, Director Emergency Services Department DATE: Jerp,~ary 22, 1997 Ochop~,, Fire Control District Aclvtsop/, Committee advisor7 boards review. Three of the five members of the committee were preee~ arx:l r~aportded to the questions as follows. The advisory committee f~ it w~ set~'ing the purpose for which it was created and was adequately se~ing I~ community's needs. They did not Identify any major accomplishmer~ fO~ the preceding twelve month period and felt that no other Board or agency could betler serve Ihe Board's purpose. They felt the ordinance did not require an omc~Klmo~ and the membership requirement should remain the same. The indirect arid direct cost of maintaining the Board was estimated to be one thousand dollars artnuolly. Nit. Charlie Reym:~M as Chairman, or his designee, will make the pl'e~a'~etio~ to Ihe Board of Cour~ Commissioner. If I may offer any additional information please do not hasitate to contact me. HAR ! 8 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Report to the Board of County Commissioners on the Activities of the Collier County Environmental Advisory Board during calendar year 1996, as reqnired by ordinance 92-44, As required by Ordinance 92-44, the following is a report on the activities of the Collier County Environmental Advisory Board during the Calendar Year 1996. ~.' The Collier County Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) was established by the Board of County with the adoption of the Collier County Land Development Code, on October 30, 1991. This action provided for the abolition of the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) and the Water Management Advisory Board (WMAB), effective 180 days after the adoption of the LDC, and created a single Board, known as the EAB, empowered in an advisory capacity, to perform the functions previously handled by the EAC and the WMAB. These functions include: review and recommendations of stipulations which address preservation, conservation, protection, management and beneficial use of the County's physical and biological natural resources for selected development orders, including rezones, including PUD rezones and PUD amendments; developments of regional impact; conditional uses; preliminary subdivision plans; and other petitions as may be directed to the EAB by County staff, the Board, or the provisions of the LDC; implementation of the provisions of the conservation and coastal management element of the County's comprehensive plan, during the review process for development petitions and/or plans; participation in the review and recommendation process for excavations as set forth in division 3.5 &the LDC; assisting in the implementation of any new policies, programs or ordinances created through the Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board which deal with conservation, management and protection of air, land, water and natural resources and environmental quality in Collier County; providing an initial appeals forum and process to hear disputes between County staff and applicants concerning land development projects and recommend proposed stipulations for projects approval or grounds for denial for Board consideration; functioning as an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) appeal board', pursuant to division 3.8. HAR 1 8 1997 January 17. !~97 The EAB consists of seven members, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Current membership, as well as membership during calendar year 1996 is provided in the tables below. Collier County Environmental Advisory Board CoUier Connty Environmental Advisory Board 199~ Membership 1~gT Membership Blair Foley, Chairman David Wilkison, Chairman Bob Gore George Hcrmanson George Hermanson Paul Hinchcliff Paul Hinchcliff Mark Lm'nour~x Michel Sa.~deh Michel Ss~deh Christine Srraton Christine Straton David Wilki~on Blair Foley ConsideratioD~; Ordinance 92-44 requires the following items be specifically addressed in this report: 1) Whether the Board is serving the purpose for which it was created; Over the past year, the Environmental Advisory Board has conducted monthly meetings, on the first Wednesday of each month, as well as several workshops, and has fully served the purpose for which it was created. 2) Whether the Board is adequately serving community needs; The Environmental Advisory Board holds monthly public heatings. These meetings provide a forum in which any and all interested and/or affected parties can participate in the planning process. Additionally, the EAB held several workshops on various environmental issues, including a review of the proposed LDC amendments. The Environmental Advisory Board meetings provide the public with a forum to obtain information relative to a particular environmental or water management issue, or to express support or opposition to a particular proposal. In this way, the EAB is adequately serving the communities needs. 3) A list of the Boards major accomplishments for the preceding twelve month period; During calendar year 1996 the EAB 11 regularly scheduled public heatings (one monthly meeting was not held as there were no scheduled petitions or land use 8 g97 5) 6) January 22. 1997 item). The following is a list of the types and numbers of petitions heard by the EAB during the past year. Rezones (straight) 10 Commercial 2 Excavations Rezones (PUD) 11 Development Order 2 Amendments 'Preliminary 2 Site Plan Reviews 1 Subdivision Plats Conditional Uses 4 Other Items 16 4) Whether there is any other Board or agency, either public or private, which is sera, lng or would better serve the purpose for which the Board was created; The EAB, as previously stated, provides a public forum for land development and land use related environmental and water management issues. In general the EAB is responsible for ensuring that development proposals are consistent with, and supportive of, the provisions of the Conservation and Coastal Element of the Comprehensive Plan. In addition, the EAB may participate in a review and provide implementation recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners, relative to any proposed programs, policies and ordinances created through EPTAB. Thus while the duties of the two Boards are in some respects related, the EAB is more involved with site specific reviews and issues related to implementation of new policies, programs and ordinances, while EPTAB is directly involved with the creating and/or reviewing proposed environmental and natural resource related programs, policies and ordinances. Whether the ordinance creating the Board should be amended to allow the Board to more adequately serve the purpose for which it was created; The establishment and purpose, powers and duties, and other specifics governing the procedures and activities of the EAB are found in Division 5.13. of the Collier County Land Development Code, adopted in October of 1991. Staff is unaware of any reason or purpose to amend these provisions. Whether the Board's membership requirements should be modified; /(a January 22, 1997 There are seven members appointed at large to the EAB, serving staggered four year t~,,s. Members musl demonstrate evidence of expertise in one or more of the following areas: air quality, biology(including botany, zoology, ecology, etc.); coastal processes; estuarine processes; hazardous waste, hydrology, hydraulics, land use law; land use planning; pollution control; solid waste or stormwater management; w,,ter resources, wildlife management; or other representative areas deemed appropriate by the Board such as, but not limited to, a representative of the development community. There is no specific breakdown as to specific numbers of appointees which must be representative of any single area of expertise. There is no reason to modify the memberskip requirements of the EAB. The cost, both direct and Indirect, of maintaining ~e Board. The only costs associated with the EAB are those cost related to staff time dedicated to preparing and presenting reports and agendas to the EAB. These costs are budgeted for in the Planning Department Budget and revenues generated fi.om petition application fees and other user fees appear to be sufficient to cover these costs at this time. PREPARED BY: ROI~ERT J. MULHERE, AICP CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DATE /~, IEWED BY: DAVID WILKISON, CHAIRMAN DATE COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD DONALD/W. ARNOLD, AICP PL ~Nr~G SERVICE.S DEPAR,~, ENT DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEV. & ENVIRONMENTAL SRVS. DIV. DA~E EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BOARD AUTHORIZATION TO WAIVE THE COMPETITIVE PROPOSAL PROCESS AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH HENDERSON, YOUNG & COMPANY TO PREPARE A CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEE FEASIBILITY STUDY, AN UPDATE OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT IMPACT FEE RATE STUDY, AND A CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEE RATE STUDY, IF FEASIBLE OBJECTIVE: Board authorization to waive the competitive proposal process and ~uthorize st~r to negotiate a contract with Henderson, Young & Company to prepare a correctional facilities impact fee feasibility study, an update of the law enforcement impact fee study, and a correctional facilities impact fee rate study, if feasible. CONSIDERATIONS: At various points in time, Board discussions have focused on the implementation ora law enforcement impact fee. On February 4, 1997 during the FY 98 budset policy discussion, staffsought policy direction from the BCC regarding the implementation ora law enforcement impact fee. The Board directed staffto pursue immediately the implementation of a law enforcement impact fee. The attached scope of work identifies tasks to be performed by Henderson Young & Company. The scope of work is divided into three (3) distinct components. The initial component is the preparation of a feasibility study to determine what portion of correctional facilities expansion (i.e., jail, operational facilities, and work release center) would be eligible to be funded by impact fees. The outcome &this analysis will give the County the information with which to make a determination regarding the feasibility &pursuing this revenue source to assist in offsetting the costs associated with new growth and the resulting demand for additional correctional facilities. The consultant will provide findings and recommendations on the feasibility of implementing such an impact fee, including initial estimated ranges &fee levels and revenues. The estimated cost of performing this feasibility study, including travel expenses, is $I 1,750. Assuming positive results from the feasibility study and Board direction to proceed, the second component involves the preparation ora full scale, legally defensible correctional facilities impact fee rate study. This rate study will resolve specific issues that are not included in the scope of the feasibility stud),, including credits for other revenue sources also used by the County to pay for the capital facilities required by grow'th, and the allocation &costs (based on demand) to land use types. The estimated cost of performing this correctional facilities impact fee rate study, including travel expenses, is $40,250. The final component provides for an update to the 1992 Law Enforcement Impact Fee rate study. prepared previously by Henderson, Young & Company on the old data. The methodology described in the August, 1992 study will be updated to apply the research to the c ~lculatjt~El~fl'£M law enforcement fee. Data will be analyzed to calculate the updated impact fee a d th~lmsults · ,,,'ill be documented in a new rate study. The estimated cost &updating the law aforcement impact fee rate study, including travel expenses, is 543,500. M~ 1 8 ~? Staff considered soliciting formal proposals for the consultant work described herein. Any delay in implementing the prospective impact fees would reduce impact fee revenue collections in FY 98. D~e to time constraints regarding this issue, coupled with the consultant's previous work experience with Collier County in this area, a waiver of the competitive selection process is recommended by staff. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of peneorming this feasibility study, including travel expenses, is $11,750. The estimated cost of performing this correctional facilities impact fee rate study, including travel expenses, is $40,250. The estimated cost of updating the law enforcement impact fee rate study, including travel expenses, is $43,500. The wtal cost of all three studies, including travel expenses, is S95,$00. The 1992 Law Enforcement Impact Fee rate study was funded from Community Development Fund (113) reserves. Another funding option is General Fund reserves. The County Attorney's Office will be responsible for contract administration and will authorize the payments. RECOIVffvlENDATION: i) 2) 3) Prepared by: That the Board of County Commissioners: waive the County's purchasing policy and authorize staff to negotiate a contract between Collier County and Henderson, Young & Company to perform the scope of work outlined in this Executive Summary, authorize the Chairman to sign the contractual agreement upon review and approval by the County Attorney's Office for legal sufficiency, and approve all associated budget amendments. Michael Srnykowski, QMB Dire_c_ctor Reviewed by: ~eve-CYnell, ~rch~g. Director Reviewed b Director Reviewed by: David Weigel, Cou~ Anomey Approved Michael A. McNees, Interim County Manager Date: March 11, 1997 Date: March 1 I, 1997 Date: March I1, 1997 Date: ~ - ~3""'~7 March 11, 1997 Date: March 11, 1997 AGENDA IT, EM No. NAR 18 1997 SCOPE OF WORK 1. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Feasibility Study Collier County is interested in analyzing the feasibility of implementing impact fees for the correctional facilities component (i.e. jail and work-release facilities) of the Sheriff's Office operations. The outcome of the ,nalysis will give the County the information with which to make a determination regarding the feasibility of pursuing this revenue source to assist in offsetting the costs associated with new growth and the resulting demand for additional correctional facilities. The Consultant will provide findings and recommendations on the feasibility of implementing such an impact fee, including initial estimated ranges offee levels and revenues. The feasibility study will consist oftwo parts: A. Determination of Availability of Da~, The Consultant will analyze the availability of correctional facility demand data required to support a rate study. Should this analysis indicate that impact fees for correctional facilities are feasible, the County may then undertake a full impact fee development process, including a full scale, legally defensible rate study. B. Preliminary Estimates of Impact Fee Amounts or Ranges. The fee estimates will be based on a very simple model based on current costs of facilities to be included in the impact fee calculations and the County's adopted level of service for correctional facilities (i.e., beds per capita). The preliminary estimates will not include an analysis of credits for other revenue sources also used by the County to pay for the capital facilities required by growth. The preliminary estimates will also not include a detailed impact fee schedule by land use type. The impact fee revenue projections will be calculated based on the preliminary estimates of fees. 2. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Rate Study The tasks presented below will produce a full scale, legally defensible rate study rate documenting an impact fee for the correctional facilities component of the Sheriffs Office operations. This rate study will resolve specific issues that are not included in the scope ofthe feasibility study, including credits and the allocation of costs (based on demand) to land use types. In the Task descriptions below, references to County departments (i.e., Sheriff, Comprehensive Planning, or Office of Management and Budget, [OMB]) indicate the County agency that is to complete the task. References to "Consultant" indicate that Henderson, Young & Company will complete the task. Ali tas 'k.s involving County departments will be completed with the advice and guidance of the consultant, who will be available to the appropriate department to explain the task and suggest procedures for completing it. A. Select T;,ae Period 1. Determine Specific Time Period (fiscal years or calendar years) to be Cover~ Collection and Analysis (Consultant) AGENDA ITE~ d by~ta ~' ~' .~.~ NAR 18 1997 Pg. ..~ B. Costs and R,~u~ 1. Determine CapiM Costs per Unit (Sheriff and Consultant) a. Building cost per square toot, including land acquisition b. Detail cost ofequipment and the estimated useful life of that equipment 2. Research Credits that Reduce Impact Fees (Consultant and OMB) a. Identify correctional facilities capital improvement expenditures and revenues during the past 5 riscal years (Consultant and OMB) b. Provide current taxable value, for residential and non-residential land use types (Property Appraiser) c. Assemble inventory of Major Capital Assets (Sheriff) * Number of beds * Square feet of correctional facilities C. Correctional Facility Us~e Dar? 1. Create samples of Arrests/Bookings and Sentencing Records (SherifF) a. Random selection of sample of annual arrests, bookings, etc. b. Assign appropriate land use (i.e., location of the action for which the arrestfbooking was made) to any sample item that does not have land use. 2. Prepare Demographic Data (Comprehensive Planning, Property Appraiser) a. Provide current and projected population (county-wide) b. Provide current number of dwelling units (county-wide) c. Provide current square feet of non-residential land uses by type of land uses (county- wide) 3. Create Summary Repons (Sheriffand Consultant) a. Aggregate data by land use type 4. Forecast Future Correctional Facilities Population (Sheriff and Consultant) D. F, stablish Level of Service Standards for Impact Feet(Consultant) 1. Analyze current and/or adopted Level of Service Standards for Correctional Facilities (Consultant) E..Cgleulate Impact Fees for Correctional Facilities(Consultant) 1. Forecast Facility Needs 2. Calculate Capital Cost per Dwelling Unit and per Square Foot of Non-Residential Development 3. Calculate Credits 4. Determine Impact Fees (Costs/DU. or Sq. Ft. minus Credits) F. Eorecast Future Correctional Facility Impact Fee Reven~e (Consultant) 3. Update of Law Enforcement Impact Fee Rate Study Henderson, Young & Company (the Consultant) shall perform the services described below in order to update the 1992 study: Impact Fees for Law Edorcement for Collier County, Florida. A. ~ Local data will be updated to supply the facts that will be the basis ofthe impact fee calculations. The following are the primary local data that will be update during the research phase: 1. Costs and Revenues: a. Update Capital Costs per Unit (Sheriff and Consultant) * Detail cost ofequipment and the estimated useful life ofthat equipment * Vehicle replacement policy * Salvage value of vehicles * Building cost per square foot, including land acquisition * Substations: own, rent, or a combination of both? b. Research Credits that Reduce Impact Fees * Identify law enforcement capital improvement expenditures and revenues during the past $ fiscal years (Consultant and OMB) * Provide current taxable value, both county-wide and for the unincorporated County, for residential and non-residential land use types (Property Appraiser) c. Update Inventory of Major Capital Assets (Sheriff) * Number of vehicles * Number and square feet of stations and sub-stations 2. Update Incident Data a. Select Time Period (specific fiscal years or calendar years) to be Covered by Data Collection and Analysis (Consultant) b. Update Sample of Calls for Service (CFS) and Investigations (Sheriff) *Random selection of 10% of annual CFS and Investigations *Assign land use to any sample item that does not have land use c. Prepare Demographic Data (Comprehensive Planning, Property Appraiser) * Provide current and projected population of service areas (i.e., both county-wide and the unincorporated County) * Provide current number of dwelling units (both county-wide and the unincorporated County) * Provide current square feet on non-residential land uses by type of land uses (both county*wide and the unincorporated County) d. Create Summary Reports (Sheriff and Consultant) *Aggregate data by land use type AGENDA IT~ No. HAR 18 1997 Pg. .~ Update Law Enforcement Manpower Analysis and Level of' Service Standards a. Update Forecast of' Future Calls for Service and Criminal Investigations (Consulant and Sheriff) b. Update Number of Sworn O~cers (authorized strength) (Sherif0 c. Update Ot~cer Availability Hours (Shed~and Consulter) *Calculate total o~cer hours per year * Determine cun'ent oi~cer attrition rate * Determine current on-duty hours available per of~cer * Determine officer hour required per call for service and investigation d. Analyze, and Update if Necessary, the Level of Service Standards for Impact Fees (Consultant) * Sheriffs current policy on manpower "availability" (Note: relates to task 3.c. above) * Sheriffs vehicle assignment policy * Sheriffs standard (or actual) square feet of station spa~ per officer B. Analysis and Rate Study U_txlat¢, The methodology described in the August, 1992 study will be updated to apply the research to the calculation of the law enforcement impact fee. Specifically, the local data will be audited and analyzed. The data will then be used to calculate the updated impact fee. Finally, the results will be documented in a new rate study. AGENDA ITEM No.~ NAR 18 1997 PROJECT COSTS Consulting service costs are presented separately for each component or'service: (1) preparing the feasibility study for a correctional facility impact fee, (2) preparing the correctional facility impact fee rate study, and (3) updating the law enforcement hnpaa fee rate study. Costs for each component are presented in two categories: (A) consulting services and (B) travel expenses. Travel expenses assume 1 trip for the correctional facility feasibility study, 3 trips for the correctional facility impact fee rate study, and 2 trips for the law enforcement update. (A) Consulting Travel Total Component Services Expenses Cost 1. Feasibility Study of Impact Fee for Con'ectional Facilities $ 10,000 $ 1,7S0 $ 11,750 2. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Rate Study 35,OOO 5,250 40,2.S0 3. Update Law Enforcement Impact Fee Rate Study 40,000 3,500 43,SOO Total S 85,000 S 10,500 S 9~,fHX) PROJECT SCHEDULF, to Weel~ Component 1. Fe~ibility Study of Impact Fee for Cone~ional Con~ 4 Facilities A~v~ 2. Co~ectional Faciliti~ ~pact Fee Rate S~dy Nod~ W ~ 18 ~ ~te S~ 3. Update Law Enforcement Impac~ Fee ~te Study Con.aa ! 6 Approv~ AGENDA NO. IqAR 1 8 lgg? Pi. Q.~,,d~: To m-appoint 1 member to serve a 3 year term, expiring on March 16, 2000, on the Coil/er County Public Health Unit Advisory Board. CONSIDERATIONS: Tkis 7 member board was created on February 12, 1993, by Ordinance No. 93-2 to provide reports and recommendations to the Board ofCotmty Comm/ssioners regarding policies, operations, finances ~d services that arc being provided or may need to be provided by the Collier County Public Health Unit to the citizens of Collier County. A list of the current membersMp is included in the Backup. The terms for David E. Brandt (representing Comm/ssion Dis~ct 1) and ~ Lee Montgomery (representing the At-Large category) expired on M~x:h 16. 1997. A press ~ele~se was/ssued and resumes were received from the following interested citizem: Mary Lee Montgomery (re-appt.) COMMITrEE RECOMMENDATIOn!: The re-appointment of Mary Lee Montgomery.. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE I:LECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment; re-appoint Mary Lee Montgomery for a 3 year term expiring on March I tS, 2000; and, direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointment. Prepared By: Sue Filson Date: March 18, 1997 AGEND6 )..I'EM no. /,t) ~=~ HAR 18 Collier County Public Health Unit Advisory Board .,N~amt .]'ames L. Peacz3,kow~ki 1108 Mom'oe Street Immokalee, FL 3414:2 District; 5 Category: Commission Di$~ct David E. Brandt 931 Moon Court Marco Island, FL 34145 District: I Category: Commi~ion D~trict Denise Heiaemana 745 Sbcteenth Avenue, S. Naples, FL 34102 District: 4 Category: At-Large Patricia A. Meyer~ 4460 7th Avenue, S.W. Naples, FL 34119 District: 3 Category: Commission District Charles R.. R~oades 420 Harbour Drive Naples. FL 34103 District: 4 Category: Commission District Mary Lee Montgome~ 700 Fountainhead Lane Naples, FL 34103 Dixtrict: 4 Category: At-Large Ama R. Campbell 103 Clubhouse Lane, #:285 Naples. FL 34105 District: 2 Category: Commission Disa4ct R~orlt t~hont /ll~pt,ti F.~. Dttte Term tlome Phone D~teRt-appt 2nd~Date 2nd Ttrm 03/16/93 03/16/96 3 Year~ 657-2999 3/23/96 03/16/99 3 Yearn 03/15/94 03/I6/97 3 years 642-0712 4324580 03/16/93 03/16/96 3 Years 262-2568 3/23/96 03/16/99 3 Years 03/16/96 03/16/99 3 Years 353-0580 03/I 6/93 03/16/95 2 Years 263-1610 444495 03/16/98 3 Years 261-8383 03115/94 03116/97 3 Years 261-1864 03/16/93 03/16/95 2 Years 263-17~ 444495 03/16/95 3 Years AGEND,~ _.I T~M NAI 18 1997 Pg. ~ Collier County Public Health Unit Advisory Board Wor~ l~bon~ ~ppt'd ~p~ ~ T~rm Name ~o~ Phone D~pt Thi~ 7 member boa~ (1 member from eacl~ of~e $ County ~ i:3~tric~, and 2 at4arge member~) was created on 02/12J93 by Ord. No. 93-2 to provide ~x3rt= and mc~ns to the Board of County Commi$$ionem regarding policies, operations, flnanc~ and services that am being provided or may need to be provided by the Collier County Public Heal~ Unit to the citizens of Collier County. Terms ar~ 3 years. $~.~.. Tom Olllff. Public Services Administrator. 774-8488 HAR 18 1997 F~ECEiVED MAR !i/'?i~!''~ ~'. ? ~.:. ,~ ~. ~.?. ~ .~ ~!~; iMEMORANDUI~..i ;;¢!' :i:.T?/:.,~?.!i:?~!!?~'.'. ~u,: q 1997.~ Date: March 3, 1997 To: Sue Filson, BCC Administrative Assistant From: Thomas W. Olliff, Public Services Administrato~ ~.=~~_ Subi: Health Depa~a~ient Advisory Board At the last meeting o£ the Public Health Depa~u,ent Advisory Board, there was not a quorum. However of the four current rnember$, three were present. These rnember~ unanirnousl¥ voted to recommend the reappointment of Ms. Mazy Lee Montgomery a~ a member of the committee. Because her term will expire before the committee's next meeting, they asked that you forward their recommendation even though there was not an official quorum so that Ms. Montgomery might retain her active voting status. The committee was also encouraged to contact other individuals who might be eligible and interested in filling the remaining two vacancies which you are currently re-advertising. Should you have any quest/OhS regarding this, or if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. cc.; Ms. Denise Heinemann, Chair;, Health Depa. uiient Advisory Committee Dr. Charles Konigsberg, Collier County Public Health Director Public Services Division~O n course for No. /bY ~ t "': ~q$~ '1'8 1997 Pg. MEMORANDUM DATE: February 3, 1997 TO: Vinell Hills, Elections Office /.L/~, FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assi Board of County Commissioners RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissionm's will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Pleas~ let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT ADVISORY BOARD Mary Lee Montgomery 4301 Gulf Shore Blvd. No. Park Plaza, # 1804 Naples, FL 34103 QOMMISSION DISTRICT ¢ Tha,'~ you for your help. AGENDA NO · -~_.,~Z~ 18 1997 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: February 3, 1997 Tom Olliff, Admini~tor Public Services Division Sue Filson, Administrative Assi Board of County Commissioners ~ Collier County Public Health Unit Advisory Committee As you know, we currently have 2 vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citize~ interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have atta~h~ the resumes received for your review ms follows: Mary Lee Montgomery 4301 Gulf Shore Blvd. No. Park Plaza, #1804 Naples, FL 34103 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation of the advisory committee for appointment and I will prepar~ an executive summa~ for the Board's consideration Ple~e c~tegortze the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774--8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments AG£N~. MAI{ 18 1997 Pg. EYE EEN?ER Mary Lee Mo~lom, etT. M.B.A. "/IX) Neapolitan Way Naples, Florida 33940 Office (941) 261-8383 Home (941) 26 I- 1864 Fax (941) 261-8443 January 21, 1997 Ms. Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Ms. Filson: I have enjoyed serving on the Advisory Board for the Public Health Unit and would like to apply for another three year term. Sincerely yours, Mary Lee Montgomer~.; Mary Lee Montgomery Park Plaza, #1804 4301 Guff Shore Blvd. No. Naples, Flodda 3~48 _¥f/o3 (941) 261-18r~ Fax: (941) 261-2529 Work: Montgomery Eye Center 700 Neapolitan VVay Naples, Florida ~3940 .~,.//0:5 (941) 261~S3 Fax:. (941) 261-8443. Bom: Denver, Colorado, Noverrber 4, 1937. lived in Denver dudng entire childhood. Married: Chades Joseph Montgomery, MD., June 17, 1961 Sons: Jay Edward Montgon'ery, bom November 12, 1967 Mark Thomas Montgomery, bom September 15, 1971 Education: Kent Denver Country Day ~1 (high school), Engl~, Colorado ~uated Cum Laude 1956 V~lesley College, WeGesley, Massachusetts, 1956-58 Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1958..60, AB degree in Business Administration. Graduated with honors in the Department of Business Administration. Alpha Chi Omega Sorodty Virginia CorrrT~rNvealth University, Master of Science in Business Administration. Graduated 1971 Several courses ir, ophthalmic medical assisting given by the Joint Con~ssion on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Col~, Ohio, 1960-61, estate planning Industrial Nucleonics, Colun'bt$, Ohio, 1961-64, ~ to the President IVliller and Rhodes, Richrr~nd, Virginia, 1964.65, Adrrinistrative AssiSt to Mont~ Eye C, er~er and Chades J. Montgorrery, M.D., P.A., Naples, Florida, 1970 to present, Practice Adrrinistmtor Refi~ as Practice Administrator in 1995 and become Admini~ Cor~ltant HAR 18 1997' Mary Lee Mont~, Page 2 Adn'inislrn~ Experience: Supecvi~ of personnel Estabiishrmnt of polities and procedures VVdfing of manuals and development of forr~ Finandal management, inducting long-range planning, budgeting, accounting, and preparation of tax return Develocx'nent of pub(ic relations programs and materials Management of corporate legal and insurance affairs Designing, setting up, and managing an arrbulatory surgical center in general, relieving the doctors of all the administrative and business affairs of the practice of medidne Business Organizations and Ac~ties: IV'errt:~ of An'erican Sode~ of Ophthalrric Admini~ators Lecturer at annual meeting in Seattle, May, 1993, and Boston, Apdl, 1994 Organized and carried out a state-wide, three-year effort to change the Florida Certificate of N..'--cd Law and Flodda An'bulatory Surgical Center Ucensure regulation to allow for the licensure and Medicare certification of physidan's office surgery suites Consultant and speaker on ophthalrric practice management and physidan-ba~ surgery suites Outside ActMties and Positions Held: Hospital Service League, Past President and Treasurer United Way of Collier County, Past Board Merrt~ Naples Christian Academy, Past Board IV'errber and School Treasurer Collier Ooun~ Medi~ ,.,~odu~y ~li~:~, Past President and Treasurer, Ma"rt~ of the Duke University Aiurmi Adnissions Advisory Corrrrittee Interview for the un~ ail Collier P__.,m.rity students applying for adrrission and represent Duke University in the Naples area Sand Dollar Inv~ Club, Treasurer Zonta Club of Naples Advisory Board to the Collier County ~ssion for the Catholic Social Services, Board ~ APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) TO MARCO ISl..AND BEAU'ITFICATION'ADVISOKY COMMITTEE. ' ' ' ' :'" .... '): .- , "' .... ' .... ~- .~:-~.,'...'L '.;' ;..... :.:.~... .?i, ....~' ,:-'-. ......,' : .... ' . OBJECTIVE: To appoint 1 member to serve a 4 year term, expiring on March 1, 2001, on the Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: This 7 member committee advises the Board of County Commissioners on matters pertaining to the beautification and maintenance of the median strips of boulevards and certain other public areas on Marco. The Committee shall consist of $ members which representation shall consist of I member being an individual in good standing with their organization and recommended for appointment by the President of each of the following Marco Island community organizations: Marco Island Chamber of Commerce, Marco Island Civic Association, Marco Association of Condominiums, Marco Island Taxpayers Association, and Marco Island Woman's Club, and 2 members "At Large", not necessarily associated with any Marco Island organization. Applicants must reside within the Marco Island Beautification Taxing District. Terms are 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. The term for Gilmore P. Scholes (At-Large Category) expired on March 1, 1997. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following 2 inte~sted citizens: APPLICANT DISTRICT Joseph Kubica I yes Gilmore P. Scholes (re-appt.) I yes CO MMITTI~E RECOMMENDATION: Re-appointment of Gilmore P. Scholes. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMME[~FDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment; appoint I member to serve a 4 year term, expiring on March 1, 2001, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson Date: March 18, 1997 AGENDA )~TEM No. /~/:5 NAR 18 lgg? Pg.__ / Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee fYork Phone Appt'd Exp. Date 7erin Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndF, rpDate 2nd Term 12/19/89 03/0ID0 Months 1/1J/94 03/01/9B 4 Years J'oArm¢ R. usitzk'y 88! Eubankz Court 842-0488 Marco [sla~td, FL 34145 District: I Category: Marco Island Taxpayer~' Association Victoria L. Williams 02f23/93 416 Worthington Strut 394-~494 2/15/94 Marco Island, FL 34145 Ditto'ct: 1 Category: Marco L~land Chamber of Cornmercc PJchard $. Eggers 02/28/95 520 S. Collier Blvd. The Chal 642-8328 Marco Island, FL 34145 Dlrtrict: 1 CateEory: Marco Island Association of Condos Delores Bar= 05/21/96 591 Scaview Court, Al09 394-4564 Marco Island, FL 34145 Di~trica. 1 Category: At-Large lane I-Littler 03/01/88 $14 Nassau Court 394-3728 2/28/95 Marco Island, FL 34145 Dirtrict: Category: Marco Island Civic Association Gilmore P. Scholes 1125 Strawberry Court Marco Island, FL 34145 Dirtrict: 1 Category: At-Large Margaret ,~. Paulson 990 Cape Marco Drive #I001 Marco Island, FL 34145 District: Categor~: 642-6983 03/01/94 I Year 03/01/98 4 Years 03/01/99 4 Years 03/01/98 2 Years 03/01/91 4 Years 03/01/99 4 Years 05/18/93 03/01/97 4 Years 11/I4/89 03/01/9I 4 Years 642-$113 2/28/95 03/01/99 4 Years Marco Island Women's Club 1997 -- Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Appt'd Ex~. D~e Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term This 7 member committee was created by Ord. No. 88-28. amended by ~)rd. No. g2-21 to aid and asai~t the Board of County Commissioners in the bus,ness atTairs of ~e Marco I~land Beautification Municipal Service Taxing Unit. and prepares and recommends an Itemized budget to carry out b~e buslneu of the taxing unit for each flx~al yem'. Irn~e membe~ rnu~t be members of. and recommended by the Presldent~ of ~e following organization~: Marco laland Chamber of Commerce. Marco IsLand Civic A~n. Marco Island Taxpayef'l Al,~:x:iatio~, Marco Island Women's Club and Marco Island Association of Condominiums, and 2 members ere At. Large, not necessarily a~m~ciated with any Marco Island Organization. Terrn~ are 4 year~. Staff: Steve Fabiano. Engineer I: 774-8494 Fri~..lent 23. 1996 MAR 1 8 1997 SUBJECT: DATE: March 4, 1997 TO: FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Stephen F. Fabiano, Engineer II,L;~ .~ Transportation Department MARCO ISLAND M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE At their regularly scheduled meeting on February 4, 1997, the Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee voted unanimously to recommend that Gilmore P. Scholes be re-appointed for an additional term. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact me at 774-8494 ext. 7112. CC: David F. Bobanick, Interim Director Transportation Department NAR 18 1997 Pg- ~ MEMORANDUM DATE: February 3, 1997 TO: FROM: Vinell Hills, Election~ Office Sue Filson, Admini~ative Assist~t Bo~uxt of County Commissioner~ RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointmenta The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Plea~ let me know if those listed below are r~gister~d voters in Collier County. Also, please list thc commission district in which each applicant r~sides. M.I. BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (~OIvIMISSION DISTRICT Joseph Kubiea~ 4102 Silver O~;s LA~ / N~ples, FL 34119 Gilmore P. Scholes 1125 Strawberry Court ~ Marco Island, FL 34145 -d- Thank you for your help. 18 1997 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: February3,1997 Steve Fabiano, Engineer I Transportation Services t,~' Sue Filson, Administrative Assistan Board of County Commissioners Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committc~ As you know, we curt,tuffy have 1 vacancy on ~c abovc-refcr~nced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Joseph Kubica 4102 Silver Oaks Naples, FL 34119 Gilmore P. Scholes 1125 Strawberry Court Marco Island, FL 34145 Please let me know, in writing, the recommcadation ofthe advisory committee for appointment and I will pr,~par~ an executive smmmu~ for the Board's consideration. Plisse cltegortze the applicants in areas of experti~. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Nc) o_-~ 18 1997 Pg.__ (~- .? A.'P Pz. z=. x. ~ '3 ¥//c/. I~o.._/~ HAR 18 Pg. OILMOR~ P. SCHOLE$ 1125 STRAWB£RRY COURT January 16, 1997 Mrs. Sue Filson, Adninistrative Assistant Board of County Connlssioners Collier County Government Complex 3301 Tanlam[ Trail ~ast Naples, FL 34112 *'7 Dear Mrs. Filson: This letter represents an application to serve a second 4-year tern on the Harco Island Beautification Advisory Committee effective Hatch 1, 1997. The ~olloving Is a brief resome of my background: . U.S. Navy In WII! 44-46 oetty Officer 3/c in Oceanography · Allegheny College graduaced 1949 In Liberal Arts · Oraduate york In personnel, University of Pittsburgh · Advanced in Personnel Adnlnistratlon over 15 years as College Recruiter, Employment Hanager, Plant Personnel Manager and International Personnel Director vith rick Chemical, Western Union an~ Johnson and Johnson. . Completed career ~or over 20 years vith Sealtest ~oods) as Regional Personnel Director, National Labor Relations Director and Vice President of Human Resources. · Have s~rved as: - Corporate OIvlng Solicitor, Boston United Ray - Hember of Ney York City [ndustrlal Relations Board - Member Ney York Personnel Management Association - Board of Directors member of Oreater PhlladeI@hla - Chairman of Harco Island Beautification Advisory Committee - Hember, Harco Island Beach Renou=ishnent Advisory Committee - Member of M[C& Residents Beach Committee - Currentiy vidover at a~e &~, tvo [2) children, resident of Harco Island since I9~9. If there are any ~uestions, please contact me at 642-6983. Sincerely, Gllaore p. CC .' Commissioner John Norris Steve Fablano - Transportalon Services ~enbers, Marco Island Beautification Advisory Co~lttee No. IUd 1 8 Pg.. Reappointment of two members to the Collier County Industrial Development Authority and appointment of an individual to fill an unexpired term. To adopt a resolution reappointing two members to the Collier County Industrial Development Authority and appointing a person to fill the unexpired term of a member who resigned. CONSIDERATION~ On February 27, 1979, the Board of County Co~nissioners, pursuant to the authority of Chapter 159, Part III, of the Florida Statutes, adopted Resolution No. 79-34 creating the Collier County Industrial Development Authority. This authority is composed of five members who serve staggered, 4-year terms. Membership on the Authority is governed by State statute and appointments and reappointments are made by the Board of County Commissioners. A letter was received from J.R. Humphrey, Chairman and Susan Pareigis, Executive Secretary, XDA, dated February 24, 1997 advising that John Agnelli and Richard Botthof, whose terms have expired, are requesting reappointment. Donald Berry has resigned following the election of his wife to the Board, and an appointment to fill the unexpired term needs to be made. The letter outlines the experience of these applicants. All applicants are citizens and electors and eligible for reappointment. FISCAJ~ IMPACT1 None ~OWT~ MANAGE~fENT iMPACT: None That the Board of County Commissioners consider the request and reappoint John Agnelli and Richard Botthof to serve 4 year terms on the Collier County Industrial Development Authority, appoint Carol E. Girardin to fill the unexpired term of Donald Berry, and to resolution. Collier County Industrial Development Authori =y adopt the attached AGENDA ~TEM No o.~._~.~ MAR 18 1997 (~,a) ~l- ~?oo February27,1997 Sue Filson County Commission Office Collier County Courthouse, Bldg. F Naples, FL 34112 RE: Appointments to Industrial Development Authority Dear Sue: Enclosed is a letter from J.R. Humphrey and Susan Pareigis, Chairman and Executive Secretary respectively, of the Industrial Development Authority. We are requesting the reappointment of two existing members and the appoint of a member to replace a resigned Don Berry. We would request that this be placed on an agenda as soon as possible. If this can be handled as a consent agenda item, we would be appreciative. Otherwise, please let me know and the Chairman or Executive Secretary will be present at the meeting. Thanks for your assistance. CC: J.IL Humphrey Susan Pareigis Very maly yours, Donald A. Pickwonh itt MAR 18 1997 J. R. Humphrey Chairman Donald Berry Vici-Chairman John Agnelll Collier County Industrial Dtvtlopment Authority 3200 Bailey Lane Suite 162 Naples, bTorida 34105 February24,1997 Barbara Mlnch Member i~chctnt Bo~of Mtmb~r Sutan Parelttt ~u~el to Autho~ Honorable Timothy L. Hancock Chairman, Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Dear Chairman Hancock: The Industrial Development Authority needs to reappoint r, vo members whose terms have expired and who wish to be reappointed and to appoint a person to fill the unexpired term of Don Berry, who resigned upon the election of Barbara to the Commission. John Agnelli has been a member of the Authority for five years, and presently serves as Secretary of the Authority. As president of IntellineL Mr. Agnelli brings a valuable perspective as a manufacturer. Richard Botthof has been a member for four years and. as Southwest Florida Area President of First Union National Bank, brings valuable banking and lending knowledge to the Authority. Both of these individuals have valuable experience which will be important to the Authority as it moves into new areas of financing to assist new and existing business in Collier County. Carol E. Gira~in h~ agreed to serve the remainder of Don Berry's term. Like Don, Carol is a CPA and brings that most important expertise to the Authority. As you know, Carol has a long record ofclvic activities, including the presidency of the Chamber of'Commerce. A suggested Executive SummmT and a Resolution of Appointment and Re. appointment is attached. Thank you for your assistance. Executive Secretm'y AGENDA Z~E~M HAI 18 1997 RESOLUTZOr~ g?. RESOLUTION FOR APPO~E~ A~ R~P~I~ THK COLLIKR COU~ INDU~IAL DK~LOPMK~ A~HORI~ WH ERieS. t~ ~ oFC~nty C~mi~ c~t~ tl~ Colti~ C~ I~N~II ~e~t Aut~ty by C~n~ R~lut~n No. 79-34 ~ Fe~ 27, fg~: a~ WHER~S. t~ B~ a~int~ ~in indtvlduels as m~ o[t~ Aut~ ~ expi~: a~ WHER~S. ~ ~ hu ~i~ u a ~oft~ Aul~ n~ WHEREAS. I~. ~ d~i~ to a~int ~ml ~ Gi~in Io ~11 l~ u~pi~ t~ or~ B~ a~ NOW. ~EREFOR~ BE IT R~OLV~ BY ~E BOARD OF CO~ COMMISSIONE~ OF COLLIER. CO~. ~ORIDA ~ I. J~n A~lli is ~ ~ lo ~ a I~ wh~h ~11 ~ ~ Fe~ 21. 2~. R[cha~ ~[ il ~ ~;nt~ m .nta I~ wh~ ~11 ~pim m Fe~ 21, 2001. 3. Carol E. Gimrdln is appolnm:l lo/ill ~,e unexpimd term of D~ld Berry. which letm expi~e~ February 26. 1998. This Resolmio~ shall caq'~itute a cet'fi fkarm ot'appoinm~em and shall be filed wilh (he C1e~c ol'the C~uit Court as pmvlded by law. T~il Resalutkm adopted ifter mock~, seccmd and me,~iCy vote. DATEI~. A~: DWlGIrr F- BROCIC CLERK BOARD OF CO~ COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA David C. Weilel T~mochy L. Ha,-,~.c,c~ Chaim..aa MAR 18 1997 ~!~.~[_~: To appoint I member to fulfill the remainder ora vacant term, expiring on December 3 I, 1998, on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. CONSIDERATION~: Representation on this board consists of I m~'mlx-r from the Immo~ee Commtmity Park District, 1 member from the Marco Island Community Park District, and $ members from the Naples and Urban Area Community Park District. This 7 member board advises the Board of County Commissioners on matters pertaining to the acquisition, development and programs involving the County's park facilities. Terms are 4 years.. A list of the current membership is included in the baclaip. We currently have one vacancy due to the resignation of Patricia Anne Goodnight, representing the Immokalee Community Park District. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following interested citizen: Ms. Billie Cheney 5 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Billie Cheney FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE R~COMME~¥DATION_: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint 1 member to fulfill the rem.,_'nder of the vacant term. expiring on December 31, 1998, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointment. Prepared By: Sue Filson Date: March 18, 1997 AGENpA MAR 18 1997 I:'go y/ Namt Elaine M. Wicks 1400 Pcmpei Lane, U~t #33 Naples, FL 34103 Dixtrict: 4 Cattgory: Urban Timothy M. Blackford 1348 Michigan Avenue Naples, FL 34103 D/,rtr/ct: 2 Category: Urban Gil C. Muellet 541 Blackmom Court Marco Island, FL 34145 Dl~rlct: 1 Cattgory: Marco Island Max A. I-Iasc, Ir. 3340 23rd Avenue, $.W. Naples, FL 34117 Di, rtrict: Category: ~lrban Parks and Recreation Advisory Board F/orl~ Phone ,41~pt,d F. xla. Date ltomt Phone DateRt-appt 2nd~_,TDatt 434-0333 03/13/96 12/31/98 S97-490~ 01/07/93 12731/93 ~49-7919 2/15/94 12/31/97 02/I $/94 12/3 !/95 394-9444 11/14795 12/'31/99 02/15/94 12/31/95 4S~2028 1 I/14,n)5 12/31/'99 .ros~ph D. Zak..n 263-aag8 03/23/93 I2/31/94 4841 Shtazxvatet Lane 592-5140 1114/9:5 12/31/98 Naples, FL 34119 District: 5 Category: Urbaa Patricia Aaae C.,oodnight ::" ' 6~7-.O~ 10/03/95 12/31/98 P.O. Box 5045 L'nmokal¢~, FL 34143 District: · Cattgory: tmmokalee Gayla L. Start 3S~ 03/12/96 12131/97 735 98th Avenue, N. $91-49'10 NapIe. s, FL 34108 District: 2 Category: Urban 2nd rertn 3 Years 2 Years 4 Years 2Yeah 4 Years 2Yeah 4 Years 2 Years 4 Years 3 Years 2 Years AGEN ITEM MAR 18 1997 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FF'ork Plton~ Appt'd Exp. Dat~ Term Name Hornt Pbont DattRt-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term This 7 member committee was created by Guidelines established on 11/25/75 and confirmed by Ord. No. 93-81 to advise the Board of County Commisaior~1 on any matters conceming acquisition, development and programs involving parka and recreation facilities in Collier County. Membership consists of 1 member from the Immokalee Community Park District, 1 member from the Marco Island Community Park District, and $ membem from the Naples and Urban Area Community Park District. Terms am 4 yearn. Sta~.. Steve 8dnkman, Parks and Ret, marion Dimctoc 353-0404 NAR 18 1997 Pg. ~ _ MEMORANDUM R v r--,-7, MAR5 i997 Board of Count'j Com~s~aner$ DATE: March 5, 1997 TO: FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commission Murdo Smith, Recreation Manager Department of Parks and Recreation Immokal~,,e Representative for Parks & Recreation Advisory Board At the regular scheduled meeting of February 26~, 1997 the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommended that Ms. Billie Cheney be appointed as the Immokalee representative. The vote was 6/0. IfI can be of further assistance please advise. Patidcia Aane Goodnight P. O. Box 5396 Immokalee, Florida 3~1~3 941-657-3356 Dear Ms. F[lson, ?er;dour ??,one ~all requestm$ m.,.; :'esi..~ation from the Parks 5oard. ,~,.r<.vy resisn from the said board. I enjoyed represenong my communi .ty on ?&?..and if I can be of service to my communi~/coun .tv in the future please iet me know. Sincerely, Anne Goodnisht AGEN~j~ HA~ 18 1997 MEMORANDUM DATE: 3'anuary 13, 1997 TO: Vinell Hills, Elections Office ~ ,, .. FROM: Sue Filson, Adminis~tive Assistant ~'/:'"'J ' ;" Board of County Commissioners '~J' ' ' ' '~": "' " RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioner~ will soon consider the following individu-ls for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. PARKS 8: RECREATION ADV BOAR~ COMMISSION DISTRICT Billie Cheney ~ P.O. Box5021 ~ ~X.. 5'o~ ~ ~ Immokalee, FL 34143 Thank you for your help. AOEND-R_ ITEM No. MAR 18 1997 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: .lanuary 13, 1997 Skip Camp, Parks and Recreation Director/~/~ Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant ~"'~ Board of County Commissioners ~ Parks and Recreation Advisory Board As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Billie Cheney P.O. Box 5021 Immokalee, FL 34143 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation of the advisory committee for appointment and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertLse. If you have any questions, please c,~ll me at 774-g097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF .Attachments DA1 TO FROM: SUBJECT: 10 JANUARY 1997 S[JE FILSCN. ADMthlISTP,,ATIVE AS$1S'r'ANT, COUNTY MANAGER OFFICE ANNIE PAPPALARDO, CCPRD RECREATION SUPERVISOR- IMM. P.A.R.A.B REPRESENTATIVE R ~lie Chene,/~:3~ ."cntac?.ed m,3 3bout ;:).,3,_.~ibly rep"e~e~tim.3 Immcka!ee ~n ,'he Pa, ks a~d Recrea:!cn Advisory ~Jc, ar,:. I met Mu Chemey this morning and she seems '.o .be a very ener.;etic, commuqity orien,.~d and Ano',vledgeable citi:'.en of Immokalee. She stated 3he has !;veal here forever, and woul~ I;ke very much to serve the ;n~m~kalee community as a P.A.R.A.B. representative, i have included Ms Cheney'$ Pluase feel free ~o cal~ her w~!h ;any questions or concerns that you might have. AGENO& No,. H.AR 18 '1997' P.O. Box 5021 ImmokalGe, FL 33934 (941) 657-1231 JAN ! 0 1~97 LA~¢GUAGE ARTS TEACHER · S~S' · TEAM LF. AD £ R l.Tmckale9 :..ti.S...*le $¢h0oi, i.-,,nokalee, Fi::rlda. Augua e ReFor:~d :o che pz'incipal; * Ser'-ed ~s ~ c.::~rdina:.~r for an %n~:ruc:i:.nal e <,u:.ae= '.:::n~cn-c~:lon b~:wean my cern and c:ner ~ .%C','iSCr 'C' %}'~ -.4 : . . :C ins=r;lc~icnal ica.re, for Dc~'ic~, ,~:~-~,~ Btllie Chenay P.O. Box 5021 Immok&lee, FL 33934 (941) 657-1231 .qka-.e A.;e, -'nc., !982-1985 O~R A}~D MA/~ER EDUCATION , . ,,:~.~.(:,j, . .. . · '..' :; i '.'~. -'-i-.7 -.,u... :~ .... .la, 5:-S Geg:'ee, Eiemenca,.-y AGE~p~A HAR 18 1967 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DIVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICES PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT December 19, 1996 IRECEIVE. D DEC 2 0 1996 -- 3300 NAPLES, FLORIDA 33999 (813) 3530404 A CE:RTIFW. D BLU~ C~ CO~ Collier County Board of County Commissioners 301Tamiami Trail, East Naples, Florida 34112 Attn: Ms. Sue Filson, Administrative A~sistant Ref: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Board Member Position Dear Ms. Filson: ;. As Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and in concert with Collier County Ordinance Number 93- 81,Section Four, Paragraph "B", I am requesting that the Board of County Commissioners appoint a new Board Men, er replacing Ms. Anne Goodnight. Ms. Goodnight has not attended the past twelve meetings. By copy of this letter I am notifying Tom Olliff, Public Services Administrator as called for within the Ordinance. Please consider advertising for this posi~ion'~n both the Hispanic press and radio stations in Immokalee. .- Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office. Thank you. Very truly yours, Chairman s and ~reation Advisory Board MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: March 11, 1997 Board of County Commissioners Timothy L. Hancock, AICP, Cha/rman Commissioner, District 2 Estero Bay Agency on Bay Management Attache! to this memorandum is a copy ofa lc~-r da~ March 5, 1997 (received in this office on March 10) concerning the Estero Bay Agency on Bay Management, a subcommitte~ of the SW'F.I~PC' I have placed an item on the Board's agenda for March 18, 1997, to nom/na~ a representative from Collier County to serve on the £stero Bay Agency on Bay Management. TLH:sf Attachment Timothy L. Hancock '- , AICP, Chairman Commissioner, District 2 HAR 1 8 1997 Sour. hwest Florida Regional Planning Council March 5, 1997 ~980 BaTlin¢ Drive. ,tth Floor. N. Ft. MT~rs, FL 33917-3909 (9~I) 6.56-7720 P.O. Bc~ 34~. N. Ft..',~yers, FL 33918-34,55 SL.~CO~[ 749-7720 FAX 94!-6F~.77~ Commissioner Timothy Hancock, Chairman Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail NAPLES, FL 33962 Re: Estero Bay Agency on Bay Management Dear Chairman Hancock: According to the settlement agreement for the completion of permitting for the Florida Guff Coast University, upon completion of the Arnold Committee Study process, the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) is charged to establish an Estero Bay Agency on Bay Management (ABM) as a subcommittee of the SWFRPC. The SWFRPC established the ABM at their December Council meeting and the first ABM meeting was held on February 28, 1997. According to drainage basin maps for the Estero Bay watershed, a portion of the watershed for the bay extends into northern Collier County. As a result, the ABM requested that an invitation be extended to Collier County to become a voting member cf fha ABM. The ABM is to be a non-regulatory advisory body whose directive is to make comments and recommendations for the management of Estero Bay and its watershed. The ABM is to collect and maintain data concerning the Estero Bay watershed, and make such data available to the public. The ABM is to review and comment upon the South Florida Water Management District's Estero Bay management and improvement study as it is developed, another aspect of the settlement agreement. The ABM will review and comment to regulatory agencies on issues affecting Estero Bay and its watershed. The AB · ...... an annual "State of the Bay' report. " 14AR 181997 Estero Bay ABM Page 2 ABM membership initially consists of, but is not limited to, Lee County legislative delegation members who desire to participate, and members from the following: local Chambers of Commerce, Citizen and Civic Associations, Lee County, the City of Fort Myers, the Town of Ft. Myers Beach, the SFVVMD, the Department of Environmental Protection, the FGFVVFC, the FGCU, the SWFRPC, commercial and recreational fishing interests, environmental and conservation organizations, the Responsible Growth Management Coalition, the FL Myers Beach Civic Association, Citizens Ass6ciafion of Bonita Beach, scientists, affected property owners, and the land development community. If Collier County would like to be represented on the ABM, please notify me and provide us with a nominated representative for Council action at your earliest convenience. The next Council meeting will be held on March 20, 1997, and your representative could be approved at that meeting if we are notified prior to that date. Additionally, the next meeting of the Estero Bay ABM is expected to be on April 21, 1997. If Collier County accepts the invitation to be an ABM member, we will also solicit ABM members from Collier County business, civic and environmental organizations. Please call Mr. David Burr, Planning Director, or me, if you have any questions or require any further information. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Sincerely, SOUTHVVEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL ;CP Executive Direo{ror EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL OF A BUDGET AMENDMENT USING FUND ltl RESERVES TO PAY IMPACT FEES THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED FOR REIMBURSEMENT To transfer funds from the unincorporated area General Fund 111 Reserves to pay reimbursable impact fees for Habitat for Humanity. CONSIDERATIONS: On November 24, 1992 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 92-627. This resolution authorizes the payment of a total of $27,506.64 from ~he unincorporated area General Fund (111). These funds are required to reimburse Habitat for Humanity for houses that have been sold to very low income purchases in compliance with the impact fee ordinances that were in effect at that time. Habitat for Humanity has presented these reimbursements for collection to the County. On December 22, 1992 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 92-668. This resolution authorizes the payment of $39,295.20 in impact fees to be paid from the unincorporated area General Fund (11 I). These funds will be used to reimburse Habitat for Humanity when the houses are sold to a very low income purchaser in compliance with the impact ordinances that were in effect at that time. Habitat for Humanity has presented reimbursement requests for all but six of these houses. F___ISCAL IMPACt: The remaining balance of impact fees requested to be reimbursed is $23,577.12. Funds are available in MSTD General Fund 111 Reserves and will be ~xartsfe~ to HUI Account No. 138710-883200- Reimbursement of Impact Fees. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPAC'r: None. ]~ECOM]VI~NDATION: That the 'Board of County Commhsioners approve a budget amendment appropriating the $23,577.12 from the MSTD Genexal Fund 111Reserves for the reimbursement of impact fees.,, AGEND~t ITEM, 18 1997 I Executive Summary Budget Amendment for Impact Feea Page Two 3/5/97 Prepar~ by: Housing and Urban Improvement ,~/,vexi by: Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Community Dev. And Environmental Svcs. jd/c/hh Date Date 1997 r. XECUTIVE WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE FOR NAPLES HERITAGE CLUBHOUSE OBJECTIVE: The Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to accept the newly-constructed water facilities to serve Naples Heritage Clubhouse and authorize the recordation of the appropriate legal documents. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) The Developer of Naples Heritage Clubhouse, has constructed the water facilities within dedicated easements to serve this development. See attached location map. 2) Deed, Bill of Sale and other related documents bare been submitted to Engineering Review Services in order for the County to accept the water facilities in accordance with County Ordinance 78-10. 3) The water facilities will be, upon acceptance by the Board, operated and maintained by the County Utilities Division under a one (1) year maintenance guarantee furnished by the developer. 4) An on-site inspection of the water facilities has been conducted by the County. Engineering Inspection section. This inspection reveals that the water facilities have been constructed in accordance with County Ordinances and Regulations. 5) The legal documents have been reviewed by the County Attorney and are legally sufficient for acceptance by the Board. 6) A cash bond in the amount of $2,400.00 has been accepted as surety. FISCAL IMPACT: The water facilities were constructed without cost to the Collier County Water-Sewer District. During the first year, the water facilities are under a Contractual Guarantee. After that time, the cost of operating and maintaining the water facilities will be paid by monthly user revenues. GI~ MANA~NT IMP;%CT: This project has been connected to the County Regional Water Treatment Plant. This project will not create a new impact, as it has been planned for within facilities available at present. MAR 1 8 1997 Executive Summary Naples Heritage Clubhouse Page Two R~C~NDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board ef the Collier County Water-Sewer District, accept the water facilities for Naples Heritage Clubhouse, with the following stipulations: 1) That the Board of County Commissioners accept as surety the receipt for the cash bond in the amount of $2,400.00. 2) The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the following items have been furnished. 3) Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service. 4) Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. 5) The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. 6) Receipt of payment of water bacteriological testing usage from Utilities for PREPARED BY: Shirley ~, E~gineering Technician II Engineer~t~ng Review Services Date REVIE~ P En~n~ering Review Services Manager Don~d W. ~nol~7 Ai~ '-- ~ ' 1 ing Services partment Director ~tncenf A. Cautero, A~istrator COMMUNITY DE~LOPMENT mD E~IRO~ENT~ SERVICES Date Date Date MAR 1 8 1997' ViCI 'NITY." .,'"MAP NOT. TO ~ALE ~0. ~ MAR ! 8 1997 County of Collier BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS a3Ol TAMIA~111RNL rr~,~T ~.~0 #: 371~77 0~/~/~7 OEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: :L372~73 PAYOR: U S HOMES OFFICIAL RECEIPT C:~I~: ~00.~ When Validated DESCRIPTION 0EPOSXTS - COMMUNITY O~-V~-LOP AMOUNT DUE REF: NAPLES HERITAGE CLUBHOUSE 000990880 SN 0~: DSC: PROJ[CT REVIEW SF.~,'/'CE2 TOTAL DUE: 2400.00 EXECUTIVE S~Y WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE FOR MYSTIC GREENS II OBJECTIVE: The Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to accept the newly-constructed water facilities to serve Mystic Greens II and authorize the recordation of the appropriate legal documents. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) The Developer of Mystic Greens II, has constructed the water facilities within dedicated easements to serve this development. See attached location map. 2) Deed, Bill of Sale and other related documents have been submitted to Engineering Review Services in order for the County to accept the water facilities in accordance with County Ordinance 78-10. 3) The water facilities will be, upon acceptance by the Board, operated and maintained by the County Utilities Division under a one (1) year maintenance guarantee furnished by the developer. 4) An on-site inspection of the water facilities has been conducted by the County Engineering Inspection section. This inspection reveals that the water facilities have been constructed in accordance with County Ordinances and Regulations. 5) The legal documents have been reviewed by the County Attorney and are legally sufficient for acceptance by the Board. 6) A cash bond in the amount of $1,588.50 has been accepted as surety. FISCAL IMPACT: The water facilities were constructed without cost to the Collier County Water-Sewer District. During the first year, the water facilities are under a Contractual Guarantee. After that time, the cost of operating and maintaining the water facilities will be paid by monthly user revenues. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project has been connected to the County Regional Water Treatment Plant. This project will not create a new impact, as it has been planned for within facilities available at present. MAR 18 1997 Executive Summary Mystic Greens II Page Two P~ECO~NDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, accept the water facilities for Mystic Greens II, with the following stipulations: 1) That the Board of County Commissioners accept as surety the receipt for the cash bond in the amount of $1,588.50. 2) The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the following items have been furnished. 3) Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service. 4) Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. 5) The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. 6) Receipt of payment bacteriological testing of water usage from Utilities for PREPARED BY: Sh'irley~.~, Engineering Technician II Engineer>lng Review Services Date REVIEWED BY: Thomas R. Kuck, P.E. Engiqee~ing Review Servic~sM~n~ Donald W.'Aznold,-AICP ' '~'~--"--' Vi6cent A. Cautero, Administrator COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 31 ,1?? Da%e Dat'~ / ~'~ Date MAR ! 8 1997 L lit,l* PROJECT LOCATION LOCATION MAP AGEf~ No. MAR 1 8 1997 Official Receipt- Collier County Board of County Commissioners CDPR1103 - Official Receipt ITrans Number I Date I Post Date 2120 2/10/97 11:16:17 AM 1 2/10/97 Payment Slip Nbr MS 4666 Sub-Div: Mystic Greens II A Condominium Payor: Fee Information Fee Code 1 Description ~GL Account 12BONDI DEPOSITS-COMM DEV (CASH BOND)67000000022011300000 Total Amount I Waived 91588.5o I Payment Code CHECK Memo: Payments IAccount/Check Number 86234264 Amount $1588.50 Total Cash I ~0'00 t Total Non-Cash $1588.50 Total Paid I $1588.50 ] Cashier/location: GARRETT_S I I Collier County Board of County Commissioners EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE FOR NAPLES HERITAGE MAINTENANCE FACILITY AND RESTROOM OBJECTIVE: The Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to accept the newly-constructed water facilities to serve Naples Heritage Maintenance Facility and Restroom and authorize the recordation of the appropriate legal documents. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) The Developer of Naples Heritage Maintenance Facility and Restroom, has constructed the water facilities within dedicated easements to serve this development. See attached location map. 2) Deed, Bill of Sale and other related documents have been submitted to Engineering Review Services in order for the County to accept the water facilities in accordance with County Ordinance 78-10. 3) The water facilities will be, upon acceptance by the Board, operated and maintained by the County Utilities Division under a one (1) year maintenance guarantee furnished by the developer. 4) An on-site inspection of the water facilities has been conducted by the County Engineering Inspection section. This inspection reveals that the water facilities have been constructed in accordance with County Ordinances and Regulations. 5) The legal documents have been reviewed by the County Attorney and are legally sufficient for acceptance by the Board. 6') A cash bond in the amount of $2,400.00 has been accepted as surety. FISCAL IMPACT: The water facilities were constructed without cost to the Collier County Water-Sewer District. During the first year, the water facilities are under a Contractual Guarantee. After that time, the cost of operating and maintaining the water facilities will be paid by monthly user revenues. G7%OWTH F,%/~%f&EMENT IMPACT: This project has been connected to the County Regional Water Treatment Plant. This project will not create a new impact, as it has been planned for within facilities available at present. MAR 1 8 '1997 Executive Summary Naples Heritage Maintenance Facility and Restroom Page Two REC~NDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, accept the water facilities for Naples Heritage Maintenance Facility and Restroom, with the following stipulations: 1) That the Board of County Commissioners accept as surety the receipt for the cash bond in the amount of $2,400.00. 2) The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the following items have been furnished. 3) Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service. 4) Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. 5) The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. 6) Receipt of payment of water usage from Utilities for bacteriological testing PREPARED BY: ghirley N~fx~ Engineering Technician II Enginee~g Review Services Date Thomas E. Ku¢:k, P.E. Engineering_.~ ... ~-7-2~-~<'_ '~ k~ ix--~-}[evieW('~' Services ,Mana~_,er/-R.i'~ ~nald W'. 'Arnold, -AICP ' " Pl~Se~ices. ~t Director Vincent A. Cautero, Adminls~krator COM/4UNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRON74ENTAL SERVICES D~te Date I~AR 18 1997 S 7 ~[ TIONK 8 Zn,- · .',...'.~. ,,,;' ~; ?../.,.'.;}.. El. GA'.. 4. Io 2 ::~;..[ c.. t.Ct¢ SITE 11 17 1S ~[LY ' CC:.J:iTR ¥ CLL:~ 20 is RATTLE..< .'~. .L£LY, A ~_r VIC!NITY :i "' · " '" "'NOT. TO 8OAi. E .: 15 HAMMOCK ROAD 22 23 MAR 1 8 1997 :1 County of Collier BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: 0 E. PUTY CL£RK OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated ~.2 I~C~: ~ P~ID: '2400.00 ~ECEIPT: 1372574 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OUE PAYOR: US HOMES OEPOSITS - COMMUNITY OEVELOP 2~CG.C' NAPLES HERITAGE HAINT RSTRM 000990881 SN /'/ 9,0uO ~E'T:," 05C: ,:'.~C,.3ECT ";" l ~-_,:-'.-:W SER'¢:.C.:.-! TOTAL D~E: ~4GO.CC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FAT~t ~ND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO grant final acceptance of ',Southampton Unit One" _CONSZDERATIONz 1. On June 12, 1994, the Board of County Commissionere granted preliminary acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and eewer improvements in .Southampton Unit One". 2. The roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements not required by the plat to be maintained by the proJectte homeowners association will be maintained by the County. 3. The required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code. The County Development Services has inspected the improvements and is recommending final acceptance of the improvements. 4. A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by the County Attorney's Office. A copy of the document is attached. ~IS~L IMP~CTg The roadway, drainage water and sewer improvements not required to be maintained by the proJectte homeowners association will be maintained by the County Transportation Department and the County Utility Divisions. Funds for the routine maintenance and upkeep will come from the Operations and Maintenance budgets of the Transportation Services and Utility Divisions. _GROWTH HAI~(~EMENT IMPACT= None MAR ! 8 1997 J Executive Summary Southampton Unit One Page 2 ~BCOMMENDATIONI That the Board of County Commissioners grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Southampton Unit One" and release the maintenance security. 1. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached resolution authorizing final acceptance. 2. Authorize the release of the maintenance security. PREP~ BY: John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review Date ~o~as 'E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager D~nald W. Arnold Planning Services Director ;/' ~-- 9incen~ A. Cautero, Admi~i~trator Com~unity Dev. and Env£fonmental Svcs. C~unity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Date ' Date MAR 1 8 1997' lJ TH NA 12 ,ES ~3 21 -4 27 216 .6 (c~ 144) EST.~TE I KESOLUTION NO. ~ ILESOLUTION AUTHOKIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF $ THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER 6 IRfl:'ROVEM'E?','TS IN SOUTHA.\fl:'TON UNIT O,"~, ? RELEASE OF ~ MAINTENA.NCE SECURITY, ARiD $ ACCEPTING THE MAINTENA2~CE RESPONSIBILITY 9 FOR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER 10 SEV'TER I),~ROVEkO:~-NTS THAT ARE NOT REQUIRED i 1 TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS 12 ASSOCIATION. 14 16 WI-HEREAS, the Board of County Comrnlssioner% ot'CoIller County, Florida, on August 1 ? 28, 1992 approved the plat of Southampton Unit One for recording; and 19 WI-IEREAS, lhe developer has constructed and maintained the roadway, drainage, water 20 and sewer improvements }n accordance with the approved plans and specifications and as required 21 by the Land Development Code (Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102, as amended); and the 22 Utilities Standards tnd Procedures Ordinance (Collier County Ordlnanee No. 88-76, as amended). 23 and 25 WI-~REAS, the developer has now requested final acceptance ol'lhe roadway, drainage, 26 water and sewer improvements and release of his maintenance security; and 27 28 WHEREAS, the Compliance Semites Section of the Development Ser~ice~ Department 29 has inspected the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and i.~ recommending 30 acceptance of said Facilities. 31 32 NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOA,t~J~ OF COUN'TY 33 CO~flSSIO,~'$ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR.IDA, Uut final accel:~tance be granted for 34 tho~ roadway, dra~nase, water and sewer improvements in Soutlumpton Unit One, and authorize 35 the Clerk to release the maintenance security. 36 37 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND Oi~J3ERED that the Cotmty accept the ~ture 38 maintenance and other attendant costs for the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements 39 that are not required to be maintained by the homeowners as~oclatlon. 40 41 This Resol~'tlon adopted after mot;on, second and majority vote favoring ~me. 42 45 DATE: BOARD OF COUNTY CO,M2,,IlSSION'ERS 46 ATTEST: COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 47 DWIGI-IT E. BROCK, CLERK 49 By: 50 TIMOTHY I... HANCOCK, CHAI~\~AN 52 53 Approved as to form a~d legal 54 s~c~ency: $7 H~idi F. A~hton A.~istant Collier County Attome/ 59 61 ~. EXECUTIVE SUMMARy PROVIDE AUTHORIZATION TO OBLIGATE FUNDS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PERFORM THE SECOND YEAR OF POST-CONSTRUCTION MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT. OBJECTIVF,; To obtain authorization to obligate funds for professional services to be provided by Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., during the second year of the post- construction monitoring phase for the Collier County Beach Restoration Project. CONSIDERATIONS; On May 24, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners approved a Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. to provide professional engineering services necessary for completion of the Collier County Beach Restoration Project. Such included the following phases of work and associated costs: · Final Design Services - $759,590.00 · Bid Services- $38,200.00 · Construction Services - $580,900.00 · Post- Construction Services - $795,000.00 The approval granted on May 24, 1994, provided authorization to obligate funds for the final design phase with authorization to obligate funds for subsequent phases to be requested upon completion of each prior phase of work. In accordance with such procedure, on April 9, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners provided authorization to obligate funds for professional services required during the first year of post- construction monitoring. Pursuant to the current schedule, it is necessary at this time to initiate the services required during the second year of the post-construction monitoring phase to enable stipulated permit conditions to be completed in a timely manner. FISCAL IMPACT; Cost: Fund: Cost Center: Project Number: $269,900.00; to be obligated in the budget for FY 96/97. (195) Tourist Development - 60%. (110406) Beach Renourishment & Pass Maintenance, Category 80225) County Beach Renoufishment Study. Pursuant to an application for TDC funding, appropriation of these funds was approved by the Beach Renourishment/Malntenance Committee on September 5, 1996, the Tourist Development Council on October 21, 1996 and the Board of County Commissioners on November 5, 1996. GRQWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT; None. No. I,o Executive Summary Office of Capital Projects Management Monitoring for Beach Restoration Project Page 2 That the Board of County Commi~: Authorize the obligation of funds in the ~ount of $269,900.00 az prezented in the attached propo.~l for profe~ional ~rzice~ during the ~x. ond year of the po~-con~rucfion monitoring pha~ of the Collier County Beach Re~toration Project; and Pursuant to Article 4, Paragraph 4.3 of the Professional Services Agreement, approve the current Schedule "B" - Attachment "15", Hourly Rate Schedule for services to be rendered hereunder. Harold E Huber, Projec~ Manager III Office of Capital Projects Management Adoff'o A.~G~xzalez, P.~EJ, Dirdctor Office of Capital Projects Management Rayrr~nd W. Miller, P.E., Interim Administrator Public Works Division Date: J' ~' 9"~ Date: 74,/~7 HAR I 8 1997 COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC. Engineers · Scientists · Surveyors · Pionners · A,o~'oisets ~u~y 8, Mr. Harry Huber, Project M_nnn~r IH Cailler County Office of Capital Pro[et'ts Man~ement 3301 Tamiami Trail East Napi~, Flodda 34112 PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICF. S COLLIER COUNTY POST CONSTRUCTION MONfTORING CFC FILE NO. 97.001 Pursuant to our Profc&sloo~ Services Agreement (Purcha.~ Order No. 403221, dated April 17, 1996) to provide pc~~ serried_'___ for the Collier County Beach Restoration Project, we are pleased to present our revised Schedt~ B, Attachment C for thc 1997 Monitoring Report and related services. ]~ost-Constructlon Phase Schedule B - Altachment C Consultant's Estimate of Additional Services 2.213.1 Coordinate Agency Requirements $ 25,000.00 2.213.2 Environmental and Biologic Monitoring $ 75,750.00 Z2133 Survcya (a) Annual Monitoring Co) Post-Storm Allowance D~ign and Coordination of Malatcnance Activities sx x50. o S 45,000.00 TOTAt, $269,900.00 Our ezthnated annual cost for prodding these services will be $'269,900.00. Charge~ for these services will be billed on a time and reimbursable cost basis, based on the approved Schedule B - Attachment B, attached hereto, which is made a part of this agreement aa if fully contained herein. Servlcea beyond the scope presented herein caa be provided as Additional Services and shall be authorized in writing by you. We txust this proposal ts responsive to your needs. If you have any questions, plea.se contact our office. Coastal Division Manager Attachment: Fee Schedule MAR I 8 1997 3106 S. HORGESHOE DR. · NAPLES, FLORIDA 33942 · (941) 643-2324 · FAX (941) 643-1143 SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT B CONSULTANTS EMPLOYEE HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE CEC File No. 97.001 January 1, 1997 ee Principal Engineer / Scientist / Appraiser Associate Engineer / Scientist / Appraiser Contract Manager / Supervisor Project Engineer / Scientist / Appraiser Staff Engineer / Scientist / Appraiser Environmental Specialist Technician / Designer 20.00 90.00 85.00 75.00 65.00 60.00 55.00 Scientists Include: Geologists * Chemists * Biologists * Hydrologlsts Draftsman Research/.,;ststant / Appraisal Assistant / Technical Editor Lab Techn~ian Construction Observer Word Processing / Document / Data Processor Principal Surveyor and Mapper Associate Surveyor and Mapper 3-man crew 3-man crew (PSM) 2-man crew 2-man crew (PSM) Photocopies Blueprints Mylars Mileage 45.00 45.00 40.00 40.00 35.00 75.00 65.00 85.00 95.00 75.00 85.00 .10/each 1.50/each 8.00/each .25/mile Hydrographic Survey "Laser Trak' - Standby "Laser Trak' DGPS Survey System - One Week Minimum Lease Single Frequency Depth Sounder Thermal Paper E.D.M. Microtide Recorder (1 month minimum) Miniflow Recording Current Meter Wizard Processing Software Boat Off-Road Vehicle ("ATV') $ 250.O0/day $ 125.00/day $ 2,300.00/week $ 7,500.00/month $ 150.O0/day $ 3,000.00/month $ 19.00/roll $ 120.00/day $ 500.00/month $ 2,000.O0/month $ 120.O0/month $ 250.00/day $ 50.O0/half~y* $ 120.00/day (*Minimum) Reknburseable Ex~ense~ wi~ be billed at cost. Typical reimbursable expenses Include: out-of-town travel made on behalf of the client relating to permlt~, aerial reconnaissance and photographic expenae~, and prints. Subcont=cts or Subconsuftants will be administered at cost plus 10%. Inyo~/r~_ will be provided on a monthly basis. Stalement~ are due and payable upon receipt. If written notice is not received within thirty days of receipt of invoice, such action will be construed aa acceptance of charges as con'ect and accurate. " Rate~ on this schedule ara guaranteed for one year from the date shown. " ~ fee negotiated separately. MAR I 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE A CHANGE ORDER FOR PERFORMANCE OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES UNDER THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR THE MARCO ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT. , ,. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval for performance of additional services related to the Marco Island Beach Renourishment project. (~QNSIDERATIONS: On September 6, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners approved a Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. to provide professional engineering services related to the Marco Island Beach Renourishment project. In performance of these services, additional services as provided for in the Agreement have become necessary to address maintenance activities related to the project. A description of the additional sevAces and associated costs are as follows: ADDITIONAL SERVICES ESTIMATED COST permit Coordination - Prepare and submit information and conduct necessary consultations with various State and Federal regulatory agencies to obtain permits to renourish the south fill segment on Marco Island. $10,700.00 Surveys - Provide aerial photography and field surveys for design purposes, and engineering surveys and staking to enable contractors to proceed with construction, and other special field surveys. S19,000.00 Owner/Committee Coordination - Attend meetings and provide consultation with the Owner and the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Advisory Committee to ensure coordination necessary for successful completion of the project. TOTAL $34,200.00 Approval of a change order is requested to provide authorization for the additional services described herein. MAR I 8 1997 Executive Sumnmry Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: Co~t: Fu~d: Cost Center: $34,200.00; to be obligated in the budget for FY 96/97. (I 95) Tourist Development - 60%. (I 10406) Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance - Catesory "A". (80218) Marco Island Beach Maintenance Pursuant to an application t'or TDC funding, appropriafi~ of' these funds was approved by the Beach R ' ' chance Committee on Sanuazy 3, 1997, the Tourist Development Council on Sanuary 21, 1997, and the Board of County Commissioners on January 28, 1997. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RF.,CObIME~DAT/ON: That the Board of County Commissioners: Approve the requested change order to the Profe~ional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consult~s, Inc. for the Marco Island Beach Reno~slnnent order. Authorize the Office of Capital Projects Management Director to execute the change PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: Harold E. Huber, Project Mana~ III Ot~ ofCaphal .Pr~ect$ Management Adolfo ~. 0o~ez, P.~/~ Dir~or Oi~ofCapital Proj~'~s Management RaymOnd W. Miller, P.E., Interim Administ~tor Public Works Division Date:' ~'S"/'~'7 I I Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. Marco Island Beach Renourishment Advisory Committee Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee p a I/exsum~ Iorm~-c.c,b~ 04 NAR 1 8 1997 pCOASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS '-'-" INC February 1 O, 1997 Mr. Harry E. Huber Project Manager IH Office of Capital Projects Management Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Re: Proposal for Professional Services Marco Island Monitoring (P. O. No. 404103) CEC File No. 96.252 (M1090) I~ar Harry: Pursuant to the above referenced agreement, we are pleased to present the following Scope of Services to assist the County in accomplishment of needed beach renourishment along the south fill segment of the Marco Island shoreline. It is understood the Owner requests the following services be provided ~ more fully described in: Article Two, paragraph 2.3 of the Agreement, including: 2.3.1 - Prepare and submit information and conduct necessary consultations with various State and Federal ggulatory agencies to obtain permits to renoudsh the south fill segment on Marco Island. Article Two, paragraph 2.8 of the Agreement, including: 2.8.1 - Provide aerial photography and field surveys for design purposes, and engineering surveys and staking to enable contractors to proceed with construction, and other special field surveys. Article Two, paragraph 2.10 of the Agreement, including 2.10.1 - Owner and committee coordination. Our Estimated Cost for these services is as follows: 2.3. i Permit Coordination $10,700.00 2.8. I Surveys $19,000.00 2. ! 0.1 Owner I Committee Coordination $ 4.500.00 TOTAL Estimate: $ 34,200.00 IHAR 1 8 1997 3106 S. HORSESHOE DRIVE * NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 · (941) 643-2324 * FAX (941) ~:Z43J~3f43 ~' Mr. Harry Huber February 10, 1997 Page 2 Charges for the.se services will be billed on a time and reimbursable cost basis, based on the approved Schedule B - Attachment B, attached hereto, which is made a part of this Agreement as if fully contained herein. Services beyond the scope presented herein can be provided as Additional Services and shall be authorized in writing by you. We trust this proposal is responsive to your needs. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, COASTAL ,ENGI..NyERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Michael T. Poff, P. E. Manager, Coastal Division MT?linch Attachment HAR 1 8 I997 SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT B CONSULTANTS EMPLOYEE HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE CEC File No. 96.252 January 1, 1997 ee Principal Engineer / Scientist I Appraiser Associate Engineer / Scientist I Appraiser Contract Manager / Supervisor Project Engineer / Sclent~ / Appraiser Staff Engineer / Scientist I Appraiser Environmental Specialist Technician / Designer 120.00 90.00 85.00 75.00 65.00 60.00 66.00 Scientists include: Geologists ' Chercists ' Biologists ' Hydrologlstl Draftsrcan Research Assistant / Appraisal Assistant / Technical Editor Lab Technician Construction Observer Word Processing / Document / Data Processor Principal Surveyor and Mapper Associale Surveyor and Mapper 3-man crew 3-man crew (PSM) 2-rcan crew 2-rcan crew (PSM) Photocopies Blueprints Mylare Mileage $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 35.00 $ 75.00 $ 65.0O $ 85.00 $ 95.00 S 75.00 S 65.0o $ .10/each $ 1.50/each $ 8.00/each $ .25/mile Hydrographic Survey "Laser Trak' . Standby q. aser Trak' DGPS Survey Systerc - One Week Minlrcurc Lease Single Frequency Depth Sounder Thermal Paper E.D.M. MIcrotide Recorder (1 month minimum) Minlflow Recording Current Meter Wlzard Processing Software Boat Off-Road Vehicle CATV") $ 250.00/dey $ 125.00/day $ 2,300.00/Week $ 7,500.(XYmonth $ 150.00/day $ 3,000.00/month $ 19.00/roll $ 120.00/day $ 500.O0/month $ 2,000.001month $ 120.00/rconth $ 250.00/day $ 50.00/half-day° $ 120.00/day (*Minimum] /:t'e/mburseab/e Exvenses will be billed at co~t. Typical relmbumable expenses Include: out-of-town travel made on behalf cd the client relating to permits, aerial reconnaissance and photographic expenses, and prints. Subcontracts or Subconsultants will be sdmlnistered at cost plus 10%. Invoice_ will be provided on a monthly basis. Statements are due and payable upon receipt. If written notice is not received within thirty days of receipt cd invoice, such action will be construed as acceptance of charges ae correct and accurate. Rates on this schedule are guaranteed for one year from the date shown. I- ~ fee negotiated separately. I MAR i 8 1997 EXECUTIVE $1~MMARY APPROVE RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP FOR 1997 IN FLORIDA SHORE AND BEACH PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION'S "BEACH WATCH" PROGRAM FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT SPONSORS OF BEACH AND INLET PROJECTS. ~.~: To obtain approval for renewal of' membership for 1997 in Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association's (FSBPA) "Beach Watch" lobbying program. CONSIDERATIOn: On September 20, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners approved an application for membership in the Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association (FSBPA) ''Beach Watch" program. The purpose of' this program is to assist local governments in obtaining state appropriations for their beach and inlet projects. In this regard, Collier County has and will continue to submit annual requests for inclusion in the Florida Department of' Environmental Protecnion's legislative budget requests for beach erosion control projects. Membership in FSBPA's ''Beach Watch" program is considered a cost effective method of ensuring that the appropriate measures are taken in this effort. The annual renewal fee is $3,000.00. The Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee has endorsed this recommendation. FISCAL IMPACT: Cost: S3,000.00; to be obligated in the budget for FY 96/97. Fund: (195) Tourist Development - 60% Cost Center: (i I0406) Beach Renourishment - Category A Project Number: (80225) Collier County Beach Renourishrnent Su~cient funds are available in the current budget for this obligation. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATIQN_: That the Board of County Commissioners approve renewal of membership for 1997 in FSBPA's ''Beach Watch" program and authorize payment of' the annual renewal fee in the amount of $3,000.00. HAR 8 1997 Renewal of Membership in FSBPA February 27, 1997 Page 2 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: ~ Date: ,:,S. Z 7. (~ 7 Harold E. Huber, Project Manager III Office of Capital Projects Management Adolfo A. O~nZalez, P.~_ ~ir~or -'7---'- O.~ce of Capital Projects Management P~blic Work~ Divi~io~ cc: Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee HAR I 8 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO REJECT BID #97-2634 FOR. THE PUR.CHASE OF A BULLDOZER. FOR. THE STOR2vlWATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. OBJECTIVE; To re-solicit bids with the intent of clarifying the County's requirements and enhancing competition. CONSIDERATIONS: · A Bulldozer in the 70 horsepower class has been budgeted and is necessazy for the maintenance and upgrading of the County's stormwater drainage systems. · Bid invitations were issued to 62 vendors. · Bids were opened on February 25"' and two (2) bids were received. · Neither bid fully meets the County's specifications. · Staffdetermined ag[er the bid opening that horsepower and drive specifications were misinterpreted causing confusion among the bidders. For these reasons, staff recommends rejection of the bids received and re-soliciting the purchase upon clariCying the requirements in question. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None at this time. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners reject the bids received under Bid # 97-263,~d authorize staff to ,re-bid for a Bulldozer. SUBMITTED BY: ~4,,~-<.~. ~. ~._~ ~'/. Date: .~'/&/~ ~7 REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: Doc: ES-O06 Bruce W. McNall, Coordinator Stormwater Management Dept. Jol~ I~. Bold[, P.E., P.S.M. Stormwater Management Director St~phe~ Y. Ca[~nell, Director i~h,,..~asing D.e4partrnent Ray&ond W. Miller, P.E. Interim Public Works Administrator Date: Date:~'/~) / HAR 1 8 I TABULATION FOR BE) #97-2634 POSTING DAT~: Feb. 6, 1997 INVITATIONS SENT TO: 62 Vendors Pa~c I of I I I I One (l) New Crawler Bulldozer Ye~, Make & Model ~,~nu factm'er Guaranteed lv'~x~um Cost of Repa~ Total Bid - Without Trade In Trade In: 1979 D-5 CaterpLUer Dozer Oua'a=tecd Buy Back TOTAL COS'T e ivery Time in Calendar Days r Receipt of Order Sp¢cificafioo Literature Attache. d? WaJ'ra~ty Literature Attached? Name anci Address or Service Facility Prompt Payment Terms: Adde-ds Acknowledged: (.0 0 days (_0{~ days da)s ~----~s __No ~,~--~s __No YEs __NO ~s _~o ~s __~o _~s __No __% .days ,% days Net 15 days Net. ~ days ~yEs ~No ~'/~s NO W1TNESS: days __%T.S __NO __YES NO % ....... days Net -- days __YES NO YES Cheryl L. Gentry, Purchasing Technician ~da.vs Net~ days .__NO "No Bids" received from: MAR I§ I997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE THE CONVEYANCE OF WATER FACILITIES TO FLORIDA CITIES WATER COMPANY AND EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS TERMINATING INTERIM WATER SERVICE AGREEMENTS Q..l~: That the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District approve the conveyance of water facilities to Florida Cities Water Company and authorize the chairman to execute the agreements terminating interim water service agreements. CONSIDERATIONS: The Florida Cities Water Company applied for a territorial expansion of their Water and Sewer Service Area. On February 24, 1997, the Collier County Water & Wastewater Authority approved the expansion of Florida Cities Water Company Water and Sewer Service Area. (See Attachment I) The Collier County Water-Sewer District had previously accepted a two-inch (2") potable water main which currently serves David Lawrence Mental Health Center, Messiah Lutheran Church, and the Tech Foundation (Step by Step). On February 7, 1995, the Board approved three agreements between the Collier County Water-Sewer District and the Florida Cities Water Company providing for interim water service. These agreements are recorded in the Public Records of Collier County at O.R. Book 2205, Pages 267 through 275. On August 3, 1993, the Board approved an agreement between the Collier County Water-Sewer District, the TECH Foundation, and the David Lawrence Foundation for Mental Health, Inc. for interim water service. This agreement is recorded in the Public Records of Collier County at O.1L Book 1852, Pages 1779 through 1783. On August 31, 1993, thc TECH Foundation paid a Collier County Water- Sewer District water system development charge in the amount of $4,500.00. In addition, on April 26, 1995, the TECH Foundation paid to the County $1,485.00, which was passed on to Florida Cities Water Company for payment of water impact fees due to Florida Cities Water Company. Florida Cities has received all water impact fees that are due to them, either directly from customers or as a pass through from the County. The County is not due any water impact fees from Florida Cities Water Company or frown ~~ any customers. MAR 1 8 1997 Executive Summary - Florida Cities Water Company Proposed Service Expansion Page 2 The County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved the Bill of Sale, Agreement that Terminates Three Interim Water Service Agreements, and Agreement That Terminates Interim Water Service Agreement for legal sufficiency. FISCAL IMPACT: The five customers being served by the interim agreemefits are charged for service by passing-through Florida Cities' charges. Allowing Florida Cities to directly serve these customers will have no revenue impact. (See Attachment 2) The cost of the two-inch (2") water main and associated meters were paid by the customers or Florida Cities and the conveyance of said facilities to Florida Cities Water Company will have no fiscal impact. Because the TECH Foundation is to now be served by Florida Cities, the $4,500.00 Collier County Water-Sewer District water system development charge that had been previously paid will be refunded. This will necessitate a budget amendment moving funds in the amount of $4,$00.00 from reserves into the appropriate budget line item. Thc recording of the legal documentation in the amount of $75.00 which has been budgeted in account number 408-210110-649030 will be applicable. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: The Interim Public Works Administrator reconxmend~ that the Board of County Conunisdonen as the governing body of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-Officio th~ Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District do the following: 1. Approve the conveyance oftho two-inch (2") water line to Florida Cities Water Company and authorize the Chairman to execute the Bill of Sale. 2. Approve the Agreement that Terminates Interim Water Service Agreement betw~ the Collier County Water-Sewer District and Florida Cities. 3. Approve thc Agreement that Terminates Interim Water Service Agreement between thc Collier County Water-Sewer District, thc TECH Foundation and the David Lawrence Foundation for Mental Health, Inc. I [ MARl81997 Executive Summary - Florida Cities Water Company Proposed Service Expansion Page 2 The County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved the Bill of Sale, Agreement that Terminates Three Interim Water Sexvice Agreements, and Agreement That Terminates Interim Water Service Agreement for legal sufficiency. FISCAL IMPACT: The five customers being served by the interim agreements are charged for service by passing-through Florida Cities' charges. Allowing Florida Cities to directly serve these customers will have no revenue impact. (See Attachment 2) The cost of thc two-inch (2") water main and associated meters were paid by the customers or Florida Cities and the convc-yancc of said facilities to Florida Cities Water Company will have no fiscal impact. Because the TECH Foundation is to now be served by Florida Cities, the $4,500.00 Collier County Water-Sewer District water system development charge that had been previously paid will be refunded. This will necessitat~ a budget amendment moving funds in the amount of $4,500.00 from reserves into the appropriate budget line item. The recording of the legal documentation in the amount of $75.00 which has been budgeted in account number 408-210110-649030 will be applicable. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. ~: The Interim Public Works Admini~a~r recommends that the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of Collier Count, Florida, ~ as Ex-Officio th~ Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District do the following: 1. Approve the conveyance ofthe two-inch (2") water line to Florida Cities Water Company and authorize the Chairman to execute the Bill of Sale. 2. Approve thc Agreement that Terminates Interim Water Service Agr~m~t between the Collier County Water-Sewer District and Florida Cities. 3. Approve the Agreement that Terminates Interim Water Service Agreement between the Collier County Water-Sewer District, tho TECH Foundation and the David Lawrence Foundation for Mental Health, Inc. [ HAR181997 Executive Sununary - Florida Cities Water Company Proposed Service Expansion Page 3 Approve the refund of $4,500.00 in water impact fees that was paid to the County by the TECH Foundation. Approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $4,500, to be established from Water Impact Fee Fund 411, to be utilized in refunding the water hnpnct fee paid by the TECH Foundation. Authoriz~ the recordation of the Bill of Sale, Agreement that Terminates Interim Water Service Agreement and Agreement that Terminates Three Interim Water Service Agreements. PREPARED BY: Cindy M. Er~Senior Engineering Technic]an Edward N.-l~nn, Ope~tions Director APPROVED BY: ~' '7 ~'7 Raymond'W. Miller, P.E., Interim Public Works Administrator Attachment 1 - Territorial Expansion Map Attachment 2 - Customers that will become Florida Cities customers HAR I 8 1997 ATTACHMENT 1 Proposed ~V:ltc, r and Wnstewnler Terrilorial Exp:~nsion [:loridn Cilies ~¥al~r (.'Olill)Jlli)' (for illustration purposes only) Mao of Florida Cities Existin~ Territory S?~'ed and proposed Expansioo Area1~ ! I LEGEND: ~ Existing Water and Wastewater Territory Proposed Water and Wastewater Territorial Expansion Proposed Wastewater Ten'itorial Expansion (not included in water expansion) J HAR ~ 8 ATTACHNiENT 2 COUNTY CUSTOMERS THAT WILL BECOME FLORIDA CITIES WATER CUSTOMERS Jehovah's Witness - 4611 Green Boulevard - exi~ng 5/8" meter Billing Addreas: Golden Gate Congregation of Jehovah's Witness P.O. Box 990265 Naple~, FL 34101 David Lawr~ce Centex - 6075 Golden Gate Boulevard - ~xisting 2' rna~er meter which the Messiah Lutheran Church and the Tech Foundation (Step by Step) Billing Address: David Lawrence Center 6075 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, FL 34116 M~iah Lutheran Church - 5800 Golden Gate Boulevard - existing sA" meter Billing Addreas: M~siah Lutheran Church P.O. Box 990356 Naples, FL 34101-0356 Tech Foundation I ½, meter Billing Address: (Step by Step) - 5860 Golden Gate Boulevard - misting Tech Foundation Step by Step P.O. Box 9409 Naples, FL 34101 Naples Christian Academy - 3161 Santa Barbara Boulevard - existing 2' meter Billing Address: Naples Christian Academy 3161 Santa Barbara Boulevard Naples, FL 34116 MAR ~ 8 1997 AGREEMENT THAT TEILM~qATES ~E INTERIM WATER SERVICT. AGREEMENTS TI-~S AGREEM~EN'T, entered into th~s day ot' ,1997. by and betwee~ BOARD OF COLrNTY COI~ISSIO~,;ERS OF COLLIT, R COUNTY. FLOR[DA u EX-O~cio ~e Govm, lng Boa;d ot'the Collier County Walet. S~wet Difn~c~ w~th its prLr~ place ofbusineu a~ 3301 Eat Tarniarni Trail, Naples, Fk~rida, 34112 (l~reinaR~ referred to as "County"), aaxl FLOR.I]3A CITIES WATER COM:PAN~, · Florida Co--on, w~th its principal place of business at ,1837 Swift Road, Suite 100,~ Saruots, Florida, 342:~7. (hereinafter referred to u "Company"). I. To accomplish tr~uu£er of m'v~ce ~rea from the County to the Company. the parties hereby terminate the following water ~-r~ice agrocments, all dated £d~us7 7. 1995: (a) Three paje a~-tment regarding a water ~erv~e meter lecated ou Green Boulevard, Block 68, Lot 7: one (I) EquiYalent Residenual Connec~on. Cb) ~ page ag~ecmem regarding a master water service meter located ia the southwest comer of Block 228 at lhe Intersection of Santa Barbara Bonlevard and GoMen Gate Parkway: t~iny.two and one.halF(32.5) Equivalent Residential Connect~otu. (c) Three page agreement regarding a master water servke meter located la Block 269, Lot 10 on Santa Barbara Boulevard: ten (10) Equivalent Residential Cotmect~ons. 2. TIUs a~eement shall be recorded by County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COU.'~rI'Y AND COMPANY have execmed this A~eement in their respective names by authorized officer~ the day and year IL~ written above. ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock BOA. RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA., AS EX- OFFICIO THE GOV~R.~ING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT B)': By: Deputy Clerk Timothy L. Han~k, Chairman ApproYed as to Form tad Legal Su~cicncy Thomu C. Palmer ! Assist&m County Atlomcy AGREEMENT THAT TERMINATES INTERIM WATER SERVICE AGREEMEN~T TI~S AGREEIVFE,XFT is entered into this day of .1997. by and betwee~ BOARD OF COUNTY CO~,~41SSION'ERS OF COLLIZR COUNTY. FLOR/DA as EX-Or, cio the Govern.in~ Boa'd of the Colliet County Watt. t-St. wet District, wil.b iu principal place ofbu~ineaa at 3301 East TamiarnJ Trail. Naples, Florida, 34112 (~fcrmd to herein as "County"), the TECH Foundation (referred ~o herein u "TT. CH~, ~d the Da'4d Lawrence Foundation for Me-nra] Health. l~c.. a Florida Corporation (referred m be~in aa "TM~. 1. To accomplish transfer of service area ~om the County Io Florida Cities Wmet Company, the pmies be'r~o terminate the L~TERIM WATER SERVICE ^GILEE]d~'NT entered into by ali thn~e paz~es hereto on Au~usl 3, 1993, and recorded o~ Au$,usi 5, !g93 si ~a] Record Book 1852, pages 1779 through 1783, public; rec;c~rda of Col]Jet County. 2. 'f'bJs agreernm! shall be recorded by the County. IN tA, q'i"N~SS ~'HEREOF, COLLIER COLrNTY, TECI'L and ~ have executed Otis A~eemen! by t~eir respect~,,'e authorized o~cet~ the day and ye. ar ~ wna~n above. ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock By:. Deputy C~rk ,"~'lmess ~ to Tecb Witness as to Tecb '6/irness as to FMH BOARD OF COUNTY CO]~iM~SSlONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORI:DA, AS EX- OFFICIO THE GOVERNI~rG ~OARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WAT~R-SEW~ER DISTRICT By: Timothy L. Hincock, Ckslruml TECH FOt:,'N'DATION , FOL.'NDATION FOR ~..NTAL HEALTH. INC. Pre~ident of the Corporation Approv.ed as to Form Su~cicnc.v Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Anomey EXHIBIT "A" APPROXIMATELY 3.450 LI2VEAR FEET OF A 2" WATER LINE, COMMENCING AT ~ NORTH FAST CORN'ER OF SANTA BARBARA BOULEVARD AND GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY, CROSS~G SANTA BAI~BARA BOL'LE%'ARD. EXTENDING W~ST ALONG TH~ NORTHERN RIGHT-OF- WAY OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY, ALONG v, Tn-I WATER SERVICE M~TF.R$ DESCRII{ED A~ ~ FOLLOWING: METERS LOCATED ON GOLDEN GATE P.~ICKWAY TFLAT SERVES THE TECH FOUNDAT10N AND MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH. 2. METER LOCATED ON GREEN BOULEVARD. BLOCK 68, LOT 7 THAT SERVES TH~ JEHOVAH'S WITNESS. IViETER LOCATED IN BLOCK 269. LOT 10 ON SANTA BARBARA BOL"LEVARD THAT SERV'ES .~.-LPLES CI. OLISTLAN ACADEM'Y. MASTER METER LOCATED 12V THE SOL'TH'WrEST COIL",'ER OF BLOCK 228 AT TH~ INTERSECTION OF SANTA BARBARA BOULEVARD AND GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY WH]CH SERVES DAVID LAWRENCE CENTER. MESSIAH LUTHERAN C1R;RCH A.N'D TH~ TECH FOU'N'DATION (STEP BY STEP). MAR ,B 1997 This msm~em prrp~ by: CL. xly M. E~ S~or En~.edn~ Tectu~ician Collier Comity Public Works 3~,O! E~ T~rn~mnJ Trail N,~les. T~orid~ 34112 (941) 732.2575 BILL OF SALE TI'OS BILL OF SALE e"ddencing the sale and conveyance of the wmet utitity facilities descnbed herein is made OU, ~ay of ,1997 by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY CO~,~OSSIOI'~ERS OF COLLLER COUNTY, FLOILK)A, AS TH~ GOVEILNL~G BOARD OF COLLAR COUTTTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO ~ GOVERNING BOARD OF TI'FE COLLFI:R COU'N'~' WATER.SEW'ER DIS'rR]CT, Om't'inaR~ referred to a~ and FLOR.IDA CITI~S WATER COM~PANY, a Florida Corporation. its suttee, sots and ('l~'reinaftet referred to a~ "Buyer"). W1TNESSETH: That S.~d Seller, for and in consideration of the sum often Doll~-'~ (SIO.O0) ~d o~ valuable consid~atJon to said Seller in h~d p~d by ~e ~id Buy~, ~e ~eipt wh~fis h~eby ~wl~g~, ~ ~t~, b~g~n~, ~ld. ~f~ ~ ov~ ~ deliv~, ~d b~ ~ p~ d~ ~t, b~g~. ~11, ~sf~, ~ ~ ~ deliv~ ~ ~e ~uy~. Buy~'s succ~ ~d usi~ [o~. ~1 ~ c~ wat~ mili~ f~iliti~ l~ng ~n follo~ng d~ I~, toge~ wi~ a~t ~t 6~ for ~e ~n~ to ~: SEE ATTACEED ~lT "A" ~CORPOILATED H~RE~I BY REFERENCE The Seller, For itself and its successors, hereby covenants to and with the Buyer and its successors and assigns that it is the lawful owner of the sa~d goods and chattels herein refcrre~ :,:, as water ufili~, facilities; that said goods and chattels a~e ~ f~om all liens ~ encumbrances: that ~t has good right, t~lle and authority Io sell same. and that it will warran! and defend the same against the la~'ful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. Seller and Buyer ate used for stngulaz or plural, a.s the comext requires. V, IT'N'ESS WHEREOF. SELLER ha~ caused the~e presents to be executed the date and .year above written. ATTEST: D~'IGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMPUlSION'ERS COLLn:R CO~, FLOR. I~A, AS ~ GOVERN]NG BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OF~CIO TEE GOVER..NTNG BOARD OF THE COLLAR COL,~"FY WATER.SEWER DISTRICT BY: TL~OTHY L. HANCOCK. CHMR.~L~'q t AWARD A CONTRACT FOR BID NO. 9%2642, ~ PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING TO MASTERS GROUP, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $77,411.00. ~ To award a contract to dredge approximately 8,000 cubic yards of sand that has clogged the pass and inner channel leading toward closure of the pass. ~ Sealed bids for Bid No. 97-2642 were opened on February 26, 1997. Advertisement for bids was posted on February 10, 1997. Invitations to bid were sent to forty-three vendors. A summary of the bids received is as follows: CONTRACTOR Masters Group, Inc. Subaqueous Service, Inc B. J. Excavating Enterprises, Inc. Florida Dredge and Dock, Inc * Corrected Amount $77,411.00 $89,675.00* $I10,000.00 $244,500.00 The staff has reviewed the total costs and has found them to be correct as tabulated above. The engineer's estimated cost of construction was $92,250.00. A thorough review of the proposals was conducted by the staff and design professional. As a result, based upon verified experience whh this method of construction, it is recommended that Bid No. 97- 2642 be awarded to Masters Group, Inc., P. O. Box 2725, Clewiston, Florida 33440 in the amount of $77,411 00 being the lowest qualified and responsive bidder, FISCAL IMPACT: Cost: Fund Cost Center: Project Number: $77,411.00; to be obligated in the budget for FY 96/97. (195) Tourist Development - 60% (110406) Beach Renounshment & Pass Maintenance - Category A (80222) Clam Pass Inlet Management Approval of a budget amendment is necessary whereby funds in the amount of $85,152.00 ($77,411.00 plus 10% contingency) will be transferred from the reserves of Fund 195 to Account No. 195- 110406-763100-80222 to provide sufficient funds for this obligation. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None MAR 1 8 1997 Executive Surrumry Clara Pass Maintemmce Dredging March 3, 1997 Page 2 RECOI~d~IE~A~OH2 That the Board of County Commi~oners: 1. Award a comract for Bid No. 97-2642, Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging to Masters Group, Inc. in the amount of$77,411.00. 2. Approve the necessary budget amendment. 3. Authorize the Chairman to execute the contract. PREPARED BY: Harold E. Huber, Project Manager III Office of Capital Projects Management Date: 3-')-q'7 Date:.~_~,' anachraenT CC~ Steve Camell, Purchasing Department Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee Humiston & Moore Engineers Masters Group, Inc. MAR 18 1997 WORK ORDER # VC-7? "General Contractor's Services" Contract ~95-2334, Dated March 28, 1995 This Work Order is for General Contractor's Services, subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract referenced above, for work known as: Golden Gate Community Center Auditorium Renovation The work is specified in the proposal dated December 18. I~6 from which is attached hereto and made part of this Work Order. In accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement referenced above, Work Order #VC-7_7 is assigned to: Wm. J. Varien Construction Company Task Schedule of Work; purchase order. Remodel auditorium including alternates #I..4 per drawings and specifications by Barany Schmidt & Weaver dated November 27, i996, and Addendum #1 dated December 11, 1996. Complete within six weeks; April 7, 1997 to May 16, 1997 of receiving >Liquidation Damages: Compensation $250.00 per day will be ~ssessed for each day Substantial Completion exceeds that date. Alternates No. ! and No. 3 can exceed that date to allow equipment / material delivery. In accordance with Item 3 of the Agreement, the County will compensate the Firm in accordance with the negotiated lump sum amount provided in the schedule below. Total Fee $108,000.00 Any change made subsequent to final department approval will be considered an additional service and charged according to an executed Change Order as enumerated in Exhibit D of the Agreement. REVIEWED BY: > ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk By: Date Deputy Clerk P~k~; and Recreation , Director Date , Department BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Collier County, Florida By: Chairm'~ % Contractor Work Order # VC-77 Page 2 ATTEST: (Corporate Secretary) By: Typed Name and Title By: Signature (or) witnesses ( 2 ) ~- Signature Approved as to Form and Legal Su ffici en(~~____~,~,~ ~ Michael W. Pettit Assistam County Attorney Signature (Print Name) 941-775-1178 Fax 941-732-0820 Collier · 122CGA S.I~. ~ WM ARIAN CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractor 1400 Blue Point Ave. $102 Naples, FL 34112 December 18, 1996 Mr. Brooks Swanson, BSW c/o Mr. John Dunnuck, Supervisor Golden Gate Community Center 4701 Golden Gate Park~'ay Naples, FL 34116 AUDITORIUM REMODEL Per Drawings and Specifications by Barany Schmitt & Weaver dated November 27, 1996, and Addendum #1 dated December 11, 1996. We hereby acknowledge receipt of Addendum #I dated December 11, 1996. We are pleased to submit the following lump sum base bid to complete the above referenced project: Seventy eight thousand three hundred and 00/100 ........ ($75,300.00) ALT #1: Handicap Lift At this time we are still researching cost of this item. ALT #2: Stage Floor Refinishing ADD: $1,900.00 ALT #3: Stage Curtains ADD: $ 7,700.00 ALT #4: Under Stage Doors ADD: $ 2,050.00 WM. J.~VARIAN C~NSTRUCTION COMPANY HAR 1 1997 Pg. ~¢. 19 '.q~ 9:09 941-77~ 1178 Fa~ 941.732-0820 WM VRIAN CONSTRUCTION CO. Ge~'~erc~ C~r~troctor 1400 BI~e I:~:~nt Ave. ~1~ I~:x)~es. I:L 34112 December 19, 1~)6 TO: Mr. Brooks Swanson. BSW Mr. John Dunnuck. Supe~lsor FROM: Bill Verlan REt Golden Cate Communi~/Center Auditorium Remodel C4:~ler ~ S.R. As rvque, cd, we have completed our research D,o fnslailfaf a handicap Jilt as see faith in Ihe specifications for the obove, r~fe~-eaced project. ALT#i Handicap Lift ADD: S I ~,OM.O0 If there are an). questions, please coil BURE?Y CDNB'I'RUC'I'ION CDMI=ANY December 17, 1996 John Dunnick Barany, Schmitt, Weaver Partners 3050 N. Horseshoe Drive Suite 164 Naples, Florida 34104 RE: GO~DEN GATE C0tlH~Z'~ CENTER This letter shall serve as our proposal to furnieh labor, materials, taxes and equipment necessary for the renovation per your drawing dated 11/27/96 - Page O, Al,A2 and El. Please feel free to call if you should have any questions. Respectfully, ~addox Estimator JM/j h proposal\ggcommun.jm 2t44~ $o~'~' ?l,'n~,~, ?'a,~ Sv,te 109 CGC · :~',~1 $0'~"9s. F~,~ 33923 CGC e031578 VANDERBILT BAY CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2340 J & C ~everd N~e~, FL 34109 Tel~d~ (941) 591-09~0 Fa~ (941) 591-8181 December 18, 1996 Bayany Schmitt Weaver 3050 N. Horseshoe Drive Suite 164 Naples, Florida 34104 Artn: Brooks Swanson Re: Golden Gate Community Center Auditorium Renovations Dear Brooks, We appreciate you giving Vanderbilt Bay Construction, Inc. the opportunity to supply you with our quote for Auditorium Renovations for the Golden Gate Community Center per Bid Notification dated 11/27/96 and plans dated 11/27/96 pages A-l, A-2 and E-l, also Addendum # I dated 12/I 1/96 as follows: All necessary labor, material, equipment and supervision to complete the scope of work as listed per plans and specifications above. TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID ................................. $ ~) -~ ~'c..,. - · ADD ALT.#1: HANrDICAP LIFT .................................. $ .- ADD ALT.#2: STAGE FLOOR ........................................... $ .-~ , '/ :~ t'. : , ADD ALT.#3 STAGE CURTAINS: ..................................... $ '! c: :', c ,' ADD ALT.//4 REPLACE UNDER STAGE STORAGE ACCESS DOORS: .............................. I 1 8 1997 The following c]arific..ttion~ sh~ll become a pM ofour bid ~nd contract: -VCT over existing flooring with no guerentee of'the substrate. -No Permits or Fees -Includes black ceiling tile in lieu ofp~nt over ~ge re'ea. -Some electrical material will not be avall~ble in the specified time period. -Hollow metal lead time will require eight (8) weeks a~er approval of' Shop Drawings. -Stage curt~n will not be installed in the time period specified. -Ifaw~ded this contract we will not agree to liquidated dam~es due to short construction time allowed & ~ome of the specified material. We will make every effort to complete this project as quickly as possible. Respec~fi~ily submitted, President~ ~ D.fB/bmw / IlAR 1 8 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AWARD THE CONTRACT TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS AT IMMOKALEE RECREATION/AQUATIC CENTER TO VANDERBILT BAY CONSTRUCTION INC. Objective: To award Work Order #VB 18 (under Contract 95-2334) to Vanderbilt Bay Construction Inc. for improvements at the Industrial Arts building at Immokalee Recreation/Aquatic Complex. Considerations: The Board of County Commissioners approved during the budget process improvements at the Industrial Arts Building at the Immokalee Recreation/Aquatic complex. These improvements include relocation of the Fitness Center, creating an aerobics area and installation of a new entrance to the Fitness Center. On February 20, 1997 four (4) proposals were received for the improvements, one of which was a No Bid (attached is a bid tabulation sheet.) The apparent Iow proposal was submitted by Vanderbilt Bay Construction Inc. with a total price of $121,989. This price includes renovation of the existing Industrial Arts building and creating a new entry to the Fitness Center at a base price orS114,849. Alternates to the base bid are as follows: ( 1 ) Paint canopies $1,000. (2) Provide mirrors in multi-purpose room $1,500. (3) Relocation of air conditioning condenser unit $2,640. (4) Clip existing roof fasteners $2,000. Fiscal Impact: Total project cost is $121,989. Funds to cover the cost of these improvements are in Fund 306-1563382, Project #80064. Growth Management: Immokalee Recreation/Aquatic Complex is inventoried in the County's Growth Management Plan. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners award the contract for improvements at Immokalee Recreation/Aquatic Complex to Vanderbilt Bay Construction Inc. and authorize the Chairman to sign an agreement with Vanderbilt Bay Construction Inc. after review and approval by the County Attorney's Office. Mm'do Smith, Recreation Manager Department of Parks and Recreation Date ..~-..~-- ,~ Reviewed .~ ~..~, ~/~ and Approved by: /~i /~t,f~.Pl~ M~'la ~ey, D~r&t0r' ~ ~ent of P~ks ~d ~ation R ewed anaS e Approved by:_ . ct Department of Purchasing Reviewed and Approved by:: Thomas W. Olliff, Administr~ Division of Public Services Date~'7 FE~. ~20'gTITHU) ]$:12 FAC HGHTIPURCH TEL:l-941-?93-3795 P. 001 February20, 1997 Vmderblh Bay Corm. Inc. V~an Corm. Co. SureW Corot Co. Chris-Tel Cons~. Co Subject: Immokalee ~m~ss Center Renov~ions. Bidder Base Bid Alt. #1 Alt. #2 Alt. #3 Ah. ~4 To'al Vanderbilt $114,84900 !,000.00 1,500.00 2,640.00 2,000.00 Surety 116,630.00 3,462.00 1,950.00 3,8~0.00 1,730.00 12~,652 Vari~ 129,500.00 1,850.00 2,150.00 3,520.00 1,800.00 Chris Tel NO BID Vanderbitt Bay Cortst. appears to have submitted tM low~st proposal. Thank you again for submirting your proposals. I know that it is time comumiag but i! is necessary to keep the program in place. My l~t Fax was in error, the meeting that was canceled was 9AM on Feb. 26~ not Feb. 24~. ~fflacSrognale, Construction ,Manager ~/ Department of Facilities Management RECOMbI~NDATION TRAT ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE~ ADOPT RESOLUTIONS RECINDING A NO-PARKING ZONE ALONG COUNTY ROAD 29 IN TRE VICINITY OF OUTDOOR RESORTS, CIIOKOLOSKEE ISLAND, TO ALLOW OFF-ROAD VEHICLE AND BOAT TRAILER PARK~G, AND ESTABLISH A LIMITED NO-PARKING ZONE ON AN ADJACENT RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SAFETY OILIECTIVE: To reeatablish a parking ~rea ~long C.R. 29 that was traditionally used by the bo&ting public as a roagside parking area. CONSIDERATIONS: The County Commission directed staff to hold & public meeting to discuss the idea of eliminating the no-parking zone that was established near Outdoor Resorts, Chokoloskee Island on C.R. 29. A meeting was held by the Transportation and Park's staff at which approximately 25 persons attended. The consensus was unanimous at the meeting that the best ~lution to the parking problems that exist at this location was to eliminate the no-parking zone. The attached resolutions do two things; 1.) Rescind the previous resolution that created the no-parking zone originally, and 2.) establish a no parking zone only on the narrow east side of the road adjacent to the bike path, as parking in this area may cause safety c~ncelTIS. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of this action is negligible as it would only require the removal of the existing no-parking signs. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS adopt the attached resolutions removing the no-parking zone on the west side of C.R. 29 near Outdoor Resorts, and establishing a no-parking zone on the east side ofthe road near the bike path. Prepared and Recommended by: ~~, L~' ~1 _ Tho~n-a~W.'-Olliff, ~:~c Services Administrator IlAR I 8 1997 RESOLUTION NO. g7-~_._.. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF A NO PARKING ZONE ALONG A PORTION OF THE COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ON COUNTY ROAD (C,R.) 2g IN THE vICINr'r'Y OF OUTDOOR RESORTS, CHOKOLOSKEE ISLAND, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 80-47 goveml parking In the unlncorlx)ratad areas of Collier County; and WHEREAS, this Resolution supamedes Resolution gl-lg~' WHEREAS, Section Four of ~aid Ordinance authorizes the Board of County Commlssloner~ to adopt resolutions designating certain areas along County roads as areas In which parking, standing, or stopping are resfltcted or prohibited; end WHEREAS, Section Four of Collier County Ordinance No. 80-47 further provides thal upon adoption of a resolution by the Board of County Commissioners, County roads shall be posted with signs specifying any parking, standing or stopping restrictons or prohibitions; and WHEREAS. it has been determined to be in the best interests of the County to establish a no parking zone along a specified section of Counb/road right-of-way on C.R. 29. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: the following specified section of County road fight-of-way be designated as a 'No Parking' zone and that said road be posted with signs specifying that parking is prohibited at any time: 'No Parking" to extend from the centerline of the road on the easterly side of C,R. 29 outward for a distance of thirty-five feet (35'); 'No Parking' zone Io start at the section corner of Sections 25, 30, 31 end 36 (Florida Department of Transportation Right-of-way Station 33+20) and Io extend a distance of 3,000 feet north (Florida Department of Transportation Right-of-way Station 63+20) along the centarfine of C.R. 29, more parliculady described on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favoring same. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Approved as to.form and legal sufficiency: H~i I~. AShto~ -- -- Assistant County Attorney RDM/Im/031 lgTno parking zone.doc BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN Agenda Item" No ,...~ HAR 1 8 1997 Pg. ~ ___, EXHIBIT "A" SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST AND SECTION 30. TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION NO PARKING AREA A parcel of land which ex~ends 35 feet easterly from the following described line: Commencing et the southwest comer of Section 30, Township 53 South, Range 30 East and al~o b~ing known Is State of Florida State Road Department Right-Of Way Map Stat[on 33+20,00. thence along the east line of said Seclion 30 N 0*0Z14'"E I distance of 300 feet to the Point of Beginning. Thence along the same east line of ~ald SecUon 30 N 0'02'14'E es distance of 1134.5~ feet of P.C Station 47+54,5~; thence leaving said section line along a ~ to the no~lhwest said curve hev~ng I carmel angle of 39'07'59'. · radius of 2292.01 feet, a distance of 15~5,44 feet to Staf.'o~ ~3+20.00 and the poinl of ending. Bearings based upon those shown on the F.D.O,T. Right of Way Map, THIS IS A SKETCH OF THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. PREPARED BY: TKANS?DRTATION SERVICES DIVISION COLLIr'~ COUNTY (;OV£RNMENT COMPLEX 3301 Z. T~IA~,I TRAIL NAPLES, FL 33962 (813) 77&-8260 I FIAR ! 8 l$97 Ft~SOLUTION NO. g7- A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO, gl-lg, THEREBY RESCINDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NO PAJ~KING ZONE ALONG A PORTION OF THE COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ON COUNTY ROAD (C.R,) 2g IN THE VICINITY OF O~R RESORTS, CHOKOLOSKEE ISLAND, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 80-47 governs parking in I~e unincorporated ama~ of Co,liar County; and WHEREAS, SecUon Four of ~aid Ordinance author[zes tim Board of County Commlssionem to adopt resolutions designating certain areas along County Roads as areas In which parking, standing, or stopping ara restttcled or prohlbltad; and WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissionam adopted Resolution No, 91-19 on January 0, 1991 establishing a 'No Parking' zone along a po~on of C,R. 29 in the vicinity of Outdoor Resorts, Chokoloskee Island, Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, it has been determined to be in the best interests of the County to rescind Resolution No. 91-19. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA that the following specified section of County road right-of-way is no longer required to be designated as a 'No Parking* zone for public safety: 1. The centerline of the road both on the weslerly and easterly sides of C.R. 29 outward for a distance of thirty-five feet (35'); 'No Parking' zone to start at the section corner of Sections 25, 30, 31 and 36 (Florida Department of Transportation Right-of-way Station 33+20) and to exdend a distance of 3,000 feel north (Florida Departmenl of Transportation Righl-of-way Station 63+20) along the centerllna of C.R. 29, more particularly described on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and incorporated herein by ret'erence. 2. Resolution No, 91-19 creating the parking prohibition is hereby rescinded, This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favoring same. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Ap~,oved as to form and legal sufficiency: Hei~h-]:'. A~ht~n ~sis~nt Coun~ Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN ROM/thY031097.~1o Pkg.doc HAR 1 8 1997 6 '7 i0 II 12 13 RESOLUTION NO, g7~ A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO, g1-19, THEREBY RESCINDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NO PARKING ZONE ALONG A PORTION OF THE COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF. WAY ON COUNTY ROAD (C.R.) 29 IN THE VICINITY OF OUTDOOR RESORTS, CHOKOLOSKEE ISLAND. COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 80-47 governs parking in the unincorporated areas of Collier County; and t4 WHEREAS, Section Four of said Ordinance authorizes the Board of County Commissioners tS to adopt resolutions designating certain areas along County Roads as areas In which parking, 16 slanding, o¢ stopping are restricted or prohibited; and I? WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 91-19 on II January B, 1991 establishing a 'No Parking' zone along a portion of C.R. 29 in the vicinity of 19 Outdoor Resorts, Chokoloskee Island, Collier County, Florida; and 2o WHEREAS, it has been determined to be in the best interests of Ihe County to rescind 21 Resolution No. 91-19. 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 34 36 3? 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4'7 48 49 ~0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the follow~ng specified section of County road right.of-way is no longer required to be designated as a 'No Parking" zone for public safety: 1. The centerline of' the road both On Ihe westerly and easterly sides of C.R. 29 outwarc~ for a distance of thirly-five feet (35'); 'No Parking" zone IO Start at the section corner of Seclions 25.30, 31 and 36 (Florida Department of Trensporletion Right-of-way Station 33+20) and to extend a distance of 3,000 feet north (Florida Department of Transportation Right-of-way Station 63~20) along the centerline of C.R. 29, more parlicularly described on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Resolution No, 91-19 creating the parking prohibition is hereby rescinded. This Resolulion adopted after molion, second, and majority vote favoring same, DATED: Al-rEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA Approved as to form and legal Sufficiency: Heidi F. Ashl~n "' t~ _ Assistant County Attorney BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN RDM~lm/031097/No Pkg.doc 0 EXHIBIT "A" N~G N :>5, TOWNSHIP 55 SOUT. H, RA E :>9 EAST AND SECTION 50, TOWNSHIP 55 SOUTH, RANGE 50 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION #0 PAF~.INC alao ~lug ~o~ aa S~a~e ol ~loriga Irate loag ~epa~aea~ ~l[h~-of-Wa2 Nap 1Ali.~t tee~ ~o P.e. ~{a~lon 17+}i.~$1 ~hemae leaving said sa~lom liaa alii a ~u~ve to ~he uor~es~ aal~ cu~e havinl a central angle ot ~°02,~9', a radius o~ 22~2.01 ~ee~, a dis~m~e ol l~t}.ll Iee~ ~o [~ion t3+20.00 and ~he pola~ of THIS IS A SKETCH OF A LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. P~£PA?,.£D BY: TRANSPOETATION $£RV1C£$ DIVISION ~LLI~ COUNTY ~O~E~N~ENT COHPLEX ~301 [. T~I~I ~AIL NAPL~, FL \ \ MAI 1 8 199 Pg.~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RENEW ITS APPROVAL OF APPRAISERS AND APPRAISAL FIRMS FOR APPRAISAL A]qD VALUATION SERVICES WHICH THE COUNTY MAY REQUIRE FROM TIM]E TO TIME, PURSUANT TO RFP-95-2338. O.~[F~13~: To approve for County use a number of at:~raisers and appraisal firms which have been pre-qualified by staff through a review of their qualifications, their appraisal r~ports, and through a review of references and clients. CONSIDERATION: Real estate appraisers are frequently needed by Collier County to estimate the compensation due to property owners as a result of the necessary acquisition of their properties (or portions thereof) for the construction of public improvement projects such as roads, canals, parks, utility facilities, etc. Real estate appraisers may also be needed by the County to appraise the value of County- owned property which is being contemplated for tale or lease. Assignments can range f~nn simple one- dimensional appraisals using only the comparable sales approach, to complex befor~and-after appraisal problems involving severance damages and estimates of cure, where only a portion of an improved property is being acquired by the County. The purpose of pre-qualifying and approving a list of real estate appraisers is to reduce the time and expense associated with the solicitation of bids for each appraisal assignment while still securing the highest quality servic~ available. Each time appraisal services are required by Collier County, all ofthe appraisers and/or appraisal firms from the appropriate list, and only those appraisers, are invited to submit proposals for service fees and time of delivery. Since implemented in 1987, this pr~ess has promoted competition, and has ensured that Collier County secures high quality services at reasonable prices. Through a review of the responses to RFP 95-2338 (sample appraisal reports and various qualifications statements), the selection committee appointed by the County Manager developed two lists of appraisers for approval by the Board of County Commissioners. One list, called the "Eminent Domain List," is made up of those appraisers who have demonstrated through training and experience a high level of competence in the field of eminent domain appraisal, a very specialized branch of the appraisal profession. Thc level of competence of those respondents placed on the eminent domain list was dca-mined by the selection committee through a combination ofps. st experimc~s with th8 spprlisers, ami through extensive follow-up with past clients and others listed as references by the applicants, lnve~hi-gnt managers, review atypraiser~, fight.of-way agent~, real estate department numaget~, ~torney~ ~ other~ were It is the intent of the Real Property Management Depa~hnent to utilize appraiser~ fi-om lhe Dom~fin List whenever public worl~ projects require the partial talcing of ~n owner's property, or whenever the po~'ibility exis'.~ that a property will have to be acquired through condemnation. WI'file all of the appr~r, er~ on both lira are State Certified General real et'me ~-aiser~ the on the "Standard List," have not focused on eminent domain a~qyraisal ~ a ~ecialty. It i~ the intent of the Real Property Management Department to utilize the appraiser~ on the Standanl L~ for assignments which do not involve partial acquisitions or the threat of eminent domain. Tbe~ lists may be expanded fi-om time to time by ~ubsequent Board a~roval of the ~ddition of oth~ appraiser~ who make proper application for a review of their qualifieatiom. The current appraiser lists will expire on April 11, 1997. The Real Property Management Departm~ recommending renewal of the firms named on the attached lists for a final one year term (from April 11, 1997 through April 10, 1998). In Sanuary 1998, another Request for Proposal will be developed in order to invile the appraisal community to apply for pre-qualification necessary to once again establish two new lists of Board-approved appraisers. FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Tim the Board of Coun1~ Commissioners of Collier Count, Florida, renew ~s "iq)proved appraisers" those appraisers Nd/or appraisal firms named on 'd~ Standard Appraisal I.~ of Appraisers and the Eminent Domain List of Appraisers for Collier Coumy, Florida. PREPARED B · DATE' .~" 4fi'' ~' ro em Direaor REVIEWED BY: ..~~ ~.. ~ Steve C~-nel!, Purchasing Director DATE: E. Ochs, Jr., Suppo~ SeaMers Administrator COLLIER COUNTY APPROVED APPRAISER LIST STANDARD APPRAISAL SERVICES (EFFECTIVE APR.R. 11, 1997) Accredited Appr~i.~s 1601 M~on Avenue, Suite 203 Punta Gorda, f~ 33950 PHONE FAX 941-637-5890 941-575-$657 Appraisal Research Corp. 4306 Arnold Avenue Naples, Florida 34104 PHONE FAX 941-643-6888 941-643-6871 Environmental Science and Engineering 5840 West Cypress Street, Suite A Tampa, Florida 33607 PHONE FAX 813-287-2755 813-287-2722 GM Phillips and Company 825 South Tamiarni Trail, Suite 1 Venice, Florida 34285 PHONE FAX 941.1484-3569 941-484-5497 Hewitt, Olson and Associates 439 Northeast 7th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-1207 PHONE FAX 954-764-5007 954-779-3137 Stewart, Stephan and Bowen, Inc. 1919 Courtney Drive, Suite 9 Fort Myers, Florida 33901 PHONE FAX 941-936-4041 941-936-3141 EMINENT DOMAIN APPRAISAL SERVICES ('EFFECTIV]~ APRIL ! I, !~)7) Douglas J. Dane, MAI Coastal Appraisal Services 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Joseph F. l~ller, ASA P,~ Property Analysts, Inc. 10(X) South Federal Highway, Suite 202 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 Emie Carroll and Raymond Carroll, MAI Ca, rroU & Carroll Real Estate Appraisers 2500 Airport Road South, Suite 206 Naples, Florida 34112 Sewell, Valentich, Tillis and Assoc 766 Hudson Avenue, Suite A Sarasota., Florida 34236 Paul Roper, MAI Clayton, Roper and Marshall 427 North Magnolia Avenue Orlando, FL 32801-1524 Douglas S. Maitland, MAI Criteria and Associates, Inc. 257 Airport Road South Naples, Florida 34 i 04 Victor J. Scodius, ASA American Acquisition Group 5600 West Mariner Street, Suite 220 Tampa, Florida 33609 Woodward S. Hanson, MAI Hanson Appraisal Company 2233 Second Stree~ Fort Myers, Florida 33901 Kenneth R. Devos, MAI 6309 Corporate Court, Suite 208 Fort Myers, Florida 33919 PHONE FAX PHONE FAX PHONE FAX PHONE FAX PHONE FAX PHONE FAX PHONE FAX PHONU~ FAX PHONE FAX 941..643-2324 941-643-1143 954-420-5200 954-420-5388 941-775-1147 941-775-2154 941-365-5111 941-365-3781 407423-0111 407-649-8545 941434-8449 941434-2146 813-287-8191 813-287-8272 941-334-4430 941-334-O403 941-437-2245 9414374250 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RKCOM'M~K~ATION TO AWARD BID NO. 97-2641 FOR KXTKRIOR PRESSURE CL~I~IG. ~ To ob~in Board approval to award Bid No. 97-2641 for exterior pre~sure CONSXDERATIONS: The County desires to have an on-c~ pressure cleanin~ cor~'actor to cle4n the exterior of buildings and I~'ounds of various County properties. On Januu7 31, 1997 formal bid invitations were posted and distributed to 34 vendort that provide this type of t~-rvice. On Februa.,7 19, 1997, three bids were received and opened (see attached Bid Tabulation Sheet). Sutff recommends awsrdini~ to Precision Cleaning Incorporated, ~s they ~re the apparent low bidder. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are appropriated in the Facilities Management Department along with other department budgets. GROWTH MANA~;~tENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Board of County Commissioners award Bid No. 97-2641 for exterior pressure cleaning to Precision Cleaning Incorporated as outlined above. PREPARED BY: ~~ ~~~~. DATE: Skip Cat~pl (~FM,"l~irector Department of Facilities Mana~ent REVIEWED BY: SteP~'~"Y. Carn~ll, Director Purchasing Department REVIEWED BY: Leo E. Ochs, Jr., Administrator Support Services [)ivision DN FOK BID ~97.2641 POSTING DATE: .~anuar~ $1,1997 Sidewalk, walk'ways, concrete, root' tile~ Cost per ~u~re foot PTess~.re Stear~ Cleaning" OPENING DATE: Feb~ 19, 1997 ~A~ONS S~ TO: 34 Vendors ......................... ,.~-~;;;...j;-~-~:~--~ ~,~:~ ..... ~ ............... ~~ ,,~,/,~0 ,~ ~,,',~+,'~ ', e~,~ ~ ............. Wails tnd underha-ugs up to 110 feet Co~t per squar~ foot Are :hree ~-ri~ten references at~ched? Prompt Payment Terms: Addenda Acknowledged: oW~ s s s ,/o s · - ___~e,.~o___.__.~es ~no ~-'~es____no _____y~s .... no % ~vs ..... · ~. al,y, ~,. ~d,~, ~.--~y' ~ Net ~ days Net ~ days N~ ~ days Net ~ &ys W1TNESS: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL ACCOUNTS WHEREIN THE COUNTY HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT AND SAID LIENS ARE SATISFIED IN FULL FOR THE 1991 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners adopt a Resolution approving the Satisfaction of Liens for certain residential accounts where the County has received payment In full for the 1991 Solid Waste ColleCtion and Disposal Services Special Assessments. CONSIDERATIONS: Resolution No. 93-29 adopted by the Board on January 26, 1993 provided for the recording of the list Of 1991 delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments and a mailing of a written notice of the imposition of each residential unit lien. Resolution No. 93-29 was recorded on February 1, 1993 In Official Record Book 1793, Pages 459 through 598 of the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, which placed a lien on certain residential properties for the 1991 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments. Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, provides that Satisfaction of Liens shall be approved by Resolution of the Board of county Commissioners. The attached Resolution lists the 13 accounts that have paid in full for the 1991 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessment Liens. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact for recording the Satisfaction of Lien and the Resolutlon Is approximately $88.50 which is to be charged to Account No. 510.102030-649030. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That that Board of County Commissioners adopt the attached Resolution approving the 13 Satisfaction of Liens for the accounts listed in the Resolution and authorizing the Chairman to sign the 13 Satisfaction of Liens for the 1991 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessment Liens. Prepared b~~x ,~ .... n Para Callis, ~.,countrng Tecnmc~a Reve n/~S~rvices Departme. nt ReviewedbY://~~/-~ r Date: TereSa A. Riesen, Revenue Manage Revenue Se~ices Depa~ment ~ ]onn ~kO~v, Dir~cto~ Revenue ~ices Depa~ Led Ochs, Jr., Admlnlst~tor Suppo~ Se~ices Di.~n NAR ! 8 1991 1 3 4 7 9 Io I1 12 13 16 17 18 ~o 21 22 23 29 31 32 38 3~ 40 41 42 ,~3 44 RESOLUTION NO. g7 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1991 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Board of County Commissioners on January 26, 1993 adopted Resolution No. 93-29 authorizing the recording of notices of liens for the delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1991; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 93-29, was recorded on February 1, 1993 in Official Record Book 1793, Pages 459 through 598 of the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, which placed a lien on certain properties for the delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1991; and WHEREAS. Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board lo approve by Resolution and record in the Official Records a Satisfaction of Lien on all accounts that have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Board recognizes full payment and receipt of the 1991 Service Year Solid Waste: Collection and Disposal Special Assessment for the following accounts numbered below, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No. 93-29, whereupon a lien had been recorded on real property pertaining to the accounts identified herein. The Satisfactions of Lien attached hereto referencing the accounts identified herein are hereby approved and the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners. and the Clerk is directed to record this Resolution and these Satisfactions of Lien individually in the official records of Collier County: Account No. 1504 Account No. 16201 Account No. 23100 Account No. 26806 Account No. 26958 Account No. 40552 Account No. 45609 Account No. 54001 Account No. 58052 Account No. 66659 Account No. 80208 Account No. 84505 Account No. 95400 HAR I 8 1997 7 9 10 II 12 1.1 14 16 I? 18 19 This Resolution adopted this_ second and majodty vote. ATTEST: DW1GHT E, BROCK, CLERK Approved as Io form and legal sufficiency: Ass stant County Attorney day of _,1997 affermot~n, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL ACCOUNTS WHEREIN THE COUNTY HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT AND SAID LIENS ARE SATISFIED IN FULL FOR THE 1993 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners adopt a Resolution approving the Satisfaction of Liens for certain residential accounts where the County has received payment In full for the 1993 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments. CONSIDERATIONS: Resolution No. 94-694 adopted by the Board on September 20, 1994 provided for the recording of the list of 1993 delinquent Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments and a mailing of a written notice of the Imposition of each resldentlal unlt lien. Resolution No. 94-694 was recorded on September 22, 1994 In Official Record Book 1987, Pages 1514 through 1749 of the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, which placed a lien on certain residential properties for the 1993 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments. Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, provides that Satisfaction of Liens shall be approved by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. The attached Resolution lists the 19 accounts that have paid In full for the 1993 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessment Liens. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact for recording the Satisfaction of Lien and the Resolution is approximately S124.50 which Is to be charged to Account No. 510-102030.649030. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That that Board of County Commissioners adopt the attached Resolution approving the 19 Satisfaction of Liens for the accounts listed in the Resolution and authorizing the Chairman to sign the 19 Satisfaction of Liens for the 1993 Solid Waste Collection and Dlsposal Services Special Assessment Liens. Prepared by: -.~~~\ ~~_ Para Callis,~-~ountin~ Technician Reve n u,u~S~ervices Department Reviewed by: ,"~~' ~. ~ Date: Tefes~ A. Riesen, Revenue Manager Revenue Services Department John A~, Yonkosky, Di~ctor~ Revenu~ Services D~pattm~nt Support Services Division RESOLUTION NO. 97 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNT THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1993 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant tO Collier County Ordinance NO. 90-$0, as amended, the BOard of County Commissioners on September 20, 1994 adopted Resolution No. 94-694 authorizing the recording of notices of liens for the clellnquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1993; and WHEREAS, COllier County Ordinance NO. 9~30, as amended, requires the Board to approve by Resolution and record tn the Official Records a Satisfaction of Lien on all accounts that have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant tO Collier County Ordinance NO. 90-30, as amended, the Board recognizes full payment and receipt of the 1993 Service Year Solid Waste Collection and DiSpOSal Special Assessment for the following accounts numbered below, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution NO. 94-694, whereupon a lien had been recorded on real property pertaining to the accounts Identified herein. The Satisfactions of Lien attached hereto referencing the accounts identified herein are hereby approved and the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, and the Clerk Is directed to record this Resolution and these Satisfactions of Lien Individually in the official records of Collier County: 26 27 28 29 3O 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 4O 4l 42 43 44 47 48 49 Account NO. 107 Account NO. 644 Account NO. 673 Account NO. 725 ACCOUnt NO. 1960 ACcount NO. 2765 ACCOUnt No. 3340 ACCOUnt NO. 4404 ACCOUnt NO. 13165 Account No. 15697 ACCOUnt: NO. 18319 ACCOunt NO. 19211 Account NO. 19855 Account No. 20569 ACcount No. 25386 ACCOUnt NO. 26026 Account No. 27070 ACCOUnt NO. 27821 ACCOUnt NO. 2749 MAR ! 8 This Resolution adopted this second and majority vote. 6 ? 8 9 I0 12 14 15 16 18 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~hlrley Jean McEachern Assistant County A[-torney ..gay of _ ,1997 after motion, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAII~MAN recelve~ Davment in tull for the 1992 Solid Waste Collection and DIspo~I ~lces ~ONIIIJlRATIONII ROi01utlon NO, 94.8 8 acloptea tM ,oar on septem e tl, 1994 provlde~ For the recording oF the list of 1992 ~elln~uent soll~ waste collection In0 ~ll~olal le~lc~ special assessmen~ an~ a mailing o~ a wrl~en notice of tM Imposition of each residential unl~ lien. Resolution No, e4.568 ~l recgr~e~ on September 19, 1994 In Official Record Book 1988, Pages 766 tbroug~ 942 Of the Official Records of Collier Count, Florida, which DlaceO a lien on ce~ln residential prope~les for th, lt9~ Solla WaSt, Collection an0 ~11~OIII It~lCtl IDlClal Colller county orclinance NO. 90-30, as amenOe(;l, provlafl Jhitl; lill;lifill;l;Ion of I, lenl t1~1tll bO. ~r)llrov0cl by ~elOlutlon of the lioarl:l of Countv CommlllloMrl. TI~o tt[[~t¢l~e~l I~elolutloll lilt! tho lO aCcourtt! that Mvo Dald Irt tull tot tho ~t~J §ollel Waste Collection ancl Disposal Servlcltl $Declal Als~llmellt Llerll. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal Impact for recording the Satisfaction of Lien and the GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None I~II;OMMINDATIONI Tn,l: thai,Gate of counfv :0111mlll10Ml"l Resolution approving the 36 Satisfaction of Liens on the accounts IlsteO In the Resolution and authorizing the Chairman to sign the ~6 ~tt~f~ctlon of Revenue Services Depap:cnent Reviewed by: ." Date: John ~Yonkosky', ~rect:or/ ReVen..u_e, Services Delbartrt~ent: Leo Ochs, Jr., Administrator SUppo~ Services/Division HAR I 8 1997 I i 2 ? ! 9 II 14 Is 16 1'7 19 2! 22 2~ ~9 3? 39 41 42 48 4~ RESOLUTION NO. g7- A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1992 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-$0, as amended, the Board of County Commissioners on September 19, 1994 adopted ResOlution No. 94-668 authorizing the recording of notices of liens for the delinquent solid waste colleCtion and disposal services special assessments for 1992; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board to approve by Resolution and record In the Official Records a Satisfaction of Lien on all accounts that have been paid In full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. g~$o, as amended, the Board recognizes full payment and receipt of the 1992 Sen/Ice Year Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Special Assessment for the following accounts numbered below, subsecluent to the adoPtiOn of Resolution No. 94-668, whereupon a lien had been recoraed on real property pertaining to the accounts Identified herein. The Satisfactions of Lien attachecl hereto referencing the accounts Identified herein are hereby approved and the Chairman Is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, and the Clerk IS directed to record this Resolution and these Satisfactions of Lien IndlvldualN In the official records of Collier County: ACCOUnt NO. 6606 Account NO. 9250 ACcount No. 11604 ACCOUnt NO. 13806 Account NO. 15202 Account No. 25700 Account NO. 29900 ACCOUnt NO. 34908 Account NO. 35004 Account No. 37400 Account NO. 54302 Account NO. 56850 ACcount NO. 65757 ACCOUnt NO. 66853 Account No. 67658 Account No. 72601 ACCOUnt NO. 75006 Account No. 75857 ACCOUnt No. 79455 Account NO. 98656 ACCOunt NO. 111203 Account NO. 116059 ACCOUnt NO. 129457 ACCOUnt NO. 150750 Account No. 132305 Account NO. 139450 Account No. 139706 ACcount NO. 152822 AcCOUnt NO. 152987 Account NO. 9454 ACCOUnt NO. 13204 Account NO. 18500 ACCOUnt NO. 20307 Account NO. 24358 Account NO. 28202 Account NO. 37604 This ResOlUtiOn adopted this second and majority vote. 19 2O 21 22 24 26 28 29 31 32 ~4 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Shirley Jean McEachern Assistant County Attorney day Of , 1997 after motion, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN RECOMMENDATION TO AI~PROVE A BUDGET AMEND~ TO AFPROI~UATE TI:IF. MAINTEN~ SERVICES I~'~ENUES TIIAT ABE IN EXCESS OF TKEIR BUDGET. l~ To have the Board of Cotmty C_.omaisgom~ ~ lie ~ budget anmxlmem ,ppropriatia$ those revemes received wbid~ ~e is m~m of ~ cunun budget, for the ixirchue of materials and equipmem. CONSIDERATIONI;; As an internal service deparmm~ few-,,,_ __,?~_ ~,~ ~om various "canmm~ depamnm~ a.s paymem for performed. When act~ requests for services exceed tho~ smicipmml at II~ ~ of budget preparation, additional budget authorization is n~ded to additional work requests being received from other depanmm~ Tlis approximately three times per year. These funds are already ~ is tie mcr departments and are merely bein8 transferred to the Building Maimmm~ Sec~e Cost Center. FISCAL IMPACT: The revenues in excess of the current budget ~ I~ appropriated for the purposes of continuin$ operations co 00{-1222&0 in the amount of $12,350. GROWTH MANAGMENT IMPACT: None. _RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Board of Coumy Commhai~ approve the necessary budget amendmems within this summary. PREPARED BY:~ Department of Facilities Management REVIEWED BY: Leo E. Ochs, .Ir., Admi~strator Division of Support Services DATE: 1997 ~EPORT TO THI BOARD OF CO~JrTY t~0~IJSZOS~RS C(~[(~J~&3~3 THE SALE AND TRAWSFE~ OF ITBMS ABSCX2IAT3D Wl'TH THZ CC~]]T~ BU~PLUS AUCTION OF FEBRUARY 22, 1997. ~z To present the results of the recent County property auction to the Board of County Commissioners for ratification. ~z On February 11, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to conduct an auction of specified County-owned assets for the purpose of disposing of these items and generating revenues for the County. The auction was conducted on behalf of the County by First Coast Auction & Realty, Inc. on February 22, 1997. The auction included 25 vehicles from Fleet Management, EMS, and Isle of Capri Fire Department, along with 34 marked and unmarked vehicles, and miscellaneous office equipment and auto parts from the Collier County Sheriff's Office. The remaining items were miscellaneous pieces of furniture, office equipment, and lawn equipment from the Board of County Commissioners. Prior to the auction, several County agencies requested transfer of the assets approved for disposition. Accordingly, these items were turned over to the requesting agencies. Attached is the list of items approved for disposition that have been transferred to County departments and other agencies. The auction generated $191,912.00 in actual gross revenues and $176,559.04 in net revenues. The breakdown of gross and net revenues between the Board of County Commissioners and the Sheriff's Office is as follows. The gross revenue for Collier County is $134,952.00 and $124,155.84 in net revenue. The actual gross revenue for the Sheriff's Office is $56,960.00 and $52,403.20 in net revenue. The Auctioneer's commission is $15,352.96. In order to eliminate any opportunity for delay in receiving the sale proceeds, the auctioneer is required to turn over the gross proceeds from the sale to the County on the day of the event. Two transactions (in the total amount of $57.50) were double-entries in the Auctioneer's computer on the day of the sale; the Auctioneer made immediate refunds, but the amount was included in the County's deposit. The proceeds and sales records have been audited and the County is now prepared to pay the auctioneer his commission, plus the reimbursement of $57.50. AMi, o~ .o.,, Executive Summary Page 2 RE: County Surplus Auction of February 22, 1997 FISCAL IMPACTs Net revenues have been allocated as follows: Airport Authority Department of Revenue Fleet Management Fleet Management Isle of Capri F~re Pelican Bay Road & Bridge Water/Sewer Dist. General Fund Fund 495-192310 Fund 510-102020 Fund 521-122410 Fund 522-122464 Fund 144-144360 Fund 109-182901 Fund 101-163620 Fund 408-253212 Fund 001-121730 $ 598 00 5,750 00 2,079 20 94,116 00 5,980 00 2,576 00 4,232.00 4,968.00 ~,.856.64 Net Proceeds $124,155.84 GROWTH MANAQEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners accept and ratify the revenues for the County Auction held on February 22, 1997 pursuant to the itemized sales report attached herein. PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: ~a~ra Celed~nia, Buyer II Purchasing Department Stephen Ca'nell, CSM, Director Purchasing/General Services Dept. Leo E. Ochs, J~ Administrator Support ServiCeS Division DATE: Q3/05/97 02-26-1997 FIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY, INC dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 All sales SN BN Item Description Tax Price Qty page 1 Total 1 563 119S I 787 143S 1 606 144S 1 965 1475 1 13 151S 1 142 249S 1 605 268S 1 445 271S 1 624 296S 1 983 300S 10 13 500 10 13 501 10 971 502 10 13 503 10 13 504 10 971 505 10 971 506 11 13 507 11 13 508 11 13 509 11 897 510 11 13 511 11 13 512 11 955 513 11 968 514 11 971 515 11 853 516 11 604 521 11 604 522 11 998 525 11 992 526 11 13 528 11 967 529 11 13 531 11 998 533 91 FORD CROWN VIC Y 2FACP72GXMX177132 87 FORD T-BIRD Y 1FABP6030h~183243 87 BUICK CENTURY Y 1G4AL51W7~T432053 89 PLYMOUTH VAN Y 2P4F}{25K7KRl18222 87 FORD CROWN VIC Y 2FABP74F6HX150595 92 FORD CROWN VIC Y 2FACP72WSNX200898 90 CHEV LUMINA Y 2G1WL54T7Llll1598 92 FORD CROWN VIC Y 2FACP72WXNX240299 87 FORD T-BIRD Y 1FABP6236HH228859 88 BUICK CENTURY Y 2G4WB14W5J1401005 COMPAQ CPU A IBM CPU NEC MONITOR IBM CPU PC SYSTEMS CPU COMPAQ MONITOR COMPAQ MONITOR Y DIGITAL KEYBOARD A IBM KEYBOARD IBM KEYBOARD IBM PRINTER Y DIGITAL VT320 MONITOR IBM MONITOR PACKARD BELL MONITOR CANNON COPIER TABLE TOP Y 31" PREMIER CUTTING BOARD Y LEATHER SIDE CHAIR W\ARMS Y GRAY CLOTH SECRETARY CHAIR BLACK LEATHER'CHAIR W\ARMS PLOTTER BOARD W\DIGITIZER Y GREY 3 SHELF METAL BOOKCASE Y 3 SHELF METAL BOOKSHELF A 3 DRAWER METAL CABINET Y SQUARE OAK COFFEE TABLE A GREY METAL 4 DRAWER FILE Y CABINET i 950.00 i 850.00 I 600.00 i 1,700.00 1 900.00 i 2,500.00 I 1,350.00 i 3,350.00 1 1,600.00 I 850.00 1 Sold with item 500 Sold with item 506 Sold with item 500 Sold with item 500 Sold with item 506 1 1 Sold with item 507 Sold with item 507 1 Sold with item 589 Sold with item 589 Sold with item 574 1 1 1 Sold with item 626 Sold with item 626 1 1 1 1 1 1 70.00 70.00 2.50 2.50 62.50 7.50 22.50 20.00 10.00 7.50 10.00 2.50 5.00 02-26-1997 FIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY, dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 Ail sales SN BN Item Description Tax Price Qty page 2 Total 11 604 536 11 981 537 12 979 539 12 979 540 13 992 542 13 613 547 13 653 553 13 967 554 13 631 557 13 955 558 14 612 560 14 790 561 14 943 562 14 623 563 14 612 564 14 13 565 14 567 15 969 568 16 992 569 17 604 571 18 955 574 19 642 575 19 979 576 19 979 577 19 979 578 19 979 579 19 623 580 19 577 581 19 991 582 19 653 583 19 969 584 15 475 585 15 604 586 15 212 587 20 604 588 20 13 589 20 604 590 20 604 591 CANNON COPIER TABLE TOP Y SHARP COPIER TABLE TOP Y PRINTER Y DIGITAL LA424 MULTI PRINTER Y ON STAND FORMICA SHELVED CABINET Y BLACK METAL 2 SHELF Y BOOKCASE BROWN 2 DRAWER FILE CABINET Y BLACK 5 DRAWER FILE CABINET Y (4) GREY METAL INDEX CARD Y FILES (4) WOOD\BURGUNDY CLOTH Y SIDE CHAIRS PICKUP BLACK PLASTIC TOOL Y BOX T~NNANT 17" FLOOR BUFFER Y PH METER Y COMPUTER WORK TABLE PICKUP TAN PLASTIC TOOL BOX Y BROWN FORMICA WORK SURFACE LABORATORY DISHWASHER PANASONIC LASER PRINTER Y WOODEN CREDENZA Y BROWN CLOTH CHAIR DIGITAL VT340 MONITOR, Y KEYBOARD DIGITAL VT320-AZ MONITOR, Y KEYBOARD DIGITAL VT420 MONITOR Y DIGITAL VT420 MONITOR, KEYBOARD DIGITAL VT420 MONITOR DIGITAL VT220 MONITOR Y DIGITAL LA50 RA PRINTER Y PANASONIC UF250 FAX MACHINE Y DIGITAL LA755-AZ PRINTER CITIZEN GSX145 PRINTER PAYLESS COMPUTER SYSTEM LANIER COPY MACHINE SHARP COPIER 3M COPIER NCR MONITOR & KEYBOARD NCR MONITOR & KEYBOARD NCR MONITOR & KEYBOARD NCR MONITOR & KEYBOARD 1 35.00 1 2.00 i 10.00 I 20.00 I 5.00 I 2.50 I 2.50 I 2.50 i 2.50 1 40.00 1 15.00 50.00 2.50 15.00~ 30.00 5.00 17.50 1 12.50 12.50 1 1 Sold with item 580 1 Sold with item 665 *** Not sold *** 1 1 Sold with item 626 1 1 Sold with item 579 Sold with item 579 1 1 1 Sold with item 600 y 1 y 1 y 1 y 1 y y 1 A 1 y 1 Sold with item 5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 7.50 5.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 7.50 2.50 02-26-1997 FIRST COAST AUCTION & R~ALTY, XNC dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 Ail sales page 3 SN BN Item Description Tax Price Qty Total 20 592 20 653 593 20 653 594 20 13 595 20 967 596 20 653 597 14 991 600 1 565 601S 14 652 606 14 652 607 15 569 608 15 474 609 15 943 610 15 992 612 15 569 613 15 569 614 15 604 615 19 604 617 12 963 618 12 963 619 13 943 620 13 963 622 13 963 623 13 963 624 13 963 625 13 604 626 13 963 627 13 604 628 13 613 631 13 971 634 13 569 635 13 604 638 13 604 640 13 13 643 13 992 644 13 992 646 13 652 647 13 13 651 ~ 873 654s 13 613 658 992 660 955 661 e13 13 NCR PRINTER NCR MONITOR & KEYBOARD NCR MONITOR & KEYBOARD OKIDATA PRINTER (8) 2 DRAWER FILE CABINET NCR MONITOR MICROFICHE VIEWER 86 CADILLAC 1B6C04785G4202116 CREDENZA CREDENZA WOODEN DESK GE REFRIGERATOR GE REFRIGERATOR 2 DRAWER FILE CABINET RECEPTION DESK RECEPTION DESK WOOD TYPING STAND SAMTRON MONITOR PRINTER BURSTER (2) CREAM LEATHER SIDE CHAIRS NAVY CLOTH SIDE CHAIR GRAY CLOTH SIDE CHAIR BLACK METAL\VINYL CHAIR BROWN WOOD\VINYL CHAIR BROWN CLOTH\VINYL CHAIR (4) ASSORTED CHAIRS ASSORTED SECRETARY CHAIRS (2) BLUE SWIVEL CHAIR BROWN HIGHBACK CHAIR BROWN FABRIC\VINYL CHAIR BLACK FABRIC STOOL (4) ASSORTED SECRETARY CHAIRS 2 SHELF WOOD UNIT METAL DESK METAL CREDENZA GREEN 4 DRAWER FILE CABINET WOOD\FORMICA TABLE 88 TOYOTA 4X4 3T4RN63ASJ0207110 2 SHELF WOOD SHOP TABLE METAL SHOP TABLE METAL SHOP TABLE *** Not sold *** y i 2.50 y i 5.00 A i 2.50 y i 25.00 y I 2.50 y 1 5.00 y 1 700.00 Sold with item 607 y I 2.50 y I 5.00 y 1 42.50 y 1 42.50 y i 7.50 Sold with item 614 Y 1 25.00 Y 1 5.00 Sold with item 615 Y 1 5.00 Sold with item 618 y I 10.00 Y 1 5.00 Sold with item 622 Sold with item 622 Sold with item 622 ¥ 1 35.00 Sold with item 622 Sold with item 626 Y 1 25.00 Y 1 12.50 Y 1 5.00 Sold with item 626 Sold with item 626 A 1 2.50 Y 1 5.00 Y 1 22.50 Sold with item 709 Sold with item 675 Y 1 4,250.00 Y Y 1 5.00 Sold with item 646 b 10~00_ 02-26-1997 FIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY, INC dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 Ail sales SN BN Item Description Tax Price Qty page 4 Total 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 992 13 613 13 937 13 13 13 13 21 14 14 14 14 22 22 22 22 22 22 1 22 22 22 22 22 2O 20 2 3 4 5 13 992 993 652 992 474 642 979 994 853 853 604 604 604 604 497 604 604 604 652 971 642 994 13 609 612 72 449 449 873 449 434 709 710 711 715 716 720 721 722 662 8' WHITE TOP WOOD TABLE A 663 8' WHITE TOP WOOD TABLE 665 FORMICA WORK TABLE A 668 ADJUSTABLE COMPUTER TABLE 670 WOODEN TABLE y 674 TAN METAL SLANTED PRINTER y STAND 675 (2) TACK BOARD A 677 IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER y 679 MTA DC 1205 COPIER y 682 MICRO-FILE FILM UNIT y 683 OLYMPIA STARTYPE TYPEWRITER Y 689 WOODEN PRINTER STAND y 692 DIGITAL MONITOR & KEYBOARD y 693 MONITOR y 694 MONITOR y 695 STACKING CHAIRS y 696 STACKING CHAIRS 697 BLACK LEATHER CHAIR 698 CLOTH SECRETARY CHAIR 699 LEATHER SECTRETARY CHAIR 700 CLOTH SECTRETARY CHAIR 701S 87 ACURA LEGEND y 702 CLOTH SECRETARY CHAIR 703 LEATHER\CLOTH SECRETARY CHAIR 704 LEATHER\CLOTH SECRETARY CHAIR FILE CABINET y 3 DRAWER CARD FILE y IBM ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER (3) 2 DRAWER FILE CABINET y COMPAQ DESKPRO SYSTEM ONAN GENERATOR y KROYTYPE LABELMAKER W\DISKS y 90 CHEV CAVALIER y 1G1JC54G2L1227293 723 90 CHEV S-10 BLAZER y 1GNCT18Z7MS124844 724 90 CHEV C20 CARGO y 1GCEG25Z7L7148906 725 90 CHEV BLAZER y 1GNEV18KXLF154307 726 90 CHEV C20 CARGO y 2GCEG25Z5L4135888 727 90 CHEV C3500 y 1GBGC34N5LE2522125 1 10.00 Sold with item 662 i 5.00 Sold with item 644 1 5.00 1 2.50 1 2.50 I 1.25 I 140.00 i 2.50 1 1.25 i 5.00 1 2.50 i 2.50 1 2.50 i 22.50 Sold with item 695 Sold with item 626 Sold with item 626 Sold with item 626 Sold with item 626 i 2,500.00 Sold with item 626 Sold with item 626 Sold with item 626 i 2.50 1 5.00 Sold with item 878 I 10.00 Sold with item 531 i 750.00 I 5.00 1 1,550.00 1 4,950.00 4,950.00 i 6,000.00 I 4,250.00 02-26-1997 PIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY, INC dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 All sales SN BN Item Description Tax Price Qty page 5 Total 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 22 22 22 5 920 728 5 563 729 5 72 730 5 449 731 5 449 732 5 59 733 5 958 734 5 14 735 5 14 736 5 783 737 5 862 738 5 609 739 6 617 740 5 864 741 609 742 609 743 14 744 466 746 893 748 862 753 185 755 13 756 462 757 992 758 91 C}{EV C30 Y 2GAGG39K3M4119923 91 FORD F350 AMBULANCE Y 1FDK£30M4MHB07957 91 CHEV CAVALIER Y 1G1JC54G6MJ171408 91 CHEV CAVALIER Y 1G1JC54G5MJ170539 91 CHEV CORSICA Y 1G1LT63TXME127501 91 CHEV CORSICA Y 1G1LT63TXME127632 91 CHEV CORSICA Y 1G1LT53TXMY145088 91 CHEV 1500 TRUCK Y 1GCDK14ZSMZ153124 91 CHEV S-10 4WD Y 1GCCT14ZPM22~0236 89 FORD BRONCO Y 1FMCU12T1KUA96615 93 CHEV C1500 Y 1GCDC14Z6PE166088 91 FORD F350 AMBULANCE Y 1FDKE30M3MHB03642 79 FORD F700 FIRE Y F70CVEA9845 91 FORD F350 AMBULANCE Y 1FDKE30M2MHB06208 87 FORD F700 DUMP Y 1FDNF70H7HVA30333 91 FORD E350 AMBULANCE Y 1FDKE30MXMHB06215 89 CHEV C2500 Y 1CGCFC24ZXKE208799 89 CHEV C3500 Y 1GBGR34K4KF305071 91 CHEV K1500 Y 1GCDK14Z9MZ152791 91 CHEV C2500 Y 1GBGC24K2ME148158 93 CHEV C1500 Y 1GCDC14ZXPE167566 (8) IBM SELECTRIC A TYPEWRITER (3) XEROX MEMORYWRITER Y (3) XEROX MEMORYWRITER Y i 4,250.00 I 2,700.00 i 500.00 i 2,700.00 i 2,600.00 i 2,950.00 I 2,800.00 1 7,100.00 i 2,350.00 I 2,800.00 1 5,700.00 i 7,000.00 i 6,500.00 I 9,000.00 i 4,600.00 1 5,500.00 1 4,150.00 i 5,400.00 i 7,400.00 i 6,250.00 i 5,900.00 i 10.00 1 12.50 02-26-1997 FIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY; INC , dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 All sales SN BN Item Descrigtion Tax Price Qty page 6 Total 22 13 759 22 996 760 22 604 761 22 963 762 22 963 763 22 13 764 22 13 765 7 604 767 7 604 768 7 897 769 7 13 770 7 943 771 7 943 772 7 955 773 7 955 774 7 604 775 8 996 776 8 963 777 8 577 778 8 996 779 8 996 780 8 996 781 9 918 783 9 574 784 3 642 787 13 955 790 10 897 792 10 897 793 10 996 794 10 955 795 10 897 796 10 937 797 10 642 798 10 642 799 10 13 800 10 623 801 10 577 802 10 623 803 10 969 804 10 968 805 13 968 807 16 465 808 13 992 809 (4) PRINTERS A (2) OKIDATA PRINTERS Y (8) CALCULATORS Y (2) NCR CHECK VALIDATORS Y (7) KEYBOARDS Y (6) NCR TERMINALS A (7) NCR CPU A IBM SYSTEM Y IBM SYSTEM Y IBM SYSTEM Y IBM SYSTEM A PC SYSTEM Y TWC SYSTEM Y PC SYSTEM Y COMPUTER SYSTEM Y EPSON 3000 FAX MACHINE Y DIGITAL MONITOR & KEYBOARD Y PANASONIC TYPEWRITER Y MURATA FAX MACHINE Y DIGITAL MONITOR & KEYBOARD DIGITAL MONITOR & KEYBOARD DIGITAL MONITOR & KEYBOARD FIRE BOSS Y TORO RIDING MOWER Y O LINE PLOTTER Y (3) FORMICA CONFERENCE Y TABLE (2) DIGITAL MONITOR & KEYBOARD (6) MONITORS & KEYBOARDS MONITOR & KEYBOARD MISC FILING TRAYS HP LAPTOP BINDING MACHINE IBM TYPEWRITERS PANASONIC TYPEWRITER DIGITAL PERSONAL PRINTER STAR PRINTER DIGITAL COMPANION PRINTER IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER PRINTER HP LASERJET PRINTER Y IBM PRO PRINTER Y (2) EXECUTIVE CHAIR Y MAGNAVOX 19" TELEVISION Y WOODEN WORK TABLE i 5.00 I 5.00 i 30.00 i 10.00 i 5.00 i 25.00 I 35.00 i 80.00 i 80.00 1 40.00 1 20.00 1 110.00 1 110.00 1 230.00 i 220.00 I 55.00 i 20.00 I 10.00 1 20.00 Sold with item 776 Sold with item 776 Sold with item 776 I 350.00 1 210.00 1 60.00 1 17.50 Sold with item 793 y I 85.00 Sold with item 776 y 1 5.00 Sold with item 793 y 1 10.00 Sold with item 878 Sold with item 878 A I 15.00 Y i 22.50 Y i 17.50 Y 1 12.50 1 45.00 1 12.50 1 30.00 1 27.50 Sold with item 569 MAR 1 02-26-1997 FIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY, INC dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 All sales page 7 SN BN Item Description Tax Price Qty Total 3 963 811 CONTACT TELEVISION y 1 15.00 13 631 812 BURIE SECURITY MONITOR y 1 5.00 13 992 814 DRAFTING TABLE LAMP & STOOL Y 1 7.50 13 613 815 SLIDE OUT DRAWER y i 5.00 13 613 816 WOODEN SHELVES Sold with item 815 13 604 817 (6) SECRETARY CHAIR Sold with item 626 16 474 818 1993 FLORIDA STATUES & y 1 2 50 SUPPLEMENTS ' 7 976 819 MITA COPIER Y i 60.00 1 866 820S 88 FORD CROWN VIC y i 900.00 2FABP72F9JX154729 5 604 821 LARGE MAHOGANY DESK y i 80.00 5 898 822 HALF TON ENGINE HOIST y 1 225.00 1 866 822S 88 FORD CROWN VIC y 1 1,000.00 2FABP72F4JX154735 5 389 823 BEAR BATTERY TESTER y 1 100.00 5 622 824 MILLER PORTABLE GAS WELDER y 1 625.00 5 389 825 4 TON FLOOR JACK y 1 220.00 O 5 898 826 LINCOLN 4 TON FLOOR JACK y i 275.00 5 389 827 POWER MASTER BULK FLUID AIR Y i 100.00 PUMP 5 960 828 KOHLER 8 HP ENGINE y 1 60.00 5 389 829 HOSE CRIMPER SET HYDRAULIC y 1 275.00 5 653 830 WET & DRY VAC y 1 5.00 5 654 831 MCCLANE REAL MOWER y i 30.00 5 66 832 STIHL WEEDEATER y 1 5.00 5 790 833 BILLY GOAT MOWER y I 70.00 5 955 834 STIHL WEEDEATER y 1 20.00 5 913 835 STIHL WEEDEATER y I 5.00 5 66 836 STIHL WEEDEATER y 1 5.00 5 790 837 GREEN MACHINE CHAIN SAW y 1 30.00 20 652 839 (3) ROLLING FILE CABINET y I 2.50 13 955 840 PHONE Y 1 10.00 13 642 842 COMPUTER EQUIP Sold with item 878 13 66 843 MICROPHONE Y 1 2.50 23 642 844 TYPEWRITER Sold with item 878 13 635 846 DESK Y 1 7.50 13 635 848 3 HOLE PUNCH Y i 5.00 13 971 849 FILE DRAWERS Y i 7.50 13 642 850 TYPEWRITER Sold with item 878 910 642 851 TYPEWRITER Sold with item 878 910 967 852 PRINTER RACKS y I 12.50 13 66 853 NUTONE DOOR CHIME y 1 2.50 24 898 854 COMPRESSOR Y I 500.00 910 898 855 COMPRESSOR Y i _ ~00.00 910 654 856 COMPRESSOR Y I 02-26-1997 FIRST COAST AUCTION & ~EALTY~ INC dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 Ail sales page 8 SN BN Item Description Tax Price Qty Total 5 586 857 24 795 858 24 790 859 24 968 860 910 927 861 24 13 862 24 654 863 24 66 864 9 586 865 9 654 866 25 969 867 16 943 868 25 867 869 25 577 870 25 992 872 25 577 873 25 971 874 25 475 875 25 623 876 25 631 876 25 604 877 25 981 878 25 642 878 25 642 879 25 642 880 25 969 881 25 13 882 25 943 883 25 212 884 25 604 885 910 967 898 1 449 900S 1 866 906S 475 910S 1 646 935S 1 866 941S 1 488 943S 866 947S 1 866 948S PUMP MOWER DECK SAW STIL BLOWER SANITIZER EDGER EDGER WEEDEATER SNAPPER MOWER EMERGENCY LIGHT BAR HP LAZER JET (2) LARGE WIRE BASKETS RANDOM COLLEAGUE LAPTOP PARAFAX FAX MACHINE IBM ACTION WRITER A T & T PRINTER SIMPLIX TIME READER (2) KEYBOARD HOLDERS MISC COMPUTER MISC COMPUTER MISC COMPUTER MISC COMPUTER MISC COMPUTER MISC COMPUTER KEYBOARDS (2) PRINTERS MISC COMPUTER MISC OFFICE COMPUTER BOOKS & KEYBOARDS (6) TELEPHONES MISC 89 CHEV CAVALIER 1G1JCll12KJ306549 89 FORD CROWN VIC 2FABP72F6KX155242 89 ACURA INTEGRA 3H40A3359KS0089241 89 FORD CROWN VIC 2FABP72FSKX155257 89 FORD CROWN VIC 2FABP72F5KX155247 89 FORD CROWN VIC 2FABP72F2KX155271 89 FORD CROWN VIC 2FABP72F5KX155250 89 FORD CROWN VIC 2FABP72FSKX155260 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 A 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 A 1 Sold with item 868 Sold with item 879 Y 1 Sold with item 852 Y 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 130.00 50.00 50.00 7.50 10.00 25.00 20.00 5.00 40.00 50.00 40.00 22.50 2.50 17.50 2.50 2.50 27.50 10.00 12.50~ 5.00 2.50 17.50 30.00 7.50 22.50 42.50 70.00 5.00 1,300.00 i 1,200.00 1 3,000.00 i 1,500.00 I 1,200.00 1 1,800.00 1 1,100.00 02-26-1997 FIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY, INC dba GARNER & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904-777-8387 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 2-22-97 All sales SN BN Item Description Tax Price Qty page 9 Total 14 988S 142 1016S 610 1034S 865 1040S 865 1045S 610 1047S 610 1052S 610 1062S 610 1071S 142 1080S 610 1082S 961 1665S 460 3015S 652 4471S 460 5529 898 6251 604 6529 604 7221 604 7222 604 7523 499 7660 604 8489 898 9989 898 9999 89 FORD T-BIRD 1FAPP6040KH107088 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1GiBL5474LA134845 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1G1BL5478LA135092 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1GIBL5473LA136084 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1GiBL547XLA136101 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1G1BL5478LA135917 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1GIBL5471LA135984 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1GIBL5477LA135925 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1G1BL547XLA135787 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1G1BL5478LA135531 90 CHEV CAPRICE 1GIBL5471LA135449 BEARCAT 210 SCANNER PANASONIC 19" TELEVISION TELEPHONE RECORDING SYSTEM B&H MICROFICHE READER/PRINTER REALISTIC PRO 2001 SCANNER SIMPLEX TIME STAMP LATHAM TIME STAMP LATHAM TIME STAMP SIMPLEX TIME STAMP OMNIFAX G55 FAX MACHINE FAX MACHINE AUTO PARTS AIRBOAT BLADE Y 1 1,750.00 Items: Y I 1,500.00 Y i 1,400.00 Y 1 2,050.00 Y 1 2,100.00 Y 1 1,700.00 Y 1 2,100.00 Y 1 2,100.00 Y i 2,050.00 Y 1 1,700.00 Y 1 1,850.00 Y 1 15.00 Y 1 10.00 Y 1 12.50 Sold with item 3015 Y 1 20.00 Y 1 5.00 Sold with item 6529 Sold with item 6529 Sold with item 6529 Y 1 70.00 Y 1 30.00 Y 1 2.50 Y 1 105.00 325 Amount: 191,912.00 INVOICE FROM: First Coast Auction 8c Realty, Inc. Post Office Box 7878 Jacksonville, FL 32238 904/772-0110 TO: Collier County 3301 E. Tamlami Trail Naple~, Florida 34112 941/774-8425 FEBRUARY 22, 1997 SURPLUS AUCTION Collected by Auctioneer 8: Deposited Overcharge Gross Proceeds Collier County Sheriff's Department Total Proceeds $ 134,952.00 56.960.00 $ 191,912.00 $ 191,969.50' _1'57.50]'~ $ 191,912.00 Commission to Auctioneer @ 8% Reimbursement to correct double entries Total amount due Auctioneer County's Net Proceeds from Auction Sheriff's Department's Net Proceeds $ $ $ 15,352.96 + 57.50 15,410.46 124,155.84 $ 191,969.50 DATE: March 3, 1997 MAR 1 8 1997 INTEI-D~PARTMINTAL TRANSFERS OF SURPLUS PROP1ERTY ~ I'TliM DESC~IITTION ASSET ~I II'OM TO .517 Brown cloth sloe chair poilutlon Control parl~ & Rec Immk 518 BlUe cloth sloe chair Pollution Control Parks & pec Imml( 51cj Tan cloth sect'e~ry chair Pollution Control Parks & Rec Immk 520 Cloth Side chair Pollution Control Parks & Rec I~. 523 Tan cloth secretary chair Pollution Control Parks & Rec Immk 524. bak creclenza Pollution Control Pan~ & Ret: Immit 527 Tan 4 drawer metal file cabinet poilu:Ion Contrql Parks & Rec Immlt 530 G.r~y 4 shelf metal cabinet 8712 Pollution Control Fleet Man~ement 532 Gray metal 3 shelf bookcase Pollution Control Fleet Man...a~ement 534 Black 4 drawer vertical file cabinet Pollution Control Fleet Management 535 Black 4 clrawer file cabinet I poilutlon Control Fleet M.anagement 538 Oak clesk I Pollution Control Parks & Rec Immk 541 SOfa I Clerk of courts/Micro EMS 544 Formica storage cablnetr slx OdOrS I Clem of Courts/Micro Animal Control .. 545 . Formica storage cablnet~ 4 doors I Clerk of courts Facllltles Management 548 Metal storage cabinet 2 door ! Clerk of Courts Animal Control 549 File cabinet Zl drawer I Clerk of Courts Planning 550 File cabinet 4 clrawer I Clerk Of courts Planning 551 Fil~ cabinet 4 drawer I Clerk of Courts Plannln~ 552 I MerCI file cabinet 2 drawer I Clerk of Courts/Micro EMS 555 Metal file cabinet 5 c~rawer~ tan ! 86919 Clerk of Courts/Micro EMS 556 Metal file cabinet 3 drawer one Parks & Recreation Fleet Management side odor . 573 wooden work table left hand I purchasing Risk Management cabinet ~ 572 wooden Desk I Purchasing Parks & Rec 611 2 drawer file cabinet I Parks & £ecreation Fleet Management ; 621 2 cream fabric sicle chairs w/arms ~ Clerk of cour:s Parks & Recreation - 62.~ Metal Stool I Clerk of Courts Facilities Management 632 Cream fabric hi,hi=ack chair ~ Clerk Of Courts Parks & Recreation 633 Cream fabric hi~lhback chair i Clerk of courts parks & Recreation 636 Cream fabric rolling chair I Clerk of Courts packs & Recreation 637 Brown cloth rolling chair I Clerk of Courts/Micro EMS 642 Brown Formica bOOkShelf I Clerk Of Cou~icro EMS 649 Formica/metal table ! Clerk of Courl:S Mediation 652 Formica Table I Clerk of Courts Parks & Rec 655 Formica table I Clerk of Courts Clerk of Courts '~57 wooden end table w/o glass top I Clerk of Courts Parks & Recreation 659 Wooden end table~ tan I Clerk of Courts RISK Management 664 Wooden table 3' white top I Clerk of Courts/Micro Animal Control 667 Brown Formica cube storage Clerk of Courts/Micro N~P cabinet 2 door 2of2 IT~M INTER-DEPARTMENTAL TRANSFERS OF SURPLUS PROPERTY ITEM DISCRllrriON Formica with 2 drawers Tan with shade visitor chairs with arms sed wood desk 2 drawer Wooden credenza open middle metal adjustable stools rown formica 7 slqelf unit 5' x 2' Two formica desk risers s__q.v_are :abric/wood executive chair Four drawer vertical file with loci( Four drawer file cabinet Formica counter wooden Seating bench Brown Formica open cabinet )ressea board riser 2 Metal typewriter stands series II Printer 4 Drawer vertical file cabinet 2 Drawer file cabinet ~ Monarch jon boat with trailer 911134 84621 FROM TO Of CO~ Board Fair Board lerk of courts of lerk of COUrtS ColleCtOr ;ri( of courts BCC Clerk of Courts :lerk of courts of Courts leri( of Courts/Micro Tax Collector Collector ~tormwater mir Board ltr Board Fair Board Fair Board Fair Board Fair Board Fair Board ~diatlon )cliation Mediation Parics & Eec cleric of courts ___.____ Animal Control OCPM r~s & Recrea~ Roaa& Brld e~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE March 18, 1997 FOR BOARD ACTION: 1. ~ertificate of Correction: NEED MOTION authorizing the chairman to sign Certificate of Correction to the tax rolls as presented by the Property Appraiser's office. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 2. Satisfaction of Lien: NEED MOTION authorizing the Chairman ~o sign Satisfaction of Lien for Services of the Public Defender for Case Nos. 96-8411-MMA, 94-1499-M~A, 96-3497-M~A, 96-10186-M24A, 96-9929-M)~A, 96-212-M]~A, 96-10059-M]4A, 96-1615-CFA, 96-5393-M]~A, 94-1880-CFB, 88-3S08-M]~A, 90-3485-~ and 89-3363-~. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 3. Miscellaneous Items to File For Record With Action~ A. Environmental Advisory Board - February 5, 1997 and agenda for March 5, 1997. Referred to BCC. B. Historical/Archaeological Preservation Board - February 14, 1997. Referred to BCC. C. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - January 3, January 22, 1997 and agenda for February 26, 1997. Referred to BCC. D. Technical Advisory Committee/Citizens Advisory Committee of the MPO - January 22, 1997 and agenda for February 26, 1997. Referred to BCC. AGEND~]TEH NO. /~ IqAR EXE~ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION FOR BOARD TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO COMMENCE A CIVIL ACTION AGAINST ELBA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF FLORIDA, FORMALLY SOUTHEAST BANK N.A., TO DRAW ON THE ESCROWED FUNDS i~R THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS AT EMBASSY WOODS PHASE I AND EMBASSY WOODS PHASE II. For the Board to authorize the County Attorney to commence a ]esal action to recover the security posted for the completion of the required improvements at Embassy Woods Phase I and Phase Il. CONSIDERATIONS: On July 31, 1990, the Board of County Commissioners entered into a Construction, Maintenance md Escrow Agreement among Elba Development Corporation, Collier County and Southeast Bank N.A. in the amount of One Hundred Three Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven Dollars ($103,497.00) to guarantee the conm'u~on costs for the r~quirod improvements for Embassy Woods Phase I. Preliminary Acceptamce was granted on November 13, 1990 and the security was reduced to Eighty-Two Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-Nine Dollars and Fifty-One Cents ($82,829.51 ). On August 28, 1990, the County entered into a Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement among Elba Development Corporation, Collier County and Southeast Balk N.A. in the amount of Eight Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars and Thirty- Eight Cents ($824,666.38) to guarantee the construction costs for the required improvements for Embassy Woods Phase II. Preliminary Accept~ce was granted on June 25, 1991 by Resolution No. 91475 and the security was reduced to Seventy-Four Thouumd Nine Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars and Sixty-Seven Cents ($74,969.67). Final Acceptance has not been granted to the Developer of Embassy Woods Phase I and H. The estimated costs of bringing Embassy Woods Phase I and Phase Il into compliance with the Land Development Code is approximately One Hundred Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Thirty- Seven Dollars and Forty Cents ($I 12,337.40). Although the County has sent letters to the Bank requesting the remaining escrowed funds, First Union National Bank of Naples, formally Southeast Bank, N.A. has not delivered the escrowed funds to the County. Staff is recommending that suit be filed to recover the escrowed funds. (See attached letter from Vincent A. Cautero to John Boldt - Exhibit "A"). AGENDA ITEM F..xccudve S~ Embu~ W(~:~ ~hase I & I3 PaSe :2 FISCAL IMPACT: Internal costs for ill/nS of action ~nd steal'time. fro~ Fund ii3 and Cost Center {38900. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: File costs $!i0.50. Costa will be taken Nolle. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commiasioner~ direct thc County Attorney to commencc a civil action against Elba Development Corporation and First Union Na/ional Bank of Florida, form~ly Southeast Bank, N.A. to recover the security posted by the developer for the required improvements at Embassy Woods Phase I and Embassy Woods Phase H. Pr~'ed by: Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney Da~e Approved by: David C. Wcigel ~) County Attorney ?-¢7 f:~exe~.t/ve su'n'~na~/Elba Dr~,eI..,..,.,.--,,t C~e AGE:N. pAJTF. M. .o. I..A 1 1397 pg. '7., TO: FROM: DATE: RE: John Boldt, P.E., P.S.M. Stormwater Management Director Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator/~./ Community Dev. & Environmental Services February 25, 1997 Embassy Woods My staff and I have reviewed your memorandum dated February 10, 1997 in which you stated the drainage canal located between the south boundary of Embassy Woods Phase I and the north right-of- way line of Davis Boulevard was not excavated in conformance with the design cross-sections. You have requested from me what assurances my Divisional staff can make to assure the substandard work will be corrected before the final phase of the development is completed. The following information on Embassy Woods is provided as it relates to security posted by the Developer, acceptance by the County status, work remaining to be completed by the Developer, and action taken by the County to draw on escrowed funds to complete required improvements: 1. Embassy Woods Phase I - Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement entered into July 31, 1990, by Elba Development Corporation, Collier County and Southeast Bank, N.A. in the amount of $103,497 to guarantee the construction costs for the remaining improvements. 2. Preliminary Acceptance of Embassy Woods Phase I - Resolution No. 90-540 granted preliminary acceptance and reduced the security in the Escrow Agreement to $82,829.51, Effective Date - November 13, 1990. Embassy Woods Phase II - Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement entered into August 28, 1990 by Elba Development Corporation, Collier County and Southeast Bank, N.A. in the amount of $824,666.38 to guarantee the construction costs for the required improvements. Preliminary Acceptance of Embassy Woods Phase II - Resolution No. 91-475 granted preliminary acc_~__Dtan~-- AGF. NDA ITEM ?._......., 1 1997 e and reduced the amount in the Escrow Agreement to $74,969.67, Effective Date - June 25, ]991. April 28, 1995 - John Houldsworth provided Elba Development the required 60 day notice of failure to comply with Agreement and thereby permit the calling of the Escrow funds. e August 8, 1995 - Letter from John Houldsworth to Heidi Ashton requesting the necessary action to be taken to draw the escrow funds. August 25, 1995 - Letter from Heidi Ashton to First Union National Bank of Florida (formerly Southeast Bank, N.A.) requesting a check in the amount of the total remaining escrow funds to be made out to and sent to the B.C.C. September 25, 1995 - Attached is a copy of the memo from John Houldsworth to Heidi Ashton that provided a "ballpark" estimate of the cost to bring Embassy Woods Phase I & II into compliance with the L.D.C. ($112,337.40). October 19, 1995 - Letter from John Houldsworth to Heidi Ashton advising her that the Developer intends to petition the Board for an extension in time to complete the required improvements. Note: The Developer to date, has not proceeded with this petition. Also, First Union National Bank of Florida kas not provided the escrow funds. Staff has recommended that the County Attorney's Office proceed with the calling of the escrow funds to complete Phase I and II. By copy of this letter to the County Attorney's Office, I am requesting that suit be filed to recover the escrowed funds. In addition, they have recommended that no additional building permits be issued to Elba Development Corporation or its assignees including Glenmore Building Corporation, Montclair Building Corporation, JMK Industires, Inc., and Saratoga Colony Building Corporation. Embassy Woods Phase III was approved by the County on October 8, 1991. To date, this plat has not been recorded. Staff has recommended that we prohibit the recording of Embassy Woods Phase III until all deficiencies in Phases I and II are corrected to the satisfaction of the County. AGENDA ITEM N ' For your additional information, staff is in the process of obtaining ~as-built" cross-sections of the subject drainage canal in an effort to identify waterway area and resultant capacity of the as built canal verses the design section. This information will be shared with you in the hope of resolving this apparent problem in a timely and cost effective manner. f/Vt/TK/bk / ~) ohnb Attachment cc: Commissioner Timothy L. Hancock Commissioner Barbara Berry Commission Timothy J. Constantine Commissioner Pamela S. Mac'Kie Commission John C. Norris Michael McNees, Acting County Manager David Weigel, County Attorney Ray Miller, Acting Public Works Administrator Donald W. Arnold, AICP, Planning Services Dept. Director Adolfo Gonzalez, Director, OCPM Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney Tom Kuck, Engineering Review Manager Clyde Fugate, Eng. Inspection Supervisor John Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Robert Wiley, Project Manager, OCPM MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Vince Cautero, Administrator Community Development and Environmental Services Division John H. Boldt, P.E., P.S.M Stormwater Management Director RE: Embassy Woods Lely Branch Canal DATE: February10,1997 The 55 fl. top width canal located in the 80 f~. drainage easement along the north side of Davis Blvd. on the frontage of the Embassy Woods project was excavated several years ago by the Developer's Contractor. "As-Built" surveys provided the County in 1994 indicated that the constructed cross-sections did not meet reasonable construction practice standards for compliance with the design cross-sections. This canal is a integral and critical part of the Lely Basin system recently approved by the Board for Phase I implementations. What assurances can you give me that ),our Division staff will make certain that this sub-standard work 4411 be corrected before the final phase of this development is completed? This corrective work should be done during the dry season when canal levels are very Iow so prompt attention to this manet would be greatly appreciated! Please call me if you need additional information. ,U-IB/m~ CC: Commissioner John C. Norris, District #1 Commissioner Timothy J. Constantine, District #3 County Managers' Office Raymond W. Miller, P.E., Interim Public Works Administrator Robert C. Wiley, P.E., Project Manager III, O.C.P.M. Wayne Arnold, Planning Services Director Thomas E. Kuck, P.E., Engineering Review Services Clyde Fugate, Engineering Inspection Supervisor Doc: JHB-0]4 AGENDA ITEM