BCC Minutes 01/05/2004 J (w/Naples City Council)January 5, 2004 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY AND THE NAPLES CITY COUNCIL Naples, Florida, January 5, 2004 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, in and for the County of Collier, and the Naples City Council having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 pm for a JOINT MEETING in City Council Chamber at 735 Eighth Street South, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: Collier County: Chairman: County Manager: County Attorney: Tom Henning Donna Fiala Frank Halas Fred Coyle Jim Coletta Jim Mudd David C. Wiegel City of Naples: Mayor: City Attorney: City Clerk: City Manager: Bonnie MacKenzie Gary Galleberg William Macllvaine Clark Russell Penny Taylor Tamela Wiseman Robert Pritt Tara Norman Robert E. Lee Page 1 Agenda Naples City Council Board of County Commissioners, Collier County City Council Chamber, 735 Eighth Street South, Naples, Florida Joint Meeting Monday, January 5, 2004 1:30 p.m. Ali proposed ordinances and information on other items listed below, which have been provided in advance of this meeting, may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk, Room B, City Hall, or at the Collier County Public Library Research Section, 650 Central Avenue. See also City of Naples home page http://www.naplesgov.com or call the City Clerk's Office, 213-1015. All written, audio-visual and other materials presented to the City Council in conjunction with deliberations during this meeting will become the property of the City of Naples and will be retained by the City Clerk. 1. Roll call 2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 3. Set Agenda (add or remove items) 4. Discussion of Transportation Issues ' a. Overpass Feasibility Alternative Solutions b. Proposed 2nd Gordon River Bridge c. U.S. 41 By-Pass d. Waterside Shops Expansion and Other Commercial Ventures 5. Heart of Naples Comprehensive Plan Amendment 6. Ruffina Annexation 7. Public Comment 8. Adjourn NOTICE Formal action may be taken on any item discussed or added to this agenda. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting (or hearing) will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be heard. Any person with a disability requiring auxiliary aids and services for this meeting may call the City Clerk's Office at 213-1015 with requests at least two business days before the meeting date. January 5, 2004 Roll Call Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Set agenda (remove/add items) The following items were removed from the agenda due to no presentation by staff: - Heart of Naples Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Ruffina Annexation Mr. Henning advised that the BCC announced this meeting as a workshop and that no action would be taken as a result thereof. Naples City announced the meeting as a meeting for public comment, but agreed to take no action. - Discussion about whether to continue with meeting. Vote was taken and response was unanimous. Transportation Issues Norman Feder, Transportation Administrator Provided intro, to presentation for the county report regarding overpass, 1-75 at Airport and Golden Gate Parkway, road construction and improvements. Topics included: - Grade separation - Discussion regarding the history of the project/Comp, studies - Kimley-Horn Analysis: Determined that the improvements will not achieve acceptable level of service in 2025 Don Scott, Transportation and Planning - Discussion about history of project since 1990. - Reserved right away of overpass was set - Overpass was first in long-range plan in 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2001 - Grade Separation was called for at Airport and Golden Gate Parkway. - In 2001 county identified the overpass in the 5-year work program. That was in response to the 1-75 interchange being instituted at Golden Gate in 2006/2007. - In 2003 grant was pursued to assist with over pass construction. Grant was received of $7.45 million - the second largest grant state wide. Money can be used to create six lanes, for overpass or both. - Improvement of Goodlette Frank and Pine Ridge Road- 6 lane. - Grade Separated overpass study was performed in 2001 by Kimley Horn in response to long range 1996 plan. Plan was to determine where the greatest needs for overpass were due to the high cost. - Study yielded that GG Parkway and Airport was one of the highest rank areas for an overpass. - 2003- Kimley Horn contracted by City of Naples to determine affects of overpass and optional improvements. - County hired two other consulting firms to also review other options such as two-bridge crossings. Page 2 January 5, 2004 - In 2025 it was presumed that if there were no grade improvements made the GG/Airport intersection would be rated LOS "F." - In 2003, Kimley Horn determined that grade improvement at GG parkway/Airport and Goodlette/Pine Ridge was needed. Greg Strakaluse, Director of Engineering, Construction Management - County entered into agreement with RWA for design of 6-lane improvements to GG Parkway. Contract had flexibility to allow for possible overpass construction. - Design of overpass was based on council and community input. RWA presented concept to the community in 2000 at various public meetings. - Concerns included safety issues and county fostered an agreement with Grey Oaks to allow for turn around to avoid three lanes of cross over traffic and to use the current signal at Grey Oaks and the Estuary. - Features of overpass include decorative lighting, special landscaping, and pavers to accent architectural features. - To date: $4 million worth of enhancements to overpass - Parsons consulting company came into to review "unconventional design of overpass" and other intersection options such as Split U-turn and roundabouts. - Split Intersection was preferred option by Parson: left hand tums are removed from the intersection at Airport and GG Parkway at North and South. Signaling could be confusing to drivers. Determined that the Split U-turn was an interim approach and was projected to fail from 2010-2015. - County concerned over driver safety, only adequate LOS to 2015 and throwaway construction fees, grade separation would still be needed in 6-11 years. Norman Feder - Continued discussion of grade separation at GG Parkway and Airport. - Suggested that the second Gordon Bridge be addressed at a later date. - Impacts of grade separation. - 2 percent growth rate per year estimated. Alternatives: 1. Overpass 2. Second Bridge 3. Overpass with second bridge 4. Split intersection with median u-turn 5. Split intersection with two bridges In any of these approaches, you do not have a substantial change- particularly from 41 to Santa Barbara. Total cost for overpass is $34.4. million. the future. Greg Strakaluse If overpass is not done now, it will cost that much more in Page 3 January 5, 2004 - Provided slide presentation simulating various options with traffic on 2025. Schedule of Proiects: - 4-6 lane GG parkway (underway now) - Grade separation (60% design) early summer start date - 1-75 interchange (Financial incentive to complete before 2007.) - Goodlette Frank Road improvement (30% phase, construction in early 2005) Norman Feder - Summarized presentation and addressed the public regarding that all options have been reviewed and that the only feasible option is the overpass with grade separation. - Discussed population growth- more than 25% are in the city and we need to move folks from where they live to where they are employed. - Population numbers have already exceeded projections for 2010 population three years ago. That is why they are now projecting to 2025. - Discussion regarding cost. - Questions and answers from BCC and council regarding various alternatives. - Discussion regarding affordable housing in the City of Naples to be addressed at a later time: "Heart of Naples" and the effect on traffic reduction. - Environmental concerns discussed. 10 minute break: 3:05 PM Session resumed at 3:15 PM Ci,ty of Naples Presentation, Capacity Improvements to the Urban Road System Dan Mercer~ Goals, trends, issues, findings and recommendations 1. Goal: To increase capacity and reduce delays 2. Trends: interior urban road system is reaching capacity; drivers are looking for alternatives; build-out capacity in the city; building more centers on the outskirts; traffic count information of 2%. 3. Issues: Funding- best use of $$ - Urban road system improvements - Best improvements for $$ - Improvement methods including alternatives - Do not agree with 2% projected traffic numbers due to build-out. 4. Facts: Traffic count in Pine Ridge, Airport, GG, Livingston and Radio are not growing anymore 5. Findings: - Traffic patterns different than modeled- numbers are actually negative. - Traffic looking for more routes - Drivers prefer longer trips to longer waits - Drivers may be attracted to congested areas based on most direct route Discussion of 2001-2002 change in annual average daily traffic. Page 4 January 5, 2004 Recommendations: - Determine value of new corridor in terms of capacity improvement and $$. - Evaluate the second Gordon River Bridge. - Compare economic value of the overpass to the 2nd Gordon River Bridge over the long-term. Discussion of the straw ballot in 1998. 65% requested the 2nd bridge. Tom Itenning: Suggested a review of the #'s for traffic demand. Confusion over percentage increases. Discussion over US 41/10: replacing commercial with residential and reducing traffic and relieving the traffic through revisions of land development code. Relocating centers and jobs out east to incorporate places where people can shop, play etc. Concerns about long-term decision because traffic flow patterns are probably subject to change due to eastern development. Public Speakers: Jim McArthur - Discussion of overpass- suggested phase 1 and 2. - If overpass is built now: anticipated growth and traffic volumes within 1-75. - If overpass delayed: Allows for assessment of actual need and study for corridor options. - Discussion of Split U-turn - Suggested that all things be put in place to accommodate overpass. - Too early to predict the future that far out. - Suggested that the 1-75 opening will bring much more data. Data is questionable now. - Discussed that Parsons analysis suggests that Split U-turn will work till 2015. - Suggested that in the year 2025 the amount of traffic will equal to what we have today. Mr. Feder responded to Mr. McArthur - Discussed that Split Intersection operates better because worse conditions are happening at other intersections such as Goodlette Frank. - Discussion of present day cost versus future costs which will be much higher. Mr. Stone, Tax Payer's Action Group - Concerns over where the money is going now. - Supports Split Intersection for temporary solution - Current cost including money already spent is the neighborhood of $35 million. - Future cost could be well over 150 million. - More study regarding overpass and more data needed. - Does not support grade separation Mr. Leach, V.P Homeowner's Assoc of Grey Oaks - Supports split intersection and delay overpass till it can be studied more - Cannot predict future more than 3-4 years into the future Page 5 January 5, 2004 - Save 14.1 million in cost now. Mr. Strim, Bears Paw resident - Concerns over transportation model - Concerns over historical numbers - Tourists - Retirees/snowbirds - Services/trades people - Evaluate the need for overpass - Fiscal responsibility Mr. Caron, Wiggins Pass, VP North Bay Civic Assoc. - Overpass will destroy local ambiance - More will follow - Proceed to split intersection and wait for "real evidence." Ms. Vesey, Member of the productivity committee - Overpass is needed - 2 bridges will not solve the problem - Split intersection will eventually require overpass and will cost more. - Build for the long-term, not short term failure - Driver confusion/accidents - Not equal in performance to overpass Mr. Van Arsdale, 11th Ave. South resident - Insufficient work on road network in the past - Agrees with overpass - Level C road would be worst scenario- what is wrong with that? - Build for the future. - Do not continue to do minimal improvements. Mr. Talone, representing Swiftee - Grade separation needed at GG and Airport location and to move forward with the overpass - Delay of construction will increase cost Mr. McKenna, Grey Oaks - Cost/function of overpass - Discussion over delays - $12 million solution - Base alternative Mr. Feder responded and provided conclusion: Discussion of model used Better pl~tnning now for the future All consultants brought in agreed that overpass is needed and is only solution for 2025. Also need additional bridge. Mr. Galleberg: Page 6 January 5, 2004 - Supports Split intersection - Too early to commit to overpass Commissioner Henning and Mayor MacKenzie discussed efficiency and financial investment. Mr. Russell: Concerns over the overpass and quality of life. Ms. Fiala: Agrees with Split intersection. Mr. Coletta: Move forward and favors the overpass Ms. Taylor: Remains neutral and passes the issue to the next council Mr. McAllvaine: Keep option open. Cannot predict the future. Short term solution. Wait for better data and favors split intersection. Commissioner Itenning: Will consider acquisition of property in January for future development plans. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 5:40 PM. : ,s?.. · .. ~ ', These ~utesapp~0ved by the Board on COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/CITY WORKSHOP Chairman C~6mm~ssloner Tom Hen~g as presented or as corrected _ Page 7