Agenda 02/25/2004 W COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOINT WORKSHOP AGENDA WITH EVERGLADES CITY COUNCIL County Commissioner Boardroom W. Harmon Turner Building, 3rd Floor 3301 East Tamlami Trail, Naples FL 34112 February 25, 2004 9:00 a.m. Donna Fiala, Chairman, District 1 Fred W. Coyle, Vice-Chairman, District 4 Frank Halas, Commissioner, District 2 Tom Henning, Commissioner, District 3 Jim Coletta, Commissioner, District 5 NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY MANAGER PRIOR TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2003-53 REQUIRES THAT ALL LOBBYISTS SHALL, BEFORE ENGAGING IN ANY LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS), REGISTER WITH THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AT THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL RECEIVE UP TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS THE TIME IS ADJUSTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY WHO NEEDS ANY ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING, YOU ARE ENTITLED, AT NO COST TO YOU, TO THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE COLLIER COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA, 34112, (239) 774- 8380; ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. 2. 3. 4. Pledge of Allegiance Discussion regarding future operations of Everglades Airpark Public Comment Adjourn E ECUTIV,E SUMMARY DISCUSSION WITH THE EVERGLADES CITY COUNCIL REGARDING FUTURE OPERATIONS OF THE EVERGLADES AIRPARK OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners and the Everglades City Council to determine if the Everglades Airpark should be deeded to the City of Everglades and provide staff direction. CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County acquired the Everglades Airpark from Everglades City Properties, Inc. on June 18, 1968 by warranty deed (Attachment A). The property currently consists of 31.72 acres (Attachment B) and is zoned Aviation Commercial (AC). AC zoning limits the use of the property to aviation-related uses, related commercial and light-industrial uses, and a limited range of convenience commercial uses. The 2003 final tax roll value of the property as currently zoned is $788,202 (Attachment C). On December t, 2003, the Everglades City Council passed Resolution No. 2003-05 (Attachment D), stating their opposition to the Board of County Commissioners consideration of discontinuation of the Everglades Airpark and the Council's intention to attempt to take possession and continue the operation of the Airpark on behalf of the Everglades City community. The Resolution was presented to the Board of County Commissioners during discussion of item 1 OB "Review Staff Recommendations for Further Assessment of Alternative Administration of the Collier County Airport Authority and Ordinance Revisions and Provide Direction" at the December 2, 2003 regular Board meeting. On December 4, 2003, Commissioner Henning sent a letter (Attachment E) to the Collier County Airport Authority informing them of future actions directed by the Board. Item 3 in the aforementioned letter instructs the Airport Authority to request the Everglades City Council meet to establish a line of communication and open discussion to evaluate options and determine what, if anything, should be done with the Everglades Airpark. Subsequently, the Airport Authority Chairman and staff, and the County Manager and staff, met on two occasions with the Everglades City Mayor and several Everglades City residents to discuss Airpark operations. The County's cost incurred in the operation of the Airpark for the last 10 years was discussed. Actual and estimated operating expenses (both direct and indirect) and County grant match expenditures over a 10-year period from FY 1995 through FY 2004 total $1,427,872 (Attachment F). From FY 1996 through FY 2003 the total amount of grant funds expended totaled $1,608,863, including $430,987 in County matching expenses. Should the Board choose to proceed in deeding the Airpark property to the Everglades City Council, staff recommends consideration of the following: The deed should include a reversionary clause to the effect that the Everglades City Council will operate the Airpark or it will revert back to the County for further disposition, which Everglades City will support. That the current agreement in effect between the County and the Collier County Airport Authority for repayment of county advances should the airports become self- sufficient be incorporated in the transfer of ownership. That the City Council. assumes and agrees to all of the liabilities and obligation~s that the Collier County Airport Authority agreed to assume, including grant agreements. A possible exception may be made for tenant and other subleases and non-grant related contracts that may be terminated by the Airport Authority or assumed by the City Council, whichever is determined more beneficial to the entities involved. The deed should be contingent upon the obtainment of any necessary approvals, including, but not necessarily limited to, those from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The City Council should propose their intention to either operate the Airpark utilizing the existing Collier County Airport Authority or establish their own Airport Authority. The Collier County Airport Authority Ordinance may need to be revised and the curren_t lease agreement with Collier County terminated. 'Ihere may be additional legal or other requirements involved in deeding the Airpark to Everglades City that are not specifically addressed in this Executive Summary. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the discussion of this item. The fiscal impact associated with any subsequent transfer of the Airpark to the Everglades City Council will be determined at the time that such is formally presented to the Board. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact on the Growth Management Plan (GMP) associated with this item. The GMP sets no Level of Service Standards (LOSS) for airports or support facilities; therefore, airports and their support infrastructure are not inventoried public facilities. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board, after discussion with the Everglades City Council, provide staff direction on future actions. SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: Winona Stone, Assis~a~t to the County Manager ~. Date: ~~~ ~--~-~'/t~David Weigel, Co ~, Cowry M~ager ATTACHMENT A q ~1~ 284 1'his' ~ ~ ~-.,~ .~ '~, / ~ ~', ~~ ~' ~" Everg~dis City Propergies, Inc., ~'20 Ll~in R~d, c/o Collier County a ~l~i~l subfl.i~isioa of t~ State cf Flcri~. ~ples, Florida. SEE ATTACHEI) DESCRIPTION l~HIC..li IS I. IEREBY IdA.DE A PART OF TltlS DF. ED. LO LL. Z AIRPORT A p~rtion of tracts J,P,O, and Q, Town of Everglades as recorded in Pl~t Book 1, at Pages 92, 93, and 9~, in the Public Records o~ Collier County, Florida more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land lying southwesterly~ of a line 250~00 feet northeasterly an(] ~mrallel of ~he cen~e~ l~ne of ~ ~erg~des Airpor~ runway and i~s ~xtension from Chokoloskee ~Y to ~ron River, Co ~okoloskee ~Y on the souLhwesc, ~id center line descried as follows: Commencing a~ the N.E. corner of the N.W. ~ of ~he N.W.% of SecLio~, 23, Township 53 Sou~h, Range 29 Eas~, Tal~ahassee Meridian ~own of Everglades (now City) Collier Count~, Florida. Thence S 89° 59' 20" W alon~ north line of the N,W. ~ of N.W.% of Sa/d Sec:ion 23, 93~.51 ~ee~ ~o a point on the said center line of runway; ~h~nce S 3~" 27~ 02" E alo~ said cen£ur line 11~5,14' fee: ~o an iron pipe marki~ the shorelin~ of Chokoloskee Bay ~r~d being "The Poin~ of Be§~nntn~" ~hence N 30" 27' 02" W along said cen~er llne and its extensions 2~58.31 feet to an iron pi~e marking =he shorelir~ o£ B~rron River,.end of centex line description; excep~ the ~as= 105 feet more or less of the said'N,g~ % of the N.W. % of said Sec=ioo 23. Containing 27.30 acres more or less. PARKING LOT C~.~encing at t~e H.E. corner of *he N.W. % of the N.W. % of Sec=ion 23, Township 53 South, Ramge 29 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Everglades City, Collier Coun=y, Florida thence $ 89° 59' 20" W along north line of the N.W. ~ of N.W. ~ of said SeCtion 23, 93~.51 feet LO a point on the center line of Everglades Airport runway; ~hence $ 30~ 2~7' Ol" E along said cen~er llne of runway 12.50 fee~ ~o a point; ~hence N 59" 32' 58" E 250.00 feet to a poit~ un the northeasterly boundary line off Airpor~ property being "The' Pnimt of Beginning" thence continuing N 59" 32' 58" E 200 feet to a point; thence $ 30" 27' 02" E 600 fee= to a point; ~hence $ 59" 3~' 58~' g 200 feet ~o a point; on =he aforesai~ northeasterly boundary line; ~hence N 30" 27' 02" g along said northeasterly boundary line 400 fee= ~o ~he Point of Beginnin~ containi~ 1.S& acres more oP less. Flo~-d~, and ~BEREAS, the land involved and ~esl; ~orf~ co~ora~, ~ ~e~ed tn Official Page ~60. . , of ~ ~1~ ~ecor~ of Collter Co~, ~da, and p~opert7 r~.ghLs of Collier County in and Co the portion o£ the pre- m~ses hero.afoot descr/bed, NO~. ~IEREI~, ?~. ~SETH:. c.hac for and in conside~Cion of ~e ~Ses dollar ~d ocher g~d and val~ble c~sid- eratf~s, ~id. rec~'~ which Is here~ ack.lodged. C~ '~der- si~ed subor~uaC~ sa~d ~c~h~ance co ~e pr~er~ r/gh~ o~ Co111er ~, ~, ~ ~r~ase, ~ntaln ~d improve ~ said a~C, ~e~ ~d u~ ~ [o!l~n; descrlbed lan~, betn~ a ~on of ~e ~ered pr~s~ ~n Collier ~n~, ~or~, scold a~d a~;~eed ~hac ~s ~~ s~o~d~na~ sa~d ~, ~n. ~ ~e ~ ~ ~nd spec~cal!~ a~ove described, and ~a~ no~ ~re~n c~d shall ~n any ~aY ~=e or ~, ~e e~CC of,se~d enc~r~ce c~,~, ~e ~l ~O~C of all s~ sec~ed ~ ~ ~ ~d~ ~e s~.' It ~ ~ ~tood and e~ed ~hat Co~ler ~y, b~ ~ r~sa, sho~d fail Co ~se, Sep~ ~, 1968,: s~d 1,~ ~Sc~ ~ $~e~e i a~c~ ~, ~s ~~,~a Of said ~c~rance shall ce~ and before ~c~d ~ as ~f ~e s~r~C!~ ~d a~r be~ ~. ~ ~3 ~OF, Cold,er D~elo~nC ~a~, Ch~ hol~ of ~id ~r~e, has ~y ~ecu~ ~!s ~ns~c ~s 19'7 A porulon o£ =raczs J,?,¢, a~ Q, Town o£ EvezELa~ms as r~co=dad in PLa: Book l, aZ Pages 92, 93, and 9&, in :~ described as follows: Ai~o~ ~u~y a~ ~ extension ~o~ Cho~oskem River, ~o ~bs~e ~y on chi sou=hwes~, descend ~ folly&; S~$=ion ~, To--hip 53 Sou=h, R~e 29 ~s~, ~l~ssee ~r~d!~-, T~ of Evmr~des {~w Ci=y) ~llimr Counay, Flori~. ~ S 89' 5~' 20" ~ aion~ north li~' o~ ~ o~ ~i~ Section ~, 936.51 fee= ao a point on li~ of ~my; n~n~ S 30' ZT* 02" E along ~id 11~5.~ fe8~ ~o an iron Dips r~rki~ Z~ s~r~ ~ N.~. ~ of ;~ N.W..% off said Seczion 23. 2~.30 a~es more or less. PARKIXG LOT of Sec:ion 23, Tow~sh/p 53 Sou=h, .Ran~ 29 ~sz, Tal~see F~rid~n. Ever~l~es Ci:y, Collier County, Flori~ =~nce ~9" 59' 20" ~ alon~ nor:~ li~ of =he N.W. % of N.~. % of ~td Section ~, 9~.51 f~e= =o a poin= on ~he can=er line O~ Ever~lad~ Airport ~ay; =~nce S 30e 27' 02" E said cenmer li~ of ~ay 12.50 feeC =o a poin:; ~ 5~° 32' 5~" E ~01OO faea ~o a poinu on =he nor=heas~erly bounda~ li~e of ~rpo== property ~ln~ '~ Point of lir~ u~ N 30° 17' 02" ~ =lonE s~d nor~aa=arly !i~ AG0 fa~: zo ~ Poin= of ~a&i~!n~ con~i~n~ 1.8~ acres ) cotml~ oF COLL~:R ) duly au~h~ized ~ the S~e and Co~ af~esaid ~o ta~ ~- / ~11 ~ to M ~o be the/ Vi~ ~s~e~ a~ ~, res~c=~vely o~ ~ coati,ion ~ed as firs: ~rty ~ =he f~- soin~ i~==~n=, a~ ~a= they sevexa11~ ac~led~ed execuCin~ ~e day of ~une _.. , A.D. 1968. G 1N~llAIHDVJ_I.V Details Folio No.~ 8~911~C1)00t ~ Current Ownership ProPerty Add'Ir 30803 $R 2~) Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT C Addres~e~Jj (EVERGLADES AIRPORT) ............. ,,,, ,,, ~ 3301 TAMIAMI TRL E BLDG F c.~ll .A;L~S ' # statelJFL Jl zlpl a41 a 2 - 4902 LegalJJ EVERGLADES, TOWN OF, TR P, Jj THaT PORTION TRACT~"'~Ii O ~ AIRPORT OR 2~ PG 1OF 29,14 ............ J,,, s.cflo. il Sub No. I ~'U"Co., 2003 Final Tax Roll Values Land Value ....... ..,..., $ 2'~ ,'500'i'0'0 j(+) Improved Value , ,, $ 496,702.00 J f=} Market Va, lue $ 788,202.00 (=} Assess~ Value $ 788,202.00 ~) Homestecd a~ otb~[..~.~.~¢pt Value $ 788,202.00 Latest Sales History Date JJ BOOk- Pa;o , II Amount I $OH = "Save Our Homes" exempt value due to cap on assessment ~creases. The Information is Updated Weekly, http://www.colliemppraiser.com/RecordDetail.asp?FolioID=0000083491800001 82/86/2884 i1:82 8136953028 CITY OF EVERGLADES PAGE 81 ATTACHMENT D RESOLUTION NO. 2003-05 SERIES 2003 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE EVERGLADES CITY, FLORiDA ESTABLISHING A POSITION OPPOSING T}IE DISCONTINUATION OF TIlE EVERGLADES A1RPARK WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Everglades City, Florida, has determined that the Everglades Airpark provides a unique and supportive position in the needs, desires, problems and necessities which confront, and m'e experienced by the people of Everglad~ City; and WHERE, AS, the City Council believes that as inheritors of the community, are certainly deserving of a voice md r~presentation, in efforts adopted by the City to identify and resolve issues which concern the Everglade~ Airpark; and WltEREAS, the business conducted in Everglades City arriving at Everglades Airpark contributes significantly to the vitality of the City's economy and trade; and WHEREAS, the Everglades Airpark is the most convenient runway to medical facilities for transport of critically itl patients and donor organs; and WI:IE, KEAS, the City Council feels it is important to provide an opportunity for the community of Everglades City to acquire the Everglades Airpark and continue to operate the Airpark in order to continue providing for the commm~ity and appreciate its use th. rough participation; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EVERGLADES CITY, FLORIDA: The City Council of Everglades City openly opposes the discontinuation of the l~verglades Airpazk. The purpose of the Airpark is to provide to the needs of the cormnunity not only for day-to-day business activities, but also in times of emergency. The City Council intends to use its best efforts to take possession and continue the operation of the Airpark on behalf of the Everglades City Community. INTRODUCED, READ, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Everglades City, Florida, this/._~ ,day of _~.~,nl)df_ 2003. ~2/86/28~ 11:~2 ~i3~953e2e CITY GF EVERGLADES PAGE ~2 ATTEST: ATTACHMENT E 3301 East Tarniarni Trail · Naples, Florida 34112 - 4977 (239) 774-8097 · Fax (239) 774-3602 Donna Fiala District t Frank Halas December 4, 2003 District 2 Tom Henning District 3 Mr. Dennis Vasey, Chairman F~ed W. Coym Collier County Airport Authority District 4 Jim Coletta 2003 Mainsail Drive District 5 Naples, FL 34114 Dear Mr. Vasey: This correspondence is to inform you of the Board of Cotmty Commissioners actions at our December 2, 2003, meeting regarding item 1 OB, "Review Staff Recommendations for Further Assessment of Alternative Administration of the Collier County Airport Authority and Ordinance Revisions and Provide Direction". After review of staff recommendations, the Board directed the following actions: 1.. Request that thc Naples City Council and Naples Airport Authority enter into discussion with the Collier County Airport Authority to determine it' there are opportunities for the entities to work together to increase economic viability (economies of scale) and improve aeronautical activities throughout Collier Count,./. 2. Request that Commissioner Coyle, as the Board's Airport System Assessment liaison, participate in any discussions between the Naples City Council and the two Airport Authorities. 3. Request that the Everglades City Council meet with the Collier County Airport Authority to establish a line of Communication and open discussion to evaluate options and determine what, if anything, should be done with the Everglades Airpark. Input from Everglades City residents should be solicited prior to m',.tking such determination. At the current time the Board does not consider selling the Everglades Airpark property as a viable option. 4. The Collier County Airport .Authority is directed not to expend any Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant funds on the Everglades Airpark until the disposition of item 3 is determined. 5. The Collier County Airport Authority is directed to outsource the Immokalee Regional Airport IndtuTcriaI Park as recommended by the Economic Development Council. 6. The Collier County. Airport Authority is directed to advertise a Request for Proposal (RFP), including a one-quarter page advertisement to be nm in the Wall Street Journal, describing the Immokalee Airport facilities and soliciting proposals for utilization and operation of the Airport. 7. The Airport Authority is to provide the Board with a status report on the above items no later than the joint Board/Airport Authority Workshop to be scheduled prior to the submission of the Authority's FY, 05 budget request. In addition to the above, the Board has directed staffto draft several amendments to the Airport Authority Ordinance. Staff was 'also directed to revise the references to "net income" status for determining when repayments are required, contained in the July 25, 1995 Collier County/Airport Authority Agreement ibr Repayment of County. Advances to the Airport Authority, to wording acceptable to the Clerk of Courts. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding the actions taken by the Board. /v~rws C: Board of County Commissioners Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts Jim Mud& County Manager David Weigel, County Attorney Mayor Bonnie MacKenzie, City 0fNaples Dr. Robert Lee, Naples City Manager Mayor Sammy Hamilton, Jr., Everglades City Tammy Smallwood, Everglades City Council Chairperson Peter Eschauzier, Naples Airport Authority Chairman Ted Soliday, Naples Airport Authority Executive Director Gene Schmidt, Collier County Airport Authority Executive Director ATTACHMENT F