Agenda 03/04/1997 R¢OL~ZBX CO0'H~ AGENDA Tuesday, March 4, 2997 9z00 a.m. NOTZCEt ALL PERSON8 WISNINO TO SP~J~K ON ANY AGENDA ITEM ]t~Q~IESTS TO ADDIt~SS THB BOARD ON SD~J~CTS WHICH AR~ NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMIt'TED IN WItZTIIq~ ~ EIPLJ~WATZONTO THE COUNTY MANIt~B~AT LEA~T 13 DAYS PRIOIt TO ~ DATE OF TH~ M~ETIN~ AND WILL BE HT.~RD UNDEIt ALL ]I.~OISTE~BD PUBLIC ~PEAXBIS WILL BI L33~TlC~ TO Frv~ ($) MIN'UTEB UNLBSI PrRMzIII'ON ]1'0~ ADD'rTZONAL TZM~ ZS ~ BY ~ CHAZ~NAN. FOX 12f00 NOON TO 1tO0 P.M. ii) e) 2. PL~D~ OF ALLEGIA~C~ 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONS~TT A~END~ 4. APPROVAL OF MIN1711{ February 11, 1997 - ~egular ~ee~ing. S. PROCLAMATZONf ARD ~E~VZCE AWARD~ A. ~ (1) Proclamation expressing gra~i=ude and apprecia=ion co =he officers, direc=ors, ~bers and volun=eera of ~he Friends of ~he Museum of ~he Everglades. To be steep=ed by Paulene Reeves, Preslden= of ~he Friends o! =he Museum of ~he Everglades. (2) Proclama=ion proclal~ing Tuesday, March 4, !997 as Rotary International Group S=udy Exchange Team Day. To be accep=ed by Mike Davis. (3) Proclama=ion proclaiming March 9 1~ as Friends of gas= Naples Coa~aanl=¥ Park Week. (4) Proclama=ion proclai~ing March 9 1~ as Friends of Vineyards Communi=y Park Week. e ($) Proclamation proclaiming March as Collier Coun=y Parks and Recres=ion Monch. To be accepted by Marls Ramsay, Director off Parks and Recreation. (~) Proclama=ion proclaiming March 9 1~ as Friends of Barafoo= Beach ~eek. March 4, 1997 Carrie Morningstar - EMS - $ years 6. A~PROYAL OF CLERK'S REPORT A. ANALYBIS OF CHANGES TO 2tZ0K~tVES FOR COHTIHGENCIES 1. General Fund (001} 2. Community Development Fund (113) 3. Facilities Construction Fund (301) 7. PUBLIC PETITION~ A. William W. Thomas regarding an EMS impact fee refund (Continued from the 2/18/97 meeting). B. rede Poeltl, President Collier County Medical Society Alliance requesting a waiver of permit fee for she Second Annual Wot~en's Health Week. COUNTY MANA~EI'S REPORT (1) S~aff review and reco~enda~ions relative Ordinance 90-79, as amended, also kno~ a~ The Heron ~ke ~ which, according ~0 ~he re,ired Re~r: luCia=ed ~ ~ha proper=y ~er/agen=, has no~ co~encmd cons~c=ion as defined in Sec=ion 2.7.~.4. of =he Collier Cowry ~nd ~velopmen= Code, resul=ing in several ~ssible courses of ac:ion for the Board of County C~issioners ~o consider. (2) S=lff review and reco~enda=ions roll=lye =o Ordinance e8-83, as amended, also kn~ is The Naples ~lf Es=ares P~ which, according =o =he re~ired S=a=us Re~r= su~i=~ed ~ =he pr~r=y o~er/igen=, has no= c~nced cons=~c=ion ~1 defined in Sec=ion o~ =be Collier C~=y ~nd ~velop~en~ re~ul=ing in severil ~lsible courses of action for =he Board of Coun=y C~lssioners =o consider. (3) Verbal =e~r= ~ s=aff on ~zard~s condl=lonl in lake ire& ~ as Ayll~ ~ke in Sec. 4, T47, (Con~inued ~r~ =he Miring of 2/4/97) C. PUBLIC SERVICE~ D. ~UPPORT S~RVXCES 9. gOUNTY ATTO~U~Y'S ~PO~T 10. ~OARD OP C~ CO~MXSSXO)r~ A. ~ln=~n= of ~r ~o Environmen=al Policy Tec~ical ~vi~o~ Board. Review o~ the Collier County ~ Hoc Co~ittee on Budge: ~roce~a Refo~'= Final Re~r~. (Co~. Hancock) March 4, 1997 C. Resolution opposing legislative enactment of House Bill 207. (Co.=.. Constantine) D. Presentation of the Collier County Jail Report by the Collier County Productivity Committee. (Comm. Berry) Discussion of the Board of County Commissioners' lobbying policy. (Com~. Constantine) 12. AD'FERTIPED PUBLIC ~T.A=~.ZHG~ - BCC 14. 15. STAFF'S CO~ICATI~ All matterl listed under this ltmst ara considered to be routine and action will bo taken by one ~otion without aep&zate discussion o£ each itmm. X£ discussion is desired b~ · member of the Board, that ltmm(s) will Be r~ed fr~m the Conlen~ A~en~ A. C0~gf0WI~ D~ELOPME~T & ~i~O'J~m~TAL (1) Recommendation t~at the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chairman to sign the application for the Florida Department of £nvironmental Protection artificial reef grant for the Artificial Reef ~rogram of Collier County. (2) Recommendation to approve Lien Resolution for Code Enforcement Calm No. $0819-079; owner of record Jose Lull Carets, Luclla (3) Recommendation to approve Lien Resolution for Code Enforcement Case No. ~0920-022; owner of record - Delio O. Condomina, Jose M. Condomina. · (4) Recommendation to approve Lien Resolution for Code £nforcamm~t Case No. 6110¢-114~ o~nmr of record Mimon Baron. March 4, 1997 (5) Recommendation to approve Lien Resolution for Code Enforcement Case No. 61107-060; owner of record Lloyd G. Sheehan. (6) Recommendation to approve Lien Resolution for Code Enforcement Case No. 61016-055; owner of record Lloyd G. Sheehan, Tr. (7) Recommendation to approve for recording the final plat of .Villages of Wyndemere". (8) Recommendation to grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water, and sewer improvements for the final plat of ,Northbrooke Drive'. (1) Approve Change Order No. 2 to Johnson Engineering for modifications to the East Naples Park Skateboard Facility. (2) Approve Change Order No.2 to Work Order No. kPdBP-FT-96-4 with Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek Inc. to provide lighting and signalization design and construction plans for Livingston Road Project No. 60061, CIE No. 53. (3) ReTlest for Board approval to reimburse the Coconut River Civic Association up to $2,$00 for the dredging outlet of Coconut Rlv, r at Junction with main Golden Gate Canal. (4) Request for Board to adopt a Resolution and enter into a Tran0portation Project Maintenance Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for Roadway Widening and Resurfacing on C.R. 846 from S.R. 29 easterly to the Hendry County Line. (1) Reco~mendation that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the correction of a scrivener's error to a construction agreement favor a grandstand at Bugden Regional Park. (2) Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve an inter-local agreement between Collier County and the City of Everglades for minor park improvements in Everglades City in return for County use. SUPPORT SERVICES (1) Recommendation for the Board to consider a Settlement and Release regarding * Collier County Employee. Budget Amendment Report. F. BOARD OF COUNTY G. MISCELLANEOUS CO~/~ESPONDENCE (1) ~iscel!aneous Items to File for Record with Action as (2) Certificate of Correction: NEED MOTION authorizing the Chairman to sign Certificate of Correction to the tax rolls ss presented by the Property Appraiser's 4 March 4, 1997 N~r~h ~ 1997 the Friends of:he Museum of the Everglade: has play~d a significant role in preserving th~ htztory of Collfer County's tarly growth and development; and since 1992. the Friends have actively worked to rtstort tl~ Evergladas City laundry building, a de.~tgnated STortda historic lanWm~k and one of t,~ few remaining struc,'ure$ built by Barron Gtfl Collitr; and the Friends have collected and pledged over $$$.000 In g095 of r,~ney, timer and trtat~rlal$ ta re,tOre the laundry to serve ax a regional history muat~-n and a lasting remtnder of Collter County 's fourgflng in 1923; and re'HE~, in partnership ~rh Collier County Govenonent. In 1996 the Friends were irtrtrumentai !n securing a Special Category Htrt~c Preservation grant of $$60,902 for the protect from the Florida De--ne of State; and wi:hour the tirel~ Collier ~ voi~ntte~ an important part of NO ~ THEREFORE. Co~cnt the Museum of tl e ~ to ~n.na~ that the DONE AND ATTE3'T: DF,'/GHT E~ BROCF.. C.ERK Pg. / PROCLAMA ZION WHEREAS, ~HERF_A& NO FF Y'HEREFOR. E. be tt we welcome the Rotary International Group Study Krchang~ Team from Rotary International Dtatrict 2540 Sweden to Collier County, Florida; and the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Groarp Study Exchange Program, hax sent to u~ a team of four proft.~ionaLr who are ~ Cottttr County to study our i~titurionJ and way~ ofltfe; and the team members will al~o observe the practice of their own prof~ion, l and exchange ideal; and the team ta able to pe. rsonally ~per~ence famtly !tfextyle$ al they are ho,reed by Rotary Clubs of Collier County and gtven accommodationr in local homes: and the Rotary Foundation l~ a nonprofit cortn~rarlon xupporfed by Rotarlanr and others worldwide. Its object~ it the achievement of world understanding and t>eace through Internatfi e&tcarlonal progra~. of Collier DONE AND 4th 0 PROCLAHA TION the Friends of Eazt Naples Community Park are an integral part of the Collier County Par~ System; and during the pa~t year, the Eazt Naples Friends organization has supplied $2,800 in revenue; and this money will be distributed to park Improvements and program scholarships for children; and the Frtend~ ha~ run vartou~ special events such az the Eazt Naples Community Celebration; and the Frtend~ of Eazt Naples Community Park htr.,e zupplled the Park with over the East Naples Frtench have pledged to conttnue tht~ endeavor of enrichment of the F. azt Naples Community; and the Friends additional the NOW sst members and many County their presence. that to t~ membership ltts both that an, In our the itment to 9th-15th be honort DONE A ND ORDEg~D Collier County. DI~IGHT E. BROCK. CLEt~ 20UNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY. FLORIDA AGENDA ITEH no. ~'. 2~, PROCLAMATION PtTtEREAS, NOW TIIEREFOR. E, be tt Court, the Frtend~ of Vineyard~ Community Park are an integral part of the Collier County Parka S)attm; and during the poet two years, the Friends organization hoe raLred and donated $$, 790 to the Recreattcn Program of Collier County; and this mon~ tt ~tt aztdt for V~neyardz Community Park improvements; ami the Friendz have organized and provided several special events, ruch az the 4th of July P, azh, the Ltppizon Stallion Show, und R~doiph Ltght~ Up the Night the Frlen~ of that Park at Vtneyardr Community Park have a regular membership of. five members with many acldltlonal ~olunteer$; and the prog,'am of events and quality of park service would I~ reduced without their efforts. ~f Collt~r t~ extended to th~ r Comnmntty Park external customerz We, the Board of qualtty Park~ and DONE AND DWIGHT £ BROCK. CLERK TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, MCI', CHAIRMAN AG£NDA .ITEM HAR0 1997 pROCLAMA TIOH on February 22, 1972, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners established a Department of Parks and Recreation to offer recreational facilities and prograrns for residents and visitors to Collier County; and February 22. 1997, has marked the 2§th year of the County Parks and Recreation service to our community; and this year over.five million visitors and residents visited and uttltzed the recreational facilities and parks in Collier County; and the current County Parks Department provides over 400 acres of community park lands and tncludes over 700 acres in Its Regional Park Land Inventory; and the Collier County Parks and Recreation Department has made progress in provtding parks and recreation to the public in the past 25 years; and encouraged to visit the parks. residents and visitors '~ ""': ~'~'~ ~ by the Collier beaches, and to the month. NOW THEREFORE. 'he Board of Collier the month as CO L~ cO~ ~ t TION MONTH ~ the 2§th, DONE AND COUNT . AiCP, DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLEI~K AGE NI~ ,,ITEM No._ ~./q' · . HAR 0 1997 P~ROCLAMA TIO~ the Friends of Barefoot Beach are an integral part of the Collier County Parks and Recreation z'ystem; and during the past zix years, the Friend~ organ, ration ha~ donated in zxce~ of $20.000 to our public park$; and WHEREAS, the Friends of Barefoot Beach have developed the EMro:arian and Learning Center at Barefoot Beach: and IYHEREA$, the Friends of Barefoot Beach organization now contalr~ $20 members; and ~flIEREAS, the quality of life in Collier County wou,'d be reduced without thetr prtse'nce. NO~F THEI~FORE, be tt proclaimed by the Board of County Commt.~ontr~ of Collier County. Florida. that extreme gratitude and appreciation L~ zxtended to the membership of the Friends of Barefoot Beach for thttr ~ucce.~$ful partnerxhtp between the public community. It i~ accepted by both that an in our our c~ do realTmn ' the week of March DONE AND D~'IGHT E. BROCK. CLERK AG£N~A~- ITEH · COLLIER COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE February 11, 1997 William W. Thom~, D.D.S., M.S. 311 Turtle Hatch Road Naples, Florida 34103 3301 E. TAMIAMi TR. NAPLES, FL 34t12 (94 ~) 774-8383 FAX (941) 774-4010 A O::,RTIlIi£D BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY Re:. Request for Public Petition - EMS hnpact Fee Refund Dear Dr. Thomas: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of February 18, 1997 regarding the above referenced subje<L Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limitmt to ten minut~-~. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:.09 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the Administration Building (Building "F') of the government complex. Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Mi&h/el A. McNees Interim County Manager WND/bp County Attorney Vince C~utero, Commun'ty Development & Environmental Service William W. Thomas, D.D.S., 311 Turtle HatCh Road Hap[es, FL 34103 (g41) 649-8104 February 6, igg7 County Managers Office 3301E. Tamiami Trail Administration Building 2nd Floor Naples, FL 34112 5417 Airport Rd. N. Naples, FL 34109 Dear Sir: I respectfully protest the assessment of an EMS Impact Fee for my orthodontic office at 5417 Airport Road. As an orthodontist, my services are performed on healthy people. My clients are not medically compromised and not be rendered so by my treatment. I do not administer any sort of anesthesia, sedation or pain medication. Neither do I prescribe any narcotic or non-narcotic analgesics, hypnotics, sedative or tranquilizing drugs. I do not hold a DEA number and neither do I prescribe any of the drugs requiring such a number. This office would not be able to be used by any other type of dental practitioner in the future without major modifications requiring future county permits. I trust that upon consideration of the above you will conclude that my new office will in no way impact the EMS and that this fee should be refunded to me. ~Please place my hearing on the agenda at your earliest convenience and advise me of the date and time. Sincerely, William [4. Thomas, O.D.S., M.S. AGENDA ITEM '% COLLIER COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE February 20, 1997 Dele Poeltl President Collier County Medical Society Alliance 1032 Goodlette Road North Naple~, Florida 34102 3301 E. TAMIAMI TR. NAPLES, F~. 34112 (941) 774-8383 FAX (941) 774-4010 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY Re: Request for Public Petition - Waiver of Permit Fee - Second Annual Women's Health Week Dear Ms. Peeltl: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Coil/er County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of March 4, 1997 regarding the above referenced subject. Your petition to tho Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:.00 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the Administration Building 03uilding "F") of the government complex. Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. If you require any fi~rther information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Michael A. McNees [nterim County Manager WND/bp cc:. County Attorney Community Development Services Division WOlV N'S I ALTH WEEK Nell Don'ill Collier County Manager 3301 Tami~ Trail East, Bldg. F, 2nd Floor Naples, FL 34112 January 3 !, 1997 RE: Women's Health Week Rice - March 15, 1997 / Vineyards Dear Mr. Don-ill, The Collier County Medical Society Alliance (CCMSA), with the assistance of Gulf Coast ,E~, nners: is ~ ~ to sponsor a 5 mile Race/Trib~e Walk / Family Fun Day in the vmeynnas u the kick-offevent of the Second Anneal Women's llealt~ Wee~ - Pre-,,m ting C. an c~ Yl~ nm gb We#nets Llf t:n'yle (M',~h 15.21, 1990. Proceeds fi'om the race and all other activities planned for this week will benefit local cancer education, service and support ~roups. CCMSA would like to be placed on the Board of County Commi~or~ agenda so that we may request · waiver of the SI25 county permit fee for this charity er, mt. Ifyou are not familiar with it, the 1996 Women'$ Health Week can-q:mign for Breast Cancer awarmesa, education and support reached over 25,000 people through · com~ week4ong format of'events and raised over $35,000 for local brea~ e.~w. er support groups and services. In 1997, our primary interim will be to broaden ~ educational scoi~ to include other canc~ affecting women md reach an even larger audience with the prevention message. The 5 mile Race/Tribute Walk / Family Fun Day wu a great fanu~ event last year, wetl received by all, and a wor~aer~ wayto kick-offthe week. The details oflbe race remain unchanged from last ?~ar and nrc enclosed for your reference. Additionally, C, mlf Cotst Runners will be supplying the ne~.~y cones for traffic control and we plan to ha~ a number of'volunteers on ~ to help with directing vehicles. We have notified Ms. Din,me Hag& Director of Emergency ,%trices and Lt. Bill Stiess oft.he ColFter Cota~ Sheriffs Department of<mr phms for this race. Should you hav~ any further questions, I can be reached at 454 - 0[76. 'flmk you in advance for your assistance in scheduling time for our request. Sincerely, Dede Poehl President, CCMSA March 15 - 21 AGEt:OA ITEM CommissionerTimConsl~mt '~:,'2 .~ 1082 Go<xtlette Rtmd North + Naples, Florida 8410~ · Preoenting Cancer rough Wellness Lifestyle WOMEN'S HEALTH WEEK 1997 Women't Health Wee~ Saturday, March 15 7:.~ AM Vineyards Community Park, Vineyards 2nd Annual Women's Health Week Rat1 $ mile Run I Tribute Walk I Fmnily Fml Day a fitH. ~alt~ w~ to celeb~te Wellz~. ~ici~te in the T~te Walk f~ a i~d one, ~ e~ t~ disti~i~ ~W T~in Tuesday, March It $: 15 AM - No~n Ritz-Carlton Naple~ Tuesday, March 18 Noon Ritz-Carlton Napl~ Keynote Lancht~n w/LINDA ELLERBEE nationally loved & respectea~ cneard-,~qnning 17' writer, producer & anchor, tells her uplifting story about surviving Breast Cancer (cowl life!} with one's set~e of humor intact Guarm,teed to touch your life. Wedne~tay, Mmx~ 19 11:30- 1:30 Naples Community Hospital, Telford Bldg. In - Service CEU Panel Dhcuulon Expert panel provide CEU training for hospital atnt medical o.l~qce personnel on pertDw,t ~x~men's cancer topics Free Resource Guide Start "living in tke pink" today/A~k for ymtr free copy. ~he "THINK PINK" March 15 - 21 Total Woman's Wdlness Gtdde: a clever. very readable sx}men's "maintenance mmntaff that takes a iight.&earted, but compelling, look at positive lifestyle choices for preventing cancer and other life-shortening illnesses,. Created, researched and published by CCMSA. CCSMA Educational Disnlay Community Hospital, Main Librat free information md materials on ~ Collier Cotmty Medical Socicty Allimxcc 10,~ Croodlette Road North · Naples, Florida 8-I102 F~;':". ,' 4 ellne.~s lifestyle Preventing Cancer Through Wellness Lifestyle Second~4nnual Women's Health Weel~ $ Mile Run/1 Mile Fun Walk Race Detail~ 7:30 AM 2 Hour~ ($ mile Race & Fun Walk) 200 - 300 Start on e~t ~ide of V'meyard~ Blvd. just north ofermance ~s up ~o eturanoe road to V*~ E1~xmtm~ School ending in ~m of~ ~~ ~ ~. (S~ a~ ~). · -.,-,. ,...,.,,,,,,,~uty ~ wm oegin aoou~ 8:30 AM and e~! ~ one hour later. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO ORDINANCE 83-47, AS AMENDED, ALSO KNOWN AS THE HERON LAKE PUD, WitlCH, ACCORDING TO THE REQUIRED PUD STATUS REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT, HAS NOT COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 2.7_t.4 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, RESULTING IN SEVERAL POSSIBLE COURSES OF ACTION FOR THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO CONSIDER. ~ Staff is requesting that thc Board rtwicw staff's findings and recommendations regarding thc above referenced PUD CONSIDERATIONS;: This PUD was originally approved cn~ Scptcmb~ 6, 1983 and amended o~ October 23, 1990 as Ordinance 90-79. Section of thc Collier County Land Development Code requirc~ that thc project developer submit an annual re'pon m the prosre~s of dcx'clopmcrn, commencing on thc fifth anniversary of thc PUD approval by the Board of Count),' Conwnissioners. Thc singular purpose of this report is to evaluate whcthcr or not thc project has commenecd in omc'st in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section For those PUD's approved prior to thc cffective date ofadoption of thc Land EL"'vcl~t Code, thc five year approval period cornmenc~ on thc adoption date, October 30, 1991. Therefore, thc conditions sct forth in Section are applicable as of October 30, ! 996. The above referenced PUD has been identified as a project ~hich was approved prior to October 30, 1991 and which has not commenced construction as defined in Section Staff has utilizv'l the required PUD status (monitoring) report, supplemented by field observation and review of in house records to vcrlfx' thc current status of the PUD and as thc basis of a recommendation to thc Board consisient with thc options provided in Section (1) & (2). Section reads as follows: 2. Z$.4. lTme limits for approved PUD master plana In the event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landcnvner(s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or a development order for all infrastructure improvements to Include utilltles, roads and similar Improvements required by the approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least 15 percent of the gross land area of the PUD site e~,ery five ),ears of the date of approval b), the Board Of CounO, Commissioners; and tdAR 0 4 1997' 0 ~ ~ l ® ~ ~ I: [' I I il ,:--m,*. / "~ ~E. Cl.. [ 0 ,~ 0 .~. ~J "~1 ~I~II~ ~ l I Il: I: I' II~ 11~ II: ~ ~I~ ~el1~ Ill: [ Il 1997 Fall to receive final local dtn'elopment orders for at least I$ percent of the total number of approved d~,elling unite in the PUD, or In the case of PUD's conJlsting of nonresidential 30 percent of the total approved gross Ita~able floor m~t within the PUD ertry r, lx j.tar~ of the date of approve bJt the iknrd Of County Commlr~lonera The tn~jA:t developer ~'hall tubmit to the Planning Dh'ector a statut report on the protrest af annual!! commencing on the fifth annh~mtary three of the Pr. ID appraral by the Board Of County C~~rt. rite singular purpose of the report will be to eraluate whether or not the pro, lect hat commenced In earnest In accordance witlt the criteria ~et forth above. Should the Planning Services Dlrmrtor determine that the dtn'eiopment bas commenced In earnest, then the land ShMI retain Its ~xI~ting PUD appro,~l and shall not be ~tbjmrt to a&fitlonal revlea~ and consideration of n~n~ deeel~t standards or lttt modification. Should the Planning Sera.ices Director determine that the dtn.elopment has not commenced in earner, t, then upon rtn'iew and consideration of the report prm'ided by the owner and any sui~emental Information that may be prm'ided, the Board Of Count). Commissioners Jhall elect one af the follawing: To extend the current PUD approral for a maximum period of two .rean; at the end of which time, the owner will again ~ubmtt to tire procedure a~ defined herzln. 2. Require the turner to submIt an amended PUD in which the ttnlmprm~l portions of the original PUD shall bt consistent the Grmrth Management Plan. The ~l. vting PtlD shall remain In effect #ntll subsequent action by the ~ of the · ubmltted an~ndment of the PUD. If the awner falls to ~ubrnlt an amended PI. ID within slx months of Bmrrd at:~lon to require melt an amended tttbrnlttal, then the Board ratty initiate proceedlng~ to rezone the unlmprm, ed portloas of the original PUD to an appropriate y. mring ctasslflcatton conrdstott ~ith the Future Land tJ~t EleJ~ent of the Grm~th Management Plan. MAR 0 1997 ,3. In the case of Developments of Regional Impact, time limit restrictions shall be superseded by the phasing plan and/or tlme limits contained withtn the application for development approval and apprm, ed as part of a de~'elopment order in conformance with F.$. :{380. 0(~ SYnoosi$ of Aooroved Land _Usesj The subjcc! 101.52 acre PUD ~as approved for 271 single family residential d~xelling units and 236 multi-family units for a maximum of 507 units. Thc PUD also co~tains a 21 acre recreation/commons area and · 17.5 acre water Consi~tenc~ with Comorehensh, e Growth Manase,-r,~n;, ~snl ~ ~b~ P~ b ~i~ U~ R~tial m t~ Future ~ Usc E~ ~U~ of ~ G~ ~~ (OMP). ~ ~ ~si~ in this a~ is 4 un~s ~ ~ ~ich ~I~ in 405 d~:lli~ un~. ~, appr~i~tely 36.48 ac~ i~ I~ ~thin t~ Ool~ Oate ~ity BaM ~xflich allm~ for th~ (3) a~itio~l unit~ ~ ac~ ~ ~t ~ni~ ~in ~ ~. ~o~, ~ ~iti~] 109 d~elling units ~ ~ a~ to t~ ~ ~nt for a g~ ~l of 514 unia. ~is ~ulis in an o~all ~si~' ofS.! uni~ ~r ac~. Si~ ~ pr~ ~ ~ f~ ~ly 507 units, ~ proj~'~ ~ity is 5.0 uni~ ~ ~ ~fiich is ~i~t ~dth ~ ~ity ~ting s)~t~ of tM GMP. ~ PUD is al~ d~ ~i~ ~ t~ T~ffic Cir~ti~ EI~ aM t~ O~n S~atuml R~r~ E~t ~th mi~r r~isi~ to ~ PUD ~t. Consis~enc~ with the Collier County Land Develonment Code: The PUD has distributc~ to the appropriate jurisdiction review emitics spocifically for review of the PUD /'or consists., with current 'land development regulations. Based on that ~'cvie~v, the follo~ng inconsistencies hay: been identified: Transportation: Section 17 of the PUD (Traffic Impacts, access managem~L etc.) changed to reflect current administrative regulation if the PUD is to be amended. Environmental: Section 18 of the PUD (Pnxecaxl Spocics, 8rccn and opca changed to refi~t current ref~ if the PUD is to be amended. F..agi~eeHng: Se.~ions 19 & 20 ofth~ PUD (Sc~aBc/Walct, draia~e ismes) chanscd to ~ current admini.sa~iv~ reguladon if thc PUD is m ~ amee~ STAFF COHHENTS: Staffis of'the opinion that there is insufficient justification to rcquire a owncr to submit an amcnd~ PUD simply because the PUD rcf'crcrg~ codcs that am now consolidated into the bom changed in thc mos~ recent LDC ama',dmcnt. These rcfcnngcs am not made invalid becau~ th~, changed or arc othen~ placed in a diffcrc~ ~ documcnt. Their of d~edopn-,~ commi~ needed to make thc PUD consi~ with today's code requiren~ms. Staffrt'vicw dc~ mx indicatc that thcre are any inconsismgics or emissiom ar4dicable ~o subsequent rcquircd development approval~ (i.e. Platting and/or SDP's). fiSCAL IMPACT; An amcndmem to this PUD, as rccamneraded by staffwiil have no fiscal impact on Coti/cr Counly as thc appropriate PUD mmndngnt and othcr a~licable fe~s till cow~ th~ cost_, of staff time associated ~xith review of said m'nendme~ and ~: co~ of adve.nising and public notice. STAFF RECOMMENDATION;_ Bascd on a comprdemive revimv of' thi~ PUD docmnn~ recorammds that thc Board of Count)' Commissionc~ gram a e, vo year caemion of'the Hcro~ Lake PUD per the attactx:xt rcsolution. RAY BgLLOWS PRINCIPAL PLANNER - OI~RT J. MUI..H£RE, AICT DATE CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER am Ot.o, t XTt PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAl, SERVICES DIYL 4 :ION MAR 0 4 1997 To: David C. We{gel nnt~ A~r~m~y From': Mzrjoric M. Student Az~i~t County AV, orney Date: November 18, 1996 Re: PUD Sunzerting Concerns I have s~'er'a.I legal concerns regarding the $unsetting of PUDs should that involve adjusting density, or land use. They are categorized in this memo. Additionally this is a response to Attorney Richz.,xt Grosso's legal opinion to the Florida Wildlife Federation dated October 2 I, 1996. I. Bert 3. Harris. Ir. Private Property Rights l~rotection Act (Section 70.01. Florida Statutes~ First of all, I disagree ~,-ith Ma'. Grosso concerning the grandfathering language of the Property Rights Acc. He is correct in s:atlng that subsection of the Land Development Code CLDC) de~li~,_g with PUD sun, erring is not subject to the new law. However, he ignor:s the fact that any PUD zmendments necess2ry to implement any BCC recommended changes to a PUD document, including density reduction or a land use change, would require the adoption of a new ordinance ~ would be subject to the Act. The date after which the law applies to ordinance adoptions is May 1995. Subsection of the LDC requires that any text chmge to a PUD m~t be accomplished by ordinance. Moreover, Subsection requires that should the property ow'act not make the necer...,,ary PUD amendments required by the sunsetting pr6cess then the BCC has the authority to rezone the PUD to an appropriate district. This too, v.'ou!d have to be accomp~hed by an ordinance adopted after the "trigger date" set forth in the Act and thus be subject to it. I ~lso disagr~ with Mr. Grosso on the density reduction issue for the following reasons. No Florida court Ins yet had the opportunity to construe any ofthe key terms in the Act. Subsection 70.001(2) provides that [w]hcn a specific action ora governmental ehtity has inordinately burdcued an existing use of real property/or a vested right to a specific use of real property, the propcay owner of that real property is untitled to relief, which may include compensation for the actual loss to the fair market value of the property caused by the action of the government- The key terms are "e:dsting use", "vested right" and "inordinate burden." AGENDA_ITEM MAR 0 4 199? ~ov~Z~ 18, I~9~S David C. Weig¢l ' PUD Stm$¢tting Co~xern.~ Pa$~ 2 The Act defines an existing use as: 1) an actual, present use or activity on the real property; 2) periods of inactivity normally associated with or incidental to the nature or type of use that takes place on the property; 3) such reasonably foreseeable, nonspeculative land uses which are suitable for the subject property, are compatible with. adjacent land uses and which have created an existing fair market value in the property greater than the fair market value of the actual, present use or activity on the property. See Subsection 70.001(3)Co), ~,~. A vested right, as defined in the Act, is determined by applying the principles of equitable estoppel or substantive due process under Florida common law or applying the statutory law of the state. Subsection ?0.001(3Xa), ~. The Act defines an inordinate b~den as an action by one or more governmental entities that has directly restricted or limited the u~es of the real property such that the property owner is permanently unable to attain the reasonable investment backed expectation for the existing use of the propertT or a vested right to a specific use of the real property with respect to the property as a whole. Additionally, it can mean that the property owner is left with existing or vested uses that are unreasonz.ble such that the property osvner permanently bears a disproportionate shall of a burden imposed for the good of the public which in fairness should be borne by the public at large. See Subsection 70.001(3)(e), There is no 'bright ling" test to determi=e what a vested right is. These types of cases in Florida have been determined on a case by c~e basis. Since our Zoning Reevaluation was set up to de~l with this issue, an argument could be made that any property that passed through that process and received an exemption pursuant to Subsection 106-40 of Article Il, "Zoning Reevaluation", Chapter 106, "Planning" of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida or z determination of vested stat~ pursuant to Subsection 106-46 of that Ordinance could claim vested status. Moreover, the Act defines "existing uses" broadly including those that are reasonably foreseeable, nonspeculative, compatible and have created addi.tional fair market value on the property over and above the existing use or uses. Re'zones from less intense and less dense land uses to more inteuse, higher density land uses could have the effect of increasing fair market value as in the case ora rezone from Estates to PUD or Agriculture to PUD - depending of course, on the land uses permitted by the particular PUD. It is imposs~'ble to draw a -bright line" here either as each PUD must be evaluated on its own merit. The opinion ora property appraiser should be obtained as to the effect of the PUD zoning on any given parcel of land as well as any future downzonlng on such parcel upon fair market value. However, an argument could be made that any reduction in density or decrease in the intensity of land use on thc PUD parcel could decrease the fair market value of the property and thus trigger the Act. An argument could also be made that any downzoning of the PUD property has created an inordinate burden ther~n since as a result, thc reasonable, investment backed e~ l-'-c.'-i~{~i~$[~ the property owner are not capable of being attained. Ofcoutze, this is a question f fact nnd~ 0 4 '1997 O,vid C. Wds~I · Z'UD $~ Cooccms cannot be uniformly ·pplied to ~y PUD subject to the su:setting. The term 'reasonable, investment backed expectations" is not precis:. In f·cta recant article in the }'~nd IIs¢ Law & ~ stated that the concept ofiavesmaent-b·cked ..-~ectatioas remains an ambiguous term that is difficult to apply. See "The WLsconsin Supreme Court Responds to Lucas", 48 L~nd Use Law & Zoning Digest, No. 9 st page 6. I therefore, conclude ti,at in order for the County to say within the Property Rights Act, each PUD must be evaluated on its own merit before any ia:.~ use or density change can be accomplished. Moreover, it is recomme~ed that the Coun::' work with the PUD property. owner to ~chiev¢ · mutually beneficial Besides triggering the Bert I. Harris, Ir. Private Progerty Rights Protection Act, if vested rights are interfered with by · local government there is aa <uitable remedy in circuit cour~ - that being a determination of vested slams a~! · resulting com"; :Mcr permit'thag the vested project to occur as originally approved. The common hw elements of:'ested fights or equitable estoppel in Florida are as follows: an act or omission of · govemmen~ entity upon which the prope~. owner has relied in good faith and has made ~ch · subst~-':al change in position or incurred such excessive obligations and expenses tl-~: i: would be N~ly inequitable and unjust to destroy the fights he acquLred. Smith v. Ci~ of Clea_,'wz.'.er, 353 S:2d 651 (Fla. 2d DCA 1980) These matters are determined on · case by case basis. There is r.c 'bright line" test. Therefore, a.'ly downzoning that may result from sun, et-tag of any PU'Ds ~ould not interfere with a ye·led fighL Once again, aa)' propeWy owner that was g'aated z· _-xemption or determination of vested rights thcough the County's Zoning Reevaluation process =~'.; be able to claim vested status so far as density or permitted la~d use is concerned. Moreov~, any property owner gaining PUD approval since the adoption of the GMP ma.',' be able to ~""eve vested status by the donation of right-of-way, creation of ea.sements for public pm-poses or ether related expenditures in favor of the public and also related to the proposed development. . III. lqarure of PUD Zoning In Po _r!~ise Point Psrtner~hlp v. St_/oh_ns Count', 5.:2 So.2d 727 0:la. 5~ DCA 1959), the Court opined that the nature of PUD zoning requir~ ccopera,tion betweeaa the property owner and the zoning authority in creafi~ the overall pla:. Id. tt page 728. The Court held that · planned special developmem by its very tmture must be s:ught by the property owner sad cannot be imposed over an owners objection sad thus invzEdated · PUD rexone imposed solely by the County. ~ at page 729. Collier Countlfs PUD r~..zirements are quite similar to the planned special development requirements of St. lohn's Cc:mty al issue in While the case did not address PUD =mendments, an zrgu=ent could be made by a property owner that due to the consensual nature of PUD zoning be.~'een it and the local government, a PUD amendment camaot be imposed upota the property, v,'i~out the owlaer's consent. There is no case law dealing with PUD amendments on this point. I: "~ the opinion of the writer that in lIAR 0 4 l!~7 ~uch a c~ze, a court would balance the polke power intercs~ of'the local government aga/nst thc privat~ intcrr, s~ of the prop~y ov, mer in determining wh~her or no! thc PUD am~dment is valid. Additionally, Isrn ~ed that ii'densities ~re reduced too ~reatly thc Cotmty may run st'oul of the need to provide ~'ordable housinS pun'u~t to Subseciion 1633177(6)(0 of the C_rrowth Management Ax:t. Addi~ioz~lly, there may be exclusionary zo-i-g problems such ss was thc caze in South Burlin~on County_ NAACP v. Mt. Laurel Township. 67 lq. I. 151, 33(~ A.2d 713 (197Y) where ther~ w~ low d~ms|ty residential land use standards imposed uniformly throughoul the Township. I hope this memo ~nswers your co~c~ms r~l~ing to PUD sunset~ing. Should you have any fm-ther questions or commerits, please salvia. MAR 0 1 1997 PI- ~, - S & I 9 11 12 14 15 RESOLUTION 97- A RESOLUT][ON BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CONHISSIONER~ OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 · 7.3.4 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTTNG ORDINANCE 90-79 ALSO KNOWN AS HERON LAXE PUP, EXTENDING THE CURRENT PUD APPROVAL TO MARC~ 4, 1999; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. l& WHEREAS, the Heron Lake PUD, Ordinance 83-47 adopted on 17 Sep~r 6, 19a3, is subject to the provisions of Section 11, of the ].,and Development Code (]23C), Time Limits for I~ Approved ~OD Zoning Districts together with their relpective 2o Nester Plans; and 21 WHEREAS, the PUD wal adopted consistent with and under the 22 provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan; and 2] WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the 24 PUD and has detsrmined to extend the currant PUD Zoning for two 25 ysars, until March 4, 1999; and 2& NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board 0£ Zoning 27 Appeals of Collier County, Florida that= 2& 2! 1. The &boys recitals ers adopted harbin by rsfersncs 3o as if fully set forth herein. 31 33 2. This Relolution shall constitute evidence of 33 compliance with the review requirements of Section 34 of the LDC. 3& 3. Pursuant to said section of the IZ~, the current 37 PUD approval is hereby extended to it arch 4, 1999; 3& at the ar~ of ~hich time the o~nar shall submit to 3~ the procedures in L~C Section 40 This Resolution shall becm effective immediately upon its 41 approval. 42 'BE IT FURT~ERRF~OLVED that this Resolution bm recorded in 43 the minutes of this Board end in the records of the Petition for 44 which the extension is granted. -1- MAR 0 { 1997 This Resolvtion &dopted after zot~on, second and majority .... 2 vOlVo Done th~s day of ~ 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COI~ISSIONER$ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: D~IGHT E. BROCK, CL~3LK TZHOTHY r.. HA~COCK, CHAIRKAN APPROVED AS TO FORM A.~D LEGAL SUFFICIENCY= ASSISTART COUNTY ATTOP~EY f/Heron Lake PUD/ '2--. I~LrZF*A3, Vlllil~ Peticioued the ~erd of . Covucy Co~miiliOnirl · Co R~, ~~ BE IT O~AI~ by the ~4rd o~ C~flc~ C~is~ionerl ~e lan/n[ Chis/f/cacl~ of the hire/n described reel property located in Section 33, T~shfp FloFld4 LI chinf4d fr~ A-2 co -p~. Plinned UtiLe D~elop~nc Ln'iccoFdonce vtc~ the P~ document Iccacbed hereto tnco~oroced herein and b~ reference Mdc plrc hereof. ~* Official Zonin~ AClis ~p g~ber, Nu~er ~9-26-8 is described In Ordinance 82-2, is harsh7 one~ged accordingly. Sr. CTIO~ 1~'0: Thin Ordinance shall becc~e effective upo~ receipt of not/ce DAT~: Se~r. eld:~: 6, 1983 ~OAXO OF Cotnrrf CO~I$SI~ COLLIe1 COUlfZT, FLORIDA otdLnanca £tled wLth the Secrecar7 or Stat the 27th day o£ Septeuber. 1983 and acke ledseuent of that fllinS recetved thts 29th ~t7 Septeuber ~ ~983, Revised HERON LAKE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT DISTRICT ZONE: PUD. PERMITTED USES: Single family dwellings; multi-family dwellings; recreation&l open space lends, structures and facilities; docks; temporary ~ewage treatment and disposal facllitles. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: · ' Accessory uses end structures which are customary' In residential communities and in recreational open Ipocl areal; administrative sales and rental offices, which offlc~s may be located In temporary or permanent structures and may be located within · residential or recreational structure, MAXIMUM GROSS PROJECT DENSITY: 5.&8 dwelling units per acre. Total dwelling unit count shall not exceed $77. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: MULTI-FAMILY SITES Minimum building setback from m site boundary: 30' Minimum separation between adjoining buildings: 112 the sum of the heights, Maximum building height: 3 stories. Minimum dwelling unit flo~r area: efficiency- SOO sci.ft.; 1 bedroo 600 lq.ft.; 2 bedroom- 750 s~q.ft.; 3 bedroom- gOO lq.ft. oo Heron Lake PUD document Page 2. Minimum of retreat perking spacea: 2 spaces per dwelling unit. lJ spaces per dwelling unlt shell be Improved, t space per dwelling unit may be unimproved end lendaceped. Planned but unimproved apecee shall be Improved et · future data should actual parking demand dictate that neceaalty. SINGLE FAMILY LOTS: Minimum front yard: 25 ft. Minimum side yard: One stor~, 7J ft.; two story, 10 ft. Minimum rear yard: 20 ft. Maximum height: 2 stories Minlmum floor area: 750 ~q. 'ft. Mlnimum off, trot ~I~ 2 ~, per RECREATIONAL FACILITIES t ~xlmum r~reatbn ~ild~ng height: 2 Minimum ~paratt~ ~t~n r~rat~ building and ~treet t~ oF lake bank: S0 Minimum leparation ~t~en r~reat~n building and nearest single . f~mily lot or multi-family lite: 2S Docks In the central lake or the Golden Gate Canal ~hall ~nForm to county ~tandarde ~lth reset to length and et~cturai requlre~nte. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT DISTRIBUTION: Multl-fmaily dwelling unit distribution shall occur generally aa Indicated on the approved Master Plan. With the approval of the Community Development Admlnistr&tor, minor changes may be made In the distrtbutlo~ of multi-family dwelling units among the nine multi-family sltss ~o long ss the total number of multi-family dwelling units does not exceed 2S2, Page 3. MASTER Pt. AN: The Ipproved Heron Like Mister PIin shall al~ constitute the approved Subdivision /~ster Plin. PARK AND OPEN SPACE: Park end open tpeca Ireal Indk:eted on the Miller Plan may be utilized for natural erie recreltion purpolll and may be lmproYed wlth various recreation facilities. No I:~rtion of the recreational open space Indicated on the Master Plan may be utilized for residen- tial building purposes, No development within or alterations of' the Oak Hammock Preserve whlch wo~ld affect the Integrity of the pre~erve ahall be allowed. EXCEPTIONS TO COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: Article X, Section 1~: Sidewalks r~ed not be constructed within street right et~ way but shall be constructed as indic~ted on the approved Master Plan. ~ Article XI, Sectl~ 10: T~ r~uirement t~t Pe~nent Reference ~numentl ~ ins~iled in typl~l w~ter valve ~rs s~ll ~ w~ived. Article XI, Sectl~ 1l: Strflt name ~igns shell be Ipproved by tM County Engineer but need not meet the U.S.D.O.T.F.H.W.A. Mmnuml of Uniform Trmfflc Control Devices. Street peveMnt pmlntlng, striping, mhd re,active edging r~u]rements shmli ~ wmlved. Article XI, Sect~n 17 F. & G.: Street rlaht of way mhd cr~ss ~ct~r i~11 be ~1 foliowl: (See p~ges 23 & 2~) Article XI, Sectl~n 17 I: Bi¢kef curb radii mt strut lntersect~ni shell ~ ~ minimum of 30 ft. Article XI, Section 17 K: The r~ulrement for 100 ft. tangent ~ctiM ~tween reverse curvtl of ItrHts sh~ll be waived. j ·e Heron Lake PUD docunmnt Page ~,. Article XI, Sectlo~ 21= The requirement for blank utility casingJ shall be wJlved. ,TRAFFIC: I. The developer shall reserve a rlght-ot~-wey to allow a future roadway connection e, stwerd fr~m the project. The purpose of this connection is to ultimately c~nnect Boulev, rd with CR-ISI. 2. The .develope~ ,hell c~per, te with Berkshire ~kes ,nd pr~i~ a ~,lr share ~ntribut~n toward t~ ~pl~l ~t~ of *pp~prl~te turn I*ne~, tr~ffic',ignellz,t~n ~nd arterial level ~tr~t Ilghtlng at the project entr,n~ on 5.n~ Barbera B~lev~rd. 3. The ~velo~r Ihell ~nn~t t~ p~l~ bike ~th to entr~n~w,y end to t~ re~d rlgh~f-w,y " .SHOULDCK I~.' STAelL, IT. tO '~L)~AD/. TO A MII~IIMUM oiI' ~O ~ DCI~I~ITY A~ID KI~.V. OS 40, 0~. I..~.1~. OF ~o oe. A~ D/I~CCTCD .~Y D (30' .R.O.W. SEC?i'O ',3 N.T.8.. " HERON LAKE · · NOLI:. MONTgS · AIIOClATrI, INC. ~"~"' "· ." ..... . ..: .,,~k '..~ -, ,A · D 50' R.O.W. SECTION N .T.8. ORDINANCE 90- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 83-47, WHICH ESTABLISHED HERON LAKE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, BY AMENDING THE PUD DOCUM~IT TO ADD CLUSTERED DWEL/,INGS AS A pERMITTED USE AND PROVIDE A DEFINITION THEREFOR; ANENDING PERMITTED ACCESSORY : USES AND STRUCTURES, BY ADDING A CHILDREN'S DAY '.-' CARE FACILITY AND MODIFICATIONS TO SALES OFFICE USE; AMENDING GROSS PROJECT DENSITY TO REFLECT- CURRENT PROJECT DENSITY; AMENDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO REFLECT THE NUMBER OF DWELLING %~IITS ALLOWED BY CLASS AND TO PERMIT REDISTRIBUTION OF UNITS AMONG CERTAIN %~RACTS; ADDING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL SECTION TO COMPLY WIT~.' THE ZONING O~INANC£ S£CTZON lo.~; ADDING A__ ~--~:: APPROVAL SZCTION TO SUBDIVISION THE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIO~S; AMENDING DL LOPMENT ,TAND -' OS. 'Z.TI- IZ.Y SITES TO CUL-DE-SACS iN TRACT IV IF DEVELOPED AS HULTI-FAMILY; AMENDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .~.~ szCTzo. To ~D D~ELOm~ ~m~ ~'OR CZ,UST~_ FAMI~-Y LOTS, TO REJECT INCltEASEO ~INI~ AREA REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING TITLE OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES TO REFLECT CHANGE TO RECREATIONAL COMHONS, AND BY DELETING MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT AND HASTER PLAN SUBSECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SECTION~ AMENDING TITLE OF PARK AND OPEN SPACE SUBSECTION OF DEVEIX)PHENT STANDARDS SECTION TO REFLECT CHANGE TO RECREATIONAL COMMONS: ADDING BUFFERS SECTION W~ICH SETS FORTH BUFFER REQUIREHENTS; ADDING ~ROADS TO BE PRIVATE~ SECTION TO REFLECT CURRENT ROAD OWNERSHIP; AMENDING EXCEPTIONS TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS SECTION TO REFLECT SIDEWALK ALIGNMENT OtANG~ AND RIGHT-OF-WAY CROSS SECTIONS; ADDING ENVIRONMENTAL STIPULATIONS SECTION; ADDING ~ATER MANAGEMENT STIPULATIONS SECTION; ADDING ENGINEERING STIPULATIONS SECTION; ADDING UTILITIES STIPULATIONS SECTION; AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 6, 1983, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance Number 83-47, vhich established the Heron Lake Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, William R. Vines, of Vines and Associates, Incorporated,'representing Naples Associates, an Ohio Corporation, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, to amend Ordinance Number 8~-47; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: · AG der ~ ~~~dded. eAR 0 ,i 1997' .$£CTION ON£: Pez~Ltted Uses, of Ordinance 113-¢'/, is hereby anended to read as follows: Single family dwellings; clustered dvellinas~ multi-family dwellings; recreational open space lands, structures and facilities; docksf~ tenperery-sevage-kreetnent-and-dispeset ~oei~tties? The tetnn "Clustered dwellinas" is defined a~ a grouo of attached or detached sinale family dwelling units havin~ a common architectural and landscaoe architectural Shame. Clustered dvellinos may not include oarden aoartnen:s or other housing COnfiaurations in which a dwellina unit is iocated over another dvellino unit. I clustered dwelling unit may be located on an in~Ividuallv ovne8 site. or may ba located on lands which are owned in co~on by several ~ellin~ unit o~ners. ~ulti-fanilv d~ellin~s are defined as duellinos in a ~ltiole ~vellina stricture in which tvellino units are gonst~cted over other tuellino units. Clustered dvellinos ~nd eulti-faeilv ~vellinos ~ust ~ ~evalooed in accord with an aooroved Sit. Oeveloonent ~lsn or iu~ivision ~aster Plan if lots are to be sold.. The Io~ ot site division and sale shall ~ indicated on the Site Dev~loonen: Plan which authorize~ develoonen~ of clustered dvellinos and/or ~ulti-flnllv dvellinos. SECTION T~O: Per~itted Accessory Uses and Structures, of Ordinance 83-47, is hereby amended to teat as follows: PERI~ITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES Accessory uses and structures which are customary in residential co~uuunities and in recreational open space areas: ad~inistrative = sales and rental offices ~ ~eriod of active real estate develooment and marketina, which offices may be located in temporary or per~anent structures and may be located within a residential or recreational structure. A children's day care facility may be incoroorated in the ~ecreational commons site if the Heron Lake Property O~mers' Association elects to authorize it. Haterial which is excavated durina construction of the protect lake. which exceeds in amount the material re. ired for develoo~ent of the orotect, may be removed from the orotect in accord with the terms of a county issued excavation permit. The volu~e of the ~ateriel'removed from the ~rotect shall be limited to 10% of the excavated material, and further limited to a maximu~ o[ 20,000 cubic yards. If the aoolicant wishes to remove ~aterial from the ~rotect in excess of this amount, a gommercial excavation oermit ~ust be procured. SECTION THREE: Maximum Gross Project Density, of Ordinance 83-47, is hereby amended to read as follows: Words-st,ruek.-threuqh are deleted; words und~ · -'2-" "'":" AGEi~ ~M MAR 0 A 1997' KAXZHU~GROSS PROJECT DENSITY: S?&B ~ dwelling un£ts per acts. Total dwelling unit count on the 101.52 acre site shall not exceed 59~ :h~/. SECTION FOUR: Development Standards, of Ordinance 13-47, is hereby anended by adding the following: 236 Sinale famll'v dwellin~ ~inale flamilv dwellinas Sinale family dwellinas Clustered dwellinas Sinale ffamilv dvellinas Clustered dwellinas OR AREA PER DWELLING 7.000 savers flee~ 7,000 s=uare fleet g.500 savers fleet 3.500 sauare feet ~.000 s~uare feet ~.~00 scua~e feet 2.S00 souare feet Z~ the event that the develooer co~uul~s to develoo fev{r tha~ the maximum Dernitted dwelline units in Parcels III. the unused dwellino units uaw be added to the 236 units ~ermltted in Parcel IV. so lone as the total number of dwellina units does not exceed 507. Exhibit '~' shall constitute the Planned Unit Development ~aster Plan and describes the oarcel layout for housin~ SECTION FIVE~ A section entitled "Site Development Plan Approvaln ia hereby added to read as follows: SITE DEVELOPHL~ PLAN ~PPROVAL~ ~11 clustered dwellina develoument and nultl-~amilv develooment shall comolv with Zonina Ordinance Section 10.5 as SECTION SIX: A section entitled -Subdivision Plan Approval" is hereby added to read an followe~ SUBDIVISION PI~WN APPROV/kL: All sinale familY lot develooment shall comolv with the County Subdivision Re=uletione. lB the event clustered dwellin~ develonment end,or multi-family develo~ent is to ~ su~ivided, such develo~ent shall camolv with the County ~u~ivi~fon Repletions. If cluster dwellin~ dev%loDment and/or multi-family development is proposed, the tract ~:ilized eust be ~latted orior to Site Develoo~ent ~lan ~ords-s~ue~Tt'h~o~h are deleted; words und~rline~'~. Development Standards. Hulti-£amll¥ Sites, of Ordinance is hereby asended to read as follows: MULTI-~A~ILY SITES Mlnimu~ bulldinq setback from · site boundary: 30' of th. heiqht=. Haxl~um ~ildinq h,iqht: 3 ~ini~um dvellinq unit floor area~ efficiency - 500 sq. ft.; 1 ~droom - 400 ~q. It.; 2 bedroom - ~50 ~q. ft.; { bedroo~ Mlnilu~ off-street parkinq spaces~ 2 spaces per dwellinq unit. ~-~e-speeeo-pe~-dve~&ng-un&t-sha~-be-~Bp~oved?-~ spaee-per-dve~*ng~uni~-nay-beoe~*mp~oved-and-~endseaped- P~enfled-be~-en~np~oved-epaees-shat~obe-impreved-e~-e-future date-ohoeld-aet~a~-parking-desand-dJetate-that-neeessitY- ~n the event nulti-familv..develo~uent is ulanned in Parcel ~V. the Site Develounent Plans which ere submitted in connection with luch develou~ent ~av ~odifv or omit the cul-de-sacs iBdicated by the Master DeveloPment Plan. but shall not interruut or lionificantlv mc~ifv the loom road elion~ent indicated bv th~ Master D~¥elo~ent Plan. s zo "[zc i '.' :" ' Development Standards, of Ordinance 83°4?, is hereby amended adding · Clustered Dwellings Section to reed el follows: CLUSTERL~D DWL~LLINGS Minimu~ ~etback fr~ a front uroue~v lin,: 25 feet to a aaraae door= 15 feet to o~her ~rtions of a dwellina. Ni~lmum sauaration between d,tached dw~llinas= 1/2 the sum of Minimum r,ar yard: 20 fe=t. ~axlmu~ heiaht: 2 stories. H~nimu~ floor area: 750 s~ara fe,=. Minimum off-stre,t Darkina: 2 spaces Der dwellina unit. Minor ad4ustments to the a~ve clustered dwellina development standards ~av ~ authorized durin~ the Sit, DeveloDmen2 Plan avDroval urocess to acco~ate non-rectan~lar sl~es or unite dwellina unit confl~rations. In the event that develoument of individual dvelllna units t~ to be undertaken bva coordina~ln= d~velo~en= Ivonsor. In accord with a c~o, architectural and landscaue architectural theme, variations from the a~v, =inimum standards may be a~ministrativelv auvroved, uursuant to Z.O. Section 10.5. l~ the auolicant provides satisfactory evidence that the .. Words-struck-three'qb are deleted; words ~ nderl~n dded. '.'...'.': ...' ..... ,,....':.. · . . '... .... ., . .',. · ,... '. ,, .": :. '- .. MAR 0 4 1997 · ~t~{shed develooment and that the s~irit and intent of the PUD ~evelooment etandards Il a~h&red to. In the event clustered dwellina develooment Il planned in parcels ~1! or !V. the Site Develo_-~_ent Plans which ace submitted in connection vith such divaloouent may modify or 9mit the cul-de-sacs indicated b~ the ~aster Dtveloo~mnt Plnn~ but shall not inte~u~ or sianificantlv ~ltv the looo road alian~nt indicated ~ the Master Development Plan. D~velop~int S~dndards, Single Family ~ts, of Ordinance is hereW amended to read as toll,s= SINGLE F~ZLY Ninl~ tron~ yard~ 25 ~n~ rear yard~ 20 f~., except 10' for pools or screen ~x~heigh~ 2 Nln~ oft-street parking: 2 spaces per relXdence. SECTION TEN: Development Standards, Recreational Facilities, of Ordinance 13-47, ia hereby amended to read es Naxinun recreation ~llding hei~ 2 s~ories, ~x~ lepuation ~veefl~recrea~lon ~ a~ i~ree~ or top oE H~nl~ le~rak~on ~tveen ~ recreation ~l in ~hl central l~l or the Golden Gate Canal shall conto~ to co~ s~andards vl~ respect ~o len/~ and S~XON ~vml~n~ S~rdo, Hul~l-F~ily ~elli~ Unit Die,riP,ion, of ~i~e 83°47 Ii here~ deleted In its entirety as Xu~tt-feniLy-dve~ng-en~t-d~otrtbutiea-oha~t-eeeur-generntt~ ao-indtea~ed-efl-the-appFeved-~s~eF-PJn~T--~th-the-opProva~ . ' : ~ords-ot?eek-~hrouqh are .deleted; vorde '.'. ~k : '"' MAR 0 4= 1997 unt~s-doas-no~-exeeed-ag~? SECT'rON TWELVE: Development Standards, Master P~an, o£ Ordinance 83-47, hereby deleted Ln ~ts satireS7 as ~ollovs: ~he-approved-Hero~-Lahe-~aa~er-P~an-ehaL~oa~so-eams~u~e-~he approved-Svbd~vis&o.-~ao~er-P~an? SECTIO~ THIRTEEN: Development Standards, Park and Open Space, of Ordinance PAR,K-~OPEq-SPAeBt RECREATIONAL Perk-and-open-epees The Recreational Commons indicated on the PLaster Plan may be u~ilized for natural area recrea~ion purposes and may be improved with various recreation facilities and customary accessory structures. No portion of the recrea~ional open-spars co~mon~ lndica~sd on ~he Hascer Plan ma~ ~e utilized for residential bulld~nq purposes. No develoj~ment w~thin or elter&~lone o£ ~ha Oak Hammock Preserve which would affect the intaqrlt~ o£ the preserve shall be allo~ed. Princiual recreation b~lldl~as and ffacilities not shov~ on the eu~roved Heater De~alo~uent Plan shall re,ire Site Devtlo~nent Plan a~urovel. SECTION FOURTEEN: A section entitled "Bu~£ers" is hereby added ~o read as A wall not to exceed 10 feat in helaht may be constrvc~ed nd~acent to the Interstate 75 rioh~-of-~av line which abutq ~he ore,act's south boundary. ~alls no~ ~o e~cesd 6 fleet in heiaht may be constructed ad~acsn~ the ~ro~ect's east end wes~ boundaries. The heloh~ of the walls shall be measured uein~ the standards as outlined in Section 8.33.C of the Collier County Zanies Ordinanc9. SECTION FIFTEEN: A section entitled 'Roads to be Private~ is hereby added to read aa follows: ROADS TO B£ PRIVATE All roads within the uro4ect will be Drivatel~ owned ~nd · .worda-s,truck-~hreuqh are deleted; .words ~nde~i~ eddic MAR 0 1991 SECTION SIXTEEN: Development Standards, £×ceptions to County subdivision Regulations, o~ Ordinance 83-47 is hereby amended to read as follows: EXCEPTIONS TO CO~TY SUBSIVISIOT~ Article Xo Section 6: Co~lete clearina of road riahts-of°wa¥ shall not be resulted. Clearino reouire~ents shall be Limited to the area necessary to accommodate read-ay construction and utilitie~ installation- Article X, Section 16: Sidewalks indicated on the approvsd ~aster ~lan. olianment ~av be ~eandered to avoid s~ecimen trees ~nd 9that retained native veaetation. Hlnimum separation ~etween sidewalk and back off curb shall be 5 feet. Article XI, Section 10: The requirement that permanent Reference Honuments be installed in typical ~atar valve covers shall be wa£ved. ~rticle XI, Section 17 F. & C.: Street right-oE-vaY and cross section shall be as fe½~ewse--~See-pe§es-~-and-R4~ sho~n on ~aaes 13 and 14 of the Heron Lake PUP document, exceot that an enlaraed entrancewav may be a~roved by the Development Services Administration. Article ~I, Section 17 I.: Back of curb radii at street intersections shall be a minimum of ~0 ft. ~rticle XI. Section 17 ~.: The requirement that curved ~reets have a minimu~ tanaent of 100 ft. at ~ptersections may be reduced, sub, oct to & certi~ied . desian which assures adeauate site distance and stacking. ~rticle XI, Section 17 K.: The require~ent for 100 ft. tangent sections between reverse curves of streets ~ay be reduced, subject to a certified design which assures adequate recovery zone and Is properly signed for a particular design speed. ~rticle XI, Section 19: Street ns~e eigne shall be approved by the County Engineer but need not ~eet ~e U.S.D.O.T.F.H.~.A. Hanual of Unifor~ Traffic Control Devices. Street pavement painting, striping, and reflective edging requirements shall be valved. ~rticle XI, Section ~l: The requirement for blank casings shall be valved. SECTION SEVEnTEEn: Development Standards, Traffic, of Ordinance 83-47 is hereby amended to read as follo'~s: T~AFFIC: 1. The developer shall reserve a-&e-feet right-of-way to a~ew.e-fu~vre-roadvay-eonnee~e~-to-the-eastT permit connection of the Heron L~ke streets to the future street Words-struek-~hro~h are deleted; words ! u n d e r~q~'~jll~ qjS/l~ addec~ MAR 0 A 1997 sYs~e~ tO t~e east, ?~e-purpoee-ofotheocoflnee v~i~ate~y-eannee~-Sa~a-Barbara-wi~h-~-gSJ~ The ~urgose of the future street connection is to accommodate e~eraenc¥ vehicle access end such other traffic as dee~ed a~roDriate, but is not to accommodate through traffic between S0nta ~arbara Boulevard and CR-951. The developer shall cooperate with Berkshire l~akes and provide a fair share contribution toward the capital costs of appropriate turn lanes~ traffic si~nal£zation and arterial level street li~htinq at the project entrance on Santa Barbara Boulevard. The developer shall connect the Dro4ect propooed-b~ke path sidewalk system to the project's entraneewa~T vest ~ and-to-the-reserved-riqht-ef-way-a~-the-eestr Provide a cul-de-sac at the te~l~[Bus of Recreation Lane at the vrodect's western ~ro~ertv line in accordance with the Collier County Subdivision Reoulations. This cul-de-sac and any necessary fiche-of-waY shall be consistent with the Subdivision Reoulations recuire~eflts. If adeouate facilities i~r vehicular turn-around exist within the ~ro~ect boundariej, then a cul-de-sac ~av be waived as lono as such turn-around facilities are covered by a~rovriate ~ublic rioht-of-wav. SECTION EIGHTEL~I: A section entitled "Znvironnental Stipulations# is hereby added to read as follows: £t~VI ROIFI~ENTAI, STIPULATIONS Petitioner shall comolv with Ordinance No. 82-2 as amended by Ordinance ~o. 87-57 fuse of Native Sorties in Petitioner shall be sub4ect to Collier County Comorehensive Plan Obiectives 6.4.6 and 6.4.7 of Conservation and Coastal Hanaaement Element. Ordina~ No. 82-2 as amended by Ordinance Ho. 89-49. and Ordinan~ ~o. 75-21 as amended by Ordinance No. 89-58. the naturally functionin~ recreation to be retained on shall include the Two acres of the 2.86 acre Recreational Commons tract shall remain as a contiauous naturally veaetated ~reserve easement, includina the entire oak hammock area. The petitioner shall urovide at least a twenty f20~ foot vide buffer easement alamo the eastern, vester~ and southern boundaries. ?he buffer easement shall have at least a ten ¢10~ foot width of naturally retained recreation and the remai~ino width shat1 be enhanced after the water manaoement berm has been established. If a wail is to be constructed, i~ shall be situated on too of or replace the water manaaement berm and ao~roved by the Collier County Environmental staff. ~ords-strueh-(hre~qh are deleted; words un( '8-- ~E~ed. MAR 0 4 1997 ~.4 acres o~ native wetland veqetation shall be ~lanted around the Iake. The remainino 18.S acres ·hall be retained throuoh maximum tree preservation vithin the entire ~ro~ert¥ exclusive of the above noted areas. SpecificallY. all eioht ¢8) inch and areater diameter at breast heioht t~ees, native hardvood shrubs and say ~almetto ·hall be mreserved outside of the aoo~oved buildina Dads and infrastructure. Boundaries of the umland m~eservation areas shall he flaaaed bY the met£tto~e~ and ~teld verified bY Collier County Environmental staff mrior to construct£on Dermiks. Site ~lea~1n~ aD,royals ·hall be mhased vlth construction. ~11 ·~m:le family home·its· shall be ~eauired to submit · ·its el·arima ~lan amd obtain a bvlldtna mermit mrio~ to t~ee removal. The maximum area to be cleared for any indivtdua1 ·inale ~amllv lot shall not exceed the bulldlna Dad and as~ociated tnf~ast~cture. ~ tv~ica! mite clearina Dian shall be davelomed, ammroved bY Collier County Protect Reviev Se~vLce's £nvironmental Sta~ and m~o~tded in the Homeg~a~s Documents. Petttlone~ sh~11 commlv vLth O~dLnance ~o. 82-3~ a~ amended bY Ordinance ~o. 89-S3 (Removal o~ Exotic S~ecles~. Petit~gne~ shall be sub6e~ to the Collie~ County Com~ehenslve Plan Pott~ ~.~.3 of the Conservation and Coastal Element (discove~ o~ an a~chaeoloaica1 o~ ~1sto~ical ·its. artifact o~ othe~ tndicato~ o~ m~ese~atlon]. ~m accordance v~:h ~lo~ida Game and F~esh ~ater ~Lsh ~9~1sston (FG~FC~ and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (US~S~ ~idel~nes ,nd authomimatton, viable lo,aetna habitat vithtn a ~ed-c~kmded ~,nae becomes 5v~tsdictlonal to these aaencies. Guideltnes a~e se: forth fo~ develo~ent and manaaement of these ~abttats (Collie~ County Comm~ehensive Plan. Po1L~ 7.3.4 o~ the Coastal ~anaaement Element}. ~attve trees and sh~ $n the tventv (20~ ~oot easement ~9 be dedicated alo~ thm no~h ~unda~ of the m~oSec: fo~ future canal maint,nance ~ses shall be le~t tn mlace, except ~o~ such tree and sh~b removal am L· deemed necessary bv the Sovth ~lo~ida ~ate~ manaaement District on behal~ of Golden Gate Canal maintenance remain·merits. SECTION NINETEEN: A section entitled "water Hanagement Stipulations" is hereby added ~o read as folXow·: WATER H~AGEHL~T STIPULATIONS Detailed Davino. oradino and site drainaoe plans ·hall ~e ~ubm~tted to uro4ect review cervices ~o= review, No construction permits shall b~ issued unless and until Words-str.e~?~hre~gh are .deleted; vords · AG£1 i , nde tided MAR .0 4'1997 the submitted olans is oranted by Pro~ec~ ~evie~ Services. D_esion and construction of al! imorovements shall be subtect to comoliance with the aDoro~riate provisions of the Collier County Subdivision Reoulations. or in comoliance with such exceotions to those reaulations as have been aooroved. An Excavation Per. it will be reouired for the orooosed lakeCsl in accordance with Collier County Ordinance t~o. 88-25 and SFWMD rules. X coov of SFWl4D Permit or £arlv Work Permit is reouired DrioE to construction mlan a~oroval, The ~etitioner shall enter imto a leoallv recorded aareement with the ~ro~ertv owner to the south fGreen Heron PUDt to utilize this Dro6ect's water manaae~ent system fo~ the Green Heron PUD ~ro~ect outfall and to make modi~ications to the outfaIl st~cture for the Du~oges of li~itino discharae~ ~n accordance with the ~[es o~ the South Florida Water Hanaae~e~[ District ~S~D! Cha~te~s 40 E-4 and 40 E-40. this ~o~ect shall be desianed ~o~ a sto~ event o~ a 3-day duration and 25 veer return ~reouencY. A 20 foot wide maintenance easement around the entire perimeter of the lake and a 20 foot access easement to this maintenance easement from a public road is recuired and must be shown. A 20 Fogt easament shall be dedicated aloha the south boundary of the Golden Gate Canal ri~ht-o~-wav which forl~s the north boundary of the mroJect, for future canal maintenance DUTDOSeS. SECTION TWENTY: A section entitled "Engineering Stipulations" Js hereby added to read as follows: ENGINEERING STIPULATIONS 1. Detailed ~avina. aradino, site drainaoe and utility Dla~s ~Ball be submitted to Pro4ect Review Services for review. No construction Derails shall be issued unless and until DOOroval Of the DrODosed construction in accordance with ~he submitted plans is aranted bv Pro4ect Review 2. Desian and construction of all improvements shall ~e subgect to couDliance with the appropriate provisions O~ %he Collier County Subdivision Reaulations sub4ect to exceptions ~ranted in the PUD Document. 3. ~n Excavation Permit will be reouired for the Drooosea lakefs) in accordance with Collier County Ordinance NO, ~8-26 and Slrl~D rules. 4. Work within Collier Countv riaht-of-wav shall meet the reauirements of Collier County riehl-of-way Ordinance Words-sb..~e~-'~h~e~h are deleted; words u~ · ..: ..'.' · . , . . . .'. · MAR 0'4. 1997 Access into each tract as shown on the PUD Haster Plan is informational only. Location and number is subtec~ ~o Subdivision Master Plan or SDP a~Droval. 6. This Dro4ect is recommended for aDoroval for PUD Amendment ~ur~oses only. Subdivis~on Master Plan shall be submitted and aD,roved at a later date. 7. The protect shall be ~latted in accordance with ~9!lier County Subdivision Reaulations to define the rlaht-of-vav, tracts, and lots and easements as sho~n on the PUD Master Plan. SECTION T~ENTY-ONE= A section entitled "Utilities Stipulations' is hereby added to read as follows: STIPUI~TIONS Water distribution, sewaoe collection and transmission and interim water and/or sewaoe treatment facilities serve the protect are ~o be dealansd, constructed. conveyed, o~ned and maintained in accordance with Collier County Ordinance Mo. ~a-?6. as amended, and other aoolicable ~Duntv rules and reoulations. 2. Ali customers connec~ino to the water distribution and sewaoe collection facilities to be constructed c~stomers off the County and will ~ billed by ~he County in accordance with the C~ntv's established rates. Should ~he County no~ be in a ~si~ion ~o ~rovids and/or s~ver se~tce ~o the ~ro~ect. ~he wa~er and/or sewer ~sto~ers shall ~ ~s~omers o~ the in~eri~ u~ili~v es~ablished ~o se~e ~he uroiec~ un~il ~he County's o~f- sit~ va=er and/or =ewer facili=ies are available ~o serve ~ I~ is an~ici~ated tha~ ~he County Utili~its Division will ultimat~lv suoolv Do~able wa~er to ~ee= the consu~:ive denand and/or rec~iv~ and ~rea~ the sewage aenerated by this oroi~ct. Should the County system no~ be in a position ~o su~ulv potable wa=er ~o the orot~c~ and/or r~c~iv~ ~h~ orot~c~'s was~eva~er at the time development commence~. ~h~ DeYeloDer. a~ his e~ense will install and ~Dera~e interim ~ater SuPPlY and on-si~s facilities and/or lnterin on-site sewaae tree,men= disposal facilities ads,ate to meet all reauiremen=s the appropriate re~la~o~ aaencies. An acreement shall ~e entered into between the C~ntv and the Developer. }indino on the Developer. his seasons or successors recardina any in~ri~ treatment facilities ~o ~ utiliz~d. ~ aareemen~ ~s= ~ legally sufficien~ the County. orior to th~ aDuroval of const~ction do~nts for th~ ~rots~ and ~ in confo~ance retirements of Collier County Ordinance No. 88-76. If an interis on-site water su~olv, treatment transmission facility is u~lliz~d to s~,~ th~ ~rotec~ i~ ~us~ ~ oro~erlv ailed to su~lv oversaw peak day Words-strae~-~hrea'~h are deleted; words Ul · AGE domestic demand, in addition to fire flow demand at a rate approved bY the aDorooriate Fire Control Distri~,~ serv£cina the Dro~ect area. 5. Off-Site Utilities Znorovenents: Water The exist~na off-site water facilities of the District must be evaluated for hydraulic c~acitv to serve this ~ro~ect and reinforced as reauired, if necessar¥~ consistent with the County's Water Haster Plan to insure that the District's water system can hydraulically Dro~e a sufficient cvalitv of water to ~eet the anticipated de.ands of the oro~ect and the District's existina comm~ted caoacitv. Sever The existina off-site stwaae ~ransmission facilities of the district ~vst be evaluated for hydraulic capacity to serve this uro~e¢~ and inuroved as reouired ovtside the D~O~eCt'S bovndarv to urovide adeauate capacity ~o transport the additional wastewater aeflerated without adverse impact to the e~istine transmission facilities. SECTION TWENTY-TWO: This ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 23rd day of Oc=ober , 1990. ATTEST: F~A,RJORI. E ,4. ~TUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY PDA-89-17 ORDINANCE nb/2354 Words-st~ue~-thre~h are deleted; words MAR 0 4 1997 50' R,O,W., SECTION' N.T.8. MAR O.& 1997 MAR 0 & 1997' ~,. EXECUTIVE SURK~RY STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO ORDINANCE 88-83, AS AMENDED, ALSO KNOWN AS TIlE NAPLES GOLF ESTATES PUD, WHICH, ACCORDING TO THE REQUIRED PUD STATUS REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT, HAS NOT COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION, AS DEFINED IN SECTION L7~3.4 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, RESULTING IN SEVERAL POSSIBLE COURSES OF ACTION FOR THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO CONSIDER. ~ Staff is requesning that thc Board review mt'rs finding~ and recommendations regarding the above rcfcrcnced PUD. CONSIDERATIONS: This PUD xvas originally approved on October 2~, 1985. Section of the Collier Count)' Land Development Code requir~ that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the fifth annivcrsar3' of the PUD approval by thc Board of Count.,,' Commissioners. The singular pu~ of this report is to evaluate xvhcthcr or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance ~-ith the criteria set forth in Section For those PUD's approved prior to the effective date of adoption of the Land Devclopment Code, the five )~at approval period commenc~ on the adoption date, October 30, 1991. Thercforc, the conditioaa t, ct forth in Section arc applicable as of October 30, 1996. The above referenced PUD has been identified as a project xx~ich xvas approved prior to October 30, 1991 and which has no~ commenced construction as defined in Section Staffhas utilized the required PUD status (monitoring) report, supplemented by field observation and review of in house records to verifx.' the current status of the PUD and as the basis of a recommendation to thc Board consistent with the options provided in Section (1) & (2). Section reads as follows: 2. Z3.4. ITme limits for approved PUD master plana In the event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landmvner(s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or a development order for all infrastructure Improvements to include utll/tles, roads and similar lmprtn,ements required by the approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least !$ percent of the gross land area of the PUD site every five years of the date of approval b), the Board Of Count), Commissioners; and No. ~ MAR 0 4 1997 Fail to receh, e final local development order~ for at least 15 ~t of the total number of approved d~elling units in the PUD, or in the case of PUD's consisting of nonreMdentlal uses, .fO percent of the total approved gross leasable floor area within the PUD every slx ye. an of the date of approval by the Board Of County Commissioners. The project developer zhall submit to the PlannlnI ,Vtrvlt~ Director a status report on the progrz~ of devel~ annually commencing on the fifth annlversury dtttt of sift POD approval by the Board Of County Commltslonera l'bt zingular purpos; of the report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria re, forth above. Should the Planning Sen, lce~ Director determine that the de~vl~t bas commenced in earnest, then the land ~hall retain Lt~ existing PUD approval and shall not be subject to additional revle~ and consideration of new development standards or use modification. Should the Planning Sen'ices Director determine that the development has not commenced in earne, st, then upon reviews, and consideration of the report provided by the owner and any supplemental information that ma). be provided, the Board Of CounO' Commlssloner~ shall elect one of the following: To extend the current PUD approval for a maxlmum period two years; at the end of which elint, the awner ~lll again submit to the procedure as defined herein. 2. Require the thiner to submit an amended PUD in which the unimproved portions of the original PUD tltall be consistent with the Grm~th Management Plan. The exletlnll POD ~all remain In effect until subsequent acllon by the Board of the submitted amendment of the PUD. If the o~vner fails to submit an amended POD within sLg months of Board actlon to require such an amended submittal, then the Board may Initiate procet~ng~ to rezone the unimproved portions of the original PLID to an appropriate zoning classlflcatlon consistent with the Future Land Lrse Element of the Grm~th Management Plan. In the cate of Developments of Regional Impact, time limit restrictions shall be superseded by the phasing plan and/or tlme limlt$ contained within the application for developme~ 2 MAR 0 4 1997 approval and approved a; part conformance with F.S. ~ 380.06. development order In Synopsis of ^ooroved Land UsesL Thc subjcct 614 acre PUD was approved f,or 790 single family residential d~x:lling units on a 162.3 acre tract. The PUD also contains 9.90 acres of commercial uses ~ile 78 acres has been approved for the golf courseYrecreaticxt area. The majority of the PUD (354.8 acres) is comprised ofthe comervat~ space and lake aruaso ty ~ (Interchan~) ,.,,, the Future Land Elernont (FLUE) of d~e Growlh Managenent (GMP). Since fhe rdbjec~ si~e is located within the southeast quadrant of the CR-951/I-75 lnter~nge, the FLUE permits commercial and industrial land uses that scrve regional markets, providcd each such use is compatible ~th existing and approved land uses. Bascd on staff rcviov of the approved commercial uses, the PUD is consistent ~th thc FLUE. in addition, this dimic~ permits r~idential dsveilings at a maximum density of' 13 units po' acre. Since the PUD po'mits a total of' 790 multi-family d~:llings, the resulting dcnsity is 1.3 units per acre s~fiich is also consistent with the Domtv Rating S.~tcrn. Thcrcf'ore, the Naples Golf, Esta~ PUD is deemed consistent with th~ GMP including thc Traffic Circulation Elcmcnt and the Gl:nm Space/Natural Resource Element with minor revisions to the PUD documcnt. C'onslsten~ with the Collier County Land D~_,',r,J~.g. iP..l~a.lt.i~ The PUD has bern distributed to the appropriate jurisdiction revi~v entities specifically for review of the PUD for consistency with current land dcvelopmcnt regulations. ~ on that rev/o~; the foiio~ng inconsistencies have been identified: Transportation: Section 7.05 of thc PUD frraffic Impacts, acce~ rnanagommt, etc.) No inconsistencies ~x:re reported ho~:ver, staff advises that certain refcmnmces should be changed to reflect current administrative regulation if'the PUD is to be amended. Environmental: Section 7.03 of thc PUD (Protected Specics, green and open spaces) No inconsistencies xx~:rc reported hox~:vcr, staff adviscs that certain rcfcrcnces should be changed to reflect current rcfcrcnccs if thc PUD is to be amcnded. Engineering: Section 7.04 & 7.06 of thc PUD (Sex,age/Water, drainage issue) No inconsistencies ~vere reported hoxx~ver, staff advises that certain ruf~ should be changed to reflect current administrative regulation ifthc PUD is to be amoxlcd. Architectural Theme: Only the developmcnt and architectural standards as adopted during the approval of, thc PUD are applicable. Hoxx~:vcr, Section 2.8 of the Land Dcvelopment Code provides architectural and site design standards that x~ll be applied to any commercial development within this PUD. MAR 0 4 1997 ST^ FF COM~I~NTS: Staff is of the opinion that there is irt~uffi¢ient justification to require an mn'ncr to submit an amended PUD simply because ~ PUD reference~ codes ~ are now ¢on$o1~ into have bern changed in the mo~t recur LDC ~. These re~moes are not made Tl~r clos~ or rno~t s~ilar relationsh;p to current r~erences applies in t~ administration of' PUD ~-vdop~x~ oomm~. More importantly, is ~bet or not there is any absence of ~ commimems needed to make tha PUD eomistmt with today's code requirements. Staff r,:vi~v do~ no~ indicate that t~ere are an}. inclemencies or omitaiom that ~re now nec~sary to achieve current Land Devel~ Code tequi~-~,~is as made applicable to subsequent required devel~t approvals (i.e. Platti~ and/or SOP's). FISCAL IMPAC'I'~ An amendment to this PUD, as mx~mmmded by staff ~411 have no ~ impact o~ Collier C~nty as t~e appropriate PUD amendm~ and ot~ applicable tees ~ill covet the cost of'staff.time associated with mvi~v of said ~ and the co~ of advertising and public no, ice. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on a comprehensive mvi~v of' this PUD documcm, staff roconuTmXls that the Board of County Commissioners ~'nnt a t~ ~'mion ofthe Heron Lake PUD per the attached resolution. PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE ~~ICP CURRENT '-bO At.6 w. E~ DIRE~OR VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR "2./ DATE DATE MAR 0 1997 Assistant Cotmty Attorney Date: November 18, R~: PUD Sunsening Concerns I have several legal concerns tzgaMing the sunsetting o/'PUDs should that involve adjusting density or Izod use. They are categorized in this memo. Additionally this is a response to Attorney R.ichzrd Grosw's legal opin/on to the Florida Wildlife Federation dated October, 21, 1996. I. Bert L Harris. Jr. Private Property_ Ri_~hts Protection Act (Section 70.01. Florida Statutes'~ First of all, I disagree with Mr. ~rosso concerning the grandfathering language ofthe Property Rights Act. He is correct in stating that subsection of the Land Development Code (LDC) dealing a'ith PUD sunset'ting is not subject to the new law. However, he ignores the fact that any PUD an:endments necessary to implement any BCC recommended changes to a PUD document, includ/ng dendty reduction or a land use change., would require the adoption of a new ordinance thai would be subject to the Act. The date after which the law applies to ordinance adoptions is May 199:5. Subsection$. of the LDC requires that any text change to a PUD must be accomplished by ordinance. Moreover, Subsection requires that should the property owner not make the necessary PUD amendments required by the sunsetting process then the BCC ha~ the au:horiry to rezone the PUD to an appropriate dis~ct. This too, would have to be accomplir,,hed by an ordinance adopted after the "trigger date" set forth in the Act and thus be subject to it. I also disagree with Mr. Grosso on the density reduction issue for the following reasons. No Florida court has y~t had the opportunity to construe any of the key terms in the Act. Subsection 70.001(2) provides that [w]hen a specific action ora governmental entity has inordinately burdened an existing use of real property or a vested fight to a specific use of real property, the propers, owner of that real property is entitled to relief, which may include compensation for the actual loss to the fair market value of the property caused by the action of the government The key terms age "existing use", "vested right" and "inordinate burden." MAR 0 i 1997 1~ 2 The Act defines an existing use as: 1) an actual, present use or activity on the real property; 2) periods of'inactivity normally associated with or incidental to the nature or type of use that takes place on the property; 3) such reasonably foreseeable, nonspeculative land uses wkich are suitable for the subject property, are compatible with. adjacent land uses and which have created an existing fair market value in the property greater than the fair market value of the actual, present use or activity on the property. See Subsection ?0.001(3)(b), ~. A vested fight, as defined in the Act, is determined by applying the principles of equitable estoppel or substantive due process under Florida common law or spplying the statutory law of the state. Subsection '/0.001(3Xa), F. Jl;IJ:ii~s~III~. The Act defines an inordinate burden as m action by one or more governmental entities that has directly restricted or limited the uses of'the real property such that the property owner is permanently unable to attain the reasonable investment backed expectation for the existing use of the property or a vested right to a specific use of the real property with respect to the property as a whole. Additionally, it can mean that the property ow'ncr is left with existing or vested uses that are unreasonable such that the property ov,'ner permanently bears a disproportionate shall of a burden imposed for the good ot'the public which in fairness should be borne by the public at large. See'Subsection 70.001(3)(e), ~. There is no "bright Ii. ne" test to determine what a vested right is. These types of cases in Florida have been dete,-mined on a case by case b~is. Since our Zoning Reevaluation Program was set up to deal v,'ith this issue, an argument could be made that any property that passed through that process and received an exemption pursuant to Subsection 10640 of Article II, "Zoning Reevaluation", Chapter 106, "Planning" ot' the Code of Laws and Ordinances of'Collier County, Florida or a determination of'vested status pursuant to Subsection 106-46 of that Ordinance could clzim vested status. Moreover, the Act defines "existing uses" broadly including those that are reasonably foreseeable, non.s'peculative, compatible and have created additional lair market value on the property over and ~:mve the existing use or uses. Rezones from less intense and less dense land uses to more intense, higher density land uses could have the effect of'increasing fair market value as in the case of a rezone from Estates to PUD or Agficultu~ to PUD - depending of course, on the land uses permitted by the particular PUD. It is impossible to draw a "bright llne" here either as each PUD must be evaluated on its own merit. The opinion ora property appraiser should be obtained as to the effect of the PUD zoning on any given parcel of land as well as any futur~ downzor~g on such parcel upon fair market value. However, an argument could be made that any re'ruction in density or decrease in the intensity of land use on the PUD parcel could decrease the fair market value of the property and thus trigger the Act. An m'gument could also be made that any downzoning ofthe PUD property has created an inordinate burden thereon since as a result, the reasonable, investment backed expectations of the property owner are not capable of'being attained. Of course, this is a question of F..~i '"~{~E,~r[~ 0 4. 1997 carmot be uniformly applied to every PUD subject to the sunsetting. The term "reasonable, investment b~cked expectations" is not precise. Ia fact a recent article in the Land Use Law · ~lRill,tD. il.~ stated that the concept of investment-backed expectations remains an arnbiinious term that is difficult to apply. See "The Wisconsin Supreme Court Responds to Lucts", 48 Land Use I,sw & Zonln_~ Di_~esl, No. 9 ~I pa~e 6. I therefore, conclude that in order for the County to stay within the Property Rights Act, each PUD must be evaluated on its own merit before thy land use or density change can be accomplished. Moreover, it is recon'unended that the County work with the PUD property owner to achieve a mutually beneficial re~ult. Besides triggering the Bert I. Harris, Ir. Private Property Rights Protection Act, if vested rights are interfered with by a local government there is an equitable remedy in circuit court - that being a determination ofvested status and a resulting court order permitting the vested project to occur as originally approved. The common law elements of vested rights or equitable estoppel in Florida are as follows: an act or omission ora governmental entity upon which the property owner has relied in good faith and has made such a substantial change in position or incurred such excessive obligations and expenses that it would be highly inequitable and unjust to destroy the rights he acquired. Smith v. City_ of Clear-,v'ater, 353 So.2d 651 (Fla. 2d DCA 1980) These matters are determined on a case .by case b~is. There is no "bright line" test. Therefore, a.ay dov,'nzoning that may result from sunserting of any PUDs should not interfere with a vested right. Once again, any property owner that was granted an exemption or determination of vested rights through the County's Zoning Reevaluation process may be able to claim vested status so far as density or permitted land use is concerned. Moreover, any property owner gaining PUD approval since the adoption of the GNP may be able to achieve vested status by the donation of right-of-way, creation of easements for public purposes or other related expenditures in favor of the public and also related to the proposed development. III. Nature of PUD Zonin_~ In Porooise Point Partnership v. St. Iohns Count, 532 So.2d 727 Cr"la. 5'~ DCA 1989), the Court opined that the nature of PUD zoning requires cooperation between the property owner and the zoning authority in creating the overall plan. Id. at page 728. The Court held that ~t planned special development by its very nature must be sought by the property owner and cannot be imposed over an owners objection and thus invalidated t PUD rezone imposed solely by the County. Id. nt page 729. Collier County's PUD requirements are quite similar to the planned special development requirements ofSt. lohn's County at issue in P~. While the case did not address PUD amendments, an argument could be made by a property owner that due to the consensual nature of PUD zoning between it and the local government, n PUD amendment cannot be imposed upon the property without the owner's consenL There is no case law dealing with PUD amendments on this point. It is the opinion ofthe write r that in NO. ~ MAR 0 4 1997 such s case, s court would balance the police power interests of the local government against the private interests of the property owner in determining whether or not the PUD amendment is Additioually, I am coucem~ that ifd~nsilies sm r~duced too greatly the Cowry may run afoul of the need to provide ~foutabl~ housi~ i~,~,~t to Subsectiou 163317'/(6)(0 of the C.n'owth M~nagement Act. Additionally, there m,xy be exclusionary zo-{,,{ problems such as was the case in South Burlin~on Coun~ NAAC"P v. Mt- Lsurel Township. 67 H. I. ISl, 336 Aid 713 (1975) where them were Iow density r~{d~utial land use standanis imposed uniformly throughout the To~'~ship. I hope this memo ausw~ your concmu r~lating to PUD sunsctting. Should you have any further questions or cotrancnts, pleas~ advise. MAR 0 4 1991 ! ! :3 4 S & 7 2o '12. 2:3 14 RESOLUTION 97- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CC~tlSSIONERS OF COLLIER FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LARD DEVELOPMENT CODE A£FECTING ORDINanCE 88-83 ~SO ~ ~ ~PLES ~LF ESTATES PUD, EXTE~ING THE ~NT PUD APPROV~ TO ~CH 4, 1999; ~D PR~2DING ~ EF~CTI~ DATE. I~ERF.~, the Naples Golf Estates PUD, Ordinance 88-83 It adopted on October 25, 1)SS, is subject to the provisions of 17 Section, of the Land ~v~lo~ent C~ (L~), Ti~ Limits ls for ~roved ~D Zoning Ois~ricts together with their respec~ive 1~ ~ster Plans; and K~, ~he ~D ~as adopted consistent ~ith and under the 2~ provisions of the Collier County Gr~th Managenent Plan; and ~E~, the Board of County Co~ission~rs has revt~wel the 2~ ~D and has dete~ined to extend the current PUD Zoning for two ~ y~ars, until March 4, 1999; and N~, THE~FO~ BE IT ~SOL~D, by the Board of Zoning 2& ~pe4ls of Collier County, Flo=ida that: 27 1. The a~ve recitals are idop~ed herein by reference 2l as if fully se~ forth herein. ~o 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of ~1 compliance with the review retirements of Section ~2 of the L~. ~4 3. ~rsuan~ to said section o~ the L~, the current 3s P~ a~roval ts hereby extended to Hatch 4, 1999; 3s at the end of vhich time the o~er shall s~it to 37 the procedures in L~ Section 3~ This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its 40 approval. 41 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in 42 the minutes of this Board and tn the records of the Petition for 43 which the extension is granted. -1- MAR 0 4 1997 ,,,. /b 2 vote. 4 S & ? I ZO ~2 ~3 ~4 1S 17 ThLs Resolution idop~ed atCs~ motion, Done this day of ATT1/:ST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK second ,, 1997. BOARD OF CCX/KTY ¢CI~HZSSIONER5 COLLIER COU~, FLORIDA YiHOTI/Y L. ]~ICCX3<, C~]AIrO'A~ APPI~DV~DAS TO FOI~ LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: -2- PLANNED UNIT DL'VELOPFlENT DOCUFl£NT FOR ALAN D. REYI~OLD$, AIC, #lL$Off, HILLER, IAITOII, $OLL& PEEK, ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & LAND SUrVEYOrS 1383 Airport Road North ~aples, Florida 33942 DATE FILED ~rch 1988 DATE REVISED. Oc~o r ' DATE AffFJtOVKD · '. "'.' ' O~l~'~ , Il-l] ~ .,. . ;'t .~'.'~? . .~ -, .:~.- ~.- · ;"~: ~ ~"' -"' '. ~ '"-' ": '"*'~'"' · '.,' :~..;?t ~'*, ~ ~'1'~;"..''-p. '., ," · ... ~.. ....... ... ....;. . . . ~... . < ..' .~ ~. ..; ...... -..~.~ .. , . ,- .. . . , .~ .... ~.-.-% r - ... . .*.t,. ...... $., ,~'.~- '.'- "'~.., ~..~. ~,~" .'. .' ,..: ' ~".',':%%X~,?.-.~! .... ~.<~ ~- Lla~ of Exhibits and Tables SECTXON XX Pco~ect Development 2-~ SECTXON XXX I RestdenttaX 3-X SECTION XV GC Golf Course/Recre&tton 4-X S~XON v CO Conservatton~en Space S-1 SECTXON VZ Commercti~ S[CTXO~ ViZ Gene~ll Develo~ent Co~ltments PAGE ii LIS? or EXHIBi?S AND TABLES d EXHIBIT EXHIBIT TABLE TABLE TABLE Planned Unit Development nester Plan (Prepared by Nilson, Hiller. Barton, Soil S Peek, Inc. rile NO. RZ-I?3A) Vegetation Hep (Wilson, Hiller, Berton, Boll & Peek, Inc. rile No. R$-I?3D) Conceptual Niter Ranagement Plan Hiller, Barton, Soil & reek, Inc. rile Ho. HZ-I?3Z) Land USe Summery Estimated Market Absorption Schedule Development Standards STATEHENT OF COHPLIANCE It is the intent of ~anufactu~ed ~ousing Associates, Inc. to create a Planned Unit Development (PUD) on mi4·0 acres of land located in Section 2, Township S0 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. The name of this proposed development shall henceforth be known aa NAPLES GOLF ESTATES. The subject property ia generally bordered off the west by CR JSI, on the north by Sa 84, off the east by Toll Plaza RV Resort ~ and undeveloped agricultural land and off the south bi, undeveloped agricultural land. NAPLES GOLF ESTATES will be in compliance with tho plannLng goals and objectives of Collier County as set forth in the Comprehensive . Plan· The residential, recreational and coomerc/al facilities of NAPLES GOLF ESTATES will be consistent with the growth policies, land development regulations, and applicable comprehensive planning ob~ectives 2or the following reasoflst l) The subject property has the necessary rating points to determine the availability of adequate couuflity facilities and services· 2) 3) The project development is compatible and complimentary to the surrounding land uses. Improvements are planned to.be in compliance with applicable regulations. 4) The project development will result in an efficient and economical extension of community facilities and services. S) The project development is planned to incorporate natural systems for water management iff accordance with their natural functions and capabilities. · SHORT TITLE This ordinance shall be known and cited aa the' NAPLES GOLF ESTATES Planned Omit Development Ordinan'ce.' . . ~ 1.01 PIOPgR~~SHXP · ~nd Trust 021-8204-00-3 Ifld ~s contracted ~or puEchase by Haflufactured nous/flg Assocta~es, inc.  1.02 LEG~ D[S~ZP~IO~ w . All ot Section 2, To. ship S0 South, Rsnge 26 East, lees ~ the proper~y previously coflde~ed or conveyed for ~ righC-o~ovoy located in Collier CounCl, rlocSdi consisting · '".:":,..'.? "~::':'?:.' '."~: ..'., : '. ;?~,' ::..:':1}:.:~.~'~ .. · ..~... . ... ;, .... . .. ~.~ & ,.. . .., . --. ~-~.~ ~ ~... . . ..... :., ,. ~. .... :,~, ~ ~.,~ ...... ~. ,~:.~r . .~~~~~7~::' t PROJECT DEVELOPHENT 2.01 PURPOSE 2.02 2.03 ? - 2.04 The purpose of this Section is to generally describe the plan of the development and delineate the general conditions that viii apply to the project. GENERAL PLAN or DEVELOPHENT Maples Golf Estates is · planned couranity including a mixture o£ residential uses, recreational, conservation, and ~ater management-related eleseflts, and couercial faciZities. LAND USES ?able Z ia a schedule o£ the intended land use types, with approximate acreages and total dwelling unite indicated. · The arrangement of these land use types is shown on Exhibit 'A", Planned Unit Oevelo~ent Nester Plan. Changes and variations Ln design and acreages shall be permitted at final design to accomodate topography, vegetation, and other site conditions. The specific location and size o£ individual tracts and the assigflaent of dvell/ng units thereto shall be determined at the time of detailed site development planning or platting. The final size of the recreation and open space lands viii depend on the actual requirements loc rater management, golf course layout, roadvay pattern, and duelling unit size and configuration. PROJECT DENSITY The total acreage o~ the Naples ~1£ Estates Planned Unit Development ia approxl~tely 614.0 acres. The ~xinum number o! d~lltng units to be built ca the total acreage ii 790. The nu~er of dvelli~g units per gross acre ia approximately X.3. ~e density on Individual parcels land throughout the pro,eot ~y vary according to the of housing placed on each parcel of land ht shall comply with guidelines established iff this do~).' "~ - · ~-.~ i' 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 PERfllTTED VARIATIONS or DVEL~IleG UNITS All properties designated for resident/al uses .may be developed at the BIxl~um number o£ dwelling units allocated, provided that the total number of dwelling units shall not exceed 790. DL~VELOPMENT SKQU£NCE AND The ~pplican~ his no~ se~ "stag~s" for ~he develo~en~ ~he proper~y. Since the ~roper~y is ~o bi developed &n estimated 7-y~ar-~lBe ~riod, ~ny pro,action of pto~ec~ change depending upon future economic factors. Tlbll indicates, by pro~ec~ ytir, the el~L~ted ibsor~iofl ~SEX~TS rom ~ZLXTIES .. .... u~i~l~ies lad o~her' ~rposes as liy be needed. Said easements and inprovements shill bi in compliance with ~he Collier County Su~ivision Xegvli~Lons in e~fec~ a~ the time a permit is requested or required. AIl necessary easements, dedications, or other shall be 9~aflted to insure the continued operation and maintenance et all service utilities in substantial compliance with applicable regulations l~ effect 8t the time apptov&ls are zequested. EXCEPTIONS ~ THE CO~LIER CO~ Z~DIVlSIOM · The following requirements of the Subdivision Regulations shall be modified sub~ect to review and approval by the County Engineer at the time of construction plan eubmitt&l. a. Article II, Section 1~ Access The County Engineer may approve relocation of proposed access points as shove on the P.U.~. Master Plan. b. Article Xl, Section 10t Nonumenta where much monuments occur within street pavement areas, they shall not be instilled In a typical water yalve cover, i$ prescribed ' in the current County · standards, aubJect to q installation of ill aonuuentl 'in 'accordance with State Statutes and Il approved .by tho County Engineer. .. 4 - -..--,, ,. -., . . . · ..- ,,~ , - -;-. ,~. z.' .... ~ r . · .. .. '.. -... · . . '/~'~ ~,:~a"'..~.- ~", . ..... .....,... 4 .... ,~- ~ . . · . . ~.... . . .. ...., ~ , ~.~ .'.~ .. -.~-.~ ~.. ~,;. .....~-~ ~:~,~~'.-~':.,:. . ~..'~..~;~.,..~. . ~.'-~ .... c. Article XI, Section 1?Gl Street Pavement #ldths (~educe requirements for loc~I roads from tva twelve foot lanes to tva (2) ten foot lanes, sub2ect to the approval of the County Engineer, for private cul-de-sac streets only. d. Article XZ, Section Z?XI Curb Radii (Reduce require- ments from forty (40') foot radius '~o thirty (20°) foot radius at local to local road and local to minor collector road intersections onlyJ. e. Article XI, Section 173t Znttrsections req~liring curved streets to have a miflimvb tangent of 100 feet at intersections. f; Article :XI, section 2l, utl~ity..¢eslnqe, provided all utilities are Installed prior to atree~ construction. g. A pedestrian/bike path systeBabell b~ designed for the pro~ect and submitted to Collier County Planning Department and Engineering Department for their review and approval. Upon approval this plan shall supercede the Subdivision Regulation requirements for sidewalk construction along Internal roadways. · h. The roads within Naples Golf Estates are planned to be private roads. They will be designed to two-lane local s~reet standards using the following minimum easement widthss ~rimary streets 60' Cul-de-sacs 40' 2.09 LAKE SXTZNG As depicted on the master Land Plan (Exhibit A), lakes and natural retention areas have been sited ad,scent to existing and planned roadways and throughout the golf course. The goals of this are to achieve an overall aesthetic character for t~e pro,act, to permit optimum use of ~he land, and to increase the efficiency of the water a management network. Accordingly, the setback requirements described Iff Ordinance 00-26, section SA, ~y be reduced ~ with the approval of the County Engineer. Fill material · from lakes ii planned to be utilized within the pro,act, however excess, fill materiel may be utilisad off-site, ~-~.'- ' - subject :'.to the prOvisions of the axcavation ordinanca An ' effect;.at.,the.,timejPtrmitl ire.sought, r/nil lake area ~ %/ .... ~ "~" ''':;~determlflation Shall' be.in accordance with the South Florida 4%~L-';;., '." ~..~-water ~anagement~lstrict'sto~mvaterrcri1 ~lmT'~'' ". .... " qT~.' .... ' · . ...' , . . · % .. .~: -.. '? · .q.~...-..~ .~ . :..;<~ . · ~ I ...~..... 2.10 DgDICA?ZO~ AND I, tAZNT~NANC~ or private, dipemding on location, capacity, and design. Developer shell c~eiCe appropriate h~e~et and or ~inta/ning the roads, It[eltl, dcainage, ntec and ' ~nprovemen~s vhete such lyitell ire not dedica~ed to the County. ' 2.11 C~CEF~ P~ED UNiT D~E~ $l~ ~ re~tced docuaent, the fo1X~Ang procedure shall ~ foXZMd, ' a. 'A vtLtten request for sAfe''plan ~r~l I~all_be : ........ 'submitted -~o the ylanflLng and Sonxng uzreccor ~ - · approval. ~e re~es~' shall incX~e mterials~ - '" necessary '~o demonstrate ~hat'the a~r~al of the plan v~XI be Afl harmony vlth the general Anten~ and~ ..... ~rpose o~ this dec,eat. Such ~ter~aX ~y include, L~t As flat limited to the fo~l~lng~ vhere applicable, X} Site plans a~ afl appropriate scaXe'sh~tnv pro~sed placenefl~ of structures on the pro~rty; provisions for Angcess and egress, off-street parking a~ of~- i~ree~ loading areas; yards and o~her open spaces. 2) Plans shoving proposed locations for hook-up. 3) ~lns tot Icceening lnd 4) ~nl tot ~opolid signs and lighting. b. In ~he case o~ It~iched single family residences, clustered buildings, gcoup housing, patio homes, and/or zero 1o~ line vith canon a~chitectural theme, re,ired proper~y developnen~ .regulations sly be vaived or reduced provided a site plan is approved under this SIC~O~. C. A fee coflsistefl~ vAth the. current fee schedule for Conceptual Site Developmen~ Plan approval shall accompany the application. . ..... "" d~ *~ approval or de~tal lo not issve~ y~th~n tvent~_(20~ M..~.~,,~ .... -.vo~kAng.-~ days,--'the"su~Assion*.imalA'~e · ,. ....... )~-. ~..,,,. ,~,~..-~,.,~ ~..--~-~,-, . ~~:., j.>..J~'. -~.~=;~+~-4.~ ~. ~g~ · - I . ~~~.~ .... ~ ....... ___ ' ..... ~~'*~.- -~'-~-. t · · :-.~,. ~ K ,~ .2.~a~..~ '~: ....... 2.12 ~OO~L .O~EI ~ T~O~T ~ZLITXII a~el Homes shall be per~t~ed vlthin thls;pro~ec~ s~}ec~ Co the fo~flg p~ovlsl~o, " ' a. Bodels ~y be olX~ed reco~d~n~ o~ pll~l 'for Maples be permiL~ed only So long as no_C.O.'s are_g?nt~d a~d no access or u~AXA~y eao~nto are pXa~ appr~al and pr~lded t~ a sl~e d~el~n~ plan, An accordance wASh Section '2.~X ~o buAldAng perm~ a~rovaX. tespora~y utSllty s~te~ prior to' a~lzabllit2 mE  cencFal utSlSty syst~s. ~ ~e ~ales offl~ ~eZ cu be ten~raFSly connected to a  the requirements of Florida ~nSstrati~ ~e 10~J. '* The m~el center septic tank use lo ll~t~ ~ ~ ~ar unless othervSoe - a~r~ed. ~nstallatAofl shall c~ly vl~ ~ re~zreMncs ag cnn Collier County Health De~rtoent. '~e septic tank and well use shall be discontinued t~en t~e central utility system Is completed. " Golf course restroou ~acilities MT use an a~r~ed tem~oFary septic tank and vel1 ~til such rAH as the central system Is completed, at ~lch ~IM l~ shall ~ connected. c. VrAor to recorded plato, metes ~ ~ds legal descriptions shall ~ pr~lded ~o a~ accepted ~ Collier County as sufficient for hlldlag ~At AISUIflCl. d. Temporary access and utility easemants may be provided in lieu of dedicated right-of-gays for Ingress, egress and utility service to mo~el homes. * e. Site plan (s) shall* be submitted at the time of · building permit application vhich contain the lnfornation required under Section 2.11 1.)o 2.)° 3.),  and 4.) of this docuaent. f. Sales, marketing, and '~nis~rative 'functions are ~ . . permitted to .occur In designated ~el:b~s vithin the . pro~ect. ',','. :-'.' '~.~ :'.~'.~;:",~,', .... ;.~. . ...~' . '..;... .. ,. · . ...~.....:: .;~.~:'~.-~-.*b:.. ~::~;%~%,..:q.~..~,.:..'..":..' . ' ~ *' *. ' ** ' ~ TeB~ora ry , uses. such;aa A~i~d~:g~. oalesitra~lers J ~.,*-" . ***'.~:- *' .' * ' ~.* Collier .County. Zoning .Ord~=laC~. q' ~; . ~..-- ~... ~ ~ .... ~ .... .,., ~, ~ .....:~- ., ~ ~,.~.: ~:~~~~~ -. ':*' .'.~-,! .'.L~" ,:~ "". ~.~' ~".~'. ~S . . . ~. ~'.'" . '. ~ lIAbLES GOLF STJqBOL DESCRIPTION J~f~OXX~AT~ Residential '' Golf Course/Recreation Conservation s Open Space Lake aoad. lAght-o£-#ay/r, aeeeent Plant "':'C'" Comtercial and Sewage ?reatoent TOTAL 7tO o . oe · .X62.3 78.0 317.3 37.5 S.0 lJ.! · -- 790 614.0 ,,, TKAA tDI l T S HOL~S COpLIqFIICXAL - z IIX f IV 113 v 111 18 'R° RKSXDEATXAL LAIID USE .. P~POSE " ~pose of this SecO/on is to set forth the re,lateens for the areas designated on Exhibit 'A', Planned DEve~opnen~ Bas,er f~afl, as 3.02 ~Z~ MLLXNG ~lTf A maximum number of 700 dwelling units ~y ~ constructed on ls~ds designated as 3.03 G~E~ DESCRIPTION . Areas -.designated as 'a' ~n the gaiter ~nd Use Flue are d~sXgned ~o acconodate a full range of residential dvellAn~ t~pes. ' Appr~xlte'~e ac~e~gei' o~ le~' un'tracts have ben Indicated on the P.U.D. Homier ;lan, iff order to ~Xcote relative maze mad distribution of the residential uses. considered to be epproxiute. Actual acreages of developmen~ tracts viii ~ provided at the time of platting. Residential tracts Irs designed to internal ~oadways. 3.04 PERMITTED PRINCZPA~ USES ~ 1) Oe~ached and o~tached single rosily h~, Mflufactured housing (mobile homes end nodulor hones), cluster homes, zero lot line; ~tio ho~s, t~h~ses, multi-family dwellings, recroatloflol facilities and water ~nagenent facilities. 2) Any other use which il COmplrible ~n niture with the foregoing uses and which the ~lanfllflg and Zoning Director determines to be co~petible in the district. 3.05 ~ERHITT~D ACCESSORY USE~ ~ 1) Accessory vies 8nd structures ~sto~rlly associated v~th uses permitted In this d~sCrlct.. 2) Essential services.and facllitles...~a~.~.-* -..... 3)"' ao~r'eational 'facilitieS.. .; ~. '.., - -" ?.. "~,. '~ ~~. '? ~. .... ~ ~~:-:~,~ ~'"~' T: ' ~. :.' .... ...~ ... :;.;:; ~. ~.- .: '. .... ... ....~-.. ://~j~ .~ . .... ...... ~..;.~'~,~.,' .~ . ~-"~ ~__. ~ ~-~ .~ .-~.~;.. . . · ..,.~..-,,. . ~.~; - . . . · - ~.. ,....~., ,-q-,- . , ...~ ........ ..... :.:.,. . .~ -~, ...... ~...~. . , .~,,~- .-~~ ~ . _ .... ; -- '~.~ .... i Table Il! sets forth the develoGment lt~ndard~ for'~s~d ' uses within the '~' leaidential District. · uses apply to platted parcel boundaries. Front yard setbacks'shall be measured as follovat l) Zf the parcel Is served b~ a ~blic righc~r~y~ ~tbeck Is ~lsurod fr~ the od~ocent right-or,ay -' - : measured fr~ the ~ck of ~rb or ~go of ~veMnt. " Standards 'for 'p;~king, l~nd~csping, saws, ~ord h~ses, ~ " security gates smd other lo~d uses not s~clfied herein ore to be Iff accordance with Collier Catty o~he~vise specified herein. Unless othe~lso setback, heights, and floor area standards apply to Development q~"~dards for residential mtes not sp~cifically set forth Iff table IZZ shall be established during Planned Unit Development Conceptual Site Plan Approval as set forth under Section 2.11 o£ this document. ~LL OR SZN~L~ SI~L~ · ~TEGORY ~ 2 J 4 S ~Hz~ SITE 9000 S000 4S00 3500 ~ Ac ~ IF IF IF IF S~TE WZOTH 75' S0' 4S' 3S' ZS0' ~zN. AVG. SXT~ DEP~ 120' 100" 100' 100' 150' ~ONT YAR~ 2$' 2S' 20' 20' 20' SIDE YARD ''' ' ?.S' 0 or S' S' '0 or'S' 20' SE~ACE 10' CO 10~ CO 10' CO ~0' ~ O' · ~ YA~O 20' 20' 1S' IS' 20' SE~ACK PRZNC/PA~ 10' CO 10' CO 10' CO 10' CO 0' 10' CO REAR YAng 10' PICe ~0' ~iCO Z0' P&CO 10' ~&CO ~0' SITBACK A~SRY. 0' G~ 0' GC 0~ GC O' GC 0' ~X. BUXLDXHG ABOVE PAREZNG 2 2 2 2 3 DIST. B~EKH PRINCIPAL STR, 1S' 10' 10' 0' or 10' 30' FLOR AREA al,IaU~ ~S.r.) 1000 1000 900 ')OO ..SITE WIDer. . The avecige diitaflc, helen straight lines c~ect/ng and rear parcel l/ties at each side of the site, eeasured as strai lines bi,vein the [o~emos~ points of the .side parcel lines (e~ the poin~ of ifltersec~ion vith ..,tbs..front. ~rcel line) and . .- . ~ . . , · ..~ , . . . .., , .**-*., . ~. .~..*~ · .;~*. · .P. ~erlneteg.;or:/nternal SLtee~.*,.,~.~*~'~~'*'';~ .... . . . , .,..... q 'GC' Gait COI~lSg/IECIr~TXOll 4.01 i~IPOSE . The JTurposs of this Section Is to set forth the reghtlona for the areas designated on Exhibit 'A' Planned Unit 4.02 PEX~X~"~ED USES AND mO b~lldtng or structure, or pert thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or wet, used, in vhole or in pert .--' for other than the follovings"..~ .... · · -" A. ?sruittsd Prin'clpsl Uses a~d St,ctures ~ . E (in iccordence vith lectIo~' 1.10e of the losing Ordinance). ' : 3) Open space recreational activities end uses. 4) Com~unity center/clubhouse. Any other Ule vhich Il coB?arable In nature vith the foregoing uses and vhtch the Planning end Zoning Director determines to be conpatlbh In the district. B. Permitted ACCIISOr~ UIel lad Structures Accessory uses cultouirlly associated vith the princll~ll uses permitted in this district including but not 1) Pro-shop, practice d~lvtng range, cart bern and other c~stomary accessor~ Ulll of golf COUrses. or other rscrsltional faclll~Ii$~ Including ,Insensate area and pump houses. shops,' golf equipueflt, sexes, restaurants, cock,ail lounges,, and-:similar Ulel .Intended to serve patrons et the .: golf. 'course..o~ther persisted %~facl~t~.;'u~subJect~~tbe ' pr~lil~s 'of~ the ...... ~.~. ~' .. ~. ol ' ~Mpes o~ f~cilities Intended ~or o~tdoor recreation. 4) Vehicle wish facility ' ' 4.03 D~E~OP~T ST~D~DS 1) ~erall si~ design shall be har~ni~s la terra of landscaping, enclosure of structures, locatl~ of access s~reets and parking areas and locati~ '~rea~mefl~ o~ buffer areas. ' 2) Buildings shall be set'back a Rifli~ of tvent7 (20') ~.. .... fee~ ~ron parcel ~ndiries. Recreational facilities -'- . shall setback a mLni~m of ten (10') fee~ fr~ parcel which . viii protect ,-~ roadways . and neigh~rlng properties from dA r'ect glare or unceasonable · interference. - .............. . 4) ~axlnuu heigh~ of strvctvroot' Fif~ (S0') ~ee~, unless abutting o residentially zoned parcel then thirty five (]S') fee~. 5) ,lnlmum distance between pFiflcipal struc~v~es= ~enty (20'~ 6) Setback for structures fro. parcel boundaries abu~Lflg ~esiden~ial areas, ' Thirty {30') ~eet. 7) Parking for the casualty center/clubhouse shall be one space per every tva hundred (2G0) square fe,~ of g~oss ~Xoor area. 8) Unless otherwise specified herein, minimum standards for parking, lighting~"signs, nad landscaping shill conform with applicable .Coil/er County Regulations ;~ ........ , ....... . ......~ .... ~ ...,~..:. ~ .'~-*-.~ ~, :.~: -~,."" .... ... ~. ~ .... ,.'~ % · , 0) nin~nun =lu~ setback ~for'all 'atructures a~ttin CO ~ ~..'.,: ..~ , , ~ · _ . , ....... , . ~..,. ,. ,~.*~g ~.. , · . . ..,~ 4 2 ., . .. -. . ~, ' · 'CO' C~S~VAT~ ~ 0~ SP~ - 5.01 ~POS~ The ~r~se of thl~ Section Is to set forth ~he regulations rot ~he areas designated off S.02 ~E~ USES ~ - Mo b~lldlng oF s~ruc~uFe~ o~ paF~ thereof, shall be erected, al~e~ed or used, or land or water used~ in whole or An par~, ~or o~her than ~he follovlfl9, . .. 2) Biking, h/king, and nature tra~ls.. 3) Equestrian pa~hs. 4) Wildlife sanctuary S) Water management ~acilit/es, as re,ired by the South Florida Water ~aflageaeflt District, roadway crossings and utility crossings. 61 SecreatLonal shelters and restro~8, in ' , areas. ~ upland 7) Any other activity or use ~Lch lo similar in nature v/th the foregoing u8o8 and ~/ch the Planning And Zoning Director deternines ~o h cotpatible with the in~en~ of this distric~. 1) Overall site design shell h hart~lous with the area'8 natural ecological characteristics in terms of landscaping, enclosure of structures a~ l~ati~ o~ access points. · . · " } All work proposed In constrvatlon areas dtsl~ated on -- , tho Aaster Plan, shall~h · ~:J '.z'{~' ' ~ o~ :any "such ,act/vA fy; ~~~.--.~Y~,,-~~"~ ..' --~~~~' .-'-"~ ~a.,~~- -~..~; · i 4 6.01 ImJ~OS E 6.02 The purpose of this section ti to set forth the regulations for the ·rea designated on the iUD ~aster ,lan (Exhibit °A') aa °C' Commercial. This ·rea Ia loc·ted vithln · designated coammity commercial node, therefore ponaitted uses and standards for tala commercial tract, are those 'perultted by the C-4 sorting district of the Collier County .$o~lng Ordinance. .-. .-~ ...... PrItHXTTED USES A; II) ,o I~uildlng o~ structure, ~£-p~rt thereof,' s~il'be erected, altered or msed, or land or water.used, in whole or tn pert, for oth~r than the follovings. · .... ,ermitted Principal Uses'and Structures~ .. (a) Antique shops; appliance stores; art atudLosl art supply shops; autouobLle parts stores; automobile service stations without repairs (See Section 0.8).; arming shops. (b) Bakery shops; bait and tackle shops; banks and financial institutions; berber and beauty shops; bath. supply stores; bicycle sales and services; blueprint shops/ bookbinders; book stores; business machine services. (c) Carpet and floor covering sales - vhich may include storage and installation; churches and other places of va;ship (S.e Section 8.11)o; clothing stores; cocktail lounges (Set Section 8.~)'; canoe;rial recreation uses - Indoor; com. ercial schools; confectionery and candy stores. (d) Delicatessens; departuent stores/ d~ug stores; dry .... ~~ **~. _ ......... ..T:. ~ "· cleaning ~'..shopsj. dry'.~ go'ds ,:- atores~, and drapery '... ~ ... ~ '-' _.,.~..,~ .. ~hops..~.~ ,, · -..~,~.','-~' ~.~,~ ~-"4. 4.;'~'~.'~..".'~ .... "' ' - ~ · . .. :~ ~ . . .- ~ . .... ..:... .... ~ . ~..; ,[.~.~ . ~ .............. - .- ~ -%. r ' ~ " ~ ~'~ .' · ..", .;..~'.''~y ~ "' ~ T~ , · ~.< - .; ':~ ..... ~,~...'~=,~~.. , ....~.':: .:..,.'. :,~, ~ ~ ~~ ~1.-~ ~ · /'. 2:.?~/;:"~ .: .. '?'~ ' ' 2 · .' ~* ..~ "~ ~'..~ · ~, ~ ~.~~. ~~"- .... -.... ~ ~ ~ ~' ....... ,~.~. ~,. ,.,~'~' ' .... d (k) (e) [lectrical supply stores; squipment rentals including lawn severe and paver saws. .. {f) fish market - retell only; florist shops; fraternal end social clubs (Sst faction funeral homes; furniture stores! furrier shops. (g) Garden supply stores - outside display in side and reit yards; gift shops; glass and mirror sales - including storage and installation! gourmet shops. (h) Hardware stores; hat cleaning and blocking; health food stars; homee..for the aged~ hospitals and hospices .... Laundries' self llrV/CS 'Only! leather goodl; }egitimate.theetrel;. liquor ltOrlll locksmiths, offices and clinical lillinery. IhOpll ~OtlOn sutOlob/le repair work. Way car dealerships - outside d/splay peri/tied; news l~oree; night clubs (lee lettish 1.11)*; (n) Office - general; of£iCl supply stores, (o) Paint and va11 piper asarci! pet shops; pet lupply shopl; photographic equipsent stores; Pottery stores; printing; publishLng and lileograph service shops; privets clubl (lee Sect/on profelSlOnS1 o~fices. (p) ~sdio and television sales end services; radio listless Io£fiClS end studios), and auxLl/ary traflsmittlrS and receiving equipaent, tmt no~ rincipal transmission tower! research end design aba; rest hones; restaurants - including drive-in q-' 'or fact food restaurants. (See Section ; q :, . % · ~ ..... ., .. . -.._ : .- .. -. . . .... ,.'.... ....... ~..-~.. '-. , ~., · ~ -~. · .... - ..... r iq; Shoe re.p,a~r; s, hoe etores~,~shopping_c, enters. (See ~' '" '.~r~ . ....,-...~._ .... Section.,~lO.Sl j :,~souvenir ,.' atoitl; l ~ ~ ~/~ -~ ~ '--'.~, ~.}, '.'?. :~,~t ~yl~ ~tnt~ plant .~~ ~-~ -~ ....... ' .. . .~ ...... . ....... ......~.~ ;.... J;~-~ ~;-.~-.,.~,,. : ....... . 4 :' ..,. ' ' " .., ' ',~ ' .. ' ~';, ~ ~"', ,?' ~; ~i'~ .., ~ -Z,- ..~.... ,~ .'. . ' ~, ~ <. ; ', .~ . .; -..? .... . ..... :.. ...... ... - {r) Tailor shops; taxidermists; tile sales - ceramic tile; tobacco shops; to~ shope~ tropical ~lsh 8~OrtS. (s} ~pholscery shops. ' ' (~) Variety a~oresj vehicle rental - autouobiles only; veterinarian offices and clinics - no kennels..- (u} Match and precision lnstr~ent repair shops. {v) Any o~her comercial use or professA~al se~Ace which is conpa~able An nature ~lth the foregoing uses and'which ~he Plannln9 and Z~in9 Director · -~.' ,de~ernines to be conpa~ible In the district. ternitte'd"Ac~e~0r~ Vse~ '~nd'~'f~ctb~tt~ Accessory uses. and. s~u~u?~ ~Vs~o~rlAy~,assOcli~ed with th~ uses permittea'xn tats uxa~rxct'. · '"' ' (a} Caretaker's residence {See Section [.40}~. ' - .. · .., .. . .' , ~- · ..... ~. · .. Perni~ed ~ses and S~ruc~ures re~ulrAflq SI~e Plan A~proval per Section 2.X~ o[ ~his P~ and sub~oet to ~he ~ollowinq criteria, The grantin~ o~ these uses ~il1 P q g r Lng the individual use, if nay, have been net ~ the developer and that, further, satisfactory p~ovision and arrangement has been ~de concerning ~he foZloving ma~ers~ where applicable, ~) General compliance with the Conprehonsive 2) Xflgress and egress to proper~y and p~o~sed struc+ures thereon vXth particular rt~erence to · nu~omo~Xve and pedes~F~an sefe~y ted convenience, ~raff~c fZov and cofl~roX, and across ~n cases of . Zire or catastrophe; 3) The affect the provisional use would hays on - neighboring properties In relation to noise, glare, . economic or odor u~fec~s; ' ~) General. compatAbllA~M' 'wi~h ad3acent pro, tries and ~-~'~.~ ., ~.. - · '..- -~ '~.'~ .,~,'.,~-.~,~.'... - .:-= .. ~ --. ..: ~.~ ..- · · .. .'. ~-~- ~. ~ .,~ ..... {b) Child care center. " (c) Com!ercLal recreation - o~tdoor (d) DetaChed residence In con,unction vith · business - ~e (~) ~r (e) Drive-La theatres. (f) ~er~t~d use' vlt~ lisa the 1,000 s~are - .- ~.. fee~ gross · floor- area . In Zhe prlncl~l ('g) Used ca% ~o~s and ou~door boa~ sizes.. , . . automobiles. (i) Time share facilities. (~) RetiL~ si~el of propifle glo. (k) TeZevLsLo~ I~1~1o~1 (offlCll I~d l~UdLOl) lad e~ipaen~, ~t not princ/pa~ transmission rowe r. 4} Developmen~ S~afldardl: 2) ~LnLmum ~o~ WLdthz One hundred (X00) feet. (a) rrofl~ yard - ~e~y five (25) feet plus one (~) foo~ rot each tvs (2) fee~ of '-heigh~ over fLfty.'(S0) feet. · " (b)' Side yard "- Xone, or · nini~'~of' fL~e' ~' ~ . ~ ..~. ' - ·; ......... fee~. -v~ .unobstructed passage from 'fron~-to~ (c) Rear yard XO foot mlnLnun setback for aXZ structures ubu~t~ng C0 ~racts. 4) Maxlruu ~!;~ht= FLfty (S0) feet. S) Mlninum~l'~oor Area of Itructuresf One thouoand (X,0O0) Square feet per ~ulAdXng off tho ground floor. 6) Distance letveen ItructurEs~ IOH as for olde yard setback. A ~lndicipo ~ffer In iccordinco v~th Sectl~ 0.37 of the Zoning Ordinance IhiXX the sou~h pro. ray resldent~a~ area .... These section references are from'the ~0XX~er county zoning A 50' setback from provided ~nd Section e.39 of the Collie~ Coun~ laming Ordin~nce shill separate the ST~ ~rou l.l. 84 and the co~ercill developnen~ area. Haxl~m height shall be S0 feet. 7.01 7.02 ne p~rpose of this Section ia to set forth the developnent couitnents of the pco~ect. ~.~.D. ~ST~ ff~ · &. 'The P.U.D. Master Plan. (Wilson,. hiller, Barton, So11 &  '~ ........." '-'~: Peek, inc., Drivin{:rlle I~nber I3-i?3A) is in illustrative · ': " ':.'~., ~relininary .deveXopumnt~ pXan.':.,.,'~ei, design criteria an]l ~" "';';""' ...... layout Illustrated- on the Haster Plan shall be understo~ shell be granted to lnsura the continued operation and soln~enance st ~1 service ~. c. Sl~e design changes ih811 be perAitted sub~ect to County e ataf~ adninXstrative approval, vhere such chenges are c~nsisten~ with the intent si this P.~.D. and do not cause ~ sign~lcan~ impac~ to surrounding ~ 7.03 X) Pe~/one~ shall be sub~ec~ to Ordinance 7~21 Iai the , ~ree/vege~atlon rlmOVll ordinance in exis~ence a~ the tine of pernl~ting], reqviring the acquisition of a renewal perni~ prior to uny lnnd c~earing. A site clearing = plan. shall be subnit~ed to ~ho Natural Resources Depar~nent and the Conuni~y =evelo~ent Division for their - review and sub~ec~ to approval prior to any substantial work on the site. This plan ~y be submitted In phases to · coincide with ~he developuen~ schedule. ~e site clearing .- .. plan sha~X .clearly depict....h~.the, final site layer . ~ncorporates re~alned native vegetation to the f .... ..-. ~ :.ex~ent posslbXe~ and h~ ,roads, ~lXd~ng, lakes, ~rklng ': . ~o~s, . and · o~her_ ficLX~es ..have.=hun. oriented .?. ' flanagement Department and the Co~aIt! _ ~iliO~ ~or..~h~ir. review.and sub,eot to ~elr ~flzs plan vzAA aep~c~ the zncor~ra~lofl of native .~ and Cheer nix with o~her species, If any. ~e goal o~ s~ce landscaping shall be the re-creation of native ~9etacion ~ and habitat characteristics loot on the site duri~ ~ construction or due ~o past activities. _ 3) All exotic plants, as defined An the C~ty C~e, sh]l ~ renewed during each phase of construction frudevel~nt f ' areas, o~n space areas, and prese.e areas, roll.ins sL~e _ develo~e,~, a ~i.~e~aflce p~ovraa shall h lmplmn~ed ~ prevent re,suasion az ~he sS~e' ~ ~ch exotic s~cles. q · ' 'ThL8 plan. which viii descrLh con~rol ~echnl s a~ · " '' "'inipec~o~ .intervals;' shall be filed vl~h and sauce to -- . . ..... ..pprova~ Dy the.Na~ural hsovrces Saaagement Depar~at O ] , . - the CasuaLty Develo~ent DivisiOn.' ' '' '' 4~ Zf during the course of site clearing, excavation, or other ~ -" - ' -' constructional "activities, an'archaeological sc historical ~ si~e, artifact, o~ o~er Indicator ~s diic~er ~ ' d v ' ' ed. all ' · eXopmen~ a~ ~he~ location 8ha~X be lnedla~eXy seeped and ~he Natural Resources ~anag~nen~ ~pa~nen~ uo~Afied. ~eveXopuen~ vAll be suspended for s 8uffAc~en~ length ~Ane ~o enable ~he Na~al ~esouFces ~anagenen~ Depar~Ben~ oF a designated consul~a.~ ~o assess the find and de~e~Afle the prope~ course of action La re ~ -bm,,L W~AA rasing to any IVCA no~if/ca~/ofl in a timely and eff/cien~ Mnfler lo al to provide ~nly a minimal in~er~up~/ofl to any constructional act/v/ties. . S. All areas dssignated CO" on tho Has~e~ Plan shall be ] ua/n~alfled as habitat prsserves, must be fla ed ~ gg ~ ~he ~ ~hese ~ufld~cies sha~l ~ 8vb~ect to the review and '. approval of Natural Resources Hanagemefl~ Department. ~ gco~oflal areas as idefltlfied on the pro~ect Vege~atiofl . shall be subject ~o mapping, field adjustments and approval of ~he N~D. ~tSO areas a~e to be recognized as areas requiriflg a hlghe~ level of review prior ~o ~inal site ~ developmen~ approval, and subJec~ to ~pping and, field ~ ........ ad~ustnen~. . As part of final site developmen~ ~ , .~.~ . transition areas ~o ~ p~ese~ed within the rase . '~ ~ .-~ ~:~A ~h~ final Si~e Developmen~ Plan as ~An within q~ ""~ ~ ' ''~ ~b ............. ' - g' the .~. .'~'-...::~ :.~:~:~'~ ou~dac~s o~ ~he conservation ar..l'~ · . :,.,~ ,. ~-.,..-...,,, ,j.-)~: .~-.~- .~.' . ~- y .,'.,,'.'~.",:..~,- ~ .~.~,..~-)~ .,~ .,.' ,.. , (~ ,~ . .. ..~'....- ,. , ........ .. ~ .~..~ . ;. Uses o£ ecs·ansi habitats that are determined to be vithSn the preSErVE still shall be restricted to limited developlent luch al golf COUClI rOUghS, pSSllvI recreation. or residential yards. Residential ·teas that cant·in such habitats shall be sub, ecS to restrictions th·t will allow limited clearing, falling, or Ioddlng In these designated steal, iub~ect to the review and IpprOYSl of Nltlqo. Residents Ihall take ipecl·! la·ns to preserve extant biologicll colnunitiel (excluslv· of toxic pi·nra or venomous animals). Dead restrictions shall mandate · minimum of claaring of native vegetation on residential lots, amd that s County Trea Reloval fferllt be obtained the developer prior to land clearing. 8. The "a~JS-renge" rater lansgtlent excavation as depicted . the site plan shall be designed and constructed In a mann, that is accommodating to the axistlng c~press vetland~ Shcra~lnas shall reflect this in design to rattan ea~stit cyprass yeti&nd habitats. The intact viable cypress veil&nd in the center of this rater managslent feature shall be maintained as s habitat island. The petitioner shall design, construct, and ~ln~ain a water nanagenen~ plan tha~ viii introduce ~ro~eet stotnwa~er runoff to wetland areas An an at~enpt to hel~ restate historic water levels and hydr~pe~loda In the pro~e~t wa~er te~en~ion and ~teserve areas. lO. To maintain a~lfer re~harge and natural surface sheet~low, all sur~a~e wa~er management shall be achieved on sate. Sub~ec~ ~o the approval o~ the $ou~h ~ater ~anagemen~ District and reviewing environnen~al a~encies, surface wa~er discharge shall be directed ~o the ' oas~ern wttland arras to Lhe ex~en~ possible by pernlt~ing regulations. ~. much As as la practical and possAbXe or the upland oak hanock and ad3aceflt cabbage paX, ha~ock in the , north-central area of the tract, as idontl~Xed on site, sha~l be Incorporated In the conservation area. ~e pall ' hammock IOu~h of the proposed co~rc~a~ area, identified on site and ~ aerial photograph, shall '' similarly be designated 'CO'. ~e physical limits of these .-= .... ~ . hanocks shall .-be Identified ~ the petitioner, and shall .:. ."be sub~ec~ ~o the review and approval of ~m.'. Road access *~-'-.?~;~-~-~ ..... ~ crossings -shall ~aXl~ed-in these areas'a~ credit shall '" .' .... :"- ~" b~"~ appXted.- for conse~atl~_of~hese are·· tMrd 4 p. ?o increase biological productivities and enhance habitat values, aide slopes of lakes .disc.at to preserve.Areas shall be designed and constructed at o pitch of Itl or shallower to · depth of three feet balowmaan lov vater. Oth.r lak. aid. slopes shall be designed and construct.d at a pitch of 4fl to · depth of three feet b~lo~ main water. Like margins ahaIl be adequately planted with compatible littoral and emergent flatly, plants, to help restore nativ, littoral habitat. The petitioner shall design and implesmflt · program to pr.vent or minlnia, populations of noxlo~a/exotic aquatic plants in the water Banns.neat systems. Those sMcioa should include, but not be limited to, hydrllla (~ vertlclllats! and voter hyacinth (gichhornia ens~. · hia pre, ran shall be subject to the ~view and~r-~-~l-of R.i~.., '- · · .. [ .2 ,'..P''o*,. · . -. .: ~. ' The Potition. r shall be responsible to provide · surve~ for .the presence and distribution of protected option, subject to #PJqD review and approval, prior to approval of final alta developmaflt plan.. Th. survey shall encompass any species off the latest edition of the Florida Gnma and ,rash Miter Fish Commission's 'Official Lists of Endangared ·nd Potentially Endangered Fauna and Flora iff Florida*. lik.ly to occur on-site, specifically tho · gopher tortoise (6opharus polyphsmua) and the red-cockaded woodpecker (~Aco-~l'd~ boraalis').~lf warranted, project designs viii be adjusted a~d?or individuals and/or pop~lationa of protected plants and animals will bo relocated to the preserve ·reis of oth. r appropriate areas approved bymmu. An archaeological survey shall be conducted by qualified personnel, subject to approval by WinO, prior to approval of the project construction plans. Xf warranted, project designs viii be adjusted to save any existing ~lstorlc or archaeological aires, or the artifacts carefully r.noved and saved as per accepted archaeological field practices. Adjusted project designs and/or removal of artifacts shall be subject to approval by #lmD. The four upland'islands in the eastarn third of the site shall not be developed, but shall remain aa habitat islands vithln~-, that .conservation. eros and used for passive ..,recreitlOfl;- ;,'-Credit for de~elopue~t'ln' transitional ·ross d X7. 11, l J, 20. 22. Amy access structures that must be placed within preserve ereJa of the project shall provide sufficient water flow beneath the structure to miflimise water l~ndment and obstruction of natural water flo~ through the.preserve area. Road and path construction throughout the pioJect shall be designed and constructed at a minimum width, determined by good Food construction standards, to BinimXse destruction of existing habitat. The petitioner shall design smd l~plemeut proper culvert or breach points in the existing powerline easement to help restore historic surface flow patterns through the Wae~ern part of the project. Collier Coun~7 vllX york with the petitioner to obtain ~ermiselon fro~ Florida PMr and L~gh~ for construction of ~hese s~ruc~ureo. riflal alA~flt of aXl structures, confi~rat/~ of ~nageseflt excavations, roads, etc. shall ~ sub~ec~ to uther field ad3ustaents-~to preserve"valuable existla, ~e pe~ltAonec.~ and ~he Natural aeo~rcel. Departaen~ shall cooperate on the f~fla1 layout of the golf couFie~ iff an attempt to produce habt~at coupr~lie that acceptable to bo~h parries. Prior to constr~ctlon, golf holes and fairways vA11 be field s~aked by tbs petitioner and sub,ecS to review and approval of the Natural ~esources .anatement Department.· The pe~ttionec and ~D wall cooperate ~fl ~he f~nal layout of the golf co. roe In any areas where 1~ Invades ~he vetland or ecotona1 wetland &rems, ~o result in a course ~esig. that m~flinlzel on these habitats, sub~ect ~o go~ golf c~Ese design. ~e petitioner shall Rake reasonable fXeXd &d3us~oents of the goX~ course to minimize habitat destruction to the extent ~ac~Acable and consistent wASh go~ golf course ~ere applicable because of deveXo~ent, components o~ native plsnt conunities shal~ be tranuplanted to within preserve areas, or uitd Ii landscape elements v~thAn the pro,ecS. A~i areas ad,scent to the golf c~rse shall pr~Ade ~ffer sones to protect and maintain the ~aXlty of natlYe vegetation bet~efl the golf course and the units..'. Buffers ,eha~l ~e a martini of 20 feets buffer . are~l ...'should be. encouraged by way of '" .... ~ ' ' % "''reitrX'~tioni.6r?re~arded cX~rXng XlnAt linee:-~-· ,~..~.' .-,. ~ :-~..-'~, deed Raster:; fflafl ' shall be l) Tho utter maflageueflt system shall be designed to tak~ consideration the loss of historical bolla leafage sa property. ' 2) No construction permits will be issued unless and - approval of the proposed construction in accordance vie: : the submitted plans ts granted by Woter aaflageeeflt Advieo~ · moard staff and the South Florida Water q ' Distr/ct. . ~ 3) Afl excavating permit vile' ~ re~Lred for the rs . . . p lakes la accordance with Collier C~n~y Ordinance - · , ,.- 80-26. - · - ~- ' '.-.~-' ...' ] .' . . .... . .~ .- . ~- · I ' · ' ' ' ' ' '" '. , :'-'~' ' d 1. The Developer IhlJJ provlde~'",~on~litiflt with Il-iA, left 8fid right turn llflel off C.X. JSI I~ J.R. 84 ~ .... 8~ pro3ect entrances to ieslde~'tls~ Irbil. ACCeSs to ~ c~ercle~ f?n C.R: JSZ. Ihl~ lncor~ri~e 8 north~n, . c ess Is needed 'before C.I. -9S1 Ii far-lamed. · Developer shall a~8o reAaburse'the C~flty for pr~ldlflg ~ replacing these t~rfl lanes end pr~ldlflg a median openlfl, 88 such time os C.R. 95~ Is four-lofted. Access to ' commercial psrcel vii old m.a.' 04 shill lflcor~rate lines for both eastbound end westbound may. Befits mlong ~ collector road improvements to I.A. 84 between the ~ point and C,R. isl. ~l collector road lnprovesents vbic~ may be necessary Include road widening iud application ~ asphalt friction surface. Upon the f~-la~/nV'of C.R '* 0SA, ~he Developer IhaZ~ bear the cost of needs, ' intersection sodlfice~Lofls off i fair share basis. A~ improvements ~o o~d S.R. i4 sh8~ be on · fair shore vtth the Developer of the Toll Gite Coilercil~ ~. 2. The Developer Ihl~Z provide 8 fist ihlre cofltributio: tovird ~he cipttl~ COltl of lay trltf~c Iignl~l fllCllllr. I~ prOJlCt lCClllli when dlllld vi:rifl~td ~ the Count: - Engineer. The i~gfllli Ihl~Z be o~ed, o~rlted, ~ llLnti~nld by CoZZLer County,. The hYeZo~r IhIZZ Irtertl~ ~lYl~ I~ree~ Zlght~ng It;l~ project Iccellel. · ' · · ",' ' ' "}* '- -'-~ t'-1'-. ' ' ' ' :~' -., ~,.~ .... ~; ~ CO.ROi~DEVXcll . .... ... ,,. ., construction requIrelentl Aa t££1¢t It the construction pllnl Ire approved. TWa above tilkl,i~lt be coiplete~ to the satisfaction ~ the U~iZ~t~es D~Aiion privately o~ed, into IlrYlCl. ~Ofl co~letion of the rater and/or sever facilities and prior to the lssulace of Certificates of Occupancy for structures vith~fl the pro~ect the utility ~acill~es shall ~ conve~ed to the County, vhefl required by the U~t~les Dlv~olofl, ~riuant to County Ordinances and ~egulatlon. Iff efrec~ at the tt~ conveyance la re~ested. A~ constructton p~ans and tec~tca~ speciflcat~ons a~ proposed p~a~s, If app~lcabXe, for the pro. sod voter dtstrt~tlon 8nd savage collection and transnlaalon facilities ~.t be revleved and i~r~ed ~ .the Utilities division prior to coueflcement of coflit~ct~o~. ' Ail' custoners connectln~ t°' t~;' vater'd~S~rl~tion- savage coX~ec~ofl faclAlt~es'v~' be 'not.ers of the County and v~XX be b~ed by the County tn tccocdance the County's estabXlshed rates. Ih~d the C~y not tn a position to pr~td, va~er 8~/or laver service to the pro~ec~, the valet and/or se~r customers shal~ cuitomerl o~ the ln~eril utility established to serve the pro3ec~ until the County's off-site rater sad/or sever ~acAIA~Ael ore a~allabXe to serve the zc is anticipated tha~ the County Utilities Division viii ultimately supply potable vlter to meet the consutptlYi demlnd ~nd/or receive ind treit the lev~ge generated this pro}ect. Should the County I~stem not be position to supply ~t~ble voter to the pro~ect ~nd/or receive the pro}ect'l vlitev~ter It the time deYelo~ent conences, the Developer, It his expense, viii lflstollafld operate lnterin -t~er supply and ofl-slto treatment facilities and/ac iflterlR on-site savage treatieflt and disposal facilities adequate to neet ali requAreaeflts ~he approp~ia~e regulatory agencies. ~ agreeBeflt aha2: be e,tered into be~vee, the County and the Develops, bL.atng on the Developer, has assigns or successors, legally acceptable to the County, prior to the approval o~ construction do~en~s for the proposed *a) The ' proposed '.'.. va~ir ~?uppl~'~nd'~ og-i~e~, trea~Mnt * ~ :~facill ~iel - ~ and/or ~on~iite~'. ~Ai~evi~i~t(ea~nt .~as part or ~he interimr they shell be constructed to State amd Federal - standards and are to be ov~ed, operated end maintained I~/ the Developer, his assigns or successors until a~ch 4 time as the County's off-site water facilities and/or off-site sewer facilities are available to service the ~ pro,act. The Interim treatment facilities shell supply ~ services only to tAose lands owned by the Developer and approved bM the County for developaent. Se utility ~ facility(les) may not be elpaflded to provide water ~ and/or sewer service outside the developueflt bu~ndary i approved by tho County without the written consent of _ . the County. . ~ ...... b) ~pon connection to the Couflty'l off-sits v~ter feclllties, and/or sever flcllittel, the Developer, his · ' -% '' '- ° '~' assigns or. luCCellOrl 'shall abandon,, dillentle &J~d ~ .' ' - . remove from' the site the interim water and/or SM · -' ''treatment facility'end discontinue use of the , ~... ........... . . supply .so~rce, If applicable, In a manner consiate~l j with State of Florida standards. All work related with ~ .. '. . .. this activity shall ~be performed at no cost to ~he ~ c) Connection to the County's off-site water and/or newel e facilities" viXX be made b~ the owners, their assigns . successors at fie cost to the County within g0 days after ~ such facilities become available. The cost of d connection shall Include, but not be limited to, engineering design end preparation of constructIo~ - documents, permitting, B~diflcation or refitting of - existing sewage p~mplng facilities or construction of d new master sewage ~-ping facilities, Ifltercoflflectlo~ . with County off-site facilities, water facilities, , Intercouflectlon with County off-site facilities, rate, . * and/or sever lines necessary to make the connection(si, ~ e~C. d) At the time County off-site voter and/or sere, · facilities ar, available for the pro,act to courier1 , with, the fol~G~Lng water and/or lever facilities shall be conveyed to the County p~rausnt to appropriate Count] · Ordinances and ~e~ulstiofla in effect et the time. ~ '.- ' ' 1) All water end /or sever facilities constructed i, ~': ~ · . ..... ..,~. publicly' .owned. rights-of-way or within · ~ "'-" ..... ' . ' :' ~ .' easelents re~ulred ;. by ~he .Co~nty within th, 2) All water end sever facilities required to sonnet! the pro3ec~ to the Co~nty's off-site water se~r f~ci~Aties ~ea the on-site ~ter o~r zaci~l~les are c~ot~c~ed ~ pri~t~ ~ro~rty o~ no~ re, ired ~ ~e C~y to located within utility easeMfl~s, lncl~iog hi ' a) ~aifl sewage ~1~ station a~ force -- lfl~eFco~ect~ng with ~e C~flty IMf ~ facilities lncl~inV a11 utility easements T ' : b) water dls~i~tiofl facilities from the ~int ~ . ~ ' of connection with ~e C~nty*s ~tef ~ ' ~ facilities to the master water meter ~ ....... ~ . . the pro3ect, Including all utility easeMnts  -'. · neces:ery. . ' e) ~e cus~ouero served ~ aa interim basis ~ ~he ~ - .-'- ~ sys~e, constructed ~ ~he ~veloper shall bc~ ~ · ' ~ customers of ~he C~n~2 a~ ~he ~iBe ~efl C~n~ off-sl~o ' wt~e~ and/or sewer facilities ore available ~oYse~e tho ~ - pro~ec~ and such cofl,ec~lofl is Mde. Prior J co~,ec~to, of ~e pro~ec~ to the C~aty's orr-olde 4 end/or sewer facilities the Developer, his assl~s, or sMccessors shall turn ~er to the County a complete list - o~ the customers served ~ ~h. interim utilities systes a,d shall flo~ compete vl~h ~he Coun~ for ~he servlc a Y · of · ~hose customers. ~e Developer shalX also pr~lde ~be . Co~fl~y wl~h a de~oAXed Inventory of ~he ~ served within ~he pro~ec~ and ~he en~l~2 which will ~ responsible for the water and/or sewer service billing . . fo~ ~he pro~ect. · · f) A11 construction plans and technical specifications ' related to connections to the C~flty'8 off-site water . end/or sewer facilities will ~ su~/t~ed to the U~il~tles Division for review and appr~a~ prior to · coneflcemefl~ of COnI~FUC~IOfl. ' g) ~e Developer, has ass/gus or ,~ccessors agree to pay , . . all sys~eu develo~a~ charges a~ ~he ~i~ ~ha~ Building . ~e~A~s are ~e~Lre~,..~r?~n~ to a~roprla~e C~n~y · '~ · ..... ~raxnances -lng ~.RO~Aa~IOfl~~ la efrec~ ~a~ ~he ~ .... · of ~ ...... - ' .. aAA prospec~xve.~yers sE pro, riles for ~lch ~'. *' "~*'" ~ .~ ~. petal,s :~vll~be_ re~lre~..prior ~o~he s~ar~ of lldlng ..~.' ~ ~ .-.~: ~,: ... :~'.,~,,- .~ ~.. ; ~,--, ,.~.~~. - - . ,~_.~. . _, ...' ~_ '~..~ ~ "' =' .._" ~:~:~: ..'~T'. '~" -"h~ ~ .~:~". 'j ';: '~ ~' .. ,'~;~"..'.:. :.. A' . ::,.~ ! . The County vii! Xease to the Developer for operatio~ and maintenance the Water distribution and/or- sevaqs collection and transmission systsm for tho su~ of dl0.6O per year, v~efl such lyltem Il not connected to Lhl off-site vstsr end/or sewer facilities owned end operated by tho County. ?erie of the lease shall h determined upon coopletlofl of mae proposed utlZltT construction and prior to activation of the Water supply, trestMflt and distribution facilities and/or the savage collection, tranomlstion and treltieflt effect until the Co~nty con pro, ldo water and/or sever t ~ ': - ' . ' service, through its off-site facilities or until such tlBe thst bulk rote water and/or sever oervics · . project. :._ .; .....: .;~ ~- ~... :.. :....~ ?)..o.~..red, red u~er C~ty Ord~nanc.:.o. ; · ava~lobA1~y ~' of "sMge servlce~ mst ...h s~tt~ , . %:'2 -.... appc~ed ~ the':Otilities Oivisi~'prior'to appr~al of ~ construction do~fl~s for,~e prelect .... I~l~.a .c~ of ...... ~he" a~r~ed 'Dm' ~rm~s~. for ~be Se~Ve'cO~leC~l~ and to h utilized, u~n receip~ ~oreof. C) ~f' on interim on-site utter .u~ly, treatseat transmission facility lo utilized to se~e the pro~se~ pro~ec~, it ~st be pro~rly .ls~ to supply overage peak d87 4~es~lc de~fld, Iff addition ~o f~re fl~ de~flC at a rate approved by the appropriate Firm Control Distr/cl servicing the pro,scm ores. O) Construction and ownership of the water and imm , facilities, including shy proposed interim water and/o! sewage treatment facilities, shell be in compliance vitl all Utilities Division Standards, Policies, Ordinances, Practices, etc. in effect at the tine construction approva: Il rlqUllted. g) Detailed hydraulic design reports covering the ware1 distribution and sewage collection and transmission systsm~ to , serve ..the pro~tct_ must be . submitted with th, .... " construction documents 2or the prelect. The reports 4 ~.' .. -.~.-..,.-~'' - .>...list all.~esign assumptions,, demand rotes and other factor: · . pertinent.to t~e'system under consideration. do.lents Ire lu~Jtted for the project, re~ir4Jng ~eryic. from the District. ~e Agromnt shill cfltlifl, ~t not ~ Xln~ted to, tb fail,lng lt~t X) ~e.~roJect~'s ~l~r(s), his Iss/~s or ~cflosor8 snaAA negotiate an ~reeNnt with ~e Dlstrl~ for ~e use of treated s~oge effluent ~thln ~e project ~mAts, for lrrl~atl~ ~ses. ~ ~el~r ~d ~ res~fls~b~e Esr p~ldlng 811 ~site p~pi~ ~lng fscllAties fr~ the District's ~lnt of delivery to the proJe~t'a~ negotiate District to pr~lde full or ~rtla~ ~slte storage facilities, as re~lred-~ tb D~, c~slstent .... ~e value.of treated..ustMter to b ~e. utiZlty, c~t,ct/~ "do~nts for ~e pr~e~'o aeverag, system shall ~ pre~ared to ~taln tbs ~sl~ · c~nstructlon- of ' the ? ~=sLte'~ force "mSs ~lch u~tL~tely connect ~e project, to the future c~tral s~age.' facilities or ~0 OLstrlct la'~ Davis ~levard ~xgn~f-oz-vay. .. ~o force..maln nat b este~ed on-s~te ~up station to. the. nort~st corner of the pro~rty at the rights, f-vaT ~ne of C~ty ~ad OXd State Route 04 a~ cap~d. It not ~ lnterc~ected to the Mp atatl~ vl~ a~r~rlnteXy l,ated vaXves to ~rnlt for sidle redirection of the project's oMge connection to the C~Cy's central sewr facilities, ~p Station 3-X4 consistent vl~ ~e S~ C~nty IMf ~ster FAns, hcones ava/libZe. · ) The on-site v~ter distribution system to serve the project q .. lha'll be connected to the DLetr/ct,a l0 /nch v~ter'mein on · Old State louts 84, extended throughout the project and ' looped to the District's 20 Inch voter ~In on Cll 0al. ~ l~Jriflg design of these facilities, the following features shall be incorporated into the distribution aystem~ a) Deed end moans shall be el/mia&ted whenever possible ' by looping the internal.pipeline network. · '~ ' ' b) Stubs '_~or'fu?[?'~ste~'L%t~connectlou with adjacent : - .' . -~... -... properczea, snell, be ,~rovlded to tho vest and south · .. '~ ' · '-'. pr~per~y ;.ZI~a:' of~ ~e~ project,' it locations to be ~.'~ .. .... ,~.; ~ :~ ~,'... · ~.-, ,-.~' .~--:~mutualAy. rreed.~*to-i~rthe,Utilitiee Division &ad the '" .... ''" ':'" :' Develo Except for the sales office/model and golf co~rse rsstroom facilities, the Utilities Division will not be in a position to approve Certificates of Occupancy' for structures within the pro,ecS until the eOosite sMrgge facilities and on-off-site voter distribution facilities previously stipulated have been completed, conveyed to the DistrAct and placed AnCo service and satisfactory docunefltst/ofl has been submitted to the Utilities Adstnistrator verifying that udeq~ate fire flays exist within the pro,ecS .site, as specified by ~be Utilities Division and/or the appropriate Fire Control Olstrict. Section - V! -~ Utllitie'S'seq~lreM~ts of ~he resorting petitio., docunen~, shall..be..revlsed to.include ~be above stipulations ~nd'.. specify~the ~ FetAtiofier~s acceptance of then.j ?he draft Ordinance.forl.the~resoulng a~prnvol, ~hlch contains 'the ~bove'stip~lationl. nit b I~ltt~ to ~d Utilities? DiviSioflY.~fOW~; revi?" and 'l~'r~al prior to thl · etitlOn ~:beim1'.~'c~nsideted ~ ~2:.~he loa~ :~f C~t~ The 'Developer shall obtain% fr~ Florida PMr and Light (FPS~) for ~cposes of utility conveTance, ~rot~on and ~Ln~eflaflce, an Agreeue,~ perpetuaXZy hoXdLng~rnleso the ~llltles D~vlslon ~for such ~r~ses and ~aranteeLng the perpetual righ~ to have free and clear access to ~heee foreladies across TP&L r~ght-of-vay crossings. SXGHAGE General a) All County sl~ regulations shall apply unless such regulations are Ln conflict vLth the conditl~s set forth An this section. .b b)' For Chi purpose o! thin ~ Dec-neat/Ordinances each plotted parcel shall be considered a separate parcel ~ of land and shell be entitled to any sign as ~ permitted herein. . ...... c). Should -amy of .the signs be requested to be placed ~' vithin the imblic right-o£-vsy,', a. rlqht-of-viy I~,~ ..... . ~ Z<-~-) ~.. ....,--.perilS.must be applied-foe and iPPEOwsd.~ .~ . . · '. . ..~' .,~[.- ..o. . ' M'"'~'~q~'~'~'~?' }~(~l'g,s~C'shall 'to class sight °e· 4 Entrance Signs a) Two (2) signs with · maxim ·rea 'of 40 squ;~i fie! . each or one (Ii sign with a maximum ·re· of.10C square feet shall be pernitted st each entrance of ~ the development. b) Entrance signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen (IS) feet above the finished ground level of the ·lgn site. c) Entrance signs Bey be lighted Provided slx lights are : ' ..... ·hielded in a manner which prevents direct glare into ~ "' - the vision of drivers using the adjacent streets or f'~ "' "'* "' ' "into adjacent residences. . a) Project II~fll, ~eli~ed .to pro~te laplel. ~ h ~e pro,eot shaX2 be permitted aXong the East 8~de at ~ III, ~e i ~ .... South s~de 'of la 04 and on all Xa~ tracts within ~ ....... naples GoX~ Estates llnltl oublect to the fail.lng ~ condi Plans t ~) Pro,act s~Vns shal~ not exceed a height of t~nty ' (20) ~ee~ a~ve the finished gr~nd level of the e~gn sl~e nor may ~he overall are· or ~e ~ face exceed one h~ndred (~00) o~are fee~ 2) A maximum of four (4) pro,act signs shaX1 be permitted. Two (2) loc·ted along la 04 frontage and tva (2) located ·long Ca 0SI frontage. The location of such ·lEns shall generally be limited to · one-half mile spacing requirement unless existing vegetation requires ·soaevhat closer spacing ~ 10t. 3) Pro,act signs lay be lighted provided all lights are shielded in a manner which prevents direct glare into the vision of drivers using the .. . .adjacent streets or. into adjacent residences. ---- 8 ~kDVISORY BOARD ~.d~l~.~: To appoint I member to fulfill the trmainder of a vacant te.,~, expitlng on September 20, 2000, on the Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board (EPTAB). CONSIDERATIONS: This ! 1 member committee advises and assists the county in the development and impl~ne~.~on ofthe County Environmental Resources Mana~n=~nt Program. Members stroll demotmme evidence of expeni~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ following Biology (including any of the sub-di~ipl~ such as botany, ecology, zoology, et~.), Coastal Processes, Estuarine processes, Hazardous Waste, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Hydrmdics, land Use Law, Land Use Planning, Pollution Control, Solid Waste, StormwaIor Management, Water Resources, Wildlife Managgment, or other ~ve ar~as deemed appropriate by the Board such as, but not limited to, a I~.'presetl~ve of the developmeut cotn~tlllity. Terms are 4 years. A list ofthe current membership is included in the backup. There are 3 vacancies on EPTAB due to resignations. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following 2 interested citizens: William E. J. McKinmy (Pollution Control) 2 yes Stanley C. Vass NO COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: William E. J. McKinney FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACI': NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint I member to fulfill the remainder ofthe vacant term, expiring on September 20, 2000; and direct the County attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointmgats. Prepared By: Sue Fiison Date: March 4, 1997 AGE NO, A..,I T[J5 MAR 0 pg. / RECEIVED ~oard of Count; Com?ss!c sue Fileon, Ada~Ll~attve A~iLit~nl: to BCC ~&tural RelCTUrCel D~&rtment D&T~: 12-Fe:b-1997 .... .__ ! .,',3.~,~..~. ~o eerve on Zg'Z'~. )Ir. XciC.l. nne¥,e area of m~vr~x o£ ~ ~ar~ence ~e &~ached. Ifl:)L/gl~/10358 Attachment cc: EP~AB File " ico~ ~ASkRDOU~ ~0~ ~O~XON ~0~ SOLZD ~TB WAT~ WZ~LZrB P~ING HAR0~ 1997 Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board Bnd~ Con~n :~56 togth Avenue North Napl~, Ft. ~4los ~ 2 1435 1212i $1~u, st No~th Ol/lO~)5 09~0,~8 4 Ym ~I J', Dela~ 2~2.,~? 09/0~/9S 3700 27th Avem~, S.W. ,~l~g Naple~, FI. 34117 Dan.~- 5 Naples, Ft. 34103 Dtm'/~' 4 Cartoon: Botany Monty D. Robinson 130 Cricket lake l~iv~ 7~J-1427 Mlct~ael Simon~ 1~21 Riclm~ Street Naples, Fl.. 34120 D/m'f~ 1 C~: Biology 01/06/~ 09/~0/00 4 Years 10/10/95 09/30/99 4 Yea~s 1/05/96 09/~0/00 4 Yea~ I~L~ O~ ~ Environmental Pol{cy Technical Advisory Board Ni~t~i, FL 34101 ]v{lc~l V. T~ 996{, Fi. 34{,09 Z)t.~c~ 3 lViark I4mourm~ o;~ ~.~1k, s97..~,aa 193 Ridge Drive '; ,. ti ' ~91-79'z4 Nlpk=, Fl. 34101" Dbe, k~ 2 Deborlh $. Hill 434.0333 2080 Ri'var Reach Drive, ~1 Napie~, Fi,, 34104 Dls4rlc~. 4 Cmq,ory: F.=~ Zatemm Ctaml~DC 10/10/9~$ OW"JO~ 4 Yem 09/06/94 09/30/98 4 ¥e~1 1 !/0~/96 09/30/00 0~/2~6 09/30~97 1 Y~' Th~ 11 rrmml~r I~ Orcl. No. 91.4{) lo ~lv~ ~xl F~Nm::~ion peogrlrr~ orclin~ ~ ~ T~'m~ ~14 ye~l. MEMORANDUM DATE: Febrvtr~ 3, 199'7 below m'e ~ yours in Collier Counl% Also, please list l~e commission dtsfrlct in wtflch e~ch applic~ ruiges. COI~O;flSSION DISTRICT 1898 Mission Drive Naples, ~ ~109 Thank you for your help. H~ 01 1997 MEMORANDUM DATE~ Samm-y 13, 1997 TO: V'mell ~ Elections Offic~ . · ~.."-~'.'J .~f C.' ".~: ?. '"' F~oM: S~, Fir, o~ Board otCounty Commiss~ CO--SION DISTRICT Stanley C. Vass Thank you for your help. 8345 Excalib~ Circle M-7 Pelican Bny Naples, FL 34108 /--/&- 77 ~:o~ ..~ MEMORANDUM DATE: TO:. FROM: W'flliam E. $. MeKint~ 1898 Mission Drive N~ples, FL 34109 Please let me know, in writing, the tccotnm~M~on ofthe e~visory committee for appo~ end I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please eat~orl~ the applicants tn areas of expertly, lfyou have any questions, please call me at 7744097. Thank you for your _-tt___,mtion to tlxis manet. SF Au~hm~ NAPLES, FL HIO-j I"4. Sue Filson Collier County Commission 3.~01 Rte 41E l',laoles, FL 3'5962 g41-502=7124 Dear' Ms. Filsort. Tnls Is application fo~ rnemb~p to the following a~,isor~,, boards: Environmental Attached is my resume. I relired from the DuPont Co after 25 years as Senior Technical Specialist in Radiography, a photographic specialty, in which I was a worldwide expert in Environmental issues. As a member of the Am. Soc. for Nondestructive Testtng's Technical Council I set. up seminars on pollution control. I consult in the sub]ecL I have graduate schooling in biology and chemistry. C,~-entlv I am a full time real estate salesman in residential sales. I started and have operated a residential ,-ental business in another state for 15 years, with 13 units. This mcluoeO worxmg with Licenses and Inspection and HUD Section 8 ~,ow income). i have been coming to Naples for 20 years and have owned here about 6 years. I am a register voter in Collier Cry. Host important.: I have a strong interest in both are~ Sincerely,~ Bill McKinney m .-~,,, ,~,,.-~. It~'ORIG~TiON. W1111am E. J. Ilc Klnre¥ - I'lem~er of St Wllllams ID~olr - ,~lem~er NaOles Power ~Xk~lron, Secretary, ~mb~ or ~utlve Cmmtt - Worke~ - Teach P~llc ~[e ~atl~ - Helo '~1~ - t~em~er or l~tl~l ~le ~ts ~. (BSA) - F~rmer ~ ~ Le~ r~ ~o ye~s - :ert:Yle~ - ~ ~rown sons, 2 In Na01es - Te¢,~nlcai consultlng,'tralnlng - Tech;'~Ical - ',v'orid tJ'aveler - Aut. hor Curriculum Vitae WILt.lAM E, J. MC KINNEY Bachelor o! Arts, Liberal Art~ Villanova University, 1962 Graduate Studies, University of Delaware, 1962-64 Du Pont Imaging Systems, Wilm~egton, DE, I~)6-92 .- ~P?_J?_ ..l~m~er 19_ intestate several ~ product lines, worldwide. rroguct ~%a~. get. for several product Knei tndu~ qu~tty control, ~Director of processing training facility for 20 years. _tebient,.T.emperature Developers,"/ourrml of the Rsd~olo~Ienl rv pt ~or-,h Amerien - Two ai'ticles in .. ' ' American Assoe. of t. ~.'.u'ver ~ecover,/', ~,olo~sts Busiaeu..l~az~_ ers Assoc. ?w. e.r R.e .c~.ery. and Pr.oce_ssinl~," ~ American ~ety t. or t~onaestructwe _t ~tmg (A:~-.t), r,.:oluml:n~ OH, 19'/8 ~z~.pr _oymg ~ Processors, ASNT Topmal ProceedingS, ASNT, ~.;ommbus, OH, 1978 "Acceptance Testing of Radiographic Processors," J'oint Conference of AAPM, ACR, SRE rlancloook, Radto_~'aphy and Rod{ar{on Testfn_~ VoL 3, ASNT, Columbus, OH, 1985 Radio~raohie Proeer~fnl~ and Ounl{ty_ Control, Llppincott, Philadelphia, PA, 1988 - 'Daxka'oom TechMcs...", Chapter 7, Radfo_tn'nohie Becker, Du Pont Co, Wilmi~gn, DE, l~R) - NDT, Ed. O. 'Nondestructive Evaluation Quality Control," VoL 17, Am. Soc. of ~etals, Me~s Park~ OH' t989 . ?~d_ ity Control U?.ng .Cysum Techmques," ASNT Topical on '~Au. to~ting _ap_ d _A__~tancang Radiography 1' Proceedings, ASNT, cmumous, OH, 1987 'Acchival Q~_ality of Rltdiographic Film,' Mater{als £valuntio_n, ASNT, October, 1989 'Radiographic Proce~ing Centralized Chemical Systems Planni~ Guide,"Du Pont, Wilmington, DE, .1.985 . . "Bromide Dependence in NDT RadioRra~)hic Procesaine."Materials ~ , September, 1989 Processors ~~ "Bromide Dependence in Radiographic Image Quality,' Proceedings of the 12th World Congr · Amsterdam, 1989 "X-Ray Generator Variability," ASNT Fall Conference, t989 MAR 0 II 1~7 pers, _ASSN,... Columbus. OH; 1991 ~.ty.~n~! .tad ~e E~ea on ~i~c ~e t~--.--.~~'Y~"F~.~ *~ ~ m ~ent ~L' ~n~ -aunt .~.. n.cen~tio~s ia Radio -" Wute ~---- ,,.,,...- sr~. phi~g W~ste Water ~ "Corn--I--- '"-- .;-,u~ ,.'~a_ ! ~onzerence, 1991 ------. ~.~_,~,a, ,~m ~ ~otaetence. 1991 azid Materials E ' - va]untt n ,,~.--~uon tot t~e K¢.duction of Proces!in~_ Waste Water to Meet 1E~ronmental Regulations and Reduce Co~ts," Submitted to ASNT, - S~ ~ ~n~ ~ on ~o~p~c p~/ng ~d ~ ~n~ol for ~e ~. vete~ ~~uo~ ~ ~duded ~~on work~k ~b~-a ~ ,~- ~ co~ a - Autom~g ~o~p~ ~ Ro~g~ V~o~ ~ ~~ for sh d~erem ~s ~ndu~d tot ~ Pon~ - ~Arnerican..$ .o.'ety of Radi,ological Technololists, 1974-76 - ~zoating l'~ad~ololgcal Insutute of the CathoIlc Hospital Association, 197~-76 - American Society for Nondestructive Testing. 1978-80. 1983, 1985, 1987-92 American Association of 1P~giCists tn Medicine, Summer School. .Univ. of North Carolina, . - _,'u~..e_rican College of Radiologists $oint Coni'eren~ _aha Society of Radiolonic En~inee~ ~o~, __ with AAPM - .canadian So_~ev of ~t:i-r, 1~: investment Ca.sung Institute, 1989-90 USAF NDI Institute, 1989 - American Soc/ety for Qualin, Control, Arizona Regional, 1991 Beijing Hospital'No. 6, 199f Societies: - Former member of Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers - _ ."rican Society for Nondestructive 'Chair of Penetratin~ Radiation ~',,-..--' · · - . .... ,-,,,,,~,;, 1991-92 Profess~on~ Prol~'. am Comnuttee, 1991.92 'Technical ~ounal Awards Chairman, 1990.92 'Technical Sessions Track and Committee Chair, 1987. - American ..Society for_Quality Control - American aociet), of Radiologic TechnologisLs AGENDA, NO · .~~.._ t!~'~ 04 lgg? MEMORANDUM DATE: Smmry I~, 199'/ ~ Smlex c. vm t345 Exc~ Circle M-7 PeUcm ~ N~pl~, FL ~4101 Ple~e le~ me know, in ' tbe · · .... ~ ~m~na~on ofth~ stvis~ ~n~ ~ ~.~a Thank you for your ~mtiou to this mat~er. po./ S 1Se7 8345 E~ealibur CLrele ~anuary 4, 1997 Sue Fllson. Admtntstrattve Assistant Board of Co,mt? Commissioners Re: The £n~'tronmenta! T~chnte~! Advtnorr Board ~;apl~e Datlr ~e~e Ad - 12/3~/96 Z wtah to be ~on~idered for an npp.>~ntment to The £nrtr~nmenta! Policy T~ehn]eal Ad~'tsory Board IAd~leorr Board}. [ am keenlr intereete~ tn the envtronm~nt&l tn~u~ involved ~n re~o,]r~e~ $~nal~eent. ~¢ccrdtn$17, ! ~ot~ld ~ol~ome the opportunity to a~i~t the Collier ;'o~mtr ~)emisston in earr~in~ out resource ~anasenent re~p,n~tbili~tes. An indteated in the r+~uae, ! ha~ in-depth ~xperien~e in the teehni.?a! ~n,$ poller aspecta of en,'ironnental ~qsuea both as a ~t&f~ pro~enelona! th~ ~:.S. :epare~ent o~ Enet'~r and en ad~'t~o~ to loea! Irrupt. look I'r~r,~atd ~o meeting the members o~ the Commission in ~ Attachment 1997 STAHLEY C. VA~8 I Joined the staff of the U.S. Department of Enerly (DOE) In tg?l (then called the Federal lneriy Administration) aa · program effleer and assisted in the melutlon of environmental IMuee raised by the oenstnmtloe and operation of power plants, oonltruotion and eperntlon of oil and natural las pipelinea and the traneportat~n of ell end aaterel ~anto and p~mJfm owned and operated by ~ao end g]ontTJo Company (CafNoraM) and tho Celumbfa 0~8 Traaemlselen Compan~ (M~nd) and ~od envJroflmMttal bnpant 8totomonto. My pdncipel aeoomplls#mont fo~ DOff was tho draflfng of rogelntfofl8 embllahlnI the procedures for approval of eppll~at~on~ to import 04, export natural gem. Aa an advisor to the TWlnbrook Cerumen/fy gnvkv,unmHal Group. IIo~kvllle, Marytnml, I mlltod ~ oMnmunlty Itl ~ Ih' pMInt~on lasue~ In oa~perntlon w~th ntnte ~nd OMmty ~ mhd tho local Imslnm oommunlty, A~ m mmber of the North Bntheede CeqrHs, lntheeda, Maryland, I misted In the reeelutlon of p~ntfml IHeel relMM by the operation of the Incinerator end the power plant of the U.I. National Inntltutes of Health In oooperntlon with 8tete and UJ. government offlelals. I am aurrontly · noir-employed arbitrator but am keenly Interested In a position In tho environmental field that takes advantage of my baeklround and exlmdenoe. No. /?/7 IqAR 0 1997 pg._ /(.~-~ R~OLUTZON OF ~Z COL~Z~R COUNTY ~ OF ~ OF HOUSB BI~ 207; ~INZNG ~[ T~ ~~ZP ~ OF ~ ~A~ ~ ~ 0~. ~, ~e h~ of ~nty CmLsg/oner8 or Collier ~ty, · l~/~, r~fl/zel ~t ~e ele~lve ~sl~/oflo o~ o~ty ~issl~r ~ ~1 ~a~ ~r In collier ~unty Is a ~m~i~, es~nt/al a~ full-tine Job; and ~, the Board of County C~tsoloners o~ Collier ~el r~efini~ the te~ "creditable eervice" al pr~lded H~so Bill 207. M~, ~~, BE IT R~OLV~ BM ~Z BO~ OF ~ ~ZSSZO~ OF ~Z~ ~, F~RZDA, l) ~e ~ard of County CmLssLoners of Collier County, Florida, strongly opuses ~e ena~Ben~ of House BIll 207. 2) ~e ~ard of County Cm~ss/oners of Collier County, Florida, finds ~at ~he county cm/ssloners and sch~l ~ard ~rs In Collier County se~e ~n a demanding, essential a~ full-tile ~8itlon to fulfill statutory and Itate-zandated duties provl6e ae~lces to the citizens of Collier County. ~) i ctrtlfl~d copy of ~ls Resolution ~ sent to · e~r of the Collier County M~tslatlve Dtleg~tion and Representative This ~esolutton adopted this _ day of Narch, 19~, after notion, second and unaniacus vote. A~EST: BO~ OF CO~y CO~ISSION~S D~IGHT E. BROCK, CLE~ CO~I~ CO~y, F~RIDA Approved ae to form and legal sufficiency: David C. Wei~l County Attorney BY: ~IMOT,¥ L. I~.~cocx, C~AXP~A~ Oi I997 KlorAda House o£ Representatives - 1997 By Iopre~on~utive 2~Lebarth HB 207 I & b111 to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Florida Retirement 3 System; aNuflding s. 121.021, F.I.; redefining tho term 'crodAtabla aery/cc- to exclude S se. Ace u a part*tAme elected official; 6 mndAns s. 121.0S2, g.$.; deleting reference 7 to part-tAM elected ofrAcAals from the 8 mesdaership cZus of elected r~ato mhd county 9 officers; provAdAng an erfectAve date. lO l! Be Xt Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 Sect/on 1. Paragraph (c) As added to subeectAon 14 of NuctAon ¶21.021, FlorAda Statutes, 199~ Supplement, to reed: 16 121.021 DefAnAtAons.--~e ~ollouin9 words and phrases 17 as used in this chapter have tho re~ective ManAnas fit forth 18 unless a different ~aning As plainly required bM tho context, (17)(o) "Creditable service" of any Number Mans tho 20 sun or his or her pas~ service, prior service; 21 service; oma*or-seat. IIrV~Cl; uorkorl* compensation crodi~ 22 and rutur, service algomed ~i~hAn the provisions or this 23 chapter l~ a~ requAred ~ontrLbutions have been paLd and 24 Q~her requLreNn~f or thai chapter have been M~. Hoverer, . 2Si no cafe IhilZ i M~er roceAve credit ~o~ more than I year's =61 service durAn9 any 12-month perAod. Service a= app1Aed ~o a 27l teacher or a nonacadomA= employee or a school board shill h 28 based on =Qntract years et e~loymen~ or fChQOl term years enploy~nt, as provAded in chapters 122 and 238, rather than 12-month periods of employment. 1 CODXHG! Deletions ere a~Piekan; sddLtiofls arm _unde, rlin, AGEI~OA/,~ T,E.~ No._.~ d. NAR 0 1997 F~oridu Hawse ut Repre~ntattves - 1~7 SSV-11SB-~7 l $ 4 & 7 11 12 15 14 1S 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 2S 2& ~7 30 (bi For purposes of tho definition of #eroditable service;" monthly morvieo eradit under tho Flsridn tetirmnt 1. One month er morvLoa eredit ~h~ll be awarded for each menth of acrylic porfortmd prior to July t; lg74. 1. One month of service credit shall be awarded for each month er morvioo performed on and after July 1; 197q; In which tho m~eber uae paid a salary of 4100 or more. Zf tho meed~r ual paid lose than 4100 during a month of employment, tho ~rviae erodLt for that month Ihs11 be a fraction er eno month or,credit, fuch fraction to bo determined by dividing the actual salary by .100. S. One month of ~ervice credit aha11 be avardad rot each month of morvtee performed on and after July 1; 1979; for vhLoh the member wee paid · salary of ,2S0 or more; including any amount which was set tilde rot participation An a deferred compensation plan. If the member vas paid lose then 42S0 during a month of employMnt; the service credit rot that month shall be a fraction of one month of credit, ~uch fraction to be determined by dividing tho actual salary payment by 42S0. ~. On and after July 1; 1985; one month cf service credit aha11 bo awarded for each month salary is paid for service performed. ~c) Effective January 1,..199B, "creditable service" does not include any Defied of service as a earS-time elected 9fficial in the offices of lealalator, distract school board membor, or county commissioner or county aounai! member. Section 2. Paragrsphe (a) and (d) of !ubsoction (2) and paragraph (e) of subsection (7) o~ section 12¶.052; Florida Statutee; ¶996 ~upplomont; are amended to read~ CODIHGt Deletions are s4pioko~; additions are ~rli~o~ t4AR 0 997 lrlerAde Uou~ or Representatives - 1997 SS 9-11SI- 97 I (2) HI]IBE~iHXP.*-The rollouLnf holders or ~e mud 4 eo~M eAo~tA~ errAeo, hereAnareer re~erred to ~ S orrAeerf,~ ~.. . & ' ~e elective errAeo bM elms·Asa, 7 ~el~eAon, er apPoAn~Mn~, are ~ra or ~ho ~t~ State , ;:~,Coun,; Orr leer,. Cia,., ex,.p,., prevLd,d An (e) Any Governor, Lieutenant governer, Cab/net 10] ·trAcer, lqtsl·ter~ lupreee Court Justice, dis·riot sour· or Iii appeal Judge, circuit Judfe. or ~ate attorney 12~ sa or ar·er July 1, 1972. lSJ (d) Any ecu·itu·Aerial county elected o£r/cer ~ 2S ~col~octor, property appraAfer, ~pervisor of elections, ~lerk ~6 or tho ~ircult court~ °~untF'co~tsfionor3-a~hool.board ~7 M~or7 or elected schoo~ board ~P~rin~efldefl~; ~8 o~icer o~ any entity u~h couflty~ido Juri~d~at~on ~9 o~rAce off or after July 1, 1981, uho, 20 ~cAaA laM, exeFoAeof Powero and uu~zo~ that; but ro~ ~ch. _ 21 generaX or ~eAaX Xaw~ would be exer~ifed bM any or the 22 ~onstitutAonal county e/outed orrAcors set ~erth An this 23 Parafraph. (7) CONTRIBUTIONS.-. 2S Ca) The following table mtn·e· the required re·iron4 26 contributAon rates · ......... nt 1 --- -~moers oz the Elected Stat· and 27 Officers. C'--- - Count _ ---- an· their employers An ·erase or a -- - 28 percent· or tho member's greif coaponmetAon, A chon -'- ge ge An · contribution ~.~ rate ia effective with the rir,t salary paid on or art. the beginning date or the change. Contributions shall bo Mdc NO e deducted as ney bo approprietOsrOr each pay Period and ar~ Pg. ~ Floridm lioulo et RepreloutatLvow - 1997 SSO- 11SB- 97 lib 207 1 2 $ & ? 8 11 12 13 IS 17 18 19 2o 21 22 24 31 addLtion to the eoutrLbutLou roq~Lted for lo,iai ~oeurXty and tho RotLroo Health Znsurtnoe Subsidy Tru~ Fund. Remb~rl rd~loyora July 1, 1072, ~hrough Iopteiber 30, 1977 Logblators IX Al1 Other October 1, 1077, through bptodMir $0, 1978 All Other Houbere October 1, 1978, ~hrough geptosbor 30, 107! A11 Other RoM)ors lO.S?X 14.78X. October 1, 1979, through September 30, 1981 Logblatore 82 lO.S?X Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet Ofricere 4X 14.78X All Other Re,bore OX 20.782 July 1, 1981, through Juno $0, 1984 County Zleoted Officers July 1, 1084, through September 30, 1984 County LTected Off/oars October 1, 1981, thr; ,eh September 30, 1984 4 CODXNGt Doletioflo ere o4Ploko~; sdditiofls ire OX 19.302 OX 20.282 ._./ glorAda Eoue of ReprsmtetAves - 1907 SOO- 11SSs 07 n 207 ! 'governor, Lt. governor, Cabinet Itete Attorneys, Publin branders JuftAcsm, Judges OX 27 28 2~ "JO OX OX ? O~tob~r 1, 1984, through September 30, 198d 8 Lqislators OX 9 ~overnor, Lt. governor, Cabinet Ze Officers OX Il Stets Attorneys, Public Defenders 02 12 Justices, Judges OX 13 County Elected Officers OX lS Octob, r 1, 1984, through December 31, 1988 Legislators OX 17 governor, Lt. governor, Cabinet lo Officers OX 19 State Attorneys, Pub2ic Defenders OX 20 Justices, Judges OX 21 County Elected Officers OX 22 23 January 1, 1989, through Deconbor 31, 1989 24 Legislators OX 2S governor, Lt. governor, Cabinet 26 Orfioors OX grits Attorneys, Public Defenders 0% County Elected Officers OX 31 January 1, 1990, through December 31, 1990 S CODZHGr Deletions sro atPtohon; 8ddLtlono sro uflderll 10 .BOX 21 20.0SX 22.SSX 10.08X 10.08X 10.08X 21.79X 1~,97:Z 11.SOX 11.SOX 11,SOX 17,19X 13.70X 13.70X 13.70X ~ 18.4~X AGENQA,,~TE~ IlAR 0 zl 1997 lB 2O7 1 $ · & 7 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 2S 28 ~9 30 $1 Govornor~ Lt. govmor; Cabinet orriears County E~eet4d Oral.ers OX OX OX OX January 1~ 1991, through December 31, 1991 LogL83ators OX Govoruoro Lt. Governor, Cebinot State Attorneys, PublLn Defenders OX Jut/cos, Judges OX County F~ected otrioar, ox January 1, 1992, through Decembar 31, 1992 Legislators OX Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet Officers OX State Attorneys, PublL~ Defenders OX JuatLcos, Judges O~ County Elected Off/oars OX January 1, 1993, through December 31, 1993 Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet Officers OX State Attorneys, Public Defenders OX Justices, Judges OX County Elected Of£icerw OX 1S.91Z 1S.91X 19.71X 17.73X 17.73X 26.63X 23.32X 19.94X 28.27X 24.S9~ 22.14X 22.14X 22 · lq~ 29.gt:~ FJorAd~ Iloufo of Representatives - 19~7 SS9-11Sl- ~? n 2o7 ~s $ Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet S Irate Attorneys, fublLo Defenders & Jutlcof, Judfes 7 County E~oetod O~f/oars 8 January 1, 199S, through December 31, 1995 10 Legislators 11 Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet Or fleers 13 State Attorneys, Public Defenders Justice,, Judges County ~leeted Officers 17 18 19 :20 21 22 23 :25 26 27 28 0Z 0X 0X 0X OX 0X 0X OX January 1, 1996, through Juno 30, 199~ Lag/sister, Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet O~fLcor. State Attorneys, Publio Defender. Justices, Judgaa County Elected Of£Lcara OZ OX ox OZ OZ E~fective July 1, 1996 Legislators OX Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet O~fLcars OZ State Attorneys; PubA/o Defenders O~ Justices, Judgee 0~ 22.4SX 22.1SX ~2.45X S0.S2X ~d.07~ 22.80X :22.80X B0.21X 27.48~ 22.90X 22.90X 22.90X 30.1SX 27.54X 23.07X 23.07X 29.SSX 31 County Elected Officers 7 OX CODl':Del'tLonl'r''tPJ'k'P~;idditLons'r'sJrwJet~lLnedI rAorlda leuse of lupromt~tvo~ * 1907 n 2O7 z 2 $ 4 6 7 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 f4~tlou J. Th~, o,t shall take afroet upon beaos~nf a levi~ee the definition or the term "~r~lo with re~t to ~o KlorL~ tetLromt ly~em to Thb publloatton uae produoed at an avorafa goat or 1.12 ~ent, Imf mlngle page tn ~oapltanoa with the tuAea and rot the lnrornetlon or monbors or the L~gtslaturo and tho publio. February 19, 1997 Collier County Board of County Cornm;~oners Coiner Coumy ~ ~viiy ~m!ttee mucll aware of fl~e polenfial ;,,;~ ,-----: ....... : ,' -- :-: --"~7.-- ...... --r,-- ------, .,.~,,,- ,.ma~m~es ann ge~ the jail exlxmston finan~ and ~ needs it would not be npplicab]e a~ a funding source to l~p with Our preliminary recommendations for going forward, resolving the differences and getting the jail financed and built are: Task the County Manager and Sheriff with the Public Relations effort on the "need" for a jail expansion and the consequences of not meeting the jail standards and capacity. We feel that th~. failure of the sales tax at the polling places was largely the result of the public not und~-~ianding the implications (a~d perhaps to some extent due to the liming). We feel that this educational p~ is imperative to moving forward. Update th~ i 990 jail study with current data and information in order to yield a good accurate cost estimate. The UlXlate ~hould be done tiLitJg&RL.~KI "in-house" by OCPM and '.he Sheriff's Office. The Productivity Committee has confidence in the ability of County staff to pmpm~ this information without incurring the mmecessary expense (in both time and dollars) of an outside consultant. Clarify the scope of the expansion. As presented to the voters '.m. the last.,ei~--~~~ jail expansion included inmate housing, jail operat/ons, Sheriff's adwm;, work release center, and chiller plant upgrade. The Committee feels that-:h i m? above merits its own consideration nd should be brought to the voters scpart~ly or in logic order. Isolate agend~ and justify accordingly. The jail is a jail. The Work Release Center and the Government Complex (site) are cost comidetations that, for budget reasons, should be isolated to accurately reflect thc cost ofdoing business. Furthermore, tl~ Committee l~COmmeMs tim tltm3ste methods of construction such ~s "modulm' jail cells" that m~ readily svlilable, inexpensive, m~lchble find stackable, meets Florida jail standing, can be Md~l to and/or t~en away from and c, an be mov~ with little or no cost impact, should be investigated. Also, the cog effectiveness and femsibility of Md-~s to existing building~ should be explored. Converting the roof to a 3rd floor m.i curr,mtly propos~ nmy not necessarily be the best ail~n'mtiv~. Consickn'mtion should be givm to this cost md the potentiml inconvenienc~ of~ process which disloc~t~ the occupants ultimately causing mother potential cost burden to the tax payel~. We feel very strongly Ih. mt the Sheriff's Oflic~ must be working in partnership, as ~ te~n memb~ with the O.C.P.M. to study aitematives. The Committee supports and endorses the Work Release Center concept, but w~ see it as actually being a separate topic. As per our understanding, this may assist to relieve jail capacity problems in the very short term only. Perhaps more importantly, the Work Release Center would also provide a long term solution to reducing crime and the long term economic benefit of working prisoners. The Work Release Center would not alter the need for the jail expansion however. It is our understanding that the needed jail expansion is already behind schedule. The County should develop and ndopt an overall "master" plan of the Government Complex and its facilities. This master plan should look at future needs and be used to evaluate the potential consideration of additional sites. The Productivity Committee believes that the above recommendations are a viable approach to the jail financing dilemma. Any and all comments addressed to the Productivity Committee are welcomed and appreciated. We thank you for the opportunity to look into this current need. CC: Judge Ted Brousseau Adolfo Gortzalez, P.E. Sheriff Don Hunter Crystal Kinzel Sheila Leith Mike McNees Captain Greg Smith Mike Smykowski Productivity Committee Members File The Collier County Artificial Reef Program administered by 2, Federal Wallop-Breaux funds are available to local Ooa~tal governments through FDEP Sport Fish Restoration 3. This grant has been awarded to the Artificial Reef the past because Collier County has demonstrated co~mitment to artificial reef construction. 4. If awarded the grant, the funds will b~ used to construct new arttf£cial reef in Collier County. 5. Numbers of conerctally valuable fish In Collier County Yaters have been decreasing tn recent years. This reef provide additional habitat for these fish and other marine plants and animals, Xf approved, the grant money will support Objective 7.1 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the County Growth Management Plan: 'Xmprove marine fisheries productivity by Muilding additional artificial reefs." ' FIS~L, TBr~_ ACT I If the I'DEP Grant application Reef Program will gain $25,000 at no cost to the County~ is accepted the County,s Artificial for artificial reef con~ f0 A I1~ O~ 1997 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF MARINE RESOURCES ARTIFICIAL REEF PROGRAM 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR State Special Grant Applicatlon L Ao_olicant identiflcatiorl~ Date received by DEP_ Applicant's Name: Coltier Count Artifi [ · Mailing Address: Street Address: 330 as Ts ia I T Names of Reef Ualson and Grant Conlact: Telephone: Federal Employer ID Number. IL Project Identification; Kevtn H. Du an 941-732-2505 59-60005S8 FAX:_ 941-774-~2~ The followfn_o Items must be submitted es Aooendlx 1' a ~ location chart _p_m_.p_o..sed. staglng a~a, _adjacent madnas, adjacent boa~ ramn- ,~... -,,-, ..... s~h. owin. g th.e rear she Tram a nsvlgaflonal marker, navigable Inlet or b~'~" u,,~ u,a~an[;e a.no Desrlng to site plan showinfl the dlmensr .... ,,,_ ......... '., ~.ng.acce_ss polnt, and a _ .. ? . ,~,,,~ u, um permlt~eo site, coorcllnatss of the four cornem a~nd center, me area (acres/square miles), and the coordinates of the proposed deployment site. Name of Projecl: l~arco Island Five l~ile freer Address of staging area or site where materials can be inspected: l~a les Lundin l~a les Flor d Coordinates of Permitted Reef Site (either Loran-C rims delays or latitude/longltude): NWComer_ 25° 52.~' 81' 48.0, NEComer_ 25° 52,.5' 8WCome~ 52,0' 81° 47.8' Length_ I.O nm Minimum 29' Width_ O. } aa Maximum 3~ ' SEComer. 25* 51.5' 81' 48.0' Cente[ 25' Dimensions of Permitted Site: Deplh Range of Permitted Site: State waters Xx .Federal watem._..._._ Permitted Site is located in: Have previous deplol~nents been made in the permitted site? No .... Yes.. Xl _ ('dyes, provide a chart showing the locations of all prior deployments in lhe permitted site) ??e. p. end. ing_, coples of .11 aopllcatlons must be s'.'---'"--' · .... ~ tfp..Jrmi~gc~t~e~ ootalneo rior to c uu,,~tuu. Vails perml P onstructirc~n of the artificial reef. z perml~ rll~ Told ISYoJec~C~ _ t2~.soo Matching Funds Avahblo: }9' _ PmP°$edPr°rde°fReef"-itt]d~d-'4' 4 · t · ~ Funds Requosled-L s2s.oo0 _, - .'l~s Mate-bi Been I:::kMeled Yes.. or Bec~,l<r? IV. Other Su_o~of. tln0 Informaflo~ . h a L~I R~a~ ~ Submit all sffachmentt an Apoen~x 4. Yos~ (attach copy)No_ Yos_____. (attach copy}No.~L. Yea, .No~ Yea, _ No. xxxx _ Yea No. ~ _ II 1.00~ _$2t500 1178~80 . I _. $l lBO00 ~TsSOO t 178230 List Ar~ Add'~l Fur~ 8<~'ces and Amo~ls: How many ot~r reef p~ec~s are ~ed f~ 1907-087 V. Public Oemand~ _. o ,.--,,.~ puD,f~ support regarmng lbo nroflosed artFr,.r., ..-. -"..~.)'.~-~'".7:_; ~.em Local Oovemmenlal $19~tot. y A~hodty:, Typed Namo ?[lothy L, Rae<ovk _ $~nafuf~ TIOo_ Chalmant ~C Approved as Co fo~ and legal Attest lency Th~s C. Palur Assistant County Attorney 41 LZ~I' ]~BOI'.OTTON . CODZ ~Jl, O~~ CJ~ lSlO. 60819-079 Board to accept repoz~c and ad t Resolu ?gains= the arcs 09 =ion asseesin a lien P 1 in order t ii .~o effect the ~ba- ...... :.o recov.er..public. £unds expended Location, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County #eed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. Case Summary: a. Violation determination 08/27/96 b. Notice of Violation served undeliverable c. Verification of unabated nuisance 09/23/96 d. Nuisance abated with public funds 12/10/96 e. Owner invoiced for coats 01/02/97 FISCAL ~MPACT Reimbursemen[ of $245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. -~ROWTHM~--wA~IT IMPAC-~ Not applicable. That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. Vizgini~paok -' . _ SERVICE P~PP~SENTATIVE APPROVED BYz Dev. & Environmental 8vcs. BOJJ~D 01' ~ C(344~SSZC)NZRS COLZ.:ZL'P. C(XTJ/TY, TZ,OIKI:D& ~ liCYL'ZCK OF J~S~J~4Zl4T OF LI~I~N LEGAL DESCRXPTZON: Lot 66, of an ~aordod p~et of ~RToAO-~ZM~ ~Z~ I~1 ~lr~r o~ W I~eio~ ~8rter of Section IS, T~oh~p l~ 4S0 foot, ~oss I0 fio~ for road r~ght*of~ay. You, os the owfleF at ~he pFope~cy 0Love descrAbed, 6s ~ecorded FecoFds maintained by ~he ot~ce of the Proper~y AppFo~seF~ oFe hereby idv~sed chic ~he C~p~nce SeFv~ces ~ana~er, d~d on 0/20/06, ordeF the abatement of a ce~t0tn nutsance exAsting on the above property pFohtbtted by O~dtnance 9[-41, serving nottce thereof upon you, such nutsance being: ~roh~btted at--lateen of non-protected mov~Zo vegetation ox~ooo of ~l' ~n height ~n 8 o~d~vLo~on other than =o~den Gate Eltltes. You ~a~3ed to ~bace such nuisance; whereupon, tt wa3 flared by the expefldxtuze of publAc funds at a diFect cost of $4S.00 6nd cost o~ $200.00 tar · cocaA o~ $245.00. such costs, by Resolution at the BoaFd O~ County Co~ss~one~s o~ CollAer County, ~oF~df, hive ~en assessed against the ~bove propez~y off and sho~A bec~e d ~en on cbc property ch~zc~ (3~) ~a~s dt~or such assessment. You may request a hearing betoFe the Board o~ County Co~ssAoneFs to sho~ cause, ~t any, ~by c~e expenses and c~arges AncuFzed by the County under ChLs OFd~nance afc un~aFFanted or excessive oE why such expenses should floc coflstAcuce · l~en against the property. Such Fequest hea~ng mus~ be made Zo the Clerk o~ ~he Boa~d at County Co~ss~ofleFs, Government Center, Naples, ~o~ida 3~112 An ~F~tin~ ~thAn ChAFty (30) days tram the date at Chis assessment ~o be CLERk, BOARD ~ COUZJTY CSce 9- ~/93 BAR 0 4, 1997 RESOI,UTXON 1~. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COU19TY COI~qISSIONERg PROVIDXNO FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATENENT OF PUBLIC N1JISANCE, IN ACCORDAHCE NITH ORDINANC~ 91-49. #itEREAS, ·l provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct COltl of &bacemenc of certain nullancel, including prelcribed ad~lnilcracive coat incurred by the County, abel! be aeaealed againlc such property; and Wl4EREA~, the coat thereof to the County aa to each parce! shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Co~laaloners, together with · deacription of laid parcel; and W14EREAS, auch assess~nt shall ~ a legal, valid and binding obl~g=~lon u~n the pretty against ~hich ~de until p~ldl and ~ER~, the assessment sha~ ~come due and payable thirty (30) days after the ~iling of Notice of Assessment after which interest Ihal~ ·ccrue ac a race of twelve percent (~2.0t) per annum on any unpm~d ~rtion thereof. ~ISSlO~ERS OF ~LLIER ~, F~RIDA, CbaC the property descried al fo~l, and having ~en abated of a p~blic nuisance after due and proper notice ~hereof co the o~ner of said property, ~l here~ allessed ~he following costs of such aba~emenc, co vi~: ~ LEGAL DESCRZPTIO~ COB~ ~ose LUll CaCe~e ~t ~6, ef an unrecorded plat of ~245.00 C~te Lucil~ PORT-~U-P~ZHC~ ~BZLZ R~S ~lp~es, ~ 33g~ described is foX,or: ~e Eis~ h&~f of the East half of the Northeast CollSe= Count~, FlorXdm, lose tho North ~SO feet and South 450 feet, less ~0 feet ~or road right-of-way. ~0819-07~ ~68342480003 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, · certified copy of chis Resolution shall be recorded in the official .records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by chis Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution &dopced after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COHHISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/97 BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN AGE MAR 0 ~Z~ZZSC)Z,UTZCGI' - 42C~3 ~ C/L. JZ~C). S0~20o022 Board to accept report and adopt Resolution u~e~singa 1L~n against the parcel in order to recover public fund~ expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, all &s provided for in Ord/nanc~ 91-47, r~he Collier County #eed, Litter and Plant Control Ord/n~lce. Case Summary: a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs FISCAL 3~PACT 09/19/96 09/21/96 12/ 8/96 12/24/96 o /o2/97 Reimbursement of $24S.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. (Rt0WTHMANAOEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PREPARED BYz BERVICE REPRESENTATIVE APPROVED BYz Vincent A. Cautero, Adm/nistrator Comsun~ty Dev. & ~nvtronmental Svcs. DATE: IMAR 0 i 1997 COLLIER COUJrTY, FLOP, TDA Dello G Condom~n& Jose M Condomlne Maples, FL 33962 ~zrz~z~cz 40920-022 ~62252640007 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE: LIE~I NUMB£R: Lot 13, Block 4, NAFLRS N~HOR LMCZS, aocord~ng to the P~at thereof on f~le and reoozd®d ~n the I~bl~o Reoords of Co~er f~or~, ~n P~at B~k 3, Page IS and 87. You, as the owner of the pFopeccy above described, as recorded ~n the records ~Ancained by the office of the Proper~y Appra~ser~ ara hereby advised chat the C~pliance Services Nanaqer, did on ~/20/9E~ order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you. such nuisance being= hoh~i~ icmllt~on of n~rotectedw~l v~tl~ Kotl~o. Proh~ ~ng, Ic~u~it~on, ,torege AAt~r, vao~ or ~a~n~ pretty. You faAl~d ~o a~ate such fluisince; ahereu~on, i~ was a~ated by the expend~cure o~ public funds aC a ~]recc cos~ o~ $45.00 and administrative cos~ of $200.00 for a cecal of S245.00. Suc~ costs, ~y Resolution of the Board of County Co~Assioflers of CollAer County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and sha~l become a lien on the p~operty thirty ~30) days a~te~ such assessment. You may request a hear~ng before the Board of County Co~ssLoners sho~ cause, ~f any, ~hy the expenses and charges incurred by the County unde~ this Ordinance are unwarranted o~ excessive or ~hy such expenses should not constitute a l~en against the property. Such request for hear~ng must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Government Cente~, Naples, Florida 341~2 ~n ~r~ttnO ~Jth~n thirty (30) days from the date of this as~es~menL to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUUTY CONHISSIOI~ERS CSce 9- 1/93 MAR 0 4 1997 IIIIOI.UTION NO, R~:SOIAtTION NO. ~"/- A RF.~OIAITION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COt~4ISSIONERS PROVZDIN(I FOR ASSESiH£NT OF LIEN. FOR TIIE COST OF THE A~ATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. IN ACCORDANCE NrIH ORDINANCE 91o4'7. WHEREAB. ·· provided in Ordinanc· 91-47. th· direct costs o~ abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed &gainst such property; and ~4EREAS, the cost thereof to th· County es to each parcel shell be cslcul·ted end reported to ~he Board of CouflCy Co~lssion·r·. to, ether with · description of said p·rcel~ ·nd ~iEREAS, such assessment shall be · legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property ag·last which mede until paid; ·nd WNERKAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty {30) days after the ,milan· of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at · rate sE twelve percent {12.0%} per annum on any unpaid porclon thereof. NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. that the property described as follows, and having been mb·Ced of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to ch· owner of said property, ia hereby asses·ed the following costs of luch abatement, to wit= NAME~ LEGAL DESCRXPTIONI COST Dells G Condo~lna Jose M Condo~lna 5250 Ollchrigt St Naples, FL 33962 Lot 13, Block 4, NAPLES MANOR $24S.00 LAJCES, according to the Plat thereof on file and recorded in the Public Records of Collier Comity, Florida, in Plat Book 3, Page 86 and 07, 60920-022 162252640007 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails co pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, · certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, Co constitute · lien against such property according co law, unless such direction il ·tawed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. Thil Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWI3HT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM ~[~DAVXD WEIGEL COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/97 BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN MAR 0 4 1997 LZIMRB,SOLO'I~ON - ~:)OZ BM'FOR~ CAfBMO. 61104-~14 RBCOIDOI,'/I~R - 1(3~BA3tOM Botrd to accept repor~ and adopt Resolution assessing a lien against ~he ~rce~ ~n order co rec~er p~c ~ds ~nded to effect ~he ~ate~n~ of a ~l~c nuLl~co at t~o l~atiou, all as P~ded Eot ~n ~n~ce 91-47, the Collier Cowry Heed, ~tter ~d Plant C~trol ~d~ce. a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs FIB~tL IMPACT Reimbursement of $245.00 action or foreclosure. may be anticipated /os/oG ~2/24/96 o /o /97 voluntary ~01~/~M~~ IMPACt_ Not applicable. ]t~COMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. Vt~g~n~ Pack APPROV~DBY, Vincent A. Cautero, Adminlltra~or Co=em,miry Dev. & Environmental Byes. DATE: · OJU~) O~CC~ C~IIXO~ ~)X,X.X~R ~431E'X~, rLORXDA ~ SXXO4-X24 #SS200240000 LEGAL D£SCRXPTION: LIEN NUMBER: Lot 6, LeXy Cou~tg~, CXub, NUXRFXELD, eccordLng to tho plat therem£ al ~oor~d Ln ~/at Book 14, frigo ~S, or the ~lXa beards o~ ~Aer C~ty, rZozAda. You, ~s the ~fler or the property ~bove described, ds recorded An the records ~XntaXfled by the of~ce o~ the Property ApptaXset~ ate hereby advXoe~ that the Compliance Services ManageF, did on XZ/~/96~ order the abatement of a certain nuisance ex~st:flg on the above property prohXbXted by Ordinance g~-47~ serving notice thereo~ upon you, such nuisance beXng: exoelo of 11" An heAght Afl a I~dAvLlXofl other than Galen Gate Estates. You falled to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a d~rect cost of 14t.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $24S.BO. S,ich ¢:osts, by Resolution of the Board of County CommAssioners of Collier County, florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty {30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing be[ore the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, If any, why the expenses and charoo~ tnt.fred by the County unde¢ thAs Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the prope£ty. Such £equest fo£ hearing must be made to the 'ClaCk of the Board of County Commissioners, GoveCnment Center, tlaples, Florida 34]]2 in writing within thirty ~30! days from the date o~ this assessment to he valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUrtT¥ cor. IHJSS~orIERS CSce 9- 1/93 MAR 0 A 1997 RF.~OLUTXOH HO. 9?-_ A RF~OLOTIO~ OF THE BOARD OF COUNT~ L'~)~HI$SIO~RB PROVIDINO ~R MS~SHE~ OF LIEN, FOR ~E ~T OF ~ ~A~ OF P~LIC ~IS~CE, IN A~RD~ ~l~ ORDXN~ 91-47. MNERL%S, al provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct coats o! eb~teMnt of certain nuisances, including prescribed sddinistrative cost incurred by the County° eh~ll be assessed against such property; end NI. IKR;A,~, the colt thereof to the County al to each parcel shall be calculated and reported Co the Board o! County Co(wellliOflarl, together with · description of laid parcel; and gI~RW, luch aliellment shell be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property agatnlt which e~de until paid; end )MERW, the asseslmenC shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the e~alling of Notice of AlleSamenC after which interest shell accrue &t a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. ~ISSI~R~ OF ~LI~ ~, F~RIDA, Chic the proper~y delcri~d II toll.s, and having ~en ~ba~ed of · public audience lfcer due lsd pro~r notice chereo~ ~o chi ~er of I~td pro~rcy, Il hereby Illelled chi roll.lng coicl of luch Iba~i~en~, co vic~ ~ L~OAL DESCRIPTION t ~ Mien Baron 2375 Tamiami T~L N ST~ 300 Naples, FL 33940 Lot 6, Lely Country Club, $245.00, MUXRPZELD, according to the plat thereof al recorded in Pict Book 14, Page 75, of the PubXXe Racordl of Collier County, Florida. ~1104-114 J$5200240000 The Clerk of the Board shell mail & notice of aeSellmenC of lien to the o~ner or samara of the a~ove described property, and if such owner fails co pay loch alieliment within thirty (30) days hereof, · certified copy of chis Resolution shall be recorded in the otficia! records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, 'unless such direction is stayed by thil Board u~on appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, lecond end n~JorXty vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWZGHT £. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~...D;~VXD-WEXGVEL COUNTY A~NEY CSce ll - 1/97 BY' TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN MAR 0 4 1997 LZZN ItZBOLOTZON - CODB :B~/'OX~ r..;~ ~TO. 6110'7-060 ~I.~CORD ~ - Z,Z,OT'D · BKZ~H'AN Board to accept repor~ and adopt Resolution assessing & lien against the parcel in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at thi. location, all aa provided for in Ordinance 9~-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CO~SXDr~AT~_O~_ Case Summary a. Violation determination b. Notice of Violation served c. Verification of unabated nuisance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs FIBCAL IMPACT 11/19/96 12/13/96 12/24/96 01/02/97 Reimbursement of 8245.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. GROWTH NANA~ IKPACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolution. PRB,~BY~ ,ack APPROVED BY~ Vinoanb A. Cautero, Adm/nistrator Connunity Dev. & Environment&l Sv~s. DAT~: DATE: MAR 0 4~ 1997 COLLZrA CC~TY, FLO:F. ZDA Naples, FL 33963 PJ:rrAENCE 4X107-060 ~62094010003 L~EN HUHflER: LEGAL D£SCRIPTZON: Lot 16, Block 6, #Ai~EI I'IAIqORADDZTZOH, ac~ordLng to ~e plat ~oroof, ~ f~le and reoorded ~n the ~1~0 ~eoorde of Co11Aez c~n~, rlor~, Page Book 3, Pages 67 and 60 and o~3oot ~ You, as Chi owner of the property fbove described, as recorded An Chi records ~ln~a~ned by ~he ott~ce of the P~oper~y Appraiser, a~e hereby advised thac ~he Compliance SeCv~ces Hanager, d~d on 11/~5/16, o~deg the abatement of 4 certain nuisance existing on ~he above pgope~y prohibited by Ordinance 91-4~, serving not~ce thereo~ upon you, =uch nuisance being: · roh~b~tod ~c~lstLon of non-proteatod morale vegotatLon ~n ox~eo, or 18' Ln ho~gh~ ~n I .~d~v~s~on other ~han Golden Gate E/tltom. You failed to abate such nuisance; wheret~pon, at was abated by the expenditure of public ~unds ac a direct cost of $45.00 and admlniJcratlve cost of ~200.00 for a total of ~24S.00. Such cost~, by Resolution o~ the Board of County Co~issioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty I]0) days a~ter such assessment. You may ~equest a hearing before the Board of County Co~issioners to show cause, If any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance aec unwarranted o~ exces~lve or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing mu~c be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Co~ls~ioners, Government Center, ~aples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty 630) days from the date o~ this assessment ~o be valid. CLERK, BO~RD OF COUHTY CONI.]ISSIO~ERS CSce 9- 1/9] MAR 0 1997 BESOLUTION NO. 9?° & RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUITI~ CO~tXBSXONERS ~E ~A~ OF P~LIC ~IS~CE, IN ACCORD~CE WI~ ORDINatE 91-47. t ~ER~, as pr~ded In Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of · b~t~nt of cart, in nuis~nces, ~ncluding pr~scri~d ,dministr~tive cost incurred ~ th~ County, shall ~ ~ssessed ~g~inst such property~ NltEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parts! shall be calculated and rep<~rted to the Board of County Cofm~islionsrs, together with a description of said parcel; and ~r~£REAS. such assessment sh~11 ~ ~ legal, valid and binding obligation u~n the pro~rty *gainer which made until p~ld~ and ~ERE~, the ~ssessment sh~ll ~come due and p~y~ble thirty (30) days a~ter the ~l~ng o~ ~ocice o~ Assessment a~ter which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0~) per annum on any unpaid ~rtion thereof. N~, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD ~ISSIONERS OF ~L~IER ~y, F~RIDA, that ~he property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the o~er of said property, la hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, Lloyd O Sheehan 5600 N Ts~i~,mi Tr aTE 1 Naples, FL 33963 LEOAL DESCRIPTIONt 61107-060 462094080003 Lot 16. Block 6, NAPLES ~OR $245.00 ~DDZTZON, according to the plat thereof, on fils and recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, Page Book 3, Pages 6? and g8 and sub,act to reservations, restrictions and limitations of record. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the o~ner or o~ners of the above described property, and if such ovn~er fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, & certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the o~ner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: EMIOHT £. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Oe._D~VI ~W~ I~EL COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/97 BY: TIMOTHY L. H~COCK, CHAIRPlAN L _j Board to accept report and adopt Resolution assessing a lien &g&tnst the p&rcel tn order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisance at this location, &11 a. provided for in Ord£nance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. a. Viol&t/on determiner/on b. Notice of V~olation served c. Verification of unabated nuteance d. Nuisance abated with public funds e. Owner invoiced for costs ~o/lo/96 ~o/~8/9~ 11/13/96 12/19/96 12/30/96 Retmbur.ement of $1,223.92 may be antic/pared b~ voluntary act/on or foreclosure. ~ltOWTNMal~t~ IMVACT Not a~olicable. ~COMM~NDATIO~ That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Resolut/on. PP~EPAR~D BYr ~ENIiFR CUBTO~ER 8~RVZCE ~PP~ESENTATIVE A~PROVEDBY~ Vtnoen~ A. C&utero, Administrator Ccmmunit7 Dev. & ~nvironmental Bros. DATE: MAR 0 4~ 1997 ,./ COLZ.Z~ COCrlI'Z~, rLOZtZD& ~ 41014-0~5 ~122i31~00~ ~X~ ,UHB~R: ~ ~1 ~ II~k 1~, ~11%nWl WO~ ~1, m~dX~ · ~ W~f ~ An ffZat ~k 3, fare 86 and l?, of ~e ~ of ~11Xer ~ty, flori~. You, ms the ~ner of tho property ~ve described, fi recoEded Iff the records Mlflcolned by the office of the Property Appraiser, Irs hereby idv~sed thl~ the C~11ance Services Manager, dad on ~0/ll/ll, order the mbeCimenc or · tertian nuisance ox~itAng on the above property pFohtblted by O;dlfllnct ~-47~ ll;v~n~ notate tJ,~Feot upon you, such bmllt~ of prohLb~d exotloo on un.roved 1mhd 200' of ~r~id. o~vtdod pr~irty. Prohibited d~lng~ pr~r~y. BrisXXXan ~r he~oo Ind bXaXeuoa trees You ~ailed to abate such nuisance; khereupofl, lC was abated by the ixpindltur~ of public Zunds aC I direct cost o~ ~1023.92 and administrative cost st ~200.00 got a total st ~1223.92. Such costs~ by R~solutlon of th~ Bolcd st County Co~lsilonegs o~ Collier County, ~lo~tda~ have been assessed against the above p~ope~ty on and shall become a l~en on the p~operty thirty {30) days ~tlg such You may request a hearing before the Board o~ County C~/sstoners ~o shov clull, 1~ iny, vhy c~e expenses 4nd chsrges incurred by Chi County u~der Chll Ordinance *ri unwarranted or excessive or khy such expenses should nsc constitute I lien iglinsC c~e property. Such request hea~ing must be ~de ~o the CZerk of the Board o~ County Co~lssionera, Govern~nc Center, Naples, ~lorld4 34112 in ~lcing ~lCh/n Chi:Cy (30) days Ir~ the dace st chis ississmenc Co bt vllid. CLERK. BOARD Or COU[?TY CONHISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 , MAR O 1997 RF~OIATTZ OH NO. A Rr~OL~TION OF THE BOARD OF COLr/T~ COJ~ISSI~ERS PROVIDINO ~R ~SES~E~ OF LIEN. FOR ~E ~ST OF ~E ~A~ OF P~LIC ~IS~CE. IN AC~RD~ MI~ ORDIN~CE ~EREAS, &l provided in Ordinance 01-47, ch· direct COltl of · bat·Mst of cart·in null·nc·e, including prelcribed ad~tnilcrative coat incurred by the County, ah·Il be asses·ed against such property; and ~EAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel ·hall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Comissionere, to~ether with · description of said parcel~ and WI.~ZREAS, such aeeeae~ent shall be · legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which ~ade until paid~ and WI~EREAS, the aseese~ent shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the smiling of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at · rate of twelve percent (12.0%} per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. I~W. THEREFORE. BE IT RBgOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that the property described · · follows, and having been abated of a public nuie&nce after due and proper notice thereof to th· o~nar of said property, la hereby assessed the following coats of such ·betement. to wit: Lloyd O Iheehin Tit S600 N TamLami TR ITl 1 Naples, FL 33963 lot 31 in Block 13, mi1 In NAPLSS $1223.92 ~t~NOR LA, SS, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, Page IS and O?, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 6101~-0SS 1~22~3920004 The Clerk of the Board shall mail · notice of assessment of lien to the owner or o~ner· of the above described property, end if such o~ner fails to pay ouch ·seas·meat within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute · lien against such property according to law, unless such direction le stayed by this Board upon appeal of the asses·meat of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and m·Jority vote. DATED; ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA (I APPROVED AS TO FORM A~D LEGAL SUFFICIENCY~ UNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/97 BY. TIMOTHY L. I'{A~ICOCK, CHAIRMAN ~ECO)OiKNDATZON 01~ WYNDE31KRB" TO APPROVE FOR RECORDIN~ THE FINAL PLAT OF *'VILLAGES To approve for recording the final plat of "Villages of Wyndemere", a subdivision of lands located in Section 19, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. CONSXDERATX~NS Engineering Review Section has completed the review of ti;.= construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Villages of Wyndemere". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The security in the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required improvements is being covered by construction and maintenance agreement and a cash bond. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of O"Villages of Wyndemere" be approved for recording. FISCAL IMPACTs The fiscal impact to the County is none. The project cost is $28,980.00 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer b) Drainage, Paving, Grading - $ 8,575.30 - $20,404.70 The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $31,878.00 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $943.39 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $28,980.00and were paid in November, 1996. MAR 0 1997 Executive Summary Villages of Wyndemere Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 - $425.00 b) c) Paving, Grading (1.275% const, est.) ~ROWTHNAN~GEMENT XMPXCT~ Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) - $ 42.87 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const, est.) - $ 86.72 Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $128.63 Drainage, - $260.17 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. RECOMM~RD~TION~ That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of #Villages of Wyndemere" with the following stipulations: Accept the Cash Bond as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. 0 Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "Villages of Wyndemere." Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. e That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. MAR 0 4 1997 Executive Summary Villages of Wyndemere Page 2 PREPARED BY: John R. ~Iou%dsWor~h, Sinior Engineer Engineering Review REVZ EWED BY: Engineering Review Manager g Services _Director %'t~c&fft i. Caut-ero, Administrator Community Development i Environmental Services Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JRH/ew Date Date Date MAR 0 & 1967 -4 #~L1N tN'? .tT 11. '[,'Nfl ^i'1 The Security amount, equal to 110% of project cost, is 531,878.00 the The County will realize revenues as follows: .5 ,( AG£f MAR 0 A 1997 P~. + ~NIT }4 GOLOF. I CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AOREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEM]E]q'I'S entered into this day of ,19 __, betwe~ Quinby ]:)~l~t hereinat~ referred to as 'Developer", and thc Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, herdnafler referred to ns "The Board". I. Developer has, simultaneous]y, with the delivery offl~is Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board ora certain plat ora subdivision to be known ss Villages of Wyn/emere. 2. Division 3.2 of the Collier County I2uxi Dcve]~ Code rcqui~ the Dcvdoper to post appropriate guarante~ for the construction of the subdivision r~gulations, ~d guaran~ to be incorporated construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the fo~oing pmnises and mutual ~ts herein~er set forth, Developer and the Board do he. by covenant and ng~e as follows: 1. I)c~lolxr will cause to be constructed water, sewer, paving arid drainage within 2 months from the date of approval of said subdivision plat, said improvements hertlnnf~ referred to as the requin~ impwvemcn~. 2. D,~lol~r her~'with Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof) in the amount of $31,878.00 which amount I~AR 0 4 1997 F'[. ~ represents 10',4 of the total contr~ cost to complete constn~on plus 100% of the estimated cost to complete the required improvements at the date ofthis Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the I:)eveloixr or failur~ of the Developer to complete sach upon the subdivision pcrfomumce security to insure satisfactory completion of the required 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records hav~ been furnished to be review~ and approved by the Development Services Director for cornpl/a~ce with the Coil/er Count~ Land Development Code. 5. The Development Services Director shall, within ~ (60) day~ of nx:ei~ of flx~ statement of substantial completion, eider:, a) notify the Developer in writing of its preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of its refusal to approve improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Deve]o~ must fulfill in order to obtaia thc Directors approval of the improvements. Howrver, in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse prelhnizu~ approval of the improvements if they are in fact considered and submitted for approval in accordance with the requiteme~ ofthis Agteem~ 6. The Developer shall maintaia all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after prdL, ninary approval by the Development Services Director. After th~ one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to hxspea the required improvements. The Development MAR 0 1 1997 ' designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10o~4 of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of' the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 7. Six (6) months after the execution of this Agreement and once wiflffn every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services D~r to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of' work completed. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision perform-ncc security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Servi~ Dir~tor. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date ofthe request 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure by the County, Administrator ma), call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bicl.% the improvements required bemire The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such th: final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engine MAR 0 ~, 1997 cont~ngen! costs, togetl~ wi~ any damages, either dJ~'ect or consequential, which tht Board may sustain on account of~e failure oft~c Developer to fulfill all of thc provisions oft~is AgretmenL 9. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained a~e and ~udl be binding upon the Developer and the respective succes.~rs and a.uigns of ~ Dew. loper. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives 0~Js day of , i 9 ..... . Signed, SeaJed and Delivered in ~e presence of': Dorene Nitch Clyde C. Quinby President Marlene Sale ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BLOCK, CLERK Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and Collier County'Attomey BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIL~ COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman MAR 0 1 1997 Im CON~ENDAT~'ON TO EXBCUTIVB SUMMARY QRART FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, IMPROVEML~T8 FOR THE FIITAL PLAT OF "NORTHBROOKE To grant final acceptance of "Northbrooke Drive" CONS~DE~ATIONI O4. On February 14, 1995, the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator granted preliminary approval of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Northbrooke Drive-. The roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements not required by the plat to be maintained by the project,s homeowners association will be maintained by the County. The required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code. The County Development Services has inspected the improvements and is recommending final acceptance of the improvements. A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by the County Attorney,s Office. A copy of the document is attached. The roadway, drainage water and sewer improvements not required to be.maintained by the project,s homeowners association will be maintained by the County Transportation Department and the County Utility Divisions. Funds for the routine maintenance and upkeep will come from the Operations and Maintenance budgets of the Transportation Services and Utility Divisions. ~I~OWTH MANAG~__~NT. IMPACT ~ None .IitAR (} 1997 Executive Summary Northbrooke Drive Page 2 That the Board of County Commissioners grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Northbrooke Drivea and release the maintenance security. 1. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached resolution authorizing final acceptance. 2. Authorize the releale of the maintenance security. PREPARED BY: John R. HOUldsworf. h, SeniOr Engineering Review Engineer Date Engineering Review Manager Donald-"#. ,~rnold Planning Services Direct~/: Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. Community Dev. and Environmental Svce. DIVISION Date ; Date MAR o 4, '1997 RESOLUTION .NO, 97. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRA/NAGE. WATER AND SEWER IMI~ROVEME%'TS IN NORTHBROOKE DRIVE. RELEASE OF THE MAINTENANCE SECLT, IT¥, AND ACCEPTING THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE , WATER A~ND SEWER IMPROVEME.%-i'S THAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAIn'ED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. WI~S, the Board ofCoumy CommJssioners orColller County, Florld~, on February 14, 1995 approved the plat of Nonhbrooke Drive for recordinf; and wTa~REAS, the develope' has constructed and m~n~ned the roadway, drainage, water and sewe~ improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and as required by the Land Development Code (Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102, as Imended): and the Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Collier County Ordinance No. 88o'/6, as amended). WI'~REAS, the developer has now requested final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, w~et and s~*,er improvements and release of'his maintenance security, and WI-IEREAS, the Compliznce Sendces Section ot'the Development Services Department has inspected ~he roadway, dr~irage, water and sev,'er improvements Nd is recommendin.e acceptance of sa. id facilities. NOW, TH~:REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TH~ BOARD OF COUNTY CO~.GflSSIONERS OF COLLAR COUT~Y, FLORIDA, that fi~l acceptance be ~ran:e~ ~or ro~y, drainage, water ~nd sewer improvements in No~hbrooke D~ve, and autho~ze the to relea~ the m~nten~nce s~u~ty. BE IT FUR'IH:ER RESOLVED .-L\'D ORDERED that the Co,.:nty accept the future maintenance and other attendar.~ costs £or lhe ro,,d~ ay, drainage, wate: and server improvements that ~e not required ~o be maintained by the homenwners association. This Resolution adopted after mo~ion, second and majority vote t'avorin$ same DATE: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY CO,~llSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By: T~IOTHY L. HA~'COCK, CHMR.\IA.\' MAR 0 4 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. FOR MODIFICATIONS TO THE EAST NAPLES PARK SKATEBOARD FACILITY. ~ Request the Board of County Commissioners to approve Change Order No. 2 to .lohnson Engineering Work Order JEI-FT-96-7. CONSIDERATIONSi On August 6, 1996 the Board of County Commissioners approved Work Order JEI-FT-96-7 [Item 16(bX4)], authorizing Johnson Engineering to provide engineering services for a skateboard facility located at the East Naples Park. Since that time, a new building has been added and the slab changed to a post-tension design, requiring additional engineering services. FISCAL IMPACT_.' Funds are available in Fund 36g-116360-80087 (East Naples Skateboard Facility) Original Conwact Change Order No. I Change Order No. 2 Revised Contract $29,200 1,500 $12.44~ $43,140 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Skateboard Facility is a Capital Improvement Element (CIE #723). RECOMMENDATIO~ri That the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $12,440. PREI~ARED BY: ,~~~...~.,,~ __,~.~ P. Ciranna, Project Manager, OCPM REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: TPC/sc/exsum Skip-C~amp, Acting ~irecto~, Pm'ks,~d Recr~tion,~e~t Ray'nd W. Miller, li.E. Interim Administrator Public Works Division Date HAR O 1997 CHANGE ORDER Po~g~. p~,, Su~ 216 3301 T~ni Tr~ E. NapI~ FL 3410~ ~aple.~ FL 34112 / NAR 0 ~ 1997 CHANGE ORDER ;ottn.~n ~ ~ 264O C~I~= Otta ~ Po~na Pad~, Su~ 216 FROM: ColHcr Couu~, OCPM 3301 T,~,~;",~{ Tn~ East, N~Ics, ~ 33962 Project No. s0C)8'7 Bidl',lo. 95..2422 Ds/~snnsry~t~ Project name: E. Nzpks ~ F~u:ility Clm~ O~n-uo. 2 Sum of~ This Ctumge Ordgr no. 2 ~ ladd} s~9~ S $12,440 ,, _ .-: .gn~C~nseOt~t.~~. -~ ......... ___ _ N/A N/A N/A - = N/A ,.- N/A APPROVED BY~doL~ A.-~e~ Dimct~ OCPM DATE: MAR"'U A TO: ORDER Iohnson ~ Ir.. 264O C.~ ~ ~ Poinciana Park, Sui~ 216 Naple~ Florida 34105 FROM: Collier County, OCPM 2301 T*~'~!~! Trail East, Naples, Hot/da 33962 Project No. 80087 Bid No, 95-2422 Cb,rage ord~des~ptiom ~ tr~c~and m~l ag00 ~. tt buildia$, plua desi~ of Sum Ofl~vio~ Cnmga Ontm Amoum.. ,- $ This Chang~ Ord~ no. :2 Azmr~ [add} . - -- $12,440 Ori~,,,d Cona.~a T'un~ in ~aleadar day~ --- - - Adjusted number of cahmd~ d~ys d~ to pr~'ious change order-- = N/A N/A N/A Original Noti= to Pruce~ date ...... Complation da~ based on original ~omract time Revlr~d eompletima dam da~ to c,~t ~ = NIA - ,- NIA - N/A Your ~ of' tht~ c~t~ ordm shall eotmitm~ a modLfi~oa to o~ ASr~a~ae~t ami will be l:ameorm~l subject to all t}~ f~ame terms and conditions ~ eonta/ned in said Agreemmt indicau~l above, as f~ty ~ if the sa~e w~,e repeged in this of,~y ~ ,ii ~u~s r. aim f,~hnp~j~ and d~ay corr. PREPARED BY: ,~~~~~[~. DATE: ACCEPTED BY~ DATE: APPROVED BY: ,a~dolfo A. Gom~ Director, OCPM DATE: NAR 0 ~ 1997 JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. 14.40 GOLM:N Q&TI~/~WY. 'rDA:~q4C~ led1 434-0333 TE]l. KCo/qtr. N (141 43d.-t3~'0 N APLI' I. FLORIDA Mr. Tom Ciranna Project M~get I Off]ce ofCapiud Projec~ 3301 T~tiami Trail Fast Building D Naplea, Florida 33942 ENGINEERS. SURI/Lc'YORS AND ECOLOGISTS February 12, 1997 ARCNIE T. (2RANT, JR. FORREIT N. IANKI JOSEPH W. EINER ITEVEN K. MORRIION ANDREW D. TILTON JEFFREY C. COONER CARL A. IARRACO KENTON R. KEILIN(2 W. DAVID KEY. JR. W. IRITT POMERDY DAN W. DICKEy K~IN M. WINTER ~ A~ Y R. lULL (2EOR(2[ J. KALAL STEPHEN ,¥. ADAMI PATRIClA H. NEWTON MARK (2. %¥ENTZEL Re: East Naples Skate Park Site Development Plan Approval Dear Mr. Ciranna: As requested, following is an hourly/rate breakdown for the additional services required to obtain site development plan approval for the East Naples Skate Park. Architecture - Bantnay Scl'u'rdtt Weaver and Partners, Inc. A. Scope of Work Provide preliminary design documents, including floor plan and exterior elevations which are to be used with the Site Development Plan submittal. 21 hours (~ $60.00 Review design documents with project team and coordinate with site drawings. 6 hours @ S75.00 Provide architectural and ~tructural construction documents for the building and covered service area tie-in to the existing building. Coordinate drawings with Pelican Engineering. 50 hour~ @ S60.00 I HAR 1991' I- JOHNSON £NGIN££RING, INC. Mr. Tom Cirarma Februar~ 12, 1997 Page Two Provide final review documents to .fohnson Engineering and Parks and Recreation for comments. Pick up final comments and include documents into the overall bid set prepared by Johnson Engineering. 4 hours ~ $75.00 Assist in the bidding and permitting of the project as it pertains to our services. 4 hours @ $75.00 S 300.00 Provide limited construction administration which includes shop drawing review, four site visits, review of' pay requests, if' requested, as they pertain to our services and paniclpation, if' requested, in the Substantial Completion punchlist. 16 houn(~S7$.00 B. Fee Total Miscellaneous reimbursables and printing. NOTE: construction and permitting reproduction is by others. S 130.00 S6.640.09 Ail The above information was provided to Johnson Engineering Inc. by Barany Schmitt Weaver and Partners, Inc. ilAR 0 1997 JOHNSON-ENGINEERING, INC, Mr. Tom Ciranna February 12, 1997 Page Three Lighting - Pelican Engineering, Inc. A. Additional work at East Naples Skate Park - Revise the lighting plan to include service to an addition to the existing building. Senior Engineer - 2 hours (~ $90.00 $180.00 Drafting and Computer Operator - 4 hours (~45.00 $180.00 Fee Total 5360.00* *Altbougb tat hourly brealtdm~n provider for a dotal of $$60.00- Pelican Engineering, Inc. agreed to perform tat above re, ricer for: Fee Total S300.00 14~R 0 ~ 1997 .JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC.. Mr. Tom Cimma February 12, 199'/ Page Four Eng~ne~ing - ~ohn~on Engineering, Inc. A. Scope of Work 1. Please reference attached letter dated ~'anuary 21, 1997 detailing the t~s~ to be performed. Engineer I 8 hours (~ S$8.00 [: 464.00 Project Services I 24 hours (~ $44.00 $1.056.00 Technician IV 24 hours ~ SS0.00 ~ Technician II 24 hours (~ $39.00 $ 936.00 Engineer IV 16 hours (~ $85.00 $I.360.00 Technician I Miscellaneous reimbursables and printing: Fee Total SS,SO0.O0 Grand Total $12.440.00 _'?.? , .JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. Mr. Tom Ch'arum February 12, 1997 Page Five I trust the above information is what is required to obtain a scope modificttion for this proj~'t. If you have shy questions or comments regarding this ~ndence plea.~ contact me. Sincerely, JOHNSON ENGINEERING, I~C. 01/24/G7 08:31 '~434 9320 JORNSON E~G. ]'Oh SON ENGINEERING, INC. ~002 ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS AND ECOLOGI:STS January 17, 199~7 l~v;.s~: Sam2ry 2I, 1997 ~ ~ 434.033] N Af"LKB. FLORIDA Oaicc of Capital ProjKT. s 2201 Tamiami Trail F..sst Bu~dinS D Naples, Florida ~94~ Fast Naples Skate Park Site E~vdopment Plan Approval lHI F'fle No. 25201 SDP tk. 90-227 ~ correspondtnce is submittcd to document the sc, ope modil~cations request~ by the Office of Capital Projects Management for the project. In addition, d.~, letter w~l serve to ~ our cxhthg contract datcd .t'uly la, 199~. We ,,Merstaad, the Site Developmcnt Plan approval will now incorporate a builcrmg, of nppmxlmar, iy SS4 square feet. The FJst Naplu Slc3te Perk plans were 1(X~A complete, and .l'ohmon Enginecdn& Inc. wu h the process of r~c~8 ~e dcvelopmcnt plsn eppnr~ when this modlflcagon wu required. In addition, the South Flor~ W~ter ~ Pcrmtt modification had bee~ obtaim:d. Ia order to accommodate this moditcago~ the following revisions will be required; ARC, H~E T. GNANT. JOBE~PH W. ~'BN~'R ~ K. ANDRWW O. TILTON JF. FFR L"Y C. CARL A,. IIARRACO K£NTON R. KEIUNG W. OAYIO KEY. W. BRITT POMENOY DAN W. [JICKI[V do Revisions to the exists site development pl~ to reflect the new builds s/d ks impact on the site layout; CoordLuto~ with te Ltndsape ~ li~ti~g de~i~ to usure t~ ~ plaas reflect the bu~m~ and thai electrical senica is Modif~on ofthe water rnan~emeat ~ to ~ re- hnd use breakdown; Revisions to the paiiing maIrix to rcflect the new ~ Iohnson F.~gine~i.n~ Inc. proposes to pmvlde all the above refimmccd ~y~% "i .w~"u'r[ "~ services for s lump sump f~ of $5~0.00. 08:31 ~T434 0320 JOI~SON E~'G. 1~003 JOHNSON ENGINEERINO, INC. Mr. Tom Cir~m:~ Sal'm~y 21.19~7 Page Tw~ Sub=Consultant Sectfon: I. tglu~: Pciican Ens~eerin& Inc. proposes to provide these se~c~s for $~00.00. ,4,-cASte~. Barany Schm/tt Weaver and Partners, Inc. proposes to provide deign, documentation, perm/tfing sssi.~ancc relatin8 to the design of a but'Id~ng approximately 900 square feet which ~ tie into thc cxisthg Termis Facility via a covcr~ ~. ~n ~d~tion tbs, w~ provide b~d ass/stance relat/n8 to the bm'idinF, r, hop drawing review and two site v/s/ts for the n~ount Total Amount: st~.44o, oo JOH%SO.% E.XG. ~oo~ JOHNSON HNG~L~G, h'qC. Mr. Tom Ckam~ l'ammry 21, 1997 l-~age Thr~ Another 5~oor'~nt isnm to d~sctt.~ at this time, h the p~ ~I~ ~m ~d ~o~ ~ ~ s~g pa~ (~ to ~ m~ of~ ~-) ~ ~ ~~ ~e ~~ for ~ ~3~. se~ice, h ~s fair to note, ~ rc, v~om to pro~ect scope effect pro~ect budget S~nce~4y, JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. Pro]ec~ Coord]mtor EX£CUTIVE SI~I~IMARY APPROVE CtIANGE ORDER NO,2 TO WORK ORDER NO. WMBP-FT-96-4 wmt WILSON, MmL£R, BARTON, PEEK, INC. TO PROVIDE LIGHTING AND SIGNALIZATION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR .~IVI~.. GSTON ROAD pRO,IECT NO,60061~ CIE ~ To ~in Boud approv~ of CHANGE ORDER NO.2 to WORK ORDER No.I:T96-4 with W.M.B.P. under the term~ of our annual professional services a$reement contract # 95-2422. CONSIDERATION; The OCPM in-house design st~T is prepm*in~ the construction dtawin~ of the Livinl~ton Ro~d Widening project (from Radio Road to Oolden Oate Boulemu-d). In order to mm the schedule, mine of the design work for this project will b~ perform~ by the consultant firm; WMBP. The consultant i$ air. dy under contract with Collier County to design · bridge over the Oolden Gate Canal and perform a noise study. Since other engineering tasks have b~en performed by X~MBP in the area, they are the mo~t logical choice for the ~igr~lization and lighting design u well. A copy of the scope of Services which includes fees and schedule is attached. ~.IrlSCAL IMPACT: Funds in the ·mount of $44,860 are ·vail·ble in Fund 333 cost 60051 (Livingston Road · Widening). !r"cent~' 163650, project GROWTR MANAGEMENT IMPACT; This project is consistent with the Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order No.2 to work order No. WMBP-FT.96-4 with WMBP for $44,8~0 and authorize the OCPM Director to execute same. Mitch Momtaz, P.E., Project Manager Office of Capital Projects Management 1'4AR 0 1997 Stephen Y. C~nell,'Director Purchesina DATE: Adolfo A Gogzalez, P E,. Office Of Cap~ta] Projects Management DAT~: REVIEWED BY: :.-~..-,~/~_-,~./~,.c- .c, ~ Administrator, Public Works Division CC: File 2 proj# 60061 w/att Rich hellriegel, P.E. Sr Proje:t Manager NAR 0 ~, 1997 ,~...~ CHANGEORDER Wilson, Miller, Barton &. Peek, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, Florida 34105 Project Name: Work Order Date: Proposed Livingston Road Bridge February 6, 1997 Change Order No. 2 FROM: Collier County Office of Capital Projects Mgmt. 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Building "D" Naples, Florida 34112 Project No, (,:}061 Work Order No. WMBP-FT96-4 Date: January 15, 1997 Change Order Description: This change order is in connection to additional Engineering Services See attached scope of services and schedule of fees for this Change Order No. 2 Original agreement amount ........................................................... ,$ Sum of previous change orders amount ................................. ......~.~...~.. ...... "$ 86,330.00 This Change Order No. 2 smount [add] ................................................... -$ 44,860.00 lttvl:ed ,4gr, tmenl ,4mounl ............................................................... -$134,190.00 OAOriginal contract time in calendar days ................................................... 405 djusted number or'calendar days due to previous change orders ..................... 0 This change order adjusted time is .qc~ised ¢on*'act rime In calendar da. rs ................................................ 505 Original Notice to Proceed date ............................................................ February 21, 1996 Completion date based on original contract time .......................................... April !, 1997 Revised completion date due to change order(s) .......................................... July I 0, ! 997 Your acceptance ot'thLs change order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to ali the same terms and conditions as contained in said Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment to this Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all including claims for impact and delay costs. . Pl . M nager Da,e:. 7 / q 7 / C,~er C~/ty O~f ./~p,~/~jeet, lvianagem eh, Accepted by: {,._ .~'~..J~_. ~Z4~ Date: 7~o-% ~.'Oewt~er, p.E., Oh'ector ' · Transpormlon Wilson, Millet, Barton & Peek, Inc. Accepted by:. Adolfo A. Gonzalez, P.E., Director Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management Date: I HAR 0 4 1997 L_,,. S ,_ LIVINGSTON ROAD IMPROVEMENT - FOUR LANING FROM RADIO ROAD TO GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COUNTY PROJECT NO. 60061 EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF SERVICES JANUARY, 1997 2 1.1 The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County (OWNER) desires to have roadway lighting and signalization plans (PROJECT) developed for the proposed Livingston Road Improvement between Radio Road and Golden Gate Parkway. 1.2 Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. (CONSULTANT) was selected by the OWNER to provide professional engineering services in connection with the Countywide Master Contract No. 95-2422. 1..3 The PROJECT is generally described ns follows: a) Roadway lighting and signalization plans developed to meet minimum engineering design standards established by the Fiori(La Department of Transportation (FIX)T) and by ~he County Offices (Office of Capital Projects Management and Transportation Services Dapat~ent) for Livingston Road initial four (4) lane conzm~on within an ultimate six (6) lane right-of-way between Radio Road and Golden Gate Parkway. Contract documents will be prepared by the CONSULTANT $uitable for bidding for the initial four (4) lane improvement between Radio Road and Golden Gate Parkway. ASSUMPTIONg 2.1 The OWNER will fiimish all pertinent highway design information and related documents associated with the initial four (4) lane improvement for Livingston Road between Radio Road and Golden Gate Parkway. Survey data collected by OWNER will be utilized. 2.2 All horizontal and vertical geometry, typical sections and cross sections will be utilized as shown on the OWNER's latest roadway plans. CONSULTANT sMI advise OWNER of any observed omissions or inconsistencies in said roadway plans. A-! HAR t, I997 3 4 INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY OWNER 3.1 Approval of PROJECT design criteria to be submitted by CONSULTANT. 3.2 Any modifications to q~pical sections, profile grade lines, or utility locations for Livingston Road between Radio Road and Golden Gate Parkway. 3.8 A compuIer data disk with OWNER's most current geometry, survey, profiles, cross-sections, and title block with border format. 3.4 OWNER will require utility owners to be responsible for design of relocation or installation of their respective systems if impacted by the PROJECT. Service point details will be designed and provided by the CONSULTANT. 3.5 OWNER will submit and process PROJECT through its own internal review process in order to expedite a timely completion schedule. ;3.6 CONSULTANT will coordinate service points with power company based on utility information provided by OWNER. EXCLUDED SERVICE-q 4.1 The professional services to be provided by the CONSULTANT are limited to those described in the Scope of Services. All other services are specifically excluded. Listed lxlow are excluded services which may be required or desired by the OWNER under a separate authorization: 4.1.1 Gootechnical Services at signal and light pole locations, including foundation designs. 4.1.2 Post design and construction observation services for the Livingston Road Bridge across Golden Gate Canal and for the lighting/signalization improvements between Radio Road and Golden Gate Parkwny. 4.1.~ Landscaping design and construction observation services. 4.1.4 Survey sketch and legal descriptions for additional right-of-way to accommodate signal pole system. A-2 SCOPE OF SERVICK.~ $.1 Roadway Lighting $.1.1 Develop concepttmJ roadway lighting report between Radio Road and Pine Ridge Road (County Project Nos. 60061/60071) which evalua~s and armlyzes two (2) alternatives - both sides and ,,vest side only. Provide written recommendation to OWNER. Bssed on OWNER's approval of recommended roadway iish'Jn~ concept, design final roadway lighting pl~,~s to be inco~ into OWNER's contract bid document for the Livingston Road Improvement. Plans will include: Key Sheet, Summary of Quantities, Service Point Details, Pole Data Sheet, tnd Special Details. Signalization Plans Prepare a technical memorandum between Radio Road and Pine Ridge Road (County Project Nos. 60061/(~X}71) which evnluates nnd analyzes strain pole and rnnst arm alternatives. $.2.2 P_,ssed on OWNER's approval of recommended signalization concept from the technical memorandum, design final signalization plans to be in~ into OWNER's contract bid documents for the Livingston Road Improvement at the following intersections: n) Radio Road - includes overhead signing for dual left and dual b) Progress Ave. e) Golden Gate Pnd~vay. Provide plans showing underground conduit Iocatior, for ~uture signal interconnect s~stem for Livingston Road Improvement. Conduit construction plans will be incorpornted on lighting plans. NAR 0 ~ 1997 5,.3 5.4 Quantities and Cost Opinion $.3.1 Prepare quantities and opinion of probable construction cost for the PROJECT in accordance with FDOT guidelines. Submit quantities and cost opinion to OWNER with 60%, 90% and final plans. Specifications 5.4.1 CONSULTANT will provide technical specifications and technical special provisions for all items of work not covered by the FDOT Standard Specifications, Supplemental Specifications or Recurring Special Provisions. 5.5 5.6 Phase Reviews $.$.1 Design Submittals a) Plans will be reviewed by the OWNER at intervals specified by the OWNER, including phase review submittals - 60°5, 90% and final. Content of plutse submittals arc to be in geoeral conformance to the latest FDOT Roadway Plan~ Prep~tion Manual (English version). 5.5.2 Quality Assurance a) Documented CONSULTANT reviews of the plans, calculations and other deliverables will be conducted for each phase review. CONSULTANT will submit to the OWNER the disposition of plan review comments on a point by point basis in written form for final direction by OWNER. Construction Phase Services (Contingent) 5.6.1 CONSULTANT will provide engineering and construction observation services for the Livingston Road Bridge across Golden Gate Canal and for the lighting/signalization improvements between Radio Road and Golden Gate Parkway. Scope and fees to be determined if service is required. A-4 HAR 0 1997 o_ "~ Schedule S.7.1 Major activity/event milestones for the PROJECT are as follows: Duration a) Notice to Proceed 0 b) Prepare Reports 50 c) Report Review Mtg. 0 d) 60 Percent Plans 60 e) 60 Percent Review Mtg. 0 O 90 Percent Plans 60 g) 90 Percent Review Mtg. 0 h) Final Submittal 30 TOTAL: 200 5.8 Compensation LUMP SUM FEES 5.8.1 Lighting Plans: a) Lighting Plans Sub-Torah S!0,$00 S10.500 5.8.2 Signalization Plans: a) Livingston Rd at I. Radio Rd. 2. Progress Ave. 3. Golden Gate Parkway Sub-Torah S11,820 $8,160 S8,420 Total Lighting and Signalization Plans S.8.3 Repons: a) Lighting Concept Report b) Signalization Technical Memo. $3,090 Total Reports: S4.610 5.8.4 Reimbursables LUMP SUM TOTAL: 0:L'M~I- W.4~2q~J& KAS MAR 0 q 1997 HAR 0 ~ 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL TO REIMBURSE THE COCONUT RIVER CIVIC ASSOCIATION UP TO S2,S00 FOR DREDGING OUTLET OF COCONIYr RIVER AT JUNCTION WITH MAIN GOLDEN GATE CANAL. OBJECTIVE: To obt~n Coconut River Civi~ A.ssociati~ for up to S2,$00 for a portion of their expense in removing a ~xliment shoal a~ the lower end of the Coconut River. DESCRIPTIOn: Recent major storm events have acceler~_!~ the sediment deposition process that has been ocouring along the south bank of the Coconut Rivet at its junction with the Main Golden Gate Canal. Under certain tidal situations this shoaling is nearly blocking swrmwa~ flow from the Coconut River and is severely iimitin~ boat access to t~ adjoini~ ~~. The Civic Associ~ has secured Lhe necessary dredge and fill permit~ from the U.S. Army Corl~ of Engineers argt the Florida Depanmem of Environmen~ Protection. They have also worked out arrangements with adjacent property owr, er for work q~ce and a location for temporarily storing the spoil material. The Civic Association will be responsible for properly disposing of the spoil materials. ~ney will otherwise be responsible to assure tl~ the work will be done in accordance with the permit conditions ·nd utilizing "Best Managemem Practice" cortstmcfion methods to minimize turbidity and erosion potential. FISCAL IMPACT: Upon completion ofthe dmtgin~ opemion and final inspection by County Slaff, the homeowners association shall submit an invoice to the County for reimb~ for the work completed and approved by the Stormwater Mana~emem Department Director. Sufficient funds in "Other Contractual Service" are available as follows: 001-I 72930-634999-0000. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None ~AR 0 ~ 1997 Executive Sunvnao, "Coconu! R/v~" Pa~e 2 RECOMMENDATIO_N_: TI~ the Board approv~ of th~ reimburmmnt to C. ocoma Rlvw Civic ,Auoct~tion for up to S2,500 for · portion of lhetr dredgtn~ the oudet to the Coconm River al its jtmction with ~he Main Golden Oate SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Joh~ H. Boldt, P.E., P.S.M. Stormwater Management Director Raymond W. Miller, P.E. Interim Public Works Administrator MAR 0 19.97 _EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST THE BOARD ADOPT A RESOLUTION AND ENTER INTO A TRANSPORTATION PROJECT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) FOR ROADWAY WIDENING AND RESURFAClNG ON C.R. 846 FROM S.R. 29 EASTERLY TO THE HENDRY COUNTY LINE. ~: To obtain Board approval to enter into a Transportation Project Maintenance Agreement with the FDOT f~ roadway widening and resurfacing on C.R. 846 from S.R. 29 easterly to the Hendry County line. CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Section 339.08(2) (b) of the Flodda Statutes (1995) and the Intermodal Surface Transportation Effidency Act of 1991, the FDOT i$ authorized to undertake a project within Collier County's geographical limits. The FDOT plans to widen and resurface C.R. 846 from S.R. 29 easterly to the Hendry county Line. Upon completion, Collier County will again assume maintenance responsibility for that portion of C.R. 846 encompassed by the Project. Projects of this nature have been undertaken by the FDOT in the past (e.g., San Marco Road Shoulder Widening and Street Lighting Project, 1993), thereby providing a benefit to the local government and the community. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the Project are provided to the FDOT through a Federal Grant. Following completion of the project, Collier County assumes routine maintenance responsibilities and expenses which are budgeted for annually. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Resolution and Project Maintenance Agreement with the FDOT, and authorize the Chairman to execute same on the Board's beha, ff.----_ PREPARED BY: Marquita King, Senior Secretary Trarteoortatiq, n Department i~avid F. Bobanick Interim Transport~tion Director Ra~ W. Miffer, 15.E. Interim Public Works Administrator DATE: 2_ - / ~--"- ~} TM mI~)2149WES FDOT Agmt.doc Attachments HAR 0 19971 ~. / ~;, j 1 RESOLUTION NO. 97-.~ 2 3 A RESOLUTION FOR A TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT 4 PROJECT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR ROADWAY 5 W1DENING AND RESURFACING ON C.R. 846 FROM S.R. 29 It F.A~TERLY TO THE HENDRY COUNTY LINE BETWEEN THE 7 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE 8 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER 9 COUNTY, FLORIDA. 10 11 WHEREA~, [he Board of County Commissioners (*Board') of Collier County. 12 Florida, wl~he~ to ent~ into a Transportation Enhancement Project Maintenance 13 Agreement (the "Agreement') with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); and 14 VVHER~..4~, a Resolution of the Board authorizing the execution o! that cedain 15 Agreement with the FDOT i~ required; and 16 WHEREAS, ~ Board has the authority to enter into an Agreement with the FDOT 17 to undertake a Project as authorized by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Eff'K:iency 18 Act of 1991, as amended: and 19 WHERE/~, the Project consistl of roadway widening and resurfactng on C.R. 846 20 from S.R. 29 easterly to the Hendry County Line. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 22 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: 23 1. 24 2. 25 2~ This Resolutio~ adopted tht~ day of 27 after motion, ~econd end majority vote favoring same. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3~ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 THE BOARD OF COUNTY That the Agreement for State Project No. 03020-3602 is approved. That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners ia authorized to execute the Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation. 0 19 0 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Shldey ~loa~ McEachem Assistant Co~ler County Attomey ml~021497/RIl F'D~T ~ NAR 0 1997 STATE PROJECT NO.: 03020-3602 WPI NO.: 1123687 FAP NO.: ACXA-1547-(2) COUNTY : Collier PP~JECT MAINTEN]tNCE AGREEMENT THIS is an Agreement, by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter referred to as the "DEPARTMENT," and COLLIER COliCkY, hereinafter referred to as "LOCAL WITNESS ETH WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 339.08(2)(b), Florida Statutes (1995) a~ the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, the DEPARTMENT is authorized to undertake'a project within the LOCAL GOVERNMENT geographical limits~ and WHEREAS, said project is identified and known to the parties as State Project No. 03020-3602, WPI No. 11236S?, Federal Aid No. ACTA-154?-(2), which will be of benefit to the LOCAL GOVERNMENT; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Title 23, U.S. Code, Section 116 and Federal Highway Administration regulations issued pursuant thereto, there must be an agreement from the LOCAL GOVERNMENT to maintain the proJect~ and a part hereof, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT by Resolution, dated , a copy of which is attached hereto and made has approved the Agreement and authorized its to execute said Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises,the parties agree as follows: 1. The DEPARTMENT hae undertaken the project and obtained approval for federal participation in Widen & Resurfaoe on CR 846 fro~ SR 29 BasterlF to the Hendry Count~ Line. 2. It is understood and agreed by the parties that upon completion of construction of the project, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT shall be responsible for maintenance of said project in accordance with Title 23 U.S. Code, Section 116 and the following federally accepted state standards: (a) Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance for Streets and Highways (1994), as amended~ (b) FDOT ~rocedures 850-065-001, 850-065-002, and/or 650-050-001, as amended. This document incorporates and includes all prior HAR 0 negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understanding concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representation or agreements whether oral or written. 4. To the extent allowed by Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the DEPARTMENT and its officers, agents and employees from all claims, demands, liabilities and suits of any nature arising out of, because of, or due to any negligent act or occurrence of omission or commission of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT, its officers, agents or employees. It is specifically understood and agreed that this indemnif~cation clause does not cover or indemnify the DEPARTMENT for its negligence. 5. This Agreement shall be governed, interpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT has caused this Project Maintenance Agreement to be executed in its behalf this day of , 19 ., and the DEPARTMENT has executed this Project Maintenance Agreement through its District Secretary for District One, Florida Department of Transportation, this day of , 19 . This Agreement ~hall become effective upon execution by the DEPARTMENT. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: By: District Secretary ATTEST: ATTEST: Clerk Executive Secretary APPROVED: Attorney As to Form and Legality By: District Legal Counsel MAR 0 q 1997 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX Transportation Services Administrator Road and Bridge Department, Building D 3301 Tamlaml Trail Bast Naples, Florida 23962-4977 Work Program Office P O BOX 1249 Barrow, Florida (941) S29-22~8 January 14, 1997 33831 TRANSPORTATION PROJECT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WPI NO.: 1123687 STATE PROJECT NO.: 03020-3602 DESCRXPTIONg W~den & Resurface on CR846 from SR 29 Easterly to the Hendry County Line Dear Mr. Archibald= . Enclosed for execution are six (6} originals of the Maintenance Agreement covering the above mentioned project. Please present to your next County meeting to be approved, sure the project stays on schedule. to ~ake Please have all originals executed by the Chairaan of the Board of County Cc~missioners and County Attorney. Return (5) executed agreements to us for execution by the Department together with ~wo (2) original Resolutions and Certified Copies authorizing the Chairperson to execute the Agreements. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (941) ~19-2268. Vt/add cc= Rick MacCalla, Project Manager File Sincerely, Veronica Costa Work Program Administrator Sharon Douberley Work Program Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZE TIlE CORRECTION OF A SCRIVENER'S ERROR TO A CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT FOR A GRANDSTAND AT SUGDEN REGIONAL PARK. OB31~CrlVI:: To cam'eot a ~:~ener'l error and provide proper tetrnl on the agreement for the construction ofthe grandstand at Sugden Regional Park. CONSIDERATIONS: The construction agreement between the Oulfcout Skinvner~ and Collier County to build the grandstand structure at Sugden regional Park wu approved on January 7, 1997. The term of the agreement was incorrectly cited in the agrmnent as being flora August I, 1996 to August i, 1997. The correct term should have been from lanuary 7, 1997 to lanuaty 7, 1998, to allow one ~11 year for design, permittin8 and construction. Althoush the construction is expected to take much le~ than one year, the agreement the way it is w~tten only provide~ five months from now which, if any difficultie~ e'e encoumered would become an agreement problem. FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTtl MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION TIIAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, authorize a revision to the agreement between Collier County and the Cmlfcoast Skimmers to correct a ~:tivener's error in the data ofthe agreement. 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMiH, ENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE AN INTER-LOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EVERGLADES FOR MINOR PARK IMPROVEMENTS IN EVERGLADES CITY IN RETURN FOR COUNTY USE ,, . OBJEX: To provide minor improvements to park facilities owned by Everglades City in return for County ~w,c, esa s~! use of these facilities for ~ummer camp ~xl other Park-related activities. CONSIDERATIONS: The ~tt~,hed Inter-Local Agreement between Evergi~d~ City and Collier County would provide for the County to mzke minor improvements to the park located within the City of' Everglades to include court resuffacin8 and some fence and lightin8 repairs. In return the County would receive access to these park facilities in order to be able to conduct summer camps, alter-school activities or other proig'zms. The agreement has been r.-viewed and approved for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney's Office and has been discussed with the staff of Everslades City but has not been presented to the City Council. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None, as these improvements are repairs to existing facilities and do not provide any new or additional recreational amenity. As a result, these improvemems are not impact fee eligible. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost for this work is estimated to be $36,000. Funds for the project are available from savings realized from the phase II Gulfcoast Little League project. As this project was completed under budget, monies are available within the project's 306 budget, which can be used for a refurbishment project such ss the one proposed. By using these funds there would be no need to access reserve funds even though this project was not originally budgeted, nor would the cost of the improwments have any material effect on the County or the Parks Department's approved budget for FY' 96-97. Gulfeoast L£ttle League Project: Fund 306, Cost Center 156412, Project 80069. RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, approve the attached Inter-Local Agreement between Collier County and Everg~e~ City, authorize the ~taff to forward this agreement to the Everglades City Council for execution, and authorize a budget amendment fi'om the unspent 306 funds remaining fi'om the C-ulfcoast Little League Pl~se II project to fund the improvements. Prepared and Recommended for approval by: ~'~"?~-~'~.~ ,~~ Thomas ~.~':)'~iff,-]~ se'~dces Administrator IlAR u 1 97 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is cntcred into this ,. day of , 1997, by and I:~ween EVERGLADES CITY, FLORIDA, hereinafter oiled the "City", and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER. COUNTY, FLORIDA, h~n~inafler called the "County". The City and the County are rcferrcd to collectively herein as the "parties". WITNESSETtI: WHEREAS, the parties are interested in providing at each of thc physical facilities of the City addition'fl recreational and other community service programs for residents of thc City and Collier County; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is intended to result in more extensive utilization of thc City's physical facilities to accommodate the contemplated activities, and WHEREAS, in thc interests of providing the additional community services to the public with the least exp~diture of public funds, full cooperation between the County and the City is called for, and WHEREAS, the parties have authority to enter into this Agreement with each other and to do ali things nppropriate to aid and cooperate with each other in the cultivation of good citizenship by providing additional programs of community services and rocreational and social activities. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the benefits each to the other the patxies alpze as follows: 1. FACILITY IMI~ROVEMENTS. The County will provide r~'urfacing of the City's basketball court, tennis courts, repair perimeter fencing and improve the lighting within City's City Park. All improvements will be completed by the County using County .funds. The City will obtain and/or provide all permits necessary to commence any improvements. All City Park facilities before and following these improvements will r~'nain in the ownership ofthe City. Page l of 3 2. SCHEDULING EVENTS. The County shall be allowed access and use of the City Park facilities for any summer camp or after school programs that it conducts in the Everglades City area at no charge. In scheduling events or programs at thc City Park, the City's events and programs shall have first priority for use. Schedules of dat.es,'times for thc use of the City facilities will be worked out from time-to-time in advance by thc parties. Those schedules will be arranged to avoid timduse conflicts. 3. The City shall be consulted in the planning and administering of any County program to be conducted at the City Park. 4. The County will provide its own personnel as determined to be adequate by the County, to superv/se the County's activities which will take place at the City Parle. All personnel provided by the County shall be under the supervision ofthe County. 5. The County shall furnish and supply all expendable mater/als associated with any event that it slxmsors at the City Park. 6. TERM. This Agreement shall become effective and shall remain in full effect for five years commencing on the date of execution and terminating on Match 1, 2001. At that time the County shall have no other rights related to the Park or this Agreement. If this Agreement is terminated by City before the passage of five year~, the City shall reimburse the County according to the following schedule: Termination in the year: 1997 $30,000 1998 $25,000 1999 $20,000 2000 S15,000 2001 $10,000 7. NO ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES. Neither party shall assume the liability of the other. The County shall maintain at all times during the duration of this Agreement and in the event of a claim, insurance equal to the coverage that it normally carries for other similar events or programs conducted at its own facilities. The City will maintain insurance as det¢lmined to be adequate by the City. Page 2 of 3 8. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon action taken by either governing body communicated in writing to the other party. 9. RECORDING. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida. EVERGLADES CITY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By:. Sammy Hamilton, Mayor Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman ATTEST: ATTEST: , City Clerk Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Cluistopher Lombardo City Attorney David C. Weigel County Attorney Page 3 of 3 u 4997 RECO~ENDATION FOR THE BOARD TO CONSIDER A SETTLemeNT AND RELEASE REGARDING A COLLIER COUNT~ EMPLOt'EE. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to review and consider approval of a settlement and release between Collier County and one of its employees. CONSIDERATI~{S: County employee Marsha Litsinger has been employed by Collier County since October 12, 1987. Ms. Litsinger now has an opportunity to work for the City of Naples. She desires to continue part-time employment with the County through October 12, 1997 in crder to attempt to vest with the Florida Retirement System. In the past, differences have arisen between Ms. Litsinger and other County staff which raise the possibility that Ms. Litsinger might make allegations of liability against the County following her separation. County staff unequivocably denies any such potential allegations or liabil]ty. Regardless, the present situation is viewed by Ms. Litsinger and Collier County staff as an opportunity for an amicable separation between Ms. Litsinger and the County. Attached is a proposed draft Settlement Agreement and Release, which provides that the County will allow Ms. Litsinger, pursuant to her request, to work part-time with the County through October 12, 1997, in order to assist her in her attempt to vest with the Florida Retirement System. Ms. Litsinger, on the other hand, agrees to waive any and all alleged potential charges, claims, lawsuits, actions and/or grievances that she may have against the County. The County does not, by this Agreement, promise Ms. Litsinger ~ha~: she shall be vested with the State of Florida, since only the State of Florida can lawfully make that determination. It is important to note that this settlement and release, if approved by the Board, is not any type of precedent in the area of employment relations for the County. Rather, this is a settlement and release which is unique to the specific facts of this situation. FISCAL IMPACT: If this settlement and release is. approved by the Board, the County shall pay Ms. Litsinger at the rate of $20.9648 per -hour, minus payroll deduction, for four hours per week of I MAR- 99'? I good faith, diligent performance of the County's assigned duties to Litsinger. Said payments shall end on October 12, 1997. If the Board does not approve this settlement and release, there may be potential civil liability exposure for the County if any claims or lawsuits are filed against the County. Co~unty staff denies any such allegations of liability and therefore estimate what the alleged potential exposure ~u[ght be. None. REC0~IO~: That the Board of County Co~ssi~rs review and approve the proposed settlement and release betw~e~ ~llier County and Collier County employee Marsha Litsinger to all~ for an amicable separation between the County and this e~loyee and authorize the Chairman to execute a Settl~nt ;~ree~ent and Release in substantially the same form as that attached hereto upon final approval by the County Attorney. Prepared by: Ramiro Ma~alich Michael W. Psttit Office of County Attorney David County Attorney Date DRAFT PREPARED IN ANTICIPATION OF LITIGATION AND REFLECTS A MENTAL IMPRESSION, CONCLUSION, LITIGATION STRATEGY OR LEGAL THEORY OF THE ATTORNEY OR AGENCY AND IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE AS A PUBLIC RECORD PURSUANT TO SECTION 119.07(!1), FLORIDA STATUTES. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE This Settlement Agreement and Release entered into this day of (hereinafter referred to as "LITSINGER") and the Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY"). (hereinafter rcfen'ed to as "Agreement") is ,1997, by and between MARSHA LITSINGER Collier County Board of County WHEREAS, LITSINGER has been employed by COUNTY as a staff member in Naples, Collier County, Florida since October 12, 1987; and WHEREAS, LITSINGER desires to immediately commence employment with the City of Naples, Florida wh/ie at the same t/me working four (4) hours per week for COUNTY until and through October 12, 1997; and WHEREAS, the parti~ de,ire to fully and completely resolve and settle any and all claims, known or unlmown, which the parties had, have or may have relating to the employment or ~on of employment of LITSINGER by the COUNTY. NOW, THEREFO~ in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants herein contained, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows.~' I. LITSINGER hereby voluntarily changes her employment status with COUNTY to part-time effective March 3, 1997, and voluntary tenders her resignation from employment DRAFT effective October 12, 1997 and the COUNTY hereby accepts szfid part-time employment and said resignation on said effective dates. 2. LITSINGER agrees not to Hie any grievances, lawsuits or any other claims that she had, has, or may have relating to her employment or the cessation thereof with COUNTY specifically including, but not limited to, any and/or all of the following types of claims, charges, actions and/or lawsuits: age, race or sex discrimination or any other protected category claim, including sexual harassment; worker's compensation; "whistle blower" claims pursuant to applicable Florida or Federal Statutes; wrongful discharge; civil rights; any claims of alleged deprivation of constitutional rights; unfair treatment claims; intentional infliction of emotion distress; and defamation. 3. Other than as to the express rights and obligations set forth in this Agreement, and in consideration of the provisions, promises, terms and conditions of this Agreement, LITSIq~GER, on behalf of herself and any and all heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, and assigns, hereby UNCONDITIONALLY, FULLY AND FINALLY RELEASES AND FOREVER DISCHARGES County from any and all duties, claims, rights, complaints, charges, damages, costs, expenses, attorneys' fees, debts, demands, actions, obligations, grievances, liabilities, and causes of action, of any and every kind, nature, and character whatsoever, whether known or unknown, whether arising out of contract, tort, statute, settlement, equity or otherwise, whether for~een or unforeseen, whether past, present, or future, whether fixed, liquidated, or contingent, which LITSINGER ever had, now has, or may in the futur~claim to have had against COUNTY, based on any act or omission concerning any matter, cause, or thing before the date of this Agreement and up to the time of execution of this Agreement by all parties, including but not limited to, tho~e matters, causes or thi: 2 Id. - 1997 DRAFT indirectly arising out ora claim or lawsuit as described above in Paragraph 2., or under any other federal, state or local statute or act, ordinance, regulation, custom, rule or policy, or any cause of action in contract or tort, including any intentional torts, or any instruments, agreements, or documents entered into by, between, or among LITSINGER and COUNTY (all of the foregoing is hereinafter referred to collectively as the "released claims"). 4. LITSINGER hereby waives any and all rights she has, had or may have against COUNTY for reinstatement to her former or equivalent job, or to any other position with COUIWI'Y for any reason, or to any other costs or damages whether compensatory, puni'~ive or otherwise. 5. Pursuant to 29 U.S.C. Section 626(0 LITSINGER and COUNTY hereby agree that this Agreement is intended to be and is in fact a knowing and voluntary waiver of any potential Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) claims and/or any potential EEOC claims for all rights being waived under this Agreement. This waiver is recognized by both parties to be provided by LITSINGER in exchange for consideration in addition to rights that she may already be entitled to. Specifically, LITSINGER shall hereby b~ allowed by COUNTY to work as a COUNTY employee on a regular schedule to benefit LITSINGER in her effort to vest in the State of Florida Retirement System. COUNTY does not, by this Agreement, promise LITSINGER that LITSINGER shall be so vested, since only the State of Florida can lawfully make that determination. LITSINGER is hereby provided seven days following the execution of this Agreement to r,zvoke her waiver of ADEA claims, as required by the ADEA. "6. Upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times and places, LITSINGER hereby agrees to meet with COUNTY's attorneys concerning any COUNTY personnel or employment ma,.,ters about which she has knowledge as a result of her employment with DRAFT LITSINGER also hereby agrees to voluntarily and truthfully testify upon request of the COUNTY in any employment or per,ariel litigation in any administrative or judicial forum, at lea.st to the extent she has knowledge about the matters in dispute as a result of her employment with COUNTY. 7. COUNTY agrees to pay LITSINGER at the rate of $20.9648 per hour, minus payroll deductions, for four hours per week of good faith, diligent performance of the COUNTY'S assigned duties to LFrSINGER. Said payments shall end on October 12, 1997. COUNTY shall also pay said hourly rate for any additional hours of work requested by COUNTY and agreed to be p~-n'formed by LITSINGER. This hourly pay rate shall be a full and complete settlement, and shall represent all monies to which LITSINGER is, may be, or claims to be entitled from COUNTY upon satisfaction of the requirements set forth in this Agreement. 8. Each party agrees to waive the right to seek payment of attorney fees or costs, which have been or may be incurred in the allegations referenced herein, and both parties agree to pay for their respective attorney's fees and costs. 9. LITSINGER represents and warrants to COUNTY that she is authorized to enter into and that she has the authority to perform the terms of this Agr~'ment and that she has not sold, assigned, transferred, conveyed, or otherwise disposed of all or any portion of the released cla~ras. 10. This Agreement is the result of a compromise of disputed actual and/or potential claims and it is understood that the execution and performance of this Agreement by COUNTY does not constitute, nor shall it be construed as, a precedent of any kind or an admission that COUNTY has violated any statute, rule., regulation or ordinance of the United States or the State of Florida, or breached any duty owed to LITSINGER under Federal, State or local 4 DRAFT or practice, with respect to LITSINGEK'S employment, or in any other matter, or that any of LITSINGER's claims have any merit whatsocvcr. COUNTY explicitly denies any such wrongdoing. 11. If any provision of; this Agrecment or the application thereof to any party or circumstances shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agr~-ment and the application of such provisions to any other party or circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. 12. This Agr~.'ment shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Any litigation regarding this Agreement shall be conducted in the Circuit Court in and for Collier County, Florida. 13. The parties hereto agree that this Agreement con.,~tutes the entire agreement between LITSINGER and the COUNTY and that there exists no other agreements, oral or written, between them relating to any matters covered by this Ag;reagent or any other matter whatsoever. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior agreements and understandings. 14. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to bc an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same This Agreement is binding on each of the parties and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. 16. Except as expressly provided for h~ the parties represent and warrant that in executing this Agreement, they do not rely upon and have not relied upon any oral or written representation, promise, warranty or understanding mad~ by any of the parties or their representatives wiih regard to the subject matter, basis or effect of this Agreement. 5 17. Agreement A~eement. The parties acknowledge that each parry has participated in the drafting of this and each has had an equal opportunity to participate in the drafting of this No ambiguity shall be construed against any party based upon a claim that the party drafted the ambiguous language. 18. The parties acknowledge and assume the risk that facts, additional and different or contrary to the facts which they believe to exist, may now exist or may be discovered after this Agreement has been entered, and the pa~ies agree that any such additional, different or contrary facts shall in no way limit, waive, affect or alter this Agreement. 19. This Agreement, consisting of seven (7) pages, is freely and voluntarily entered into by the parties, and each has had the opr~ortunity to obtain the advice oftheir respective legal counsel prior to sliming this Agreement. Each party acknowledges that they have read this Agreement and has had the opporiunity to have this Agreement fully explained by counsel of choice, and that they understand the words, terms, conditions and legal significance of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, Chairman (! MARSHA LITSINGER STATE OF FLORIDA COLLIER COUNTY Sworn to and subscribed MARSHA LFrSINGER who before me this . day of is persoually known to me as identification. or who has , 1997 by produced Notary Signature Printed Name and Commission gtExp. RAMIRO MAI~I~ Chief Assistant County Attorney MARIE MATTOX Attorney for Marsha Litsinger 7 ncc ^~E~^ LELY G0t.~ ESTATES BEAUTIFICATION (IS2) Lel~ Golf Esme~ Beautification Total 0 C~bI~ TV opera, s F. xpeme Total Expenditur~ ave Io ammodat~ the reJo~atto~ ofotTi~es and the woeksmion fr~ the addition ora se~x, tnrial ,~it~ t. ~ om= ofF.,~t~ ,,,d~t,t~.t~ = ~ ~/0. c~/~., ..... AGENDA NAR - ~ Pg. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND FII~E GRANi b(i 18) BUDGET AMENDMENT 9'7-181 F..merteflc'v Management Adminis~atiofl Capital Outlay (Bids. lmp~v./Hvy. Equip.) 'Foul $14,000 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE March 4, 1997 FOR BOARD ACTION: Certificate of Correction: NEED MOTION authorizing the Chal=Jan to lign Certificate of Correction to the tax rolls as presented by the Property Appraiser's Office. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. Miscellaneous Items to File For Record With Action AB Heritage Oreens Cmmunity Develolmen~ -November 12, Deoe~ber 9, December 16, December 23 and Deoe~ber 27, 1996.