LAB Minutes 10/18/2017Naples, Florida, Octobet 18.2017 LET lr BE KNowN that the LTBRARY ADVIsoRy BoARD met on this date in regurar session at 1oi0o a.m. in the Headquarters Library with the following members present: CHAIR: VICE-CHAlRl SECRETARY Loretta l,ilurray - District 1 Connie Bettinger-Hennink - District 3 Joy White - District 4 Marjorie H. Gagnon - District 5 Lynne Nordhoff - District 2 ALSO PRESENT Tanya Williams, Library Director (Absent) April Ristau, Senior Supervisor, Headquarters Library Karen Tibbetts, Administrative Assistant Louise Franck, incoming Vice-President, Friends of the Library Rosemary LaBarge, Senior Librarian, Marketing Lils. Williams was unable to attend today's meeting as she was attending the State public Library Directors Conference in Tallahassee. April Ristau, Senior Supervisor atihe Headquarters Library, will attend in her absence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMUNICATIONS a-Written-None b-Personal-None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Murray asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of September 27, 2017. Mrs. Nordhoff noticed a minor typo. l\,Is. Bettinger-Hennink moved to approve the minutes as corrected. l\rrs. Nordhoff seconded and the motion was carried unanimously. REPORT OF THE FRIENDS. Louise Franck introduced herself as the incoming Friends of the Library Vice-president.. She reported that the FOL office experienced damage from Hurricane lrma, which has since been resolved.. Mrs. Franck reported that the Nick Linn Lecture Series will begin in January with four authors.. She added that the Non-Fiction Author Series will feature three authors in January, February and lrlarch.. [/lrs. Franck encouraged everyone to contact the FOL if they can provide any support to the Library REPORT OF OFFICERS - None PUBLIC COMMENTS - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1) Employee of the Month - October. Ms. Bettinger-Hennink nominated Dorene Shapiro, Library Assistant at the Golden Gate Branch Library, as the October employee of the month. Mrs. Nordhoff seconded the nomination and the motion passed unanimously. 2) Update on Functionality of Self-Check Machines to Notify patrons ofCard Expiration Date. Ms. Bettinger-Hennink asked at the September 27 meeting if the self-check machines could alert a patron that their library card is about to expire. 1 a Ms. Ristau explained that the SlP2 licenses that allows the Sierra ILS to "talk" to the Bibliotheca self-check machine ONLY passes check-out information which includes fines, but no other information (i.e. expiration date information). At present, the technology is not available for the two different software systems to communicate in such a detailed way. NEW BUSINESS I ) Marketing & Programming Librarian, Rose LaBargeo Ms. Ristau introduced the Library's Marketing & Programming Librarian, Rose LaBarge.. Mrs. LaBarge explained that her responsibilities include programming marketing, outreaches, social media posting, and supervising the Mail-a-Book and lnterlibrary Loan Services.o She referenced the results ofthe Visioning Assessment prepared by Stantec, and explained that she uses the guidance of the suggestions when booking presenters for Library programs.o One of the key recommendations made by those surveyed was to create more programming to reach the millennials.. Patrons would also like more evening and Saturday programs to be scheduled.. Mrs. LaBarge explained that the interests of the millennials is challenging, however, they are very interested in Halloween activities.o On Saturday, October 14, the Headquarters Library hosted the first Collier Con event.. Mrs. LaBarge explained that millennials are interested in graphic and visual novels.. These materials help reluctant readers to develop an interest in reading.. This event was based on those interests and featured escape boxes in the new teen room, haunted folklore of Southwest Florida, and showing of the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens along with selfie opportunities.. Many participants came dressed in costume, including parents. The next event will include a costume contest.. The escape boxes provided participants the opportunity to work together as a team and strategically think in order to solve the "mysteries and puzzles" to gather clues to open the locked box.. Library staff were tested prior to the boxes being made to the public.. Pictures were posted on Facebook.o Prior to the event, flyers were posted for interested patrons to meet Library staff at a local restauranUbrewery.. Another resource that the Library subscribes to in order to attract millennials is Hoopla, an online digital media lending website that offers movies, comic books, etc.. Mrs. LaBarge is currently working on outreaches with Goodwill lndustries to help share resources to residents who may be interested in small business loans. The Library subscribes to Mergent lntellect, which is a database that can help to find leads for business opportunities.o The database can provide information on similar businesses in the area and offers information on the contacts of those businesses. Mergent lntellect is featured on the homepage of the Library's website.o Ms. Bettinger-Hennink was interested in social media expansions at the Library.. Mrs. LaBarge is working on adding lnstagram as it is an easier and faster way to provide visuals through social media.o Discussion ensued relating to the preferences of different social media options such as Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.o Ms. Bettinger-Hennink asked how LAB members can help to support the Library.. Mrs. LaBarge replied that she encourages everyone to continue to share Facebook postings with their contacts.o She works with Bill Fassold of the County's Communication & Customer Relations Division who oversees the Library's Facebook page. 2 . Each Library location has a designated staff member who can post information to theLibrary,s Facebook page. Mrs. LaBarge added that the postings do not inctude open-ended questions. lnstead, theyask for suggestions.. Mrs. LaBarge rs partnering with the Naples Daily News to hetp promote upcoming Libraryinformation and programs. ' she is arso working with parent & chird rragazine on an articre on the new teen room at He' Earrier in the year, the Library partnered with NASA through sociai meora, wnicn tea to aNASA scientist to present a program at the Headouarters"Librarv. Mrs. LaBarge reported that the Solar Eclipse events were atso ;ell attended by the event,sexposure on social mediar The Library's 60rh Anniversary Event was canceled due to Hurricane rrma and a 60 %Anniversary Event is being discussed.. Mrs. LaBarge stated that some of the other outreaches that she conducts include a yearlypresentation at the Lorenzo Walker lnstitute, meetings with the Naples pelican Bay itotaryClub, partnerships with the Naples Zoo and School itedia Specialists.. She added that the Library's subscriptjon to BrainFuse Helpilow provides students with a live tutor for homework assistance. BrainFuse JobNow provides career resources to adurts seeking employment opportunities_ lt also helps provide resume assistance, interview tips, skills building assrstance, etc.. l\rrs. LaBarge reported that Library staff provide information on the Library to all new hires and also teach classes to County employees.. She will work on a Facebook presentation to present to LAB members at a future meeting.. Several members will send contact information to other groups and organizations that may be beneficial to the Library. Mrs. LaBarge distributed her business cards to those present. GENERAL CONSIDERATION. Ms. Bettinger-Hennink reported that the Gulf Coast Charter Academy has been using the Golden Gate Library's parking lot as a pick-up and drop-off location for students attending the school.. She is concerned particularly when the students are dropped off at the end of the school day. l,Iany times she has noticed that no parent or guardian is present, and the students enter the library.. She said that some parents treat the Library as an after-school care, and she is concerned about the responsibility it puts on staff at this location. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 1) Stafting Update. Ms. Ristau reported that there are six new employees on-boarding with the Library.. Selections have been made for the Branch lranager positions at the East Naples, Estates and Marco lsland Branches. . . Applicants are currently being interviewed for several Library Assistant positions. 2) 4s Quarter Report / Annual Report. l\rs. Ristau distributed copies of the Library's 4rh Quarter statistics.. She reported that the dips are due to Huricane lrma.. She added that [,ils. Williams will provide annual statistics at the December LAB meeting.3) Update on Phase 3 of RFID. Ms. Ristau reported that Phase 3 of the RFID project has been delayed until November due to various changes in the County's Procurement and project seFup procedures.. Also, the Library continues to have problems with the statistics that are captured from the security gates at the Naples Regional, Golden Gate and Vanderbilt Beach locations. 3 . These issues need to be resolved by Bibliotheca before the installation ofthe Phase 3 equipment. 4) Status of Everglades City Library. Ms. Ristau reported that a triple-wide trailer is being set up in Everglades City to house the City Hall agencies, including a room (approximately 9x10) for the Library.. Ms. Williams recently toured the area and once CenturyLink services are restored to the area, wants to re-establish public computer/internet access, reserves, materials, and a book drop for residents of Everglades City. The Library Advisory Board does not meet in November. The next LAB meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 13,2017 at the Headquarters Library, 2385 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109. Approved by fl"rn Loretta Murray, Chair Library Advisory Board 4 ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Murray asked if there was any more business to discuss. There being no further business to come before the Library Advisory Board, Mrs. Murray announced that the meeting was adjourned at 1 1:00 a.m.