CAC Minutes 01/08/2004 RJanuary 8, 2004 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, January 8, 2004 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F, third floor, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARDROOM, of the Government Complex, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida with the following members present: David Roellig, Vice Chair Anthony Pires James Snediker Bedford Biles William Kroeschell ALSO PRESENT: Ron Hovell, Coastal Projects Jon Staiger, Natural Resource Manager Jack Wert, Tourism NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARDROOM, THIRD FLOOR, W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (ADMINISTRATION), AT THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX, 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA AT 1:30 P.M. ON JANUARY 8, 2004. AGENDA 6. 7. 8. Roll Call Additions to Agenda New Business a. Approval of minutes of December 11, 2003 b. Tourist Development Tax Category "A" Funding Policy i. Sponsorship of projects 1. County / City of Naples Beach Renourishment 2. County / City of Naples Beach Annual Monitoring 3. Marco Island Beach Annual Monitoring 4. South Marco Beach Renourishment 5. Hideaway Beach Access Improvements 6. Hideaway Beach Renourishment 7. Hideaway Beach Annual Monitoring ii. 1 O-Year Spending Plan iii.Hideaway Beach: Designation as vital tourism area subject to abnormal erosion c. Hideaway Beach Monitoring 2004 Engineering Services Old Business a. County / City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update i. Public Information Program Phase 2 Proposal ii. Project Scope and Funding iii. Schedule b. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update i. Schedule c. Review of Recommendations made on December 11, 2003 Audience Participation Committee Member Comments Schedule next meeting Adjournment ADDITIONALLY, THIS NOTICE ADVISED THAT, IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND THAT FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. January 8, 2004 CAC Meeting 1. Call to order 2. Roll Call and discussion of vacant seats. Mr. Galleberg and Mr. Pennington were not present due to running for public office. County ordinance 2001.055 precludes political candidates from serving on county advisory boards. Mr. Strapponi resigned. Seats should be filled by next meeting in February. 3. Additions to Agenda- None 4. New Business A)Approval of December 11th Minutes: No changes - Motion to Approve by Mr. Biles, seconded by Mr. Kroeschell Passed 5-0 B) Tourist Development Tax Category "A" Funding Policy Sponsorship of Projects 1. County/City of Naples Beach renourishment 2. County/City of Naples Beach Annual Monitoring 3. Marco Island Beach Annual Monitoring 4. South Marco Beach Renourishment 5. Hideaway beach Access Improvements 6. Hideaway Beach renourishment 7. Hideaway Beach annual monitoring - Mr. Snediker questioned the concept of"sponsorship" and "monitoring." - Mr. Hovell clarified that sponsor handles the action taken on these areas, mostly non-financial, but if TDC dollars are not available, sponsor will be responsible. - Mr. Pires asked if sponsor is the permit holder and Mr. Hovell indicated that it was not necessary. 2 January 8, 2004 - Discussion continued over sponsorship and Mr. Steiger clarified that many factors were dependent on the magnitude of the project. - Timeframe for renourishment needs to be determined by the March meeting. - Funding is available for renourishment but decision needs to be made regarding width, color, height, etc. Committee will need to look to the city for guidance. - Discussion regarding how a project is moved forward regarding sponsorship. - Mr. Snediker outlined the process. He suggested that a draft of an application needs to be made by the county attorney to determine the process. - Mr. Roellig questioned cost sharing and Mr. Hovell confirmed that this would be minimal. - Discussion over inter-local agreements. - Mr. Wert indicated that there is a grant application form that can be tweaked to reflect a sponsorship application. This can be included with letter to the city. - Mr. Hovell indicated that an inter-local agreement will be established by the county attorney's office. 10-Year Spending Plan - Mr. Hovell indicated that a new draft is being developed and will be ready for next meeting in February for review. Hideaway Beach Designation as vital tourism area subject to abnormal erosion - Discussion over access: How is determination made for priority beach? - Deferred by the CAC board because of policy discussions. Public Speaker Mr. John Arceri, representing the City of Marco Island - Clarified that the City resolved to support this policy as well as any resolution that Hideaway Beach is an eligible beach for abnormal/critical erosion. 3 January 8, 2004 - Collier County also identified Hideaway as a seriously eroding beach that needed work. - County has spent millions in the past 10 years to try and stop this. - Also, Hideaway Beach is a high-tourism activity beach. - Erosion will affect Tigertail Beach. - Discussion over full access. Reexamine 200 foot gap that connects Tigertail and Hideaway Beaches. - Eligible TDC funding would require additional walkway. - Pathway issue will be determined in March. - Special taxing district- City will work with Hideaway Beach on this. Should be done by April. Mr. Biles questioned if CAC can declare the area critically eroded. Mr. Hovell confirmed that they could. Motion by Mr. Biles to designate Hideaway Beach as a vital tourist area subject to abnormal erosion with the provision that access adequate to satisfy the policy be provided. Seconded by Mr. Snediker. Passed 5-0. Hideaway Beach Monitoring 2004 Engineering Services Mr. Hovell confirmed that the final cost would be approximately $85,000. Mr. Snediker made motion to allocate funds Seconded by Mr. Biles. Passed 5-0 5. Old Business County/City of Naples Renourishment Update - Implementation of Phase 2 - Project scope and funding - Discussion over schedule and number of meetings 4 January 8, 2004 Mr. Kroeschell made a motion to have 9 meetings at $56,474 Mr. Biles seconded with the caveat that meetings can be lesser than this number and thus decreasing the cost. Passed 5-0 Mr. Roellig asked staff for a Hideaway Beach renourishment update. - Mr. Hovell indicated that time extension would be needed but there would be a definite schedule by the next meeting. Public Speaker Mr. Pennington Requested that the following issues be addressed by the next CAC meeting: - Renourishment - Dredging? How many barges - Beach down time - Will the operation be 24/7? City Council will need to approve - Maxim sea state for dredging? 3 or 4? - Weather delays from consultants? - Can this be done in one season? - Availability of bid specs. - Funding shortfall. Confirm price. $17 million. - Sand sources. Who makes decision? Discussion over bids: Mr. Hovell suggested one price for project start on Nov 1, 2004 and one for Nov 1, 2005. Review of recommendations made on December 11 - Increased budget on engineering services by $425,000. Approved and done. - Tasks 1 and 2 to be performed on Wiggins Pass Work Order Modification Proposal goes to BCC next Tuesday. 5 January 8, 2004 Public Speaker Mr. Oister, Cape Marco - Who is responsible for the beach at Cape Marco? Cleaning, grooming, landscaping, etc. Confusion over Collier County being responsible or Marco Island. - Cape Marco is not clean. - Mr. Oister wants Marco residents to be responsible for this. CAC recommended that Mr. Oister go to the City of Marco with his concerns and speak with Mr. Arceri. No meeting member comments. Next meeting scheduled for February 12 at 1:30 in BCC Boardroom. Adjournment There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Vice Chair at 3:50 PM. Collier County Coastal Advisory Council Vice Chairperson, Mr. David Roellig 6