Agenda 09/17/1997 BNOTICE: COLLIER COLrNTY BOARD OF COUNTY C..9MM~$$IONER5 AGENDA Wedneaday, Septeml~er 17, 1997 5:05 p.m. ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. AN'( PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, ANI3 THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, W'HICH RECORD INCLUDES TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRANTED BY THE C1-LAIRMAN. I. I~NVOCATION - Rev. James R. Kuse, East Naples United Methodist Church 2. _PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE 3-. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING - BCC - Fiscal Year 1997-1998 Tentative Budget. ' A. Discussion o£Millage Rates Funding the 1998 Budget B. Discussion of Further Amendments to the Tentative Budget C. Wrap-up Items D. Public Comments and Questions E. Resolution lo Amend the Tentative Budgets F Public Reading of the Taxing Authority Levying Millage, the Name of the Taxing Authorixy, the Rolled-Back Rate, the Percentage Increase. and the Millage Rate to be Lev/ed G. Adoption of Resolution Setting/vlillage Kin'es It Resolution to Adopt the Final Budget by Fund 4..ADJOURN Collier County, Florida Property Tax Rates FY 98 Proposed Millage Millage 0.0.152 -4.6% 3.7316 2.1% 0.1950 49.4%1 0.1028 45_2¥,,l :.: 023658. :: ': i. !Water Poi ution Come,al 114 0.0489 ~') Dis~t 2 103 ~ ' 0.0736 0.0708 ~c 5 I~ 02281 0.2219 0.3016 ~1~ ~ Co--mW C~er 130 03133 0 3074 0.3189 ]Vic~m p~ ~e 134 0.3755 0.3~0 0.24l I -33.5~ ~ F~e Con~l I ~6 2.~ 2.6268 2.~53 Ro~ B~fi~fion 150 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ INIA ~lf ~t~ Bmufifi~n 152 1.5~ 1.4597 1.~ 2.8% ~:~ Ro~way & ~ge ~S~J 155 0.~ 0.~ 0.2457 IN/A ~JB ~b~ ~mic~ 2~ 0.0583 00567 0 0535 -5.6% ot'C~d M,micip~ R~:t~ 244 0.2~7 0.2023 0.2074 2.5~ jColfi~Co~ Ligh~g 7~ . 02536 0.24~ ;0~353. · P~'~fion P~ Stre~ Li~ng 770 0~ 0.~ 0.~5 ~NIA Bay MS3~ {J 778 0.30t2 0.2929 0.2768 -5.5% ~e~atc Millage Rate 4.4903 4.349d 4.4908 3.2% AGENDA ITEM No. ,-3 (/O,J_ SEP 17 1997 Pg. / ___ Collier County, Florida Property Tax Dollars FY 98 Proposal Walcr Pollution Co,nCrol 114 $84.265 92S/,g6 gg2.700 -4 Total Co~,n~ ;Vide Tases Levied 61,227.b55 71.375.433 72.$75,200 2.15 Road Dish'-icl 2 103 416.O45 442.87R 643,000 Rosd Di~..~-ict 5 10~ 2')'3,953 254.617 386.900 35.9'/. ,x .,~,~,~x ~x,.~?. ~.. ,~>,~ .~.,, ~ ~ ..~ ~ ~, .~....., .~. ~. · ,;... . :,~-. ~, ~ ...~, . .... ~ ?.~, :~ ~>~-"-'.'7' :.':?"'" '~ ...~ ~ Golden Gate ~mmuni~ Ccnl~ 130 I~,~6 202.~3 ~.~ 3.~/. Pine Ridge Industr'Lal Park. 140 19.g29 20.518 0 -100.0'% O~n Oa~c Pa~sy ~ uU fit~ ~ I ~ 179.635 1B2.039 I S5.~ 1.6% ~h~ Fire ~ 146 285.686 2~.246 ~ly Golf E~tes B~uufi~n 152 98.5~ 99. I 19 l01 .~ 2.7% Forcs~ ~kcs R~way ~ ~r~gc MS~J 155 0 0 22.3~ ~/A Isles of Capri Mumci~ R~ 2~ 29.41 S 30,136 30,~ 2.5% N~ple~ P~. Park St Lt~tmng ~0 0 0 1.3~ YN/A Pelion Bay MSTBU 77R ~83.~ I S24.9~ 4~.~ -5.5% AGENDA ITEM No.__2~[,'~ ) SEP 17 1gg7 pg. 2_._.. SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS DOCUMENTING CHANGES TO THE FY 95 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND ITFLE (NUMBER) NET CHANGE TO FUND TOTAL EXPLANATION C,.cne~l Fund (001) Property Appraiser (060) Tax Collector (070) Supervisor of Elections (080) Road & Bridge (101) Community Development (113) Pollution Control (114) F. mergency Services Misc. Grants (I 18) S469,000 ($2,000) $7,068,498 $30,000 $0 $ 654,500 $3OO $ 53,300 Funding of BCC final salary figures of $3,700, offset by reseawe reduction. Increase ad valorem taxes and reserves by 5900 based on actual (non-rounded) tax levy. Revenue adjustment~ for Marco Island Incorporation and City Council election. (p. 3-5). Budget revisions made by state DOR. (p. 6). Budget submitted 8/1/97 as per Florida Statutes. (p. 7). Funding for Marco Island City Council election. (p. 8). Lease/purchase payments made from operating expenses, not capital outlay. Decrease reserves $8,600 based on final lease contracts. (p. 9). Increased carryforward from additional FY 97 permit revenue and DP consultant contract canceled, with balance of work budgeted to be completed in FY 98 by IT Department. (p. to). Increase in ad valorem due to rounding adjustment in calculation. (p. 11). An increase in the Emergency Management Preparedness Enhancement Grant funding, the HAZMAT Grant funding and a revised carryforward projection. (,p. 12). AGEND^JTE4M No. _3 SEP 17 1997 SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS DOCUMENTING CI~ANGES TO THE FY 95 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND TITLE (NUMBER) NET CHANGE TO FUND TOTAL EXPLANATION Immokalee Beautification (156) Public G~ardia~ahip (1~2) Tourbt Development (194) Tourist Development (195) Naplea Park A~sessment ilond~ (226) Itealth Unit Computer D~ Service (255) Speci~! Obligation Rt:veasue Bond (290) Comn~rcial Paper Debt Couutywide Capi~i Projects Fund (aoi) Parks Co~a~,,-,tion Fund (306) ($58,500) $0 SO $218,~00 (~55,0o0) $4,468,200 ($3,267,700) $457,400 $ I, 102.200 Recognize $100,000 FDOT grant; balance of lighting project funded by r~erves as approved by the BCC. (p. 13). Program administered by 20'~ Judicial Circuit. (p. 14). $1,152,000 in tourism promotion contracts funded from reserves, as approved by the BCC. (p. 15). $701,300 in beach re. nourishment projects funded from reserves, as approved by the BCC. (p. 16). Debt service on ~ssessment bond. (p. 17). Final debt payment marie early; fund be closed out. (p. 18). Debt service on issue that converted a portion of commercial paper debt to a fixed rate. (p. 19). A portion of outstanding debt converted to fixed r~te and budgeted in a sep~rnte debt service fund. (p. 2o). Revised project fore*~st/carryfor~rd. Includes funding for space plan, r~serves, and Sta~e Attorney/Public Defender computers. (p. 21). Revised proje-c~ forecast/can3tforward. (p. 22). AGENDA ITF..M S EP 17 ~97 SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS DOCUMENTING CHANGES TO THE FY 98 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND TITLE (NUMBER) NET CHANGE TO FUND TOTAL EXPLANATION Roads cfi, (313) Clam Bay Restoration (320) Road Impact Fee (331) Road Impact Fee (333) Road Impact Fee (334) Road Impact Fee (336) Road Irr~act Fee (338) Rc~d Impact Fee (339) Rc~ Impact Fee (340) Road Assessment Receivable (34 I) $1,393,100 ($216,800) SI,662,700 $976,800 $220,500 $42,800 $171,300 :$7,900 ($163,500) Revised prqject forec~t/canyforward, new FDOT landscaping grant. (p. 23). Project commenced in FY 97; budgeted initially for FY 98. (p. 24). Revised proj.ect and impact fee forecssts. Budget additional project contribution from City of Naples. (p. 2s). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. (p. 26). Revised project and impact fee forecvats. (p. 27). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. (p. 28). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. (p. 29). Revised impact fee forecast. (p. 30). Revised earned interesrdcm'ryforward forecast. (p. 31 ). Reduction in budgeted carryfonv~rd due to increase in forecast intefftmd transfers for Royal Cove Sewc~ Assessment Project (p. 32). Park Impact Fees (345) EMS Impact Fee (350) $122,700 Revised project and impact fee forecasts. Revised debt service. (p. 33). Revised impact fee. forecast. (,p. 34). AG -EJ'~DA ITEM No. 3 (9) . SEP 17 15,97 SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS DOCUMENTING CHANGES TO THE FY 98 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND TITLE (NUMBER) NET CHANGETO FUNDTOTAL EXPLANATION Library Impact Fee (355) Community Paxk Impact Fee (365) Community Park Imp~x:t Fee (368) County Water/Sewer District (40g) County Water/Sewer Debt (410) Water Impact Fees (411) Water C~pit~! (412) Sewer Impact Fees (413) 3,800 S2,500 $2,684,4OO $1,157,400 $2,403,900 $17,200,500 Sl 0,305,200 $6,187,400 Revi~-d project and impact fee forecasts, and debt service on Marco Library expansion. (p. 35). Revised impact fee forecast. (p. 36). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. Pc. vised carry forward from increased FY 97 user fee forec~ts (p. 3g-39). Revised assessment revenue projections and increase in FY 98 debt service costs due to bond buy- downs. (p. 40). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. Revised funding plan for WTP expansion. Ali changes included in CC'vVSD Financial Plan. (p. 41). Revised project forecasts. Includes BCC approved Backflow Cross Connection project. Ail changes included in CCWSD Financial Plan. (p. 42). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. Revised funding for several projects from user fees to impact fees, All changes included in CC%VSD Financial Plan. (p. 43). SEP 17 19~7 SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS DOCUMENTING CHANGES TO THE FY 9g TENTATIVE BUDGET NET CHANGE TO EXPLANATION FUND TITLE (NUMBER) FUND TOTAL Sewer Capital (414) Goodland Water (441) Solid Waste Grant~ (472) $2,159,300 ($33,700) $2,500 Revised project forecasts and carry forward. All changes included in CCWSD Financial Plan. (p. 44). lncreazed debt service forecast due to bond buy downs. (p. 45). Revisions based on final grant award notification. (p~ 46). AGENDA I/~E~ SEP 17 1997 pg. Tentative C,i~,~ Divisiona 43,435, 100 P,s~scrres 5,579,200 Tot-I Appropriai{ons I 17,472,500 Ad VaJor~n Taxes 71,991,600 Sta~ I~eaue Sharing 5,145,100 ~ Sates Tax 15,294,600 Depattm~ Revenue~ 4,870,700 ~o,~,,~ ~2,~ ~ 5,900 CN~a~r 7,954,600 469,003 117,941 ,_500 0.4'/,, 9O0 71,992,500 0.0% 437,500 5,.582,d00 8.5% (652,200) 14,642,400 -4.3'/, (20,000) 4,850,700 -0.4% 689,500 12,905,400 5.6% 13,300 7,967,900 0.2% 117,472,500 469,000 117,941,500 0.4% rY ~'7 Re't~ue So~,r~- S,~ T~ {~--,~au, Sl~-in~ Bc~ch Paxkin~ Fe~ A. To~ai FY 97 Addltl~.nal Rt~'enue ~ ~ CF [nc) Tentative Revi..,~d ] 7,442,200 { 7,850,000 5,405,400 5,759,600 522,500 450,000 3542OO C. Total Additional Revenue (A + i{) ruved U~ of Add Cloud{ Reve_nne Stab: A~omcyYPub'~ D~fender Computers R~:~ore Fhnd (301) .,'~erv,-, (budg~ m'~endments approved by BCC) C~tltpus ~ Ph~ (pro$~sed for S~:pt. 9, 1997 BCC agenda). D. Total Approveg U~.es K. Ne~ Adjustment m Contingency R~serf~ (C - D) Incorporation Net (1,163.500) 17,g36.500 ({ 8 { 3OO) 5,951,000 0 500,000 0 (5,124,500) Variance (652200) 437,500 (~O,OOO) 1330O $ 438,100 161,000 115,700 216,000 $ 492,7~ 4 .(:>42,400 3, { 94. l fY.) 5,582,600 368,400 Total Marco Island 17,836,500 I, 163,500 5,951,000 I 81,900 Grand T o_ta/ $ 19.000,000 $ 6,132,900 AGENDA .[YEM S EP 17 1997 Pg..,. 6