LAB Minutes 08/23/2017Naples, Florida, Augusl 23, 2017
LET lT BE KNOWN that the LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD met on this date in regular session at '10:00
a.m. in the Headquarters Library with the following members present:
Loretta Murray - District 1
Connie Bettinger-Hennink - District 3
Joy White - District 4 (absent)
luarjorie H. Gagnon - District 5 (absent)
Lynne Nordhoff - District 2
ALSO PRESENT Tanya Williams, Library Director
Karen Tibbetts. Administrative Assistant
Carla Grieve, Guest
Mrs. Murray asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of June 21,2017 . No corrections were
noted. Ms. Bettinger-Hennink moved to approve the minutes. Mrs. Nordhoff seconded and the motion
waS carried unanimoUsly.
REPORT OF THE FRIENDS. No representative from the Friends of the Library was present for today's meeting
Mrs. Grieve commented on the success of the recent solar eclipse event held at the Collier County
Public Library.
Others agreed and were happy to hear that those in attendance shared the glasses among each other
Ms. Bettinger-Hennink was pleased to see the library maintaining its presence for all locations on
Facebook and other social media sites, particularly for the eclipse event and results of the summer
reading program.
Ms. Williams wanted to share a Prezi video with those in attendance, but due to technical difficulties,
she will send everyone the link. The video was created by Library staff and featured the ectipse.
1) Employee of the Month - July & August. irs. Bettinger-Hennink nominated Joanne Gardner, Library Assistant at the lmmokalee Branch
Library, as the July employee of the month. Mrs. Nordhoff seconded the nomination and the
motion passed unanimously.. lvls. Bettinger-Hennink nominated Jean Farrar, Library Assistant at the Headquarters Library,
as the August employee ofthe month. Mrs. Nordhoff seconded the nomination and the motion
Passed unanimously.
2) Lib.ary Strategic Plan, including
a. Revised Mission Statement
. l\rs Williams reported that she mailed a draft of the Collier County Public Library
Strategic Plan 2018-2022 in their meeting packet.
. Ms. Williams explained that the Strategic Plan 2018-2022lists the County's ten core
values defined as they pertain to the Library system.. The new mission statement will need to reflect these values.. Discussion ensued regarding the respect value, which states: "We welcome everyone.
We honor diversity, individual perspectives, and the right to privacy and confidentiality.". l\rs Bettinger-Hennink was concerned as to how pedophiles would be handled.. Discussion ensued regarding this matter.. Ms. Williams replied that all County volunteers are screened prior to assisting staff. She
added that staff would not know a patron's background, however, if a patron acted
inappropriately, they can be trespassed.. When asked, l\rs. Williams replied that there have been patrons trespassed across the
entire Library system, and their library cards are blocked.. Fortunately, the Library has patrons that help to'police" other patrons, and will bring any
issues to the attention of staff.
b. Addition of Motto. [,Is. Williams suggested limiting the motto to five words or less.. For example, the County's motto is: Exceeding Expectations Everyday. lvlrs. Nordhoff presented two suggestaons for a Library motto based on the strategic focus
area of the Strategic Plani
1. To support lifelong learning.
2. To stimulate imagination through reading, viewing, and listening.. Ms. Bettinger-Hennink presented another suggestion: Support lifelong leaming and
stimulate imagination.. Discussion ensued, and the final suggestion was: Stimulate lifelong learning and
NEW BUSINESS'l) FY18 Annual Plan of Service. Ms. Williams reviewed the draft copy of the Strategic Plan 2018-2022 with LAB members.. She explained that she did not focus on the previous five-year plan, as she wants to start
fresh.. The Strategic Focus Areas are grouped into three areas: Engage, Empower and Educate.. Each area contains 3-4 goals to reach the areas. lvlrs. Nordhoff asked for clarification to coal 1, Objective 2 under the area of Empower, which
states: "Provide high-speed and WiFi access to the lnternet with no unnecessary restrictions
or fees.". Ms. Williams explained that the key word is "unnecessary'. The Library does not want to
overburden patrons with unnecessary fees. Printing fees are necessary to cover expenses
for equipment and materials. Restrictions such as viewing pornography are necessary.. The Strategic Plan provides an overview regarding how to lead the Library in the next five
years.. The Annual Plan of Service is the step-by-step process as to how we're going to achieve the
five year goal.. l\rs. Williams would like to have the LAB members' feedback regarding what they would like
for the Library to consider for FY18 and other ideas to plan for the next five years.. Ms. Bettinger-Hennink would like to see the Library provide 3D printers.. Ms. Williams replied that the actual Action Plan woutd develop the steps to take to bring 3-D
printers to the Library.. The draft of the Strategic Plan will need to be approved, and can be amended at any time.. Mrs. Nordhoff made a motion to accept the draft of the Strategic plan 20.18-2022 as written.
Ms. Bettinger-Hennink seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Williams' immediate goal for FY18 is to have a Branch Manager at all locations, except
Everglades City.o Applicants will be sought for the Estates, East Naples, and lmmokalee Branches, and
will need to possess Youth Services Librarian skills in order to develop story times.
Equalization of adult programs across the system will include system-wide cultural programs.
o For example, programming at South Regional will be held at other locations.
o Staff are looking into finding new presenters to bring new programming to the Library
system-wide.o The Library will identify branches that can house makerspaces, including technology and
3D printers.
o Ms. Williams stated that last season Naples Regional eliminated registration
requirements for most of their programming and began a firslcome, first-served
o The new process was implemented due to high registration, a 40% no-show rate (or
higheo, not having adequate staff to call patrons to remind them of their program
registrations, and patrons ignoring reminder emails.o Headquarters has been following the same process, and it may be implemented system-
wide.o Another way to allow for more equality for patrons to attend programs was producing a
monthly event guide.o Ms. Williams asked if members recommended any changes regarding the registration of
programs for FY'18. Everyone agreed that if it is working, then it should continue as is.
Discussion ensued regarding the recent eclipse program and the large amount of people who
came for the viewing glasses.o lnitially the Library received 200 glasses for the program, but as more inquiries were
made regarding the glasses, '1250 more were ordered.o The door count at Headquarters on August 21, the day ofthe eclipse, was 3100. The
average door count on a Monday in August is generally 900.o Staff provided bottled water, snacks, and chairs for those standing in line, which
wrapped around the building.o lt was exciting to see the Sugden Theater, courtyard and children's area full of patrons.
Multiple generations shared the viewers, glasses, and pin-hole plates to view the
The Library will be planning more system-wide programming.o Currently, the Library is preparing for Collier Con events to reach the millennials. Staff
held an informational meeting at a local brewery, and 30 residents helped to develop the
idea.o Mrs. Grieve commented that the Friends of the Library in the past used a motto "Friends
of the Library: The heart and mind of the community".
Ms. Williams asked if anyone had any other ideas that they would like to see for FY18 and
Ms. Bettinger-Hennink would like to see a marketing campaign so that people are
encouraged to "think of the library first".
Ms. Williams stated that she will be reviewing the ten recommendations from the recent
Community Assessment as she creates the Strategic Plan to ensure that we are meeting the
community's recommendations.o ldentifying hub libraries, and repurpose spaceo Building partnerships with other County agencies, such as Parks & Recreation,
Museums, Housing, etc.o Ms. Bettinger-Hennink remembered the partnership with the Marriott when the Library
helped their staff with literacy skills.o Discussion ensued regarding the Library's former literacy classes and outreaches.o Mrs. Nordhoff asked about corporate partnerships. Ms. Williams replied that those
partnerships would be considered for underwriting events.
o Ms. Bettinger-Hennink asked about emergency procedures, in lieu of the fires
experienced earlier.o Ms. Williams will be reviewing protocols and procedures with staff in regards to notifying
the community of such situations.
o Ms. Bettinger-Hennink asked if there were any updates on County staff accessing social
media. Ms. Williams said that it is being worked on.
o The Library does nol have software to eBlast the 207,000 patrons by email.
Approximately 75% of patrons have an email address on file with the Library.
Ms. Williams stated that these items will be reviewed again in September. She added that
she would like to begin the Action Plan for FY2019 with the budget recommendations in
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONo Ms. Bettinger-Hennink spoke with David Chalick at the Golden Gate Library to see if he would
be displaying any pictures from the old and new Library.o Mrs. Nordhoff was reviewing the LAB By-Laws and asked about the LAB board being members
of FLA.. Ms. Williams replied that at the time the By-Laws were written, the Library was experiencing
expansions and construction, and representation for the Library was needed regarding State Aid
for the expansion projects.. Since the expansion ofthe lmmokalee branch in 2004, there has not been much construction at
the Library.. The cost for FLA membership for the five LAB board members does not seem to be necessary.. Ms. Williams attended the FLA meetings when Val Kocin was Director, however, she delegated
for Catherine Cowser, Assistant Director to attend on her behalf this year due to conflicts with
budget hearings.. The FLA meetings were moved to May for next year, which would not conflict with budget
hearings, and Ms. Williams most likely will attend.o lt was decided that LAB members will review the By-Laws in April, as per Article 7.
I ) County's Employee of the Month July Recognition. Ms. Williams shared a page from the County's "Tell Me Somethin' Good" July newsletter.. Silvia Puente from the lmmokalee Library was selected as the County's July Employee of the
Month.o She will be recognized before the BCC in their chambers on September 12 at 9 a.m. and
receive $150 and a designated parking space at the lmmokalee Library.o Ms. Williams encouraged everyone to attend if possible.
2) Staffing Update. Ms. Bettinger-Hennink stated that she was pleased to see Library staff from other locations
attend Louise Bergeron's retirement party at Golden Gate.o Ms. Williams reported that all locations currently have a LEAP student, with the exception of
the Estates and Everglades City branches.. The applicant selected for the Marco lsland Branch Manager position withdrew the offer due
to a family situation.. The Branch Manager positions for the Estates and East Naples branches are pending posting.o The Public Services Librarian position at Headquarters will be posting locally and on the State
Library's website.o Ms. Williams will work with HR to see if an internship program can be created with the
University of South Florida and Florida State University, since they are the only two
universities in Florida that offer Masters of Library Science degrees.. Several staff members were promoted to other positions. Robert Reid was promoted from a
full{ime Library Assistant at Ml to a Library Technician at NR; Amy Harris was promoted from
job bank to full{ime Library Assistant at HQ; Dana Abernethy was promoted from a Library
Assistant at EN to a Library Technician at Ml; Linda Hood was promoted from a part{ime
Library Assistant at VB to a full{ime Library Assistant at Ml; Elizabeth Flores was hired as a
job bank Library Assistant at GG; and several new employees are pending.
Ms. Williams' goal for FY19 is to have the job bank positions become permanent rather than
Quarter Report
Ms. Williams reported that the third quarter statistics through June show an increase in patron
counts and rnventory, and a decline in circulation and door counts. This is common as the
second quarter is the highest for circulation and door counts as it is our season.
There is an increase in added patrons in May because the Library promotes the Summer
Reading program. Staff issue library cards during their school visits.
Door counts and BrainFuse HelpNow statistics generally fluctuate during the summer when
school ends and families take vacations, or others are trying to find somelhing to do during the
ln April, the Naples jail's library materials were entered into the Library's Sierra system. The
numbers reflected in May and June are actual circulation numbers.
The administration at the jail is very pleased with the new system.
The lmmokalee jail's library has been closed since April as their materials are being entered
into Sierra.
Ms. Williams will update the June statistics to include the circulation of e-Resources and the
revised statistics will be sent with the minutes.
3) 3',0
Ms. Williams added that the Library will be celebrating its 60rh Anniversary with the Friends of the
Library on September 16. The Library system will be celebrating 85 years, and Headqua(ers will be
celebrating 15 years.
Discussion ensued regarding the anniversary celebration, and Ms. Williams will update everyone as
she gets more detailed information.
Mrs. Murray asked if there was any more business to discuss. Mrs. Nordhoff stated that when a
meeting reaches the end of the agenda, adjournment can take place without a motion. There being no
further business to come before the Library Advisory Board, Mrs. Murray announced that the meeting
was adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 1 1:35 a.m.
The next LAB meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 20,2017 at the Headquarters Library,
2385 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109.
Approved by
Loretta Murray, Chair
Library Advisory Board